#marjorie taylor greene stupid
sher-ee · 3 months
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Oof. One of the dumbest members of the GOP.
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madamephantom · 4 months
moments before rex raptor storms kaibacorp headquarters
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dodelof · 5 months
Fox-News doesn't like Marjorie Taylor Greene
How bad, how lousy, what a lousy character you must be when even Fox News tells you to your face that you suck. Someone who has been the image of MAGA and a Trump cultist for a very long time. So now would be the time for this woman to retire. But she won't do it. I can well imagine that she would love to be adopted by Trump.
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muddypolitics · 2 years
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(via Marjorie Taylor Greene Gives the (Unofficial) GOP Response - TPM – Talking Points Memo)
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thingstrumperssay · 2 years
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Greene’s 48 years old. She would have had to repeat the 11th grade around 30 years in a row for her to have been in school while Biden’s president.
Which isn’t much of a stretch, actually.
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imkeepinit · 2 years
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aci25 · 2 years
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Since President Biden took office, 6 billion people have crossed our border, according to Marjorie Taylor Greene. Throughout the world, there are 7.9 billion people. She deleted the tweet. What do you say to her?
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m-50a · 3 months
Marjorie Taylor Greene Boyfriend ATTACKS Meidas Host ON TAPE
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sher-ee · 6 months
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Doubling down on being an absolute moron.
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markramsey · 1 year
Is she really this stupid?
Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces Nato amendment directing Biden to withdraw | The Independent
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dodelof · 5 months
MeidasTouch - Fox Suddenly Turns against MTG in Stunning Admission
Wow. Wenn, mitten und geradeheraus aus dem NICHTs gegen das MAGA-Poster-Girl Marjorie Taylor Greene schiesst, dann ist der Zeitpunkt bekommen, wo man sich als Betroffene ein paar Gedanken machen sollte, ob es sein könnte, dass man ein ganz klein wenig zu weit gegangen ist. ABER, schon wieder ein aber von mir und ich will die doch so selten wie möglich in Anwendung bringen; MTG ist so was von abhängig von der Liebe von ihrem Guru und Gott Donald Trump, dass es in nächster Zeit wohl nicht passieren wird, dass sie eine Entscheidung der Vernunft treffen wird. Sie dürfte nur mehr und mehr dem Wahnsinn anheim fallen. Nettes Video, dass einem auf den neusten Stand bring und schön aufzeigt, dass sich bei MAGA nichts ändern wird.
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juliansdiary2 · 1 year
Marjorie, you need to sit down
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the fact that people (including MTG) believe AOC has a fucking burner twitter account because they are technologically illiterate might actually be the thing that sends me over the fucking edge, y’all
I cannot live on this planet with these people anymore. I don’t want to. critical thinking is fucking dead
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rghfll · 2 years
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What a sorry state of an inhumane being. Worse, people in Northern GA actually voted for her.
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claramj · 2 years
Lauren Boebert and Marjorie FIGHT in Ladies Room
The republican party of today, is like a disorganized crime family/Mob family, they even call different parts of the party, families, and they are fighting with each other even more then they are fighting with Democrats!  
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tanadrin · 6 months
Honestly, I *don't* want to mix things with proportional representation. I see proportional representation as an excellent way of increasing the importance of dealings between politicians and reducing the incentive effects of the voters. But in my ideal world I'll need to negotiate with people who do like proportional representation, and this system is a compromise I could get behind. Plus you can plug and play any three different electoral systems for different compromises.
First past the post is a bad, undemocratic electoral system. First past the post privileges large parties by making small ones unviable, and distorts the composition of parliaments by wasting votes. It can be gerrymandered in a way proportional representation cannot be. It produces highly unrepresentative outcomes. It is a bad electoral system! All good voting systems are to some degree inclined to more proportional results.
I've never heard the accusation that PR "increases the importance of dealings between politicians," but look. I don't know how else to put this. That is a stupid objection. Just absolutely boneheaded. You haven't thought about this at all, I reckon.
People hate on "politicians" as a generic class, but it's like hating on lawyers as a generic class. You need politicians. You want politicians. You want people whose specialized job it is to read legislation, fight about what should go in it, represent your interests, and come to balanced compromises about those interests. People percieve politics as messy, venal, and corrupt, and it can be all those things, but guess what? The alternative to career politicians is part-time citizens who don't know what the fuck they're doing, have no expertise in the legislative process, and therefore are at the mercy of lobbyists who can walk them like a dog because they're naive and inexperienced.
There's this especially (but not exclusively) American pathology that is a suspicion of government that works too well. This peculiar notion that if only we sabotage government a little bit it will keep tyranny in check and make politicians more honest... somehow. But filling government with random yahoos doesn't get you a noble collegium of Tocquevillian citizen-lawmakers, it gets you a pack of Marjorie Taylor Greens and Lauren Boberts. You know--morons. Americans will support all these ballot initiatives that fuck up government on purpose, like term-limiting legislators and keeping their salaries low so only rich people can afford to go into politics (and even then are only willing to do it as a stepping stone to other gigs), and vote for people who promise to make government work even worse by cutting the budget and lowering taxes, and then have the absolute gall to whine about how badly the government works. My fellow Americans, you did that on purpose.
(And there's this weird paradox where Americans all loathe Congress. Who keeps voting these creeps in? Well. You do. Congresscritters are generally pretty highly approved of by their own constituents. The stereotype of lazy, stupid, venal politicians always seems to apply to the other guys.)
And you will also note that since the abolition of things that used to facilitate deals between politicians in the U.S. congress--since the abolition of earmarks and chummy socials between congressmen and the post--generally, since the post-Gingrich upheaval in the House--it has gotten harder to pass even necessary, basic legislation, because it is harder to make the basic compromises necessary to keep government functioning. Having three separate legislatures that each can claim a different sort of democratic mandate isn't a recipe for good legislation, it's a recipe for paralysis and constitutional crisis.
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