#mathew dent
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children-of-arkham · 7 months ago
Since im currently on vacation and have no acess to my drawing tablet (and the quality would be bad if i took a pic of my sketchbook) i made a duo moodboard from this AU and will continiue with other clones.
For the first duo its The Coin (Two face clone) and Polar (Penguin clone):
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What should I name this duo? (Prob gonna make a poll abt it)
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callme-holly · 3 months ago
Hi!!! i was wondering if you could do gang x reader where they always come up with the most biazzare but funny insults on the dot. like i mean telling someone who was rude to them they have the hairline of the golden gate bridge, the build of a dented refridgerator, etc. etc. and they just pull this shit out of normal and usually uses it in playful banter feel free to delete / setaside / ignore if you want! have a lovely day!!!
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤-𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - im back y'all. just a reminder than my requests are still open!!
The gang x quick-witted!reader
Darry Curtis:
Darry seems like the kinda guy who would try his hardest to keep a straight face when you joke/insult someone, but most times he can’t help but crack a small smile. The first time he heard one of your insults, he couldn’t help but laugh, because it was the most random shit he’d ever heard. If y’all are in public, he’ll try to shush you, or keep you somewhat calm to keep the insults at bay, but he loves hearing what you can come up with on the spot, and he’ll probably tease you for it later on.
Sodapop Curtis:
Soda LOVES your insults. They will make him double over laughing every single time, no matter what it is. The first time he heard you insult someone was when they’d pushed past you at the DX; he was so ready to defend you when you just pulled out the wildest comeback known to man. He was stunned for about 2 seconds before both of you were in fits of laughter and the person walked out without a word. 
Ponyboy Curtis:
Pony would probably get some second hand embarrassment, but he’d still love every little insult that comes from you. You don’t exactly hold back when it comes to people who have annoyed you, and most of the time he’ll just let you ramble/hurl whatever insult you can think of without stopping you. Most of the time he’ll just look away, trying to hide his smile so he doesn’t get in trouble for it. He probably admires your lack of shame and, because we know he’s sassy as hell, he’ll probably steal a few of your insults to use on his brothers and the gang. 
Johnny Cade:
Much like Pony, Johnny strongly admires what little shame you have. If someone shows even the slightest hint of rudeness towards either you, or Johnny, you’re shooting some crazy insult straight back like it’s a first language. You don’t even need time to think. He’ll give small laughs and will break out into a smile at every single one before following after you when you walk away, not even looking back at the person. You definitely help to give him confidence boosts and he loves that. 
Dallas Winston:
You and Dally are a dangerous combo when it comes to insults. The shit the two of you will say is so crazy that most people can do nothing but laugh because it’s so out of the blue and random. The first time Dallas heard you insult someone, he just grinned and wrapped an arm around you. He was pretty damn proud to say the least. After that, it became a challenge of who could come up with the best insult towards the other, and people very quickly learnt to never mess with either of y’all.
Steve Randle:
Steve is pretty much your partner in crime when it comes to insults. He loves listening to you rattle off the craziest, most absurd shit everyone has ever heard, and most of the time he’ll join in to. He’ll laugh everytime you hit someone with something especially wild, and if anyone ever dares talk back, Steve’s got five more insults locked and ready to go. He’ll always defend you, but it doesn’t take long for him to realise you can definitely hold your own. 
Two-Bit Mathews:
Two lives for your insults. To him, it’s literally peak entertainment and you’ll have him rolling with laughter every damn time. Thing is, he isn’t just cracking up at you’re insults; he’s hyping you up, egging you on, and throwing in his own little comebacks when necessary. Most times, he doesn’t even care who your target is, he just loves listening to you. And once the two of you get started on someone, it’s a one way ticket to a roast so bizarre that even the person y’all are insulting has to laugh it off. All in all, Two-bit loves your creativity, and sometimes envies how quick you are to come up with something. 
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aprill-99 · 6 months ago
Due respect, but in my opinion, immortal characters who are “bored with immortality” are severely lacking in imagination.
You know what would happen to me if I got immortality? Reading. In fact, immortality might be the only way to make a dent in my TBR.
Know who got it right? I can think of 3:
1. Mathew Clairmont (Couldn’t be sure that continuing to go to school wouldn’t bring him happiness, so decided to keep getting degrees just in case. Might unravel the secrets of the universe on the way, might not, he’s got the time to figure it out. Had to go back in time and be a spy instead for a while and was very upset about it).
2. The Doctor (IYKYK).
3. Tessa Grey (I grant you it’s early, but if anyone thinks this girl isn’t going to read her way into eternity I’m sorry, but you’re just wrong).
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jules-has-notes · 1 year ago
Survivor — VoicePlay music video
Why bring in just one or two members of another Sing-Off group when you can collaborate with all of Home Free at once? From the combined power of two established, professional a cappella groups, we were gifted with two minutes of concentrated gloriousness. And everyone involved clearly had a good time making it.
title: Survivor – Zombies vs. Hillbillies (VoicePlay vs. Home Free)
original performers: Destiny's Child
written by: Beyoncé Knowles, Anthony Dent, & Mathew Knowles
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci & Rob Lundquist (credited as Death Cas-"Dead"-lucci & Rob's Beard.)
release date: 21 December 2013
My favorite bits:
opening with a sequence of classic monster movie chords
Home Free starting with a more traditional barbershop style
all the homages to the zombie choreography from Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video
Austin still refusing to wear a shirt
Chris accidentally shooting an arrow at Rob
VoicePlay's crunchy descending harmonies and syncopation on ♫ "We will wear you out." ♫
Home Free simulating banjo sounds by wibbling their lips with their fingers
Rob doing the requisite YouTube "Like, comment, subscribe" outro even as he's being devoured
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The groups originally prepared this song as the battle piece for episode 4 of The Sing-Off, but neither ended up in danger. They enjoyed the concept they came up with during rehearsals so much that they wanted to share it with the world.
The Sing-Off producers agreed that it was it was too good not to share, so it was included in the lineup for the 2014 tour.
Layne flew up to Minnesota where Home Free recorded many of their own videos to film their side of things.
This was Geoff's first time ever wearing contacts, and he didn't enjoy it. He seems to have at least gotten used to it over the years, though, as they have been part of several character looks since.
The original song may have been inspired by a snarky reference to the Survivor reality show, but this video is very much an homage to The Walking Dead.
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pigura · 1 year ago
A photograph that brings news of some unsuspected zone of misery cannot make a dent in public opinion unless there is an appropriate context of feeling and attitude. The photographs Mathew Brady and his colleagues took of the horrors of the battlefields did not make people any less keen to go on with the Civil War. The photographs of ill-clad, skeletal prisoners held at Andersonville inflamed Northern public opinion—against the South. (The effect of the Andersonville photographs must have been partly due to the very novelty, at that time, of seeing photographs.) The political understanding that many Americans came to in the 1960s would allow them, looking at the photographs Dorothea Lange took of Nisei on the West Coast being transported to internment camps in 1942, to recognize their subject for what it was—a crime committed by the government against a large group of American citizens. Few people who saw those photographs in the 1940s could have had so unequivocal a reaction; the grounds for such a judgment were covered over the pro-war consensus. Photographs cannot create a moral position, but they can reinforce one—and can help build a nascent one. Photographs may be more memorable than moving images, because they are a neat slice of time, not a flow. Television is a stream of underselected images, each of which cancels its predecessor. Each still photograph is a privileged moment, turned into a slim object that one can keep and look at again. Photographs like the one that made the front page of most newspapers in the world in 1972—a naked south Vietnamese child just sprayed by American napalm, running down a highway toward the camera, her arms open, screaming with pain—probably did more to increase the public revulsion against the war than a hundred hours of televised barbarities. One would like to imagine that the American public would not have been so unanimous in its acquiescence to the Korean War if it had been confronted with photographic evidence of the devastation of Korea, an ecocide and genocide in some respects even more thorough than those inflicted on Vietnam a decade later. But the supposition is trivial. The public did not see such photographs because there was, ideologically, no space for them. No one brought back photographs of daily life in Pyongyang, to show that the enemy had a human face, as Felix Greene and Marc Riboud brought back photographs of Hanoi. Americans did have access to photographs of the suffering of the Vietnamese (many of which came from military sources and were taken with quite a different use in mind) because journalists felt backed in their efforts to obtain those photographs, the event having been defined by a significant number of people as savage colonialist war. The Korean War was understood differently—as part of the just struggle of the Free World against the Soviet Union and China—and, given that characterization, photographs of the cruelty of unlimited American firepower would have been irrelevant. Though an event has come to mean, precisely, something worth photographing, it is still ideology (in the broadest sense) that determines what constitutes an event. There can be no evidence, photographic or otherwise, of an event until the event itself has been named and characterized. And it is never photographic evidence which can construct—more properly, identify—events; the contribution of photography always follows the naming of the event. What determines the possibility of being affected morally by photographs is the existence of a relevant political consciousness. Without a politics, photographs of the slaughter-bench of history will most likely be experienced as, simply, unreal or as a demoralizing emotional blow.
Susan Sontag, On Photography
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dcau-incorrect-quotes · 5 years ago
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Btas villains!
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years ago
What are some of the DC or marvel characters do you wanna write more about?
These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head but there are plenty of others I would love to eventually get to.
DC Characters
Midnighter/Lucas Trent
Apollo/Andrew Pulaski
Blue Beetle/Ted Kord
Booster Gold/Michael Carter
Inertia/Thaddeus Thawne
Black Canary/Dinah Lance
Talia al Ghul
Ra’s al Ghul
Punchline/Alexis Kaye
Wally West
Bart Allen
Starfire/Kory Anders
Lady Shiva
Power Girl/Karen Starr
Two-Face/Harvey Dent
Captain Cold/Leonard Snart
Green Lantern/Guy Gardner
Green Lantern/Kyle Rayner
Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz
Green Lantern/Simon Baz
Shazam/Billy Bateson
Marvel Characters
Sentry/Robert Reynolds
Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze
Ghost Rider/Robbie Reyes
Emma Frost
Cyclops/Scott Summers
Black Cat/Felicia Hardy
Elektra Natchios
Black Bolt
Medusa/Medusalith Amaquelin
Franklin Richards
Legion/David Haller
Any of the Symbiotes
Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd
Matthew Malloy
Daredevil/Mathew Murdock
Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Silk/Cindy Moon
X-23/Laura Kinney
Havok/Alex Summers
Polaris/Lorna Dane
Vulcan/Gabriel Summers
Angel/Warren Worthington III
Iceman/Bobby Drake
Dazzler/Alison Blaire
Colossus/Piotr Rasputin
Magic/Illyana Rasputina
Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
Madelyne Pryor
Mister Sinister/Nathaniel Essex
X-Man/Nate Grey
Psylocke/Betsy Braddock
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www-justiceleague · 4 years ago
Selected fan-cast for my Ultimate DC universe:
George Newbern: Clark Kent a.k.a Ultimate Superman
Kevin Conroy: Ultimate Batman
Carl Lumby: Z’onn Z’ones a.k.a Ultimate Martian Manhunter
Micheal Rosenbaum: Wally West a.k.a Ultimate Flash
Jennifer Hale: Doris Zuel-West a.k.a Ultimate Giganta
Kristin Bauer van Straten: Crystal Frost
Josh Keaton: Hal Jordan a.k.a Ultimate Green Lantern (1st responder)
Phil Lamar: John Stewart a.k.a Green Lantern (2nd responder)
: Guy Gardener a.k.a Green Lantern (3rd responder)
Matt Ryan: John Constantine a.k.a Hellblazer
Brad Garrett: Ultimate Lobo
Clancy Brown: Lex Luther
Jennifer Morrison: Selina Kyle a.k.a Ultimate Catwoman
Ray Chase: Jason Blood a.k.a Etrigan
Mark Hamill: Jack Napier a.k.a the Joker
Paul Williams: Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a the Penguin
Alastair Duncan: Alfred Pennyworth
Arleen Sorkin: Dr. Harleen Quinzel a.k.a Ultimate Harley Quinn
Dietrich Bader: Booster Gold
Sara Cravens: Karen Starr a.k.a Power Girl
Micheal Ironside: Darksied
Micheal Dorn: Kalibak
Corey Burton: Kanto
Ed Asner: Granny Goodness and Kent Nelson
Jason Spisak: Razer
Ron Perlman: Slade Wilson a.k.a Ultimate Deathstroke
Grey Griffin: Aya
Kevin Micheal Richardson: Killowag, Mogo, & B’wanna Beast
Christian Slater: Floyd Lawton a.k.a Deadshot
Rachel Kimsey: Bleez
Armin Shimerman: Zilius Zox
Diane Michelle: Lashina
Phil Morris: Saint Brody Walker & Vandal Savage
Martin Moll: Harvey Dent a.k.a Ultimate Two-Face
Tasia Valenza: Ultimate Poison Ivy
John Curry: Jack Moore a.k.a Rankor
Lori Petty: Ultimate Livewire
Andrea Martin: Mad Harriet
Vanessa Marshall: Dinah Lance-Queen a.k.a Ultimate Black Canary
Alan Tudyk: Oliver Queen a.k.a Ultimate Green Arrow
Thomas Powell: Eobard Thawne a.k.a Reverse Flash
Camilla Luddington: Zatanna Zatara
John DiMaggio: Arthur Curry a.k.a Aquaman & Brother Blood
Jake T. Austin: Jaime Reyes a.k.a Ultimate Blue Beetle
Lacey Chambert: Donna Troy a.k.a Wonder Girl
Greg Cipes: Beast Boy
Tara Strong: Raven
Khary Peyton: Cyborg
Hyndyn Walsh: young Starfire
Kari Wahlgren: older Starfire
Scott Menville: young Dick Grayson
Mathew Valencia: young Tim Drake
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siremasterlawrence · 5 years ago
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Supervillain’s Rise
Part 1
I watch from my television screen Governor chanting up the streets of Gotham City, NYC.
He wants change Gotham for the better with a sweeping of policies fo benefit him.
“Absolutely worthless piece of shit.” I shout throwing the remote.
He sits down on The Late Gotham Variety Show with Host Mark Dent.
“Well I am the best thing for Gotham.” He says in a cocky voice.
I could punch his lights out till his face is is all black and blue.
Part 2
It’s great to attend his post party victory over Harvey Dent.
“I shall lead New Gotham.” He shouts raiding his fist in the air.
“We shall win.” He chants riling up the crowd as he speeds through the rows.
I roll my eyes in disgust forming the word shit in my mind.
I take a deep breath dropping a bomb to the ground.
The bomb is exploding on impact causing a sleeping affect.
Part 3
Newly victorious Governor Mathew Timber is taken from his post election party.
Catching him from his back I hold his waist by my arm.
I chloroform him digging my tissue in to his mouth.
Matthew struggles falling in to a deep slumber easy for my control.
I carry him out of the room on my back till we reach my van.
I drop him in the back driving off to nowhere in particular.
Part 4
The new incoming Mayor Jacob Jet awaits a meeting with the missing Governor.
Mayor Jett waltzes in to the room thinking he is all that.
“Mr. Governor? What the fuck?” He yells seeing me.
“Don’t worry he is safe and sound so shall you be as well.” I inform him.
“Mr. Mayor fall to your knees.” I command to him.
He stands firm resisting me watching the door close.
Part 5
I press a button under the desk setting of a alarm.
The buzzing sound packs a wallop hitting a high.
The crescendo descends on him forcing him to hold his ears in pain.
“So pathetic you weakling.” I kick his back in pinning him down.
“Submit completely to me.” I push it on him even further.
I yank a large piece of his hair dragging him to a shaft.
Part 6
Mayoral Jacob M. Jett gives me a huge hug wrapping his arms around me.
“The spell is almost complete.” I think kissing him on the lips.
We make love hard, hot, and so sweet banging hot.
“Now put on your hat, fix your suit and go to this address.” I instruct him.
He smiles happily under my power exiting the room on my orders.
“Master Lawrence, I must obey.” I hear him say over and over again.
To Be Continued.
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children-of-arkham · 1 year ago
So I just realised that I posted a refrence sheet of Coin/Mathew Dent and I didnt even explain who he is in this AU so better buckle down now and explain:
Mathew Dent is a cloned son of Two Face that was made by Hugo Strange.
Out of all the other clones though, he was the first that was made, making him the oldest.
As Hugo didnt really care for him even though he was only a small child when he was made (he was only 8) he was expirimented daily and neglected.
That was, of course, until Hugo got some new toys to play by making more clones so that was when Mathew or as his name was back in the labs - C014, got some peace from the expirimenting. Maybe even some rest.
He developed unnatrual grey color in his eyes that changes shades due to temperatures.
Of course on the picture I drew he has scars but that is a spoiler.
The following about him would be a spoiler for the AU so this is all I can tell you.
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nityarawal · 2 years ago
Creative Teachers
Morning Songs
Unwinding A Pile Of Yarn,
Donated To Me,
By A Trafficked Friend!
She Doesn't Call Me That!
Too Hopped Up
On Nazi Drugs!
Brainwashed By
Whose Your Pregnant 
To Be Trafficked On
Baby Given To Them?
Given Back To Court,
Aborigine Genes.
Why Are You Helping
Part Of Nazi Schemes?
Don't Want To Be
Part Of That Gang!
That's Why I Moved!
So Many Slumlorded,
Falling Apart,
After Being Street Kids!
How Can You Capitalise
On Their "Hardship?"
Yet, We Need Boundaries
From "Oathkeepers,"
Pimpin' Them!
Where Is Pete?
"Did He Die?" 
Like Mitch?
"Seems That Happens
To Those Kind," 
Says His X Girlfriend
For She Thought He
Shot Adrien,
She Saw The Sawed
Off Shotgun
Weapon, At His 
Why is She Charged?
Gang Raped?
For BB Guns?
Why Do My X-Lovers
Beg To Meet Her?
Yet, She Was Caged
By Court,
Like Renee Zelwieger
In Chicago!
In Bondage Now,
Enslaved By
Officers- Indirectly- 
Sex Stings!
Jeremy Parsons,
Shane Stewart,
Daniel Crabtree,
Dan Godsnick,
Ashby (Clark) Sorrenson,
Jay Curatolo,
Mathew Robert's?
(Whitney Ryan,
Grant Funk,
Olesya Adam's,
Judge Kelly Mok,
Alicia Freeze,
Tony Dunne
Nick De Pinto
Laura Wasser
Mathew Rosengart
Roseline Farrel
Annette Hallneville
DA Summer Stephan
DA Michael Hestrin
Mark Milton
Mark Ritchie
Daniel Hidalgo
Judge Marine Mathew Brower
Judge Clark!
Whitney Ryan
Marni Entin
Kristin Scogin
Peter Pwin
Mathew Robert's 
Sheriff Bianco
Ken Carlsson 
Hannah's House)
Why Have You All
Witchhunted Me?
Sold Me On The Black
Market to Mark Milton
Mark Ritchie,
An AI Protocall!
DA Summer Stephan's
Boys' Club! And
Judge Clark's 
Officers Raped Us All!
R-A-P-E- We Mouth
Horrible Words!
Don't Even Want 
To Say Them!
Seems Like A Curse!
Thankyou Global Loves
For Going Up To Bat!
For Me!
My Sisters!
And Believe Me,
They're Connected
To You!
Over 40 Years
By "God Knows Who!"
"Morality Police!"
Funded By
Not, What Mom's
Not, What We Pay For! 
Not, What Our Vote
And Not What Our 
Feet March To!
Give Us Freedom!
Give Us Back Our Kids!
Let Me Love Whom
I want To,
Despite Ancestors
We Meet On A New
In The Unified Field
Not A "Mothers Cult."
No! It's Real!
Don't Make "Guru"
A Bad Word
Like "Liberal,"
Was I Raped From There,
To Prove A Point,
To An "Oathkeeper?"
I Begged The Sheriff,
Chad Bianco,
DA Michael Hestrin,
And Every
For Peace!
For Truth!
Told Their Lies!
Gagged For Over
360 Day's!
Stop This War!
On Journalists!
Moms, Realtors,
Tech Geniuses!
Persian Beauties
Always Allure!
Yes, Men Wonder,
Can We Get More
They Broke The Law!
OJ Simpson Murdered
His Wife,
Restraining Order 
By Brokers
And Attorneys!
You Hurt My Friends
They Didn't Want To Move!
You Made Hollywood
We "Need" Royals Rights
For Amernians,
Jews Too,
United Kingdom!
We Heard All The
About #Ponces Ruling!
The Kingdoms!
Iran Wants
Reza Shah Back!
But Has No Laws,
To Guard Their Backs!
Just Like Tehrangeles,
Paris Too,
Iranians Beg For
Freedom, In Canada
For You!
The Pope,
Dalai Lama,
Flotus Sent Her
Farsi Greeting!
But Where's Presidential
Grace To Release Us? 
Tulsi Is Flying
Peace Flag From
Still Need Full 
Disclosure Laws!
All In The Family,
Need To Know-
Whose Paying For Your
Whose Writin' Your Scripts?
Huntley Dent?
Chopra's Ghostwriter,
Author Of His Speeches,
Before He Became 
For "Perfect Health!"
Sold On A Bid!
Like Dr. Oz!
Is He In A Conservatorship?
Sold For AI,
A Vow To Court?
No More Gag Orders!
For Pseudo Gurus!
And Dr's!
Teachers I Love!
That Taught Me,
"Mechanics Of Creativity!"
I'll See You In A "Field,"
In "The Unified Field,"
I'll Meet You In A Field,
Where Both Of Us Are 
No Wrongdoings,
No Wrong Actions,
All Of It Was Lies!
And I'm Ready To
Defend My Nation!
Whose Gonna Be
My Soldier?
AI Bot,
Or Will Men
Ever Rise?
Will I Ever
Catch, "The Big Fish?"
I'm Unknotting Yarn,
I Try!
My Public Defender
To Have Me Raped
He Sent An Email 
Didn't Say What I'd 
T-Mobile Blocks
In Idyllwild,
And Riverside!
Can't Get My Museletters!
Or My Alerts To Court
In Time!
Is USPS Blocking
My Letters Too?
Didn't Get My
Package Thursday-
And Took 10 Minutes
$60 Dollars On Gas!
Proof Of Tracking,
Before They Released
Something Insured
For $500 Dollars!
From Brotherly!
He Says He'll Do A
"Restraining Order,"
And Raped Me Too,
If I Try To Cook For
Him Or Ask What's
Been Done
To My Children!
So, I Send A "Healing
Chant" To Him 
And You!
He's Got Longterm
Karma Yogis,
Suffer Indeed!
Praying For You
Everytime Someone
Gets Covid, Or Is 
Sick- I Pray
Germ Warfare Stops,
And My "X"
Pays For What
He's Done!
Covid-19 Is No Joke,
Germ Warfare
From The Government!
I'll Whistleblow!
'Cuz I Don't Want
A Communist
Fascist Regime,
Take A Stand For #Iran
And Riverside!
Break Spells!
For What's Been Done-
I Believe In You!
Stop The Wars!
Make Love To Us,
Your Beautiful 
Kings! Free
The Matriarch!
There'll Be More
Moezzi Harems,
Huntleys' Freed!
Pray For Us!
I'll Unwind
The Yarn!
Knots- Fall Apart!
My Fingers Pull
Them Free!
"Lakshmi," They Call Me!
"Abundant" To My Man!
Need Vows!
Now, Mothers Defense!
And Safety,
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moeezi Huntley Rawal 
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bloglopesca · 3 years ago
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CINEMA: Reféns do Desconhecido Reféns do Desconhecido - Alien Raiders (2008)Elenco: Carlos Bernard, Mathew St. Patrick, Courtney Ford, Rockmond Dunbar, Tom Kiesche, Joel McCrary, Bryan Krasner, Bonita Friedericy, Derek Basco, Keith Hudson. Direção: Ben Rock Genero: Thriller SINOPSE É final de mais uma noite no supermercado Hastings, um idílico comercio familiar em Buck Lake, Arizona. Mas a monotonia normal de arrumar os carrinhos de compras e esvaziar as gavetas dos caixas é quebrada as 23h07min, pouco antes do final do expediente, quando um grupo de mascarados armados até os dentes invade a loja, imediatamente matando vários dos empregados e compradores e mantendo os sobreviventes como reféns. Embora à primeira vista os seqüestradores se pareçam com ladrões ou terroristas, eles mostram-se uma equipe de cientistas renegados que descobriu uma infestação alienígena nessa loja, essa noite, e eles estão determinados a descobrir quais dos sobreviventes são extraterrestres e acabar com a invasão a qualquer custo. OPINIÃO Interessante :) #LopesCa #LopesCaOpiniaoFilme #Entretenimento #Filme #Cinema #Opinião #Diário http://lopesca.blogspot.com/2010/01/cinema-refens-do-desconhecido.html ►Like/Gosta◄ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=443252941146741&set=a.143408627797842&type=3
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asfaltics · 3 years ago
scratches, dents, and divots; a few pounds of coal
  “Little things become big. I guess that is one way to describe your pictures, actually. Little scratches, dents, and divots take on key meaning.”             1
Little things become big things to us, and use. less things little             2                   forgetting that little things become big things They love each other             3                     forgetting how little things become big before you realize it.” They drove on in silence for a time             4                     little things become big the pulse of the world beat in that office, the doings of and I'll bet my story                   5                   Little things become big things a few pounds of coal             6                     That And little things become big things. an invasion of those grounds is what the farmer will not                                                   undertake                   think of                                   as sacred to             7  
1 Greg, comment (20220621) 2 some OCR cross-column confusion, involving editorial on taxation, and “Thoughts and Things,” all by T. L. M’Cready (associate editor, North Post-office, Mathews county, Virginia). Twentieth Century 3:22 (New York, December 5, 1889) : 339 editor was Hugh Owen Pentecost (1848–1907), “radical American minister, editor, lawyer, [Henry] Georgist, and lecturer.” wikipedia 3 In Town, “The Tyranny of Tears,” (a review of that “delightful comedy of modern English life” by C. Haddon Chambers) in Country Life Illustrated - Volume 5:119 (April 15, 1899) : 475 475 C. Haddon Chambers (1860-1921) “The first Australian dramatist to win recognition overseas, he was also, ironically, a striking example of the ‘cultural cringe’. As a result he won repute as a ‘citizen of the world’ during his lifetime and was forgotten after his death.” wikipedia see also B. G. Andrews”Chambers, Charles Haddon (1860–1921)”, Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/chambers-charles-haddon-5547/text9455, published first in hardcopy 1979, accessed online 23 June 2022. 4 Emily Davant Embree (1871-1952), A Lesser Light (Illustrated by Grace Wilson; Baylor College, Belton, Texas, 1904) : 198 same (hathitrust) 5 OCR cross-column and gutter confusion at Peggy Van Braam, “Copy, The Diary of a Real Newspaper Woman—Part I” — illustrated by May Wilson Preston (1873-1949, wikipedia) — in Collier’s 49:17 (July 13, 1912) : 14-15, 27 same at hathitrust continues at July 20, 1912 : 20, 30-31 pen name of Grace Van Braam Gray, see profile at A. C. Haeselbarth, “Women Writers of American Press,” Miss Grace Van Braam Gray, of the Philadelphia Times, in The Editor and Publisher and Journalist (October 11, 1913) : 326   aside — an interesting series, announced (September 27, 1913) : 293 and also including Dorothy Dix, of the New York Evening Journal (October 4, 1913) : 304 Miss Marguerite Mooers Marshall, of the New York Evening News (October 18, 1913) : 356 Miss Edna K. Wooley, of the Cleveland News (October 25, 1913) : 368 Miss Lily W. Lykes, of the Birmingham (Ala.) News (November 1, 1913) : 390 Marion Brunot Haymaker, of the Pittsburgh (Pa.) Chronicle-Telegraph (November 8, 1913) : 408 Ada Patterson, of the Hearst Service, Warns Young Aspirants Against the Grind of Journalistic Work — Successful Qualities Include Detached View of Life, Sympathy, Untiring Energy and Imagination. (November 15, 1913) : 424 Miss Rose Henderson, Associate Editor of the Des Moines Register and Leader, Believes Optimism Essential to Success in Journalism—Miss McNamara, of the News, Holds That Enthusiasm and Imagination Are Necessary (December 6, 1913) : 476, and Ruth Cameron [Persis Dwight Hannah], Whose Articles Appear in 150 Newspapers, Finds Her Mail the Greatest Source of Interest — Believes in Woman Suffrage and Is a Feminist — Preliminary Training for the Work. (December 27, 1913) : 532 6 Coal Department, “Little Things, Or What Makes a Manager Successful” in American Cooperative Journal (“A publication devoted to the interests of grain, coal, live stock, dariy products, wood, building materials) 11:11 (Chicago-Minneapolis, July 1916) : 1171 7 OCR cross-column confusion at Jay B. Iden, “Arkansas Grows It at Home : Cotton is ordered to stand aside to make room for crops consumed on the farm,” in The Country Gentleman (A journal for the farm, the garden and the fireside) 84:42 (Philadelphia, October 18, 1919) : 12  
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adondeirhoy · 3 years ago
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Hoy en la historia de la música https://ift.tt/ETcInxA (For English see below) 22 de abril del 2001 Destiny's Child llegó al # 1, en las UK Charts singles, con: “Survivor” – su segundo éxito en este mercado discográfico. “Survivor” fue escrita y compuesta por Beyoncé Knowles, Anthony Dent, y Mathew Knowles, incluida en su álbum “Survivor” (2001). Ganó un Premio Grammy a la mejor R & B por un Dúo o Grupo con Vocales, en su edición 2002. Comenta y dinos que quieres escuchar en @pontikradio y taguea a tus amigos. Escucha nuestra estación de radio 24/7 sin anuncios SALVA este POST para que puedas volver a leer esta info.⁠ Today in music history April 22, 2001 Destiny's Child hit #1 on the UK Singles Charts with: “Survivor” – their second hit on this record market. "Survivor" was written and composed by Beyoncé Knowles, Anthony Dent, and Mathew Knowles, included on her album "Survivor" (2001). It won a Grammy Award for Best R&B by a Duo or Group with Vocals, in its 2002 edition. Comment and tell us what you want to hear on @pontikradio and tag your friends. Listen to our radio station 24/7 without ads https://ift.tt/ETcInxA ⁠ ⁠SAVE this POST so you can read this info again. ⁠------ #pontikradio #hoyenlamusica #thisdayinmusic #todayinmusichistory #oldies #oldiesbutgoodies #oldiesmusic⁠ #music #musica #retromusic #musictime #musiclegend #leyenda #DestinysChild #Survivor #ColumbiaRecords #BeyoncéKnowles, #AnthonyDent #MathewKnowles #KellyRowland #MichelleWilliams @destinyschild #popnews #DancePop #HipHop https://ift.tt/SoV6sy8
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youralbrightknox · 6 years ago
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ON VIEW: Subodh Gupta collected the pots and pans in "This is not a fountain" from families all over India, and their accumulated dents and scratches speak to the economic reality and daily lives of their former owners. Gathered in a pile, as if discarded by many people at once, they also reflect ongoing migration in the country from rural to more urban areas. The work’s title is an homage to the Surrealist artist René Magritte’s painting "La Trahison des images (Ceci n'est pas une pipe) (The Treachery of images [This is not a pipe])," 1929. Gupta’s fountain prompts us to examine the relationship between contemporary art and the issues of contemporary life. ⭐ JOIN US for a gallery talk with Subodh Gupta on Sunday, November 10, at 11:30 am. [Subodh Gupta's "This is not a fountain," 2011–13. Old aluminum utensils, water, painted brass taps, PVC pipes, and motor, overall: 65 x 190 x 309 inches (165.1 x 482.6 x 784.9 cm). Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York; George B. and Jenny R. Mathews Fund, by exchange and Charles Clifton Fund, by exchange, 2015 (2015:6). 📷 MK Photo] #albrightknox #wethepeopleak #subodhgupta #art #museum #artmuseum #buffalo #buffalony #contemporaryart #sculpture #fountain https://ift.tt/2OpAktY
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techsciresearch · 3 years ago
Europe to Dominate the Global Dental Disposables Market till 2026 | TechSci Research
Rising disposable income and the growing dental hygiene awareness is expected to drive the demand of the global dental disposables market in the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Dental Disposables Market By Type (Disposable Dental Examination Kit, Disposable Air/Water Syringe Tips, Disposable Saliva Evacuation Products, Disposable Micro-Applicators, Disposable Impression Trays, Sponges and Gauze Products, Dental Mouth Opener, Others) By Application (Teeth Straightening, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry, Others) By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Dental Laboratories, Others) By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the global dental disposables market is expected to witness steady growth in the forecast period. Dental disposables are majorly used in the process of teeth straightening, cosmetic dentistry, and dental implants. Dental disposables provide infection control and help in the prevention of cross-contamination and therefore are in high demand from dental hospitals, specialty clinics, and others.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as a pandemic by World Health Organization has affected several countries adversely. Leading authorities around the globe imposed lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Coronavirus-affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath along with coughing and sneezing. Patients visited the healthcare facilities for essential medical treatments. There was an increase in the number of people visiting hospitals daily but the number of patients visiting for dental care declined. The lingering fear among the patients regarding the spread of infections negatively affected the dental disposables market growth.
However, the lack of reimbursement policies and trained healthcare professionals may restrain the global dental disposables market growth in the next five years.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Dental Disposables Market”.
Global dental disposables market is segmented into type, application, end user, regional distribution, and company. Based on the type, the market can be divided into disposable dental examination kit, disposable air/water syringe tips, disposable saliva evacuation products, disposable micro-applicators, disposable impression trays, sponges, and gauze products, dental mouth opener, and others. The disposable dental examination kit is expected to witness growth in the forecast period owing to the growing number of patients suffering from dental disorders.
Based on the end-user, the market can be divided into hospitals & clinics, dental laboratories, and others. The hospitals & clinics segment is expected to account for major market share in the forecast period, 2022-2026 owing to the rise in the number of dental hospitals & clinics and growing healthcare expenditure of leading authorities for the development of healthcare infrastructure. Additionally, the rise in consumer awareness regarding the benefits of dental hygiene and to prevent the occurrence of cross-contamination due to huge footfall in the healthcare facilities are contributing to the market growth.
Based on the application, the market can be divided into teeth straightening, dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, and others. The high demand for aesthetics among patients and the increase in disposable income are influencing the growth of the teeth straightening segment. The dental implants segment growth is driven by the increasing prevalence of periodontal diseases and tooth decay across the globe and the surge in the willingness of patients to adopt for cosmetic dental surgery. The growing demand for cosmetic dentistry is due to the growing focus on aesthetic appearance and improvement in the disposable income of consumers.
Dispotech Srl, Richmond Dental & Medical, Sybron Dental Specialities Inc, J. Morita Corp., Narang Medical Limited, Pac-Dent Inc, Ormco Corporation, DETAX GmbH & Co. KG, tgDent (Technical & General Ltd.), Hager & Werken GmbH & Co. KG are the leading players operating in global dental disposables market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several dental disposables manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
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“High-end investments by the market players for the technological advancement of dental facilities and equipment are expected to fuel the growth of the dental disposables market. Dental innovations such as the use of CAD technology which can place the dental implants in minutes and the use of intraoral cameras, laser dentistry, digital X-rays is creating lucrative opportunities for the growth of the dental care industry which in turn is expected to propel the dental disposables market growth in the forecast period, 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Dental Disposables Market By Type (Disposable Dental Examination Kit, Disposable Air/Water Syringe Tips, Disposable Saliva Evacuation Products, Disposable Micro-Applicators, Disposable Impression Trays, Sponges and Gauze Products, Dental Mouth Opener, Others) By Application (Teeth Straightening, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry, Others) By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Dental Laboratories, Others) By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of global dental disposables market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of global dental disposables market.
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