#mario fanon
bowserphobia · 2 years
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Kamek, Luigi, Bowser, Mario, and King Morton. The following is copy/pasted from my deviantart.
This was a character lineup for a comic I may or may not but probably won't do at some point about a version of the Yoshi's Island story, from Kamek's perspective. The following is a long, sometimes vague description of the plot, containing a lot of my own personal Mario fanon. Hope it's not cringe!
The Darklands are a notoriously unpleasant, dangerous place to live. The land lies in the shadow of a huge volcano, and is perpetually hot and sticky. The largely reptilian residents live under the leadership of the latest in a long line of Koopas.
The current king, Morton Koopa Sr., will go down in history as the worst ruler of the Darklands. And on top of that, he's a pretty crummy dad, too. He treats Head Magikoopa Kamek as a glorified babysitter, dumping his young heir, Bowser, with him every chance he gets.
One evening, Kamek divines a prophecy that two sons of the Mushroom Kingdom will one day destroy the Darklands and kill Prince Bowser. The prophecy is very vague, but still, he’s deeply shaken by what he sees. Morton orders Kamek to bring the children to him, so they can find out more. Kamek sets off into the rainy night on his broomstick.
Mario, Luigi, and their biological parents live on the Mushroom Kingdom coast, near Yoshi’s Island. Luigi is an infant, and Mario is about two years older than him. He can kinda sorta talk and walk around, but he's still a baby, too. Their father was a fisherman, and their mother was a cartographer. Humans are one of the rarer species in this world, often descendants of Earthlings who were marooned there in the past by warp pipes, and the brothers’ parents were no exception. They are completely acclimated to this universe and have no knowledge of Earth beyond great-grandparents’ stories.
After zeroing in on their location, Kamek flies on his broomstick to the Mushroom Kingdom under cover of night and steals the brothers from their home. On the way back to King Koopa’s castle, while they're flying over the ocean, Mario tried to steal Kamek's wand and starts fighting with him. There's a scuffle, and Mario falls off the broom into the dark ocean below. Kamek assumes he drowned in the fall. He panics, still holding Luigi, and flashes back to that terrifying vision of the future he saw. Briefly, he considers throwing the baby into the ocean. But he looks down at Luigi, and he’s reminded of Bowser. He bundles the baby up and presses onward to the castle.
Consumed with guilt, he lies to Morton and tells him he was mistaken, and there was only one child. He tells Morton he’s going to tuck him in, and tomorrow they will try and use him to see a clearer vision of the future. Morton agrees, and adds that perhaps the kid would be useful as some sort of weapon against the Mushroom Kingdom. Kamek seems unsure about that one.
Meanwhile, Mario washes up on Yoshi’s Island. The yoshis find him, and he manages to communicate to them that his little brother is in trouble. A few of the yoshis go forward with Mario on his journey to the Darklands, and a few other yoshis sneak off to tell Queen Cherimoya Toadstool, ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, what’s going on.
[Insert the entirety of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island here]
It gets a little fuzzy here, sorry I don’t have as much of the second half worked out. But anyway, Luigi stays in the Koopa’s castle just long enough for Kamek and Bowser to bond with him a little. Morton meanwhile is not into this development. Kamek’s attempts to see the future, meanwhile, are proving fruitless. He begins to worry what will happen with Luigi if Morton thinks he’s not useful anymore. Finally, he sees something.
This part was going to kinda call forward to Super Paper Mario, and the whole idea that Luigi has this darkness and power inside of him (remember that whole thing??) and Kamek is horrified by what he sees. These kids are dangerous, he realizes, and spell certain doom for the Darklands. Morton can never find out, he decides.
Sorry this is getting so vague, but the climax I could never really figure out! I have a bunch of different ideas that could work, but it never really came together. But the most important part is that Mario and the yoshis show up at Koopa Kastle while Morton is gone. With both brothers present, Kamek is scared for Bowser's life, so he boosts him with magic like he does in the game. A big fight is about to ensue. Then, Queen Toadstool arrives and everything stops in its tracks. 
It turns out that the Queen’s wizard-in-residence divined a very similar prophecy to Kamek’s. She says that she believes that not only are the boys in danger wherever they go, but that they will attract danger to whatever community they live in, wether that’s the Mushroom Kingdom or the Darklands, like a lightning rod. Basically, they’re a cosmic grenade someone’s gotta jump on. She appeals to Kamek's reasonable side, knowing he would never intentionally harm a child, and asks Kamek to let her take care of the brothers. She can make sure they’re safe, and far away from this world. Kamek relents, and lets her take them.
The boys are briefly reunited with their parents, before the Queen explains the situation to them. The Mushroom Kingdom is implied to have Advanced Warp Pipe Knowledge. Her plan is to send them through a warp pipe to another dimension, where they’ll be safe from the magical forces of this world. She believes the only way for this to work is for them to grow up with no connection to their homeland, therefore they must go alone. This part I would keep kinda ambiguous, but it’s part of my backstory for the brothers.
Kamek finds Morton packing up his things. Morton says that as long as those children are out there, the Darklands are doomed, and he’s outta there. He wishes Kamek luck and tells him Bowser is king now. Kamek is flabbergasted, but his first thought is to make sure Bowser is okay.
He finds the little guy crying, and he apologizes to Kamek for tattling. He was the one who told Morton that Kamek gave the children to Queen Toadstool. Kamek forgives him, and they have a touching moment.
Cut to Kamek back at his crystal ball, desperately looking for the brothers. It’s implied in the last scene that he is opening random warp pipes throughout different dimensions in hopes that Mario and Luigi stumble across them, and he is the one that opens the pipe that eventually leads them back.
If you've read this far (thank you and I love you <3) then you may have noticed that in the picture, little Mario is holding Kamek's wand. Originally, when Mario fights Kamek on the broom over the ocean, he gets ahold of the wand. Unfortunately I could never figure out any sort of payoff for it! That's a lot of this whole idea, honestly. Maybe it could still come together someday but I'm so focused on other stuff now. Oh well.
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doweesig · 1 year
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haha yoshi headcanon go brrr
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pinkcreamypeach · 3 months
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Princess peach basically...
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Princess Peach, the benevolent ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom in the Super Mario franchise, is a compassionate and nurturing individual who holds others in high regard. She dedicates her efforts to building a world where everyone can coexist in harmony and peace. Peach has formed a strong bond with Mario and regularly assists him in his adventures, demonstrating her loyalty and care.She may appear as the epitome of refinement and elegance, possesses a strength of character that belies her delicate appearance. She is a woman who is fiercely devoted to her people, never hesitating to put aside her own desires to protect the innocent.She has shown proficiency with weapons such as frying pans and parasols, proving her ability to protect herself. Furthermore, Peach has demonstrated her ability to use magic in the Super Mario RPG, possessing the skill to heal those in distress. Beyond her battle prowess, Peach has a passion for sports, baking, and cooking, making her a versatile and multifaceted individual.Her courage and determination are unwavering in the face of danger, and her determination to protect those she cares about, even at the risk of her own safety, is beyond admirable. She is a true inspiration, an example of the power and potential that lies within all of us.
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//I hate it when people mischaracterize her as a horrible person, mischaracterizing her into a horrible person. Her portrayal as an evil character is both unfair and inaccurate.Mario is often the victim of this mischaracterization, as people label him as "Evil Mario" or as someone who "Hates Luigi." In reality, he loves and adores his brother and would never force Princess Peach into doing anything she does not want to. He is a true gentleman & not some "nice guy." (who is secretly not a good person)//
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cartographers-office · 4 months
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What if Delfino Plaza was in Super Mario Odyssey?
While making this post, I remembered bigboxman8 made his own version of this location based on my template a long time ago! You can check it here!
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tomboymikayla · 5 months
When the Fanon version of a character becomes Canon
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sketchedboba · 1 year
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Abigail, an 18 year old royal Koopa who is fairly head strong and a bit of a prankster. Her humor is often at the expense of others confidence or intelligence. She often wears a bandana over her spiked collar to 'hide' her relation to Bowser, since she's been mistaken for a younger version of him a few times.
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She's pretty sweet towards her brothers and acts as the designated leader of the trio, despite not always making the best decisions for the group.
She has Bowser's heat resistant scales and can withstand high temperatures for long periods of time. Her scales don't burn as easily.
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Sorin, the same age as his sister, and the tallest of the three. He is pretty laid back and mainly goes with the flow, sometimes. Due to his larger appearance and strength, he often takes longer naps and isn't too into fighting.
Which is a shame since he got most of Bowser's strength and tough scales. He shed them quickly and they grew back harder than before along his neck, arms, and tail. This allows him to not only overpower others physically but also take heavy hand-to-hand attacks or weaponry.
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He's not the most attentive either and is often in his own little world.
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Last but not least is Storm! Age 18 and the most energetic of the group.
He's considered a favorite of the trio amongst everyone he's interacted with. Despite being warned to stick to Koopa culture, he's curious about other lands and learning about the experiences of the citizens in other kingdoms.
He's had a small admiration for the Mario brothers and is the only one with the ability to "breathe" lightning. He has the closest relationship with the Koopalings and Junior, and is often the one to spar or roughhouse with the older koopalings of the bunch.
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His eagerness to learn often gets him into trouble, but he trains hard to make sure he can protect the siblings if needed. Though he's a bit too enthusiastic..
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His energy isn't always welcomed and unusual for Koopas his age to be so open to talk with others, especially with the tensions rising between the kingdoms.
However because of his openness, the koopalings can confide in him for advice or just if they need someone to listen to them.
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The Koopa Kids weren't typically seen throughout their stay at Bowser's Castle. They kept to dark corridors or spectated parts of meetings, diplomatic sessions, inventory, and the ports of trade. They never interfered and the few times that they have bumped into Bowser, there was little said.
Especially with Storm...
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Luigi's acknowledgement of their relationship with the Darklands only grew as he got to know them-
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supernightboy08 · 1 month
Why I left the SML community?
When I first saw SML or SuperMarioLogan as a kid I thought it was a fun parody of the Super Mario Bros. Franchise but when I look back on it now I saw how it brainwashed me in the past and how it got me my IPhone taken away by my parents. It had a lot of dark humor, adult jokes, cussing, suicidal topics, and a lot of child abuse. When I saw The Super Mario Bros. Movie, I realized how poorly they portrayed the Mario characters in the SuperMarioLogan videos and that made me stop watching SuperMarioLogan or SML videos which I’ve discussed in my writing “How Mario and Sonic fans traumatized a generation” and how this and lot of the other parody videos had affected many other children even me and the people at my school. I’m not gonna go into too much detail on that but I’m just reflecting on how badly SML influenced me into doing and talking about inappropriate topics that got my parents and teachers concerned. Listen I don’t hate the SML community but I feel like that someone needs to talk about how SML’s content had effects on me and many other children who don’t know any better. I think that SuperMarioLogan was not aware of the effects that would have on kids. Obviously his content wasn’t made for children but Super Mario Bros. Is a children’s franchise I understand there are adult and teenage fans but the franchise was entirely made for kids he should’ve know that children would be exposed to this. Yeah guys the Internet is not a safe place and I’m very sorry to anyone who is exposed to this I hope all you parents and teachers out there would take action to protect many kids that you know and make sure they don’t stumble upon this type of content as long as there’s awareness and parents of today who know what happened we can prevent all of this stuff from happening. I may be not in the SML community anymore now I’m dealing with Elsagate which is a really big issue that’s happening on YouTube but I know there is a large support group behind us and I know that together we can raise that support.
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faffreux · 1 year
also spicy opinion but @ the people on Twitter saying Peach in the movie is just Daisy in a Peach costume bc she kicks ass and isn’t a damsel forget that 95% of Daisy’s personality is completely fanon and that there’s more actual content of Peach being capable than there is for Daisy
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delightfuldevin · 1 year
Been seein some rather cold takes about Daisy lately…
I’ve seen some people say that she has no personality outside of fanon, but that’s just not true. There is a very very common misconception among the fandom (at least that I’ve noticed) that if a character doesn’t appear in a “mainline” game, then they have no personality. But I’d argue that the spinoffs actually offer waaaaay more in terms of looking into character personalities. And no, I’m not talking about the RPGs ala M&L and Paper Mario as those are obviously full of personality (and Daisy isn’t in those). I’m talking about the Party, Kart, Tennis, and other sports games.
Yes, Daisy hasn’t appeared in any mainline game since her debut, but she’s been in nearly every sports game and her traits, stats, abilities, victory/loss animations, and various other tiny details add up to her personality. The fact that she’s nearly always yelling or just speaking really loud in general (noticeably more than any other character), the fact that she constantly feels a need to say her name and make herself known, how she loves flowers and considers even a small patch of flowers worth protecting, how she’s easily bored by tasks that don’t excite her and isn’t so reliable for them. She tends to jump around a lot, and spin and dance around when she’s excited! She’s apparently a rather fast runner and that is considered her specialty! These are all traits that are displayed in the spinoffs, and there’s probably soooo many more that I just can’t remember right now.
Now, I do think her tomboyish nature is probably fanon, as I don’t really remember seeing anything to show that she acts that way in the games. I think people probably think she’s tomboyish due to how loud and energetic she is. But hey, there’s plenty of fanon for just about any character from any fandom out there. And what’s so wrong with that? Isn’t the whole point of making fanworks to expand on the framework already provided by canon? If we want to stick to what’s actually “canon” then nearly everything the fandom has created would have to be tossed, because there really isn’t much to work with. Fanworks and fandoms thrive on what fans can create based on the canon work, not just sticking to it perfectly.
It’s fine if you think the “fanon” Daisy outshines the “canon” Daisy and you dislike that. But to say that she has no personality aside from fanon interpretations just tells me that you have a very narrow idea of what counts as “canon” in an already rather simplistic world. The Mario games are very simple and straightforward without much consistent lore that actually makes sense cohesively, but the characters are what keep everything tied together despite that. The characters are nearly always consistent, and that includes Daisy. Even when the setting is completely different and some random new villain shows up with some random new power source to steal or species to torment, our same well-known lovable characters will be the center of the story and that’s what makes it fun!
#devin speaks#super mario bros#princess daisy#i mightve gotten a bit too personal with my views of canon vs fanon but i still think it needs to be said#people who argue over what is considered canon in a video game series are so funny to me#especially a series like mario that has expanded soooo far from its original premise#its different than a show or movie since most shows will finish their main story before delving into spinoffs#most of the mainline games are literally just bowser kidnapped the princess and mario has to save her#very few of them offer any insight to personality of anyone#that isn’t to say theres none at all but i still think the party kart and sports games offer waaay more#of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions and if you dislike daisy or think shes boring then whatever you do you#i am simply sharing my opinion as well :)#sorry time to be salty real quick#literally the entirety of waluigis personality comes from the spin offs but no one talks about him???#he is literally in the same boat as daisy but i never see anyone saying they dislike him for his ‘fanon personality’#really makes you think#people rag on peach for ‘having no personality’ too but hers shines through the spinoffs as well#and even the rpgs!! shes actually in those and has multiple voicelines and cutscenes and people *still* say she has no personality!#i know this is about daisy but gosh mario ladies in general are treated rather poorly unless theyre eye candy#im glad rosie debuted in a mainline game with a clearly given backstory spoon fed to the player so she doesnt get this treatment lol
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The above is a screenshot of one of tropes from Shadoo's section in the SPM TV Tropes page that caught my interest.
“Never mentioned to be killed...” Hm. If I go by my headcanon of how Dimentio fits into the story of the Pixl Uprising (i.e he's both the Magician's son and the surviving apprentice who defeated the Pixl Queen), then that would give another parallel of how Dimentio was once a hero who had a Pixl that could see the truth who stopped an antagonist who had the Dark Prognosticus who several thousand years later switched sides. And by another parallel, I mean it works perfectly alongside this.
The reason Shadoo exists (if they are the Pixl Queen) is because he couldn't go through with killing his sister; he cared for her too much and now here she is stuck at the bottom of the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials and wanting to exact revenge on the Ancients for sealing her away. Based on how Shadoo has a robotic text box and says that they were created by the Ancients, it can be presumed she forgot she was ever human. She forgot who she was.
Fast forward to the events of SPM and Dimentio's intended kill-shot for Count Bleck gets intercepted by Nastasia and knocks her unconscious in addition to injuring her. Either he had the power of that shot just enough to kill Bleck and no further and that's why Nastasia survived, because why waste precious energy? All he has to do is finish Count Bleck off who is already at death’s door thanks to the heroes.
Or Nastasia was just very fortunate to survive a full-powered blast. My money's on something like the former because Dimentio has well more than enough power to absolutely guarantee no one would survive an attack like that. (the average person who isn't a hero or built for combat— which Nastasia very much isn't— anyway.)
Then there's him saving O'Chunks and Mimi from what would have been certain death by teleporting them to Dimension D. We know they didn't end up in the same place as Peach and Bowser because neither they nor O'Chunks and Mimi make any mention of such. Pair that with the fact that the Void can't be seen from Dimension D and thus heavily implying that anyone inside it would survive the Void that would destroy everything else, and you're left with the only explanation of Dimentio having saved them. I do believe that Dimentio screwed up by not only "catching feelings" and he genuinely did care for the other minions deep down as much as he tries to deny that; and I have mentioned in a prior post about him putting all of the people who could have possibly done something about the Super Dimentio fusion in the same place.
If he hadn't cared as much as he did for them and just left them to their fates, he would have won. I feel that the reason why the floor came out under Bowser and O'Chunks is because of Dimentio— because why make a trap like that that is intended to kill any who don't make it out in time and then have it to where after a certain amount of time, it would give any of the heroes still inside who may somehow still be alive an escape and make a comeback? It makes no sense. And it's because of that, that Peach was able to survive by landing on top of Bowser.
Had he only teleported Bowser out and left O'Chunks, and teleported Peach while leaving Mimi, the minions wouldn't have been able to band together with Count Bleck and Tippi to recharge the Pure Hearts and destroy his invincibility. It was his inability to go through with killing them or just letting them die because he actually cared about them— cared too much— that caused his own undoing.
History literally repeats itself if one subscribes to believing Dimentio is both the Magician's son and the last surviving apprentice.
First Shadoo who may or may not be the Pixl Queen, was spared by her brother who couldn't bear to go through with killing her therefore causing future consequences for if she ever gets free. Then the minions— including Nastasia and Count Bleck who for the latter, Dimentio in his ever present wisdom decided to spare killing for later— with their love for each other that was allowed to continue existing all because he spared them for the time being, recharged the Pure Hearts and caused immediate consequences for himself and was the catalyst for his defeat.
In the first instance, he was on the “heroic” side. For the last he was on the “villainous” side.
#super paper mario#spm#spm theory#dimentio#shadoo#pixl queen#this is ofc just a theory since dimentio is an enigma but i see parallels and go 👀#and also ofc things like nastasia surviving dimentio's kill-shot is just my interpretation of how she did so#and then there's the (fairly popular?) fanon that dimentio teleported mimi and o'chunks to dimension d rather than them flip in on their ow#but we know that they couldn't have done so on their own— at least not o'chunks who is consistently shown to be incapable of flipping#and flipping seems to /only/ work on the person themself and can't be used on selected targets (if that makes sense). dimentio is special#bc he's the only character who is shown to always /teleport/‚ not flip. and we are explicitly shown a scene of him clearly using his#teleportation on peach (he uses his teleportation on mr. l and the other heroes when he explodes them but it's disguised by said#explosions due to how distinct it is and considering how for many years a vast majority of the spm fandom believes he /actually/ killed the#when jaydes herself literally says otherwise‚ those examples of him teleporting people other than himself doesn't count) anyway. point is:#even if mimi could flip in on her own‚ o'chunks wouldn't have been able to get in. probably. bc tippi /does/ show the ability to flip#both herself and the heroes to flipside on several occasions‚ but this ability isn't displayed by /anyone else/ throughout the game so#it's not farfetched to believe that /only/ tippi can flip other people in addition to herself#so i still firmly believe dimentio was responsible for mimi and o'chunks getting into dimension d at the end (plus it's /his/ dimension‚ i#think he has full control over whether someone can or can't enter it)#i did not mean to put an entire essay in the tags oh no
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bowserphobia · 2 months
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self indulgent character lineup/timeline thing ive been working on
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halstar-the-clown · 1 year
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Birdo my beloved. One of the most woman ever
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krackaroo21 · 13 days
Chapter 3 is out!
Probably a part of why I’m excited to continue writing this piece is because of the different dynamics in this fic. It has Mario/Peach and Luigi/Daisy romantic relationships (all in different stages of the relationships, wink wink laughs in pining trope) but there’s also an almost equal amount of Peach/Luigi and Daisy/Mario friendship vibes too.
In chapter 3, there’s a glance at how comfortable Luigi and Peach are with each other, like some teasing and getting caught up on things. But in later chapters, there’s some more scene of this and it shows more of the trusting dynamic they have with one another. It’s really cute and it’s a great platform to write prompts off of :3
Later on, once the squad comes together for [redacted spoiler], Daisy shows up and kinda functions as a madlad and a catalyse for other ideas/plans that the group will make later on. I like to think she is fiercely competitive in an energetic, supportive sort of way, but she is also a very determined political figure in Sarasaland, which ties in with the plot’s setting of a Power-up crisis later on.
I’m excited to keep publishing this fic. There’s a lot happening and it’s fun to look forward to posting more about it :3
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Thwomps, Chomps and Bob-ombs, my theories on the artificial beings of Mario
Thwomps, Whomps, Bomps... The Mario universe has its fair share of sapient rock creatures. It has also many other artificial/metal creatures like Chain Chomps and Bob-ombs. I've often contemplated the nature of those mysterious beings, so here are my attempts at understanding them. This is a long one, so bear with me.
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Now, before we start, I have a couple disclaimers to get out of the way that would help in understanding my ramblings:
1. There are a lot of speculative links between different "species": Many of the points I will bring up are only directly tied to one "type" of artificial being, e. g.: Bob-ombs having a spirit; seemingly lifeless Thwomps abandoned and overgrown, etc. I speculate that those characteristics can generally be applied to other types of artificial beings, e.g.: Bob-ombs having spirits means that Chain Chomps also have spirits, etc. 
2. Possessed doesn't mean what you think it means: Simply put, I'll be using the word "possessed" or similar concepts to describe the way these spirits inhabit their artificial bodies. By that I don't mean possessor-type ghosts who jump in and out of furniture to create chaos. Imagine it as your own soul possessing your own body, the two being intrinsically connected since birth and mostly all the way up to death. 
With that out of the way, let's start with their birth.
Thwomp birth: Thwomp Volcano 
In Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, one of the locations visited is the Thwomp Volcano, a mountain literally built out of unchiseled Thwomps of various sizes. We see those same unchiseled Thwomps being shot out of the volcano during its annual eruption. 
“Own up! I mean, look at you! You're obviously all plumbers! Thanks to your meddling, my hubby's in a stone funk! Jumping into that volcano was his hobby, you terrible men! We've been waiting for the annual eruption all year!”
- Mrs. Thwomp, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
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We also see a young professor E. Gadd studying the nature of the Thwomps and the mountain itself. That might not make much sense at first, given E. Gadd specializes in ghosts, but remember that Thwomps were literally described as ghosts in the English manual of Super Mario World.
A better translation of the Japanese manual (石のお化け “ishi no obake”) would be “stone spirits” or “stone demons”. I don’t mean to suggest they are literally undead people but more like a type of nature spirit in the world. E. Gadd is even described as an “obake researcher” (オバケけんきゅうか)  in the original japanese version of Luigi’s Mansion.
“The name's Elvin Gadd. I'm studying the Thwomps and history of this here mountain. How'd all these stony fellers get here and why're they so darn angry about everything?”
- Young Professor E. Gadd, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
“Thwomp A nasty stone ghost that guards the castles and fortresses for the Koopas. If Mario comes close, Thwomp will try to crush him. The trouble is, if you don’t pass it, you can’t go on.”
- Super Mario World instruction booklet, page 25
I speculate that Thwomps are formed inside the volcano, where their spirits are born and gain a stone body from the cooled magma. I also believe that other similar species like Thwimps, Whomps, Walleyes, etc. are either born from the same volcano or from similar locations.
Chompworks Galaxy and the Bob-omb Factories
Although they might not initially look all that similar, Chain Chomps and Thwomps could have a lot in common, starting with their creation. 
The Chompworks Galaxy is a location seen in Super Mario Galaxy 2, where Gearmos work to maintain a production line of Chain Chomps. The large bodies of lava present here might suggest that the creation of Chomps is tied to a foundry-like process, much like how the Thwomp Volcano would work in a similar manner, using molten rock instead of molten metal.
On a side note, Bob-ombs have also been shown to be factory-built, as we see in minigames such as Sort or ‘Splode from Super Mario 64 DS/New Super Mario Bros. or the Bob-omb Factory board in Mario Party 9.
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Chomp Rocks and Stone Chomps
Another connection that can be made between Thwomps and Chomps comes not from the classic Chain Chomps, but rather a variant of them, the Stone Chomps. These stone variants are only found in Paper Mario, inside the buried temple of Dry Dry Ruins. 
Given that the ruins themselves are very ancient and that the regular Chain Chomps in Tutankoopa's battle were brought by him, it stands to reason that these Stone Chomps are equally ancient and inhabitants of this tomb, unlike the Chain Chomps used by Tutankoopa, who was assigned by Bowser to guard the Star Spirit.
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“This is a Stone Chomp, who guards the treasure in this room. He's made of stone. Duh!” “His jaws can supposedly crush a Coconut. I don't know about you, but I don't want to become a snack.”
- Goombario Tattle, Paper Mario.
Besides Stone Chomps, another hint at the true nature of Chain Chomps can be seen with the Chomp Rocks that are prevalent in the Yoshi series. These large round statues, placed across the island, might’ve once been living Stone Chomps (more on that topic in a moment). It would explain why they are so haphazardly placed, generally out in the wild.
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My hypothesis on the nature of Chomps is that, like the Thwomps, Chomps were once naturally made out of stone. At some point in time, Chomps started being artificially built out of metal, with Chompworks being one such factory. These newer “models” were then named Chain Chomps.
Bobby, Chomp Shells and Thwomp Ruins
In Paper Mario: The Origami King, The Bob-omb Bobby shows us that they too have souls and can become ghosts, just like how Thwomps are “ghosts” (i.e. stone spirits). This means Chain Chomps likely have similar spirits too. Interestingly, while that shows us their spirit can linger on after their body is destroyed, there are cases where the opposite seems to happen.
The aforementioned Chomp Rocks might be empty husks of Stone Chomps, who have somehow left their bodies in the distant past. The same seems to be true for the Chomp Shell weapon from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (called ワンワンのぬけがら, Chomp Husks, in Japanese) as well as the motionless and cracked Thwomp husks found in places such as Thwomp Ruins from Mario Kart 8, Thwomp Desert from Mario Kart Wii and maybe even the Beanbean Kingdom in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
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Maybe this is as close to a natural death as these beings can get, or maybe they are able to separate from their physical bodies without the latter’s destruction. Personally I doubt the latter.
The Mario Party 2 board Horror Land features Whomps that become immobile stone statues during the night. Perhaps a similar effect is at play here.
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Final Thoughts
Connecting all those dots, my theory is that Thwomps, Chain Chomps and Bob-ombs (and related species) all have/are spirits of some type. Thwomps and Stone Chomps are natural stone spirits, with Chain Chomps having come from Stone Chomps after they started being manufactured. It is unclear if Bob-ombs (and others like Bullet Bills) were once naturally occurring spirits like Chain Chomps or are fully artificially-made spirits.
When a Thwomp's, Chain Chomp's or a Bob-omb's body is destroyed, their spirit likely dies with it. But as shown with Bobby, there is a possibility that some of them linger on as ghosts. Perhaps the other ones return to their place of origin and receive new bodies. As I speculated in a tweet here.
It also seems like they might also "die" in some other way, leaving empty shells behind. Whether that is their way of dying from old age or possibly willingly is unclear.
Thank you for reading through the entire post! I'd like to thank @seandwalsh for helping put it all together. Make sure to check out the Marioverse Discord server and the Subreddit for more theories and discussions on Mario lore!
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dontaskchaosandco · 2 months
drawing poll: clearance sale edition 1/5
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xezeska · 2 months
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What if they could actually become friends? Eggman was probably using Mario as a defense against Sonic XD, They would be the same people, one listens and the other speaks
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