#maybe i make her an op verse.......
knightrope · 2 months
thinking Hard about unohana today,,, in my opinion, one of the best character twists to come out of that era of bleach. like, seeing hints of it throughout the series could still not prepare me for how much of an actual evil menace she could be. like she was an Actual Menace. and i want to write her during that time of the gotei. bloodthirsty! feral ! cold dark rage ! unohana.
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stillresolved · 1 month
continued from here! / @ptternminds
IT USED TO BE THE CASE, THAT HUMANS WOULD COMMIT VIOLENCE WILLINGLY. The instinct to survive made that so. But then came human connection, then came alliances which grew into communities, and then civilization. Little by little, as consistent as the flow of time itself, violence fell out of favor, transforming from a solution to a heresy. 
( Heresy, at least if spoken in the public. )
Felicity has no special powers. She might have time traveled, but even that does not change the fact she is still just a human. A human in circumstances entirely of her own doing. This person, on the other hand, well, Felicity doesn’t know what kind of person they are. Because what kind of person would have eyes that…empty, unseeing but seeing at the same time?
( It doesn’t occur to her quite yet that there actually were things, being that science could not explain. )
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“Even if I have before, I don’t…that wouldn’t fix any of the problems. I need them alive.” she finally says, words chosen a tad more carefully here. She can’t get a read on this individual for some reason. “Why would you think killing a person is the best solution?”
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11queensupreme11 · 9 days
Can I ask if Percy can at least put up a fight vs the ror!gods? Like can she at least last a minute or so? 😭✊
ok ok this is gonna be a sorta long and sorta detailed post cuz i don't wanna have to answer any more "percy feats vs ror character feats" asks again (and i also should probably post this on the actual fic too to inform my readers for later arcs buuuuuuut maybe later, i'm too lazy rn lol)
(ALSO credit goes to various reddit posts cuz i didn't wanna personally scour through the manga looking for feats!!!)
percy is physically the weakest/slowest person in ror verse (against the main characters i mean). notice how i say PHYSICALLY. power-wise (as in her water manipulation, etc.), she could definitely take on the human characters (maybe not adam tho)
as i have said before, most book characters cannot trump anime characters from shonens/seinins when it comes to physical feats. shonens and seinens love going above and beyond in making characters physically op.
the pjo verse is very similar to our universe/the Real World in terms of physicality. the pjo humans are very average just like us and while the demigods are more enhanced than that, they are still nothing compared to ror characters. in the ror verse, the human physical potential is faaaaaar higher than the humans AND demigods of the pjo verse.
animes just Be Like That, okay??? it's like sending harry potter characters into sakamoto days. yeah hp characters have magic and sakadays characters have no powers, but they got an old man that can slice through a whole building with one swing of his sword (takamura), a dude that can one-inch punch a hole through people's bodies (gaku), and a dude who moves insanely fast (kindaka); they don't stand a fucking chance 💀💀💀💀💀
so percy, unfortunately, cannot stand a chance against even the ror humans if she's not using any of her powers. if she's sticking solely to her physical abilities (sword-fighting, hand-to-hand, etc. NO powers), she's FUCKED.
and as i have said before, the whole "oh but she carried the sky" thing is not a feat for her physical strength. if she was actually that strong, she would've just become the One Punch Man of the pjo verse and one-shotted every other enemy after that. there is a CURSE on atlas' punishment:
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^percy is a hero, that is why she was able to carry the skies, not because she's super fucking jacked 💀
the ror HUMANS alone have the most insane fucking physical feats that percy (or any demigod in the pjo verse) could never even dream to accomplish (sorry my children 😔):
when lu bu was still alive, he was able to split open the skies with a single swing of his spear:
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leonidas destroyed the arena grounds with a swing of his arm:
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raiden ripping off poor shiva's arms with his bare hands (and his volundr didn't give him enhanced strength either, all thrud did was help him control his muscles; this strength is solely his):
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dadam is insanely fucking fast; and he was able to surpass a move that could surpass time:
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i could go on and on about the ror humans, but i'm gonna move on to the gods!
as i've stated before, i HATEDDDDDDD how the gods were in the manga. they were more like superhumans!!!! they weren't godlike at all!!!! so i gave them a boost in powers for my fic so they would actually be godlike!!!! if percy can't even beat any of the ror humans in a physical fight, she absolutely does not stand a chance against ANY of the ror gods in a physical fight!!!!!!! or even a fight with her powers! because again, she is a demigod and they are GODS.
(tbh, even if i kept the gods as canon, she still wouldn't be able to beat them because their physical feats are ALSO insane 💀)
but is percy 1000000% fucked???? no. she still has ONE good shit in her arsenal that the ror humans and gods don't have: the curse of achilles. she 99.99% untouchable. she cannot be hurt by them unless their attacks hit her mortal spot, but only three people (loki, beel, and mnemosyne) know of that mortal spot and they're not keen on telling anyone about it or the curse
yes, the characters will absolutely throw her around like a fucking ragdoll (😭) but as long as her mortal spot is untouched, she will live!!!! (she'll be really fucking embarrassed tho, but she'll live!)
she also has insane fucking powers that the humans DON'T have:
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AND i am also boosting her by giving her some limited blood/ichor manipulation (again, blood manipulation is not canon; this is a fanon thing that i THOUGHT was canon because many other ppl said it was canon, but it's really not 😔)
she is also insanely smart when it comes to battle IQ and strategizing and the best part is that people underestimate her cuz they either think she's dumb af (beel and loki) or that she's just a baby (poseidon, hades, zeus, shiva, adamas, literally fucking everyone else) or BOTH (cú chulainn 💀)
and another thing that i don't really count as a "pro" but i'm putting it in here anyway: no god is gonna wanna hurt her anyway 💀 she's very widely loved by the pantheons, they wouldn't wanna hurt her cuz they love her (romantically and platonically). same with humans, they're not gonna wanna fight her for the same reason 💖
so in conclusion:
percy absolutely does not stand a chance against a fight with any god even with her powers; she can last a decent amount of time, but she WILL lose
percy will 100% lose against the ror humans in a PHYSICAL fight (and by ror humans, i mean the ror human fighters ofc. the regular humans she could obviously beat cuz they're just regular humans)
percy has a good chance of winning against some of the humans in a fight with her powers (but she will 10000% lose against adam cuz it's adam 💀)
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yuseirra · 3 months
**Oshi no ko spoilers** !!
I've been looking over the lyrics for onk S2 op "Fatale" since yesterday, and I'm getting this hunch that this song is from someone who is almost desperate for Ai's love, with her being the "Fatale". There could be multiple ways to interpret the song and I think it'd appear to reflect the perspectives of the many characters coming forth in this arc, but this is the first thought that comes into mind for me
It'd be natural to assume the speaker is Aqua, but what it says seems even more extreme than what he'd feel toward Ai, the lyric feels like there is a huge longing to the point of obsession. This person is willing to give everything up for their love and is declaring they can't survive without them, the type of love aqua has for ai is different, I feel. It should be more tender and familial.
I think it'd make sense for this song to be written fron hikaru's perspective. IDOL was written from Ai's, right? And it conveys her desires to love more sincerely... It could also have conveyed her feelings towards hikaru if she really held some desires to build a more genuine relationship with him as she did for her fans. Perhaps the opening for the second season displays HIS feelings towards HER in comparison. I have a feeling they cared about each other when they were together but there was some miscommunication that's led to a tragic outcome. At this point, maybe the feelings kamiki has for Ai's become something quite huge and twisted, like what nino has for her? Something like what this song says.
He might be even more similar to Aqua than we think, in terms of mentality. What if he feels regret and despair after Ai's death and has given up on his chances to live a normal life like the way his son's doing right now? His motives and purpose for living could be tied to what he THINKS is for Ai's sake.
Mephisto and Fatale both seem to have lyrics that have implications of giving up the speaker's own life and trading it for their loved one, the person wishes to bring them back, and they won't mind giving themselves for this purpose, it seems. So what if those parts of the lyrics are from hikaru's thoughts? What if hikaru is actually trying to go through with something like that? The whole plot of onk starts out with two people being revived from the dead so it IS something that's possible in this universe. Maybe he knows about that after having came to contact with a god himself.
I wrote this yesterday, but he could be a version of Aqua who went to the point of no return. Aqua still has a chance to live normally and happily, but kamiki just can't because he has too much blood on his hands. Aqua can be saved by his friends and companions, but Kamiki only had Ai and she couldn't stop him from going down that path(rather, she became his drive to continue what he's doing the way it is for his own son)
Having Ai love a serial killer would make things seem like she chose the wrong person to love, right?; After what all Ai's been through.. that seems really off. Kamiki should have some type of reason that could appeal to the readers if he REALLY is one in the first place. Did he really kill in the first place... Idk about that, I don't know how extreme he'd get for Ai's sake, but it is likely that the new op could be how he feels about her, and if that is the case, he'd be the guy that'd be able to throw himself away and risk anything if he can have her back. I've only looked at the first verse, but this seems like a REALLY powerful song in terms of the type of emotions it has. I rather have him REALLY loved ai, it'd be sad if the one she wanted to open up to more after all her struggles turned out to be someone who didn't care... The plot makes more sense for me if he did too. Then we'll see why and how desperate he is and understand him as a character and why he is a match for Ai. Honestly everything will start to make more sense as a whole, because there were some parts that felt very confusing. It'd all start to click if the story goes like this.
Looking forward to anime S2! The op seems great!! I can't wait to see the lyrics in full!
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agent-calivide · 4 months
Personal little headcanon time for writing my fanfics
I like to think all the "Agent Phoenix's" are to some degree canon in each other's worlds. Like, for an easy example, in Rojace's work and mine, Seraphina and Jackson both exist in each other's worlds as people, the reason there's only one Phoenix though is only one agent got put on the Death Engine series of missions.
In my fics, Jackson Winters is an actor and Agent Ember, in RoJace's Seraphina is a Zoraxis op that goes by The Sphinx because Zor got to her first. Granted, the details are a bit more clear because I talk with RoJace a lot about our agents and I was able to make a more personal backstory for Seraphina's role in his world and vice versa, but I like to think it's like that for the wider "Phoenix-verse" to some degree (or at least anyone who's chill with their characters making cameos).
Each Agent Phoenix exists in each other's worlds, it's just a matter of whichever agent got put on the Death Engine becomes the Phoenix. It's kinda like how everyone in this fandom, whether they played the game or watched a walk through, all witnessed the same content and yet had a completely unique experience because you were the Phoenix. At least, that's how I like to explain it when I'm putting cameos in.
Maybe it's presumptuous of me to say "all the Phoenixes all exist in each other's worlds" but I think it's a fun little community thing that reflects the individual player experience of IEYTD.
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slexenskee · 1 year
hi! if you dont mind me asking, what was satoru's relationship with suguru? bcuz, any of the jjk characters are barely mentioned in the book, ive always wondered satoru's relationship with all of them, like is it more canon based or more fanon, like was sugusato ever a thing? or, is hawks the first real relationship gojo's ever had? were nanami and gojo closer? idk, i just have always wondered lol. sorry for any inconveniences.
So I'm going with canon for most relationships bc they're just too hard to guess. JJK spoilers below!
So I tried to stick with canon for Suguru although I do play up the ambiguity in their canon relationship. For example we have that scene in JJK0 where Satoru says something to Suguru but we don't know what it is, but fans sort of assume it's some kind of explicit acknowledgment of their feelings for each other. In my verse idk I imagine he says something like 'you were always the best part of me' or something that's still vague and hints at romantic feelings but could still be intimate and just platonic.
I characterize their relationship as deeply intimate but not ever explicitly romantic. They definitely had romantic tension but it remained unspoken between them as teenagers, and then after the SPV arc Suguru went off the rails and kinda pulled away from Satoru and ultimately they never had the chance to start any kind of romantic relationship.
So they were never in love but they absolutely could have been/should have been, fate just got in the way.
Were they close??? It really doesn't seem like it outside of the OP/ED credits of S2. And in the recent manga chapters I feel like Satoru didn't mourn him much at all (or he could just be so shocked by all the deaths he hasn't managed to acknowledge them) In fact I kind of assumed canon Nanami lowkey hated Satoru, and only begrudgingly considered him a sorcerer worthy of respect after many years of knowing him?
BOY do I have some thoughts on this. In canon they give off the 'old acquaintances that have grown close by virtue of the fact they're the only two left but still aren't actually that close'. Like they obviously have a rapport/history in S1, but we don't see Shouko being particularly friendly to him in canon. She's friendlier than Utahime and Mei Mei for sure, but she doesn't seem like a confidant or a close friend. We don't get much of her in the SPV arc - could go either way that she was closer to him as kids or they were just classmates who spent a lot of time together and became close because they just lived in each other's pockets but otherwise wouldn't have been friends. The OP/ED for S2 would imply they were all good friends, but I don't consider that canon. That's just Mappa twisting the knife 😭
Tbh I hope they were never really close, bc otherwise I'd really dislike her. Suguru just snapped and became a serial killer and turned traitor, and Satoru was sent to assassinate him, and you as someone who was close to both of them just what... roll with it? There's that scene in ch 78 where she sees Suguru in Shinjuku and she's just like "oh hey Suguru, bff I've spent the past 3 years of my life hanging out with, what's up? Yeah I'll have a light. Oh so you really did mass-murder that whole village AND murder your parents? Cool. Yeah I don't feel like dying today so I'm gonna call Gojo to deal with you, peace out" and she just doesn't seem to give much of a fuck about Suguru or Satoru. In a way I think would be impossible if she genuinely cared about them. Or idk, maybe everyone in JJK was fucked up.
This is another canon relationship that makes me go ??? It's not specified whether Gojo actually takes Megumi in or just has legal guardianship of him and leaves him to his own devices. It seems more the latter, bc in all the Tsumiki flashbacks, Gojo is never there or even ever really mentioned.
And as of current manga he doesn't seem particularly torn up about Megumi's situation, and seems (although he could be bluffing) totally accepting of the fact he might have to kill Megumi to stop Sukuna. If you raised a kid with love and care for years - the way I see him doing with Eri - I cannot fathom how you'd compartmentalize like that.
idk these are just my personal headcanons for this fic. I've seen fanon versions of all these relationships that are really fleshed out and impressive and go either way sooo 🤷‍♀️
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mamamittens · 4 months
For my low-key failwife au verse, here's food for thought.
How often do you think harassment is an issue? Like, 99% of OP men are absolutely unrepentant perverts, yes, even my bby Thatch.
That's right you fuck, I haven't forgotten the invisibility comment. Sicko.
Anyway, specifically on the Moby, I can't imagine it's usually an issue but there are troublemakers. A ship and crew this big, with nurses dressed like that, someone is going to act stupid. And not in a 'the nurses brought this on themselves' way, but like...
The animal print was also unnecessary. Who decided this??? I'm sure they could change if they wanted but like, I just want to talk... that this is the standard to begin with???
Got side tracked.
So, eventually the accidental bitch face would fail to ward off particularly bold weirdos. Ones that notice how conflict avoidant she is and tries to make a move, likely unaware there are already interested parties they'd have to answer to.
I had fun imagining a bold attempt is made to grab her ass but winds up with a fist full of very sensitive flight feathers that happen to cover her up. And for his troubles he gets a startled yelp and her wings poofing, flaring out sharply and slamming him into a wall.
With a fist full of feathers, so now her wings are bleeding, she's crying cause he basically just ripped a chunk of hair out, and the dumbasses that were encouraging him are aware of how fucked they are.
Now, I did consider what division she'd be in and decided it would likely be Haruta simply because I headcanon him as primarily information/communication based. They've got contacts everywhere. Izou's is more for like, infiltration honestly. Maybe. Still not sure. And this is because she helps run the library so it made the most sense. (Thatch pouted for a week)
Anyway, point is, Haruta has dibs and is pretty pissed off. As well as aware that if Thatch and Izou find his punishment lacking, they'll step in, so to keep some peace he'll have to make it pretty damn good. He's also pissed cause no one fucks with Marco's division members cause they know better and views this as also a slight to himself.
Nikia's just upset cause flying is ruined for a while and her whole body aches from oversensitivity. It's so close to her spine she limps around and just wants to curl into a ball and cry for a little. Even after treatment she's super sore and there's not much to be done but wait.
This is when Thatch learns how sensitive the feathers closer to her back are and is retroactively horrified he basically succeeded where this dude failed by accident.
She flinches anytime someone gets near her wings for a while and it pisses off Izou a lot cause he really likes bonding by helping her preen but she just can't stand anyone touching them right now. Eventually she heals enough that her regular molt regrows the feathers and sheepishly asks Izou for help since she can't reach the new pin feathers to free them from the sheathes.
He manages to pull in Thatch and very carefully coaches him on how to properly, platonically, preen her big ass wings without making it weird. Which Izou is quite good at naturally.
Maybe it's on deck in Whitebeard's shadow, the old man pleased the hurt has been soothed enough for her to feel safe doing so more or less in the open. But he does glare when anyone gets too close with twitchy hands.
Marco gets a pass in his Phoenix form and abuses this to rile up Thatch and Izou.
I imagine they both can have bouts of possessiveness and jealousy but Izou stews in it more compared to Thatch who will loudly complain first before acting. They're both fairly secure in their relationships so it's not usually a problem (maybe used as fuel for spicy bedroom time lol) but in this uncertain phase with Nikia they're more sensitive than usual. They do try not to be pricks but very much carry an energy of "we called dibs first".
Doesn't help she's fairly passive in interactions so it's harder to get a read on her interest in people as well as communicating rejection. They'll gladly do it themselves but (rightly) fear pissing her off as it comes across as patronizing.
And excessive coming from two commanders. Possibly more depending on how severe and who happens to be there.
No one wants these two to start a brawl and Nikia has no idea how ready they are to deck someone if they try that shit again.
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psychologeek · 1 year
DC prompt - "baby bird search&rescue" [AKA dimensions hoping for ... fun fix it]
So. It's basically batkids from badman!verse(s) gather to save their alters. Inspired by "Through the Looking Glass" series, especially "Another Mirror" and "According to Our Light" by byrambles @byrambles
"Well, mister Wayne," says Caroline. "That was so interesting! would you like telling me more about it?"
And into his ear, she whispers "Maybe somewhere... more private?"
[this Brucie hasn't been seen with a woman for nearly a month. According to her calculations, this evening is the one he's supposed to do something scandalous. The paps already got a photo of them, and that playboy rule he plays needs to keep his persona]
"Straight to the point," the airhead laughed. "I appreciate a lady that knows what she wants". And he laughs in that annoying way. She doesn't show her irritation. Her mother taught her better.
They leave the building for a short walk.
[She nearly has him. Just a little more doziness, and he'll think she'll fall asleep before anything happens. That she can be stored and used as a prop for the tabloids].
Their quiet walk is stopped as a black-wearing figure jump from a nearby tree, pointing a gun. "Wen Mara?" they say. Where's Mara?
"Where. Is. My. Daughter?"
"Wh-what's going on?" Caroline asks in fear. Hoping it would work and this whole op's not FUBAR.
"I found young Damian, possibly nine, locked up in his room," they say. "And an older Damian, about sixteen years old, locked up in the basement." And the voice might be trembling, but her hands stay calm as she aims her gun at the man's head.
"Now tell me, what did you do with them?"
She notices dark figures following them. The dark knight's companions are here, all eyes on the attacker. She's a civvie. No one notices her.
[This is Ghula they deal is, which usually means reliability. But there are children on the line, and THOSE children especially, and facing the Dark Knight can only trigger her that much before she breaks. The situation has to be deescalate, ASAP. And for that, J needs to feel safe]
She does the only thing that she can - she holds the man on a lock hold, put a knife to his throat, and kiss his cheek. The neurotoxin in her lipstick would make him lose muscle control in a few seconds.
"It's okay," she tells softly to her- (sister, granddaughter, idol, friend) companion. "You are safe, Ghula. He can't hurt you. Can you hand me over the gun, please?"
She keeps her motions calm. Her body language open and relaxed. "It's okay".
The other woman look at her desperietly, and just says "I can't find her, Anka. I couldn't find anything about her. What did he do to my daughter?" But she does put away her gun.
"It's not what we thought," Caro- Anka says. "It's a D-type verse. That Damian is the son of Talia, and he doesn't have a twin."
And her partner is still shaking, still scared. "But my daughter, my - she's not safe. She's young so young and-"
[Jul isn't really there, she knows. She thinks about things that happened over a decade ago. But just because it's in the past doesn't mean it's dead and gone. Memories have a way of hunting you, wandering around in your hollow body].
"Anka to Nest," she opens her comm. "Anka to Nest, Do you copy?".
"Loud and clear, Chiquita! qué pasa?" the voice on the other hand is filled with energy.
"We have sort of a problem, Rico. I'm with Ghula. Can you get Zhrira on?"
"No hay problema, hermanita!"
"I'm not your-"
And then there's a small voice on the com "Jidti? What's up?"
It started with this:
I just have this scene, Caroline try to tempt good! Brucie during a gala in order to get into the Manor/learn more, etc.
Then Julie come in, and sort of monologue with "you promised me, you promised I could make sure my nightmare is over" with a gun in trembling hands.
Caroline: no, you can't!
J: why NOT? You promised, you told me I'm the only one! You told me there's no more! But he still has the baby!
C: Damian Al-Ghul -Wayne is the son of Talia. I promise, I checked.
J (sobbing): he can't have them! He can't - he can't hurt him! Please no, please don't-
C (hugging her) : it's okay, I used my lipstick. he'll pass out in a minute and we could interrogate him.
The batkids (watching from the rooftop): ...WTH?
Similar to the " Through the Looking Glass" Series, but several batkids from different verses start looking for their alters and kill their abusers.
It can go something like this (I keep the AUs by number):
AU1 - a badman verse - B is abusive in all ways towards his robins. the death of 15.7 yo fem!Jason (Juliet). no Red Hood arc.*(undercut) Juliet gives birth to Damian and Mara. Talia already has a 5 years-old kid, Athanasia, and the kids grow up together. Also, Talia (formally\ de-facto) adopts Juliet and is a good mom!
back in Gotham - 12\13 yo Fem!Tim become Robin, include everything.
PLOT TWIST: 15 yo Tim is JJ, turtured for about 6 months before escape\rescue.
Tim is 16? 17?, and B gets lost in time. She goes looking for him and ends up in the LoA. Ras is creepy and courting her as canon, offer her help if she'll agree letting him court her. she's tirsd with no resources so she says yes.
In the league she finds Juliet and her kids (which are, technically, Ras (great-)grandkids. She finds out things are... more then she knew.
Anyway they build the machine. She finds out it's actually a portal to different dimensions.
AU1!Tim accidently? saves batclan from their badman. She goes by Anka andJul goes by Ghula (you can have Dick/someoneelse go as Joud, or just leave it here) (Yes I think I'm funny)
الجود والغول والعنقاء ثالثةأسماء أشياء فلم توجد ولم تكن
[rough translation: "Al-Joud (goodness, kindness), Al-Ghoul, and Al-Anka are three names of things, that did not exist and never will"]
other major plot twist undercut, include mentions of non-con, rape, underage, and batship (no graphic, short mentions of pregnancy, and usual badman things).
Also, Caroline married Ras, so she's TECHNICLLY J's grandma (and Dami's great-grandma).
"Why would you do that?" Jason(? Duke?) asks in horror. "He's such a creep!" "He helped me," she counts on her fingers. "He has many resources I'm getting access to. He has heirs, so I'm not expected to... carry anything. " "But he's so OLD!" says another. "Do you even love him?" [children. They are all CHILDREN. she sighs.] "What does it has to do with anything?" she asks. "It's a partnership. I'm his second-hand, second-in-line, direct heir if anything will happen to the league before any of the future heirs are ready. What does 'love' have to do with this?" There's a moment of silence. "And he gave me Joker's head on a stick as a courting gift," she adds. "How could I say no to this?" [In the background, Jason looks B straight in the eyes as he loudly thinks about proposing Ras].
Other AUs:
Main squad:
AU1 - Dead!Verse (all batkids assumed dead - Dick is Renegade, J after warehouse).
Looking for Bruce, Caroline (Fem!Tim) marry Ra's, and find Juliet (Fem!Jason) that was (tw csa mention, underage, non con) J was pregnant when she died, and Talia found her. She gave birth as a still Zombie, and was later put in Laz Pit. She's Damian bio mom Good mom Talia, creep-but-not-as-canon Ras. At first, Caroline went looking for B to get him back. But she then learn how fucked up the things he did were, and take it as her personal mission to kill him
she looks at her sister/granddaughter and promises her she'll never have to be afraid again.
The machine can move through dimensions too, apparently, and she decides to look and save some of the others (as one does).
C find out about "Another Mirror" verse, and the team's about to go rescue the kids there, when all of a sudden they are taken by another Batman and Superman. New plan is needed. This universe is harder to get in, even with Oracle! Duke's powers (they got weird after a Joker attack, he was gassed and has seizures). ...
Along the line, the team gains:
AU2: Reverse Robins! - Damian as Renegade(/Talon? Gray Son?), Duke as Oracle, Tim as JJ/Red Hood?(/other name?)
AU3: Big Bro - J, Redhead/Hood - Babs
(In which the Joker shot Jason, and Babs found out about his mom and went looking for her - what ended poorly for her).
Rico - Dick grew up with the Todds since he was six. Growing in a  Puerto Rican household led to using a different nickname then canon.
Julieta - Rico's younger sister, four years younger. When she's on the rescue-team goes by the nickname "Porto" (it started as a joke from her brother. Unfortunately, it stuck.)
*AU1: Juliet is pregnant (by Bruce, bc Badman).
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samuelroukin · 2 days
First, genuinely surprised you haven't seen Dog Soldiers (2002) bc it's soldiers vs werewolves in Scotland with a Scottish protag and special forces based fuckery. You would like it a lot! Second, and spoilers for a 20+ year old film I suppose, you can A) be infected w lycanthropy in this verse and B) the I suppose "native" Scottish werewolves live their life as an ordinary multigenerational family and they aren't being overtaken by the Change they are very much thinking and are eating people and shit on purpose. It's implied one character was uh, turned for the purpose of being a bride to the family's young male wolf and that they do also reproduce normally (aka they have werewolf babies, they are not dependent on needing to bite people to have kids/make more wolves) There is a really cool short vid speculating on them that I can share when you watch the movie.
But anyway in my head it def turned into one of Soap's sisters went up to the highlands for studies or whatever and became the new Mrs. Wolf up there which could lead to plenty of juicy storylines. Esp depending on how. Accomodating the family might or might not be. Bc you could go with the 141 is given the Dog Soldiers mission and he realizes his sister is one of them? Or after an op gone bad he runs off to hide out at his sister's place and slowly realizes what the fuck is happening. My personal fave though is his sister appeared to abruptly cut ties with the fam:
Back in the day their Good Catholic Daughter just up and called like "hi I'm actually abandoning my enviromental engineering degree that I came up here to do field work for also I'm getting married right now immediately also he's not Catholic okay bye" and became estranged esp since the fam assumed she was GASP pregnant out of wedlock. While she was actually werewolf'd to be a bride. But she does have children clearly, and Soap just after a fucky op, and maybe at a weird juncture with Ghost (maybe he got too close talking about family/Christmas and Ghost snapped at him and so on) just suddenly goes FUCK IT I AM GOING TO FIND HER bc he's like I miss her and also wtf and also our fam cut her off and if they find out I like men- anyway! To find her!
But showing up on the doorstep of a family of murderous werewolves with messy family dynamics to possibly "steal" her away since. Like even without the werewolf stuff it def reads like an abusive situation and she was turned to be a bride so. Shit goes sideways fast, his nephews are bitey but also kind of wondering about the wider world and the 141 has to go off books to rescue Soap from wolf death up North or similar.
lssjkhkhgst well i think i can count the werewolf movies i've seen on one hand but it does sound interesting so i will def check it out!
and you're right that is Juicy and ripe with possibilities 👀
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a11sunday · 14 days
🎰? This definitely could be very interesting.
send me 🎰 and i’ll randomise our muse lists and give the first five as possible connections ! / @onepiecc
usopp & sedna : awww i think this could be a sweet duo :')) maybe a lil friendship sparks after he nearly drowns or something? usopp is a good swimmer but those new world waters can be treacherous so !! but either way, i love the idea of these two !!
robin & stella : not sure if stella would ever want to work with the revo army but she could give them information on the inner workings of mary geoise? also i have a verse where robin is found by the revo army much earlier so she works with them instead of baroque works :')) so a connection there too maybe!
viola & leigh : hmm nothing too solid for an idea other than maybe he's one of the marines that helped with the aftermath of dressrosa? i have yet to explore more options for viola but i do want to expand her horizons within the op world and i do picture her as an excellent diplomat and regaining her bearings post-dressrosa. she would be active in her kingdom and i wouldn't think it impossible that they would cross paths.
sanji & nyssa : worry not, while sanji will think she's beautiful, he's not going to be as insane as he was in canon on fishman island. but, of course, meeting a mermaid would be one of his dreams! her distrust is understandable uvu maybe he prepares a nice meal for her one day. i think maybe even them meeting when he's still with baratie would be cool !!
akai & raion : akai is admittedly not the most trustworthy dude. he's looking out for himself and his crew only. so an antagonistic relationship could be interesting ! though what exactly they would have beef about, not sure! while i'm not opposed to them having a friendlier relationship, akai is fickle and cold and hard to get along with. not impossible, but he's not looking to really make friends.
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shadowzgather · 9 months
Finally making one of these. It will be added to over time.
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I'd love to do some Darkwing and Megavolt stuff. Especially some past stuff with them meeting and being friends in high school. Maybe even a few AUs? It's just an interesting dynamic for me.
Some things with the Fearsome five and other villains in general. Not necessarily combat threads but like unusual situations where they might be forced to team up.
Things that explore the more magical side of the Duckverse.
Threads were placed when Morgana was still a villain and her transition to a hero. Maybe an AU, where she never became a hero and stayed a villain?
Him interacting with other Gosalyns be they "Normal" version (but not his Gosalyn, obviously unless time travel, as my version of Darkwarrior's Gosalyn is actually dead) or like Nega Gosalyn or Quiverwing duck's before she died.
The Broker
I'd like to have her develop some actual bonds with people, but it isn't an easy feat with her.
Rory "Riot" Llewelyn
I want to get into more of his stage life and him doing co-op stuff with other musical muses.
Oda Nobunaga
As he is based off Otome game interpretation, There is a lot of leeway for explore his interactions in other situations. So I'd like to do that. Maybe explore his friends in ether a modern (sorta doing this atm) or in other verses.
Takeda Shingen
See Nobunaga.
Sir Pentious
Slice of life or just normal demon shenanigans for the most part. I haven't thought a lot about things I really wanna do with him yet as I haven't really used him and not too many people seem interested in him.
Cloud Guy
We know hardly anything about this guy and his race in the Trolls universe, so I want to explore that should anyone be interested in rping with him.
So I made Crow as sorta a Goth archetype for the Troll universe and exploring that would be fun. I imagine he has an interesting relationship with both the Classical Trolls and the Rock Trolls. But I don't know how the dynamic would be with other groups.
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compo67 · 10 months
12, 15, 18, 20 for the AO3 Wrapped asks? (I always want to know more about your WIPs and future fics by the way!)
Hi hi hi, anon! :D Thank you so much for the ask on this one. I love the AO3 wrapped concept. I have so many ideas for future fics! So glad that you are interested in knowing them. <3
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
You may not believe this, but I only have 2 WIPs for next year as of this moment. I have "Power of Two" (Photo Op 4) and "Model of the Solar System." I have been trying really, really hard not to start more than I can handle. Do I have ideas? Plenty. But I only have two current WIPs to start off 2024.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
Just the two, which is so rare for me. But I guess TCV is one big ongoing WIP as well. So maybe that makes it three?
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Jared from "Rest and Restore." It was super difficult to write him because he had to be going through the grief of his divorce, but without coming off as annoyingly whiny. There's this fine line between "I'm letting off steam and going through something" and "I'm just wallowing/whining." He had to be fresh from his divorce but removed from it, too. It was a thing I worked really hard to balance.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
This year it's been all about "Minutes Past Midnight." It's such a comforting place to be. I really want to live in Jared's yurt for a week and just experience what it must be like to live in the great wide wilderness. Of course, it wouldn't hurt if I had a Jensen there, too.
Tagging on...
I will say that I constantly have ideas in my head that might become WIPs. Like Back Pocket 3. Minutes Past Midnight 2. A continuation of Rest and Restore.
A new idea about J2 being pretending to be bachelors in the late 1800s, but they're really a couple and it's their first winter out on the prairie. I'm basing that idea off of Laura Ingalls Wilder's writing. I just love her stuff, I used to read her a lot what I was a kid.
Another idea for the Palo Alto verse where Dean, while at work in the library as a security guard, encounters a pretty nasty spirit. He has to call in back up--Sam. She shows up and kicks ass, despite not hunting in a while.
I'm also thinking about Punzel and what I need to do to move forward in that verse. I would love to start a proper sequel to it, not just a timestamp. And I think we are there? Or maybe almost? But I need to finish other projects first.
And of course, there's Photo Op 4, which I'll carry with me into 2024. We need these boys married!
Model of the Solar System is also perpetually on my mind. I'm still worldbuilding after all these years. I just still need to figure out the end, which is easier said than done.
I also have a J2 time travel fic that's at some 30,000 words on Patreon. But I got stuck while writing it and the pandemic happened, then I got caught up in Minutes Past Midnight. I just had to table it. I will finish it one day. I think it's a good fic. I really like Jared in that fic, even though it's from Jensen's POV. And I liked writing in the first person, plus the use of photography in that fic.
So that's a preview of what I roll around in my head on a daily basis, anon! I hope you enjoyed the peek. :)
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not-noelle · 2 months
about me :P
Noelle (middle name)
indian/south african
turning 14 (3 nov)
fav anime: one piece (eps 107)
anime crush list (so far):
(OP) Law, Ace, Sabo, Shanks (gosh i need help), Penguin, Koby, Zoro, Sanji, Cora-san, Luffy and Smoker maybe (MHA) Sero, Shigaraki, Dabi, Hizashi, Shinso and Aizawa (KNY) Inosuke, Giyuu and Obanai
celebrity crush list:
montana jordan, devon bostick, gerard way, frank iero, charley yang (boywitheuke)
fav tv show: the big bang theory & malcolm in the middle
hobbies: drawing, listening to music, baking/cooking, writing poetry
fav bands/music artists: boywithuke, my chemical romance, falling in reverse, papa roach, hozier
fav videogame: fnaf, fallout shelter, the sims, minecraft
what i might write: hot takes, random thoughts, art, poetry, one piece/mha/demon slayer x reader, yandere stories, things I write in general, comfort hcs (I have anxiety and other stuff that need a trigger warning before mentioning)
what i do not write: hateful content (no homophobic, racist, sexist etc content), ships or smut
-i'm Christian btw but i prob won't make this blog solely about God (fav bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11)-
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quartings-main-blog · 3 months
Pseudo Harem Reviews: Episode 1
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I don't want to clutter my art blog with 12+ nerding out posts, so I'll be posting episode reviews here every week instead!
It’s a bit on the cheaper side, but that’s okay since the art style is very faithful and nice, even down to the slightly crooked mouths in some scenes- which I personally find a bit charming! Another change I like is adding a blue-grey tint to Rin’s hair to stop it from blending too much into other dark objects like her blouse!
I do wish that the animation got to be a bit higher quality at points. To list a similar show for comparison like Tomo, it at least had some dynamic animation for action shots and better lighting in the night scenes. At least showing some visual or audio cue for Rin’s switch in personas would help. Also I'm not sure I like how the personas are listed as stuff like "spoiled girl" instead of "Spoiled-Chan", "Spoiled Rin", "Sweet-girl" or anything to solidify their identities more. I can only hope a potential dub is able to figure out how to make it work!
Voice Acting
I’m not a longtime fan of Saori Hayami like some of the people who follow her in Spy X Family, Oregairu, and more, but I like the work she does here as Rin! I agree with the few people who say her voice is a biiiit too adult for a high schooler, but I at least like her voices for Cool-chan and Spoiled-chan. Her takes on Cheeky and Tsundere could be a bit more on the high-pitched side though. Still excited to hear more though!
Nobuhiko Omamoto as Eiji is nice too in one of the more subdued roles I’ve seen him in- he does a great job of capturing Eiji’s straightforward and goofy sides and you can feel why Rin likes him early on!
And I’m still crossing my fingers for a phenomenal dub too, which should hopefully get more new viewers onboard with this show! (PLEASE don’t be a bad dub…)
Music - OP and ED
So far nothing major to note in the soundtrack- just your standard highschool romcom style score. I will say I love both the OP and ED as songs- they’re great and I’ve already added what I can to my playlists! And I do hope we get the Rin and Eiji version of the opening down the line too (and maybe some extra surprises hopefully?)
It’s just a shame when the opening suffers from some of the cheapest animation in the whole show- it’s supposed to be the thing that hooks viewers into watching, but over half of it is just a bunch of still PNGs, barely showing the actual Pseudo Harem gimmick until the chorus.
At least the ED has cooler and more creative visuals with the anime-to-manga hybrid beginning, the rap verse from Rin, and better showing off all her personas (I find it a bit funny they’re trying to showcase every single one rather than the main 4-5 to entice new viewers more and maybe provide more contrast haha)
And here we have the elephant in the room. I was so hyped for this series I didn’t even consider that the short disconnected nature of the series’ early chapters would lead to a very disjointed first few episodes.
If the show wanted to spend more effort on animation, they could have either rearranged the chapters so that the similar ones in the same settings got paired up into bigger scenes like how Squid Girl did it. If I could have everything my way, I would just extend the episodes with lots of original content, but I know that’s unrealistic.
If not, then short connecting scenes or establishing shots could help, or even interlude cards if you really want to save on budget. From what I’ve heard new viewers say, they all really liked the series concept, the characters, and their dynamic, but they were really put off by the pacing, assuming it would be this way for the whole show. And sadly, I can’t blame them for being disappointed since they don’t know the series will go into longer arcs and better-paced episodes as it goes on.
The choice to move their first meeting to the first scene was also very odd, as it shows why Eiji likes Rin, but creates a weird and unclear timeskip where she likes him by the Ch1 gym scene immediately after, and also kind of diffuses a bit of the tension on whether Eiji actually likes Rin or just the Pseudo Harem for the first 40 chapters or so.
I can only hope the show better arranges the scenes to keep the viewers’ attention from Episode 2 onwards!
I still had tons of fun with this pilot though! I do hope it shapes up a bit more in the animation and pacing departments, and I hope new viewers will give this show the usual 3-episodes chance at the very least! This is still my most anticipated anime of 2024 and I can’t wait for more!
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Something something Silco in the world of One Piece, what devilfruit powers would he have? Sorry if the terminology is wrong idk anything about OP lol
ive unsurprisingly put a lot of thought into this bc i will cross the beams at any chance i get i totally have not been making a one piece crossover au version of silco and gang do Not look at me
(for quick context; df=cool ability But also means the ocean Literally Hates You, you cannot swim in ocean water, you Will sink like a bag of rocks, and even sea water touching you can drain the absolute fuck out of your energy and make you feel like shit. luffy spends an alarming amount of time in canon in sea water but thats bc hes a dipshit and just trusts his friends to fish him out)
anyway silco wouldnt have a df power i think hed be personally repulsed at the idea of making himself actively More In Danger in regards to water than your standard "will drown" weakness
which is a hell of a quirk for him to have since i decided hes half fishman (some kinda shark maybe ill say nurse shark this time bc theyre cute and they make me happy, or frill shark bc they are also cute and make me happy) and he actually Does have gills that Would allow him to breath underwater were they not 100% completely fucked via toxic smog in the mines he worked in as a kid
piltover/zaun works bizarrely well in the op verse with just a bit of tweaking and shoving things around and a fun little pile of world building
anyway hes taken up piracy in a bid to amass enough power/money to seize zaun from piltover and like in canon hes doing this with good intentions and bad, bad methods
jinx is there and Wants to find a df, Any df, to eat bc shes fixated on the idea that df=rly cool and more importantly to her df= potentially more "useful" despite that fact that shes already a horrifically powerful marksman, explosives and big guns specialist
sil desperately do Not want her to eat one bc shes already prone to flinging her crazy ass off the ship and she really does not need the trait of "sinks like a literal rock"
singed is ship medic and thats just as horrible as it sounds; hes still developed shimmer and its distributed liberally among the crew which makes them a Lot more dangerous than they'd usually be; silco also views most the crew as pretty disposable
sevika is first mate because Of Course She Fucking Is No One Else Is That Competent; her and sils dynamic is much the same as in canon with him trusting her entirely while still being kind of a dick and her being fully willing to murk his ass if she ever gets fed up with him. they love eachother theyre platonically married lesbian wife and gay ass husband.
theres also a giant axolotl that hangs out around the waters of the ship theyre pretty sure singed is feeding it but its not rly aggressive so its whatever
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gumpistol · 6 months
❤️ + enruiinas
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Send ❤️ + a URL and I’ll write something nice about them/their blog!
♪ never gonna give you up! never gonna let you doown! ♪
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    this is me, hanging onto dear life and clinging to saro whether she likes it or not! she is my ride or die, my brain twin, a fellow member of the AAA ( aro ace audhd ) club! i have so many things to say about her and how much she means to me, it hurts my brain trying to figure out where to start! but knowing me, it will be long, so buckle up buttercup~
    i will never forget our first interaction: i filled out her interest tracker, she came to my discord dms, and i swear we barely stopped talking with each other for the next 24 hours. when i had only known her for a day, it felt like we had been friends for years!! i still don't know what to make of that, but i don't think i've ever clicked with someone that fast. but the rest is history, and now we have so many threads in various verses together! 
    seriously, saro has such a massive brain with so many interests and thoughts and a desire to consume knowledge like i inhale a bucket of popcorn. she is one of the easiest people to talk to and bounce ideas off of. a good chunk of my character and story development for luffy ( and others ) are thanks to her picking my brain and asking the difficult character questions! she's excited to talk new ideas and what-ifs, and LOVES enabling me to write new muses. it is because of her that i ever started writing rosinante, robin, and penguin over on my multi~
    outside of writing though, she always makes me feel more excited to share and talk about my interests, including OP trading cards and my science-y rambles. SPEAKING OF! she loves me SO MUCH that today, despite hating making phone calls, she called her local card shop to see if they had a set of cards that i wanted!! as someone who also hates making phone calls, that is true fucking friend behavior right there ♡
    she really is quick to think about her friends. it could be the little things, like when she saves manga panels of unique luffy faces for me that i might not have yet, sends art of our muses, shares writing resources, or even just suggests reading the same science articles or listening to the same ologies episode together. she's also an excellent listener who gives meaningful words of encouragement, who refers back to things in conversation that i maybe said months ago, and who is a huge help when it comes to getting my brain unstuck on threads. 
    i haven't even touched on her writing and her Law portrayal though! when i say she puts SO MUCH work into doing him justice, i absolutely mean it. she analyzes even the smallest details, and her brain worms when she talks about him and his relationships are infectious. she got me so invested that she is the sole reason lawbin is now one of my favorite ships. she is the reason i put so much time and effort into a side character like penguin. and she is why i put so much stock into law and luffy's friendship. i. am. hooked.
    and i know she gets a little worried about the length of her writing sometimes, but the waiting period is worth it. the quality of saro's writing is so organic and it flows like reading a good novel. i'm convinced at this point that i could come to her with any sort of thread or verse idea and she could weave it into a beautiful story. god i'm so stupidly eager to write with her always!! 
    anyway, i wrote so much, but such is the nature of anything we write for each other. there's a lot that i didn't even get around to talking about, but in summary, saro is incredibly kind, fun, and so brilliant it makes me want to SCREAM! i love her a lot, she is one of my best friends ( if she disagrees then too bad ), and i'm incredibly happy that i get to be her friend :)
sent by: @mingos for: @enruiinas
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