#this is not the dungeon of good decisions
Are you telling me this ice monster has no bones??
Me, to the DM. It did not.
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monotcchi · 9 months
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dragon roast dreamin' 🍖💨✨
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nomouthtospeakof · 3 months
hey gale. gale.
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halaster? the halaster? halaster fucking blackcloak?
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you not only personally know halaster blackcloak --
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you chose HIM --
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-- as your CAT SITTER??
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cosmicterrorthe8th · 4 months
Do you think the kiddads listened to Monster from epic the musical and felt it in their bones?
Lark was willing to do anything, even throw an infant off a wall to kill the doodler for a long time. Do you think Lark felt like he became a monster in the process but was willing to be worse to undo his mistake.
Sparrow literally doomed a world for his family like Odysseus was willing to do for his family. The rest of the kidadds were about to have the sun burn the doodler away killing almost everyone but their families
Do you think they had to kill doodlerized children or people they knew like a child who went to grants library or terrys student and do you think that broke down their morals?
We're the kiddads at a point where they thought that they had killed so many people but that the only way they could undo the world and make it worth it was to continue killing and trying to throw their guilt away like in the song? They felt that they couldn't save the world by becoming healed and better and that they have to stay in the fight or flight state(?) where they are desensitised to violence or what they have to do and double down on that and become worse to undo the doodler
Do you think any of them saw the parallels and like used to listen to this song to get themselves ready for a day of slaughter? Idk. Also I think Terry would love it because he's a theatre kid enough to introduce it to them all to it. I think this song upsets them all but grant especially
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chikkenhawke · 2 years
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we’re all having a GREAT time in the feywild :)
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ermineadoptera · 6 months
i just have one voice acting request for the second cour
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 4 months
Also i find her naive desperation (cant find the right words for it) to see her adventuring crew as sworn friends wholl go thru hell together even tho shes the newest addition soooo telling. Shes had trouble making friends her whole life she was really hoping! And even the ones who left are willing to go to hell for her n the crew so its not like its not true. Its just not like how it is in her mangas. I think theres a good chance she n namari become like closer after the end of the series.
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constantnever · 6 months
two paths lie before me: rewatch buffy or rewatch the magicians. I know which is the correct path & yet for some incomprehensible reason I'm still unsure of my choice
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ask-a-fern · 3 months
discovered that I love making dnd campaigns?
Like what do you MEAN I get to have control over an entire world!! And I get to guide my friends through it!! And I can tell tales of empires and betrayal and power struggles and survivors guilt!!
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pankomako · 1 year
suddenly kinda tempted to play Hades. however im kinda thinking of waiting for it to go on sale bc 25 bucks feels like a lot. not sure though bc i might forget by the time it does lmao
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We're fighting an alchemist in an enclosed room. He is in the room. We have not yet fully entered.
DM: Crondak smirks. He takes a potion out of the pocket of his coat, just smashes it on his skin, and he fades from sight.
Tex: Oh, shit.
Me: I should've taken See Invisibility!
Sean: We could always close the door and wait one minute.
Me: This is true! Is that metagaming?
DM: Amity, your turn.
Jennifer: Amity's going to move [directly in line with the door] and then loudly suggest "We could always close the door."
Iska: Could he not open door?
Turuk: But we would know if he opened the door.
Iska: This is true. Let's close the door.
Jennifer: I cast Shield and end my turn.
DM: Okay.
Sean: I'm going to delay till after the KitKats.
DM: I'm gonna give everyone a chance to say what they wanna do.
Tex: Turuk is gonna close the door.
Me: This is so stupid. This is so stupid.
Tex: This is the dumbest strategy we've ever done.
Me: And the worst part is, I think it's actually going to work, because this guy's like "Aha! I'm sneaky! I'm gonna hide in the darkness!" and we're just like "Okay."
DM: So you close the door.
Me: What happens?
DM: Well, you hear movement inside.
Saturn: The KitKats are going to ready an action to, as soon as there's any activity on the doorknob, run the door straight through.
*everybody readies actions to attack as soon as the door opens*
*the full minute passes. nothing happens. the door remains shut.*
Sean: Well, uh, who wants to open the door?
Saturn: Okay. The KitKats are gonna kick down the door.
DM: You kick open the door. You don't see anything.
Saturn: Okay. Second action, advance ten feet.
DM: Ah! As you walk in the door, you see a much larger dwarf, with a reach of five feet, take a swing at you with his hammer. You take 21 damage.
KitKats: Oh, fuck, he's gotten real big. What are we gonna do?
Iska: Stab him!
KitKats: Easier said than done. Well. Wait. He's too big to fit through the door...
Saturn: The KitKats are going to come back out and close the door behind them.
Me: This is so stupid!
DM: This is the best fight ever.
*the party confers once more. We decide to wait him out, again. Though we leave the door open this time, and fire on him every time he comes into view. I hit him with a Purifying Icicle. He telekinetically hurls a rock at the KitKats. He misses. Amity hits him with Magic Missile. Turuk and the KitKats move into the room. Crondak is eventually killed.*
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aeon-knight · 2 years
relistening to the trial arc makes me ILL bro /pos
its just. the way its so unfair. the way it feels so inherently wrong. how both we as the audience AND glenn learn about nicks true character, setting him up to fix these problems and properly connect with his son, only for everything to be ripped out from beneath our feet. its jarring. it feels like everything is going too fast. any shred of hope for a second chance is gone. glenn tried, goddammit it he tried, but he fucked up, and he was never given the chance to fix it. i cant express how dreadful that is, to realize your mistakes just too late, knowing full well the negative effect they had on the person you love most, right before that person as you know them is taken from you forever. you have to live every day seeing that person and thinking "you used to be mine" and knowing that your relationship will never be the same. and nothing you can ever do will change that. what the fuck.
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thespacelizard · 1 year
For Want of Attention
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Tags: original drow characters, D/s dynamics, teacher-student relationship, master/apprentice, anal sex, attention-seeking, jealousy, restraint, possessive!Rizeth, Master won't pay attention to me? I will simply act out until I get what I want!
Summary: Rizeth has not called Ashenivir to service since he returned to the Arcanum. Ashenivir is growing more and more frustrated with the lack of attention, though nothing he does seems to affect his Master at all—even his attempts at inciting jealousy by returning to previous partners appear fruitless.
What is going on? Why won’t Rizeth touch him? What did he do wrong to deserve such cruel punishment?
The only thing Ashenivir does know for certain is that he is going to get his Master’s attention again. No matter what it takes.
“Oh, you really are here!” Yevena handed him the note, beaming. The dining hall rang with its usual dinnertime cacophony, so that she had to raise her voice awkwardly to be heard. “I mean, of course you are, for me to have a note for you, right? But I haven’t had any messages for you for months, I thought you’d left the Arcanum.”
“It was just a family trip,” Ashenivir said. He tried not to get his hopes up as he unfolded the note. Almost a month he’d been back, and Master Velkon’yss had summoned him only twice, both times for tutoring. Maybe he’d been foolish, thinking they’d return right away to how things had been, but after that first day back…
“Um, it’s nice to see you again.” Yevena bounced on the balls of her feet, fiddling with the strap of her satchel. “Are you staying long?”
“Until I graduate.”
Neat, slanting handwriting; his heart leapt—then at once sank. Attend at your earliest convenience. Ashenivir sighed. More studying.
“Don’t you have other messages to deliver, Miss Yevena?” Keszriin asked pointedly. Yevena stopped bobbing in place and ducked her head.
“I…um…yes, of course. See you later, maybe!”
She darted away between the long tables and Keszriin pulled a face after her. “You’d think she’d give up.”
“She might, if Shen ever actually told her he’s the gayest thing in the Underdark,” Pellanue said grinning. Ashenivir didn’t rise to the teasing. He just stared at the note as if he could will the words to change if he wanted it badly enough.
“What did she bring you, anyway? Don’t tell me that’s Master Velkon’yss bothering you already.” Keszriin made to snatch the note from him, but he crumpled it into his palm and held it away, which didn’t stop her; she stretched up over him, making him lean back so far he almost fell off his chair. “You’ve been back five minutes, can’t he wait a little longer to kidnap you?”
“I missed six months of study,” Ashenivir protested, trying to fend her off as she pawed at the hand fisted around the note. “I need to catch up.”
“Oh please, you were years ahead of the rest of us before you left.” Pella flicked a gust cantrip at him that made his eyes water and distracted him long enough for Keszriin to prise his fingers open. She flicked her eyes over the note, huffing in annoyed vindication when she saw it was, indeed, from Master Velkon’yss. She crumpled it back up and tossed it at Ashenivir’s head.
“This better not mean you’re going to try and skip out on dinner tomorrow.” She dropped back into her chair and fluffed her snowy waves back into place. “You swore you were coming.”
“I am.” Earliest convenience. Now, then. What else did he have to do that couldn’t wait? “I’ll just see what I’m needed for tonight, though. I did ask him to start tutoring me again.”
“You asked him—Ashenivir!” Keszriin slapped his arm with a cantrip, scattering frost up his sleeve. “Goddess’ sake, you need to get over this infatuation!”
“For the thousandth time, I am not infatuated with him!”
Read more on AO3
Obedience is a D/s, m/m dungeons & dragons fic series set in my homebrew drow city, featuring two wizard boys, the kinky magic they get up to, and the feelings they definitely don’t have for each other.
Read the series so far here: Obedience - thespacelizard
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ashmcgivern · 2 years
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Hello hello yes Zeal has picked up a boyfriend >:]c
This Halfling is named Zala Neograss! Z met him in the Wintering Isles where he was giving a presentation about a specific comet at an educational summit. His specialty is cosmological meteorology and is working towards proving that celestial bodies have an arcane affect on the planet. It's knowledge that is sort of passively known (and certain extra planar entities have told Zeal its absolutely a thing), but he's working on getting empirical data for it. Zeal is VERY excited to be talking to someone as smart as Zala is because someday Zeal wants to go to university for Planar Physics. The two had to part ways shortly after their first meeting but have been keeping in contract daily with a pair of sending stones.
Zala lives in Fae Fang which is just a ferry ride away from the Fae Isle - where the group attended that fancy party. Since he was finally in the neighborhood Z hopped over to visit for almost all the days they were in town. Zala shared some of his research, did some stargazing in his crazy telescope, did a fuck ton of research together on misc things Zeal needed to figure out, and crafted a bunch of new magic items together.
They've since parted again since Zala isn't really an adventurer, but now Zeal has an upgraded sending stone and will continue to keep very close contact. :>
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toonbly · 2 years
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jango-fettish · 2 years
Y’all, how do you play a chaotic good alignment in d&d???? I have never played before but I am going to be in a campaign and I have like a character background/motivation type thing and the basic character things (class, race, age etc), and I think the character would work as a chaotic good but idk how I would play that lol
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