#mawwiage is what bwings us together today
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 10 months ago
mawwiage. (madney) mawwiage is what bwings us together today.
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elizmanderson · 1 year ago
First movie quote that pops into your head: go
MAWWIAGE. Mawwiage is what bwings us together today...
(I'm sure this absolutely shocks anyone who has read Remarkable Retirement lmao, even though this particular quote is not in the book)
thank you, that was fun and it made me laugh to see what quote popped into my head first 😂
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piedoesnotequalpi · 1 year ago
Can you tell me something about "Mawwiage is what bwings us togethah today...or something"?
I sure can!
I had this idea today, and that's definitely not going to be the final title (I'd probably use lyrics from a song on the playlist I made for these characters for the title), but I wanted to write it down so I didn't forget.
This one is within the Bachelorette AU, and takes place a couple years after the events of How It Will Be. If you have not read the Bachelorette AU, some required background is that one of the main relationships in it is Crutchie/Albert.
Crutchie and Albert have moved somewhat slowly in their relationship, mostly because Albert is terrified of moving too fast/feeling like he's moving on a Mormon timeline (since in this AU he's an ex-Mormon)
They've been living together for about a year, so they've been together for around two and a half years (and are ~31 and ~34), and they're realizing that it would be nice to maybe get married at some point
They talk about it and realize that they'd each say yes if they were asked, so of course that means they both immediately go off and agonize over what ring to buy, how/when to propose, etc.
They both get rings, but they're each so worried the other person has also gotten a ring and will ask first (and they won't get to do their proposal plan). And because they share so much of the housework, they've taken to carrying the ring boxes around in order to keep them hidden.
Eventually one of them asks while they're out on a hike, and of course it's the one time the other person has left their ring at home because it's a really intense hike and they didn't want to lose the ring
I haven't decided who proposes, but I think that will depend on how I write the rest of How It Will Be (I have it planned, but there's obviously some room for changes/details to be filled in)
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keldae · 7 years ago
"marry me" for you favs :D
So I had this one half-written for months, and then this prompt came about so I had to finish it! This one kinda ran away on me for a bit, but FLUFF.
One would think that with the war being over, Valkorion being destroyed (for real this time!), and the Eternal Throne finally under control, the most stress that Xaja Taerich had to endure was morning sickness and constantly telling Indo that no, she was not going to be crowned as Empress because that would defeat the entire purpose of introducing democracy to Zakuul.
To be entirely fair, both of those were plenty stressful enough. But with the threat of other groups in the splintered and weakened galaxy threatening revolt against the Alliance and resumed tensions between the Republic and Empire, Xaja more frequently found herself in long diplomatic talks or giving military commands over the holo to her ground forces, usually being lead by Jorgan or Torian (considering she’d been expressedly forbidden from even thinking about going into a battle zone herself with a baby in her womb). But even without being on the front lines herself, the pretty former Jedi still sported grey in her hair and bags under her eyes from sleepless nights spent poring over reports, no matter how much Theron and Lana tried to do everything without disturbing her.
Theron leaned against a pillar as he watched Xaja on the other side of what had been unofficially designated as ‘command staff’s lounge’ in the Odessen cantina. The petite redhead was flipping through another datapad’s contents, although judging by how slowly her hand was moving, Theron suspected she was only a little bit away from falling asleep on the couch she’d claimed as hers. The spy frowned in concern and silently shook his head, then turned when he heard a footstep behind him. Reanden Taerich appeared at his side, darker eyes scanning the lounge and resting on the head of bright red hair. “Has she done anything else but stare at reports all day?” the older spy whispered.
Theron shook his head. “At least she’s here and not standing in the command centre all day again,” he murmured. “It’s got to be more comfortable for her.”
“Mmm.” Reanden’s brow furrowed to match Theron’s. “That stress isn’t good for her or the baby though. Poor thing’s barely caught a break since…”
“… Since she was thawed,” Theron finished with a heavy sigh. “You’re right, she’s been running or fighting or planning ops constantly ever since.”
“And there’s only room for one workaholic in your relationship, which you’ve got covered,” Reanden added, ignoring the look Theron shot him. “Maybe if we clone her…”
“Alliance and Zakuulan budget combined don’t have any allowances for fast-growing a clone. I looked.” Theron sighed as Reanden softly chuckled. “If we can stabilize the galaxy enough to give her a vacation, maybe…”
“Even two weeks would be better than nothing,” Reanden agreed. “But she won’t go on one willingly when she knows there’s work to do.”
“Maybe if we come up with a convincing ruse…” Theron mused, an idea beginning to percolate in his mind.
Reanden glanced over and raised an eyebrow. “Got something in mind?”
“Something I’d been thinking about for a while, just have to find a way to make it happen.” Theron reached into his pocket and pulled out the tiny box he’d been carrying with him for weeks now, waiting for the opportune moment to ask a question. “I mean… combining mandatory rest with this?…”
“Is that…” Reanden snatched the box and cracked it open to peek inside, then closed it again and fixed Theron with an unreadable expression. “Huh.”
Theron suddenly felt the strange urge to back out of knife range. Force only knew how many blades Reanden kept on him at once. “I love her, more than anyone else in this galaxy,” he said, glancing over to make sure Xaja wasn’t listening. “She’s worth more to me than my own life is, and if she’ll have me, I’m her’s forever. I’d sooner die than bring her to harm.”
Reanden didn’t move for long moments, still boring holes into Theron with his gaze before a slow smile finally appeared on his lips. “I always believed that no man would ever be good enough for my daughter… but you seem dead set to prove me wrong. You’re a good man, Theron.” He replaced the box in Theron’s jacket pocket and affectionately clapped the younger man’s shoulder. “Xaja is a lucky woman to have you. And if anyone asks, I never said any of that.”
A weight that Theron hadn’t known was sitting in his chest suddenly lifted as he sighed in relief. “Thank you, sir. I’ll take care of her.”
“See that you do. That promise I made to skin you alive if you ever hurt her still stands.” Reanden’s smile softened the threat. “Have a plan in place yet for how you’re going to ask her?”
“A vague one, yeah. I just don’t have a location yet.” Theron looked back at Xaja, who appeared to be asleep on the couch. “If you don’t mind me asking… how did you ask your wife?”
“It, uhh…” Reanden looked somewhat embarrassed. “We’d survived a gong-show of a mission together, my first introduction to the SIS, with some remote tribal group who believed in celebrating everything with the local moonshine, and uhh… I woke up the next morning an apparently married man.” He paused long enough to give Theron a dark glare. “And if so much as a whisper gets out about that, I’ll feed you to Scritchy.”
Theron raised his hands innocently, knowing full well Reanden could and would follow through with that threat. “So much as a whisper gets about about what?”
“That’s right.” Reanden nodded firmly. “And don’t you forget it.” He turned to leave the lounge entry, but paused. “I hear Scarif’s nice this time of year. Quiet, fairly cut off from the rest of the galaxy, and the beaches are second to none.” He winked at Theron and continued walking out, leaving the younger spy alone with his thoughts.
“Commander, we’ve got a situation.” Theron marched into the command centre, Reanden at his side. The two spies came to a halt beside the petite Commander as she turned away from her discussion with Arcann and Lana, instinctively resting one hand on her stomach. She was only three months along, not quite far enough to be showing her pregnancy yet, but Theron’s heart still stuttered every time he remembered their baby growing inside her womb. “There’s a small tribe of Force-users who’ve just made contact with Alliance forces. I think they want to join us, but their traditions require they only speak to our official leader.”
Xaja frowned in confusion. “That’s odd. They won’t listen to a delegate?”
“We tried that,” Reanden said with a shrug. “Apparently the official leader’s father or her second-in-command aren’t adequate substitutes.”
“Hmm. Bring them up on a holo so I can speak with them.”
“Unfortunately, they’re a fairly low-tech civilization,” Theron apologetically said. “The holo signal’s sketchy enough out here. This would require going out in-person to meet them.”
“I checked the planet out,” Reanden added as Xaja frowned and Lana opened her mouth to protest. “It’s safe enough- quiet, off the major hyperlanes, no known presence of Imperial or Republic personnel on-world. You should be okay to travel with Theron and Tee-Seven.”
The little astromech excitedly beeped at the idea of travelling with his favourite Jedi companion, but was interrupted by Lana. “Are you sure about this? If they don’t have a physical description of you, I could probably pass myself off as you, Commander. It would be less risky for you.”
“And have them turn against us when they realize they’ve been deceived?” Xaja turned to look at Lana, giving Theron ample opportunity to scowl at the Sith and move his fingers across his closed lips in the universal zip it! gesture. “If my dad and Theron both agree that it’s safe enough for me to travel, I’ll take the risk.”
“Yeah, wait, go back to the part where they’re agreeing on something,” Koth added with a grin.
“Don’t get used to it.” Reanden idly cuffed Theron up the back of the head, earning a growl from the younger spy. “Sorry, force of habit.”
“I’d believe that more if you weren’t smirking like a smarmy git,” Theron retorted.
“Oh, for pity’s sake-” Xaja grabbed Theron’s arm and tugged him closer to her as Reanden’s glare darkened. “Come on, before I have to resolve a crisis here with you two. How far out is this tribe?”
“Forty-six hours in hyperspace, give or take. My shuttle’s already good to go.” Theron slipped his arm around Xaja’s shoulders and started walking with her to the military hangar. “You coming, Tee-Seven?”
>> The little droid whistled as he followed the pair of humans out of the command centre.
The moment they were out of sight, Lana whirled on Reanden with a scowl. “What are you thinking? If spies from the Republic or the Empire find out about her pregnancy, she’ll be even more of a target! Odessen is the safest place for her!”
“Maybe the safest, but not the best.” Reanden sat down in a chair and softly smiled. “There is no tribe she’s making contact with, and the only crisis she’s going to be dealing with is getting some R&R while she can.”
“Wait…” Arcann blinked. “You mean that was all a ruse to get her to take a vacation?”
“It’s the only way we could get her to agree.” The old spy’s smile turned bittersweet, much to everyone else’s confusion (and Lana’s growing suspicions). “And she’s safe with Theron. They’ll be fine.”
Xaja unstrapped herself from the co-pilot’s seat as the shuttle launched into hyperspace, setting her lightsabers in a locker. She wouldn’t need them in transit. “So, what planet is this again?”
“Scarif. It’s not too well-known to the rest of the galaxy. Mostly tropical climate, beaches for days, a few scattered settlements. So far, only the wealthy and sneaky have been using it for a luxury retreat.” Theron started digging around in another locker after he’d set his own weapons to the side. “I’ve got a preliminary report on the planet somewhere in here…”
“Need a hand?”
“Should be- aha!” Theron triumphantly stood up with a sheaf of papers in his hand- not flimsi, but real, actual paper. He caught her stare and shrugged. “I have no idea why your dad insists on writing reports on paper.”
“He’s old, he’s trying to retire, let him have his eccentricities.” Xaja grinned.
“Hey, you’re allowed to poke fun at him and I can’t?” Theron’s frown was softened by his grin, although that disappeared when he tripped and went crashing down on the deck, catching his chin hard on the back of a chair as the papers went flying. “Dammit!”
“Are you okay? Sit down, I’ll get the medkit once I grab these.” Xaja carefully knelt and started gathering the papers together. Most of them appeared blank, until she turned one over and blinked when she saw the one word written on the back. YOU.
The next page was a question mark. Then she saw another marked ME, and another as WILL. “Theron, what is this?” she asked as she picked up the one remaining page, and gasped when she saw the word written on the other side. “… Theron?”
She stood up and turned around to see that Theron was still on his knees where he’d fallen. One of his hands was stuffed in his jacket pocket and appeared to be fumbling with something; the other was gingerly rubbing his chin. “I’ve wanted to ask this for a while,” he admitted, sounding more nervous than Xaja could remember him being before. “I’ve been around the galaxy a few times, met more people than I can count, and none of them could compare to you. You are someone that… You’re perfect. You’re strong, and brilliant, and beautiful, and I realized how in love with you I was when I couldn’t hold you for five kriffing years. Ever since you were freed… I’ve fallen more in love with you every single day. You might be the Alliance Commander, a Jedi Master, technically an Empress even though you refused the title, but I would love you even if you were none of that.”
“Theron…” Xaja covered her mouth with her hand, dropping the papers again to land on the deck under their feet. She ignored it, so focused was she on Theron, trying to gaze at him despite the sudden blurriness of her vision.
“I love you, Xaja Taerich. I have from the moment I first saw you, and I will until my dying breath. I want to be able to wake up beside you every morning, have a family with you, be beside you every step of the way.” Theron pulled a box out of his pocket, taking a shaky breath. “Marry me?”
Xaja didn’t even look at the ring in the box- it could have been an expensive heirloom from some Alderaanian house, or it could have been a plastic toy. She was barely aware of flying forward into Theron’s arms and burying her face in his neck- her focus was on her emphatic nodding. “Yes- yes, of course. I love you, Theron Shan.”
Theron pulled her back to look her in the eyes. He had the widest, most joyful smile on his lips that Xaja had ever seen, a smile that she knew was only for her. The spy seemed to be trying to say something, but finally gave up and just caught Xaja up for the deepest, sweetest kiss he could give her. It said far more than words could, anyway.
Scarif, as it turned out, had no hidden tribes of Force-users. What it had were beaches and warm blue water and a small, luxury resort that Theron had apparently called in a few favours for a two-week stay. The second best part, as far as Xaja was concerned, was that the planet was so far out of the way that the Zakuulan war hadn’t really affected anything here, and very few people either recognized her as the Alliance Commander or really cared.
The best part was standing on one of the beaches before a glorious sunset with a middle-aged Twi’lek officiant to her left and Theron before her. Thin bands of silver encircled their fingers on their left hands, hidden under the ceremonial robe that bound their hands together- and if the officiant had noticed how Theron held Xaja’s hands to shield her wrists from the sensation of being bound, she didn’t comment on it.
“By the power vested in me by the Galactic Republic, the government of Scarif, and the will of the Force, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The Twi’lek stepped back and smiled. “You may kiss your bride.”
Theron smiled and leaned in over their joined hands, brushing the top of his nose against hers. “I love you,” he whispered, his smile softening his hazel eyes.
“I love you too.” Xaja stretched up and pressed her lips against Theron’s in a soft, sweet kiss. “I’m the luckiest woman in the galaxy to have you.”
“Mmm… you’ve just made me the happiest man alive.” Theron tilted his head down to kiss her again, both of them unaware of the officiant discretely excusing herself. “I love you more than life itself.”
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eledhrim · 4 years ago
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mawwiage @nordx
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meatbag-status · 5 years ago
ahhahah you thoguht that was the last video of the theronmance i had. HAHAHHAAH YOU FOOL
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arwenkenobi48 · 2 years ago
The grand hall of the castle looked like something out of an 80s dark fantasy movie. The ceiling was decorated with golden lights, fancy dragon ornaments adorned the tables and the overa atmosphere was pure magic.
I entered the room, dressed in my black gothic suit, drinking in the wonderful sight. Sauron, Mephistopheles and Ulysses were already there, as were the rest of the Brotherhood and their loved ones. Micah and Kaine, two of Amsel’s brothers, were present with their families, as was his father, Mathias. I felt my heart skip a beat. I couldn’t believe this was happening. In a few minutes from now, Amsel would be my husband.
I could see him standing at the other end of the room, all dressed up in his black and red suit, his hair tied back into a neat ponytail tied with a scarlet ribbon. The way the room was set up, there were two aisles. Mephistopheles had agreed to walk me down mine and Mathias would walk Amsel down his. “You ready for this, Ezra?” Mephistopheles asked telepathically. “I sure am.” I replied, my heart fluttering with excitement.
We walked down the respective aisles, meeting at the altar in the middle. As I saw my husband to be getting closer and closer, I felt like I was floating. This felt like a dream, only it was real and that made it so much better. The man officiating the wedding, as requested by both Amsel and I beforehand, did an impression of the Impressive Clergyman from The Princess Bride, speech and all.
“Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togevah today. Mawwiage, vat bwessed awangement, vat dweam wivin a dweam.” Mathias was clearly bewildered by this and why everyone else was amused, but Micah quickly explained it to him and he smiled as well. I locked arms with Amsel and stood beside him, both of us beaming with joy. “Ven wuv, twue wuv, will fowwow you fowevah…” the speech continued. “So tweasure your wuv…” After this homage to our favourite film, we each read our vows.
“Amsel, from the moment I first saw you, heard your melodious voice and felt your loving hands on mine, I knew you were the one for me. Fate seemed to draw us closer and closer together and the more I time I spent with you, the stronger my love for you became.
You are the most beautiful man I know. I could gaze into your eyes forever. My heart melts when you smile. Your laughter is music to my ears. Your gentle touch is as soft as silk. I always feel happiest when I’m in your arms, your lips gently pressed against mine.
I always feel so safe with you, in a way I’ve never felt before. I’m safe enough to let my guard down, safe enough to be intimate on a deeper level than ever before. I can fully, truly be myself with you and I know you’ll always love, cherish and care for me, as I promise to do for you. No frogs will come within an inch of you while I’m around.
You make me feel so brave, so special, so loved. You make me feel like a real man. I’m so deeply grateful for all you’ve done for me. From this day forward, I hope that we’ll continue to build our love and our lives together. I love you, Amsel, with all my heart and soul.”
Soft murmurs of “Awww…” reverberated around the room as I finished reading. Friedrich dabbed his eyes with a silk handkerchief. Amsel was deeply moved. Then, he read his vows as well.
“Ezra, before we met, I would have never believed in love at first sight, but now I certainly do. I felt a connection between us from the very beginning. You make my heart soar with joy in everything you do. Your love for life, for the world, for your art, for me, it seems to know no bounds.
Since you entered my life, the darkness has been banished. I finally feel like I can emerge into the light and face each day with a brave heart and a kind smile. You find beauty in the most unlikely places and you helped me find the beauty within myself. You’ve been there for me through thick and thin, you’ve seen so many sides of me and you’ve loved me more and more throughout. Words cannot express how thankful I am for you, my love.
I would do anything to see that cute smile, that bright sparkle in your eyes, to hear that sweet giggle and run my fingers through your hair. Holding you in my arms and whispering sweet words of love, knowing that I’ve made you the happiest you’ve ever been, that brings me such joy. You are my light in the dark, the man of my dreams, the angel who put a song in my heart.
But most importantly, you are the best friend I’ve ever had. The closest, most sincere friend I could have ever hoped for. I value that friendship more than I can say and I hope that with our marriage, that will continue to grow. I love you, my sweet Ezra. My dearest, you will always be the love of my life.”
“Awwww…” everyone murmured again. I couldn’t suppress a soft squee of happiness. Then the moment came, when we both said “I do.” and were pronounced partners for life. “You may kiss the-“ The officiant began to say, but we already had, quite passionately. “Hooray!” Mephistopheles cheered and everyone clapped and cheered as well. Then, the dancing began.
The golden lights on the ceiling changed colours, slowly shifting through a wide range of blues, purples and greens, as if the northern lights were shining overhead. As The World Falls Down by David Bowie began playing as we all waltzed together. It was then followed by When I Look Into Your Eyes by Firehouse, I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore and other classic 80s love ballads. I’d never got the hang of dancing before, but somehow I managed it. With my Amsel by my side, I felt like I could do anything.
The party went on into the night, as Amsel and I fed each other cake and everyone chatted and took photos. Micah was honoured to be Amsel’s best man, just as Feral was for me. Toasts were given, happy tears shed and both cake and the banquet were devoured.
In quite a few of the wedding photos, either Ulysses or Cortex could be seen popping up at the corner of the frame. “You look beautiful, sweetheart,” Amsel smiled, gently cupping my cheeks in his hands. “Aww, so do you, songbird.” I giggled, blushing. “Red looks really good on you.” We kissed again and heard the camera click, accompanied by another “Hooray!” from everyone.
Eventually, at around midnight, after the last song had played (a rather relaxing track by Enya), we all agreed to retire for the night. We shook hands with everyone and were all very happy. The other members of the Brotherhood all gave us hugs. Amsel and I admired our wedding rings. They were a stunning silver, each fitted with a small ruby. “Wow…” I murmured, leaning on Amsel’s shoulder. “Are you alright, my love?” He asked gently. “Never better, babe.” I smiled dreamily. “Just…so happy…”
Later on, once we had retired to our room, I hugged Amsel tight and we made out in the moonlight. “Happy birthday, Amsel,” I whispered in between kisses. “Ah, that was the best day ever,” he chuckled, nuzzling me gently. “And tomorrow, we shall embark on our honeymoon. Finland awaits!” “Yayyy!” I squealed happily.
If we hadn’t been worn out from the festivities, we would have probably danced around the room. But for now, we only had enough energy for soft kisses and cuddles. “I love you so much, baby boy,” Amsel whispered, kissing my cheek. Blushing, I laid my head on his chest and murmured: “I love you too, my sweet songbird.”
(PS: regarding the line about frogs: Amsel has a phobia of them. I’m basically promising to keep him safe from everything he fears.)
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reds-self-ships · 4 years ago
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Tags: Wedding fic. No particular TWs apply, but if anyone wants me to tag anything specific then please let me know.
A decent enough crowd had turned out to London’s Guildhall that day for the wedding, sat either side of a long, red-carpeted aisle in one of its rooms especially set aside for events.
There was Professor Yujin Mikotoba – Susato’s birth father and Kazuma’s adopted one, Pycroft Sholmes – brother of the detective Herlock Sholmes, a number of Redford’s classmates from the University of London, a number of Ryunosuke’s previous clients, the parents of Redford and Ryunosuke – Ryunosuke’s having flew in from Japan especially for the occasion…
Also in attendance was Ryunosuke’s family and cousin from America, Phoenix Wright, as well as his daughter Trucy.
All dressed in their best formal outfits.
If it were an event open to the public—and if anyone else actually wanted to attend—it would almost certainly be standing room only.
Q and Kazuma were stood by the head of the hall beside the lectern, where Mr. Sholmes—apparently an ordained Humanitarian officiant for weddings, funerals, naming ceremonies and bat mitzvahs since The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle—was due to preside over things and handle all the legal end of things with the City of London.
“Is everything ready?” asked Redford, stood at the back of the hall with Sholmes.
“Yes. Evewything’s weady.”
“Mr. Sholmes, why are you talking like that?”
Sholmes sighed. “It’s Pycwoft. He bet me ten poundth that I would be able to put out a candle with my tongue without buwning it. You can pwobably gueth how that one turned out.”
“You know what? I probably shouldn’t even have asked.”
“Either way, I’m weady whenever you are.”
“Alright. You can tell them to run the music or whatever.”
Sholmes gave a look.
“Sorry, play the music.”
Sholmes gave Q the nod, and Q, in turn, gave the nod to Professor Mikotoba, who had volunteered especially for this part, pressing play on the CD player that had been connected up to the rather make-shift sound system.
The music began to play as Redford walked down the aisle, with Sholmes following behind him. Sholmes was followed by Iris, wearing a pale pink dress, holding a small bouquet of sunflowers, red roses and pale blue chrysanthemums.
She was followed by Susato, wearing a matching dress.
Then the other groom entered the room. Ryunosuke Naruhodo entered, wearing a dark blue kimono with a shade of red that would look familiar to those who had seen the other groom’s outfit. The sash of Ryunosuke’s kimono was cut from the same material as Redford’s suit, and Redford’s tie was cut from the same material as Ryunosuke’s kimono.
Ryunosuke was followed by Gina Lestrade, wearing a dress that matched with Susato’s and Iris’s.
As the two grooms stood at the altar, facing each-other, Redford mouthed, eyes already beginning to water.
“You look amazing.”
Ryunosuke was in a rather similar state.
“You too.”
As the music ended, the guests sat down again and Sholmes took to the lectern, removing the prompt cards from his suit jacket.
NOTE TO SELF: Remember to write something nice to say at the wedding. SHOPPING LIST: - Milk - Eggs - Coffee - Caramel Bars
Somewhat flustered himself, he quickly shuffled the remaining, blank, prompt cards and left them on the lectern before clearing his throat.
“Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us together today…Mawwiage…a wather bwessed awwangement. A dweam…within a dweem…”
The two grooms shot Sholmes a look, as they realised that that particular speech sounded rather like something they’d heard somewhere else before.
“OK then. Uh, do you, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, take Redford Ninate to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“And do you, Redford Ninate, take Ryunosuke Naruhodo to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“Great! If it were me, I’d probably call it a day there, but there’s more.”
The gathered crowd laughed.
“Please stand.”
The crowd stood.
“Marriage isn’t just two people getting together and having a kiss and whatever. It’s also the love and strength that we provide them as a community and as a family, by biological means or through the bonds of close friendship. So, are we all gonna help them and their marriage or what?”
“We will!” replied the crowd, before sitting down again.
“And now we have…er…Shizzen…What’s the word again?”
Professor Mikotoba approached and commandeered the microphone for a moment from Sholmes. “Shinzen Kekkon.”
“Yes. That, thank you Mikotoba.”
Kazuma stood between the two, holding a tray with a small bottle of saké and two cups. Ryunosuke poured a cup for Redford before pouring one for himself. Either groom took a sip from his own cup, before swapping and taking a sip from the other’s.
“I’m told that’s also a good luck thing in Japanese culture, but I’ll take their word for it. And now we’ve got vows to do. They’ve also written their own vows each which should be rather nice. Also – these are important. I’d recommend you don’t mess them up. Mr. Naruhodo will be the one going first.”
Ryunosuke took his flash cards from his pocket and cleared his throat as he began to speak.
“I, Ryunosuke, take you, Redford, to be my lawfully wedded husband. In recent times you have been a constant friend and partner, and all the evidence shows that we are truly meant to be together. And nothing will contradict that. So let’s get the wedding licence added to the court record, shall we? Lawyers should always smile and save their tears for when it’s all over, but I know every day I’m with you I’ll smile no matter what, and any tears will be the tears of laughter, no matter what trials may come our way, we’ll always .”
“Excellent, Mr. Naruhodo. Mr. Ninate?”
“I, Redford, take you, Ryunosuke, to be my lawfully wedded husband. They always say that a picture paints a thousand words, but any time I look at any picture for you I wonder if there really is nine hundred and ninety nine different ways to say ‘love of my life’. And if this is to be a fairy tale romance, I can’t wait to see what a ‘happily ever after’ looks like with you. Hopefully this is going to be the beginning of a new tale which I hope will be a real page-turner.”
Kazuma looked over at Q. “Are you crying?” he said, quietly, offering him a handkerchief.
Q unwillingly accepted it. “My hay-fever’s acting up. It’s all these goddamn flowers.”
“Mine too.”
“And if you two are done crying,” said Sholmes, “it’s now time for the rings, please.”
“It’s hay-fever, dammit…” said Q, as he handed over the rings from his inner pocket.
“Thank you. Please repeat after me: ‘I give you this ring, as a symbol and daily reminder of my love for you’.”
Redford slowly slipped the golden wedding band onto Ryunosuke’s right ring finger, saying: “I give you this ring, as a symbol and daily reminder of my love for you.”
Sholmes nodded to Ryunosuke, who slid the ring onto Redford’s right ring finger, saying: “I give you this ring, as a symbol and daily reminder of my love for you.”
“Very well then. By the power vested in me, the Great Detective, that Herlock Sholmes, courtesy of the Humanists Organisation and become-an-ordained-minister.org.uk, I now declare you two husband and…husband! I suppose you two can have a kiss or whatever.”
The two newly-wed grooms kissed as the crowd stood and applauded, Redford swinging Ryunosuke low in his arms and supporting his leg with his arm.
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beatrice-otter · 5 years ago
Period Fic Primer: Mawwiage is what Bwings Us Togethah Today
Welcome to my next installment of the Period Fic Primer, where I talk about stuff that period fic often gets wrong! Today we're going to talk about how people think about marriage. Because about 90% of the time, when I read a period fic with a romance in it, it's pretty obviously modern people with modern ideas about love who just happen to be wearing funny clothing. And, I mean, if that's what floats your boat, go for it! But if you want to write something with characters who feel they might actually come from the time period the story is set in, here are some things to think about. Stop me if you've read this fic/watched this movie: Our hero and heroine are In Love. But there is a problem! There is a class difference! Their families have other ideas of who they should marry! The hero and heroine don't understand how anyone can stand in the way of True Love! What kind of monsters could want someone to marry without being in love with their new spouse?
That reaction--that assumption that of course being in love is the only and most important reason for marriage--is extremely modern. People have fallen in and out of love throughout human history, it's something most humans do; and falling in love with the wrong people is also fairly common. But the idea that romantic love and marriage are naturally connected is a modern idea which was only starting to come into popularity in the Regency.  Instead, up until the late Victorian era, most people (of all social classes) would have agreed more with Max instead:
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In most times and places, marriage has had two primary functions: 1) consolidate/amass resources needed to sustain the family, and 2) pass those resources on to the next generation so that the family will continue to prosper. Why? Well, to answer that, we have to back up a bit. Did you know that, throughout history, most communities were only one bad year away from famine and people starving to death? This is not an abstract thing. It didn't happen most years, but it happened regularly enough that it was never far from peoples' minds. Also, farming up through the late middle ages took huge amounts of backbreaking labor. In a good year, you'd have a surplus, and could sell it to get some extra stuff. In an ordinary year, you'd have enough to survive on. In a bad year, people died. Organizing things so that you and your family and your community--the people you cared about--would have the best chance at survival in a bad year was really important. Now. Where do the resources come from? From the land. If you want to farm, you need land. If you want to mine, you need land. For pretty much anything, you need land. Making sure that you have access to the land you need--and that your children will have access to it--was a really big deal. For the few things that didn't need land, but rather used the products of the land and turned it into something else--all the trades, basically--there was also a lot of concern for how to balance things so that the people already in the trade can be sure that they and their families will have what they need to continue on in the trade. Access to resources was a huge deal. For most of human history, in most places, that's been one of the most important considerations for marriage. It's all about who has access to resources, and how they are going to pass those resources down to the next generation intact so that their children will have enough to live on. This looked different at different levels of society and in different cultures, but if you ask yourself "where are they getting resources from" and "how do those resources flow from one generation to the next" and "what effect is a prospective marriage going to have not just on the couple, but on their family and community" and questions like that, a lot of different marriage customs suddenly make a lot more sense. I'm going to be using European examples (mostly English), but these are the questions you need to ask if you're doing any worldbuilding or writing historical fiction. Because these things matter. On the small farm community level, in England, farming mostly happened as a communal thing. That is, specific families would lease specific fields, but everyone in the village would come together to help and some things would be used in common. (The growing trend in 17th-19th Centuries of rich people enclosing common lands and using them for their own good instead of the common good is one reason poverty in the 19th Century was so dire.) But you needed to control how many kids there were: it was a balance between having enough hands to do the work, and having few enough mouths that you could afford to feed them all. So the eldest son would inherit the lease, he'd have enough to get married, and the younger sons would work for him and the community but not have the ability to get married because they wouldn't be able to feed their kids. If they worked hard, they might be able to take over the lease of another local family that had a tragedy; if they left the village they might have an opportunity somewhere else to find another way to make a living (but that was extremely rare, because people would make sure opportunities went to their own kin first so you'd probably end up doing the same sort of hard work for nothing more than room and board in a different village). To marry, you need resources; you need to be able to feed your children. And, ideally, you want your spouse to be able to contribute to those resources. So the girls would spend years building up a store of household goods, hoping to marry one of the older sons who had a lease and therefore could afford a family; if you didn't snag one of them, you probably didn't marry, and ended up doing the sort of hard-labor-for-nothing-more-than-room-and-board that your younger brothers were doing. It sucked for the younger children, but it made sure that there usually weren't more children than the land could support. It's not about love; it's about who could afford to support a family. (In many places on the continent, they divided the land up equally between all the sons, and that was fairer but ended up with lots of cases where there were simply too many mouths to feed.) If you had a trade--you were a blacksmith, say, or a weaver, or a tanner, or a cooper, or a baker--well, there was a finite amount of work in any given area. You would pass on the trade to one of your sons, and the others you would try to find jobs as apprentices in the hope that they might one day be able to open up their own shop, but realistically most of them wouldn't. And realistically, most of them would never have enough money to get married and support a family unless they were able to open a shop of their own ... or marry the only daughter of someone with such a shop, or the widow of one. And even if you weren't marrying to get the shop, you wanted someone whose family was in the same trade, because even if women were rarely formally apprenticed in a craft, there was a lot less hard division between "men's work" and "women's work" and it was much easier to run a successful shop if both spouses knew how to go about it. So you might fall in love with someone from a farming family ... but (if you had the money and resources to marry) you'd still probably end up marrying someone from the trade you'd been brought up to. Because, again, it's not about love; it's about making sure you have the resources (skills and equipment and contacts, in this case) to build a comfortable life and support a family. And also, about making sure you have connections with the people who are most likely to have the things you need in your daily life. If you were of the gentry or nobility, well, they were rich enough they weren't going to starve in a bad year, but they had a correspondingly greater desire to keep and maintain that status for their children. So the oldest son inherits the main bulk of the lands; the younger sons get professions like the army and the navy and the church, which may or may not pay them enough to support a family; the daughters get lump sums of money called a dowry. And you want to keep all that lovely money in the family. You want to keep the land intact. You want to keep the power intact. You want to make sure that your children will have the best life possible ... which means they need resources, which means you need to marry appropriately. You might fall in love, but if the person you love isn't an appropriate match, then you're probably not going to marry them because marriage is about collecting resources and keeping them in the family over generations. In all these cases, according to the society and mores of the day, if you allow your child to marry outside their sphere simply because they've fallen in love--if they marry "beneath" them, or if they marry when they don't have the resources to support a family, or if they marry someone from a different trade/walk of life--you are a bad parent. So they're in love, who cares. Love will not feed your grandchildren. I mean, if you're a decent parent you'll care about making sure their spouse is a good person they can get along with, but as long as the spouse is not actively abusive, marrying someone they don't care for (but who has the resources for marriage) is far more likely to end happily than marrying someone they love who doesn't have the resources. I mean, if you're a farm girl and you marry a younger son of a farming family who doesn't have land of his own, all it takes is one bad year and you and all your kids starve. If you're in a trade and you marry someone from outside the trade, your shop is less likely to suceed. If you have money and land and marry someone who is lower class, you will be socially outcast and likely fall in social status and wealth and being ostracized from your community has negative repercussions for you and your children. Our bone-deep association with marriage is that it's about love. But prior to the 19th Century, romantic love was a bonus in marriage. If you found someone you were in love with who loved you who was the right social group and had the right resources, that was awesome! But the right social group and the right resources was far more important to have. Think about that. Think about what it means to have "being in love" be an optional add-on, a nice thing if you can get it, rather than the purpose of marriage. And it's not even something that has to be related to marriage at all. Consider the medieval idea of courtly love, where knights would fall deeply, powerfully in love with great ladies, be visibly devoted to them, write them all sorts of love poetry ... and never put any serious thought to marrying them or even sleeping with them because relationships/marrriage and romantic love were in two mostly-separate conceptual boxes. Loving someone from afar was the ideal, not the tragedy. You'd be surprised how much of the social mores of the pre-20th Century world were based on "we have to keep resources in the family and make sure our resources are passed on to the next generation." Obviously, things directly related to marriage and inheritance, like entailments and marriage settlements and wills were a part of it, but also things like "who talks to whom." You know all those rules about needing to be properly introduced to someone in order to talk to them? And the husband/father needing to call on someone and make their acquaintance before the wife and/or daughters can meet him? That's about making sure your daughters only marry the right people. They can't fall in love with a guy they never talk to, or at least, it's harder to do so. If you only ever talk to the "right" people and you fall in love, your love is going to be one of the "right" people and you can safely marry them. If you only talk to the "right" people, anyone that you don't know (and that none of your friends know) is obviously not the "right" sort of person, and so if you never come into contact with them, the chances of them being able to marry into your circle of family and friends is much reduced. This is one of the reasons why connections were so valuable, too: if you were at the lowest rung of the gentry but had a cousin who was in a far higher level, you would probably get invited to their parties sometimes, and your kids might be able to marry up into that sphere because they had an "in." It's all about keeping all that lovely money in the family not just in this generation but for the generations to come. You will notice that I have been assuming that every marriage will produce children. These people didn't have contraceptives, just abortificants, and those abortificants were dangerous. If you weren't infertile, and you got married, you were probably going to have children. And if you didn't have children, it was seen as a great tragedy that (especially for women) lowered your social status. But even in cases of infertility, whatever wealth you had would pass down to the family because chances were you would have a niece or nephew to adopt. If there were any relations living, someone in the family would get it. But the ideal was for the couple to have children, because then both of the families that put resources into the marriage get a share of the wealth through the children who inherit it. It's all about keeping resources in the family. This changed over the course of the 19th Century, but it changed slowly. Consider Austen's novels. In Sense and Sensibility, of the two couples in love we see, Elinor and Mr. F can't marry until Mr. F has resources under his control (an appointment as a vicar), and Marianne and Willoughby ends in tragedy, and the happy ending for Marianne is marrying the nice-but-boring-and-dependable guy with lots of land (and hence wealth). In Pride and Prejudice, Jane wants to marry for love, Elizabeth wants to marry someone she respects (and ends up with someone she loves AND respects, because she is a virtuous heroine), and Charlotte just wants to be married to someone with good prospects even if he's an idiot. (If you're protesting about Elizabeth wanting to marry for love, you're thinking about an adaptation or fic, because it isn't in the book; she explicitly starts considering him as a desirable marriage partner when she visits Pemberly and sees a) how responsibly it's managed and b) how well he treats his servants and sister, i.e. the people he could abuse with impunity if he wanted to.) In Mansfield Park, the reason Fanny has no money or status and can be abused by Mrs Norris and her cousins is because Fanny's mother married for love and thus Fanny and her siblings are penniless and depending on charity. In Persuasion, Anne and Wentworth fall in love but don't marry because, while he has prospects, he can't afford a wife yet (and might not actually gain the status and wealth needed to support a family), and even after all the angst of their meeting again and thinking he would marry someone else, and they reconcile and are married, Anne still thinks that refusing him when he didn't have enough money to support a family was the right thing to do. Now, over the 19th Century, three things happened. First, the standard of living rose, mostly in the middle class and upper working classes. Second, all sorts of new opportunities developed. There were new ways of getting the resources necessary to live on besides inheriting them. Third, the novel flourished and there were all sorts of stories about true love conquering all. All of these things fed into each other. You could marry for love without it being an utter disaster, and there was a cultural stuff about marrying for love being okay. But it was a gradual change, and the higher you were in society the longer it took for that change to take hold. The upper classes in England were still marrying for social rank and money well into the mid-20th Century. To sum up: if you are writing a period fic, or a fantasy set in a low-tech world, chances are that "marrying for love" is something most people think is silly at best, and dangerously foolish at worst. Even people who fall in love and end up marrying for love might agree that they're being stupid to do so! Also, consider: 1) Who has resources? 2) How are those resources passed from generation to generation? 3) What are the social customs and mores that encourage this to happen in the "right" way? 4) What are the legal rules in place to enforce those customs and rules? 5) How does the family of the couple either benefit or lose from their marriage? If you take these factors into account, your fic will be a lot more accurate.
Comment? https://ift.tt/3lq5cfp
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fleurmioneweek · 4 years ago
Day 3: Accidental Marriage
Hey there Fleurmione Fandom,
Mawwiage is wat bwings us togeder today!
Or at least what brought us all together for Day 3: Accidental Marriage. We gathered on fanfiction sites on this day to celebrate and rejoice Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour; to proclaim their love and commitment and holy OTPness. Authors and readers came together to say "I do" to the ultimate couple through stories filled with flowers, jewelry, unicorns, magic, excursions to prove worth, and, well, accidents! But quite fortunate ones. Bless yourselves by delving into these tales if you have not already. 
The following are the submissions far for Accidental Marriage. And remember folks, you're never too young or old for love, writing or arting. So what are you waiting for? Say "I do" to contributing to Fleurmione weeks, days passed, today, tomorrow, and til death do us part!
LazuliEva: You’re Where I Belong
Fran_KT: Magic
Lipeviez: Sweet Alyssum
SkyKnight07: Sometimes One Treasure Leads to Another
I_wear_midnight and LostSparkMih: So should I wear a wedding dress to our first date?
Midmoon Kitsune: Day 3 - Accidental Marriage
Pirate_Pisces: Day 3 - Accidental Marriage
Vuldromeda: Secret of the Veela
Attn: reception will take place in the Great Hall. If you’ve booked your room here at the Hogwarts Inn, don't forget to wake up in time for brunch, serving Day 4: Boss’ Daughter/ Boss and Assistant
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iraprince · 5 years ago
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mawwiage.... mawwiage is what bwings us together today. minbun half sketchpage comm for @/inxqv on twitter! this was such a delight to work on, thank u so much! (bunji belongs to @/snaketxt on twitter!)
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encrypdecryptid · 7 years ago
 Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togeva today. That. Weird and frankly terrifying thing that, hell, up until a handful of months ago, I wouldn’t have wanted any part of. 
If you had told me, that day in space, if I thought that strange sarcastic man on the other end of the line would one day become my husband, I would have laughed about as hard as I did at the idea of him wearing bunny slippers. Back then we were at odds -- I the irresponsible idiot and you the staunch second in command. We were Sarah Connor and the T-800.
And then judgment day happened. Everything changed, everything fell apart. And like Sarah and the Terminator, we had to work together. We started putting each other’s pieces back together. We weren’t chasing off robot assassins, but the nightmares left behind by everything that happened to us. 
Daniel Jacobi, I would not be the person I am right now if not for you. You’ve held my hand throguh the darkest points in my life. You’ve been the Han to my Leia, brought hope and to a galaxy that started to doubt it was even possible to feel that way about someone.
It hasn’t been easy. The night is long and full of terrors, and in that darkness we’ve almost lost ourselves. But we’ve also come back together, reunited been by someone just as important. We’ve been reforged, and like andúril we’re stronger than ever. We’ve come something more --  from Finn and Poe to Spock, Kirk and Mccoy.
And there’s no one else I’d rather be looking at the future with.
Daniel, I promise you, that no matter what comes our way, I will be by your side, just like you were by mine. No matter how heavy the weight you carry, I’ll always be here to carry you -- metaphorically at least. I won’t let a single day go by without taking a moment to hold your hand, without taking time to cherish your smile, your laugh, anything and everything about you.
And I promise that i will forever be your best friend, your idiotfriend and, now, your husband. 
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itsfoof · 4 years ago
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Mawwiage is what bwings us together today 🥰
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meticulousfox-theparadox · 7 years ago
1, 2, 5, 9, 12, 18, 20, 22, 37, 38, 43, 44, 49, 60, 62, 64, 78, 88, 89, 95, 99, 100
1. Sunrise or sunset?
I would have to say that I most definitely love sunsets.
2. Are you mentally ill?
Stage two bipolar, aniexty, depression.👌
5. Do you have a job?
That I do. Bartender/Server/BOH cook at RocknRoll Sushi.
9. Introvert or extrovert?
Both. More extrovert, I suppose.
12. Do you have a particular song that you feel deeply?
Numb - Witt Lowery.
Legit his first line fucking kills me. Because It’s just me in a nutshell. And basically it just explained the shitty situation I was in like six months ago with a shitty ex. And even though I’m over it now, it still helps to have a song be able to explain it so well even after it’s said and done. Because in a way, I have a way to help others now with that same very song.
18. Favorite part of your personality?
I can’t just choose one, so either my dry sense of humor or my golden heart.
20. Favorite part of your body?
Most definitely would be my lips. They are cute and pouty.
22. Favorite quote?
I really don’t have a favorite quote. Maybe just “Karma’s a bitch.” But you know, she could be a pretty chill friend too.
37. Are your friendships healthy?
For the most part. I suppose. Don’t see how they could be unhealthy.
43. How can people tell you are sad?
If I grow quiet and stare off to space a lot.
44. Are you currently fighting with a friend?
Not that I know of? I certainly hope not. Haha
49. Is there something you have never told anyone?
Nah, I mean only one person knows every thing so yeah.
60. What languages can you speak?
English and Spanish.
62. Do you cry often?
Not exactly. I rarely ever cry.
64. Are you comfortable accepting compliments?
I get kind of awkward about them. But I definitely love getting them.
78. Do you like your laugh?
Oh god no. It’s so loud and lame. Heh
88. Do you believe in marriage? Why/Why not?
“Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah… So tweasuwe youw wove.”
I definitely believe in marriage because it’s a unification of two people becoming one. It’s sharing that experience together and not only that but it’s a reason to celebrate. You found your forever, why not go all out and show the world you’re happy.
89. What is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?
Oh man, I can’t think of the nicest thing. I had so many nice things said. But I guess all the lovey stuff I hear from Tyler is a top one. Haha.
95. List your favorite people?
Oh boy, I have a lot of favs.
TylerCydnie MattJpSaraJemMarieSophCameron
99. Are you happy today?
Pretty fucking happy, if you ask me.
100. Are you loved?
I would say so, I feel it from my friends every day. Plus, Tyler doesn’t let a day pass where I don’t feel loved so that’s a plus. (:
Thank you for the asks!!! ❤
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thedungeonofbaddecisions · 8 years ago
Claude was asked to officiate Strahd’s marriage to an NPC who apparently looks a lot like his lost love (though this one is definitely not doing it of her own free will, and from what I hear, the “lost love” killed herself rather than marry Strahd, so) and his idea of an ideal ceremony opening is to recite the entirety of the priest’s speech from The Princess Bride. You know, “Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togevva, today. That dweam within a dweam. That bwessed arrangement...” And yes, I typed that all from memory. Conor recited the whole thing on memory as well, and the party had to consult the internet when it was realized that the whole thing, said all together, is actually a lot shorter than it seems. But his impersonation was spot-on, and the DM couldn’t stop laughing. 
It may not surprise you to discover that Conor and I are constantly reciting bits of the Miracle Max scene together and then fist-bumping after.
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buzzzchomp · 7 years ago
Polygamy Mania: How Did 2 Canadian Guys Acquire 29 Wives?
#Polygamy Mania: How Did 2 #Canadian Guys Acquire 29 Wives? Lots of #Marriage and now 149 kids! #TrueStory
Marriage is a sacred arrangement, bringing together two individuals who love one another. At least that’s the dream. Yet polygamy is pretty popular, and two Canadian men took it to an extreme. How did they acquire 29 wives?
  “Mawwiage. It’s what bwings us together today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah.”
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