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marlinbluezzz · 3 months ago
This started as a silly doodle bc like why not but I just went crazy went atupid and started coloring it… it looks different, like the other drawing i posted could have been done by a totally different artist, my god- but i just got this app so ita gonna be a while till i find what i like to do on it.
anyway heres zach and donita for you guys, i watched under frozen pond yesterday and they were just so goofy in that episode? i like to imagine she sometimes says stuff like "i have to be mean to zach today, its good for my mental health"
she probably called him short in this. maybe "a fun sized little fellow"
also gourmand is such a girlboss i might draw him soon
this is so yucky but here u go
also my anatomy suddenly got better after I did this? Like I don’t even draw like this anymore? WHAT….. THIS WASNT EVEN 12 HOURS AGO!!!!!
ignore the fact that she looks so weird I don’t really draw women a lot… crumbles
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Evil goobers my beloved 💖💖
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tontos-kratt · 4 months ago
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enemies to lovers ⚔️💖 There's a time skip between the first two and the last one. Since Zach was bitten, he wasn't very fond of vampires. Somehow Donita managed to change that :3
Zach is supposed to be holding Donita's hands in the second one, I don't know if that was clear
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rosey100 · 7 months ago
The truth
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But we don't give a
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jokerislandgirl32 · 7 days ago
While I personally see them as having more of a friendship/sibling bond, I can see the potential for this ship, and this aspect of the ship dynamic is hilarious to me. It would absolutely be like this 😂. I love this for them!
Chat, it's done.
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Does anyone fw Zach x Donita? I have NEVER seen anyone else ship them. Everyone literally sees them as a lesbian and gay man duo or a sibling like duo😭
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bitterlyromantic · 25 days ago
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happy belated valentine's day !!! these are the ponified versions of 2 of my characters after a big fat redesign :+)
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multiversal-pig-outing · 1 year ago
Kara Danvers aka supergirl was going through zee’s spellbook for fun, reading and trying to see if she could learn a spell herself, then she then notices a circled spells mentioning food minuplation, gas, and even shrinking.
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“Say zee, any reason these spells here are circled. You planning on feeding Harley a bunch of food, next time she pulls anything bad or is this for a party or something?”
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Oh well. It's for just in case we encounter specific emergencies. Like what if the team is starving during a mention boom food. Size shrinking well just incase we need to be tiny for something or dealing with a giant monster. Gas well just incase the car runs out.*Zanita said has she started to sweet.*
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novelmonger · 1 year ago
Thoughts on Jedi Apprentice: The Only Witness
Okay, this is another book I hardly remember at all. After the previous three books, my interest in the series was seriously waning, so I've probably only read this book a couple times. Literally the only thing I remember about it is "Obi-Wan romance"??? I don't remember how all that works out, but if that's actually true, I can completely understand why this book was a hard pass from younger me. But let's see how it shakes out!
Jedi Apprentice #17: The Only Witness
Chapter 1
A few months have passed since the last book, and Qui-Gon is still deeply grieving Tahl's death. He knows he needs to accept the grief and move past it, but isn't even sure he wants to do that. But when the Jedi Council asks him if he's ready to take on missions again, he agrees.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are sent to Frego, to protect Lena Cobral, an important witness to the Senate against the dangerous Cobral family, who run a crime ring that controls the government of Frego. Lena's husband Rutin was recently killed, and she wants to give the Senate vital information against the Cobral family to bring them down. Rutin was the one originally going to testify against his family, so that may be why he was killed.
My heart goes out to Obi-Wan, who wants to help Qui-Gon the same way he's helped Obi-Wan many times as he's dealt with grief and uncertainty, but Qui-Gon is rebuffing every attempt. It seems like he just wants to suffer alone all the time.
Chapter 3
When the Jedi reach Frego, a woman named Mica (Lena's cousin) leads them through the city to where Lena is hiding. She tells them about how Rutin wanted to get out of the crime ring, and at first planned to take it down from the inside once he became the leader of the family. But then his brother Solan found out about his plans and kicked him out, and so Rutin decided to take down the crime ring from the outside instead, and bring evidence to the Senate. But he was killed before he could do so, and now Lena wants to do what he could not. Unfortunately, she has no hard evidence against the Cobrals that she can bring to the Senate.
Qui-Gon is annoyed that Lena lied to the Jedi, since she doesn't actually have anything against them. At first, he wants to just go back to Coruscant, saying that Lena can't be trusted and thus they shouldn't provide her an escort to Coruscant. But Obi-Wan urges him to help her, because she's obviously in danger, and he senses that she's sincere in her desire to carry out Rutin's wishes, even if she did lie to them at first.
And that brings up another point...Obi-Wan is kind of smitten by Lena ^^' She's beautiful - I honestly kind of imagine her to look kind of like Padme - and he's immediately drawn to her earnest, honest demeanor and obvious need for support as she grieves the loss of her husband, whom she seemed to truly love. It makes sense that Obi-Wan would be attracted to someone like her, and he is 17 in this book. I've just never liked shipping him with anyone, so I don't like this plotline very much.
Chapter 4
The first step they take to find concrete evidence against the Cobrals is to go to the apartment Lena and Rutin shared, where Rutin kept the incriminating evidence. Unfortunately, someone has been there before them, ransacking the apartment and deleting all the information on Rutin's hidden computer. In its place, the only thing left on the computer is a message saying, "You cannot stop us. You can only die trying."
Lena doesn't know who could have deleted the information, since the computer wasn't connected to any network. But in order to get the information she needs, she decides to go and ask for help from her mother-in-law, Zanita.
Chapter 6
They go to the Cobral estate and sneak in, avoiding the gathering of the whole family to celebrate Rutin and Solan's brother Bard's birthday. Lena waits until Zanita leaves the main party, then goes and speaks to her alone while the Jedi listen in. Lena begs for Zanita's help, telling her that she suspects Solan of arranging Rutin's death. Rutin was Zanita's favorite son, and she clearly gets along well with Lena, so she eventually agrees to help get some incriminating documents to her, as long as her name will be left out of the investigation.
Lena and the Jedi sneak out and almost make it out without detection, but then right before they reach their speeder, a huge statue falls on top of it. If Obi-Wan hadn't gotten a warning in the Force just in time, they would all have been crushed along with the speeder. Zanita and a servant from the kitchens, Juno, rush out to see what happened. Juno is acting rather suspicious and hostile towards them, but Lena and Zanita manage to pass off the Jedi as friends, and then they take one of Zanita's speeders and leave before anyone else sees that they were there.
Chapter 9
Lena takes them by a circuitous route back to her hidden living quarters, in case they were being followed. When they get there, Mica shows them a package that arrived, addressed to Lena. She says it's in Rutin's handwriting. Once Qui-Gon makes sure the package isn't booby-trapped, they open it and find nothing inside but some boots and a vial of dirt.
Mica steps into the next room to prepare some food, and Obi-Wan follows her. While they're alone, Qui-Gon asks Lena about how the package could have gotten here, since no one is supposed to know she's staying here. He asks about Mica's loyalty, but Lena is confident Mica would never betray her. They are cousins, but grew up like sisters, and Mica has no love for the Cobral family, since they killed her mother right in front of her. Nevertheless, Qui-Gon is suspicious that Mica may have revealed Lena's whereabouts.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan follows Mica and discovers that she's trying to escape. He catches up to her before she can leave the building, and demands to know what's going on. Mica reveals that she was the one who erased Rutin's files. She doesn't think Lena will be able to bring the Cobrals down, so out of fear for her own life as well as Lena's, she's trying to stop her from testifying against them. But when she got to the apartment, she saw a couple thugs ransacking the place, as if looking for something. They ran off as soon as they heard her coming. But, to Obi-Wan's surprise, Mica reveals that she wasn't the one who left the threatening message on Rutin's computer. Who could have done so?
Chapter 12
Qui-Gon goes to see where Obi-Wan's got to, and Obi-Wan tells him about Mica's treachery (and remorse). I was surprised when Qui-Gon actually confronts Obi-Wan pretty bluntly about his obvious attraction to Lena, and how his infatuation may conflict with the mission and make it impossible for him to see any potential flaws or deceptions on Lena's part.
When they return to the main room, they discover that Lena has disappeared. Mica has an idea of where Lena might have gone, and takes them to the Tubal Park, a sort of greenhouse open to the public, filled with plants and fountains, one of Lena's favorite places to go when she needed to think. They split up to look for Lena, Qui-Gon staying with Mica while Obi-Wan goes on his own.
Obi-Wan doesn't want to admit that Qui-Gon was right about him, especially because it feels rather hypocritical for Qui-Gon to chide him for letting his feelings get in the way of the mission, when he's still reeling from the loss of Tahl, and up to this point almost seemed like he wasn't even invested in the mission. But the more he thinks about it during his search, the more Obi-Wan has to admit that Qui-Gon is right. He's falling for Lena, but he doesn't think that's why he's convinced she's trustworthy. Qui-Gon is suspicious of her, but Obi-Wan believes she is honest about wanting to expose the Cobrals.
They don't find Lena, but when they return to the hideout, she's there waiting for them. When they ask where she's been, she responds vaguely, saying she needed to think and figure out what Rutin was trying to tell her when he sent the clues to her. He's the only other one who knew about the hideout, so he must have sent the package there just in case he died and Lena would have to carry on without him.
Chapter 14
It turns out that, while Lena was out, she went by her old apartment, and found a datapad left there by Zanita. It has a message on it for Lena, giving her a time and location to meet up. Qui-Gon doesn't think it's wise, because it could be a trap. But they don't really have any other leads to go on, so they have no choice. Lena wants to tell Zanita that she's decided to give up on giving the Senate evidence against the Cobrals, and just run away instead. Her hope is that Zanita will stop putting herself in danger that way.
Unfortunately, when they reach the location, Zanita shows up - being held as a hostage by her son Solan. Mica also turns up, trying to cover for Lena by saying that Lena was covering for her, and she is the one with the dirt on the Cobrals. Solan decides to just kill them both to cover all his bases, and sends some droids out to do the job. The Jedi burst out of their hiding place and fight the droids. In the scuffle, Solan shoots his blaster, and Obi-Wan is too slow to deflect the bolt. It hits Mica and kills her, and Solan escapes with Zanita.
Chapter 15
Weeping, Lena covers Mica's body, and they leave. Suddenly realizing what Rutin's clues mean, Lena takes them back to Tubal Park, and goes to a specific place that was special to them. They look around, and eventually find a panel in the floor hidden by moss. They break it open, finding a small chamber with water pumps, presumably for watering the plants in the park. Lena looks around in the small space and manages to find a small watertight tube.
I really liked this part that kind of brings everything full-circle: "Qui-Gon nodded. 'I, too, have wished I could have given my life to save another, one whom I had loved. But now I know that it is often harder to be the one left behind. I would not have wanted her to feel such loneliness, to go through the pain I have gone through.' ... Qui-Gon looked into Lena's eyes, and knew that his words were getting through to her. Surprisingly, he felt a lightening in his own chest as well. His grief for Tahl was still excruciating, but he suddenly knew that there would come a time when it would be possible to bear. And in his heart he was certain that Tahl would want him to carry on, too. She would have hated the way he had chosen to mourn her, he realized suddenly. He had allowed his grief to remove him from everyone who had tried to help him. Because the weight of his sorrow was so terrible, he could not lift his head to see that others mourned her, too. Obi-Wan. Yoda. Bant. Clee Rhava. The list was long."
Chapter 17
They go back to the hideout to check the contents of what they found. Sure enough, there's a datapad full of evidence against the Cobrals, exactly what they need to bring them down. They contact Frego's senator and make plans to go to Coruscant the next day to bring the evidence to him to present before the Senate. In the meantime, they try to get some rest.
Obi-Wan struggles with feelings of jealousy and guilt about why Qui-Gon confided in Lena about his grief, but not Obi-Wan. He worries that he doesn't know how to help Qui-Gon :'(
But partway through the night, Obi-Wan hears a scuffle in Lena's room, and rushes to investigate. There's an intruder who has tied and gagged Lena and is about to steal the datapad and leave. The Jedi knock him out, untie Lena, and retrieve the datapad.
The next day, they board the ship provided for them by Senator Crote, but Qui-Gon makes them sneak off and go in a different ship instead. When they're safely on their way, he explains that he saw the senator's seal on the man who tried to steal the datapad. He wasn't working for Solan, he was working for the senator. The corruption extends even to Senator Crote. As a final clincher, midway through their journey, they receive a call from Yoda, telling them that the ship they were supposed to be on has just blown up.
Chapter 19
Mace Windu meets them when they return safely to Coruscant. The Jedi escort Lena to the Frego consulate, where Lena freshens up in preparation for her speech to the Senate (Obi-Wan thinks she's more beautiful than ever, awwww!). Then (in a scene that reminds me so much of Queen Amidala in Episode I) she goes before the Senate and tells them everything, including how Senator Crote tried to have her silenced. He objects, but the evidence is all too clear. There is a vote, and then Senator Crote is removed from office, the Cobrals are to be arrested, and a new government will be put in place.
After a small party to celebrate, Lena decides to turn in for the night before returning to Frego. Obi-Wan lingers behind, reluctant to say goodbye since they'll probably never see each other again, and he happens to hear the sounds of a struggle (this poor girl has been kidnapped and snuck upon in her private rooms so often, she's bound to have trauma after this @_@). Listening through the door, Obi-Wan realizes that this time it's Zanita. It turns out she's actually the true power behind the Cobrals (and thus Frego itself), and she was furious when she discovered that her own son was working to bring them down. She was the one who ordered Rutin's death. Now she tries to kill Lena as well, but Obi-Wan bursts in just in time to stop her. He does so successfully, but unfortunately he isn't able to stop Zanita from killing herself with a vibroblade. It's all very Shakespearean.
Chapter 20
In the final chapter, Obi-Wan is going to say goodbye to Lena, and stops by Qui-Gon's room to see if he wants to come along. As they're walking, Qui-Gon reflects on how, even though Obi-Wan is still a boy, he's grown up so much and will soon be a Knight himself. They talk a bit about Lena, but I was surprised that they don't really address Obi-Wan's attraction to her at all. Obviously, he wasn't going to let it go anywhere; we know he's not going to leave the Jedi again or anything, and Lena never really seems to reciprocate his feelings. But it just feels like a loose thread they never quite tied up :/
Okay, the way the book ends is by far the best part of all: "Suddenly Qui-Gon stopped and turned to face his Padawan. 'I am the one who was lost, Padawan. You were generous and patient with me. And I needed that patience. I still carry the wound I suffered when I lost Tahl. I will for the rest of my life.' Obi-Wan nodded solemnly. 'I know,' he said softly. Qui-Gon placed a hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. 'I am grateful for your efforts to help me through my pain. For a long time I was not ready to hear your words, but you were still right to speak them. Thanks to you I have found myself again--I have found a way to go on. Your words...you are a comfort to me. Thank you.' Obi-Wan let out a deep breath and smiled. 'You're welcome,' he said."
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revelress · 8 days ago
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calla cobral, the youngest daughter of the powerful cobral family, grew up on the crime-ridden planet of frego. unlike her three older brothers, calla rejected the family’s obsession with power and politics. as a child, she was often dismissed as “too soft” by her family and distracted by the bustle of their own ambitions. yet, calla developed a different skill set: she excelled in covert operations, learning the art of smuggling through stealth and charisma. she quickly became a formidable figure in the family’s shadowy dealings, venturing off-planet to manage the family's far-reaching operations. the constant movement and freedom of the smuggling life suited her.
as her brothers’ bickering over succession began to threaten the family’s stability, calla started to pay attention. the cobral family’s dominance on frego was at risk, and with it, everything her family had built. the tragic death of rutin, the oldest brother, marked a turning point for calla and the galaxy. his murder, orchestrated by calla’s mother and brother, zanita and solan, was intended to secure solan’s claim to the head of the family ... and it seemed to be a success.
but then came calla, betrayed and angry. in an act of vengeance and defiance, calla killed her mother, zanita, in retaliation for her involvement in rutin’s death. the assassination sent shockwaves through the family, causing turmoil as solan struggled to maintain control. with his mother gone, solan’s weaknesses became apparent, and the cobral family’s power began to fracture. while the true identity of zanita’s killer remains a mystery, rumors quickly spread that calla was responsible, further tarnishing solan’s reputation.
in the aftermath, calla emerged as a potential leader, garnering support from loyal factions within the cobral family. calla now travels the galaxy, solidifying her influence, forging alliances, and laying the groundwork for her eventual takeover. while solan stumbles in his efforts to maintain control, calla builds her resources and reputation, preparing to take her place as the true head of the cobral family.
no longer just an outcast smuggler, calla is determined to restore the cobral family to its former power—on her terms. as she strengthens her hold, she continues to navigate the complex web of crime and politics, working toward her goal of becoming the leader the family needs. her name is whispered in the underworld, with many believing that she is the key to the family’s survival and future. the galaxy may not know it yet, but calla cobral is a rising force with a plan to rule.
*HER USURPER! - star wars/star trek verse
set fluid within the star wars universe, calla is on the run from her older brother for the assassination of their mother as retaliation for rutin's murder. she continues to take jobs and act on favours as a way to strengthen her bid for control of the family business.
*LEGACY WON! - modern verse
used for all other interactions, the canon events and biography remain the same exchanging the setting of frego with modern day new york city.
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masqsims4 · 2 months ago
Sixam Royal Family, Gen 9, Part 3
Windenburg (New Sixam Empire, New Windenburg)
How does a powerful empire like New Sixam crumble and fade away so fast? After King Kolt "Caesar" Seindu-Beerloith V took the throne following the death of his father, he ruled his kingdom just like the other kings before him. The Empire continued to be the wealthiest country in the entire world and all were happy.
But his brother, the rightful heir to the throne, the real Kolt Seindu-Beerloith V, declared the entire mainland as his own with help from his wife, Queen Susana Seindu. He called his new kingdom New Windenburg, separate from the Empire which was now just the Crumbling Isle. Lines were drawn and factions were formed, many people were uprooted from their homes to cross the sea to where their loyalties lied. The Council of Kings decided not to recognize New Windenburg, and other upstart kingdoms, until the third generation in ownership could prove ownership.
Meanwhile, King "Caesar" continued the tradition of having multiple wives for himself, marrying Princess Catalea Seindu and making her his First Queen, then marrying Princess Aragonta Faltal when she charmed her way into his home, then marrying a former WhiteTree member named Edassaem Payne and making her his Third Queen and court wizard. During the Sixth Invasion, Payne murdered Caesar in his sleep, then slaughtered the other two wives. The former court wizard, Caedance Xesuvixes, fought Payne in a magic duel and won, sparing the nine royal children. After meetings with the Council of Kings, the children of the Crumbling Isle were adopted by other relatives to live normal lives, the Sixam Empire was no more, and the Crumbling Isle stands abandoned.
However, one person decided to plant her flag on the island in hopes of building her own kingdom as well. King Caesar, unknownst to the rest of the world, had a girlfriend he was planning on making his Fourth Queen before he died. Rowena Bongrin of the Island Divine had intentionally gotten pregnant with Caesar's child to get money from him, but now believes she can use her daughter to stake a claim and make her own empire.
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Divine Rowena Bongrin, Divine Isadora Bongrin
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(from top left) King Kolt Seindu V, Queen Susana Seindu, Crown Prince Kolt Seindu VI
(from bottom left) Princess-honorary Evanore Kani-Beerloith, Princess Honorary Lilith Kani-Beerloith
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(from top left) Karise Asi, Magnus Kani, Jamarion Fallon, Princess Avice Beerloith
(from bottom left) Leighton Asi-Kani, Xavier Asi-Kani
Coven of the Unicorn
Meanwhile, a Spellcaster named Gaian Irugorim decided to start his own coven, dedicated to finding the Elder Unicorn in hopes of defeating the Mother Plant. He had taken advantage of New Sixam's bigamy laws to marry two princess sisters whom loved him and he loved. The household is tense but everyone works together to raise the children with love and kindness.
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(from top left) Prim Calogera Vakki, Prim Cinzia Vakki, High Guardian Gaian Irugorim
(from bottom left) Prim-in-waiting Cosma Vakki, Princept-in-waiting Lisandro Vakki
Tartosa (Vakki Duchy)
The little duchy of Tartosa continues to be peaceful and romantic. With the competition from Ciudad de Enamorada as the most romantic hot spot in the world, efforts were made to advertise the sleepy seaport as a place to keep the spark alive rather than igniting it. Otherwise, those who have been displaced from the chaos of wars and falling kingdoms came to make the little paradise home.
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Rosalie Mallor, Regan Kincaid, Duke Coriolano Vakki, Duchess Cleo Aoki-Faltal-Vakki
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(from top left) Prof. Uvand (servo), Zanita Mallor, Alessandro Aoki-Kincaid, Archduchess Minervina Vakki
(from bottom left) Princept Orsino Vakki, Princept Othello Vakki, Princept Orlando Vakki, Archduchess Delizia Vakki
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(from top left) Prim Sabina Vakki, Princept-conjoin Antonio Bongrin-Vakki, Prim Tatiana Vakki-Seindu, Prim Samona Vakki
(from bottom left) Princept-in-waiting Nazzaro Vakki, Prim-in-waiting Prisca Vakki, Prim-in-waiting Veneranda Vakki
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(from top left) Mauris ZilvuBeerloith, Osanna Vakki, Prim-conjoin Tokiko Marunen-Vakki, Princept Emidio Iona-Braie-Vakki
(from bottom left) Carina Vakki, Cassandra Vakki, Casimira Vakki, Prim-in-waiting Nina Vakki
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(from top left) Princess Leski Seindu, Prince-conjoin Brand Braie-Seindu, Prince-in-waiting Bastiano Seindu
(from bottom left) Prince-in-waiting Libero Braie-Seindu, Prim-in-waiting Ludovica Braie-Seindu
Moonwood Mill (Independent)
The Werewolf Woods have become a place of escape for many, settling into quiet days and reclusive nights. The Nimek family farm continues to do well, widowed Freya Bongrin came to settle with her family somewhere far from the violence and collapse, and fugitive Regina Chambers looks for somewhere her sons can be safe and have the lives they deserve.
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Brandon Chambers, Temrance Chambers, Pearl Chambers, Willow Chambers
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(from top left) Freya Bongrin, Issac Seindu, Zaleria Bongrin, Jeremias Sanguine
(from bottom left) Chester Seindu, Elonora Braie
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Regina Chambers-Faltal, Leonidas Faltal, Levi Faltal
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marlinbluezzz · 3 months ago
*cracks knuckles*
Here’s some food eat up guys 🍽️🍽️
I’m really tired but also really bored and I need to solve the boredom before I go to sleep 💪
soooooo have some quick little stories I guess :3 they’re just short kinda.
Martin seems like the kind of guy who’d like having his hair touched, brushed or played with but he’s NOT gonna tell anyone. He’s giving me dog vibes idk why. Like. Golden retriever.
Also sorry for any typos this is a new device and it hasn’t gotten used to me using certain words yet :/
1: Leaves (Maviva ish)
Chris and Martin stepped into the tortuga, still laughing wildly from a situation that had happened almost 15 minutes ago, where Martin had found a pinecone, and it lead into an all out pinecone throwing battle. Their faces were covered in slight scratches and red marks, and Martin had leaves in his hair, but he didn’t seem to mind.
the two were still in their squirrel power suits as the entrance to the tortuga shut behind them, and they dusted themselves off.
“de- deactivate!” Chris's words were broken up by chuckles.
“There you boys are,” Aviva said, approaching them with a wrench in hand. “You two are going to clean that mess up later- not me, not koki, and not Jimmy!”
“Sorry, Aviva!” Chris exclaimed almost jokingly, plucking a burr off of his power vest. “There you go,” he said almost silently as he threw it to the floor. Martin and Aviva shared a look as Chris trotted away to put his belongings down.
“You guys are so messy sometimes,” said Aviva, her voice a little quieter, directing her full attention to Martin. A goofy smile made its way to his face.
“it’s mostly Chris,” he said innocently. She roller her eyes.
Martin deactivated his suit, slipping the disc into the pocket of his shorts. “MK’s always got his life together! See?”
Aviva huffed. “Sure he does.”
the two locked eyes for a moment, Aviva's teasing smile fading into soft concern. Martin tried to ignore the butterflies starting to flutter in his stomach.
“you have so many leaf fragments in your hair, Martin!” She began to laugh lightly. “It looks like a bird tried to build a nest in there!”
Martin sighed, and vigorously shook his head like some kind of dog. He probably rattled his brain around. “I’ll wash my hair tonight.” He began to walk past her, but she caught him by his sleeve, causing him to stumble slightly. “No, Martin, you need to get that out now.” Her tone was stern, but soft in its own kind of way. A light blush rose to Martins cheeks as she grabbed his sleeve, and koki muttered something to Jimmy on the other side of the room.
Aviva lead him to Jimmy’s unoccupied chair- a rare site indeed. He was currently sitting beside koki on the floor eating a sandwich. Typical Jimmy.
“this is the tortuga, not a salon!” Martin was laughing, but it was only to suffocate the nervousness welling up in him as Aviva stood in front of him, examining the condition of his hair. He hated prolonged eye contact, but he couldn’t take his eyes away from hers. He hated that he got like this sometimes- Aviva was his friend. He couldn't…
he wanted to flick himself because of his thought process.
“Ok, hold still, MK.” Aviva began to gently remove the leaf fragments from his hair, and he tried not to lean into the light tingle of her hands in his hair, but to no avail. He allowed his eyes to shut, accompanied by an even goofier smile than before. Hopefully, she didn’t notice it, but with the way Jimmy and Koki were probably seeing him, it was obvious.
after about a minute, Aviva was done with him, ruffling his hair back into its natural position.
“I’m still gonna wash my hair. It’s been a while,” he giggled, wanting to see Aviva's reaction to that unnecessary information.
“Ew! Nasty kratt!” She teased, walking back over to where she was tinkering with the miniaturizer.
Their interaction faded at that point as Martin went off to find Chris wherever he had skedaddled off to in the tortuga- but he knew that while the interaction was insignificant to Aviva, it would linger in his mind for weeks to come.
wooo that was ass. Time to ruin two more of my favorite characters. Hopefully I’m better at writing Zach than I am Martin
2: wolf fur coat. (Zanita kind of tee hee…)
“So what do I have to do with this?” Zach hissed, crossing his arms. He felt like this entire day had been a waste, and he was so tempted to get his zachbot that was waiting outside to take him back to the jet already.
Donita had called him over about a possible offer, a mutually beneficial deal. But she had spent the entire time talking about possible new fashion items to sell and display- nothing that would interest Zach.
“Zach, darling, I’m getting there,” she said as she showed him more sketches of animal “inspired” outfits, some of the most set designs Zach had ever seen. Sometimes he could barely put up wit( the others, but he had to admit that Donita had a great mind. Especially with the crappy doodle of gourmand in a poodle themed dress in the corner.
”Well, get there! I don’t have forever, you know. I am a busy man!”
“Busy doing what, Zach? Stalking the kratts? Zachary, dear, wouldn’t you like a little more publicity? Some… promotion?”
Zach was now slightly intrigued, dropping his sharp tone by a little out of curiosity. “What kind of publicity and promotion are we talking about?
Donita chuckled darkly, flipping to the next sketch in her book. It was a loose drawing of Zach himself, sporting a lavish fur coat over his usual black turtleneck, accompanied by pants that matched the shade of a color in the coats pattern, and black boots. Zach raised his eyebrows as he studied it, but then started to become a little outraged.
“You-“ he stumbled over his words, not sure whether to be offended by the fact that she believed he would wear such an outfit, or flattered by the fact she would use him as a subject.
“I would like for you to model this outfit for me in my next line,” she purred, closing her sketchbook.
she fluidly reached out to him, grabbing the sides of the neck of his sweater, tugging lightly, but hard enough to get him slightly flustered. “You would look awfully dashing in a wolf fur coat.”
Zach sighed, dropping his defensive attitude at the compliment, but not letting her know that it had any effect on him. “We'll see, Donita. But I’m an inventor, not a dress up… princess… varmit wearer!” His voice held no malice, somehow.
“Mhm,” she hummed. “We WILL see… see you in that fur coat, that is.”
Zach rolled his eyes.
“Well, would 2 million dollars be enough to lure you in? You seem to forget I’m just as clever as you when it comes to business.”
Zach’s eyes widened, a smile creeping to his face. He then lowered to a smirk as he prepared to speak, eyes narrowing.
“We might have ourselves a deal, Donita Donata.”
ok that one wasn’t really THAT shipyard but boy do I like writing those two… (that’s the first time I’ve ever done that)
but yeah I hope that these aren’t too bad and that someone out there likes them! :) I spent way longer on that than I wanted to lol. I wish the Zach and Donita one had been more shippy but it’s SO LATE AUGH
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tontos-kratt · 5 months ago
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Marisol (zaviva) and Savannah (zanita (zachxdonita))
they're technically sisters and they hate each other, but if you say anything bad about one of them the other will kill you👀
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rosey100 · 1 year ago
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brookston · 1 year ago
Holidays 3.27
Aglet Day
Amniotic Fluid Embolism Awareness Day
Armed Forces Day (Myanmar)
Beeching Day (UK)
Beer Writers Day
Birch Day (French Republic)
Celebrate Exchange Day
Commemoration of Sen no Rikyu (Omotesenke School of the Japanese Tea Ceremony; Japan)
Corkscrew Day
Day of the Union of Bessarabia with Romania (Romania)
Downtown Day
Funky Winkerbean Day
Internal Troops and National Guard Servicemen's Day (Russia)
International Day of Multilingualism
International Medical Science Liaison Day
Lazy Moocher's Day
Mariah Day
Muslim Women’s Day
National Acoustic Soul Day
National Blunt Day
National Camp at Home Day
National Cleavage Day
National Detroit Day
National Guard Forces Command Day (Russia)
National "Joe" Day
National Medical Science Liaison Day
National Scribble Day
National Supported Internship Day (UK)
National Terrier Day (UK)
Performing Arts Day (Iran)
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day
Resistance Day (Burma/Myanmar)
Sakura Day (Japan)
Semana Santa (Nicaragua)
Sen no Rikyu (Way of Tea School commemoration; Japan)
Shoelace Patent Day
Skyscraper Day
Suve Ajale üleminek (Summer Time; Belgium, Estonia, Moldova, Netherlands)
327 Day
Urinal Day
Viagra Day
World AdTech Day
World Hospital Pharmacy Day
World Railway Workers’ Day
World Theatre Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Cheese Day
International Whisk(e)y Day
National Cheese Day (France)
Spanish Paella Day
4th & Last Wednesday in March
American Red Cross Giving Day [4th Wednesday]
Document Freedom Day [Last Wednesday]
International Data Center Day [4th Wednesday]
Jersey Mike’s Day of Giving [Last Wednesday]
Manatee Appreciation Day [Last Wednesday]
National Day of WIL (Canada) [4th Wednesday]
National Governance Professionals Day (Canada) [Last Wednesday]
National Little Red Wagon Day [Last Wednesday]
Red Cross Giving Day [4th Wednesday]
A Whole Day for Whole Grain [Last Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Bessarabia (Day of the Union with Romania; 1918)
Federation of the Seven Towers (Declared, 2022) [unrecognized]
Gogania (Declared, 2013) [unrecognized]
Michrenia (Declared, 2013) [unrecognized]
Pugguinia (Declared, 2010) [unrecognized]
Ultamiya (Declared, 2010) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning March 27, 2024
Blazing Swan (Kulin, Australia) [thru 4.2]
Maine Restaurant Expo (Portland, Maine)
Melbourne International Comedy Festival (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 4.21]
New York International Auto Show (New York, New York) [thru 4.7]
Oak Mountain State Fair (Pelham, Alabama) [thru 4.14]
Spring Dairy Expo (Columbus, Ohio) [thru 3.30]
Virginia Food and Beverage Expo (Richmond, Virginia)
WiVi: Central Coast (Paso Robles, California)
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 1 (Pagan)
Albert Marquet (Artology)
Alexander, a Pannonian soldier (Christian; Martyr)
Amador of Portugal (Christian; Saint)
Augusta of Treviso (Christian; Saint)
Barley Harvest Festival (Jehovah, Protector of the Barley)
Charles Henry Brent (Episcopal Church (USA))
Christine (Muppetism)
Clear Energy Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Edward J. Steichen (Artology)
Edward William Cooke (Artology)
Gauri (Women’s Festival to Goddess of Marriage & Abundance; India)
Geasa Day (Prohibitions; Celtic Book of Days)
Gelasius, Archbishop of Armagh (Christian; Saint)
Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa (Buddhism)
Herophilius (Positivist; Saint)
Jan van Beers (Artology)
John & Patsy Ramsey Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saints)
John Damascene (Christian; Saint)
John of Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Jules Olitski (Artology)
Lavatio (Festival of Cybele and Attis; Ancient Rome)
Liberalia (Ancient Rome; Festival of Liber Pater, Fertility & Wine God)
Patrick McCabe (Writerism)
Paella Day (Pastafarian)
Philetus (Christian; Saint)
Romulus of Nîmes, a Benedictine abbot (Christian; Martyr)
Rupert of Salzburg (Christian; Saint)
Smell the Breezes Day (Sky Goddess Nut; Ancient Egypt)
Vladimir Burliuk (Artology)
Zanitas and Lazarus of Persia (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Black Wednesday (Czech Republic) [Wednesday before Easter]
Holy Wednesday [4 Days before Easter]
Soot-Sweeping Wednesday [Wednesday before Easter]
Ugly Wednesday [Wednesday before Easter]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Annie Hall (Film; 1977)
April Showers (Film; 1948)
The Bulleteers (Fleischer Cartoon; 1942) [#5]
Child Sociology (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1953)
Consuming Passions (Film; 1992)
The Cutting Edge (Film; 1992)
Design for Leaving (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Eaters of the Dead, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1976)
The Energy Blues (Science Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1979)
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, by Charles Mackay (Psychology Book; 1841)
The Fella with the Fiddle (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
The Greatest Man in Siam (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1944)
Home (Animated Film; 2015)
International House (Film; 1933)
Moby Duck (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
Monsters vs. Aliens (Animated Film; 2009)
The Moonman is Blue or The Inside Story (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 36; 1960)
Mother, by Meghan Trainor (Song; 2023)
Run-DMC, by Run-DMC (Album; 1984)
Run Silent, Run Deep (Film; 1958)
Singin’ in the Rain (Film; 1952)
The Snowman Cometh or An Icicle Built for Two (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 35; 1960)
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Thief (Film; 1981)
Thunderball, by Ian Fleming (Novel; 1959) [James Bond #9]
Tiny Toon Spring Break (WB Animated TV Film; 1994)
Tom Thumb (ComicColor Cartoon; 1936)
Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (Disney Animated TV Special; 1959)
Victorious (TV Series; 2010)
What Makes Sammy Run?, by Budd Schulberg (Novel; 1941)
What We Do in the Shadows (Film; 2019)
White Men Can’t Jump (Film; 1992)
Today’s Name Days
Ernst, Frowin, Heimo (Austria)
Lada, Peregrin, Rupert (Croatia)
Dita (Czech Republic)
Kastor (Denmark)
Laide, Laidi, Leia, Leida, Leidi (Estonia)
Saul, Sauli (Finland)
Habib (France)
Augusta, Ernst, Heimo (Germany)
Filitas, Leeda, Lidia, Makedon, Matrona (Greece)
Hajnalka (Hungary)
Augusto, Oliviero, Romolo, Ruperto (Italy)
Audra, Gustavs, Gusts, Talrits (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Alkmenas, Lidija, Rūta (Lithuania)
Rudi, Rudolf (Norway)
Benedykt, Ernest, Ernestyn, Jan, Lidia, Rościmir, Rupert (Poland)
Matroana (Romania)
Alena (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Ruperto (Spain)
Ralf, Rudolf (Sweden)
Acher, Archibald, Archie, Montgomery, Monte, Monty (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 87 of 2024; 279 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 13 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 18 (Geng-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 17 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 17 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 27 Green; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 14 March 2024
Moon: 94%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Archimedes (4th Month) [Erasistratus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 9 of 92)
Week: 4th Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 7 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year ago
Holidays 3.27
Aglet Day
Amniotic Fluid Embolism Awareness Day
Armed Forces Day (Myanmar)
Beeching Day (UK)
Beer Writers Day
Birch Day (French Republic)
Celebrate Exchange Day
Commemoration of Sen no Rikyu (Omotesenke School of the Japanese Tea Ceremony; Japan)
Corkscrew Day
Day of the Union of Bessarabia with Romania (Romania)
Downtown Day
Funky Winkerbean Day
Internal Troops and National Guard Servicemen's Day (Russia)
International Day of Multilingualism
International Medical Science Liaison Day
Lazy Moocher's Day
Mariah Day
Muslim Women’s Day
National Acoustic Soul Day
National Blunt Day
National Camp at Home Day
National Cleavage Day
National Detroit Day
National Guard Forces Command Day (Russia)
National "Joe" Day
National Medical Science Liaison Day
National Scribble Day
National Supported Internship Day (UK)
National Terrier Day (UK)
Performing Arts Day (Iran)
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day
Resistance Day (Burma/Myanmar)
Sakura Day (Japan)
Semana Santa (Nicaragua)
Sen no Rikyu (Way of Tea School commemoration; Japan)
Shoelace Patent Day
Skyscraper Day
Suve Ajale üleminek (Summer Time; Belgium, Estonia, Moldova, Netherlands)
327 Day
Urinal Day
Viagra Day
World AdTech Day
World Hospital Pharmacy Day
World Railway Workers’ Day
World Theatre Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Cheese Day
International Whisk(e)y Day
National Cheese Day (France)
Spanish Paella Day
4th & Last Wednesday in March
American Red Cross Giving Day [4th Wednesday]
Document Freedom Day [Last Wednesday]
International Data Center Day [4th Wednesday]
Jersey Mike’s Day of Giving [Last Wednesday]
Manatee Appreciation Day [Last Wednesday]
National Day of WIL (Canada) [4th Wednesday]
National Governance Professionals Day (Canada) [Last Wednesday]
National Little Red Wagon Day [Last Wednesday]
Red Cross Giving Day [4th Wednesday]
A Whole Day for Whole Grain [Last Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Bessarabia (Day of the Union with Romania; 1918)
Federation of the Seven Towers (Declared, 2022) [unrecognized]
Gogania (Declared, 2013) [unrecognized]
Michrenia (Declared, 2013) [unrecognized]
Pugguinia (Declared, 2010) [unrecognized]
Ultamiya (Declared, 2010) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning March 27, 2024
Blazing Swan (Kulin, Australia) [thru 4.2]
Maine Restaurant Expo (Portland, Maine)
Melbourne International Comedy Festival (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 4.21]
New York International Auto Show (New York, New York) [thru 4.7]
Oak Mountain State Fair (Pelham, Alabama) [thru 4.14]
Spring Dairy Expo (Columbus, Ohio) [thru 3.30]
Virginia Food and Beverage Expo (Richmond, Virginia)
WiVi: Central Coast (Paso Robles, California)
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 1 (Pagan)
Albert Marquet (Artology)
Alexander, a Pannonian soldier (Christian; Martyr)
Amador of Portugal (Christian; Saint)
Augusta of Treviso (Christian; Saint)
Barley Harvest Festival (Jehovah, Protector of the Barley)
Charles Henry Brent (Episcopal Church (USA))
Christine (Muppetism)
Clear Energy Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Edward J. Steichen (Artology)
Edward William Cooke (Artology)
Gauri (Women’s Festival to Goddess of Marriage & Abundance; India)
Geasa Day (Prohibitions; Celtic Book of Days)
Gelasius, Archbishop of Armagh (Christian; Saint)
Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa (Buddhism)
Herophilius (Positivist; Saint)
Jan van Beers (Artology)
John & Patsy Ramsey Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saints)
John Damascene (Christian; Saint)
John of Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Jules Olitski (Artology)
Lavatio (Festival of Cybele and Attis; Ancient Rome)
Liberalia (Ancient Rome; Festival of Liber Pater, Fertility & Wine God)
Patrick McCabe (Writerism)
Paella Day (Pastafarian)
Philetus (Christian; Saint)
Romulus of Nîmes, a Benedictine abbot (Christian; Martyr)
Rupert of Salzburg (Christian; Saint)
Smell the Breezes Day (Sky Goddess Nut; Ancient Egypt)
Vladimir Burliuk (Artology)
Zanitas and Lazarus of Persia (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Black Wednesday (Czech Republic) [Wednesday before Easter]
Holy Wednesday [4 Days before Easter]
Soot-Sweeping Wednesday [Wednesday before Easter]
Ugly Wednesday [Wednesday before Easter]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Annie Hall (Film; 1977)
April Showers (Film; 1948)
The Bulleteers (Fleischer Cartoon; 1942) [#5]
Child Sociology (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1953)
Consuming Passions (Film; 1992)
The Cutting Edge (Film; 1992)
Design for Leaving (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Eaters of the Dead, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1976)
The Energy Blues (Science Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1979)
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, by Charles Mackay (Psychology Book; 1841)
The Fella with the Fiddle (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
The Greatest Man in Siam (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1944)
Home (Animated Film; 2015)
International House (Film; 1933)
Moby Duck (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
Monsters vs. Aliens (Animated Film; 2009)
The Moonman is Blue or The Inside Story (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 36; 1960)
Mother, by Meghan Trainor (Song; 2023)
Run-DMC, by Run-DMC (Album; 1984)
Run Silent, Run Deep (Film; 1958)
Singin’ in the Rain (Film; 1952)
The Snowman Cometh or An Icicle Built for Two (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 35; 1960)
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Thief (Film; 1981)
Thunderball, by Ian Fleming (Novel; 1959) [James Bond #9]
Tiny Toon Spring Break (WB Animated TV Film; 1994)
Tom Thumb (ComicColor Cartoon; 1936)
Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (Disney Animated TV Special; 1959)
Victorious (TV Series; 2010)
What Makes Sammy Run?, by Budd Schulberg (Novel; 1941)
What We Do in the Shadows (Film; 2019)
White Men Can’t Jump (Film; 1992)
Today’s Name Days
Ernst, Frowin, Heimo (Austria)
Lada, Peregrin, Rupert (Croatia)
Dita (Czech Republic)
Kastor (Denmark)
Laide, Laidi, Leia, Leida, Leidi (Estonia)
Saul, Sauli (Finland)
Habib (France)
Augusta, Ernst, Heimo (Germany)
Filitas, Leeda, Lidia, Makedon, Matrona (Greece)
Hajnalka (Hungary)
Augusto, Oliviero, Romolo, Ruperto (Italy)
Audra, Gustavs, Gusts, Talrits (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Alkmenas, Lidija, Rūta (Lithuania)
Rudi, Rudolf (Norway)
Benedykt, Ernest, Ernestyn, Jan, Lidia, Rościmir, Rupert (Poland)
Matroana (Romania)
Alena (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Ruperto (Spain)
Ralf, Rudolf (Sweden)
Acher, Archibald, Archie, Montgomery, Monte, Monty (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 87 of 2024; 279 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 13 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 18 (Geng-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 17 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 17 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 27 Green; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 14 March 2024
Moon: 94%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Archimedes (4th Month) [Erasistratus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 9 of 92)
Week: 4th Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 7 of 31)
0 notes
multiversal-pig-outing · 2 months ago
so ya I have zanita other parent be cythonna.
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snowlitsight · 2 years ago
Species: Animatronic
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Relatives: Deceased Mother, Father, Montgomery (Sibling)
Alias: Sis (Montgomery)
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Band Mate
Base Appearance: TBD
0 notes