#maybe a nap is in order for sometime today
sesshy380 · 1 year
My Body: 'Sleep schedules are for losers! 2am is awesome!'
Me: 'Whyyyy????'
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bitterchocoo · 5 months
Well Deserved Rest
Dr. Veritas Ratio | M. Reader as Medicine Pocket [Reverse: 1999]
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Tsundere Ratio will forever live rent free in my head. That was totally canon!
"Hey hey! Veritas!"
That annoying voice again.. how many times has he heard it today? It's so annoying.. so high pitched and loud, like a dog, happily barking at their favorite person.
"For the last time, it's Dr. Ratio! Don't call me by name so casually!" He groans at the other's enthusiasm and seemingly endless energy. For the past few years he had known the researcher. [Name] never fails to get on his nerves. Be it the constant teasing or the dog-like demeanor. The only thing he ever decided to tolerate the man is because of his reputation for being a genius amongst geniuses and gaining his current position when he was a mere teenager.
"Look look! I made this serum that presumably—" "I swear if this is one of your unauthorized experiments!"
Not only is he a genius amongst geniuses.. [Name] seems to have a reputation of doing whatever the hell he wants. Paperwork? That can wait! Research? Why should he care about following the status quo? Only when something had caught his attention, that's when the researcher began to actually do his work.
Sometimes Ratio feels like he's babysitting a child—or rather a dog. Given the other's background.
How many times has [Name] decided to chew on the ends of his robe? How many times has [Name] licked his cheek without a second thought?
"Aw come on, Veritas! Can't you live a little?" [Name] asked teasingly, tilting his head to the side, acting all adorable in order to persuade the doctor. Which didn't work. Or so he told himself. "It's not living if you constantly experiment on dangerous unauthorized things! It's called being foolish!"
This earns a chuckle from the other. He sure knows how to get on Ratio's nerves like it's merely looking at the back of his hand. It seems like second nature to him. "You're so boring! Didn't take you to be a stickler to the rules!"
"It's called self preservation!"
How did this happen..? How in the galaxy had he managed to land himself in this position..? What is it? Nap time? He's out like a light!
Earlier, [Name] had decided to annoy him again, typical, but Ratio was having none of it. So like any other sane person, he ignores the genius in favor of the book he's currently reading. But of course that didn't stop [Name] from teasing and poking him. Trying to get a reaction.
But as time went on. The researcher seems to have worn himself out and started to doze off. Now, Ratio sits there with a book in hand but despite that, his mind was in other places as his gaze shifted towards the sleeping genius who had his head on his shoulder and his right arm being hugged by the other in his sleep.
He's out like a light! What time even is it? Nap time? Maybe it's [Name]'s constant all-nighter he pulls whenever he's so absorbed by his research and experiment? Or is this a by product of his dog-like nature?
Either way, this can't continue!
But when Ratio tries to wake him up, [Name] doesn't seem to respond to it, at all. Sleeping like a rock. So... Ratio decided to just.. let him rest..
Maybe he needs it?
Every time Ratio tries to focus on the book he's reading his mind would always drift towards the sleeping researcher that's using him as a human pillow.
He could feel [Name]'s warm breath hitting his exposed biceps, his shallow and calm breathing, it never fails to send a shiver down his spine. He's so.. comfortable.. so.. at peace..
He's far different than the usual hyperactive, seemingly endless energy researcher he's known for! And that.. makes him feel.. warm..
To think he'll have the honors of witnessing such a rare, vulnerable, and.. intimate side of [Name].. it's..
Ratio snapped out of his thoughts once he felt the other began to stir and slowly woke up from their nap. A nice and comfortable nap. [Name] blinks, once, twice. Before letting out an adorable yawn.
Letting out an annoyed sigh, Ratio spoke up, his voice laced with sarcasm. "I assume you've had a nice nap."
"Oh I did! It was sooo nice~" [Name] took the chance to tease the other as he hugged Ratio's arm closer to his chest with a huge grin plastered on his face. The doctor huffs as he begins trying to shake the other's hold on his arm. "Then get off of me, you damn dog. My arm is tired."
[Name] chuckles in response as he tightens his grip. He hums softly and rests his cheek on Ratio's shoulder, looking at him with big puppy eyes. Trying to act all cute and adorable. "But if your arm's tired, why didn't you just shoved me? You could have done that earlier, right doctor?"
This caught him off guard for a few moments. What is he supposed to say to that? [Name] let out a gasp upon seeing his hesitation. "Don't tell me that you actually enjoy it! Aw~ Ratio you could have just said so! I could have been your cuddle buddy from the start!"
"Cuddle buddy!? How absurd! You dare think that I—Dr. Veritas Ratio. Would ever need such things!? Especially from you?!"
"But your face is red~ I'm right aren't I~?"
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xiaq · 7 months
I got another raise today. Praise for my contributions to my team, validation for my hard work, and a clear overview of what my continued progression in my company could look like. I celebrated by taking the afternoon off to nap and read in bed with my husband. I painted some swatches in the space that will soon be my library in the basement of our new home. I talked to my publisher about the process of turning my 3 published books into audio books. And now I'm in the living room, writing and watching my dog attempt to entice pedestrians on the sidewalk to pet him over the front yard fence.
Next month it'll be two years since I left academia.
It was the hardest and the best thing I ever did.
Three years ago, I was having an existential crisis about my career. I was working 60+ hours a week for embarrassingly little pay as lecturer. I loved my job, but I knew that continuing to work in academia wasn't a sustainable option for me. The thought of buying a house some day was laughable. I'd sworn off relationships. I looked at my writing and I thought there was no chance I'd ever publish anything. I was nearly thirty and I felt like I'd wasted the last decade of my life and I was fighting hard against the sunk cost fallacy that whispered I should just stay. Continue as I was. Let no one know I was drowning in the life I'd always said I wanted.
See, people like to say "it gets better" when people are feeling lost or hopeless. But what they don't tell you is that in order for things to get better you often have to do big scary shit that sometimes feels like walking backward. Sometimes you have to tear things down to the studs before you can rebuild. Sometimes the path to "better" looks a lot like "worse" at first.
I was lucky that my family and friends supported my "worse" phase while I was trying to figure out what the hell I wanted to do with my life, interviewing for tech companies and taking fire fighting exams and querying agents/publishers and basically just saying "fuck it, I'll give it a try" to every available opportunity, including dating the guy who is now the love of my life. But "it gets better" requires hard work and bravery and putting yourself out there and bitter disappointment and rallying and leaning on that support system, and trying again.
So, I'm not sure where I'm going with this other than to say, for anyone else who was where I was 3 years back, anyone who feels stuck or hopeless or like they've wasted years of their life on a career or relationship that doesn't love them back: it gets better, but you have to fucking fight for it. So rally your troops. Get your support system in place. Give sunk cost fallacy the finger. And go figure out what will serve you better.
I'm so happy, now. My life is amazing. But it might have been amazing even faster if I'd dropped out of grad school after my first year when I realized that maybe it wasn't what I wanted after all. I wish I'd been brave then. Be brave now.
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xkaidaxxxx · 3 months
Aizawa's New Girl
mentions: Unhappy marriage, Wifie material, tease, Fluff.
reblogs are appreciated <3
I am taking requests
Aizawa has been best friends with you since you both were in high school.You've loved him for such a long time but he’s been married for 5 years now. Recently, that means 2 years ago he hated his marriage. His wife started bitching for kids. His words not yours. He was not ready for that. From there she started making life impossible for him as well. Here he is now at your home.
“ I think I should divorce her.” he said to you. You are all for it. “You should divorce her Shōta. She’s been treating you like crap. How do you even deal with that?” you asked and served him dinner.You’re basically his wife at this point. You have been cooking his meals. He passes by for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every week he comes to wash his clothes since he doesn’t even want to see her face. After a while he’d leave his clothes in your guest room. Sometimes he crashes the night. “ I’m tired of her. I nap during school hours, to me that says a lot. My favorite meal. You’re the best y/n.” he said. You felt bad for him. He’s your best friend.  “I’m here to support you. Always.” you said.
2 weeks later he got a great lawyer and he kicked his wife out of HIS house. He’s healing and you’re there to support him. “Thanks for helping me with this. You’re always by my side. I appreciate everything you do for me.” he said. “ Better together, remember.” you replied. You then heard banging from the door. He checked the cameras and you got your quirk ready. “It’s her. Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” he said pressing a button. You heard the sprinklers go off and you started laughing. He laughed along with you. Her screams made it even funnier. 
Time passed and he is happily divorced. He ended up moving in with you and left his old home as a vacation home. You bring him lunch every day to work. As you walked inside the students whispered. Some of the male students were drooling. You were wearing simple clothing. Although your top did show cleavage and your skirt was very teaseful. You walked up to the boys. “Hey, your Aizawa’s students. Can you tell me where I can find him if he’s not in this office?” You asked with a smile. The girls immediately knew you loved him. “ you’re so pretty.” Denki said. “Thank you sweetie” you replied “If he’s not in this office, he’s in class or resting outside,” Bakugou said. You booped his nose. The rest tried holding back their laughs. “DO YOU WANT TO DIE !!??” He yelled. “WHY YOU DISRESPECTFUL SON OF A BI-“ you yelled and got interrupted by the love of your life. “Hey” he greeted. “you’re in love with him, right? Omg?” Mina was losing her mind. “Uh, he’s my bestie girly pop.” You replied. “Yeah, which is why you show up every day with lunch for him.” She giggled. The girls giggled and whispered. “Umm, I made your favorite today. I hope you enjoy it.” You said handing him a large bento box. He looked at you up and down, loving how sexy you look. He gulped as he took the bento box from you.“I always enjoy your meals. I appreciate you coming to drop off lunch.” He replied and soon you had to head home. “Mr.Aizawa you were totally checking her out. She is a goddess you better make a move before somebody else does.” Mina said and the rest of the girls agreed. She was right and deep down he knew that so once school ended he went to buy you a pretty diamond jewelry set, a special specific ring, and a bouquet of 100 red roses. He was taking forever. “It’s already 9pm,” you said aloud. “Mhm, maybe something came up with hero work.” You yawned. Minutes later he showed up. “Y/n! Hey! Sorry, I’m late, come downstairs! I have something for you!” He called out. “I’m in the kitchen!” You replied cleaning the counter. “Close your eyes.” He ordered and you did just that. He stood in front of you. “Open.” He said. You opened your eyes and saw the beautiful sight. “ I know…I suck at gifts but umm…I hope this shows how much I love and appreciate everything you do for me. I’m trying to ask if you want to be my girlfriend? Partner? Wife? Girlfriend?” He asked, choosing many titles because he had no idea what he was doing. “ Girlfriend and then hopefully wife.” You replied. You shared a soft and loving kiss with him. Aizawa has no idea how much his life is going to change now that he’s with the woman he’s always loved and will forever.
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caffeinemachine · 1 year
Life Jacket- Chapter 2
Hi!! Thanks for all the love on the first chapter! Sorry this out later than I expected but I couldn't stop writing and I didn't want to end the chapter at an odd spot.
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Hope you like this chapter!
WC: 4.8K
Conrad Fisher x Eldest Conklin Sibling Reader
Blurb | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
The first day always went the same. Unpack, swim, shower, nap, dinner. Sometimes the first bonfire of the season was the first day we got there, other times it was the next day. This year it was the first. So today’s order was, unpack, swim, shower, nap, dinner, get ready, party. 
We all gathered around the table for dinner in our usual spots. My Mom, Belly, and me on one side,  Steven and Jere across from us, then Conrad on the end next to me, and Sussanah on the end next to my Mom. The spots never changed over the years, unless we had guests to squeeze in somewhere. The other thing that never changed was the food. Susannah was an amazing cook. She had taught me to cook over the years. I had spent many hours by her side being her ‘little sous chef’ as she called me. This summer she told me she would show me her old college food recipe hacks. 
I picked my head up from my plate when I heard Jeremiah’s voice, “So Y/n/n when do you leave for school? Do they have the swim team go early?” 
I nodded, quickly swallowing my food so I could answer, “Yeah I have to go early, It's not too bad though only 2 weeks before the regular move-in date. I leave on August 5th.”
Susannah spoke next, “We’re so proud of you, our little fish.” Everyone chuckled at the nickname, ‘little fish’. Susannah had been calling me that for years. 
“So what about you man when do you leave for training camp?” Steven asked Conrad, only he wasn’t the one who answered. Jeremiah did.
“He uh quit football.” Silenced stretched over the table. He what? I stared at him in disbelief, but in my heart, a part of me felt relieved for him. Being a student athlete isn’t easy and I knew Conrad only did football for his father. Sure he still loved the sport, but not enough. 
“What you quit? Why man, I would’ve killed to play college ball?” Steven asked Conrad but again he didn't respond, his mother answered this time. 
“He can always change his mind.” That made Conrad speak up, getting defensive towards his mother in a way I didn't usually see from him.
“I’m not gonna change my mind, I was just gonna sit on the bench all season anyway.” I sat quietly. I didn’t know what to say. Conrad and I bonded over our athleticism over the years, it felt weird to think we didn’t share that similarity anymore. 
I hadn't realized I was staring at him until he looked back at me, our eyes locked and yet I still couldn't move. You'd think it'd be instinct to look away but as he came into focus, we just stared. I tried my best to read him to understand why he might do that, Why would he quit? I knew he didn't love it but he had gone this far with it, What made him change his mind?
There was something unreadable in his expression I didn't think it was regret or nostalgia or sadness or anger but instead some combination of all of it. I wondered why. He looked away first turning his attention to his plate as he picked at the food in front of him. I didn't push him on it, I wasn't sure I'd push him on it later either. I’m sure he had a reason, maybe it’d be best if I just let him tell me if he wanted. 
The rest of dinner continued on like normal on the first night. Catching up, making jokes, and just being happy to be in each other's presence again. Everyone went their separate ways to get ready for the bonfire, and Belly and the moms stayed downstairs preparing for their movie night. Their tradition started a few years ago when Belly was 11, almost 12. That was the first year we went to a bonfire, Conrad and I were 14, and Jeremiah and Steven were 13. The bonfires were different then, we were with the younger crowd still unmixed from the older kids.  It was in the backyard of the house owned by a kid Jeremiah and Conrad knew from sailing camp. Belly was so upset she couldn't come with us. She was too young and we didn't want to have to watch out for her the whole night, or entertain her for that matter. I love my sister and she's gotten a lot better over the years but she loves attention, even though she won't admit it. Having her come meant that I would have to keep her by my side the whole night, that I couldn't mingle with new kids and make new friends. The moms promised to hang out with her that night. They went to the drugstore in town and bought a bunch of candy. Susannah made brownies and they watched a movie, a PG-13 movie which Belly thought was awesome at the time. 
I didn't do too much to get ready for the bonfire, it wasn't anything new, but I still like to look a little bit nice. It was the first time I was seeing everybody for the season after all. My hair was down, air-dried from the shower I took earlier so it had a natural wave to it. A little concealer under my eyes, some mascara, tinted lip balm, and that was that. I put on a tank top and some jean shorts with my navy Cousins Beach sweatshirt on top. It tended to get a little bit chilly on the beach at night. I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes catching on the shimmer coming from my ears. My pearl earrings, Susannah's pearl earrings. She gave them to me for my 16th birthday just like her mother did and I've treasured them every day since. 
I had to shoo the thought away as I felt myself getting choked up. I exited my room and went down the stairs, slipping on my very worn-in black Converse by the door.  I heard stories of people in college having a designated pair of shoes they called their ‘frat shoes’. This pair of black Converse was that for me over the summer.  They had been covered in sand, soaked from water, and scuffed with dirt, more times than I could count. 
As I finished tying my last lace, the boys walked down the stairs. I sat up, shoes now tied, and patted my knees, “You guys ready to go?”
“Yep let's do this we're taking my car. Y/N you promised to be DD for the night right? Don’t worry though I won’t drink too much anyway, wouldn't want to be hungover for my first day of duty, right Y/ N?” Jeremiah answered.
I laughed, “No Jere, you definitely shouldn't be hungover. Wouldn't look good for me either after I vouched for you to get this job. But yes I’ll be DD.” He laughed with me throwing his arm over my shoulder as we walked to the car. Steven called shotgun which left me and Conrad to sit together in the back. I hated to admit it to myself but he looked good. How someone could pull off a gray hoodie that well I didn't know, but he pulled off a gray hoodie and jeans better than I'd seen ever before. 
The drive was silent in terms of conversation but in the front seat, Jeremiah and Steven were singing their hearts out to Steven's ‘pregame’ playlist off Spotify. I kept my gaze out the window. Partly because I was still taking in the beauty of Cousins, partly because I could look at him. He looked too good and I always had to distance myself from Conrad before parties. I never knew how they’d play out with him. Sometimes he’d just stick close to us, the crew, and have a super fun night hanging out. Usually, that’s what he did when I was at the party with the guys but I’d been told the stories of his playboy party actions when I wasn’t there, and last summer I had gotten a glimpse of it. A girl named Nicole had come up to him and started chatting with him. Within seconds she was quite touchy-feely. Her hand was on his chest or upper arm, even playing with his hair every once in a while. I had whispered into Jere’s ear who was between me and the horny fest, “Who’s that?” 
Jere took a quick glance over his shoulder and then whispered back, “Nicole, she and Conrad hook up every once in a while.”
I furrowed my brows, “I’ve literally never seen her before.”
“They met at a party last summer when you had left for swim camp, I think her family like only comes out for August.”
I swallowed the information and then excused myself to get a drink. I stole a beer from the kid's fridge and walked back feeling a little bit better now that I had a drink in my hand. But when I looked up to find Nicole on her tiptoes kissing Conrad against the wall, the power of the drink in my hand ceased. I turned back to the kitchen, leaning against the counter by myself for a few minutes. I had my focus down on my hands when I suddenly looked up at the sound of the refrigerator doors flying open. It was her. She was seemingly grabbing a beer from the fridge the same way I had been just a second ago. I expected her to walk back out to Connie, but instead, she stationed herself on the counter, so I took that as my sign to walk back. It was the first, and only time since I had seen Conrad's fuck-boy behavior, but the stories continued, and I never let myself feel unprepared for the chance I might see it again.
Now sitting in the car with him I did just that as I watched the houses go by. The streets are littered with beautiful bloomed hydrangeas. Suddenly, my hair was pushed behind my ear. I turned my head as his hand draped its way down from my ear to the ends of my hair. His face was soft but I could see the dimples around his smile starting to crease. I shifted in my seat, nervous with his attention on me. 
“W-what are you doing?” I spoke lowly. Not that it mattered, Jere and Steven had no chance of hearing over our screaming.
“You’re hiding.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. And it left me speechless. “Your hair is always so soft, you’d think after years of chlorine that wouldn’t be the case.” 
That eased the tension a little, as the corner of my mouth turned up. “Well, that's because I wear one of those swim caps.”
He laughed, “I’d pay to have a picture of that.” 
I laughed with him, “Don’t say that to my mom 'cause she’d easily take your money for an exchange.” 
“Let's go!” Jeremiah shouted, exiting the car along with my brother. I hadn't realized we had stopped.
I looked over my shoulder to see Conrad hadn’t moved. His eyes looked at me like he was observing my soul. I held my breath. As if not breathing would help ease the bubbles floating around in my chest. 
I couldn’t bear it.
With an awkward laugh, I scooted out of the car and jogged over to Jere and Steven. I didn’t want to walk down alone. I knew the boys wouldn’t stay by my side the whole night, they’d go do other things within the first hour, but I liked to hold onto them for as long as I could. I didn’t mind the girls I’d met with the guys here over the years, but we were never that close. Nicole, Dara, Gigi, Marisa, and Shayla, we’d all lose contact over the school year. I also knew some people who weren’t from that crew. Some of them I knew from the swim club I used to do at the Country Club when I was little under the Fisher’s name. I wasn’t exactly supposed to be in the club seeing as I wasn’t truly a member but Susannah had a way of getting people to do what she wanted. Kindness can be blinding. The club was mostly made up of little boys, there were only 3 of us girls, Sydney, Ally, and me. Sydney was a nice girl. She was super smart, and ambitous, she’s set to start at Princeton for business in the Fall. Ally, I remained better friends with as we grew up. She was a dedicated swimmer like me so we even ran into each other sometimes during the school year at competitions. Ally was a total sweetheart, but she liked to have fun. She was easy to hang out with, she understood. I hoped they were here, I had forgotten to text them when I got to Cousins.
The fire wasn’t too crazy, they had to be careful not to draw too much attention from the cops. A big crowd of people had already formed though and it was only 9:30. I grabbed a cola from the cooler as I said hello to everyone coming up to us. Chit-chat was made with numerous people, and I couldn’t help but feel these conversations were really competitions for these kids. It was like every comment had to be a one-up to the one previous.
It was around 10:30 when a hand plopped down on my shoulder abruptly.  I assumed it was one of the guys but then he came into my eyeline, Peter Millington. 
“Yooo Y/N what's good?” He said a little slurred. As he moved to stand in front of me his hand dropped from my shoulder. 
“Hey Peter,” I laughed. Peter was a good guy, he was flirty but it was harmless. Annoying, but harmless. I met him at the swim club when we were 10. 
“So miss big shot where you heading this fall?  I’m sure schools across the country were practically begging outside your front door!” 
I laughed, “I won’t deny that, but I’m actually not going far. I’m gonna be going to Harvard.” His mouth hung open.
“No shit.”
“Yes, shit. How about you, still swimming?” 
He shook his head, “Nah nah, I’m trying to be a sports agent, I’ll be going to Penn State.”
“That’s great, congrats.” I smiled at him. 
He pointed at me a big smirk spreading across his face, “Yeah so you better remember me when you go all famous.” He finished his statement by slightly hitting the side of my arm. 
“You got it Pete, I won’t forget you-”
“Belly what the fuck!” My head snapped and my jaw dropped. I took off over to them. I sort of abandoned Pete but eh, he’ll be fine. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Steven yelled.
I smacked his shoulder once I had run up to them. “Stop yelling! You’re making a scene!” I whisper-shouted at him. 
Then I turned my attention to my baby sister. My baby sister, who wasn’t supposed to be here. My baby sister, who was just talking to a man 5 years older than her. My baby sister, who chose to wear a tiny skin-tight pink mini dress. My clueless, trouble-causing, baby sister. 
“What are you doing here?” I asked her as calmly as I could. 
“What I can’t go to a party?” She bit back defensively.
Excuse me? She didn’t get to give me shit for being concerned when she's the one who showed up out of the blue. I scoffed, “Did I say that?”
“What are you even wearing Belly we are on the beach why would you-“ 
“Steven. Knock it off. Go hang out with Shayla.” This was getting too aggravating. Steven was instigating too much, he must have already pissed Belly off by the time I ran up and now I had to deal with it.
“Did Taylor tell you to wear that or something?” I asked Belly, trying my best to figure out what was going on without having to have an argument in the middle of a party. 
“Why can’t I just dress nicely without being questioned?” Why the hell was she being so defensive? 
 “Again did I say that?” I couldn’t hold back the bite to my tone.
She rolled her eyes before looking at me. But then her gaze sharply caught something over my shoulder. I turned to look. Jeremiah. Drunk off his ass. Standing next to the fire trying to strip and go skinny dipping. He had already stripped off his sweatshirt, shirt, shoes, and socks. 
“Great.” I scoffed, running over to my now 2nd problem of the night. 
When he saw me running over he smiled brightly, “Y/N! We are going swimming come on! OH MY GOSH Belly! You’re here! You come too!”
Belly laughed beside me and I would’ve thrown a dirty look her way if I had the energy to spare. 
“No. No one is going swimming. It’s pitch black, the rip currents are crazy, and you are wasted. That’s all recipe for disaster.” I said authoritatively. 
Jeremiah pouted. “Please?”
“No. Now put your clothes on.” 
“Booooo.” Was he serious? He swayed as he re-dressed, his shirt blocking his vision. Good god.
“And get rid of the drink Jere, You’ve had enough.” 
“Ughhh fine party pooper.” Before I could stop him he threw his drink into the fire. 
“Jere-” The fire grew, a blaze lighting the beach. Shouts were heard as other drunk idiots followed Jeremiah’s lead and fueled the fire. “I can’t with this, Jere hang out with Belly.”
He smiled at that, “Alright come here belly button sit with me by the fire.” She giggled and obliged.
I took a deep breath, my feet taking me to the shoreline without even thinking. I needed to calm down. The chaos was overwhelming. I sat down on the sand a few feet away from where the water reached. The breeze flowed against me and I felt my mind begin to ease. This. This is why I always loved Cousins. I will never feel as at peace as I do when I’m next to the ocean. Water just calmed me down. I was the little fish. 
I hoped that would never change. I hoped I would always be the little fish, no matter how big or how small the pond. No matter what happened down the line, the peace I felt by the water would never be disturbed. I’d always be, as Susannah so deemed me, a little fish. 
I felt a plop next to me in the sand. I knew who it was without even looking, I could simply feel his energy. It was Conrad. He looked out on the water as he placed whatever drink he had in his hand down next to him. I kept my gaze out on the water as well. It felt good to just sit with somebody. With him. 
“So you go around telling everybody you’re going to Harvard?” He said, slight humor in his tone.
I sighed, “I mean only when anyone asked.”
“No shouting from the rooftops?” 
“No shouting from the rooftops. I’m not a big bragger.” I snickered, and so did he.
“You? Please! You have always been humble but you never shied away from sharing your accomplishments. You should be proud of yourself, it’s a big deal.” I just shrugged in response.
“I’m proud of you.” I looked at him then. His eyes were full of sincerity. I don’t think he knew how much that meant to hear. I caught his eyes flicking to my lips. 
Wait what-
He was looking at my lips and when he looked back up his eyes shone with vulnerability. I couldn’t help myself when my eyes dipped down to look at his. I imagined what it’d be like to kiss him. His soft pillowy lips moving against my own. I wondered where he’d put his hands. He seemed like the type of guy to cup the back of your head. I’d feel the weight of his hand as he pulled me into him like he was desperate for our connection. Maybe one hand would fall to my hips or my thigh, acting like an anchor. 
I couldn’t let my mind wander too far. Lord knows where that would lead. When our eyes met the tension was unmistakable. I couldn’t. I couldn’t let myself fall into him. I’d never stand back up. 
“Stella? Alright, thanks man!” 
Spell broken. Peter had just snatched Conrad’s beer from its spot between us and was taking a big slug of it. 
“Pete what the hell?” I said, standing up from my seat on the sand. 
“Dude give me my beer back.” Conrad stood up as well, Pete was standing between us. 
“Whaaaat? You weren’t even drinking it man! It was just- you know just sitting there and all the- all the other Stella’s are gone.” He was plastered. I felt my chest sink. This isn’t gonna go well.
“I don’t give a fuck if there aren’t any left, that one is mine now give it back to me.” Conrad defended.
“Connie come on-” 
“It’s just a beer man.” Pete turned to face primarily towards Conrad. 
“Exactly, so give me my beer back and get yourself your own.” 
“Pete come on you definitely don’t need another drink.” I approached him, going to put my hand down on his shoulder to try and calm him down. Then just as I did he rolled back his elbow saying,
“Oh fuck off.”
I fell to the ground. His elbow collided right with my ear and the side of my face. Well, that hurt like a bitch. I’ll have a black eye on my first day back to work. Awesome.
I kept my eyes clenched shut for a minute before I felt a hand come to my shoulder, it was Belly and Jeremiah helping me up. My ears rang for a minutes before clearing. I watched as Steven and Jere broke up the fight. 
Conrad looked at me as Steven pulled him back. I shook my head and looked away. Actually, I looked right at the flashing blue and red lights now coming from the top of the dunes. Cops, awesome. 
“Enough!” I snapped everyone out of it, “Let’s go! Come on!”
I grabbed Belly’s hand as we ran up to the car, glancing over my shoulder quickly to make sure the boys were behind us. 
“Jere keys!” I caught the keys as he tossed them to me, unlocking the car doors. “In! Now!”
I started the car, a scowl on my face. My head felt like it was vibrating but it wasn’t like any of them could drive with their intoxication level. I couldn’t believe them. How on earth did they think it was appropriate to act like this?  I kept my eyes on the road, but I was sure they could feel the anger radiating off of me. 
“Y/N look I-“ Steven started but I cut him off.
“I don’t wanna hear it.” 
Then Jeremiah came in, “We didn’t mean to-“
“I said I don’t wanna hear it! Unless you want me to hit a drunk teenager stumbling home, you’ll shut up and listen to me! I’m distracted enough by the pinging in my head.” 
They were silent after that. 
I was mad and I had plenty of reason to be. I had been in this position with my sibling plenty of times, a few with Jeremiah, but never Conrad. I knew he started fights occasionally, but never with me around. 
I pulled into the driveway and parked the car. Then I child-locked in all those mother fuckers. I unblocked my seatbelt and positioned myself to be able to see them all. Steven and Jere struggled to open the doors while Belly sat in the middle confused. To my surprise Conrad just sat in his seat, his focus down in his lap, he made no objections. Once the three backseat idiots figured it out they looked to me expectantly. 
I raised my brows, “What you thought just cause I didn’t want you distracting me while driving you were gonna be off the hook?”
“Y/N what do you even care? You’re not our mom.” Belly said, rolling her eyes.
She only fueled my anger, “Yeah no shit I’m not 'cause Mom wouldn’t have put up with even an ounce of the crap you guys pulled tonight. Do you think I like playing mommy? Do you think I wouldn’t have rathered to enjoy the first night of my summer stress-free? You are lucky I’m a good sister, 'cause I could so easily walk inside and tell Mom everything that went down tonight. Then maybe you’d realize that having you deal with me instead of mom, is me being nice.”  I watched my sibling's attitudes deflate. Jeremiah on the other hand was sitting there trying and failing to hide the smirk from his face. “What’s so funny Jeremiah? Do you think I’m not talking to you too right now? All of you put me in bad positions tonight because of how you acted. ”
Jeremiah chimed in again, “We weren’t that bad.”
My jaw dropped, “Not that bad? Let’s see who should I start with. How about you Jeremiah, I stopped you from getting naked in front of every teenager in cousins, potentially drowning and killing yourself, and even after I did that you acted like an idiot! Throwing alcohol into the fire, you’re probably the reason the cops came! Oh and just the cherry on top, the fact that you’re wasted after promising me you wouldn’t be.” He was quiet now. 
“Steven had to cause a whole scene, but I’m not even that mad at him because he was right to be questioning you Bells! How the hell did you even get there?”  
She peeked up sheepishly, “I walked.” 
“You walked? Belly do the Moms even know you came to the bonfire?”
“No, I snuck out.”  She spoke in a quiet tone.
“Jesus Bells! If you had just told me you wanted to come I would’ve vouched for you. For god sake, I would’ve given you a ride!” My head pounded. I rubbed my forehead trying to ease the pain, I needed some advil. “You guys can’t act like that. It’s dangerous, and quite frankly embarrassing. I’m just- I’m done dealing with it.” I took a breath and unlocked the doors, “Go inside guys. Go to sleep.” I sat forward with my head in my hands. I heard the doors open and close as they got out without a word. 
Except he didn’t. I didn’t look over at him. I honestly didn’t know what to say to him. I didn’t know how I felt at the moment. 
“Are you ok? Is your head alright?” He had worry in his voice and I couldn’t help but feel a flutter in my heart. 
“I have a headache and I’ll probably wake up to a huge bruise on my cheek but I’m fine.”
“How come you’re not mad at me too?”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t mad at you.” I felt his eyes on me the whole time but mine stayed forward at the house. 
“You didn’t yell at me like everyone else.”
“Because I didn’t know what to say to you not because I’m not mad at you.”
A beat passed. Just us sitting in the car before he spoke up again, “I’m so sorry you got hurt, Pete was plastered-“
“You could’ve just let him have the beer.”
“Y/N I wasn’t going to-“
“Look it’s been a long night, just- just go to bed Con.” I grabbed the keys and left the car. I hadn’t looked at him once and I didn’t look back at him.  I couldn’t. I don’t even think I was truly mad at him, I mean it was Pete’s fault, not his. I was more overwhelmed with tonight’s events and I didn’t have the energy to unpack anything right now. My head was pounding and I needed to lay down. Work would be a nightmare tomorrow morning. 
I went straight into the shower when I got inside. I gave myself a quick rinse. Susannah always stoked our bathroom with luxurious bath products for me and Belly. But I know Steven liked it too.
I walked into my room and plopped right down onto my bed. Man, it was soft, and it only seemed softer after a hard night. 
I went to grab my phone when I saw it. A water bottle, advil, an ice pack, and a cookie, sitting on my bedside table, and I most certainly didn’t put it there. I knew who did. I knew it was him, and I could feel myself smile a little. I felt myself forgive him, he was hard to stay mad at. He wouldn’t mention it, I probably wouldn’t either, but we knew that we knew. That was enough. 
For now.
Tag list:
@mid-80s @geekinthefuschiahair @paytonloiselle
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adventuringblind · 7 months
Medication Mishaps
Landoscar x Reader
Genre: Fluff and Crack
Summary: When a mix-up in meds leaves her without any, Lando and Oscar are there to her navigate without them.
Notes: for @norizznorris. Sorry I don't do male readers! Regardless, I hope this is what you wanted! :)
Side Note: This one made me laugh the entire time while writing it. My fiancé is unmedicated and very high on the ADHD spectrum. Every day is an adventure!
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Ah, the joys of being neurodivergent. When somehow the world is to much and simultaneously to little. When the nagging impulsive thoughts and continues need for caffeine aren't enough, then the interests that lay dormant for years come back swinging; upset they've been neglected for so long.
Medication helps. Which - of course it does - it's engineered brain chemicals in the form of a chalky pill designed to help someone function in a world where only one kind of brain is excepted. It's better than it was, the world has come further in recent years.
yet here she is, taking her last pill from the bottle. A little piece in her cries knowing she'll have to go pick up her new meds today. The pharmacy feels like to much and she'd rather lay in bed and give into the executive dysfunction. Then she remembers she's flying with Lando and Oscar to their race tomorrow.
With that thought in mind, she groans and hauls herself out of bed. The boys are doing factory work today and won't be back until later. Plenty of time to come home and waste away the hours in bed and pray her energy comes back.
She lied to herself earlier. Any optimism for the day has just disappeared.
"What do you mean you don't have my meds?"
"There was a mix-up with the orders, but we'll have them in a few days." The pharmacist gives her a sheepish smile.
She just sighs and turns on the balls of her feet. How she's going to tell her boys, she has no idea yet. The insecurity of them not wanting her around the paddock because of in burns in the back of her mind.
She still has today at least. Maybe she'll just ride it out and not tell them.
That plan fails miserably the second they walk into the flat. The sight of her visibly distressed on the couch alerts them that something is wrong.
The sit down on either side of her. The question trying to escape their mouths. She beats them to it. "There was a mix-up with my meds. I won't have them until after we get back."
"And we'll help you manage, yeah? You'd do the same for us."
"Lan... she has done the same for you, like, daily."
Sometimes, she's convinced she lives on a different planet entirely. Like the brain and body she has are simply not meant to be here and there must have been a mistake with the storks.
Lando hands her a Redbull, courtesy of Max since he has to many. "I figured this might help?" Seeing as she nearly just threw hands with whoever was chewing unnecessarily loudly, caffeine might help.
She looks at Lando and Oscar, between the three of them, there are seven drinks. Only one of which is the Aussie's. "Oscar is being boring again."
the man in question huffs. "Water is good for you."
"But it's wretched to taste sometimes."
Lando nods at her in agreement. "See Oscar, boring."
"Nothing is ever boring with you two."
The beginning wasn't bad. Not like it is right now with her brain only wanting to do one specific things, she hasn't remember to eat since early this morning, and the tag on her shirt makes her want to pull her skin off.
Oscar looks at her curled up in his drivers room with a horrendous amount of care and sympathy. He slots in next to her and leans his head against the wall. "Hard day?"
"I need like - five pounds of dino nuggies and a nap."
"Anything I can do to help right now? We'll work on food when Lando is done."
She curls up in Oscar's lap like a cat. The lack of regulated sleep finally catching up to her. She's on the verge of sleep when Lando busts through the door yelling about something.
She throws a pillow at him in annoyance. "You owe me food."
Lando pauses. "That sounds brilliant."
Oscar shakes his head in defeat later that night as Lando gradually sneaks food off her plate and pretends they can't see him. If he's not caught then it didn't happen and Jon can't get mad at him.
She hasn't stopped talking with Lando for the last two hours. What exactly they've been going on about, she has no idea at this point. Their original conversation led to rabbit trails and other distractions that got in the way. The original story now long forgotten as they discuss the possibilities for new shoes.
Her phone dings, an automated message alerting her to her refilled meds. She shows Lando in excitement. The joys of functioning like a human again are nearly in her grasp.
Lando and Oscar both look at her in amusement. The latter has been using their conversation as an excuse to read. He sets his book down, a look she hasn't seen before crossing his features.
"Have you ever thought what it would be like if you didn't have to take meds?"
Lando shoots him a nasty glare. "Oi, she can't help-"
"Not what I meant." The Aussie crashes onto the bed with them, book now tucked away. "I just mean that having a different kind of brain shouldn't be such a difficult thing for the world to cope with. But the second someone is different-" He looks at Lando. "-Like they struggle with reading or processing information." Then he turns to her. "Or they struggle to with focusing and sensory things. They are ready to create some kind of fix to make those brains work like theirs." The genuine concern and sadness from him is almost heartbreaking.
"In a perfect world, yes. For now though, I think me and Lando can both settle for having someone who cares as much as you do."
"Just wish I could do more."
Lando hums and, quite literally, rolls over onto Oscar. "Just like our best is enough, so is yours."
"However, if the world could provide me with free drinks, I wouldn't be complaining."
Oscar chuckles and drags her closer despite Lando's weight on him. "I'll make a note of it for when I become ruler of the world."
"You never said you were planning that!"
"It's been my secret plan this whole time."
"... It's always the quiet ones."
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nanowrimo · 10 months
4 Ways To Cure Writer’s Block
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. NovelPad, a 2023 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is a novel drafting software designed to make it easy for writers to write. Today, they're sharing a few tips to help you beat writer's block:
NovelPad loves NaNoWriMo because we have the same goal: Helping authors get the thing done!
Starting a book is usually fun and easy—your fingers dance across the keyboard as you explore an exciting world, meet your characters, and stir up intrigue for the coming plot. But once you get into the weeds of how that all works, and how you and your characters get from Point A to Point B, you might find yourself losing momentum. You might find yourself so encumbered with obstacles that you might get a case of the dreaded writer’s block.
The very good news is that writer’s block isn’t terminal, and I certainly don’t think writer’s block is as enigmatic as some people seem to think. I believe it’s actually quite a simple problem, and usually due to one of a few common factors. Let’s look at four ways you can push yourself through your case of ye olde block.
1. Check in with yourself.
Step one is always to check in with yourself. 
Start by reviewing your basic self-care needs:
Are you staying hydrated?
Do you feel hungry?
Would a shower or a nap be beneficial?
Is it time for a walk or some stretching exercises?
Consider your environment as well. Maybe you need:
Noise-canceling headphones
A change of scenery
A babysitter or someone to help around the house
To open or close some windows
Next, evaluate your level of focus. Is your mind wandering elsewhere? It can be useful to create a "dump list" to jot down anything that's causing you stress, such as work-related issues, pending tasks, or upcoming events. Setting that list aside can give you the tangible feeling of pushing those things off your desk to worry about later.
Once your body, mind, and environment are sorted out, you'll likely discover that writing becomes a bit easier!
2. Look back at where you’ve been.
Even if the first tip did or did not do the trick, let’s take a look at the project itself.
Sometimes writer’s block is a blessing in disguise! Your creative gut might be telling you that something went awry. Try reading your project back and pinpointing where it became difficult to keep going. Consider alternate plots or paths to get your writing flowing again.
If you're managing multiple plots and subplots, identifying the moment you deviated from the main path can be quite challenging. To pinpoint which plot line is causing issues, you can take advantage of NovelPad's handy feature: Plot tracking.
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On the Plot Board, you can review every scene of a particular plot in order, making spotting those errors in your plotlines much easier.
3. Rewrite a problem scene.
Once you've identified the scene causing issues, it's time to make improvements! This can be challenging because there are countless ways to approach a scene.
However, don't hesitate to embrace revisions. Often, a scene benefits from a thorough rewrite. With NovelPad Revisions, you can save limitless scene revisions, compare them side by side, and effortlessly switch to the one they want in the live manuscript. This keeps your different versions safe, well-organized, and readily accessible.
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4. Freewrite to free yourself.
Freewriting is a great way to get your creativity flowing again. Write some poetry, compose a letter to a friend, or simply let your thoughts flow without judgment. Freewriting without judgment can help turn on your writer mode and even help you solve some problems! It's especially beneficial when you're stuck on something specific, because we often find brilliant solutions when we stop being so critical of our ideas.
Kick writer’s block off your desk with NovelPad! It's free to use throughout NaNoWriMo, and we offer discounts to participants and winners afterward. If you find that NovelPad isn't your cup of tea by the end of November, don't worry—you can still access and download your project at any time. Just write!
Our team at NovelPad believes in making it easy for writers to complete their books. That’s why we built an uncomplicated, intuitive system that stays out of the way until you need it! We want writers like you to #JustWrite without burdening you with excessive features. Speaking of features, software updates at NovelPad are based entirely on user feedback from authors to keep our features sharp, relevant, and minimalist.
All NaNoWriMo participants have access to a 15% discount on NovelPad with code WRIMO2023 — use the code during checkout to redeem your discount. Offer expires April 1, 2024.
Top photo by Richard Dykes on Unsplash.
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writing-blog-iguess · 10 months
Online Matchup 7
Summery: It’s Jason’s first gala since he came back to Gotham. As expected, he’s n a little nervous. But don’t worry, you’re there to help him get through it.
Warning: fluff, swearing
Words: 4.2 k
A/N: So, here's the long awaited gala scene. Feedback is always welcome and Enjoy!
Taglist: @xoxoyourdoll @teapartydreams
Series master list
October 29
Jason (10:30 am) *sent a picture of the two of you cuddling on your couch*
Y/N When the fuck did you take that?
Jason Such language And so early in the day
Y/N First of all, you swear just as much as I do so shut And second of all, answer the question Jason
Jason But you know the answer We fell asleep on the couch last week
Y/N But we didn’t cuddle We were on the opposite sides of the couch!
Jason You’re right But somewhere in the night That happened
Y/N I do not remember that
Jason Because I got off the couch before you woke up Didn’t want you to be embarrassed
Y/N Sir, I call bullshit You love making me flustered
Jason That maybe so, but I needed the bathroom I tried to wake you up But man, you sleep like the dead
Y/N I’m very proud
Jason No kidding So, what are you up to today?
Y/N Homework, probably Clean the apartment Been slacking with that lately And with the party that’s happening on Tuesday, I need to make sure things are put away before they can break
Jason You don’t strike me as a party person
Y/N I am not My friend loves to throw Halloween parties And it’s usually at my place
Jason And you're okay with it?
Y/N We have a deal I let her throw it at my place She has to clean it up the day after
Jason But Halloween is on a Tuesday Don’t you guys have classes the next day?
Y/N Yup and she knows that I take great pleasure in seeing her clean while hungover She’s going to do a shit job cause she’ll be rushing But she wanted it on Halloween
Jason You’re a bit of a sadist aren’t you?
Y/N Only with my friends and they do that themselves I wanted to hold it yesterday But noooooo, it has to be on Halloween
Jason Your friends sound lovely
Y/N Don’t get me wrong They are but sometimes it feels like I have all the brain cells
Jason That’s hard to believe Sometimes I think you don’t have any
Y/N Wow WOW Guess you’re not invited to the party anymore
Jason That’s okay I probably couldn’t make it
Y/N Helping your brothers again?
Jason I plead the fifth
Y/N You ain’t slick I see you
Jason (3:40 am) Finished everything you wanted to get done today?
Y/N Cleaning, yes Homework, no
Jason How come you're always doing homework?
Y/N I don’t know if you’ve noticed But I’m in school And in order to pass and get my degree I need to hand in my assignments
Jason Lame
Y/N That’s just rude Why do you wanna know? Planning to have a sleepover again
Jason No Just curious
Y/N That’s a little sus babe
Jason I didn’t know we were up to pet names now
Y/N I retract the pet name If we started using pet names, I wouldn’t start with bade
Jason Looking forward to hearing what you’ll use
Y/N Mm, we’ll see
A series of knocking woke you up from your accidental nap. Blinking wearily, you tried to figure out what had woken you up.  The knocking started again, and you let your head lull in that direction. “Okay, okay. I’m coming, I’m coming,” you grumbled, as you slowly got off the couch. 
You pulled the blanket from the couch and wrapped it around your shoulders as you made your way to the door. Unlocking it, you pulled the door open and blinked at a very well-dressed Jason. 
“Was there a date we agreed to that I somehow forgot about?” you asked and moved out of the way when Jason let himself in. 
“What? No, why would you say that?” he asked, pacing around the living room. You closed the door and turned around, meekly gesturing to his outfit.  
“You’re in a tux.” 
“Huh?” he said and looked down. “Oh. Yeah no, this is for something else.” “Okay…? Can I help you with something then?” 
“So, there’s this gala tonight,” Jason said, going back to pacing, “and it’s the first one I’m attending. And Bruce has the idea of making a statement that I wasn’t actually dead.” 
“So, it’s the dead coming back to life thing,” you mused, “does Bruce have a story?” 
“Yup. He has everything planned but I-” 
“You’re not ready to be integrated back into society,” you finished and he merely nodded. “What me to come with? Act as your buffer?” That had stopped Jason’s pacing and he turned towards you in surprise. 
 “You’d do that?” he asked, shrugging. “You’ll be in front of cameras. You’ll meet my family for the first time.” 
“I know,” you said, hiding how nervous you were at the thought of meeting them for the time. “But you need help, and maybe someone in your corner.” 
“But you don’t know the full story.” 
“I don’t need it to help you.” 
“I could kiss you.” 
“I’ll count this as date two,” you said, smiling when he snorted. “What time do you need to be there?” 
Jason looked at his watch before answering. “Twenty minutes.”
“Give me ten.”
“There’s no way you’ll be ready in time,” Jason said, and you ignored him in favour of going to the bathroom. 
“We’ll see about that,” you muttered as you started the shower. 
Shower done, and hair dried, you wrapped a towel around you and quickly made your way to the bedroom. Jason had the decency of looking away when he saw you coming out of the bathroom.
If there was one thing about Jason, he was a gentleman and it was something you liked about him.
You closed the door behind you, and went through your closet until you found the dressing bag. Taking it out, you unzipped it, wanting to know if there was anything it needed before putting it on. To your relief, there wasn't.
Putting it on, you did one final check to make sure everything was good before going to the living room.
“Well, I stand corrected,” Jason said when he heard the bedroom door open. “That was less than-wow,” he breathed out when he looked up to see you standing there. “You look fantastic.”
Putting your hands behind your back, you swayed a little, looking a little shy. “You think so?”
“I know so,” he answered, giving you a smile. “Are you sure you want to do this? We can stay here and have a movie marathon. We don't have to.”
“Yeah, but you’ll be delaying the inevitable,” you said, making your way to him. Standing in front of him, you took his hands and squeezed. “I know you're not ready for it, and you probably never will. But I’ll be there with you the entire night. You just need to trust me that I will.”
Jason’s eyes softened and he cupped your face, thumb gently stroking your cheeks. “I do,” he whispered. You smiled and turned your head slightly and kissed his palm.
“Then let’s go make the best out of a shitty situation.”
The ride to the venue was a lot shorter than you had anticipated. But the drive was spent in silence as the both of you mentally prepared yourselves for the night.
You weren’t entirely sure what you were getting yourself into, but you planned to see this through.
Jason slowly made his way through the line and pulled the car in park when it was your turn to get out. Before you could reach for the handle, Jason’s hand tightened around yours, stopping you from moving.
Sitting back, you turned to Jason. “Everything okay?”
“Are you sure about this?” Jason asked, and your eyes softened. “I mean it, we can turn around and do something else.”
“I’m sure,” you said, leaning over slightly. “But if you're not ready, I’m sure Bruce would understand the situation.”
“It's not what I’m worried about,” he said, “the life of a Wayne can be pretty hectic. With being in the public, everyone’s eyes are on you. I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable when the media tries to find who you are. I…I don’t want you to leave because of them.”
“We’ll, it’s a good thing I don't care what people think,” you said, squeezing his hand. “I doubt they’ll follow you around. The tabloids are more interested in Bruce Wayne than they are of his kids. And when it’s focused on them, it’s usually at events like these or if they did something newsworthy.” You paused, biting your lip when you realized you might have gone too far. “Um, no offense.”
Jason laughed, shaking his head. “None taken. Ready?”
“Ready when you are,” you answered, squeezing his hand one more time. He gave it a kiss and told you to stay in the car for a moment. You watched as he left, and walked around the car only to open your door.
“My lady,” he teased, holding out his hand to you. You took it with a smile, and stepped out of the car, ignoring the shouts and the camera flashes.
“My good sir,” you teased back, linking your arm through his. Leaning over slightly to whisper in Jason’s ear, “do we need to stay for pictures?”
“No, we can just go in,” Jason answered and led the way. You tightened your grip on his arm as you followed and swallowed down your nerves. “Ready?”
“Never going to stop asking that tonight?” you asked, shooting him a teasing smile.
“When it comes to your well-being? Never.”
“My knight in shining armor.”
“I thought that would be Red Hood,” he questioned as the two of you walked through the doors. He laughed when you hit his chest, grumbling that you should have never told him about your little crush on the hero.
“Shut up,” you whined, though happy to see him in better spirits. “So, are there any rules I need to follow before I make a fool out of myself?”
“I don’t think you could ever make a fool out of yourself,” Jason said, looking around. As if he was looking for someone to avoid or to say hello to.
“Well, clearly you don’t know me very well,” you said, guiding him to the bar you spotted when walking in. “At some point or another, I can and will embarrass myself. If given the change.”
“Then I’ll make sure you don’t have a chance. What are you doing?” he asked when he noticed where he was. 
“Getting a drink,” you answered like it was obvious. You turned to the bartender about to order.
“Aren’t you a little young to be drinking?” Jason asked before you could. You sent him a pointed look, with a shake of your head.
“I’m like, a few months younger than you. What do you think? I’ll have water please,” you said to the bartender, shooting her a smile. She returned it and went to get your drink. “Make those two please?”
“Not a problem.”
“You’re so weird,” he stated, watching as you retrieved the glasses when they were set in front of you. He took the glass you were offering, and held it.
“Yet here we are,” you said, taking a sip. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Before you could reply to Jason, a voice called from behind you. The both of you turned and you hid your laugh behind your hand at the look Jason made.
“Well, that didn’t take long for them to find me,” he muttered, turning away as his brothers, well at least that’s who you think they were, walked towards you.
“It was bound to happen sooner or later,” you reminded him, holding his hand that wasn’t holding the cup. 
“Was hoping to spend a little more time with you before my idiot brothers found us,” Jason muttered into his cup. 
“Yeah, but you get to take me home when it’s all over and done with,” you reminded and took great pleasure in watching him get flustered. Clearing his throat, he took a sip from his cup before shooting you a dark look.
“Careful Little Bird, or you’re going to give a gentleman the wrong meaning,” he whispered. A shiver ran down your spine at the meaning and you quickly averted your gaze.
“Hey, Jason! So glad you made it,” one of his brothers said as they reached you. He patted Jason’s shoulder and he shrugged it off, frowning.
“It's not like Bruce gave me much of a choice,” he answered, “where is he anyways?”
“Taking care of last-minute details at work,” he answered, causing Jason to roll his eyes. You get the feeling they’re talking about something else. 
Minding your business, you take another sip, letting your gaze roam around the room. It only turned back when a hand was thrust in front of you.
You gazed at the hand and followed its path until you were met with the smiling brother. “Hello,” you greeted, hesitantly shaking the offered hand.
“Hi, who’s this Jay?” The brother asked. You squinted at him, recalling if you’ve ever met him before. You haven’t, but something about him seems familiar.
“My date,” he answered curtly. Letting go of your hand, you mourned the loss of contact until he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “Y/N, this is Dick.”
“Dick Grayson at your service,” he greeted, smiling widely at you.
“Hi,” you repeated, squinting at him slightly. “You're the cop brother out in Bludhaven.”
Dick eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Yeah, that’s me. I didn’t know Jason talks about me.”
“Not just you,” you corrected, “he talks about all of his siblings.” And made a noise when you felt Jason pinch your side.
“All good things I hope,” a different brother said, popping his head out from behind Dick. “Tim Drake.”
“No, he usually complains about the shit you’ve guys pulled,” you said, making them laugh. “You’re the asshole who gave Conner my number.”
“That would be me,” he said proudly, grinning. “How’d you find out?”
“My sister’s dating Conner and she got it out of him,” you explained, “I hope you know I’m getting my revenge.”
Tim narrowed his eyes at you, as if he was sizing you up. You only raised an eyebrow and met his stare. “I doubt it,” he finally said with a snort.
“I don’t think you know who you’re messing with,” Jason said, “don’t underestimate them.”
“Why? Because they’re dating you?”
“Sir, I don’t need anyone to fight my battles for me,” you interrupted, “I’m the oldest of four, majoring in engineering. But you already know that since you’ve been snooping in my life.”
“Not much of a life though, is it?” 
“Maybe, and that’s okay,” you said with a shrug. “Though before you write me off, ask Conner what happened during spirit week his freshman year.”
That made him nervous, like he knew what you meant. Smiling sweetly, you reached out and patted his head. “You don’t want to make an enemy out of me,” you said and turned to the shorter of the group.
“Demon spawn?” you questioned without thinking. There was a brief moment of silence before everyone but you and the youngest started laughing. He scowled and you downed your drink wishing that it was something stronger. You set it down and hide your face in your hands, groaning. “Oh no, please don’t tell me I actually said that.”
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Jason apologized, but he didn’t sound apologetic at all. 
“You aren’t that far off though,” Tim piped up. 
“I am so so sorry,” you said, voice sounding a bit muffled, “I didn’t mean to say that, I don’t know why that came out.”
“I have no doubt that Todd had any help with that,” he said, clearing his throat he crossed his arms and introduced himself. “It's Damian Wayne, the only son of Bruce Wayne.”
“Y/N,” you muttered out, finally dropping your hands from your face. “And probably. Every time Jason talks about you, he doesn't say your name.”
“Okay, don’t tell them all my secrets now,” Jason teased, squeezing you into his sides. 
“The night’s still young,” Dick said with a smile, “who knows what secrets they might spill.”
You turned to Jason, and poked his cheek until he turned to look at you. “Shoot me, if I say anything embarrassing about myself or you tonight, just shoot me. I’m okay with that,” you said with a serious face. 
“Sorry sweetie, no can do,” he said with a smile. “I like you too much to do that.” Hanging your head in defeat, you sighed.
“Damn,” you sighed, “guess I’ll suffer then.”
“That’s okay, I’ll suffer with you,” Jason said, leaning over and hiding his face in his hair. You could feel the smile that he was trying to hide. 
“At least that’s a plus,” you couldn’t help saying. That caused another round of laughter. You smiled; happy it was going better than what you expected. “I thought you had another brother, and like two sisters?”
“We do, they just couldn’t make it today,” Dick was quick to say. You raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. 
“I thought it was a mandatory thing for your family. Having to come to these fancy parties.”
“Sometimes, but when Bruce gives some of us a free pass when the need arises,” Jason explained. “But I’m sure if they knew you’d be here, they’d be here too,” Jason quickly added when you frowned.
“Man, I was really hoping to actually meet Stephanie,” you said, and shrugged. “Maybe next time.”
“There you all are,” a voice called from behind. You all turned to see Bruce standing behind Dick, smiling. “Ah, you must be Y/N I’ve heard so much about.” You doubted that for a minute, knowing Jason isn’t one to share things with his family. Then you looked at Tim and things started to make sense. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
You shook his head when he offered, and smiled at it. “Nice to meet you too Mr. Wayne.”
“I’d love to stay and chat, but I need Jason for a moment,” he said, turning to Jason, “are you ready?”
“Do we really need to do this?” he asked, and made a face when Bruce nodded. “Alright. Are you going to be okay for a while?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” you reassured with a smile. “I’ll find you later.”
You were wrong, so very wrong. The minute Bruce and Jason left your hearing range, his brothers turned on you like vultures circling their next meal. You weren’t sure how long you stood there answering questions you didn’t know how to answer.
When you finally managed to escape, you took a breath and began your search for Jason. You found him talking with Bruce and a reporter. 
Quietly standing beside him, you grabbed his hand and ignored the conversation they were having. Jason squeaked your hand in acknowledgement, and you smiled, leaning your head on his arm.
After a moment, the reporter and Bruce excused themselves and Jason turned to you. “You doing okay?”
Taking back your hand, you moved it to cupped his cheeks and squished his cheeks together. Jason tried to smile, but it looked a little lopsided squished between your hands. “Never leave me alone with your brothers again.”
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” he muttered out with a laugh.
“They grilled me like I was a bad guy,” you said, “and I felt like it too. Jason, I am not the bad guy. I felt like one of those creeps that the heroes fight and needed information on something I couldn’t give them. I don’t want to feel like that again, had me questioning if I was right for you or not.”
“Not being overly dramatic?” Jason asked, and you squished his face more in retaliation. “Okay. I get it,” he said, grabbing your hands and moving them off his face. “That was wrong of them for making you feel like that. No one should go through what you just did.”
“Like I get, they’re your family and they want what’s best for you, you know? Like they care about you, and I get that Dick is looking out for you. But Tim? The dude told me I could do so much better than you and Damian? I’m pretty sure he said that you could do better than me? I don’t know, I stopped listening to them at a certain point.”
“Well, they shouldn’t have said that to begin with at all. And I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Jason said, you waved away his worry.
“No, no, you probably could. But that’s not the point, the point is they could be very good cops if they wanted to,” you said, “it felt like an interrogation. And I hope that I never have to do that again when I meet your sisters.”
“At this rate, I don’t think you will,” he said and you looked up at him in confusion. “Don’t worry about it. Come on, let's dance.”
“But I don’t know how to,” you said as Jason started pulling you to the dance floor.
“Don’t worry about it. All you have to do is follow my lead,” he said, twirling you around until you stood in front of him. You looked up, squinting at him. He laughed, guiding your hands to his shoulders before putting his hands on your waist. “Don’t look at me like that, I know how to dance.”
“Oh, I got that. I’m just surprised,” you said, doing as he said and following him as he started dancing.
“I’m full of surprises, Birdie.”
“So, how long do we have to stay here?” you asked after dancing in silence. Jason raised his eyebrows at you.
“You want to leave already? Feels like we just got here,” he countered. Shaking your head, you looked around before meeting his eyes.
“Don’t lie. I’m not sure how long we’ve been here but it has got to be an hour maybe,” you guessed, “and not yet. But I’m getting hungry and I haven’t found any food around. I thought they had food at these events.”
“They usually do,” he said, looking around to see if he could find any. “But it looks like they are either going to the kitchens to get some more, or there is none.”
“Man, that’s a shame. I’m starving.”
“I thought you ate earlier?”
“Nope. When you came over, I was taking a nap. I haven’t eaten since lunch, and even then, it was just a bag of chips,” you said. Jason sent you a disapproving look making you smile sheepishly. 
“You need to take better care of yourself. But we can leave whenever you’re ready.”
“I’ll leave when you’re ready too,” you said through a yawn. “Who knows? Maybe you have to do more interviews or speak to the crowd or something.”
“Nope, I’m done talking to people,” he explained, “all I have to do is stand beside Bruce when he’s giving the speech to everyone. After that we can leave.”
The two of you danced two move dances, before someone announced that Bruce had an announcement to make. You came to a stop, and you watched as Jason sighed. “Well, that’s my cue.”
“I’ll be standing front row where you could see me,” you reminded him, “I won’t be far.”
“You, Birdie are a godsend,” he said, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. “Don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Careful there, Jason. Treat someone like that, they’re gonna think they’re really special to you,” you retorted, reaching up to pat his cheek gently.
“Maybe they already are,” he said and left, leaving you flustered. You covered your face with your hands and silently screamed. There was something about Jason that made you feel cared for, and you weren’t quite sure how to deal with.
Pushing away those feelings for now, you collected yourself and turned to make your way towards the growing crowd.
After a minute of politely pushing your way through the crowd, you found yourself standing beside Jason's brothers. Not one to be rude, you smiled hello to them and turned to the front where Jason was standing a little bit behind Bruce. You gave Jason a small wave, which he returned before Bruce started talking.
You tried to listen as Bruce told the story he had come up with, but your mind kept wandering to your relationship with Jason, and where it might lead to. The thought of the future was scary, but you couldn’t see a future without him. Maybe the two of you were going a little fast, but you found that you didn’t care as much as you should.
If he’s the one, why overthink it?
Soon enough, clapping brought you out of your thoughts. Shaking your head, you joined in the clapping and slipped away from his brothers before they decided to go for a round two.
“Wasn’t so bad, right?” you asked once you reached him. He shrugged and grabbed your hand before pulling you towards an exit.
“Would have been a lot better if you were standing with me,” he answered, “but yeah. It was okay. Now, ready for some burgers?”
“More than ready.” 
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getosbunsblog · 2 years
Can I request headcannons of yandere Leviathan x reader if you're comfortable with that. Maybe some CNC but if you aren't comfortable with it that's okay! If the reader has to be genderd preferably male, but it's your choice. Have a nice day.
“Now baby start moving”
CW; CNC, DUBCON, just regular Yandere themes, ALSO TWO COCK LEVI
Yandere levi! Would keep you locked away in his room for days, everything you need is there, food, water, a bathroom and finally, him
All you need is him really, his love and his cocks
Sometimes you climb in his lap sad and crying, telling him you wanna go outside. He won’t take too kindly to your begging
“What am I not good enough!?” He held you so tight that it was constricting your breathing
“No baby I promise you are, just maybe we can do different things together” you clung onto his shirt tightly
“Different things…huh?” He says with that look your all to familiar with. His hands slide down to hold your ass and squeeze
“Levi, sweetheart. I’m a bit tired” he didn’t look to amused at the excuse
“Well then after we can take a nice nap and cuddle? Sounds good right?” He said Petting you like a puppy
You knew there was no getting out of this so you sat up and started to strip for him. He bit his lip and smiled at you.
After you were fully exposed you stood for a second before going on your knees towards Levi’s crotch.
You unbuckled his pants and let his cocks spring out, you never knew which one to pick. You chose the bottom one
Swirling your tongue around it he shivered “f-fuck baby~”
He was very pent up, you haven’t seen him cum in over a week. You then started to stroke the top cock. All that was coming out of him were little swears and moans
When you had him all the way in he pulled your face off by your hair, salvia and precum dripping out of your mouth
“Come ontop of me honey” he gave a firm order and he laid down long-ways on the couch
You listened and got into his favorite position. Slowly sitting yourself on his massive lower cock. The noises coming out of you were ethereal to levi, he was in his own heaven
You made it almost half way on your own before you took a break. “Ah~ levi~ give me a minute”
He just giggled at you and thrusted up violently. You screamed and moaned so loud you knew all the others heard you “So cute! Your slutty little hole never gets used to my big demon cock!” He blushed at a new thought “what if I put both in the same hole today?”
You looked at him like a deer at headlights “never mind you aren’t stretched enough for today” sometimes he was so considerate
He then moved his long and thin fingers to your sex “Such a mess, and all for me, adorable” he took his finger and licked it clean
“Now baby start moving”
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
ahem omw with a request for you <33
can I request a rainy day with bradley bradshaw pls? likee all their plans get cancelled and he's way more excited than he should just because he can spend the whole day with his gf playing board/card games, watching movies, cuddling, cooking or whatever he wants (aka whatever you, the amazing writer, have in mind)
oh baby you are speaking my language! i love this! he's so on the go i think he'd love a day to relax and he'd be quite good at it if given the space to. this is maybe a bit simpler than you wanted, but hope you enjoy anyway! | fluff, 0.7k
You're having a really nice dream. Bradley's voice is soft, gentle as he says your name, sings it, laughs around it. His lips trail a line of gentle kisses from your ear to your nose, over both eyes and finally down to your lips --
"Baby," he says, thick with sleep. "Wake up. It's raining."
As if on cue, thunder rumbles and Bradley's hold on you tightens. It takes great effort to open your eyes but you manage and twist in his arms until you find his face. He smiles at you and kisses your nose, his mustache tickling your skin.
"Hello," you mumble.
"Hi," he says back. You take a few moments to process what he's said before finding the words.
"Does that mean no hike?" He nods, his hand sliding beneath your sleep shirt to rest on your lower back. He's so warm.
"No hike," he says. You rub your eyes.
"You got a plan B, Lieutenant?"
Today was meant to be a date organized by Bradley. A drive through somewhere beautiful to a hike that would take you somewhere even more beautiful and then lunch. He's been excited about it all week and as your brain catches up with what's happening you're a bit disappointed on his behalf.
"Not as exciting as plan A, but I do."
Your eyes slide closed and you sandwich your knee between his legs. "Tell me more."
Bradley traces the lines of your face with one long finger as he talks. "We can play cards," he murmurs. "I need to reclaim my gin rummy title." You huff a laugh. He's a sore loser. "I'll make you breakfast or we can order from that bagel place."
"And make some poor teenager bike it over in the rain?"
"I'll tip a lot." You can't see him but you can hear his smile. It's a gorgeous smile, a soft one, one that drew you to him the very first time you met. Bradley is loud, he's good at being the center of attention, he's intense, he's magnetic. But there's a softness, a tenderness to him that takes your breath away.
"What else?"
"We can just relax. Nap on the couch, watch a whole season of a TV show. Hey, don't fall asleep again --"
"I'm not," you huff. You open your eyes and twist your body so that you're on top of him. He grunts but allows it as you straddle him lightly. "Are you suggesting we have a relaxing day?"
There's that grin again. "I guess I am." You bury your face in his neck.
"Never thought I'd see the day." He's all go go go, your boyfriend. He's always planning for something, worrying about something, spinning about ten plates in the air. But you know that given the chance he really does enjoy slowing down and letting all of that cease for even just a day.
Thunder rumbles again. He wraps his arms around you and you sink impossibly further into him. "I'm sorry we don't have days like this often," he says softly.
"The day hasn't even started yet." He squeezes your hip. "But don't apologize, Bradley. I'll take you any way I can get you."
"I know," he says. "I do want us to go on that hike sometime, by the way." You groan. "No, listen, it's because I can't die without seeing you see that view for the first time. It's really amazing."
You pull away from him and smooth the hair from his face, trace the lines at the corners of his eyes. So much hardship, so much tragedy, and he's still got smile lines. "This view is pretty amazing, too."
He flushes. Confident as he is, soft words in your bedroom seem to undo him. He's told you that he feels most himself when you're looking at him because you see him. You feel the same.
"Tell me about it." He cups the back of your neck and pulls you down for a proper kiss, slotting his lips with yours and tracing the seam with his tongue. "I love you," he says. "Thank you for dealing with me."
You huff. As if it's a hardship. "I love you back. Let's go order bagels."
He springs out of bed without another word, you in his arms, and laughs as you yelp all the way to the kitchen.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here!
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manwrre · 5 months
This is my contribution to the harringrove relay race!
Title: 💫 heaven at your fingertips 💫
Rating: explicit content
Word Count: 3,055
Tags include: trans male character billy, alternate universe - college/university, domestic boyfriends and afab language while describing genitalia.
Despite what anyone with working eyes and a brain might think, Steve doesn’t actually hate his job.
It’s not out of the ordinary for him to entertain the thought— everyday at a campus coffee shop is rough— but he doesn’t dislike it. His hours are pretty flexible and his coworkers are all great. There’s an endless amount of staff drinks allowed on a single shift and Steve’s allowed to bring home as many leftover doughnuts as he wants. His boss and the owner of Bean’d, Todd, isn’t really around to micromanage them but whenever he does pop in, Steve feels lucky enough to be there despite the minimum wage paycheck.
So hate it, he does not.
Not even on the worst days when he’s spread thin and exhausted. Not even on a brutal day like today. The shittiest day that he’s had in a while, he thinks, stepping out of the rundown elevator and unto his floor. The fact that he’s practically home doesn’t even seem to help. If anything, the distance between the elevator and his front door seems longer than usual as he walks. His shoulders are heavyset with eight hours of tension and his feet ache so deeply that the dusty, burgundy of the hallway’s carpets look comfortable. Perfect for a seat. Or a nap.
He doubts his neighbors would mind if he just settled there for the night. Mr Stewart might pretend to be pissed but Mrs Maulkin, who lives next door, is just about the sweetest, little lady. She pinches his cheeks and always goes on and on about him getting more sleep. Once, she’d even watered their plants when he and Billy visited the kids back in Hawkins on break so yeah, she’s pretty neat.
Ideally, she would probably prefer if he didn’t get said rest on her welcome mat but he wasn’t going to be picky. His shift had just about driven all of the pickiness out of him. Whacked it out of him with a broom sometime between the morning rush and the midday rush or maybe, it was between the evening rush and clean up? Point is, it’s been beaten out of him.
Above his head, the yellow bulbs blink almost lazily and he reaches for his keys. He swings the lanyard around his finger almost idly and eyes the peeling, black paint of the apartment numbers.
He unlocks the door, shuffles inside with a sigh and for a second, just stands there. The scent of home surrounds him immediately and some of the day’s weight falls at his feet as he flicks the lights on in the small walkway. He hangs his backpack unto the hook shaped like a little guitar that Billy seems to like so much. Grabs the brown, greasy bag of donuts that Billy also seems to like so much and toes his shoes off.
“Bee, I’m home!” He nudges the pair of kicks out of sight with socked toes and blindly tosses his keys into the nearby bowl. Catches a whiff of himself. Pauses. Almost keels over. All in that order.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he gags aloud.
Beneath the cloying scent of artificial syrups, powdered sugar and dozens of iced matchas with oat milk and brown sugar foam, is the usual sweat and grime of a long day. He doesn’t have to look in the mirror either, to know that his hair is all flat and ugly beneath his cap. too.
He needs a shower and a nap and some food and really, just his fucking boyfriend. Again, all in that order but it’s been a long week of barely seeing each other with finals and the usual shifts so he knows that he’s only gonna cover number five on that list before passing out.
“Billy?” he calls again, flipping the main lights on.
The action casts a soft glow across their little, one bedroom apartment.
Fully furnished and equipped with a couple of leaky faucets and chipped wallpaper but theirstheirstheirs. A year ago, she was all they could afford on their meager savings in California but now, she’s home. Steve studies his social work on the bedroom floor and Billy stocks their shelves with books about anatomy. They cook dinner together on most nights in their dingy, little kitchen, watch trashy horror in the living room and spend every night wrapped around each other.
“I brought donuts again. We were outta the pistachio ones so I got glazed and no, Sam didn’t make them this time.”
He pads across the living room, not a trace of his boyfriend in sight and dumps the paper bag on the counter. He’s convinced that Billy might be asleep— it’s been a long week of exams and Steve cracks the door to their bedroom open, fully expecting the room to be shrouded in darkness,
only to pause.
To take it all in.
Because oh.
Steve can’t help it— he’s drawn to the sight of too naked legs and too smooth thighs. Can’t focus on anything but the way that Billy’s hand disappears between them. Can’t wrap his mind around anything other than the fact that Billy is very much awake and very much touching himself in front of him. In the flesh.
There’s a lot to take in.
Billy’s naked from the waist down and facing the doorway; his legs spread to reveal the pink of his pussy as he thumbs across his clit. Steve’s gaze lifts then, up his bare, little waist and to the thinning material of Billy’s tee shirt, which is the only piece of clothing he’s wearing. He zones in on where the worn, blue material fits snugly across his boyfriends chest,
and then meets the amused blues of Billy’s eyes.
Billy, who doesn’t dare hide the heat in them or the intent behind his smirk.
“Hi, Stevie.” he purrs, predatory. Like a shark that’s just smelled blood. “Crazy day?”
The lowness of his voice sends a jolt of heat down Steve’s abdomen; one that settles at the base of his cock all hot and heavy. And in response, Steve’s shoulders drop, his body relaxes and the day’s toll leaks out of him. Sludging. Lethargic.
God, he’s easy.
“Uh huh,” he mutters, unintelligibly, at first. Then, snaps out of it enough to flash Billy a smile.
“Funnily enough, I actually think it’s about to get crazier.” He shuts the door behind him and steps closer. His gaze only stray for a matter of seconds to catalog everything about Billy in this moment. The navy blue of their sheets beneath the blonde. The handful of books on their bedside table. Billy’s hair all tied up into a loose bun. His pebbling nipples. His wet, hot cunt and the fact that he hasn’t stopped touching himself.
“Yeah? I wonder why.” the blonde drawls, quirking a brow.
“Dunno, think I’m about to get laid or something.” He’s teasing and Steve loves it.
“Or something,” Billy mocks, rolling his eyes but Steve’s words have him biting his lip.
He’s trying to come off as unaffected but Steve knows he’s anything but. The soft curls sticking to Billy’s forehead, damp with sweat and all, let him know that this has been an ongoing endeavor. God knows how long Billy’s been pleasuring himself— dripping like this; his cheeks flushed a pretty scarlet, eyes dark and lips an almost mottled red. Bitten plump. Half-parted in pleasure for a beat too long whenever he speaks.
Steve doesn’t have to pretend. He doesn’t want to hide the urgency that he feels or the effect that Billy has on him, so he tugs his shirt up over his head before tossing it aside.
He crosses the distance between them in no time and crawls into the alcove between Billy’s thighs oh so easily. Steve thinks, yes and finally and this is exactly where he belongs when he’s got Billy under him. He thinks holy shit, you’re lovely when his boyfriend stares up at him with wide, dark eyes and pulls him closer by the loops of his belt. Simultaneously, Steve lifts one of Billy’s golden thighs upupup around his waist and lessens the oxygen between them with a kiss so hot that the air around them feels supercharged.
He loses himself in the soft give of Billy’s lips and nips at his cupid’s bow with an impatient noise. Beneath him, Billy opens up like a black hole; this consuming, taking thing and Steve licks into his mouth all too eagerly. The blonde’s answering moan is breathy and high and Steve laps at every slick crook with his tongue—to taste, to feel, to map out and to claim. Beneath him, Billy’s hips jerk to life just as Steve becomes breathless with desire and blindly, he seeks purchase in the rough material of Steve’s jeans. The soppy, wet heat of his cunt seeps through to Steve’s skin as Billy rides his thigh.
“Stevie— please, I need you to fuck me.” Billy gasps into his mouth.
Steve takes advantage of this and busies himself by stamping kisses across the curve of Billy’s jaw and throat and neck. He sucks pretty, purpling bruises into the golden skin there and ruts down against his pliant, waiting body. A taste so distinctly Billy explodes on his tongue; clean and citrusy and tangy and Steve loves it.
Steve groans deeply, “Yea, sweetheart? You missed me?”
“You try being celibate in an apartment with your hot ass– ah, boyfriend for two weeks. A perfectly timed breeze could’ve had to creaming my fucking pants at the quad today,” Billy hisses and Steve can’t help it, he laughs.
“A breeze, baby? Don’t tell me you’re losing your touch,” the amusement is palpable in his voice. He knows that Billy must sense it, even with his eyes closed because then, they aren’t. They aren’t and Steve is forced to meet those dark, dark eyes and trace the expanse of Billy’s flush from his cheeks, all the way down his chest. And without another word, he’s undoing his belt; his fly coming undone and everything. He shucks off his jeans and underwear in one swoop and wounds a hand around his chubbing cock.
It’s hot and thick in his too dry palm but the contact sends a surge of crackling heat up his spine.
He sees Billy’s attention shift. Feels his cock throb as he does that thing; the one where he tongues at his lower lip and his gaze flits between Steve’s and his cock almost thoughtfully. And his mouth is suddenly dry as he follows the subtle quivers of Billy’s stomach. Watches it dip and swell and hears his intake of breath because all the while, the blonde’s hips never exactly cease. They just slow into deep, core aching figure eights until he can’t take it and he’s reaching between their bodies for Steve’s cock.
Billy’s touch is warm but callous-rough and feels like heaven around him. In thanks, Steve winds his fingers into the blonde’s curls to steady himself, while Billy uses the precum at the head of his cock to jerk him off hard and fast. The pace has him fucking into the tight ring of fingers with a choked off moan, “Fuck– oh.”
Billy’s smug. He knows this because the demanding slide of his fist slows and well, he says as much. “Don’t act like you’re not gonna bust a nut the minute I get my mouth on you. That’s gonna make it even more embarrassing,”
“Brat.” Steve spits but he’s smiling and scooting up so that his thighs bracket Billy’s head.
“Pushover.” Billy laughs, genuinely pleased and swallows Steve’s cock into his mouth with a wet noise.
The sudden too hot, too wet of it punches an aggressive exhale out through his nose,“Holy shit, fuck” and he grabs unto the headboard while Billy makes easy work of him.
Billy sucks the head into his mouth with a practiced ease that makes Steve weak in the knees and melts all of the fight right out of him. It’s all familiar but Steve will never get used to this. Will never fail to be amazed at how well Billy takes him; unyielding as he tongues at the sensitive underside of Steve’s cock and groans around him in a way that liquifies his fucking mind. It takes everything in him not to shout when Billy hollows his cheeks and instead, his grip grows tighter in the mess of blonde curls until he’s sure it hurts.
“You’re so fucking good at this, baby. So pretty,” He cradles Billy’s cheek, only to be rewarded by a hint of teeth across the thick vein that Steve favors, near the crown.
Billy moans around the cock in his mouth and Steve’s brain collapses in on itself like a dying star. When he speaks, his voice is a low, warbled thing, “Waited all day just to suck me off, I bet. Just to put that mouth to use, huh, sweetheart?” And then, Billy pulls away to slap the leaking, ruddied head against his tongue for Steve to see. He lets it sit there. Lets the precum pool sluggishly on the pink of it and stares up at him in a way that makes Steve feel like coming home. God, he’s so close.
“C’mon, baby. I wanna cum but I’m gonna do it inside of you,” Steve grabs at his jaw affectionately before shifting sideways and falling onto his back invitingly. It takes everything in him to stay there.
He swats at the curve of Billy’s ass as he moves and swings a leg over to bracket Steve’s hips, ignoring his grumbled complaint of ‘being too lazy’. The next part comes easily, however. Billy doesn’t waste any time before he’s sinking down on his cock in a swift, decisive motion; his pussy opening up around Steve with the tiniest bit of give.
And then everything clicks into place.
Billy’s cunt is slick and he makes the prettiest sight on top of him but Steve doesn’t move. He’s trying his damndest not to and ignoring the flex of his thighs as his pelvis seems to ache with need to just do something. But he doesn’t move because Billy loves this. Billy needs this moment, so he waits. He watches as Billy holds himself tightly and he adjusts to the sheer girth of Steve— his palms lying flat against his bare chest and his hips moving in shallow bursts.
“Oh,” Billy breathes out before sitting up and slamming himself down on Steve’s cock.
“Fuck, there you go,” Steve growls and plants his heels deeper in the mattress with every thrust. He grabs at Billy’s hips and at his thighs, brushing his fingers across the curve of his ass where stretch marks color the skin liquid-gold against bronze. Rivulets like the rings of Saturn. Like Billy’s his entire world and here lies the proof of it.
The thought sends a possessive thrill through him and his grip on Billy’s ass turns bruising. Tomorrow, Steve will nip and suck more galaxies into it but for now, he tries to mold a place inside of him with his cock; deep and hard until he finds the place that makes Billy howl and stiffen.
“Steve— right there, right there, right there. Don’t stop fucking me, please,” He cries, shifting until Steve swears his cockhead nudges against the damn near opening of Billy’s womb. And he knows that Billy feels it too because he flinches, as if surprised, as if the pleasure is tinged with pain but he doesn’t stop. He can’t stop.
“C’mon, baby. You can take it, don’t run.” he croons, forcing Billy to do some of the work; to rut back against his cock and envelope it whole and that’s exactly what he does. The blonde’s thighs flex with the strain of working himself open but he takes it so fucking well and Steve loses himself in the suctioning grip of Billy’s cunt. Closes his eyes and swears there are universes being created behind his eyelids. Star by star. Space dust by space dust.
“You were waiting for it, right? Wanted it so badly, gorgeous boy,” he chokes out, needing to let Billy know just how badly he’s got him.
The sound Billy makes in response is winded, all the same and then oh so pleased as he drops his hips into a slow, dirty downward grind. It’s miasmic and Steve feels the sloppy mess of Billy’s pussy against his abdomen and pulsating around him.
“Oh my god— Stevie, I’m gonna cum. Oh please, I’m gonna cum,” he ruts against Steve’s cock in these half aborted, little circles and Steve is equally as devastated by the constant bursts of pleasure and pressure.
The heat in his gut is building just as quickly. It’s a dangerous, tumultuous thing that expands past his groin and into his gut. He feels it in his hips, in his chest, at the back of his mouth and behind his teeth. It’s so close that he can taste it and he meets Billy halfway with the next few thrusts, plunging deeper into him, as if to say, ‘you feel it too, right?’
He’s whispering a mantra of, “Yea, baby? Right there?” and these desperate, half chewed off variations of Billy’s name.
And so many things happen within the next second that Steve can barely keep track of them. Billy muffles a moan between his teeth, whining all high at the back of his throat as he nods. He fucks himself on Steve’s cock with a restless abandon that comes from chasing his own orgasm. And Steve thinks, his womb. Billy’s fucking womb. He must be in it. He wants to knock him up so bad that it’s dizzying. So bad that it’s earth shattering and gravity defying. There’s the build up of white, blinding pleasure and then— the string snaps. Billy’s cumming around him with a shout and Steve’s fucking his cock into him without reprieve; thrusts long and drawn out as they ride the wave together.
He cums for so long and so hard, that Steve thinks he might have passed out a little. When he comes to, Billy’s cunt is still milking him dry and the blonde is plastered to his chest in his own, little world. Boneless but sated.
At that moment, the weariness in his bones hits him all at once and he winces. Shifts a little beneath Billy’s full weight but stamps a kiss to his forehead nonetheless. Billy grumbles into his sweat slick chest before pressing his lips there in return and brushing his mess of hair out of his eyes.
“So… donuts?” And Steve snorts.
“Yeah, donuts. I can’t believe we just screwed and that’s what you’re worried about.”
Billy’s answering smile is wicked and travels straight to Steve’s heart, “You knew who I was before you dated me so now you’re stuck,” and he’s smug about the fact.
His amusement is short lived as Steve’s softening cock slips out of him, alongside the mess of cum and Steve rolls them unto their sides. “Only because rent is killer in California but as soon as I make it big?”
Steve pats his cheek and yawns, “You’re outta here, hot stuff.”
Billy doesn’t fight him, though. Doesn’t argue that they can afford somewhere a little bigger now or that he’s pulling in more money than Steve is at the mechanic’s shop. He doesn’t point out that Steve’s been saying that almost everyday for a year and yet, still brings home his favorite donuts and will cuddle Billy for as long as he’d like after his shift because he misses him.
He doesn’t say it but Steve knows. He feels it in his chest the same way, too and thanks God and the universe for giving him a little bit of the sun and stars to hold; to keep with him forever.
minor technical difficulties meant that this was a little delayed!! so sorry everyone. i had so much fun working on this!! please look forward to the lovely upcoming work from our next contributor, @racketti and many thanks to @harringrove-relay-race for being such an amazing host 💗
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Kelly Severide- A New Baby Pt1
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I never thought I'd get married and have kids. I just didn't think that I would ever find a man I'd consider having that kind of life with, but when Kelly Severide stepped into my life everything change. We didn't meet in the best of way. He's a fireman and I'm a police dog handler. There had been a bombing and they asked me to send my search and rescue dogs in. I fell for the guy there and then.
5 years on and we are married and have a beautiful daughter who's just turned 3 named Harper.
Today I woke up feeling off. Headache and nausea on and off. I have today off from work which is fantastic, but also my daughter is here and as much as I love her she can be an absolute nightmare
"Harper can you pick your toys up please"
"No thank you mommy" at least she's using her manners right?
"Harper. Daddy won't be happy when he comes home"
"Daddy loves me so he won't shout" Harper shrugs and she's right. She's a daddy's girl and she has him wrapped round her little finger. I'm always the bad guy and that's fine this is our dynamic, but sometimes it would be good to get a little help off him
"Right come on pick the toys up before someone hurts themselves"
"But I'm playing with them mommy"
"Harper I'm not feeling very well so please pick up your toys. I'll help, but your not getting anything else out until these toys are put away"
"Fine" Harper shouts and I rub my head as a headache begins again.
Once all the toys have been picked up I sit down on the couch and close my eyes for a moment
"Yes princess?" I open one eye to look at her
"When's dinner?"
"When daddy gets home"
"When's that?"
"Soon" I reply "I'm going to take a nap. You know the rules"
"Don't unlock the door and daddy has a key to get in. Can I play upstairs?"
"Yes, but don't run"
Before I know it I'm being woken up by Kelly's voice and touch. I open my eyes and see Kelly smiling at me
"When did you get home?" I yawn
"Just. How long have you been asleep?"
"Not long" I reply glancing at the clock "how was work today?"
"The usual, how was Harper?"
"Giving me hell"
"You made any supper?"
"No not yet" I shake my head
"I'll order us some food instead. What do you fancy?"
"To be honest Kel, I don't feel to good. Think I might be coming down with something. Just order yourself and Harper something"
"You need to eat. Even if it's just some rice or something"
"Ok" I give in to Kelly. 
Once our food has arrived we all sat down together. I take small bites of food and small sips of water
"So Harper. Have you been a good girl for mommy today?" Kelly asks. Harper lowers her head a little
"I wasn't naughty and mommy has been lazy today"
"Mommy said she isn't feeling very well so you need to be a big girl and help her"
"No buts. Now eat your food and then it's bath then bed time"
"Fine" Harper pouts and takes her time eating her tea trying to make her bedtime later.
Once the Harper is in bed me and Kelly curl up on the sofa together watching TV. I swallow feeling more and more nauseous until I can't keep it down any more and the urge to throw up over comes me. I jump off the couch and run to the downstairs bathroom, Kelly following behind me.
Once I finish throwing up Kel and I head upstairs to bed
"You feeling any better?" Kelly asks as I change into one of his shirts
"Yeah. The nauseas gone now. Im just super tired. I've had a headache all day so its probably that that's made me sick"
"Maybe your pregnant" Kelly says. I roll my eyes at him
"I'm not pregnant"
"Are you sure because we're not very carful" Kelly states and to be fair he's got a point "you've been tired all week. We said if you were to get pregnant we'd be happy"
"Of course I would be, but had my period 2 weeks ago"
"Could be 2 weeks pregnant"
"Kel I'm not pregnant" I sigh getting into bed
"This is exactly what you were like with Harper"
"If it makes you feel any better I'll take a test tomorrow"
"Ok" Kelly kisses the top of my head and then wraps his arm around my waist and we both fall asleep.
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hollyhomburg · 7 months
(Little space, hurt/comfort, daddies! Yoongi and hoseok, littles! M/c and koo) Wanna write a little space fic with appa and daddy yoongi and hobi and their littles m/c and koo who have a tendency to babble endlessly to each other while in little space, usually it’s about things that they love, sometimes it’s about their cartoons or drama happening with their stuffies but mostly- it’s about their appa and daddy and how much they love them
And maybe one day after a bad instance at work- hobi comes home and yoongi can just tell that it’s been bad- it’s nap time so the littles are down an out- due to yoongi who can work from home with relitive flexibility. And yoongi knows when hobi just needs time to get his thoughts in order to talk about what’s bothering him and he wants a little bit of time with his littles before he confides in his partner 🥺 where everything is simple and hobi can actually do some good.
What he’s not expecting to see when he opens the door to the littles nap room (yes they totally coe sleep with each other, but the littles do have a separate play/nap room with two double beds) is both the m/c and koo in one bed (koo is always so bad at staying in his, the troublemaker out of the two of them) talking and babbling and giggling quietly- they’ve traded stuffies again both of them clinging as much to their matching pink and blue bunnies as they are to each other- talking softly about how much they love daddy, how perfect he is, how safe he makes them feel, and hobi just hesitates and listens,
maybe tears up a little beaus he really needed to feel good about something today. Maybe yoongi even comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist just all quiet and reassuring. And listens with them, pecking hoseoks shoulder and saying “I agree, daddy’s smile is the prettiest smile, love it when I get to see it”
and the babies chime in all “daddy’s smile is better than fruit snacks and ice cream and stickers!!!” “And bunnies!!!” That gets silence where the m/c glares at koo and covers their stuffies ears, getting a laugh out of yoongi and a wet giggle out of hobi “Maybe not better than bunnies maybe just as good as bunnies?”
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mj-ackerman · 2 years
Since someone already translated the Mission 1 of the Novel, I'm gonna proceed with Mission 2 and the rest: You can read the Mission 1 story: Anya's Nature Class HERE
SxF Light Novel: Family Portrait Translation Mission 2: Yuri's Day Off (Part 1)
Note: The italicized sentences are the characters monologue, while the bold and italicized quoted sentence are the ones Anya's reading. DO NOT REPOST
Part 2>>
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“Hello, Mr. Bellman. How are you feeling?”
Yuri Briar. 20 years old.
He lost his parents at an early age and was raised by his older sister, his only immediate relative.
“Oh, I’m sorry. This room kinda smells a bit, isn’t it?”
Wanting to make his beloved sister’s life as easy and happy as possible, he studied hard from an early age, and joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by skipping grades, and is now traveling around the world as a young elite diplomat…but it is just his title on the surface.
Currently, Yuri Briar works for the National State Security Service, also known as (SSS). Ranking as the second lieutenant.
“Even if I ventilate the room, the smell of a filthy traitorous bastard keeps coming back. I wonder where the hell is the smell coming from? Right? Mr. Bellman?”
The man is a secret police officer.
“When was the last time you took a rest, Yuri?”
“Thank you for your hard work, Lieutenant. I took a nap three days ago, so don’t worry about it.”
When he called him out as he came out of the interrogation room, the younger subordinate replied with a smile.
Yuri is tall but slender and with a baby face, his SSS uniform looks like a school uniform when he wears it.
“I want to devote myself to this work, to make the country where my sister lives a better place.”
With a bashful face, he talks about his dream like a young little boy.
But the lieutenant knew that his harmless smile was not all he had to offer. Even now, Thomas Bellman is still vomiting, the traitorous politician who could not be dropped by anyone. The reason why the black gloves are soaking wet must have been from the blood of the traitor. This is what this man is, bloodthirsty.
“Then take a rest tomorrow. It’s a holiday.”
“I told you, I’m fine. My energy is on max!”
“That’s an order from your superior.”
Yuri exclaimed in frustration when he casually ordered him to do so.
“I don’t have time to do that. I must catch Twilight as soon as possible to eliminate the threat coming from the West!”
He’s like a tenacious hunting dog.
Although he can be an uncontrollable mad dog sometimes, he is usually astonishingly serious and diligent. He is like a loyal dog to his owner, the country.
In this man’s case, it is not the country itself that he pledges allegiance to, but rather, to “the country where my sister lives.”
And for that reason, he gave up his bright future and chose to do dirty work himself….?
Being a diplomat is a dream job for many students today. It’s not something that you can just aspire to become but rather, it’s something that you have to work hard for.
What would his sister think if she found out that her young brother had abandoned his brilliant career and was now working everyday in a place where the sun doesn't shine, getting his hands dirty? Or maybe that’s the reason why this man is hiding real job from his sister…, as he thought about that, he immediately stopped.
Everything is just his own speculation. If there is one unwavering truth, it is that everything Yuri Briar does, exists only for the sake of his sister’s happiness.
Good grief, what a healthy boy he is.
He is not stupid enough to be sentimental, but he admires the unwavering faith of his young subordinate. Therefore, he don’t want to use them up with the stupid things like overworking…...due to the lack competent personnel.
“You need a reasonable rest regime so that you can work more smoothly and accurately. It’s fine, you can rest tomorrow. And after the holidays, you can go back and work harder.”
“With all due respect, sir, but…”
“This is for the country. More importantly, it’s for the sake of your sister’s happiness.”
“......I understand.”
At the mention of his sister, Yuri reluctantly agreed in the end. Looking at him, his face, which became sulky, did not look like a ruthless secret police.
“Aaah. they suddenly told me to take a rest, but what should I do now?”
Yuri, who was forced to take a day off half-heartedly, was lying on his bed at home with a lot of free time on his hands in the morning.
Outside the window, which can be seen from his bed, there is a cloudless blue sky.
Oh right, I remember Dominic said he was going on a trip with Camilla. Ah, I also want to go somewhere with my sister for the first time in a long time….It would be nice if we can eat something delicious together.
What came to his mind was the smiling face of his beloved sister, Yor. At that, Yuri’s face loosens sloppily.
“Today’s a holiday…. So the city hall will be closed.”
While looking at the calendar, he looks at the picture frame on the low chest and sees Yor smiling at him in the photo. Yuri’s cheeks blushed at the beauty that would make even the goddess of beauty fade away.
If my sister is also on break from work, maybe I can go visit her again…. It’s been two weeks since I saw her….Oh, but if it’s a holiday, then the hospital is off too.
In that case, the loathsome Lottie is also supposed to be at home.
Loid Forger, who works at Berlint General Hospital, is, regrettably, Yor's husband. Yuri, however, did not approve of this. To him, Loid was nothing more than a diabolic thief who took away his most precious sister in the whole world just because he is a little bit nicer, a little bit taller, a little bit refreshing, and a little bit caring, an excellent doctor.
Why does he need to have a day off anyway? He needs to work like a sled cow, regardless of holidays, then die somewhere because of overwork!
As he was getting frustrated remembering the wastefully well-dressed face of his sister’s thief, Lottie, the phone on the top of the low chest rang.
Yuri lazily lifted himself out of the bed, while clicking his tongue as he said,
“It’s so early in the morning, who the hell is calling? Yes, Yuri Briar speaking.”
When he answered the phone in an unfriendly voice, he heard a beautiful, angelic voice coming from the other side of the receiver.
“Oh, Yuri. It’s me, Yor.”
The tone of Yuri’s voice jumps up an octave.
“I’m so sorry for calling so early in the morning. Are you going to work now?”
“No, it’s my day off today.”
Yuri responded shyly. At that, Yor’s voice brightened.
“Y-Yeah….sis. I don’t have any business trips and it's a holiday today, so I’m free for the day.”
“That’s great.”
Yuri’s heart was ringing along with the cheerful voice of Yor.
Sis is happy that I’m off from work. I’m sure that she also wanted to see me….Oh, Lieutenant, thank you so much.
As he was thinking of sending a bouquet of gratitude to the superior he was complaining a minute ago, he heard Yor says,
“That’s good. Actually, Loid is not here for work today .”
Yor said something that made him even more happier. Yuri’s heart suddenly became light, airy like the blue sky today.
“Something like an urgent call came in…”
“I see, Lottie has work today. That's amazing, no I mean, that’s tragic, sis.”
He rephrased, but he can’t even keep his voice from getting lively.
“Come on, don’t call him that. Loid is way older than you,Yuri. And he’s also your brother-in-law, address him with respect, okay?”
Yor reprimanded Yuri in a troubled voice.
Although Yuri obediently responded, “Yes, sis,” he honestly had no intention of addressing Loid with respect. Furthermore, he doesn’t even have any intention of calling him “brother-in-law.”
I still haven’t acknowledged him as my sister’s husband. No, like I would ever admit it. I won’t admit it even to death, Forger
As he was harboring hostility towards Loid inside, Yor asks him over the phone,
“So, Yuri, can I ask for a little favor? Could you please come over now?”
“Of course sis! I’ll be right there!”
Yuri danced wildly with joy at the request from his beloved sister, he ran out of the house almost fully clothed and headed straight for the apartment where his sister was waiting for him, His steps were lighter than a bird’s feather.
“I’m here, sis. What do I have to do? You need something in a high place that you can’t get? Or maybe, you need help to carry heavy loads? Or do you need someone to sign the witness testimony in your divorce papers? I’ll do whatever you need!”
Yuri opens the door to the Forger’s house with a bright smile. Then, Yor, who seemed to be waiting impatiently for his arrival says,
“Yuri, you’re here. Thank you so much!”
She also greeted Yuri with a bright smile.This smile seems to come from their genes.
Oh, sis. How cute and well-groomed you are today. I’m the happiest person in the world having the most beautiful and kindest sister in the world.
As Yuri was trembling with happiness in his heart, a small creature appeared from behind Yor as if to disturb his surging joy.
“C-Chihuahua girl.”
Anya Forger, the child from the previous marriage of the loathsome sister thief, Loid Forger.
She’s such a hardcore idiot who misheard “knowledge is power” as “knowledge is swole chihuahua”. However, her auspiciousness of wanting to become a great person in order to feed his sister with delicious food is quite impressive. But after all, she’s still the child of that Loid Forger. Yuri can’t let himself be fooled.
“Don’t call me unkie, I’m not your uncle.Don’t you have school today?”
“Today is a holoday.”
“You mean, holiday”
But come to think of it, it’s a national holiday, so it wouldn’t be strange for the school to be closed. That was a blind spot, Yuri clicked his tongue inwardly.
“But still, it’s better than having Lottie. I'll just let her watch her cartoons, and she won’t be able to disturb me talking to my sister. Oh, SIS, my SISTER! I’ll do anything for you my sister, Oh, my dear sister Yorrrrr, my SISSSSSS!!!”
Upon hearing those thoughts, Anya’s face painted an expression that resembled a Noh mask, belching softly.
“You always have heartburn, don’t you?”
“My stomach is full.”
You nasty brat. I bet you ate too much for breakfast. Well, I understand why you wanted to eat as much as you can. My sister’s cooking is exquisite. It has an indescribable aroma, the more you chew, the more you sweat, the stronger the taste of the ingredients, and occasionally it even includes chopping boards, so not only is it full of nutrients, it also makes your teeth stronger….. Oh, I want to be a food ingredient and be chopped up by my sister.
After a moment of screaming in his chest about his feelings for his sister, Yuri turned to Yor.
“So? What do you want me to help you with? Tell me whatever you need. Do you need me to carry the shopping bag, clean the fan, or do the laundry? I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Oh right, since the weather is nice, how about we do some redecoration? Let’s take this opportunity and maybe you and Lottie could have separate bedrooms..-”
“No, about that…”
Yor hesitated for a moment, frowning her brows slightly, looking troubled as she stammered in front of Yuri, who happened to be very enthusiastic. Yor looked wonderful even with a look like that.
“What’s wrong, sis? We’re close, aren’t we? If you have something to say to me, you can say it, don’t be shy.”
When Yuri said that with a cheerful and enthusiastic smile, Yor finally spoke.
“Actually, there’s an event organized by the city hall today…”
“Yes, yes.”
“Millie was supposed to be the participant, but this morning I suddenly got a call from her saying she has a cold, and I had to go instead. But Loid also has an emergency that he can’t missed out, and Franky, the one we always ask for, is also busy…”
Hmmm…Franky? Who’s that? That's a completely unfamiliar name…
Yuri reacted strongly to the name of a man he had never heard his sister mentioned before.
Maybe he’s a nanny, hired for babysitting or something.If he’s serious and just doing his job then it’s fine, but if he’s a piece of shit who tries to make a pass on my sister, I’ll execute him
Yuri thought, gritting his teeth.
“The event will last for half a day and I couldn’t leave Anya home alone. So, Yuri, would you mind playing with Anya?”
Yuri stiffened involuntarily at the unexpected turn of events. Ruminating over Yor’s words, he asks in horror,
“I-In other words, you want me to stay in this house without you and with this chihu- I mean, with Loid Forger’s daughter? In this house without you, sis??”
“Yes. Can you do that for me?”
In an instant, Yuri’s beautiful holiday fell apart.
Oh my god, and here I thought I could finally spend the day with my sister…but I have to spend it with this Chihuahua girl? I’d rather read books on interrogation and study torture while surrounded by pictures of my sister, it’s a million times better than doing this.
Yuri almost collapses on the spot in despair. But Yor looked at him with moist eyes and said,
“Please, Yuri. You’re the only one I can count on.”
At that, as the brother who loves his sister more than anything else in the world,
“Okay sis, leave everything to me!”
He had no other choice but to say yes……
It has been 30 minutes since Yor left for work.
Yuri sat on the sofa in the Forger's living room, casually flipping through the pages of a magazine. However, he wasn’t looking through it intently.
Before that….
“Well then, I’ll be back as soon as possible, I’m really sorry, Anya. I'll bring you lots of gifts. Yuri, please take good care of Anya.”
After saying that, Yor rushed to work. Her graceful appearance as she walked out the door was still reeling in Yuri's mind.
“I’m bored, Unkie.”
Anya stretched out as she lay on the carpet under the low table, reading the comic "SPYWARS".
Yuri nodded and got up on the sofa.
“Then, do you want to study?”, he asked.
Anya made a blatantly disgusted face, but she didn’t mean to harass him.
Yuri, who usually doesn’t interact with children, could not imagine playing with children in a way that would please them. All he thinks about is to get a better job as soon as possible and become a man who can protect his sister. Journalist, lawyer, doctor, technician, he studied all fields evenly so that he can handle all kinds of occupations. Therefore, he didn’t have any time to play, but he never complained about it. In fact, he is proud of the fact that all knowledge he has cultivated in this way is the foundation that supported him today.
“Tell me what subject you're not good at, we'll focus on that part.”
“I-I don’t have any subjects I’m not good at. I’m good at everything.”
“Don't try to lie to me with that stupid face of yours. Well then, we're going to study all the subjects.”
When Yuri said this in a nonchalant tone, Anya groaned “Geh” sounding like a strangled frog.
“Is this girl really an Eden student? I bet my sister must have suffered a lot because of her….Poor sis, married to a man who already has a child. Right! What if my tutoring made her a little smarter? Then, my sister would say, “As expected from you, Yuri.”, with a sparkling smile like jewels. And then maybe, she will reward me with a kiss on the cheek reward, just like when I was a kid. Oh sis, my beloved SISTER. I love you. You're the most beautiful woman in the world, no one can compare to you, sis.”
Suddenly, Yuri felt a cold gaze directed at him, stopping his overflowing feelings of love for his sister running out of control. When he looked to his side, he saw Anya staring at him silently. When Anya met Yuri’s eyes, she let out a heavy sigh. It was as if she was saying “Good grief, what a troublesome guy.”, she was so annoyed that she had a persistent cough, but was only able to let out a dry cough.
“Come on, hurry up and go to your room and go get your notebooks, textbooks, and reference books. Don’t forget to bring your learning supplies too.”
“I don’t feel like studying today.”
“Even though you have a lot of free time?”
“I have free time, but I don't have time to study.”
Yuri sighs at Anya’s cheeky remarks, “Well, go watch TV then.” he told her.
Efficiency doesn’t increase even if you beat the ass of people who don’t like it. Even though he had lost his sense of reason towards his sister, Yuri was still rational enough to realize this. However, Anya appeared to be even less endearing.
“There’s no cartoons to watch at this time.”
“In that case, lie down and take a short nap. Like that fat dog over there.”
Yuri, who was annoyed, pointed at the dog sleeping peacefully on the carpet. It’s a lazy dog that makes him wonder why people keep such a dog. It can’t even be a substitute for a guard dog.
“Ah no. No need to take a short nap, just fall deep asleep. Sleep until my sister comes back.”
All of the sudden, Anya looked at him staringly. She looked extremely dissatisfied.
“What? You look like you want to say something.”
Saying that, Anya quickly left the living room. Yuri thought that she had most likely sulked and retreated to her room, but she soon returned with a notebook and pencil in hand. She sat down directly on the carpet and began to write diligently on the low table. Occasionally, she would glance at Yuri and would chuckle meaningfully, then move her pencil diligently again.
What is she writing about?
Looking at Anya’s hand, Yuri saw a series of squiggly lines on the paper, involuntarily he exclaimed “That’s dirty!”. The writing looked like worms crawling on the ground, harder to read than any type of treason code.
“What’s that…. Is that some kind of curse spell? That’s creepy.”
“A diary, I’ll show you later.”
Anya grinned eerily saying that. Yuri replied with a “Huh”. He then took the notebook from Anya and tried his best to decipher it……
“Today is a holiday. And yet I have to stay at home with Unkie. Unkie isn’t like uncle scruffy, he doesn’t play with me. Unkie told me to sleep like a dog all day. Unkie is bad, I’m so sad”
After reading it, Yuri fainted with his head in agony. It was truly a cursed word, a cursed book.
If my sister reads those lines, she’ll definitely hate me!!
“Yuri, that’s too much! I hate you for being such a bad kid!”
Yuri imagined his sister saying that while furiously turning her back. Just thinking about it, he banged his head against the low table in despair and confusion.
“You’re so violent, Unkie…”
Anya swallowed, flinching at Yuri’s eccentricity.
“Let’s go out!”
Yuri stood up, blood streaming from his head.
“You’re bleeding.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
He looked at Anya, who was pointing at his head, and gave her a serious order.
“We’re gonna go out to play now. Get ready, chihuahua girl.”
“Ooting! Ooting!”
“Stop flapping your feet. And it’s “outing”, not “ooting””
Yuri had been awake for several days in a row before his superiors gave him a reluctant day off. And now, he couldn’t help but sigh as he sat in the tram with the daughter of the despicable thief. Why should he, an excellent secret police officer who pledged allegiance to the country, have to suffer such a fate?
An old woman sitting nearby looked at the excited Anya, she squinted her eyes and said,
“Oh my, she’s so cute.”
What’s so cute about her? Damn it, this is all because of Millie - my sister’s co-worker
Going to his sister’s house, helping her, eating the food she cooks, talking with her - this dream holiday was ruined all because that girl caught a cold.
Does she really even have a cold?
The timing is just too good to be true. If she had forced her beautiful, kind-hearted, angelic colleague, who never doubted others, to work on a troublesome holiday, then such a woman should be executed right away. She doesn’t deserve to live.
….No, no matter what kind of woman she is, she still might be an important working companion for my sister. After all, if I have to execute someone, it should be Loid Forger, who forced his daughter to my sister on a holiday and is working on his own ....Damn it, if that man were a spy, I could have executed him with dignity.
While Yuri was thinking about those things, the tram arrived at the station they needed to get off. Anya jumped off the platform.
“Where are we going, unkie? To the amusement park? I want to ride a ferris wheel.”
“Since you’re just gonna play anyway, why not go to an educational place where you can play too, right? We’re going to “STEP WORK KIDS”.”
Anya repeated it as “SNACK WAAK KISS”. A young woman who was walking nearby heard it and burst out laughing.
She’s really a total embarrassment. Even though he was annoyed, Yuri corrected her.
“It’s Step-Work-Kids. I remember one of my seniors at work told me he went there with his wife and kids.”
“What’s it like? Is it fun?”
“To simply put it, it’s a place where children can simulate working in their field of interest and help them choose a career for their future. It’s a huge government-approved indoor entertainment facility created with the aim of encouraging the development of the necessary human resources such as lawyers, judges, military personnel, doctors, scholars, engineers and other professionals needed in Ostania.”
“It’s a little bit difficult.”
Anya looked at him with dull eyes like a dead fish.
“You’re talking like an alien, unkie.”
“....in other words, it’s a place where you can play around with different jobs and decide what you wanna be in the future.”
Hearing that, Anya’s eyes immediately lit up. She clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest and sighes excitedly.
“Sounds like fun.”
“Right? Let’s get going then.”
As he said this and turned to go to the address where the amusement facility was located, something soft touched his left hand. Yuri then realized that Anya was trying to hold his hand, he winced involuntarily at that.
“.....what are you doing?”
“When we go ooting, I have to hold papa and mama’s hands, and so does scruffy.”
“What’s with this scruffy? And we’ve been outside for a while now.”
Honestly, Yuri was reluctant to hold her hand, but then he realized that if he lost her just because he didn’t want to hold her hand, he would have no face to show to his sister, so he unwillingly held her hand. The hand he held was warm and a little damp, probably because her body temperature is higher. Moreover, her hand is very sticky.
God, it’s dirty….why didn’t she wash her hands properly?
While thinking that, he was also surprised how small her hands were.
“How old are you?”
“I’m six years old.”
“I see.”
Yuri glanced involuntarily.
Are these hands smaller than a child’s at her age? Or are they bigger? He had no idea what size a six year old's hands would have.
…..come to think of it, sis used to hold my hands like this.
But of course, his young hands were never sticky with candies…..
“How many minutes, unkie?”
“About 10 minutes.”
“So exciting.”
“Look straight ahead. No more glancing sideways.”
Despite his nagging warnings, Yuri didn’t realize that he had unconsciously adjusted his pace to match up with Anya’s footsteps.
"Welcome to STEP WORK KIDS!"
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beesmygod · 4 months
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 1: pre-gaming
webcomic day is a yearly celebration of the art form concocted by the screentones podcast team as a way for people to see how the sausage gets made. my webcomic "a ghost story" has been running for over 10 years, and yet i still don't think i can say i am good at making a webcomic. regardless, the comic is getting made because otherwise i become very, very sick in the head. today i would like to share with you the process of making a page of "A Ghost Story" from start to finish. either this demystifies the process or will make you think im so cool and strong for doing this 2x a week. instead of reblogging this one post until it gets very long, i will be posting individual updates that i will then compile and post on my personal website. block the tags now if you HATE comics and want them to EXPLODE.
if you have any questions, even things like "what the fuck are you even talking about" feel free to ask. i want to feel confident in what i make again and i think sometimes interrogation from an outside source is really
that said, let's get started. wait just kidding i want a cup of coffee first, hold on.
ok now im ready. i have a big glass of water. i have coffee. i have a headset for the parts of work that don't involve typing words. i can't type words and listen to some streamer babble in my ear at the same time, so it has to be instrumental music or nothing. i just took my meds so they should kick in after about 30 mins. i woke up late today, which is weird and annoying. but maybe i can work late instead.
first off, i need to know where i'm going beyond this one page. if i dont know where im going with something, then i usually create something that sucks that i have to deal with later. hold on my internet died, i have to reset the router. ok, anyway.
what's rattling around in my brain is that not only do i have to deal with maxine's current predicament, i am also dealing with multiple plot elements i need to wrap back around to from the previous chapter. luckily, im about to put maxine down for a nap, which means i can get back to those other elements:
i need to finish the exposition from the three ankou characters for this story arc establishing their motivations as the oppositional force in the story. the "villain" is not these three specifically, but their boss. they need to have a loose understanding of what's going on in order to communicate this to the audience. god this started turning into a huge ass paragraph so i'll just keep it short there.
we've jumped back to before jack's horrible day from the first chapter of this storyline so we have to make our way back toward that and then lapping it, which means wrapping up his various open threads like:
feeding victoria and learning something new about her
finding out alice is a very exceptional employee who is getting many awards
watching valdo call lily while interrupting her during something personal to ask her for help with maxine's situation.
jack meeting with valdo and lily the day after they first met so jack can just tell them straight up that lily has 4 sisters she doesnt know about.
help that girl with her poltergeist problem. remember that. i've had jokes for this rattling in my head for like 4 years. im going insane.
and also the fucking tilberi!!! that has a point its going somewhere!!! there's a larger menace here!!!
other things to set up the climax of this storyline. sexual tensions, hints at larger emotional problems not immediately evident to the reader
lots of moving parts. and i feel like im moving in slow motion to get to them. i can see them all weaving together in my head, its the process of putting that onto paper that's proving difficult.
ok that took an hour starting and stopping. -_- let me write the next part as i keep brainstorming on how to approach this page. taking a "rubber duck" approach to this might help. heres an image from the last page i worked on (i have a 5 page buffer rn so the site does not match the finished pages) to get us semi-situated.
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also because images will help people understand what skill level we're working with here. i need to be able to communicate an idea to the audience; if the art also looks good on top of that, then that's just an added bonus. but the ability to communicate my ideas is sometimes hampered by my lack of artistic skill or comics language ineptitude. like those speech bubbles kind of fucking suck but at a certain point you have to just hit print on what you're working on in order to keep your already glacial pace.
webcomics is a tightrope act where you're also spinning 4 plates at once. the trick is to keep the audience from realizing how many actually fall or how wobbly they all are. the act sucks but technically its not a failure.
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Nishidake: Chapter 6, Part 2
Guess who's coming to dinner?
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The doorbell was Luna!
Charlie: Luna! Hey, what are you doing here?
Luna: We agreed that we would move flat fam catch ups to your Monday so your work shift  didn’t get in the way
Charlie: We did?
Luna: Sorry, I keep forgetting you’re not a phone person. Kaori responded that it was fine
Charlie: Well come in, I guess I better find something to cook
Luna: Where’s Kaori?
Charlie: Did she not put in the… what do you call it
Luna: Group chat
Charlie: Right, that, she’s at work. She’s an astronaut now
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Luna and Charlie head inside and Charlie shows Luna their new set up. Sensing it may be a while until food is ready Clover goes and has a nap on the dog bed. Rahul and Cassandra get here only slightly late. Lavina is still refusing to babysit Mercedes, Savannah and Viola at the same time since the three don’t get along so they had to drop Viola with Uncle Alexander. Devin of course was here fashionably early and is super happy about… something. I’m going to guess she’s super happy about her look because I still am.
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Charlie: But why get your nails painted if they’re just going to be skin colour?
Luna: It’s about the experience Charlie, some of us prefer pampering to peddling
Charlie: I actually can’t ride a bike
Devin: *sing song voice* I’m here! Please, please, hold your applause
Clover: *barks* Shinny
Devin: Thank you Clover, you’re too kind. Hey Char, love what the watcher has done with the place
Charlie: It was rebate day so I guess Kaori ordered some stuff
Luna: Don’t mind her, she’s on a “let’s all believe in the watcher” crusade
Devin: I just think it’ll be easier for the bambinos if we’re on the same page
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Charlie: Wait, did I add that spice already?
Devin: Please tell me this is going to be good, all they had on set today was chocolate cake so I starved
Luna: Schatz! Why didn’t you eat the cake
Devin: *sighs dramatically* If you eat the cake then you get frosting on your face and have to go back to make up and Rudolphus gets mad and gives you a lecture and then you have to recentre to get back into confident “I can totally kick bugs butt” mode. The whole thing is exhausting, far easier to get your sugar from leftover toddler dessert
Luna: I knew it wasn’t Joey who raided the cupboard
Devin: I was just trying some method acting for my pirate role in case this one gets good reviews. Clover gets it, sometime you just have to steal some good food right?
Clover: *barks* Right!
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Kaori: How is the pregnancy going
Cassandra: It’s going slowly. I am getting more nauseous than normal though
Kaori: Do you think that could mean a boy? Or maybe triplets?
Rahul: *sighs* Triplets would be great
Cassandra: And how would I feed three babies with two breasts
Rahul: You always get engorged easy, you’d have plenty of milk
Kaori: Engorgement sounds painful
Cassandra: It is for a bit but so long as I don’t stop pumping cold turkey I seem to survive the pain
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Devin: So this is… what
Luna: Tajine. Coming from North Africa the word itself comes from Arabic and further back Ancient Greece. Although some scholars believe the word itself is of Persian origin. It’s normally cooked in special pottery with a hat type piece that keeps the moisture in
Devin: *blinks* So this is… what? Cheat tajine?
Charlie: I resent that accusation
Devin: But Char you’ve got no hat piece
Charlie: Our matching hats are enough, trust the process. It’s a simple dish, I promise, it’ll be excellent. Totally befitting your hoity toity taste buds
Devin: *fake coughs* Refined *fake cough*
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Charlie: That was the worst acting I have ever seen
Devin: Grazie
Charlie: Done! Now out of my kitchen
Charlie shepherds Devin and Luna to the table where everyone grabs a plate of food and sits down to catch up. They all saw each other recently at the Villareals but there are some topics you can talk about with children around, and others that you can’t talk about.
Rahul: I mean we already have some name ideas from the last pregnancies but we’re waiting for the ultrasound to tell us how many to expect
Devin: Luna and I have news actually. We’re going to look into getting a science baby
Charlie: Yeah? I think my sister is thinking of that to, but she’s not sure how safe it is yet
Devin: Well we can’t exactly use a plain old surrogate, the papers would lampoon me. And news would be bound to get out about Luna’s postpartum being the reason she wasn’t carrying
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Cassandra: It wouldn’t get out from us
Devin: Emisia would probably leak it
Luna: You say that but you know if it got out she and Max would likely commit murder
Charlie: I forgot evil runs in both your families, you two are such a match. So Devin, how’d I do
Devin: With the cheat tajine?
Kaori: Cheat tajine?
Rahul: How do you cheat tajine?
Devin: You deny it its hat. But Char I will concede, this does taste excellent
When the meal is finished Kaori clears the plates.
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Cassandra: I hope you don’t mind that I didn’t finish
Charlie: Don’t worry about it, I made far too much
Kaori: You’re pregnant so you’re allowed to be weird about food
The group laughs and begins to get up and sort out heading to their own homes. Cassandra is a bit wobbly though so Rahul makes sure to check on her.
Rahul: Are you okay my darling?
Cassandra: I think it was a bit spicy for me at the moment
Rahul: If you want on the way back to Henford we could swing by the donut place with Viola
Cassandra: If we go without them the twins will sulk for days
Rahul: I’m willing to suffer their pouting to keep you well, remember, you’re meant to be eating for at least two
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Rahul goes to take another look at the indoor garden and Luna checks in with Cassandra.
Luna: Will you find out the sex of this one
Cassandra: We don’t usually, we like the surprise. Whoever is in here should find no pushback from Viola for sharing a room either
Luna: I mean… were your girls really that bothered by a third kid?
Cassandra: Yes. They hated the idea of her and disliked her when she arrived. Truth be told I'm still not sure if they like her. But that doesn’t mean your twins will be mad! Please don’t change your mind on my account, I couldn’t stand the scolding from Devin
Luna: *laughs* Don’t worry, I think Alfred and Rilian would like a baby sibling, they seem more independent than your girls were
Cassandra: I think I still have bruises on my leg from Mercedes holding on so tight
The women laugh and Charlie and Kaori see everyone out. All in all, a good catch up.
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