#may have had slightly too much of the edibles last night.
heavenpierceher · 2 years
man someday i’ll make a whole big post about The Tailgate And Getaway Thing. someday. someday. But for now i will just sit here and keep all my words to myself forever. And then die someday
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vrystalius · 7 days
HI!! I’ve literally just been getting into Demon Slayer again, the phase never goes away 🥲
anyways, would it be alright to ask for a Genya x reader who’s Gyomei’s hardworking Tsuguko who has a hard time taking breaks? Take your sweet time and have a great day/night ❤️
Just for one minute…
You’ve been overworking yourself to the bone, training during the day and taking patrolling shifts during the night. Genya is starting to get worried about you not taking enough breaks…
Pairing: Genya x gn!reader
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When’s the last time you’ve eaten? Drank some water? Heck, when did you even last sleep? Genya just finished his mandatory training for the day, watching you from the engawa of Gyomei’s estate. You’re really working hard to become stronger and more powerful and to become a hashira yourself one day, but this is a little too much on your body. Even Genya is starting to notice and that must mean something.
He had some sticky rice laid out on a cloth, positioned on his lap, making some onigiri with salmon filling. He carefully shaped them in his calloused hands, wanting them to look at least a little presentable. He’s not the best cook after all but wanted to make you a small meal to eat together, as some sort of reward for you working so hard. But also because Genya wants to personally see how you’re ingesting something edible other than hopes and prayers to not faint from exhaustion, dehydration or starvation.
To be quite honest, he may be using the food as an excuse to hang out with you a little. Gyomei continued to encourage him to speak and hang out with you to create a bond. It was obvious to Genya how his master tried to push you two closer. For example, assigning you to train and spar together, ordering you to patrol side by side during the nights or just frequently suggesting to hang out together during breaks. Doesn’t he know how much Genya sucks at talking to you? You make him extremely nervous with your pretty eyes and gorgeous smile, and especially with your kindness. You’re so attentive and nice to him, it makes him nauseous every time.
Genya figured it’s his turn to he nice and attentive for once, so he called you over to have lunch with him.
“I made too many onigiris to eat alone, want some? You’re probably hungry, haven’t seen ya eat at all today.”
You can’t resist saying no to that hopeful, little smile of his, but after sitting down together and letting your body rest, you fell into a minute long sleep while still slowly chewing onto the rice. Your body leaned over and against the railing and your mouth was slightly agape, the rice beginning to fall out onto the wood below. Genya worriedly shook you awake from your one-minute-nap.
“Hey… you should drop some night shift or at least let me do them. You really need to rest. I-I’m worried about you.”
He turned his head away after finishing his sentence, wanting to hide this stupid blush that is taking over his whole face. Is he seriously not able to control his face around you? Like, at all?! It’s extremely embarrassing and is probably coming off as childish!! But as Genya was beating himself up for being so flushed around you, he heard a soft sigh escape your lips.
“Just one more minute…”
Your voice made him turn his head towards you. You just hunched over and fell into a deep sleep, your mouth slightly agape. Again. Well, at least you chewed your rice until this time, but you failed to swallow it all since some still stuck to your cheek. You looked so awfully tired and yet peaceful in this sleeping state. Genya groaned quietly and slowly wrapped his arms around your shoulder, carefully shifting your position to lean your head against him, your full weight resting against his body.
Genya took the half-eaten onigiri out of your hands and put it onto the cloth he got it out from, wrapping it back up and placing it aside for the moment. He wiped the rice sway from with his sleeve.
You can eat the onigiris later, but for now, you really needed the sleep. He smiled slightly at your adorable expression while his hand soothingly started rubbing your shoulder. Genya’ll let you rest like that for as long as you like. You really deserve it.
Hello, hello! Currently I’m uploading this from my mobile data so I am hoping and praying that I have enough to last for three days in this wlan-lacking-establishment. It’s nice though, me and my friend get to share a large room and we are right next to the forest and a creak! Also, so sorry for completing this request so late, hope you enjoyed it anyway!! I’m currently receiving a lot of asks to continue my Gyutaro fic and I am currently trying to figure something out!! Just know I am thinking about it a lot and am really trying to come up with something XD (Man, I really suck at doing part 2s. :,))
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough! It’s currently 1am and I need sleep desperately. XD
Take care of yourselves <3
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star-writes-sometimes · 7 months
green butter
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word count - 2.2k
c.w. - drug use (marijuana, edibles), reader is said to be shorter than remus, idiots in love, pining, implied insecure reader
a/n - i don’t know if i liked how this turned out so i may rewrite and change the ending idk yet
you could hear remus snoring from where you were in the kitchen. the rest of your apartment was silent except for the soft snores. if you ever tried to mention it when he was awake, remus would always deny that he made any kind of noise when he slept, instead choosing to tease you about your habit of sleep talking when you’ve had too much to drink.
you were doing the dishes, cleaning up from making green butter earlier in the day. remus had been out the night before with sirius and james and he was exhausted. he was in your apartment for less than 10 minutes before he passed out on your couch.
you finished cleaning the last mixing bowl and left it on the drying rack. you dried your hands on a tea towel, threw it over your shoulder and made your way to your living room. you collapsed on the comfy armchair closest to the kitchen and simply watched remus sleep. 
as if he could feel your gaze on him, he twitched in his sleep and rolled over so you could no longer see his face. you huffed in annoyance and used your sock covered foot to reach out and poke his shoulder.
“wake up please lupin.”
he just groaned and shifted tiredly. 
he exhaled sharply and lifted his head up, his annoyed gaze meeting your amused one.
“good morning starshine. the earth says hello!”
“i prefer gene wilder.” remus runs a hand over his scarred face.
“i like ‘em both,” you moved to tuck your feet under you, “makes me feel bad choosing between two things.”
“really?” he smirked, “who do you prefer out of james and sirius?”
“well currently sirius cause he helped me do my makeup a few days ago but it changes depending on which one annoys me less.”
“good choice. james probably would’ve poked your eye out.” he finally sat up, smiling lazily at you, “whats the time?”
“it’s around five so you successfully napped through the afternoon.”
“good that was the aim.” remus stretched, lifting his shirt up slightly, exposing his happy trail.
“do you want dinner, love?”
“no thanks, bunny, but i’ll take some cookies if you’ve got any.”
“i actually need to make some for james and i was gonna make extra,” you paused to yawn, “but i seemed to have misplaced my motivation.”
“aww c’mon bunny,” he got off the couch and knelt in front of your chair, “please make some cookies.”
you tried desperately not to give into his masterful puppy dog eyes, “i thought you were too tired to do anything.”
“i had my nap, now i want time with my super awesome amazing girl who makes the most awesome amazing oatmeal weed cookies.” he pouted up at you, pulling you hand towards him and kissing it, “please baby?”
your resolve couldn’t crumble quicker, “fine, move you big lug i’ll go get started.”
you pushed him aside and walked back into the kitchen while remus trailed behind you closely.
"rem love, can you grab the sugar please?" you asked while pulling the eggs and butter.
"mhmm." he hummed in response.
you grabbed the vanilla extract and a bowl and started to cut up the butter into cubes.
remus came up behind you and placed the sugar on the counter then wrapped his arms around you. 
"ooo green butter," he placed his chin onto your shoulder, pressing into you completely.
"yeah i made it earlier." 
remus reached his hand around a grabbed a cube and quickly popped it in his mouth, "tastes great, bunny."
you swatted him on the side, "don't eat the butter."
"hey that's abuse." he grabbed another bit of butter and popped it into his mouth.
"remus if you eat the butter you'll get high before the cookies are even ready."
"no i won't," he ate another cube, "i'm not a lightweight like you."
"i'm not saying you're a lightweight, love."
he reached for another piece of butter but you slapped his hand before he could grab it.
"whats with all the abuse today?" he asked.
"go sit down and stop eating butter," you pointed to one of the kitchen stools on the other side of the bench you were working at.
remus watched you intently as you made the cookies. whenever you turned your back momentarily though, he would reach across and sneak another cube of the homemade butter.
eventually, once you got the first batch of cookies in the oven you start to clean up, including putting away all the ingredients.
“did you eat more butter?”
“you have no proof of that.”
“i made 500g of butter. i used 250g. there should be 250g left. this isn't 250g.”
“how can you tell that just by looking at it?”
“remus i'm a baker. i do this professionally.”
remus smiled guiltily, “whoops? i’m sorry i’ll help you make more butter tomorrow” 
“rem, i couldn't give less of a fuck about the butter, i’m worried about how high you're about to get.”
“i told you, i am not a lightweight i'm not gonna get high off some butter.”
you roll your eyes and finish cleaning up the kitchen, “whatever you say remsy.”
forty two minutes later and remus was face down on your kitchen floor.
he groaned loudly as you took the third batch of cookies out of the oven. the room already smelled of a pleasant mix of weed and fresh baked cookies but opening the oven intensified it, hurting remus' already sore brain.
“it's cold, my face is cold, it's on something cold, the room smells, smells like a headache.” he babbled, voice muffled slightly by the ground.
“you are face first on the tiles, that's why your face is cold and the headache you smell is weed."
“ngh, no,” he protested and rolled over onto his back, “weed smells like awesome and this is a headache smell, are you baking a headache?”
you couldn't help the giggle that escaped you as you look down at his confused face, “you've overdone it, remmy.”
“noooo,” he whined and covered his face, “‘m not a lightweight.”
“you're not, darling,” you cooed and sat down on the floor next to him. you gently ran your hand through his hair.
he opened his eyes at the touch but immediately hissed and squinted, “bright light, there's a real bright light, i think i'm dying.”
you looked up at the ceiling and tried not to laugh, “that's the kitchen light, and the dying feeling is, once again, the weed.”
he rapidly sat up after you said that and stared at you intensely, “the weed is doing this to me?”
you couldn't help the giggle that slipped through, “yes, love.”
he looked very serious and glared at the ground before he muttered, “that fuckin' giraffe was right.”
it was your turn to be confused, “giraffe- do you mean harold?”
“that scary fucker was right.”
“you were scared of harold the giraffe?”
“he was tall and i couldn't trust his eyes.” he said with such a strong gaze you almost forgot how ridiculous the conversation was, “is he coming to take me?”
“h-harold? you think harold is coming to take you?”
“yeah, i broke his rules, i did drugs and now i'm paying the price, he's gonna come for me.”
you turned your head to laugh silently, not wanting to mock him (while he was like this, you were definitely mocking him in the morning), “love, harold won't come for you, and even if he did you're not a kid anymore, you're tall too.”
he nodded, like he understood, “yeah i’m tall, i could take that skinny twat.” he nodded, seemingly calm. until he once again jolted and looked at you extremely seriously, “you're short.”
“thank you for noticing rem,” you said, slightly sarcastically.
“harold will come for you because he knows i care about you. he'll take you from me.” he said in a panicky tone.
your touched by his care for you but also recognise the absurdity of what he's saying, “remmy, i promise i’m safe, i'm here with you.”
he gave you a look of determination and nodded. as quick as he could in his intoxication he wrapped his arms around your middle and re-laid down on the floor with you. 
“remmy, what are you doing?” you asked, curious, not bothered by his actions.
“protecting you.” he said, voice muffled from where it was buried in your neck.
“hmm thank you,” you hummed out.
he held on tightly and quietly sat there holding you for a few blissful minutes, but the biting cold of the tiles wasn't the most comfortable in the february weather.
“remus, lovie?”
he tapped you as his way of responding, not loosening his grip.
“can we go to bed?”
he squeezed you tighter, “‘m not tired and i need to protect you.”
“i'm tired baby,” you said with a slight breathy laugh.
“i need you to be safe,” he mumbled against your neck.
“we'll stay together the whole time.”
“promise?” he said softly.
“pinky promise.”
at that he slowly rolled off of you but he made sure his hand was touching some part of you at all time - like he was scared you would disappear.
you went to your bedroom with remus following close behind, your fingers tightly threaded together. when you both stopped, remus re-wrapped his arms around you tightly, his large hands going underneath your loose tshirt.
“rem,” you whined softly, “what are you doing now?”
“‘m not close enough to you, need to get closer,” he mumbled and kissed the top of your head.
you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, “i don’t think we can get much closer than this.”
“sure we can bunny,” he said with a hint of mischief in his tone, “we can be much closer,”
“we already see each other everyday, spend most of our free time together, and-” his thumb rubbed against your ribs causing you to giggle slightly, “and that. how much closer can we be?”
you looked up at him just in time to see his smirk. he pressed a kiss to your temple and used his free hand to brush your hair behind your ear, “nowhere near close enough,” he said softly and kissed your cheek.
you held your breath. his touch made you shiver. your skin erupted in goosebumps and you leaned closer to him. he gripped your chin and looked into your eyes.
his eyes were bloodshot.
he was high.
you stepped back slightly at the reminder. you grabbed his hands in your own and led him towards your bed, “c’mon rem, bedtime.”
he scrunched his eyebrows together, confused, “what? bunny, i want us to be closer.”
“you’re high, love, you’ll feel different in the morning,” you said softly, trying to hide the disappointment in your voice.
“no, i won’t, why do you never believe me?” he asked.
“because you only say this stuff when you’re high.”
he slumped over with his forehead resting on your shoulder, “‘m not saying it cause i’m high, the high makes me say the truth.”
you swallowed the lump in your throat and pulled away from him. you sat down on your bed and patted the spot next to you. he smiled dopily and sat next to you. as soon as he sat he feel backwards, laying on your bed and groaning slightly.
you let out a breathy laugh and shook your head, “you can’t even sit up.”
“you keep me stable.”
“i’m also the one enabling your edible addiction.”
“it doesn’t matter that you’re enabling me ‘cause you always take care of me.”
you laid down next to him and face him. he clumsily pulled the blanket over you both and let his hand rest of the side of your face.
“my pretty little bunny, i’ll make you believe me one day,” he promised. he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you close.
you looked at his pretty face, his messy sandy blonde hair, his bloodshot eyes. you wished you could believe him. you wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his chest. you could at least pretend.
he kissed your cheek and held you tightly, “nice and close bunny, i gotta protect you and make you feel loved.”
you melt into him and laugh softly, “protect me?”
“don’t know if that giraffe is comin’ for us.”
“well we can’t have that now can we.”
it was silent for a few moments.
“what do giraffe’s eat?”
“mostly leaves i think, why, love?”
“i don’t like being scared that you’ll be hurt, we should set a trap tomorrow.”
“for harold?”
“yes, you can bake something and i’ll construct a gaint moustrap for the slimy fucker.”
you tried desperately to keep your giggles to yourself, “that’s a job for the morning.”
“i know, you go to sleep, bunnies need lots of rest.”
“goodnight remmy.”
“goodnight bunny.” he kissed your cheek again, “love you.”
you swallowed the lump in your throat once more, “love you too.”
you could pretend it was real.
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emiplayzmc · 18 days
...So here's that 2.5k+ word one-shot that I wrote in one afternoon + night
@turntableart it's the guys ever :3 And also @bigshot-furbiestm since you said you wouldn't be opposed to reading it in your RB last night :3
Also posted it on AO3 in case it's easier to read there :D
"It's Not Too Late to Learn to be Alive Again"
Two former and forgotten Addisons rummage around in an alley and end up staying for too long, hiding out in a dumpster from the cold rain.
AKA, I have brainrot about an Addison OC that me and Turn have been talking about and I am. Very much adding them to my list of blorbos.
Drip.  Drop.
Tink.  Splat.
The sound of tiny bits of acid rain hitting every surface of this block in Cyber City for the moment.  Hopefully, it wouldn't get any worse than a light drizzle.
The dull-coloured Addison stands at the end of the alley, blankly staring up at the gridlines at the top of the world, watching the droplets fall down around and onto him.  The acidity by itself couldn't clear the dust and grime on his dull, bluish-green casing, but he could feel and see the streaks trickling across it, making them slightly more metallic-looking again instead of the matte that he'd been reduced to.
Plink.  Tap-tap.  Clack.
He blinks as a drop of cold rain lands on the tip of his nose, scrunching his face briefly as he's brought out of the blank trance-like state he was in.  He swivels his head around to look over his shoulder, watching as items get tossed out of trash bags within a green dumpster at random intervals, hitting the opposite wall of the alleyway with clatters, cracks, and occasional wet slaps - the least appealing of those sounds, in his opinion.  He wonders when his companion will find something they deem suitable to sell or edible enough to use as a consumable.  He emits a low hum and draws his coat a little closer to himself, looking back over the back alley wall to the thin strip of buildings between the city and the Cyber Fields beyond, an occasional red light blinking on the unfinished railway.
Pitter-patter, thup-thup.
…and it sounds like the rain is falling a little harder.  That's wonderful.  He steps off of the crate that he'd used to look over the back wall and approaches the dumpster, lurching back to let a slimy-looking something hit the wall before moving forward again and standing on the tips of his toes to peer in.
He can see the greased back, oily hair of his companion rummaging around in a trash bag, their gears clicking inside them as they mutter to themselves while deliberating over a bottle with its label torn off, containing MAYBE some kind of juice.  Could also be motor oil, it's not easy to tell.  The lid of the dumpster must be blocking the rain from hitting them.  He reaches over the edge and taps the other on their shoulder, finding it the tiniest bit amusing when they startled and nearly dropped the bottle of whatever-it-was.
“WH 4T THE- AH, U!!!  SOMETHING [Turn Left]?”
The gratingly loud, glitched voice of Spamton G. Spamton had become a small comfort to the other in the past few months.  To others, it may have been hard to listen to for more than a few minutes, but to him it was familiar.  It was safe.  Friendly.
The corner of his mouth twists into a frown as he points upward before making a sweeping gesture to the alleyway now growing wet with puddles and slowly thickening curtains of acidic precipitation.  Spamton pokes his head out of the garbage receptacle and immediately hisses when he feels rain hitting the top of his pompadour and face, causing the other to smirk lightly at the reaction.
“[$%#/] RA1N…” Spamton grumbles as he peers out, wiping the already accumulating rain away from his nearly opaque multicoloured glasses, “WE’LL LEAF [And It's Going Going] [Going] [Going] [Going]- …SO0N.  JUST GOTTA F 1ND SOME GRUB!!!”
…He doesn't exactly know why they couldn't root through the garbage can of a bakery that's on the route back to Spamton's shop, but he hesitantly nods and pulls the back of his coat over his head to hide from the rain, leaning against the dumpster and listening to Spamton rifling through the garbage bags a little quicker.
The frigid acid rain drums and hisses against the roofs and the concrete in the alley, making muted green puddles around his feet and staining more of his cyan shoes.  He shivers underneath his now-soaked coat, and Spamton still hasn't finished, likely getting too fixated on finding something edible to have noticed he's taking too long or that the rain has started pouring.  He kicks the back of his foot against the dumpster hard, earning him a muted “1 SEC OND.”  He grumbles and shivers again.  He's cold and wet and he'd rather go back and miss eating instead of obsessing over finding something for too long.  His internal heaters got busted and clogged long ago, he shouldn't be outside in this mess.
Screw it.
He turns around and yanks open the other lid on the dumpster, scrambling inside despite Spamton's startled noise and shutting both lids above them, pulling his legs up to his chest and shoving a gutted trash bag off to the side, huddling onto the side and flicking on the flashlights in his eyes.
“H 3Y!!!” Spamton protests, the lights in his eyes flickering on as well, both their sets of eyes shining dimly in the dumpster with light turquoise and pink-and-yellow light, “I’M ALM0ST [Done and Done!], Y'D U-”
His questioning dies off as he sees his dull greyish green-blue companion shivering in the corner of the dumpster, his legs pulled up to and hugging his chest and the soaking wet coat pulled tightly around him, even though it's likely making the shivering worse.
“...0 H.  RITE…” Spamton wavered, remembering his friend's condition, “SHOULD H4VE [Leave while you still have the chance]...”
‘Idiot, he told you we should leave and you got hooked on something that could've been taken care of on the way back,’ he thinks to himself, berating.  He can't keep doing that when he has this guy following him around with broken systems… if he's going to insist on trailing Spamton like a lost Tasque just because the White Addison found him shut down in the middle of the street unable to move and fixed him up as best that he could, he might as well make sure they're at least safe.  Not that he's actually grown to care about the nameless Addison at all.
“...H3RE, I-” Spamton moves to kneel on his knees instead of squatting, looking through his corrupted inventory quickly to find the slot with his blanket, pulling it out of the 1s and 0s.  He then reaches forward and attempts to snatch the wet coat off of the other, holding up a surrendering hand when they flinch and pull themselves back farther, confused.”
“U CANT [ Wear all of our latest styles at -] TH4T, YO U’LL [Freeze, criminal scum!],” he grunts out, holding out his hand as if to say ‘ hand it over .’  The other Addison hesitates for a minute, not wanting to give up his coat, but his fans ultimately emit a whirring sigh as he peels it off of himself, balling it up and handing it to Spamton before trying in vain to wipe the wet spots off his stained blue dress shirt underneath.  Spamton tosses the coat into the corner, intending to dry it back at his shop (somehow) when the rain stops and they leave.
Spamton then takes their ratty - but still functional, with no holes or tears - grey blanket and drapes it over the dull Blue's legs, watching as their face morphs into one of surprise before gratefully (and somewhat covetously) pulling it farther over himself, gripping a small part of it to their chest.
‘It won't help much to heat him up, just block a little more cold,’ he muses…
His own internal heaters may not be the best, but they at least function better than the other's.
He shoves the trash bags next to the Addison farther to the side and crawls over to sit next to him, pushing himself close to the other’s body so they can share the heat.  Surprised, the other tilts his head to the side, wondering why all of a sudden Spamton actually… WANTS to be close to him.  Spamton notices the confused expression and scoffs - not in a mean way.
“U L0OK LIKE A- LIKE A- LIKE A- [[- looking like a kicked puppy and down on your luck? ]] SI TING TH3RE SHIV€RING, D0N’T [Expectations, expectations!] TH IS TO BE A REGULAR THING,” he grumbles lightly, gently pulling some of the blanket over himself before opening his inventory again and bringing out his tattered and yellowed pillow, plopping it behind his and the other's backs.  May as well get comfy, they'll likely be here all night.
Spamton feels a light thud on his skull, and feels the other pressing even closer to Spamton's body, realizing that he's resting his head on top of Spamton, looking somewhat content for one of the few times since they've been around each other.
“...TH4T DIDN'T T AK LONG,” Spamton snorts amusedly.  The other angles his eyes down at Spamton's face and gives a small smile, nuzzling into his head, which… most people probably wouldn't do, but at the moment, neither of them cared.  Spamton liked feeling like he was needed at the moment, and the nameless Addison loved the warmth, both the literal and metaphorical kind, coming from his companion right now, relishing it.
Spamton sees the unlabelled bottle of liquid from earlier still resting unopened on a pile of trash, and he grabs it, swishing it around in the glass.
“EXP3RI MENTASHUN!!!” Spamton says gleefully, cracking open the bottle just to finally figure out what it is, “[Rock Bottom]’S UPP!!!”  He tips his head back and pours some of the yellow liquid down his throat, clamping his jaw up and down as he tries to discern the… interesting… taste.
“H3RE,” he says, offering the bottle to the Blue, “DUNNO WH4T IT I S, BUTT ITS CONSUMABLE!!!” The other gingerly takes the bottle, eyeing the familiar curved glass of the bottle before taking a small sip… which he immediately regrets, since it burns the whole way down his throat and tastes like someone mixed toothpaste and rotten glass with alcohol that went wrong.  He splutters whatever he can out of his mouth, his face twisted into a grimace.
…it does warm his insides, though.  Probably because it's started eating away at vital fluids that have started leaking everywhere, based on the taste - though that may be a little overdramatic.
…and his reaction to it made Spamton cackle out a glitched and garbled, yet teasing laugh at his reaction.
“HAEHAEHA EHAEH- WH4T, DON'T LIKE THE N3W [Vile! Awful! Downright hideous!] TASTES OF TH E AUTUMN???” Spamton laughs, nudging the other in their torso lightly.  The dull one flicks the arm of Spamton's glasses, sending them askew with a smile, now feeling a lot less miserable and a bit warmer than he was when he climbed into the dumpster, cuddled next to Spamton and his heaters.  He even made him laugh.  He hums softly and lightly bonks the marionette's long nose with the tip of their own nose, attempting to make him laugh again.
“H- H3Y, URE ACTing [Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice], U BUY A SH1NY NEW [ the spark that created life!! ] 0 R SOMTHIN???” Spamton asks, snickering as he reaches up and touches the other's cheek, watching them lean into it like they haven't had such a simple act of touch in decades.
He touches their noses together again and nods up and down quickly, pointing a finger at Spamton, and then himself, before pointing at his face and grinning widely.
…Spamton gets the message loud and clear.  Externally, his eyes roll [[HEAVEN ]]wards as if that was a cheesy thing to imply, but internally he's… Actually getting a little emotional.  He hasn't made someone who he may or may not care about smile since…  Well…  not for a long time.
“[Gourmet Wheel of Brie] LINE 2 BUTT ER ME UP,” he says unconvincingly sarcastically, “BUT URE SM1LING FOR 1NCE, SO ILL [ What can I say except ‘you're welcome’? ]!!!”  Spamton reaches his arm up from its position behind his head and claps the other on their shoulder a couple of times fondly.
“S0 GOOD L UCK GETTING Rid of me NOW, BCAUSE URE [Stuck in a ditch? Call-] WITH ME NOW, [Friend Request Accepted], SO I C4N KEEP THAT  GR1N ON YO UR [Beutiful Head]!!!”
…what does it say about the other, when such garbled yet simple words of kindness were enough to nearly well his eyes with tears?  For just the simple act of being with him to make him emotional?
“... th ank you,” he croaks out, the voicebox quality scratchy and sounding alien from disuse, resting his head on Spamton's again.
“D0NT MENTION IT, [Buddy Chum Pal Fr]- [[Stop the presses!!]]” Spamton halts mid-sentence as he snaps his head to fully look at the one sitting beside him, eyes wide behind his glasses as he stares into their blue-green eyes - does he daresay he saw some sort of sparkle in there?  “D ID- DID U JUST [Everybody's raving about our new-]???”
He nods, his small smile stretching a little as he moves his head down to bump his forehead to Spamton's again.
Spamton's face, in return, breaks out into an ear-to-ear, genuine grin as he bumps foreheads back, ecstatic to hear him speak for what may well be the first time since they met.
“I'LL [ -chugalug, chugalug ] 2 TH AT!!!!” Spamton cheers, holding up the still-open bottle of vile fluid and taking a large swig… oh what the Hell?  Just this once he'll try to like it…  The other grabs the bottle and takes a drink from it as well, nearly gagging but managing to keep it down for a few moments before breaking into silent, body-shaking laughter at the fact they just willingly drank that again.
He wonders what he would do - if Trademark License Addison saw his abhorrent alcohol - unfit for a ViroViroKun, the very same that he detested for taking the place of nearly every cheap but decent gas station brand in the store, the very same drink that he expelled from his body into the bathroom sink - in stores a few years ago now being consumed by his future self in a dumpster while giggling over the smallest of things and sharing heat with the former Big Shot himself.
When the entire bottle is drained, Trademark and Spamton lean back against the pillows, the former listening to the drumming of rain on the dumpster lid above them, and to the White Addison yammering on and on about some convoluted make-it-big-again scheme with a tired and tranquil look on his face, until he eventually falls asleep, his head now drooped onto Spamton's shoulder and his arm draped across his torso, gripping him tightly to keep the warmth close to him.  When he finally does notice that the dull, yet so, so bright Blue Addison whom he doesn't even know the name of, has fallen asleep nuzzling him, he feels… content.  Happy, even.  His own arm gently holds Trademark close to himself, as well.
Spamton likes feeling wanted.  Feeling needed.  By someone, for once in years.
They could both get used to expecting this to be a regular thing.
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ticklish-touch · 1 year
Alright. I have a confession to make. I've been wanting to talk about this for a while, but it is another big reason that my Backrooms story is being delayed and why I'm less active.
(TW for w*e*e*d mention/subst*nce use, as well as N*S*F*W themes).
Last year, I started taking cannabis edibles for the first time in my life. They're legal in my state, and I was just... So at the end of my rope with trying to find something, anything, that would help my anxiety and help my brain shut off or wander off at night to take my thoughts away from the mental & emotional trauma I've been through in the last year. I took advice from a couple friends who take edibles, I still catalogue my reactions to it like a fucking scientist to try and be careful not to let myself go too wild.
CBD and THC hybrid gummies have been a lifesaver for me. I feel so much more relaxed after work. I can fall asleep so much faster. I feel so pleasantly lucid, and I can imagine so much more to my music.
I've also found that Sativa, especially when not combined with my CBD gummies, sends my imagination into overdrive like I wouldn't believe. And at first, I LOVED it!! I thought "oh holy shit I can use this energy to write more, faster!"
Until I realized that along with my ideas, it also amplified my ADHD. My thoughts and ideas bounce around off of each other SO MUCH that I need to scramble to get them written on Google Docs. I become beyond existential when lost in thw sauce. And not in a bad way! I have actually been able to work through a LOT of emotional and mental baggage that I've been carrying, simply by dumping my philosophical ramblings and self-pep-talks/ self-criticisms on Docs. And that's why, in spite of me not focusing as much on this big project, I feel like it's been important for me to get these thoughts out. They could be potential ideas for books, comics, short stories etc.
BUT needless to say, it is a reason that I can't stay focused on one chapter after another. I have four chapters left, and I keep bouncing back and forth between them. Because, spoiler, my last couple chapters are going to be as trippy as a drug trip. I'm gonna incorporate elements similar to Doctor Strange, Quantumania and Spiderverse.
But overall, I'm going to listen to my Muse, and strike while the iron's totally blitzed. 👍 I feel like, if I try to force myself to work on a chapter or drawing, I'll lose passion for it. It's not fizzling out, it's just on the backburner, collecting flavor and thoroughly cooking.
(N*S*F*W*): A slightly more... Embarrassing reason, is that, because I'm over-imaginative and horny on main, my libido also gets massively enhanced by edibles 50% of the time. So I end up dumping some of the naughtiest concepts I've ever had about my OCs or canon characters, or absolutely paralyzing myself with lee/switch moods by listening to songs, playing spooky games, watching videos with Ler vibes, that all activate my fear kink & tickle kink. And it's... A very good outlet. I may never share some of these writings, but it's helped me get over that last bit of shame I've carried with me ever since the first Tumblr purge and since the "ew kinky people r gross, tickling shouldn't be s3xual" uprising of SFW tickle blogs.
BUT ALL IN ALL, I do take CBD for legitimate anxiety reasons. My anxiety meds have not done shit since this January, when everything at work started going to hell. CBD relaxes my body and actually helps me fall asleep like nothing else ever has.
Meanwhile being on sativa and caffeine can keep me up til 6 in the morning. Like right now as I'm writing this. 😃 But again, it gets the huge dam of thoughts to break and flow freely.
So yeah. Weed has been better therapy for me than actual therapy. For thirty fucking years of my life, I have been desperate to find some kind of coping mechanism, or outlet, or medicine, to help my disorders. And these edibles, along with my antidepressant and creative mind, have worked together pretty damn nicely. And I can now say along with MANY of my friends and peers, fuck anyone who says that medical marijuana should not be legal. Hell, imo recreational weed should also be legal just about everywhere in certain doses, but I'm not gonna get into politics.
I understand if you don't personally approve of the use of recreational drugs. But please, if you're going to judge me, or anyone who uses weed to help calm their mental issues, kindly keep it to yourself. I don't want another situation where an abusive fuckhead tried to mock a friend of mine for smoking pot. Or a dude on a server I'm modding getting childishly preachy about how everyone who uses it will end up fucked in the head and that proper diet and exercise is the cure-all for mental issues.
I'm a grown adult, I know my limits. Sometimes I slip a little and take them 4 nights in a row. Other times I take them maybe twice a week. But I know myself well enough to know that when I set a boundary for myself, I'm fucking stubborn about not breaking it. IF I feel myself slipping, I will reach out for legit help. I also know I can't blow too much money on eddies each month. But I need yall to understand that I've needed this.
TL;DR: I've been taking cannabis edibles and it's helping redirect my mind into places that I didn't realize I needed to explore, and it's been very helpful to me physically and emotionally, so I'd rather go with the flow and not force myself to work on my projects.
So, either way, if you've read this, thank you so much for sticking around. ❤
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earaercircular · 2 years
In a year's time, company canteens, events and the catering industry will be obliged to reuse cups and trays after cleaning. There is plenty of experimentation ongoing with deposits, washable plastic and edible chips bags.
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Install an app for a sustainable cup at the coffee corner; that was going too far for some students of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The app would register the reusable cup and issue a fine if it was not returned within five weeks. “We had not expected this among this target group, but they sometimes found it too much of a hassle and were still a bit suspicious about privacy,” says Joep de Hoog, Facility Services project manager at the UvA and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
The campuses are testing alternative packaging systems for food and drinks this year. This fits in with their sustainability vision, but also with legislation that will be introduced in a year's time. From 1 January 2024, on-site consumption in catering, at festivals and in canteens may no longer be served in single-use plastic, intended to be thrown away after one use.
How will companies organise this? The vanguard is already experimenting. At the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, students in another pilot received a 2 euro deposit refund if they threw their reusable cups in a return bin. De Hoog: "The return percentage was 80. But that was at a somewhat more expensive barista bar, where mainly employees get coffee."
No longer designed for dish washing
For a properly functioning system, there should be a return bin on every floor of every building. These will probably have to be emptied by another company to wash the cups elsewhere. Because there is no room for that on the expensive square meters of the urban campuses themselves.
“It's been a long time since you got a porcelain plate in the student canteen,” says De Hoog. “In recent years, everything has become so disposable or portable that institutions are no longer equipped for dish washing. Even the space for return bins is limited, so we are going to encourage people to bring their own cup and wash it at home.”
The banning of single-use plastics started some time ago in the Netherlands, encouraged by the EU's Single-Use Plastic Directive[1]. If all goes well, you will no longer get plastic straws, stirrers or cutlery anywhere in the Netherlands and you will have to pay for a plastic bag in the supermarket. In the coming years, the government will also largely ban plastic-coated and bioplastic cups in the hospitality industry.
Deposit refund via an app
Tableware may be made of plastic, but must be used again after dish washing. And thus: reusable plastic, not to be confused with recyclable. This not only saves a lot of waste, but also the raw materials and energy needed to make new cups and trays again and again.
International chains are also preparing for a future with less disposable plastic. For example, last year Burger King tested reusable cups and burger trays in the United Kingdom. Customers received the deposit refunded to their account at a collection point via an app.[2]
Fast food chains in the Netherlands must also accept the new rules. Ferry Stevens, quality manager at Febo[3], isn't too worried about that. In his Amsterdam office he puts a white cone on the table. The paper is stiff and slightly transparent. “This is eating paper[4],” Stevens says triumphantly. “You recognise it from under coconut cakes.”
Febo is occupied testing it, because such edible packaging would save a lot of litter. “Since 2015 we have been looking at how we can keep the city centre of Amsterdam cleaner. If this bag ends up on the street, it will be dissolved after two rain showers.” But the old cone bag is not yet suitable for real use. “Fries fit in perfectly,” says Stevens. “But you shouldn't add sauce. And you shouldn't have wet hands either.”
Febo is improving and is therefore still testing the cones. And also other systems. It probably won't be porcelain, too risky. “The government would like that. But have you ever been to Febo in Leidsestraat at twelve o'clock at night?”
Drink should not taste like cardboard
As far as the new rules are concerned it is not even the food packaging that is the problem. Fries have been in a cardboard box for some time, with a soluble barrier varnish, so that you don't get stains on your clothes when you put the box on your lap. Such a soluble lacquer, unlike a non-soluble plastic coating, is more difficult in a drinking cup. “You have to be able to put hot and cold drinks in it. And your drink should not taste like cardboard.”
Febo is going to introduce reusable cups 'made of plastic or cane sugar', says Stevens. We are still looking for the best system, because Febos also have little space for a dish washer. Even temporary storage of dirty dishes is difficult, says Stevens. "Won't that attract fruit flies or other pests?"
Stevens is therefore thinking of a collection service, perhaps jointly for more companies than only Febo. "We're not the only ones in town selling fries." Roughly every six weeks, he discusses the various options with his colleagues via the Consultation Platform for Restaurant Chains Foundation (Stor)[5]. “It's about the hygiene code in our sector, but also about things like this. With parties like McDonald's and La Place, ”says Stevens.
Still disposable plastic
The new law is less strict for to-go products[6]. Consumptions to take with you are still allowed in a disposable packaging. Customers must pay extra for this and they must be offered an alternative, such as filling a cup they brought themselves. Disposable plastic will soon also be allowed if sellers collect 75 percent of the packaging cleanly and have it recycled as a mono stream into new cups or trays. But that is technically not yet an option with coated cups.
“That is possible with circular PET,” says Stijn Bartelink, program manager at packaging producer Paardekooper[7]. The company started a circular branch last year, shortly after the fourth generation of Paardekooper took over. The department is working on various recyclable and especially reusable tableware systems.
International holiday parks and petrol stations are also interested in reusable tableware. Bartelink: “But they don't want that in the news yet. Unless they already have a smashingly successful model for it.” That is not yet the case, because it requires a lot of testing.
So the question remains in what recipient your canteen coffee or festival beer will be served next year. Bartelink hopes that standards for reuse will be developed by the government. “Hopefully it will not end up in a Wild West scenario, with twenty different systems that don't connect to each other.”
Reusable becomes the norm
In 2024, plastic disposable cups and meal packaging will in principle not be allowed if you eat or drink on site in a catering establishment, at a festival or at the office. Reusable plates and cups are then the norm to prevent environmental pollution and plastic soup. Dutch State Secretary of Environment Vivianne Heijnen declares: “Every day in the Netherlands alone, we throw away 19 million plastic cups and food packaging, after single use. We should not continue to burden future generations with this.”
Only when it is really, really necessary can companies choose to continue using certain plastic cups and packaging, provided they collect at least 75 percent of these for high-quality recycling. For consumption on the road and takeaway, as of 1 July 2023, an amount has to be paid for plastic disposable cups and meal packaging, on top of the price for the coffee or meal.
Katja Keuchenius, Over een jaar zijn bedrijfskantines, evenementen en horeca verplicht om bekers en bakjes na een schoonmaakbeurt opnieuw te gebruiken. Er wordt volop geëxperimenteerd met statiegeld, afwasbaar plastic en eetbare frietzakken.in:: Trouw, 28-01-2023, https://www.trouw.nl/cs-b50bf3ba
[1] Read also: https://at.tumblr.com/earaercircular/europe-introduces-stricter-rules-for-packaging/pahl1pz7k8za & https://at.tumblr.com/earaercircular/three-quarters-of-the-worlds-population-calls-for/gvit9urb8a4r
[2] https://at.tumblr.com/earaercircular/single-use-plastic-plates-and-cutlery-will-be/680x8f2es2dy
& https://at.tumblr.com/earaercircular/no-more-cucumber-in-plastic-france-bans-plastic/8hn56mr94q6k
[3] FEBO is a chain of Dutch walk-up fast food restaurants of the automat type. Founded in 1941 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, FEBO is most notable for this automatic format: a counter is available for purchasing French fries, beverages, and hamburgers. Other FEBO snacks can be bought from the automats. The primary automat-vended items are krokets, frikandellen, hamburgers, Kaassoufflés and similar items.
[4] Wafer, also called eating paper or candy paper, is a thin, white, unleavened baking of rice starch or potato starch. This is used as a base for various types of biscuits, for example coconut macaroons, but also for nougat. In the past it was also often used on currant bread. It is also still used as a label for bread. Wafer paper can also be printed with logos or photos using special equipment. Can be used to decorate banquets.
[5] Stichting Overlegplatform Restaurantketens https://openkvk.nl/openkvk/rechtspersoon-28079448-stichting-overlegplatform-restaurantketens
[6] Too Good To Go fights food waste by helping restaurants and shops sell their products that would otherwise have to be thrown away because they can't be sold the next day. These products are used to make 'Magic Boxes' that customers can purchase at a reduced rate. Read also: https://at.tumblr.com/earaercircular/food-waste-app/qbhrcd7yvmso
[7] We have been building our family business with great passion since 1919. It all started with a love for packaging. And it is what still connects us and makes us proud today. Passed on from generation to generation. Packing, packing and especially tackling: it's in our blood. In recent years we have grown into a major player in the packaging market. Since 2019 even a Royal company. Our hundred years of accumulated knowledge and experience make us unique. We are motivated to make ourselves part of the solution to a global problem. Paardekooper wants to become the sustainable packaging forerunner in Europe. We want to make a difference in the world of packaging. That means offering and developing more sustainable alternatives and fully committing to reuse. https://www.paardekooper.nl/nl_NL/overons
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vee-vee-writes · 3 years
Reading time (Alucard x reader)
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As the child of a stone mason education had not been high on your father’s priority list for you. However, once hell had been unleashed upon the earth you were thankful for the physical skills you had learned. Your family had been caught up and killed in the first attack on Targoviste. Fearing Dracula's wrath, you had not attended the Archbishop's festival celebrating the death of the dhampir's wife. Instead, you had hidden in the sewers to avoid Dracula's wrath. You had tried to convince your parents to come with you, but your father had foolishly believed the church would protect you all. It had not and soon you were travelling alone on the road, desperately trying to survive.
In your search to replenish your dwindling supplies you had come across Gresit and the Speaker dilemma. You admired their talent for memorizing oral histories but found it foolish that they were willing to risk their own deaths to help those who blamed them for Dracula's wrath. Despite your vocal opinions on their residing in a town that hated them, they had given you a hot meal and a safe place to shelter. You had soon become acquainted with the thirteen Speakers, with Sypha, the elder's granddaughter, telling you legends of a Sleeping Soldier. A mere day later you found yourself foolishly tagging along on her quest to wake him. It was not long into your search that a bright flash of light filled your vision, and the world began to fade to obscurity.
The next thing you knew you were coming to next to Sypha with a strange man standing above you. To your shock he revealed himself as Trevor Belmont, the last male heir of the House of Belmont. You were not sure if it was shock of being in the presence of nobility or the stench of beer and sweat that made you wary of the man. Despite your reservations you allowed him to lead the two of you back to the Speaker's residence.
After the saga with the Church and the villagers trying to burn the Speakers to death as 'penance' for their 'role' in releasing the night creatures upon Wallachia, you had fallen through the ruins into a strange metal and magic world. Trevor was instantly suspicious that the three of you had landed in Dracula's castle, but you were not so convinced. Why on earth would Dracula's lair be under Gresit of all places? Trevor's fears had further been exacerbated when a gorgeous golden-haired man had raised from a coffin in the room you had reached.
You had instantly been taken by the dhampir, though slightly hesitant. You had only ever heard nightmarish myths about dhampir so meeting one in the flesh was as frightening as it was exciting. Your fears had been heightened when the Sleeping Soldier had almost killed Trevor. However, after some brief introductions and planning, the four of you had teamed up to defeat Dracula.
As your quad travelled Wallachia in search of Dracula's castle you had begun to get to know Alucard. He was a surprisingly kind and mellow man, though slightly standoffish. Adrian went out of his way to check on how you were doing and always looked out for you when facing off against night creatures. Your upbringing as the child of a stone mason had left you unprepared for fighting. You were much more skilled when it came to trapping and wildlife knowledge. In the beginning of the journey this had you feeling like a useless burden but as the four of you travelled on, your knowledge proved invaluable. Supplies came and went but your knowledge of edible plants and trapping skills kept your bellies full. The trio were thankful for your skills and knowledge. Evenings spent in front of the fire bonded you all closer, until finally you made it to the Belmont estate.
The Belmont Estate once again left you feeling useless. Your lack of reading ability hindered your usefulness to the mission, though Trevor was not much more helpful. Sypha searched through the records while Adrian mulled around looking for magical objects that may aide them. You made yourself busy cleaning up debris from when the Estate had burned down.
On one occasion as you stood admiring the shelves of books you had put back Alucard spoke from behind you, "I don't mean to be rude, but it seems that you've put the books in the wrong order." His voice startled you, you had not heard him approach from behind. "Oh Alucard, you scared me. I didn't hear you coming" you laughed lightly, "it probably would be a good idea to put them in the order of the catalogue. I would have if I could read." Alucard was unsurprised by your admission, outside of the speakers, church, or nobility there were not many who were taught to read.
"Would you like to learn?" he simply offered as he began to help you rearrange the books. The offer took you off guard. "You wouldn't mind" you questioned quietly. "We can start off slowly with the basics. Do you know the alphabet?" Alucard inquired. His eyes were kind, and you knew that no matter what you answered he would not judge you. "No. Nobody ever taught me" you admitted. Nodding he took in what you had said and began to think about the best way to begin.
"Wait here. I'll go look in the catalogue to see if there is anything simple that we can begin with" Adrian ordered and with that he retreated towards the center of the library. Leaning up against the shelf you rested your head against it, closed your eyes, and took a deep breath. Your hunger to learn to read was finally going to be fed. Footsteps, although light, disrupted your excited thoughts of learning. Alucard had returned with a few books tucked under his arm.
The two of you found a comfortable reading area in a small nook. You bundled up next to Alucard as he began to outline letters and phonics to you. You appreciated his efforts to teach you, nobody had ever done you such a kindness. Alucard flourished as a teacher, he was compassionate and patient whenever you struggled. If you got frustrated, then he would calm you with gentle words of reason. After several days of learning while you waited upon Sypha, your ability to read slowly began to prosper until you were beginning to read simple literature. Adrian was proud of you and openly celebrated every small step that you made. It was reassuring and only fueled your growing feelings for him.
After the hard-fought defeat of Dracula, you had decided to remain behind at the castle with him. Watching the fading outline of Trevor and Sypha's, Adrian broke the silence. "Why didn't you go with them." Bashfully, you began to rub the back of your neck as your brain began to string together your response. "How could I leave you here all on your lonesome. After all you've done for me the least, I could do is keep you company for a bit. I know you'd miss me" you teased, "Besides, I would miss our reading sessions too much." Adrian snorted, but a faint blush crept up his neck and splayed across his cheeks. "Well, we better get back to it then hadn't we."
Taglist: @awkwardspontaneity (ask, message, or comment if you would like to be added to my Castlevania taglist)
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chubbology · 3 years
The Munchies
prompt: a stoner feedee's girlfriend uses him to test out new edibles and deals with his munchies
Remmy returned home from visiting relatives on the last day of December, and he was very glad to be back. They’d fed him well and his pants were tight, but all the small talk and bad vibes had been as much of a drag as usual.
He opened the door to his apartment and breathed in a familiar, potent scent.
“Baby!” Brianna ran from the kitchen and tackled him.
“Happy almost New Year! Wanna hear my resolution? Baking and getting baked. Check it out.”
She brought him over to the counter, where she was almost done filling up three containers of what Remmy had no doubt were various edibles. He ignored the kitchen mess.
“I’m liking what I see,” Remmy laughed.
She preened and then pinched his love handle. “I bet you do."
"These aren’t your typical brownies, though," she said. "This is gourmet.” She kissed her fingertips in a muah.
The first container was full of moist shortbread, the second with a kind of apple crumble dish that looked divine. Last but not least, the third had a jumble of what like peanut butter cups.
“Try something!” Brianna gushed. She seemed to be a little floaty already. “You’re gonna be my new taste tester. I think I could really be good at this. Make some cash, too.”
So Remmy tried one of the peanut butter cups. His eyes widened, and he smiled. “Bri, these are incredible.” He ate another.
“Take it easy. Two should get you stoned. So says the recipe anyway.” Brianna rubbed his pudgy forearm as he eyed the rest in the container, biting the inside of his lip. “Hey. If you’re just hungry, I can fix that. You wanna eat?”
“I’m starving,” Remmy said. A lie, since he’d had a big lunch before driving back. But he could eat.
“Okay, I’ll get you something! Pay day was Monday. Let’s splurge. What do you want?”
McDonalds, Remmy’s mind supplied easily, in an almost salacious tone. His relatives thought they were too good for McDonalds, and now his body thrummed with the desire to just get a truckload of those greasy combos and revel in the guilt and satisfaction of eating every last unhealthy bite.
Then again. Brianna probably wasn’t okay to drive right now, he didn’t feel like getting back in the car, and the scale told him he’d hit 240 recently, “Let’s just order in.”
“Sounds good to me.”
That night, as they ignored the idiots on television bringing in the New Year, the two of them picked at the apple crumble - which tasted as brilliant as Remmy had suspected - and lounged around, enjoying their high. Brianna barely touched her Chinese takeout, and Remmy ate all of his. Then hers. Then he started grazing the kitchen for more food.
Over the course of the next week, the two of them finished off the rest of what she made, plus some more recipes that turned out delicious. Brianna got a pleasant high every time, and Remmy enjoyed the edibles, too, although his experience was slightly different. It was just—
He just—
He got hungry. Munchies but on unholy overdrive. Cranked to eleven and a half. With every high, Remmy became a little more overwhelmed by the sheer amount of food he felt compelled to pack away, savory and sweet. Takeout and fast food and quarts of ice cream. Nuts and fruits, too. Jar of peanut butter here. Tub of icing there. He’d never been very active, so it came as no surprise when his clothes began stretching over his chest and belly and thighs and ass. He popped a button getting dressed one morning and couldn’t stop thinking about it the rest of the day. He hadn’t realized it would happen so quickly, his body converting all the calories into flab. Flab that padded him out chubbier than he already was, and then more on top of that. In the mirror, he started to look big.
Brianna seemed unfazed by her boyfriend’s growing girth. She took to her baking resolution with as much gusto as she did anything that interested her, and even into March, April, and May, she was selling the edibles well and raked in money that almost made her day job obsolete. Remmy was constantly praised for being “the bestest taste tester ever” and enjoyed a steady stream of free highs to balance out the lows of spending most of his time working his IT job from home.
Working, gaming, watching old movies. Remmy already stayed sitting most of the day, but as he gained weight, gained a lot, filling out his desk chair to its limits, crumbs becoming his constant companion, he felt even less like standing up. His weight climbed to 280, 290, 300.
June, July, and August passed uneventfully, and pretty happily, too. Brianna stopped asking him what food he wanted from the grocery store and just bought him things. Bought him things she knew he’d eat when he got high, things that made his ass spread wider on the couch, his arms round out like sausages, his pudgy chest start to really droop. The scale said 320, 330, 340.
Remmy gave up trying to gain control of the new appetite Brianna’s heavenly edibles seemed to install in him irrevocably. When he craved, he ate, and he ate. And like a dam breaking, his body surged with so much excess fat he began spilling out of even his newest clothes.
He was a little ashamed, sure. But quite a few of his relatives were fat, so they couldn't talk, and it felt like sweet revenge to embarrass his irritating parents by becoming so overweight. As for everyday life, well, he just moved around from room to room slower, wore the same stretchy clothes a lot, and that was it. Remmy did mention his weight in passing sometimes to gauge Brianna’s feelings about it, but Brianna only ever giggled, called him cute, and passed him her venti sugary monstrosity of a coffee concoction, which he thoughtlessly sucked down to the dregs, ingesting a thousand-plus calories just like that. This made her eyes sparkle, huge and utterly endeared.
“Like a piggy,” she said, thumbing his fat cheek. “Always willing to eat.”
In bed, she made it clear she liked him the way he was, and was becoming. And it wasn’t long before Remmy realized he was into how big he was becoming, too.
They continued like this. Getting high together and watching movies and making out and snacking. Well, Brianna snacked. Remmy feasted. Gorged himself, to put it precisely, with Brianna’s enthusiastic help. “You look good soft,” she’d tell him, playing with belly fat that his stretchiest t-shirts couldn’t cover anymore.
Remmy would swallow another bite of a snickers and spread his huge thighs a little, with effort. “You call it soft, but I’m the one who gets tired moving from the office to the kitchen.” I’m so heavy, he wanted to say. God, I’m so heavy.
“Just move your computer to the kitchen then,” she said. “Duh.”
It was a seed planted that came to fruition a month later - when Remmy’s food cravings became unmanageable and his weight climbed past 360 - that he felt he would simply be more productive during his day job if his breaks to get food from the kitchen were shorter.
By November, whether he was high or not, Remmy was grazing all day, everyday. What Brianna got from the store became insufficient, and he started a habit of ordering take out most days. In big portions. His scale creaked at 375. When Brianna wasn’t home, he sometimes ate takeout on the scale to see if the number would rise.
On Remmy’s birthday in early December, Brianna made a fresh batch of his favorites again: the peanut butter cup edibles. After ordering pizza for delivery, she got in the shower, and Remmy scarfed down three of the big cups as soon as they cooled. Then he waited, leaning against the counter, scrolling on his phone, belly hanging, feet hurting. He didn’t want to go to the effort of sitting on the couch and getting back up again when he could just stay in the kitchen, where he knew he’d end up anyway.
He scratched his supple underbelly. Found a pack of Twizzlers and started eating those.
Soon enough, his breathing slowed as he felt the high slowly come over him. And, as expected, his whole body immediately began to tingle for satiation. Fattening food sung to him from the pantry and fridge and freezer all at once, and it was all going to make him so huge and heavy he wouldn’t be able to stand on his own wide feet, but he wanted it anyway.
He didn’t care if he was pushing 390 now. He’d blown up, yeah. Inflated from a thick guy to obese and waddling. At this point, he was so pumped so big with blubber that he couldn’t twitch without jiggling, but so what? He was hungry. Being high made him want to consume, and so he did. He couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to.
Remmy opened the fridge and took out his birthday cake, which Brianna must have stuck in there after getting home from work. He couldn’t wait to eat it properly. There was no way he could wait until after the pizza came. Besides, it was his birthday. Remmy took off the plastic lid of the round, triple chocolate cake and felt his nerves light up with anticipation. He was going to eat it all, and there was no stopping him.
He found a knife and cut himself a slice three times the size any reasonable person would take. Desperate to get the goodness into his mouth without delay, he skipped a fork and bit right into the gooey, dense cake and mouse and fudge. God, Brianna was so perfect for getting him the unhealthiest cake imaginable. She knew he didn’t care if he was ten pounds heavier tomorrow, if his fat ass ripped his sweatpants open, if he ate so much he couldn’t haul himself to bed—she knew he needed this.
He ate slice after slice, and it was mostly gone when Brianna got out of the shower, looking sexier than usual in her matching purple lingerie. She’d gotten chubbier with so much junk food in the apartment, and fat clung to her in all the right places. But her pudge was a far cry from his angry-red stretch marks and neck rolls. Hell, his moobs had grown bigger than her tits.
She found him in the kitchen, eating and holding his drooping belly, and she rubbed his back, cooing at him when he apologized.
“It’s okay. I figured you wouldn’t be able to wait all night. How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Remmy said, but all he could think about was getting his next bite. As she watched him, he tried to hold out. Tried to prove he could stop eating for two seconds. Three seconds, four - his resolve broke and he crammed the rest of a slice into his mouth and chewed, choking back a moan.
“You get the munchies so bad, don’t you?” Brianna grinned and leaned against his belly, patting and cupping his weighty breasts in the way she knew pleased him. “Let’s get you sat down. I’ll bring you what you need. Just sit and relax and watch whatever you want.” They moved to the couch and Remmy sat, the cushions wheezing, his thighs and belly quivering. Brianna tucked the remainder of the cake into his pudgy hands. “Don’t worry about a mess. It’s your birthday. And there’s more where that came from.” She winked. “I just needed to keep this cake refrigerated because it’s fancy. There’s a whole sheet cake on top of the fridge that’s cheap and huge. Covered in icing. Perfect for munchies.”
Remmy could only feel a wave of relief at this news. There would be more cake. And after that, there’d still be more junk in the cabinets. There was pizza coming. His high was just right. Brianna turned on the television to his favorite show and he settled further back into the cushions, feeling his second chin swell out and engulf his first. Everything was just right. He was lucky to have Brianna and food. So much food.
A year later, around the same time, Remmy skipped his usual trip to see his relatives for the holidays. At 520 pounds, it was simply too much effort to move.
Thank you to the reader who commissioned this work!
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jayeray-hq · 3 years
Is Ushijima Wakatoshi a Domestic Deity? Or Dud?
Post Time Skip/Manga Ending Spoilers!
Warnings: none all fluff
Choose your own ending platonic or romantic!
Domestic Diety? or Dud? Masterlist — Character Masterlist
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Can He Cook?
“Wakatoshi, what on earth?” you asked doing your best to hold in your giggles.
Your stoic boyfriend was standing in the kitchen, spatula in one hand, chopsticks in the other, with an incredibly concentrated look on his face. It was a look normally reserved for his opponents across the volleyball net, but while that was funny on its own, what nearly had you in stitches trying to hold the laughter in, was the apron he was wearing.
It was frilly, cute, and just a bit too small with the words “househusband in training” printed boldly across the chest.
“Tendou told me it is common for partners to express their affection by making a home cooked meal for them,” Ushijima told you, the words immediately making you want to melt, at how utterly sweet it was.
Your poor boyfriend didn’t have the most social intelligence, he tended to flounder when it came to doing or saying the right thing when it came to people. This was especially true in your relationship, which you honestly put down to the slightly disturbing dynamic between his parents, who both loved him unconditionally but resented each other.
However, no matter what he did, he did it with the utmost sincerity, which you couldn’t help but find incredibly endearing. And you’d never say no to a home cooked meal.
“I appreciate it Wakatoshi, thank you,” you told him sincerely, walking up to hug him around the waist.
“I’m glad I can show you my appreciation this way,” he told you, folding you into a warm hug, the kind never failed to make you feel safe and utterly adored, “I will endeavor to cook more often if you like.”
“Only if you feel like it Toshi,” you assured him, “Because you make me feel plenty loved.”
He nodded seriously, gave you one last squeeze and turned back to the meal, checking to make sure it was cooking well. The good that night was pretty good, a few pieces were burnt here and there, but it was all edible, and to you it tasted amazing because it was an expression of how very much your boyfriend cared for you. Though you did have to stop and ask, “Where did you get the apron Toshi?”
“Tendou sent it to me, he said it would aid in my cooking abilities,” Ushijima told you seriously, “I do not know if it helped or not, and I’m not sure what a househusband is but it kept my shirt clean at least.”
You nodded and made a mental note to call Tendou later to scold him for not explaining the joke to your poor boyfriend even if the apron was very cute, and to thank him for the suggestion of the date then settled in to enjoy the meal, and the time with your very sweet boyfriend.
6/10 He Can Cook passably, nothing too special but enough to get by, and he does it out of love!
Can He Clean?
You glanced around the quiet apartment and let out a sigh of amused resignation. You’d come over because you wanted to see your boyfriend when he got home. Ushijima had, had a training camp in Europe, and had been gone for a couple of weeks. While he was very good at keeping in touch, calling you every evening at nine pm on the dot, which was something ridiculous like 6 am for him, you’d been dying to see him in person. There really wasn’t anything quite like being held by your strong, enormous boyfriend.
Thus you’d planned to surprise him by being at his apartment when he got home today, using the key he’d given you a few months ago. You’d even brought ingredients so you could cook him his favorite Hayashi rice. Unfortunately cooking was going to have to wait a while.
It was very clear your boyfriend had left in a hurry. There were a few dirty dishes in the sink, a full trashcan, and a quick glance in his bedroom showed dirty clothes flung around haphazardly, and there were definite hairs in the sink in the bathroom from shaving before he left.
It honestly wasn’t too surprising. Your boyfriend had actually grown up with a bit of a silver spoon in his mouth. His family was incredibly wealthy and actually had maids who took care of little messes like the ones he tended to leave. Usually he was pretty good about picking up after himself, so it wasn’t quite so bad, but apparently, he’d been having an off day when he left for Europe.
Deciding the last thing he needed to deal with when he got home was a messy apartment you immediately rolled up your sleeves and got to work. It didn’t take too long, just an hour or so to get the dish washer and laundry machine going, along with wiping down a few surfaces. However it did put you a bit behind schedule with your cooking, which meant it wasn’t quite ready when the door slid open and your boyfriend arrived home at last.
He blinked, clearly startled at the sight of you in his apartment, wearing his ‘househusband in training’ apron, but the startled expression melted pretty quickly into pleasure a small but utterly sincere smile turning his lips upwards.
“I’m home,” he told you, as you bounded over to him, practically flinging yourself into his open arms.
“Welcome home,” you returned brightly, “How was your trip?”
“It was very productive,” he told you sincerely as he glanced around the room, a slight frown on his face as he bluntly asked, “Did you clean my apartment?”
“I did,” you admitted, calmly.
“You did not need to do that,” he told you, with a frown that others might think meant he was angry with you, but you knew meant he was concerned and a bit worried, “It was unnecessary. I would have cleaned it for you.”
“I know,” you assured him with an affectionate smile, pressing a fond kiss to the underside of his jaw, “But I wanted to do it for you this once. Think of it as a welcome home present from me to you.”
“Thank you,” he immediately responded, deeply sincere and as endearingly grateful as ever for any gift you gave him, “Though I will endeavor to be cleaner when I leave next time.”
You simply laughed at that, acknowledging his point, feeling incredibly soft for your sweet boyfriend, who may not be the cleanest, but who was almost certainly the most sincere and endearing man you’d ever met.
7/10 He’s got the occasional mess here and there, but for the most part he’s fairly clean and will absolutely fix his mess if you ask him to!
Average Score?
6.5/10 Ushijima is just above average at cooking and cleaning so he’s not a dud, but he’s not a deity either! Not that it matters to him, so long as he can continue to be a deity on the volleyball court!
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kpop-hive · 3 years
Sucking Off NCT 127 During a Vlive
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(a/n): I didn’t expect this to be this long 🙃
Enjoy Guys!!
Taeyong: You couldn’t help it, he just looked too good. You were so needy you did what you had to do, to get his attention, so while Taeyong was on live you did the unthinkable, you got under the table, and unzipped his pants, his worried face was very prominent along with his bulge you kept rubbing for the past five minutes. “Oh, no there’s nothing wrong, I’m just tired.” He tried to distract his fans from figuring out what was happening. As soon as he does that you take him into your mouth, sucking on his length expertly, he can’t fathom how good he feels, he tries to hide his sounds, so he just bites his lip really hard, but that doesn’t work, especially when you go down his length with your mouth. “Ahh.” Taeyong moans. “I just got a cramp you guys, I’m trying to rest my foot.” He suggests that he watches some videos of NCT, but nothing can distract how your mouth feels to him. You pull him out of your mouth just to suck on his tip, and he’s livid. “Mmmmm.” “This video is r-really interesting guys.” Close to the verge of cumming, he lets out a heavy breath, and he lets himself go as soon as you massage his balls. “Oh God!” Taeyong moans. Shocked he tries to cover it up. “That’s a horrible look on me isn’t it?” You get him through his orgasm to the point where he is heavy breathing. “Well guys, I love you all so much, but I have to go, I have to go eat dinner, but I’ll be back.” He ends the live right there. “I hope when you say “dinner,” you mean me right?” You ask. He smirks, “You’re the only edible thing here so...” You were in for a good time.
Taeil: “Taeil, please Can we do something?” I’m bored. “In a minute babe, I’m about to go live.” “Fine.” You walked off and chilled on the other side of the room, checking your phone while you listen to Taeil go live. Minutes go by, and you wonder when it’s gonna end, he’s been on live for over forty minutes. You were ready to leave, but then you thought of an idea when Taeil said this. “Yeah, it is hot, in Korea right now, but I’m not taking my shirt off.” Taeil responded to the fan. You motioned to Taeil, and his eyes glanced at you for a second, watching you fan yourself with your hand, he thought that it was hot so he turned the fan on real quick, but that’s not what you wanted. To get his attention back, you removed your shirt, and that grabbed Taeil’s attention real quick. “Oh, nothing you guys, I am looking at the tv, one of my favorite movies just came on.” He lies. His attention is set on both the fans’ comments and you right now. You take it up a step by removing your bra, and when you do that, his attention completely shifts to you, watching your bare chest heave little by little and seeing your nipples harden to the open air. “You guys, the bad guy just stole the good guy’s sister.” He lies again. You love how he makes up a fake movie so his fans don’t know what he is really looking at. As soon as he goes back to the comments you get up and walk towards him, his eyes shift right back at what you’re about to do. As he lays in his bed, phone in his hand with the Vlive on, he can’t believe that you’re doing this, pulling down his pants and underwear to watch his bulge stand at attention from the previous events that happened earlier. You lick your palm before rubbing his length, before licking a bold stripe up the side of it. “Oh!” Taeil lets out sounding similar to a breathy moan. “Guys, the bad guy is threatening to kill the sister!” You finally take him into your mouth, and he’s looks like he’s struggling to keep quiet. You take him deeper in your mouth, and Taeil rests his hand on your head, keeping his phone still close to his face, camera only on him. You keep going until he grunts loudly, and his member twitches in your mouth. “Guys, they just defeated the bad guy, yes, yes, yes!” He exclaims as he releases into your mouth. Hand gripping your head tighter, as he rides out his orgasm. A small whimper leaves his mouth, and he quickly ends the live. “Bye guys! See you all soon!” You sit back up on the bed, and he looks at you. “I didn’t know that was what you wanted to do earlier.”
Johnny: “No you guys, no one is in the room with me.” That was a lie, you were in the room with Johnny while he was on live. You kept teasing him with hand gestures signaling that you wanted to suck him off. He looked really good today, and you wanted him to know that he looked good, but sadly, you couldn’t do anything until the live was over, or so you thought. You walked over to him, and got under the table while he was distracted. “Yeah, of course you guys, the next Johnny’s Communication Center will happen n-next m-month.” Johnny stuttered a bit, he didn’t think you were doing it, but you did. You began palming him through his shorts that he was wearing while he was talking. He did a quick glance looking down a bit at you to give you a glare, but you just looked up at him with pleading eyes. He continued his live without too many fans noticing the sudden change in his demeanor. After palming him for a little bit, you pull down his shorts. “Of course he’s not wearing underwear.” You thought. You didn’t want to tease him too long so you began to suck him off without hesitation. “Mmm, mhm. I agree you g-guys.” Johnny tries to play it off. You take his length deeper into your mouth, and he grips your head under the table. He doesn’t want to force you down on his length because he worried you may let out a few sounds, so he just keeps his hand steady. “Mmm, that sounds so nice you guys, I may have to do that mmm.” He lets out. “Oh! Where’s (y/n)? S-she’s taking a nap. She w-was super tired y-you guys. Yeah no she’s n-not s-sick, she f-feels g-good, really g-good, ah!” He stutters and yells when his cock began to twitch in your mouth when used both of your hands to massage his shaft while sucking on the tip. This action through him over the edge releasing in your mouth making him stutter way too much on live, his legs shaking as well under the table. “Y-yeah, I will definitely join live again n-next w-week, s-so until t-then, I’ll s-see all of you g-guys soon, o-o-okay? Bye!” As you removed yourself from the table, and tried to walk away, Johnny pulls you on his lap, “We’re not done here Princess.” Johnny says before instantly making out with you, this will be a long night.
Yuta: “How could he be sitting there acting like, nothing was happening, he just has that sly smile on his face, and is playing it cool.” Those were the thoughts that crossed your mind while you were on your knees giving a blowjob while he was live. Keep in mind this wasn’t just your idea, Yuta wanted to try it out by betting that you couldn’t get a reaction out of him as long as you sucked him off on live, and so far he was winning. He acts so calm about your mouth being half way down his length like it was nothing. He acts like he’s done this before. “Yeah guys, it’s so nice to be back on live again.” Yuta knows that you’re doing well, but he doesn’t want to lose the bet, he promises he’s gonna reward you after whether or not you win at all, because that’s just him. “(y/n)? Yeah her birthday is in a few days isn’t it? I have to get her a gift. No, I don’t know what to get her, do you guys have any ideas?” While he was distracted, you try to suck him off harder, going deeper until you hit the base of his cock, deepthroating him and making a mess before his eyes. His eyes closed just slightly, and you finally felt him twitch in your mouth, you knew he was close, so you used one of your hands to massage his balls, sending him over the edge, and releasing into your mouth, and that’s when you heard this. “Mmm, god yes! She loves things like that, I have to buy her one of those, t-that’s it r-right there!” You made him moan out, you won. Proud of what you did, you sat back up, and walked out so Yuta could finish on live. When he finished you heard the door open as he jumped on the bed, holding your arms above your head. “You won, choose your prize angel.” “You, do anything to me please.” “It’s funny how I lost, but I still somehow receive a prize.” He says before going in to kiss you.
Doyoung: This pure soul doesn’t know what to do. He just assumes that he can control his moans, but your mouth just feels to good to him. His eyes are wide trying to hide the fact that you are behind the camera with your mouth on him. “Y-you guys want me to s-sing? O-okay.” Doyoung says, breath a little shaky. He began to sing a song that was stuck on his mind for while now, and you have to admit that it is pretty funny witnessing Doyoung attempt to sing with a shaky breath just because you had this much of an effect on him. You suck on his length harder, and he stops mid song to pause from the pleasure he was receiving. “Ohh, w-what was the n-next line? I c-can’t remember g-guys.” He tries to continue, but he can’t he is so close to finish it, because he is so close to releasing. Not long after you feel Doyoung twitch, and he’s sent over the edge, while his seed goes down your throat, “Ahh, Yeah, that’s it! I remember the lyric now!” He tries to sing, but it’s no use, he can’t sing while he’s in the middle of an orgasm. So while attempting to sing, he “accidentally” cuts the live. “Ahh, that feels too good, (y/n)” Doyoung finally lets out riding out his orgasm. Once finished, you take him out of your mouth, and stand up finally. He looks at you, wanting to continue where you and him left off, but you say this instead, “I would start live again, we’ll continue this later, you don’t want your fans to know something is up.” He nods, begins a new live, “Yeah Sorry guys, my phone just died, but now we can pick up where we left off.”
Jaehyun: His live was very entertaining, but sadly, it wasn’t entertaining you. Jaehyun made really funny jokes, and he was having fun sharing what he recently bought from shopping last week. The only reason you were pissed was because before the live you were about to get your guts rearranged by Jaehyun, it started out with a heavy make out session, heading towards the bed when his alarm went off signaling him to start the live. So now you’re just sitting there across the room arms crossed ready for the live to end. “How could he look so good?” You thought. You realized that you couldn’t take it anymore. You walked towards him, and crouched down, his eyes focused on you. You unbutton and unzipped his pants and pulled his length out rubbing it up and down to get it hard. He tries to diffuse the situation by hinting at a few words throughout his story. “So yeah, a guy was shoplifting, and when the officer saw him, he yelled STOP! And the guy took off running.” You could tell that stop was directed towards you by his tone, but you continued anyway. You put your mouth to his tip earning a reaction from him, and throwing out random stories to show his emotions. “Uhh, mmm, but y-yeah the guy w-was running, and he chased him, and Johnny and I were w-watching it all, and we were like fuck! It was so good!” You took all of him in your mouth, and that caused Jaehyun to look down at you, mouth agape, and all you could do was look up at how good he looked. “But yeah, I also got a shirt, that says “That Feels Nice!” after the shoplifting incident, i-it w-was o-on s-sale.” He started to twitch in your mouth, and he came, playing off his moans like he was searching for something. “Uhh, mmm, I-I am l-looking for this other s-shirt fuck, mmm.” Once you finished, you retracted your mouth from his length “Ah, I found it.” You went back to your spot watching him continue with the live waiting until he finished. Acting like nothing happened.
Jungwoo: Right before the live, Jungwoo was a little needy. You promised Jungwoo a blowjob, but because of the live it couldn’t be fulfilled. He was upset because he had to wait to satisfy his needs, so instead of canceling the live, or waiting to get his dick sucked, he used his fingers to signal you towards him, confused you walked over curious as to what he wanted you to do, he used his fingers to point down under the table towards his dick, and then you finally understood. Smirking, you got down on your knees, and crawled up to his lap, palming him through his pants, hardening him up, you unbuttoned them, and removed his underwear for his member to spring out. He talks to his fans like nothing’s wrong. “Yeah, I wanna meet all of you guys too.” You take his member into your mouth, but he plays it off really well. “Oh god! Guys it’s supposed to rain today, mmm.” You bobbed your head up and down picking up the pace trying to get more reactions out of him, when it doesn’t work, you tease him by removing your mouth trying to leave, but that does not work when he grabs the back of your head, and pushes you back down on his length causing you to gag a little. “I know I heard something too, it’s probably nothing.” He says distracting the fans from your gagging sounds. You continue to move your mouth against him, and he’s super close, you can see his leg shake while you continue to work your mouth on him. You move your mouth up to the tip and swirl your tongue across it sending him over the edge. “Damn, it’s starting to rain fuck!” Jungwoo says eyes rolling to the back of his head like he’s annoyed when he’s actually just getting good head. You got him through his orgasm as he came in your mouth, and finally finished. You removed yourself from the table, and going back to the room to get your phone, texting him “Your promise has been fufilled baby ❤️”
Mark: He was so confused, he didn’t know what to do let alone be on live while all of this happened. He didn’t know you were this needy to the point of sucking him off on live. He doesn’t even know how to act while his cock is halfway down your throat. “Oh fuck!” You look up at him, and expect an excuse to give to the fans. “Y-yeah g-guys I just caught a really bad cramp, shit.” He looks down at you while you look up at him with pleading eyes. “Ahh,” Mark whimpers. “It’s fine guys it just hurts Ahh, mmm, r-really b-bad.” You pick up the pace, and because of this, fans began to notice a change in his voice, “There’s nothing wrong with my voice guys, mmm, it’s all- it’s all g-good, ah!” Mark began to twitch in your mouth, and you knew he was going to cum, you took him out of your mouth, and just massaged his length with your hand until he came all over it, “Oh god! The cramp is back fuck! Ah, it-it hurts so much much ugh, I hate it, shit!” After he is done releasing over your hand you see how hard he is breathing. Everyone is asking Mark if he is okay. “Yeah guys the cramp is gone now I had to relax the muscle in the foot. Speaking of which, I’m gonna get off of live to try and find something to help with cramps, I’ll see you all soon!” He ends the live. “Way to be subtle baby.” You point out. “My dick was in your mouth, why would I be subtle about that. I hope no one didn’t think too much of it.” He responds. Later that night, you check out your phone. To find “Mark’s live” trending on Twitter, your eyes widen at the sight, and of course none other than a screen recording of the live with the caption “He was really enthusiastic about getting a cramp huh? 👀👀” After you read that, like clockwork Mark yells out your name to talk to you.
Haechan: “Yeah guys, I like a lot of their music.” Haechan tells people on live. You could hear everything he said due to the sudden predicament you were in. You were under the covers of his bed sucking him off while he goes live at the moment, his fans not even realizing it. This was all his idea, he wanted to see how well you could suck him off without it being too obvious. To him, you were doing really well, taking all of him, and making sure he felt every part of your mouth and throat making sure he didn’t make it too obvious, but that went out the door when you took him in your mouth a little deeper down to the base of his member. “U-um yeah, I like that song especially by t-them, they make incredible music, but that song to me is the best.” He continues to answer some of his fans’ questions as he tries to keep quiet from all of the obvious stuff happening, he tries to distract himself by doing whatever to not make a sound, but that didn’t last long, when he finally released in your mouth chasing his high that he yearned for the entire live. “I’m cumming!” Haechan yelled out. When he realized what he said, he comes up with a story. “Oh that was Mark, we’re about to go play basketball soon, so I have to end this live guys, but stay safe.” Once the live ended, you came back up from the covers, and toyed with your boyfriend a little. “Ahh, I’m cumming!” You mock him. “Yah, I’d like to see you do a live while I eat you out one day!” Haechan starts to smirk and thinks to himself that it doesn’t sound like a bad idea actually.
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itsnsfwalways · 4 years
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word count: 4.8k
description: where y/n has a little too much fun teasing harry on the dance floor.
warnings: daddy kink, slight mean dom! h, bdsm, smut, choking, collars, slight exhibition, humiliation, spitting, degradation, pet names, literally just pure filth
You knew what you were doing. The extra hair shakes, body rolls, and lip bites dancing with your friends were unnecessary, and caused Harry to have to fix his pants multiple times while he watched you.
The last straw for Harry came when you began touching yourself over your dress, nipples poking through the expensive fabric. Harry knew you were enjoying the attention a bit too much, the little exhibitionist.
During a break between songs where you and your friends come back to the table for water, Harry pulled you into his lap, arm wrapping around you tightly. His lips go to your ear, nipping the lobe lightly before whispering,
"No talking once we leave here. When we get home you are to immediately go to the bedroom, strip, and wait."
Your heart stops for a second, before nodding adamantly and shakily inhaling. Harry takes notice of the way her hands tremble the next time she reaches for her glass, and he smirks. She has no idea what is in store for her.
You didn’t even want to be here at this point. Harry looked too fucking edible tonight. He chose to wear a deep royal blue fitted suit with white boots for no reason other than to make you sweat even more than he normally does. The way he’s sitting in the booth, conversing lightly with your friends’ partners and his security, but constantly having an eye on you. How he spreads his legs at all times wide enough so you’re able to slip between them whenever you want. How his hair has been growing out and it’s the perfect length to gather between your fingers and yank.
Finally, you are able to make a hasty goodbye, faking an early morning. You make a point to hug all of your friends, before finally making it back to Harry’s car.
Remembering the rules, your lips stay sealed. Your mind can’t help but wander so your fingers start picking at the ends of your dress before Harry notices, grabs one in his hand, and kisses a knuckle lightly. His thumb rubs the back of your hand, knowing that it’s been a while since you last did a scene and you’re a little nervous. His hand remains holding yours as you begin the drive back home, easily calming your anxiety.
Harry parks in the driveway and gets out of the car, coming around to your door.
“Shocker you could even remember to let me open your door, pet. Doesn’t seem like you care too much for your rules.” Harry tuts.
You swallow, nails digging into your palms to keep you from apologizing.
He takes your hand in his, delicately helping you out of the car. Guiding you with a hand on your low back to the front door, he pushes you in front of him lightly when he notices you shiver from the night air.
As soon as he unlocks the door, you take off your shoes, place them in the shoe rack by the door, and walk quickly into the bedroom.
Your mind still going a million miles a minute, you go the bathroom before stripping of your clothes and putting them in the hamper, making a mental note to do laundry tomorrow.
Kneeling at the foot of the bed, your legs can’t help but tremble with excitement and nerves, a pool already forming between your legs. A shiver runs down your spine at the thought of what he is about to do to you.
About ten minutes go by before you hear the click of the door and you quickly try to fix any mistakes that you may have made in your posture while waiting for Harry. Keeping your head down, your hair flowing over your face, you hear footsteps approach the middle of the room.
Harry circles you a few times, before grasping your chin between his fingers and pulling your face up to look him in the eyes, a gasp emitting from your lips.
Your eyes are already so glassy and doll-like, cheeks flushed, lips bitten red and just asking to be touched. Harry can't resist lovingly tucking a strand of hair behind your ears and giving you a short, sweet kiss on the lips before squeezing lightly on the chin still in his grasp.
"Do you know why you are in this position?"
You gulp and nod, remembering Harry‘s rule.
"Good girl. You may speak," Harry says, the praise making your stomach tighten and legs twitch.
"Thank you, Sir. I was being overly sexual and touching myself in public, Sir," You mewl out, incredibly turned on by the power exchange.
"Yeah, you were, weren't you?" Harry coos, voice mocking you and dripping with sarcasm. “Always have to have all eyes on you, have to have all the attention.”
Harry takes your chin and makes you nod your head exaggeratively at his words, mouth parting open as you stare directly in his eyes.
You can’t even breathe at this point. You had to be dripping onto the floor, but you can’t even focus on that right now. All you feel is harryharryharry.
His fingers move from your chin down to your throat, squeezing ever so lightly. Snapping out of it, you realize you never answered his question.
"Y-yes, Sir. I love the attention," You fumble out, the pressure on you throat making you almost dizzy with need.
“Do I not give you enough?” Harry asks, looking you directly in your eyes as he says this.
Your heart breaks a little at the look on his face and whimper out, “No, no, give me so much attention.”
“What? You just want more? You’re just a little slut who can never have enough, huh?” Harry says, hand leaving your throat and striking across your face once, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to make you gasp. The sting that lingers is deliciously warm. The pink handprint contrasts your skin for just a moment and you almost moan at the thought.
“Yes, Daddy, I’m your little slut.”
Harry’s eyes close at this, teeth biting his lower lips as he exhales sharply. Fuck, how does he deserve this. His cock twitches and he lightly moves a hand down to squeeze it slightly, catching your eyes following him.
He squats down, the contrast of his full suit and muscular body to your small frame making your head spin. “I think you’ve forgotten just who the fuck you’re dating, Y/N.”
His right hand grabs your cheeks, rings scratching your jaw lightly, before squishing them together. Taking the hint, you open up your mouth, sticking your tongue out as he spits directly onto it.
Your eyes slip close, head tilting back lightly. Yes, yes, yes, this is exactly what you needed. To be disrespected and treated like a doll, to be used like this. Your pussy clenched around nothing, hips fighting against grinding on the floor.
Harry catches onto this, laughing at you.
“Oh, puppy. Are you really that worked up over me spitting on you?” He questions, laughing. The humiliation colors your face pink before he lets your cheeks go, leaving his thumb resting on your bottom lip. Pushing down lightly, he leans forward slightly over you, keeping that pretty red mouth open and waiting for him.
A long line of spit falls the short distance from his mouth into yours, this time a whimper escapes you as soon as you feel it pool onto your tongue. He was giving you himself, he was giving you everything you needed.
This time, your hips do buck up, but Harry puts a stop to that immediately. In a matter of seconds, his hips are pinned to yours on the rug, your wrists locked above his head in one of his hands while the other continues to touch your mouth.
His thumb plays with your bottom row of teeth, lightly tracing them, before hooking onto your jaw and pulling you closer up to him.
He presses a teasing kiss to your panting mouth, whispering,
“I don’t know if you deserve my cock, Y/N. You were a nasty thing out there tonight, would’ve let anyone get behind you and have their way with you.” This was a lie. Harry would be damned if he didn’t fuck you tonight, and you knew this. But god did it make it so much hotter when he talked to you like this.
“No, Daddy, all yours, I’m yours, please,” You beg, trying to lean in to kiss him.
Harry places his thumb back in your mouth and pushes down slightly on your tongue, gagging you. Your eyes water as you try and suppress it and suck his thumb deeper into your mouth.
He has a look on his eyes you’ve only seen Daddy have, a look that shakes you down to the very core of your being. He’s mad.
“You will take what I give you. Filthy fucking slut always getting her way. On the bed, head on the pillows, arms above your head and legs splayed out," he commands. You scramble off the ground to get into the position he wanted on the plush bed.
Harry had to remind himself to breathe in situations like this. Not because he was really that angry about you showing off or trying to kiss him, obviously he loved the attention as well and you both knew it was just to set the other person off. But because of how ethereal you looked. Hair splayed out on the pillow, miles and miles of beautiful bare skin, completely open and vulnerable and his to use. That power trip made his head spin almost as much as yours did.
Stripping himself of his suit, he leaves his white tank top and black briefs on, silver cross necklace dangling between his swallows. Grabbing some velcro straps, handcuffs, and one of his ties, just in case, he makes his way over to you.
“Are you going to listen to me, pet? I’d hate for you to not be able to touch me,” Harry fake pouts, laughing at you when you push your hands and feet deeper into then mattress. Sliding himself between your legs, he leaves a few inches of space between your aching clit and his bulge, your head falling back as you realize what’s about to happen.
Harry lightly moves his fingers down your chest, watching your breathing pick up. Goosebumps follow his movements, but you try your best to fight against arching your back into him. One hand finds a nipple and lightly teases the bud, playing with it using an index finger while his other scratches up and down your sides lightly.
"Because of that little stunt of yours, I think you deserve to be teased, don't you?" Harry rhetorically asks, pinching your nipple harshly at the last words.
You moan out and buck your hips before you’re able to spit out,
"Yes, Sir, whatever you think."
"I quite like the sound of that, whatever I think. Who's in charge here, darling? Why don’t you remind Daddy?"
He stares you directly in the eyes while saying this, a mocking confused look on his face.
“Y-You are, Daddy, you’re always in charge."
“Mm. That’s right. So you’re not just a dumb little plaything after all.”
Not even giving you time to think, Harry slips two fingers into your open mouth, allowing you to start going to work on wetting his fingers.
While you calmed down sucking on his fingers, Harry could barely fucking look at you. Licking his two fingers like your life depended on it, gagging and not even allowing yourself time to breathe before continuing on wetting them. He tests this theory, waiting for you to take a breath in before pinching your nose and pushing down ever so lightly on your tongue with his two fingers. Holding his breath in time with you, he slowly counts to five in his head before releasing your nose and pulling his fingers out of your mouth, allowing you to lick up the line of spit hanging between the two.
“Fuck, so good for me. There’s my doll.”
Gasping and eyes watering, your head chases his fingers for a second before his other hand grabs you by the throat and pushes you into the mattress. His fingers wrap around it almost completely, and you can feel him shaking with need. Eyes rolling into the back of your head as you swallow against him, he smacks you lightly to bring you back.
“Eyes up here. Don’t make me remind you again.”
Removing his hand, he trails down your stomach, scratching lightly on the sensitive skin. When he reaches your inner thigh, he pulls back his hand and slaps the skin, a loud noise filling the room.
Y/N chokes on a gasp and whimpers out,
“Collar, please, collar."
Harry smirks and removes his hand, going through their bag again and coming out with a thick leather collar, a strap attached to it.
Clipping it on the squirming submissive, he slides two fingers into the ring and tugs harshly, thriving off of the angelic noises emanating from his girl.
“‘S that better, puppy? Need to feel owned, huh?” He coos, tightening the leather around your neck.
“Yes, sir,” You exhale, swallowing thickly to feel the pressure against your throat.
“Thought so.” He whispered, letting go of the collar and moving to sit between your legs.
Your breath hitches as he starts lying kisses against your ribs.
“You better keep your hands and legs where they are, Y/N. Don’t make me have to keep you tied up.”
His words are in one ear out the other at this point, attention focusing on the way his lips move when he talks, how his rings send shivers up your thighs and directly into your core.
Harry scoots downwards on the bed, breath fanning against you as you force yourself not to buck up.
“Fuck, baby, you’re absolutely dripping,” Harry groans, tongue ever so lightly poking out to taste you.
“Please Daddy, please, please, I’ll be so good,” You cry out, just wanting to feel him.
He grins up at you, pressing a kiss lightly to the side of your lips, moving outwards to suck a bruise into the juncture of your hip and thigh.
A groan of frustration leaves you as your legs start shaking, clenching around nothing and barely breathing at this point.
A smack against your right ass cheek forces you to inhale, focusing on Harry once more.
“None of that. Tell me, who is in charge?”
“You are.” Another smack lands on you, same placement as before.
“Who decides what you receive?”
“You do, Daddy.” Another. This time on your left side, a whimper escaping as you arch your back into it.
"Your safewords are?"
You are quick to respond, spitting out,
"Red to stop, yellow to slow down, green is good."
"What's your color?"
"Green, so green, please, Daddy, please," you blubber, making Harry shush you softly.
Harry leans forward this time, fingers going into the D ring again. Leaning directly over you, hair falling into your eyes, he whispers, “Who’s my little fucktoy?”
“Fuck, Daddy, I am. Please. I’ll be such a good girl.”
“You will, won’t you? Because Daddy just likes to give in to whatever his babygirl wants, yeah? No, not tonight, baby.”
He gets off of you all of a sudden, standing up and going to sit in the large leather chair in the corner of the room.
You lay there dumbfounded until he says, “Well? Come here and kneel in front of me.”
Rolling off the bed on shaky legs, you crawl over to him, and god help him if that image ever left his mind.
You sit between his legs, hands neatly folded in your lap as you stare directly at his crotch, the outline of him very present.
“Up.” Harry commands, and your eyes snap to his face uncontrollably, your body seeming to answer faster than your brain could.
“Aren’t you just a pretty little puppy? Crawling over to come help your Daddy out, hmm?”
He leans forward, and you think he’s about to kiss you before you feel his spit land on your cheek.
His fingers move the saliva into your mouth, eyes locked on yours as he says, “Well go on, get me out.”
You whimper softly before trailing your hands along his happy trail, snapping the waistband against his skin lightly, before grabbing onto the briefs a and pulling them down his legs. Your mouth drops automatically as his cock pops up and slaps him in the stomach.
Harry had the prettiest cock you’ve ever seen. Not only was it fucking huge, it was so thick, filled you up to the point where you could see him through your stomach, and fuck did that turn the both of you on. His mushroom tip was a bright red, slightly damp with his precum, and the few veins you loved to lick already popping up.
You looked up at him again, hands massaging his thighs as you asked,
“Can I please suck you off, Daddy?”
“That’s all your good for isn’t it? Let me use that pretty mouth, doll face.”
Your tongue falls out immediately, licking the underside of his head, before taking the tip in your mouth and lightly suckling on it, eyes glued to Harry’s.
“Fuck, princess. Go on, get me all nice and wet for you.”
Your tongue immediately starts to lick him from base to tip, making sure to point your tongue and follow along the bulging veins going up his shaft. You spend extra time giving him the lightest of kitten licks at his top, knowing how mad that drove him.
“Fucking hell, baby. God, Y/N, so fucking good for me,” Harry groans, head leaning back against the chair for support.
His hips start to lightly buck up until your mouth, and you reach your nails up to scratch his laurels, knowing that little bite of pain was only adding fuel to the fire.
He takes your hair in his fist, wrapping it around his knuckles once before pulling you down onto his cock, the gagging noise you made making him that much harder.
“What a good little slut,” He groans, punctuating his words with a thrust into your mouth.
“Arms back,” He orders, and you immediately put your arms behind your back, wrists grabbing your elbows.
You hollow out your cheekbones and Harry just about dies in his chair, hand reaching up to squish your cheeks together even more, feeling himself in your mouth from the outside.
He lets out a guttural moan, the sound going straight to your clit. Your hips buck up to try and get some friction, and Harry notices immediately, pulling you off him. Letting out large pants, you lean forward, eager to have him back in your mouth, but a quick slap to the face stuns you for a few seconds, slightly slipping into that fuzzy space you sometimes get to.
“None of that. Yes?”
“Yes, yes sir, please let me have you, please,” You gasp out spit dripping from your mouth onto your thighs, eyes red rimmed and tear tracks running down your face.
Harry can’t say no to you looking like that. He feeds his tip back to you lightly, only allowing you to take half of him in your mouth.
“Eyes up.” He pauses to wait for you to look at him, a whimper from you sending vibrations through his cock.
“Aren’t you just a gorgeous little puppy for me, hmm? Doing just what Daddy tells her to.”
You whimper loudly around him, thighs shaking as your pussy clenches around nothing.
“Fuck,” Harry laughs. “Are you that desperate to cum that you could get off just from me talking to you?”
You look up at him and nod, knowing he has before.
Before you can even think, Harry has picked you up and sat you on his lap with your back facing him, his cock rubbing against your folds.
“Fuck,” Harry drawls our, “You’re dripping, baby. What a good girl you’ve been so far, letting Daddy do what he wants.”
You can’t help but try and grind against him, head falling onto his chest as you cry out,
“Please Daddy, please fuck me. I’ve been so good, please.”
He reaches an arm around and brings a hand to your throat, holding your neck against him, while the other goes around and splays his hand on your stomach, pinning you to his chest.
This was one of Harry’s favorite positions. You couldn’t do anything but just take what he was giving you, completely give yourself up to him and let him use you.
“Have you? I don’t know about that, moppet.” His left arm trails down your stomach before going down and beginning to lightly play with your clit, tracing the lightest of circles directly on top of it.
“Fuck, thank you daddy, thank you, thank you.” He gasp out, arms gripping the edges of the chair.
He moves his middle finger down to dip into you slightly, collecting your moisture on the tip of his finger and pulling it up to his mouth, licking it clean off. He tilts your head to the side, giving you a filthy open mouthed kiss, all tongue and heavy breathing, Harry feeling as if he’s fucking you with his mouth right now.
All of a sudden, he pinches your clit harshly, a shocked gasp escaping you as he begins rubbing quickly, legs immediately starting to quiver on top of him.
Pulling your neck back farther, he growls into your ear,
“If you want me to even touch you for the rest of the night, you will cum right now. Right fucking now. Cum on my fucking fingers.”
A high pitched moan leaves you as you hopelessly grind down on him, cumming as soon as he says the word. Your chest heaves as he works you through your orgasm.
“There’s my good little slut. Finally following orders, huh?” Harry gasps out, thighs flexing with restraint.
“Yes, sir,” You cry out, feeling his tip press against your entrance.
He lifts you up by your hips before slamming you down onto him, taking him to the hilt.
“Fuck!” You scream, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you immediately start rocking your hips back and forth, the pressure on your clit almost unbearable.
Harry moves his hand from your throat onto the D ring, fingering the loop and pulling it in time with his thrusts, the pressure making your head swarm and feel as if you’re in a dream.
“Needy girl,” he grits into your ear, fucking up into you at a slow, steady pace.
“Only for you, Daddy,” you cry, turning your head to the side to suck a mark into Harry’s neck.
You feel the vibrations from his moan against your tongue and you whimper slightly, his thrusts starting to fill you up more and more.
“You’re so tight for me, fuck, puppy, all for me, yeah?”
“All for you, God you’re so big,” You moan out, keeping your face in his neck to focus on breathing.
His cock fits so snugly inside of you, it truly feels as if you were made for each other. With another thrust, he hits a spot inside of you the two of you are far too familiar with, a sharp cry ripping itself from your vocal chords as he begins mercilessly fucking up into you.
Pulling the ring forward, Harry forces your eyes to the ceiling, other hand reaching down to rub your clit.
“I’ll show you what a little attention whore deserves. I’ll treat you like the dirty slut you are, only here to please ME, aren’t you? I’m the only one who gets to touch you like this, who gets to fuck you like this, til you’re just a dumb little puppy.”
You begin to thrash on him, shaking with the need to come that he releases his grip on your throat to hold you in place against him. In doing so, he presses on your stomach and you scream, crying out and vision going black for a second.
“Fuck, you like that, baby? That I’m so deep inside you can feel me in your little tummy. Reminds you that you’re my cum slut, just wants to be filled by her Daddy.”
“Daddy, please,” You gasp out, hands going around to wrap around his neck, whole body shaking.
“Please can I cum, please, please,” You gasp, unable to do anything but have a vice grip on him while you try not to come.
Harry leans down and bites on your neck, groaning loudly right on your pulse point as he fucks faster into you, hitting your G-spot every single time.
“You’re so fucking tight around me, goddamn babygirl, fuck, cum. Cum right now.”
He slaps your clit harshly, left hand going back to tighten around your throat, tilting your head up and spitting into your mouth. The majority of it ends up on your cheek and you cum.
Fuck, do you cum. Your body feels like it’s not even yours at this point, pleasure flooding every single particle in your body, mind going blank as you loll your head back onto his chest. Your legs shake so much you feel as if you are vibrating head to toe, tits bouncing freely and the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room.
Harry has never seen you like this, grinding so quickly on his cock, throat tilted back making the most primal of sounds.
He pistons his hips and cums shortly after you, releasing a deep groan into your ear.
Your body goes limp around him, but continuing to clench around him, tiny gasps coming from your parted lips.
Harry pulls his head off the back of the chair and grabs your face to get a good look at you.
Hair messy, mascara everywhere, eyes rolled into the back of your head with spit covering your chin, you looked like an angel.
“Fuck, princess,” Harry moans, thrusting lightly inside of you.
You whimper lightly at his movement and he takes the hint, pulling out. Turning you around to face him, he lifts you up and places you softly on the bed, a cool towel already on the nightstand ready.
He takes his time wiping you down, starting at your face and making his way to your aching pussy, lightly patting the area.
He glances up at your facial expressions, and upon seeing a blissful smile, licks into you, tongue gliding against your walls.
Harry tastes himself on you and groans into you, taking his time making you cum once more, before coming to lay down next to you, wiping his face off.
“What a good girl you were, so good for me, weren’t you Y/N?” He whispers, lightly stroking your cheek with the back of his hand.
This was the closest thing to heaven you were ever going to get. You felt like you were on cloud nine, body buzzing with adrenaline and brain feeling like mush. Harry was so good at taking care of you in this state, and that made you want to come to more than anything else.
While Harry lightly kisses your parted lips, cheeks, and forehead, your head nuzzles into his hand, eyes fluttering a little bit.
“Hi sweet girl,” He smiles, eyes full of nothing but adoration and love. He idolized you. He worshipped
“Hi Daddy,” you mumble, pursing your lips for a kiss.
He happily obliges, kissing you very sweetly, knowing you were very sensitive right now.
“Do you need anything? Wanna take a nice warm bath, baby?” Harry asks, nuzzling his nose with yours, his playfulness causing you to finally open your eyes fully.
“Hug?” you mumble, and Harry let’s out all of his air at your simple question.
“Of course, little one. C’mere, we’ll have a nice long snuggle and then we go pee and clean up.”
He pulls you under the covers with him, wrapping his arms fully around you so you’re being pushed against his chest, his head resting on yours.
You kiss lightly along his neck, just trying to calm down from what just happened.
“How you feeling, lover? Awfully quiet in m’ arms,” Harry questions, kissing the top of your head and adjusting you to look up at him.
“So good. Just a lot. I’m sorry for doing that tonight. Just wanted you.” You mumble, fingers playing with your hair.
“Hey, none of that, it’s okay Y/N. I was trying to rile you up too. Why’d I wear one of my suits out on a night off?”
Your nose scrunches and you bite his pec lightly, Harry releases a loud laugh at this.
The two of you lay there just holding each other for quite a bit before you mumble out,
“Bath time?”
Harry smiles at you, kissing your forehead for a few seconds.
“‘Course. Let’s go hop in.”
A/N ahhhhh okay hi i’m lana this is my first tumblr smut kinda thing, i hope you like it !!! i’m super new to this so please be patient, but i’d love some requests !!! long fics, one shots, blurbs, i’m down for it all. also love mgg, criminal minds, and a whole lotta other fandoms so i’m opening to writing those too.
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givemethatgold · 3 years
Fix’er Upper -Pt 14
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Paring: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader Warnings: just a bunch of fluffy family fluff, some dude being a nosy creep, overbearing mothers Length: 1.1 k Notes: This one is slow, babes. Just needed to build a bit of this new world, introduce Annie a bit and show you how things are progressing. It’ll pick up again soon I promise, bear with me! (Or don’t, I mean I can’t force you to like where this is going, lolz) Also, just typed this up tonight while raging at the laziness of men, so there are going to be mistakes, I can’t be fucked to find them. Trying to post this with NO links, as I’ve heard that may be the reason for the tagging issues? LET ME KNOW IF YOU GET THE NOTIFICATION THIS TIME!
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Turns out, two people with zero child-caring experience are not going to have an easy time suddenly becoming parents. There wasn't any one particular thing that you could pinpoint the difficulty one, either, it was just a complete one-eighty on how you had previously lived your lives.
Frankie immediately stopped working such late hours, effectively putting a bookmark in the cider's expansion. He didn't even have to think twice about it, it was a no-brainer to him. Didn't make the loss of potential income an easy pill to swallow, though. Date nights were officially off the schedule, so were sleepovers and all the fun things that accompanied them. There had been a few heated moments between the two of you, but Frankie felt weird about having sex anywhere near his daughter and you refused to let him fuck you in the barn. Again. Especially after the last two times resulted in unfortunate splinter placement. 
Annie took less time to adjust than the two of you did, she really was an amazing little girl. She loved her little nook in the loft, although the décor was not to her taste and she wouldn't stop dropping hints about it until you took her to pick out new everything. Frankie had tried to put his foot down by explaining she wasn't going to get everything she wanted in life, but all it took were widening eyes and a protruding bottom lip before he was handing you the truck keys before you could blink.
Annie's attachment to you had surprised everybody, including her. The conversations you and Frankie had had before her arrival usually skirted around the conversation of what your role would be. You knew she was mourning her mother and were wary of trying to replace her, so you had fully expected to take a step back from Frankie's life while he and Annie built their new one together. You had her at apple farm, however, and now the two of you were best buds.
Well, until the six-going-on-sixteen attitude reared its ugly head and suddenly sweet, angelic Annie was replaced by a stubborn, moody, unwilling child who decided that screaming was the best response to negotiations.
For the first couple of months, Frankie had allowed it, not knowing what was normal acting-out behaviour for a kid who had experienced parental loss. He also had a hard time being strict, as he still felt like it wasn't his place; some weird kind of imposter syndrome. However, after Jacquie and Mark had been witness to one such episode, they had gently pulled Frankie aside and encouraged him to find a therapist for Annie and that structure and rules would be beneficial for her.
New routines were set, some of which you were involved in and others were special between Frankie and his daughter. Saturday was movie night, she was asleep by 7:30 so it was more of a movie evening, with popcorn, Twizzlers, and coke floats. You were invited to these, as Annie insisted on educating both adults on which Disney princess was best.
Frankie drove Annie to school every day, he knew he could easily send her on the bus but he needed that extra assurance that she had gotten to school safely. There had been an odd incident, which no other adults seem to have witnessed, where a man had apparently approached Annie and started asking her questions about her parents. 
This had, understandably, upset the girl, and the two of you, but the busy body's identity was never revealed. Frankie had been irate. Initially, he interrogated Annie, asking her for every little detail. Then the bus driver, parking lot attendant, teachers, and other kids were subject to his questioning. He went so far as to request all security video footage from around town, but nothing showed up. Neither of you suspected Annie of lying but it was like the man was a ghost. 
Eventually, it was chalked up to a parent wanting to get the scoop on your and Frankie's lives, as you'd been very private considering your first action as a couple was to practically dry hump on a carnival ride. After that incident causing Frankie's panic attack, and now creeping out a kid, you were a lot less inclined to appreciate the meddling from bored townsfolk even if it did bring the two of you together.
Frankie was always thinking up new ideas to build trust and create new memories for Annie, his guilt at missing out on her toddler years was exasperated by having her now. They created a memory book for her, so she could write down, colour, or paste anything that reminded her of her mom or her life in California. You were secretly building a memory book for the two of them, to show Annie when she was older how hard her dad had worked to become the man she needed him to be.
Twice a week Annie got to pick the recipe and they made dinner together. This usually resulted in a massive mess and only semi-edible food, but the smiles on their faces were worth it.
On Wednesdays, you picked her up and had a girl's afternoon getting something from the bakery and perusing books at the library, making up stories about the people walking by the café windows, or driving over to Jacquie's so Annie could play with her kids.
It was after one such outing when you were dropping Annie off at the farm, that Frankie came out to greet you with a guilty look on his face.
"I'm sorry," he began, rubbing the back of his neck and readjusting his baseball cap. "I didn't look at the caller display before picking up, and then once I was on the phone I got nervous."
"Frankie," you said lowly, dread filling your stomach. "What did you do?"
"I couldn't help it, I panic talked and I don't even know how much I blurted out! She's like Oprah or Barbara Walters! She just knows how to get people talking!"
"I know, Frankie," you ground out, trying not to lose your shit in front of a very interested little girl who has no filter during Sharing Time at school. "That's why we don't answer her calls!"
"But, babe, she's your mom. We can't keep ignoring her-"
"Apparently not!" You didn't realize how frustrated you were before it was too late. Your voice had gone shrill and loud and, judging by the look at Annie's face, angry. Taking a deep, calming breath in you tried smiling at the two of them without it making you look demented, "I need to call her and do some damage control, make sure she doesn't do something rash like-"
"Ahhh..." Frankie was back to looking guilty and you could have sworn your heart stopped. "She knows about Annie. Called herself Grandma. Said that Mother's Day would be extra special this year..?"
"FUuuuuuudge.." you barely managed to withhold the swear, looking at Frankie with a slightly panicked yet amused look on your face.
"It's okay," a little voice piped up, "I know that word. Mom said ‘Fuck’ all the time while we were stuck in traffic."
Part Fifteen - coming soon!
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TAGS: Let’s see if these bitches work...
@rebelliouscat @pedro4ever @speakerforthedead0 @yespolkadotkitty @ilikechocolatemilkh @weirdowithnobeardo @pedro-pastel @disgruntledspacedad @a-skov @trash-dino-5000 @reader-s-cantina @alberta-sunrise @pascal-rascal424 @bts17army @sarahjkl82-blog @grogusmum @radiowallet @vonschweetz @greeneyedblondie44 @diaryofkali @cassandras-nest @silverstarsandsuns @haapeaness @missstef23 @computeringturtle @julesorwhatever @keeper0fthestars @lackofhonor @metahigh @thirstworldproblemss @sergeantbannerbarnes @callsigncatfish @inaturenymph @agingerindenial @pedritobalmando @lord-of-restingbiface @marydjarin @sebbys-girl @apascalrascal @thisshipwillsail316 @bison-writes @absurdthirst @ubri812 @marydjarin @inaturenymph @hyperfixatingmenever @louderrthanthunderr @petersunderoos96 @dobbyjen @tobealostwanderer @studyofawearymind @jaime1110 @bison-writes @rosiefridayrogersunday @leias-rebelion  @captainjaspenor @prettypedros @gracie7209 @peterhollandkait
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lost-souls-wander · 3 years
Hunter x Reader
Chapter 1
It happened very fast, and everything went out of control. One moment humanity was just doing its thing and living in order. The next week however, everything had changed for the worst. All because of some kind of green flue. Don't take me wrong, I was concerned in the beginning, the fear of losing my slightly rhythmic life sure had taken its toll on me, especially after everyone around me started to panic, including my parents.
"HANNA! You cant just leave us! HANNA!-" those were my dads last words to his ex-lover and wife as she had taken the car, and drove off with our supplies and food. Dad was a mess after after what happened. He couldn't properly take care of us anymore, he had lost a lot of sleep in a few weeks time, his behavior also worsened. He was quick to anger, and constantly irritated. So I took it upon myself to learn things on my own as he continued to reign terror on the last of his family. I had snuck out just a few hours before sun rise and grabbed my bike. My fastest form of transport at the moment, and made a quick tour to the library, as usual, but my dad never knew. And it was possibly better this way.It was empty and deserted, I could hear a few inhuman groans here and there but couldn't quite picture what these "zombie" like creatures looked like, our dad was pretty much a helicopter when it came to the outside world when the apocalypse hit and mom left. None was allowed outside the house at all, just him. And he alone went scouting for food and food alone, here and there some materials but never something for us, his children.I could see his state worsening by the day, and considered it top priority to get away as soon as possible with as much knowledge on how to survive as possible. The building of the library was thick with a musty sent of old books and dust, lots of iron too, which I could only guess was blood. I stayed away from the strong scent of iron and focused on getting to the herbology section of the library.In these times mankind forgot that the true power of surviving came from knowledge, no knowledge? No advantage. No advantage? Possibly a gruesome death would follow.My hands brushed the polished wood that kept the books in their place on the shelves, thinking of how many people had touched these books, read through them, and possibly never did something with the knowledge inside. It was a shame really. I wanted to perhaps become member of this society and yet here it was, crumbling away at these un-dead. It saddened me a little, and I was horrified for a while when I heard it. What was I gonna do now? My degree in art and drawing was pretty much useless now. At least I could scavenge for a cabin in the mountains and settle down there, far away from society, where no zombies or humans could reach so I could exist in peace.
I chuckled, a mid-tone raspy chuckle filled my throat and echo'd a little through the empty apocalyptic library as I stopped and continued thinking about what to do and where to go. But first order of business was to get knowledge from the books and find a place to escape to. Grabbing my black old school bag I ripped it open quickly, wanting to fill it with the necessary books and just get out of here, The sounds of the un-dead in the distance was off putting, and I wasn't taking a chance to be caught in the middle of a group of them. I might have not seen them. But I knew damn well that from the clips on TV that those fuckers were fast. And me without my bike? Not so much.
I grabbed the books by pairs, quickly turning them to their back side and skimming through what the book would hold.
Edible herbal plants... Seasonal plants... Look alike's and their dangers... Looked valid enough. It went like this for a few minutes until my bag was full with books about surviving in nature, herbs, and making shelters for the night. Although I doubted it would help against zombie apocalypses it was always good to know how to make something remotely sheltering and how to acquire food from its natural source.
I quickly flung my backpack over my back and quickly took in the noise around me, the hoard had gotten ever so closer, and it started to make me anxious. If I didn't get out of here soon and back home I would be in a LOT of trouble, perhaps more trouble than being chased down the streets by a hoard of zombies. So I speed-walked towards the exit, the broken doors were leaning against the framework that had red and black splotches all over it the doors pretty much being smashed in two pieces by something extraordinary big. A shiver ran down her spine, May did NOT want to know what was big enough to do that.
after leaving the library doors she quickly hid in the bushes, peeking in between the leaves to see there was any danger, the branches poked and prodded at her form, the twigs leaving nasty marks on her clothes and bare skin.
There! in the distance she spotted her bike, old and a bit rusty, but it did the job well, I looked around if there were any zombies walking around and about, the road was clear, and so was the road ahead. It was a bit strange considering I hear an entire group of them just a few minutes ago but that must have been the other side of the building, luckily not the way I needed to go in order to get home.
I got partially up and half crouched/ran towards my bike which was placed against the opposite building in an alleyway, the alleyway was filled with trashcans and bags that had been ripped open by rats and other critters that roamed the streets and needed some food. Not that it was of any use now, it was all rotten and left a horrid stench that made my nose scrunch up in disgust.
I got on my bike and quickly started to get home, it was then that I started to feel like I was being watched. I felt it crawling over my skin that there was something or someone watching me, maybe some of the other survivors? or perhaps a zombie? I didn't want to find out and started to bike a little faster.
And then it happened all so fast, an inhuman growl came from my left and I was flung off my bike, panic setting into my very bones as I felt the bike get out of my grip, my face looked upwards as I saw the dark sky with a few light rays from the sun. I felt the cold harsh ground on my back and the air flew from my lungs as I tumbled down the steep hill, the creature flung with me yelping in surprise at it's own actions, we both rolled harshly down the wall of the construction site that was never finished.
I felt whatever air I had in me leave my body as I harshly was flung onto ground and came to a stop on my back, I groaned in agony face twisting in pain. everything hurt, my shoulders were probably bruised beyond belief and my legs felt like they had been ripped off whilst still being attached to me. And don't even get me started on my head, it hurt like a bitch!
I continued to wallow in my own pain for a brief moment until I heard a scream that sounded like it came from the depth's of hell itself, and a squishing like sound like flesh had been impaled on high impact, until all that was left was sound of screams of pure agony.
I didn't want to look at what had happened, I was in so much pain and the adrenaline was so high in my system that I made a run for the hill and grabbed what was left of my bike and just went, the howls of pain in the background growing fainter and fainter as the black concrete enveloped my mind, the scent of iron in the air was even more noticeable than before, and the distant sound of zombies screaming left me in even more panic than before as I skidded to a stop in front of my house, put my bike back in its place and threw myself over the fence to climb in the tree, and get inside of my room.
I did not come down that day for food or anything else.
That night I laid in bed curled up in fear and confusion, what had attacked me? what was it even? was that a zombie?! panic and fear had settled itself deep into my mind, I did not want to go back to the library in fear of coming across whatever that was, but fear soon turned into a guilty sympathetic feeling as I remembered what had happened to it, it had gotten pierced by metal rods and maybe was there, slowly dying, starving to death. If it even was alive that is.
I shut my eyes, letting my dark room filled with plants and comfortable blankets fall from my vision as I let a restless sleep take over me, for the next up coming week I did not sleep well, only thinking about the creature that might still be stuck there. Waiting for whatever was next to come.
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niqhtlord01 · 3 years
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Niqhtlord’s wondrous world of aliens presents “An introduction to Alien Species”
 (Original art by  Miguel R. Duque : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/o9VZO Altered photo photoshoped by me)
 Species: Flinchestet Current status: Members of the Confederation of Basalva
Known as Trievil, the Flinchestet homeworld orbits a blue sun and is only slightly smaller than Mars. Gravity levels are roughly a third of what you experience on a world such as Earth with the average day night cycle lasting 23 hours.
The planet is divided between several hundred islands full of dense jungles and deep oceans, both full of a variety of planet and wildlife. Though the oceans are vast larger predatory species have yet to develop leaving the seas largely populated by vast swarms of smaller organisms.  
Because of the low gravity of the world creatures there, including the Flinchestet themselves have traveled from island to island simply by getting a running start and jumping across the oceans between islands. Travel by boat is largely limited for fishing or the transport of large objects too cumbersome to be handled by individuals.
It was discovered by a Confederation of Basalva scientific expedition that made first contact with the species and invited them to the confederation after a trial period.
Current status of the world is regarded as a resort planet where species from across the galaxy come to enjoy the radiant sun and low gravity.  
Standing roughly 5.5 to 7ft tall, the standard Flinchestet towers over other species, yet because of the low gravity of their world their muscles have never developed to their full potential.
Their eyes are nearly three times as large as standard humans while a broad ridge runs the length between them from forehead to chin. Neither mouth nor any other orifice is present on any portion of their bodies save for their eye sockets.
Often appearing as thin, almost twig like in appearance Flinchestet often struggle when traveling to other worlds with slightly higher gravity wells. Many of the species apply some form of cybernetic enhancement to their limbs when going off world to support their bodies; otherwise they are barely capable of raising a finger let alone standing up right. Strangely enough though these enhancements are never shown to the public and are considered disrespectful in their culture, despite the fact every traveling Flinchestet comes equipped with them.
Due to the radiation from the blue sun the Flinchestet have developed semi photosynthesis, were they are able to gain all of their needed dietary requirements from exposure to various forms of natural sun light. Exposure to artificial sun light, such as sun light produced by tanning beds or specialized light bulbs, often results in Flinchestet becoming increasingly ill.
Supernatural Abilities: The most interesting quality of all for the Flinchestet would be their telepathic abilities.
Lacking any orifice to communicate from, the Flinchestet often will project their version of a “voice” into the recipients mind for communication and read their thoughts in response. The voice is often heard differently subject to subject as it is structured around what said individual would think a Flinchestet would sound like.
The exact point in their evolution at which point they developed this trait is still unknown as all Flinchestet refuse to speak of it. Further questioning has only resulted in vague answers stating that it is an ability learned at birth and nothing more.
It was not known until recently that they also possessed strong psychometry traits as well. Through physical contact with other species a Flinchestet is able to telepathically link to their nervous system or equivalent and directly access portions of their memories and in some cases even alter them.
This trait is only possible through physical contact as it has been found that most living organisms in the universe have various buffers, so to speak, in their bodies blocking out portions of their brain from outside access. As if your brain were a wifi router with an encrypted password blocking random devices from connecting to it. By establishing a physical connection the Flinchestet are able to trick their target’s body into think that the Flinchestet are actually part of the same organism and therefore can freely access the mind.
Once inside an individual’s mind they are capable of altering memories to present different perspectives or even insert themselves into them to make the subject feel as if they have known the Flinchestet for years. This however only works on weak memories that are often forgotten by the individual on a daily basis such as who they saw in a restaurant when they got lunch or who they spoke to on a transport ride, etc. Stronger memories are much more difficult to change as the individual is actively thinking about them ensuring they are not forgotten; so any change made to them would be immediately recognized.
Should a strong willed individual become aware of this intrusion during physical contact they are capable of trapping the invading Flinchestet within the confines of their own mind for a time. To on lookers it appears as if they are day dreaming when inside their mind they are waging a fierce battle. If the effects inside the mind are strong enough, say the individual stabbed the Flinchestet with a sword, the Flinchestet mind would believe that the blow was real and trigger the Flinchestet skin to part open as if the stab wound was real.
The only way for this connection to be broken is if the physical point of contact is broken or one of the two in the communion either dies or blacks out losing consciousness.
While this trait has caused several political and social controversies since the Flinchestet joined the intergalactic community and has made them become regarded with suspicion.
Flinchestet industry is largely textile with no major other industrial capacities. Their homeworld lacks rare metals or elements worth mining and the wildlife is only edible to the Flinchestet due to the radiation from the blue sun.
What is known about the Flinchestet is only from the point of discovery by the scientific expedition.
For all intents and purposes the Flinchestet do not keep a recorded history of their people. There have been no discoveries of ancient writings, books, tomes, electronic scrolls, or any other form of physical record of the species past.
When directly questioned about their origins Flinchestet will often say “The paths we have traveled are roads you can never tread, with signs you cannot read, and with a beginning you cannot fathom.”  
At this time it is even being brought into question if Trievil is even their real homeworld. Several scientists have come forward to hypothesize that the species we know may not have even been a product of natural evolution but a response to a hazardous environment after being stranded.
Current Status:
Since their introduction into the Confederation of Basalva they have held immense political power. Many species agreed to their proposals after either a mind alteration was triggered or out of fear for such an event to be forced upon them should they defy the Flinchestet.
It was not until the introduction of humanity into the confederation that the Flinchestet finally met a foe they could not overcome so easily.
While initially able to alter the human ambassador, the gambit was quickly discovered and the tables turned as the humans sent new ambassadors trained to have the most dangerous minds a Flinchestet could have ever known.
They found these new human minds to be chaotic and uncontrollable to all but the humans themselves. In their minds the humans subjugated the Flinchestet and put them through unspeakable tortures, though largely stolen from the latest human horror movie from their homeworld.
The political base the Flinchestet had built crumbled as they instead flocked to the humans in the belief that they would be safe in the shadow of the one species the Flinchestet feared to go near. They have since been regulated back to an individual seat within the confederation, yet it is unlikely they will remain so for long.  
The Flinchestet approach to war is to win it before it even begins.
With their supernatural abilities they are able to influence dozens of species and move them across the board as nothing more than pawns. Resources needed for war machines suddenly are diverted elsewhere, open borders to Flinchestet territory suddenly become closed off, and powerful trade agreements and defensive pacts are made to ensure that any attempt against the Flinchestet is an attempt against half the confederation.
That being said smaller engagements have broken out between Flinchestet and rouge factions of the galaxy such as pirates or raiders. Given their frail form Flinchestet are unable to wield weapons even to defend themselves and will often rely on automated weapons like automated turrets or mechanical soldiers to do the fighting for them.
While it is no easier to snap a Flinchestet in two than it is to snap a thig branch in two with your knee, the last line of defense is that often an attacker will attempt some form of physical contact to end the Flinchestet’s life, such as strangulation or bone snapping, giving them a chance to enter their mind and reprogram them. This tactic as of late become obsolete against pirates and rogues as one pirate will often rush the Flinchestet and tackle them to the ground while another comes over during the psychometry state and run a knife through the Flinchestethead as they are distracted.
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charles-angles · 3 years
young kyalin, old kyalin, and some steam buns headcanon
- kya and lin had a routine. every friday, when school let out, they dashed across the street to their favorite steam bun stall and ordered three each. the buns were piping hot, wrapped in little waxed papers that collected the tiny droplets of water as the steam condensed
- lin got the exact same every time: two pork with ginger, one extra spicy beef. she would wolf down one of the pork (obviously it would destroy the flavor if she had the spicy one first) and then would nibble at the others as she and kya made their way through the bustling, ever-growing republic city down to the docks
- kya, on the other hand, liked to grab a random combo. she’d even persuaded the grumpy older lady who ran the stall to carry a wider variety of vegetarian buns. she’d chatter as she ate and lin would throw in a sarcastic remark or two (she was well on her way to perfecting the art of dry humor by now) as they boarded the ferry to ati. kya spent most of her after school time hanging out with friends in the city, but fridays were for lin, steam buns, and a raucous family dinner on ati
- on this particular friday the two were slightly subdued. it was the final friday of kya’s school career. her exams were done, her bags were packed, and she had a going-away party to attend that night. she was almost eighteen and heading out on her own, and leaving fifteen-year-old lin behind.
- they meandered across the street. lin, in fact, trudged. kya tried her best not to notice that both of their auras had taken on a decidedly dingy shade of gray
- lin ordered her usual. kya asked for a cabbage-and-green-onion and two sweet bean buns, one with sesame. she knew lin would try to steal some (that girl had a sweet tooth like no other) and she liked to tease her friend until she could see the laughter bubbling up into that normally serious expression. she did like sweet bean buns, but she liked seeing lin smile more
- lin had also decided to try and bring the mood up. she leaned into chasing kya around demanding a bite of warm bean. she pretended to distract her (“look! it’s a bird! no, it’s a flying bison!no, it’s uncle sokka with his fake beard on falling out of the sky!”) and delighted in kya’s every giggle at her antics. she would do anything to make this girl giggle
- they were both in a better mood by the time they got to the island, and the family dinner (toph showed, for once, in deference to it being kya’s last) passed in a flurry of traveling advice and well-wishes from the older generation
- at the crack of dawn the next morning, as kya boarded her little blue-sailed one-person boat, lin snuck a package into her hands. it was three steam buns, all sweet bean, piping hot.
- she lifted her hand to her neck as she blushed and explained, “i may have stayed up all night getting them right. the first batch were absolutely awful. these ones should be edible.” and kya pulled her into a hug
- the last thing lin heard from kya as her craft became a smaller and smaller dot in the vast blue was the cry, “it’s delicious!”
- exactly thirty-three years later (not that lin had done the math to remember, having held the date of that goodbye as close to her heart as possible for all that time) she pulled on kya’s hand, leading the silver-haired waterbending master through the sato-filled, crowded streets of downtown republic city
- “for the last time, lin, just tell me where we’re going!” lin would only respond gruffly, “you’ll know it when you see it.”
- they stopped at a large shop with a red awning. lin pushed on the door and it opened with a jingle, releasing a delicious mix of savory and sweet smells. she yanked kya inside, pointing at the wall behind the counter, where there sat a portrait of an old lady with a pinched face and a tiny wooden steam bun stall
- “it’s run by her son now!” kya’s gasp and appreciative laughter startled some of the patrons, and lin’s face split into a wide smile. “two pork and ginger, one spicy beef please. and three of whatever this beautiful lady requires” she said to the (grumpy-looking) man behind the counter
- kya ordered two vegetable buns and one sweet bean. she met lin’s eyes as she picked up the last bun and each of their hearts gave a little pang of recognition
- they ate their buns as they walked toward the docks, retracing the old path like it was just the day before, elbows knocking against each other and steps perfectly in sync
- lin began her ploy for the sweet bean bun as the ferry pulled away from the city. she employed decidedly more physical tactics than she had as a teenager, going so far as to press kya up against the railing of the ferry and suggest things in her ear as recompense for a bite of the sweet bean that included more than one good bun innuendo
- she finally succeeded in tearing off a good-sized chunk of kya’s treat as they sat down, an absolute mess of giggles (and wandering hands) on a bench at the edge of the island
- kya threaded her fingers through lin’s as they stared across at the wispy clouds meandering their way toward the horizon, the last bits of bean bun disappearing into each smiling mouth.
- it wasn’t quite their old routine, they’d changed too much (for the better) for that, but it was familiar and sweet
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 14: Dinner as a Family: Part 2
Warnings: blood, strong language, sexual themes, nipple play, penetrative sex
Summary: Miranda finally makes it known why Juniper’s place at dinner was important
Feedback appreciated. 18+
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When the main course was served the maids brought out plates with cuts of red meat and delicate steamed vegetables.
Juniper cut into the meat, seeing blood ooze under her knife. Calling it rare was reaching.
In the past meat like this would have turned poor Juniper’s stomach. But now, with a monster waiting in her belly, the smell mixed with the thick wine made her mouth water.
She took a large bite, eagerly starting to cut a second as she chewed.
Her enthusiasm took the rest of the table off guard. Heisenberg’s jaw tightened worriedly.
“Enjoy it, Dear?” Alicina smiled smugly.
Juniper nodded, her pupils dilated ever so slightly.
The meal went by with little talk, the table feeling tight. Heisenberg did little more than pick at his food, eating around the more well-done edges of the meat and filling up on bread.
Juniper felt a type of hunger she couldn’t describe, finishing her plate and a second glass of wine.
She glanced around the table: Angie was speaking to Donna, both nodding and deep in the conversation. Moraue was having a time of trying to cut his meat, resorting to just shoving the whole piece into his widened mouth. Lady Dimitrescu was trying to be delicate with her silverware, something her large hands made very difficult. And lastly, Miranda took small bites, eyes always moving.
Juniper’s face felt hot, licking her teeth. She stood from the table, stiffening a bit when she felt multiple eyes follow her. Heisenberg looked at her questioningly.
“Just…need to visit the bathroom.” She mumbled awkwardly.
Lady Dimitrescu raised her head, snapping her finger once. A maid quickly came into the hall.
“Show dear Juniper to the guest bath.” She instructed.
The maid bowed, turning to Juniper, “This way m’lady.”
Excusing herself, Juniper quickly followed the girl.
Heisenberg frowned down at his plate, pushing it away slightly.
“You seem very taken with her.” Miranda observed, peering over the top of her wine glass.
When Heisenberg didn’t respond she continued, “It’s a good thing, you’ve never gotten along well with your other siblings.”
Her words turned his stomach. “Juniper isn’t a Lord.” He reminded her, keeping his voice even.
“Ah, but that is one of the reasons I asked you here.” She smiled.
He looked at her curiously, worry rimming his eyes.
“I think our little Juniper could grow into Lordship, in time.” Mother Miranda nodded, taking a long sip from her glass, “She just needs to nurture her abilities.”
She wanted Juniper to become a lord?
Heisenberg frowned, “And what do you have in mind?”
“Always impatient.” Her eyes narrowed, “I want you to take her on the hunt.”
“Why?” He spoke too quickly, earning him a scolding look.
“Now, Heisenberg, you can’t expect to keep her holed up in that dump of a factory forever now, can you?” Lady Dimitrescu commented.
Before he could bark back Miranda confirmed, “I think her unique abilities will be suited perfectly for the task.”
Heisenberg remembered her mutated form and it’s resemblance to the varcolacs, wondering how much about Juniper’s powers she knew about.
“She isn’t ready.” He tried to argue.
“This isn’t up for debate.” Miranda’s voice commanding, “Think of it as a test, to really see her powers.”
Heisenberg nodded, worry curdling his gut.
Juniper washed her hands in the large marble sink. Still feeling flushed, she splashed cold water onto her face. She looked up, eyes catching her own gaze in the gilded mirror.
Her breath stuck fast in her throat, heartbeat quickening.
Her reflection looked wrong, the longer she looked the more it twisted before her: her eyes were dark and blown out, almost wild, her jaw was extended, fangs peeking out.
She took a shaking breath seeing more eyes open along her forehead.
Juniper reached up a shaking hand, feeling along her face, smooth skin greeted her fingertips. She blinked, the image gone.
She looked at herself again, flushed and fearful, but it was her.
She touched the surface, sucking in a shaking breath.
What was hidden just beneath her skin?
Juniper returned to the table, looking slightly pale.
“You alright?” Heisenberg asked, concern rimming his eyes.
“I’m fine.” She lied, taking her seat. He didn’t look convinced but relented for the time being.
For dessert they were all served their own savarină cake. It was small and golden colored, soaked in rum, filled with sweet cream and topped with blueberry jelly.
Juniper looked up to see Angie giving little grabby hands to her keeper. Donna cut her cake in half, offering one side to Angie. Juniper couldn’t help her lips twitch, as Angie squealed with glee.
Ever a fan of sweets, and seeing this as the most edible thing they were served other than the bread, Heisenberg ate his in a few swift bites.
He glanced over to find Juniper doing little more than pick at the cake.
“You sure you’re ok, Doll?” He pressed in a little more than a whisper.
“I…may have drank too much wine.”
“Would you like my dessert? I don’t think I can manage it.”
He perked up almost excitedly. They exchanged plates: Juniper taking his clean one and him her serving. The second cake didn’t fare much better, or longer for that matter.
Once dessert was finished and the maids cleared away the plates, Miranda stood.
“Thank you again, all my dear children.” She nodded to them each, “I trust everyone will play their part during the Hunt?”
The table murmured a yes, Heisenberg unable to meet her eyes.
“Good, then I will take my leave.” She spoke swiftly. Before she could make it to the door Lady Dimitrescu stood to follow, wanting to show Miranda a few last minute things.
“Well…not eat and run.” Heisenberg stretched before standing, “But I hate this fucking castle.”
He leaned against his hammer as Juniper said her goodbyes.
Donna gave her a sweet little wave, Angie practically screamed a heartfelt goodbye, and Moraue thanked her again for her kindness.
Finding their way back to the entryway, Juniper made a sound of realization.
“Oh! My coat!” She suddenly looked worried.
“Where’d you leave it, Buttercup?” Heisenberg sat his hammer down as he spoke.
Thinking for a moment she snapped her finger, “It’s in the changing room, with my old dress.”
“Let’s go get it.” Heisenberg started to stride away, picking his hammer up. Juniper rushed to keep up.
They retraced their steps, finding the changing room rather quickly. Juniper went in, relieved to find her clothing still folded just where she’d left it. Turning around, she almost jumped,e seeing Heisenberg standing behind her.
“You’re not supposed to be in here.” Juniper hissed.
“I don’t give a fuck.” He chuckled looking into a wardrobe, “You think the mega bitch keeps her fancy ass hats in here?”
Juniper pulled on his arm, “Lets go.”
“Ah!” Heisenberg straightened, holding a black lace veil, “Not a hat but one of the girls frilly shit.”
He draped the fabric over his hat, pulling it down around his head, like a babushka.
“Look good Doll?” His lips curled in a shit eating grin.
“Heis…” Juniper tried to stifle a giggle to not encourage him.
“What else do you think is in here?” He rummaged in the wardrobe again, “Think there's a sexy little dress for me?”
“Sexy?” Juniper smirked.
He looked back at her, “Hell yea. That dress makes me want to take you right here.”
Juniper flushed.
Seeing her reaction he pulled the veil away, tossing it to the floor and pulling Juniper to his chest. Looking down through her chest window he licked his dry lips.
“How about we go find an empty room and get you out of that little number for a while, hm?”
The thought of Heisenberg taking her within the home of his least favorite person made a small shiver of excitement run down her spine.
“Only if we’re careful…and fast.” She gulped.
Smiling roguishly, “Well be gone before anyone notices.”
After opening several doors and racing quietly down the halls, they finally discovered a free bedroom. It was opulent, as were most rooms in the castle, but had the stale air of dust. It felt safe and far enough away from the night's festivities to serve them well.
Heisenberg walked in whistling, “Damn, swanky!”
Juniper went in more timidly, closing and locking the door. Heisenberg turned and looked her over. “Aw, you look so shy, kitten.” He smirked.
She shot him a look.
“I’m just worried.”
“You worried about the bugs?” He smirked, looking towards the large windows. His eyes narrowed for a moment as the handle rattled open, the window burst open with an icy breeze.
“There,” he soothed, “No bugs will bother us now.”
He slipped his hand into the chest window of her  dress, fondling her breasts. Juniper mewled, feeling him lightly tug at her piercings.
“Careful” her words were a whisper.
Heisenberg kissed down her neck, finding her sweet spot and biting down. She gasped, feeling warmth bloom between her legs.
He lathed his tongue over the mark, groaning out slightly. She felt him take a fistful of the dress, pulling out of his grip. He gave her a warning look, pale eyes narrow.
“Don’t rip this dress!” She hissed. He had nearly closed the distance to do just that, but halted when he saw her gather up the material and pull it over her head.
Her skin prickled in the cold air, she tossed the clothing away, falling back against the fancy bed in only her boots.
“You didn’t wear any panties?” Heisenberg’s face split wolfishly, more blood rushing to his cock.
“I knew you couldn’t be a good boy all night.” She rubbed her thighs together, “Now get over here before we get caught.”
Ever wanting to please her, he instantly complied, unzipping his pants and letting his belt fall free as he closed the distance.
His skin was hot and welcoming as he pressed down onto her, crashing his lips into her own.
Juniper’s hand drifted to his chest. His piercing had long since fully healed, not needing as much time as normal humans.
She purred mischievously as she tugged on his nipple, rolling the metal between her fingers.
He hissed out, pulling away to darkly chuckle, “Oh honey, now is not the time.”
She gave it another tug, “What do you always say to me?” She tried to mimic his voice the best she could, it was a poor imitation still, “Sing for me!”
He pulled away with a huff. Before she could react he flipped her over, pushing her face into the bed. Juniper mewled, raising her hips.
Heisenberg loved to see her in just her work boots and nothing more.
He eagerly pushed into her, earning a moan to slip past her pretty lips. She was already wet and dripping around his cock. He bent over her, stomach pressed into her back, hot scar flush against his chest.
He felt her trapped legs tremble as he fucked her open on the expensive furniture. He reached a hand around her, rubbing circles into her clit as he kept a face pace. Seeing her in that revealing dress and dealing with his shitty ‘family’ had him on edge, and he was ready to blow off some steam.
It didn’t take her long to become a whimpering mess under him. He felt her cunt clench, liquid squirting out around his cock. Juniper cried out, clawing at the sheets.
Heisenberg pumped into her roughly, loving the mess they were making. He brought his hands to her hips, forcing her back into him.
He pulled out, pumping his fist down his sensitive cock, turning enough to splatter his load over the expensive bed sheets.
“Oops.” He smirked, a cocky look over his face.
“Karl?!” Juniper’s cheeks reddened, “We’ll get in trouble.”
“We better get going then.” Heisenberg chuckled, pulling his pants back on.
Juniper struggled to redress quickly, worry thick on her face. She felt like a guilty teenager.
After she had her coat back on and her hair smoothed down she looked up to Heisenberg.
He was sitting on the window sill, one leg already hiked over to the outside.
“What are you doing??” Juniper hissed.
“Uh…?” he looked down at himself showily, “I’m going out the window, Doll.”
“Yea, why?”
“I’m not going out the front fucking door.” He smiled toothily, “Gotta keep our little lay a secret right? Keep them guessing.”
“Heisenberg.” She folded her arms, fixing him with a hard gaze, “You and Moreau are the only two in this whole castle with a penis. I think they’ll know who came all over their guest room.”
“Aw, give the fish freak a break.” Heisenberg put his other leg out the window, “The maids are probably cock hungry enough to give him a ride.”
“Karl!” Juniper scolded, padding up to the window.
She looked down, realizing  they were on the second story. She gulped.
Seeing her fear Heisenberg soothed, “Don’t worry, buttercup.” He offered her his hammer, “Just hang on and I’ll set you down all nice and easy.”
She bit her lip, reaching out a trembling hand, fingers wrapping around the cold metal.
“Hold tight.” He warned. She complied, swinging her legs over to the outside. The wind bit her skin, the hammer in her hands floating before her. It felt unmoving in her grasp, steady and unwavering. She tried to brace herself.
She closed her eyes, nodding and pushing away from the sill.
“Good girl.” Heisenberg smiled, her trust in him making his heart swell.
He concentrated on lowering her as easily and carefully as he could. She kept her eyes shut tight, arms beginning to ache from supporting her weight.
Sooner than she expected her boots met the frozen earth, sending a surprising jolt though her.
Juniper let go, the hammer staying in place for a moment before snapping back into Heisenberg’s hand. He came down next, much quicker and without the caution he used for her.
As soon as his boots met the ground, he hooked his arm around Juniper’s.
His face was alight with glee as he started off into the night.
“Come on!” He laughed, “Let’s get out of here.”
She kept pace with him, the adrenaline and his mirth causing her to join in with the laughter.
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