#timmy trout
mj-thrush-gxn · 3 months
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there’s a reason why timmy is a .5
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nat-without-a-g · 5 months
What’s your theory for why Trudy seems to resents Timmy? I’ve got a few:
Tina and Tuck look like their father while Timmy takes after his mother and either Tucker made a stink about that or she has some self-loathing that’s carried over to her son.
Because they’re trying to hard to emulate the American suburban dream, they only wanted two children (a boy and a girl) and Timmy threw that count off. Either he’s a twin with one of the other kids or was born after Tuck and before Tina or he was a “surprise”— either way he throws off the count.
SOME people think they’re soooo special because they know how to read
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i-3at-s0ap · 4 months
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The Trouts!
Don't look too closely at Trudy lmao IDK what happened when I was drawing her 💀
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I know it's only been one episode so who knows what's to come for these characters and what we'll learn about them, but I can't help but think of Timmy as serving as a reflection of Trudy's own childhood, in a sense. Trudy having once been a child full of her own aspirations and passions, which very evidently were shut down in favor of her subordination and compliance. "Nobody cares about Timmy" and I doubt anyone ever bothered to care about Trudy outside of her potential as a mother and a housewife.
Of course there's an important difference between Trudy and Timmy; where his interests may be neglected in the context of his home, by virtue of having been born a boy, Timmy will ultimately be free to pursue what he pleases throughout the course of his life. Do you think Trudy feels some level of resentment towards her son who is so deeply invested in his novels when she herself was barred from the right to learn to read? [<- a matter which @nat-without-a-g brought up in this stellar little post] Do you think she feels ashamed that she wouldn't be able to engage fully with her child's interests even if she wanted to?
Also, not related to Timmy but... Mm, something something, Trudy not being allowed to freely pursue her own interests (Tucker choosing them for her, even), something something Kelsey being keen on trying and experiencing everything before allowing herself to write about it in her encyclopedia (not to mention of course Kelsey writing a book and being a teacher vs. Trudy being illiterate and uneducated), love the important contrast there. Idk, I suppose it's thinking about Trudy hour! I just want her to get the chance to live her best life and read with her son.
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risetherivermoon · 3 months
personally i think trudy was once a human woman, who was tuckers wife. her and tucker didnt have a great relationship, tucker loved her but he yelled at her constantly and had very high expectations for her, which she (being human) couldnt uphold
she died at some point, i think possibly in some kind of accident that also involved timmy, which is why he's the .5 kid, he knows the robot trudys arent his actual mom (which is why hes so depressed and reads sad poetry all the time, boys traumatized) and he's also a cyborg,
alternatively trudy, little tuck, & tiffany/tina all having died in an accident together, and timmy being the only human one in his family besides tucker, (or little tuck and tiffany/tina are just children that tucker made up so they could get that typical american dream life, but they had timmy before trudy died)
tucker keeps remaking her over and over again, trying to replicate his wife but also trying to fix her in the process. whenever one of the trudys fucks up, he just scraps her and starts again, but even the robots he makes aren't good enough for him.
to me tucker is an obsessed artist, attempting to recreate something he once loved but never being able to get it right, because what he doesn't realize is he never even truly loved trudy in the first place, he loved the version of her he had in his head
trudy will forever be just copies of copies of copies of an actual woman who wasn't even good enough for tucker in the first place, which is really just a good allegory for what life was like for a traditional 50's housewife, being treated as less than human and never being able to live up to society's expectations for women, of men's expectations for women.
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cupids-art-corner · 1 month
This is a season 3 theory I had earlier in the season, but here it is anyway.
So we all know that Trudy Trout is a robot with 2.5 children. But why is Timmy a half child? My thought is that little Tuck and Tina are both robots, like their mother, and Timmy is a real child that Tucker had with another woman, which would make him half Trout. Am I making any sense? Idk
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soup-child · 4 months
Even if Trudy isn't a robot Timmy definately is like her husband's an inventor who works (probably unsupervised) in their basement thats why timmy's 0.5 and that's why they're homeschooled legally he does not exist
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froggieco · 3 months
Alright, hear me out folks, I'm going to paint a picture for you guys.
The Trout family is the model family in Peachyville in the late 40s - early 50s, doting wife with two young children and a third on the way, a husband who is deeply involved with his work but loves his family dearly.
But it is that time period, and Tucker has a particular way of wanting things done. He's not prone to anger, especially around his family. His wife is but a girl, how could she know any better (🤢 I know but like it's the time guys, it's the times just stick with me here) so mistakes are bound to happen!
His office is his safe space, but maybe there was a time she had wanted to be kind and straighten up? Or possibly she found out something she wasn't supposed to know. Or maybe it was something as simple as a light push. Somehow, Trudy ends up really hurt, or even dead. Not on purpose of course! Tucker loves his wife and would never want her dead, along with maiming his third child or worse.
But he can fix this! He's an inventor after all. Which leads to cyborg Trudy, but also Timmy who could also be a cyborg but I don't think that's fully true. I think that the child that Trudy was carrying at the time didn't make it. Tucker couldn't handle that, along with the loss of his wife he couldn't handle the loss of a child. He was already helping Trudy, what's stopping him from making the child that he lost?
So, there you have it! The Trout family with its 2.5 beautiful children, loving and doting wife, and genius, inventor husband as the head of household. The perfect example of a loving family in the 50s in Peachyville.
But that's just my fun little morbid theory, let me know what you think!
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soniaakasonorri · 4 months
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My favourite 0.5 son <3
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lookitsaflyingtoaster · 3 months
Now it's pretty much clear that Tucker lost a wife and is trying to replace her as perfect has he can, right?
My question is just, do the kids know?Are they robots too?? Do they feel like something is wrong with their mother and they can't really place it but she used to be different??
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cha1cedony · 5 months
Cannot ramble for long bc I have a voice lesson but DEAR GOD I love all these characters already 😭😭😭 Truly cannot pick a favorite PC. It will probably be Kelsey though… I love her 🫶 This ep was just. so FUN I love it eeee! Super excited for S3
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nat-without-a-g · 5 months
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Already trying to figure out how to draw the NPCs— starting with a handful of the children I expect we’re going to be seeing again. I’m excited to see how much my designs for them change as we go along!
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honeyspotpie · 2 months
Trudy Trout you are so important to me. For a show that's been specifically about the trails and tribulations of parenthood from the perspective of father figures and viewed from the lense of said fathers only, it's so refreshing to have a main MOTHER character who is as painstakingly tragic as Trudy. Because yes, her character is a commentary on the negativity of tradwife values - but being a "tradwife" doesn't exclusively mean being a perfect lover for her husband, but being a perfect mother to her children as well - and I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that and not acknowledging it nearly enough. Women, especially in that time, had to pretty much carry the entire burden of shaping and properly raising their children into functioning human beings, being their singular caretakers. Trudy (or the husk of the person who is Trudy now) having to properly shape and form the minds of her children when she herself is not properly shaped and formed. Raising them to be ready to face the great wide world out there, the same world that she struggles to face herself, the world that kicks her down everytime she gets up. There's so much potential to explore, so many poignant points to be made. Like look, I'm as fascinated by her relationship with Tucker as literally everyone else, but I do hope that at one point in the narrative the focus shifts to her relationship with Tuck, Tina and Timmy. Make Trudy realize how much her motherhood is intertwined with her personhood, and let us watch her grapple that.
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Calling it now, since project hartland basically is under the entire town (did I listen to that right?), then I think there’s gonna be a path that leads up to Tucker Trout’s basement, and Trudy thinks “oh I gotta save the kids!” But…maybe the older two are robots? (IS THAT WHY THEY’RE ALL HOMESCHOOLED?? CUZ THEY DON’T AGE??) and so trudy has to save Timmy, the .5
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risetherivermoon · 22 days
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personally, i think Timmy knows thats not his Mom
anyways, i gave him a dog becuz i thought it would look cool- idk i mostly did this for shading experiments, wanted to go for a new vibe..might write and draw an angsty trout family comic...who knows
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kerrste · 5 months
In the dndads fandom early lobbying for a friendship between Milton "Creep Kid" Grammer and Timmy "0.5" Trout
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