dansconcepts · 1 month
Talentswap AU - Take Me Hot to Go
YES THE TITLE IS A CHAPPELL ROAN SONG I LOVE HER VERY MUCH. Anyways, I have a certain rarepair (I think it is anyway) that I love (it's Nanamiki but I affectionally call it Tsunanami bc they're so soft I love them), so this is gonna be highly self-indulgent under the cut. For this AU, I do have my share of drabbles as well as other character interactions, but I'm dropping this first since it's fresh out the oven (see what I did there?). Also, this is definitely longer than usual, and that's in solidarity for the next thing I'm planning to post. That one's turning out to be a behemoth, and it has to do with certain hcs that I reblogged before ;>.
“WHAAAA-!?” Ibuki gasps. “You guys haven’t talked yet?!” 
Chiaki nods while Mikan timidly looks down. 
“Well, that’s a HUGEEEEE problem! You girls are Ibuki’s super duper close friends!” Ibuki lifts a hand to Chiaki. “Tsum-tsum, meet Chiaki, a super awesome baker! Just the absolute best.” She wraps an arm around Mikan. “Chi, this adorable girlie is the florist I’ve told you about! She's the reason Ibuki's place smells so nice and looks so good!”
The Ultimate Florist takes her eyes off of the clinging Ibuki and turns to the baker, who meets her gaze.
She quickly averts her eyes.
A-ah! That was so rude of me!
She looks back and glimpses at the soft smile that’s pointed right! at! her! 
She offers a hesitant smile back.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
It didn’t take her too long to get all the way to Chiaki’s dorm, the dark entrance beckoning her to lift her hand and raise it. A chill runs down her spine. She doesn’t usually hang out with people like this… but she’d really like to. But can she do this? 
C’mon Mikan, I know you’ve got this. You gotta tell me everything later, after all. Hajime’s encouragement rings through her mind. Her eyes close shut as she rapidly pounds her fist against the door. Knock knock! 
The florist thumbs at her bandaids, biting her lip. Does she look like a mess? Maybe she doesn’t have the right address? Did she possibly get the wrong address?! AHHHHH! She needs to check her phone again-!
“Hey, Mikan. I’m glad you can make it.” 
“Wah!” She jumps. Her phone thumps onto the ground.
“Oh, I’m sorry for scaring you. Here, let me…” The baker crouches on the maroon tiles, reaching out a hand to grab the fallen object before presenting it to her. How embarrassing! She bows her head, gently taking it from her hands. “S-sorry about that. I’m just… weird…”
“No, you seem nervous. Am I right?” Chiaki states bluntly, and Mikan’s face reddens. “There’s nothing strange about being nervous, as far as I know. So come in, maybe it’ll be more comfortable.” She opens the door again, this time sidestepping for the dark-haired girl to enter first. She mumbles her gratitude and enters. 
The place is homey, a simple couch and coffee table decorated in soft pastels of pink and teal accents, while the walls are majorly white. There’s not much decoration though besides a cute rabbit plush close to the doorway, its arm suspended in the air like it’s waving to every person that enters. She sees a modest shoe rack and slips off her sneakers. The door closes with a click. 
“Um, you sure you’re okay with being here? I know it’s a little sudden, it seemed like a really nice idea but…”
Does she want to kick me out already? “N-no, I was just looking around!” She has to gnaw her lip from saying ‘I could stop though’. “I was actually wondering if I could see you bake! Since I’m here!” 
“Hmm? You want to watch me bake? Really?” Mikan nods her head. “That sounds like it’d be nice…”
“Y-yay!” She whispers with a grin. “Eep! Sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“It’s alright. I think it’ll be fun too.” 
“I, um, brought the rose petals and rose water, like you asked. I… didn’t forget anything, did I?”
“No, you did great, thanks Mikan.”
She hands them over out of her satchel, and Chiaki moves, but she freezes. Her pink eyes stare intently at her hands. Was something wrong with her hands? Were they still dirty with dirt? She swears she cleaned them! She washed them multiple times!
“You’re wearing a bunch of bandaids… Are you alright?”
“A-ah! It happens. I get pricked by thorns a lot, haha… but I’m okay! I’m just clumsy!”
“Well, they say food is a great medicine, so maybe working on this recipe will help.” Was… that meant to be a joke? The corners of her lips tug upward. It was a little odd. 
She follows the baker into the kitchen. There’s a chair pulled out for her, and she sits with a giggle at the silly grin the girl throws at her. Before her is a marble counter, a rectangle on it looking like what could be one of those fancier stoves. There’s more counters lining the walls, with a modest refrigerator and multiple ovens, one already alight with orange. Besides dishes, there’s baking sheets, cutlery, jars, and cups scattered about. It’s very stacked, as expected of the Ultimate Baker, if not a little messier than she expected… 
Chiaki washes her hands, setting the rose ingredients down with what appears to be the rest. Some standard baking ingredients from what she can tell, except for the raspberries and a carton of whipping cream. Is she making a cake? “I wanted to make some cream puffs for everyone.” The baker explains, placing a pan on the stove, turning on the heat. She grabs some device underneath that kinda looks like a blender, but smaller, and starts placing raspberries, a cup of sugar (she’s guessing?), and the rose water. They’re quickly blended and set aside. “They’re pretty simple, I think, and I wanted to add a rose-infused raspberry fool filling.”
“Raspberry fool?” 
“Hmm?” Chiaki hums, swiftly placing ingredients into the pot with an ease that she wonders if she admires or is jealous of. 
“What’s that?”
The baker stares at the pan. The silence weighs on her. Does she sound stupid? Is this something that’s actually common knowledge? Oh, darn it, maybe she should’ve studied common baking terms! Maybe then Chiaki wouldn’t be so bored of her already.
Chiaki blinks. “Oh, sorry, it’s berries and cream.” The baker directs her attention to Mikan’s face. She isn’t sure what she looks like, but Chiaki’s head tilts at the expression that must’ve been there. “You seem upset. I should’ve warned you, I do that sometimes. Space out, I mean. You’re free to try getting my attention. I promise I won’t be mad. Hajime does it all the time.” She cracks a smile, briskly mixing the whipping cream and powdered sugar in a bowl she grabbed. “He treats me like a pot. If he keeps watching me, I won’t boil.” 
Mikan giggles. She doesn’t understand the analogy at all, but it’s kinda cute to see the other girl looking so amused at her own jokes. The baker’s smile grows wider at her reaction. She scoops out the dough from the pan and Mikan watches as she places it into a metal bowl connected to a mixer and turns it on. Afterwards, she starts adding the raspberry mixture with the whipped cream and folds with a spatula. Sensing her opportunity, she blurts, “Y-you’re very composed! It’s… amazing.” Even at her shop, she’s always zipping to different flowers, checking on their growth and health, or checking inventory, or cleaning. She does love it, the sense of urgency born purely out of passion, but she’s never looked so laidback about any of it.  
Chiaki goes quiet for a moment, yet still keeps folding. Mikan studies her face, this time seeing the way her pupils dilate. “Chiaki?” She softly calls out.
“Right. I’m really not that composed. I’m just-” Her cheeks puff, “focused. You probably saw from looking around, I can be a bit messy.” 
“I, uh, don’t think that changes much actually! If anything, I-I think it’s a fun fact to learn about you! If, um, you don’t mind me saying.”
She watches the other look down. “I-” Is it just Mikan, or was she blushing? The baker shakes her head, clearing her throat. “I appreciate that.” She switches the mixer off and grabs one of the stray trays, grabbing an ice cream scoop and plopping out dough balls perfectly. “Ibuki wasn’t kidding. You’re very sweet… like caramel, I suppose.”
Mikan giggles once more, trying to ignore the way her feet want to kick. It’s one of the kindest things she’s ever been told. She wonders if she should tell Chiaki she reminds her of a sweet pea. No, that would be a bit much, huh? She probably wouldn’t like it. She shouldn’t be so forward, that wouldn’t be very good (“but we all wuv wuv you as you are Tsumi! Trust in Ibuki! I swear you’re a cutie! Yourself is the best self there is!”).
Chiaki places the dough mounds into the oven. Wow, that was admirably fast. The baker grabs the bunny timer sitting atop, which is just very adorable, and she covers her mouth to yawn. She stumbles over to the chair beside her.
“I’ma take a little nap.” 
“A-a nap? Right now?”
True to her word, the pink-haired girl is out like a light on the counter. She looks at the sleeping girl, curled up on the counter in front of her. She wants to melt from the softness she finds. Kind, talented, cute… she’s always been so terrified to talk with her. Gah! She’s so thankful for Ibuki.
Well. She eyes the oven. Hopefully she isn’t the reason those burn, but it’s best not to touch it. The last thing she wants to do is ruin Chiaki’s creations…
In the meantime though, she can try being helpful. Those dishes from earlier seem like a good place to start. She heads over to the sink and starts washing. 
The timer rings. Mikan, after finishing the dishes, spent a few moments guiltily switching between watching Chiaki rest, berating herself for it, and also watching the oven because she genuinely doesn’t want anything to burn on her watch. In her pursuit, she manages to see the super cute way Chiaki’s eyes blearily open and meet her gaze. “Huh? Were you watching me?” 
Mikan immediately scrambles, arms flailing like crazy. “SorrySorrySorry!” The rapid movement causes her chair to teeter, and soon she’s flailing her arms for another reason. 
She yelps. 
“Oh!” Chiaki crouches to her side. “Are you okay?”
Mikan runs a quick check. “Ah, yes, I’m alright! Sorry!!! I’m sorry if I was being creepy, I should’ve known better…” 
The baker shrugs. “I didn’t really mind. It’s not like you were doing anything weird, right?”
“I would never!” She quickly exclaims. And she means it with all her heart. She would never…
Chiaki smiles. “I know, sorry, that was a joke. I appreciate how quickly you said that though. Now c’mon, let’s get you up.” Chiaki pulls her up, and feeling it, she notices how rough they are. There’s callouses. Before she can ask, Chiaki immediately heads over to the oven, and her curiosity is thrown out the window. “I really hope those aren’t burned! I’m s-sorry for distracting you!”
Instead of replying, Chiaki grabs oven mitts and presents the tray to her. She warily glances at it. Thankfully, it’s not the hockey pucks she was scared she’d find, but golden brown puffs of delectable goodness. “It came out looking pretty good, wouldn’t you agree?” Mikan nods, breathing out a sigh of relief. “I don’t know if this may help, but I always set it a little early since I don’t want to burn it either.”
She drops it off on the counter. Silently, she grabs a piping bag and fills it with the raspberry filling. “Well, we sort of have to wait until these cool down. In the meantime, I’ve got these-” She pulls out a tray from the fridge. “Wanna help me decorate them? They’re sugar cookies, for fun.” 
“C-can I really? I don’t really know how to.” 
“I can show you.”
Chiaki sets the tray down. Mikan can’t help but laugh. These cookies… 
Chiaki grins. “I’m the Ultimate Baker, not the Ultimate Artist. That’s why I have Nagito help me decorate for super complex stuff.”
Mikan and Chiaki proceed to have a fun time messing around with decorating sugar cookies, laughing and smiling all the while. Chiaki teaches her the technique with premade icing she had, and Mikan finds herself relaxing as she carefully smoothes out her design. 
She’s finishing the pricks of seeds on her cookie when she hears a gasp behind her. “That’s beautiful.” Mikan looks back at her sunflower bouquet. “Oh no, i-it’s nothing special!”
“No way! I may need to fire Nagito!” She scrambles. “I am going to save this and take a photo of it later, is that okay?” 
Mikan chuckles. “Um, yes! I’m… really flattered, actually.”
They go back to the puffs. “So there’s kinda a balance in making the dough-filling ratio just right, but it’s pretty easy to tell if you filled it properly. It gets all puffy, like this.” She demonstrates. “Here, wanna try?”
Mikan grabs the bag. She hesitantly places it into the puff. She squeezes the bag, and- POOF! The puff drips, and icing lands on Chiaki’s apron.
“Oh no oh no! I-I’m so sorry!”
Chiaki blinks. She squirms. Is she going to kick me out now? 
And then the baker bursts out into a loud guffaw, clutching her stomach. Plum eyes stare, wide-eyed.
Chiaki wipes the tears from her eyes. “Oh, wow, I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. You’re really funny, Mikan. I didn’t expect that at all.”
She blushes. “Oh… thank you!” 
They fill the rest, this time with Mikan succeeding in filling one without any problems. It’s not perfect, but she’s proud all the same. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. When was the last time she’s ever felt like this?
They both eat one (Chiaki bumps hers with Mikan’s with a “Cheers!” and Mikan wants to melt even more) and Mikan hums, pleased. “This tastes amazing!” 
“I’m glad you like them.”
Her phone buzzes. It’s just a spam email, but it causes her to check the time. 23:32. “A-ah! I have to go, sorry, I have to open my shop in the morning…”
“Ah, really? Man… Guess that means we’ll have to continue another time.” Chiaki grins.
Mikan matches her grin. “I guess it does.”
Chiaki walks her out to the door.
“Really, this was a lot of fun. I hope we can keep doing this, I never thought I’d have so much fun baking…”
“I would love to.” She says honestly. 
“I’ll text you?”
Mikan nods, perhaps a little too excitedly, because she feels light-headed. 
“Then, good night Mikan. Or maybe morning, actually…”
“Good night, Chiaki.”
The baker closes her door.
She grins, giddily giggling and internally kicking her feet in the air all the way home.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
The brunet perches on the metal railing like a bird. He scouts out his surroundings, wondering if he has the time to scale the wall as he waits. Never mind, he sees familiar wine-coloured hair. He moves to wave at her, and glances at the way she's grinning widely the whole time. Wow, I haven’t seen her smile like that so easily before. 
“Hey, how’re you doing?” Hajime asks.
“I’m great! I, um, got to bake with a friend yesterday.” Mikan sing songs.
“Oh, Chiaki, right?”
Mikan nods excitedly. 
I’m glad they had fun. Hajime smirks. “Did Chiaki fall asleep during her baking again?”
“Oh yes! She did! And she…!”
Mikan rants the whole time while Hajime listens.
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local-pr1nter · 1 year
Mondo Oowada Ship Dynamics
Just my opinions and personal Headcanons - if you don't like/agree with these, then please move on!
Assume these are all based in an Non-Despair AU!
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A classic ship. Absolute *chefs kiss*.
At this point it seems canon with the amount of shippers and fan content for these two. Don't get me wrong, I love them just as much as anyone, but even I can admit that they each have other respective ships that can be enjoyed just as much.
Anyways - Ishimondo!
Absolute dorks in love + nothing but respect and love on their parts. It takes a while for them to realize it's a romantic love instead of some brotherly bond as Taka puts it, but once they figure it out it's smooth sailing from there.
Taka encourages rational behavior and responsibilities, whilst Mondo encourages relaxation and realistic ideals. Together they're a good dynamic.
Nerd x former bully/moral compass x delinquent/rivals to lovers. A recipe for success.
Since they've been talked about to death, I won't elaborate much more on them.
But overall, they're a great couple together.
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They're literally one of the sweetest pairings and it's a crime they aren't talked about enough. And yeah they never really interact like Taka and Mondo, but that one scene in the V3 Bonus Mode just kills me every dAMN TIME.
I adore them so much UGH - literally the only ship that made me wanna write fanfiction (and I did but we won't talk about that)
Anyway so timid shy girl x brash delinquent let's go.
Mondo definitely fell for her first. Thought she was a damn sweetheart from the moment he laid eyes on her - it only intensified whenever they ran into each other (ex the scene I referenced). Mondo absolutely adores her.
Mikan was oblivious to this and it took Ibuki and Mahiru pointing it out to her for her to notice. God she got so embarrassed and scared over the whole thing, thinking he was just some brute.
Ibuki was the first one to notice that Mondo actually REALLY liked her for her. And then she decided to help Mondo a bit because Ibuki is a matchmaker and I'm tired of pretending she's not.
With Ibuki's advice, Mondo is actually able to approach Mikan without shouting at her (however difficult it was) and expresses his feelings. She decides to give him a chance - after having a moment of confusion and fear once again - and agrees to go on a date.
And y'all. Mondo treats her so good. His volume is still hard to control but he goes out of his way to make her comfortable and happy and it both shocks and confuses Mikan that he actually wants to date her for her.
So they eventually get together!!!! Ibuki is very proud of herself for setting em up and constantly teases them about it.
They're the cliche highschool sweethearts you see in every movie and they're just adorable.
They adore each other - it's really sweet. Mondo thinks she's the cutest thing in the world and it takes every ounce of willpower to not squeal whenever she giggles or acts cute. Same goes for Mikan - she thinks he can be really sweet and adorable, despite his intimidating exterior. Almost like a big dog.
In public they only ever hug - PDA is too much for either of them, but on rare occasions they can be seen hugging, either Mikan hugging his midsection or Mondo wrapping an arm around her shoulders to hold her close.
Mondo is also very protective of her - he encourages her to stand up for herself as well, and doesn't butt into situations where she's got her friends to back her up. That doesn't mean he'll stand back and watch someone harass her - he will intimidate the other until they back off. Mikan doesn't support his violent tendencies at all.
That's it that's their dynamic.
It gets better if Mondo's gang learns about her.
She's earned herself a pack of personal bodyguards who won't tolerate shit from anyone.
But anyways, they both stand to have a very sweet and heartwarming dynamic. Between the both of them, they have a relationship built on love, understanding, and mutual respect for one another.
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A stoic introverted detective with the foul-mouthed biker delinquent. What more could you want?
God you know Mondo was the first to catch feelings. Albeit her initial cold exterior, Mondo wanted to know more, even after becoming friends (via Makoto), slowly turning into a crush on the mysterious detective.
Leon called him crazy for crushing on the "scary principal's daughter"
Taka and Chihiro were nothing but supportive and encouraging about the whole ordeal.
Daiyas only piece of advice was "Don't be a dick and just talk to her" Easier said than done of course.
But of course we all know his track record with other girls. The man started shouting at her again, much to his embarrassment and to Kyokos disappointment.
It only took some investigating on her end to figure out why he was acting so strange. And OH BOY WAS SHE FLABBERGASTED.
Mondo??? Likes her??? Impossible.
But as she looked at him with this whole new perspective, she slowly started to develop her own feelings. While he struggled to talk to her, Kyoko took a different approach to show her own interest. Subtle touches, faint smiles, more one on one time, subtle signs like that.
It slowly went like that until they both had a talk about their relationship. Then they agreed to give it a shot!
And my god it was a weird change.
Two people, infamous for hiding their emotions from others. Sounds like a disaster. And yet, they slowly start to adapt and change together.
They're both very quiet about the relationship, still trying to adjust and go about it at their own pace.
They're both very shy about any sort of affection or intimacy, finding it difficult to initiate. Although Kyoko quickly discovered she likes to play with Mondos hair when it's freshly washed and down.
That slowly evolved into cuddling sessions - Kyoko playing with his hair while Mondo simply enjoys her company. It only grows from there.
They're pretty casual about the relationship the more they lean into the whole idea, but they've grown pretty close - as friends and as partners.
Despite their initial setbacks, they actually make a sweet couple. Kyoko acts as the voice of reason, whilst Mondo shows Kyoko how to loosen up a bit and enjoy their school life.
Their dynamic is essentially rivals to lovers (if you count THH ch. 2/a non despair AU where their personalities just conflict) and/or badass/stoic person (Kyoko) x person who thinks that's the coolest thing ever and adores them very much (Mondo)
It's honestly a very mature relationship - built on lots of communication and learning from each party. Of course, no relationship could work without communication or understanding. With both parties being Kyoko and Mondo, once they get past both their setbacks and misunderstandings, they have potential to be a power couple. And even if it doesn't work out in the end, they would still have a strong friendship after the fact. A brain x brawn duo always has the potential to be a strong dynamic.
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danganronpaisbest · 2 months
Danganronpa 2 x Yandere Simulator AU Rivals
Week 1: Nekomaru Nidai (Dead) •Attack•
Week 2: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu (Dead) •Burn•
Week 3: Ibuki Mioda (Dead) •Electracute•
Week 4: TeruTeru Hanamura (Dead) •Poison•
Week 5: Maihru Koizumi (Dead) •Kidnap•
Week 6: Hiyoko Siyonji (Dead) •Murder-Suicide•
Week 7: Chiaki Nanami (Alive) •MatchMake•
Week 8: Nagito Komaeda (Alive) •Frame•
Week 9: Mikan Tsumiki (Alive) •Befriend•
Week 10: Hajime Hinata (Dead) •Crush•
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mars-ipan · 2 years
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I posted 10,425 times in 2022
That's 170 more posts than 2021!
1,371 posts created (13%)
9,054 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,247 of my posts in 2022
#marzi - 65 posts
#ask - 41 posts
#goodnight tumblr - 30 posts
#toh spoilers - 25 posts
#marzivents - 22 posts
#wrennyn don’t look - 22 posts
#sodapop - 21 posts
#artstyle inspo - 20 posts
#cy - 18 posts
#mcc liveblog - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like it’s never ‘this guy bad >:(‘ it’s ‘this person is a victim of incredibly tragic circumstances. while it doesn’t excuse their actions-
My Top Posts in 2022:
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that feel when the guy you’ve been crushing on turns out to be batshit insane
(individual panels under cut)
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See the full post
27 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
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ibuki mioda ultimate matchmaker
33 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
“humans are inherently selfish because it’s in our nature to only look out for ourselves” shut the FUCK up even if by “ourselves” you mean “other humans” you’re fucking wrong and trying to find excuses to be cynical so your misery is justified to you
ahem. sorry. got ahead of myself
anyways humans (and animals in general) do this little thing called mutualism where we make friends with another species basically. this is how we domesticated dogs. and cats. and basically every domesticated animal. when dogs were wolves they easily coulda killed us and vice versa but we both recognized that we could be stronger together so we worked together and now we have little animal companions we keep with us. when people used canaries to measure co2 in coal mines they built boxes to seal the canary from the co2 and connect it to an oxygen tank so it wouldn’t suffocate. we rehome bugs instead of squishing them. people see squirrels on the street and smile. we pack bond motherfucker it’s like a huge part of what got us to be the Big Species we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t love not only each other but also every living creature on this planet
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love is human nature and human nature is love Do You Understand
35 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
WAIT i just realized.
belos was able to possess hunter through a cut. he got to hunter’s blood through an open wound and spread undetected until he could take over his body.
you know what else does that?? disease. viruses and bacteria, specifically. belos is a literal pestilence to those he targets. he’s a fucking disease !!!! he spreads just like one !!! oh my FUCK
41 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ideas that refuse to leave ur brain until you’ve made them a reality
117 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ibuki and mikan spend the day together ?
Haha I still didn't finish Ibuki birthday asks sorry qwq
Ibuki: Mikaaaaan
Mikan: Y-yes?
Ibuki: Oh I didn't even have to ask you! Great!
Mikan: Huh!?
Ibuki: Too late now you said yes so now we're gonna go and get some ice-cream!
Mikan: I don't think th-
Ibuki: Please! Come with Ibukiiii. If you're worried about the fact that it's cold outside we can balance it out and get some tea or even better HOT CHOCOLATE!
Mikan: ...O-okay.
Their relationship grew by a lot!!!
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mythgirlimagines · 6 years
Ibuki and her fem! S/O are trying to play matchmaker with your fave DR ship! Unfortunately, despite their best intentions, the two's efforts fail. So S/O, apparently being amazing at potion making, makes a love potion and slips it into the ship's food. This of course goes horribly wrong and Ibuki and her S/O have to fix it.
Ibuki has great intuition when it comes to couples, and paired with S/O, she’s practically unstoppable when it comes to her matchmaking game. The two girls had gotten so many couples together, like Hajime and Chiaki! That being said, though, they found that they had a challenge laid out in front of them: Fuyuhiko and Peko.
No matter what methods they tried, Ibuki and S/O could not seem to get them together! Their feelings were so clear towards each other, but Peko and Fuyuhiko were much too stubborn to ever act on them, no matter how much Ibuki and S/O goaded them. Which, incidentally, is how S/O got the idea to use one of her love potions.
Ibuki was on board immediately, and S/O slipped it into their food during lunch one day. Their class was out on a picnic (after kidnapping Hajime from the Reserve Course building, of course), so it was the perfect romantic setting! No aphrodisiacs, though. They all learned their lesson last time.
Instead of falling in love with each other, like how the potion was supposed to work, Peko practically latched onto Sonia, and Fuyuhiko found himself chatting with Kazuichi, who was equally annoyed with Fuyuhiko and Peko for taking him away from Sonia. There wasn’t a problem with the potion, but immediately after ingesting it, Sonia and Kazuichi’s shouts took their attention away from each other! It was a really good thing that S/O knew the antidote, but that left Ibuki to somehow get Peko and Fuyuhiko away from Kazuichi and Sonia.
Everyone was confused at this point, and Ibuki had a feeling that they would be in hot water with Ms. Yukizome for a while after. Still, though, as soon as she practically forced the antidote into their mouths by way of chocolate. Just as quickly as their infatuations with the wrong people started, they ended with neither of them the wiser. As it turned out, Fuyuhiko was going to ask Peko out later that day anyway, without Ibuki and S/O’s help. Still, they counted the day as a success, even during detention later!
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Imagine them staying on the island and Nagito is so protective over his little siblings hhhh they're all a big family now and the Warriors love themmmm
Despite having completely forgotten all that happened to her, Nagito doesn't allow Teruteru near Kotoko unless supervised and Nagito gets scary when he's supervising so he usually just stays away (nagi knows teru wouldn't do/say anything to the children, but he's very overprotective and low-key scared that they will remember everything someday)
Ryota is Jataro's favorite. They're working on a short anime together. He sometimes does artsy stuff with Ibuki (it gets a little crazy with all the paint and glue everywhere), and Kazuichi gets along great with both him and Masaru
Masaru and Nekomaru are nearly inseparable, and he loves Akane too (she has to be supervised because she doesn't understand how climbing and jumping off buildings could be dangerous and Nagito almost died the first time he saw them hanging out)
Kotoko adores Sonia, she's being taught how to be a little princess too. They play dress up together often and have tea parties. She likes Gundham too, but it's mostly just because of his cute animals. He got her a little bunny and she dresses it up in cute little outfits
Monaka's favorite is Izuru, and she likes Imposter as well. She likes solving puzzles and coding games with Izuru (I hc it's a hobby of his, in memory of Chiaki and all), and she's programmed a few of Kazuichi's creations
Nagisa sticks with Hajime the most, he helps out with the chores and they mostly just talk. They go to the library with Nagito at least once a week and read together. Hajime and Nagito are the only ones he's not afraid of asking help from.
Nagito is all the WoH's #1 fave. Monaka and Nagisa like to just chat, read or play puzzle-like games with him. Jataro likes to draw with and on him, and Masaru loves him dearly but prefers to hang out with the others (Nagito can't keep up with all the running around). Kotoko gives him makeovers all the time, she loves his fluffy hair and compared him to her bunny (probably put the bunny on his head once to see if it'd blend into his hair). He's constantly walking around with makeup, thousands of cutesy hair pins and random hairstyles and (a bit messy) nail polish. He never takes anything off, and Kotoko is very proud of herself for making him look "adorable" (he thanks her for her hard work). They've all called him dad at least once (Nagisa also called Hajime dad one time).
Nagisa and Kotoko start secretly working together to make Nagito and Hajime start dating already, and soon all five kids are coming up with plans and scheming how to make operation komahina a success. The others on the island help out sometimes
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Cries..........this ask is everything to me hold on. This is so cute. Anon I love you (/p) your brain is so goddamn huge. I’m sobbing over literally all of the Nagisa hcs and Kotoko giving Nagito makeovers they’re all so cute
Ryota and Jataro 🥺🥺💞💖 I wonder what kinda anime it would be? My bet’s on a magical girl or mecha anime. Maybe a comedy? Idk man but I do know Ibuki and Jataro would rope Kazuichi into letting them dye his hair for him. He ends up with extra eye-searing neon strips in green and yellow. It clashes horribly with his jumpsuit and they all love it
Nagito panicking over Masaru and Akane is hilarious skfnskdnksbx I can just see him almost crying out of relief when Nekomaru finally gets them off the roof and Masaru back safely into his arms. (You clearly hear Masaru complaining about it but he does hug Nagito back.) Akane’s careful in her own way, she’s a big sister herself after all. Buuut Nagito still worries bc seeing her dangle Masaru from her bicep when they were on top of the barn was absolutely terrifying
Sonia Gundham Kotoko dynamic so real?? Gundham considers Kotoko more Nagito’s kid but he does let her run around with the Devas when asked. Also she basically just claimed one of the horses on the island and Gundham insists on teaching her how to “properly tame the dark steeds!!” (He means how to take care of them and not scare them. She’s like. 10, he doesn’t want her or the horses getting hurt.)
Also!!! Sonia and Kotoko playing dress up is so cute? I like to think they curtsey every time they see each other and it’s a little inside joke between them haha. Also them braiding each other’s hair!! Kotoko probably borrows a ton of ribbons from Sonia
Izuru and Monaca coding together!!!! I feel like she would be curious about the NWP, maybe they work on it together while Hajime rests. Also I can totally see her programming Kazu’s inventions to mess with him a bit because she thinks it’s funny how high he jumps skjfskdnksbx. He’s super suspicious of whatever she hands him now but she’s genuinely helpful a lot of the time so he isn’t too too hard on her. (She’s still not allowed to have access to any remotes though)
(Also Izuru making little games in honor of Chiaki has me so soft I’m in love—)
Nagisa calling Hajime “dad” has me 🥺🥺 your honor I am simply a sucker for these two...........him asking Hajime and Nagito for help and them only also made me kinda wanna tear up a little but me being emotional over him isn’t the point
Back to Matchmakers of Hope now huh dkfjskdnkd. I like to think Komaeda and Hajime look at each other after the kids slip up and reveal that they were trying to get the two together and both of them just snort. Their kids basically had to push them together smh
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
SEGREGATED TO @dazai-ritualist
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—-ੈ‧₊˚-┊ ‘listen, an idol’s job isn’t to show people their smiles, it is to make people smile. never forget that! ‘
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#intro to the mods
#do not interact
#request rules
#matchmaking request rules
#emoji anons
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PSA: fics with [★] beside are nsfw, maki is 18+
→ maki’s masterlist
→ ibuki’s masterlist
→ chihiro’s masterlist
→ nezumi’s masterlist
→ apple’s masterlist
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Requests: Open!
loving you, distantly
so this is love.
everything i know about ‘love’
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❄︎ maki
↳ wattpad: april-showxrs
↳ youtube: can chan
↳ discord: maki#1956
↳ twitter: @/soukokus_lover
↳ uid: 828470590 asia server
↳ mayoi: 293264043709
♫ ibuki
↳ wattpad: chibymml
↳ youtube: chiby
↳ uid: 826416315 asia server
↳ spotify: vrolett
𑁍 chihiro
↳ spotify: zee
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tea time - mods talk about non-writing things
tea party - reblogging
meet and greet - promoting another blog (just tag us if you’d like!)
time for biscuits! - requests will close
invitation!~ - requests are open
i must deny! - request denied
show and tell - submit a post
spilling the tea - rants
ask the host - pending request
sips tea cutely - confessions
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love; 1 2 and 6 with anyone ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
I’m doing this with kokichi!
How did they first meet?
so let’s pretend like junko never put the world into despair
how did they meet was ibuki idea her and Piero are best friends so when miu talk about how annoying kokichi was one day ibuki decided to play matchmaker with those two which ended up in a huge prank war but at the end those two was deeply in love with each other
What was their first impression of each other?
literally the pointing Spider-Man picture
like kokichi likes messing with people and pulling pranks and Piero likes messing with people and pulling pranks
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
kokichi would think it was a lie and Piero would think it’s a joke so she just laughs
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danganronpa-kinnies · 3 years
↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ ⌇ ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ↴
┆ ┆ *ೃ      Mod Nagito Komaeda
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Hello, I am mod Nagito, though people may call me Kris as well! I use they/them pronouns, and both demisexual and pansexual, but also happens to be polyamorous :D. My top Danganronpa kins are Naegi, Chihiro, Miratai, Ibuki and obviously Nagito! I’m a minor btw, so watch out.
I make fanfics, headcanons, kinroasts, stimboards and moodboards for the danganronpa characters ٩( ᐛ )و!!! Also just a bunch of kin stuff about my kins uuu. Though, you might wonder who I write for and not, yes?
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Characters I won’t write for ] ❞
Most of the characters from v3, haven’t really gotten into the characters yet, except Kokichi Ouma, Shuichi Saihara, K1-B0 and Maki Harukawa.
Ultimate imposter
Akane Owari
Teruteru Hanamura
Junko Enoshima
Nekomaru Nidai
Peko Pekoyama
Mukuro Ikusaba
Leon Kuwata
Hifumi Yamada
Non of the ultimate despair girls children (warriors of hope)
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Characters I will write for ] ❞
Makoto Naegi
Komura Naegi
Toko Fuwaka
Chihiro Fujisaki
Kyoko Kirigiri
Aoi Asahina
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Naegi Komaeda
Chiaki Nanami
Hajime Hinata
Mikan Tsumiki
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Ibuki Mioda
Hiyoko Saionji
Kazuichi Souda
Phew— That was quite a lot KAVXJSB
Just a quick note though, I make stimboards and moodboards for all Danganronpa characters! So the characters above is only for when I’m writing.
Anyhow, for the rules when requesting and what I won’t write about though!!!
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ ❝ [ What I won’t be writing ] ❞
Anything homophobic, sexist, racist etc.
Age gap relationships
Character x character (I’m not really into ships)
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ ❝ [ What I will write ] ❞
Angst (I love angst like come on /lh)
Poly relationships
LGBTQ+ headcanons & fics
Slight gore
x reader
Alphabet (though it may take a while for me to finish it so be patient)
Now that we got that out of the way, let me just mention that when requesting fanfics, it may take some time for me to write it done as it depends on my motivation, so I'm very sorry for that!!
Also,,, Please mention the pronouns of the reader if you wanna request x reader fic. But I may change the pronouns to gender neutral sometimes as well since it makes me feel more comfortable, so apologies for all that as well!!
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magioftheseas · 3 years
I really like your writing :D Do you have any komahina fics to recommend? Or fics with Nagito getting along with friends.
I haven’t read a lot of dr fics lately rip, so I am not the person to ask.
But uh, I really liked A Match Made In Hopefulness (the sdr2 cast matchmakes komahina) which came to mind when I read your ask. Kimium has also written a lot of what you might be looking for?
EDIT: ALSO supersonic man outta you which is about Souda, Ibuki, and Komaeda friendship with some KomaHina on the side. Thanks again to the anon who found it!!!
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lovelydolls · 3 years
Oh oh here's all the kids for Danganronpa: Rhythm Havoc!!!
Aia Ogami - Ultimate Wrestler (Sakura and Aoi) She/Her. Cis. Lesbian
Ko Hinata - Ultimate Streamer (Nagito and Chiaki) She/Her/Nya/Nyan. Nonbinary Pansexual
Kin Pekoyama - Ultimate Bodyguard (Peko and Ibuki) He/Him. Trans FTM. Gay
Momo Oowada - Ultimate Leader (Kiyotaka and Mondo) She/Her. Trans. Lesbian.
Daiya Oowada - Ultimate Combat Trainer (Kiyotaka and Mondo) He/Him. Cis. Asexual Biromantic
Yuki Amami - Ultimate Model (Korekiyo and Rantaro) It/Its. Nonbinary. Gay
Ichika - Ultimate Rockstar (Imposter and Mitari) She/Her/They/Them. Demigirl. Lesbian.
Yuuta Hinata - Ultimate Swimming Pro (Hajime and Nagito) He/Him. Demiboy. Aroace
Taiyo Tanaka - Ultimate Child Caregiver (Kazuichi, Gundham) She/Her. Trans MTF. Omnisexual.
Itsuki Chabashira - Ultimate Public Speaker (Maki and Tenko) He/Him/Nya/Nyan. Trans. Gay.
Ahmya Chabashira - Ultimate Magician (Maki and Tenko) She/her. Trans MTF. Lesbian
Kokoro Kirigiri - Ultimate Matchmaker (Kyoko and Celestia) He/Him/Love/Loves. ??? Gay
Chiyo Ikusaba - Ultimate Samurai (Mukuro and Sayaka) She/Its. Demgirl. Bisexual
Hana Momota - Ultimate Astrologist (Kaito Momota and Himiko Yumeno) Star/Her. Trans MTF. Omnisexual.
Mami Sato - Ultimate Cook (Sato) She/Her/He/Him. Nonbinary. Lesbian.
Hibiko Yonaga - Ultimate Manga Creator (Angie and Tsumugi) It/Its. Bigender. Bisexual.
Emiko Ikusaba - Ultimate Military Nurse(Mukuro Ikusaba and Mikan Tsumiki) Genderfluid Asexual Demiromantic
Hanako Ikusaba - Ultimate Fashionista (Mukuro and Mikan Tsumiki) Demigirl Asexual Aromantic
Here's a thing I did a while ago too of Ahmya and Kin!
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mars-ipan · 2 years
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ibuki mioda ultimate matchmaker
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mahiru, hiyoko, and Milan wish ibuki a happy birthday!
Mahiru: Happy birthday Ibuki!
Mikan: I h-hope I'm not b-bothering you-
Hiyoko: Geez just say it you-
Ibuki: No fighting on Ibuki's birthday!
Hiyoko: ... Fine
Ibuki: Anyway thank you soso much for your wishes! Ibuki really appreciates it!
Their relationship grew slightly!
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dadj · 4 years
"What's with these anonymous citizens lately? It almost seems like they are trying to get people romantically together... Is there some underground secret matchmaking guild in Vinyl city? ... At least they seem to be nicer with Phantasma than with myself... I do not appreciate the twisting of my words and intentions like that..."
He crosses his arms. "And what's this about me being sweet little tugboat Ibuki's honorary grandpa? I... I wouldn't say no if she were to ask... but that means I also get to spoil Phantasma like a daughter." Now he wonders how that be like. He'd spoil her with dresses, but he knows full well she has her wardrobe under control... but there are some really cute dress shops out there...
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
I can’t draw for the life of me but I do have the talents and bios for my OC’s.
Rose Anderson
Gender: Female
Hair: Chocolate Brown
Eyes: Green
Talent: Ultimate Matchmaker
Rose was originally born in America but moved to Japan in order to attend Hope’s Peak. She was given the title of Ultimate Matchmaker because of her ability to act as Cupid and help people find their soulmates and getting her partner selections right every single time. However, she has always had trouble finding a partner of her own. In her story “Secret Garden” she ends up getting stuck in the killing game from Trigger Happy Havoc and ends up falling smitten with a certain hall monitor ;) . She’s also a sap for anything that is connected to love such as chocolate, doves, flowers, love songs, etc.
Sumire Oma (pronounced su-mi-ray)
Gender: Female
Talent: Ultimate Scientist
Hair: Dark Purple
Eyes: Purple
Sumire is the fraternal twin of Kokichi and attends the V3 killing game with him. Despite sharing the same last name, Sumire is the complete opposite of her brother. She is usually very calm, level-headed, and thinks in a logical, rational way. She is very skilled in all different fields of science, but mainly focuses on chemistry, electronics, and technology. Also even though she gets frustrated by her brother’s antics, she really does care about him as he’s really the piece of family she has left and vice-versa. She has also used her talent to help her brother and DICE commit pranks in the past by creating paint bombs, smoke bombs, and stink bombs. Her strongest connection is with a certain robot.
Misaki Cho
Gender: Female
Hair: Reddish-brown
Eyes: Green
Talent: Ultimate Gardener
Misaki originally worked in a flower shop that was owned by her family. Unfortunately the shop was starting to get less and less orders for the flowers that were grown by the Cho’s. In order to gain more money for her family, Misaki entered the V3 killing game. However, despite entering the game to earn money, she never wanted to kill anyone. When a contender is either murdered or executed she would place a flower down on the spot where they died in as a gift and to honor their spirit. Her strongest connection is with the wild bug boy.
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