#marvel cin
wolfnprey · 1 year
Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes
I present to you, a fusion of 9-1-1 and the MCU! This is an offering for the @starksnack in honor of the @sunflower-auction. Evan "Buck Buckley/Eddie Diaz, minor Steve Rogers/Tony Stark 5.7k, Gen (Read on ao3)
Eddie doesn't know where the story ends or when the punchline is going to hit, but where it's currently at is Buck and the rest of the team spending their last night in New York fanboying over meeting NYFD's team lovingly referred to as The Avengers while Eddie hangs back trying not to glower at how Buck's mooning over Tony Stark. 
He can just hear Hen's voice in the back of his head going, Taylor and Natalia didn't follow the name-rhyming scheme, but Tony sure does!
A childish part of him wants to go so does Eddie.
In fact, Eddie's so determined to not be childish that he's too busy glaring down at his beer to pick up on someone joining him at the bar until it's too late.
"I don't think I'm going to be able to dampen Tony's ego again after all the questions your friend Buck has been rattling off."
Eddie doesn't jump or startle like a cat being touched unexpectedly. He just…bounces. A little. And almost drops his beer. Whether it's out of pity or kindness, Steve Rogers doesn't comment on it and helps grab some napkins to wipe up the alcohol that did splash over the rim of Eddie's glass. 
Honing back in on what the man said, Eddie casts a glance at the table where Buck is still too close to Tony for his liking. "That's Buck for you. He can't help himself when a subject piques his interest."
Steve hums, something akin to knowing in his smile as he takes a sip from his own beer. "Tony's the same way. Constantly researching and then info dumping as soon as something triggers him."
That definitely sounds like Buck. It's so stupid how much Eddie looks forward to it and gobbles up every single fact that spills out of his best friend's mouth. 
"It's not every day that I hear about Buck sharing a characteristic with Tony Stark," Eddie muses with a lighthearted chuckle. He can't decide if that makes the green-eyed monster worse or not. He can't help it. Buck's been smiling, really smiling, more in their time here and around The Avengers than he has back home. Like it's easier to find peace within himself around a bunch of strangers than with the people who love him.
And, selfishly, Eddie doesn't understand why he's not the one able to do that for him anymore. Buck's the one who got Eddie to stop pretending after the shooting that everything was fine, so why can't he do the same for Buck?
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 6 months
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── Azriel x Fem!Reader
[ witch / fairy hybrid reader ]
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For as long as you’ve known them, Rhysand and Cassian have treated you like a little sister. Despite all of the joking around, you know you can go to them for anything. Rhysand made it clear from the day you came to stay with them that if you wanted anything at all, you need only ask for it.
With a certain shadowsinger, it was different. Azriel seemed to always keep you at arms length. He’d be polite if you spoke to him, but he didn’t engage with you in the same way the rest of the inner circle did. You had no idea why, and used to spend hours wondering what you’d done wrong.
Eventually, you simply stopped trying. Azriel didn’t realize just how much he enjoyed your presence, until you were basically never there. By the time he realizes his true feelings, he may not get a chance to tell you. Because the moment he comes to his senses, Madja is telling them it may be too late to save you.
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TAGLIST ── if you requested to be tagged and your name isn’t clickable, i wasn’t able to tag you! it might be a privacy settings issue. also UPDATE i have literally 0 self control so this will be more than 1 part. i kept going and going and realized i wasn’t even halfway done, and that i definitely needed to split it up.
@brujitafantomatico | @xyzmeh | @marvel-wifey-86 | @blackgirlmagicforever | @hotbrilliance | @azrxel | @thelov3lybookworm | @msoldier | @sassyqueen-15 | @crazylokonugget | @erencvlt | @x-reader-x | @janebirkln | @icannotaffordtherapy | @scatteredstardustt | @persephonesalvatore | @azrielsgirll | @cherry-cin | @ziggy-in-stilettos l @thisiskaylin | @bxm-1012 | @art1012 | @birdsflyhome | @lavenderlibra | @esposadomd | @thesunloveschips | @ghostwritermia | @bunnyredgirl | @12344321heyyy | @iamjimintrash | @dianxiaxiexie | @lilah-asteria | @nightcourtladydeath | @ccacotartoglover | @nyxbranwenn | @katherinejess | @fightmedraco | @itsbonniebabe | @lettersofwrittencollective | @tothestarsandwhateverend | @cupidojenphrodite | @darling006 | @nerdyalmondlawyerauthor | @angelofl0ve
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delulustateofmind · 4 months
Potions & Shadows (Part III)
Summary: An old neighbor of Feyre's is revealed to be not who they seemed when Feyre was a child. Leading to Feyre needing the once-village apothecaries' help. Inspired by Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
A/n: I LITERALLY could not stop writing this part. No joke, all I could think about at the gym was writing this. I seriously love Nesta and her character in the series and have always wanted to write about her. I hope you all enjoy!
part one, part two, part three, part IV
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: Mentions of loss, more trauma dumping, healing!
Taglist: @cherry-cin, @sassybluebird, @aehllitas-blog
The House of Wind loomed before you, an imposing structure carved into the mountain, exuding an air of ancient power and mystery. The stone walls were cold and unyielding, reminiscent of the dungeons you had once frequented, but there was a certain warmth to the wooden accents that softened the overall austere appearance. Tall ceilings stretched above you, adorned with faelights that cast a gentle, magical glow throughout the vast space.
As Azriel guided you through the grand doorway, you could feel his presence behind you, a silent but reassuring shadow. The house was immense, its scale almost overwhelming. Natural light poured in through the large, curved windows, illuminating the interior with a serene, ethereal brightness. Outside, you could hear the ever-present rustling of the wind, a constant whisper that seemed to caress the edges of your awareness without ever breaching the sanctuary within.
As you moved further into the house, you couldn't help but marvel at the blend of the natural and the mystical, the way the architecture seamlessly integrated with the mountain, creating a haven that was both formidable and welcoming.
Feyre was the first to greet you, her arms wrapping around you in a warm hug as soon as you stepped inside. "I’m sorry I haven’t had time to visit since you arrived. Things have just been so busy with preparations and such," she said, offering you a small, apologetic smile. Feyre seemed to embody the essence of the fae effortlessly, her dress shimmering like it was woven from starlight, enhancing her natural grace and beauty.
Before you could respond, you saw Nesta making her way down the hallway towards you. Unlike Feyre, Nesta was the Archeron sister you were closest to. She had often sought your company, and you had come to appreciate her fierce spirit and unyielding strength. As she approached, it was evident that fae life suited her even more profoundly than it did Feyre. Nesta had always carried a regal presence, and now it was even more pronounced.
However, as she drew nearer, you couldn't help but notice the stark changes in her appearance. Dark circles framed her eyes, and her cheeks were hollow, hinting at self-neglect or something more troubling. The once bright and lively child you remembered now had a cold fire in her eyes, a guardedness that spoke of hidden pain and secrets. She resembled a drake, fiercely protecting something deep within.
A pang of guilt struck you. If only your wards had been stronger, perhaps the tragedies that had befallen them could have been prevented. The weight of those thoughts settled heavily on your shoulders as Nesta reached you. She gave you a nod, her expression guarded, but there was a flicker of recognition and relief in her eyes at seeing a familiar face.
"You're here," Nesta said simply, her voice lacking the warmth it once held but carrying a strength that hadn't wavered.
"Yes, I suppose I am,” you replied softly, searching her face for any sign of the sister you once knew so well. "It's good to see you, Nesta."
The three of you stood there, an unspoken understanding passing between you. Feyre, with her gentle grace; Nesta, with her steely resolve; and you, caught between the memories of the past and the uncertain future. Azriel’s presence at your back was a steadying force, a reminder that you weren’t alone, that you were being watched. 
Nesta finally spoke again, lifting her chin as she peered down at you. "So you’re not fully human. Your stories were true," she whispered, her voice tinged with disbelief. As children, she and her sisters had listened to your tales, thinking them nothing more than fairy tales. Now, faced with the truth, the reality of your adventures seemed to dawn on her.
You analyzed Nesta as she stood before you, noticing how both she and Feyre towered over you. For children who had once been on the brink of starvation, their height was remarkable, a stark contrast to your own shorter stature. A slight bitterness flickered within you at the thought, but you quickly pushed it aside.
"Why would I tell you stories that weren’t true?" you replied, smiling at her. You saw the way she fought a smile, and it warmed your heart. Feyre watched the interaction with a look of mild shock, perhaps surprised by the rapport you shared with her sister. The dynamics between the sisters were complex and often strained, each one embodying a different personality.
"And Elain? Where is she?" you asked, hoping to see the gentle sister as well. Nesta's gaze hardened. "She’s different now, you could say the least." You simply nodded, understanding that there were likely painful changes and experiences that had affected Elain. You decided to leave it at that, hoping you might see her later that night.
As Feyre continued chatting with you, you both moved toward the dining room. The table was laden with various dishes, a feast that was both inviting and overwhelming. Nesta slowed her pace to walk beside you, glancing at you with softened eyes. Perhaps your presence brought a sense of normalcy to her, a reminder of simpler times before their lives had been irrevocably altered.
When you glanced behind you, Azriel was gone from sight. Perhaps he had other matters to attend to. A pang of disappointment hit you, a small ache at the absence of his steadying presence. A strange feeling that you have never felt before. 
As you reached the dining room, Feyre gestured for you to take a seat. "Please, make yourself at home," she said warmly. "We have plenty of food, and I hope you find something you like." Feyre went off to grab the others, though you could not sense the fae or scent them. You assumed you would be meeting Feyre’s mate this evening and the rest of the important members of the court. 
Nesta settled into a chair next to you, and you noticed a faint smile tugging at her lips. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. Moments later, Elain made her way into the room, offering you a shy smile as a greeting. You weren’t the closest, but she would often come to you for seeds or advice on helping her plants. Elain had always been an ethereal beauty, but now she seemed like a haunted beauty, as if her mind was plagued with thoughts that nobody could understand, perhaps not even herself.
Nesta flashed Elain a worried glance before glancing at the doorway. That was when you noticed a large Illyrian male entering the room. It was as if the doorway was made specifically for him, his hulking size filling the entire archway as he made his way to take a seat across from Nesta. While Azriel was classically handsome, this Illyrian male seemed rougher but equally handsome, with a sun-kissed glow on his tan skin. You noticed Nesta stiffen in her chair, glancing away from him.
His booming voice broke the silence in the room. "You must be the new healer. I’m Cassian. It’s a pleasure to meet you." Your gaze met his. He was handsome, with the same golden eyes as Azriel, though Cassian’s had more specks of brown. As Azriel’s eyes revealed the predator behind them, so did Cassian’s. Your eyes shifted to the red siphons that matched Azriel’s blue siphons, an Illyrian tradition to control their magic.
"Pleasure to meet you as well, Cassian," you said softly, before noticing Azriel had entered behind him. Azriel dipped his head in greeting to you, a subtle yet reassuring gesture. You acknowledged him with a nod, feeling a sense of relief at his presence.
You noticed Elain’s gaze shift to Azriel, her posture stiffening and becoming more refined. There was an unmistakable tension in the air, a complex web of emotions and unspoken words binding everyone in the room. The dynamics between them were intricate, layered with history and unhealed wounds.
As Mor and another small fae entered the room, the atmosphere shifted slightly. The small fae didn’t seem completely fae, as if a darker presence lurked behind that delicate exterior. Mor greeted you with a warm smile and a hug, her bubbly nature unchanged since you last met her. 
"Good to see you again," Mor said brightly, her cheerfulness a welcome contrast to the otherwise tense atmosphere.
The small fae, whom you now had a name for was Amren, took a seat across from you. Her piercing gaze felt like it was analyzing your every move, reminiscent of a tiger ready to strike. She swirled a glass of blood in one hand, a clear indication that she was not truly fae. You caught her knowing look and the deadly smirk that played on her lips, a gesture that went unnoticed by everyone else at the table but you two.
Amren's smirk deepened slightly as she realized you understood her true nature. It was a silent acknowledgment, a mutual recognition of the other’s hidden depths. You held her gaze for a moment longer before turning your attention back to the table.
Feyre walked in with Rhysand, their hands clasped together as they entered the room. Rhysand's piercing violet gaze locked onto you, a reminder of the dangerous power he wielded. If anyone here posed a threat to your life, it was him. You sat in a room full of predators, their eyes revealing their true natures. A part of you wanted to sink into your chair, but you fought that feeling. If you had succumbed to fear every time it reared its head, you wouldn't have made it this far. Fear was fuel for growth after all. You kept your heartbeat calm even as every bone in your body urged you to leave. Perhaps this was the human part of you speaking. 
Feyre and Rhysand took their spots at the head of the table, and Rhysand gestured for everyone to begin eating. You felt a subtle pressure at the back of your mind, like claws scratching at the surface, but your shields held strong. You were aware that trust in this court had to be earned, and you wouldn’t expect anything less. You pretended not to notice the mental probing as you filled your plate, focusing on the idle chatter at the table.
The conversation flowed around you, a mix of light-hearted banter and more serious discussions. You listened attentively, trying to piece together the dynamics and relationships between the members of the Inner Circle. Feyre and Rhysand's connection was palpable, their bond a solid anchor for the group. Mates you thought, what an interesting concept. 
Nesta remained guarded, but there was a softness in her eyes when she glanced at you or Elain. Elain, still ethereal and haunted, seemed to sink into her chair as she stared at her plate. Cassian's boisterous presence added a layer of warmth to the gathering, his laughter and teasing lightening the mood. Mor’s cheerful demeanor and Amren’s enigmatic aura balanced each other out, creating an intriguing dynamic.
Azriel, though quiet, was a constant presence. His eyes frequently met yours, and a part of you hated this new emotion you felt every time you looked at him. Your heart wanted to leap from your chest at every glance, a sense of a tug, a longing to be closer. You watched his lips as he brought a glass of wine to them, the deep red liquid staining them the color of blood. You broke your stare away, as did he, with a subtle tug of his lips.
After dinner concluded, Nesta walked with you to the balcony. Feyre watched you both walk away, perhaps sensing that this was the comfort Nesta needed, someone familiar. Neither of you noticed the shadow that trailed behind you.
“Do they always look at you like that?” you murmured, leaning against the cool balcony railing as the wind rustled through your hair. Nesta joined you after shutting the door, her gaze cool and distant as she looked out over the city below, where the lights mirrored the twinkling stars above.
“Like I’m the cruel viper that I am?” Nesta snapped, her expression clearly signaling she wanted to drop the topic. But you pressed on, curious to see how she would respond.
You pursed your lips before continuing, "No, not like that. More like they’re waiting for you to strike, or maybe just trying to understand you."
Nesta let out a breathless laugh, her eyes narrowing slightly, an edge to her voice. “Understand me?” she echoed, her voice sharp. “I let my younger sister wander into the woods alone at fourteen. They see me as the villain in her story.”
You turned to face her fully, the city lights mixed with the starry night casting a soft glow on her features. “Perhaps they do, Nesta, but I think it’s because you make it so damn hard for anyone to get close. Even as a child, your words were sharp like a blade; you are strong like one too. I hate seeing you shrink under their gazes. Maybe it’s my lack of human emotion, but I don’t understand your guilt. You were a child too.”
Nesta’s eyes flashed with something raw, a mix of pain and defiance. "Maybe I was a child, but I was the oldest. I should have protected Feyre. Instead, I watched her struggle while I did nothing."
"Doing nothing can be a form of protection too," you said softly. "Sometimes, it's all we can do to survive. You can't change the past, but you can decide what to do now. Shrinking away helps no one, least of all you."
Nesta looked away, her jaw tightening. "It's not that simple."
"Of course it isn't," you agreed. "Life isn’t simple, especially an immortal one."
She was silent for a moment, the wind tugging at her hair. "And what about you? Why do you leave for years on end? Your eyes have always looked like you're lost in another world."
You sighed, leaning against the railing. "Let me give you some context. Elves don’t have human emotions—we lack the need to love, to be happy, to feel sad. I’m only half-elf, but I don’t experience emotions like my human side. So, I joined a guild to learn how to be human. That led me to buy a house in a human village, mimicking their emotions, hoping that one day I could learn to love.” Another sigh escaped your lips. “What I want you to understand, Nesta, is that being immortal is both a blessing and a curse. You have an eternity to be hard on yourself, but you also have that time to be kind to yourself as well."
You could tell that Nesta closed her walls once more. You read her too well, and she pushed you away. You were fine with that; you got your message across. It wasn’t until in a small voice she asked, “You can’t feel emotions?” her gaze shifting to you. You shook your head and with a laugh said,
“While we're out here speaking trauma, for eighty years, I locked myself away from any form of contact. Stories came about in villages nearby that a lone elf lives in the woods. It was true. For eighty years, I did not know what to do with myself. My mentor, who was human, had passed away from old age. As a child, I watched her grow wrinkles; when I turned nineteen, I stopped aging, but she continued.” You sucked in a breath before continuing,  “On her deathbed, she taught me a spell - to create a field of flowers. Her last request was on her grave; she wanted a field of wildflowers and apologized for only teaching me revenge magic. You see, she taught me how to be a weapon, how to suppress my mana, and made me into the mage I am today. When my mentor passed, the only thing I did was create a field of flowers and live by myself in the woods. I did not shed a tear or feel any sadness. Then one day, I woke up and did my usual routine, and a human found me in the woods. He said he needed a mage for a dungeon raid his party was going on, a simple request. That’s when I began to learn to be human.” You shifted your gaze to look at her.
Nesta listened intently, her expression unreadable. “So, you spent eighty years alone in the woods, without feeling anything?”
“Exactly,” you confirmed. “It was a strange existence, to say the least. But it taught me a lot about myself and the world. And it’s what eventually led me here, to this moment, standing on this balcony with you.”
Nesta nodded slowly, processing your words. “I can’t imagine what that must have been like. To live for so long without feeling anything.”
“It wasn’t easy,” you admitted. “But it made me who I am today. And I wouldn’t change it for anything.”
There was a moment of silence between you, the weight of your words hanging in the air. Then, Nesta spoke again, her voice soft.
“Thank you for sharing that with me.”
You gave her a small smile. “Thank you for listening. It’s not often I get to talk about my past. One of my biggest fears is that I would be forgotten from the world.”
She nodded, a hint of understanding in her eyes. “We all have our demons to face, I suppose.”
“Indeed,” you agreed. “And immortality is a long time to face them head-on.”
As you stood there together, the night air cool and calm around you, you felt a sense of connection with Nesta. It was a small step, but an important one. You reached over and on your tip toes, pat her on top of the head. 
“I will always carry you in my memories Nesta, even if nobody else will. Just remember that I will carry your memory.” You murmured in a soft voice. That trailing shadow slithered away into the dark abyss to report the newfound knowledge. 
“I hope you get to learn how to love, Y/n. Perhaps I will too” Nesta said as she walked away back into the House of Wind with you trailing behind. 
Azriel greeted you with a gentle hand extended, his voice soft as he inquired, "We have a meeting tomorrow. Is it alright if I escort you back?" Though he felt a pang of guilt for eavesdropping on your conversation with Nesta, it granted him a deeper understanding of you. You, a three-hundred-year-old who had never experienced love, mirrored his own plight in a way. While Azriel knew how to love, it was a sentiment never reciprocated.
Why did he always find himself lost in such thoughts around you?
As the members of the inner circle bid you farewell, Nesta remained silent but gave you a knowing glance. Azriel then lifted you into his arms, igniting a flurry of sensations that made your heart race. You silently prayed that he wouldn't notice the warmth flooding your body under his touch, or the thunderous rhythm of your heart. Azriel was grateful for your lack of fae senses, unaware of his attraction towards you, and the yearning to draw closer to you.
With a powerful beat of his wings, he took flight with you cradled in his arms, disappearing into the night sky. His wings stretched wide, their flapping a symphony against the backdrop of darkness. His shadows danced around you, their caresses like silk, and their whispers of praise enveloped you. They dubbed you a pretty little mage, prompting a blush to grace your cheeks.
Azriel's internal conflict surged as he carried you through the night sky. His thoughts swirled with a mixture of guilt, desire, and uncertainty. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was treading on thin ice, dangerously close to crossing boundaries that should never be breached.
Every beat of his wings seemed to echo the rapid pace of his heart as he held you close, feeling the warmth of your body against his. He couldn't help but wonder why he always found himself tangled in such thoughts around you. Was it because you were unlike anyone he had ever met? Or perhaps because there was a vulnerability in you that resonated with his own?
As he glanced down at you, he couldn't help but notice the faint blush on your cheeks, a sight that sent a jolt of something indescribable through him. He had to remind himself to maintain a facade of composure, to keep his emotions in check, even as every fiber of his being longed to delve deeper into the connection he felt with you.
The whispers of his shadows only added to the turmoil within him, their words a constant reminder of the forbidden desires that threatened to consume him. But despite it all, he couldn't deny the pull he felt towards you, the magnetic attraction that seemed to defy reason and logic.
As he soared through the night with you in his arms, Azriel couldn't help but wonder what this pull to you was. Only time would tell, but one thing was certain: he couldn't shake the feeling that you were destined to change everything.
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WIP Lineup 5/27/24
So You Wanna Start a War?
Harry Potter / Marauders Era
Sirius Black & Arcturus Black
Sirius Black/Dorcas Meadowes
Noble and Most Ancient House of Black Centric
Anti-Walburga Black, Anti-Orion Black, Anti-Peter Pettigrew, Anti-Dumbledore
We're messing with the canon and fixing a lot of shit.
This is entirely finished. All that's left is proofreading and editing then it'll get posted.
* * *
If All We Know Is What We're Told Then They've Made Up Our Minds
DC Comics
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
The Red Hood comes back to Gotham but has to pause his revenge tour when he finds out that Nightwing hasn't been seen in years since the Joker died.
Dick Grayson has given up Nightwing.
Heavy on the ramifications of Blockbuster/Catalina.
This will be bad parent Bruce Wayne.
* * *
Doomed By the Narrative
DC Comics
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & John Constantine
John Constantine/Zatanna
John needs help to do a ritual to save Zatanna, but he can only use the help of people who have died and been brought back. The amount of people who have done that and that he trusts are extremely low.
Bad parent Bruce Wayne
* * *
Gold and Green Through a Different Lens
DC Comics / Marvel Comics
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Nightwing and the Red Hood get thrown into the Marvel universe where they clash with the Avengers, get mistaken for mutants, and get rescued by Magneto. Not necessarily in that order.
Former Talon Dick Grayson
Lazarus Pit Jason Todd
Avengers aren't in the best light, but they're not evil.
* * *
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Cin Drallig
Rule 63 for Obi-Wan Kenobi
Melida-Daan canon divergence and thereafter.
Bashing for Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda.
I've been sitting on the first chapter of this for over a year but I swear it's always in the back of my mind.
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dokujirai · 1 year
Charisma - Tendo Amahiko "Moonlight Hormao" English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Tendo Amahiko's second solo song “Moonlight Hormao.” Song is on all streaming sites.
Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate.
Any questions, concerns, theories, or feedback is appreciated! Thank you for reading.
TL Notes:
There's so many orgasms
無礼講 (bureiko) is when people of different classes come together and break social rules together. For example in Japanese work culture, companies will have mini-drinking parties leading to juniors drunkenly criticizing work strategy in front of their seniors. They usually just freely speak their minds. I just translate this as “break some rules”
Hormaó is a Greek word that means “to set in motion, to hasten on”
Sexy Amahiko IN YOUR AREA
Oxytocin (cin) The culmination of a euphoric climax Orgasm (asm) Just a little bit more Even if you don’t care, it’ll happen anyways I’ll show you great pleasure
Entwined and inexhaustible Cry all you want I’m showing off this national treasure ha ha ha ha While we’re at it, let's get to the point and break some rules Serotonin and dopamine too Oozing, twitching, heavy load
Festival! It’s a festival! So-re No limits on this Ascension Day Open up your body and soul Cross the equator Your hidden wild side Let’s expose it
Moonlight-light moonlight-light Come forth, I am Life Moonlight-light moonlight-light Fulfill me Moonlight-light moonlight-light The beast within Maomaoma Hormaomaoma
Ah Godspeed my dear Only you can bring me love Lay yourself bare
Our banquet for mankind is marvelous We embraced the wilderness and became one With our eyes, with our with with our hands We hunted, we cultivated, all of creation together as one
Begging for rain, ablutions, purification, repentance In the sun we must bask, bask, bask No one is without blessings
Expose yourself Moonlight-light moonlight-light Come forth, I am Life Moonlight-light moonlight-light Fulfill me Moonlight-light moonlight-light The beast within Maomaoma Hormaomaoma
Ah Godspeed my dear Only you can bring me love Lay yourself bare
Festival! It’s a festival! So-re Indulge in this harvest festival as you please Eternal life and prosperity for all Overcome the path of strife Glowing with enthusiasm Bare, bare, lay yourself bare
Moonlight-light moonlight-light Come forth, I am Life Moonlight-light moonlight-light Fulfill me Moonlight-light moonlight-light The beast within Maomaoma Hormaomaoma
Ah Godspeed my dear Only you can bring me love Lay yourself bare
Gather around and look about Come dance and laugh Gather around and look about Maomaoma hormaomaomaoma Gather around and look about Have a good dance and laugh with us
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howlingday · 20 days
Merc w/ Reader
Starring Mercury Black as Deadpool from Marvel's Midnight Suns.
Ozpin: (Via scroll) Have you found any clues as to whom has broken into the museum?.
<You relay that there are White Fang searching the museum. A woman in a red and black dress is ordering them around.>
Ozpin: Don't let them see you.
<As he says this, you feel a gun press against the back of your skull. Suddenly, there's a whistle as a... handsome, young man kicks the White Fang thug over the railing, safely out of view of the others. He crouches next to you, looking over the others before looking to you. He gives you the totally cool guy finger guns that all the cool guys do.>
Mercury: You the new guy? ...Sorry! The new fully variant and heroically imagined Grimm duster? I'm the wise-cracking anti-hero slash mercenary slash occasional anti-hero slash whatever I'm supposed to be here.
Mercury: C'mon, I'm adaptable! Quit writing me as the bad guy and maybe I'll actually rub you the right way?
<...You look in the direction he's talking to, finding only a solid brick wall. You urge him to stop talking, unknowingly for everyone else's benefit.>
Mercury: You here for the relic, too? Y'know, the one my very mysterious and terrifying client from somewhere very final boss level wants me to steal back from the guys who stole it from her? It's the circle of crime~!
<You point to the one in the hands of the woman wearing black and red. It's a pretty big statue, or at least big when you consider she's holding it with some effort. The statue also has large mouth, like some kind of animal, with pointed fangs jutting out everywhere. Mercury's eyes widen.>
Mercury: Well, puppet my freakin' Cinders! Yeah! That one!
<Before you can stop him, he leaps over the railing, landing loud enough for you to lose the element of surprise. You decide to jump down, too, since, as previously mentioned, your cover has been blown.>
Mercury: Alright, hands up, pants down, ladies and gents! THIS is a robbery! Wait a minute... You look familiar... Cynthia? No, no, Saradin? Cin...dy?
Cinder: Please, kill him.
Mercury: Cinder! That's it! Of course! Cinder, right Grimm hand to Salem! We used to work together, right?
Cinder: NOW!
<After a tough battle with the White Fang, Cinder refuses to give up the relic. Mercury makes things worse by pointing out how dumb the White Fang plot was. Cinder surprisingly agrees that the White Fang have outlived their usefulness and summons Grimm to attack from the shadows. You manage to survive the assault, no thanks to Mercury.>
Mercury: What are you talking about? I'm right here! Behind this box! Providing cover fire! That looks like I'm hiding!
<You ask where Cinder escaped to with the relic. Mercury points to a pool of red paint mistaken for blood.>
Mercury: The dialogue box says she went that way.
<As you follow the trail, you question why Cinder would betray the White Fang.>
Mercury: Couple reasons. Boredom. Sluggishness. Actually knows how to use a plot twist? I mean, it is a day that ends in Y.
<The trail ends at a ladder, leading down to the lower level of the museum. Mercury "heroically" lets you take the lead into the sewers. Keeping your guard up, you and Mercury make your way deeper into the dark until you hear a screeching sound.>
Mercury: What do you think? Moleman? Please tell me it's a moleman!
<Dark shadows shamble forward from the dark. Their eyes a fiery red, framed only by shadows and bone-white face-plating.>
Mercury: B-Because everybody loves molemen! E-Even me! In fact, I'd say I'm the biggest... Oh boy...
<Combining your strength, both you and Mercury manage to fend off the Grimm. The last one attempted to ambush atop the ambush by striking you from above. Mercury managed to intercept, leaving the Grimm open for you to deliver the killing blow. You put away your weapon as a portal opens behind you.>
Mercury: (Sighs) Without that relic, not even a sparkly portal to parts unknown can cheer me up.
<You ask Mercury if the reason he's upset is because of his "terrifying client".>
Mercury: When she finds out how bad I screwed up this job... Or worse, when she sends Tyrian to find ME?! I will be...
<For... Ugh... For em-FAH-sis, Mercury draws a line across his neck with a grotesque sound. You make a quip about being made as effective as mercury medicine.>
Mercury: Exactly! You go, new guy! And by that, I mean the new, fully variant and heroically imagined-
<You offer Mercury to come back to the Tower with you?!>
Ozpin: NO!.
<You inform Mercury of how it's magically safe from Grimm?! What are you doing?!>
Ozpin: NO!.
Pyrrha: HELL NO!.
<You offer it as a place for him to hide while tracking down Cinder- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!>
Ozpin: NOOO!.
Pyrrha: NOOO!.
<You... Why? Why are you telling him it would help fight off the Grimm?>
Mercury: If you insist~! Look, Dad; I'm gonna be in a self-insert story~!
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cinamun · 2 years
Hey Cin, I been following Indya's journey from the beginning, love everything about it; Darren and Indya keep me entertained. Love that you drop some pearls of wisdom along the way. Just trying to understand why Jayce situation got to be another debilitating situation. I guess you not being akin to romance would also be why interactions with Indya and Darren are just based on sex and material things. Just wished there were some more healthy couples in their story. Even the good Doc got issues.
Firstly, thank you for continuing to follow my writing. Thank you for loving everything about it. I very much appreciate that. Its been a long journey with very complex characters. So complex, that I've had to address this idea of "healthy" couples quite a few times. Please do pardon me if i'm a little more abrupt this time.
Let's get into it:
So I mentioned in a reply that I don't like RomComs. This is a personal thing for me. I'm more into Marvel, Stranger Things, Lord of the Rings and other high quality shit like that. Romantic Comedies never did anything for me. What on earth does that have to do with this here story? If you've been around for as long as you say, you've seen the very wholesome love story of the Greenwood Family.
I'm versatile. My movie preference is irrelevant.
Love stories don't have to be healthy or wholesome to be love stories.
What Darren and Indya have is love, whether its healthy to you is between you and them honestly. I can't stress enough that this story did not start off as healthy. It was never supposed to. Things rarely do. In fact, things fall apart.... The important part is how you pick up the pieces and keep growing which is what I've been trying to show with Darren and Indya since their wedding day (well, since they met). Is their marriage romantic? I certainly think so. They love to spoil each other with expensive gifts and they have fantastic sex. They are ridiculously devoted to each other, loyal to each other and are each other's best friend. What is wrong with that? When I am just playing their household they autonomously snuggle and kiss and all types of lovely things that don't make the final cut.
I asked someone else if they were reading the same story that I was writing when they couldn't see the growth between my OCs. So I'm going to pose the same question to you: If you think every interaction between Indya and Darren is based on material things and sex, are you sure you're reading the same story I'm writing?
What "issues" does the good doc have? On the couple's retreat we learned that he and Kyla are distressed about normal couple shit.
And Jayce's situation? Do you know how many teenagers hate their parent's new boo after divorce/loss of spouse? Its not debilitating its just not cute.
I don't write cute. I write real. If you want cute and healthy please just follow my gameplay posts. This story is not going to be, nor has it ever been rainbows, butterflies and happily ever after. Its going to be raw, its going to cut deep, its going to sting, it will make you roll your eyes, it might make you block me. I can't help that. I actually *like* what I write about which I *love* for me.
That was a little longer than I anticipated but, again, if you've been following for as long as you say, you know I get this a lot. I've even been berated about it and had to block someone who accused me of glamourizing the ghetto. I find that hilarious. I hope you at least have a better understanding of why I write the way I do. If not, I don't know what else to tell you other than Happy Holidays love.
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breakerofcurses · 1 year
movies that are always There: 1 default cin movie, 2 different animations for kids, 1 bland hollywood action film, 1 unfunny family comedy w dirty jokes, 1 marvel film bc apparently there's always new ones coming out
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koroanebony · 2 years
Part 4
( I’m not sure how accurate the translations will be)
(Bold is animals. Slanted is Ecko’s thoughts)
When we get inside the gates I gasp, wonder Clouding my vision instead of tears. Elrond lets out a breathy laugh and turns to go to the stables. When he gets to the stables he hops off then helps me off of his chestnut mare. A servant leads the horse away and Elrond takes my hand as he leads me towards the palace. “ You live here?!” I all but shout. He just nods and smiles. I let out a breathy giggle as I continued to follow Elrond into the castle. Left and right people are bowing and I don’t understand what is happening. Until a young elleth comes and bows saying, “ my lord who is this you’ve brought along with you?” My eyes widen as I realize Elrond is the lord Elrond my mother used to speak about. I look up into his stormy gray eyes and he looks down into mine. He nods to the maid and whispers something to her that I can’t comprehend. I begin to wander as my mind starts to think of all the possibilities that this could bring. Is he as nice as mother said he was? I can’t help but think that something was off about me. Not anyone, just me. Elrond finishes his conversation with the maid and leads me into a room with a vast bed and a large variety of books. I see a desk pushed up against the wall with pieces of paper scattered about. By the bed there is a changing area and then there are more bookshelves. As I sit and marvel at the space around me I come to the conclusion that this must be his room. He leads me over to a door I hadn’t noticed and he leads me into the room beyond the door. It’s a bathroom and there is fresh water in the tub. It has to be warm because there is still some steam coming off of it. When I reach up to feel the water Elrond announces to me, “ I am going to trust you know how to bathe yourself. I'm going to leave you for 1 hour then I will send in one of my hand maidens.” I nod my head and as he is leaving I begin stripping off my clothes that are caked in blood and dirt. I made sure my hair was wet before running soap through it and scrubbing hard, attempting to rid my hair of its vial contents. Blood, dirt, and leaves come out as I scrub. The water I was sitting in turned an unsettling color. I called for Elrond, not sure what else to do. When he came in I explained my predicament. He laughed a quiet laugh and called a maid in. She came in and changed the water, smiling softly at me every once in a while while I stood there with a towel surrounding me. Once the water was changed and the maid had left I quickly abandoned the towel and got into the warm water once more. Once I had scrubbed all of the grime off of my pale skin I got out and hastily pat myself dry. When I was dry I saw a pile of clothes for me. Pants and a nicer top or a dress. I chose pants too because although I’m a female, I still don’t like dresses. I left the bathroom and saw Elrond working on writing a note. I didn’t see anything on said piece of paper because I didn’t look. When Elrond saw my small head over the edge of the desk he peered over and smiled. He pointed to the bed and I scampered over to it and jumped up onto the high bed. He finishes his letter and walks up to the bed. When he walks up to the bed he sees that I’m looking at a book I found. “What are cin doing, neth er?”( what are you doing, young one?” I looked up, curious as to what he said. “What? I don’t understand.” He chuckled and gestured for me to follow him and I continued to get up, and follow him. He led me to the room right next to him and I found it was a room like his, just not as grand. “Hi na- cín room. A don’t worrui, cin will learn edhelen soon farn.” (This is your room. And don’t worry, you will learn elvish soon enough.) I look into the room and gasp at the amazing sight. He tells me what he said, in English but I still don’t understand what elvish is. I go into the room and hop onto the bed. Elrond follows me slowly, sizing me up. I hear a small voice by the window. I go up to it and there is a bird on my window seal. @luna-xial
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satgurutravelae · 15 hours
South Korea Things to See: Korean Traditional and Modern Architecture
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Discover the perfect blend of ancient and modern on your South Korea Holiday Packages from Dubai, UAE. Imagine strolling through a bustling city where futuristic skyscrapers stand shoulder to shoulder with ancient palaces, where neon-lit streets merge into serene temple grounds, and every corner tells a story of a thousand years. Welcome to South Korea—a land where tradition and modernity dance in perfect harmony. This captivating blend of old and new isn’t just about buildings; it's about experiencing the soul of a nation that honors its past while racing toward the future. Ready to dive into a journey that bridges centuries? Let’s explore the fascinating world of South Korea’s diverse architecture!
A Glimpse into the Past: Traditional Korean Architecture
South Korea’s architectural heritage is like stepping into a beautifully preserved history book. The country’s traditional architecture is marked by its wooden structures, elegant curves, and harmonious integration with nature. Let's take a stroll through some must-see historic sites that transport you back in time:
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1. Gyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul The grandest of all the palaces in Seoul, Gyeongbokgung was the main royal palace of the Joseon dynasty. With its sprawling courtyards, majestic gates, and stunning pavilions set against the backdrop of modern skyscrapers, it’s a mesmerizing contrast that captures the essence of South Korea. Don’t miss the Changing of the Guard ceremony—a vibrant display of traditional uniforms and rituals that’ll make you feel like you’ve stepped into a bygone era.
2. Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul
Nestled in the heart of Seoul, Bukchon Hanok Village offers a rare glimpse into Korea’s traditional housing, known as "hanoks." These quaint wooden houses, with their distinctive tiled roofs and wooden beams, are set along narrow alleys that wind up hills, offering stunning views of the city. Here, you can wander through centuries-old streets, visit traditional tea houses, and even stay overnight in a hanok to truly immerse yourself in Korean history.
3. Hahoe Folk Village, Andong
A UNESCO World Heritage site, Hahoe Folk Village is a beautifully preserved example of a traditional Korean village. Its thatched-roof houses, communal courtyards, and serene river setting reflect the architectural styles of the Joseon era. It’s not just a village—it’s a living museum where you can experience age-old customs, watch traditional mask dance performances, and savor the simplicity of rural Korean life.
Fast Forward to the Future: Modern Architectural Marvels
South Korea isn’t just about tradition, it’s also a beacon of modernity. The country’s skyline is dotted with innovative and awe-inspiring structures that push the boundaries of architectural design. Here are some contemporary landmarks that showcase South Korea’s forward-thinking spirit:
1. Lotte World Tower, Seoul
Soaring 555 meters into the sky, the Lotte World Tower is the tallest building in South Korea and the fifth tallest in the world. This sleek, glass-clad skyscraper houses everything from luxury hotels to a sky-high observation deck offering panoramic views of Seoul. As you ascend to the top, the city unfolds beneath you—a mesmerizing blend of traditional palaces, bustling markets, and futuristic towers. It’s a visual representation of Korea’s journey from past to present.
2. Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), Seoul
A masterpiece of futuristic design by renowned architect Zaha Hadid, the Dongdaemun Design Plaza is a cultural hub that epitomizes modern Seoul. Its curvaceous, metallic exterior and fluid, organic forms make it a favorite backdrop for fashion shows, art exhibits, and Instagram photos. Walking through DDP feels like entering a space-age world, contrasting sharply yet beautifully with the historic gates and markets of the Dongdaemun area.
3. Busan Cinema Center, Busan
Home to the Busan International Film Festival, the Busan Cinema Center is an architectural wonder with its cantilevered roof, which is the longest in the world. At night, the LED-lit ceiling comes alive with vibrant displays, making it a sight to behold. This cutting-edge structure is a symbol of South Korea’s global cultural influence and its position as a leader in innovation and creativity.
The Perfect Blend: Where Old Meets New
South Korea’s cities are living proof that tradition and modernity don’t have to be at odds—they can coexist and complement each other in the most unexpected ways. In Seoul, it’s not unusual to see a centuries-old palace surrounded by towering glass buildings, or a tranquil Buddhist temple nestled amid bustling shopping districts. This unique blend of architectural styles reflects the country’s dynamic culture—a place where reverence for the past meets an insatiable drive for the future.
1. Bongeunsa Temple, Seoul
Amidst the high-rises of the Gangnam district lies Bongeunsa Temple, a serene Buddhist temple that dates back to the 8th century. Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of one of Seoul’s busiest neighborhoods, the temple offers a peaceful retreat where you can witness traditional Buddhist rituals and meditate under the shadow of modern skyscrapers. It’s a living symbol of how Korea’s spiritual heritage endures in a fast-paced, high-tech world.
2. Seoullo 7017, Seoul
This elevated urban park, built on a former highway overpass, is a perfect example of how Seoul reimagines its urban spaces. Seoullo 7017 is not just a pedestrian walkway; it’s a green oasis filled with art installations, cafes, and gardens right in the heart of the city. Strolling along this sky garden, you can catch glimpses of both the historic Seoul Station and the modern cityscape, offering a literal bridge between past and present.
Conclusion: A Journey Through Time
South Korea’s architectural landscape is a living, breathing narrative of its history—a testament to the country’s resilience, creativity, and vision. Whether you're marveling at the intricate wooden carvings of an ancient palace or gazing up at a sleek, shimmering skyscraper, you’re not just seeing buildings; you’re experiencing the heart and soul of South Korea.
So, pack your bags, lace up your walking shoes, and get ready to embark on a journey that spans centuries. In South Korea, every step you take is a step through time—a unique adventure that bridges the old and the new, the traditional and the modern. And that’s a journey worth taking.
Book your South Korea Holiday Packages from Dubai, UAE today and experience the Korea Awaits: Uncover a World of Wonders!
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sinema-karakterleri · 5 months
Harry Osborn / Yeni Yeşil Goblin Kimdir?
Harry Osborn / Yeni Yeşil Goblin Marvel Comics evreninde Örümcek Adam'ın en önemli düşmanlarından biridir.
Harry Osborn / Yeni Yeşil Goblin Marvel Comics evreninde Örümcek Adam’ın en önemli düşmanlarından biridir. İlk olarak 1964 yılında The Amazing Spider-Man #31’de Stan Lee ve Steve Ditko tarafından yaratılmıştır. Harry Osborn’un özellikleri: Norman Osborn’un Oğlu: Harry Osborn, Yeşil Cin olarak da bilinen süper kötü Norman Osborn’un oğludur. Babasının karanlık mirasını taşır ve zaman zaman onun…
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Evil Author Day 2024
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Chapters: 8/8
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Power Rangers, Star Wars Legends: Jedi Apprentice Series - Jude Watson & Dave Wolverton, Firefly (TV 2002), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos, CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kaylee Frye/Simon Tam, Hoban "Wash" Washburne/Zoë Washburne, Clone Trooper Boil/Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Arcturus Black/Melania Black, Sirius Black/Dorcas Meadowes, Arcturus Black III | Sirius Black's Grandfather & Sirius Black
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Quinlan Vos, CC-2224 | Cody, Alpha-17 (Star Wars), Vhonte Tervho, Mij Gilamar, Ursa Wren, CC-1010 | Fox, CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-5052 | Bly, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Cin Drallig, Feemor (Star Wars), Tahl (Star Wars), Tholme (Star Wars), Reva Sevander | Third Sister, Malcolm Reynolds, Zoë Washburne, Simon Tam, River Tam, Kaylee Frye, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, CT-7567 | Rex, Luminara Unduli, Clone Trooper Crys (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Boil (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Arcturus Black III | Sirius Black's Grandfather, Melania Macmillan Black, Sirius Black, Lucretia Black Prewett
Additional Tags: Force Ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi, Planet Melida | Daan (Star Wars), Jedi Culture & Customs (Star Wars), Rule 63, Qui-Gon Jinn Bashing, Order 66 Fix-It (Star Wars), POV Outsider, Clone Troopers Are Not Clones, Mandalorian Culture & Customs (Star Wars), Mandalorian Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Post-100 Year War (Avatar TV), Dimension Travel, Child Abuse, Abusive Walburga Black, Bad Parent Orion Black, Evil Author Day
Series: Part 2 of Evil Author Day
Snippets of projects that I'm working on for 2024.
See below for my fanart and casting choices:
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ao3feed-carolmaria · 9 months
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orionrealtor · 9 months
Raheja The Delhi Mall: Where Commerce Meets Entertainment, Secured by SBI Mutual Fund
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Nestled in the heart of Delhi, Raheja Developers proudly presents The Delhi Mall, an avant-garde commercial and entertainment destination that seamlessly blends business with leisure. With the added distinction of being secured by SBI Mutual Fund, The Delhi Mall stands as a testament to innovation and financial stability. This comprehensive 1600-word article delves into the multifaceted offerings of The Delhi Mall, from its diverse retail shops to the culinary delights of the food court and the immersive experience of a 9-screen multiplex.
Unveiling The Delhi Mall: A Commercial Marvel
Architectural Grandeur
Raheja The Delhi Mall, developed by Raheja Developers, is a masterpiece of architectural grandeur. Its imposing facade and contemporary design make it a landmark in the bustling cityscape. The architectural brilliance is not just an aesthetic triumph but also a testament to the functional and innovative design that enhances the overall experience for visitors.
Secured by SBI Mutual Fund: A Mark of Financial Trust
What sets The Delhi Mall apart is its unique association with SBI Mutual Fund, providing an added layer of financial security. This partnership not only reflects the confidence in the project but also assures tenants and investors of a stable and secure commercial environment. The collaboration with SBI Mutual Fund adds a prestigious dimension to The Delhi Mall, making it a preferred destination for businesses and investors alike.
Retail Shops: A Shopper's Paradise
Diverse Retail Spaces
The Delhi Mall boasts a diverse range of retail shops, offering everything from high-end fashion to electronics and lifestyle products. The meticulously designed retail spaces cater to a wide audience, creating a shopping haven for individuals with varied preferences and tastes.
Boutiques and High-End Brands
For fashion enthusiasts, The Delhi Mall is a treasure trove of boutiques and high-end brands. From international labels to homegrown designers, the retail spaces showcase a curated selection of fashion-forward options, ensuring a premium shopping experience for discerning customers.
Innovative Store Designs
Each retail space within The Delhi Mall is not just a store; it's an experience. Innovative store designs and layouts contribute to the overall ambiance, creating a welcoming and immersive environment for shoppers. The synergy of architecture and retail is seamlessly woven into the fabric of The Delhi Mall.
Food Court: Culinary Delights Await
Gastronomic Extravaganza
The food court at The Delhi Mall is a gastronomic extravaganza, offering a diverse array of culinary delights. From local street food to international cuisines, the food court is a melting pot of flavors that caters to every palate. The carefully curated selection of eateries ensures that visitors embark on a culinary journey that is as diverse as it is delightful.
Ambiance and Comfort
The dining experience at The Delhi Mall goes beyond just the food. The ambiance is thoughtfully designed, providing a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing space for patrons to enjoy their meals. Whether it's a quick bite or a leisurely dining experience, the food court is a culinary destination in its own right.
9-Screen Multiplex: Cinematic Excellence
Immersive Movie-Watching Experience
The Delhi Mall raises the bar for cinematic entertainment with its 9-screen multiplex. Moviegoers can indulge in an immersive experience with state-of-the-art technology, comfortable seating, and a diverse selection of films. The multiplex is designed to cater to the preferences of all movie enthusiasts, from mainstream blockbusters to indie films.
Premium Viewing Options
For those seeking a premium movie-watching experience, The Delhi Mall offers premium viewing options such as VIP seating, advanced audio-visual technology, and a luxurious ambiance. The multiplex is not just a cinema; it's a destination for cinematic excellence.
Amenities Beyond Expectations
Ample Parking Facilities
The Delhi Mall recognizes the importance of convenience for visitors. Ample parking facilities are provided to ensure that guests can access the commercial and entertainment offerings without hassle. The well-designed parking spaces prioritize ease of entry and exit, contributing to the overall positive experience for visitors.
Security and Surveillance
Ensuring a safe and secure environment is a top priority at The Delhi Mall. Modern security and surveillance systems are in place to safeguard both visitors and tenants. The commitment to security adds an extra layer of assurance, making The Delhi Mall a trusted destination for businesses and visitors.
Event Spaces and Community Engagement
Beyond its commercial offerings, Raheja The Delhi Mall Patel Nagar is designed to be a community hub. Event spaces are strategically incorporated, providing a platform for community engagement, cultural events, and celebrations. The mall goes beyond being a retail and entertainment destination; it becomes a vibrant center for social interactions.
A Day at The Delhi Mall: A Journey Through Commerce and Entertainment
Morning Exploration: Retail Therapy and Breakfast Delights
Visitors to The Delhi Mall can start their day with a bout of retail therapy. The diverse retail shops open their doors to eager shoppers seeking the latest trends and exclusive products. The morning exploration is complemented by a visit to the food court for breakfast delights, ranging from continental classics to local specialties.
Afternoon Indulgence: Culinary Delights and Cinematic Escapades
As the day progresses, patrons can indulge in the culinary delights of the food court. The diverse array of eateries caters to every craving, ensuring a satisfying and delicious lunch experience. Post-lunch, visitors can immerse themselves in cinematic escapades at the 9-screen multiplex, enjoying the latest releases in a state-of-the-art cinematic setting.
Evening Socializing: Events and Community Spaces
The evening at The Delhi Mall comes alive with events and community engagement. From cultural performances to interactive sessions, the event spaces become venues for socializing and entertainment. Visitors can gather with friends and family, creating memorable moments in the vibrant ambiance of The Delhi Mall.
Nighttime Entertainment: Dinner and Movie Magic
As night falls, The Delhi Mall continues to be a hub of entertainment. The food court offers a range of dinner options, allowing patrons to savor delectable dishes in a lively setting. The night culminates with a visit to the 9-screen multiplex for a movie-watching experience that transcends the ordinary, completing a day of commerce and entertainment.
The Delhi Mall: Where Commerce Meets Entertainment, Secured by SBI Mutual Fund
The Delhi Mall by Raheja Developers is not just a commercial complex; it's a destination where commerce meets entertainment in a harmonious blend. With a diverse range of retail shops, a culinary haven in the food court, and a cinematic extravaganza in the 9-screen multiplex, The Delhi Mall offers a comprehensive experience for visitors.
The added distinction of being secured by SBI Mutual Fund reinforces the financial stability and trustworthiness of The Delhi Mall. This unique collaboration sets The Delhi Mall apart as a preferred destination for businesses, investors, and visitors seeking a commercial and entertainment experience that is secure, innovative, and unforgettable.
Contact Raheja Developers today to explore the opportunities at The Delhi Mall, where every square foot is a canvas for commerce, and every moment is an experience in entertainment. As The Delhi Mall stands as a beacon of architectural brilliance and financial stability, it invites you to be part of a journey where commerce and entertainment converge in a symphony of success and enjoyment. Call us at 7620170000 or
Visit: https://www.rahejathedelhimall.com/
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Fast X : Todo sobre la nueva película James Bond, Fecha de estreno y Dónde ver la película
Nada puede prepararte para No Time to Die: protégete de los spoilers para disfrutar plenamente de esta película y cerrar así el arco de quince años y cinco películas en las que hemos disfrutado del gran Daniel Craig. en el papel de James Bond.
No Time to Die (Fast X ) es la vigesimoquinta película de James BondLinks to an external site. producida por Eon Productions. Contará con Daniel Craig en su quinta y última actuación como James Bond. Cary Fukunaga dirigirá la cinta tras la renuncia del director Danny Boyle argumentando “diferencias creativas”. La película será escrita por Neal Purvis y Robert Wade, habituales guionistas de la franquicia.
El desarrollo comenzó en 2016. Será la primera película de Bond distribuida por Universal Pictures, que adquirió los derechos de distribución internacional tras la expiración del contrato de Sony Pictures tras el estreno de Spectre en 2023. La subsidiaria de Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, United Artists Releasing posee los derechos para América del Norte, incluidos los derechos digitales y de televisión en todo el mundo. Universal también tiene los derechos de los medios físicos domésticos en todo el mundo.
¿Cuándo se estrena Fast X en Chile?
Fast X tiene fecha de estreno para el 1 de octubre de 2023 en Chile y los Latinoamérica.
Detalles de la pelicula Fast X
Daniel Craig (James Bond), Rami Malek (Lyutsifer Safin), Ralph Fiennes (M), Naomie Harris (Eve Moneypenny), Ana de Armas (Paloma), Ben Whishaw (Q), Jeffrey Wright (Felix Leiter), Léa Seydoux (Madeleine Swann), Rory Kinnear (Tanner), Dali Benssalah (Primo), Billy Magnussen (Logan Ash), David Dencik (Valdo Obruchev), Lashana Lynch (Nomi)
Historia de Película Fast X (2023)
“Fast X ”: Un 007 para la historia. Han sido seis largos años y varios meses de espera tras la pandemia, pero por fin ha llegado la ansiada despedida de Daniel Craig como James Bond. Fast X (No Time to Die) es la quinta y definitiva entrega de una saga que empezó en 2006, y que esta vez cuenta con Cary Joji Fukunaga (Beasts of No Nation, True Detective) detrás de cámaras. Estreno en salas de cine españolas el 1 de octubre de 2023.
¿Qué pasó con el estreno de Fast X ?
Año y medio después de su fecha prevista de estreno, que ha sido aplazado en varias ocasiones por la pandemia, llega por fin a los cines Fast X (No time to die), lo último de James Bond, una cinta que supone la despedida de Daniel Craig del agente secreto más famoso del mundo.
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Fast X película completa (2023) ya esta disponibles en plataforma de streaming como Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, Repelis, y otros para ver películas.
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cinamun · 1 year
Hey Cin, Just checking in to see if I wasn't accidentally blocked. *smile* After marveling at the detail of this post with the Target trip (like someone else mentioned the foreshadowing of both in and outside the store with the little families.) Side note: why is it folks have to get Starbucks at the Target Starbucks? :D Especially in regards to Hope she may have JUST had coffee at home? That was also a cute detail. I also wanted to build on the the kind words from the TheRichantsim. As I have mentioned before, I have been a enthusiast of your work since your S2 modeling / story days. In regards to your talents especially with your carefully crafted pictures and Sims storytelling you were greatly missed I am sure by your OG RRC members when you had to adult for I think a almost a year? But you came back refreshed and look at the result! Even the gameplay pack pitstops have been fun to read. As this world gets crazier, for this introvert it is fun to check in and see what you have wrote for your beloved Drake-Carruthers families and the RRC comment sections. You inspire me to want to follow through on my writing as well.
So, as long as you have it in you to write them into old age and big family trees we love to see the growth and that you continue on as long as you feel there is material to explore. And if you ever do get an Adult Swim, Peacock, or Netflix show of the story I hope they also have an edited version like the TV version of Dave Chappelle so I can watch it. ;)
FRIENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!! I promise I'm going keep writing until they take me to Shady Acres Old Lady Home and I'm gonna cuss them out so bad that they bring a PC in my room anyway lmfao
Thank you so much!! This means so much to me and apparently we go way back so I better not have accidentally blocked you because I will fall out like a great auntie at a funeral!!
I say it all the time but I'll say it again, this game and us nerds who geek out over it and use it for our creative outlets has saved me so many times. It really is just fun in general but creating complex situations for these little made up characters is going to be something I always come back to, even when life rips my keyboard out of my hands lol!
Appreciate you friend!!
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