#maw s3 thoughts
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moonamite · 4 months ago
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Haha what a silly character I relate to on a normal level :)
I wish we’d have him in season 3 depressed and miserable and aimless. We get to see him struggling. He stood up to his abuser and he feels no sense of victory or peace. If anything, all he wants to do is go to him and apologize, and beg for forgiveness- Even if he’d probably face even worse treatment as punishment for his betrayal, which in his mind, would be deserved.
Johnny was all he’s ever had, companion-wise and motivation-wise. This new freedom is terrifying to him— How do you adapt to freedom when the cage is all you’ve ever known? He’d be confused and in shock, probably withdrawing into isolation until he physically or financially can’t.
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Chet seems to be isolated— And knowing Johnny, this may have been intentional, always keeping Chet too busy to maintain any relationships, and keeping him from his old fraternity brothers, leaving him entirely reliant on him.
So now he’d be completely alone, with nobody to tell him where to go or what to do, which, for over two decades, has been the only life he’s ever known. Even when he’s gone, he can still feel Johnnys influence. Pretty much everything he’s ever done has been for or was influenced by Johnny, whether directly or indirectly, and now that’s all gone and there’s a void in his heart and he feels like he’ll die if it’s not filled.
And none of the other characters really interact with Chet, and according to his planner, the only time he meets with other monsters is for work related reasons. Since his schedule revolves around Johnny, I’m lead to believe that the “Lunch with (ROR member)” stuff is meant to mean it’s Johnny meeting up with them, not Chet- hence why he writes “Hopefully next time I’ll get to attend as well.”
The only other monster he interacts with in the show as well as the only one who’d maybe notice and/or care to help him is Tylor— Actually, pause. That could pose as a potentially interesting dynamic that can be explored; Chets’ apprehensiveness towards Tylor caused by how he’d managed to become the center of Johnnys’ attention in such a short time. That, and, well… The uncanny resemblance he holds with Johnny.
Oh, and also he’s definitely on Randall’s revenge list. So that’s fun.
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lambsquatch · 8 months ago
controversial opinion. I am dreading bald luthor.
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abacistat · 8 months ago
just thought i would share kon will be in maws s3. AND THEY DIDNT TAKE THE REDNECK Y*UNG J*STICE 2010 ROUTE THEY KEPT HIM IN THAT FUCKASS LEATHER JACKET LET’S GOOO (sources in tags ^_^!!!)
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dio-icarticaae · 8 months ago
Superman Comic Rec List!
I've seen a couple people curious about Superman comics after watching MAWS. So now that S2 is over, I thought I'd put together a rec list of Superman comics I've really enjoyed that I think are a good way to get into Superman comics. Enjoy!
1) Superman: Birthright
Why: A wonderful and touching origin story comic for Superman and a great introduction to his character, world, and supporting cast, from Krypton to Smallville to Metropolis. It has gorgeous art and a really good grasp on Clark's character and that of his supporting cast. Primary Themes: immigration, xenophobia, homesickness, hope Trigger Warnings: see above
2) Superman Smashes the Klan
Why: Based on the 1940s Superman radio show's "Clan of the Fiery Cross" storyline, Superman battles the Klan. Explores Clark's background as an immigrant. The story itself follows along with Roberta Lee, a young Chinese American girl whose family is being targeted by the Klan. Primary Themes: racism, identity issues, internalized racism, police brutality. Trigger Warnings: see above
3) Action Comics #792
Why: If I was asked to choose just one comic as my favorite Superman comic ever, it would be this one. A self-contained story that highlights Clark's investigative reporter skills and connections to people, as well as Superman's determination to save everyone, no matter their importance. Primary Themes: the importance of life, hope, connection
4) Superman: For All Seasons
Why: 4 issue exploration of Superman, told by various people in his life - Pa, Lois, Luthor, Lana Lang - for each season, at a pivotal point in his life. Primary Themes: family, hope, community, connection
5) Superman Red and Blue
Why: Anthology of Superman short stories, on a wide variety of themes and times in Clark's life. There's some that I like more than others in this anthology, but there's not a single bad story in there, and they're all very enjoyable. Primary Themes: hope, what it means to be a hero Trigger Warnings: see above
6) Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow
Why: Want more Kara? This is a wonderful comic for that! A great exploration of Kara and her rage and grief over the destruction of Krypton. Kara teams up with a girl on a mission to avenge her father's murder, taking them on a universe-spanning adventure in space on the trail of a space mercenary. The art is STUNNING and it is an amazing summation of Kara's character. Highly recommend it. Primary Themes: grief, justice, revenge, loss, kindness, survivor's guilt Trigger Warnings: see above
7) Superman: The Wedding Album
Why: Clois's comic wedding! Lois is really wonderful in this comic. This includes a lot of references to events that happened in the comics at this time so it might be beneficial to read some of them/skim the wiki pages for them before reading this for clarity. Primary Themes: love, joy, communication
8) Reign of the Supermen + Return of Superman
Why: Great encapsulation of who Clark is as a character and what makes Superman Superman. Takes place during Clark's comics death. Also, this is the first time that John Henry Irons (Steel) and Kon-el (Superboy) appear in comics! I also recommend this especially for MAWS because MAWS has already established/hinted at A LOT of story elements of this comic - I highly suspect that MAWS is going to do a version of this storyline in S3 or S4. Primary Themes: what it means to be a hero, legacy, identity Trigger Warnings: exploitation, grooming (Kon does NOT have a good time in this comic)
9) Steel (1994)
Why: Are you in any way curious about John Henry Iron's appearance in MAWS? Then this is the comic for you! His 1994 comic solo establishes who he is as a person and a hero, and his supporting cast. This comic run is great and I cannot recommend it enough. Primary Themes: responsibility, kindness Trigger Warnings: police brutality, American imperialism, drug use
10) Trial of Superman Arc
Why: Great exploration of Clark and the impact he has on the world and people around him. It's great fun, Clark gets kidnapped by aliens blaming him for Krypton's destruction because of his distant ancestors and escapes. You can find the reading order for this arc here. Primary Themes: Justice, redemption, fairness Trigger Warnings: police brutality, incarceration
And if you're interested in more, I highly recommend reading 90s Superman comics! Personally, I've been reading through from Reign of the Supermen/Return of Superman onwards, and there have been some rough patches, but it's also been very fun and I have found some amazing stories that way!
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thevindicativevordan · 3 months ago
Thoughts on “Superman and Lois” now that the show is over?
Not too surprised it's taken a while for someone to ask me about S&L S4. Between the upcoming Gunn reboot and MAWS, this show seems to have been squeezed out of the spotlight.
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First a brief note on the series as a whole. Superman & Lois was a solid adaption of the characterizations and approach of the Triangle Era. Most of the diehard fans of the show that I've seen on social media are likewise big fans of the Triangle Era. For them this was their show, the Superman of Byrne/Jurgens/Loeb finally adapted in a way they enjoyed. As someone who does not rate that era as highly, this was never going to be my dream Superman show. I went in with the mindset that this was still a CW show with teenage leads. It was going to be annoying and outright cringe in certain areas, but as long as we got at least one good Superman or Lois segment per episode (and John Henry Irons too once he joined), I would keep watching. Credit to the creators, I thought they consistently delivered on that. Now as for the final season
Hoechlin and Tulloch were fantastic throughout the entire series, even when the material they had to work with was sloppy at times. Hoechlin's final speech where he narrates the rest of Clark's life tug on the old heart strings a bit, I can't lie. Tulloch really got put through hell this season, but I loved when she was always standing up to Lex and giving him a verbal lashing whenever she could. Right now I have them both at #2 in my personal rankings list for their respective characters.
Wole Parks is my favorite Steel actor of all time. Yeah I know that the bar was in hell but damnit he still did a great job. Road to getting there was a mess but I did like seeing the JHI/Lana relationship adapted outside of comics. Since they got married here maybe we actually will see that marriage happen in the comics. Encouraging to think it might have some staying power after all. If I have one major complaint it's that they apparently built the perfect Steel suit and never let him actually wear it! WTF this is why "earning" the comic accurate look is such bs. Give the man his proper power armor with s-shield and cape! Ugh what could have been, he should've had that suit in S3 at the latest...
Michael Cudlitz might have displaced Rosenbaum as my favorite Lex, I'm not sure. I've been getting more and more disenchanted with "sympathetic villains" and having Lex here be an utterly reprehensible monster driven by spite and petty hate resonated with me. Hoult will probably end up taking the number 1 spot either way, but at least I'll have three good Lexs in my top three rankings.
Jon finally got powers, apparently they were going to drag that out until the final season no matter what? For that reason alone I'm almost glad they had to wrap things up in four seasons. I was getting majorly fatigued by the sibling drama and was glad they finally put that crap to bed. I had wondered if they would recreate S1 with Jon vs. Jordan as a full circle moment for Kal vs. Tal. But I guess that would have been too dark for this show, and as much of a selfish dick as Jordan could be, I couldn't see him turning murderous towards his twin at this point anyway. When Sam died to save Clark I figured that would be the only Kent Family death of the season.
Yeah I did like the final sequence where we got to see the Kents expand into a massive family, no way were they deliberately adapting it but my headcanon is something like PKJ's Future Stare House of El did exist in the far future.
Glad that the show went out on a high note in a way that satisfied the fanbase it had built. Could easily have ended up like The Flash, limping across the finish line with everyone glad to see it go. While I have no doubt there were some who felt the same way towards S&L, this at least got a proper ending to it's plot threads. Unlike Smallville or L&C I don't think S&L will have much impact on the Superman Mythos. It came after the Golden Age of Superhero TV had already ended, overshadowed by the endless swerves in direction of the film side, and MAWS is the Superman series that I foresee being the entry point for the younger generations. After Snyder left the character facedown in the dirt, this show picked Superman up, dusted him off, and hopefully put him in position for Gunn and MAWS to let him soar to new heights. For a CW show that is a far greater accomplishment than I expected.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 8 months ago
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I wanted to avoid posting about this cause I prefer not experiencing spoilers and experiencing it all for the first time when I watch it with mio fratello but I have so many thoughts up in my teeny lil brain I just gotta post em.
First: Hank's gonna be Cyborg Supes! That was pretty obvious seeing how random his death was in the finale but it's still cool. I like how he's got the Lexcorp symbol on his chest.
In the bottom left you can see a Kryptonian (Kara it looks like?) with three other individuals, one of whom seems to be bearded. They all have long trenchcoat jacket things. Also on the left is Intergang. I guess they just needed to fill the screen up, unless these guys just casually go back to fighting Clark in S3.
Gods I hope Conner is the one who makes Lex bald that would be so in-character and funny. But also we got a Conner of color! Thank you MAWS for making the cast diverse cause the longer I stare at an all-white cast the further they all look like Zac Efron to me. Although his origin may be different since both Clark and Lex are so mela-non I think a sunburn would actually just kill them. Maybe he'll be experimented on and given the powers (and then at that point you could do animal testing and give us Krypto? Please??). Maybe he just has a different skin tone and it's not that deep. Idk but I can't wait to find out.
Punk Conner I've missed you. The only people who think the leather jacket look is dated and should have died in the 90s are also folks unaware of the punk scene today. Punk menace Conner you will always be famous to me.
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"It don't bite :)"
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thatonebipotato · 8 months ago
gonna ramble about MAWS season 3 predictions and stuff under the cut, its gonna be pretty long and also mostly about conner
ok so first off, MAWS season 3 and conner in s3 are both CONFIRMED LETS GOOO
so i have some thoughts about what i think will happen, at least very specifically with conner
alright so first off, its possible that they could go the standard clone route. thats what im hoping for, as it seems pretty fun and has so much angst potential, especially in this iteration
first off there's the half kryptonian half human thing. thats probably gonna be luthors main draw to why superboy is better. however, thats also gonna be the thing that drives him to isolation, as it tends to do. hes too human to be kryptonian and too kryptonian to be human
luthor and slade, who are fairly good at manipulation, can use this against him and keep him feeling isolated so that he stays with them. knowing them and what they can do, i also believe that they might use kryptonite against him to keep him in line
i believe it could be some kind of sick back and forth, where conner keeps one upping clark and kara and being used as proof that aliens arent needed or wanted, and then clark and kara catching back up and him feeling like hes failing his only purpose
this leads up to a culmination of superboy going against superman and supergirl. ive mentioned the line "i never asked/wanted to be made" coming up before, and i think it could be here that its used
the first season was about clark learning and accepting who he is, then the second was about him and kara learning and accepting who they are, so it does make sense for the third season to also throw in a third kryptonian so they learn who they are together
however, the conner teaser we got shows him looking fairly tan. both luthor and clark are fairly pale in this iteration, so its possible that it could be a clone between lois and clark instead, as ive seen some people point out.
the alternative, which i think is a little bit more likely, is that it will be a conner from an alternate dimension.
alternate dimensions have already been played around with in the first season of MAWS, and as seen in this photo (the second one of the post) from the panel showing off what might be the s3 opening or possibly a promotional poster or smth, it looks like they're not only going to be bringing back the other dimensions, but it seems like that might be the main focus of the season
what i think could happen with this is that they either get to a dimension with conner in it and he helps them with whatever they need, or hes the one/is also traveling dimensions and they just happen to run into each other and they help each other out.
from there, i think we can learn that conner doesnt exist in the main dimension yet, so conner gives clark tips on how to handle him when he finally gets made. that, or because of weird dimension stuff he has to be super tight lipped about everything and can only give him vague hints.
near the end of the season, we also get a teaser for the main universes superboy, who gets to actually star in a potential 4th season
idk, these are just my thoughts that i wanna share. we dont have a lot to go off of as far as i know, but im so hyped for the next season its insane. if anyone wants to add PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go for it, id love to hear other thoughts and perspectives and discuss this with people!!
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zabala0z · 7 months ago
Okay. So. Hi. I’m your host who is rethinking life??? Or just thinking a lot right now, my brain got so much information. I would’ve posted sooner but I needed a couple hours to get my bearings yall ⛹️‍♀️ anyways! The final 4 episodes of TMA s2!!!
I’m not gonna do my usual format but to start with: I knew Elias was a bastard. I knew it, I CALLED IT. I mean it was pretty obvious but I’m just happy I figured it out. Although I’m very destroyed over the fact Sasha is definitely dead. Like I heard Dekker in MAG 78 and even then I was still in denial until Leitner said “yeah no she’s dead”
In MAG 79, I’m mostly pissed at Michael. Like the moment it put Tim and Martin through its creepy ass doors, I was just like full wheezing out of shock. I wheezed a lot today. Michael does not seem to know shit about humans too since it was like “I…I think it’s called a sport”. Love Michael but also stop being so cryptic oh my god. Also Not Sasha was low key horrifying. Like props to Michael and Not!Sashas voice actors because man I have never felt my muscles seize up like I did when hearing them.
Not Sasha mentioned like being sent to the house of its enemy that had the biggest eyes you ever saw. I thought the enemy was the institute but later I found out…no. Oh yeah! Mag 80! What the hell!
Jurgen Leitner being like “yeah my assistants kinda were killed a lot” like okay go supporting boss. I did not predict it was LEITNER who was living in the tunnels. It’s nice he worked with Gertrude though.
Also, these entities. Again, I was vaguely aware of some since their name was thrown around but I didn’t really realize the extent. Jon mentioned Michael and Leitner refers to it as “The Distortion” and that’s its part of “The Spiral”. AND THATS WHERE FRACTALS COME FROM. God.
Also, when Leitner and Elias are talking, Leitner talks about “the Stranger” and Elias asks what they call it which is “The Unknowing”. The last episode, Not Sasha says that Jon will miss the Unknowing but he wouldn’t understand so I’m assuming the replacement things fall under The Stranger
One final thing I noticed was that he mentioned his assistants getting killed on that day of the attack and all the ways they got killed or I dunno attacked, corresponds with different themes from other statements
“Stabbed through the throat by something with too many teeth and weird limbs”- the replacement things (The Stranger)
“Pulled into a cavernous maw that opened beneath her”- I think this is related to The Butchers Window where Jared Hopworth would throw bones down that pit with teeth
“Gregory Todd ran into a door that shouldn’t have been there”- Michael. What are you doing 💀 (The Spiral)
“A great hand reached down through the roof” -I actually don’t know. Thought it was Freefall but misremembered it.
“Pulled into a great, pulsating pile of meat”- literally every episode with a meat theme. (EDIT 9/2/24: this is related to MAG 18 actually!)
“Doors with darkness and doors on fire”- so the cult I think is related to the darkness but with the fire, I know that Burned Out and that statement with Agnes could be related
So I’m guessing every way an assistant like got killed is one of those entities. I know The Vast is somehow related because Michael Crew mentioned that name before throwing himself out the window and then like changing. Guess he’s like a servant now or something?
Oh god that’s most of it. I’m wondering where Jon is now and I hope Tim and Martin don’t like fully believe he murdered a man. Also I swear to god, Elias, if I catch you. Like Leitner was not a super good guy but come on. I’m glad Not Sasha is gone but…my OG girl 😔😔😔
if you got this far in reading me descend down into my little obsession thank you 🫶🫶🫶 like all this is for fun but everyone I talked to in this fandom is so chill and doesn’t try to spoil which is nice. As someone who was in crazy fandoms, this is pretty calm for such a horrifying media. I’ll probably continue these posts for s3 but I’ll try to condense it I swear guys.
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nitewrighter · 8 months ago
Hello! It's me, the person who accidentally sent you an ask 3 times because they weren't that it was received or even sent. Sorry about that.
I'd like to ask your opinions and thoughts about the latest episodes of MAWS. What do you think will happen in the last episode and how would s3 go forward afterwards? What difference do you think the MAWS crew and show would have made had they been allowed a 26 per season show run? What do you think of Sam Lane and his poorly decisions as a father impacting Lois? Do you think Lois's character development is growing her own confidence to stand as herself without letting her doubts shake her? What of Jimmy and Kara? Would you like a beach episode?
Eat your vegetables and drink water daily. May a gentle week come to you.
Honestly as far as cast and crew goes, there's not a whole lot I could tell you. What I can tell you is that it's hilarious to me that I put out this whole post talking about how, "Oh pssshhh these Metallo Drones aren't Metallo because they don't have kryptonite cores!" And then this episode comes out. And they have kryptonite cores. I'll say, sure, it's still not the visceral-ness of Corben's character, but you got me there!
I actually have a whole fic talking about Sam and Lois's relationship that I feel sums up a lot of my feelings on it. I feel like MAWS is one of the more sympathetic portrayals of Sam Lane, even while putting him in a directly antagonistic position.
Honestly I don't know what direction S3 will take. I don't want to re-hash anything too hard, but "Death of Superman" and its ensuing events is a really fun continuity, There's a lot of directions you could take that whole thing in. But mostly PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something with Hank Henshaw PLEASE. Fuck him up and let him level up as a hater. PLEASE.
I would love for a conflict at least adjacent to the Kenny Braverman/Conduit conflict. I would love for Clark to finally come to terms with what he wants for humanity as a whole when *his core* is fundamentally threatened and it's a threat that's intimate to Clark Kent rather than Superman. Like, this season we know Clark and Lois figured out they loved each other and they're ride or die for each other but also... did that love awaken new parts of the self? Will Clark ever see the identity of "Clark Kent" as his reprieve from being Superman and his connection with humanity? And I think you more or less hit the nail on the head for their projected character development for Lois--Lois as a character has always been flawed, and that's one of the things we love about her, but I think another thing about her character is that we're very used to seeing a very kick-butt hyper-competent bitch (affectionate) Lois, so this series taking the time of walking us through a very vulnerable Lois and having her come into her own as Clark is coming into his own as Superman I think is a pretty fun decision.
Honestly I've never been that big on Jimmy and Kara as a ship and for me, that's because Kara's character goes well beyond fandom shipping. I'm a hardcore romantic, but Kara's story won't find completion through a romantic interest, and honestly the same goes for Jimmy. But Kara and Jimmy are cute in MAWS, and MAWS is on the more romance-focused end of the spectrum of Superman stories so I can get behind it.
Of course I want a beach episode. Honestly I just really want them to get approved for more episodes per season so we can have a more plot/emotional breathing room.
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Renaissance (Hannigram S3 post credits) - Shortfic
Explicit // M/M // Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham // Tags: season 3, post credits, missing scene, major character death, they both die (sorry), rebirth, eldritch horror, tentacles, monster Hannibal, monster fucking, monster, drowning, illusions and delusions, anal sex, tentacle sex, mpreg, eggpreg, monster birth, explosive birth (like Alien), cannibalism, Hannibal mark II.
I don't know if I can save myself. Maybe that's just fine.
Latest installment on my @hannibalbingo card: Renaissance
Note: Ok, this one got out of hand lol. My thought process went Renaissance = rebirth = eggpreg = eldritch horror. Sorry.
Renaissance (1k):
Will had been underwater before, of course.
But nothing compared to this. The hard crash against the surface and then sucked down into the oppressive ocean. He was barely beneath the surface and yet the pressure was intense. It felt inescapable. He went calm, resisting the urge to scramble towards the surface.
That was when he felt movement next to him. Hannibal.
He reached out, expecting to feel human flesh, but instead there was something else. A limb, hot to the touch. Will opened his eyes against the burning salt and took in the sight before him. Processed the words in his head.
Fallen angel, I’ve been called. Devil. Demon. Inhuman. Not all correct, but not entirely wrong.
It was Hannibal’s voice in his head, and it took him a moment to realise that the creature in front of him was Hannibal. For creature it now was. A mass of limbs and eyes, skin like an oil slick and a great maw for a mouth.
I have walked this earth for millennia, in one form or another. And the time for this form is done.
Will blinked, the remaining air in his lungs was burning.
Continue on AO3!
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shmreduplication · 4 months ago
list of stuff i did tuesday 6PM - thursday 11:59PM, aka stuff i was not liveblogging because i was not on tumblr
last 5 episodes of MAWS S2. I had a thought that i could just take notes instead of liveblogging and i wrote down that i figured out Brainiac is a portmanteau of brain and maniac, and did not write down anything else. The timeloop is really good, short+sweet+to the point, and very unique
first 7 episodes of Vox Machina the cartoon, S3. Usually fight scenes are the most boring in live-action stuff. Here the fight scenes might be my favorite because it's beautifully animated and gives me a break from all of the plot happening at once. I think the episodes are 23 minutes/have a 30 minute structure but the writing and story really really needs 46 minutes/1 hr structure that dramas generally have. OK i just looked it up and Invincible, another adult cartoon on amazon, has 45-55 minute episodes. None of the writing or anything needs to change too much to lengthen Vox Machina, just add in a million establishing shots or something, give me time to breath between the plot points
The Truman Show. I don't think I've ever seen it all the way thru in one sitting. It's on Hoopla. Really holds up, don't have too much to say
I played Cookie Clicker and watched a handful of speedrun videos. what the fuck is that game. Anyway, the vids kept giving me more cookie clicker video recommendations, that's part of why I thought it would be safe to watch Falsettos. I was avoiding my youtube homepage becuase I didn't want to see news get recommended but youtube in general seemed safe
all of The Thief. It's very good and I did pick up more stuff that I would have missed if I hadn't read RotT beforehand. I finished it thursday and I'm on QoA now
Falsettos. It's very good. I didn't have the sidebar visible so I shouldn't have seen recommended vids and the ones that pop up at the end of the video should have been about rwrb, cookie clicker, or more stuff about falsettos but it was fucking seth meyers. i youtubed too close to the sun fr
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grimreaperofroleplay · 8 months ago
Okay okay, so listen, I made my bingo card like weeks ago for maws S3 because as soon as it was on the last three episodes I started my predictions, so here's the thing there are images around on socials I don't know exactly where it's from I also don't know if it's confirmed or not but it's of kon in the maws art style, just for me to be sure I'm actually going to start crossing out my bingo stuff when to season comes out but his appearance was kind of expected at least for me
Because you want to know something funny? I'm pretty sure I dreamed of con being in my adventures of superman, my brain stopped working for a bit so I went on the adult swim channel to look through the trailer for season 2 at my brain just blanks on me, because I could have sworn I saw him standing in front of like Luther who's in a fancy suit and slade who I don't exactly remember what he was wearing but Slade and Luther was there and there was a fire I think
It was a blurry dream but I remember the spotlight being specifically on kon, so that's kind of the reason I put him on my bingo card to appear next season because my dreams are usually predictions that somewhat happens every once in awhile, I'm not exactly surprised if he does show up in the next season it's just laughable because I thought it was a Mandela effect turns out it's just my brain playing another dumb trick on me
But hey, at least I know some of my squares are going to be crossed out in my bingo card :3
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dio-icarticaae · 8 months ago
MAWS S2 Finale Thoughts
Well that was a fun finale for MAWS!
Loved Kara in this episode so much, it was amazing. Especially loved Clark and Kara's relationship in this episode.
Was really glad to see John Henry make an appearance!! Was hoping for something closer to his comics armor but hopefully we get that at some point because I'd love to see it in MAWS's style.
Also loved Intergang coming back to fight off the Metallos. Great moment! I am unhappy with Sam Lane reappearing but that's mostly because I absolutely loathe him.
I will probably put together a post with my thoughts on what MAWS S3 is going to be tomorrow, because I have So Many and I can see what they're most likely going to be doing and it is so intriguing.
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woodox-earthtaurus · 1 year ago
Incoming unpopular opinion. Did it not occur to anyone that Filoni, much like Taika in marvel, just doesnt have the respect for the majority of the characters of Star Wars that - say- Favreau with IronMan or others have? Who the hell treats the Mandalorians like he has? Why the hell were either of them allowed to treat Luke like that? 😤 Who wouldn't understand & acknowledge that there's a SAG and WGA strike ongoing and then refuse to be on the front lines / voicing support? They're both writers & directors/producers. And Favreau (like a certain New Zealander) is also an actor. Plus wtf 🙃 was with Kennedy & Filoni being allowed say on Mando s3?
First off, the Nightsisters were never said to be Dark Side Witches except by maybe Dooku and Palpatine. Look where that motivation is coming from. Second, the Zabrak aren't from Dathomir. They're from Iridonia. And they don't always have red/orange skin. That's kind of specific to the *subspecies* that developed on Dathomir. The Nightsisters are literally referred to as 'dathomiri witches'. Third, they're not using the Force. Did 😒 no one see any clips of (or play) Fallen Order or Survivor? Merrin is thought to be one of the very last of her kind. She literally explains to Cal that their Magic isn't the Force.
That leads me to my fourth and fifth points. No4: Filoni is just making shit up at this point, i would hope reviewers would understand this. Why would there be something beyond the 'unknown regions'? This isn't some dinky galaxy we're playing in with Star Wars. Have you SEEN the Star Map for the number of worlds just in the Outer Rim? There are hundreds of solar systems and nebulae and solar clouds and tunnels (wormholes). And he wants you to think that there's a whole new set of worlds beyond 'unknown space'. 🤣😅 I explained about the Dathomiri already but lets use an actual Dark Force God. In Legends, the eldritch horror Abeloth lurks in a cluster of black holes called The Maw. Its within the edges of the Outer Rim - Inside the known universe of Star Wars. There's hardly anything *known* about the areas outside the Outer Rim; its why the name is Wild Space & the *Unknown* Regions. JFC.
After what has been written about beloved characters in the sequels, in Mando, and even with Boba not having starring roles in his own series, I find it highly insulting as a fan that yall just take this dummy's word that this is gospel. Like holy shit, do some basic research TOR before raving about how great ep 6 was for canon.
Canon so far has been dogshit. S3 of Mandalorian, the cliffhangers of both Boba Fett & Kenobi, the shit writing... The only great thing out of Disney post lucasfilm buy is Pedro Pascal as the Mandalorian and getting to see Morrison as Boba. --> 🫠😵 I find it super insulting that Disney would retcon *their own canon* from games/books/earlier shows to allow Elspeth and the 'Great Mothers' to have the Force. To say that this 'never before known planet' is some special jedi place. To hint that Thrawn might be the main antagonist when no one can say that with the strike or books that are *already out*. Icould keep going but yall bore me. Ewww.
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thesilverhunt3r · 8 months ago
Thanks. I really do enjoy character struggles and development.
BATAS is always good. Also I've been remembering how some really iconic joker things come from it. Joker Christmas song my beloved.
I have no idea about Gotham's end. I'm on episode 5.
Young Justice is good for some Dick Grayson. There's also some fun other kid superheroes.
I think I saw some of the og teen titans show, but very little.
Maws talk:
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https://twitter.com/AtenaHena/status/1680969065576243205 A real fun fan comic.
+ it was officially announced that Connor kent is going to be in s3
If your batman is just a 100% abusive parent, that's not batman. A lot of batman's motivation is centered on the support of children and the prevention of future tragedies, particularly the loss of family such as parents.
He can and should make mistakes because he is human and has a ridiculous amount of stuff he's probably always having to work through by being an orphan and vigilante of many years. But, that should make him sympathetic, not irredeemable.
Let me know thoughts 👀 I'm working on chapter two for the bat hats fic.
o/ thanks for putting batfam content on my dash, I've been reading the batman comics and am obsessed
Let's goo. Got a moot into my (ever returning) obsession!
Hope you're enjoying. Which comics are you reading?
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thevindicativevordan · 3 years ago
What are your thoughts on the DCAU in general? I know you've done Superman I'm just wondering if you have any other thoughts on other areas of the franchise.
BTAS is as great as you have heard it is. Not without the occasional dud, such as I've Got Batman In My Basement, or the Catwoman episodes, but overall well worth checking out even now. Batman Beyond somehow managed to take an edict from the higher ups (make a teen Batman in high school show) and actually pull it off in an enjoyable way! While certain characters weren't as well served as others in JL - my personal ranking of the Big 7 is that Batman & Hawkgirl were GOAT status, Flash & GL were good, Martian Manhunter was a disappointment, and Superman & Wonder Woman were awful - the overall storytelling of the series is still fantastic. Superman may need to be a dumb asshole in order for it to work, but the Cadmus plot is gripping and engaging for kids and adults alike. Shout out to Static Shock as well, Static was one of my favorite heroes growing up solely off of how much I loved watching reruns of his show on Disney XD, since I couldn't read his comics (and that S3 theme is aces, if you disagree you are simply wrong).
Overall it's still a good universe, even if I don't agree with the opinion that they should put Timm and Dini in charge of their live actions films, or that it's the gold standard everything DC should seek to copy. It was a solid endeavor that had it's time, and may get a spiritual successor in the Caped Crusader cartoon, but outside of Batman it's not something I'm interested in reviving. MAWS going in a totally different direction has me pumped since I consider DCAU Superman to be one of the worst aspects of the DCAU, and I hope a possible WW cartoon also chooses to go in a new direction. Additionally the Bat-embargo was a good thing and they need to bring it back. Only way we're going to get to see the non-Batverse side of DC receive any love is if the higher-ups wall off the Batverse from the rest of DC.
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