#maybe i'll change the designs as time goes on idk
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sincerlyus · 5 months ago
Reverse Falls!!
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Soo this is my take on Reverse Falls!! I don't really know which are the original designs or which are the new personalities that each character adapts, so I made my own headcanons!! :3
It should be noted that there are characters who do not change personalities with anyone, but rather their personalities are more exaggerated or are opposite to the originals. Or (in the case of McGucket) their relationships are different so they change their way of being progressively.
This is quite long, I'm going to explain the personalities of each one and how they relate to various characters. Credits to: hours of daydreaming and Google Translate  (TW: child abuse, emotional and physical abuse, homophobia, classism. I don't know if there's anything else, just in case)
Pacifica Northwest: Outgoing and very expressive. She didn't know Gideon very well until her parents sent her to Reverse Falls. She likes to knit, draw, and has a lot of stuffed animals. She has a lot of hair, and likes to do different hairstyles every day ("to be innovative"), cries when she has to cut it. She is very affectionate with Gideon and tries to get him out of his shell. She is a little insecure, but likes to see the positive side of things. She gets along very well with Bud, although sometimes she feels he is a little weird. Symbol: Llama (on her sweater)
Gideon Gleefull: Insecure, has little self-confidence, very skittish and anxious. Has a habit of chewing when he is thinking, like OG!Dipper (chewing on pens, his shirt, etc.). He didn't really know how to talk to Paz at first since the first time they met they were very little, what was she going to say?, was a "Hello" enough?, a handshake?, a complicated handshake?, was she going to ignore him? Paz simply gave him a big hug when she got off the bus (+ gave him a sweater she made on the way). Symbol: Telepathy star (in his hat)
Bud Gleefull: Ultimate scammer. Very friendly and funny, although sometimes a little intimidating. Bye Hawaiian shirts. Very patient with Gideon. He is basically the “cool uncle/dad”. He put Paz to work the day she arrived, although he became attached very quickly and gave her family privileges (he does the same with Gideon).
Mason “Dipper” Pines: He is still very insecure but is able to feign confidence when standing on stage with his sister. He still has a lot of passion for science, he is not very affectionate, he holds back his emotions as he does not want to look vulnerable, especially in front of Stanford. He has a lot of respect for Ford (or rather, fear), being his apprentice he sees him more as a teacher, a superior figure than as an uncle; however he has very little respect for Stan, threatening him and making fun of him. He does not usually use his amulet much, only to practice tricks or in his shows. He has a very distant relationship with his sister, similar to that of the Stan twins. They have many disagreements, but they still have each other's back, especially when Ford is aggressive with one of them. The most sincere relationship he has is with F, although he still treats him like an employee, knowing that he was one of the brilliant minds behind the portal he respects him. Sometimes he discusses theories and shares discoveries with him (although he is embarrassed to think that his only "friend" is an employee of his uncle). Once he met Gideon and Paz, he was able to show his more fragile side and be himself, although he doesn't consider them completely friends (that changes post-weirdmageddon). Symbol: Pine tree (a small pin)
Mabel Pines: A spoiled brat, basically. She's very charming and friendly on stage and with guests at the Pines' many parties, but she's very whiny and selfish behind the scenes. She's not at all affectionate, to the point that she hates physical contact, especially if it's from townspeople. She resents her brother a lot for being Ford's "favorite" (he doesn't really have favorites, he's just less strict with Dipper because he's useful to him). She's Stan's spoiled child, giving her what she wants when she wants it (they have a nice relationship actually, Stan being one of the only ones who comforts her when she's sad). Instead of knitting, she likes to design her own dresses and accessories for shows and parties (her guilty pleasure is arts & crafts, since it's a very "childish" activity for a Pines). Obsessed with Paz, but learns to respect her limits throughout the story. Symbol: Shooting Star (a small pin)
Stanley Pines: He basically swaps personalities with Bud, runs the Telepathy Tent, is very friendly, and is scared of his brother and the twins. He never gets involved in Ford's experiments, having a very tense relationship with him. He loves the twins very much but knowing the power they have with those amulets he prefers to go along with them and not question too much what they ask (he knows when to be firm but the one who really has an impact on them and can make them see reason is Ford). Symbol: Oyster(?? (on a necklace)
Stanford F. Pines: Did you think OG! Ford was a jerk? Well now he's twice as much! He doesn't have an ounce of empathy in him, he's very narcissistic and only cares about his projects and his image. He doesn't care at all about the twins, only seeing them as a way to make money, demanding the most out of them, and he doesn't hesitate to use violence if any of them get out of line. He's very distant with Stanley, speaking to him very dryly (or rather, barely speaking to him at all). He's almost a hermit, living in his laboratory, not letting the townspeople get to know him; although unlike OG! Ford, he cares a lot about how he presents himself in front of the public, taking care of his image and clothing. He's very demanding with Mabel, as he feels she's nothing more than a spoiled child, the image of the Telepathy Tent along with her brother. He is a bit kinder to Dipper, as he realizes that he has a brilliant mind for his age (though not more so than his own), so he includes him in many of his experiments and research if he proves useful; but excluding that, he is just as insensitive as he is with his twin, mistreating him if he does not comply with what is due. His relationship with McGucket is kinda weird: although they were friends in college, the power that Bill/Will offered him completely consumed him, being abusive to F, forcing him to work long nights, keeping him awake by force. He only sees him for his use: his great skill with mechanics (which Ford does not have, although he hates to mention it). Although he was in love with F while he was at Backupsmore, he currently has no romantic feelings towards him, considering him an employee, his assistant, nothing more. He has internalized homophobia (a gift from Filbrick) and classism, so he hates to remember when his relationship with F was one of equals, friends. It disgusts him to think about when he would get so emotional around him. Symbol: Six Fingered Hand (the diaries)
Fiddleford H. McGucket: He is still the brilliant mind he was in his youth, but stress eats him alive. He started to age very quickly thanks to it. He invented the memory gun to try to forget all the horrible things he witnessed or that Ford made him suffer, but his boss doesn't allow him to use it too much since it can damage his mental health and erase knowledge, making him less efficient and useful. He doesn't have a very deep relationship with Stanley, since he practically lives in the lab where Ford forces him to work, but they are able to talk whenever F has a break (almost never). He can't stand the twins too much, not only because he feels that they are very annoying, but because the simple presence of children in his day to day life reminds him a lot of Tate, with whom he no longer has contact. Everyone knows about the abusive relationship he has with Stanford, they are not indifferent to it but they try not to mention it or get involved in his affairs (practically out of fear of Ford).  Throughout his stay with Stanford he started developing an emotional dependence on him: not only did he make him feel that he was useless without him, but he uses violence on him when he is not fulfilling his duty, causing F to blame himself when this happens (What did he do wrong? What can he do to improve?). This got to the point where he started to hurt himself when he did not do something right. Ex: hitting himself when he noticed that his leg was bouncing in front of his anxiety (something that bothers Ford a lot), pulling out clumps of hair in front of the stress of not being able to achieve something, biting his nails, scratching himself, hitting his head (imagine Dobby from HP). Such actions and the mixed feelings he had towards Ford, made him develop masochism, enjoying when he inflicts pain on himself and when he is the victim of Ford's physical and psychological abuse, he clearly hid this for a while since it would look very unprofessional on his part.  Eventually his boss found out and used this to his advantage, being quite sadist himself (he enjoys watching or inflicting pain and/or humiliation on others, in this case, he gets sexual pleasure). So every time Ford needs to let off some steam, vent his frustrations (or is just horny), he uses Fiddleford to fulfill his fantasies, making F's wishes come true as well. He basically uses him as a sex toy, and F doesn't complain, having suffered so much emotional manipulation, he even considers himself lucky that his boss wants to be with him like this, even if it's NOT healthy. Symbol: Spectacles
Bill Cipher: I don't like the idea of ​​changing his name, so Bill stays. He's still the same chaotic demon as in the original series, but this time he's been tricked by Ford into working for him and doing his bidding. He's also forced to do the twins' bidding. We already know that Bill can change his shape and color, so I think all of his shame and self-pity manifests itself in his appearance, turning blue over time (any strong emotion makes him change his appearance). He manipulates Gideon and Paz, making them feel sorry for him so they'll do his bidding (it doesn't work, clearly). The people he has the most contact with are Ford and Fiddleford, as they spend most of their time in the basement where he's locked up.
So that's it. I don't really know how this timeline would work, considering the portal and the journals, but I just wanted to have fun with the character designs and relationships (I feel like the weirdmageddon would happen sooner than in the original timeline). If you want me to go deeper into certain relationships or characters, let me know!!(≧���≦) I'll see if I can go deeper into the relationship between Ford and Fiddleford that you guys liked so much (you guys really like toxic yaoi, huh??). I'm thinking of making a fanfic or smt to explain their day to day life in the lab and how Ford invited F to work with him (SPOILER: it didn't go well...).
That's it ig, LIKE AND SUSCRIBE!!!1!!1!Σ(°ロ°)
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nonokoko-draws · 1 year ago
ℌ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔶 ℌ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝚠𝔢𝔢𝔫 !̴
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kaiasky · 3 months ago
Some drama from a small corner of the internet, thx to my partner:
Plants Vs Zombies Heroes is a shockingly-good hearthstonelike released in 2016 and last updated in 2017. It has seen continued modest popularity, you can usually find a couple of people online at any time, 100+ when streamers are playing or in discord organized events. Vods from popular streamers usually get 10k views so this is a small but pretty healthy community.
Community consensus is also that this is pretty well balanced. Aggro, midrange, & control are all ~viable for both plants and zombies, t2 or offmeta strategies regularly take games off t1 strategies, etc. Most ppl have been playing long enough to have all the cards or there's a way to set up an AHK script to watch ads for you while you sleep to earn packs
Then, this:
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This gets rolled out really weirdly. Somebody leaks balance changes and broadly everyone is like "???". Weird fake or hypothetical wishlist of balance changed ig? but no. a few days later it goes live. On ios only--as of now android hasn't updated and I'm not sure when/if it will
I'm not good at game but broadly the balance update is 1. nerfs to plants, particularly aggro 2. buffs to zombies, particularly lategame 3. A lot of card draw is now "summon a random card from the card pool" instead of deck 4. One zombie had creature type "clock pet zombie" and now it's just "pet zombie" rip
Also it's buggy as hell. Winter melon, which freezes a random zombie, instead freezes a random plant. There's a zombie who depletes the enemy super meter just by existing in ur hand.
There's a lot of rumors idk the truth of
- this balance patch was planned in 2019-20 and they forgot about it so the meta it's intended to patch is 5 yrs stale
- you can just not update and choose to play the old meta forever(?)
- popcap is making an intentionally bad update to drive players away so they have an excuse to shut down servers
Beyond a pretty universal sentiment that this patch fucked the balance bigtime, i think there's a broader question of like. popcap has been ignoring the game for 7 yrs. A lot of people have issues with the meta but i think they like the stability that no updates brings. Some people are really excited that this could indicate the possibility of new updates and maybe even new booster sets, while for others, adding new cards (even if they were fun well designed etc) would be change to something that was seemingly stable
anyways. thats ur random subculture drama update. If i got anything wrong I'll edit it so if this is a reblog mayb check the original post and/or replies
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bookworm-center · 2 years ago
Hey! Idk if you’re still accepting requests for one shots but here it goes
Y/N was one of the crows for some time now and to everyone she always seemed happy or unfazed by the bad things.
She usually goes to the roof right in front of Kaz’s door and just sings her heart out and this time she sang her own song (The pretender by Lewis Capaldi) what she didn’t know was Kaz was listening from his desk
And maybe some fluff after she sees him? Idk
Kaz Brekker x Fem!Reader
Fake A Smile
In which one of the Crows is not as happy and carefree as she seems.
Author's Note: Oh I am so down to do this! I am still accepting requests, I just might be a little slower than I was before. I did kinda change your request, I hope it still works. I made the lyric lines smaller since I put a lot of them. Yeah, it's sorta long cause I got carried away... So sorry this took forever!
I will be your shoulder to cry on
I will make you laugh if you need
I will play the part if you say so
Yeah, I'll be anybody but me
There's a smile plastered on Y/n's face. It's so obviously fake to anyone really paying attention, but no one notices. Not the pigeons, going about their day, not the Dregs, scamming those poor pigeons, not even the Crows, her closest friends. Kaz Brekker doesn't even notice, despite taking pride in his attention to detail. She laughs along to Jesper's jokes, however bad they are, lends a shoulder to those in pain. She plays the role of a happy, carefree Crow so perfectly that even her friends don't see through her act.
To tell you the truth, I'm a mess, I'm a fool
You don't know that
And you never will
In my mind, it's instilled not to show that
It's funny that Y/n can be so happy and kind in Ketterdam, the home of the cruel. It's funny that inside she's crumbling apart and can't risk anyone knowing. Ketterdam has engraved its cruelty into her mind, and she refused to let anyone see. Brokenness in the Barrel means weakness and Y/n wouldn't allow herself to be seen as weak.
I spend almost all of my time
Feeling like I'm falling even further behind
And I know I'm so good at seeming
Like I'm not on the edge of a knife
I'm the pretender, what can I tell ya?
Designed to deceive
So tell me who you want me to be
Thoughts circle around Y/n's head as she climbs up to the roof of the Slat. She's not Inej-sneaky, though it doesn't really matter since she's not the Wraith for a reason. Y/n's a Crow, no doubt about that, but she wasn't skilled like them. She wasn't a Grisha, wasn't a sharpshooter, wasn't druskelle. She wasn't the Wraith, wasn't a demo expert and definitely wasn't Dirtyhands. She was just... Y/n L/n. She was the ordinary in a group of extraordinary, the touch of reality to their magical fantasy.
I can wear a million faces
'Cause I don't like the one underneath
Always found it easy to fake it
Yeah, I'll be anybody but me
It takes her a little while but Y/n finally reaches the roof, and then and only then does she tear away her facade. Tears stream down her cheeks, her sobs coming loud and unbidden and all she can do is sit there and cry. Then, once the tears aren't so bad anymore, she starts singing. The words she sings are shaky and her voice cracks between every few words, but right now it doesn't matter because right now she doesn't have to be perfect. Right now, she just needs to get her emotions out in the form of the song that's been cultivating in her mind for that last few months.
To tell you the truth, I'm the fraud in the room
And I know that
But you never will
In my mind, it's instilled not to show that
Kaz hears something from the roof. As per usual, it's Y/n singing. Kaz redirects his attention back to his work but then notices the difference in Y/n's voice. It's not the usual cheery song or Kerch working tune or even an old Ravkan song Nina had taught her. This song is filled with so much heartfelt emotion and sadness and pain that Kaz can't help but listen closer. After all, he may be the Bastard of the Barrel, but he's just a man, just a human whose heart aches for the person he loves.
I spend almost all of my time
Feeling like I'm falling even further behind
And I know I'm so good at seeming
Like I'm not on the edge of a knife
I feel like everything I do is a lie
And all the words just further pull the wool over eyes
I know I'm no good at being who I am away from the light
I'm the pretender, what can I tell ya?
Designed to deceive
So tell me who you want me to be
The door to the roof slams open. Y/n quickly cuts herself off, brushes away her tears and stands. She can already tell who it is by the rap of their cane but she needs a couple of seconds to collect herself. Kaz stops beside her, looking out at the horizon rather than at her.
"Kaz! Wasn't expecting to see you here!" Y/n turns her head away, just to make sure Kaz can't see any lingering tears. "Is there a new job you need me for?" The question hangs in the air. Kaz doesn't answer, doesn't even look her way. "Kaz?"
"That song. It's a new one isn't it?" He noticed her singing. It wasn't like she'd been singing quietly, but she hadn't thought he would notice. A new one? He must have been listening every time she'd come up here and she didn't even know. Maybe he had been paying closer attention than she gave him credit for... "Y/n. What's going on?"
It takes everything Kaz has for him to even ask the question and this time Y/n is the one who doesn't answer. How can she, when this is Kaz Brekker she's talking to? Kaz Brekker, the heartless Bastard of the Barrel, the infamous Dirtyhands? He wouldn't understand.
"Y/n. Answer me."
"Why?" Y/n can't help her outburst. She's been bottling this up for far too long. "Why does it matter?"
Kaz may be good with negotiations, but he's terrible at anything emotional. "I protect my investments."
Y/n scoffs. It's so unlike the Y/n Kaz is used to, but he honestly doesn't care because at least now she isn't hiding behind a mask. "Is that all I am to you? An investment?" She almost starts to walk off when Kaz's cane blocks her path.
"You're an investment." Before Y/n can interrupt in a fit of fury, he continues talking. "To the stock market, an investment is more valuable than a treasure. To the stock market, an investment is something that keeps rising in value. To the stock market, an investment is something that means the world to them. Without an investment, the stock market would crash and burn." With every word Kaz says, every word that is practically a confession of love from his mouth, Y/n steps closer until she's in front of him.
She doesn't move too close, she knows that he isn't good with touch, but she's close enough that she can see the little golden flecks in his coffee brown eyes, close enough that she can see his lips curl into a just-barely smile. "I get the feeling we aren't talking about the actual stock market." Y/n whispers.
"No. We aren't." And to both of them, that's as close of a confession as they are going to get.
And no, this doesn't heal the hurt in either of their hearts, it doesn't make Jordie any less dead or Ketterdam any kinder, but at least now they have a little place of safety. At least now they have a place where they don't have to pretend, where they don't have to fake strength or fake a smile.
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beginningobserver · 6 months ago
Community Service Ending pt3 [read pt1 & pt2 before]
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So, uh, the idea here was like, Rui loses his eyepatch because he's exhausted from working at TWO places at the same time (one is his regular part-time job at the café -- which is another of my pet headcanons lol -- and the other is him doing community service at a daycare under Hikari's supervision -- she offered to help him, and Iori & Taichi managed to convince the judge to accept that offer? idk, I didn't think that far lol)
And then a kid accidentally finds it and goes to give it back to Rui. Note that I assume that Rui is really trying to get used to not having to wear the eyepatch, so he just has a little panic attack thinking that people will find out his secret. But he quickly remembers, "Oh, right... that eye is gone now..." and calms down. I think he kinda had some panic attacks during the movie (like when he, Daisuke and Ken + Mons witness the baby Rui finding the egg...?), so I was wondering if...
Btw, the decision to use a CERTAIN OC of mine instead of some random kid designed specifically for this is... well, not exactly planned -- but Taisuke is kind of like Rui in wanting his family's attention (at least in his original source/project, DigiTimeLines, but here he's not Taichi's son and definitely NOT from an alternate future, btw), so I think this would be a good opportunity for my gremlin son to meet my favorite sad potato.
I'll put a transcript of the text on Read More, there's a lot to put on the Alt text.
Rui: Sigh-- Having to work on two jobs is hard...
Rui: I wonder how some people can manage that...
※ (He) just had finished his shift at the cafe shop.
Rui: But we have to compensate for those BAD things we had done...
Ukkomon: Rui...
???: HEY, MISTER!!
Rui/Ukko: ?!!
???: You dropped your eyepatch.
Rui: [turns back and sees a kid holding his eyepatch] huh------ AH?!
Rui: [immediately pushes the hair bangs to cover his right eye during, desperately] DON'T LOOK AT ME-- I'M--
Ukkomon: RUI!!
Ukkomon: Rui, take a deep breathe!!
Rui: [pants] Ah... I... I forgot that that digimon eye is gone...
Rui: [turns to the kid, scratches his head] S-sorry. I just forgot that I don't need that anymore.
[hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha] ← he's nervous right now
Kid: ...
Kid: AH! You are the person from the rumors...!
Rui: ...?
Kid: The one who got the first digimon partner in the world...!
Rui: [scratches his head again, looks away] Maybe I'm not the first... I don't even know anymore...
Kid: Ok... But why don't you need the eyepatch anymore?
Rui: [points to his face] Because I don't need to hide my injured eye anymore.
Kid: [frowns] Why would you hide your injured eye, mister?
Rui: [looks down, frowning] Because... I was ashamed of having one.
Kid: There's nothing to same here. Everyone has one or two imperfection in themselves, right?
Rui: The truth is... I was repressing it, thinking I was a weirdo now.
[Kid Rui, covering his right eye with his hand: Stupid Ukkomon, look what you did...]
[Kid Rui, depressive: ...]
Rui: BUT...
Rui: Some people made me realize that all of us are imperfect.
[Daisuke, standing his hand to Rui: So, go talk with him!]
Rui: And I was able to fix a few mistakes I've committed before.
Rui: [scratches his head again, smiles awkwardly] Though, I'm still getting used to those changes, haha...
Rui: So, you're right about it. We all have flaws and we shouldn't try to repress them.
[Kid looks at the eyepatch, quietly]
Ukkomon: Can I have the eyepatch?
Kid: [hands the eyepatch to Ukkomon] Sure, here it go.
Ukkomon: [takes the eyepatch from the boy's hand] Thank you~
Ukkomon: Do you have a digimon?
Kid: Yea, but... It's still hatching...
Kid: [takes the egg from his pocket, shows it to Rui & Ukkomon] And it's smaller than the other Digieggs...
Kid: [serious gaze] But that's ok. I'm sure they will hatch soon!
Kid: Their size is not going to change who they are!!
Kid: Because... [holds it closer to his chest, smiles] I'll love them by who they are.
Rui: ...
Rui: [smiles]
Rui: [In a light sassy tone, leans towards the kid] I bet that digimon will be lucky to have a partner like you then.
Ukkomon: [smiles] Yep, yep.
Kid: [smiles back at them] Hehe~
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the-uraniumverse · 6 months ago
I'm dropping some lore on Zach (Conner has lore but idk of y'all are ready for that so I think I'll keep it a mystery for the foreseeable future). Zach's design is still in the draft stage, so no art just yet but it IS in the works!
Zachariah Matthias-Blackwood. Born October 13th. Libra, the codependent nature. Favourite ride; whatever yours is, he promises!
Zach is Constance's older cousin, only by a month ish. He's pretty close with Constance and unfortunately inherited the same people pleaser genes Constance is fighting. He's always had problems setting boundaries and making his own decisions. He's content to follow the exact life plan his parents imagined for him, just so he doesn't have to stress and think about it himself. Zach has always gravitated towards people with strong personalities to make things easier on himself. They can make the choices, he can follow along.
One of the people he gravitated towards was his next-door neighbor growing up. Im the trailer next to his in the trailer park on the far end of Uranium City, Dragon Jones. Dragon always had the most creative games and activities which was great for Zach, because it meant he never had to struggle to come up with something himself on the spot. It suited him just fine to follow Dragon in their endless dreaming.
Despite growing up together and being each other's confidantes since they were toddlers, if you ask either of them who their friends are they'll never mention each other. Maybe it's because they see each other more as family than friends?
The person Zach always names as his best friend, on the other hand, is Conner. He and Conner met in Grade 1 when they were put in the same class and they've been attached at the hip ever since. Conner was another strong personality, though he had more of a sense of adventure and danger than Dragon did. Conner made the world seem like one big game that they were going to win together and Zach was enthralled. They got into a lot of trouble because of Conner's ideas, but it was all in good fun and all Conner had to do was flash a sorry smile with that fluffy blonde hair and those big blue eyes and all was forgiven for the two of them.
Their good times didn't last forever though, as something changed in Conner around grade 7 or 8 and suddenly Zach found himself at the receiving end of Conner's bad attitude more often than not. Dragon has been trying again and again to get Zach to get away from Conner, even stepping in themself a few times and getting quite a beat down from Conner as a reward. Still, Zach offers kindness to Conner again and again and would follow Conner to the ends of the Earth, still believing that Conner can change. Zach may not be confident in his choices usually, but he swears he'll stick to this one.
Zach Matthias-Blackwood, the most indecisive boy in town.
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2af-afterdark · 1 year ago
I might reveal myself and send in some drawings when I feel a little braver...I'm a little shy, but I'll try my best to gather some courage to maybe render the outfit digitally before sending it in. But I can give some of my ideas here right now.(and also because I'm not 100% satisfied with the current outfit design...)
I tried to keep it vague but also have enough detail that it makes some sense(I'm also very bad at explanation...), but it might not so I'll answer any possible questions.(also I'm not a writer so it may suck...👉👈)
P.S. its a lot longer than I expected
In my version, instead of MC just suddenly get revealed that they've became God, they have to go through a process, where after they break the last contract, they starts to feel more fatigued than usual, and no amount of devil or human energy can give them their energy back. The Seraphim haven't been in the way for the last few weeks and something happened (I don't exactly have a solid reason yet) leading to all of the angels fill the sky, maybe they want to end everything all at once, hence the reason why they've been away to restore their number, train and such. This is also when MC is back by Satan's side in Gehenna, but they haven't chosen a king yet.
Then when the Seraphim descend from heaven, the closer they are to hell the more they can sense a Godly aura around, causing them to panic and look around frantically, when the Seraphim laid eyes on MC, all three froze since they can see that MC is the one radiating said aura. Giving them an entirely different goal, "Save God" basically. And the dynamic of the angels I used are based on your way of including them, so Gabriel is the main pursuer of MC. Then things happened, Gabriel disappeared, leaving Michael and Raphael to fight against, Satan, Belial, Astaroth and Sitri, while Ppyong, Paimon(he's carrying MC, bridal style), Leraye and Zagan protect and try to bring MC into a neighboring country to get more protection while they wait for further reinforcements. But the amount of angels overwhelmed them so Paimon has to put MC down but not before making sure that they're somewhat at a dead end so no one could ambush them from behind. After Paimon put MC down and started firing away, Gabriel appeared and flew straight at MC, none of the devil could shoot at him since his angel underlings are taking hits for him, so in one fell swoop he snatches MC and just started to fly up, making eye contact with Michael and Raphael signaling it's time to retreat, while MC make eye contact with Satan. Satan's anger fell as fear struck his heart. (My MC is a bit of a softer MC, so she just smiles and mouthed 'I will be fine' at Satan to reassure him that she'll survive, but he doesn't seem to be taking in none of that.) The other two Seraphim maneuver around Satan and his subordinates to return to the sky to retreat.
MC faint as they ascend to the sky and when they wake up the Seraphim are just staring at them. Then Gabriel mention about Devil and Human Energy, and how MC would need Angel Energy in heaven, so we had to fuck him. Then a few more days goes by and we fucked Michael and Raphael as well(hate fucking if you will). After a week up there MC just get encased by a cocoon of some kind, starting their "reborn into a God" stage. While they sleep in the cocoon, the devils came up with ideas to invade heaven and sensing the threat, Gabriel brought cocooned MC to the original God's "throne room"(Idk why I imagine he have one, but he have one) since its a little far from the main angel land, he think it should be safe. So when the day come where hell invade heaven, while the 72 devils rage war upon the lower rank angels, the 7 kings go searching for MC.
Something happens that lead the three Seraphim to guard cocooned MC and something lead the kings toward the throne room, making a 7v3 situation but before anything can happen, the cocoon cracks and crumble to reveal MC in a new outfit but with no extra addition or changes(I was planning on adding half and half wings, as well as a decorated halo and horns but I felt like that's too much, so I stuck with the simple designs of God we can see), who's kinda waking up, after the cocoon is completely off of MC and they're completely awake, they just wanted to end the war as quick as possible so they just hurriedly demand both the Seraph and kings to go out and stop the battles. Even though Michael and Raphael still have doubts, they follow MC's command anyways since they're outnumbered if they try to argue.
After the war ended, MC learns to move and create materials to rebuild any broken down houses n such. And while they're at that, they also tried building a whole court room for the judgement of the angels so that all of the devils that have suffered from the angel's actions could give their ideas, but in order to save their pretty asses, the devils can't kill the Seraphs, since they are needed to keep the human world in balance, because MC was tasked(during their time in the cocoon, a mysterious force gave them some tasks that they must do as the new God) with reviving or creating 2 more Seraphs to restore the amount to original. (My MC forgive the angels for trying to kill her several times, but did not forgive them for hurting and killing the people around her) so the final decision was sealed and the Seraphim have to serve their punishment for quite some time.
And that's all I have for now, I hope it wasn't hard to read (*´∇`*)
You're good. I followed it.
I love that you made your own story inside the god!mc au! Honestly, I have one too, but I am still developing it based on what we learn about the angels (like, Raphael is way nicer to MC than Michael or Gabriel which is not what I expected at all).
But, ummm, 🦩anon send me their art off anon and I just post it without putting their name on it. You could do the same? Or I could just reply to you privately if you want? Honestly, we can do whatever you want (if you want to do anything at all).
I'm just a greedy little thing that wants to see what people make >w>
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yuridovewing · 23 days ago
i really like your clangen loop story!! i wanted to know if you'd ever played or watched deathloop, it seems like youd enjoy it
would you be opposed to drawing out a sort of relationship chart/tree for swiftstars clan's dynamics?? i always like looking at things like that AND its a very fun worldbuilding opportunity i feel
also no worries about the "looper goes insane and kills everyone" cliche. even if its overdone its a really good way to explore the loopers psyche as it breaks down over time imo. its one of my favorite parts of time loops imo. if youre worried about the killing part you could maybe do things like. maybe swiftstar starts meddling with peoples relationships to see just how inconsequential his actions are. or something. idk LOL
WAH thank you <3 i have not played deathloop! this is the first i'm hearing about it. i'd say my main inspiration for this was puella magi madoka magica ^^ mostly the time loop bit though. I think swiftstar would get sick of homura and just tell her to stop trying so hard (and bc i brought up isat earlier, he would also get so sick of siffrin's shit LMAO he wouldve gone "LEAVE THEIR ASSES who gives a shit". siffrin would then have a breakdown thinking they're an animal abuser after thinking to themself "stars this cat blinding sucks i hope he dies")
I would definitely be down for that!! I might sketch out some design concepts later if i can finish this chapter (i am procrastinating on medical terminology right now) and i'll include a relationship chart with that! keep in mind that things are very much subject to change though, but I do have a general idea of what everyone's relationships are like.
Juuust in case i don't get to it tonight, here are the basics: swiftstar is apathetic towards everyone (though the type of apathy switches depending on the cat..... he holds a ton of contempt for shinyember), snowyslash is a battle-hungry enthusiastic warlord who's always trying to get everyone in shape for battle, but has a huge heart of gold and is supportive of swift, and shinyember is the black sheep in the group who always gets into arguments with the others and resents them. (again, very very basic, will get into specifics once i make that chart)
hmmm that's true... it is fun to write a murderer guy sometimes too. I'm not trying to do anything super subversive with this concept so I may as well have fun with it. Good idea about him fucking up other cat's relationships though!! I'll have to incorporate that on my next run :3
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itsbenedict · 10 months ago
hell yeah i got the Sentry ai working! the enemy phase is now automated, and enemies will stand still unless a unit of another faction is in range (in which case they will move over to it and attack with the appropriate weapon).
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(this did... not take four days. i was in Boston for the TWRP concert over the weekend.)
currently if multiple units are in range, the target is random, so i need to combine this with target selection- grabbing combat predictions and choosing which enemy they can do the most damage to. i think i'll want... Stupid (random target selection), Normal (decides based on how much %damage it can do to each target), and Smart (takes retaliation damage into account). plus maybe, like... a Risky slider? where 0 is "multiplies out all damage calculations by hit and crit rates for average-case estimates", and 1 is "ignores all accuracy modifiers and goes purely based on maximum potential damage", in case you want enemies that'll take the moonshot to take out player units. (also a Headtaker modifier that'll make them prioritize going for the Lord unit or whatever else would end the map, even if the damage prediction is worse.)
a strategy layer on top of this is... probably overkill, for fire emblem AI? like, i could try and implement a virtual tactician that considers groups of attackers necessary to take out particular targets by ganging up on them, with expected value weighted by distance and movement projections to estimate how likely it is they'll be able to attack simultaneously... but that's hard to implement and a level of meanness i doubt designers are going to necessarily want (especially when you can accomplish basically the same ends through level design.) idk if actual FE games even use such a system- the AI is typically pretty dumb and predictable.
once i have target selection, i'll just need... "move towards specific objective" for defend maps or bandit looting behavior, and "select a target from all units on the map and move towards the best combat prediction" for units that are currently out of range but need to aggro the player.
aaaaaand behavior for enemy healers, which should probably be generalized so dual healer/attacker enemies can weigh "heal ally" and "attack player" against each other... and something to determine what should happen when a mounted/Canto enemy has movement left over after attacking... and timed behavior changes so sentry units can go aggro after a certain turn or event trigger...
...but those ones aren't an immediate priority since they don't have relevance to this month's goal of recreating FE9 Ch1 through the GUI.
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coldslaws · 2 years ago
What's going on with ur beta au? i wanna know more :3
thank u sm for asking!! basically the au is based off of n's beta design(s) just for reference
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and here are my own references (expand to see my art and more of the au story, cw for abuse and violence mentioned)
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so the bulk of n's scarring, his missing eye and arm namely, were done by ghetsis with hydreigon. ghetsis is/was more overt with his abuse in this au, and wasn't afraid of almost killing n as a kid just to make a point to him. n was pretty young when he was attacked by hydreigon
the attack also indirectly taught n that there was no need for charisma in plasma's plan to liberate pokemon. if he could just liberate by force, why bother with any of the niceties and take longer to get the same result? and maybe as time went on he lost his original vision, it became less about "saving innocent pokemon" and more about "ending evil humans" if that makes sense
not super important but colress is the one to make n's prosthetic arm before he leaves the castle. he's kinda the same in this au, just a neutral scientist, but we might do more with him later idk
n still goes off to wander unova like usual, but he doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to his plasma affiliation and plans. his journey is finding zekrom, then taking it to the league to enact the takeover. he still runs into hilbert and hilda a few times. it's more like the manga than the games
in this au hilbert is more of a skittish pacifist, he's not really chasing after the pokemon league, just out on his own to escape a shitty home situation. he ends up facing off against n by being in the wrong place in the wrong time and it's just about the last thing he wants to do. but reshiram picked him and he has to fight this battle
n's plan fails of course. he gets arrested and ghetsis vanishes. hilbert was badly injured, and so was alder (who came to help hilbert, alongside the e4), and that combined with a lot of bystander pokemon and humans being injured by the takeover meant n was supposed to get a long, maybe lifetime sentence to prison
the only reason he ends up not being imprisoned for the rest of his life is because alder steps in. he sort of pities n, and he believes in rehabilitation over incarceration. he knows n never got a real chance at a good life, he was sort of doomed from the start. he strikes a deal with the court that states he has two years to prove n is capable of being a good person (through good behavior and a change of attitude towards humans; he doesn't have to love humans but if he could stop wishing an apocalypse on them that'd be good) or else they can put him back in prison
a lot of what my partner and i have covered in the au is based around n's time with alder and his family (drayden, iris, benga) and his rehabilitation process. a lot of it is still kind of ambigious/in the works. hopefully i'll post more art of it in the future and expand on it. thanks again for asking :]
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siennaditbot · 2 years ago
Idk if I'll get motivated enough to finish this but here's somewhat of an outline synopsis thing for another KP So the Drama rewrite but this time inverted :>
• Both mutter over how sappy the school is getting cuz of the prom. Kim's dropping hints and Ron's just jealous no one is paying attention to him (open your eyes dude!!)
• When Bonnie tries to bully her about going with Ron, Kim tells her it's better to go to prom with someone who actually cares than an on-off partner
• Kim's casually shopping with Ron when she notices a new ad for cuddle buddies. She gets excited (since there's no picture) but tries to hide it. Ron tells her it's ok to like the things she Iikes. She can't wait for them to come out!
• Wade calls about Killigan who's trying to get the Centurion project again. Kim and Ron go to him and manage to stop him, but someone (Eric?) swoops in, winks at them, and disappears after stealing it. Killigan is mad at them. "And ye call yerselves heroes?!" Wade tries to dig where it went and who took it, but to no avail.
• Kim's really trying to hint about going to prom with Ron, maybe not even hinting and blatantly talking about going, but he doesn't think much of it. Or seems like he doesn't at least. Not like they haven't gone before, even to date-like places like the wedding. "It might be a bit awk-weird but why wouldn't we go? We've gone to dances together before." (He's in denial, too scared to think of actually going with her. Thinks he shouldn't have hope of anything more. Also change is scary.)
• When Kim stops him to properly ask him about going (the mood is perfect for confessing at a quiet corner or smth) but then Piper appears and trips, dropping her stuff around. She has some nerdy stuff that grabs Ron's attention, and the three continue walking and two of them continue talking. Kim's immediately annoyed.
• They talk about her later. Ron's smug about Kim's jealousy over "his friend Piper", enjoying the attention
• Later Kim and Ron run into Piper at Bueno Nacho as well, and the two get into it again. Kim's very suspicious due to her jealousy, so she starts asking her questions, acting innocent. Her mom is a teacher, her dad has a radio show (but she never listens to it cuz he's embarrassing), she loves video games and comics and does some freelance coding/design to get money?
• Ron's impressed and Kim's even more annoyed. She later asks Wade to do a bg check on her, insisting she's not jealous. Wade doesn't believe her cuz of that, but agrees to do it anyway. Drakken asked Big Daddy for info on fake identity making people and they made her a small profile. She's from Europe? British?? (Piper cuz of Billie Piper lol, maybe Billie's her second name? Or even first but she goes by Piper?)
• Nothing suspicious at first glance so Wade just tells Kim she's overreacting again. She still keeps her eyes open and goes along with their nerdy plans for a while, trying to keep up and not lose him
• Some time later Piper meets them at school and obviously starts flirting with him. Again, he's enjoying the attention, but trying to explain to Kim that they're just friends. Piper counterfires and confesses then and there.
• Ron looks between the girls (who are glaring at each other) and runs away, yelling that he'll think about it. Cue epic monologue with Rufus.
• He's been over the unwritten rules, and he says that Piper seems like someone he could actually be himself with - down to earth, nerdy and chill. He did try to act cooler than he was at first (a habit with girls, it's gotten better but still), but she told him he's fine just as he is. Maybe he should go for it so he could get back to normal with Kim? He says that he does have feelings for her but it's just made things more awkward lately. He's doing this to get over Kim and back into the safety of the friend zone. Change is scary and he doesn't want to take the first step.
• And so Ron and Piper start dating. It's barely different from how they were (casual gaming and chilling and eating) but now there's more physical contact. Piper's all over him and it's making Kim sad instead of angry.
• To make things worse for her, the new Cuddle Buddies were revealed (she forgot due to Ron stuff), and 1. They're super ugly and 2. Merch of them will be sold at Club Banana. Kim dashes over to see necklaces, bracelets and rings with designs of these ugly creatures, and the store is getting filled with tweens, hipsters who love ugly stuff, and enthusiastic collectors who want every Cuddle Buddy thing ever. She's pushed out of the store. "This feels familiar", or smth.
• She's sulking with Monique at BN. Ron and Piper are there too, and the girls are giving them the side eye. They don't notice.
• Kim wonders if she should have taken the first step after all. Monique tells her she could have, but Ron taking it would've meant he's more ready for it. She reminds him of the moodulator stuff, which embarrasses and frustrates Kim. She wouldn't be as over the top when she's herself! Kim says that she's scared too. She's already been rejected once, after all, and everything's been a bit more awkward since then. There's tension. There's clearly something there.
• Then Kim starts ranting about the plushies and the merch and Monique's just as mad. She has to deal with the barrage of annoying customers every day after all.
• Meanwhile Piper's either feeding Ron or doing some stupid food stunts with him. Surprisingly, he's not that into it after a while. "Kim would try to stop me", but he immediately shakes the thought off and gets more into it and closer to her. He was supposed to get over her. Rufus is doing his thing and enjoying their new pal, but looks at Kim a bit sadly.
• At school Kim's giving space to Ron and his apparent new gf, so she hangs more with Monique. They do get called on a weird mission together as usual. Shego's been spotted at a local supermarket trying to grab every teen magazine there is. They stop her, but Drakken drops in and they escape. They work fine as usual, but Kim's a bit more snappy and distant? Ron's trying not to gravitate towards her, since he misses her a lot. He ends up teasing her and boasting?
• Another similar occurrence to the BN one happens when Ron and Piper are gaming and he laughs to himself about how Kim sucks at video games. He has to reprimand himself again. He's feeling guilty about missing their usual chill night. Meanwhile Kim's just at home, studying, reading or watching tv or smth. Lonely "Ron-night"?
• Later at school Wade calls Kim and tells her not to call Ron yet. He thinks Piper is sus after all. Kim tries to wave it off and let the two have fun, blaming everything on her jealousy, but Wade insists. He could not find her parents anywhere, no records on them. No radio show. Her record is miniscule as well. He hasn't dealt with fake identities that much but can recognise one. She's sus.
• Kim's conflicted. Happy that maybe things can still be fixed, sad that things have gotten this far. Should they look into it? Should they tell Ron? She asks Wade what they should do. He will do more digging for now.
• Prom night is approaching, and Kim's stressing out. She's sad she's gonna end up going dateless, sure, but she wonders how she should tell Ron something's off with his date without it sounding too jealous. She confronts him before he leaves in his dumb blue suit.
• He's a bit taken aback, yeah, and smugly comments that she seems jelly, but Wade beeps in, confirming Kim's suspicions. "Ok, cool. Now what?" They start throwing around ideas to figure out who or what she is and what's going on.
• Wade also brings up the Centurion project. It hasn't resurfaced since they first lost it, and Piper didn't seem to wear anything like it. When they think about what Drakken's doing, Kim points out the magazine stuff. Ron notes that he has no idea where she lives. Wade says that he's been tracking her (Ron raises an eyebrow at Kim at that), and that she disappears at the mall every day. They decide to follow her the next day. Kim's wondering why Ron's so fine with it all.
• They try to act normal at school, Ron's still dealing with Piper to the best of his acting ability, and after school they say their byes (she gives Ron a kiss on the cheek) and act like they're leaving only to hide and follow Piper. She goes to the mall, straight into Club Banana. Kim follows her in, but loses her in the crowd.
• "What if she just loves to shop or works there?' "She doesn't come out unless you ask her to or she has to go to school." "Oh."
• Wade says that while they were following her, he's been digging into CB stuff, and found out that Shego has somehow become the CEO/president or whatever. He finds a clip of the obviously mind controlled previous boss who's signing some papers in front of a snickering Shego. They get ready to meet the new boss. Kim gets out her yet to be tested battle suit.
• They're wondering about the evil plan, but that clears up as they drive past several children and some adults wearing Centurion-like battle armor. They're still unsure about what Piper's role is in this. Wade tells them that there must be some sort of a command signal since the armored people don't seem to be able to control themselves.
• They head over to the CB HQ, and are met with Shego, Drakken, some new goons and people wearing the armor. Kim recognizes one of the goons as the one who winked at them before. "Oh, you like this one? 901, get the girl!"
• Epic fight stuffs, Ron accidentally makes the armored people shoot the new goons, revealing that they're syntho-drones. Ew.
• Kim's asking for the usual villain monologue, and Drakken starts going. They just wanted to ruin everything she cares about, but she was too jealous and nosy and ruined everything too soon. He points at Eric, saying that they had one prepared for her, too. Both Kim and Ron are disgusted. Ron: "Piper's a syntho-drone??! Ew!!!" Kim: "I knew there was something off about her from the beginning!" Shego: "Just admit that you were jealous and how lucky it was that you ended up being right." Ron kinda looks at Kim hopefully, but she just shrugs somewhat casually, adrenaline covering her nerves. Not like Shego needs to know.
• More fighting, even Piper appears, and she and Eric start throwing punches at Kim and Ron. They manage to stop them, causing them to fall in top of each other. They look at each other in surprise, get up, move to hold hands, and leave. "That's why I was worried about the AI with these things, D." "Oh shut up." While that's going on Wade tells Ron to dig through Kim's backpack and he fishes out a USB killer, tosses it to Kim, and they run into what seems like the main office. She jams the stick in and the whole system goes down, which seemed to work on the armored people as well, based on Drakken's cursing. "I knew we should have gone with 901 instead!"
• Shego and Drakken are soon arrested, and Kim and Ron drive back quietly, until Kim asks why he wasn't devastated by Piper's "backstabbing". She would have been if she was in his shoes. "I did have fun with her, don't get me wrong, but... (leans forehead on her back?) it all made me constantly think of you instead. Heh, would have been real scummy of me if she wasn't a syntho thing." Kim's baffled, and when Ron doesn't elaborate, she determinedly drives back home. She tells him to go get ready for prom.
• They get there, awkwardly hold hands and are pushed onto the dance floor, and they continue their chat. "I was super jealous btw." "I noticed. Actually made me kinda happy, sorry." "Pffft. I'm sorry too. I was too scared to take the first step." "So was I, I never actually really took it." "Well, close enough." They do a silly dance move like a spin and/or a dip, and look at each other, giggling. Kim then gets more serious. "What would you have done if she was real?" Ron: "I could ask you the same, you were so green eyed they almost started to change colors." She just rolls her obviously natural green eyes affectionately as Ron places a hand on her cheek, leans in and they finally kiss.
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regreteswapau · 7 months ago
hi. just call me mod emerson
this is just a kind of swap au that came from a lot of thoughts that is currently UNFINISHED!!!! yea uh also feel free to ask me anything
with that, here are all swaps (will be updated as time goes on)
reddy and dr retro swap
emerson and poob swap
gregoriah and mr swap
prototype and enphoso swap
scag and mrmanuverer swap
sab and m_m swap
brock and wallter swap
mach and infected swap
pilby and unpleasant swap
stat and jeremy swap
clover and folly swap
mozelle and melanie swap
items can also swap (the only two i have in mind however are blogsy and grey stuff swapping and glognuts and fireworks swapping)
idk if buttondrop exists in this universe yet??? idk
i'll start on designs eventually, maybe also figure out other swaps idk
all things are techically subject to change
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td-brick · 6 months ago
hmm any hcs on brick and jos lives after the show??
I don't really have a set timeline for any of these in my head so they're just headcanons/thoughts randomly put together.but i hope this is sufficient
First off for their occupations (this is thinking way further into the future than just after the show but. shrugs) Jo is like a gym/pe teacher i think... or idk maybe a coach for a specific sport? usually those two overlap but still. ygwim it's something along those lines
Brick DID pursue fashion but I don't think she's super successful at it (yet)... I imagine she's self employed and mostly does stuff for her friends, and/or she designs/makes costumes for a local community theatre :^) also she transitions. of course
Right after the show i think its hard to say for me lol there's probably a lot of press surrounding them but.idk how their classmates and stuff would react.???
I think Jo goes to just. a normal public high school and she already has a similar reputation at school to what she did on td so nothing really changes that much. I think she'd be kinda embarrassed about not winning so she's a bit more reclusive after the show vs before because of that maybe.
Brick probably goes to some special cadet boarding school and all her buddies there are so proud of her and will not stfu about their friend being on td Ever.
Jo also starts exploring her hobbies outside of athletics. ermm I think she would like geology and petrology a lot... similarly she also likes hiking and doing outdoor activities like that so when she goes with friends I imagine she'll just start talking ab the area and the rocks in it and stuff
There's also some jock related stuff I've thought about in relation to like. post-total drama stuff for them but i wanted to do jo and brick individually first so maybe I'll talk ab that another time/once i have more collected thoughts on them! if you're interested
also just for fun here's how i imagine them when i wrote the first paragraph (so further into the future. like post-college)
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(also also my friend (weldingtorch on here) has a post-roti/all stars au that kinda inspired some of these so :^) yeah)
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mynameisnotsoda · 1 year ago
For animatronic wilbur I thought of a fox , since foxes seem sly plus it goes along with being flirty . If that makes sense lol .
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I love this idea sm and it honestly fits a lot better than the raven (I don't think I ever mentioned he was a raven?? But yeah)
But at the same time I'm already so attached to his current design and I don't wanna change it so drastically AHH but honestly I might
I kinda like the fox design a lot more,, (plus I'm stupid and it's easy) PAJDHSG IDK I dont even have a stylus to redo the ref sheets hes on either bc I prefer doing refs digitally so uh maybe I'll change it once i have a new one :P
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armed-saphire · 1 year ago
if you had been writing the women in metal gear what would you change with them (a lot i know) because i feel like just the idea of women being written well in metal gear will benefit us all
I'm answering but just so we all know my qualifications here are just that I'm a woman I am not a writer or game designer or whatever also as it goes on I get more pissed off so it gets a little messy structure wise hope that's ok anyways here's what I wrote:
Um ok, so it would take sooo long to write a full structured analysis so I'll give little things for each character. Uhh mgs1 make Meryl less of just a flat love interest stand-in because the rest of her backstory in that game feels like it’s shoehorned in to make it seem like she has actual character when she's just meant as the glorified damsel in distress (not to say she can't need help but a lot of it felt like a bunch of "leave me Snake, I can't help you I'm just a GIRL!!"). Also, this is just my personal HC but it would add so much to her if she was transgender but it's not like NEEDED- anyway also Naomi was meant to be brown idk what happened but I would return her melanin to her I think. Mei Ling is mostly fine character-wise but I would remove all of Snake's weird advances and comments about her. I would actually remove that from all of his interactions with women in that game I think. OH and Sniper Wolf should put the thangs away I'm thinking like a fur coat and also I want her whole character to be more than just a sexy lady with a tragic past. her speaking in a seductive voice 80% of the time and just being honestly creepy was stupid. I think she could just be a person maybe. that would be cool I think. She could've been just tough and standoffish and then revealed her true feelings as she was dying instead of all the weird seductive stuff
Ok now Mgs2, Fortune is pretty much fine but I wish she didn’t have her booty cheeks out on the seemingly cold big shell bc Raiden was shivering and sneezing like a little wet dog when he lost his suit so I'd assume she’s cold too. if she was wearing some cool pants or something that would be neat but other than that I think she's pretty well written. next Emma ummm her personality itself isn't the issue to me but I didn’t like how Raiden was kind of creepy towards her (not really but like. “You should wear contacts” I'll punch him maybe). Also, she should've had a cooler outfit but that's it. Honestly, I’d have to rewatch or replay Mgs2 to get a good grasp of her character but I see no crazy issues. Rosemary omg I think she’s fine but I hated how it kind of felt like it was Raiden and Campbell vs Rose and she always loses even in non-canon codecs it was so annoying. Other than that once again I will have to listen to the codecs again because I haven't heard all of them in a while. Actually, I just remembered I didn't like how she was kind of written to be oddly insecure?? Ig?? I mean she spent a lot of time in codecs talking about personal stuff and not the mission which I guess was intentional but I found it odd. Olga’s fine no notes. Don’t think there's anyone else. (skipping mgs3 bc it only has 3 women and I think they’re all written ok I don't have many issues.) Ok, mgs4 for the B&B unit I will refer you to this post because I’ve already talked about it. other than that Meryl was actually really good until the final part on outer haven that was so bad “I can't protect anyone” or whatever she said girl fuck off the only reason she said that was so that big strong man Johnny Sasaki could come to save her omg fuck you also Johnny Sasaki should die that's crucial to this anyway, Mei Ling was fine but I’d remove the codec call where Otacon and Snake say that Mei Ling probably just slept with older men to get to her job position I just think I wouldn't have that in the game probably. Naomi ok so I haven't finished mgs1 so I can't tell you exactly if what she does in Mgs4 is fucked up compared to how she is in mgs1 I mean personality wise but also I was eating a really gross ass sandwich when I watched one of her long cutscenes and it skewed my perception of her a bit oh also I would personally like to button her shirt up for her. uh idk Rose once again was fine but also I’m killing everyone for the mistranslation from the JP version of mgs4 that in English made her seem like some evil liar idk anyway you look that up if you really wanna know it’s on Twitter. uh who else does Sunny count doesn't matter she's fine no issues. 
GZ you already know what I'm going to say also TPP so I'm skipping it also I'm not wasting my time getting triggered for no reason so like read my mind or something
Because I skipped 3 games I’ll do MGR Courtney her character itself was fine I didn't like the codecs where 1 Raiden jokes that she should get lipo and 2 the call that's just Raiden and Kevin talking about how much they don't wanna date her also her design is so like beauty standards boring as shit at least make her look cool or something idk. and Mistral I’m so tired of femme fatale characters in Metal Gear it’s not cute it’s not like empowering the way it’s done her entire character is sexualized and it is JUST because she's a woman. I said this about Wolf too it’s hard to feel bad for a character’s sad war backstory when it is also very clear they’re just meant to be a sexual object with no substance it’s not cute either it's just stupid. Also, there’s other stupid sexist codecs about her too obviously lastly uh Sunny’s also in it she's fine whatever
also i just noticed i skipped peace walker but like whatever its fine lol
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murdockmeta · 1 year ago
Dude I have such a silly question. I'm working on winter suits for my friend's spider-man au and like...
Do you think Matt's suit has temperature control? I'd imagine cold/heat hits a bit harder for him
this ask sent twice idk if you accidentally did that or if tumblr goofed (probably the latter 😭) but anyway.
okay listen. I've never really thought about this cause in my head Matt's autistic and his poor interoception cancels out any major effects hot or cold weather might have on him. (not that poor interoception would actually make him invulnerable to temperature changes, that's not how being human works, but rather it would mess w his ability to REALIZE that he's being effected by the temperature changes) which makes sense to me cause he wears his suit under his clothes most of the time even when it's super hot so I'd imagine he just like. doesn't really notice it.
as far as canon goes I don't remember ever coming across anything that implies hot/cold weather is harder for him to endure. i believe he's commented on different types of weather like rain/wind and such but even then he usually talks about how it messes w his radar sense/orientation rather than whether he feels it more intensely. I imagine he WOULD (and he probably has said that but i just cant remember it) but the question is if it's enough that he feels the need to have accommodations installed into his suit or not. I'd lean towards no tbh but it's easily up for interpretation.
the reason I say no is because doing anything to counteract what hes actively feeling would fuck with his perception of his surroundings, yknow? he relies a lot on his ability to feel temperature changes in real time to gauge different elements of his surroundings.
in concern to cold weather specifically; maybe make a suit that has some kind of wind resistance? cause harsh wind stings his skin and he also hates the feeling of going numb/loss of sensation so hed do something to avoid it getting that bad. he already wears gloves and boots and more than one layer, so I don't think you'd need to add anything on. cause he's moving around so much he doesn't really need the extra layer for warmth, he'd need to be more concerned about sweat giving him a chill actually. idk how detailed ur getting w these designs but making sure the fabric is the right materials to help keep sweat off his body would be important.
this is all heavy semantics so I'll also propose a much simpler, in-canon meta joke for this solution. a large blue jacket. just. a large blue coat of any kind. this is in reference to a running joke spanning over several runs to include Matt in a blue coat whenever given the chance. it started in volume 1 and you can see examples in miller, chichester, and waids runs just to name a few off the top of my head.
anyway. I love answering silly questions, please send me more any time you like. hope this helped lol
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