#max x brooke
onefail-at-atime · 9 months
Larry was smitten with Marian from the very beginning. Bertha announced that she'd be holding a dinner and right away he asks if she'll be inviting Mrs. Van Rhijn (and therefore Marian).
He has heart eyes the entire episode.
Larry approaches her as soon as she arrives at the Russell dinner at the end of the episode.
I'm no social etiquette scholar, but I'm pretty sure Larry grabbing Marian's hand, just days after their first meeting, was a pretty forward move. Even at a dinner like that.
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As for George and Bertha, even though Bertha is upset that Marian has to leave so quickly, George recognizes that Marian surely came without her aunt's permission. He reminds Bertha that her quarrel is with Mrs. Van Rhijn, not Marian herself. I think it's that act that leads to Bertha and Marian getting along so well in the future.
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wwprice1 · 3 months
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Disney-fied Onslaught by Mark Brooks! I love this!
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purple-mushroom-cap · 6 months
take me back to the first time i watched greenhouse academy
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angelasscribbles · 9 months
Unexpected Chapter 12: The Beginning
Series: Unexpected
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Maxwell x Riley x Liam x Hana
Rating: MA
Warnings: None for this chapter
Word Count: 2,351
A/N: This is it, the final chapter. But there will likely be at least one follow-up because there's still so much to explore in this universe. I might even do a spin-off series at some point. We'll see. If anyone has requests/questions for this series, please send them.
My other stuff: Master List.
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“I choose….. Lady Hana Lee!”
Surprised murmurs broke out through the crowd, followed swiftly by applause.
Riley watched happily from the audience as her girlfriend climbed the stage to get engaged to the new king. She ignored the whispers and sidelong glances of the rest of the court.
Everyone had expected it to be her. In the last week, she and Liam had done very little to hide their relationship. They had been spotted coming out of the hedge maze hand in hand earlier that very night, leaves in their hair, faces flushed.
She smiled as she slid her arm through Max’s. Her gaze darted around the ballroom until she found Bertrand. He looked like he’d been slapped as he stood with his glass of champagne, mouth hanging open, eyes wide, and face pale. She felt a ping of sharp satisfaction as she watched his face slowly go from white to red with indignation.
“Come.” She tugged on Max’s arm. “Let’s go congratulate the happy couple.”
When it was their turn in the receiving line, Riley hugged the new king and queen tightly, happily, kissing each one quickly on the lips, and delighting in the shocked gasps from onlookers.
Liam entwined his hand with Hana’s as they watched her walk away and whispered to his new partner in crime, “What are we going to do with her, my queen?”
Hana shivered slightly. “Unspeakable things, I hope.”
Hana had been heartbroken when Riley first told her about her relationship with Liam and Max. But when the object of her affection had proposed a unique solution that positioned her as queen and gave her full access to exploring a relationship with both the woman she loved and the man at her side, a man she liked, respected, and was attracted to, she had for once in her life chosen the path of the unknown, of adventure, of jumping off the cliff with blind faith that things would work out. She had jumped, and it was exhilarating. The public assumed her flushed face and sparkling eyes were because of Liam. Let them. That was according to plan.
Riley’s appointment as Duchess of Valtoria would be announced within the week.
Liam had been clear with all involved that he would not hide his relationship with Riley. Royal marriages were political and there was no reason to pretend otherwise. He had promised Hana that he would treat her with dignity and respect. He would not publicize their agreement, but he also refused to treat Riley as a dirty secret. They would be reasonably discreet, but if they were photographed together, there would be no denials. A simple no comment would be the only response.
The engagement tour was scheduled, the wedding day was chosen, and the honeymoon would be at an undisclosed location due to security concerns.
The undisclosed location would be Valtoria. The press would be sent on a wild goose chase to Aruba.
A full investigation had been opened into the sabotage scheme and Bertrand’s name had been removed from consideration for the vacant council seat.
Riley and Max made their way through the crowd, only to be intercepted by Bertrand. He was livid. “What just happened?”
Riley tightened her grip on Max’s arms as she smiled serenely. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, two days ago your things were moved from Ramsford and your room at the palace into the suite next to Liam’s! What changed since then?”
“Nothing.” She grabbed a champagne flute from a passing server.
“Then why aren’t you engaged?”
“Oh, I am.” Her smile turned malicious as she held her left hand up for inspection. An enormous pear-cut diamond surrounded by a cluster of smaller diamonds sparkled on her ring finger. “I’m going to be your sister-in-law. You should congratulate us.”
Bertrand’s face darkened. “I warned you what would happen if your little dalliance with my brother ruined our chances at the crown. I will disinherit him, and I will personally ensure that your visitor’s visa is revoked!”
“You’ll do no such thing.”
Bertrand spun toward the voice. “Your Majesty! I was just—”
“I know what you were doing.” Liam’s face betrayed no hint of emotion as he reached his hand out toward Riley. She took it and stepped up to his side. “And while I can’t stop you from disinheriting your brother, I can promise you that Duchess Riley’s citizenship has been fast-tracked and cannot be revoked by anyone other than myself.”
Bertrand blanched. “Duchess Riley?”
“Oh, I meant to tell you!” Riley said with exaggerated sweetness. “Liam gave me Valtoria. So once Max and I are married, he’ll be a duke like you! He doesn’t need your money anymore and neither do I. Hm. Maybe I’ll talk to Liam about giving him that council seat you wanted.”
Bertrand paled even more as he tracked Liam’s face for some sign she was lying and found none.
Without removing his eyes from Bertrand, Liam handed the woman at his side back to Max. “Why don’t you take your fiancée to dance? I’ll be there shortly to cut in.”
Riley blew a kiss to Bertrand as she followed Max to the dance floor. “Ta!”
Liam fixed Bertrand with a steely glare. “I understand you’re disappointed that House Beaumont’s sponsee wasn’t chosen as queen, but the same can be said of every other noble house here tonight. Regardless of official titles, the duchess remains very dear to me. Slights to her will not be tolerated. Any offense against her is an offense against the crown as far as I am concerned. I hope that clarifies things for you.”
“I understand Your Majesty. I apologize. I mean no offense.”
Liam gave him a curt nod before striding out onto the dance floor.
“Are you okay?” Riley asked Max as she watched Liam approach.
“I will be. I just…need a word with my brother.”
“Good luck.”
Riley went from her fiancée’s arms to her lover. She grinned up at him. “Aren’t you worried that dancing with another woman thirty minutes after getting engaged will cause a scandal?”
He returned her grin. “Let it.”
“Oh, reckless! Are you a bad boy now?”
“Hardly!” He laughed. “You know there’s no way in hell I can give Max a council seat with his very questionable background, right?”
“Good Lord, no!” She tilted her head back and joined his laughter. “He would be terrible at it! I was just fucking with Bert.”
Liam pulled her closer to him with a chuckle. “I’ll bet he loves it when you call him that.”
“Why do you think I do it?”
While Liam twirled Riley around the dance floor, Max approached his brother with a storm raging in his eyes. “I can’t believe you want to disinherit me.”
“Oh, what difference does it make?” Bertrand scowled at him. “Valtoria is one of the wealthiest duchies in the country. You’ll be fine.”
“It’s not about the money!” Max cried in distress. “Don’t you want to be my brother anymore? Don’t you love me?”
“You think I don’t love you?” Bertrand spluttered. “Why else do you think I’ve bailed you out of your messes time after time?”
“I don’t know. To protect the family name, I assume.”
“That’s what you think of me?”
Max gave him a baleful look. “You knew Riley liked me and you didn’t tell me. You yell at me all the time. You care more about your reputation than my happiness.”
Bertrand straightened his suit jacket with a sharp tug. “One of us has to consider our reputation. Heaven knows it’s not you.”
Max scuffed the toe of his shoe on the ballroom floor as he considered that. “You know what? You’re right. I’ve done a lot of stupid shit in the past, and you’ve always come along and cleaned up behind me.”
“What are you getting at?” Bertrand sneered.
Max’s trademark devil-may-care smile replaced the gloomy expression he’d started with. He clapped his brother on the back. “You’ve always been there for me before. I forgive you for trying to keep me and Riley apart.”
Bertrand gaped at him. “You forgive me?!”
“Yeah. I forgive you. All’s well that ends well, right?”
After all, he had ended up with the girl. He, Maxwell Beaumont, had gotten the girl. And not just any girl. The girl. The most perfect woman he’d ever met.
His competition had been a literal prince and somehow, inexplicably, that was his ring on her finger. He didn’t pretend to understand how it had all happened. He had just paid for the ring like she told him to.
Bertrand shook his head as his eyes tracked from Riley and Liam canoodling on the dance floor, back to the sappy grin on Maxwell’s face. “Are you stupid? You’re really going to marry her and just look the other way while she continues to fuck the king?”
Much to Bertrand’s astonishment, Max’s smile got even bigger. “Oh, I’m hoping to watch. Maybe even join.”
He’d do whatever, and whoever, she instructed him to. Her, Hana, Liam. He just wanted to be included.
“I…. that…. You know what? The two of you degenerates deserve each other!”
Max, who was also watching Liam and Riley on the dance floor, heaved a dreamy sigh. “I know. Thank you.”
Bertrand went to find his driver. Max was Riley’s problem now.
Riley stayed occupied most of the night between Liam, Max, and Hana, but the moment she was alone at the refreshment table, Madeleine swooped in on her. “How does it feel to be tossed over for your little bestie?”
Riley turned slowly to take in the other woman’s haughty expression. She repaid the jab with a shrug. “No one was tossed over, Mads. And if you’re asking how I feel about Hana being queen, the answer is great! She’ll be good at it. She’s smart, charming, and diplomatic.”
The blonde’s brows drew together in confusion. “It doesn’t bother you that he’s marrying someone else?”
Riley shook her head emphatically. “I never cared about being queen, Madeleine. Unlike you, my interest in Liam is personal, not political.”
“Yes. But he just got engaged to another woman!” Madeleine was becoming increasingly annoyed at her failure to get a rise out of the strumpet who had been the bane of her existence for the last three months.
Riley followed Madeleine’s eyes to where Liam was chatting with his parents, his arm wrapped around Hana. Her face brightened as she stepped closer to Madeleine and lowered her voice. “And what a woman she is, right?”
Madeleine blinked. “What?”
“Come on,” Riley smirked. “I’ve seen how you look at her.”
Madeleine’s face mottled as red blotches marred the milky whiteness of her complexion. “I have no idea what you’re babbling about.”
“Sure you don’t.” Riley stepped away with a smile. Turning her back, she plucked a strawberry from a serving platter. “You know, you sycophants all treat the crown like some sort of prize.”
“What else would it be?”
Riley lifted the fruit to her lips as she turned back to face the countess. “The crown, and all its obligations, have been nothing but an anchor around Liam’s neck. He’d be happier without it.”
“You’re so naïve.”
Riley slowly finished chewing as she eyed Madeleine up and down with a smirk. “Right. I’m the naïve one.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
With a sparkle in her eye, Riley leaned in close and purred, “It means that I got every damn thing that I wanted and none of the crap that I didn’t. I started the summer as a waitress. I finished it with a duchy, my own money, Liam, Hana, and Max. What did you get, again?”
“Exactly.” Riley turned and walked away while Madeleine was still trying to form a coherent response.
She made it four steps before Max was next to her. Together, they found Liam and Hana as the festivities wound down and the guests began to trail out of the ballroom.
Liam turned to the other three. “Shall we retire to the royal wing?”
“And do what?” Hana felt both apprehension and excitement punch her in the stomach.
“Not that,” Liam assured her. Then, with a wicked grin, “Unless you want to.”
Hana’s eyes widened and her breath hitched a little. “I…”
Liam grasped her hand and gave it a little squeeze. “We have our entire lives to get comfortable with each other. We can go at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.”
“Just for the record,” Max interrupted, “I am comfortable with whatever pace you like, Your Majesty.”
Liam gave him a questioning look.
Max flushed. “I know about you and Carson. I’m not wrong that you like boys too, am I?”
Curiosity and interest flickered through Liam’s eyes at the offer. With a quick glance at Riley, he told Max, “We’ll take that slow as well.”
If he had to marry someone other than Riley, he couldn’t have done better than Hana. The burgeoning relationship between the two women circumvented all the awkwardness and anxiety Riley had understandably had about his marriage to another woman. And Hana would make a good queen. He was confident of that.
Max’s offer was intriguing, and the idea of sex with Hana wasn’t exactly off-putting. But Riley was the one who had his heart. With four people in the mix, there were a lot of moving parts and he wanted to proceed at a pace that would ensure plenty of time for everyone to process things as they went and minimize fallout from any potential landmines they hadn’t foreseen.
With a lot of intentional relationship-building and a little luck, they could make this unconventional arrangement work. Not just work but thrive. He was sure of it.
As the four of them made their way toward the royal wing, Max grasped Riley’s hand. Riley placed her other hand in Liam’s, and he, in turn, took Hana’s. He gave his new queen a reassuring smile then turned his gaze to Riley and Max as he told them all, “This is only the beginning, loves.”
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shujubeelamoglia · 2 years
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Zoë Kravitz
Photography by Sharif Hamza
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userlaylivia · 7 hours
I started these pretty much around the same time which is why there's 6 ships lol honorary mentions to literati (rory/jess), zenmasters (jackie/hyde), piper/leo, phoebe/cole and ryissa (ryan /marissa) because they were as well!!! ps I started all these in like 2004-2005 like roswell in 2005 I saw on sci fi and I needed to watch it so I made my dad buy me all three seasons for my birthday in 2007 and I still have them lol and DC I saw some episodes on tv so I started watching it lol I think VM I started in 2004 when it started and oth I started with s2 then went back and watched lol friends and btvs I started in 2005 with er!!
@nikkiruncks, @makeyouminemp3, @maya-matlin, @thomwelling
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dalekofchaos · 7 months
Had a thought. Lets say we get a LIS slice of life game where no one dies or a dating sim and we can do Amberpricefield, but also play matchmaker. These are the pairings I came up with
Dana and Juliet
Victoria and Kate
Warren and Brooke
Nathan and Samantha
Stella and Daniel
Taylor and Courtney
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The comic does have some slight NSFW parts but ignoring those, a pinkberry Pinky and Pepper Forever AU would be so radical
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Art Credit to Mark Brooks
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blacksapphicguide · 1 year
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2020s TV series | 1 season (Ongoing). Superhero show (DC based), comedy, drama.
Plot points:
Superhero universe
Familial relationships
Self identity
Tackling white supremacist ideals
Black sapphic characters:
Leota [lesbian] Danielle Brooks Keeya [lesbian] Elizabeth Faith Ludlow
Leota x Keeya [leoya] (black sapphics)
Sex & Nudity - Severe
Crude sexual references (split second view of a vagina on a phone screen).
Sex scenes.
Full view of nude bodies.
Violence & Gore - Severe
Violence based show (gore, stabbings, gunfights, and superpower based violence).
Bodily dismembering.
Close range gun shot to the face.
Chainsaw death.
Profanity - Severe
Constant use of the f-word, s-word and frequently used, milder profanities.
Numbered presence of queer slurs.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking - Moderate
Consumption of alcohol.
Use of weed.
Frightening & Intense Scenes - Severe
Graphic fight scenes.
Revealing of traumatic past.
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onefail-at-atime · 9 months
Mrs. Blane absolutely knew there was something between Larry and Marian when she first saw them together in Newport. It's why she was so possessive of Larry and drew him away from Marian to talk to her friends instead of his own.
I think the timing of Larry's relationship with Mrs. Blane is interesting because even if he showed interest in Marian in Season 1, he knew that she had her heart broken and wanted to give her that space.
Space that ultimately pushed him to Mrs. Blane.
I think Season 3 will be a time for young Larry to learn the true difference between infatuation, lust, and what a true love should be.
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soamericn · 5 months
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🐰ྀི₊˚⊹ ‘ truth, dare, spin bottles you know how to ball, i know aristotle. ‘
𝜗𝜚… next chapter
𝜗𝜚… summary , ( f!verstappen!y/n x lando norris ) y/n is the younger sister of world champion max verstappen and an author known for her young adult romance novels despite never being in a relationship herself. lando norris is a formula one driver and is secretly an old friend and a fan of her books since 2020.
𝜗𝜚… faceclaim , brooke flecca
𝜗𝜚… triggers , none I don't think
𝜗𝜚… authors note , listened to so highschool this is the product of that
🐰ྀི₊˚⊹ masterlist
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𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ yourusername posted
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liked by thebookleo, landonorris, lynnpainter and 634,450 others
yourusername ‘ the one ‘ is officially going on sale tomorrow! thank you so much for the support and all the pre orders hope you love it!
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↪️ user92 the blurb has me so worried im gonna cry I know it 🫣
user91 i just know you’re gonna capture our hearts again
user86 i’m still not over waiting room 😭
user85 she’s beautiful and she can write!!!?? 🤭🤭
↪️ user70 what can she not do tbf
maxverstappen proud of you! 👏
↪️ yourusername prouder of you 🫶
↪️ user71 how did i forget she had a brother
landonorris already preordered 😁
↪️ user73 LANDO?? 😭😭
user74 my gf is a best selling author everyone! 🏃‍♀️
↪️ user75 think she’s my gf actually 🤓☝️
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𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ yourusername posted a story
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seen by charlesleclerc, aymansbooks, landonorris and 645,765 others
landonorris replied to your story
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𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ yourusername posted
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liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen, carmenmundt and 875,438 others
yourusername australia you are good to me! 🤭🇦🇺
view comments
user81 in her active era I see 🫣
↪️ user80 never cheered more 🎉
redbullracing we’re happy to have you 🫶
user79 y/n finally going to gps again has cured my depression
carmenmundt you need to come to races more often 😊💕💕
↪️ yourusername i will just for you 😘
user78 new book and she went to a race?! we’re being fed this week
↪️ user77 mother is taking care of us
user76 her and lando was something i didn’t know i needed
landonorris i know a mclaren fan when i see one
↪️ yourusername we can’t tell max 🤫
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lando 🫶 sent you a text!
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𝜗𝜚… tags , @whitcferrari @cedarbcws @c-losur3 @lclitaa @forurforeverwinter
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vertigoartgore · 3 months
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Disneyfied Mad Max characters by comic book artist Mark Brooks (when he briefly took a break from his many Disneyfied X-Men days).
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angelasscribbles · 11 months
Unexpected Chapter 7: Red Flags
Series: Unexpected
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Maxwell, Riley x Liam
Rating: MA
Warnings: None for this chapter
Word Count: 2,221
My other stuff: Master List.
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Liam lay on his back staring up at the ceiling, turmoil swirling through him.
He had finally bedded the American suitor. She was still naked, sleeping innocently beside him as he struggled to reconcile the conflicting emotions she inspired in him.
His moment of vulnerability had been real. His developing feelings for her were also real, but he was leading her on with even the implication that he was going to choose her to marry.
He couldn’t. The council would never approve it, his father would never allow it, and the rest of the nobility would never accept it.
The common people and the press might love her, but she was ill-suited to be queen.
None of the other suitors interested him, it was true, but his interests were never the point. He had tried to be fair, tried to give each woman an equal chance but that ended today. There was no point. She was the one that he wanted, but he would never be allowed to make that choice. Last night everything had seemed so simple, but in the cold, harsh light of day, he knew better.
So, while he was done pretending that any other woman had a chance of taking his heart, his impassioned resolve to choose her for marriage crumbled in the face of reality.
He had to tell her, had to be honest with her. He determined to explain the situation to her immediately but as he glanced down at her sleeping form, refusal to accept his fate surged through him. There had to be a loophole. His mind spun with possibilities, solutions, and avenues that would give him what he wanted. There had to be a way. There was always a way.
He picked up his phone and typed a quick message. She stirred in the bed beside him. Tossing the phone aside, he rolled back toward her just as her eyes fluttered open. He smiled at her with genuine warmth. There was no reason to spoil the night they had just shared, especially when there might be a way around all of it.
He ran a hand down the side of her cheek, “Good morning, my love.”
“Mm,” she stretched her entire body before responding, “Good morning.”
God in heaven, why did she have to look so damn good lying in his bed? Like she belonged there. He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek before telling her, “As much as I’d love to stay here with you, I have a meeting to get to. But please, stay as long as you like. I’ll let the guards know to bring you whatever you require. Breakfast, a change of clothes, whatever you need.”
He would give her the world if he could.
“Are you sure you can’t spare a few minutes?” She purred as her arms wrapped around his neck and her body arched into his.
His entire body exploded with heat in response, “I can be late….”
Forty minutes later he was out the door of his suite, humming happily as he made his way to the monthly budget meeting.
He hurried through his morning engagements distractedly, impatient for the only meeting that mattered. The most important one of the day, perhaps of his life.
Just after his luncheon with the Prime Minister of Italy, the answers he’d been waiting for all day arrived.
They were not the answers he had hoped for.
“You can’t marry her,” Drake slapped a manilla folder down on the desk in front of him, “You asked me to look into her background, I looked. She has a criminal record! Even if the council could overlook her commoner status, they won’t, and shouldn’t overlook her history of scamming and fleecing romantic partners.”
“No,” Liam shook his head in denial as he pulled the folder closer, “The initial background check would have found that!”
“Well, technically she’s never been convicted of anything. But I went beyond the initial check. You said to do a deep dive, so I did a deep dive. She’s had more than one complaint lodged against her by people she scammed out of their money.”
“She’s a con artist?” Liam flipped through the file quickly.
“Specifically, she targets men and women with a little bit of wealth. Takes them for what she can get financially, wipes out their bank accounts then disappears. I’m sorry, Li. I know you really liked her. But I doubt her being our waitress that night was an accident.”
“No,” he shook his head again as he closed the file and pushed it back across the desk, “No one knew we were there; she had no way of knowing who I was-“
“Come on, man,” Drake scoffed, “She didn’t have to know you were a prince to know you were loaded. Your high-end clothing, that Rolex on your wrist, Tariq whining for filet mignon…”
“Perhaps. But it couldn’t have been pre-planned. You chose that restaurant at the last second.”
Drake held his hands up in front of him, “All right. I’ll concede that it wasn’t premeditated. But when she realized you had money….”
“But she knew that it was only for one night. She could not have predicted Max asking her to come back with us.”
“No. But when he asked, she sure jumped at the chance, didn’t she?”
“But she couldn’t have known ahead of time that was going to happen. So, what happened between us in New York was real, Drake, I know it was!”
“Even if it was, there’s no way you can marry her. The optics-“
“The press loves her. We can bury this.”
“Look, I get it,” Drake softened at the desperation in Liam’s voice, “Leo had to abdicate the damn throne so we could be together. But-“
“Can it be suppressed?”
“Maybe. But if it ever comes to light, it will do irreparable damage to your reputation. I don’t think it’s a risk worth taking. Especially since she’s probably only playing you for your money. What happens if she marries you then absconds with millions from Cordonia’s coffers?”
Liam’s body sagged heavily into the leather upholstery of his chair as he considered the repercussions. He had to put Cordonia first no matter his own feelings.
Was she really faking everything?
He could handle the nobility; council members could be bribed. His father would be the biggest obstacle to a union with the American.
But he couldn’t marry her if she was only after his money. He couldn’t risk Cordonia, or his heart, like that.
Drake’s voice drew him out of his musings, “Besides that, I’m pretty sure there’s something going on between her and Beaumont.”
Liam’s head snapped up, his brows furrowing, “Bertrand?”
“No,” Drake snorted, “Maxwell.”
Liam sat up straight in his chair, steepling his fingers and bringing them to his lips, “Why do you think that?”
“They’re always together. He acts weird around her-“
“You always think he’s weird.”
“Weirder than usual. And he’s at her door at all hours of the day and night.”
“His house is sponsoring her.”
“It is,” Drake rubbed his eyes with a sigh, “I have no proof. Just my gut instinct.”
Liam tapped his lips as he thought, “He does have a history of being….inappropriate with women at times.”
“At times?” Drake snorted, “Okay.”
“Do you think he’s been harassing her?”
Drake’s mouth fell open, “That’s what you got out of this conversation?”
“No one deserves to be harassed, Drake.”
“No, of course not! I just meant….” He looked up at the ceiling as if beseeching the almighty for intervention, “Fine. I’ll look into it.”
“Thank you. You’re a good friend.”
“Yep,” he muttered under his breath as he rose, “I’ll make sure the scammer isn’t being harassed by the pervert that brought her here.”
“What was that?”
Liam checked his watch. He had ten minutes before his next appointment. Pulling his phone from his jacket pocket, he sent a text to Riley asking her to meet him after the official Suitors Dinner Regina had scheduled for the evening.
He got an immediate response. He always did. Was that because she was falling for him or because she was playing him? He needed answers, and he intended to get them.
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Riley breezed down the hallway in the suitor's wing of the palace, still on a high from her time with Liam. After a little earth-shattering morning sex, she had ordered a  decadent breakfast of raspberry crêpes, rashers, and a ham and cheese soufflé and then taken her time eating it, savoring every bite.
She had taken Liam up on his offer and sent the guards for her favorite bath products and a change of clothes from the palace boutique. After a long leisurely bath in the impossibly huge soaking tub in the royal suite, she had booked an appointment at the palace spa. Her nails had needed a touch-up. She had gotten in immediately.
Yes, she thought as she made her way back to her room, a girl could get used to this life. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t see him until he spoke, “Where were you last night?”
She slid her eyes sidewise at him, “None of your business.”
Max matched her pace, keeping his body as close behind hers as he could without actually touching her, his hands shoved into his pockets to keep himself from touching her, “But you never came back after your meeting with Bert.”
“I came back.”
“To the palace maybe, but not to your own room.”
She stopped outside her door, and he stumbled into her. Turning to face him, she pinched his cheeks between her fingers and leaned close, “We need to have a talk about boundaries, Max.”
She turned back to open her door then pulled him through and closed it.
At the end of the hall and around the corner, a figure watched them from the shadows.
Drake’s brows were drawn together in a frown. Maybe Liam was right. Maybe Max was being creepy with her. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time he’d been inappropriate with a woman. If he were a commoner instead of a son of the nobility, his ass would have been in a jail cell long ago. But his brother always managed to dig him out of trouble somehow. Bribery most likely.
Surely Bertrand would want to know if his brother was harassing their sponsee. He turned on his heel and headed toward the duke’s room.
Bertrand’s head lifted from the copy of Civility: Manners, Morals and the Etiquette of Democracy that had him thoroughly engrossed as an incessant pounding noise issued from the door of his room. With a sigh, he placed a bookmark between the pages, carefully closed the tome, and sat it on the end table with meticulous precision, ensuring it could not be knocked off by a careless passerby.   
He rose from his seated position and took a moment to smooth his clothing out. One never wanted to look rumpled or unkempt, after all. He crossed the room unhurriedly and pulled the door open slowly. His eyes widened as he took in his visitor. “Sir Drake! What are you-“
“Can I come in? It’s kinda important,” Drake shoved past him without waiting for an answer.
“By all means,” Bertrand grumbled as he moved aside, “Why wait for an invitation?”
“Don’t need one.”
“It is my room-“
“In Liam’s palace,” Drake reminded him drily, “Do you want to know what your brother’s up to or do you want me to just report him to-“
“No, no, no!” Bertrand closed the door quickly before anyone happening by could overhear, “Please…” he gestured toward the scattered seating before squeezing his eyes shut as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “What has he done now?”
Drake didn’t bother to sit as he dove in without preamble, “He’s been harassing Riley.”
Bertrand froze as his eyes popped open. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I overheard him questioning her about her whereabouts last night and when she told him it was none of his business, he pressed the issue, and she told him they needed to have a discussion about boundaries.”
“Where was she last night?”
“That doesn’t matter. The point is-“
“Was she with Liam?” Bertrand tried to suppress the glee in his tone.
“I’m not here to divulge Liam’s business. Are you going to put a leash on your brother or do I need to do it?”
“No need for that. I’ll handle it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”
“Yeah…sure,” Drake started for the door, pausing with his hand on the knob, he turned back to Bertrand, “By the way…how much do you know about her past?”
“Lady Riley?”
“No, Queen Regina. Yes, Lady Riley!”
“Just that she was your waitress in New York and shared some kind of adventure with the prince. Why do you ask?”
Drake regarded him critically for several long seconds as Bertrand’s body twitched and his eyes darted around the room, landing everywhere but his face.
He was lying.
“No reason.” Drake exited the room and then stood in the hallway outside Bertrand’s door contemplating the duke’s deception. What was he hiding?
He didn’t know, but he was damn sure going to find out.
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fictionalmenxyn · 28 days
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—𖥞𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞𖥞—
Pairing: frat!rafe x sorority!reader
Warnings: language and nudity (no deep description, just showering together, nothing more)
Summary: after a long day at college, all you wanna do is sleep.
(Rafe is so sweet in this 🤭)
Your bedside alarm clock beamed 3:26pm, with its bright white light. You currently lay on your bed, stomach to the mattress. Your AirPod maxs played music as you slept. Wearing your comfy baggy football jersey and sweatpants.
You had been asleep for almost two hours.
Meanwhile Rafe had just finished his football practice. He and his team had worked on game plays and drill for almost four hours. They were versing their rival team in a few days; so their coach wanted them focused and ready.
Rafe was sweaty and in need of some attention from his favourite girl. So he drove over to your sorority house. Parking his black pick up truck out front. He walked over to the front door and knocked. Your friend also roommate, Harley, answered the door “oh hey Rafe, what’s up?” He gave her a small polite smile “hey, is uh, Y/n in??” She smirked and nodded. Stepping aside to let him in, she spoke “she’s up in her room, go ahead.”
Rafe jogged up the stairs and walked down the hall. He was used to them both coming to each others rooms unannounced and never knocking. So he just let himself in, putting his gym bag next to the door. He kicked off his air forces, looking over to you.
Your arms tucked under your pillow, fast asleep. Not a care in the world. He smiled softly at the sight. He walked over and leaned down slightly. He placed a hand on your shoulder and softly shook you a little. You stir awake. Your eyes still shut and you’re still half asleep as you mumble “Brooke…I hmmfucking told you… my notes are on the desk… take ‘em” Rafe chuckled softly. “I’m not Brooke… but I may take those notes, when I need them..”
You turn your head, squinting as your eyes adjust to the light “Rafey??” He nodded “that’s me, princess.” You see he’s in his gym clothes “you done with practice??” He nodded and answered “yeah, gonna use your shower…” you nodded.
He pulled the grey nike gym shirt over his head. Tossing it into your laundry basket. Revealing his tan and toned chest and back. He soon discarded his shorts, leaving him in his black Calvin Kline boxers.
He walked over to the en-suite door, looking over his shoulder, at you. He spoke “you gonna join me, princess??”
You shook your head “hmm don’t wanna get up…” he smirked “oh come on, doll, don’t you wanna spent some time with Rafey?” He knew he’d get you to, especially by the way he phrased it.
You sluggishly get out of your comfy bed. Walking into the en-suite. Taking your clothes off and putting them in the counter for later. You open the glass door, turning on the shower. You step inside after you get Rafe in first, so he can test the water.
As Rafe washes his body, you just stood there. You already had a shower when you got in after your classes; so you didn’t really bother washing all over again. You were there mainly for his company. You gently press your hands on your face, sighing to yourself.
Rafe looked down at you, “what’s wrong, princess?” “‘m so fuckin’ tired.” He opened his arms, bringing you into a hug. He softly rubbed up and down your bare spine. “Aww is my baby tried? Had a long day, baby?” You nodded against his chest. He smiled softly, resting his chin on your head. He noticed your tired and almost exhausted appearance. He knew you had a long day. He kisses your forehead a few times, every so often. “M’sorry, sweet girl, you must be exhausted huh??”
He spoke “aw, baby… once we’re out, how about we have a nap? That sound good??” You nodded and mumbled “thank you, Rafey..” he smiled and kisses the top of your head. He mumbled against your hair “anythin’ for you, my girl..”
Soon after your shower, you were in your clothes from earlier. As Rafe changed into clean boxers that he would keep over at the sorority house. For back up and also a subtly warning for any guy. You didn’t brother asking him way that was a reason. He just did it.
Rafe flopped onto your bed, lying on his stomach. He tucks his arms on top of the pillow. He turned his head and watched you move around your bedroom for a moment. “What’re you looking for, princess?” “My blanket…”
He smiled to himself, one thing he always always found cute about you. Was your blanket. It was a comfort blanket. Red, blue and white checkered blanket. You’ve had it since a child. And although you were a popular, mature and responsible nineteen year old. All of that goes out the window when it comes to that blanket.
You wrapped it around your back. Climbing onto the bed. You lay on Rafe’s back. Your head between his shoulder blades, your legs either side of him.
You feel him turn you both over after some time. You laid on his chest. His arms wrap around you, knowing that comforted you.
He gently rubs your back with one hand as the other rubs circles into your hip. He kissed the top of your head, whispering in your hair “go to sleep, baby… I’ve got you… I’ll be here when you wake…”
You close your eyes, in minutes you were out like a light. He smiled, feeling himself get sleepy, just watching you. He too fell asleep.
Some time later…
Rafe stirred awake. Opening his eyes, he looked down at your nightstand. Seeing your alarm clock read ‘6:37pm’. He looked down at you. Rubbing you back again, just a little firmer, to gently wake you.
You lift your head up a little, rubbing your one eye. He smiles, running his fingers through your hair. “How you feeling, baby? You look better.” You give a tired smile and nod.
“‘m so much better…” he smiled “good to hear…”
“Hey Rafey?”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Can we get chick-fil-a?”
He chuckled softly, still playing with your hair “of course, sweet girl, I’ll order you some food. We can eat it while you watch Chicago fire? How does that sound?”
“Sounds like I’m in love…”
He grinned, god… the softie you made him… he honestly loves it… only for you though… his favourite girl.
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userlaylivia · 1 year
just so there's no confusion because it's happened before lol this is to choose the ship you believe was my first otp not which one was your first otp I just want to be clear because sometimes people do misread these polls lol
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