#mashle series
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Ayesha Liveblogs Mashle S1
"I'm a chic and elegant 75-year-old." Senior Citizen Vibes Goals
Also why's Regro's kid so young, is this a wizard life span thing? Or is this a 'I found you in the woods' kind of thing?
"I couldn't remember if I had to push or pull." "How many years have you lived here?" Hey now, we all forgor sometimes, Regro
"You can't use magic at all, because for some reason you're different. The least I can do is..." Thank you, Exposition Elder
"You're such a good, amenable son." So, I started with dub before I decided I liked Mash's sub voice better, but in English, Regro says, "good, smart son," which is a wild thing to say to someone who just tried to put a door back on sideways
Wonder if the mark on Mash from the intro is makeup. Why not have him do it before going out?? It'd save some trouble
Not a fan of the violent interlude. Bold choice so early
"Ya aimin' for an indirect kiss or something? Ya love me? Are ya pickin' a fight?" Again, I direct you to the English: "What, you want to make out with me? Or are you trying to pick a fight?" which is a much funnier translation. I love localization
Well, say what you will about how little Regro has prepared Mash for society, at least he believes in hands-on parenting:
What I've learned in the past 10 minutes of watching this show is an essential part of the Clark Kent/Teen Hercules formula is that they need to feel friendly and well-meaning. Mash does not have the same, "Oops!! I sincerely want to help," energy. However, I do enjoy that everyone he runs into is absolutely petrified by his vibes
"I can't stay mad at him." Regro said: I'm no disciplinarian
"It's because we aggresively rid ourselves of inferior blood unable to use magic." Why is it always eugen!cs. I am so tired!!!!
I was correct, it WAS an 'I found you in the woods' situation
"Even though we weren't related by blood, even if the entire world denied his existence, I would always be a father to that boy!" At least someone in this society isn't icky
"Can magic be pff'd (away) just like that!" Mash said: RIP to the other guys, I'm literally built different
SCREAM not Mash bumping the Nalcom Pass Magic like a volleyball
"Enroll in magic school and be chosen as [Divine Visionary]. Simply put, if you're selected, that means God accepts you. Which means, society will accept you." We have arrived at the plot. Also, why should anyone believe you, Bradley Coleman, Discrimination Detective and Torture Afficionado
"I want us to be able to live in peace again." [Sobbing] "You're such a good boy. My son." I really do enjoy how much Regro loves his kid. Every couple minutes he's like I Have The World's Best Child
"I made his scar indistinguisable from a real one." Bradley's immediate transition from Evil Guy Who Beats Up Dad to Makeup Artist Acting as Foliage During Exam Prep is incredible. Tell me more
"Claude Lucci!" "This year's seventh best up-and-coming mage!" What, the other six were busy?
"Kindly... stop moving." Not Mash disenchanting his exam paper by asking it nicely
"There's a certain reason I have to keep you away from the goal." Lemon Irvine coming in hot with her not-so-hidden agenda
If the sphinx is the only way we get brown skin in this show, I think that's a hate crime
(That's not what a hate crime is, Michael. Well, I hated it!)
Honestly I'm shocked it took Mash that long to start busting through the maze walls, I thought that'd be his first move
"Professor Lucci asked me to. He told me he would pass me if I got in [Mash's] way. My family is poor, and I desparately wanted to be accepted for their sake." They do love expositional dialogue
I figured Lemon might be a love interest, but wild that she went from sabotage to marriage proposal without a breath
Breaking Lucci's wand is certainly one way to stop him
"Headmaster Wahlberg!" HEADMASTER WHO????
"You never considered that the sphinx might be stronger, or that you may not be able to break the walls." "Well, even if I considered, it still had to be done." Mash is growing on me
"I'm immensely more powerful than you." I give it 3 seconds before Mash decides to cut out the middleman of attacking the magic and instead punch Headmaster Wahlberg directly
Oh, colour me incorrect, he caught it by letting the magic knife go through his hands instead of his dad's doll:
"That is the reason I put emphasis on protecting the weak and regulating the strong. Noblesse Oblige. One's capacity as a powerful being. According to my observations, you are a human being that possesses that capacity." I like this philosophy, Headmaster Wahlberg
This is very Naruto bell-test/chunin exam where the test is more if you are willing to set your own goals and needs aside to prioritize your comrades who may be struggling. It's a good test of character!
HAHAHA Mash clarifying that he would also beat the headmaster up if needed
"God is dead." Mash is me every time I do bad on an exam
"I'm Finn Ames. I'll be rooming with you." I'm guessing this is Divine Visionary Rayne Ames' brother, and Finn seems like social anxiety incarnate
"The dorm pairs up transfers and continuing students together as roommates." That makes sense, in my mind it was just normal that people start Magic High School at 16, but I guess it's helpful to have Magic Elementary/Junior High School
"Finn made sure to not say, 'Let's do our best together.'" Finn said: And they were roommates (not friends)
Based on him having them constantly in the intro, I wonder how many people will think Mash's magical power is generating cream puffs
Why would Mash agree to a broom race knowing that he doesn't have the magic to fly lmao? Is he just going to jump very high?
Update from 1 minute later: He threw the broom and then jumped on it mid-air. Close enough!
"Would you like to be friends with me?" I guess Lloyd Cavill is their in-universe Draco Malfoy
"Because he's the son of a high-ranking member of the Bureau of Magic." Myfatherwillhearaboutthis.jpg
LMAO amazing that Lloyd is trying to bully him but Mash is unbulliable because he's strong enough for every task and too stupid to be emotionally harmed
"But I really am glad. To have a great guy like you for a friend." Mash said: We're friends whether you like it or not, Finn 💝
"I'm getting tired of textbooks. Next, I want you to burn his clothes. Got that, Finn?" Oh no, Lloyd's using Finn for his bullying. That WILL, unfortunately, work
"You called me your friend, but... Still, I did horrible things to you. So I just... I needed to apologize to you. I'm so very sorry." Oh, Finn
"You two and [Lloyd] are of different status. Different social status means different treatment." They really don't bother to hide their prejudice in this world. Vice Principal Farman said: You get expelled because you're poor. Next question
PLEASE I thought Mash might attack the Principal but then I thought, 'No, that'd be too stupid.' Imagine my surprise when I unpaused:
"He didn't seem that open to reason, so I couldn't help it. But really, after one, what's one more?" "That's serial killer logic!" LMAO, WHEN YOU'RE RIGHT, YOU'RE RIGHT
"You can expel me at any time. I can bury you at any time." Now THAT'S serial killer logic
"The Bureau of Magic is this country's highest legal authority." I will not lie to you, every time this comes up, I think of Fairy Tail and how they made Jellal one of the Ten Wizard Saints. It's not a foolproof system LOL
"The Divine Visionaries who lead the Bureau of Magic have a role. That role is to carefully consider what other people desire. That is why I sincerely hope that someday, someone like you will become a Divine Visionary." 1) Maybe make Mash pass an IQ test first, he doesn't know how to open a door 2) Insane thing to say about someone who just beat up and buried a faculty member
"I will handle the Vice Principal and the Bureau of Magic." Headmaster Wahlberg said: I do pick favourites, and I pick you, Mash
"There is one more problem that you will eventually have to face. I but I have faith in you, that you will overcome it." Does this imply the Headmaster knows Mash is magicless?
"Mash was chosen as a player for Duelo, an aerial magic sport using brooms." A classic part of the Wizard Boy's journey
But really: It's a wonder that Warner Brothers hasn't come after this show for IP theft, considering the design of Headmaster Wahlberg, the school, the Duelo Sports Designs. They've even got them wearing the same house colours, for some reason. Whatever the case may be, I don't think Joke Revolting needs any more money, so, that's fine I guess?
PLEASE why did Tom wait until the game started to explain the rules of Duelo to Mash
I was wondering how they were going to solve the no flying issue long enough for Mash to play a sport, and the answer is: Mash jumped and then kicked his legs very, very fast like the world's most peculiar bird. God bless
"Totes sorry for throwing garbage at you." LOL realistic crowd commentary
"He has two marks. I've never seen him before." Does number of marks correlate with magical abilities?
Nobody at this school has a problem with Lance Crown kidnapping three students and trapping them in a bottle right in a classroom with witnesses? Is his daddy also rich LMAO
"If you want it back, come to the forest next to the owl hut." Maybe it's the intro, but I'm convinced that this deranged interaction will end up with Lance and Mash being friends
"And the lines on your mark reveal the amount reveal the amount of magic power you currently have." Thanks for confirming, Tom
"Double line magic users. They exist in this realm at a rate of one in 100,000. They're considered chosen by magic itself." Makes you wonder what's the max amount of lines someone can get on their face
"Don't do it, Mash! He's dangerous!" [Finn yelling, simultaneously] "It's over. My life is going to end!" Tom and Lemon legitimately warning Mash away while Finn just screams in the background that he's going to die. Poor baby
"I wonder if Mash is okay." "I'm worried." [Regro looks up, shocked] "What?" [Bradley, defensively] "No, I'm talking about my profits." Bradley Coleman for that One Bigoted Uncle You Still Have to Maintain A Relationship With
Also also also. Why is Brad still wearing the leotard. Why isn't he working his day job? Several days have passed. Has he quit being a Magical Bigot Cop to hang out in the forest with Regro all day?
"I have to call the police. He's a criminal." LMAO why is Mash's first assumption upon seeing a young girl in Lance's locket that he must be a freak?? Mash said: I can excuse kidnapping, but I draw the line at being a child predator
"I don't have a Lolita complex. I have a sister complex." "And that makes it better?" I gave Lance too much credit. Call the police!
Also, this is NOT a good enough show for me to put up with this weirdness. Meet me in the back alley, behnchod
"Apparently, it's an incurable disease that will strip her of her mark and magical power. The doctor says she has five years at best." I don't know if I like the positioning of magiclessness as a disease, but I guess interesting that being born with magic isn't a guarantee that you'll continue to have it?
"The Bureau of Magic made this rotten system. I'll become a Divine Visionary and make sure to save you!" You see, Lance's disowning his parents and rebelling against the system that makes his sister Anna's magic loss dangerous is a compelling enough story. There was no need for the other stuff. Share those feelings only with a psychiatrist
"Unbelievable. Is he using physical enhancement magic?" This Lance vs. Mash altercation is good for establishing the different kinds of magic. Lance's gravity. That people DO have body magic, even if Mash's is not magic, just Insane Strength
"You don't seem like a bad guy. We shouldn't be fighting." Mash chooses his character judgment purely on Lance NOT dropping his friends off a cliff, and not the whole kidnapping thing
Lance said: I may have overreacted, you are entitled to compensation. He went to the My Dad School of Hey, My Bad, Here's Some Money
"There are three dorms in Easton Magic Academy. Students with corresponding characteristics are assigned to each dorm. Adler. Courage and conviction. Orca. Wisdom and willingness. Lang. Ability and ambition." Ah yes, the famed One Trait to Rule Them All test. They said: We don't need a Hufflepuff
"I did it! I did it, Lance." "Even slackers like you should be able to do this much." [Finn, mentally] "Maybe Lance is really good at taking care of others." The way Lance showed up to Finn and Mash's dorm just to gently bully them into letting him be their Potions tutor. He'd be a great character if not for The Troubles
We interrupt this program to say: Their Potions aprons are SOOO cute. Also I love that they did a silly transition screen with them
"You're completely useless when not fighting, huh?" "Well, yeah." Mash knows his flaws
"Side characters have no right to give me orders, you moron!" Rude Redhead provides meta commentary as his first line
I do think it's funny how Mash and Finn have immediately accepted Lance into their friend group. He didn't apologize. He just started showing up and helping them, and they were like 'yeah, we're accepting strays'
"I, Dot Barrett, is the main character of this world." Do you think the grammar is intentionally off in this sentence LOL?
"I'm going to join the Bureau of Magic and rid this world of hot guys!" 1) Crazy plan, please elaborate. 2) Indirectly, Dot's saying he thinks is Mash is hot
"Hey, Mash. Ignore him. He's one year older than us. And he's infamous for misconduct." Lance said: You can only accept challenges from me, your self-assigned rival, who plays fair, by trapping your friends in a bottle to lure you to the woods
Dot's voice sounded familiar and apparently he is Kaji from Given AND Loid from Spy x Family. He said: I have range. I can play Bisexual Drummer, Anxious Spy Father, AND Annoying
"What's with him? Freaky." "Huh? What'd you just say?" "I was just marvelling at how manly and wonderful you are." I expect the girl showing interest in Dot has been paid for this somehow
"With my magic, I can make anyone even slightly attracted to me fall in love." To be fair, I think Dot just acts that way normally
"I don't want to be involved in anything that's bad." Personally, I think Silva and the girl (whose hair also happens to be silver) are in cahoots
Explosion does seem to be an effective combat form for Dot
Again, I cannot emphasize strongly enough how funny it is that Lance is now Lemon and Finn's comfort person. HE KIDNAPPED AND IMPRISONED YOU ONE EPISODE AGO
"Endure five hits from my magic, and I'll leave that girl alone." Well, if Mash is involved, I bet he can take a punch
I guess Mash did not feel inclined to help Dot LOL
"I know you're under my charm spell, but I didn't think you'd be this desperate." Called it, she's working with Silva
Well, I guess throwing a cream puff in Silva's mouth is one way to shut him up
Also why is there no professor monitoring the clear fight between students during class hours? This school has NO safeguards
"There are different types of magic users. White Mages excel at scholarship and support magic. Red Mages excel at combat. Mash has been facing White Mages so far." [Schmidt from New Girl voice] A White Mage? NO! Typical!
"Triceps Magic: Ballista Knuckle." I wonder how long Mash can give the appearance of magic by just saying Magic before he beats people up
"That makes two." "Huh?" "You're going to endure ten hits, right? Show me how much better you are. You have eight more to go." Alright Mash, I have to admit, that was pretty metal (no pun intended)
"I treat everyone equally," said Mash, as he pile drives his girl opponent into the ground
"Sorry for getting you caught up in all that. Thanks, man." "That's not like you." Mash said: You do not give the vibes of someone capable of an apology, Dot
"The great war for the coins against Lang's elite, the Magia Lupus." LUPUS??? LIKE THE DISEASE? WHAT?
"Touch the unicorn's horn, and through your magic power, it will read your thoughts and ideas to select a dorm that suits you." Not the Sorting Skeleton LMAO
PLEASE I thought the problem was going to be Mash's lack of magic not allowing the Skeleton to read him. Instead, it is Mash only having thoughts of cream puffs so the Sorting Skeleton just has to make up what his vibes could be. Mash is literally, no thoughts, head empty, incarnate
"Perfect education. Overwhelming talent. Noble bloodline. We're collecting coins to create a world free of impurities." I am so tired. Is there any shonen anime that isn't about eugen!cs???? Give me a break!! I have so much to say, and it all amounts to 🖕🖕🖕
Are all those puppets former students??? Does Lang only have like 7 students in it now? Were the parents of these children notified?? This school is terrible
To Regro's credit as a parent, he did try to talk Mash out of wizard school
Bizarre to have a recap episode six episodes into the series LOL
It is interesting to confirm that Mash was keeping Regro in the loop about his school fights but how is it that the school didn't notify Regro that Mash fought an adult man, The Vice Principal, no less
"Do you know why humanity has flourished? Because we tireless pillage, use and devour those weaker than us." That's why capitalism has flourished. Lifespans are GREATLY increased in countries not committing [LOUD FOGHORN NOISE]
I guess Silva proves the puppet transformation isn't permanent
It looks like Serial Pupetter Slyther-Lang has three magic marks?
"I'm going to take him to the nurse's office." "You're giving up your coin?" "No, but I'm prioritizing." "Besides, it doesn't matter how strong you are, I'm not gonna lose." Mash is a sweet boy, after a fashion
I know the fact that Serial Puppetter was tricked by Mash's slight of hand is supposed to be interesting, but it seems so silly that they explained it Humpty Dumpty-montage style with Mash huffing and puffing the coin like the Big Bad Wolf?
"When of us is in trouble, we're all in trouble, huh? Damn that punk." Mash's rescue of Silva has prompted a crisis of conscience
"What do you think you're doing here? And did you change your hairstyle?" Lance said: There's only room for one unhinged friend in Mash and Finn's dorm, and that position is occupied by me
"His face clearly scores above 70th percentile. And being so tall... his difficulty playing the game of life is... Easy Mode." Dot, evaluating all the men you meet by how hot they are is kinda gay, just so you know
"I hate good-lookin' guys to death." Dot has a crush and doesn't know how to deal with it so he's writing Lance a letter that says 'get out of my school'
"What? Always have a gift when you drop by someone else's place. That's common sense." [Finn, internally] "Despite talking and acting like a ruffian, Dot may have a good upbringing? And it's herb tea to boot." I do like this characterization for Dot
"Adler upperclassmen who could stop them are all away for off-campus internships." Aren't they always LOL?
It's v fair that Mash got detention for kicking a staff member
Whoever designed the owls was so on the ball, they're adorable
[Lance, seriously] "Lang guys might come into contact with you, targeting your coin. And I will hut them down." [Mash with a shojo background] "You're worried about me?" Maybe Lance also a crush (on Mash)
"*Help me. I've never swum before in my life." LOL @ the captioned gurgling
OH, LANCE NOT WANTING TO HURT THE OWLS. I want to like him so bad. I wish you weren't a freak 💔
There's more blood in this fight than I thought there would be
"He wasn't attacking me the whole time because he was worried about the owls." Wahhhhhhhhh Lance 😭
"I'll get serious about this," said the Shark with a wand in his fin, fighting a human torpedo who couldn't swim two minutes ago
"I apologize for seeming menacing." The masked Lang member is the only interesting one so far LOL
"Such speed, and with no magic... Then he is the same type as me." See, interesting!
Why does Lance have Mash's dorm robe? He's so involved in Mash
Are Tom and the other students in the hospital wing people who were turned into puppets? Or has another magic stricken them?
"I feel bad for them. Let's take them with us." Please. Why are Lance and Mash the pillars of this friendship group
Perhaps it's because they are the ones bonded by protecting their family and generally being able to deal with a crisis:
"Don't do anything too risky, all right?" [Mash presses Lemon's stuffed toy cream puff to his chest] "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to keep that promise." Maybe Lemon's feelings are reciprocated!
"An arena?" "What is this?" "Are you a little slow?" Yes he is, Dot
"I'm here at Third Fang's request." Is Third Fang the name of a student or another school clique like Magia Lupus?
Dot's reason for fighting this guy being him being hot. He may be the gayest person at this school
Even the background artist knows it. The rainbows are a metaphor:
"Six of death row's most notorious inmates have escaped from Hecatrice." Maybe that's where the other six up-and-coming mages were
"You guys beat Silva the second-year, didn't you?" "Actually, he maybe kind beat the crap outta me." Dot said: Mama didn't raise no liar
"I never said anything about making you step on the marks." [Explodes his opponent's wand on a time bomb] Dot is smarter than he looks
"This punk. Striking an attractive pose, even in defeat... He sure is unwavering. I don't exactly hate that." Dot said: Baddie down 😔💘
I need to describe to you exactly what just happened. Honestly, it makes the most compelling case for their friendship thus far:
[Everyone being sucked into the ground by quicksand pits]: Mash, deadpan, holding a cream puff above his head: Please, save my baby. At least spare this one. Lance, shockingly calm for someone being sucked into quicksand: I assume this means our enemies have no intention of letting us g.... Finn, crying, wrapping his whole body around Dot: I'm sinking! I'm going to sink! Dot [internal monologue]: I think these guys are... even more insane than I am?
"I am the Third Fang of Magia Lupus, Wirth Madl." What a sentence. Also I guess it was neither student nor clique name, it was a position
The individual battle thing is fun, but these names are all crazy. Every name on this show is so silly. Milo Genius, Love Cute, Abyss Razor, it's like a random word generator
"You're unable to use magic, aren't you?" "Th-Th-That's not necessarily t-t-true." LOL Mash never expected anyone to call him on it
"The Crown family is renowned for their gravity magic. You come from a good bloodline. Your talent is wasted." Wirth said: Have you considered ✨being a bigot✨?
Wirth does look a little like a Gojogeto baby. Like Dad #1, he has lil round sunglasses and a spiky hairstyle, and like Dad #2, he has dark hair and a belief in geno—[GUNSHOT NOISE]
"You said people become stronger with a better environment. Based on on your logic, it appears my environment is the superior one." Lance said: I do have house spirit actually
"This is concentrated magical essence, extracted from other students." Gross. Student juice
"So the only one allowed to insult them as flunkies is me." Lance said: Quit dissing my friends
Apparently it is an attack name where the subject is quartered by opposing graviational pulls. Fitting I guess. Lucky he's using it on a mud monster and not a person!
"Do you understand? You are still worthless to me." Bad choice of name for your baby then, Wirth's Dad
"I don't like the way you talk or act. But I respect all the effort you've put in." I think Lance just talk-no-jutsu'd Wirth
Abyss is the first person to be able to get real damage on Mash. They seem to be doing magic, so is it that they have magic tools, or that they meant by being despised by the world that they just look very strange? They do have funky eyes
"How revolting. Your situation is similar to mine, but those ideas... You must've blessed by whoever was around you." Abyss said: I'm gonna make my bad childhood YOUR problem, Mash
"This device drains magic power." That answers an earlier question of what was happening to the students
Mash using being impaled to get a hit in is unexpectedly clever
"The Eye of the Devil temporarily disables the magic of all who fall under its gaze. Magic is everything in this world. Thus, I am a pariah. A target of scorn." Everyone states their motivations outright in this show
"I feel kinda bad now. You can't use that eye on me at all." LMAO @ MASH APOLOGIZING FOR BEING HARD TO ATTACK
[Abyss as Michael Realman voice]: Birth is a curse, and existence, a prison
Mash splitting the floor to force Abyss into a single path. What Mash lacks in thinking, he makes up for in instinct
"My Secondth spell was shattered by ridiculous violence?" Sounds about right
Mash shouting which muscle he's using to attack before doing it seems like adding insult to injury LOL
"I was an affront to God's gift of magic." Everyone seems real religious in magical society
"Lord Abel needed me. Even if it was simply to be a useful tool." Abyss fulfills the Haku archetype (a power feared by people, attempted murder by parents, taken in by someone who needs them, even the ambiguous gender vibes), so I am more sympathetic to their plight
"You're probably right about me being blessed. I can't even begin to put myself in your place. But we could become friends, then..." That's a very sweet way for Mash to end this fight
Abyss can't even trust Mash not to hate him for his eye eventually
"Oh, and I won't change my mind. No matter how much the world loathes your eye. No matter what others say about you because of it. My attitude towards you won't change. That's how Pops raised me. Me, who can't use magic." Mash said: Maybe the real magic is the power of good parenting
Oh!!!! Is Finn's brother (I assume) from the intro finally showing up??
"Hey. Do you like me, or don't ya?" "It's just, I barely know you, so. Right, Finn?" We have finally found someone Dot doesn't find hot
Awwww, Dot stepping in front of Finn to brace for the attack
"Daddy said I can kill any guy who doesn't cherish me." Honestly, a slay for Love's dad!
It is not enough to have the battle, they must also have a 30 minute time limit before Mash gets to face Middle School Medusa
"You seriously give up too easily. But that's gonna be a problem once you get a real friend." "A real friend?" "That's right. Someone who'll honestly get sad or angry on your behalf." I like Dot's sister
(Also, this proves the point they CAN write a normal sibling relationship and simply chose not to. Eep.)
Did Dot just gain another magical mark from the power of friendship?!?!
"Children born with the Warding Cross on their foreheads... Battle demons who unleash their magic power when their emotions cross a certain threshold." WAIT, THE BANDANA WAS A PLOT POINT?
[Stomping on Milo's spine repeatedly] "The most important thing in this world is actions. Not words." Big Brother Rayne is here, but he's more spooky than I expected
Also wild that you can be a Divine Visionary while also being a student. They're letting teens run the government?
Also also. How does no one know that Finn and Rayne are siblings. They all know Lance. Somehow how they don't know that this guy with the exact same half-blond, half-black hair, same gold eyes, and same last name is related?
I'm shocked that we still haven't seen Finn's magic style
"Allow me to apologize for my rudeness," said Rayne, after pelting Mash with a series of magical swords three times without even asking his name
"But without any magic, you're going to have a tough time." [Mash, lying defensively] "But I can use magic." He keeps getting called on it LOL
"Our world has no shortage of problems. For allies, I want people who are strong on their own." Rayne said: We're friends now whether you like it or not. He's uno reversed what Mash did to his brother
"He's probably a good guy." LOL that's about the level of confidence I have in Rayne too, Mash
Mash going from destroying doors because he's confused to doing it because he's angry on Lemon's behalf is character development
"You can't possibly be a better magic user than Rayne, a Divine Visionary." Oh, he isn't!
"They're on the receiving end, yet they take advantage of our kindness. And they selfishly assert their rights. Audacious, is it not?" This is what it feels like talking to Conservatives LOL
"What? A double back somersault at this age?" PLEASE, excessively advanced toddlers is my favourite trope:
"Your way is kinda a problem for me. So I don't think we can be friends." Mash is so polite about it
Using magic to make someone fight themselves is a very evil combat form
"If you break the rules, I will break your friend apart." I said that, and Abel found an immediately more evil way to fight, by using Finn as a puppet and threatening to disassemble him if Mash fights back
"What I am doesn't matter. I need to have you regret lashing out at my friends." Mashhhhhhhhh
"It's true my magic only transforms the exterior which I then puppet, but internally, they remain human." Everything we learn about Abel's magic is deeply horrifying
GKHJDJHKD??? Mash was saved from being a puppet because his spinal reflexes activated when Abel reached for his cream puff??? What kind of fight mechanics
"My mother said it was only by chance that we were born privileged." Abel proving that good parenting isn't enough to turn out well
Abel believing in [LOUD FOGHORN NOISE] because a poor person stabbed his mother is giving that one Liam Neeson racism story (look it up, it's terrible)
KHGGHKGHGKH Abel just casually agreeing to release the students from his magical torture device. Mash does love a civil battle ending
"But since this all for your mom, I guess you're not that terrible a person. I'm slightly relieved by that." I'm still Team Cool Motive, Still Murder
"They're all such fools, aren't they, Mother?" I think Abel has to like them a little by now
HKDHKDHJKD they're not going to explain why Dot's face is inside out???
"Guilty until proven innocent is more expedient." I don't know if I like your political philosophy, Rayne
"I even chose the face of a student here, too." THANK GOD Lance is a real boy he is one of the characters I half-like LOL, it'd be a real bummer in this like medium-at-best show
"I'll be your opponent. The serial killer and cannibalist, Jon Pierre." Now, why on earth?
"They won't stand a chance against him." Rayne does care!
Brad is back in his cop uniform, so I guess he hasn't quit his day job yet
"You don't need to work?" "Time on screen is better than work." "Time on screen is important." LOL Brad and Regro's fourth wall break????
"Where is that handsome punk?" said Dot about Lance, like that was a normal way to refer to your friends
"He was all alone for the longest time. It was so tough for him to keep living. And that's why I think he was happy that you needed him." It's a little fucked up, but I do think there's some kind of love between Abyss and Abel
Also they've confirmed that Abyss is he/him. Wasn't sure!
"Learn to put yourself in another's position. If you can do that... You will become just a little bit kinder to others." Abel had a REALLY good mother
Dot not getting involved in Mash's fight because he wants to be there to protect Lemon and Finn!! Ohhhh 😭
"The strong take from the weak, and that's their right. And... the weak oppose the strong, and that's also their right." What a quick philosophical turnaround, Abel
"I'm asking what your personal magic is." "Huh... Um. Power." LMAOOOO
"A powerful magical item that reflects any and every spell cast its way!" HAHAHAHA a very funny final battle for Mash
"Y-you mean nothing until now was magic?" "Mash did everything with his body alone?" I guess in a world where everything is magic, being exceptionally powerful without it is the fantasy
If Innocent Zero is looking for Mash, does that mean he's some kind of prophecy baby? His lack of magic means something? One Strong Baby to Rule Them All?
"My name is Cell War." Another randomly generated name. Until this moment, I thought HIS name was Innocent Zero, not his group
Rayne's healing bunny hankerchief was also a plot point. I forgot!
"I give you my thanks, Mash Burnedead. I will make sure to return the favour." Still sounds a little threatening, Abel, but it's a nice thought
Awwwww the way all of Mash's friends are immediately so concerned for his lack of magic putting him in danger. He is a terrible liar:
"Anyway, we've gotta protect Mash's secret so people won't find out." Yeah you do 💗 Also what do we think that chances are that Lance already knows but hasn't said anything about it for like 9 episodes
"I heard everything! A student who can't use magic in our school? That's an outrage. I'm telling the teachers!" They probably should've waited to have this conversation 'til there weren't tons of other students around waking up from their puppet trance
Is this the way the season ends? What a cliffhanger!
Also, This is the first time I've watched the full outro and it is very silly and cute
#mashle#mashle series#there is also a spoiler for the tower of heaven arc of fairytail LOL#also various references to [redacted] potter because it is not so loosely inspired by it#ayesha talks anime#liveblogging#ayesha liveblogs mashle#television#long post
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sword cane this sword cane that. how about rayne making a sword for you out of his sword cane abilities???? it's fine because he has millions of other swords. he's like gilgamesh but sword version.
★ master of swords, rayne ames.
notes. actually, gil's gate of babylon is full of swords 😭also happy birthday to rayne (march 3rd), i am totally not late bc my phone got confiscated but wtv😈
RAYNE AMES is not fond of the idea of making a weapon for you. especially if you abilities are those of elemental nature. your magic wouldn't really suit a sword. but you have been begging for him to teach you how to wield a sword for the longest time. probably from the moment during your first time knowing him during the entrance exam.
this time, rayne gave in and decided to make and forge you a new sword based on your ability. fresh and new, a piece he hasn't used in his battles before. since you have an ability that pretty much only needs to be around certain elements, he made sure your blade is as thin but as hard as steel, so you could figure out a specific style for your swordsmanship.
his allowed his magic do all the forging, styling, creating, and last but not least, giving it life. the only thing rayne did was controlled his magic to be as minor as he could so he wouldn't accidentally tickled something and end up with one of those big and powerful swords of his.
rayne made sure to present your dream sword to you nicely. he put the effort of also making a box with red velvet cloth to place inside just to keep your sword safe. a scabbard was included in the package too, for he absolutely fears if you might accidentally slide the blades against your skin whenever you are not paying attention.
how attentive of rayne, to pay such tiny details out of care and worry for you. he might regret forging such a weapon for you, but he doesn't regret that he could get to see the magnificently bright smile painted on your face upon receiving it. you were like a ball of sunshine when he handed you the weapon, shining and radiating nothing but pure happiness that it made rayne melt on the inside.
if you are happy and get to put such a huge smile on, that is surely enough for the divine visionary of the sword cane.
© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
#﹙🗝️ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐰𝐫𝖎𝐭𝖎𝐧𝐠﹚#my inner fate series nerd coming out#rayne ames#rayne x reader#rayne ames x reader#mashle#mashle magic and muscles#mashle x reader#mashle rayne#mashle imagines#rayne x y/n#rayne x you
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society if mashle had 500 chapters of silly filler shenanigans 💔💔
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Anime comparisons to non-anime content that I’ve seen:
Konosuba —> It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Spy x Family —> Mr. and Mrs. Smith / True Lies
One Piece —> Looney Tunes
Chainsaw Man —> Scott Pilgrim
Monster —> Hannibal
Attack on Titan —> Dune
Black Clover / Mashle —> Harry Potter
Code Geass —> Game of Thrones
The Promised Neverland —> Chicken Run
DanDaDan —> Regular Show
(Feel free to add any other comparisons you’ve seen)
#anime#anime and manga#konosuba#spy x family#one piece#chainsaw man#monster anime#attack on titan#black clover#mashle#code geass#the promised neverland#dandadan#it’s always sunny in philadelphia#mr and mrs smith#true lies#looney tunes#scott pilgrim#hannibal#dune#harry potter#game of thrones#chicken run#regular show#comparison#anime stuff#anime community#anime series#anime shows#anime discussion
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*un-comedys your shonen parody series*
anyway beast magic user lemon
#mashle#lemon irvine#the bg is an edit made from the manga btw#veronica's art#this is me making up for her doing nothing in the whole series#but listen. the only spells she uses are chains and talk to animals#i thought about drawing her as a double line where her mark looks like a linked chain
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i love mashle to absolute BITS and yet i will oftentimes complain about what it lacks and what could be better about it (such as the very minimal and very poorly written female cast) but i’ve never really figured out how to properly articulate what my biggest issue is until just now.
mashle is a fantastic story, but all in all? it lacks consequences.
explanation under cut, it gets spoilery so i don’t wanna say any more and risk anyone seeing if they haven’t read the manga
there are no consequences to anything. like yeah, sure, IZ and his kids go to prison, but like… that’s it? so so so many things happen that just don’t even matter. if you look at my character hc post, a good handful of them are kinda reliant on stuff that gets reversed, but because i think there SHOULD be consequences, i elect to ignore that part.
domina died, helping mash— except no he didn’t. lance nearly died, and should’ve suffered issues from the extreme injuries he received— except he didn’t. dot should’ve gotten BURNED by that acid— except he didn’t. mash briefly lived WITHOUT A HEART IN HIS BODY, then had a replacement that was only really temporary, and there should’ve been some effect from that— except there wasn’t.
and those are just the super significant ones.
COUNTLESS people died and were injured by the hands of innocent zero and what he wanted to accomplish, and yet everything was just undone in a second. like it was nothing. like the sacrifices, the injuries, the casualties, the destruction, the pain of it all, ignored. like nothing ever happened.
mash won that fight, and they just fixed everything. there were no consequences to anything that happened. and it almost feels like none of it mattered? mash batted his pretty little eyes and told IZ he could maybe not be an asshole and he just agreed because fuck it why not.
the only issues left after that would be psychological ones, and it’s not like we’d get to see that at all because mashle isn’t that type of series, and it ends too soon after to even see how like, dot would probably have nightmares about epidem and lance, or how finn and rayne have to put in so much effort to fix their relationship, or just anything.
my point is that mashle lacks consequences to any of it’s events. and it needs that. if it had consequences (and if it had a better female cast) it would be impeccable. though, let us not forget i still adore it regardless, flaws and all.
#(also yes i do have a fic pertaining to dot being Unwell abt that fight in the works)#(and the burn scars)#i’m just REALLY good at procrastinating so you’ll have to wait like 5 decades#but still#do we get my point#a good series has consequences#mashle#mashle manga spoilers#mashle: magic and muscles#uhhh should i tag characters#nah it’s fine
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CATastrophe (Pt 2)

(Yes I realized too late that I drew Lemon's mark wrong, I'm sorry Lemon fans)
Full Page below

Without dialogue

#maple leanore#mashle#mashle magic and muscles#mashle mash#mash burnedead#mashle maple#mash burnedead fanart#original comic#original art#comic#comic series#mashle finn#finn ames fanart#finn ames#lance crown fanart#lance crown#mashle lance#Mashle dot#dot barrett#dot barrett fanart#mashle lemon#lemon irvine#lemon Irvine fanart#artist#art#mashle comic
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chapter 3: deskmates empty [rayne ames x f!reader] || wc: 758 || prev. chapter || next chapter
“he told me to set a few reasonable goals for this semester and have a detailed report on his desk by friday,” she groans to max. “and i am not paying for express mail services.”
“looks like mr sandman's already got it out for you, huh.” max smiles sympathetically, though there's a glimmer of mirth in his eyes. it quickly turns into a full-blown smile as he waves to someone behind her.
“hey, rayne!”
she freezes as rayne brushes past her to set his stuff down at the vacant seat right by max's. intense golden eyes lock with her own.
“morning,” he says simply.
“good morning,” she mutters, watching a couple of giggling girls snap up the seats beside and in front of him. they retreat into a corner of the classroom once noticed, their laughter giving her a serious migraine.
“say, why d’you think orter mádl has such a huge stick up his ass?” max snickers, but the question is a serious one. she waits to hear rayne's response as he settles into his chair, seemingly deep in thought.
but their conversation is cut short by the loud voice of their magic history professor, and max groans upon seeing who it is. “lucci? again? how could we be so unlucky?” and they are. claude lucci is the most self-absorbed professor at easton, and chances are they won’t learn much this year.
“you're good at magic history, max. there's no need to worry.” rayne's tone is calm and sincere enough, but it does nothing to stop his friend's bemoaning.
“what if he makes me tutor wirth mádl again?”
“what if he makes you tutor wirth mádl again?” she says at the exact same time, and they share a brief glance before bursting into peals of laughter.
“students!” lucci hollers. “here's your classroom seating arrangement for this semester. find your seats and settle down.” he raps his wand on the blackboard, and lines of chalk materialise on its surface.
max makes a face of disgust. “what are we, seven years old?” but professor lucci is not one to be defied, and all the students grumble as they move to their new places. abyss razor is seated in front of her - at least it's not abel walker, she thinks - and max sits right beside him.
she squints her eyes to look again at lucci's ridiculously small handwriting on the board. her deskmate is… damn, she can't seem to read a single word on that blackboard…
an all-too-familiar figure slides into the seat beside her, his pile of books stacked up infuriatingly neatly. he bristles slightly when he sees her affronted expression.
oh, no.
and then she hears the same stupid giggling coming from the same stupid fangirls.
honestly? what she wouldn't give to sit by wirth mádl in the corner instead.
“if you have any violent objections, please see me after class to make alternative arrangements-” yeah, that works for her- “i hope you'll learn to be flexible and enjoy working with new people-” rayne ames is nowhere near new to her, and no, she won't enjoy this- “you'll be doing your midterm projects with your partners, so start getting to kn-”
she buries her head in her hands. okay, sure, rayne's good at history. and he may or may not have been top in history finals rankings in freshman year. and in sophomore year. but still, if lucci expects them to work together-
“quit looking like having to work with me is the worst tragedy you've ever faced.” rayne's deadpan voice cuts through the clutter in her mind, and she sits up ramrod straight. “remember that horrendously failed calculus test in freshman year?”
“shut up,” she hisses. “or do i need to need to bring up last year's fortune-telling practical? really, don't pick an elective if you're gonna suck at it. you know what? move your stuff-” she jabs at the sleeve of his robe, which lies on the table between them, almost touching her quill box. “move it. now.”
he grumbles, readjusting his belongings, only to see her drawing a line on the table with her wand. “you're vandalizing school property-” he starts to say, but it glows, revealing it’s a temporary charm.
“and you, ames, need to stay away from me. cross this line and you get explosive diarrhoea, so don’t even test me, okay?”
it's not a long-term solution to keep the peace, though, and she's all too aware of that. what to do, then?
make rayne ames concede to her bidding.
yeah, that seems achievable.
mádl brothers shade? thrown.
it is 2a.m. at the airport, and what better thing to spend time on than a long-overdue update?
TAGLIST: @xenop0p
© sirhamburrger 2024
#mashle#mashle: magic and muscles#mashle x reader#mashle x you#mashle x y/n#rayne ames#rayne ames mashle#rayne x reader#rayne x y/n#rayne x you#kai writes#series: empty
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Mashle: Magic and Muscles Chokonose Series - The Adler Kids
Mash and Lance will be released in May 2024, Dot and Lemon in June 2024, and Finn and Rayne in summer (around July-September) 2024!
#mashle#mashle magic and muscles#mash burnedead#lance crown#dot barrett#lemon irvine#finn ames#rayne ames#merchandise#chokonose series
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[PART 1] Ships You Need to Hear Me Out On
Mash Burnedead x Abel Walker

#∆iden yaps alot#Ships You Need to Hear Me Out On Series#mashle: magic and muscles#abel walker#mash burnedead#Mash Burnedead x Abel Walker#Abel walker x Mash Burnedead#Puppeteer’s punch
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Ayesha Liveblogs Mashle S2
We have finally arrived at the intro song which was my entire reason for starting this show LOL. It is catchy
"Victorious in the battle against the Magia Lupus, all of Lang's coins went to Adler." After all of those fights there was a coin exchange? Cause it seems like Lang just left LOL
"We just shouted him into submission." That's SUCH a funny way to deal with a crisis
"What's the point protecting that magicless blight-blood, Finn?" Not the new slur LOL
LMAO @ Finn mustering up his courage to tell this guy off only for Lance to gravity crush and spit on him. Lance said: Using your words is not enough
"It seems Dot's injuries were more severe than we thought." Is it going to be a running gag that Dot just doesn't get his face animated routinely?
PLEASE why are they having the world's most haunting victory party with the people who lost the fight:
I do enjoy the return of Lance's apron. It's my favourite outfit
"I'll take a hint as I should also celebrate Abyss getting better. That's what betters do." Abel said: I'm still a little evil, don't worry
"I got caught up with some guys claiming to be death row inmates." Lance had a busy evening while off-screen
I also love the return of the owls. The best part of this show
"Lord Abel gained his third line by artificial means thanks to Innocent Zero's power. Genuine triple-liners are even more fearsome." Ohhhhh so THAT'S the lore of Abel's three lines, I was wondering why they hadn't said anything about it
I am shocked we've escalated all the way to the Bureau of Magic calling Mash in so quickly. Where is this going?
"It is a miracle God bestowed upon humans alone." 1) Again, it is striking how religious this society is and 2) Why are anime towns/countries/villages always depicted as a circle?
"You are basically a bug. Bugs should be dealt with quickly." "Okay, but what if things didn't have to be perfect all the time?" Crazy way to respond to an argument for eugen!cs
"Magic is everything in this world. So you need to show us a miracle stronger than magic." Well, at least the Divine Visionary is hearing Mash out?
"That boy belongs to us. Hands off." "Why is Innocent Zero...?" "It seems that boy has unusual origins after all." I do have to wonder why Mash is the only nonmagical person who could do a strongman circus act since birth
"Such flawless actions. You're a treasure." Ryoh's dialogue is so silly
"What are you, a child?" Yeah, actually he is! That's a 15-year-old you're trying to murder, Orter Madl (related to Wirth, I guess?)
I guess Wahlberg thought it was prudent to get ahead of the whole Mash thing by him calling for the inquiry instead of the Bureau
"He's a living legend, the only one to go toe-to-toe against Innocent Zero in his youth." Like Dumbledore, did Headmaster Wahlberg also have a situationship with its leader?
"However, he has an unsual gift to sway people's hearts." Wahlberg said: Maybe Mash's most magical power is friendship
"Our values change alongside history. However, redefining our values takes courage, as we must admit our injustices thus far." This is the most real dialogue thus far. Laws don't define justice. People make laws!! And therefore, people are responsible for the impact of those laws, and for changing them. In this essay, I will—
"You may punish me as you see fit. But I will not change my verdict [to defer Mash's sentencing]." Rayne and Wahlberg and Bliss bowing their heads in supplication on Mash's behalf. Ahhhh
"And he must prove he's strong enough to fight Innocent Zero. That proof is to become this year's Divine Visionary candidate." Well, I guess that's the plot of the season
Also this structure of 'help us to delay your own execution' is very Jujutsu Kaisen. This show just feels like a lot of other media slapped together. Mostly [Redacted] Potter and Naruto
"So you can't use magic?" HAHAHA I'd wondered if Lance knew. The answer is no!
Every time I want to enjoy Lance they need to remind me he's a freak. Anime, I am knocking at your door with a baseball bat
The aesthetic is giving 'you never see four best friends who look like they are going to the same place.' Lance and Finn look like they're going on a date with each other, Mash looks like he's going to school, and I don't know know where Dot's going
"Even though you can't use magic... For my sister's sake, I'm not going to go easy on you." Again, I would love this storyline if you weren't so weird about it!!
LOL why did no one else get a wand? They were too distracted by Mash's megaweight wand?
Tom and Lemon also look like they're going on a date LOL, it's like they designed everyone's day out aesthetic in pairs:
"I've never gone out with friends before." This is actually quite an emotional statement when you think about Regro keeping Mash at home to keep him safe
"See that he cannot participate in the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam. Orca dorm prefect, Margarette Macaron." For someone so stuck on the rules, Orter seems to be ignoring the ones he himself set out
Also why does lipstick seem to be a sign of nefarious intentions in this show. Nice people can't want nice lips?
"You hanging in there?" Brad Coleman, Magic Cop, has truly institutionalized himself as Mash's Weird Uncle
I do love that everyone comes on Mash's home visit
"I'm so touched. To think Mash has made friends." Both sweet and a lil insulting, Regro, hahahah
"They're quite unique, all of them." "Yes, they are." "You must have a hard time." "Yes." Poor Finn LOL
Did Rayne follow Margarette waiting for them to mention Mash or did he just have excellent comedic timing?
"The three prefects boasts some of the greatest talent in Easton." If Abel and Margarette are the other two prefects, I can understand why everyone appreciates Rayne so much LOL
"A few years ago, a tournament was held for 13-16 year olds in the middle school division. One magic user singlehandedly overpowered all the other competitors. They had only been nine at the time." We've found our Zabuza parallel I guess. They split Zabuza in half between Margarette and Abel
Also they? They/them mage, perchance??
LOL does Margarette's magic rely on playing the piano? Seems inconvenient
[Finn watching all of his friends yell at a board game] "I have to keep it going." You've got an uphill battle, baby
"I can't imagine someone with values like you could ever fulfill me." Why does this fight trash talk seem like a breakup?
"Rayne may act aloof, but he always takes care of others." I feel like whoever wrote this show is an older sibling
"And the youngest ever to acquire three lines is... the one named Rayne Ames." What does this mean!!! Are people born with three lines also, or do they only acquire it? Is Rayne's considered natural, as opposed to the earlier artificial? Tell me more!
"In this world, lack of magic is basically having no human rights." That's honestly a charitable way of putting it, Rayne
"An ordinary human would feel despair, no doubt. Jealous of those who can use magic, regretting ever being born, hating society... All of those would be reasonable actions. Mash Burnedead is different. He fights against his own destiny. Not that an underhanded rat like you would ever understand." This speech is actually making me like Rayne more
"I'm terrible at encouraging people. But I'll say one thing. You're embarking on a challenge the likes of which this world has never seen. Nothing good will ever come from your failure. So win. And give your challenge meaning." In the course of this one episode I'm growing to love Rayne
Mash letting his dad know he's happy, so everything til now has been worth it 🥺❤️
Mash making sure his friends have enough coins to qualify for the exam. He's a team player
Why is Orter the way he is. Did a nonmagical person dump him
"I should mention the Deadervants are completely immune to magic. So watch out." Well, I'd say that puts Mash at an advantage, but if you're clever you can use magic on the environment and not the creature. Put the Mashle Minotaur into a hole in the ground, or drop a tree branch on its head
"This exam questions how well you do in a situation where you're forced to flee." That seems like a reasonable test actually
If this adorable cutaway was meant to make me like Max, it worked!:
"It's obvious we'll do better if we work together. So it's only natural. In other words, we have formed an alliance." I've only had Max for 7 minutes, but if anything happens to him, I'll [redact] everyone in this anime and then myself
The tiptoeing, please. I love this alliance, they're so silly
Of all the ways they could've solved the challenge of bursting the balloon to get the key, breakdancing to generate wind power was not on my list
LOL @ Lance completing this task with ease. He really is one of the more qualified candidates
"Actually, I heard all about you from Rayne." Oh??? Are Rayne and Max best friends, cause that'd be SO cute. Doom and bloom 🥀🌹
"It's my ego saying that I want to do something for people like you. So don't worry. It's an important job for a junior to keep a senior's honour." MAX!!!!!!!
I KNEW they were gonna hurt Max, he was too sweet too soon!!
"Weaklings should keep quiet." Carpaccio brings absolutely rancid vibes to the function
"Also, you keep calling people 'weaklings.' But I have yet to meet anyone stronger than me." Get him, Mash!!
Lol @ Dot flipping the bird at the mirror camera because Mash can't follow the announcer's instructions
"Lance is in a different team. What should we do?" Oh, Finn. I'm sure he'll give as good as he gets
Lmao @ Mash and Dot breaking their crystals immediately
Love how they all naturally agree that Finn is unable to protect himself LOL
"I'm sure they're in bad shape now." I mean, u right Lance
Carpaccio's magic power is 'I'm rubber, you're glue'???? How very Hidan of him
"I'll even lick between your toes." There was no need for that, Finn
"You're Finn Ames. The continuing student who barely made the cutoff." Cs get degrees, Carpaccio!!
Why does Carpaccio have to say everything in such a hateful tone. Calm down, High School Hidan
"The reason Finn didn't use his magic until now was to catch me off guard?" Ohhhh, it's a switching places kind of magic!! That makes sense why he uses it so rarely. Mash and Finn are a scrawnier and more incompetent Yuji and Todo
Finn refusing to give up the crystal at the cost of his own life bc he knows he holds Mash's fate in his hands. He is the BEST friend
"Thus, from the moment I was born, I've never felt any pain." Is that why you're such a dick, Carpaccio? Also what do you mean, were you a newborn and they put a wand in your cradle?
"The most ancient of wands, of which there are only 13." That seems like a lot actually
"But desperately standing against something you fear... My friend is standing against someone overwhelmingly stronger than himself. And to thoughtlessly laugh and look down on him... I won't allow that." Mash said: My friend is weak AND brave, bitch
I'll give Mashle this, they do love to commit to a bit. How will we solve this Self-Inflicted Torture Battle? High-Speed Racquetball
"So pain is something... this horrifying, huh? He withstood this much pain for someone else?" Yeah he did!!! Go Finn!
Also Carpaccio is giving that one Family Guy audio: 'Ow, that hurts! My God, is that what I've been doing to people?'
"The likes of you will never show me the coming of spring." What a poetic burn from Margarette
I assumed they'd pass, but I'm glad they didn't have to fight Lance
"You really do take his side quite a bit. I have no idea what makes him so alluring." Alluring is a CRAZY word to choose to describe why Mash is Wahlberg's fave student LOL
"Why do I train so hard? It all began when Pops told me to. At first, it felt heavy and was so tiring, I really hated it." It makes me feel for Mash that he's strong not out of want, but out of need
"Do you know why humans have arms? It's so they can lift dumbbells." Deranged take. Tell me more
"Want to play a little game?" I don't like the vibes in the room rn
"What's the reason he needs to be a Divine Visionary that badly? Everything is for naught if you die." 1) You all are the ones who put the condition of becoming this to stay his execution, what are you saying? 2) WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE TRIED TO STOP THE ETERNAL FIRE SWORD WITH HIS HEAD
Why does Finn think Regro is Mash's grandpa? It's his dad LOL
"Based on my completely biased reasoning, the crazier someone is, the more powerful they are." You know, I think Mashle is the Glee of anime. I will not elaborate
"This is the power said to be equal to Divine Visionaries." Is the implication of Finn getting ill that hanging out with his brother also makes him sick? I understand why they don't interact much
"My spells are not something you can punch to topple." That's a good change of pace. However, Rayne did defeat you with a bunch of magical swords
So caught up was I in Margarette looking more femme and having hair that I completely forgot Innocent Zero was rushing the school to attack Mash
"It's Innocent Zero himself." Last season, I thought they determined it was the organization name! This is the problem when most people's names are just randomly generated words
"This is my form when I unleash my innate magical power." Margarette said: My kekkei genkai is being nonbinary
"By touching the wall, Mushroom Head felt the sound slightly faster than the attack landing." Every two minutes someone has to narrate these fight mechanics LOL
"No, but Macaron has their secondth. It's only appropriate to see them at a disadvantage." I think this is Lance's way of saying, 'Go Mash!'
Kind of Margarette to explain how to defeat them
"I'm smitten. I accept defeat." That's kinda cute, Margarette has a crush now LOL
Call me crazy but I think Margarette and Mash could make it work. Margarette also prioritized supporting their companions over winning (the twins they were hanging with), AND distributed the gold coins amongst their house. Plus Mash and Margarette are both very fast and competent at hand-to-hand combat. There's some common ground there!
Abyss and Abel look so happy for Mash. He really did turn their mentality around:
Orter must be PISSED he's been unable to orchestrate Mash's failure
I suppose we were due for a Life-Altering Exam Interruption™
Am I crazy or did Innocent Zero's magical effect also look like Lance's gravity magic?
"Oh, how beautiful. I didn't think I'd find you alive. I felt despair thinking I would never obtain you. My dear, sweet son." YOUR DEAR SWEET WHAT?
I probably should've considered this possibility but I didn't. My flabbers are ghasted. My bams are boozled. I did not give a shit who Mash's bio parents were til now
Omg they changed the intro!! Mash dances with his friends and the Divine Visionaries now. Also every time I type that I first mistype it as Divisionaries, which is telling, perhaps
You know, I've gotten to the point where instead of being upset at hateful character designs in anime, I just start shouting, I KNEW IT, YOU SON OF A BITCH. The Sphinx was the writing on the wall:
"Back off, you insignificant speck." Wow, Grandpa Wahlberg got some hate in him HA
"I only wish to become a perfect human. Undying, beautiful and powerful." So you need to absorb a teenage bodybuilder? Okay Off-Brand Orochimaru
"My family exists for my sake. Even Mash Burnedead over here. He exists for my sake. He is mine. He is my son." Mash already has a dad ✋ His name is Regro ✋ We are not accepting new hires
"It's been decades since we crossed wands." I still haven't ruled out a situationship here
"Those who can move, deal with the demons." I love that Margarette, Mash, Lance and Dot are the first to jump into action
"Is it all right to leave it in the hands of a few students?" To be fair Orter and Kaldo are adults and they're also there
Also it is interesting that Wahlberg and Innocent Zero both show you can acquire two lines
"This is a trap. I expect they possess a surefire way to get sweet little Mash." "Seriously, how'd you figure that?" "Just a woman's hunch." "So they have a woman's heart. I was wondering about that the whole time." LOL what does that even mean, Dot???
LMAO @ Mash just completely forgetting Cell War as a person
You know, I do think Mash and Cell have the same colour eyes. Maybe they're related too
"My magic turns the target into infants." Not the babyfication
Sitter Baby said: Yeah, I'll kill a baby, what's it to you?
"What a shameless look on his face. It makes me so irritated." What is your beef with babies, Lance?
"I have to protect Dot in baby form while I deal with these guys." This is an insane way to have a fight:
You know, I take it back, THIS is an insane way to have a fight:
"This is the top of our class, the genius, Lance Crown," said Dot, while Lance trash-talked through the magical pacifier in his baby mouth
I'm glad they turned back quick, I would not have been able to take this fight seriously if they were babies the whole time
"What kind of relationship do Mr. Wahlberg and Innocent Zero have?" Putting my money down on evil and gay
Wow, Faceless Zero with his Magic Coffin is REALLY serving Orochimaru. What do you want to bet he resurrects their teacher LOL:
"He's running on top of my magic." Sure, why not?
"So the same thing twice? Please." Fighting teenagers is brutal
"Adam Jobs. The legendary magic user blessed with overwhelming magical ability who reigned at the top of the Magic Realm for several centuries." Why does Wahlberg get a name and everyone else gets a noun? All this makes me think of is Apple LOL
Also we are confirming that wizards do live hundreds of years
"However, most of his effort in his later years went into social assistance to those who were unable to use magic." What the hell happened to your society since then?
Who is Adam's third student? Mash's bio mother?
Innocent Zero did in fact resurrect their teacher. This show can only have an original thought when it's being silly
Necross Mance's design has no reason to be like that. Except for, you know 😨🤬🤡
"I recall Master was so very fond of you." Innocent Zero said: Teachers are not allowed to have favourites unless they're me
"What's important is not the past, but the present. If you descend the present into chaos, then I won't show mercy, even against my master." That's a healthy perspective, Wahlberg
"The body part you lost just went to a slightly distant spot. It won't kill you." Wahlberg said: He's Necross-Section Mance now
Did Wahlberg just ctrl + alt + delete two whole people LOL
[Orter, tersely] "Quit your whining." [Kaldo, irritably] "It's a calm analysis of the situation." [Kaldo, internally] "I'd like to assist Mushroom Head, but if we leave here, danger befalls the students." Kaldo is growing on me I think
"Forbidden Magic of Body Construction. Dark magic used to create an immortal heart from the hearts of six blood relatives. That is why Father prepared six children as vessels to nurture the heart." I was correct, they are related!
Also I fear it's giving horcruxes. We return to [redacted] Potter
"Basically, it's like how you need protein to create better muscles? So that's the kind of existence I am." Existential Crisis Mode: Protein Shake Baby
"It's quite heavy. My life, that is. For now, I'll take a nap." God, same
"By the way, are you one of my brothers?" "I am not. I am merely a clone created by giving Father's blood to a corpse." Of course, the obvious alternative to brothers
Also, why's Cell War blond then? Bottle bleached clone?
PLEASE Mash just good ole fashioned choking his opponent out. We love a classic
"I care a lot about this school. If you're claiming to destroy it, I'll choke you out as many times as I need to with my muscles." Now that's school spirit
[Narrator] "In the skies near Easton, Ryoh and Nerey Shawn took two whole episodes to finally arrive at Easton Magic Academy." The fourth wall breaks do make me laugh
Rest in pieces, Wahlberg's left arm. I think the rest of him is not far behind
"Did you know that cabybaras run at 50 km per hour? Come to school." I love what a silly teacher they've made Adam out to be. Also it doesn't translate in subtitles, but all of Adam's animal trivia facts are also rhyming couplets:
"It's fine to live for your own sake as you do. But I have lived to this day, saved by all of the goodwill around me." Oh Wahlberg. I'm so sorry you're about to mega-die!
'Hey, Wahlberg, what's your magic's final form?' 'Optimus Prime'
"Thirds spells unleash the power of the gods residing in the wands." Apparently Greek gods specifically, since Rayne's was Ares and Wahlberg's is Uranus
Wahlberg's ultimate control of space is very Gojo's infinity
"With this, I will sever the affinity I have had with you for such a long time, Innocent Zero!" Taking this as confirmation of the situationship. Wahlberg said: We're breaking up
"My Thirds will tear you apart... in exchange for my own life." Wahlberg said: More specifically, I'm breaking YOU up
"This world could be so much better. It could be a world filled with kindness, where we respect each other and accept our weaknesses. That is why I must save them." Wahlberg is such a good teacher 😭
Shout-out to Mash for saving Wahlberg, I can't wait to hear what the hell he's doing to be airborne
He was doing his leg kick. Return of the Weird Bird Boy
"I was raised to be kind to the elderly." Yeah you were, Mash ❤️
There is something cathartic about Mash kicking his icky bio dad in the face
"Your only purpose in life is to elevate me into a higher state of being." Gross reason to have kids, Zero
I guess the theory is a body as tough as Mash's could hold a ton of magic, so Innocent Zero won't experience magical pixelation anymore? Guess Innocent Zero hasn't considered the possibility of absorbing Mash and losing magic completely
"We'll finish this another time." [Hashirama voice] I'll deal with you later
"What was that cut scene just now?" While I hate whenever they make reference to Lance being a Weird Brother, I am a little obsessed with the implication that Dot can read Lance's mind
"But this is simply way too ridiculous, Mash," said Finn, about Mash playing tug-of-war with a giant demon, as if Mash had not played racquetball with a God in front of him earlier that day
"There's no room for someone who can't use magic in this world," said the Student Extras, as if Mash were not the ONLY thing keeping them from being crushed by a Giant Demon Monster
"Whether or not you can use magic... Right now, he's fighting for us and the school. He's giving everything he's got for to fight for us!" THANK YOU, Student Extra #5
Awwww, Mash heard Finn and it gave him the strength to win!! Friendship really IS the most powerful magic of all
"Kaldo, I hear you have sided with Mash Burnedead." You are such a piece of work, Orter
"Mash, the centre of this incident, and the only one who knew the truth, was burdened by this grave knowledge... and went to the beach." So fair, Mash deserves a beach episode
"Considering Mash's circumstances, they're going to make him take the fall somehow." Harsh but realistic prediction, Lance
[Finn, concerned] "Headmaster! What are you doing here?" [Wahlberg, chilling in a swimsuit, covered in bandages and missing an arm] "It's summertime." I accept this reasoning
"The five brothers who flank him are all top-tier magic users in this world." Innocent Zero's brothers? I guess that's where Mash's other five Horcrux Family Members are
"Either I'll win, or I'll lose. That's one in two. A 50% chance. And muscles never lose. So the chances of winning are 100%." Mash said: We didn't cover math in homeschooling
"So I study a little bit every day, thinking it's practice for putting in effort. And you lose nothing from having an academic background." Wow, I didn't think Dot had it in him
"I'm somehow hurt by this." Mash said: I thought we were stupid together, Dot
I do love that they're all taking turns tutoring. Teamwork!
Please, as soon as I said that, they cut to this threatening imagery of the tutoring:
"I'm not bored enough to teach someone who isn't willing to learn." Again, harsh but fair, Lance
"I want to graduate together with you." Awww, Finn
They really knock it out of the park with every animal design. In love with how they've drawn the moles:
"And thus, Mash confronted studying, which he was not so good at." Same, bestie
"Your marks are not what I'd call praisworthy, however." "You scraped by." "Just barely." Again, relatable to me during high school chemistry
LOL @ Lance and Dot taking turns kicking Mash for calling it easy
"It's in the newspaper that the prestigious Easton Academy has a Lackmagic as Divine Visionary candidate." Oh boy
KGJHKGJHGKJG Lemon and Dot just growling at the crowd which is targeting Mash. Good friends indeed!
"If Mash is going to be judged for such a ridiculous reason, I will take the punishment with him!" LEMON 😭😭😭
"But I will become the best in this Magic Realm and prove it to you... that it's okay even if you can't use magic." YEAH MASH
"In one's life, you may never come across even one person who will speak up on your behalf. You have excellent friends." Yeah he does!
You know, this show grows on me more over time. It's a little confused, but it's got the spirit! You can tell exactly which media fixations (HP, Naruto, JJK) have influenced the author, and while there are clear low points (its capacity to address a prejudicial social dilemma, depiction of Necross, generally the lack of women, that character motives and dialogue seem like an afterthought to the plot points/fights to name a few), I would say that I like it more than I don't (great friendships, treating parody as an art form, positive nonbinary rep, a well-structured tournament arc, Mash's closeness with Regro, the loving way that it was ultimately written). It is clumsy but enjoyable. I maintain it is the Glee of anime. It's not necessarily a show I'd widely recommend, but it is a show that appeals to me as a viewer
#ayesha liveblogs mashle#liveblogging#ayesha talks anime#mashle s2#mashle spoilers#mashle series#long post#television#just in case LOL since i start with a spoiler for the previous season#again there's many references to nart and jjk and hp bc that's just where this show gets its inspiration#moqueueton
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You only live once. So enjoy life the way you want to. I get it because I'm doing that, too. However, if you're gonna put your freedom first, you need to respect others' freedoms too. Stealing freedom from the people of the village who are struggling to survive. That's what you want to do? I seriously don't understand what you're saying. My bucket list and yours are nothing alike! I still haven't repaid my parents for raising me. If I have to live with the regret of not giving back to my parents, I'd rather be eaten by zombies!
ZOM 100 EPISODE 10: HOMETOWN OF THE DEAD I dedicated to Aera (@books-are-my-life-stuff)
#zom 100#zom 100: zombie ni naru made ni shitai 100 no koto#zom 100: bucket list of the dead#zom100edit#tendou akira#anime#anime gif#animeedit#useradrienne#usersophies#userokkottsus#artsgifs#tw flashing#HI AERA! I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!#thank you for agreeing to be an admin on mashleverse blog!!#i am really lucky to have known someone here on tumblr that shares the same passion for mashle and also for other series like zom 100#i am looking forward to more anime series we're gonna both watch next year ^^
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shout out to the mashle manga for breaking my art block
Mash and Finn are too cute XD
#mashle#mashfinn#solei's art#mash burnedead#finn ames#im all caught up on the series and omgggg#its so funny and cute
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House of Ninjas (2024) Silo (2023) Scavengers Reign (2023) The Peripheral (2022) My New Boss Is Goofy (2023) The Apothecary Diaries (2023) Mashle: Magic and Muscles (2024) Mrs. Davis (2023) The Responder (2024) Skip to loafer (2023) Dandadan (2024) Dark Matter (2024) Sense and Sensibility (2008) Kaiju No. 8 (2024) A Sign of Affection (2024) Mieruko-chan (2021) My Lady Jane (2024) Dororo (2019) Fallout (2024) The Franchise (2024) Undead Girl Murder Farce (2023)
Series that I watched, rewatched, and am currently watching this year.
#tv series#series#anime#animation#House of Ninjas#Silo#Scavengers Reign#The Peripheral#My New Boss Is Goofy#The Apothecary Diaries#Mashle: Magic and Muscles#Mrs. Davis#The Responder#Skip to loafer#Dandadan#Dark Matter#Sense and Sensibility#Kaiju No. 8#A Sign of Affection#Mieruko-chan#My Lady Jane#Dororo#Fallout#The Franchise#Undead Girl Murder Farce
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Hey, fun poll! Because I'm curious!
!! Read all answers before selecting !!
#i always forget to read all the options which is why i put that there#reblog for bigger sample size#if youre a cosplayer reblog with what fandom(s) you cosplay#cosplay#cosplayer#bungou stray dogs#my hero academia#sanders sides#i dont want to clog the mashle tag bc i know its not verh popular#demon slayer#what else do people cosplay?#merlin#i cant think of anything else#i just tagged the ones i see the most#oh!#genshin impact#loki#loki series
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