#maybe 70% of what i need 2 do today
kurthorton-moving · 1 year
Im actually such a morning person these days
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montammil · 2 years
whumper dialogue
1. “Come on. Don’t make me do this again.” 
2. “Oh, darling, don’t scream. You’ll ruin your pretty voice!”
3. “Go ahead, tell them. No one will believe you. They all think you’re crazy, so it’s your word over mine.”
4. “This is for your own good, Whumpee. I’m just trying to help, after all!”
5. “I’ve waited so long... You have no idea how much I wanted this.”
6. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” 
7. “Don’t worry. I’m almost done.”
8. “You’re not going anywhere until you learn some damn respect. Get over here. Now.”
9. “This is your last warning. Next time, you’re dead.”
10. “What did you say? No, no, repeat that for me, dear, I didn’t hear you. Tell me what you said.”
11. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll help you forget. Then we can start over again.”
12. “Oh, Whumpee, I’m not leaving this world alone. You’re coming with me.”
13. “I’m not done yet.” 
14. “You shouldn’t have done that.”
15. “Just relax. It’ll be over before you know it. And like I said, you probably won't feel it anyway.”
16. “Oh, don’t cry, pet, you’ll make yourself sick! I don’t have to calm you down myself, do I?”
17. “You think you’re so smart, don’t you?”
18. “Now, sleep. Sleep and forget.”
19. “I told you I’d come back.”
20. “I’ve got a little surprise for you, pet.”
21. “You’ll have to stay down here. It’s for your own good.”
22. “You’re still my favorite.”
23. “I didn’t think you’d be such a challenge. That’s okay, just makes things more fun for me.”
24. “You’ve done such a great job today. Good pet.”
25. “I bet you loved that.”
26. “You think you’re so special.”
27. “You’re not afraid, are you?”
28. “You should have just stayed silent.”
29. “Go ahead, scream. It’s just music to my ears.”
30. “Honestly, you should be grateful you’re still alive, darling. If anyone else said that to me, I’d snap their neck in an instant.”
31. “What are you going to do? Kill me. Go ahead. I’ll even give you my knife! I know you won’t, though.”
32. “Interesting, isn’t it? That you don’t remember anything? Well, let me fix that for you.”
33. “You and me. Forever.”
34. “Please, Whumpee, don’t look at me like that. You’re almost making me feel bad for you. Almost.”
35. “Oh, you poor thing.”
36. “You should have ran when you had the chance.”
37. “Think of how much better life will be for you now. A free roof over your head, free food, free clothes? You should be a little more thankful, honestly.”
38. “You won’t be needing this anymore.”
39. “You remind me of someone...”
40. “Maybe you need to be taught some manners.”
41. “If I weren’t so in love with you, I’d kill you.”
42. “You’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn.”
43. “Have a nice sleep, dear.”
44. “Don’t ever try that again.”
45. “I’m not going to waste any more of my time on you.”
46. “I still remember the first time I saw you.”
47. “You’ll never leave my side again.”
48. “I like those little noises you make when you’re scared.”
49. “Oh, you didn’t argue this time! That’s progress.”
50. “You know, even when you look like you’re dead, you’re still beautiful.”
51. “Why did you run? You know how much I love you. You know how much I need you.”
52. “Okay, now you’re just asking for it.”
53. “Now? Now you just sit here and bleed out.”
54. “I know you won’t remember this, but I thought I’d tell you, anyway.”
55. “I can’t hear you, Whumpee~ Mind repeating that for me?”
56. “I’ll give you to the count of three.”
57. “Just think, maybe this will all be over soon!”
58. “You’ve ruined everything.”
59. “You’re making me do this.”
60. “Oh, darling, please be still. This won’t take long.”
61. “The only reason you’re still alive is because of me. Remember that.”
62. “You can’t scream. Not here.”
63. “Do yourself a favor and give up. You can’t escape.”
64. “I told you to shut your mouth.”
65. “You should have seen this coming.”
66. “Be quiet. You don’t want to wake the others, do you?”
67. “The fun has just begun!”
68. “Just because you aren’t beautiful anymore, doesn’t mean you can’t be useful.”
69. “Now, clean yourself up. I’m not doing it for you.”
70. “Look how pretty you are... Red’s really your color.”
71. “Now that you found your anger... it’s time to play.”
72. “You should have thought about that before you started screaming.”
73. “I didn’t break you, did I?”
74. “Either you apologize this instant, or you’ll be seeing nothing but the basement walls for the next week.”
75. “I’m disappointed in you, Whumpee.”
76. “Shh, don’t struggle. It’ll be easier this way.”
77. “You want to sleep? Beg for it, then.”
78. “I never tire looking at you, darling.”
79. “Now, why’d you go and do that? Look at you, now you’re hurt! And not by me this time...”
80. “I suppose I could always just toss you aside like yesterday’s trash.”
81. “Don’t be scared, Whumpee! You’re back with me now, why would you be scared?”
82. “Oh, my dear. Don’t tell me you think you’re the first person I’ve done this to.”
83. “Careful now, don’t tense up. It’ll just hurt more.”
84. “You’re not the first, and you definitely won’t be the last.”
85. “Let’s say you did escape. What would you even tell them?”
86. “I want to kill you slowly, but even that might be too kind for you.”
87. “Next time, I won’t knock you out first.”
88. “No one will ever know.”
89. “I can tell you’re not really asleep. Your breathing is different.”
90. “Don’t be sad, little one. I’m putting you out of your misery just like you wanted! You should be smiling!”
91. “Now you’ve really gone too far.”
92. “Do you see how completely useless you are now?”
93. “Sit up straight.”
94. “You have a visitor, Whumpee!”
95. “You better hope you’re worth it.”
96. “I’m going to take you apart slowly, and then... I’ll put you back together again.”
97. “Let’s see... where to start, where to start...”
98. “My friends will take great care of you.”
99. “I heard that you like pain. I won’t disappoint you.”
100. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret, darling...”
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norrisreads · 1 year
better than revenge #PG10
PAIRING: pierre gasly x reader! Charles leclerc x reader! Platonic
SUMMARY: a part 2 of set fire to the rain, what happens when pierre gasly comes back running in to your life after all the heart break that he caused you? will you take him back?
WARNING: angst & fluff
FC: roses_are_rose on ig
you pointed to where kika was standing, both kika and your eyes were wide, taken aback from pierre’s statement.
Charles, was steps behind from pierre and approached you making sure you’re okay not knowing the current situation were super tense.
you broke the silence, “pierre, let’s talk”
Charles walked away with kika, while you dragged pierre into your hotel room that was shared with Lissie.
You offered him a glass of water, “room’s a mess, but we need to talk about what happened. Kika told me the situation between both of you, care to explain?”
“I missed you, when you left, charles and i had a talk about our relationship, and i have slowly started to regret how i was neglecting you during our relationship.
Kika’s and I relationship were never meant to be serious, but eventually it had and every night i was still thinking about us. How we would have been right now, if i didn’t neglect our relationship.”
both of you sat side by side, and you had failed to noticed how pierre was tearing up until u felt drops of tears fell on to the back of your palm, that was caressing his hands (to be fair you were trying to calm him down)
Lissie had told you multiple times that you were just too kind for anyone in this world, and this gesture speaks a-lot because no women on this earth would be in this situation with their nasty ex-boyfriend
you were out of words because you’ve never realised you would be encountering this experience that was usually seen in televisions.
To be fair, pierre made you realise that your life was much more worthy. 70% of the moments that was spend with him was what made you the women you are today.
you had remembered times when you were close to giving up on your education but pierre took his time off schedule, he would face-time after the weekend races to accompany you pull an all nighter, you’ll wake up with breakfast in bed, assurance were given to you without being asked.
eventually, you let out a huge sigh
“Pierre, there’s a saying that ‘your first love is hard to forget because it leaves an 'imprint' on the sensory areas of your brain’ and i’ve always thought of you, i tried going on dates after our separate ways, but i couldn’t just give it a try because you’re always there, do you know that?”
you looked up at him, pierre wanted to say something but you weren’t finished
“i’ll think, oh pierre would have done this for me? oh pierre would have loved this? every single time a guy tried to do moves on me. Eventually, i got rid of that thought after 7 months. Well yeah, still no boyfriend but i’m happy that you were my first love. You’ve taught me so much and that so much was things that i could’ve only known because i was with you.”
you felt a tear roll down your cheeks, maybe tomorrow when you’re awake you’ll regret opening up your heart to someone who once had it.
“I’m sorry, y/n, i really am, but let’s just try for the second time and if this really does not work out, i’ll leave you alone”
that was real selfish of him, because here he is begging you to take him back but kika’s out there suffering the same heartbreak you were in 7 months ago.
“solve things out with kika, pierre. You both were in love too, special memories were made too, assure her and let her know what you’re really feeling and maybe get back to me?”
you smiled at pierre and he nodded his head, while walking himself out of your hotel room
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You’ve finally reached the imola grand prix, and here you are with Lissie and charles in charles driving room. With you always being around Charles, ferrari allowed you full access.
“have you thought on what you’re gonna say to pierre?” charles asked you while you were pacing back and forth in his driver room
“no, charles! i’m scared what if he had the talk with kika, and suddenly wants me back in his life? i can’t just drop the 7 months that i was suffering because of him, just because i loved him too much”
your head was in your hand because it has been on your mind ever-since the conversation with pierre happened
charles knew how in love with pierre you were, when both of you had freshly broken up you’ll get drunk most of the time and would lead to you drunk calling him, most of the time crying.
Pierre came to charles multiple times regarding this exact situation, as much as charles hates that pierre was the cause of your huge heart break but pierre and you was his closest friends and he knew the impact pierre had on you.
“Well, just accept him back in to your life then”
Lissie added on, “if you’re thinking about it, that speaks alot. You clearly want him back, as much as i disliked him, if he makes you happy, we’re happy with it”
“Or you could just find another driver to date….?” now this was a voice you would not expect to join the conversation you’re having
“Carlos…? How much did you heard?”
“Not much, but walls are thin here, i didn’t know you ended things with pierre that way, but what i was saying is, there are other people here who would die to be with you and would treat you much better than how pierre treated you, but why do you care anyways? i’m pretty sure the pierre’s impact is still on to you”
Carlos and Charles laughs, which made you rolled your eyes
“i don’t know guys, will it be healthy for me? that’s the question i’ve been asking”
“not all relationships are supposed to be healthy for you. yeah there may be ups and downs, but that’s the purpose of a relationship isn’t it? Loving each other even through tough times”
Lissie sat up and assured you, with charles and carlos agreeing Lissie’s statement
Maybe you’ve already made up your mind, but you just needed extra assurance from your closest friends
“Okay that’s all for the sappy talk, we need to go now, they’re finding for us charles, drivers meeting happens in 5 minutes and we need to be there” Carlos said his greetings and pulled charles along with him not giving him a chance to give his goodbyes to Lissie and i
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While waiting for Lissie to finish her interview session with the redbull drivers, you were just walking to a nearby bar to get a drink, because it sure as hell is a hot day, and a drink right now would sound so fucking good.
what makes it worse, is the choice of clothing you’re wearing, you’re really not a fan of revealing clothes but Lissie had decided to dress you up, as after the qualifying rounds, she had made plans for both of you to go to a nearby club with some other friends.
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Normally you’d have a blazer or a thin jacket as a cover-up but you had forgotten to picked up ur blazer from charles drivers room and you can’t access it without him being beside you as you didn’t really had a pass.
“here” as soon as you spoke about your blazer, you were handed a black blazer by someone
“than- pierre..?” you were slightly confused because he weren’t supposed to be here knowing there’ll be a debrief anytime in 15 mins, but here he is sitting beside you.
“charles handed me your blazer and told me you’d b here, he kinda send me away to talk to you” he shrugged, while ordering a drink.
you just gave him a smile, because you weren’t sure if you should bring up the conversation about him and kika knowing it’ll tensed up both of you.
“kika and i had the talk, i know you’re really curious about that” his seat was turned to face you, and he did the same to you, rotating your seat.
“I’ll just let you know how it goes and how i truly feel, it’ll be your choice if you are willing to accept me back into your life. I know how hard it is for you and i’m not rushing you to give me an answer, y/n.”
“go on” you gave him a nod
“kika was the one that knocked some sense into me, she told me that she could still see that i still had my heart reserved for you. Honestly, I’ve never notice it. I apologised to her that even-though we were in a relationship my heart didn’t belong to her. I felt bad of course, because at first i truly liked her but the constant reminders of you were just so hard to shrugged it off. When u came to Miami Grand Prix, i didn’t expect you’ll be there because charles told me you were busy and you guys barely communicated. I kinda bribed him to get regular updates about you” pierre laughed
“what did u bribe him with..?” you were as confused as ever, if charles needed anything he would have just gotten it, because this man has got to be the richest one in your friendship.
“advice on his fashion sense” well this clicked so well because lately Charles have been asking fashion advices from you, online shopping regularly, even having packages shipped to you just in case fans found out about his home address
“from you? i’m amazed, pierre. I was the one who had to pick your clothes for our dates, i’m glad you’ve upgraded that wardrobe of yours”
we both had more conversations but i had a question that i was much more curious
“did she went home?” changing the topic
“no, she’s still here, her friends are here so she went with them instead. I have asked her to keep the paddock passes because i felt bad”
you nodded ur head, it’s great that she’s still here, i wouldn’t want things to be awkward especially after the elevator incident
“We’ll start slow, we’ll then see how it goes” you said softly, you were honestly scared of how this will go because if pierre had done this to you once, what is stopping him to do it twice?
“That’s fine to me, y/n. I’ll prove to you that im worthy of getting the second chance” he hugged you
The hug still felt awkward and tense because it’s been quite a while since Pierre and you shared a hug
“You’re not interviewing anyone? I’ll probably have to be back soon in 10 minutes? Wanna walk back together?”
you shook your head, signalling him that you did not have any interviews today but agreed on walking back to the paddock together
“Lissie’s in-charge today, i’m interviewing aston martin’s team, mclaren’s team and your team though tomorrow, before and after the race. Guess you’ll need to see my face again, hope you don’t get sick of me!”
both of you shared a laugh, “i would never get sick of your face” pierre mumbled softly, which led to you not hearing anything
when both of you reached your respective destination, you gave your goodbyes and proceed to assist Lissie and the team to pack things up
Lissie noticed your existence, “everything alright?”
you gave her a thumbs up and continued your task.
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you were drunk.
Things escalated so quickly, it’s not even 3 hours in and you were drunk.
It wasn’t drunk drunk but DRUNK DRUNK.
What’s crazy is you were never a light weight, but for some reason the empty stomach really made you feel like a light weight, because here you are seated on your table while the others were on the dance floor
You’ve never noticed your driver friends walking in to the exact same club in the next booth, because whenever you are drinking, all thoughts are only on you
Other than being drunk, you’re stubborn, because here you are chugging 4 shots of vodka and walking straight to the dance floor
“What’s gotten her, isn’t she the strongest amongst us?” Amanda, Lissie’s friend shouted through the music
Lissie signaled her a love sign which made the whole group did an “OOH”.
“hey pretty girl, slow down on those shots, will you?” You felt someone slid their arms on your wrist but was too confused on who it was with the blurred vision you had
But you do recognise this accent and voice
“Chaaaaaarles, what ar you doooing here?” holding on to him for stability
“What you’re here for too, how much did she drank?” Charles asked Lissie
Lissie didn’t know if she should be lying to Charles with the alcohol intake you had or tell the truth, so she chose the latter option because charles was one scary man when he’s angry
“More than you can imagine”
Charles rolled his eyes and walked you back to the booth, except this wasn’t the girls booth but it’s the guys and they were shocked seeing you here drunk
Obviously not a common sight for them
“y/n?” pierre stood up walking to both you and charles
“hey hahahahaha, fuck i’m so light headed right now” head in your hands, whining which made the guys laughed
“not the strongest soldier anymore?” george snickered
“shut the fuck up, i think the dude did something to the drink it’s so fucking strong, it’s so insane” you leaned your head back not knowing it landed on Lance’s shoulder
“What did you ask for?” Carlos questioned you
“the stongest in the house and i did a lot a LOT of shots, fuck i have an interview too, with YOU” you gave carlos his answer and pointed to Lance signifying that you’re doing an interview with him tomorrow probably hangover.
“well that’s probably why you’re like this, sherlock holmes” Lando added on
“drink up” pierre handed you a glass of water, which you gulped down in a second
“easy” Lance soothed your back, and this action made Pierre tensed which charles happened to notice and can’t help but to smile
“thaaaanks sweet boy, other girls would die to be me right now” you laughed, half conscious half drunk
“drinking more?” george asked
you nodded your head while charles and pierre shouted a hard NO
“unfair, i’m doing great right now, i think…?” you gave them a pout which led them to laugh loudly
“you’re crazy y/n, just don’t turn up to the paddock with those huge shades of yours that you used to do back then” Lando commented which made you rolled your eyes
“They made me feel like a bad bitch, maybe you need a pair too so you’re able to feel the bad bitch vibes”
“I don’t like drunk y/n, she’s snarky as hell” pierre taken aback by the comment you gave to lando
“that’s on you babes, honesty is the best policy!!!!!!!! Oh deaaaaaaaaaar, i need to fucking puke, i’m never drinking” you stood up and dragged pierre along with you because right now, he’s just standing in front of you
“Lovebirds” carlos rolled his eyes, but deep down it kinda warmed the other guys because they knew both of you were each other end games
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you wake up in a hotel bed, but you are unsure if you made it home safely, until you heard songs from the kitchen area.
now it clicked you, this isn’t your hotel room, hell nah, you refuse to believe you had just done a one night stand but when you got out of bed you’ve realise, you were clothed head to toe
an oversize black tee with basketball shorts that was clearly to long and big for your small size.
Oh my god, how drunk were you to be in a strangers bed
You walked slowly to the kitchen area only to recognise the guy’s back view and it slowly made your heart warm because you have never thought you’ll face this back view again
Pierre heard your footsteps, “awake? any hangovers?”
you shook, well this was the best part because no matter how much you drink, hangover weren’t really your thing
“feeling anything?” he stood in-front of you hands on your head which made your head lean on to his torso
pierre felt so full knowing you’re here in front of him, the view he has been dying to wake up to
“just hungry, how did i end up here?”
“charles a room away, but he’s sharing with Arthur and you’re quite noisy when you are drunk so i opted to bring you in my room instead.
We couldn’t find Lissie anywhere, apparently she went home at 6AM because she knocked charles door frantically thinking you were lost, she’s dead asleep though in your room. Must be a great night for both of you”
he chuckled playing with your hair
“great night, yes? for me and lissie? maybe. Did you cook? Something smells good, i don’t know if it’s you or the food”
“it’s the food, it might be me too, you’re the stinky one here” pierre guided you to the kitchen, seeing the pancakes and omelette placed right in-front of you
“i don’t mind having a taste of both but the pancakes are screaming out to me more, sorry pierre”
this was an out of pocket comment, because to Pierre you were someone shy but through out the night, he realised that you were getting super bold with everything
“this isn’t very friends of us, huh” you commented
“so why not let’s give it a try?” you added
pierre stood up in shocked and walked right over to kiss you there and that
“oh i fucking miss this, miss everything about you baby”
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y/nviews just posted
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tagged charles_leclerc , pierregasly and lissiemackintosh
liked by pierregasly, lissiemackintosh and others
y/nviews they droved off without me, I’m literally steve in the relationship
charles_leclerc YOU WERE WITH LISSIE
y/nviews could’ve offered?????????? smh and you call me your best friend? im offended
pierregasly there wasn’t any space, did u wanted to sit on my lap, dearest steve?
y/nviews that wasn’t a problem last night
georgerussell63 timeout stop ruining this child pierregasly y/nviews
gaslaaaayed wait…. R they back together??????? FINALLY?
tsunoday i’ve been waiting for this 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
pgaslighter landonorris they’re a quadrant right now, watch out they’re coming for your spot 🫵🏻
landonorris oh hell no lissiemackintosh GET OUT! That was my spot originally 🤗
pierregasly just posted
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tagged y/nviews
liked by y/nviews, carlossainz55 and others
pierregasly she refused to get a license just so she’ll be my passenger princess forever, i’m loving it though
charles_leclerc she’s lying, she has one but don’t risk yourself
y/nviews this is false information, i’ve failed it at least 2 times
carlossainz55 i’ll teach you, i think im a great driver 🤭
pierregasly no one’s teaching my gf except me
y/nviews naw that shucks, i was srs about it though carlossainz55
lance_stroll was about to give a like until i saw your face, I’m taking it back y/nviews
y/nviews i love my fans 😓
y/nviews i love you forever my baguette 🥖
pierregasly …..
a/n: well that’s all for this series! i hope it’s a great ending bcause i was unsure on how i should’ve ended this :0
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youaremycosmo · 4 months
《i'm jelly, baby》 taemin x reader scenario
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someone said here she's going to write more scenarios this year... T.T Word count// 3,925 words
Pairing// Taemin x you
Summary// You're going on a really short business trip. And Taemin hates it so much, especially after he met your handsome boss a few weeks ago.
Genre// fluffiest fluff
Warnings// if you're reading at night, be careful of white screenshots that may kill your eyesight T.T little dirty jokes, not much ^.^
- Oh, I forgot to tell you something - you suddenly declared, reaching for a glass of water as you ate dinner. It was Friday afternoon, and you came from work about 2 hours ago, then cooked something nice for you both. You didn't really have any plans today, just wanted to relax in each other's company after a long, full of duties week.
- What is this? - Taemin asked, catching a glimpse of you, but then returned his attention to the plate again. He always ate everything you cooked as if he had been starving for at least two days, which never failed to amuse you. Instead of anger, you considered it as a good compliment though.
- I have to go on a business trip tomorrow. Not a delegation, more like a short training - you knew you were practically dropping a bomb right now. You should have told him earlier, but expecting his reaction... you preferred to admit that as late as possible.
Taemin's eyes shot towards you again, this time gazing hard. - Delegation? - he put down his chopsticks, suddenly forgetting about dinner.
- Training. With my co-workers - you shrugged, leaning hard in your chair. It wasn’t that you were afraid of something, but knew Taemin wouldn’t leave this information with a simple “okay, have a good time”. - Well, you know, from time to time they want to increase our competencies and motivation in the office, so they send us on such trips - you explained carefully. - Two days. I'll be back on Sunday - you assured him with a soft smile.
- Two days? - he groaned quietly, frowning. You could easily see how his mood changed in a second. - Can't you say you're busy? I wanted to take you on a date tomorrow… 
- It's mandatory, Taeminnie -  you shrugged, biting your lip. - I'll go quickly and come back quickly, you'll see. You won't even notice I'm gone - you added in hope it would cheer him up at least just a little. But who were you trying to fool?
- Sure -  Taem muttered sadly, looking down for a moment. - Since you're going for two days, where will you sleep? - the next question was asked so quickly.
- In the hotel, I actually need to drive… - you scratched your nape, deep in thought. - Like… 70 kilometers there? They rent a conference room for us, then we’ll have a campfire - you started to eat again.
- Need me to drive you maybe? - his eyes suddenly shone, as he straightened up with this idea. 
- Um… - you frowned and reached for his arm to caress it. - Thank you, Taeminnie, but i’ll be fine - you noticed as his shoulders fell down again. Taemin didn't look overly convinced. In fact, you could see his mood turn sour even more. His tone of voice wasn't even accusatory, just blindsided. That's why you pretended that you forgot about that trip, otherwise Tae would have been walking around and sulking so much for a whole month. 
- Will your boss be there too? - you choked slightly on the piece of meat, immediately reaching for a glass of water again. Tae wanted to get up, but you quickly showed him with your hand that everything was fine. - What type of question is this? - you asked indignantly as soon as you regained your breath. - Yes, he works with me, so he'll be there. It's normal.
- I wish he weren't there - he hissed through clenched teeth. - Not only do you work for so long, you see him five times a week, but now you go on a business trip with him. You see your boss more than your fiancé, really - Taem whined so miserably, digging into his food.
- Taeminnie, it's only one weekend - you said, trying to comfort him somehow. - And when I come, you'll take me on a date, okay? Or maybe we'll go somewhere next weekend? Hm? You’ll plan something great, I'm sure… - you praised him, but it didn’t seem to work. Taemin only nodded absent-mindedly. - But... it’s not like you’re going to be in the same hotel room, right? - he still enquired, which started to tire you out. 
- Of course not, baby - you rolled your eyes. - If someone is going to be in my room, it’ll be a female friend, I promise. Now please eat, I took my time to make a meal for us - you empathized, wanting to end this interrogation for good. 
All you could hear was a loud sigh. Was Taemin really 25 years old and not 10? ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It was supposed to be a quick packing before watching a movie in a soft, comfortable bed, but Taemin had other plans.
His watchful eyes carefully followed every single thing put into the bag for a few minutes now, fortunately in full silence. 
By the time. - Why are you packing such pretty pajamas? - he suddenly pointed out, furrowing his brows.
You glanced at the pink pajamas in your hands. Just a t-shirt and shorts, nothing special. Girly thing to wear at night.
- Normal pajamas, what do you want? - you were similarly outraged.
- Will anyone be there to watch you? You don't sleep in these usually - Taem muttered, getting up and going to the dressing room.
- Well, I usually sleep in your clothes… - you answered under your breath, following him to grab your underwear this time.
- This will be better - he handed out to you his T-shirt and sweatpants. They were equally casual clothes for sleeping, just... a bit embarrassing if any of your co-workers was going to see you. It was immediately obvious that you had stolen it from a man’s wardrobe.
- No thanks, I prefer my own -  you decided,  pulling out your panties.
- Why do you choose such nice underwear? - he asked again, his voice higher than usual.
- Taemin, gosh, I took the first one from the drawer, calm down - you said, already slightly irritated, taking a deep breath when he started looking for something in your panties.
- Take these - he handed you what was probably the most worn out pair.
- Oh, I didn’t notice it, I thought I threw them all away after I bought new ones - you raised your brow, taking them from his hand but only to throw them into the trash. - So, should I just sleep without any, since there’s a problem with my underwear? - you asked, now teasing him.
- What? Of course not, wait… a moment… - he sounded puzzled, and you heard him rummage around again, finally coming up with black, most basic underwear.
- So these panties are approved by Lee Taemin for me to wear on my butt? - you almost chucked, throwing them into your bag. - Okay... I guess that’s all...? - you asked yourself, but then a dirty idea came to your mind. Not joking around with him in this situation was simply a crime. - Oh, no, I forgot… - you turned your attention to him, one hundred percent serious. - Can you lend me some condoms? You know, not all men remember them like you do... - you smiled sweetly.
The way Taemin widened his eyes, looking like he saw a ghost for a split second and his jaw just dropped was worth anything in the world. Unfortunately, he quickly snorted under his breath, sending you a murderous look.  - Very funny, tearing off my sides - Taem hissed, and climbed onto the bed again.
- Well, I should protect myself, right? - you bit the tip of your tongue, obviously satisfied with your teasing.  As a result, a pillow flew towards you, which you didn’t manage to catch.
- I'll get you sick leave soon and you won't go anywhere - he moaned like an offended little boy.
- I don't understand why you're so nervous, tiger - this time you blew him a kiss. - This is integration training and you're acting like I'm going... to cheat on you - you zipped your bag, shrugging your shoulders.
- I would be calmer if there wasn't a person named Choi Minho -  he grumbled, his eyes following you.
- He's my boss, he must be there - you put your bag on the floor and with a wide smile you climbed onto the bed, sitting on his lap. Taemin immediately wrapped his arms around your waist. - And I have a lot of competition there, you don't even know how many of my co-workers chirp - you clasped your hands and placed them next to your cheek. - "Minho-ssi, you're so smart, I couldn't do it without you" - you moved them to the other side. “Minho-ssi, why don't you have lunch with me, you must be hungry” - you added, rolling your eyes.
- Competition? - he seemed even more worried. - So you're trying too? - his eyes, so big and brown, stared at you innocently.
- No, Tae, could you not trip me up on my words?  I don't understand why you've been so mad at him since he came here... Are you angry that he came over for a moment? It won't happen again, if that's a problem for you  - you swore to him with complete sincerity. 
- I'm not angry - he swallowed, looking down for a moment. - He's just... he's handsome... and manly... and he's your boss... and he's well-built - he started listing. - So... I'm not surprised if you liked him more than me… 
- But you're the one complimenting him - you replied, unimpressed. - Yes, a lot of people look after him, but I already have a fiancé - you hugged him tightly. - Even more handsome... and manly... and he's not just the boss, because he's the co-owner of the studio, and he's well-built too... - you pulled away slightly to lift his shirt and show his tummy. - Definitely well-built - you said flirtatiously, giving him a wink.
Taemin laughed, clearly embarrassed, and slipped the material from your hand, covering himself. - You think so? - he asked quietly, looking into your eyes.
This was one of the moments where you knew there’s no space for teasing anymore. - I know that - you answered, placing a sweet, short kiss on his lips. - I'll be a good fiancée, I promise - you smiled broadly, stroking his hair. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
- Oh, did you put in the ring? - Taemin asked out of the blue in the middle of saying goodbye, lifting your hand. Of course, he asked about the engagement ring, which was so damn expensive that you were afraid to walk around with for fear of losing it. Or that someone will cut off your hand along with that. What a great choice. 
- Yes, I did - you let out a loud sigh. - Anyone from two meters will see that I'm already taken - you grumbled, staring at him as he was kissing your ring. 
- Are you sure you don't want that hickey? - he asked bluntly, staring carefully at your face again.
- Taemin, this isn't elementary school, I'll burn with embarrassment - you answered, removing your hand from his grip. 
- Maybe a small one, behind the ear? -Taem asked again, completely undaunted by your reaction. It was like he already sank into his own world, in which any man passing you on the street could be the one snatching you from him. 
- This one is doing quite well - you lifted your shirt, showing him the hickey he gave you yesterday on your lower stomach - I don't know who is going to see it, but let it be - you crouched down to put on your shoes.
- It's just in case... in case you forgot... that you have a fiancé - he muttered, and you shook your head. So ridiculous, but you didn’t even have time to discuss it with him.
- Everyone knows you are my fiancé. And now I really have to go - you said, straightening up and trying to take your things. - So… see you tomorrow, right?
- Wait, no goodbye kiss for me? - he grumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into a kiss. He was far from sweet and innocent, his lips immediately dominated you, leaving you completely breathless. Soon you were pinned against the wall, fully absorbed into passionate brushing your lips against his. And when he made sure they could kiss only him, he decided to take his time on marking you again.
- I… Taemin… - you tried to say as he was holding your cheek and giving you multiple smooches here and there. - You’re… ruining… my makeup… - you whined, trying to push him from you a little. Like yesterday's intense lovemaking wasn’t enough. 
Taem didn’t look concerned by that, his lips continuously pressing to your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin until he finally decided to back away. 
You couldn’t help, but immediately glanced over at yourself in the mirror and pursed your lips into straight line as you noticed red patches everywhere on your face due to overflowing affection from your fiancé. 
- Baby, drive carefully, okay? And send me a message when you arrive - he asked lovingly, letting you go with visible dissatisfaction.
- Don’t worry, I'll write to you -  you assured in a low voice, taking your things and trying to leave the apartment. You really needed to hurry up to be on time.  - Y/n? - he asked again when you were about to close the door. You run your fingers across your eyelids in slight annoyance. Sometimes you really had to have the patience of a saint for Taem and his lovey-dovey nature. - Yes, Taeminnie? - you replied as calmly as possible, opening them again. Taemin suddenly looked down. It looked like he was thinking intensively for a second before his dark, puppy eyes met with yours again. 
- I love you -  he said with a bit of uncertainty, biting his lip. - And… I'll be waiting for you here, okay? - Tae added with a little pout. You felt your heart melted hearing that. You just couldn’t be mad at him, when he acted so adorably and… was just in love with all his heart and soul. - I know, Tae - you smiled warmly. - I love you too. Very, very much - you whispered enough for him to hear. You could see as he smiled so brightly at those words, before you left for good.  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Your training just couldn't be uninterrupted, and you had felt your phone vibrate in your pocket again and again for the last twenty minutes. At first you really tried to ignore it, but soon your thoughts took a different direction as more messages were delivered.
Did something happened? Nobody sends so many texts at once...
You tried to discreetly look around, sensing if a lack of focus for a moment would be noticed. Fortunately, it seemed like nobody paid attention to you, so finally you decided to take out the phone under the table.
And mentally rolled your eyes.
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This time you looked up from your phone and flinched slightly when you saw Minho's sharp gaze as he was sitting across from you. He didn't have to say or show anything, you could immediately sense that you were already in trouble.
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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- I thought you were going to the studio today - it was the first thing you said, when Taemin answered the phone. He didn’t need more than 3 seconds, to be exact. 
- I was in the studio!  - he said indignantly.
- When, since you wrote every half an hour?  - you made fun of him a little, trying to get comfortable on the pillow. One thing you had to admit, Taemin probably spoiled you too much with the mattress in your bedroom, bought because it was especially for desk workers and all the soft pillows. 
- I wrote when I had a break, I don’t dance all the time - he groaned quietly. - What I was supposed to do, I’ve done. Are you going to sleep? - he immediately changed the tone of his voice. - How was it anyway? - Tae got so much quieter and calmer, as he sensed you were preparing for sleep. 
- Sitting and listening -  you muttered, sighing. - It's not the most entertaining thing in the world, at least on the weekend… 
- See, if you just stayed with me...
- Ah, how many times do I have to tell you that it's beyond my control? - you raised your voice a little, already so irritated by his words. - Do you think I want to sit here? - you asked, maybe a little too sharp, then let out a deep breath. - I want to go on a date too... - you admitted quietly, your fingers nibbling on the sheets.
Taemin stayed quiet for a moment before you heard his warm, beaming laugh. - Arasso, arasso - he replied in a warbling tone. - I promise I'll make it up to you, right? As soon as you arrive, okay? Don't be mad... don't be mad... - he purred, while making kissing sounds through the phone that you couldn't help but giggle at. - Better? - he asked and you bit your lip slightly.
- It would be better to feel it - it was already a whisper, since things like that were difficult for you to confess. And Taem knew about it. Still, he seemed a little surprised as he made a little longer pauses before he said anything.
- Tomorrow you’ll get as much as you need, baby - Tae assured lovingly. - I promise, I can kiss you all day, and all night, if you want. 
- I’m sure you aren’t lying - you answered, already imagining it. Somehow, you started to feel how the other half of the bed was empty, left only for you. 
- I won’t torment you more today - he chuckled gently. - You probably really want to sleep, and I'm just a sticker, so… sleep well - you could hear the sincerity in his tender voice. - You worked hard today, and I’m really proud of you. Like, when did my girl grow up so much? - Taem sighed happily, which gave your tummy a funny feeling. You settled yourself more in the pillow, biting your lip. 
- Taem? - you said hesitantly, despite you were repeating it for almost 10 years now. 
- Yes, baby? 
This time you took a slight pause before speaking again. - I love you - you admitted affectionately, which made him giggle. 
- I’m all red now because of you - he whined, but still so amused. - How am I going to sleep now? I think I may love you too - Tae joked, and you rolled your eyes. 
- May love? You’ll regret it as soon as I arrive - you snorted under your breath. - Goodnight, Taem. 
- Goodnight, my princess. Dream only about me - he answered, but didn’t disconnect. You stayed in the silence for a few seconds more, just listening to his slow, calm breaths before you ended the call with slight regret.
You turned off the bedside light and made yourself comfortable on the pillow before closing your eyes. But immediately you corrected yourself again. This bed really wasn't cosy. And that pillow… was so thin. You reached for the other one and tried to position your head better. This bedding, so scratchy. It was already getting hot, even though you had only been under her for a few minutes. Taemin always asked if you wanted to turn the sheets over when he felt it might be too hot for you. But now you had to do it yourself. Cooler. And still scratchy. And so quiet. It should be fine, you were fed up with all the blabbering for all day, along with Taemin, who was behaving like a preschooler whose favorite toy had been stolen. You laid there for a good hour, with all sorts of thoughts running through your head… Until you finally realized why you couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't the wrong sheets or the uncomfortable bed, it bothered you… that no one bothered you. There was no weird man who, as soon as you got into bed, hugged your back tightly and never let go, there was no talking about total nonsense before going to sleep, and there was no his yawning and calm breathing. You opened your eyes, wondering what to do. Taemin was probably just talking nonsense about how he couldn't fall asleep without you, and now he was probably hugging his pillow, long since drifting off to dreamland. The strong light from your phone illuminated your face, making you moan softly before you dimmed it. You bit your lip lightly as you wrote another message. Just to make sure you were right. You weren't right. Taem answered it in like 2 seconds, just like your call before.
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This was just pointless. You locked your phone and thought about what you were about to do for a little more before turning the light. Then, you quickly left the bed and began to pack your things. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You sighed deeply, finally entering code to your apartment. All the driving in the night made you even more tired and sleepy, so you just dreamed about lying in bed. You turned on the light in the corridor, and your eyes immediately saw Taemin with ruffled hair, looking so surprised. His eyes weren’t sleepy though. 
- Are you back? Did you miss me? - he asked, suddenly bright-eyed and bushy tailed.
You decided to take off your shoes, turning your back to him. Seeing him made you feel embarrassed. You simply couldn’t admit you actually felt the same. 
- I was cold under the covers - you replied quietly without much emotion. You heard Taemin chuckle at your words before his hands wrapped around your body, lifting you up. You didn't resist him, immediately hugging him so it was easier to carry you to bed.
- I couldn't sleep without you either - he purred smugly, carrying you to the bedroom. Taem helped you undress and soon you were lying on the familiar sheets, with him snuggling into your right side as close as possible. But this wasn’t what you needed today. So, without a word, you turned your back to him. 
- Why? - he whined outraged, lifting up a little. 
- Shhh, let me sleep - you reprimanded him, taking his hand and pulling it. You intertwined fingers with him and put it next to your cheek, as Taemin finally hugged you with a giggle. 
- Oh, you must be missing me a lot, baby - he said, kissing your nape. Fortunately, he was probably so tired that it was the last thing said that night. 
You smiled softly, closing your eyes.
Better. Much better. And of course, you missed him a lot.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
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hi again! you might already know about this, but i really felt like bringing it up to you!
turns out michael's mom is pretty active on twitter and these past few days she's been engaging nonstop with tweets talking about aziracrow being in love. she's definitelymichael's #1 fan, but i couldn't help noticing the amount of not-about-characters stuff she seems to engage with too. Among tweets talking about Aziraphale's loving stare, queer fans making our usual queer jokes and remarks about them, michael reading fanfiction, miles maitland gifs, there's a good amount of... this. She surely has liked random stuff among the 14.6k rts/likes she has, so i'm attatching some examples of what she's been liking and rting because-- what the hell (i even spotted one of your tweets in the mix!) she even liked a tweet calling AL and GT innefable wives ??
my first thought was how embarrased i'd personally be if my mom was seeing comments online about me and my best buddy being madly in love, let alone engaging with them, but after it settled i'm just... in awe that this probably +70 y/o woman is being this supportive over social media 😭 so heart warming (btw i'm sorry for randomly popping up into your questions twice today- i have literally made this account after finding yours, feeling a bit less alone in the world)
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(Grouping these two Asks together since they are related.) Ask #1: Hi there! No need at all to apologize for being in my inbox twice in same day. I'm so glad that my blog has been helpful and meaningful to you, and that you felt compelled to write in as a result. Welcome aboard!
So, Mama Sheen. She's been doing this for years--at least since 2019, when I first started following Michael on Twitter--but I will tell you my slightly crackpot theory, which is that for a while back in the day, I thought that maybe her account was actually Michael's secret alt account. (What better place to hide than in plain sight, after all...). I'm not so sure about that now, of course, but it's been really interesting to see her retweeting so much shippy stuff involving Michael and David, and as both you and @tamose pointed out, she especially seems to have ramped it up since GO 2 came out.
I also wanted to touch on you describing Mama Sheen as Michael's #1 fan, because although I wholeheartedly agree, it's a curious thing to me that we can more easily see her as Michael's number one fan than his own girlfriend. It's Mama Sheen--not AL--who has been retweeting all of this, who's been cheering him on, engaging with fan content, and retweeting all things Ineffable Husbands/GO 2. I've written on my blog previously about how I've never really seen AL be supportive of him (and how she spent much of 2020 and 2021 making fun of his appearance/fat-shaming him), as well as how she is not at all part of that polyamorous/throuple dynamic with Michael, David, and Georgia. And while I know the lack of engagement and carefully calculated interactions/posts could be chalked up to her not being able to promote the show due to the SAG strike, that doesn't really excuse her tepid support of Michael himself.
(Also, don't even get me started on the cringeyness of Georgia and AL as Ineffable Wives, not to mention how insulting it is to David and Michael personally and to their work as professionals to suggest that they are replaceable/that Georgia and AL (or anyone else) could play Aziraphale and Crowley and give us the same dynamic and chemistry we saw on screen...)
But yes, going back to Mama Sheen, I have long thought that she seems to ship Michael and David, and how sweet and heartwarming it would be if Michael brought David over for tea or dinner--especially because his own mother passed away several years ago--and no doubt Mama Sheen would dote on him and make sure he's fed and happy. It's especially interesting to contemplate when we see this picture from the Bright Young Things UK premiere in 2003, which almost looks like Mama (and Papa) Sheen posing with Michael and his kilt-wearing Scottish boyfriend:
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Beautiful. Well, it's certainly something delightful to think about, at any rate. Whatever the case may be, I fully agree that it is lovely to see Michael's mom being so supportive and accepting of her son, particularly in the midst of such a hostile, anti-LGBTQ climate in the UK. We love you, Mama Sheen! ❤️
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get-back-homeward · 11 months
Now and Then Day
This sideblog began after watching Get Back nagged and nagged at me until finally I started to look closer at context relative to the Beatles discography and suddenly started experiencing these WAIT WHAT moments every day as what I thought I knew got turned inside out. The appeal was in looking at something you knew like the back of your hand from another direction and seeing/hearing something new you hadn’t seen/heard before. But I had no idea we’d get another song to add to the mix in 2023.
I knew Now and Then day would be an experience. I thought I’d have to wait the whole day before listening. But I got lucky and found a few minutes to listen to Now and Then when it was first released this morning. And inexplicably clicked to hear the remastered Love Me Do instead. I cannot explain my brain.
I then tried to start Now and Then and noped out before 15 seconds in. Too overwhelming. Not the right time. I was too rushed and needed more space to mentally prepare for it.
I caught NPR covering the Now and Then release today on my drive home. They had a Lennon biographer (I didn’t catch the name) reviewing the song. He said the song recalls John’s more delicate tunes like Beautiful Boys (sic) and mentioned John started the song in 1970.
Say what?!
Here I was late last night trying to nail down a better date for John’s demo than “late 70s”. Meanwhile, biographers are just here on national public radio pushing lies. Did he have ChatGPT write his comments?
Oh yeah, they also said it was created with AI no qualifier.🤦‍♀️
They played a few snippets of the song including one new piece not in the doc but refrained from playing it in full. It was mostly wrong Beatles facts all segment.
Trying the song a second time hours later, I got through it in one piece but was feeling abit 🥴 about it as a song itself. Having just listened to the original demo was probably a mistake, and I could hear all the seams and feeling the Frankenstein song effect.
Third attempt sounded more together, with the seams not quite as noticeable. I was prepared for the changes, the layering bits from other songs, and noted highlights of the instrumentals: the strings, George’s guitar bits, and Ringo’s flourishes. I love Paul coming through on the future tense certainty of “I will love you” (is that I Will?). Ringo’s shimmering effect choice (is it tams?) is such an entrancing closer. Giles’ score and Beatles recycled bits do mend the seams well once I stop thinking about them too much.
On fourth listen, my biggest notes are questioning why Paul’s harmony with John isn’t more distinct. He shows a lot of restraint here but maybe too much? Did Get Back get to him in other ways than the most obvious? Is he just self-conscious about his own voice? Or is it the limitation of the tech when it comes to harmony mixing?
The strings were what I was most worried about, but their entrance at the 1:15 mark really kicks it up a notch to transition into the singalong. Other standouts are 1:40 with George’s flourish and 2:29 peak with the guitar solo.
Lyrically, it’s the conditional and if I make it through it’s all because of you that haunts in layers of meaning both grim and cathartic that reverberate through time and space.
If John makes it through emotionally to 1980 and has a comeback? Congrats, bud you did it. But he’s stopped physically through no fault of his own. There’s the obvious mourning of that lost potential even 40 years later.
If this song this voice this message of John’s makes it through to 2023 and reaches the public? Well, success there, Paul’s tenacity saw it through with help from many friends. John’s voice and song lives on through Paul’s wish to conjure him by his side. On the Day of the Dead no less. I was reminded of the concept of tulpas today and was knocked back on my heels by the thought.
If John as an artist and Beatles as a band make it through so fans are still listening in 2023? This doubles as a bit of a fan love letter, and thank you for 60 years. Released on the day Beatlemania first appeared in black and white.
But then there’s also a reflector on this. Some original Beatles fans have aged with Paul and Ringo and others have not and aren’t here to share this like John and George. There’s grief and mourning from those still here about those lost, and the song acts as a catharsis. A kind of thank you to the band for being there for fans in good times and bad. The symbiosis of fame between a band and its fans across the decades.
It’s a lot.
I spent some time looking at the youtube comments on the song. Some original fans but many second and even third generation fans. And quite a few stories about a loved one who loved the band and recently passed away like this one:
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And this:
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But also in there are stories of catharsis and healing.
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And many memories of the joy that Beatles music has brought to people’s lives. We all have these stories of how their songs weave into our own life. But it’s the joy that I keep coming back to as the secret sauce to the band’s earliest days. I often think of those early songs more in terms of feeling then anything, and it starts with the first single.
I love the Love Me Do remastering. That harmonica sounds so crisp. The bluegrassy harmonies have never sounded better. The ones on ple-ee-ee-ease still give me chills. Ringo’s drums moved forward in the mix to appreciate that driving beat just a bit more. I can hear the bass too. I can’t wait to hear what the other early Red album tracks sound like.
But next to Now and Then, I’m also looking at the lyrics like I never did before. Why give it another glance? Written by a 16 year old kid, it always sounded a bit juvenile and simple. But suddenly next to Now and Then, there’s a weight to it I never heard before.
Love, love me do
You know I love you
I’ll always be true
So please, love me do
It sounds like a promise. Now and Then is fulfillment of that always. It’s no longer just the whim of a kid. But rather the beginning of 7 decade devotional: To John, to the band, to fans, and reflected back again. The love is reciprocal from all sides.
How’s that for a WAIT WHAT moment? Paul turning the least likely song inside out and backwards. And he didn’t even add a lyrical middle eight.
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erenmusic · 11 days
Revisiting The Life of Pablo and ''Old Kanye'' in 2024
Seeing how Kanye has been acting recently and the quality of his music going down in recent years, especially with the unfinished mess that was Vultures 2 got me to revisit The Life of Pablo (TLOP), Which in my opinion is Kanye's most interesting and creative project to date. It has been a long time and his style has changed a lot since then, so Could TLOP be considered Old Kanye now? Lets see.
The album starts out with the song ''Ultralight Beam'' which sets the Tone for the whole album, giving a feeling of holiness in its sound, and the child's voice at the start praising the lord definitely makes what Kanye's trying to make you feel here very obvious. It is a song to get you ready for what's to come in this album, starting off calm and slow and ending with choir sounds that then lead into some of the best-produced songs ever created in ''Father Stretch My Hands'' parts 1 and 2. My favorite sample from the album comes from an old '70s choir band and it is actually crazy how well Kanye uses these old-timey sounds and makes something that feels brand new and so different from other stuff we got in 2016, it is honestly sad to see how far he's fallen from the peaks on this album. that's not to say that part 1 doesn't have some pretty questionable lines like this one here,
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However the songs are still very fun and man is that instrumental good. It can almost get me to forgive any wack line Kanye comes up with.
After the Trip that is both of those songs you make your way to Famous which has one of the best instrumental parts on the whole album.
This part where the Woman singing reminds me of Jazz musicians doing scat and the idea of using unintelligible noises to make stuff sound good is just so cool.(also really reminds me of The Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd where the feeling is given to you not with words but with sheer vocals) Bam bam Bilam Bam was stuck in my head for years after listening to this album.
Unfortunately I think after this song the album does go on bit of a slow streak. Feedback is a fun song but I see it as almost like a filler episode, songs like Low Lights and Highlights never really stuck with me and I don't love the skits and freestyles he does on this album so I will skip them for this review except obviously the song that defined kanye for the rest of his career after this album
The song I Love Kanye really shows us what he was going for on this album. Shutting up all the critics, saying and showing us he is better than his old self, he is confident in knowing this new experimental stuff IS really better and he shows us that he is always ahead of the game. After understanding how Kanye saw himself in 2016 now we can see the opposite situation happening today. Kanye with his new albums like Vultures 2 still imagines himself as a pioneer and the unfinished experimental sound does feel similar to how it was in 2016 However the difference this time is that (at least in my opinion I might feel very different on the album in a couple years, maybe I don't appreciate Vultures 2 enough and I will come to love it later on in life.) the songs are simply less creative and he doesn't have the same messaging and just straight passion that went into TLOP. Vultures 2 feels commercial and it feels like Kanye is trying to cling to success while TLOP was a definitive part of Kanye's career while he was already extremely successful, He didn't need to prove himself he could have fun, have bad bars, and also still make great music. Now it just feels like Kanye is taking the piss on every song, Not even trying to make something artsy, and just wants to be shocking so people will still pay attention to him hence the whole tirade about Jewish people. (Maybe it really is the Nox that got to him.)
To get back to the Album at hand, after the halfway point of ''I Love Kanye'' you get great songs like Waves which really holds up in its production and Wolves with even more amazing production, what makes Wolves special I think is that it has some very different messaging about the modern dating life of people, saying that everyone is in danger of being taken advantage even Mary would be at risk being soured in this day and age is what I get from that song, Definitely an interesting perspective and definitely a Kanye perspective on things.
When you get towards the end of the Album there is a bit of a shift in tone, Kanye gets serious again. (except for Facts which is just a diss song against Nike lol) the main two songs I want to focus on at the end of the Album is probably 2 of the best songs on it. Firstly we have to get to No More Parties In LA. Not only does this song have some of the best bars and overall meaningful lyrics on the album it actually sounds so good that the song has not aged a day in my opinion. if Kendrick and Kanye came out with a song on the same level as No More Parties in LA this morning, it would shoot up to Number 1 and kill everything else on the billboard lists.
Lastly and most importantly we get to the Titular and in my opinion the best song on the album Saint Pablo. This song touches on many points and just sounds amazing start to finish, I love the vocals that Sampha does in his verse and especially the Bridges and choruses in between,
he adds a really nice and mellow tone to the song and the lines for example ''wondering where's god in your nightlife'' stick with you.
Overall I love this album very much however there are a couple dud songs in there now that I listened to it again. However even though they are some mid-level songs, man do the Good ones keep the album together. I love the concept, the whole idea of Kanye being unapologetic about being himself, not being afraid to say what he wants and the fact that the songs on here are undeniably super important to Music history since it came out. You can hear the influence this album has on Rap music still and almost every song on here still holds up. unfortunately though at this point I think we can even classify The TLOP era as Old Kanye considering how much he has fallen off since this album.
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blazingstar29 · 11 months
Top Gun and War
I just wanted to touch on something in the Top Gun fandom quickly.
CW: Discussion of WW2, Holocaust/Shoah, the Cold War, Vietnam War. Mentions of the AID's cris and WW2 related generational trauma
Preface/disclaimer: I'm no historian. I have studied 21st century history from causes of ww1, causes of ww2 and politics, up to the causes and consequences of Vietnam and American politics in the 60's. I am not an expert. However, I care about history/historical accuracy and have found this century to be of particular interest despite the horrifics that occured. (Any jokes about 'why do you like ww2' are not invited. What happened is real and it still hurts people.) I also say 'we', this is because I'm not targeting any specific person or fandom trope/trend. We includes me. But I also know people are writing these topics so please know i’m not pointing fingers saying that no one is doing this.
Some quick numbers.
Top Gun is set in 1986. Forty one years after World War 2 ended, twenty one years since the Vietnam War ended and the closing act of the Cold War. These are not entire life times. Even today, this is very recent history. Older family members, teachers, professors, bosses remember this time. I own a protect and survive pamphlet from the 70's that has remained in my family. It has only traveled one generation since it was distributed.
Maverick's family history with Vietnam is covered - to an extent. We as writers tend to look at his father, and rightfully so, his father is a massive part of his characters motivations.
But I believe we need to be more conscious of the era in which we right in. I am not saying you need to become a historical expert and make politics a central part of your story. But maybe we need to be aware of it. Even within yourself, even if the fic has nothing to do with politics and it's icemav rawdogging it in the locker rooms. Even if we acknowledge it and don't write about it, I just feel that we need to do that at the very least.
The character that's most obvious when it comes to this, is Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky. It's not rare to see the Jewish Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky tag, or to see him written with immigrant grandparents or great grandparents. He was born 14/15 years after WW2. That is no time at all. Do you look back remember how young you were at 14/15? That's how little time has passed. I cannot even begin to express how pain like that doesn't go away within a decade and a half, and how it affects multiple generations. But that is a topic where my voice is not the one to amplify. Please listen to Jewish voices.
This isn't even accounting for what it was like living post Vietnam and the Cold War. I know someone who grew up horses riding across Salisbury Plain in the UK and had Hercule's planes flying over and military drills. It was still real. This is still recent and in effect during the events of Top Gun.
I know that queer issues and the AIDS crisis are frequent fic topics because it is occuring at the time. And of course these topics deserve to be represented. I am not for one second saying that one issue must be diminished in order to amplify another. As a queer person I know it's also easy to write about them. It's where I'm comfortable because I'm more knowledgeable. Writing things we don't know about is intimidating. I'm drafting an icemav fic where Ice is Jewish and which more significance to the fic than what i've ever written before and it is intimidating because I'm scared of doing it wrong. But so long as I educate myself and discuss the fic with Jewish people who are willing to have that conversation, I can try and do the right thing in my writing.
Write what you wish, it's not for me to say what that is. Every fic is a gift to read and we have the choice to read what we like and the topics we like in such a big fandom. But after reading a phenomenal fic I became aware that I don't really see how the characters, particular Jewish characters like Iceman are affected by the post war era they live in. I am guilty of this. I have written 97 top gun fics and not once have I addressed the global political climate of the 1980's in any real depth.
These topics are hard to write responsibly and tactfully as well as with your own emotional capacity. I'm not trying to guilt anyone for not writing fics about war and politics. Writing is an escape and I don't want to change that for anyone. I am in a privileged position that I do have the mental capacity every so often to think about the harder topics when I write. I love history and studying it, but there are topics I can't wrap my head around, so I do understand when things don't make sense in your head.
You don't have to write it. But let's be aware of it. Let's talk about. Even the smallest of references to a Cold War conflict or post WW2 can add valuable context. Just some food for thought ig, i hope i'm not saying anything outrageous or offensive.
Amplify minority voices, listen, respect, reflect.
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remembertheplunge · 5 months
2007 Murder Trial
October 1, 2007 journal entry in a new journal notebook
The journal begins it’s 31st year.
Jim went to bed at 9pm or so.
I was excited about the trial beginning until I got to court and the client was being difficult. He was charged with killing his wife. Her body was found between the back fence of a motel and a canal bank maybe a quarter mile from our house. The body had been there for about a week before being discovered, so there were issues with time of death. Was my client even in the area at the time his wife died? 
October 2, 2007.  5:47pm
Oh my God. Jury picked  One day!  Stress. FULL!
The client was in a much better mood today and worked with me. Thank God.
I’m exhausted! Wow! My brain needs a break.
8;24 pm
Jim’s being a grump.
I just don’t feel like trialing, my brain is on break.
Trial is tuff.
You’re stuck. Trapped. Vulnerable.
But, it’s interesting. Fun.
Thursday. 10/4/2007. 9:48pm
Got beat up a little by the judge  re: E mail. I’m not proficient with it. Oh well. I’m just a 70’s man..One of the experts I hired to assist in the defense of our case complained about the same thing “You have got to use e mails”.
10/5/2007. 8:19pm
Thank God. 3 days off.
Trial is hard work.
9:38pm Jim heads to bed.
It’s amazing how intense trial is. Huge pressure.
10/8/2007. Monday. 9:14pm
Today went well. Best part was, I saw the client. He was happy. I’m getting ready for the closing argument.
I think at this point, the less said, the better in the case. Make your points, or try to, and move on.. Main thing tomorrow: have fun. Concentrate. Le-go. (Let go)
I think that you’ve given it your best shot. You tried.
10/11/2007.  7:31pm
Well. Guess what. I’m the biggest loser. God. All that for the big public hope dashing. Loss (The jury convicted my client of murder)
I love the information, though.
Beyond the emotion is the information.
I actually asked jurors “ How do you think I did?” “What did you think of the case?”
What I learned , I shouldn’t have made an opening statement. 
Sometimes I think that this is pretty lonely work.
Just me and b.
End of entry
“B”  was my nick name for my partner Jim. It was short for Honey Bunny. We called each other “b”. Jim and I were together from 1997 until his death from liver failure in 2009. He helped me investigate the above murder case. We walked from our house down to the canal bank where the client’s wife’s body was found to check out the scene.. Jim and I discussed trial tactics. He was in court when the verdict was read.  He lived the experience to a degree just like I did. 
The information I got from the trial experience include trial technique, expert contacts and apparently, in this case, introduction tp e mails in a case! Apparently, e mail s were new to me in Octiober 2007 and I was not to interested in communicating that way. But, the new world of e mails was calling and it was time to jump in. Now I am flooded with e mails. Wish we could return to phone calls and letters. A simpler, quieter life.
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azukisoul · 1 year
Translation of HijiGin manga: Diary Exchange by saki1010_gt (Twitter)
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I think about this manga literally once a week because I think it's akin to something Sorachi would write, so I'm sharing a translation here!
MANGA LINK | Out of courtesy to the artist I'm not reposting her art here, please visit the tweet, refer to the translation as you read along, and show the artist some love!
And the link to the Twitter thread of this translation if anyone is interested!
[page 1]
G: Oh, so you like me, huh, Vice Chief-san?
G: That's not a good joke to go along with this alcohol.
H: Even so, this is a once-in-a-lifetime confession. Don't make light of it.
G: Hmm.
G: Well, if you say it like that,
G: I can probably answer you through a diary exchange.
H: ...
H: Okay, sure!!
[page 2]
H: Who would have thought that a man one would assume to have dysfunctional relationships like him would suggest a diary exchange?
H: 70% of the world's HijiGin starts with physical contact (based on experience), how hard to get are we being, really? Even rural middle school students are more chill in their relationships than us.
H: Still, handwriting and way with words are also treasure troves of information on one's personality.
H: Maybe it's unexpectedly also a good way to know more about this guy who is the hardest to understand in all of Gintama.
H: I gave him some questions in my first diary I passed to him so he wouldn't have too much trouble writing his, let's see what his reply is...
G: The fleeting spring is slipping away and the heat is encroaching upon us, but I hope you are doing well as you are... Or whatever, doing that each time is a pain so I'm just gonna talk normally from now on like you told me.
H: Hmph, he's unexpectedly a decent writer.
G: Um, first off, my favorite food, right? It'd have to be sweets for sure. Anko and dango are my favorites, but recently I'm into fresh cream too... Yaaawn. I woke up early today so I'm getting kind of sleepy...
H: Hm?
K: My favorite food is sukonbu.
[page 3]
K: I can eat boxes and boxes of sukonbu. I also like foods that go well with rice. Stuff like seaweed tsukudani is the best.
H: Why is the China girl the one answering!? Anyway, the diary exchange thing got completely found out by the kids! Whatever happened to his personal life!?
S: A place I'd like to go have fun at would be a Terakado Tsuu concert.
H: Glasseees!! You too!?
S: Ah, but you don't have to trouble yourself with going with me. I'll just go with the Yorozuya. You can just get us the amount of tickets we need.
H: Plus, he's rude and no fun at all!
G: Wait, what? I was dozing off and suddenly the page got filled up somehow.
H: Yorozuya, realize that you've been infiltrated by an entity called your family! And either way, why don't you read the page back a little!
G: But this kind of thing isn't bad, too. I can say stuff that are hard to say out loud here. To be honest, about you, I... I actually quite...
H: *ba-dump* Huh? Yorozuya?
G: Man, that's so out of character to say! I'll never write that again! Well, then, until next time. —Gintoki
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lovecolibri · 9 days
SaL anon here bestie and its Friday, I may or may not have had a few after work drinks, we got approximately 2 million stills today and a beenado is happening so its time for Unhinged Season Opener Theory Based on a Micron of Evidence. The best part?? I can do it for the most part without turning the opening disaster into Copaganda 2.0. So buckle up for some absolute nonsense my friend, I've got this opening disaster all figured out 😉.
So we know/expect that beenado is eventually going to become a problem for flights inbound to LA, which includes the one Athena is transporting a prisoner on. I'm guessing that's what the hanger of what looks like every LAFD station is about, all hands on deck to deal with whatever fate befalls the many incoming planes, including the 118's hands. But what if Athena's plane isn't among them?? What if in subduing her prisoner from whatever nonsense (obligatory 10 minutes of copaganda), he takes out the controls and the pilot and they're off course and nowhere near where the LAFD is expecting the majority of the planes to land?? Well there's one person not yet accounted for in this and that is Captain Bobby Nash.
So we know Bobby is trying his best to keep a fake firefighter show grounded, but how would that translate to an plane emergency?? So, hear me out on 3 points: 1) Tim has referenced paying tribute to another 70's disaster film and the film Airport 1975 involves landing a plane with no pilot. 2) Modern planes barely need a pilot, most of them fly on autopilot these days so if you can get that working in theory, and as far as the GA knows, life is good and landing will be safe more or less. 3) Tim may be referencing the 70's, but Hotshots is coincidentally also the name of a 90's movie that was also a spoof, specifically of Top Gun, so *mumble mumble* planes!! So while the LAFD is too busy to rescue Athena, Bobby has access to a fake firefighter show with budget enough to afford their own "rescue" plane (so meta indeed!!) and willing to indulge Bobby if they get both the credit and a few choice shots. All they have to do is get close enough to give some critical god-knows-what to Athena (maybe they use a drone, no idea) and have Bobby give the actors a few inspirational speeches to get through some minor rough patch or another and all ends well with the heads of the LAFD so impressed by Bobby's resourcefulness the beg him to come back (I mean, he looks like he's back in the captain's seat pretty early on).
Is any of this going to happen?? Highly unlikely. But if Tim's gonna resurrect every pre 80's movie out there to come up with his plots he can't expect me to take any of this seriously. So instead I'm gonna have some fun and come up with plots I truly hope aren't more sensible than what we actually get (but not holding my breath on this). Cheers friend, Happy Friday 🍸!!
Hello my friend! I'm a day late since we (for once) had people over for game night list night, but this was such fun speculation! I'm loving the other movie references, and all of that is better than the (unfortunately far more likely) scenario I envision playing out. Mostly I'm just bummed that the show hasn't learned it's lesson about opening disasters and gone back to what works, but who knows! Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.
I DO want to see Bobby, after being an absolute nightmare of technicalities on set, take over when an actual emergency happens and maybe commandeer some equipment. Bonus points if the actors he's been harping on actually work together with what he taught them to pull of a rescue.
NGL, I think Bobby's stuff is the only thing that's been mentioned so far that I'm actually excited to see. I think then Madney/Henren stuff is going to be good but painful, as is the Eddie stuff, and I'm still feeling very 🙄 about them promoting Buck being the center of the Gerrard shit. Which could play out well, but I'm WELL past giving this show the benefit of the doubt. They lost that privilege several seasons ago. So with all the angst, I'm legitimately excited about the Bobby stuff as it looks like it might actually be some fun.
Cheers, friend! We're almost there!
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spooniechef · 11 months
Gluten-Free Chocolate Mug Cake (0 Spoons)
I've been quiet here for awhile, at least in part because it's been a long month or two. There's been overtime at work, which I should not have been doing but because we're understaffed and half the office got sick, I had little choice. Also I went to what will probably be my last convention a couple of weeks ago, which was objectively hellacious but I got autographs from the entire cast of Critical Role so I regret nothing. But of course I came out of that with a serious pain flare and what might have been con crud but was also quite possibly the flu, so that kind of murdered any chance of my being productive the last couple of weeks. But I have this week off and I have some plans. Mostly because I got cookbooks and very much intend to use them.
Side note - I've been contemplating doing a thing to raise money for Fibromyalgia Action UK, and weirdly, my main thought about something sponsored has been "cook through an entire cookbook in 12 months", like The Julie / Julia Project. I came up with that idea least partly because Julie Powell died a couple of weeks ago, which ... I mean, she was barely older than me, what the fuck? But also because cookbooks don't exactly give a chronic pain-friendly rating to its recipes, and part of it would involve doing an adjunct-document with spoon ratings like I do on the recipes here. Still toying with the idea, at least partly because butter and eggs are expensive as fuck. Don't even get me started on the pecans I need for a recipe I got my mother to bring me Jell-O pudding from North America especially to make. Also there's too much that needs buttermilk and that's not so much a thing over here.
Which brings me to today's bit of cookery notes. See, I have new cookbooks, and I've been trying to decide what I want to make from them. I'm having serious executive dysfunction about so much of it, so for the most part I've been sticking with chocolate chip cookies. But I didn't want to do that this time, but there are so many cookies to try. Eventually I got tired of indecision and just really wanted a sweet treat, and one of my cookbooks (Quick + Easy Gluten Free by Becky Excell, which I heartily recommend) had recipes for mug cakes. I'd never tried one, so I figured, why not? I went for the chocolate one instead of the jam doughnut one because I didn't want to use an egg for just the yolk until I found something to do with the white. (Which probably means the next recipe you'll see here is gluten-free cinnamon roll sugar cookies, but anyway.)
So! Chocolate mug cakes! Here's what you'll need:
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
4 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons caster sugar
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
3 tablespoons gluten-free all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon gluten-free baking powder
1 tablespoon chocolate chips
I imagine you could replace both the all-purpose flour and the baking powder with gluten-containing versions and have it be fine. But note - no xanthan gum, no egg. You could probably add the tiniest drop of vanilla extract, though.
Here's what you do:
Put all the ingredients in a microwaveable mug; mix well
Cover the mug with plastic wrap; poke a few holes in the plastic
Microwave on high for 60-70 seconds
Let cool for a couple of minutes (the mug will be really hot)
FEAST (they recommend topping it with ice cream and / or chocolate syrup, so maybe do that and then FEAST)
There is no earthly way I could make this any easier. You could probably add various bits of additional flavour - replace the chocolate chips with fudge chips, a drop of vanilla or orange or mint extract, maybe a pinch of cinnamon - but it's pretty well fine on its own. The only thing I can add is that the cookbook says microwave on high in a 900W microwave, but mine is 800W so I just put it in for 70 seconds and it was fine, so maybe add an extra 5-10 seconds if your microwave is lower wattage than that.
So yeah, this is the perfect spoonie dessert, really. If you're having a bad day and are tired and you just want something nice that requires no effort and isn't a £3 brownie? This is the way to go.
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magicwithclass · 3 months
Spectral Guardian
Spectral Guardian received attention as early as the year 2018. Back then, this card almost reached the ten dollar mark. At the time people were unsure if there was genuine demand for the card or if this was just a buyout. Perhaps someone saw something in this creature and tried to obtain as many copies of possible for the future. I can kind of see why. The card is decent even in today's game. I would not be surprised to see this in a commander deck and in casual play no one will really question a spectral guardian in your artifact deck. 4 mana is a reasonable price to pay to give all your noncreature artifacts shroud. That is an amazing form of protection and 4 mana is a very efficient cost for that effect. Today, the card would most likely have given hexproof or ward but shroud is reasonable. You will not be to target your own artifacts but you wouldn't be playing the guardian in a deck that wants you to target your own artifacts. This card reminds me a lot of padeem consul of innivation. Padeem is the stronger card but you may not always be playing blue and I like that my boros artifact deck can have blanket protection at an acceptable cost. Spectral Guardian does need to remain untapped but your opponent is just as likely to get rid of the guardian than tap it down. Of course, spectral guardian did receive another buyout in 2021. At the time it went up to 13 dollars. Thus, there were two times in modern history that this card was above bulk before plummeting back down to about a dollar or less. Is the third time a charm? Will the next spike finally allow spectral guardian to keep a more expensive price tag? Well, people are looking at this card. Not many reserved list cards have spiked twice only to go back to bulk. This card is playable in commander despite seeing play in less than 70 decks. People should really give this a try. Perhaps a commander will come along that really wants this protection in mono white. Out of the many bulk reserved list cards, spectral guardian has one of the highest generic power levels. I assume that is why there has been market speculation on this card in the past. Strangely, edhrec shows a bunch of older, reserved list cards as cards with high synergy or top cards. In reality, the decks that this card can fit in are not located on edhrec because not enough players are using this card in decks it fits. What a shame. I think this card would be much more expensive if one prominent commander started using this a lot on edhrec. Exposure is sometimes all a card needs to reach the limelight. I would keep my eye on this card and I have at least a playset. One day, I know I will find a home for this spirit in my commander decks. Until then, I will hold onto my copies as this is one card that I do not think will remain bulk. If there is ever another reserved list spike or a series of buyouts, I would target this card especially as white is getting more artifact support. Lets try to get spectral guardian some more playtime. Put this guy in your artifact decks! If you are running gandalf the white, oswald fiddlebender, teshar apostle, losheel, lita mechanical engineer, or ratchet field medic, then try spectral guardian in thos decks. You may be pleasantly surprised. Also, shorikai genesis engine is a noncreature artifact. Spectral guardian can protect your vehicles as long as you do not crew them. In fact, as more and more commanders are released that are noncreatures, maybe spectral guardian gets better and better.
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stasiwife · 3 days
1, 2, 6, about Bateman
More Bateman! I love dissecting this piece of shit. He's like my Jungkook.
1. How did they become how they are like today?
I mentioned this in the previous one, but I think he's just always been a little...off. He's always felt extremely isolated and lonely, even in a crowd of people he would consider to be his "equals." He thinks of himself as both less than and better than everyone around him. Not necessarily subhuman or superhuman, but still just...not human. A mimic. Something wearing the skin of a man. Which, doesn't always make someone "evil" (if we're using basic concepts of good vs. evil), but Bateman definitely took his own disconnect from humanity as a sort of excuse or justification to treat others the way he does. Killing means nothing to him, he's not one of them. Abuse doesn't mean anything when slapping a woman around is no different to him than stepping on a worm. Cannibalism isn't even necessarily cannibalism. I think he's definitely a product of his environment in several ways. He's a yuppie, he grew up in a time where mental health was never really talked about, he needs to have that sort of toxic masculinity or he's some sort of fairy, he needs to look like a model, act like a tsar, all he knows is The Best, so he needs to be The Best. Like I said, I don't think being raised poor or even middle class, or in a different era, could have made him turn out any different wrt his disconnect from humanity leading into his homicidal impulses and mental illness, but I think not being filthy rich or raised in a society that doesn't value women, or the poor, or the disabled would definitely have an impact on a lot of aspects of his internal monologue and the personality he presents to others.
2. What were they like as a child?
I touched on this one in the previous one too, but to elaborate, I don't necessarily think he was "difficult" child in a way that seriously worried anyone. Nothing that he was willing to reveal, at least. He probably got into physical altercations, but "boys will be boys!" He most definitely had some substance abuse problems, but hell, every rich white kid in the late 70s/early 80s did, so that was nothing out of the ordinary. I think he's always just been kind of a spineless loser that nobody actually liked. I've been rolling this around in my head for a bit and I talked a bit about it with a friend, and this is more of a headcanon, but I think as both a kid and as an adult he struggled with some form of eating disorder. Probably ortho or mia since he's so fucking obsessed with his appearance. Not to mention that the 80s were absolutely rife with drug abuse and EDs to a depressing degree. I don't think he got a lot of love and support from either family or friends, I don't think he had a lot of friends, either. Maybe people who cared about him, but he never gave them that reciprocation, which eventually led those friends to just give up on him. Partially out of not really caring about people, and partially out of just not knowing how to reciprocate appropriately, so he just never really tried...He was lonely a lot. Damn, I'm veering off into projection territory here.
6. What is their biggest insecurity?
Oh MAN. Where do I even begin....I don't think this guy is secure about ANYTHING whatsoever. Not about his wealth, or his relationship, or his appearance, his job, he's probably not even secure about the color of his piss most days. But, I'd wager that the BIGGEST one is his inability to see others as more than just NPCs, or puppets, or whatever. I always think back to what he said to Jean. "A meaningful relationship with someone special." I don't necessarily take that as pure lip service from him in order to appeal to her and possibly seduce her -- hell, he had a nail gun to her head with his finger on the trigger. Seduction would have been absolutely pointless. I think there was more sincerity in those words than he'd like to admit. I think there was a lot of pain behind those words, too.
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mooodyblue · 2 years
almost in love | timetravler!elvis x gn!reader
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don't fly away universe
summary: 2 times elvis tried to kiss you and the 1 time he succeeded.
wc: 2k
warnings: none? maybe a little angst-y
note: this is part of my don't fly away universe, it could be read separately though. at least i think. i would still read dfa anyway but that's just me 👀
masterlist | request | taglist
it had only been a few months since elvis showed up at your apartment one day, scaring you close to death then spending an hour trying to convince you that yes he was indeed elvis presley. of course, that's a story for another day. while elvis was at home trying to figure out how to use your tv and smashing buttons on the remote, you were still working at your usual office job. most of your time was spent worrying about whether elvis was actually entertaining himself somehow or just staring at the wall all day. maybe it's time you turn him into a typical ipad kid and let him play candy crush all day.
there was a lot to learn about elvis. you'd spent a lot of time in the past reading books and articles on him and wondering what was true and what wasn't true and being able to talk directly to elvis himself about these things was still something you could barely wrap your head around. he had a lot to learn as well-like a lot. it was still too soon to bring up his life in the 70s but he enjoyed hearing his vegas shows being successful. however, it seemed as if he only wanted to hear about you. not about his future or anything that he doesn't know about back in his time, but just about you. who you were, what you did for a living and the things you liked to do. you're taking your time with him and trying to not think about him possibly disappearing one day.
you're also trying to avoid getting attached to elvis.
you weren't going to lie, elvis was a very attractive man. you always thought that, especially in the 70s. he was always hot! and now seeing him up close? you understood why girls were throwing themselves at him every chance they could. he had such a beautiful personality with a mindset you wish you could have yourself. despite not knowing much about the current world he's in, he knows when you're having a bad day and does his best to cheer you up. whether it's him giving you words of wisdom, a quote from someone he used to know or his attempt at putting on your favorite show, he always did succeed at making your bad days a little better. it was hard trying to not fall for him, but he was making it difficult.
after your shift, you decided to move forward with your mission to turn elvis into an ipad kid and stopped to buy him a tablet as a little, yet expensive gift. truth be told, you'd give him your old one and you'd keep the new one but he doesn't need to know.
you texted elvis that you were on your way back and if he wanted anything. he responded saying he was fine and ended the text with a "From Elvis" which made you giggle slightly, making a mental note to tell him he doesn't need to end every text with his name.
once returning to your apartment, elvis was sat on the floor mindlessly strumming away at a guitar you bought him the week he showed up. "still here, huh?" you joked.
elvis scoffed and stood up, carefully setting the guitar against the coffee table. "hey, at least i didn't burn anything down today."
you raised an eyebrow at him. "today? you mean you've burned things prior to today?"
"it's that damn microwave! they're nothin' like what 'm used to! why do they heat up so fast?"
"what were you trying to cook?"
he walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out a container filled with leftover pasta. "i put this on a plate, i even covered it like you said!" he reached in the cabinet to pull out a plate similar to the one he used a few days ago. "i used this and the whole thing just broke apart, made a mess of the damn microwave."
you took the plate from him, turning it over and reading the bold print saying do not microwave. "you don't use these in the microwave." you said, pointing at the words.
elvis looked at the plate then back at you, very obviously mad at himself. he ran a hand down his face and smacked his fist against the counter. "i really have no words. i got nothin' to say to that."
you let out a laugh, patting him on the shoulder reassuringly. "i guess i should also mention, don't put plastic in the microwave either. metal too."
"naw, i ain't that stupid. who d'ya think i am?" elvis snagged the plate back from you and placed it back in the cabinet. he proceeded to pick at the pasta in the container, sparking up conversation about your day. it was always the same answer. lousy, boring day and all you wanted to do was come home and hang out with elvis.
"i got you something." you picked up the small bag, handing it to him.
his eyes lit up as he took the bag from you. he pulled out the rectangular box, inspecting it. "what is this? a big phone?"
you taught him all the joys of an ipad, you even got him introduced him to all sorts of ipad games to keep him entertained while you were at work. eventually you found yourself searching up old performances, sitting close to elvis at the table. you pointed at the video on the screen, talking about god knows what as he just enjoyed your company. he gazed his eyes towards you, smiling and not really listening to a word you were saying. you paused mid sentence to look over at him, your eyes meeting with his. elvis leaned forward towards you, going straight for your lips. you gulped and cleared your throat, standing up as you walked towards the fridge for a water.
that was the first time he tried to kiss you.
at this point, you knew elvis had feelings for you. you had feelings for him as well, you just didn't want to act on those feelings.
the second time he tried to kiss you was about a month later. you were both down to a second bottle of wine, talking about life and what elvis was supposed to be getting up to around this time in his life. "y'know we can pull up that comeback special, like right now." you said, reaching for the remote. "or wait-would that be spoiling it? are we breaking the timeline?"
he looked at you confused. "what timeline? honey, i was there in person filming it, i don't think there's nothin' for you to spoil."
"i mean like, will the earth explode if i make you watch something that you haven't seen in your time?"
"what in the hell are you talkin' about? that wine's got you all confused." he laughed. "just play the damn thing."
you sighed, pulling it up on the tv. "alright but if the world explodes the moment i hit play, it was nice knowing you." elvis rolled his eyes and placed his glass on the table, watching himself on the screen.
by the time it finished, the tears were flowing. something about watching elvis perform if i can dream always had you crying, but you were also drunk so that probably had something to do with it as well. "was i that good?"
you nodded, wiping your tears. "you are just so amazing and like-you're right next to me and i don't know why you were brought to me of all people but god elvis, i just adore you so much and i-"
"okay, slow down." he placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it tightly.
"sorry, sorry." you said softly, staring at him in awe.
elvis sat up and stared back at you, nervousness in his eyes. "can i....kiss you?"
you almost said yes, you wanted to say yes. although you had a lot to drink, you still couldn't bring yourself to admit you were in love with him. "it's the wine, elvis. ask me again later. 'm going to bed." you pat his knee and left to your room, leaving him with his feelings once again.
eventually, elvis gave up. you got back into the routine of coming home, elvis telling you his new discovery on his phone and what level he hit on a game he was playing on his ipad, you rambling about your boring job and then taking him out somewhere.
however, today was different. elvis wasn't responding to your texts which made you worry the whole day. you saw him this morning so there was no way he just...went back. on the way home you distracted yourself with thoughts of what you'd do when you got home, maybe you'll order food and watch a movie with elvis. or maybe it's time to finally start a new show with him. either way, you just wanted to get home and eat. what you didn't expect was opening the door to your apartment and seeing a home cooked meal on the dining table. you shut the door behind you and tossed your keys. "elvis?" you yelled. "you haven't replied to my texts, are you here?"
elvis peeked out from the corner, relief washing over you. you didn't know what you would do if elvis just left. "hey, you. i made dinner and didn' even burn any dishes this time!"
you looked around at the table, speechless. "wow, you did this? you didn't just order it?"
elvis crossed his arms. "you don't think i can cook?" truth is, he just followed a random recipe he read online.
"but why?" you waved hand in the air, taking back your question. "i mean, what's the occasion?"
he rubbed the back of his head, letting out a nervous laugh. "um-you, actually."
"i uh-" he sighed. "i have to tell you somethin' and i-i think you know but i-um still want to just tell you this...straight up."
you observed the way he was trembling a little, stuttering at his words and fidgeting with the rings on his fingers. he was nervous about something which obviously made you nervous as well. "okay."
elvis sat down at the small dining table, mentally preparing himself and trying to process the words that were about to leave his mouth. you then sat across from him and reached over to squeeze his hand reassuringly. "i like you-i like you a lot actually. i thought maybe it was cos' 'm kinda just...always here with you but all this time i've spent alone i really did some thinkin' and....oh geez." he let out a nervous laugh. "christ, i think i'm in love with ya and i gotta say, that scares me a little."
you didn't know what to say. sitting there in shock, this wasn't news to you. however, hearing it come from elvis directly did freak you out a little. all those times he tried to kiss you, it was obvious. part of you wanted to jump on that table and just kiss all over him but another part of you just wanted to pretend you didn't feel the same way. you didn't want to get attached then wake up to him gone tomorrow. "elvis....i really don't know what to say."
"just know i really appreciate everythin' you've been doin' for me. i know it's been weird-this whole situation is weird. you don't gotta say nothin', i just needed you to know how i felt." elvis got up from the table and scuffled towards you, squatting down to your eye level. it was as if he could read your mind, like he knew you felt the same way. "are you scared too?" he asked.
"i'm terrified." you admitted.
"let's figure this out together then, can i kiss you?"
you looked into his eyes, giving it a final thought before finally deciding. "yes, please."
taglist: @aconflagrationofmyown @butlersluvbot @arianatheangel-girl @steph-speaks @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s @annoyinginternetgirl
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suckitsurveys · 26 days
1) What was the weather like? Did it change your plans in any way? It was in the mid 70s and breezy, which was really nice because Monday and Tuesday were REALLY hot. There was a big storm the night before which cooled things off.
2) What did you do yesterday, anyway? I worked and we had a company picnic and then I went and got my nails done and then went out for sushi with two of my friends.
3) Did you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What did you have? I had a banana and an english muffin with peanut butter for breakfast, a taco and some beans and rice and chips and guac for lunch at the aforementioned company picnic, and, as I also just mentioned, sushi for dinner.
4) Did you do some form of exercise? What? Nope.
5) Who did you spend the most time with? My coworkers, technically.
6) What television shows or movies did you watch? I didn’t watch anything yesterday.
7) What time did you get up and go to bed? I got up at 5am and went to bed about 10pm.
8) What was the best bit about yesterday? Sushi!!!!!!!!!!!! and being with my friends.
9) What about the worst? All the bs I had to deal with at work before the picnic.
10) Did you talk to anyone on the phone? Who? Why? Yeah, a couple work related calls and then the mechanic called me about my car and then I called my dad to let him know about it and then I called Randal when I got to his place to pick him up and then I called my husband on my way home.
1) What time did you get up? 5am.
2) What are your plans for today? Working and then I have to drive my dad to the doctor and then I’ll have dinner with Mark. I also need to order the decor for my niece’s birthday party.
3) Have you eaten any meals yet? What did you have? I had an english muffin with peanut butter and i’m about to have lunch.
4) Are you planning on seeing your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend? I’m seeing my husband but I also live with him, so.
5) Does your favorite television show air today? Nope.
6) Have you spoken to your parents yet? Not yet.
7) How many texts have you received? A handful from Lolly and Mark.
8) Are you planning on going to bed early? I should but I never do.
9) Have you done anything remotely productive today? Yes I’ve gotten a lot of work done today.
10) How much money did you spend so far? Are you planning on spending more later? None yet, technically. I did pay off the credit card bill but I wouldn’t call that “spending” money. I might order my niece’s party decor in a bit though.
1) What time do you have to get up tomorrow? 5am.
2) What do you hope the weather will be like? The same it is now is fine.
3) Is there anything you’re dreading about tomorrow? Work.
4) Is there anything important you need to do, or can you just relax? I have to work.
5) Do you have plans to see your friends? Not as of right now.
6) What do you hope will happen tomorrow? I hope we get pizza for me and my bosses birthdays since they both fall over the weekend.
7) Are you going to wake up at home, or somewhere else? At home.
8) If you don’t have any plans, what do you think you’ll end up doing? I’ll be working. Maybe Mark and I will have a fire to celebrate the end of the week/an early birthday thing for me.
9) Do you have to get a work out in at some point? I SHOULD but I’m “restarting” on Tuesday so I can actually get a routine together.
10) Will you be working or studying at all? Yes, working.
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