#mat x dadsona x damien
chibimultishipper · 7 years
Yo legit all day is gonna be me fawning over different mat and Damien scenarios.
So like Dadsona tries really hard to look after both Carmensita and Lucien like his own kids but like Lucien is nice, but really distant from him. He’s basically like “Yeah thanks for being nice to my dad but don’t think you can tell me what to do.” Which Dadsona totally gets because he’s not Lucien’s father but he wishes he can become close with him.
But what if Dadsona was like a rebel+bad kid in high school and college who listened to moody music etc (Whenever i think of my personal Dadsona world, Dadsona was born in the 80′s and the current Dad Universe is actually a few years in the future. (Like 15 to 20 Years)) Anyway he still does on his off time listen to like the newer moody music like Panic at the Disco, MCR, etc, but he PRETENDS he doesn’t because he had a good dad reputation.
And then one day Craig just straight up rats him out because hes like “oh remember when you were in the band that would play and sing other peoples music.” and Dadsona is like “What band” and then hes like “OH NO” Because he remembers and he begs Craig to not show the video because oh my god there’s a VIDEO and Matt and Damien give a kinda weak “No Craig. . . don’t do it. . . “ Because they don’t want to make their boyfriend feel uncomfortable but they also NEED TO WITNESS THIS. And Robert(Who is bffs with Dadsona) is straight up like “SHOW THE VID SHOW THE VID SHOW THE VID” And what they see just blows their minds like Dadsona was WILD and the lyrics he sang were definiatly not PG13 and Robert is DECEASED and won’t stop making jokes about how Dadsona is now the bad dad of the cul-de-sac and Dadsona is like “No my reputation is ruined” and Damien comforts him and informs him that he is still good dad and that he understands having two sides and that he also thinks his other ‘punk rock’ side is really cool and he shouldn’t be afraid to show it. Meanwhile Mat is SHOOK. Like Mat just kinda grabs onto Dadsona like “That was amazing like really cool, you use to be so cool- i mean not that your not cool now your still cool just dad cool which is really cool, if I knew you 20 years ago we could have formed a band that would have been really cool- shoot, I’m rambling sorry but thats really cool Your outfit was really really cute your really cute” And Lucien is also SHOOK. And he just looks at Dadsona accusingly and is just like “I KNEW I HEARD YOU SINGING MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE IN THE BATHROOM YOU LIAR!” 
Later Lucien and Dadsona bond over music.
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desastreuxartifices · 5 years
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I'm trying a new art style with some big fat lines. I'm still kind of struggling with, but I love it at the same time.
Now this is my OC Muller at breakfast and at his wedding with Robert Small don't judge me
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multi-lia · 6 years
If it's not too much trouble, could I request date night headcanons with the lovely Mr. Damien Bloodmarch?
You wouldn’t believe how much I slept on Damien’s character when DDADDS first came out, but now I’m giving him the appreciation he needs!
Gender Neutral
Date Night HC w/Damien Bloodmarch
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~ I mean have you seen Damien’s dadbook profile
~“It's night. We are at an industrial darkwave club in Berlin. The music drums to the beat of our hearts.”
~But seriously, he actually doesn’t mind a more simple date night with you
~If you don’t currently live with him, then he loves to invite you over to his house for a date night
~In this case, you could have it in variety of places within his home (I mean have you seen his house)
~Damien prefers to have dates in his library
~His library brings both of you comfort. He loves to hold you and read your favorite book to you.
~If you do it for him, he’ll lay his head in your lap and purr if play with his hair
~Just play with his hair, it feels so good for him and it makes him feel great to be complimented on his hair
~“Damien, you must tell me your secrets, how do you make it shine like this? And it’s so incredibly smooth...”
~“I’d have to kill you if I were to tell you the secrets of my hair.”
~“Death is nothing to fear, if I can go to my grave having soft, silky hair like yours.”
~“You got me there.”
~He also likes dates in his garden if the weather is a little warmer
~Sipping on some tea and listening to slow music
~You’re going to find yourself dancing with Damien, his arm draped around your lower waist with your body pressed against his.
~Surprisingly really good at the waltz and swing dancing
~If you’re not too good at it, he’ll be happy to assist you in getting better at it
~“You’re footwork is... not very desirable, but that’s why I’m here to help.”
~“Way to ruin the moment, Damien.”
~“My love, I’m only being honest. If it makes you feel better your spin turns are beautifully graceful.”
~Also, you will make flower crowns for each other which brings another opportunity to play in his hair
~He loves his hair being braided, add in some flowers, and you got yourself a formula for the cutest goth dad you’ve ever seen
~Damien also thinks you look rather dashing with a flower crown
~“You look breathtaking, My Dear y/n.”
~On the chance that you do live with Damien, you’ll both probably want to get out
~Not saying that dates in the house are offlimits now, but he’s more likely wanting to take you out
~Damien will take you out to the fanciest restaurant he can find that still serves... “meals”
~I’m not sure if y’all have ever been to a fancy ass restaurant, but I swear some of them have very tiny portions of food like... what am I supposed to do with this ?
~Don’t even bother looking at the check, he will not allow you to pay for the meal. Ever.
~You may be able to tip, but he doesn’t really want you to pay for a thing.
~For him this was something that he’s doing for you to show how special you are to him.
~If it really does bother you, he’ll allow you to go half with him, but that’s it
~After a date, Damien loves to take long strolls through the town and hopefully to the cemetery
~It makes sense if you’re a little hesitant at first to walk through a cemetery, but he’ll assure you you’ll be fine
~He’ll hold onto your hand if that makes you feel any better
~It ends up being more romantic than you might’ve thought so
~If you get cold he’ll wrap his cape cloak around you and make sure to hold onto you a little tighter to ensure that you stay warm
~Damien loves making poems for you and reading them to you during these late night strolls
~“My dearest of love, you are to me what peanut butter is to jelly.”
~I didn’t say the poems were good btw...
~But they still make you smile no matter how cheesy they can be
~That’s really all Damien cares about, is making sure you’re the happiest you could ever be with him
~Last but not least, ending the night with a deep, passionate kiss
~Possibly it could lead to more exciting adventures in the bedroom, but that’s to be told another time...
That’s all I have folks
I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you for the request. I feel like I’m not the best at writing Damien, but I still hope this was satisfactory.
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s Work
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cynergy-laughter · 7 years
Something has been bothering me... (spoilers)
In Dream Daddy... How do you keep your money flowing? Like, when do all of the dates take place? Like the weekends? What is your Dadsona’s job? Heck I think I forgot what Robert’s job was... Mat works at the coffee shop, Craig works to sell fitness gear the little entrepreneur, Hugo is a teacher, Joseph is a minister, Brian is a contractor, Damien is practically a member of Geek Squad, but... what is your Dad’s income earning living? Because the burritos, cakes, and fancy cheese boards aren’t paying for themselves over here?!?!?!?! Is this the start of a new headcanon?! I think it is!!!
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leisurelypanda · 7 years
Life is Good chapter 8
So I realized that i posted chapter 9 without posting this one first. So here’s chapter 8.
The day finally came that all young children of the United States look forward to for the entire month of October: Halloween. Craig and Andrew went to work early a couple days in advance so they could leave early that day, pick the kids up from school, cook an early dinner and help them get their costumes ready for trick-or-treating. The entire neighborhood was decked out in Halloween decorations. Even Robert had some Jack-o’-lanterns on the steps leading up to his house and glowing ghosts hanging in his windows.
For Andrew, it had been years since Amanda had gone trick-or-treating, though that hadn’t stopped her from stealing candy from the people who just left their candy out on the front step. He didn’t mind. In his book, if you didn’t want to participate in the fun of Halloween, you shouldn’t leave candy out for anyone to take. He was excited to go out with Craig and his girls and experience the fun and spooky wonder of the holiday.
 Right now though, he was trying to get Hazel to stay still so he could apply some green face paint for her Frankenstein’s monster costume. Ever since the night Damien first watched them, Hazel and Briar had been in a horror book phase. They had borrowed all the Goosebumps books from the local and school libraries.
 “Hazel, if you want to be Frankenstein’s monster you have to stop squirming every time I put on the face paint,” he said.
 “You’re not even painting my face,” she cried. “My hands aren’t my face!”
 “Just be grateful we aren’t in Florida,” he said. “We’d have to apply more to account for the sweat. And you’d be wearing short sleeves instead of long ones, so we’d need even more.”
 “Florida sounds terrible,” she said. “I’m glad we live in Maine.”
 Andrew chuckled and got another dollop of green face paint to apply to her other hand. “Me too, kiddo. Me too.”
 Craig popped in, apparently finished with Briar’s costume. He was dressed as Thor (the Chris Hemsworth version, anyway), complete with the long, red cape, a blond wig, and a plastic hammer. Andrew was trying to behave, but it was difficult when he firmly believed in taking every available opportunity to admire his bro’s muscles. He had nice muscles.
 “You two ready to go?” he asked.
 “Yeah, just gotta get this stuff off my hands and I’ll be ready,” Andrew said.
 “What are you going as, dad?” Hazel asked.
 Craig gestured at his suit. “I’m Thor, the superhero,” he said.
 Hazel shook her head. “Not you, dad. The other one.”
 Andrew and Craig exchanged a glance. “I guess I’m the other one,” he said, smiling.
 Craig chuckled and rubbed his neck. “Yeah, we’re gonna have to find a different name for you,” he replied. “How do you feel about ‘Pops’ or ‘Papa’?”
 Andrew thought for a moment. “Well, Amanda has called me ‘Pops’ for years now, it seems special between us,” he mused. “I think I’d like to be called ‘Papa.’”
 Craig turned to his daughter. “Here that? From now on, I’m Dad and he’s Papa.”
 Hazel nodded. “Okay, but can Papa get dressed? I’m ready to get candy,” she whined.
 Craig laughed and picked up his daughter and carried out of the room. “Don’t sass your Papa, now,” he said.
 I can get used to this, Andrew thought. But maybe after we’re done trick-or-treating. He started getting dressed in his Hawkeye costume. Andrew decided that if his bro’s twins were going to be matching, then he could go along with whatever theme Craig decided to go as. Thankfully, there were no shortages of Marvel Cinematic Universe costumes to be found on the Internet and the one he got in the mail last week fit.
 Life is good, he thought.
 The neighborhood was packed with trick-or-treaters. Andrew had a funny feeling that it was due in part to the fact that Damien’s house looked like something from the Addams family, and so perpetually observing Halloween. As they made their way around the neighborhood, Mary was drinking wine and actually looked to be enjoying herself. She actually smiled as she asked the kids who they were and put whole Snickers bars in their Jack-o’-lantern buckets. Andrew was a bit surprised that the candy wasn’t wrapped in Bible verses, but he was still getting used to a youth pastor who wasn’t a Bible thumper, though he made a mental note to come back around after they were done. Anyone who gave out whole candy bars was worth a return trip.
 Hugo was having fun jumping out and scaring kids in a luchador outfit, complete with a mask and everything after Ernest gave them candy. Though he spared Craig’s kids. Andrew grinned at his trivia partner.
 “Having fun getting revenge?” he asked.
 Hugo laughed. “Serves some of the little rascals right,” he declared. “And my son is having a blast, too. He hasn’t blown up one trash can or lit one dumpster on fire… yet.”
 Craig laughed. “Good luck, dude, and try not to have too much fun!”
 Hugo pulled his mask back down over his face and walked back in the house to take his place for the next victi—kids, rather. Kids. Not victims. “I think I’ll manage somehow,” he called after them.
 Next up was Brian, who had a bob for apples station in the front yard and was dressed as a police officer. And wrapped candy apples for the kids who couldn’t quite manage to get one. Andrew resisted the urge to talk about past Halloween accomplishments that may or may not have actually occurred. But as soon as he saw the bob for apples station he looked at Craig. He didn’t even have to say anything.
 “Bro, I’ve got this,” he boasted. “Hold River.” He unstrapped River from his chest (there was something really domestically hot about Craig dressed as Thor with River on his chest like always). She was dressed as a, what had Amanda called the costume she sent? A… Pikachu? Yeah that was it. It was cute, whatever it was. They made sure to get a picture for Amanda. She cooed as she played with Arnold.
 He approached the metal bin and set his wig down beside him. He braced himself on the edge of the bin, took a deep breath, and plunged his head beneath the surface. A moment later he emerged with a golden apple in his mouth and the bystanders cheered. Brian held out a towel for him to dry his hair off on and shouted. “Folks we have a winner!” His prize, apparently, was a huge, two by four Hershey’s chocolate bar, which Craig looked at in amazement, and a little bit of horror. Andrew, Briar, and Hazel cheered wildly at the beautiful sight of the magnificent chocolate bar.
 Craig walked back over to his family only to be attacked by his twins hugging his legs. “You did it, daddy! You did it!” they chorused.
 “Bro,” he said as they walked away with their treasure. “how are we gonna eat all this chocolate?”
 Andrew laughed, “Oh you of little faith.”
 They walked back to the house and dropped off the chocolate bar (which was heavier than it looked) and continued with their trick or treating. Next up was Mat, who was playing spooky music on the front lawn and handing out packs of chocolate covered espresso beans. A treat for the kids, a trick for the parents all in one. Pablo and some other teens were dancing to Thriller in the yard. Pablo broke formation long enough to wave at Andrew before getting back to it.
 Robert had his candy out on his front porch. Hell yeah, extras, Andrew thought. “Kids, make sure to grab extra candy from this one.”
 Craig frowned. “Uuh, bro… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
 “Relax bro,” he replied. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
 At that very moment a huge hairy creature jumped out of the bushes near the candy. Briar and Hazel screamed. Andrew might have too, he wasn’t sure. The three of them hid behind Craig (and River). Craig grinned and pointed his hammer at the monster. “Hey dude,” he said in his best Thor voice, “not cool.”
 The beast laughed and removed his head. It was Robert. Of course it was.
 “Good job, Papa,” Hazel said.
 “What’d I do?” Andrew demanded.
“Mr. Small always scares people who try to take extra candy,” Briar said glaring pointedly at Andrew.
 “It’s true,” Robert said. “Gotta make sure the youngsters toe the line, follow the rules.”
 “You hate rules,” Andrew retorted safely from behind Craig.
 “Yeah, gotta stick it to the establishment,” Robert replied. “But I don’t want kids ending up like me.”
 “Fair enough.”
 Robert walked over to them and knelt down in front of the girls and held up a couple candy bars. “Here, sorry for scaring you. You’re good kids.” he said. He put his mask back on and got back in the bushes.
 “What do you say to Mr. Small, girls?” Craig asked.
 “Thank you!”
 He turned to his boyfriend and smirked. “He got you good, didn’t he?”
 Andrew huffed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. It was all part of the act.”
 “Uh-huh. Sure, bro,” Craig said. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you. Brotect you!”
 “My hero.”
 Last up was Damien, who was sitting out on his front porch with a crystal ball and a deck of tarot cards. The house was, more or less, unchanged but there were ghostly decorations and a large bowl of candy. As they approached the Victorian house, the house that might have given some kids the creeps, the twins ran up fearlessly.
 “Trick-or-treat!” they cried.
 “Oh dear! Dr. Frankenstein and his monster!” Damien replied in mock fright, “Please don’t hurt this humble fortuneteller!” He held out the bowl of candy to appease the monsters in front of him.
 “Thank you!” they chorused.
 “Mr. Bloodmarch,” Briar said, “are we near the end of the story?”
 “Almost,” he replied, gazing into his crystal ball. “I see that we shall soon arrive at the long awaited conclusion of our thrilling tale of the modern Prometheus. Prepare yourselves.” The twins gasped, smiles spreading over their faces with the prospect of hearing how the story would end.
 “I guess that means that we’ll be going on a date, soon,” Andrew smiled. “Not that I mind.”
 Craig leaned in. “Who says we have to go out?” he asked. “We could always stay in. With some wine, some chocolate. Just you and me, bro. And the bed.”
 Andrew moaned quietly. “Bro, never mind, that sounds wonderful.”
 The rest of the night passed more or less uneventfully. They left the neighborhood and went trick-or-treating in the area around their neighborhood. Eventually Andrew and Craig ended up carrying the buckets that finally became too heavy for the twins. They finally ended up heading back to the house when Briar was tired and Andrew picked her up and set her on his shoulders. When they got back they deposited Briar in the twins’ bedroom and got Hazel into the shower so she could wash off the green body paint on her face and hands.
 Andrew and Craig inspected the girls’ candy and deeming it all safe, put it on the top shelf of the pantry so they wouldn’t be able to eat the whole thing at once. They went to the living room and turned the tv on. The Addams Family was playing, a perfect, not scary Halloween movie. Andrew thought about the evening he had with his family, how they were calling him Papa now, the family they formed in the past few months. It was so good. He couldn’t remember being so happy since his husband had died. He took Craig’s hand and leaned back against his chest. They stayed that way until they both drifted off to sleep.
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after-hour-writings · 5 years
I am writing again. 😂😂 can I ask for all the dads x a dadsona who has 2 chihuahuas? What was the first meeting with the dogs like? Do the dogs help choose who is going to stay in dadsona's life? And does Amanda try to play up the dogs, like they're some big great dane until some of the kids come over and they're 2 small puppies? (By the way you are my new favorite scenario writer please don't stop 🤣🤣😅)
That’s so kind of you to say. I don’t plan on stopping, but my ask box is still kinda empty so it might take a while to post a new imagine. Also, I made it so Hugo gets Duchess even if you don’t romance Damien. 
Dadsona with two chihuahuas 
Robert:Before you met Betsy you were hesitant to bring up your dogs. Robert seemed like the kind of guy who would scoff at the mere mention of a chihuahua,but your doubts about introducing Robert to your dogs would be smothered when you saw how he reacted to small dogs you would encounter while on a date. He always got a tender look on his face and even though he would deny it always, you knew this man has a soft spot for dogs. When he finally gets to meet them, you bet those two are getting scooped up real fast. He starts to bring Betsy over and luckily for both of you the three dogs love each other. He starts to carry around a picture of two rottweilers to go along with the pitbull one he already has. 
Damien:It’s no secret that this man loves dogs, big and small, so he would be thrilled when you mention that you have two. Of course he would be very strict bout not letting the dogs near Lucien and would start to carry around a small lint roller so he wouldn’t bring any stray hairs to his home. He does mostly wear dark colors so he would very likely miss some spots. He loves to pamper them and the dogs seem to calm down around him and would become attention hogs when ever he’s around. He doesn’t mind of course, but it gets very difficult to show you any sort of affection when the dogs decide they deserve that affection more than you. 
Mat:He was one of the few people Amanda didn’t lie to about the dogs size or feral nature. Still, he was nervous about meeting your dogs. He knew you loved those dogs and your relationship was still new and he was afraid that if the dogs didn’t like him it would affect your relationship. He decided to make some home-made dog treats to make them warm up to him. It turned out it really didn’t matter, because the dogs only took a single look at him and decided that Mat would now be their new favorite napping spot and would start to growl at people who got too close to him in their opinion. The only person they might like more than Mat was Carmensita who loves to dress them up and luckily for her these two survived Amanda and are Halloween costume veterans.  
Craig: He would joke about that you should get a third dog so you could name it Carl Jr (He isn’t kidding). He would occasionally hope that the dogs would be as big as how Amanda described them so he could take them with him on his runs. Though the dad side of him was very glad that the dogs were smaller ones and couldn’t accidentally hurt River or the twins. River gets very attached to the dogs who have taken on the job of being her personal bodyguards when ever she’s close to them. You guys would joke about the effectiveness of it, but soon would shut up when the older dog starts barking up a storm when one of the moms would try to pinch her cheeks. Hazel uses this as proof when she takes on the job of playing up the dogs when Amanda goes to college. 
Joseph: At first he would be very worried due to Amanda, but would slightly relax when he sees the two. The kids absolutely love the dogs and they get even Chris to open up to you. The dogs love the kids even more and grow quite attached to the four when Amanda leaves for college. They’re favorite seems to be Chris to his confusion, but the dogs will not leave him alone until his given them both sufficient  amount of pets. Amanda gets Chris to send her pictures of the dogs and tells him ways to get the dogs to do tricks. Joseph couldn’t be happier with the dogs and how they help the kids with dealing with the new familiar arrangement, but that doesn’t mean the dogs were quick to like him.  
Hugo: At first he was neutral towards the dogs, but would soon grow to love them.He was worried about how Duchess and them would get along, but it turns out that their age gets Duchess to actually respect them. She starts copying them and tries to follow them wherever their going. He almost cries tears of joy when he realizes for the first time that your dogs can keep her in line. It’s not that he doesn’t love Duchess, but she’s a very big puppy who doesn’t seem to realize that she isn’t the same size as your dogs anymore. Ernest warms up to you faster due to your dogs and likes to get tips on dog care from you.   
Brian: He was so exited that Maxwell would have a new buddy to play with that he started accidentally bragging about Maxwell when he wanted to make sure you’d think he was nice enough to let play with your dogs. Amanda couldn’t even tell him horror stories about what happened to the last dog they let near them before you were showing him pictures and praising them for their intelligence. The dogs end up using Maxwell as a pillow most of the time and decided that he was their new baby brother who must be protected at all costs. Daisy loves the two and gets them matching handkerchief that goes with the one Maxwell has. Brian likes taking pictures of the three dogs and Daisy when they all fall asleep on the couch and even toyed with the idea of developing them so he could put them up on the wall.  
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daddy-hotline · 7 years
Dads reaction to..dadsona having a sphynx cat.
[sorry for all these short answers I only really do long ones when there’s a plot to work with hope y’all understand x]
Hugo🤼‍♂️, Joseph💒, Brian⛳️, Mat🎶:-is that even real??-kinda scared it’ll eat them for some reason-takes them a while to warm up to it-never sure if they should let it around the kids
Damien🥀, Craig🥇, Robert🥃:-wOWSERS-wants to touch it every single second of the day-“hey I’m going to the supermarket—“ “are you taking the cat??”-talks about it all the time with everyone-spends heaps of money on toys and other things for it-probably loves it more than you do
~Mod Jaidyn♥︎
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
Hey, how you doin? Hope you're having a nice day :) is there anyway you can make a prompt or imagine about the Dads enjoying a day with their kids and their new husband, Dadsona, and their awesome step-child, Amanda. It would be so adorable and awesome with your creative handwriting x)
My hands are hurting like a b**** but I had to write this! I’m back to filling prompts again, everyone, my term paper is finished!
🥃 You had never been to New YorkCity before, so to get a personal ‘behind the scenes’ tour by your boyfriend’sdaughter and her girlfriend was like a dream come true. After going to themust-see sights like the Empire State Building or the Central Park, Val startedshowing you her favourite spots: A sub shop which served the best sandwiches inall of the states, the Lalique Windows,the club where she had met her girlfriend, a secluded spot of a small park nearthe water with a perfect view of the skyline where they had first kissed. Toyou, the trip feels like a journey through Val’s adult life and memories, andjudging by Robert’s expression, he feels the same. He had invited you andAmanda along and you’re glad you said yes, or else you would never have learntof that Jazz Club nestled between a drag bar and a grocery store where Val hadwatched over the bouncer’s dog for half an hour before he came to retrieve it.You would never have met Val’s girlfriend and you would never have seen theinside of their apartment, which was cluttered with photos and souvenirs fromlittle shops around the city. You would have missed the way Robert and Valinteracted, shy and insecure at first increasingly familiar as time went by,mending old wounds and letting the scars fade away. And, most importantly, thepicture of the five of you – huddled around Amanda’s camera, your faces smushedtogether, but so happy, most of all Robert, whose eyes were shining so brightit lit up the whole photo – would never have been taken.  
 🍸 “Help.” You can’t see it, but you can feelJoseph’s gaze on you as he takes in the sight of you, a grown man, bested by ateenager, three children and a toddler. Crish’s butt is firmly planted on yournape, while Christian, Christie and Amanda are sitting on your back; the oldestChristiansen child, Chris, holds down your legs while playing Pokémon on the Gameboyyou had given him last Christmas. You try to lift your head, but Crish scootsbackwards to keep you still, saying “Nuh-uh”, so you give up even though thegrass is starting to tickle your nose. “Have you slayed the beast?” Joseph asksfrom somewhere to your left. You wouldn’t put it past him to purposely stay outof your line of vision. “It fought valiantly,” Amanda says, “but ultimately, itwas no match to five brave knights.”“Bweast!” Crish repeats and hits the back of your head with his hands. Yougrunt even though it doesn’t even hurt. Finally, Joseph’s shoes appear in frontof your face; the next moment, he is kneeling in front of you, his eyessparkling in amusement. “Well done, brave knights. Tales of your heroic deedwill be sung for all eternity. I think the beast has learnt its lesson.” Hepicked up Crish and nudged the twins until they got off your back and sat backdown on the picnic blanket. Once Amanda and Chris also move off you, you rollover. Joseph chuckles and offers you his hand to pull you back on your feet.You accept and immediately, he starts tickling you. “Help!”
☕ You let out an ‘oof’ as Carmensita jumps on your back and stumble afew steps forward, but thankfully, Mat grips your arm before you can fly downthe stairs. He releases your arm again after giving it a squeeze. “No, ‘manda,don’t even think about it.” Though she’s walking behind you, you canpractically see Amanda’s pout behind your mind’s eye. “But why?”“All due respect, but Carmen’s a tiny bit lighter than you.” Amanda appearsnext to you and indeed, she is wearing the matching pout that you just imagined,but the way her eyes are sparkling shows you she’s not really all that upset. No,she’s already running to the next exhibition of the umpteenth artist whose nameyou’ve never heard of before. Carmensita points at another picture and youcarry her over to it. An art museum wouldn’t have been your first choice for aweekend trip, but now that you’re here, you’re enjoying yourself. “I think it’sa bird,” Carmensita says. You tilt your head at the canvas. “To me it lookslike a cross between a house and a baby from Alien.” Next to you, Mat hums. “Maybeit’s not supposed to mean any—““MAT!” Mat spins around just in time to catch Amanda, who launched herself at hisback after a sprint. He stumbles, but thankfully doesn’t fall and adjusts hisgrip to hook his arms under Amanda’s legs. You laugh and fondly shake your head.With the way she’s grinning, one might think she just won the lottery, eventhough she only succeeded in being carried by Mat. He looks fairly unimpressed.“Onwards, steed!” Amanda shouts and nudges Mat with her leg.
🌹”Dad, can I buy that shirt?”“Ask your other father, ‘Manda.” She scowls at you, but walks over to whereDamien is standing together with Lucien, quietly discussing the quality of thefabric, as if a piece of clothing from Dead, Goth, & Beyond could hold acandle to clothes he had sewn himself at home. He looks up at Amanda when sheapproaches and smiles. It still takes your breath away to see just how happy heis about you and her being in his life now. “Dad wants me to ask you if I canbuy that shirt and I beg you, please do not tell me to ask my other father, Icannot be caught in this vicious, never-ending cycle.” Damien tuts. “Amandadear, why would I say anything like that?” Damien shakes his head and peers atthe shirt in Amanda’s hands. “However, I do believe in this situation it wouldbe best to ask Y/N whether you can—“ Amanda lets out a frustrated groan andgrips Lucien’s arm. “Lucien, save me. They’re going to do the thing. We cannotlet that happen.” Lucien looks at you, then back at Amanda. “Why don’t you justbuy it yourself? You have your own money.” Amanda scoffs. “Lucien,brother-dearest, I love you, but you have a lot to learn. Never pay with yourown money when you can make your parents do it.” Lucien rolls his eyes andallows her to drag him back towards the band shirts. You make eye contact with Damienacross the room and catch him wipe his eyes discretely. You tilt your head inquestion. “She thinks of me as her other father,” Damien sniffs.
🎣 Your second fishing trip goes much more smoothly than the first time –probably because you’re no longer trying to act like you know what the hell you’redoing and the competitiveness between the two of you has lost its desperate,aggressive edge. The first time, you weren’t together yet, so now, there are alot more kisses involved, much to Amanda’s and Daisy’s annoyance. You can seethem pull faces as Brian pulls you into yet another kiss and even though youcannot hear them since they are back on land, you can tell they’re makinggagging noises. You stick out your tongue, but either they’re ignoring you, orthey didn’t see you. Neither option appeals to you, so you turn to Brian andpout. “What’s that face for, Y/N?” He pulls you close and kisses the top ofyour head, wiping the pout straight off your face again. You don’t reply, butthe way you nuzzle into him is answer enough. Brian laughs and turns back tohis fishing rod. It takes some time – mostly due to the fact you two end upscaring the fish away more often than you caught it – but eventually, Brian hasyour dinner ready and you two return to the shore. While Brian gets a firegoing, you walk over to where Amanda and Daisy are playing fetch with Maxwell.You scoop Brian’s daughter into your arms and grin as she laughs and wriggles,trying to escape your tickling fingers.
👟 “The fries won’t kill you, Craig, you don’t have to stare at them likethat.” You flop down in the chair next to Craig and throw an arm over hisshoulders. He automatically leans against you with a heavy sigh. “Do you evenknow how much fat is in these things?”“I know, and I don’t care. We’re on vacation, bro, you really have to learn howto live and let go. Them having fries once every two months or so won’t makethem become unhealthy. You let them have pizza, too.” Craig huffed and lightlyshoved at your shoulder. “That’s totally different, Y/N. That’s after softballgames, as a reward and for celebrations. Right now, we’re not celebratinganything.” You shift River on your other knee and start bouncing her up anddown. The baby giggles and tries reaching for your nose, so you indulge her andlean down, even though you know what’s coming – she pulls and you yelp,exaggerating your pain. “I don’t know, bro, I think there’s something to celebrate.”Your gaze wanders over to the playground next to your table, where Amanda andthe twins are playing tag. Fighting against two physically superior girls withtwin telepathy puts Amanda at a large disadvantage, but she’s holding her own,screaming whenever they reach for her as if she’s running from zombies. “What’sthat?” Craig turns to look at you, grinning. Instead of replying, you leanforward to kiss him. The ‘triplets’ groan in protest.
📖 You’re surprised just how well Ernest andAmanda get along. Whereas Ernest had… well, saying disliked wouldn’t quitecapture the animosity you were presented with in the beginning, but either way,he had taken ages to warm up to you, but with Amanda, something had clickedright away. It was like all Ernest needed was a big sister who was just asmischievous as him. You watch the two at the lottery booth and try to decidewhether you should be proud of them successfully executing their scam fourtimes in a row or whether you should scold them, when Hugo returns from thecandy stall. “Are they still trying to win something? Don’t they know theprobability of winning that stuffed dog is below one percent?” Hugo lifts hisarm and immediately, you step closer and let him engulf you in his body heat.How he does it, when the temperature is close to freezing, you have no idea,but you wouldn’t question your luck. “Oh, they know.” Something about your toneof voice must have set Hugo’s teacher senses off, since he turns to lookintently at your face. You try, you really try, but your poker face had neverbeen the best. Hugo narrows his eyes. “They’re cheating.” You don’t even try todeny it, there’s no salvaging this situation. Hugo sighs again and looks aboutready to stomp over there and put an end to it, but, taking in Ernest’s excitedexpression, something in him melts. “I’ll let it slide this time,” he says andkisses your forehead.
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bronzeflower · 7 years
A Forth Wall Breaking Thing
Also on ao3
Dadsona x Robert Small
“Hey, Robert.”
“What if… I told you that I know of my many alternate selves.”
“Bullshit.” Robert was grinning.
“No, I’m completely serious!” You laugh.
“Yeah? Prove it.”
“I died by jumping off a waterfall in one of them. Another time, I died because I was being bad at dancing, and I smashed my head against a punch bowl. There was also one where I died by falling off a ferris wheel.”
“Are all your alternate self stories going to be about you dying?” Robert frowned. “Cause I’d rather not think about that.”
“Oh, well.” You lightly kiss Robert. “Not all of them are about me dying. In one of them, Hugo and Ernest end up getting a dog.”
“Yeah. Would you believe me if I told you that Hugo was really into wrestling?”
“Okay, that’s definitely not true.”
“It’s totally true! In another, I actually got Craig to eat a brownie!”
“Yes! And Damien is actually really scared of horror movies.”
“Do you have secrets about all the people in the cul-de-sac?” Robert asked.
“I do, but some people don’t have as many secrets as others, like Brian. His only secret was that he was a genuinely sincere person, which was apparently only a surprise to me. Others had secrets that literally everyone but myself knew. Except Joseph. There was this whole thing with Joseph in one alternate universe where he was a demon who tried to kill me, but I was saved by Mary, and then I was in this weird dream sequence, and long story short I escaped from the Margarita Zone.”
Shit. Fuck. You completely forgot about that thing Robert had with Joseph once. Goddamn it. You are a horrible boyfriend. What do you do? What do you do?
“There was also that one time where I kept reloading the save file because I HAD to get that one steam achievement where I got all the holes in one at the golf course.” You start rambling. “I also did that same thing to get a score of 2,000 on this fish minigame. Have I ever told you that I suck at fishing? I’m also allergic to shellfish. And afraid of whales. Nothing should ever be that big. Basically, anything involving the ocean I stay away from because the ocean is scary and can kill me and-”
I stopped when Robert said my name. What was I even talking about.
“I don’t really know what you were talking about, but something about you saying things like ‘save file’ and ‘steam achievement’ seem suspicious. What are you hiding?”
What are you supposed to tell him?
“Okay, so maybe I was lying about the alternate universes technically.” You might as well go with the truth. “What if... what if I told you that we were all in a video game. Nearly every single action we take is programmed, and everything we say is scripted. And I’m the main character.”
“Jessie, what the fuck?”
“I know, I know. It sounds crazy, right? But, I’ve known you for so long, and I want you to know about this. You see, the game is called Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator.”
“I dated all the dads, Robert. All the dads in our cul-de-sac. I romanced Craig, Brian, Hugo, Mat, and Damien. I even romanced Joseph, though, in the end, he stayed with his wife. And, I dated you too.”
“What are you trying to tell me?” Robert glares suspiciously.
“I mean that, even though I dated all the other dads, I still came back to you. You were the one that I wanted to help and support the most. I could have chosen any other person, but I chose you instead. Because, you know what, Robert? I love you. I love you a lot, and I wanted to be able to share this love with you.”
“Oh...I…” Robert averts his gaze before bringing it back to you. “I love you, too.”
You probably lit up like the goddamned sun if the look Robert’s giving you is anything to go by.
“I still that that was an elaborate ruse to say that you love me.”
“You continue thinking that.”
You both laugh.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 years
ddadds kids....
i like thinking about them as one big extended cul-de-sac family... [headcanons and stuff!]
imagine all the families spending the holidays together! i’m sure some celebrate things that the rest dont but theyd probs have one big generic get together during The Holiday Season
all of the kids are crammed together on one big “kid’s table” even tho like half of them are teenagers and there are more offspring than parents
someone always ends up starting a food fight,, usually ernest and lucien, or the twins [either pair. both pairs?? christie and christian vs hazel and briar??]
this was referenced in game once so amanda probs ends up babysitting a lot when she’s home from college for breaks+ during that short time shes still around before she leaves! she’d be  a cool fun babysitter, but tough enough to keep some of the more rambunctious kids in check ;p
[ernest voice] dad i dont NEED a babysitter!!! [hugo voice] son i want to know that i can be away for the weekend and come home to a house that isn’t on fire
ernest is probs really snarky to amanda when she babysits like “youre not the boss of me” and going out of his way to cause trouble, but amanda is Cool and probs gives him a run for his money with snark and idk shenanigans ensue and he probs secretly admires her and thinks she’s awesome but would rather die than let anyone ever find out
lucien looks like he might be fairly close to amanda’s age? they probs dont have all that much in common, but damien’s date revealed that lucien listens to mcr, and amanda made her dad listen to black parade, so I bet they could bond over some music tastes here and there
amanda: pleeeeeaaaaassseeeeeee ;D??? lucien: no way. the goth lifestyle isnt for posers i think with enough pestering she’d get him to cave. he’d take great time and care while painting her nails to make sure he does it Right
amanda probs comments on how careful and skilled he does it like “wow you really take this stuff seriously” “uh obviously??”
once he finishes, amanda takes a pic, and then all the other neighbors see her and are bothering lucien to make them look cool too. he pretends to hate it but actually has a lot of fun and is secretly really happy that they think he’s good at what he does
amanda convinces lucien to do like, cool goth makeup videos and put them on youtube/instagram. she helps him with filming and doing photography of final looks and together they get a lot of followers. sometimes she’ll guest star in his videos if he needs a face model other than his own
amanda’s kinda freaked out by christie and christian at first but over time gets used to and sees past their “creepy twin shtick” and, much like her dad [in the joseph brownie date] learns to use it to mess with them and possibly other people
at first chris probably doesnt talk to amanda a lot and keeps to himself when she’s over, but maybe over time she’d adapt to him and learn a few things hes interested in and express gentle interest in those things to kind of help him open up to her more
chris gets quietly attached to her like shes an older sister
everyone in the cul de sac does. they love amanda
i want daisy to be involved with the carmensita and amanda girl band thing mentioned briefly during one of mat’s dates. that’d be adorable
you know what else would be adorable? allllll the cul de sac kids coming to briar and hazel’s softball games to support them. 
the kids going to each others’ anything to support them!! when theyre in clubs and activities that put on shows or performances or other sports games, as many of the neighbors that can make it are there
when they get older, they try to be more and more obnoxious to embarrass their neighbors in front of everyone, like making huge support signs and banners with glitter with a stupid yet supportive pun that one of their dads helped come up with, or printing their neighbor’s face on a tshirt or a giant cutout on a popsicle stick, shouting as loud as possible 
they def went to amanda’s actual graduation and PROBABLY ALL CRIED
a lot of this has amanda centric bc i Love Her, but also,,
maybe hugo and craig start going to wrestling matches together [+dadsona] so ernest sees a lot of the cahn kids. if amanda’s in town, she’s with them and in charge. if not, ernest is technically in charge, but secretly [not so secretly probably] the dads are counting on briar and hazel [briar, mostly] to keep things from falling to disaster for the few hours theyre out
they all like to take turns riding on the Giant Dog that ernest got in damien’s route [duchess something i think?] [a good component that should be canon in all universes]
“lets put river on him” “no she’ll fall off” “wheres the duct tape” “n o”
if enough disaster happens leaving these kids alone together, they probably get dropped off at another dad’s house to be looked after for a while. joseph volunteers to look after them but since he and mary are already looking after 4 and KEEP LOSING CRISH, they tend to try and ask literally anyone else
[not that theyre bad parents lmao but it’d be easier for all the other parents that just have One Kid]
i bet christian and christie love robert’s wild spooky stories. he probably makes up so much bullshit to fuck with any kid that’s listening
they’d carpool if they could fit enough kids in one car. it’s probably a 2-3 car carpool depending on who’s driving what size car and who needs to go where at what time
there are probably so many inside jokes[CUL DE SAC MEMES......] that are born at every cul de sac gathering. 
when amanda’s home from college, all the kids wanna be the first to tell her all about the SHENANIGANS she’s missed out on
river and crish are bffs once theyre old enough for human interaction. they Have To Be.
pranking each other in the school hallways plz, or just all around chaos. god help the teachers that somehow end up with 2+ of the cul de sac kids in the same class
ernest definitely sends his dog to poop on damien’s lawn outside lucien’s bedroom window / probably does the flaming bag of dog poop ding dong ditch when he knows lucien’s home alone and will be the one to answer the door
christie and chris like when briar and hazel pretend to be each other, so they get their hands on a pair of scissors and chris gives christie a terrible haircut. possibly briar and hazel try and help with the scheme and things just get Worse and joseph has to take his daughter to a Professional [or maybe one of the dads is really good with hair/has had their child do the same thing and is good with fixing a bad haircut ;p]
carmensita goes through a goth phase after she goes over to lucien’s to be babysat one day. mat does not know how to Deal bc this isnt the type of music hes used to playing but he loves and supports his daughter regardless and likes to hear her singing all kinds of music to broaden her horizons and strengthen her talent
G R O U P  T E X T between all the kids old enough to have phones
there are lots of memes. lots. of memes.
they take candid shitty photos of each other all the time and send them in the chat, and particularly amusing ones end up reused as reaction photos
lucien: [sends photo of ernest having just spilled cereal on himself with duchess in the background making off with a piece of pizza] ernest: fuck u carmensita: mood daisy: why are you having pizza and cereal for breakfast? ernest: dont tell me how to live my life amanda: lol tag urself i’m duchess
this is just something i like to do w/ my friends but they’d probs also stealthily take pictures  of each other when theyre out and about and send them to each other in secret like amanda’s out with her dad at the grocery store and spots lucien and damien in the dairy isle and is like FUCK,, she hides behind a stand of donuts or w/e and takes a pic of them and sends it to lucien w/ no context or like “lol hey” 
it becomes a war of sending pics of each other to each other/the group without getting caught. lucien and ernest probably act like they think it’s stupid but get so competitive about it
they all keep score and it probably also would extend to taking stealthy pics of cul de sac dads too Just Because
the dads find out about the competition somehow and like,,, secretly are so into who’s winning. especially brian and dadsona. sometimes they’ll try and serve as a distraction for their child to get a sneaky pic so they can win, but usually the kids prefer the solo missions
val comes and visits sometimes with cool stories. sometimes she brings her girlfriend, and amanda especially looks up to them like two cool older sisters [i dont remember if it was jacket pins or photography that val said her gf is into, but whatever it is i’m sure amanda would geek out about it with her]
christie and christian eventually grow out of their “creepy twin” thing but still have a more unique brand of humor/personality. the cul de sac kids are used to them by then, and will THROW DOWN with anyone that bullies them/ calls them freaks or anything like that, or anyone that picks on chis [and eventually crish] by association or for any other reason
i could go on forever making up headcanons or scenarios for these kids bc i love them and constantly crave more content about them but imma stop here bc it’s been over an hour and this is Long but anyway plz talk to me about these kids + the cul de sac as a whole. share ur headcanons,,,,, i l o v e the m ,,
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chibimultishipper · 7 years
Okay but if I wrote MatxDadsonaxDamien fic would anyone ready it?
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multi-lia · 6 years
Can i ask for fluffy Joseph headcannons ????
Yes, you can! I really like Joseph and his creepy ass kids lol.
This will be in AU where Joseph decides to divorce his wife.
Gender neutral
Tumblr media
~Joseph is honestly the most goofy, adorkable one out of all the dads, so expect a lot of fluffy moments with this guy and facepalming
~Joseph and your relationship is going to be awkward at first after the divorce, but it improves once you both get more comfortable with each other.
~It’s no secret that Joseph loves to bake and he loves to share that passion with you. Baking all sorts of sweets with Joseph is always fun.
~If you happen to burn yourself taking something out the oven, Joseph will immediately help you cool the wound down and kiss you on your burn mark
~Then put a pink princess band aid on it
~Yes, he will draw a smiley face on your cheek with frosting. Yes, you will have a mini flour fight. Yes, he will feed you whatever you guys make together.
~Perferably likes to bake with the kids out of the house because things can get a little “frisky”
~Joseph is a big flirt
~Most of it just makes you want to facepalm because of how much of a dork he is
~But at times he can be really sensual
~Loves to keep in physical contact with you
~Holding your hand while eating dinner, keeping his arm around you when you guys are walking, having you sit in his lap when you watch movies together
~He just loves being with you
~I swear if you ever feel insecure, Joseph will make it his mission to make you feel better about yourself
~He’s going to tell you how much he loves your body and looks every day.
~But will also remember to compliment your personality
~You’re an all around great person and he wants to make sure you feel the same way about yourself as he feels for you
~Of course if you do want to change something about yourself, HE WILL SUPPORT YOU even if he doesn’t fully agree with you!
~You’re going to have his support in everything you do
~“Okay what if I drive my car off a cliff?”
~“I mean if that’s what you want, I’ll support you till the end.”
~“Would the end be me in the car going off the cliff?”
~“... there is Heaven.”
~Okay maybe he won’t support you in ways like that, but you get the point. You can do about everything and he’ll have you’re back on it
~kisses. Kisses.KISSES!!!
~Sweet kisses on the forehead and cheek
~Sensual kisses that leave you seeing stars
~Lazy, sloppy kisses in the morning
~All the kisses are for you and only you.
~Joseph is beyond happy if you get along with his kids and of your kid(s) also gets along with them as well.
~Often taking dates with the all the kids to the park, beach or his yacht
~Picnics are a must with Joseph, like there’s no getting out of it.
~He loves to play cards or do a puzzle with you and the kids during one of these picnics
~It makes Joseph really happy to see all of you guys happy and enjoying yourself together
~Speaking of games, he has tons of board games and will whip them out on rainy day
~The kids may not be that excited for them, but for you and Joseph it brings back some nostalgia
~It can get a bit heated too during these board game sessions
~Joseph constantly telling you how much he loves you
~“Y/N, you know how much I love you right?”
~“You tell me every day, Joseph.”
~“Do you want me to tell you again?”
~“Do you want to tell me again, Joseph?”
~“...Uhh yes??”
~“Have at it.”
~“I really love you, y/n and I want you to know that I’ll always be by your side no matter what. Just remember that okay?”
~Joseph is a cheesy romantic and will do plenty of cheesy things, not to say they aren’t appreciated
~Joseph will run a bubble bath for you, put rose petals in the water, massage your feet, crack open a bottle of wine, the whole nine yards
~If you do something similar for Joseph, he’ll lose it
~He really likes back rubs and scratches, do that for him and he’ll fall in love with you all over again.
~One day, I don’t know what day, but one of these days you’re going to come to find roses in a heart shape with all sorts of gifts in the middle of it
~You’ll ask him why he’d do something like this for you and he’ll be genuinely surprised.
~“Why wouldn’t I spoil the person I love?”
~“Yeah, but Joseph, it’s not a special day like Valentine’s Day or?”
~“It doesn’t need to be a special day to treat you. You’re special to me everyday.”
~He truly means that by the way!! and will do this at least once a month.
That’s all I have. Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoyed it.
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s work
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cynergy-laughter · 7 years
Dream Daddy Headcanon #19
Ezekiel: Hello and welcome to Dream Daddy Headcanon. I am the moderator’s Dadsona Ezekiel, “Zeke” Cynners, the Tickle Monster Dad. And in honor of Black Panther (even though I have yet to actually see it...) Let’s settle this once and for all... DC... or Marvel? I myself am a Marvel man because of Spiderman, X-men, and MCU, I’m hype for Infinity Wars.
Robert: “Marvel. But I’m more into the X-men rather the avengers themselves. I personally identify more with Wolverine. Because... I mean, do you not see the parallels? He’s tough, I’m tough. He enjoys a good drink, I enjoy a good drink. I’m a no nonsense type of guy, so is he. I guess you could say... He’s a Beast.”
Ezekiel: “You’re ticklish, Hugh Jackman is ticklish, yeah... I can see that. By the way, nice X-Men pun.”
Robert: *shoots daggers at Zeke* “Just to let you know... I’m not afraid of prison.”
Ezekiel: Moving on.
Damien: “Hmm... That is a very good question... I mean they both are very good... But I have to go with DC. I particularly love Batman, when it was more Gothic and dark... You know the movie with the Penguin and Catwoman, that had to be one of my favorites.”
Craig: “Man... I mean it’s between the Flash or Quicksilver... I’m not sure... Umm... I don’t know, the Marvel Cinematic Universe did Quicksilver bad in the movie, but did him justice in the X-Men movies... I’m gonna have to go with DC here man. At least they were consistent with Flash.”
Joseph: “I prefer not to take sides, because no matter what side I choose, it will lead to a flame war. Although, I personally like Superman.”
Robert: “He can be beaten by a green glowing rock. All Batman has to do is invest in a Kryptonite infused armor and Superman can’t touch Batman.”
Jospeh: “Shut it, Hugh Jerkoff.”
Mat: “I am in between, because I grew up watching Static Shock and Justice League, and now watching Miles Morales’ Spiderman with Carmensita, and Deadpool, it’s making me hopeful. I personally like the old Justice League, some of the Avengers... I don’t know, I like to make my own dream team of superheroes. But, gun to my head... DC, I have a close relatability with Static Shock. Also, Teen Titans, not Teen Titans GO... Teen. Titans.
Hugo: “Marvel, moreso because I’m into the comics, and I’m interested to see where they go with the Cinematic universe, and see what they do as far as being true to the comics. I’m also interested into Defenders. But Green Lantern will always hold a place in my heart.”
Brian: “Alright... I’m Marvel because of Ghost Rider and Men in Black. I used to be a biker before I had Daisy, and I kinda left it behind, but Ghost Rider always holds true feelings inside my soul. And... Men in Black was bought out by Marvel from Malibu Comics, so... I mean, if Ghost Rider isn’t a good reason, then Men in Black sure is.”
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raddadds-blog · 7 years
I read your angsty Damien X Dadsona jk Dadsona X Mat and You done fucked me up, good job
g o o d
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gothmarch-blog · 7 years
Dadsona x Hugo 💕🤘🤙💪🧀💕 Mat x Craig 💜🙌👏👍☕️💜 Robert x Damien 🖤⚰️🔪👌💯🦇🖤
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Wait, can you ask for dad x dad things like Smallmarch and stuff? Just want to know, thanks :D
We function as a Dad/ Dadsona blog mainly, but we might consider doing these from time to time. 
1. Keep the ships specific. ( Brian/Hugo, Craig/Mat, Robert/Damien, etc.) 
2. A maximum of three dads per ship. 
3. Please give us something we can actually work with. If it isn’t descriptive enough we don’t know where to go with it, if it’s too descriptive then there becomes no point to us adding on. 
4. We might choose not to do it. It might be something we take up if we are in the mood for it, but other times it may remain unanswered. 5. If it’s smallmarch you have a better chance of getting a response. We really try not to be bias, but both mods are weak for smallmarch. 
~Mod sella. 
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