#maybe duzie
emily-mooon · 1 year
I’m thinking about writing my Jancy Titanic Au in fan fiction instead of a comic. I’ll do little comics for the scenes that I create myself. I’ll have to figure out how to format it though. Should it just be Nancy’s POV? Or should I do a back and forth perspective between the characters?
I don’t have an AO3 account yet so I’ll have to get on the wait list at some point. If I finish the first chapter before I get the invite, I’ll post it on my blog.
I should also note I’m quite new to writing fan fiction. I have written more comedic one shots in the past and have thought about starting some for other fandoms but I have never written one that will have multiple chapters (At least I’m in a creative writing class at my school so I have an understanding on how to write fiction, though fan fiction is its own genre).
Until then, Have a good morning, afternoon, evening or night!
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pinkeoni · 1 year
“And yet, you still have a C in Spanish”
The meaning behind this is so obvious I’m kicking myself for not noticing it sooner.
Dustin and Mike are in a friendly battle of “My girlfriend is better than your girlfriend” brought on by Dustin, who wants to brag about his amazing girlfriend.
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Mike’s rebuttal is “Well, El is a superhero.”
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And yet—
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—or what Dustin is really saying, maybe without meaning to, is “You’re girlfriend is a superhero, and yet it’s not enough.”
Sure. C’s are fine. It’ll pass the class. “C’s get degrees” as they say. But it’s not an A.
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This is the show telling us through Dustin, in big red letters, that Mike’s relationship with El is not adequate.
It’s funny that both of the classes being discussed here are language classes. The class that Suzie changed the grade for was Latin.
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Dustin talks to his devout Mormon girlfriend, is honest about his grade, and she’s willing to cheat for him. As a result, he gets an A in language.
What’s also funny is the fact that the Duzie moment takes place right after we see Mike reading El’s letter. You know, the one full of lies. You know, the ones that Mike has been responding to with “From, Mike.”
As such, Mike get’s a C in language.
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If Mike really loved El romantically, they wouldn’t have dragged out a weird plot of not being able to say ILY for two seasons. One season? Sure. I can let Season 3 slide somewhat if one discounts all the queer longing that takes place and the odd finale kiss. You could interpret S3 as an awkward kid building up the courage to say the L word.
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But two seasons? Nah. If the first interpretation were true, things would’ve been resolved when El confesses that she loves him back at the end of S3. But things were not resolved? And the show goes out of its way to emphasize that Mike isn’t even writing “I love you” in his letters? And they have a big, explosive fight about it… and he still can’t say it? Nah Michael, I diagnose you with homosexuality.
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“But saying I love you is scary and a big deal and yada yada…” Okay sure. Saying ILY is a big deal. But middle school kids still say it pretty casually. And they certainly at least write it. It’s not uncommon for a kid to drop the “L” bomb to someone they’ve only been dating for a short period of time, only to break up the next day. Things are fluid and chaotic and unpredictable and messy. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo thought he was in love with Rosaline until seeing Juliet, and he immediately changed his mind.
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But even if we just assume it’s harder for Mike to say ILY to El because Mlvn is serious and more meaningful than a fleeting crush, that still doesn’t let Mike off the hook. If Mlvn really is as soulmate-coded as Mlievens believe, when have you ever heard of a soulmate-coded relationship in media where the writers went out of their way to show that saying ILY was like pulling teeth? Imagine if there was a whole section of Titanic where Jack struggled with saying ILY to Rose? Imagine Leia got into a fight with Han because he couldn’t write “love” in his romantic letters, and Han was all like, “I care for you so much, Leia.”Imagine Katara pulled out the receipts, and Aang was like, “Okay, okay. Katara, you’re being ridiculous. Like what is this?”
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That would be absurd. And you’d either demand an explanation or stop rooting for them. It’s not that ILY isn’t often a big deal in stories. It’s that when it’s emphasized in a weird way and dragged out for two seasons, you have to side-eye it. It’s one thing when the big ILY is the logical and natural culmination of an arc, whether at the end of a season or the end of a series. That makes sense. It’s another thing entirely when someone is literally begging you to say it, and you still can’t say it. And then when you finally do say it, it’s in the penultimate season, and it’s extremely anticlimactic. And everyone has to emphasize how you said it 9 times to cope/compensate.
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If Mlvn was meant to be endgame, and Mike really loved El romantically, they would’ve just… shown Mike and El being in love with each other. There wouldn’t be any doubt. None of the other couples, other than Stancy, have ever gone through this weird kind of ritual where words are emphasized over actions. No one doubts that Lumax, Jopper, and Duzie are in love with each other. Jancy is a little more complicated cause they were separated throughout S4 and doubts were raised, but even so, it’s nowhere near the odd situation with Milkvan. Jancy, Lumax, Jopper, and Duzie have all shown they love each other through their actions. They don’t rely on big gestures or words to prove it. In fact, Lucas even specifically says to Max, “I don’t want a letter.”
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All I’m saying is, if Mlvn is treated with a considerable lack of seriousness post Season 2, if the show keeps them in a weird Groundhog Day plot of constant fights and lies and not being on the same page, and if it takes a third party with vested romantic interest in the situation for Mike to finally monologue a measly ILY to his girlfriend, then maybe there’s a reason for this? 🤔
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a-strangers-thoughtss · 6 months
I’ve been re-watching season one and two again.
I may just be over exhausted and sleep deprived but
To me, Mike doesn’t have romantic feelings for El. I mean, season one could seem pretty cute, but it just takes me so much out of it when I remember that El literally has no idea what’s going on? Like they’re just never on the same page.
(Even in season 1, like “so I’d be your sister?” And so on. I don’t think they’ve been on the same page for very often either)
It feels very Steve and Nancy tbh. Like all the cannon couples just get eachother, but Mileven just don’t? Stancy is the only other one that they’ve just kind of never fully been on the same page (I’m not talking about miscommunication, all the cannon couples struggle with that)
I just don’t feel it ig? Like Lumax and Jopper you can just feel it, same with Duzi (qnd byler but we’re going off of current cannon) but with Mileven it feels more awkward?
I’m probably rambling, but again, I’m so over exausted rn.
Also when Mike talks about El in the Crazy together scene it feels like he’s more focused on the fact that she could solve their ud problems-
Just none of it feels romantic at all
(His face also rlly doesn’t light up that much when els around, but Will has his own voice 🤨)
Like their reunion in season 2 was fucking adorable, I’ll admit. But it just didn’t feel very romance to me? Again, maybe I’m just not watching it fully but even the snow ball feels very platonic to me.
Mike very obviously doesn’t have romantic feelings for El. At least bc I’m watching from a new perspective. She’s definitely his friend, and he 100% misses her really badly. But I personally see no attraction there at all. Like he sees her again for the first time in a year and it’s this really sweet moment, but it just feels like two besties reuniting?
Maybe I’m spouting comète nonsense though.
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londondziban · 11 months
No one asked but I'm bored so here are my ratings of popular Stranger Things ships! (kind of a long post).
Disclaimer: Ship who you wanna ship. This is just for fun :)
Byler: 100/10, I love my boys. No notes.
Lumax: Also a 100/10. They're just so!!!
Elmax: 9/10. I love them with my whole heart but I'm a Lumax shipper first and foremost.
Elumax: 100000/10. Literal perfection. Elmax AND Lumax (and Hopclair, depending on how you view the ship dynamic)? Literally what more could you want?
Duzie: 7/10. They're cute and I really like Suzie. I wish we could've seen more of them, maybe Suzie will come back with a bigger role next season.
Henderhop: 6/10. Typically I HC El as a lesbian but I actually like this pairing. Definitely not a ship I'd die on but I enjoy interacting with the fan content.
Henderclair: 6/10. Listen, I love their dynamic. If I didn't HC Dustin as the token straight, I'd probably rate them higher. Platonically? Literally everything to me. Romantically? I'm not opposed.
Byclair: 8/10. I also like them a lot but I'm a die-hard Byler shipper. I do enjoy interacting with the fan content though!
Wheelclair: 7/10. They're silly and I love them but this is a particular dynamic I prefer platonic. I do HC that Mike had a crush on Lucas when they were younger though.
Mileven: 1/10. I'm just not a fan. I'm giving them a one solely cuz I enjoyed them in season 1 when I first watched the show in middle school, but I'm definitely not a fan of this ship at all. Platonically though?? Amazing.
Jancy: 10/10. I love them. I'm praying every day that the Duffers didn't completely fuck them up and that they'll be endgame.
Ronance: 9/10. I like them, they're cute. I interact with a lot of their fan content. Let's go lesbians.
Rovickie/Rockie: 7/10. I just don't know enough about Vickie yet to know if them as endgame is what I'm rooting for, but from what we've seen they're cute.
Stonathan: 10/10. I love them and I'm so excited for their interactions in season 5! They're the enemies to lovers.
Jargyle: 9/10. Love me some stoner boyfriends. They've definitely kissed before at least once.
Stancy: -10000/10. BOOOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅. They are not right for each other. Steve deserves someone who loves him and Nancy deserves someone she loves.
Stoncy: 3/10. If it's in the way that Steve and Jonathan are dating and Jonathan and Nancy are dating with Nancy and Steve being platonic, then sure. But if it's all three dating, nah. Steve and Nancy just don't work imo.
Buckingham (Chrissy x Robin): 8/10. I think this is considered a rare pair but I think they're adorable and I love the fan content around them.
Hellcheer: 5/10. Not my favorite but I have no issues with this ship. I see the vision of them as best friends mainly.
Steddie: 5/10. They're not bad and I interact with some of their fan content (some of their tiktok edits go hard), but they're just kind of okay, you know?
Jopper: 10/10. I love them. Been a Jopper fan since day one. They're so endgame.
If there's any other ships you want to know my opinion on, let me know!
(All fun and games here, y'all. Ship whatever you want)
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lordystrange · 2 years
The probability of ST ships being endgame:
Jopper: 99,99% Unless one of them dies, they are endgame. And I don’t think they’d die.
Lumax: 90,00% The threaths are Max dying or Max ending up with El but I’m pretty confident on this one
Jancy: 65,00% They have their problems and either one of them might die. Also ronance and stancy are a possibility and/or Nancy might end up on her own. But Jancy was my first ship so I hope they’ll make it!
Stancy: 5,00% We already saw that they didn’t work out. Also Nancy wants a career and Steve wants a big family, so they are still not compatible whether there’s feelings or not.
Elmax: 10,00% I love this ship and I hope it’d happen but I think they are gonna go with Lumax
Jargyle: 3,00% It would be super fun but no
Duzie: 90% I don’t know what they have planned for Dustin, but they are probably not gonna kill Suzie… maybe…
Henderhop: 11,00% This ship has my heart but sadly I don’t think it’ll be canon
Ronance: 50,00% If the writers aren’t gonna go with Jancy, I think Ronance has quite good chances!!
Rockie: 85,00% If Ronance doesn’t happen and both survive, this is the way to go!
Steddie: 1,00% Eddie is dead and I don’t think he’ll come back but I gave it a little chance because I find it cute
Mileven: 4,00% This ship would need A LOT of work after all this shit. Narratively it seems that they are going towards independent El and queer Mike. Also they just are not romantically compatible, and don’t love each other the way the other would want.
Byler: 99,99% Narratively this just makes sense and I don’t see how killing one of them would work for the story. I’m very confident with this!
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astreinomane · 8 months
things you’re looking forward to in stranger things s5?
(Also I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to your asks yet 😭 I’ll try to answer them soon though!)
hope you’re doing well :)
Ok, first of all, I'm doing fine, thank you for asking.
As for your ask...
Well, I surely look forward to Ronance being endgame (I know it's probably impossibile, but a man can dream, can't he?).
Oh, and Byler. Byler needs to be endgame, too.
Another thing I look forward to is Steve and Nancy finally having an heart-to-heart and realizing that they simply aren't made for each other romantically (because, say it with me, NANCY DOES NOT WANT SIX NUGGETS), and so they both decide to stay friends.
In this way, Steve will find someone else to realize his dream of having a family with, and Nancy will find someone who truly gets her and makes her happy ( *cough* Robin *cough*).
And in general, I look forward to Nancy being finally freed from this stupid ass love triangle that shouldn't have existed in the first place.
Another thing I look forward to is Max waking up from her coma.
But I also really hope that she won't wake up in the last minute, but on the contrary, that she will be important to the plot, even in her state.
I'm sure the Duffers can find a way to make that happen.
And also, I hope that Erica will be an important part of the team 'cause she's awesome and she deserves it (and I also hope to see more of her bonding with the Party).
And also, if they aren't going to bring Eddie back, I at least hope that Dustin and the others will be able to restore his name to Hawkins and make people understand that he wasn't a monster, but quite the opposite, 'cause it would be fucking awful for Eddie to have sacrificed himself only for Hawkins to still see him as a monster.
He at least deserve a good memory on people's minds.
And also, I know Eduardo has confirmed he won't be returning this season, but I hope Argyle will still get to make an appearance, because I refuse to believe they'll completely throw away his character without even a mention.
Oh, and Kali, Kali needs to return as well.
And I also hope that Suzie will come to Hawkins to help Dustin save the world again.
This way, we'll finally see Dustin and Suzie interact with each other in person, and Suzie will finally be aware of all the Upside Down stuff, and so we will have more content for Duzie shippers.
And also, Jonathan needs to have more importance as a character this season.
And maybe a coming out scene from both Will and Robin, where they tell the others they're gay and immediately gets hugs and support, 'cause they both deserve it.
And finally, another thing I really hope to see in this season are more moments between the Party at complete (Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, El and Max).
And also, I really hope that they won't split up the characters, but that they will all stay together.
And I think that's all.
Damn, I didn't planned this list to be this long.
Anyway, thank you for the ask.
And tell me, what do you look forward to in season 5?
(And also, don't worry about my asks. Take your time. I can wait.)
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will80sbyers · 3 months
What do you think about Duzie?
I like them, they’re cute, but if they broke up in S5 I wouldn’t feel anything.
Same, I like them together I find them very very cute and compatible enough but I wouldn't be super heartbroken if they broke up, I would feel maybe a bit sad for Dustin because I think that if they break up it's probably the grief that he's experiencing for Eddie's death :(
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wewebaggit · 1 year
"El never had romantic feelings for Mike"ers 🤝 "Mike had romantic feelings for El"ers
Y'all think y'all are arm wrestling bt it's actually called a handshake in most parts of the world.
Both come from some weird desire for romantic miIeven to have meant nothing/something for both.
Cuz everything has to be just right and fair and neatly tied in a bow. God forbid the gay boy have struggles with his sexuality or the straight girl get her heart broken in the process. Evil evil things. To have your feelings unrequited. Unless it's Will. Cuz he's single and has to stay single and pure and loyal and what not, and it's only temporary. Soon in a few years after the time skip at the end of the series he'll be rewarded for being reduced to a pathetic little sap with no social life beyond Jonathan, Mike and the horrors of having spidey sense for 2 seasons.
And yeah there will be cirque du soleil levels of acrobatics being performed to show why this story and narrative makes sense. And I'm not opposed to it for being that but just that on show that prides itself for show don't tell it neither shows nor tells and then there's outside the show telling by cast cuz inside the show showing was less subtle and more in the realm of not there at all.
MiIeven is NOT a "plot device" for Byler any more than Mike being revealed gay is a plot device for independent El. They're both self contained arcs for the respective characters. MiIeven thoroughly exploited the BSY dynamic with how their interactions were framed and played and okayed and filmed. It's incredibly condescending to fault the GA for buying into the self insert fantasy of nerdy boy gets supergirl when the show didn't shy away from profiting off of it. Regardless of Mike's impending sexuality. Especially because of the super ambiguity of Mike's sexuality it cannot be classified as anything but trope exploitation. Subversion where? Leaving some visuals here.
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El initiating the kiss in S1E6
And I'd love it if anyone explains them to me that's not the tired af "El's idea of romantic love comes from her watching soap operas" cuz she was shown watching it once. She was stuck in a cabin with a TV so she watched TV most of the time and daytime is soaps. You know what she (also) watched regularly? Westerns. Miami Vice.
Also El did make the first move in s1e7 to kiss Mike. Before Mike ever kissed her in s1e8. And before the soap operas n all other things. Point being. The BSY has always been BSYing.
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Poor babies being forced by Lucas, Nancy and daytime TV into making out and enjoying it. Tsk tsk. (S3E1)
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A forced to be flustered and blushing El after talking to her boyfriend.
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Time to make out some more. It hits different at 4:20. - Mike & El probably. Dunno it's on mute.
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Naive but powerful fawn rebelling against father for nerdy boyfriend. Ya. White American thing cuz Mike would be pissing his pants if he were anywhere else or maybe anyone else. (Can you imagine Lumax this way?)
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For God's sake your platonic soulmate and so called lesbian awakening's brother is dying there.
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Don't even understand the point of this shot. Since Mike never looked Billy's way. Or comforted Max. A glance at El that, idk what it meant, no mike crow expressions to guide me.
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Scenes from a Marriage (1973) dir. Ingmar Bergman
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Scenes from a Marriage (2021) dir. Hagai Levi
There's an intentional way in which the MiIeven scenes (not just the kisses 🤮) are filmed in a more "adult" way as opposed to the "cute teenaged romance" way that some people purport it is in contrast to Lumax and Duzie. (I guess they didn't go through puberty.🤷‍♀️) Heck even Jancy, Stancy never looked this weird even though sex was shown/ implied. (Because they were played by actors born in the 20th century and even then they weren't 13 🤷‍♀️.)
MiIeven is not a plot device for Byler. It is fan service. The adults shipping them and comparing them to various other adult couples isn't outta nowhere. Please compute. Which is why it was stretched for 4 seasons.
As of NOW Mike's sexuality is still plausible deniability and the breakup too is neither here nor there. It's NOT straightbaiting. Lmao. Not at all. It's fan service. Leaving the OBVIOUS BSY aside, the point neither party were forced into anything nor were they doing it to keep appearances cuz canonically NOBODY cared. Not Dustin, not Lucas, definitely not Will and I'm sure neither did Max.
El was a willing participant and initiator and Mike was also not opposed to it until puberty monster/feelings caught up with him. El has shown her attraction to guys and it is okay. There's no need to take that away from her cuz that is also an experience of girlhood. She barely has any experiences anyway. Let her have that.
It's the same for Mike. He's not some evil monster for being gay. Not anymore than Joyce was for being with Bob out of convenience and the fact that she liked him n didn't hate him. Mike does love El and cares about her deeply as all of S4 shows.
So to sum it up. Yes I smooshed 2 posts cuz I couldn't be arsed talking about these 2 AGAIN. But Mike and El were independent agents when they decided to embark on their disastrous romantic journey and Born Sexy Yesterday is REAL.
P.S. If you find this shit cute and y'all roll your eyes over byler kissing n what not (even in fics goddamnit). Hit your head against a spiked wall till you can't no more. Piss and love. 💙💛
P.P.S. Mike's the clingy one. NOT Will.
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thefourchimes · 1 year
Talking more about The Four Chimes AU because yes
so there’s been an interesting surge of apocalypse four (though most people call them vecna four) content recently, which i am very much thrilled to see
in line with that, i’m gonna share a bit more on the au that has been built from the ground up ever since last year, having definite arcs and various aus and sub aus of it already
the four chimes au
this universe has been mine and @lumaxramblings 's blood, sweat, and tears for the past year, ever since July 14
i've made a few posts about it, and shared some snippets on it in some wip weds and weekends, but i never fully explained the universe beyond the little bubble of the discord thread in the discord server im in
so let me explain now. we know this already but the apocalypse four are vecna's four sacrifices to make the four gates, but in this au, they're not just the four sacrifices. they're the four chimes too.
you see, vecna had a vision. he had remembered the story of the four horsemen of the apocalypse from a time victor creel had brought him and alice to the Church to listen
the four horsemen of the apocalypse, he had mused...and inspiration struck him.
he had a vision, and he saw it through.
and he got them all. he won.
and now he has his four horsemen of the apocalypse, or in this universe rather...his four chimes of catastrophe.
you all know who they are, but the question is, who is who? well, as @lumaxramblings has said in that fateful ask that started this whole universe in the first place, it would be:
chrissy = famine
fred = death
patrick = war
max = pestilence
as for the reason, canon itself gives some details and evidence to point out who would be who. (tw ed mention on chrissy's part)
chrissy is famine because of her eating disorder and her "hunger" to be free in a sense. fred is death because of his survivor's guilt and all the constant grave and death visuals. patrick is war because of his home life and how he's always in constant conflict. and finally, max is pestilence because of her thought process on being something that plagues others...and vecna!lucas' "you are sick."
there's quite a few more points that can be brought up, along with how some of the canon scenes actually fuel this universe, but i'll talk about that another time
so now, vecna's sacrifices are no longer who they were before everything.
now, they are his soldiers, his little experiments, his four chimes of catastrophe.
and just as they had been broken, they will now be the ones to break the world.
(but then...you remember, the apocalypse 4 weren't the only ones who got caught in vecna's curse and vision.
you know who else did?
nancy wheeler.
and in the four horsemen of the apocalypse lore, wasn't there something going on with the white rider of the horsemen? the fact that...there's a bit of confusion on whether the white rider is pestilence...or conquest?
...in another universe, nancy is conquest, the fifth chime of catastrophe.
an incomplete chime.
...but maybe that's a story for another day...)
i actually had started the fic of this already, but it's been a few months since i've updated it, oof :")
anyway, that's a bit of an explanation on the four chimes au.
it kind of becomes a s5 alternate universe in a sense? finnthony and i already have an idea on what happens all throughout the main story, complete with arcs already lmao (and that's not even talking about the sub-aus, like the conquest au...)
its lots of angst though, lemme tell you
i dont want to reveal too much but there is a lot of platonic and romantic dynamics here
platonic being the party's friendship (heh), the teens' friendship, best friend soulmates stobin ofc, and all other platonic relationships that can be connected with each member of this ragtag, traumatized group
for romance, we got lumax (with future elumax), byler, duzie, ronance, stongyle (aka steve x jonathan x argyle), jopper, and...well. a few others too, but i'll be keeping those quiet for now.
i’ll likely post more stuff at some point, to get it out here lmao and because this au is just <3
tagging the people who’ve been here all through out:
@laurienotteddy @mitski-slope @itsanotheridiot @hellsfireclub @history-of-stories @she-wont-miss
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byers-bowlcut · 1 year
Honestly I'm surprised byler hasn't been voted out yet in the reddit ship elimination poll 😭 Like i don't think that many of us here are still voting anyway but i mean hey! good for us!
Maybe the reddit bros think there's little point in voting for byler when us tumblr bylers have been "rigging" the poll and will protect them lol
Link to poll (im voting duzie):
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a-strangers-thoughtss · 6 months
Ok! As has been asked for, some Hawkins UD apocalypse au
(This is just general info, I’ll elaborate on individuals later)
- The apocalypse lasted about 3 and a half years, the upside-own bleeding into Hawkins’s more and more every day
- The schools shut down about 2 months into it
- The gov started to evacuate people after the week school closes (when the ud started really invading Hawkins)
- 3 months and everyone is gone accept the people who know about the Ud
Adults: Hopper, Joyce, Karen, Murray, Mrs. Henderson
Young adults: Steve, Robin, Jon, Nancy
Kids: Will, Mike, El, Dustin
- Some leave and move to the next town over
- Mrs. & Mr. Sinclair, Erica, Lucas, Max, Argyle, Vickie
(Max needs a good hospital outside of Hawkins, and gets transferred there)
- Lucas, Erica, Argyle, & sometimes Vickie drive to Hawkins every weekend & just when they can to help prep and bring extra rations in for their friends (against their parents will)
- Argyle takes up a job to support everyone and pay for stuff (and uses some of Steve’s money)
- Ted ends up leaving with their youngest
- As a result Lucas stoped playing basketball for the time being
- They stay at Steve’s house (home base)
Steve and Robin share his room (Vickie shares when she comes over)
Dustin and El have the master (Lucas and Erica share when they come over)
Argyle sleeps on the couch of the Byers house when he comes over (foster child energy)
Murray, Karen, & Mrs. Henderson all have their own guest rooms
- And the Byers old house (close to it)
Hopper and Joyce share
Nancy and Jon share
Will & Mike Share
- They all snuggle to make the nightmares go away
- Two people are awake at all times
- They can’t tell what time it is anymore unless they use a clock
- Almost everyone moves around sleeping arrangements, none are set in stone
- They have rlly nice radios that they talk with eachother through (supplied by the government)
- Supply runs every couple of days (2 or more ppl)
- They have bases all around the town
The ships would be
Byler, Elumax, Jancy, Rockie (I think that’s what they’re called), Jopper, & maybe some Duzi
(Also highly tempted to include Dustin in elumax bc Henderhop and Henderclair are so fucking adorable)
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cgi-heart-eyes · 2 years
headcanon time!
mike wheeler - uranic, a massive case of adhd and anxiety, he/him
will byers - demiromantic, asexual, gay, jewish, autistic, he/him
el hopper - pan, demigirl, she/they
dustin henderson - hetero oriented aroace, in a qpr with suzie, he/him
lucas sinclair - bisexual, the biggest romantic ever, he/him
max mayfield - bisexual, genderfluid, blind + uses a wheelchair, any pronouns
robin buckley - lesbian, asexual, autistic, she/her (but doesn’t mind others)
jonathan byers - pansexual, gnc, jewish, he/him
nancy wheeler - she’s just vibing. she/her
steve harrington - bi af, he/him
argyle - bros chillin. pansexual, gender? i hardly know ‘er! any pronouns
erica sinclair - she gives off MAJOR bi vibes, she/they
vickie - bisexual, adhd icon, she/her
eddie munson - gay, he/him (dead)
joyce byers - bi curious maybe. her and karen had something going on, jewish, she/her
karen wheeler - what i said before, she/her
henry creel - this boys gay af. he/him
scott clarke - a bi-con. he/him
murray bauman - gay, jewish, he/him
all of kalis crew is queer, and also tommy hagan had a massive crush on steve.
qpr duzie
joyce and karen
madwheeler (platonic)
willel (platonic)
elmike (platonic)
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xxtinymiseryxx · 1 year
Strange things ship rating
Argylen (argyle & eden) 8/10 adorable
Boyce (Joyce & bob) 9/10 yeah
Cammy ( Tommy & carol) 6/10 I don't like there character
Cunnington (Chrissy & Steve) 0/10 why
Duzie (Dustin & Suzie) 10/10 adorable
Hellcheer (eddie and Chrissy) 4/10 i think they would be friends
Henfield ( Dustin & max) -1/10 no
Henderhop (Dustin & el) 0/10 ummmm as friends?
Hopclair ( el and Lucas) 0/10 no not just those two
Jancy (Nancy & Jonathan) 7/10 there alright
Jopper (Joyce & hopper) 10/10 love them
Kaleddie ( kail & eddie ) -100/10 wtf who made this
Lumax ( Lucas & max) 10/10 one of my favs
Madwheeler (Mike & max) -10/10 wtf
Mileven ( mike & el ) 1/10 i hate this
Nangyle ( Nancy & Argyle) -1/10 ew wtf
Nanceddie ( Nancy & Eddie ) 0/10 as friends yes but
as lovers 🤮
Stali ( kali & steve) -100/10 ok why do they keep putting her with these men
Stancy (Steve & nancy ) -1/10 I hated them
Tigercheer ( Chrissy & Jason) 5/10 they where cute
Wheelgrove ( Nancy & billy ) -1/10 he tried killing her...
Argilly ( argyle & billy) 0/10 again why
Byclair ( Lucas & will) 2/10 i mean ok
Byerson ( Dustin & will ) 1/10 no
Byler ( mike & will ) 9/10 yesssssssd
Byergrove ( Jonathan & billy) 0/10 whyyy
Cargrove ( billy & Jason) 0/10 why put two assholes together?
Chauman ( Mr. Clarke & Murray ) -100/10 tramitizing
Edna ( Eddie and Henry/001) 3/10 ok but here me out.
Eddithan ( Eddie & Jonathan ) 1/10 could maybe work
Edgyle ( argyle & eddie ) 1/10 again could maybe work
Greatwise ( Gareth and will ) 3/10 could be cute
Harringrove ( billy & Steve) -100/10 I hate this so much
Henclair ( Dustin & Lucas ) 0/10 I know people like It but no
Jargyle ( Jonathan & argyle ) 8/10 I like them
Jilexei ( hopper & alexei ) 0/10 no
Jonson ( Jonathan & jason ) 0/10 anyone shipped with Jason is gross sorry Chrissy
Mungrove ( Eddie & billy ) 1/10 no
Munver ( eddie & Jason ) -100/10 whoever made this is crazy
Murrlexei ( alexei & Murray) 6/10 hear me out
Newhop ( Bob & hopper ) 0/10 ew
Steddie ( Steve & Eddie ) 100/10 my fav ship
Stommy ( steve & tommy ) 0/10 gross
Stonathan ( steve & Jonathan ) 0/10 again no
Stargyle ( steve & argyle ) 0/10
Tomgrove ( tommy & billy ) -1/10
Tomathan ( tommy & Jonathan ) -1/10
Tomrick ( Patrick & tommy ) 1/10 I could see it sorta
Wheelclair ( Mike & Lucas ) -1/10 no
Wheelerson ( Dustin & mike) 0/10 ummmmmmm why
Bancy ( Barb & nancy ) 5/10 actually kinda cute
Bucklway ( robin & heather ) 2/10 I don’t know how I feel
Buckingham ( robin & Chrissy) 9/10 I love them❤️
Berkins ( robin & carol ) -10/10 umm just no
Chrickie ( Chrissy & Vickie ) 2/10 no sorry
Cerkins ( Chrissy & carol ) 3/10 could actually see it
Elmax ( max & el ) 10/10 yes
Elzie ( suzie & el ) 1/10 cute but no
Garden snake ( heather & Eden) 1/10 no thanks
Huckley ( Barb & robin ) 3/10 kinda a vibe
Joyren ( Joyce & Karen ) 0/10 yeaaaaaaaaaa no
Perwheel ( Carol & Nancy ) 3/10 ok but i could sorta see it
Queen of Hawkins high ( Nancy & Chrissy ) 5/10 kinda cute
Ringham (robin & Eden ) 4/10 they would get along
Rockie ( robin & Vickie ) 9/10 adorable 🥰
Ronance ( robin & Nancy ) 9/10 we all love this
Tambin ( robin & Tammy) 7/10 not bad ig
Achillean apocalypse ( steve , eddie , Jonathan & argyle) 2/10 i Don’t really like it
Byleven (Mike, el & will) -1/10 will and el are siblings
Bywheelclair (Mike , Lucas & will ) 0/10 no thanks
Chrissyxjasonxeddie (eddie , chrissy & jason ) 2/10 i don’t know how I feel
Duzieclair (suzie , Dustin & Lucas) -1/10 leave duzie alone
Elumax (max, Lucas & el ) 9/10 no joke I love this ship
Gotta love Nancy ( Nancy , Jonathan , Barb , robin & Steve) -10/10 OMG NO
Harringroveson (billy , Steve & eddie ) 4/10 i Don’t fully like this ship my sister does tho
Henderhopclair ( Dustin , el & Lucas ) 2/10 I have nothing to say other than 2/10
Jargen ( Jonathan , argyle & Eden ) 5/10 kinda cute ngl
Jangyle (Jonathan , argyle & Nancy ) -10/10 i hate this
Jonsteddie (Jonathan , steve & eddie ) 2/10 not the biggest fan
Sapphic senate (Chrissy , robin , Vickie & Nancy ) 7/10 again I love this
Steddissy (chrissy , eddie & steve ) 2/10 nothing to say
Stoncy (steve, Jonathan & Nancy ) -10/10 i thought I hated stancy
Stongyle ( steve , Jonathan & argyle ) 1/10 no
Stonagrove ( steve, Jonathan & billy ) 0/10 nooooooooo
Stoner lovers ( argyle , Jonathan & eddie ) 5/10 kinda vibing with it
Vobancy (Nancy , Vickie & robin ) 6/10 solid
Warrior throuple ( steve , Nancy & robin ) 0/10 robin is gay
Robeddie friendship ( eddie & robin ) as friends it’s a 10/10 if it’s lover -100/10
Stobin ( steve and robin ) as friends 10/10 if lovers -1000/10
You don’t have to agree with my opinions I was just bored so yea
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“There’s a dark horse in the s5 sex scene discussion and that would be getting a lumax scene instead of any of the other couples lol.”
the truest dark horse is duzie lol
I do hope lumax gets another kiss tho
I don't need more Mormon time please god no 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry Suzie but yeah. Maybe they're going to shock us with truly the unexpected.
And Lucas and Max deserve it!! They're a really great duo! A really emotional sweet reunion is needed, after the whole season fighting to get her back, that sweet sweet emotional payoff...
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ronanceautistic · 6 months
Ships classifications
jopper: makes sense, compels me but unfortunately i keep forgetting about them
duzie: makes sense, i guess compels me?? i like them but also just don’t think about them a lot
henclair: makes sense, compels me!! maybe not all that romantically but dustin and lucas’s dynamic is one of my faves in the show
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