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The truth

But we don't give a
#wild kratts#wild kratts ships#wild kratts oc#wk ship kids#martnie#maviva#chrki#kimmi#dotin#chrizach#wk dex#zanita#zaviva#zartin#jimmy x martin#marki#marsley#gommy#kaviva#feel like im missing some things but
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Mars my son :)
DO NOT repost/reproduce my work Absolutely NO A I or N F T of my work
#cat#cats#pet art#clip studio paint#digital art#art#digital illustration#illustration#bob marsley#sniickerdoodlles
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Victor Marsley South Park oc
Victor Marsley(black hole of galaxies planet human) vore oc pred
Age 14
tail :orchid succubus monster tail(human form tail: cell tail
parents mom and dad and sister: sisters name violet
vore quirk: cock vore Unbirth, Tail squeezing Absorb ,maw eat, tiny eat ,giantess eat , human eating small prey , Tiny person eating human ,eating everything ,eating animals ,hentai vore, anal vore, naga vore arachnid vore, slime vore ,black hole and And all of above he likes eating boys and girls
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Names generated from Warrior Cats character names and common flowers, common herbs, and animals
(Sadly finding any database list of "plants native to England" wasn't possible, so I try next best thing).
Adder Adderheart Addock Aldenfur Algernstar Alkit Amblekit Amblepaw Anderpaw Anglin Annose Antsquinch Aphining Arcissum Aspelt Asterchkit Azale...
Badge Balderkit Ballow Baracker Barkstream Beetfur Beflower Belight Bellfur Benner Betshining Birchestar Birdstar Blackal Blacken Blackenwing Blacker Blizard Blossumacat Bluewhisker Bluewhite Boulderpaw Brambleft Branchface Brane Branefur Branilla Breefrost Breek Brightfoot Brightwish Bristle Broot Brooth Brushwingal Bushtail Butis Butted Buzzlybush Buzzypelt Camen Cardenfur Carleg Catfur Cattle Cedawnclaw Chammall Cheep Chickenwing Chicklenose Chickory Chilis Cinnon Clowfeather Cockinktail Cockster Copper Coppy Coria Corilla Coster Crabbitle Creefrong Creefrost Crick Crook Croutstar Crowankit Crowl Crysan Cucklekit Curledum Curlypelt Currel Currelshine Curry Cyclaw Dapple Dapples Darrook Deagle Deerpelt Dewspot Doverstar Downose Duckly Eaglestar Echfur Egremleap Elkit Emberch Emberry Errelflint Fallow Falon Fenner Fenugreeze Fernclover Fernose Fernson Ferrel Ferry Fidge Fincefish Firchicken Firchkit Flamelepaw Flampkit Fleaf Flightsky Flowflight Flowhenry Flowspotfur Flutted Flytainfur Foxglorang Foxleafpool Frecklefang Freckoo Frist Fristle Galings Garomseed Giantsqueak Gibbonobo Gibbony Glade Goosematien Goosepazote Gopheart Gorseedley Gorset Grassar Grayfern Graying Grout Guana Guanatter Guine Harelfur Harveymoose Hattail Hattletail Hawkfoots Heddarheale Hollowtail Hollus Hollyleap Honeyes Hoodsong Horning Hosong Hover Hoverbillow Hummine Hummint Hundsha Hussestones Hydrage Hyssomkit Hyssus Iceclaw Irise Jaguan Jasmintfur Jayfeath Jonquickens Jumpkit Jumpytail Junip Kenfury Keshine Kestnut Lapple Lappleclaw Lapplenose Leadow Leapigeon Leechosong Leekwhisker Lemminter Lemonksha Leonflorang Light Lilyoftwig Limeflight Limpes Lionkey Littail Litter Lobstep Lonstar Loonlight Loose Lower Lupineart Macacia Macat Mackdawn Malleaf Mantipe Maple Maplefoot Mapletail Maright Marsley Meade Meadeerled Meadepelt Melope Mineaf Mingfish Minnatis Minnowtuft Minteather Minter Mistle Mistlesky Mitestone Mitewater Mitewistfur Moleaf Moleg Molepowdrop Mollow Monmyrtled Moonfoot Mornclaw Morntana Mosspardaw Mossusander Mouseface Muddley Muskkit Mustpaw Namint Narchpaw Narwhale Neclaw Neeze Nettleap Nicooby Nightclaw Nightfoot Nightning Oakster Oatwhist Oneylerfoot Orchpaw Orrel Overstar Paleaf Panca Pandynose Panthyme Papriketail Parrel Patchen Pebblekit Pepperkit Percreek Peret Petail Petvine Picewhisker Pikefur Pikenhear Pinestep Pingbird Pinkfur Pinkit Pipede Poletsy Poppear Popper Porpion Prain Prawberry Prick Pring Pumpestar Quirrel Ragon Rainleaf Rainstar Rainwingo Rairit Rascarlower Rattail Redpaw Redthisker Reindleap Riper Rives Robinkfur Robinsplate Robinswept Roomhear Rowtail Rubblebee Rumperch Runner Safflowclaw Salade Sanderher Sandy Sassparkson Scoutstar Screed Scresurry Seale Seaselwing Sedgehog Sedgeranium Seedstar Shanot Share Sharept Sheept Shopwhisk Shredingo Shrush Shrushwing Shyheathe Silipkit Silkweevil Singstar Sistep Skyhearwing Slashheart Sleeds Slipkit Smalamant Smilanthyme Smint Snailstar Sneeze Snipekit Snook Snowtail Soleg Sorretle Sorring Spardkit Sparksong Sparrooth Speaf Spelt Spick Spide Spiket Spirebalm Splashhear Spotterhear Spotters Sques Squick Squiet Squitorm Stile Stonefoot Stoneyfur Stoneyleap Storty Straway Streather Strika Sunber Sunny Swanbeam Sweed Sweedtoot Sweet Swifteart Swoopinks Sworm Talder Talnose Talongtail Tanacle Tangutana Tanstep Taylily Thearnosa Thisper Thorty Thrimrost Thrus Thunter Tinyclaw Treeze Tuniaalen Tunipede Twolf Vinchid Viole Violetail Volepazote Volewhisker Volewing Vulturtium Waffe Waffrose Wasan Watcher Waterfallo Waterpaw Weaslug Weetail Whaleshade Whalfallia Whiskerkit Whitetain Wildcater Wilder Wildfish Willender Willheart Winderpelt Wingetmeg Wisterfish Woleclaw Woodpelt Yarrot Zacket Zebreek Zinnamon
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I am Marsley (full name), god of war

I am Arran, god of the most important thing
EDIT: if y'all don’t wanna use your name use your username
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“I still kept it though... don’t ask why!”
#marsley#the habitat answers#kamal bora#dr habit#dr boris habit#boris habit#habitamal#habismal#smile for me#s4m
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Hello! I have been following your Tumblr for the past two days, and have come to the conclusion you do not deserve to have Mark Beaks be Boyds father. He is my comfort character and seeing him in an environment not meant for him brings me anxiety, so I will be expecting a reply to this DM when you have a proper AU and ready to relinquish him to someone who will treasure him like he deserves
blue, i’m going to murder you and the jury will rule it was self defense against psychological warfare
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A New Life - Paisley Paver (Part 2)
Continuing from where it left off, Paisley was trying to come within contact with the Wild Kratts Tortuga ship. Once she finally found a signal, she transmitted her connection to theirs and began.
Paisley: Hello? Wild Kratts team, are you there?
Aviva: Koki, what was that?
Koki: It was a voice. It seems its live and currently coming from....*gasp* Paisley Paver!
Paisley: You're correct. I have something to tell you all.
Aviva: Forget it! We don't have time to deal with the likes of you.
Paisley: Please. It's important.
Koki: Oh yeah? If it's so important, then why don't you show us?
Paisley: Because, I need to tell you all in person. And I'm not as one would call, "decent" at the moment.
Aviva: I'm not sure.
At that moment, the Bros step in. They had just come back from a creature adventure.
Chris: What's going on?
Koki: Apparently, Paisley Paver needs to tell us something but has to do so in person.
Paisley: I ask you again. Please?
Martin: Gee, she sounds like she needs help. I say we should hear her out.
Aviva and Koki: WHAT?!
Martin: She doesn't sound like she's paving anything. And she sounds really distressed. It wouldn't hurt just to listen would it?
Aviva: Hmm.....fine. Paisley, I'm sending our coordinates. You have 10 minutes to get here.
Paisley: Consider me there. And Martin?
Martin: Yeah?
Paisley:.... Thank you.
Before Martin could reply, the transmission was cut off.
Aviva: Martin, you better hope she has something worth saying.
Jimmy: *yawns* That was a great nap. What did I miss?
After catching Jimmy up to what was going on, they waited outside for Paisley to arrive. About 6 minutes later, her jet had landed in front of the Tortuga. The jet opened it's door for Paisley to get out. She walked towards them instead of using a paving machine to guide her way. She had her head down, covering her face the whole time. She stopped when she was finally within range of the crew.
Paisley: ....Well...I assume you're all wondering why I asked for your presence.
Aviva: You bet we are!
Koki: What are you planning?
Chris: I bet you're planning on capturing us, aren't you?
Martin: Guys, guys! Give her a chance to answer!
He walks closed to Paisley, who was silent and still had her head down.
Martin: I noticed that you didn't use one of your paving machines. That's not like you at all. Is something wrong?
Paisley finally lifted up her head. The crew all had a shocked look on their faces. Paisley appeared to be quite upset. Her eyes were red and puffy, as if she had been crying for a while. She finally began speaking.
Paisley: I now know what I've been doing was wrong. I was taking away the homes and resources animals needed to survive and I had no right to do so. I never thought how it would affect them. I never gave it a second thought. And so I- what I'm trying to say is...
Aviva: Where are you going with this, Paver?
Paisley: *tears began forming in her eyes again* I'm....sorry.
Aviva: *in shock* What did you say?
Paisley: I went to see my aunt's home in the country. It was thanks to her, I was able to pursue my career in construction. When I got- *sniff* when I got there, her home was gone. And in its place was nothing but paved land for sale. Someone decided to destroy her, our home, without notice and put something completely useless instead.
Chris: So let me get this straight. You feel sorry, because of what happened to YOU?!
Paisley: Look, when you put it that way it sounds bad.
Aviva: And it isn't? You spend all this time tearing down trees, mountains, the environment and don't feel a shred of guilt. And now you get a taste of your own medicine and expect us to feel sorry for you accept your apology?!
Paisley: *now more calm* I came here to apologize and nothing more. Whether you choose to accept it is up to you. I just wanted to let you know that you won't have to worry about me causing trouble anymore. Those days are behind me. Goodbye.
Paisley began her way back to her jet. Everyone seemed a bit pleased. Everyone except, Martin. He knew what she did was wrong. But she admitted it and apologized for it. She even promised to not do it again. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he let her go in this condition. He needed to let her know things are okay And with that, Martin made his decision and spoke out.
Martin: Paisley, I forgive you!
This caught everyone else by surprise. Paisley, who seemed to be the most surprised, slowly turned around to face Martin.
Paisley: You....forgive me? After everything I've done? .....why?
Chris: Yeah! Why? What's gotten into you, bro?
Aviva: She's destroyed animal habitat!
Koki: She's put innocent creatures in danger!
Jimmy: Not to mention our lives!
Chris: What gives?
Martin: Look. I know she's done all of that. She's probably done even more stuff like that. But that's behind her now. It's behind us. She's felt what it's like to lose something that's important to her and now, she finally regrets it.
Aviva: And so what? You expect us to just forgive her and forget all that she's done? She nearly paved you on our adventure with the spirit bears!
Martin: I know. And I forgive her for that. And for everything thing else she's done. And you should, too.
Koki: Why should we?
Martin: Because she's sorry. She promised she'll stop destroying the land. Besides, think of it this way. With Paisley a good guy, we have a new member on the team. And we'll have one less villain to worry about.
Chris: You know.... Martin makes a good point.
Aviva: What?! Not you too!
Chris: But he's right. We won't have to worry about Paisley causing anymore trouble, we can get an extra set of eyes and ears to look out for trouble, and she knows her way around a machine. This could come in handy.
Koki: Hm.... I hate to say it, but he's right. We might need her knowledge on machines, construction, and blue prints.
Aviva: Seriously, Koki?!
Jimmy: I agree, too!
Aviva: Aw, come on!
Martin: Well, it looks like everyone else has made their minds. So what's it going to be, Aviva?
Aviva didn't know what to say. Everyone else had made their decision to forgive Paisley. Deep down, she still held on to her anger. She was going to have to do something she really didn't want to do. She walked up to Paisley and looked at her, straight in the eyes.
Aviva: So you're really, truly sorry for what you did? And you promise to never do anything like that again?
Paisley was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe that Martin actually managed to get the others to forgive her. She was looking at a second chance her. And she was going to take it.
Paisley: Y-yes...Yes! Of course! I promise you, my days of paving over landscapes are over!
Aviva: .....All right then.
Paisley: S-so that means...
Aviva: Yeah yeah. I forgive you. Just don't let me catch you going back on your word.
And like that, it began. Paisley's new life had began. And this never would have happened if it wasn't for Martin. She owed him dearly. He walked up to her and spoke to her.
Martin: Well, Paisley. Welcome to the Wild Kratts team!
*Flashback ends.*
Paisley: And that, is how I changed my ways.
Donita: Well, that was quite an experience. *Whispering* (Even if it was just an old cottage.)
Martin: And now that you two are better acquainted, you can both work together to help us with keeping eyes out for Gourmand and Zach or anything creature related.
Paisley: I look forward to working with you in the near future, Donita. (Extends arm out for a handshake.)
Donita: (Returns gesture and shakes her hand.) It would be a pleasure.
The End
(Sorry it took so long to finish. I got into a slump and felt lazy. Be on the look out for the bonus part to this. Bye-bye)
#wild kratts#paisley paver#martin kratt#marsley#donita donata#koki wild kratts#jimmy z wild kratts#aviva corcovado#chris kratt#reformed villains au
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Last Line Tag
I got tagged by @skyfootsteps ! Thank you, I love tag games 😊
Here’s my line: She turned around and used the heel of her foot to set the doorstop. Her heavy boots hit the floor so loudly that Marsley wondered if the whole house shook.
(Rules: post the last line you’ve written in your WIP)
tagging! @clypso @lilac-written @junekinn @inkwellprincess @kallantrieswriting
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...aaaand very late, here are the other pets I've grown attached to over the past year (two years?? Time is a concept).
Aaron: The Pacifist
a Unicorn who likes spicy
sweet, friendly, chatty. the token not-horrible one. peacekeeps between Satsu and Geno
picky eater who's obsessed with sushi. would kill for calamari.
Muuqasho has been with Aaron since he can remember. Only Aaron can see Muu (who's telepathic, Aaron speaks aloud back). Satsu and Geno both think Aaron's making this up (Satsu doesn't care, Geno often tries to get Aaron to admit it's a ruse, which Aaron responds to with calm explanations)
is either buddies with, FWB, or dating nearly everyone in his friends list rn. Also he's now dated, broken up with, and wanted to re-date three other pets.
Had a crush on Marsy when she first arrived, now they're dating, Good For Them™ (as of 210330, they're still together, it's been months now, good job guys)
Is the token straight (all pets are referred to with gender neutral language but trust me Aaron has straight energy)
Magdalena: The Sleeper
a Sentinel who likes spicy
obtained via monster summoning scroll (friendly encounter) on 200614. Goes by Maggie
Has the dreamwalker merit which is COOL AS HELL but hardly!!! Ever!!! Uses it!!!!
Recieved the Hyperchromic merit on 210101 courtesy of a letter from some Fae. Original colors: orange body, white accent (looks like the same shade as the fruit item)
is dating a pink bunny named Sakura .... Maggie is into Naruto huh (Update: since turning hyperchromic, Mags went orange => yellow => *pink* so yup, Sakura cosplay). Also dating Aaron, so good taste.
"Magdalena saw their parents in a dream, but couldn't make them out. They hummed a familiar tune, and handed Magdalena Tentacle Onigiri" I'm sorry, Maggie has what now??? Parental memories?? Very anime protag who wakes up with amnesia and must quest to discover themselves vibes
Marsley: The Artiste
a Sentinel with floral preferences
better known as Marsy or Mar-Mar
also acquired via friendly encounter from a monster scroll on 200820
is a lazy årtïstē who has journals filled with book ideas she overhypes the shit out of, daydream about constantly, and NEVER ACTUALLY WRITES
can't cook. She lives on cold soup and crackers unless Aaron cooks for her. it's dismal. on the bright side, she sleeps so good.
she's part spectral being/spirit on her papa's side. Her dad, then a 2nd year grad student, summoned her papa in the middle of the apartment living room. They've been married for 20 years. Mar loves her dads.
ok the votes are in and they're excellent: Satsu thinks Mar is a talentless hack (but secretly finds her ideas cool), Geno thinks she's sexy and wants to ffffffffffffffund her projects yeah that's it. Aaron thinks she's gf material. Shoot your shot, Aaron (Update: now she's dating Aaron and FWB with Geno, good end!!!) oh and Maggie straight up doesn't like Mar. Feeling's mutual. Lots of passive aggressive kitchen re-arranging.
Here are my poppy seed pets and their personalities:
Satsuki: The Brawn
(Merits: Lucky, Natural Channel, Matter Over Mind, Naïve)
a Sneqo who likes fruit.
my custom pet. named after a manga character (i’ll never tell)
very dumb at tri-D chess. kin-ball is life.
they keep “fishing” around the plaza fountain/umbra/etc and getting money??? this seems less like luck and more like blatant theft??
they’re in a band called Arctic and Rose-colored (fuckin sick, right?? good job RNG. that’s Random Name Generator)
Every time Satsu leaves for band practice Geno wants to come along and Satsu’s like “ew no get your own friends”
Genoveva: The Brains
(Merits: Prehensile Tongue, Moon-bound)
a Unicorn who likes spicy things
adopted her from the shelter, she came with her name/coloring
i pronounce her name Frenchly (je-nou-vih-vah) so she’s French i guess
she won her first tri-D tournament, this was 5 minutes after i adopted her, she won 11 moneys, it was wack
uses her tongue to open doors, flip pages, etc. if it can be done without hands then she does it without hands. Satsu hates this.
has no friends (yet, hopefully this changes). has a crush on the moon. the moon is her friend. why won’t Satsu let her come to band practice?
#i love my kids part 2#psp#poppyseed pets#nothing is funnier to me than the fact that these pets are allowed to bone#i love it. consenting adult creatures going about their lives whether or not i check in on them#marsy#marsley#Magdalena#maggie#aaron
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find the word tag!
tagged by the wonderful @mjjune <3
my words: slight, fear, jump, cross, toes
your words: nerves, shot, steady, fragile, curve
soft tagging: @bebewrites @muddshadow @isabellebissonrouthier @orphicpoieses & anyone else who would like to do this !!
all excerpts from tea cow
“We were going to sleep soon,” Ruby assured him, face finally smoothing out. She crawled out of bed to usher her father out the door, only pausing so he could hand something to her—and then, after a slight pause, a second thing.
Ruby glanced at Mason, stricken, and he smiled humorlessly. “I told you Luke hates my guts. Always has, probably always will.”
“I thought that was just because he’s an asshole.”
“Luke Zhao takes after his mother, I fear,” Garrett said.
He’d meant it to be raw: the kind of music that made you jump out of your seat and check your earphones.
Now, he couldn’t help but laugh. It was mostly just a rush of air from his nose, but it made him cough, and as he doubled over Ruby seemed to take this as permission to let out a cackle that scared him half as bad as “She Walks” had. She must have felt him jolt because her head swiveled over to him, caught whatever expression he had on his face, and immediately dissolved into a wheezing fit that just made things worse.
“Most people don’t. I guess I never realized how strange it was until I left. My mum abandoned us when I was small—just disappeared off the face of the planet. Didn’t even leave a note. We were here in…um…Ohio, I think? I don’t remember it, apart from this like, bright pink plastic flamingo in the yard. It was her house. My dad took me, left it, and flew us back to his hometown. Marsley Cross, London. He opened a bookshop and we lived there together—him downstairs, me upstairs.”
“They’re custom,” the man told her, putting his feet up on the table. They were bare, apart from the silver rings around his toes. “Colored leather. I emboss them myself, so you’ve got a lot of wiggle room. I’ve done letters, designs, all of it. Just ask.”
tea cow tag list (please ask to be added/removed): @cyanide-latte @ameliedebruyne @sashki4 @lividdreamz @mjjune
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#wild kratts#wk ship kids#wild kratts oc#wild kratts ships#digital art#drawing#fanart#wk rotter#jirina#mayge#zate#marina#maviva#zanita#marsley#wk dex#kimmi#zaviva#zhirs#martnie#doris#chrki#dotin
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Have some original content! These three are Alek, Maxim and Nina. Their stories are set in the 80s in a city much like a darker version of Hollywood + New York. Hope to be able to tell this story one day!

Alek Ivanov: A refugee from a country at war. With much effort he got himself a good gig as a bartender of an underground bar so as to make ends meet, and possibly return to his home one day.

Maxim Marsley: A famous disco musician/singer, known by many as "Maximars". He's notoriously known for having a bizzare love life, ranging from men to women (this was the 80s). He is in a strained relationship with Nina.

Nina Moore Tyler: An independent woman who aspires to live a free, self-led life, as she's often pressured by her Catholic family to "behave like how a lady should". To pay off her college tuition, she sings in bars and cafes, which is where she met and formed a relationship with Maxim.
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Rayan/Ditty (my OC) short story ~ Rabid Passion
I close my eyes and take one small step backwards to meet his torso. Long fingers reach my arms and as they begin to examine my skin, I feel a slight shiver going up my spine. The euphoria that occupied my mind and body was like nothing I ever felt, so... Refreshing. Lovable. And yet so disturbing. It almost didn't feel real, but it was, wasn't it? I watched his fingers go up my arms, making swirls and then go back the same route, almost as if he traced a path that was created in contact with his skin. Warm breath brushed my ear with a whisper, although the words didn't reach my ear. I don't dare ask him to repeat. My lips, opened a little, froze and no word wanted to slip out of them. This beautiful moment got destroyed as his raspy voice echoed in my head, "Ditty. Did you hear what I said?". And then his hot touch was gone. I turned around and glared at his face, those beautiful emerald eyes with long eyelashes, straight nose, defined cheekbones and jaw, and his plump lips that I want to kiss every time I see him. Our eyes met. The desiring look he gave me made the cornes of my lips go up in a little smirk. "No, could you repeat it, professor?" I know it's a dangerous game I'm playing but I love provoking him. 'Professor' approached me slowly, almost as if he wanted to test my patience. "Firstly, I do love when you call me professor, but you're not my student anymore. You can just call me Rayan, and you know it." his voice was now lower and even more raspy than before. "Of course I know that, but it's fun when I call you professor, isn't it" my voice suddenly changed and sounded more provocative than anytime ever. "Miss Marsley, you are not aware of the consequences of your actions, are you?". He leaned in a bit to tease me, whispering into my face. The smell of mint and coffee awoke my senses. "Not anymore. I just want to know what you said, Mr Zaidi." the intensive eye contact doesn't end, it's piercing through me and transmits some sort of sensation through my body. His mouth began to open to let words out, but he is interrupted by me, "Ugh, just kiss me already.". Those beautiful green eyes fired up when he quickly cupped my face and kissed me. As our lips linked, my thoughts muddled and butterflies in stomach flapped their wings with extreme speed. The kiss got more passionate with every second as we begun to drown in our desire, making every moment special, and that's all that mattered.
#my candy love rayan#rayan zaidi#mcl#mclll#mclll rayan#writing#short story#wip#might continue this#sesual#my candy love#my candy love love life#my candy love university life#mclll oc#rayan x oc#romance short story#english is not my first language
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I should also introduce myself!! Hi, I’m Mod Trevor! I’m a trans minor as well (he/him) and I co-run it with Mod Hal!! my main is @marsley or @xxfearlesswerewolfxx !! I change between the two
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