#marjorie taylor greene scum
recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Some far-right Republican members of the House say they want Donald Trump to become the next speaker after Kevin McCarthy’s stunning ouster on Tuesday threw the body into chaos.GOP Reps. Troy Nehls (Texas), Greg Steube (Fla.) and Marjorie Taylor-Greene (Ga.) all tweeted in support of Trump becoming speaker, while Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio) told Fox News that if Trump wants to be speaker “that’s fine, too.”Fox News host Sean Hannity claimed Trump “might be open” to the idea.There is no rule saying the speaker must be a member of the House, although every speaker so far has been.But there’s a big problem with the GOP plan to make Trump the first nonmember to wield the gavel: Their own rules.Rep. Sean Casten (D-Ill.) gave his Republican colleagues a reminder of Rule 26, which was adopted in January and states that any GOP leader indicted of a felony with a potential prison sentence of two years or more needs to step aside:Trump has been indicted on 91 felony charges, many of which carry potential sentences far above two years.By late Wednesday, “Rule 26” was trending on X, formerly known as Twitter.That’s not the only kink in the plan.House speaker is a labor-intensive job. Trump, on the other hand, is better known for spending as much time as he can playing golf. During his four-year presidency, Trump spent nearly 300 days on the golf course, as the former president’s critics noted on X:I am willing to bet that Republicans will try to ignore House Rule 26 the way they ignore all other inconvenient rules, regulations, and realities since Trump bought their souls. pic.twitter.com/pO3XRKdUwi— Windthin~Rebel Scum & Snark Jedi 🏳️🌈🌊🇺🇦🌻🐀 (@windthin) October 4, 2023If Trump is Speaker, it’ll be like his Covid press conferences. He’ll never stop talking and nothing will get done. GOP governance will be even worse than it is now. But TV will love it for the entertainment value. bleh https://t.co/AKi4s4a3UW— Robert E Kelly (@Robert_E_Kelly) October 4, 2023Per current house rules anyone indicted for a felony cannot serve in a leadership position. So first they need a new speaker, then a rule change, then that speaker to step down before this pipe dream can be a reality. https://t.co/gczCqeaxir— Robert Reid (@rdreidjr) October 4, 2023Donald will not replace Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.Being Speaker requires work.-- I'm working to expose Donald. He hates me for it. Support me by joining my newsletter. Link in bio. pic.twitter.com/jQ1zvgWcbo— Mary L Trump (@MaryLTrump) October 4, 2023The only way Trump would be speaker is if someone else does all the work. He has NEVER worked a day in his life and that includes the 4 years he squatted in our WH. Hair and makeup until noon.Lunch10 minute briefing12 hours of bully tweeting https://t.co/PFfsuLthXe— DC/PA Gal 🟧🟦🇺🇸🏳️🌈🇺🇦 (@FloridaGal0814) October 4, 2023It would be really funny if they put the most chaotic person on earth in charge of procedural issues. Republicans, as a party, would implode faster than ever. https://t.co/MfHhjAgzXC— Heidi N. Moore (@moorehn) October 4, 2023
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lenbryant · 1 year
Marjorie Taylor Greene must sound better in the original German. What a vile Yahtzee sack of scum!
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worldofwardcraft · 1 year
America's fifth column.
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June 5, 2023
Harris Mylonas and Scott Radnitz, editors of Enemies Within, define fifth columns as “domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state." In the 1950s, Republicans falsely accused Democrats of secretly working as fifth columnists to advance global communism. But today the MAGA faction of the GOP truly is working against America by siding with Vlad Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Trump worshippers have detested Ukraine ever since its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, refused to be extorted by the cult's always-blameless Dear Leader. Plus, Putin has created in Russia exactly the kind of society they admire and wish to inflict on the US by imprisoning dissenters, suppressing minorities, rigging elections and using religion as a tool of oppression.
Accordingly, opposition to Ukraine, along with support for Russia, has come gushing forth from MAGA nation. Including vermin like Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene: "There is no win for Ukraine here. Russia is being very successful in their invasion.” Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon: “No Republican should vote for any money for Ukraine." Fired Faux News host Tucker Carlson: “I think we should probably take the side of Russia, if we have to choose between Russia and Ukraine.” Arizona representative Paul Gosar: “Ukraine is not our ally. Russia is not our enemy." And, last but certainly least, racist scum Nick Fuentes, who told the America First Political Action Conference last year, “I wish Putin was president of America.”
As MedCity News journalist Alaric Dearment pointed out in his legal blog Above the Law,
Their support for a fascist regime’s mission to conquer a fledgling democracy and snuff out its hard-won freedom goes far beyond party politics and shows hatred for the fundamental values of our own country.
But it's not just talk. In service to the Kremlin, Republican turncoats are working diligently to bring down America by crippling FBI counterintelligence, destroying democracy, wrecking the dollar and disbanding NATO.
In return, Putin has imposed travel sanctions on many of Trump's adversaries and critics. Including New York AG Letitia James, DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger.
In Frank Capra's 1941 film, Meet John Doe, newspaper editor Henry Connell warns the politically naïve protagonist, "Listen, pal, this fifth column stuff is pretty rotten, isn't it?" When Doe agrees, he adds: "And you'd feel like an awful sucker if you found yourself marching right in the middle of it, wouldn't you?" "Awful sucker" is an appropriate description of today's Republican MAGA clown. But so also is "fifth-column traitor.”
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cool-m-clifton · 2 years
When Will We Truly Fight Back Against The Fascist Christian Nationalists?
Are we gonna keep doing this for another 20, 40, 60, 100 years?
Are we gonna keep letting Right-Filth like Marjorie Taylor-Green, Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar and rest of the Freedom Caucus destroy our Democracy, and lead us down the road of Vile Christian Nationalism?
Are we gonna let Scum like DeSantis in Florida continue to Ban Books, Bash Gays, Take African Americans Back To Pre-Civil War Days, Kills Thousands More Through Anti-Vaccine Plans and Top It All Off By Destroying The Climate?
When Are WE THE PEOPLE Gonna Hit The Streets, Stadiums and Airports In a Sustained, National Movement That Forces This Vermin (along with the Catholic Fascist Scum on the U.S. Supreme Court) From Our Lives FOREVER?
The Time 2 Start Is NOW!!!
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geezerwench · 2 years
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Matt Gaetz
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Andy Biggs
Louie Gohmert
Paul Gosar
Andy Harris
Jody Hice
Jim Jordan
Scott Perry
Brian Babin
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Is the Republican Party Soft on Fascism?
Is the Republican Party Soft
on Fascism?
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? It was the year of our Lord, 1854. There was a coalition of various groups like the defunct “Whig Party,” the “Free Soil Party,” and the racist group, the “Native America Party,” aka: “The Know Nothing Party.” Note: The reason they were called, “The Know Nothings” was because whenever there was a terrorist attack, like a fire-bombed, Catholic church, they would answer police investigators’ questions with, “I know nothing about the firebombing.” That nickname could be applied to today's Republicans. Most of the rank and file members have low I.Q.s and know nothing about anything!
Let’s get something straight: Abraham Lincoln was not a true Republican. He joined the party to run against a Democratic candidate. It was for political strategy. Matter of fact, like George Washington, he despised political parties. Lincoln, in today’s Right wing slang, was pretty “woke.” Oh, one more thing...Lincoln had pen pals. Guess who his favorite was? Karl Marx. I told you he was woke.
Okay—we are now up to date. And today’s Republican Party? Very unstable. The upper echelon of the party are like fugitives hiding in safe houses known as Country Clubs. Initially, they were willing to let the White, working class, protestants in. Now, they regret it, as the patients are starting to take over the asylum. The rich Republicans erroneously figured that superstitious Christians would be perfect for class engineering; i.e.: as they got richer and richer, the poor would be told to pray to Jesus if they wanted their next meal. This is exactly the type of shit done in the Dark Ages.
The loud mouths of the party, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, do not even know what the fuck Fascism is, and yet, they advocate it. Recently, while spewing some garbage on Social Media about how the government is monitoring people and the type of meat they are eating, MTG totally missed the term “petri dish” by claiming that Bill Gates is growing meat in a “peach tree dish,” instead. More recently, a clip of her January 6th testimony revealed her substitution of the word “flagrantly” with “fragrantly” to describe the way in which defendants’ rights had been allegedly violated. For decades now, Conservatives have been advocating “Anti-Intellectualism;” well, she is a glaring and blatant example of it! Unsurprisingly, most Right wing sexists don’t mind her; she mirrors the “Stupid Blonde” persona; albeit, a much more dangerous one. 1950’s actresses Judy Holiday and Marilyn Monroe often played such a role. A “stupid blonde” would fire up the Conservative libido. “Teach me how to make love, daddy!” “Oh yeah, daddy will show you!” Baarrrff!!!!!!
So why do paleo-conservatives hate intellectuals, anyway? Certainly, not because they are advocating Left wing propaganda! It’s because objective truth discredits them. The biggest threat to the Right is not so-called “Leftism;” it is Objectivity. Conservatism goes against common sense or basic logic. So when they say, “The New York Times is Left wing,” they mean the material is too objective. The newspaper gives them negative press, but not because they are trying to destroy the Republican Party; they just fuck up way more than the Democrats do! Last year, The New York Times reported relentlessly about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat. They took him down because of his alleged sexual misdeeds. So, is the New York Times Leftist? Well—is the pope Jewish?
Starting in the late 40’s, the Republican Party, along with other conservative scum bags called Democrats, went soft on Communism. This prevailed all through the Cold War. Now, high ranking Republicans are calling the Democratic Party “Communists” and “Socialists.” Yeah, sure they are. A lot of progressive Leftists are calling the Republican Party, “Fascists.” Well, they’re not, really—although, the real Fascists have gotten their foot in the door. The Democrats kept the real Communists out of their party starting way back in the 1930’s. Do you think rich Liberals would let Commies into their party? Do you think Rich Conservatives are going to let Nazis into their’s?
The only legislation the GOP is actuating is legalizing guns for blind people. Otherwise, except for WASPs who own oil wells, the GOP hasn’t done shit for the American people! This latest incarnation of the Republican Party has not exactly put the party in a state of catalepsy. The leadership has to change its membership from illimitable to exclusionary with a happy face. The central committee must exercise discretion and entropy to fix their party. The biggest mistake the party did was not giving the war against Fascism—otherwise known as World War 11—their vigorous support. Nowadays, the MAGA crowd is comprised of anti-Fascist, Fascist groups. So, are anti-Communists really Communists? That’s anti-intellectualism for you. Here is quote for all of you:
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” ―Benito Mussolini 1932
I used to know this woman who was a Chud. She did this officious thing, which was so fucking condescending! It was solicitous advice that made me crawl up the wall! It went like this: “If I was on the Left, I would do this and I would do that.” Well, with this, I turn the tables on her and say: “If I was on the Republican National Committee (RNC), I would put out a press release denouncing Fascism, white supremacy, and Christian Nationalism. If you don’t do that soon, the Libertarian Party, or maybe the American Christian Party will replace you. Who knows?”
Don’t be soft on fascism!
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chargetheintruder · 2 years
Hey.  You, the so-called “president.”
Yeah, I’m taking a different approach on this.  Because I, for one, get tired of being a cyber-bully to a sitting President of the United States, and nearly 80-year old man besides.  It gets tiresome.  It’s like beating an old pillow--it’s just this limp thing that does nothing no matter how hard you hit it or tear into it.  This advanced “rope-a-dope” business would be a fine tactic too, but not under current circumstances, and especially not ones that urgently DEMAND leadership, from a leadership position.
So here’s what news articles on Yahoo! are saying and my take on them:
In short words: HELL NO, you NEVER listen to these guys.  Get this through your head, these assholes are our ENEMIES.  Good god, of COURSE the Trumpist Party is going to oppose everything you can imagine doing, down to saying the sky is blue or taking a breath because living things DO THAT.
Get it together please, get that Executive Order on VAST Student Loan Forgiveness DONE already, whatever amount you have in mind.  Your ENEMIES there have already torn down Roe v. Wade.  They could not care less about anyone but the One Percenter Traitors (including Trump) who have their hands up their Muppet Asses.  Moving on.
Again, here’s a concept that superficially seems accurate but it’s flawed.  “Scorched Earth” in military terms already implies a defeat.  It assumes that liberals and Democrats “just can’t win” when newsflash, YOU GUYS WON.  The increase in aggression is welcome but the defeatist assumption it’s based on is NOT.  You, Mr. Biden, and yours in Congress, need to go ALL IN on the idea that they--the Trumpist Party, the traitors who slander Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt by calling themselves “republicans”--need to be PUNISHED.  Not just accused, not just exposed--Trump was both of these things and in the end they meant nothing, because his butt-buddy Bitch McConnell said so.  Our ENEMIES, and the ENEMIES of our society in the United States, need to be held to strict account and punished.  PUNISHED.  Trump and all of his lot need to be found GUILTY and sent to PRISON wherever possible, for as long as possible.  And when you can’t send people (like Joe Manchin, Marjorie Taylor Greene or Bitch McConnell) to prison, you need to have Congress IMPEACH them and/or batter them with the 14th Amendment’s anti-insurrectionist clause, as much as possible.  Pick your targets NOW, and go HARD NOW.  You and yours have already wasted FAR FAR TOO MUCH TIME.
And again, HELL NO.  Don’t hold off, don’t waste one more day, what are you even HERE to do??  What part of the word “Emergency” don’t you understand Mr. President?  You needed to do this at the beginning of this year, right after January 6th.  You needed to declare:
--An Emergency over Climate Change, --An Emergency over Logistics and the Economy (doing more to stop inflation and shortages BEFORE they became a talking point), --An Emergency over the Insurrection.  Meaning yes, declare Limited Martial Law, crack down on Crime and protests, demand that Congress USE the 14th Amendment, and generally assert as much IMPERIAL power as you need to to shut Bitch McConnell, Trump and his the fuck up.
But no, now look where we are: you’ve wasted half of this year too and the whole summer besides, in addition to last year.  You and Congress have wasted SO MUCH TIME just over those bought traitorous scum Manchin and Sinema alone it makes me want to get armed and fix that mess for you, forcibly.  Maybe with some large-caliber rounds through their knees, amputating their fucking legs by bullet.  Let’s see them get on the fucking team when they can’t stand up or walk away.  But nah, all y’all have to do the Learned Helplessness bitch business and GO LIMP whenever a Trumpist or a Wannabe shows up, isn’t that right?  And truth be told I hate guns.  My father was a licensed gunsmith, an NRA fanatic and an antisocial, abusive psycho besides, I’ve spent my whole adult life swearing to not be like him whenever possible.  And yet here you are tempting me with depravity, ruin, and a hail of cheap 9mm bullets from your local brown-shirt wannabe fascist police.  And you wonder why my attitude burns inside.
(oh yeah, and this is before you consider the OTHER Emergency: Vlad Dracula Putin, you know the favorite son of guys like Trump and Bitch McConnell?  Him, having tantrums over Ukraine, to the point of wanting to start nuclear warfare and end the WORLD before he loses, oh noes)
Point is you need to stop wasting time and DO THINGS already, Joe Biden.  Wake the fuck up and DO THINGS, will you??  It’s like you went a dozen bridges too far in becoming President Obama’s Tamed Little Do-Nothing Cocksucker, didn’t you?  No really, what did you do with the aggressive Joe Biden?  What did you even eat him with? But yeah.  DO THINGS.  Today.  Tomorrow.  Don’t wait until November because by then the Trumpist party will just make it illegal to not be one of them or some dadaist fucking thing.  And the pathetic part is that both the One Percenter CEO Scum and the Idiot 28 Percent of every state (the anti-vax, anti-choice, anti-woman, pro-QAnon psycho crowd) will drive us all to extinction supporting that mess.
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dougldoug · 3 years
I am not liberal. It may seem that way because this blog is where I go when I feel like arguing with people, and (for the most part - there are exceptions) right wing folks are the most likely to 1) say things I want to argue with 2) say it in an insulting and derogatory way 3) engage back.
Liberal folks are more likely to throw a jab and run away (comment and block), but righties are more likely to call me a commie fag. So guess who I am arguing with more? (Not that ruggedly individualistic conservatives haven't slapped and run more than once. What is it with that behavior? I understand if you have to block me so your feelings don't get hurt, but why get that little baby jab in first? Seems childish.)
Oh, and I also think Donald Trump is the biggest piece of shit who ever embarrassed our country and that those who defend him are bootlickers. And people who refuse to mask up or vaccinate are dangerous and care little about others. I talk about this A LOT.
But the fact is I hold both liberal and conservative views on a wide range of issues. It has never made sense to me when people say "both sides of the political aisle." Two sides? There should be a hundred, a thousand sides.
The country is not, and should not be, divided into two groups of people who hold identical views on everything.
1) Republicans who are pro-life, against gun control, against BLM, against mask and vaccine mandates, against gay marriage, against welfare programs, against drug legalization, pro-free market, pro-Donald Trump, pro-parental input in schools, think preferred prounouns are stupid and gender is biological.
2) Democrats who are pro-choice, pro-gun control, pro-BLM, pro-mandates, pro-gay marriage, pro-welfare, pro-decriminalization, anti-free market, anti-Trump, anti-parental input in schools, think gender is a social construct and pronouns are optional.
This is ridiculous because some of those positions have absolutely nothing to do with the others! Does someone who is against gun control HAVE to be against abortions? No, of course not. The issues are not related. One argument is framed by crime and individual rights and self defense and public safety and distrust of government. The other by the right of a woman to control her body and when a fetus becomes a person.
In fact, there ARE Republicans who are pro-choice or pro-gun control, and Democrats who are pro-life or against gun control. I know, because I know some of these people in real life. They hold some contradictory views to the party platforms, but they agree with enough of the rest that they claim the name. And this is a good thing. Think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
Ok, so we all know what I think of Donald Dumptruck and how he damaged our country, but do you know how he has most damaged the Republican Party? By his incessant use of the term RINO. By calling anyone who disagrees with him in the slightest way a Republican in name only, he is driving away divergent views, silencing ideas, and bringing the extremists to the front of the line.
I have in the past voted for Republicans, and most likely will again, but I cannot and will not vote for the Trumps, the Marjorie Taylor Greenes, the Lauren Boeberts. These people are not leaders, and they do not represent their constituents - they represent the most vocal and extreme of their political bases.
Liz Cheney, on the other hand, is a Republican I trust. She took a moral stand that is probably going to hurt her, but she did it because it was the right thing to do. Country above party, always.
There are Democrats I do not like or trust as well: Nancy Pelosi for one. She is manipulative and lying scum. But I focus less vitiriol on the Dems because they have not for the past 6 years actively supported a man who made a mockery of every American institution.
Back to my point, not all people hold monolithic views, nor should they. I am not liberal. I am not conservative. Neither do I think of myself as moderate. My opinions are too fervent for such a mundane term as "moderate." Independent may be the best term, although it says little about what my views actually are.
And I am not unique; I am not alone. There are a lot of us out there who don't toe your party lines or obey your thought police. Think about that next time you respond to a post with "commie fag" or "fascist fuck." You and I may not agree on a certain point, but I, and the other independents out there, and maybe even some of the people from that other political party you despise, may agree on others. Do you really want to alienate us?
And seriously, we are all people. Treat others with respect (this reminder applies to me as well - sometimes I get carried away and forget).
My ramble is over. Thanks for making it this far.
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omfgtrump · 4 years
Bail to The Chief
With The Don banished, silenced on Twitter and other social media, and left only to spread lies about his golf game, this was the time to cut the head off the orange snake. After all, the snake was being served up on a platter with the sign: Convict and Banish.
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Mitch McConnell, a snake of different color, saw an opportunity to lead the beheading. In his conniving manner, he intimated he would be willing to consider bringing the ax down. But a funny thing happened. Talk of challenging his leadership role spooked him and he joined 44 other Republicans to try to cancel the trial completely. The “Grim Reaper” also wanted to avoid a scenario where his cronies would publicly be on record with their vote, as for now, big business has decided they won’t throw money into Republican coffers for supporting the “Big Lie” and failure to denounce The Don’s actions. (We will see how long that lasts!)
Though there is precedent for impeachment trials after a public official leaves office, the Republicans decided to continue their odious sycophancy. And anyway, what’s all the hubbub about instigation of an insurrection. Just a few dead police officers (two by suicide), 140 injured, confederate flags carried through the halls of the Capitol, a guy wearing an Auschwitz t-shirt, threats to lawmakers lives and and a lively chant of “hang Mike Pence” for good measure. As I said, what’s all the hubbub?
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In fact, The Don’s legal team decided to jump ship because he insisted that they use the “they stole the election defense.” Imagine arguing that the election was a fraud, stolen from The Don, so it was his right to incite a riot to take back what was properly his. So in other words, “Yeah, he did it, but you can’t steal stuff from people and not expect someone to fight back!”
Let’s face it folks, if many Republicans are still propagating the “Big Lie,” that Biden is an illegitimate president, and instigating an insurrection against your own government doesn’t rise to the level of convict and banish, then any hope of sanity and unity is gone.
When members of congress do not feel safe in their work place because of  menacing colleagues, we have arrived at a dark place.
At a press conference Nancy Pelosi, someone who was a target of the rioters, stated it very clearly: “The enemy is within.”
This quote from A.O.C. directed at Ted Cruz regarding their mutual support of the anti-Wall street populism of the “Game Stop” stock extravaganza says it all.
“I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there’s common ground, but you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago so you can sit this one out,” she responded. “Happy to work w/ almost any other GOP that aren’t trying to get me killed. In the meantime if you want to help, you can resign.” Talk about speaking truth to power!
Cruz, the poster child for unity, response was to cry foul and state that A.O.C.’s anger stoked further division.
Mr. Unity, what have you got to say about fellow Republican, Qanon lady, Marjorie Taylor Greene, who, in an October 2020 video surfaced recently by Mother Jones,  said that the “only way you get your freedoms back is it’s earned with the price of blood.”
What’s that I hear? Umm! Thought so. So you can take your cry for unity and shove it up your ass. You are scum. A sniveling, conniving, morally bankrupt opportunist who gives a shit about no one but yourself and desire for power. And that goes for you too, Josh Hawley.
Lady Q has also repeatedly claimed in multiple videos and social media posts that several school shooting massacres were “false flag” events perpetrated by government officials in an attempt to drum up support for gun control laws. 
Lady Q has implicated anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that a Jewish owned international investment banking firm, Rothschild, Inc. was somehow involved in creating the devastating fires in California this past summer and suggested the fire was caused by a beam from “space solar generators.” 
Cori Bush, a black, newly elected congresswomen from St. Louis, felt so threatened by Lady Q, that she asked for her office, which was located next to Lady Q’s, to be moved.
And then there is Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader, making a pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago, to lick the soles of The Don’s shoes to ask for forgiveness for ever turning against him. McCarthy’s response to the dangerous conspiracy theory Q Lady was to appointment her to the Education Committee, where she will promote curriculum that promulgates theories that the Jews are behind everything that is wrong with America and for that matter, the world. Heil Hitler, sister Q.
Let’s imagine that conversation K.M.’s conversation with The Don:
K.M. Mr. President.
The Don: It’s about time you showed up. I had you on my list of who to primary.
K.M. Mr. President, Mr. President, I don’t know what got into me. Maybe I was drugged by A.O.C. Marjorie told me that I must have been zapped by a mind control laser beam sent by some Jew that rearranged my thoughts. Do you forgive me? Please forgive me, Mr. President. We need you. You are our fearless leader.
The Don: On your hands and knees Kevin.
K.M. But Mr. Pres..
The Don: Shut up and lick.
K.M: But Mr. Pres…
The Don: Shut up and lick…thatta boy.
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K.M. Mr. President. Why are you pulling down your pants?
The Don: Remember all that talk about the pee tapes in the Steele report in the hoax Russia investigation? Well they were true!
from WordPress https://ift.tt/36xOu81 via IFTTT
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chuck-glisson · 2 years
Marjorie Taylor Greene, as per the 14th Ammendment, is INELIGIBLE to serve in office. Should Veterans fall back on our "Oath" to REMOVE HER? Asking for a friend.
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chuck-glisson · 2 years
Majorie Taylor Greene is a TRAITOR BITCH!
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chuck-glisson · 2 years
This is ME, responding to Marjorie Taylor Greene's request for "Respect and Privacy" during her "Devorce".
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chuck-glisson · 2 years
Herschel Walker and Majorie Taylor Greene are "Scum" times TWO!
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