#mary oliver prompts
thelibrarian1895 · 5 months
Bat bio donors
So Catherine Todd, unfortunately, wasn't Jason's bio mom, even if she was his mom in every other way that matters. Embezzler, child trafficker, and Joker associate Shelia Haywood was his biological mother...probably.
There was no DNA test so I remain unconvinced.
That being said, I see no acceptable evidence that Willis Todd was Jason's bio father. (And if there is, shhh, don't care)
Yes Bruce could be his bio dad but boring, be more creative!
For example, someone else who's based in Gotham, who might have a fling and not follow up on it for very whatever reason, and who might be the namesake of our favorite gun wielding bat: Jason Bood. Yes Shelia, if she is the mother, may have put Willis on the birth certificate, but there's nothing to say that she didn't have an evening with a man with a charming accent, considerable experience, and a rather two faced nature.
Or perhaps someone who is a tiny bit less volatile such as David Cain.
Or honestly there's enough weirdness in Gotham that Jason's other bio donor was Nocturna, the woman who would later want to adopt him while he was Robin and she was, in fact, though she didn't know it, trying to get her own bio child.
Furthermore, Bruce as Tim Drake's bio donor, yes, good, understandable, likely even.
However, there are other options, for example:
Janet spends a great deal of time going around the world and with various artifacts, some of these artifacts could be magical in nature. That magic may have various effects on the average person and one of the more popular things that people in ancient times sought revolved around fertility control, to improve or prevent. Janet might trip over more than a few artifacts designed to improve fertility, let's say even to the point that some who might not normally be able to sire children might in fact be capable of doing so with Janet while she's still under the influence of such magic, such as:
Lady Shiva who admires Janet's ability to handle both a growing business and her academic pursuits.
Ra's Al Ghul who came by for an artifact and had a fling with the lady who found it mostly because why not? Yes if Tim ever found out, or Ra's ever found out, it would result in considerable mental distress, but it could also be hilarious. Flip a coin to decide if this would make Talia want Tim dead more or less than she already does.
Some ancient god who's essentially mortal at this point and has been clinging to existence by the thinnest thread and really the only reason their name is known at this point is because it was in a letter about very bad copper. Tim receives no benefits from this parent except above average endurance and healing which is how he's survived. He's also as stubborn as the nameless god that's hung on for four thousand or so years.
Gotham itself is Tim's bio donor and this is why tiny baby stalker Tim didn't die a thousand times over while he was taking pictures, Gotham was looking out for their son.
Then there's Cassandra, "one who is all" who may or may not be Shiva's daughter.
Honestly for Shiva and for Talia, given the danger they put themselves in and the stress that pregnancy can do to a body, plus the necessary time to heal properly afterwards, the canon where Damian is grown in a tube makes sense and I wouldn't be surprised if Shiva took a page from Talia's book.
Shiva as the mother of "one who is all" can make sense. The other bio donor, well, let's look at other options.
Slade perhaps? He's had quite a few remarkable children, and can handle none of them, but that wouldn't stop him from being a candidate.
If you're a fan of wuxia or xianxia novels, look for or make up some ancient cultivator that Shiva sought out for training perhaps and on that strength Cassandra can pick up cultivation and become that much more awesome, maybe even teach it to her brothers.
Sect Leader Cass o((>ω< ))o
Or someone can be related to or connected to a Lamont Crantson and see if they can step out of his Shadow.
Dick's bio parents were freakin' awesome so jumping over him and also leaving Duke's parentage alone though more distant ancestors for either of them, such as great-great grandmothers or grandfathers might be interesting. Dick has a Talon in the family tree but who else might be hanging around in there?
For example, Santa is real in the dc universe. Tim and his team could have witnessed the death of Dick's maternal great-great-great-great grandpa.
As for Duke, if his family has been in Gotham for longer than a generation, there've got to be some serious weirdos in his bloodline, maybe a lesser known Talon or Queen Mab.
Damian not being the son of Bruce and Talia would be a serious blow to the kid and not worth it. Giving him blood siblings is more fun. He already has a problem learning to share his dad with his adopted siblings, sharing with blood siblings would be good for him.
Stephanie? An additional dad option would probably give her some sort of mental crisis since she originally based her vigilante career on defeating her deadbeat, second rate rogue father. It would be interesting and honestly a little hilarious though if her mother had a fling with Oliver Queen.
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a-ramblinrose · 1 year
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge || August 3 || Summer:
  “August of another summer, and once again    I am drinking the sun...”
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bobbole · 10 months
#3 for the Mary Oliver writing prompts! Choice of character/ship is up to you 😁
Hi! thanks for the ask, the prompt you chose inspired me to write a little corinthienne story, hope you like it :)
The kiss had been going on for 20 seconds already. Not that Lucienne had counted it, not at all, but since she was there she could not help but notice this smallness. Just as she noticed that the Corinthian's lips were soft against hers, and the fingers brushing her wrist as delicate as a feather.
Who could have thought that a Nightmare like him would had such a delicate touch!
She felt the fingers on her wrist close slightly, the Corinthian's thumb tracing small circles on the skin. A shiver ran through Lucienne's back. He felt it and his lips smiled in the kiss.
Thirty-five seconds. And then it was all over (like all good things, she thought absentmindedly).
- Well? - he asked with that cocky expression on his face. Lucienne was going to hit him with a book.
They both adjusted their glasses and she didn't know why but this made her smile.
- Well I can say that it wasn’t my language, but I understood enough -and before the Corinthian could even dare to say anything else, she grabbed his jacket and kissed him again.
mary oliver writing prompts 
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inafieldofdaisies · 11 months
How about 8, 9, 13, 19, and 44 for calahan/Mary may and Oliver/Oakley? :D
Questions from this post.
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8. Who loves to pull pranks on the other? What type of pranks do they pull and do they pull their pranks off?
Absolutely Oliver, he'd try anything to rile her up, or does his best to make her smile, Oakley in turn is many steps ahead usually and isn't surprised but still deep down finds his cheeky side a lil endearing.
9. What is something small that they would randomly pick up for one another?
Oliver personally delivers her Peggies, it ain't small, but what can ya do.
Oakley: nothing particular comes to mind.
13. Who likes to jump into the other person’s arms?
Neither, but now I'm imagining Ollie trying a "trust jump" with her. 🤣
19. Who would win in a pillow fight?
Oliver would start it, get a couple of annoyed stares from her then Oakley would wipe the floor with him. ☠️ Every once in a while she might be good enough to let him win, but it's not guaranteed.
44. What do they love about each other the most?
Oliver: Her strangeness, how good she is with his doggo, Cosmo, how capable she is and quite frankly fearless. The danger/threats of harm if he oversteps also are his favorite.
Oakley: (Initially she's super annoyed by it), but she ends up loving how well he gets along with her only family. His jokes definitely rub off on her and she begins looking forward to whatever shenanigans his brain would come up with next.
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8. Who loves to pull pranks on the other? What type of pranks do they pull and do they pull their pranks off?
Calahan (though Mary May would also sometimes find a way to get him back). Harmless type, all to see her smile, have a laugh/break from reality.
9. What is something small that they would randomly pick up for one another?
Calahan would definitely find some flowers to rip from a random person's garden and deliver them with a cheeky smile ("It's the thought that counts, plus there ain't no florists left in a cult occupied County...")
Mary May: something small... something small? Zorro? 🤣 Listen, his son loves being carried around like a human child.
13. Who likes to jump into the other person’s arms?
Neither, most likely to: Mary May.
19. Who would win in a pillow fight?
Calahan, and he's not afraid to play dirty.
44. What do they love about each other the most?
Calahan: how strong she is and how she manages to ground him.
Mary May: how protective he is, especially about her and the people he loves.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
How about odd socks for the soft prompts?
Eddie tries to write his vows. Poem excerpts from E.E. Cummings’ [i carry your heart with me(i carry it in], Mary Oliver’s The Mango, and Pablo Neruda’s Finale. Plain text version on AO3 here and under the read more!
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Dear Buck oh its not a letter
Evan Buckley (?)
From the day we met, I
I take thee to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part except I don’t want to stop loving you when either of us die. I don’t want to part. Till the glaciers have melted and the oceans have dried up, till Mount Whitney (the tallest mountain in California, I looked it up) is eroded to a molehill, till the heat death of the universe do us part. Maybe that will be enough time
I keep thinking about that time you wore those fucking socks to work and Bobby and everyone were trying to really gently asses if you were having a breakdown because we just see AND YOU’RE GOING TO DIE on your ankle and then you laughed and pulled up your pants and it said “GET LOST IN NATURE AND YOU’RE GOING TO DIE” which like I still think is kind of a fucked up thing to put on a sock but you just did one of your beautiful sunshine grins (we weren’t even together but god I still got light headed looking at you) and were like “I thought it would be neat to remind people the importance of safety in nature” and I was kind of teasing and annoyed and laughed about it and that was like three years ago Buck and I still feel guilty about it because if you were going through some kind of crisis I don’t ever want to be annoyed and laugh about it, I want to be there for you no matter what and I hope I’ve proven that to you over the years, that I don’t just love you on easy days, I love you every single day all the time even when everything’s fucked even if I can’t write wedding vows to save my life christ this is terrible
I love your nose and your birthmark and your eyebrows and your hair and your shoulders and the bends of your elbows, and your wrists and hands, and I love your nipples and hip bones and cock and ass and knees and your shin, I love the scars on your shin, I love every scar you have because none of them killed you
How about
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
But this was a rich house, and clever too.
After salmon and salads,
mangoes for everyone appeared on blue plates,
each one cut in half and scored
and shoved forward from its rind, like an orange flower,
cubist and juicy.
When I began to eat
things happened.
your head on the pillow,
your hands floating
in the light, in my light,
over my earth.
It was beautiful to live
when you lived
The world is bluer and of the earth
at night, when I sleep
enormous, within your small hands.
Before the ceremony I told Shannon “It’s going to be okay” and in the moment I believed it because I had her and I was scared but she was my best friend and up there in front of her parents and mine I said the regular vows but I think that first one was what counted even if it didn’t end up being true. Maybe I’ve been telling you my vows for years. You can have my back any day. There’s no one on earth I trust with my son - with our son - more than you. Every time I tell you I love you, isn’t that a promise?
I’ve been happy before in my life, despite everything I don’t think I was an unhappy man, not always, only sometimes, but you make me happier than I thought was possible. That kind of feeling when you laugh too hard and you’re not getting enough oxygen to your brain. Isn’t that romantic, you give me hypoxia
Here’s the thing you know I’m going to get up there and just start crying immediately so I don’t know why I’m trying so hard to find words I won’t even be able to get out
No hi this is me two hours later of course this is important you’re important you knowing how much I love you is so important to me and I will stand up there blubbering at you for hours if that’s what it takes
I trust you. I love you. I am happy with you. I want to wake up beside you always, Buck I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than you next to me first thing in the morning (or night or afternoon or whenever we’ve finished sleeping), touching your warm body with your lungs breathing and your heart beating and the solidity of you feels like a miracle
I’ll buy you socks so your feet don’t get cold and I’ll bring you fruit because you like to eat sweet things and wherever I live will be your home and I’ll be by your side as long as you do me the honor of wanting me there and everything I have and am is yours and I
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fandom-relapse · 4 months
Baby box
Prompt: Moments by Mary Oliver
Fandom: 911
Character / Pairing: Buck/Eddie
Time to write: 46 minutes
Rating: T
Eddie has spent years carefully tucking away his love for Buck. If it were just him, maybe he would have found the courage to say something about it. But nothing worth doing is without risk, and he can't take that risk for Chris.
But there are moments that cry out to be fulfilled; they can only be postponed for so long.
Eddie finally caves when the Buckley parents swing through town like a tornado, leaving everything untouched except a path of destruction directly through Buck.
He knows that some parents have a favorite child, but making it so obvious, displaying it so brutally? They're sat on his couch, Chris at school, and he flinches as Buck tells him about Maddie's baby box, and how he had asked about his own--"like an idiot," Buck says, eyes watery--and how there wasn't one. How he was made for spare parts. How he truly wasn't wanted. He wants to bundle Buck into his lap and hold him. He wants to tell Buck how much he loves him, how much he is wanted.
"I--," and he chokes around the words I want you, berating himself for his inability when Buck turns to him with the saddest puppy-dog eyes he's ever seen. "Wait here," he amends.
Later, he'll wonder what part of it was conscious, this perilous decision to show this to Buck, his grave accumulation of idiocies. He has berated himself over this for so long--creepy, weird, unnecessary, he has admonished himself in his darkest moments.
Nevertheless, he returns carrying a small cardboard box and hands it to Buck, who stares at it for a moment.
"W-what is this?" Buck asks, wobbly, adorably.
Eddie breathes. "Just look," because he can't say, "my heart."
So Buck looks, and Eddie stops breathing as he watches Buck sort through their life, Buck's-life-in-his: tickets to Us, the first movie they saw together alone; photobooth pictures from the pier, which Chris had insisted upon; the post-its they'd left in each others' lockers after they had lost their phones in a rescue (come over for dinner? -e; as long as you're not cooking -b); a program from each of Chris's school plays that Buck had insisted on attending with him (a lot). And more, so much more.
It was all there, Eddie's pathetic assemblage of life-tokens, because he wouldn't be okay if something happened to Buck and there wasn't anything left of him, because this stupid box was all that had gotten him through Buck's close calls. Because maybe their best-friendship could be enough for Eddie, but God did he want more.
He is pulled from his reverie by Buck's arms around him, and Buck's warm breath in his ear, as he whispers, "thank you." And Eddie breathes again.
Well, he's come this far, hasn't he?
His heart is still beating, isn't it?
He's not in chains, is he?
So he says, "I love you. You are wanted. Here." He offers a silent prayer that this doesn't break BuckandEddie into Buck and Eddie, because he's not sure his heart could handle that.
"I love you, too," Buck murmurs.
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shintaru · 3 months
characters I’ll write for + tags ~ prompt list
Who wants to be tagged for which characters when I post the finished project?
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Juwan Jang 🦈 TJ
Kazuma Takeda
Sung kwon Monster @jesusownsme @cozyunderworld
Mahon Jo
Humming bird
Jo Jay @ankita607
Junsu Lee / June Lee
Minu yoon
Shelly Scott Dom kang @cozyunderworld @samuelseowife
Hyuk Kwon @inosukehana Wooin yoo @cozyunderworld Vinny hong @ankita607Joker (Hajun) @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Light Calvary
Owen knight @catsrkool @rossesnd Camilla Nelson
Harry shepherd
Chris D’ Char ~ @rossesnd @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Noah Austin
League of street
Sangho Choi @cozyunderworld @koiiiiijiii Hwangyeon Choi @koiiiiijiii
Juwon ryu
Kenji ikusaba
Kaneshiro Takeda Ryohei Hachijō Hyōma Nagase
Daniel Park @koiiiiijiii Vasco @koiiiiijiii Jay Hong @koiiiiijiii Zack Lee @koiiiiijiii Jace Park @koiiiiijiii Jiho Park @koiiiiijiii Mary Kim Vin Jin @koiiiiijiii Jaegyeon Na @koiiiiijiii Samuel Seo @vynnyll @samuelseowife @koiiiiijiii @dessmq Eli Jang @koiiiiijiii Johan Seong Jong Gun @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii Joon Goo @koiiiiijiii Jake Kim @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii DG @eugueen @koiiiiijiii Eugene @koiiiiijiii Ryūhei/Nōmen @koiiiiijiii Magami kenta @koiiiiijiii Seonji Yukcho @koiiiiijiii Cho Yisu @koiiiiijiii Cheon taejin @koiiiiijiii gongseob ji @koiiiiijiii gapryong Kim @koiiiiijiii jinyeong park @koiiiiijiii
Jaekyung Kim dan Heesung Yoon gu Baek Junmin
Kuroko’s basketball:
Tetsuya Kuroko Taiga Kagami @cozyunderworld Junpei Hyūga Teppei Kiyoshi Ryōta Kise Yukio Kasamatsu Shintarō Midorima Kazunari Takao Daiki Aomine @cozyunderworld Shōichi Imayoshi Atsushi Murasakibara @cozyunderworld Tatsuya Himuro Seijūrō Akashi Reo Mibuchi Makoto Hanamiya Kotarō Hayama Katsunori Harasawa  Chihiro Mayuzumj  momoi satsuki Alex Garcia 
Gaara @aishabbbb kankuro Sasuke @aishabbbb itachi @aishabbbb Kakashi hatake jiraiya Sai Pain sasori orachimaru
blue lock:
Michael Kaiser  shidou Ryusei Meguru Bachira  Rensuke Kunigami Yoichi Isagi  Ryosuke Kira Zantetsu Tsurugi  Reo Mikage  Seishiro Nagi Rin itoshi Sae itoshi Jinpachi Ego pablo cavazos ikki Niko Akira Endoji Jin Kiyora Jingo Raichi Oliver Aiku
one piece:
Luffy @ydkm00 Sanji @hi3431 Zoro Law @nah-idwin Eustass Kid Boa Hancock  Nami  Nico Robin Shanks  Portgas D’Ace  Vivi Nefertari  Crocodile  Smoker Donquixote Doflamingo  Paulie Dracule Mihawk Koby  Pell Hina  Sabo  Katekuri Koala Perona corazon
Osamu Dazai Chuya Nakahara Saigiku Jouno Atsushi Nakajima Doppo Kunikida Ranpo Edogawa Poe Bram Stoker Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Hell’s paradise:
Gabimaru Aza chobe Aza Toma Yamada Asaemon Shugen Yamada Asaemon Sagiri Yamada Asaemon, Tenza Yamada Asaemon, Shion Yuzuriha
Miya atsumu @cozyunderworld Miya osamu Aran ojiro Semi Eita Suna Ushijima wakatoshi Tendou Oikawa toru Tanaka Mad dog kyotani Kentarou Kunimi Akira Bokuto Koutarou Akaashi Keiji daishou suguru Nishinoya Kuroo tetsuro Kenma Kageyama tobio Hinata shoyo Tsukkishima kei Terushima yuji Kita Hoshiumi Yamakoto Lev haiba Haiba Hiroo
Gojo Choso Toji Yuta Sukuna Naoya that one hot guy with the mask Nanami
Aether Childe ZHONGLI scaramouche Kaveh alhaithum
Windbreaker anime:
Burning kabaddi:
@duaajpeg Tatsuya Yoigoshi Kei lura Masato ojo Shinji date Ren takaya Manabu Sakura Yu eikura Yuuki hitomi
Grimmjow Ichigo Renji
Black clover:
Langris vaude Leopald Julius Vangeance Yuno Nozel Asta Luck Magna Klaus Jack Zora
Outer banks:
Rafe JJ Pope
Bruce Wayne (bale) Dr. crane (cillian)
Harry Potter:
Draco Voldemort Fred George Harry
Suicide Squad:
Joker (Leto) Harley (Margot)
Jojo’s bizarre adventure:
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/28-29/2024 Daily OFMD BTS
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Samba Schutte BTS; Nathan Foad; Vico Ortiz; Dominic Burgess; Tell Tale Awards; Upcoming Fuckeries; Watch party reminders; Schadenfreude; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika.
== Rhys Darby ==
To 29 And Beyond is coming up fast and our dear Captain wanted to remind everyone that he'll be there! For tickets and more info, visit To29AndBeyond.com
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Source: Rhys Darby's IG Stories
== Samba Schutte ==
More Season 2 BTS from the man who deserves all the things -- Samba Schutte!
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Video 1: Roach Bobbing for Plums
Video 2: Fang + Samba Dance
== Nathan Foad ==
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
== VIco Ortiz ==
Vico is going to be back at Them Fatale price this June 21st!
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Source: Them Fatale's Instagram
Vico also wanted to send out the following resources for those looking to help with the situation in Gaza. Operation Olive Branch
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Stories
== Dominic Burgess ==
Our precious Jeffrey Fettering is out and about in Los Angelos visiting the Queen Mary!
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Source: Dominic Burgess' Twitter
= Reminder to Vote =
Our dear crewmates over at @saveofmdcrewmates put together a helpful guide for the Tell-Tale TV Awards! They've listed the queer shows related to OFMD in someway and are reminding us you can vote up to 3 times per category! Vote here.
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Source: SaveOFMD Crew Instagram
More Under The Cut! Long Post is Long
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Our Flag Means Death Season 2 Dates: May 28-31 Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST Need access? We're doing a WP on the RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, feel free to hit me up on tumblr @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @ aspirantabby42 on Twitter for access.
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== Upcoming Fuckeries ==
As you all have seen around, there's a fuckery planned for June 3rd! Which is approaching fast! Our friend @patchworkpiratebear made a nice graphic to remind us. Mark the date on your calendars if you want to join the fuckery!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr
== Schadenfreude ==
Just a nice ending to the day. June 3rd's shareholders meeting is coming fast WBD.
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More Cast cards tonight! Thank you @melvisik! The first, George Maunsell is listed as "Valet" in 'Calypso's Birthday' and Zach Douglas "is "Roderick," aka the Bluecoat rudely reading the love letter meant for Ed"
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Mermay ==
= Snejpowa =
Our friendly neighbourhood @snejpowa is back with another MerMay prompt, this time featuring the Republic of Pirates! I have to say, the Instagram liked by is a nice touch :P.
Day 29: Republic of Pirates
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= Blueberreads =
Our fantastic friend @blueberreads has done it again with a Stede portrait this time! I am blown away by the detail of the hair and shirt. Just lovely!
Day 29: Republic of Pirates
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= Eros The Artist =
Our darling @erostheartist has another Mermay submission for us-- to learn more about this prompt visit the link below! Day 24: Murder's a Natural Cause
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= Spencer Does Artt =
Another Mermay day for @ SpencerDoesArtt on instagram! This time Day 29 is Republic of Pirates and they were kind enough to give us our favorite folks all gathered around.
= Stjernegaupe =
More lovely vector art from @stjernegaupe for mermay! Ricky almost looks innocent in that first one! (Almost)
Day 13: Road to Moscow
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Day 14: Orange
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Day 15: Blind Man's Cove
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Day 16: Kraken
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. It's Wednesday here which means we're half way through the week. I hope it's treated you kindly. We could all use a little extra kindness these days. I'm not sure the following statements are going to make much sense, so apologies if not.
Tonight I wanted to mention a few things about changes. Sometimes change is something we can predict, and sometimes it hits us without warning.
Sometimes change makes things better for us and sometimes it can make things worse.
Sometimes change is the hardest thing in the world to do, and yet somehow the most important.
Change could be anything, a change in routine, in friends, in location, in attitude, in jobs, in weather, in boundaries-- it can be so very many things. Sometimes, the places we are, the people we're with, the jobs we have, the patterns we practice just aren't going to suit us forever. We as human beings are ever changing, ever evolving, ever moving. Situations and life styles we may have embraced previously may no longer serve us, and you know what?
That's okay.
Chang is part of the fun and wonder of life. Every day we learn new things about ourselves, and in doing so we evolve. This is a good thing, lovelies, you dont have to hate or love the things that came before or the things that come after-- you can look at where you are, where you want to be and where you've been and appreciate what came with those changes. Maybe you were in a terrible situation before, and now you're only in a mildly better one. Maybe you're worse off than before, but because of that you know exactly what you need/want to become.
Change can be a scary, unpredictable catalyst, but it can also be a very important tool that helps us reach the places we want to go. Sometimes changes take us back rather than forward, and sometimes they jump us ahead eons. Both are valid, and both are part of this life, and experiences we need to have. Don't be afraid of change lovelies, there's always more around the corner. It'll work itself out-- I know it will, because I know you're strong enough to brave it. You are so very wonderful and lovely the way you are, and you'll be wonderful and lovely when you're something new. Don't forget that. Rest up, new day tomorrow as always. I'm so glad you're still here with us.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is Floor Antics! Gifs courtesy of the brilliant @mxmollusca and @soapbubbles511!
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mrchiipchrome · 1 year
UNC Less
Song Prompts 
Alessia Russo
Soft moments and mischievous activities
Trends and Kisses 
The '23 Bonnie & Clyde 
Thirst Tweets 
Cookie Clicker
When Y/n Met Alessia
The Drunk Dial 
Knight In Shining Armor
Airport Dad
Sixth Sense
Glass Child 
The Mechanic
Mornings With You 
Aitana Bonmatí
Alexia Putellas
Call Your Girlfriend
New Girlfriend 
Ella Toone
Princess Treatment
Frida Maanum
The Olive Theory 
Katie McCabe
Blessing In Disguise
Keira Walsh
Parents Family Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
Lucy Bronze
Parents Family Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
Lauren Hemp
Need for Speed
Leah Williamson
Lia Wälti
The Museum
Mary Fowler
Once In A Lifetime 
Ona Batlle
The Best Kept Secrets…
Steph Catley
All Mine 
Arsenal Women
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witchmd13 · 2 years
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Domesticity as an expression of love.
edna st. vincent millay, letter to george dillon // merlin, the eye of the phoenix // merlin, the changeling // merlin, gwaine // edin robinson, writing prompts for the broken-hearted // mary oliver wild geese //merlin, another's sorrow // merlin, a remedy to cure all ills // alexandra bracken, the darkest legacy // louis de bernières, birds without wings // merlin, the wicked day // x // merlin, the lady of the lake // taylor swift, sweet nothings // merlin, the sorcerer's shadow.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 3 months
Elizabeth Gaskell - Mary Barton, North and South, and Wives and Daughters
Over the past year I’ve read Elizabeth Gaskell’s Mary Barton, North and South, and Wives and Daughters, and I wanted to try to pull together some of my thoughts about these books and how they relate to each other.
Elizabeth Gaskell was a rough contemporary of the Brontës (and a friend and biographer of Charlotte Brontë), but outlived them all. These three novels were published in 1848, 1855, and 1866 respectively; Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre were published in 1847.
The three novels follow, in my opinion, a rough trajectory of decreasing radicalism, but (in some respects) increasing skill as a writer. Mary Barton is the most intensely socially conscious, and in my opinion Gaskell does a better job of writing a engaging novel on the behalf of the working class than Dickens often does - the writing is tighter and more engaging, and the working-class characters more nuanced and textured. (For context, all the Dickens I’ve read is A Christmas Carol, A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, and Great Expectations.) The book is scattered throughout with caveats - for example, that factory-owners feasting while workers starve may not be a fact, but that it is something workers can understandably feel to be true - that show how aware Gaskell was that it would be controversial. It was written before - but published during - the Revolutions of 1848 in Europe, and Gaskell even goes so far as the reference the revolutions in her preface to the book:
“To myself the idea which I have formed of the state of feeling among too many of the factory-people in Manchester, and which I endeavoured to represent in this tale (completed above a year ago), has received some confirmation from the events which have so recently occurred among a similar class on the Continent.
(Charlotte Brontë appears to have been affected by the revolutions of 1848 in a very different way; her novel Shirley, published in 1849, is fairly strongly anti-worker and pro-factory-owner, portraying anyone who protests against the treatment of workers as a drunk or a troublemaker.)
While it has its meldoramatic elements, Mary Barton is on the whole a sympathetic depiction of a Manchester working-class family and their friends. In the opening chapters, some of the arguments of conservatives are dealt with deftly rather than by direct assault. The depiction of the two central families in comparatively better times shows what ‘luxuries’ were to working-class people - some slices of ham, a bit of butter, a bit of sugar, a dinner-party between friends, a handful of pretty objects around the house - in a way that undermines conservative claims that poverty was due to overspending in good times rather than saving for bad. There’s a varied cast of characters - some more idealized or archetypal in typical Victorian style, but most of them three-dimensional, human, and engaging. (Some of them - including both developed ones and archetypal ones - made me wonder if Gaskell ever read Les Misérables, and if so what she thought of it.)
This makes some elements of North and South frustrating by comparison. While working-class women in Mary Barton (at least some of them) are living, breathing people, the sole working-class woman in North and South is a Victorian archetype, a chronically ill girl who speaks in Bible verses and dies to prompt the redemption arcs of other characters. It’s evident that Gaskell got blowback for Mary Barton and was pressured to provide a more ‘balanced’ perspective in North and South - it’s telling that being ‘balanced’ meant reducing the humanity and complexity of working-class characters.
I will be blunt: I do not like John Thornton. He talks too much like a Calgary oilman resenting big government for daring to impose basic environmental and working standards. He makes a template of conservative arguments that endure to this day - that he’s a self-made-man and any working-class person could do what he did, if they had the grit and gumption. He’d rather go bankrupt than allow his workers to unionize. And he does not undergo a ‘redemption arc’ or change of heart on this - rather, the worker who supports unionization undergoes a ‘redemption arc’ to realize that unions are bad! What John Thornton does learn is that 1) using inexperienced imported scab workers rather than experienced and knowledgeable workers gets you a crappy product and 2) he can talk to his workers and plan out some basic reforms to improve their lives a little.
That said, one major improvement in North and South is that the relationship between Margaret Hale and John Thornton is much better written than the relationship of the title character in Mary Barton. Mary’s involves her abruptly (and unconvincingly) realizing she’s in love with a man who has been pursuing her throughout the book and whom she has been doing her utmost to discourage, and has never shown any interest in. Margaret and John’s is developed over time and with more complexity, and in a way that is far more compelling and convincing - probably what makes North and South more popular than the others.
Wives and Daughters is another sort of book entirely - gentler and less melodramatic (and with fewer major character deaths - though there’s a notable death toll among side characters), set in the countryside and in the past, and more a social comedy/dramedy with a side of romance. The class commentary as regards the working class is almost gone - the main characters are a combi ation of middle-class people and lower-level gentry. It is, in a sense, more Austenian in its gentle satire of the foibles of its cast of characters, interspersed with some more dramatic moments; or more like some of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s books that combine romance with poking gentle fun at the various characters of small-town life. But the characters are more nuanced and less archetypal, and the moral lessons mostly less pointed, than in the two previous books, and the main character’s challenges and struggles are of a more grounded nature. (There’s a side character, Cynthia, who particularly interests me and whom I might do a separate post on.) You can see the improvement in Gaskell’s writing; you can also see that she’s stepped away from politics. (The romance isn’t as good as North and South though.) The main theme that could be considered political is that good, solid, practical knowledge, hard work, courage, and honesty are preferable to any amount of upper-class ‘refinement’. The worst crime any major character commits is to be shallow and annoying.
Here’s one interesting case of a contrast between Wives and Daughters and Gaskell’s earlier work. In Mary Barton, Mary is pursued by - and actively interested in - a factory-owner’s son, a man outside of her own social class, and this is portrayed as a serious moral fault that precipitates some of the book’s major events. In Wives and Daughters, there is a much more socially unequal marriage between two side characters, and the lower-class woman is not treated as bad or faulty for it, but the plot gets into some of the complications of the match (the husband is afraid of disinheritance if he reveals the marriage to his father, and in that case would have no ability to support his wife abd child due to being gentry with no useful skills; the husband dies; there’s some personality and culture clash between the wife and his family in the aftermath, but ultimately it works out). In the more melodramatic Mary Barton, a woman accepting attentions from a mich higher-ranking man is a major issue of moral character; in the more grounded Wives and Daughters, it’s a matter of practical challenges entailed by the match.
(Gaskell died before finishing Wives and Daughters, but it’s close enough to finished that you can easily see the briad strokes of how everything’s going to wrap up.)
I’d recommend all the of the books; they’re all worth reading if you like 1800s literature. Though, being from the 1800s, they do all have some moments and sentiments that are jarring to the 21st-century reader.
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raina-at · 1 year
Breaking Dawn
It’s just breaking dawn. London awakens, slowly. Buses increase their frequency, traffic starts to flow into the city. Shutters go up, lights go on in bakeries and supermarkets. As the streetlights go out, the city slowly blinks awake, one window, one street, one person at a time.
Sherlock hasn’t slept, so he doesn’t have to blink himself awake. His eyes have stayed wide open for the entire night, but he’s not tired. Sleep, an unstable companion for most of his life at the best of times, has eluded him even more than usual lately.
A few days ago, he was still “dead”. Now he’s back, and the relentless pulse of the city makes it difficult for him to sleep. He has a hard time readjusting to his life, his clothes, the fact that nobody wants to kill him anymore. Nothing seems to quite fit anymore, from his too-loose shirts to the odd silent unlived-in feeling of their - his - flat.
He thought he’d just slip right back into it. Into his clothes, his bed, his flat, his life. John’s life.
And then he came back and found out that nothing is quite the way it was before.
And he has nobody to blame for this but himself. 
Honestly, his own stupidity surprises him sometimes. Did he honestly think he could make John watch him commit suicide and and then walk back into his life as if nothing happened?
He’ll never forget the look on John’s face when he realised that Sherlock was really there, was really back, had really betrayed him this deeply, this profoundly.
The bruise on Sherlock’s cheek still aches. His nose is still not quite healed. 
But yesterday, over a bomb, Sherlock apologised sincerely for maybe the first time in his entire life. 
And John forgave him. 
Sort of.
Now it’s dawning over the city, and Sherlock sits on the fire escape outside of John’s old room, smoking a cigarette and missing John like a severed limb. 
He’s holding his phone and he’s staring at the open text window, and he wonders. Is John already awake? Is he having breakfast with Mary? Is he already on his way to work?
If he texts John now, will he answer? Or will he ignore Sherlock and go back to his day, his job, his future wife?
Does he have the courage to find out? 
He swallows, stubs out his cigarette and types. Mrs Hudson didn’t do the shopping, I’m out of everything. Does the bakery at Montague St. still have the chocolate thingies? - SH
He pockets his phone to stop himself from staring at it. 
He nearly falls off the fire escape when it vibrates with an answer almost immediately. 
Closed a year ago. But the one round the corner of my surgery has them.
Sherlock’s breath catches. Is this… an invitation? Or just an information? Why does it mean so much, every word out of John’s mouth a small treasure, to be hoarded and held close and examined again and again?
His phone vibrates with another text. I often have breakfast there. 
Sherlock smiles. An invitation then, couched in the careful language of plausible deniability. A tentative olive branch. A toe placed on thin ice. 
With shaking hands, Sherlock texts back. I might drop by later. - SH
As the morning sunlight bathes his city in warmth, Sherlock feels the first stirrings of hope in his chest. Maybe, just maybe, all is not lost. 
It can’t be like it was before, he knows that now. But it can be something. And that’s going to have to be enough.
For the prompt "morning light" by @notjustamumj
Tagging @keirgreeneyes @mydogwatson @meetinginsamarra and whoever else wants to play!
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whump-bunny · 8 months
Asa's Light - Masterpost
The LRA (Light Research Association) is an organization dedicated to the containment and study of individuals with LIT3 gene-related mutation(s) (commonly known as "Light"). Approximately 1 in 1,000,000,000 births are Light positive. Under federal law, all individuals with Light are to be fully surrendered to LRA care. Failure to do so can result in fines and/or incarceration.
If you or someone you know is aware of an individual with Light and turn them in willingly, you may be entitled to a monetary reward.
Welcome to the world of Asa's Light! If you like angst, lab whump, and crying, you've come to the right place. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! And if you have any requests/writing prompts, I am always open!
Meet the Characters:
Dr. Hamlin
Facility Arc:
Can’t Think (Drugged Whumpee, creepy Whumper, Lab Whump)
A Failed Escape (Parental/delusional Whumper, Manhandling, sedatives)
Blood-letting Arc:
Bloody Hands (Murder, Unwilling Living Weapon, Parental Whumper) (With Artwork)
New World Arc:
A Choice to Make (Imprisonment, two Whumpees, living weapon)
Art Commissions Link
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snickiebear · 9 months
you told me you loved me in your endearingly shitty handwriting that looks exactly how i thought it would, it was on numbered note cards, tucked into your annotated copy of mary oliver's meditations. we both had one and spent months scribbling our thoughts into the margins, underlining and circling and now you have mine and i have yours. which is to say, i now have your words and you have mine, and together we share the love that mary oliver put to ink. which is another way of saying: we share love.
before you, and we've spoken so much about this, love was a thing made fantasy for people like us. that a love that lasts seemed impossible in a world like this, with a people who are good but never great enough. did you know i almost deleted the app that day? that i almost put an end to the experiment before you came along. in may we entered each other's lives and now it is january. i have never wanted to be a wife, i have never wanted one, and i don't know, i don't know if that is where we are heading. but what i want, what i do know, is that i want you in the way you want me.
which is to say: we want in each other in the tenderness only we can ever deliver. it is a soft, warming thing, when you find a soul that knows you before you do. to speak to a mirror, to reflect each other and yet reach inwards and find even more. i love you, and you love me. and i thought i knew what love was before, but you have a habit of redefining all the things i know.
wife, well. maybe not, maybe not yet, maybe not ever. but friend, partner, girl of the world, that will be forever i think. it is a miracle to find you in this life, and yet purposeful. you've left your fingerprints on me, my bare wrist. and my lipstick, it stains your cheeks. let it remain this way.
for @nosebleedclub's jan 8th prompt, wife
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georgecunt · 8 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Sapnap and George build a mountain cabin in season 2
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You said: "I'll go to another country, go to another shore, find another city better than this one."
Catherine Pierce - Probably It Will Be Summer Again // Aron Wright - Build It Better // Claude Monet - By The Sea // Etel Adnan - Jebu // @.candiedspit - Cataclysm // Thomas Doughty detail // Squalloscope - Big Houses // Hannah Streefkerk - Mending Nature // Henri Biva - The Misty Pond of Villeneuve // Mary Oliver - Sleeping In The Forest // Jonny Bolduc - Ending // C.P. Cavafy - The City
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hd-fan-fair · 1 year
FIC: If The Bees Know
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Title: if the bees know Creator: Anonymous Prompt: #75 Draco’s Career: Runes Translator Harry’s Career: Ghostbuster Rating: Teen Warnings/Content Notes: Kid Fic, Playgrounds, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Fluff, Past Child Abandonment/Child Death (of OC), OC Child Ghost Summary: Scorpius' playground is haunted, Harry specializes in helping ghosts pass on, and Draco just wants his son to be safe. Word Count: 19,643 Creator’s Notes: This was an absolute blast to write and I'm so grateful to acari for inspiring me! I hope you enjoy this.
I'm also hugely grateful to the mods for putting on this fest; I love the careers theme and I've had so much fun exploring this career for Harry! This is also one of my favorite dynamics ever for a Harry/Draco getting together scenario, so it's super indulgent and fluffy with big autumn vibes. The title is from a Mary Oliver poem line that felt fitting: I don't know / if the bees know that otherwise death / is everywhere
Thanks so much to my beta, B! ( if the bees know )
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