Fucked up that the world is still flat and we just stopped talking about it.
Hey guys, it's scarce here
- mod scarce
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horny af ❤️
boys hmu 😉
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I hate how people think the earth is round. Honestly why would shoes be flat if the earth was round. 🙄smh. Thoughts?
every single day i yearn for death, anon
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youre a fucking whore
i hatw you i hate you
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i want to fucking die. i dont know how much more i can take
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“wahh idk if I can run this blog anymore” that’s what you get for turning on your friends.
they werent my friends to begin with. they can all go fuck themselves
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i had a miscarriage.
im pregnant
- mod leafy :(
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im pregnant
- mod leafy :(
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Tumblr media
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im really fucking horny
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I can’t believe u made Onision leave
this blog is dying anyways who cares about the most annoying mod leaving
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I must say To be flat earthers it takes immense ignorance and extreme dedication to ignore a fact that has been scientifically accepted as truth for years. * Sarcastic clasps * Get a life and real education.
you sure try to sound intelligent for someone who doesnt know how to spell ‘claps’
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i don’t know if i can do this anymore
hey guys. its me. mod leafy. i dont know if i can run this blog anymore.
from the start i was the one putting more effort in this blog than the others. instead of throwing around insults every time ive actually tried getting people educated as well by explaining things unlike some other people here... ive worked most on this blog and 99% of the posts that arent signed are written by me. ive even deleted some other mods’ posts bc unlike them i actually didnt want to get too offensive (and i apologize for using the r slur in the past)
ever since 2017 pretty much everyone became completely or mostly inactive and i tried really hard to keep the blog alive but got discouraged by all the hate and mocking asks we got
in the meantime i got into fights with the mods too. im on bad terms with some of them and have stopped talking to all of them minus mod pyro and matpat
i just dont know if keeping this blog alive is worth it. i dont think its even actually helping people. i dont know if anyone even takes us seriously at all. do people even enjoy our presence anymore? or were we only relevant during that time sl*mytony reblogged us?
i dont know what to do anymore
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Is mars round?
mars is a star so yeah
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Let me just entertain you and say for a second that the earth is flat, why would the government try to hide this, and, what government is supposedly in charge of this
this is something ive been trying to figure out too. im guessing theyre trying to hide something bigger, but im not entirely sure what that ‘bigger’ could possibly be. all governments are connected and part of the illuminati, but id say the US government has most control over what is and isnt gonna be told to the masses.
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Sex slave mod onion
im pretty sure mod onision quit but ill forward this message to him.. IF i can still contact him
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