#masked runner
mineralshine · 2 months
Masked torch bearer
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I was invested since I saw them at the start of the olympic opening ceremony.
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iamacolor · 4 months
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It's becoming a habit. What? What is? You holding my hand. You hold it so easily and casually.
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retroautomaton · 5 months
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kor-ee-an-door · 4 months
Im Sol and Ryu Sun Jae in every other episode of Lovely Runner:
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reasons ryu sun-jae is completely normal
caring more about his crush liking him back than his death
caring more about the opinion of his crush's mother regarding himself than his death
reasons ryu sun-jae is a weirdo
not thinking for even a second what his father would say now that he once again did not go costing him so much money
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 9
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Shinpei -
"Has a tendency to ignore his emotions in high stress situations in favor of looking at everything logically, even when it is detrimental for him to take that approach. Keeps meticulous track of everything that happens around him."
Sunny -
"Sunny has been told that his face is not expressive. He doesn't talk a lot and he often gets lost into his imagination. He is a great listener and recalls a lot of information being told he has a great memory (he is able to remember a whole speech about flower symbolism that his friend told him) He is compared to a cat."
Yuki -
"He has difficulty communicating with other people and suffers from extreme social anxiety, feeling like he's drowning when placed in uncomfortable social situations or scenarios where she doesn't know how to respond. This also causes him to go red in the face and clench his jaw, which other characters wrongfully interpret as him becoming angry. Through meeting Haru (and getting pulled into his plan to save the world), he becomes friends with him and Natsuki and develops his own strong interest in fishing."
Meursault -
"not only is he based on the character from camus' l'étranger who has actual scholarly debate on him being autistic, meursault is just… so autism. hes this stoic, terse guy with resting bitch face who doesnt really seem to fully process that he isnt showing any emotions and that that offputs people, and hes very blunt and literal with things. once another character asked if he had metal for brains as an insult and he responded by telling him the exact chemical composition of his brain to show that it is not metal. once the other characters made food so bad that when he tasted it he went on a minute straight long monologue about how much it sucked. he then proceeded to cook his own food which the giant evil chicken monster man that was judging the food tasted and said was so intensely done to the letter of the recipe that it was too boring. hes like if autism was a guy and that guy was french."
Zack -
"does things based almost solely on whether or not he wants to, at one point in the series, he doesn't tell the rest of the cast that he can fly a spaceship because he doesn't feel like it. he also take everything everyone else tells him seriously, such as when another character he knew as a kid said they were going to get married one day, he took it very seriously and was confused when said character tried to confess her feelings again and he said he thought their promise from when they were kids was still on."
Joujirou -
"This boy is autism incarnate. No social skills, no normal pain perception, complete weirdo. He even has a special interest which becomes a mild issue when he joins the main cast lol."
Alus the Star Runner -
"He’s a three-armed wyvern gunslinger with cool goggles and a lightsaber. Need I say more? …Okay then. Alus was born as a mutant cripple and rejected by his kind but managed to overcome this and rise up to become Flying Reptile Indiana Jones. He’s famed as the greatest adventurer in the land, but also struggles to keep up a conversation and prefers to remain on his own (which is especially unusual for wyverns, who usually gather in giant flocks). He has exactly one (1) friend, whom he completely fails to understand as a person but still values and respects immensely. Despite his difficulties with social interaction, he’s repeatedly shown to be incredibly resourceful and intelligent, with a single-minded drive and persistence unmatched by anyone else in the series. (Also canonically asexual, because who needs a family when you can fight dragons perfectly well on your own?)"
Mamoru -
"the ORIGINAL autistic magical boy."
Shizuka -
"he's the most emotionally intelligent & mentally stable member of the cast & he's in love with the least emotionally intelligent & most emotionally volatile character ever. he's constantly got the vibe of looking into the camera like he's in the office while he's dealing with everyone else's bullshit. he's so steadfast & loyal that it makes me want to cry. he's so bad at expressing himself in a way that other people understand that for the longest time the boy he's in love with thinks that Doumeki doesn't even like him."
Idia -
"He’s a shut-in weirdo with long messy hair, a sleep deprived look in his eyes, and one of the few students to have a hoodie as part of his school uniform. He’s a prodigal tech genius with the vibes of burn out and depression. He’s usually quite meek around people, but when he clicks with a conversation topic, he gets all energetic and fired up and sometimes a bit haughty too. To avoid going out of his room and interacting with people face to face, he invented a mobile tablet with text to speech. He stays up all night playing video games and while he has trouble with IRL relationships, he’s made a genuine friend out of one of his gaming buddies (who he doesn’t realize is actually one of his classmates). He stans an idol group and once got into a hacking war against some dorm mates over it. He rebuilt his dead brother as a robot who has become somewhat of a therapist to him. The only reason he went out on a holiday vacation with school acquaintances is due to the location being featured in an anime, then bonded with the one guy’s grandma when he realized his favorite girl was based on her. For the Halloween celebration, he convinced his dorm to theme themselves after his favorite B horror movie, constantly infodumping to people about it and going all out in recreating the special effects. In Book 5, he has a minor background arc of being forced to do public speaking. In another Halloween event, he was forced to be a back-up singer and managed to pull through despite the social anxiety. He’s the most autistic student in all of Night Raven College and possibly in all of Twisted Wonderland too."
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nbkdramathings · 5 months
Ok at first I thought Sun Jae had been looking at some medicine he didn’t want to show Sol (maybe the antidepressants that he would hide from her so she doesn’t worry) buttt he was actually looking at the egg filled with the same candies she gave him when they first met. 🥹
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blackcrystalball · 3 months
I have seen one singular post about Table Runners and that will not do.
Okay so I binged their Chaotic Lawful series this weekend and I can confidently say they are absolutely worth watching. The players are so good and the DMs are excellent, not to mention they are all so funny, I genuinely cackled multiple times, especially during the Forest Hills and Dino Dread one shots, those were so fucking funny.
Oh and their videos are really easy to watch, the one-shots are like an hour and some per part(they're separated into parts). Very digestible, especially if you have a short attention span, I don't even look at my phone while watching them play.
I'm being so serious when I say this, watch Table Runners, you will not regret it.
And like a third of them are on here, they're cosplayers and they serve unbelievable amounts of cunt while doing it.
Seriously check out @toodarling , @brookesmartt and @thatjessiwills
Their Critical Role cosplays are impeccable.
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89hitokiri · 1 month
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"Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant."
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virfujiwara · 1 year
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Yeah, I'm so normal about this AU
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mineralshine · 1 month
I hope we get to see the masked torch bearer in the closing ceremony.
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chalkodareal · 2 years
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drawings i made for discord or only posted on discord. chip is related to all but ONE of these so thank for uh. well i dont know.
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narcotic-pharmacology · 10 months
Well... that was not fun. Who tried to kill me this time? And why did it have to be explosives in a chem lab?
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dystopiasdarling · 6 months
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f o g g y c i t y
[ photos all belong to me, please give proper credit ]
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spemark · 1 year
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i lov this show
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seilon · 1 year
so I’ve never worked in food service or hospitality (technically? not sure what my last job counts as but functionally it was more like security than anything) does anyone have any tips or anything for being a restaraunt host/server (in a hotel but that’s not that important here)
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