#richie norris
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#siblings tournament#richie norris#billy-glen norris#mars attacks#briza do'urden#vierna do'urden#maya do'urden#dinin do'urden#drizzt do'urden#shidou itsuka#kotori itsuka#mana takamiya#date a live#dexter morgan#debra morgan#dexter
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aka the best shitpost that has ever shitposted from lovelytsunoda on tumblr

He’s been around the block a few times. The seasoned veteran that holds our group together. Semi-retired, Jenson is now the touring MC and the owner of the club where our favourite boys perform. He’s still got it though, and that’s evident by the women that hang off him like shirtless white dudes are going out of style and they’re desperate to grab the last one. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and just how to please a woman. Looks incredible in a cowboy hat.
He's got dreams, visions of a life where he can put his male stripper days behind him. Despite himself, he takes a new young talent under his wing, while he prepares to leave and create a humble new life for himself. Ladies everywhere know his name, and he's always the title performer. The other dancers are jealous of his street cred and wish they could all be him. There will never be another Lewis.
He’s young, he’s eager and he’s attracted by the idea of swimming dollar bills and all the chicks he could possibly want. Lando Norris is green in the gills and needs someone to take him under their wing. Enter Lewis Hamilton. Lewis teaches the kid everything he knows, and eventually The Kid becomes a bigger star than he is.
Do I really need to explain this one? Ladies man with two sides: romantic and scandalous. Insecure about the size of his package, as it tends to scare the ladies away. Lover of MILFs. The ideas man of the group, tired of doing the same routines over and over again. No fashion sense at all. when he finally gets laid, you know damn well everybody is going to hear about it (and it might be with a middle aged mom).
He's like a hyperactive puppy with a heart of gold. Brings a certain kind of swagger to the stage, but is easily distracted offstage. Has tried (and failed) to create different products and startups, but thinks whatever hairbrained idea he has come up with next is the one. Wants to go on Shark Tank. I love him your honour.
He's been in the game longer than some of the younger dancers have been alive. Nobody is sure why, but the ladies love him. A sweet and gentle soul who would do anything to go back in time and settle down with the one who got away, Fernando has more depth than expected.
Thinks they should 'stop giving women what men think they want' and start 'asking women what they want'. Certified sweetheart, the ladies love him. Will give you a lap dance while serenading you with love songs that stopped being popular in 1986. The baby of the group, sometimes it takes a few tries to be taken seriously. And did I mention women love him?
He may not be a good stripper, but he's the number one supporter (and the driver, and the DJ). When Jenson fucks off to Monaco, it's Valtteri who takes over as MC. Will totally win an impromptu drag race because he is just that bitch.
YUKI TSUNODA as ANDRE (magic mike xxl)
Certified sweetheart. Will put on his little fedora and suit jacket and make up a song about how wonderful you are. Because sometimes, the shy girls in the audience need a bit of love and attention as well. Even if his music career were to take off, he'd probably still keep stripping because he loves making pretty girls smile.
#f1 x Reader#f1 imagine#formula one x reader#f1#f1 smut#jenson button x reader#lewis hamilton x reader#lando norris x reader#carlos sainz jr x reader#charles leclerc x reader#fernando alonso x reader#oscar piastri x reader#valtteri bottas x reader#yuki tsunoda x reader
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humanstuck names + more ! :]
john - ivan greenfield; korean/english; comic book store employee + shifty mom & pop restaurant waiter/support staff
rose - lavender buchanan; vietnamese/dominican?; sells custom clothes on depop + nsfw tumblr writer/artist
dave - dominic santiago; puerto rican/dominican; audio tech store employee + local club dj + aspiring rapper
jade - dahlia flores; pacific islander; unemployed, works for family farm
aradia - gabriella diamanté; japanese/mexican; texas road house type restaurant kitchen expo/dishwasher
tavros - antonio ‘tony’ noquez; spanish; works at dad’s animal shelter
sollux - niko park; korean; probably unemployed or sells nfts or some shit
karkat - donnie santos; black/colombian; mexican restaurant busboy + movie theatre employee
nepeta - june bernard; french/irish (white); dairy queen employee lol + volunteers @ pet shelter
kanaya - harper norris; african; sells custom clothes
terezi - quinn nephus; greek/italian (white); unemployed
vriska - viktoria ‘vikki’ huffman; russian (white); rue 21 cashier (is about to be fired)
equius - sterling rudd; black/native american?; training to be a mechanic at dad’s auto shop
gamzee - jordan scott; black/mixed; little caesar’s cook
eridan - cory reynolds; russian/scottish (white); unemployed
feferi - josephine galette; black/indian?; diner waitress + volunteers @ pet shelter
jane - janet greenfield; korean/english; pastry shop employee
roxy - macy buchanan; vietnamese/black; shitty dive bar bartender
dirk - diego santiago; puerto rican/dominican; burger king window worker/cook
jake - fletcher flores; pacific islander; texas roadhouse waiter + works on family farm
hal - alex santiago; puerto rican/dominican; thrift store cashier + furry tumblr artist
damara - anastasia ‘ana’ hoshi; japanese/mexican/filipino; hotel maid + fancy-ish restaurant waitress
rufioh - richard ‘richie’ noquez jr.; spanish; works at dad’s pet shelter + grocery store bagger
mituna - tatum ‘tate’ park; korean/welsh?; pizza delivery boy + aspiring twitch streamer
kankri - marcus santos; colombian/egyptian; diner waiter
meulin - lauren ‘laurie’ bernard; french/irish (white); coffee shop barista + tumblr writer/artist
porrim - elle norris; african; high end fashion store employee
latula - presley nephus; greek/italian (white); bowling alley attendant + dive bar bar back
aranea - leah huffman; white; restaurant hostess + interning at mom’s job
horuss - kade rudd; black/native american; dad’s auto shop mechanic + welder
kurloz - jesse scott; mixed; mexican restaurant dishwasher/cook + drug dealer
cronus - trent reynolds; white; works at dad’s company
meenah - natasha galette; black; new wave fashion store + aspiring hair braider
handmaid - hanna hoshi; japanese; house cleaner
summoner - richard ‘rich’ noquez sr.; spanish; owns the local pet shelter + personal trainer
psiioniic - jonathon park; korean; data entry manager + fixes computers for extra money
signless - derrick santos; colombian; preacher/missionary?
disciple - lizette bernard; irish; elementary school teacher
dolorosa - rosa norris; african; interior decorator?
redglare - monroe nephus; greek; lawyer
mindfang - marina huffman; russian; runs her own business (it’s a cover up for some illegal shit)
darkleer - darius rudd; native american, owns an auto shop + army weapons coordinator
ghb - grant scott; black; club bouncer
dualscar - dylan reynolds; russian; chief of surgery at hospital?
hic - cora galette; black; ceo of large cooperation (somewhat in cohorts with marina + dylan)
dad - david greenfield; white; 9-5 sales businessman
mom - lorelei buchanan; vietnamese; retired (used to be a scientist but found the cure to something and retired at like 35)
bro - drew santiago; dominican; club bouncer/dj/bartender + drug dealer + probably has an only fans
grandpa - jake flores; pacific islander; retired air force
calliope - caroline ‘callie’ umbridge; mixed; librarian assistant + stage manager at local theatre
caliborn - caleb umbridge; mixed; unemployed (reddit sub moderator)
i might go back and edit some of these bcus im not in love w all of them but i also don’t give a fuck abt most of them
#homestuck#humanstuck#humanstuck au#humanstuck names#john egbert#rose lalonde#dave strider#jade harley#jane crocker#roxy lalonde#dirk strider#lil hal#jake english#aradia megido#damara medigo#the handmaid homestuck#tavros nitram#rufioh nitram#the summoner#sollux captor#mituna captor#the psiioniic#karkat vantas#kankri vantas#the signless#the sufferer#nepeta leijon#meulin leijon#the disciple#human homestuck au
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Dean Norris Guest Stars as Sam’s Dad; Mary Holland Returns as Patience
“Sam’s Dad” – When Sam’s dad (Dean Norris) comes to Woodstone for a visit, Patience (Mary Holland) puts their father-daughter relationship to the test. Also, Isaac must deal with the fallout from his breakup with Nigel and Thor and Flower handle an awkward situation with Nancy, on the CBS Original series GHOSTS, Thursday, Oct. 24 (8:31-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)*.
WRITTEN BY: Josh Malmuth
DIRECTED BY: Richie Keen
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Abdul, Paula Accardi, Gimena Aniston, Jennifer Apatow, Judd Baddiel, David Baron Cohen, Sacha Bass, Lance Bayer, Vanessa Beckham, Sara Benson, Ashley Bialik, Mayim Bieber, Justin Biel, Jessica Black, Jack Bloom, Orlando Braun, Scott Brie, Alison Brolin, Josh Cain, Dean Carr, Jimmy Chastain, Jessica Chenoweth, Kristen Cohen, Andy Collins, Lily Condor, Lana Cooper, Bradley Cox, Courtney Crystal, Billie Curtis, Jamie Lee David, Cazzie Davis, Viola Debose, Ariana Del Rey, Lana Deschanel, Zooey Deutch, Zoey Dewan, Jenna Diddy Combs, Sean Dobrev, Nina Douglas, Michael Dr. Phil Eric, Andre Fanning, Dakota Ferrell, Will Fisher, Isla Foster, Chelsea Fry, Stephen Gad, Josh Gadot, Gal Gage, Lukas Garner, Jennifer Garner, Julia Garrix, Martin Gellar, Sarah Michelle Gelman, Brett Gilmour, David Gomez, Sarah Goodblum, Jason Groban, Josh Groff, Jonathan Haddish, Tiffany Hamil, Mark Hamm, Jon Handler, Selena Hargitay, Mariska Hewitt, Jennifer Love Hudgens, Vanessa Hyland, Sarah Imbruglia, Natalia Jackson, Paris Jenner, Kris Jenner, Taylor Judge Judy Kailing, Mindy Kardashian ,Amy Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kemsley, Dorit King, Joey Kiyoko, Hayley Kloss, Karlie Kunis, Mila Lautner, Nicole Leggero, Natasha Levine, Adam Levy, Eugene Levy, Shawn Lohan, Lindsay Lohan, Lindsay Longoria, Eva Lucas, Matt LuPone, Patti Madonna Mamet, Zosia Marguiles, Julianna McGregor, Ewan Mendel, Howie Messing, Debra Meyers, Seth Mia, Pia Michele, Lea Miguel Milano, Alyssa Mirren, Helen Moore, Mandy Morrone, Camila Munn, Olivia Norris, Chuck O'Donnel, Rosie Oberman, Tracy-Ann Ora, Rita Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne, Sharon Oyelowo, David Pascal, Amy Paulson, Sarah Peck, Josh Peele, Jordan Peltz, Kim Perry, Katy Phillipps, Busy Plaza, Aubrey Pompeo, Ellen Portman, Natalie Prisloo, Behati Richie, Sofia Riley, Rachel Rock, Chris Rock, Chris Rose, Ruby Rosenthal, Phil Roth, Ellie Rowling, JK Saldaña, Zoe Sandler, Adam Savage, Ben Schnapp, Noah Schreiber, Liev Schumer, Kylie Schwartz, Lorraine Schwarzenegger, Patrick Schwimmer, David Segel, Jason\ Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld, Jessica Shannon, Molly Shields, Brooke Short, Martin Silverman, Brooklyn Snyder, Zach Sommerhalder, Ian Spears, Lynn Jamie Spektor, Regina Stiller, Ben Sting Stone, Sharon Sudeikis, Jason Theroux, Justin Thorne, Bella Timberlake, Justin Tisdale, Ashley Waititi, Taika Walsh, Kate Washington, Kerry Whiterspoon, Reese Wilde, Olivia Williams, Tyler James Wu, Constance Yatra, Sebastian Zimmer, Constance Zinchenko Zoe, Rachel Zuckerman, Jeremy
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Cryptid-World Attacks! Cast Meme
Here's my own version of Mars Attacks!, l hope you guys like it. ^^
Cast Meme Blank belongs to JackSkellington416.
The Djinn (Wishmaster) as the Martian Emperor
Various Evil Mythical Creatures and Monsters as the Martians
Giovanni Travers (My OC) as President James Dale
Human Canolli (My OC) as Richie Norris
Emil Wilson (My OC/Genderbend Emily Wilson) as Byron Williams
Blaire Lavigne Travers (My OC) as Marsha Dale
Heloise Travers (My OC) as Taffy Dale
Lieutenant Dan Taylor (Forrest Gump) as Lt. General Casey
Loris (The Monster (1994)) as Jerry Ross
Dylan Harper (Friends with Benefits) as Donald Kessler
Jamie Rellis (Friends with Benefits) as Nathalie Lake
Parker (Friends with Benefits) as Jason Stone
Human Unagi (My OC) as Grandma Florence
Schubert Shoobz (Tupu) as Art Land
Eva (Hey Good Lookin') as Barbara Land
Albert (A Monster in Paris) as The Rude Gambler (Joe Weinberg)
Lucille (A Monster in Paris) and David Hasselhoff (Spongebob Squarepants: the Movie) as Cindy and Tom Jones
Miriam Blaylock (The Hunger) as Martian Girl
Other Cast (Not Pictured):
The Leprechaun (Leprechaun (1993)) as the Martian Ambassador
Gunnery Sergeant L. Hartman (Full Metal Jacket) as General Decker
Human Sashimi and Sfogliatella (My OCs) as Glenn and Sue-Ann Norris
Brick (Total Drama) as Billy-Glenn Norris
Hannah Weaver (Crazy, Stupid, Love.) as Sharona
Jacob Palmer (Crazy, Stupid, Love. ) as Sharona's New Boyfriend
Strudle (Pound Puppies (2010)) as Poppy
Cú (The Song of the Sea) as Rusty
Cornelia Wilson (My OC/Genderbend Cornelius Wilson) as Louise Williams
Young Anthony and Elijah Wilson (My OCs/Genderbend Amelia and Elina Wilson) as Cedric and Neville Williams
Note: l am not going to use Brick as Sashimi and Sfogliatella's son in my future fanmakes, it will only occur in this one.
Giovanni, Blaire, Heloise, Canolli, Unagi, Sfogliatella, Sashimi, Anthony, Elijah, Cornelia, Emil all belong to Me.
Other Characters belong to Their Rightful Owners.
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Written by Josh Malmuth and directed by Richie Keen, Ghosts' second episode of the season is a bloody doozy. Okay, that makes it sound way more dramatic than it is, but Patience is a lot. As imagined, adjusting to the 21st century isn’t working well for the Puritan ghost, who thinks everything is now coming from the underworld.
When Sam’s dad, Frank (Dean Norris), visits with his new girlfriend, Patience’s ghost power manifests in the form of literal blood coming out of the walls. She’s not down with unmarried couples sharing a room. On the other side of the manor, Isaac can’t find a way to evict Nigel from the house, so he gets help from Flower and Thor, who are struggling with their inability to break up with Nancy as their third.
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max and oscar podiums, richy first goal, george p4, big gabi goal, frida goal, beth goal 🥳🥳
norris win, arsenal draw (both of them), leo sent off, city scoring in the last minute ☹️☹️☹️
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‘Ghosts’ Season 4 Cast – 2 New Stars Joining, 10 Expected to Return! | Asher Grodman, Brandon Scott Jones, CBS, Danielle Pinnock, Dean Norris, Devan Chandler, EG, evergreen, Extended, Ghosts, Longform, Mary Holland, Odessa Azion, Popularity, Rebecca Wisocky, Richie Moriarty, Rose McIver, Sheila Carrasco, Slideshow, Television, Utkarsh Ambudkar | Just Jared: Celebrity Gossip and Breaking Entertainment News
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Jeff Porcaro
Jeffrey Thomas Porcaro was born on April 1st, 1954 in Hartford, Connecticut. He was the eldest son of the percussionist Joe Porcaro. He had two brothers, Steve and Mike, that would later play in the band Toto with him. They were raised in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, and Jeff attended Ulysses S. Grant High School.
Jeff began to play drums at the age of seven, getting lessons from his father. Later, he’d study under Bob Zimmitti and Richie Lepore. At the age of 17, Jeff got his first professional gig playing in Sonny and Cher’s touring band. He called Jim Keltner and Jim Gordon his idols during this time.
In his 20’s, he recorded on hundreds of albums. He toured with Boz Scaggs, before cofounding the band Toto with his brother Steve, and childhood friends Steve Lukather and David Paich.
Jeff became renown among drummers for the drum pattern on the song ‘Rosanna’. The song would later win a grammy. The pattern, called ‘The Half-Time Shuffle Groove’ was originally created by drummer Bernard Purdie, who called it the ‘Purdie Shuffle’. Jeff made his own version of the pattern by blending the Purdie Shuffle with the groove he’d hear in John Bonham’s work with Led Zeppelin, mainly the song “Fool In The Rain”, while keeping a Bo Diddley beat on the kick drum.

Jeff had worked with numerous artists. Very notably Steely Dan, but also: George Benson, Eric Clapton, Miles Davis, David Gilmour, Elton John, Don Henley, Donna Summer, Joe Walsh, Paul McCartney, and more than that!
On October 22nd, 1983, Jeff married Susan Norris, a TV broadcaster for KABC-TV. They had 3 sons, Christopher, Miles, and Nico.
Jeff died at Human Hospital-West Hills on the evening of August 5th, 1992, after falling ill, while spraying insecticide in the yard of his home. The coroner ruled out an accident and determined a heart attack due to occlusive coronary artery disease caused by atherosclerosis, resulting from cocaine. An LA county coroner spokesman, along with some doctors who treated him, attributed his death to a heart attack caused by an allergic reaction to inhaled pesticide. Bandmade Steve Lukather, and Porcaro’s wife stated that they believed that Jeff had also been suffering from a long standing heart condition, and a smoking habit, both of which contributed to his death. Lukather noted several members of Jeff’s family died at a young age, due to heart disease.

An article posted by the LA Times on August 8th, 1992, talked about how Jeff suffered a heart attack after a possible allergic reaction to a pesticide he was spraying in his yard. It is unknown what type of spray he was using. I don’t know if the brand or scientific name was ever revealed.
He may have possibly inhaled the spray, as authorities thought, at least pre-autopsy.

Paramedics were called to Porcaro’s home around 6:30pm. Witnesses stated that Jeff complained of feeling sick while doing yardwork.
LA county Fire Inspector Dennis Vlach stated that Jeff was in critical condition when they arrived on the scene. “There was no breathing, no pulse. He was in full cardiac arrest.”.
Rescue workers managed to briefly revive Jeff, who was taken by helicopter to Humana-Hospital-West Hills. He was pronounced dead at 8:30pm.
Jeff lived with his 3 kids and wife, Susan, who was mayor pro tem of Hidden Hills at the time.
Initially, newspapers stated that Jeff had passed away from an allergic reaction to a pesticide he was spraying in his yard. The story seems to be unclear, and has changed over the years, with the truth being rather elusive today. The Bangor Daily News posted that Jeff was spraying pesticide in the garden of his home, when he collapsed, an allergic reaction to the pesticide. Some sources state that the pesticide reaction caused a heart attack. His manager, Larry Fitzgerald, said that “He was doing a little yard work. The doctor believes that the pesticides somehow triggered an allergic reaction, and he suffered a cardiac arrest.”.
His wife and kids were home at the time. Jeff had just returned from a family vacation in Florida, and the band was scheduled to begin rehearsals for a tour in support of their recent release, “Kingdom of Desire”.

More than 1200, or 1600 according to some sources, people attended his funeral; including well known musicians like Don Henley, Eddie Van Halen, David Crosby, Graham Nash, and Jackson Browne. After his death, Jeff’s family asked that any donations be made to Grant High School, where Jeff had attended.

The Ashbury Park Press, among other sources, wrote that the Lost Angeles County coroner’s office ruled that Jeff’s death was caused by the hardening of the arteries, stemming from past cocaine use. His brother, among other people, rejected this. Mike Porcaro is quoted in the article saying, “Some public officials will say anything to get their name in the papers. Jeffrey was no angel, but he wasn’t an animal either. He had a heart condition that had nothing to do with drug abuse.”
A couple of other sources I have posted this :
“Who died of coronary problems linked to cocaine use.” [The Atlanta Constitution]
“Died from a heart attack that a coroner ruled was brought on by cocaine use, according to the Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll.” [Press of Atlantic City]

A tribute concert was held for Jeff in December of 1992, the proceeds were to go towards an education fund for his songs. Many of Jeff’s friends and former bandmates showed up to play, such as Don Henley, Michael McDonald, David Crosby, Eddie Van Halen, Boz Scaggs, Donald Fagen, and a surprise guest appearance from George Harrison.

An article from the LA Times talked about the tribute, and brought up the circumstances of Jeff’s death. It stated that Jeff was initially thought to have a heart attack, triggered by an allergic reaction to pesticide he was spraying in his yard. The Los Angeles County Coroner’s report, found no traces of the pesticide, instead citing a history of cocaine use as causing hardened arteries. Small traces of cocaine were found in Jeff’s system. Susan, his widow, disputed the coroner’s conclusion. There was supposed to be a private autopsy done, that his wife wanted. Though it may have required exhuming Jeff’s body. One source states that the private autopsy could have used materials without exhuming the body, but, I never saw any update on this, or if it was even done.

The Morning Star posted on September 16th, 1994, that , “on the insistence of an insurance company, a further autopsy revealed that his death was related to the hardening of the arteries”, though the rest of the sentence was cut off. The Windsor Star posted on July 30th, 1998, that Jeff’s death was related to the hardening of the arteries stemming from cocaine use.
In a 1998 article from Sunday Mercury, David Paich is quoted as saying:
“There was so much rubbish talked about Jeff’s death. Like anyone else in the band who used it, he had stopped taking cocaine and partying by the time of his death. He was not addicted to cocaine.”. The article then went on to say that, “pathologists blamed Jeff’s death on the hardening of the arteries which they linked to years of cocaine use.”.
On April 24th, 2000, The Guardian posted an article about musicians that met tragic ends. Interestingly, they talked about Jeff, and said:
“One afternoon, while trying to install a barbeque in his backyard, Jeff embarked on one of his bug killing binges. All he wanted was a pest free lawn. But the endless onslaught of bumblebees, the whole brutal regime of pesky winged insects finally became too much for poor Jeff. So he went out and purchased a 10 gallon container of industrial strength pesticide. It all got a little out of control, and he more or less sprayed himself to death.”.

In 1998, Jeff’s widow remarried. She had moved to Florida to be closer to her own family soon after Jeff’s death.
An article by UPI, posted on September 4th, 1992, stated that the coroner’s toxicological report showed that Jeff died of heart disease, caused by long-time cocaine use, as stated by Coroner spokesman Bob Dambacher.
The autopsy found traces of cocaine in Jeff’s blood, along with benzoylecgonine, which is described as a metabolite, or byproduct of cocaine. The coroner’s report stated that the cause of death was determined “to be occlusive coronary artery disease, due to atherosclerosis, due to the effects of cocaine.”.
On Loudersound, the story is a little different. “Earlier in the day, of August 5th, 1992, Steve Lukather had spoken to Jeff on the phone about Toto’s upcoming tour. The conversation ended as it always did, with them telling each other, “I love you.”. Hours later, he got the call telling him that Jeff had been rushed to the hospital after suffering a seizure. In a state of panic, Lukather got lost while driving to the hospital.
“By the time I got there, Jeff was gone. A doctor took me to a room, and Jeff was lying there on a fucking slab. They left me in that room alone with him, and I freaked out. I was screaming. They had to give me smelling salts.”.
Lukather has angrily refuted allegations that Jeff overdosed on cocaine.
“It was irresponsible journalism. You know, the guy had a wife and kids. He did not die from a cocaine. I swear on all four of my children’s lives. They found one one-hundreth of a microgram of cocaine in Jeff’s blood/ That’s like 2 crystals on a fucking matchstick. That ain’t gonna give somebody a heart attack, believe me. The rest of us were doing a hundred times more than that and we all lived to tell the tale.”.
Lukather said that Jeff had a pre-existing heart condition, he was also a heavy smoker. This, is what Lukather believes led to the pesticide getting into Jeff’s system. “He was probably smoking a cigarette, or a joint. He didn’t have gloves on. That’s how the chemicals got into the skin.”
I think, that in the least, there were elements in Jeff’s life that contributed to his death. A major contention would be smoking. Lukather said himself, that Jeff was a heavy smoker. I don’t understand why there has been this emphasis that the autopsy was wrong, or that the amount of cocaine was not enough. From all of the articles I found, I never saw anyone call Jeff a cocaine addict. There wasn’t any hint of disrespect. Of course, tabloids might have been disrespectful; but why would the autopsy lie?
Through all the articles, the coroner/medical examiner’s name was not mentioned once. The pesticides that Jeff supposedly used, were not mentioned by brand name, or scientific name, not once. It seems that the association of cocaine comes with a negative connotation, but one filthy habit, or moment of leisure, does not make up an entire person’s personality, or humanity.
Personally, I think that Jeff's achievements outweigh any negative connotations that his cause of death has. I don't see his death as anything shameful, it comes off to me as just another part of life. It's unrealistic to think that a famous musician never did any drugs; it's also unrealistic to believe that those drugs never affected any of those musicians either.
Just because some people "lived to tell the tale", doesn't mean that everyone will. Every person is different. Even the medical backgrounds for siblings can differ.
To me, Jeff's death was a conglomerate of things. Having used cocaine in the past, being a smoker, and having a family history of heart disease, made him prone to the hardening of the arteries. It's important to note that his cause of death is something that takes years to develop. August 5th, 1992 was just the breaking point.
I think that Jeff was a great musician. He seemed to be a natural fit when playing with Steely Dan, as Walter Becker and Donald Fagen were notorious for being meticulous with their work. Jeff was very much the same. One of my favorite Steely Dan songs is "Daddy Don't Live In That New York City No More", which Jeff played on. The album "Katy Lied" is a great show of his talent as a whole. With "Everyone's Gone To The Movies" as another great example of his work.
For me, I don't see any shame in how he died. I just wish that he could have stayed around a little longer.
"He was such a great drummer, and his personality really came out in his playing. He really changed the way people played the drums." - Donald Fagen
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Thank Phazes McKenzie II and Bruce Buege for playing my new single “Seascape”
Hello there smooth jazz music lovers, happy Tuesday. The chef is here with another deliciously musical dish. Please tune in for the Smooth Jazz Kitchen Radioshow "Checkin' In" with your host Bruce Buege. Beginning at 7 pm EST, 6 pm CST, 4 pm PST, 11 pm UK time on WPUR-DB PULSE INT'L RADIO The Listening Experience.
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇮🇹 🇬🇷 🇸🇩 🇿🇦 🇨🇦 🇧🇶
#thesmoothjazzkitchen #brucebuege #wiscounsin #smoothjazz #contemporaryjazz #germany #netherlands #london #greece #usa #chicago #LasVegas #losangeles #southafrica #italy #DC #fuji #hawaii #dmv #newyork #newjersey
The Smooth Jazz Kitchen Radioshow - Checkin' In
00:00 Nelson Rangell - Gratitude
00:05 Ron Bosse feat Bob Mintzer, Jeff Lorber & Ben Shepherd - Checkin' In
00:08 Patrick Lamb - Tailgate
00:13 Slim Gambill - Light This Candle
00:17 Hart Ramsey - Be Attitude
00:22 Bassmanegg - If You Were Here Tonight
00:27 JC Sol - Callin' Out
00:32 Duncan Millar - Lazy Days
00:36 Bob Coate feat Sonix - Moving The Groove
00:41 Andrew Neu - After Party
00:45 Richie Cannata - Corners
00:50 D.S. Wilson - Promise
00:55 Billy Cobham feat Grover Washington, Jr. - Same Ole Love
01:00 Ray Anthony - U Got Dis
01:04 Kevin Hall - Summerset
01:08 Patrick Yandall - Seascape
01:12 Saby & Nicole - You've Got The One Thing
01:16 Reggie Codrington - Familiar Stranger
01:20 BROWNIE - Endless Summer
01:25 Isaac Norris - Risk Reward
01:30 Vandell Andrew - Walk My Way
01:32 GROOVAZ - White Beaches
01:38 Evelyn Rubio - Because I Want To
01:42 Darryl Alexander - 3rd Eye
01:46 Jill Butler - Unspoken
01:49 Bryard Huggins feat Ryan Casey - All Night Long
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#lucas haas#Richie Norris#mars attacks#alien sex fiend#acid bath#cherry red records#Spotify#Tim burton
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With their fourth season on the way, Ghosts showrunners Joe Port and Joe Wiseman are both surprised and delighted that the little CBS show about horny spirits haunting Hudson Valley bed and breakfast Woodstone Manor has struck such a chord. But, as they see it, that’s a real testament to the cast.
“We have 10 absolutely incredible cast members, and that allows us to go in so many different directions with stories and combinations of people,” Wiseman tells Entertainment Weekly.
And they’re going in even crazier directions this year. Season 3 ended on something of a cliffhanger, with Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) jilting his fiancé Nigel (John Hartman) at the altar, only to be dragged into the dirt by the mysterious, and vengeful, ghost Patience, played by guest star Mary Holland.
“The first act of business is, the ghosts and Sam (Rose McIver) and Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar) rallying to try to find Isaac and rescue him. And we're going to find out more about Patience,” Port says, adding about Holland’s portrayal, “We've seen the first couple cuts and she's very funny and we're very pleased with her and really enjoying her performance.”
So who is this Patience and what does she want with Isaac?
“Patience is a Puritan, who traditionally were very judgmental and strict, and she was actually kicked out of her village for being a bit too much so, even by their standards,” Wiseman explains. “She's a lot to deal with. Then of course, she's also angry. She was abandoned to the dirt. Isaac let go of her hand to sneeze and left her alone in the dirt, where she's been wandering for 130 years or something like that, so she's a little upset. But she's going to spend a few episodes at Woodstone and she’s going to sorta mix things up there.”
Since they’re already fans of Holland’s take on Patience, the Joes have left the door open for her to return, but promise that, either way, she “leaves a bit of a compelling mystery in her wake.”
Last season, Pete (Richie Moriarty) also discovered his ghost power to leave the Manor — but he begins to gradually disappear the longer he’s away. That power will have “a big influence on this season," Port says, as will Sass’ (Román Zaragoza) ability to enter Jay’s dreams. The showrunners are still figuring out Hetty’s (Rebecca Wisocky) powers, though they’re not sure if they’re going to get to that this season. After all, they’ve only got 22 episodes for 10 characters, multiple storylines, and the occasional guest star.
This season, we will get to meet Jay’s parents, though they have yet to be cast, and Dean Norris (Breaking Bad) will play Sam’s dad. Additionally, Punam Patel and Andrew Leeds will return as Jay’s sister Bela and her boyfriend Eric.
Meanwhile, if the spirits of Woodstone know how to do anything, it’s figure out how to get laid without a corporeal form. Sass, however, has been unlucky in love in the past, but this season we will learn more about his romantic history and his search for love. Then there’s poor Nigel. Despite Isaac’s altar falter, that old Red Coat dandy is still hanging around. Things between him and Capt. Higgintoot are “a bit rocky right now,” Wiseman says, but he hints that we may have” more of him in the future.”
As if that isn’t enough to whet your appetite, this season will also feature an hour-long Christmas episode because, thanks to Charles Dickens, ghosts and Christmastime go together like Pete and that arrow through his neck.
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Fist Fight
#library#movies#dvds#fist fight#richie keen#ice cube#charlie day#tracy morgan#jillian bell#christina hendricks#dean norris#kumail nanjiani#dennis haysbert
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People I will write for:
1.Harry Potter
The Marauders era:
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
Regulus Black
Barty Crouch Jr.
Evan Rosier
Gaspar Avery
Amos Diggory
Lily Evans
Marlene McKinnon
Dorcas Meadowes
Mary McDonald
Golden Trio era
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Fantastic Beasts
Newt Scamander
Theseus Scamander
2.Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Johnatan Byers
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
4. Celebrities
Elijah Hewson
Ryan McMahon
Robert (Bobby) Keating
Josh Jenkinson
Alex Turner
Timothée Chalamet
Axl Rose
Izzy Stradlin
Duff Mckagan
Tommy Lee
Nikki Sixx
Vincent Neil
Jon Bon Jovi
Richie Sambora
Ville Valo
5.Outer banks
Rafe Cameron
6.The Grishaverse
The Darkling
Nikolai Lantsov
Kaz Brekker
7. Formula 1 (+junior formulas)
Current grid:
Max Verstappen
Charles Leclerc
Carlos Sainz
Lewis Hamilton
George Russle
Lando Norris
Oscar Piastri
Alex Albon
Logan Sargeant
Fernando Alonso
Lance Stroll
Pierre Gasly
Daniel Ricciardo
Jack Dohan
Liam Lawson
Robert Shwartzman
Mick Schumacher
Marcus Armstrong
Dennis Haugar
Theo Pourchair
Frederik Vesti
Ollie Bearman
Arthur Leclerc
Retried drivers:
Sebastian Vettle
Kimi Raikkonen
Mark Webber
Jenson Button
Nico Rosberg
I won't write nsfw stuff, i am not the best when it comes to write this kind of stuff
I can use any pronouns, but if there isn't a request i will write with she/her because is easyer for me
English isn't my first language so if there will be any grammar mistakes i am sorry.
Requests are open
#stranger things#Harry Potter#the marauders#narnia fanfiction#stranger things x reader#harry potter x reader#narnia x reader
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