#maya do'urden
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1071png · 10 months ago
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I have drawn more Do'urden family members (minus dad because Im not very good at drawing masculine looking characters T_T
Malice was my favorite, unfortunately she girlbossed too close to the sun U.U
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everybodyloveshippos · 1 year ago
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Children of Malice
Vierna, Maya, Briza Drizzt, Nalfein, Dinin
redraw/redesign of the Do'Urden family (probably will draw Malice, Zak and Rizzen next)
design notes/headcanons under the cut
i usually just have thoughts about the character as im designing so for a few things i was like 'oh thats a thought' also yes i know children of malice is a CR thing too haha
-i wasnt originally gonna draw 'lolths embrace' since these are just my own designs not visual dictionary but like....facial markings are really cool and so i ended up looking up various spider markings (i only used those specific realworld spider designs for dinin, who i also gave darker marking as opposed to lighter) and briza
-i also prefer the idea that its not actually anything to do with lolth, its just a genetic marking that some have and some don't. also the proximity to magic/faezress theory (?) was cool so there's not a huge meaning here; though i guess im guilty bcus I didnt give them to drizzt or vierna
-maybe zak doesnt have them and neither do his kids which sorta spurs on the heretic theory when its actually just a genetic thing that has no actual bearing on lolth's favour
-the women wear more gold and the men more silver, however the men can wear gold; they just have to be wary with standing out more than their sisters. any given day could be too much and cause for a beating
-nalfein likes jewelry and decorations/makeup and is more flashy when he's away at sorcere. his ears are marked up from training with/lessons from zak, who frequently would smack his ears when he was displeased with him. they blend in with lolth's embrace and he will cover them with makeup or a glamour on occasion. i just got the sense he was somewhat insecure given how he kept challenging zak and was written off by his family as mediocre. i think he liked being at sorcere more than at the house
-drizzt takes out his braids whenever he can. he likes his hair loose
-so does dinin. i think a lot of his appearance is meant to attract attention and establish his individuality
-i've always given vierna bangs and a ponytail BUT i love her braids in the comic so I gave her those too. her hair is unruly, like drizzts. she has a couple visible scars as opposed to her sisters because she trained more with zak. he felt bad about it but a bit relived when she didnt make a big deal out of getting a bit marked up. malice was angry
-maya has markings on her ears, so she doesnt pierce them. she wears makeup but forgets its there, and sleeps in it and wipes it off by accident. since her hair is shorter she decorates with little spider gold clips
-i will die on the headpiece hill. og drizzt oldman swag
-compared to my older art of them (first fanart of the series! i knew i was in when i drew all the siblings lol) i think i changed nalfein most to be less ...square....i hit him w a yassification beam and gave him eyebrows
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defnotjarlaxle · 1 year ago
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Rizzen Do'Urden
The other, less popular, dad of House Do'Urden.
I wanted to see him living a happier life so i drew it~
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novarex · 7 months ago
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House Do'Urden (Daermon N'a'shezbaernon) Family Portrait - from left to right - Dinin, Vierna, Briza (the big bitch in the back), Matron Malice, Maya, and way off to the side is poor Rizzen.
Missing - Drizzt Do'Urden (possibly not born yet), Nalfein (possibly dead), and Zaknafein Do'Uden, although I doubt Malice would let him sit in on a family portrait if he were not actually house patron and relegated to weapon's master.
Both Vierna and Drizzt are confirmed sired by Zaknafein. Nalfein and Maya are confirmed sired by Rizzen. Briza, I think it's pretty obvious too, is not Rizzen's - it is speculated that Briza's sire was Uthegental Del'Armgo. There is, in my opinion, still a possible question of Dinin's sire - the best we have is a conversation between Zaknafein and Jarlaxle in the Generations trilogy where neither is entirely sure, and the best we get is Zaknafein guessing he might be Rizzen's, but doesn't actually know for sure. Zak even wondered if Dinin might be Jarlaxle's in the conversation. My personal opinion is that Dinin is likely not Rizzen's, and we may find out more in coming books.
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lawful-evil-novelist · 1 year ago
Astarion: I know seduction, I understand that, but Maya knows all my tricks and isn't impressed and for some reason I really want to impress her. Karlach: Maybe try being honest about your emotions? Astarion: Disgusting, no.
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variouspolltournaments · 3 months ago
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Anti-Propaganda is not allowed. Please only give reasons to vote for something and not give reasons to vote against something.
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bramblepatch · 2 years ago
Do you ever think about how Dinin, Vierna, and Maya probably all had Briza as their weanmother? I think Briza and Nalfein are both old enough to have been handed over to an aunt or possibly cousin before Malice took over and aggressively pruned the family tree, but by the time any of the younger ones came along Briza was the only junior priestess in the House.
And like, we're generally pretty clear that Vierna is a big part of why Drizzt turned out as psychologically intact as he did. Being raised by Briza must have done a number on the other three. It's amazing Vierna was as capable of compassion as she was.
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wrenaissanx · 2 years ago
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Look I'm really proud of this ok
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missrosiewolf · 1 year ago
Thought: Maya, a newly minted Vhaeraunite, touching a cursed item that turns her into a cat and she’s just not having a good day™️
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xacesxofxheartsx · 2 years ago
Write what you wanna write and for me that’s a Maya Lives AU where she gets herself a sun elf boyfriend and they cause chaos in Faerun��
And piss off their respective [former] deity: Lolth and Corellon
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aldanil · 1 month ago
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The Do’Urden (again) I made for an edit 🕸️
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everybodyloveshippos · 2 years ago
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House Do’Urden (minus Drizzt)
repost of my first Legend of Drizzt fanart (the og is still up, this version just has less blur effects haha)! started this series last august and well. yeah,,, here we are. i knew the obsession was gonna be serious when i sat down and drew this
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greenieart · 5 months ago
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More little fellas! The Do’Urdens this time :)
[More: x, x, x, x]
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novarex · 7 months ago
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A closeup of Maya Do'Urden from the Drizzt Visual Dictionary.
MAYA - The youngest daughter of Malice, and sired by House patron Rizzen, Maya Do’Urden is a fanatically devoted priestess of Lolth. Skilled with telepathy and the mace and shield, Maya gives Drizzt his first lesson in “the way of the drow,” forcing him to kill her goblin champion. She gets her own taste of the way of the drow when House Baenre comes to destroy her house.
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lawful-evil-novelist · 11 months ago
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Do'Urden Run Part 1: Nautiloid to First Rest
Featuring such gems as
Us trying to bribe a telepath into trusting them and promptly learning drow who know what brain puppies are will not just free them
Maya, Drizzt, Astarion, and the Worst Meet Cute Yet feat Astarion absolutely breaking his nose
Briza Choosing Violence
Zaknafein Choosing Violence
Nalfein's Meet Cute with Gale where he looks extremely offended that Gale shook his hand without asking
Zak and Vierna are Bad at Comforting People
I didn't manage to get any Dinin screens this time but I'll try to get more, promise!
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bramblepatch · 2 years ago
I think there's also the interesting wrinkle that although Dinin thinks - and is told by other people - that of course Drizzt would have to go through him to gain status, that's... not strictly true? Malice clearly intends Drizzt to be Zaknafein's successor sooner or later (although she also clearly didn't plan for him to step into that role in his early 30s) which means that he has a clear path to status that sidesteps birth-order politics. Weapons master is a high-status position for a male, especially in a house that does as much interhouse warfare as the Do'Urden.
But like, it's not in anyone else's interest for Dinin and Drizzt to find solidarity, and it's bad enough that Dinin already has a soft spot for Vierna. So he gets encouraged to be suspicious and frightened of his baby brother.
From what little we see of Maya, she seems like she's very used to taking her cues from the elder priestesses around her? It's hard to pick out her personality because she doesn't offer opinions until one of her sisters says something she can agree with. Which, you know, seems like a pretty good strategy for surviving being in Briza's custody as a small child.
Do you ever think about how Dinin, Vierna, and Maya probably all had Briza as their weanmother? I think Briza and Nalfein are both old enough to have been handed over to an aunt or possibly cousin before Malice took over and aggressively pruned the family tree, but by the time any of the younger ones came along Briza was the only junior priestess in the House.
And like, we're generally pretty clear that Vierna is a big part of why Drizzt turned out as psychologically intact as he did. Being raised by Briza must have done a number on the other three. It's amazing Vierna was as capable of compassion as she was.
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