faghubby · 2 years
"Paul I really think we can win this" Laura told me "we have a month to get ready"
"Alright if you think you can do it" I said. I was actually very excited by the idea. Laura had read about a costume ball for Halloween best costumes was $1500. There were sub areas scary and such. But She thought sexy. And thought to change it up I would go as a woman and she would go as a man. But we had to be convincing we both agreed.
"So you will do it? no whining and complaining" she asked.
"Yes, I will give 100%. I would worry more about your end of it" I told her.
"Sounds like a challenge." She smiled.
"Well yeah it is I guess" I shot back
"OK, Your on. We have 36 days from now. Who ever is more convincing in their role wins" she said sticking out her hand I shook her hand.
"Deal, what does the winner get?" I asked.
"No chores, the loser does all the chores for a month" she suggested. I agreed.
We started with her first. I tried to get her to walk like a man. It seemed hopeless after about an hour.
"Well I have no shoes that will fit you, so let's start with shaving" Laura smiled leading me to the bathroom.
"Couldn't this wait?" I asksd
"Trust me you will want to be use to it" she informed me. We used hair remover and a razor it was over an hour be fore I walked out of the shower. Completely hairless except the top of my head. She was right it felt strange. We spent the rest of the day with our normal routine. Laura took every opportunity to correct how I moved. Bending, walking, even how I, oved my arms. Things I had never thought about. I was focused on myself and didn't even think about correcting her. That night we made love her hands roaming over my smooth body. Seemed to stimulate her into taking control. She just pinned me down and got on top.
Over the next week she continued to focus on my movements. Even dancing she would take the lead. Laura had ordered high heels in my size and made me wear them around the house. At first I could barely walk in the 3 inch heels. But got better. I wore them everyday from the time I got home till I went to bed.
Even our friends became invested in our bet. Choosing sides of who would win. Laura was the favorite to win. So I tried harder.
"Are you ready for dress up?" She asked on Saturday morning. We were 15 days in.
"Sure" I told her. She produced a whole outfit. From stockings to a hat. First it was a sexy lace thong.
"No one is going to see what underwear I have on." I told her
"It's a state of mind. You will feel sexy" she told me. She helped me with the bra and silicone inserts.
"We will get you ones that glue on for the party" she told me. Then showed me how to put on stockings. And a garter. Then a low cut short f or fitting dress. I spent the day trying to remember to keep my legs closed. Laura had bought herself a cock. Seriously she wore it under her clothes so she could feel more mascaline she told me. She loved to smack my ass or come up and push her cock against me. Like I did to her so many times.
Over the next week or so I dressed everyday after work. Laura didn't seem to put that much effort into it at all. Other then she seemed to be in control. I tried to initiate sex one night.
"Sorry not into the lesbian thing" she laughed. But the next night she took control and iniated sex. She started to suck my dick. She pulled my panties aside and pushed her finger into my ass.
"Woooo" I yelled
"Relax all girls need to lose it eventually" she laughed and continued. It felt amazing after the first shock. And she soon worked in a second finger. She swallowed my load but then kissed me I could taste my cum on her lips. The next day she plucked my eyebrows and experimented with my make up.
"I am so going to win this" I teased her.
"Think so? Want to up the bet?" She challanged
"OK double it" I said confident I had it locked. She pushed against me. She was wearing her cock.
"Want to show me how much of a woman you are?" She smiled an evil grin. "You liked me playing with your ass, maybe your mouth likes it too" she asked. I looked in the mirror I looked like a woman. I thought then looked up at her. I noticed her eyebrows where thicker. Maybe she had been preparing for this party more then I thought.
"Go ahead baby suck my cock" she teased. And she pulled out her 6 inch pink cock. I don't know why but I leaned over and took thr tip in my mouth. She loved it
"OH yeah, suck my big cock" she moaned. "Your going to swallow it all" she continued. The more she said the harder I tried. I never took more then 2 inches. The whole thing turned me on so much my cock strained against my panties.
"Get on the bed" she told me. I took off the dress and laid in bed. She was naked a moment later.
"Role over sweetheart, I want that ass" she told me luring her cock
"I don't think" I started and she insisted I rolled over and she lubed my ass. She went slow but soon she was fucking me with her cock. After that I felt more femine, and submissive to her in averting we did. She fucked me several more times before the party as well. We had a dress rehearsal the day before the party. Laura took me out to dinner. Fully dressed. The waiter thought we where a lesbian couple. Calling us both miss.
On the way home we stopped at John and Cathy's. friends of ours to get their opinions. They both thought I was absolutely convincing. But Laura was just to femine looking. Laura was a bit disappointed by it.
"Well maybe I should have fucked your ass more" she said. John spit out his drink in surprise.
"You didnt?" Cathy laughed
"OH she loves it, don't you?" Laura asked me. I had turned beet red and just stared at the floor. Laura rubbed her cock thru her jeans.
"Want to see?" Laura said pulling out her toy.
"You know your going to suck it so don't play shy" she told me. "Or would you rather I fuck you in front of them?" I kneeled and took her toy in my mouth. John was obviously turned on by the scene as his bulge grew in his pants. Laura caught me looking
"Do you want to try his? Do you want a real one? She teased.
"Go ahead" Cathy assured me. Laura led me to him. I didn't want this did I. But I knelt and pulled out his cock. I held it in my hand. The heat that came off it he wanted me. I thought as I started to suck his cock. It was longer the Laura's toy but thinner.
Cathy stood nearby.
"Better make him cum, I don't want to have to finish it" she told me.
"His balls Paul, rub and suck his balls" Laura encouraged
"This is so hot" I heard Cathy say just as John stiffened someone held my head so I couldn't pull away and John came in my mouth. Cum dripped out of my mouth all over my dress. I swallowed some.
"Now your a woman" Laura told me. We left. At home Laura had me ride her cock cowgirl style till my legs cramped.
My ass was sore in the morning but she still shoved a plug into it and had me shave and get dressed. In a pair of her yoga pants.
"You liked last night." She stated. I could not deny that.
"Sucking John's big dick" she added
"I am willing to declare you the winner." She told me. "But then after tonight it all goes away" she explained
"Or you could forfit. And continue exploring this side of you" she said she gave me till midnight to answer.
As we went to get ready for the party. Laura pulled out a new outfit. It was completely pink from a frilly lace thong to the bows for my hair. She helped me get ready. I looked like some kind of little girl fetish. With pig tails. Laura dressed as a old school marm. Complete with a big ruler.
"I changed it up two weeks ago when I knew you where going to win" she told me. Smacking me with the ruler. I felt nervous in this costume I was obviously dressed for kinky sex. But Laura insisted.
When we got there, there was alot of really good costumes and doubted our chance to win. Laura led me to a small table in the corner. An older gentleman was sitting there. He was not in costume.
"Isn't that" I started. Laura walked right over and kissed him.
"Paula you remember Mr Bellows" she said. It was her boss. She pushed me onto his lap. And sat across from us, his hand was immediately up my skirt. Laura put her finger to her lip.
"Shhh" is all she said. I felt him get hard against my ass.
"Are you a good girl, or a bad girl" he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck. I was rock hard and it pushed my skirt up anyone walking by would notice.
I didn't know what to do or say.
"A good girl?" I answered. He kissed my neck again. And stood up making me stand as well. He handed Laura a room key and turned to leave. Laura stood close to me.
"A good girl follows him to his room" she said pushing the key into my hand. I took it and Laura took my hand and led me to the elevator. Mer Bellows entered first. As soon as I entered Laura pushed me against him. And remained downstairs.
Mr Bellows led me to a suite on one of the upper floors. There was a tray of sex toys. And bandage gear. He just started to undress me. He picked up a small velvet bag.
"I would like you to wear this" he told me. I looked inside. The look on my face must have given him a clue.
"It's a chastity cage" he informed me ans showed me how it went on. I hesitated.
"I will double the prize money" he told me. And rubbed my ass. I went to the bathroom and figured it out. I used a towel soaked in cold water to rid me of my erection.
When I came out he was naked sitting on the bed. I knelt and took his huge cock in my mouth. After a few minutes he had me stop. He handcuffed me and bent me over he pushed something very big into my ass. I screamed as he did.
"By the time I am done you will take much more then that" he told me and added a gag. After a few minutes he pulled the device from my ass and inserted his cock. He held me down as he used me. I was in tears when he finished. He immediately shoved a toy back in.
He then tied me face down on the bed. When the first smack came I almost had a heart attack. But then one after the other with a strap or paddle I thought. But soon I was crying I tried to beg him to stop but the gag I couldn't say a word. He tore the plug out and mounted me. Coming a second time deep in my ass. Then again plugged. He told me over and over that I was his now. And would do whatever he wished. He then let me get up and wash up.
"Go lay across the desk" he told me. I did without question hoping he would let me go if I did. He bound my ankles and wrist to the desk.
"You want more" he told me. I had not said a word. Still gagged. This time it was a leather strap that landed on my thighs ass and lower back. He showed me a plug the size of a tennis ball. Then I felt as he tried to make it fit. It wouldn't fit so he used toys and his fingers to lossen me even more till it did.
As it pushed in finally I passed out.
When I came too. My throat was sore and I tasted cum. The ball gag was gone so was the restraints. And plug. It was morning and I was naked in the bed. I got up to pee. And realized I still had the cage but now it had s small lock on it. I made a mess and finally just sat to pee. I took the longest hottest shower of my life. Found my phone and called Laura. She would be down to pick me up. I had no choice but to put back on the pink dress. I found a brightly wrapped present that said Paula on it. I opened it inside was a gold necklace. With a charm that said Nicholas's girl.
Laura came up to the room. She had not bought me any clothes so I had to walk through the hotel dressed like a school girl. As soon as we where in the car.
"I forfit" I told Laura who just smiled. And helped me put on the necklace.
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that-bookworm-guy · 2 years
I've always loved corsets
My prom dress had a corset top
One of my favourite cosplays had a corset
I'm at the stage of my transition that I feel like I could try a corset again. I've gone for my first ever underbust one, considering I don't have anything to hold a bust one up
I'm going to try it with shirts and suits, and try to find some mascaline outfits to pair it with.
I've had to go for a female's corset because I'm not completely sure my hips would fit into a male one. Plus male ones are very expensive, and I wanted a fairly cheap one because I don't know if its going to make my dysphoria and body image issues worse. So I wanted a cheap one so if I can't wear it due to these issues, then it isn't a lot of money wasted
If I like it, I maybe look into getting a male one, but I have really wide hips that I struggled to even fit into womens clothing before. Mens clothing really aren't made for wide hips, and I still have trouble
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when-is-tuesday · 1 year
how to compliment men/mascaline
1: he was written by women
2: he's so gender
3: ___ has autistic girl swag
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enniewritesathing · 7 years
idk, John looks... boyish? younger? with shorter hair. I don’t know what’s the word I’m aiming for.  🤔
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just-miry · 4 years
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Bought this mascalin cactus!
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What's new pride day 3: gender
I haven't done the others but I saw this and I had to do it. My gender is bigender but I feel gender in a weird way, even to others. I feel like both female and male is there but it is almost like a sliding scale, sometimes I feel very mascaline sometimes feminine but pretty much all the mascaline compliments make me happy cause being a closeted afab I don't get that much. So yeah it's confusing even for me!
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avatarofseshat · 5 years
Resurrection (Part 1)
An idea that popped into my head. Takes place in my AU ADOW universe and is separate from “A Spark in the Darkness” What if... This will be either two or three parts at the most!
SPOILERS for the planned direction of the previously mentioned story. Although, I'm sure you’ve all figured it out!
- ST
Marthe had just rounded the corner and noticed that the door to Philippe’s office was open she peered inside expecting to find Ysabeau inside but that’s not at all who she found.
“Mon Dieu!” she exclaimed as the person turned around all she could do is stare. Stare in disbelief. In her thousands of years on this planet she never knew it could be.
“Marthe, my dear friend” the mascaline voice responded
“Philippe!” she retorted “It can’t be!” She wasn’t sure what to do. There was no way he could be standing before her, he was killed by witches during the Second World War.
Ysabeau was certain Marthe was in Philippe’s office, she called for her as she rounded the entrance and stopped dead in her tracks “Philippe” she gasped.
“Mon Coeur” he purred approaching the stunned woman, Marthe just watched as he stepped around her towards his mate.
“How can this be?” she questioned completely awestruck
“I’m not sure myself” he responded just as clueless, he stepped closer taking Ysabeau into his arms. She just collapsed sobbing, she never showed this kind of grief, this kind of relief.
Marthe took that as her cue to exit and she krept as quietly as she could around them, Philippe slightly nodded acknowledging her departure. She had to tell Baldwin and right away and Matthew would have to wait until he returns to the present to find out.
The main exhibit hall of The Natural History Museum was quiet except for a few patrons that wondered about. The older man led the way as Baldwin and Alexandra lingered behind him whispering to one another.
“Now this…” he stated wondering over to a large glass display case containing a collection of Roman artifacts “is your wife’s work” he continued glancing at Baldwin.
“I would expect nothing less” Baldwin responded pulling Alexandra closer as she gleaned proudly at him. The chime of his phone broke the nearly serene scene he pulled it from his pocket checking the number “Marthe?” he asked
Alexandra could make out a faint voice on the other end. “How can that be?” Baldwin inquired again looking alarmingly at his wife.
“What is it?” she mouthed to him as she attempted to decipher his expression.
A few more minutes past but they seemed like an eternity “I understand” he responded hanging up. He took a moment to gather his thoughts and peered over to his wife to see the worried look on his face.
“I’m sorry.” he paused once more “but we must leave, a family emergency”
The older man nodded in understanding “By all means, family comes first” he responded accompanying them to the door “I hope everything turns out alright” he responded bidding them farewell.
Baldwin, was understandably, too distracted to respond so Alexandra cut in,  “Thank you, Henry” she called back as they walked to the car.
Once the doors were locked, Baldwin broke his silence “We need to go to Sept-Tours” he paused for a long moment more “According to Marthe...father has returned”
“Wasn’t he…” she attempted to respond “How is that…possible?”
“I’m not sure myself” he was visibly shook and understandably so. She had never seen him in such a state. He was a warrior after all. A soldier.
All she could do was look adoringly at him as he started up the car and placed a hand in hers. The drive to his office was a short one and they wasted no time getting to the roof, as they had called ahead and the helicopter was already running.
“Sir...Mrs. Montclair” the pilot acknowledged as they boarded. The flight to Sept-Tours only took an hour and as they landed Marthe was already waiting for them.
She rushed towards them once they were clear from under the blades. They paused to collect themselves. Alexandra wasn’t sure how to act in front of Philippe, so she looked to her husband for guidance. Sensing her unease he pulled her close and kissed the top of her head “My love” he whispered taking her hand and following Marthe inside.
Alexandra unease grew the closer they came to the sitting room and Baldwin squeezed her hand in reassurance “Don’t worry” he whispered into her hair.
Read on for Part Two!
I wanted something happy to happen! So I came up with this. Stay tuned for more!
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debraroseart-blog · 7 years
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Getting all ready, all coming into shape! 
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that-bookworm-guy · 1 year
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From an award-winning writer whose work bristles with “hard-won strength, insight, agility, and love” (Maggie Nelson), an exquisite and troubling narrative of masculinity, violence, and society.
In this groundbreaking new book, the author, a trans man, trains to fight in a charity match at Madison Square Garden while struggling to untangle the vexed relationship between masculinity and violence. Through his experience boxing—learning to get hit, and to hit back; wrestling with the camaraderie of the gym; confronting the betrayals and strength of his own body—McBee examines the weight of male violence, the pervasiveness of gender stereotypes, and the limitations of conventional masculinity. A wide-ranging exploration of gender in our society, Amateur is ultimately a story of hope, as McBee traces a new way forward, a new kind of masculinity, inside the ring and outside of it.
In this graceful, stunning, and uncompromising exploration of living, fighting, and healing, we gain insight into the stereotypes and shifting realities of masculinity today through the eyes of a new man.
My review:
This is the first book I've read that discusses mascalinity, toxic mascalinity, and trans men. A really insightful, thought-provoking and important read. This book is honest and delves deep into the gender stereotypes of what it means to be mascaline from societies viewpoint, and how as trans men, we are at risk of passing into the toxic mascalinity that we see from cis men, in order to pass. Sometimes without realising.
As a trans man myself, I found this so interesting and I highly recommend it
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forestwitch · 2 years
my anthem bitch and omg its bc im trans wowwww okay work listen can i be mascaline and sill be a women and aman at the same time? but im gy ughh so confused will never find love bit whatever who carea ima just let it all out rn whi gies a fuk
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medreamer · 3 years
How does our body get fooled by hallucinogens?
Seeing the things that are not there in reality, hearing sounders which are not produced at that moment are generally considered as hallucination. Additionally, there are few drugs which can cause hallucination and are called hallucinogens. LSD, Mascaline, and DMT are its popular examples.
However, there are many more of these.
Classification of hallucinogen: -
Here hallucinogens are classified of the basis on their chemical structure and receptors they acts on
Psychedelics - It acts on the serotonin H2TA receptors and triggers unusual states of consciousness. Psychedelics literally means soul/mind manifestation as one feels as he/she has lost his/her subjective self identity. Some of the examples of it have been discussed further:
A.          LSD - Lysergic acid diethylamide is collected from the fungus Claviceps purpurea, which is an agonist of dopamine and serotonin receptors. It triggers the receptors to secrete more dopamine and serotonin. They are considered to be non addictive but while a person is intoxicated they will see different worlds as if there are lots of colorful strips and magical shapes moving around them, they will hear voices that are not even there; it would be more like a kaleidoscopic sight. Even though it is banned in many countries, scientists are still experimenting on it as this psychoactive drug can provide treatment for incurable diseases like PTSD, depressive disorders and many more.
B.          Psilocin - Commonly known as DMT (N,N- Dimethyltryptamine). It is excreted from mushrooms. It causes hallucinations, illusions, delusions, and unrealistic perceptions. But most importantly it is known for its mystical experiences; which includes loss of one’s own self like the one which a person experiences in meditation, ineffability - not able to express feelings in words, deep feeling of positivity - joy, pleasure, euphoria.
C.          Mescaline -  it is a psychoactive drug obtained from various species of cactus. It gives hallucinosis experience and it could be in both ways by open eyes or closed eyes but with closed yes experience becomes much better. It can enhance the feeling of euphoria if music is added at that moment. Person might even forget the trace of time while going through intoxication. Just like other psychedelics it also works on various receptors of dopamine and shows the symptoms discussed above. The major affected area of the brain is the peripheral nervous system.
Dissociative - this type of hallucinogen is different from the above one as it creates dissociation of a person from oneself as well as reality and also distorts perception of sight and sound. The most affected areas of it are dopamine and/or opioid system. Its effects are the feeling of euphoria, and as mentioned above depersonalization and derealization. These are used in medical usage too such as; ketamine is used as anesthesia to dilate bronchus as well as increases blood pressure. It can also be used as a sedative in emergency medical circumstances. Another object is nitrous oxide which is generally known as laughing gas; it is generally used as a pain reliever in situations like childbirth, trauma or during surgeries. Other than its medical usage it can give euphoria and create hallucinations for one.
Deliriet - This usually refers to  anticholinergics which block the action of acetylcholine neurotransmitter’s action. It can be easily found from the plants datura and brugmansia. The examples of it are discussed below:
Atropine - It is a prescribed medicine used to treat bradycardia (slow heart beats). It shows some side effects such as constipation, tachycardia (fast heart beat), dry mouth and many more.
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) - it is used in treating allergies, insomnia, common cold, tremors in Parkinson and also to cure nausea. After having it a person becomes totally unresponsive and would only respond to extreme stimuli such as extreme pain. Its higher dose can cause agitated delirium that includes aggressive behavior, hyperthermia, and extreme physical strength which could be fatal for a person in some cases.
It is still a matter of study how this drug specifically causes this kind of hallucinations.
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aureatemistt · 7 years
Let's all take a moment to remember that trans boys have to deal with periods.
Trans boys that have to constantly strive to look mascaline and be referred to as 'he/him' and then having to be excused because mother nature has decided to kick em in the nuts.
Love yourself, eat lots of chocolate and get a hot water bottle. 💖
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Omar S is the more laid back aviator, styling that is retro in the coolest of ways, yet still the look of the day.
A more mascaline look with a wider frame rather than the tear drop shape. Solid metal with adjustable nose pad. Have them polarized or mirrored for great all weather sunglasses
These are TAC* polarized lenses effectively block glare resulting from light reflecting from flat and smooth surfaces. Consequently, they provide increased transparency of vision and 100% protection from UV rays.* New technology
(Tri Acetate Cellulose) polarized
offer superior visual and polarization clarity. They are hard coated to resist scratching and block out 100% of all harmful UV rays up to 400 nanometers, and are also lightweight and highly impact resistant.
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jasonacameronworld · 8 years
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The lovely @gabrielle_guy Did some photos and a video interview soon to be on her website check my story ! by @gabrielle_guy Check out : https://www.gabrielle-guy.com/jason/ #houseofrevlon #kikihouseoftea #londonballroomscene #jayjayrevlon #lgbt #lgbtlondon #instagay #voguinginlondon #mascalinity #masc4masc #londondj #Voguer #vogue #london #londondj #peckham #Yassssssssssssssssssss (at Peckham)
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djbrahmin · 4 years
Follow @dj_brahmin 🤩 😆 😂 🤣 😅 😆 🤩 Too much K, I think he’s had enough 🤣🤣 He is high as f~~k Credit @duttydrops @keepravinginsta #goodevening #funny #campsites #funnyvideos #funnyshit #rave #ravers #raverslife #lsdtripping #banter #havefun #goodvibes #lol #chemicaltrip #memes #dnbmemes #edmmemes #edm #festival #tripping #fun #mascaline #KHATIBASS #Khatiswag #djbrahmin #guwahati #gauhati #campsitefun #GIRFAM#gag_fam (at Gauhati) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5DBdDhu2g/?igshid=1enfvfp03x0a2
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