#masamune-kun no revenge
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whosyourfavevoicedby-polls · 9 months ago
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chihiro20 · 2 years ago
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hatsumishinogu · 1 year ago
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Masamune-kun no Revenge Vol.13 -engagement- (end)
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this-is-boar-country · 9 months ago
so this girl rejects and nicknames (derogatory) every boy who confesses to her? have they considered.. perhaps.. leaving her tf alone??
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artforiasenibudayajepang · 2 years ago
Top 10 Karakter Pria Anime Harem Paling Menarik Di Tahun 2023
Berita Anime Jepang – Sepanjang semua anime harem yang telah kita lihat sejauh ini, ada banyak karakter anime menarik, baik Karakter Pria Anime Harem maupun wanita. Beberapa karakter bahkan mungkin terlihat tidak nyata karena proporsi tubuh mereka. cbr.com Simak Juga : 20 Waifu Terbaik Jujutsu Kaisen Berdasarkan Kecantikan dan Kecerdasan yang Memikat Itulah seberapa memikat dan menariknya…
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myanimethought · 2 years ago
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"Masamune-kun no Revenge Engagement" Sequel Manga first look. The new Sequel looks into the College Life of our main characters. Out April 26, 2023.
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anime-fyi · 1 month ago
Eight years ago was the original season of Masamune-kun's Revenge. Tae was a cute character from the start and turned into a fun part of the friend group, especially with Kojuurou.
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Like, just the two of us?
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mangandworld · 2 years ago
👀¡No te pierdas las últimas novedades del mundo Manga y Anime! 📚🎬🤩
¡Acaba de publicarse nuestro nuevo artículo con las últimas noticias de anime y manga! 🤩📢 #VinlandSaga #Berserk #Kamikatsu
¡Hola amigos otakus! Hoy les tengo un resumen de las últimas noticias en el mundo del anime y manga. Desde Berserk y la caída de Vinland Saga, hasta lo nuevo de Masamune-kun no Revenge. ¡Empecemos! ¿Qué pasa con Berserk? Estamos emocionados de anunciar que el capítulo 373 del manga de Berserk ya tiene fecha de lanzamiento, el próximo 26 de mayo. Los lectores han estado esperando ansiosamente…
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otakutale · 2 years ago
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Masamune-kun no Revenge Season 2 Pushed Back to July
The official website of the anime adaptation of Hazuki Takeoka and Tiv’s Masamune-kun no Revenge (Masamune-kun’s Revenge) has announced that the second…
#MASA_A #MasamuneKun #anime #政宗くんのリベンジ
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chaotictoon · 9 months ago
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Cartoon stresss eating
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ibelongtotheclassics · 7 months ago
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Sharing some of my childhood + present anime & studio ghibli OTPs
*uwu* they're so precious for meee 💖🎬🇯🇵
< PART 2 / on-going list >
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hatsumishinogu · 7 months ago
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Masamune-kun no Revenge Vol.7 (New Edition) (end)
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the-autistic-vulcan · 5 months ago
The Loli Type: The Differences of How the Loli Archetype in Anime is used
TW//: Inappropriate themes, pedophillia themes, fetish content discussed
The Loli Archetype:
"The general idea is that these characters come off as really innocent, mainly because of their youthful appearance." (Majitora Wiki)
I recently came upon some discourse on Tiktok (of all places), specifically on Dungeon Meshi, when discussing the appropriateness of people having their fictional crush being Chilchuck Tims, the half-foot lockpick of the party. One particular post caught my attention where an art account depicted Chilchuck in spicy content, nothing too nsfw, but still spicy. The comments were pretty much at war as to how the reactions of other commentors and even the artist viewed the character, calling out the double standard as to how male loli-types are reacted to differently than female-loli types. And much of this point of view has to do with the context of the story (whether anime or manga) and the original intent of the mangaka (creator). A few examples will go into detail about the handling of this archetype - reader discretion is advised.
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(couldn't find a gif. GOOD)
Arguably one of the most infamous of examples of the Loli-Type in female characters, according to the character description, she is "a positive mother who is always doting on her children and she shows special attention to Masamune Makabe where she is always trying to do things that will make him happy" (Wiki). And, according to sources, she is reportedly a 40 year old, as well. Due to fairly obvious reasons, it is understandable why people are deterred by her, however some are not - she is a plot device in the sense that she was created for fetish content, particularly on her constant doting on her son, clearly meant to be a play on a young girl willing to please a man. Is it reading too much into it? Sure. But it is still worth noting. In recent years, she is a heavily memed-on character and has become a fairly niche inside joke in the anime community - although not explicitly an nsfw character, but the projection of such an agenda is incredibly evident.
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This is where it gets slightly complicated. Having only seen the first season of this show and dropped it, I came to the conclusion that Elaine was clearly not a character geared towards me, but more so to men - here is my explanation. Elaine, in the context of this world, is thousands of years old, and fairies in this world do not age the same way as humans do. But my problem with her isn't necessarily her character, because I think she had potential, it was just her very childish appearance and somewhat childish behavior (at least in season one), that easily puts people off. However, this particular behavior is common for mangakas and television companies to hone in on - amping up the childishness to fit the loli-type behavior. Her love interest is Ban, who looks significantly older to the non-fan viewer or reader, and the relationship without much context can come off as incredibly predatory - but even with the context, it still comes off as creepy considering Ban is incredibly obsessed with her, and hooked on trying to get her back. She was a character clearly meant for the male audience of Seven Deadly Sins, as were pretty much the entire female cast, but I'll end it here for now.
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The male loli-archetype is a more difficult one to dissect as it isn't as common as the female loli. But Honey-Senpai is a very good example to discuss this particular subject. The purpose of Honey wasn't to inherently fetishized the loli-type or young-looking people, but to make fun of the loli-archetype and how audiences fawn over cute things - which include people. Honey is incredibly childish, considering he is a third year at Ouran Academy, making him approximately 18 years old in canon. He doesn't have typical 18 year old interests, and instead indulges in sweets, cake, Usa-chan (his bunny plush), and is often depicted as easily over-emotional, all of this is also a part of his marketing in the host club, according to Kyoya Ootori. However, it is easy for people to see why Honey's character is so over the top childish, but it does leave a certain gateway open for Honey being fetishized.
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And now, our eponymous subject - the one that inspired this post. Chilchuck Tims is a character I genuinely adore and to a certain extent, I understand why people were turned off from him - his unbelievable youthfulness. Chilchuck in the story is a half-foot (or halfling for any D&D fans out there). In this universe, Half-foot people naturally look very young and only live until a certain age, hence why they mature quite young (around 13 years old). The character is 29 years old, a divorcee father of three and...doesn't act like a child. That singular factor separates him from the likes of the previous three examples. Yes, you could make a case for Elaine that she also come from a fantasy world, but both character's behavior are very different. Chilchuck has adult interests, he has adult occupations and acts like a brash, emotionally stunted dad to the rest of the party, and aside from Senshi, is the oldest of the group.
Do I personally think Chilchuck could be candidate for the Loli-type like Honey-Senpai or Kinue? No.
Is the aging typically canonized to the fantasy world like Elaine? Yes.
Does he act like a child? No.
Is he perceived as a child? Yes, but mangaka Ryoko Kui wrote Chilchuck's character to be complex and not some form of fetish fodder for readers and viewers
In conclusion: Chilchuck Tims is not a Loli-Type character as he does not fit the personality criteria - childish, whiny and overall acts like a child.
I think the discourse on Chilchuck as a character is somewhat unnecessary and heavily taken out of the context of the series. Unlike the other examples used, Chilchuck is not used for fetishization and rather is just a little joke that he looks young despite his adult-reared interests.
(idk how to end this)
Hopefully this cleared some things up and I would like to hear other's opinions on this.
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leaddoodles · 4 months ago
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Yoshino Koiwai (Masamune-kun’s Revenge)
Lead likes the unhinged poofy girl? Ya don’t say!
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chaztalk · 1 year ago
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anitrendz · 1 year ago
Top 10 Anime Best Couples-Ships Summer Week 10
Apologies for posting this late! Rudeus and Sylphie reach number one for the first time this season. Challe and Anne climbs up four spots, the biggest movement on the chart. Meanwhile, Oliver and Nanao reenters Top 10. Remember our FINAL polls will open NEXT WEEK for Summer 2023, so make sure to vote then!
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