#marina melon
gerbits · 1 year
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if you remember marina, you are entitled to an elder's discount on this blog
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playableoctolingsnow · 4 months
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Of course, the idols are ready to cheer the teams during this fest~
Everyone looks amazing with those styles~
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joyxcelestia · 6 months
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Some of My Candy Love aesthetics of Marina with some face claim.
The shy Marina is portrayed as Anna Cathcart, a Canadian actress.
The choice of the face claim are my opinion, that’s how I see Marina for the purpose of my Wattpad stories.
Edits made by me.
I hope that you like the aesthetics of Marina.
Have a great day❤️
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melonpond · 2 years
one day I'm going to snap and my playlist for the month is just going to be marina and the diamonds, my chemical romance, and los campesinos
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cometdreamer · 4 months
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A lazy drawing Levi and Marina eating a giant fucking melon because i love them and Mhmmm shlurp👅👅👅💦💦💦hydration👅💦💦🍉🍉🍉mslrjroeje snom nom👅👅💦🍉🍉
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dread-wringer · 4 months
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cru5h-cascades · 2 months
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Marina in Alice Peralta's Fruit Sundae 2024 outfits Day 1: Melon!
I'm probably gonna post these art pieces in order (Melon, Peach, Blueberry, Pineapple, and Chocolate) instead of one full piece.
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sciatu · 1 year
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Il Tabellone dei gelati è della mitica gelateria De Luca di Briga Marina
All’interno del bar del sig. Placido regnava il solito caos siciliano dove le regole del buon vivere erano non infrante, ma sicilianamente scavalcate, nel senso che erano accantonate, messe da parte, in quanto fare i furbi e lasciare agli altri leggi e regolamenti, fa parte del codice genetico siciliano . Così essere arrivati prima degli altri non aveva valore se gli altri vi si mettevano davanti richiamando rumorosamente l’attenzione del barista o se chiamavano un barista per nome in quanto suoi cugini, fratelli, compari amici o conoscenti. Per cui, nella bolgia che ne seguiva il sig Placido, proprietario della famosa gelateria, si comportava come un giudice della cassazione ricordandosi chi c’era prima o dopo malgrado i tanti millantatori di permanenze risalenti anche ad un ora prima. Il sig. Placido, serio e preciso indicava un cliente e con il volto freddo e professionale da croupier di casinò chiedeva “Cosa le faccio?” E qui partiva l’elenco di gusti che il sig Placido, rapido e preciso, disponeva ad arte su un cono. D’improvviso qualcuno si fece largo nella calca di golosi. Era un ragazzo alto e robusto che teneva in braccio una bambina che lo stringeva piangendo “No cori i papà non cianciri … scusati, …. la bambina … scusate … non cianciri u papà, chi ora ti cattu u gilatino …” Al suo passaggio la gente prima protestava poi, vedendo la bambina che piangeva si spostava presa a compassione dai lacrimoni che scendevano dai suoi occhi. L’uomo con la bambina in mano arrivò al bancone e il sig. Placido, vedendo il dramma in atto si avvicino chiedendo “Che ha questa bambina? Lo vuole un gelatino? Che gusto vuoi picciridda?” “dicci u papà che gusti vuoi? Senti, senti il signor Placido che gusti ci sono, glielo dica signor Placido” “C’è bacio, gianduia, stracciatella, nocciola, zuppa inglese, caffè, Babà, crema d’arancia, mandorla tostata, pistacchio, setteveli al pistacchio, Rocher, nero fondente, sette veli, fondente all’arancio, amarena, torrone, snickers, parfait di mandorle, caramello salato, nutella, Taormina, fiordilatte, cioccolato bianco, cocco, cedro, fragola, ananas, pesca, bergamotto, melone e gelso. Quale vuoi?” “Quale vuoi u papà, dicillu al signor Placido” La bambina lo guardò spaesata e poi puntò gli occhi annacquati sul sig. Placido. Ebbe un singulto del pianto “Diccillu o signor Placido chi gilatinu voi” Fece il vecchietto sulla destra del padre “prendi il cioccolato che è buonissimo” Suggerì il vecchietto sulla sinistra. Nella gelateria scese un silenzio denso e pieno d’attesa mentre tutti osservavano la bambina come se dovesse dare una terna vincente. Lei guardò il signor Placido e lentamente si strinse al padre e bisbigliò nell’orecchio “Va bene u papà signor Placido pi cortesia, ci pò mettiri un po' di panna su un cono”. Un sospiro di sollievo si allargò nella sala e tutti commentarono felici la scelta della bambina. Con la solita rapidità ed efficienza il signor placido riempi un cono di panna disegnando un riccio sulla punta e lo passo alla bambina. “se lo paghi” Fece il padre allungando cinque euro “lasciassi stare, un pensiero mio alla bambina” Fece il signor Placido rimettendo il coperchio sul pozzetto della panna e guardando la folla davanti a se chiese con la solita professionalità “chi servo?” Si udì un boato di voci e la bolgia nella gelateria incominciò nuovamente.
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soleillunne · 6 months
for the ask game !! 🎵 + 🍓 + 🍅 ?
melon!! hi <33
🎵 favorite artists
melanie martinez, the last dinner party, maneskin, marina, atiye, ado, gracie abrams, j maya and many more i cant remember rn <33
🍓 favorite food
oh gosh i have so many to choose from but if i want to play it safe i'd go with mantı (turkish dumplings - but there are like 6 versions i can count at the top of my head lmao)
🍅 least favorite food
broccoli. just. ew.
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Random Lookism Thoughts that I Get During Class (part 2):
(I REALLY need to pay attention in class more, I stg. My mind goes crazy when it comes to Lookism-related things, but not actual study topics. 🥲 But here you guys go, I hope you’ll enjoy!)
Mary Kim: She’s definitely a top tier Megan Thee Stallion stan (real hot girl shit 🔥). A fan of all of the bad bitch rappers such as Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Saweetie, BIA, Doja Cat, etc. She would listen to their songs while working out with Vin Jin, and Vin Jin doesn’t even mind at all if she blasts it. (He even admitted to Mary that whoever listens to Megan Thee Stallion are real bad bitches, including himself.)
Jace Park: On days when the Burn Knuckles crew decides to just chill in their meet up place at school, Jace would just play the Jeopardy app on his phone whenever he’s bored. He thinks it’s a fun way to kill time while learning about something new at the same time. (That’s where he gets some of his facts whenever the Burn Knuckles crew asks him to tell them something interesting, especially Vasco. He thinks he’s a mad genius.) Also, whenever Jace gets tired of playing Jeopardy, he’d text Mary Kim if she’d be down to play games on the Game Pigeon.
Yenna Jang: Two words. Coco Melon. Eli Jang would pull up Coco Melon from his phone and would let Yenna watch it while he feeds her food or does their laundry. Sometimes, Eli Jang would let her watch Sailor Moon on his phone or Cardcaptor Sakura and he’d watch it with her when he has free time to himself. (That explains the wand toy thing that Yenna had before Eli ruined it in a fight. R.I.P. Yenna’s toy.) Sometimes, Zack Lee would come by with Mira Kim to visit Yenna since Eli had given him permission to see her. In a way, Zack became a second father-figure AND an uncle to Yenna. (Zack is just waiting for Eli to grant him the title of being Yenna’s godfather in the future.)
Jerry Kwon: I just imagine Jerry making a bunch of origami paper cranes and just gifting them to every member in Big Deal for being loyal to Jake Kim. And he’d even try to make a big paper crane out of parchment paper for Jake, and when Jake receives it, he’ll thank Jerry for the cool gift but he doesn’t know where to put it back in his own house.
Lua Im: She’d definitely be Tik Tok famous for sure. With her great fashion sense, wearing trendy Street Fashion brands such as Stüssy, she would get lots of likes and gain lots of followers on Tik Tok doing fashion hauls and OOTD videos. She would also feature Sinu Han, Jake Kim, Jerry Kwon, and some of the Big Deal members into her Tik Tok videos and would try and make them do a Tik Tok challenge with her. But the one who’s always down to collab with her would be Yeonhui, who’d always visit the Big Deal street with Sinu whenever they drop by. And whenever she sees Johan Seong, she’ll try and get him to do a Tik Tok challenge with her and convince him to make a Tik Tok account. (He secretly did, and they’ve been exchanging memes on Tik Tok ever since. Too bad Zack doesn’t know about this.)
Sinu Han: Sinu would be a Panic! At the Disco fan. (Idk man, it just makes sense to me.) He would totally be into the Alternative rock songs of P!ATD because he’d think they’re badass and his favorite song would be House of Memories, as it always reminds him of his irreplaceable memories that he had with Big Deal. (His 2nd favorite would be Death of a Bachelor, and he’d sing it all sultry-like to Yeonhui while they dance together.)
Ryuhei Kuroda: Ryuhei probably used to watch hentai as a hobby to try to get his 🐉 up or whenever he gets bored but it wouldn’t get the job done so he quit. He would rather wait for Mitsuki to do the job one day, than to watch XXX videos that won’t even satisfy him.
Mitsuki: After Sinu Han left the Workers, she would lock herself in her room everyday and listen to soft indie pop artists and alternative artists. For instance, her most-played artists would probably be NIKI, Joji, Mitski (not intentionally…), The Marías, Marina and the Diamonds, Lana Del Rey, The Neighbourhood, Halsey, etc.
Kenta Megami: Everyday, he doesn’t go through a day without having at least one glass of milk. Not just to strengthen up his body, but to possibly grow in height. He wanted to grow at least a bit more before he gets to fight he-who-shall-not-be-named. (He definitely needs some milk after what ⚪️👹 did to him, ong.)
Eugene: On his free time, he’d probably go to a Country Club and would be seen hanging out with Yoosung and Mandeok playing golf or tennis. Or, you could catch him shopping at a Polo Ralph Lauren store with them accompanying him and with extra body guards who are a part of Workers. (And Samuel Seo used to accompany him on his little errands sometimes, but we all know that won’t happen again anytime soon… 🌊)
Warren Chae: Warren would be the type to make fitness videos on YouTube, always updating on his progress to being healthy. He would also try and get Sally to join him in his live workouts on YouTube, by just having her sit on his back while he does push-ups. (He even asked Sr. Manager Kim one day to check out his YouTube channel. Manager Kim wanted to subscribe to Warren’s channel, so he had to ask his daughter Minji to teach him how YouTube works. Eventually, Manager Kim became his number one subscriber.)
Sally Park: We all have a feeling that she’d be converted from typical shoujo romance fan, to Yaoi/BL fan when she witnessed Eli Jang and Jake Kim accidentally kissed right in front of her. She probably keeps a stack of some BL manga underneath her bed somewhere or reads BL webtoons on her phone. (While babysitting Yenna one day, Yenna somehow crawled underneath her bed and when Sally finally found her, she panicked when Yenna was holding one of her special BL manga so she had to hide them somewhere else.)
DG/James Lee: On his own free time, James would want to relax, especially anywhere where Chairman Choi isn’t around. He would probably fly out of the country and take a short vacation out in Maldives, where he can just swim and lay around eating tropical fruits. (Until he has to come back the next day to his hectic k-pop idol life. I told you it was short lol) Update: I won’t be surprised if he’s a polyglot too (a person who can speak many languages). He isn’t called a “genius” for nothing. I feel like he’d be able to understand and speak in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Tagalog (Including Bisaya and Illocano), Bahasa Indonesia (Including Javanese), Malay, English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, etc. Man’s a legend.
Crystal Choi: As a hobby, she’d definitely go out shopping for new clothes from clothing stores such as Zara, Tiffany&Co, Banana Republic New York, etc. However, she doesn’t mind shopping for expensive brands either. Also, she would probably be a tea enthusiast, as she goes to Teavana at the mall and tries out samples of different teas to bring home. Sometimes whenever she meets up with DG, Gun, Goo, and Kouji, they’d sit around with each other and silently drink on the tea that she’d bring to her office. On days when she’s discussing plans with her father’s business partners for him, once in a while, she would wonder how Daniel Park (og Daniel) is doing and how much he would’ve grown from the last time they met with each other.
Chairman Choi: He seems like the type of businessman who would be good at playing rich-people games, such as chess. As Crystal’s father, he would invite her to play chess with him from time to time and would bring her with him sometimes to his business trips as a way to bond with her. One time, they ended up going to Hawaii together because he had to meet with one of his American business partners for a meeting. Afterwards, he’d find Crystal just chilling on a sunlounger chair out in the beach and he would join her just laying there sipping on their little mimosas while talking about what’s been going on with HNH Group, the 10 Geniuses (Crystal ain’t a snitch), and updates on Daniel Park.
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shinysparklesapphires · 2 months
Honestly I just imainge while Vivienne listen to Emo and lesbian songs most stereotypical lesbians listen to Yuuki listens to the most brain rot music ever (low key just thought of her listening to coco melon)
Actually yuuki listens to marina and chappell roan and viv likes ado and vocaloid :33
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spookfished · 1 year
big media roundup (july edition)
hellooo again welcome to my media roundup, where i talk about things i read/watched/played this month! (…and by last month i mean AN ENTIRE MONTH AGO. WOOPS in my defense i got sick [better now]) in july i downloaded tachij2k, which im going to be shilling forever as the best way to read manga on android (apk on github here) this also means that ive been reading like, a Lot of manga lol so i split books + comics into two.
vita nostra by Marina and Sergey Dyachenko: a metaphysics-ish novel about a girl who is blackmailed into going to a magic school. sort of a subversion where (unlike many magic school books) it basically is all about learning and stuff? im kind of a sucker for books written by married couples i think its really cute and also kind of fascinating... um i sort of disagree with its approach to pedagogy but its also sort of about the blood sweat and tears part of learning,, where i usually quit beforehand LOL. got that eastern european hopeless and drudgery (?) but idk i would definitely recommend
the great believers by rebecca makkai: historical fiction that swaps between an art curator-y guy living through the aids epidemic in chicago and his friend in the present who is trying to reunite w her estranged daughter. i really liked this!! super devastating obviously literally scooped me like a melon. very well researched! i hadnt really grasped like. the sheer terror and paranoia? that happened during the aids epidemic before..... thats my lack of contemp history knowledge but it was good i learned a lot. liked the theme of sort of surviving through tragedy and even after.. and the line drawn between the lost generation (war) and yales own exp (EDIT: found sth i wrote after reading the book which said "people are living their own intricate and mundane stories and then the stories of the world smash straight through them")
assassin of reality (vita nostra sequel): sasha knows what she will become--has embraced it, even. but theres always something that can be lost, and the institute still has a heavy hand over her.<or sth like that??? the reveals of the last book kind of make it a hard act to follow and the book definitely felt a lot more abstract... ik some people complained about the romantic subplots but i feel like it gives stakes and grounds everything else, yk? it gives you a thread to hold onto otherwise i mightve given up LMFAO that being said i did enjoy it :3 wondering if what happened to the authors will change the vibe of the next book... :(
you exist too much by zaina arafat: literary fiction about a bisexual palestinian american woman who struggles with her addiction to unattainable love, which has led her to cheat in several relationships. this book didnt really resonate with me.. um i actually ended up writing like 500 words of review for this but its pretty negative. so if youre interested check it out here https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/970847361775591466/1147613251933306921/image.png
movies/tv: room with a view: a young english girl travels to italy and finds love there--but has to choose between that love and a 'proper' life. ok this was fine. idk it was cute and funny sometimes but didnt leave that much of an impression sorry :T
past lives: two childhood friends reconnect, lose touch, then reconnect again. aughjjj those two silent minutes where they were waiting for her ride were so freaking agonizing. really good acting pretty film i just enjoyed it a lot in general! :3 i didnt like the boyfriend that much at first but the conversation they had in bed made them feel like a real relationship, you know? wish theyd had a 3some though maybe it will happen in past lives 2: paster life. idk its like most of the time we dont grow up to be who we thought wed be or do what we thought wed do... but is that really so bad? cant you still be happy? *clutches my head
nimona (movie): adaptation of the comic above! um this was fine i think i was a little disappointed bc the jokes felt a little overplayed/didnt really land? and i was mentally comparing it to the comic but then rereading i was like oh these jokes dont really hit for me either.. so who am i comparing this to LOL i think it would have meant a lot to me in middle school, so maybe it will mean something to middle schoolers now. also ppl fought really hard for it to be made so i feel like i need to give it more credit. my mutuals meta also made me appreciate it more :3 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/687877902200471552/1126752893312184390/image.png barbie movie: not going to recap the barbie movie sorry. i actually watched this twice it was really fun :3 i wouldnt necessarily say it was a Cultural Milestone or anything but it was cute to see everyone dressed up for the movie.. plus i love velveteen rabbit type storylines. i think ken got the right amount of screentime (its not his movie!) but i loved his dance number and the battle scene :3 and the outfitss idk im not super caught up on the movie scene but it feels like there have been a lot of ugly movies recently. i enjoyed it
the rehearsal: a "reality" show about nathan fielder, who believes that any difficult situation can be rehearsed--and has the budget to put that belief into practice. ok like last year or sth everyone was like omg this show was sooo good but i didnt really get what it was about? but its actually really so interesting.. and the whole blurring between fiction and reality as well as the audience not really knowing which parts are staged and which parts are 'real' is so fun! i was a little bit disappointed when it diverged from the episodic format but that ended up paying off bigtime and was really like idk heartbreaking and funny and all of that. very recommend 👍
video games:
super mario odyssey: (replay)super fucking mario yay!!! in the long run, odyssey didnt have as much like. cultural staying power as botw did (they were both switch launch titles) but its still soooo imaginative and pretty and dense! i love platformers love 2 run and jump.
visual media: he was my brother: psych horror manga about a young girl who tries to grow closer to her recently-deceased brother's partner. omg i had so much fun with this the art is so atmospheric and delightfully creepy...REALLY mind the warnings though. i think i ended up reading all of it in one sitting lmfao
nimona comic (reread): classic villain ballister blackheart is looking for a competent sidekick, but what he gets is nimona, a shapeshifting weirdo kid with secrets. i remember trying to reread this and going wow.... is nimona not as good as i remember? am i old? but it was actually just like early webcomic weirdness nimona is still pretty good! yay :3 i still like the comic better but i respect how they are adapted to their respective mediums and also come from different phases in the og authors life
The story of how I came to know my favourite announcer has a side to her I would have never imagined: oneshot f/f w the premise in the title. whether i write down stuff like this is pretty hit or miss lol and i had to look this one up to rmbr what it was but the art is so cute...simple plot but i enjoyed it :3
crossplay love otaku x punk: romcom where two highschoolers fall in love with the other's crossdressing alter ego (m/m?). i really liked this one actuallyyy its so silly and im also a sucker for love square shenanigans. ok also now that someone else said they think hana/shuumei is endgame so im thinking about it. not the right perspective for this but the crossdressing isnt really overly fetishized or like seen as bad or anything? also ppl make some really funny faces in this
breathless momentum (vol 2+3): r two womanizing musicians find love... in each other!? this is also another one of my favorites :3 the leads are so fun and also music yay music! i really appreciate when a romance is still able to present an interesting story even after the couple has gotten together..
damekoi r: sequel to "please love this useless me," (damekoi is like.. useless passion? i think) which is about a woman in her 30s who spends all her money on her college boyfriend and goes into debt and falls in with her shitty former boss. omg it was soooo cute like i already said its a romance set after the main couple has already gotten together. which is my favorite. but these guys are really fucking weird so they still have a lot of problems. having Another Man who fits michikos type and isnt totally evil come in to destabilize shibata and kurosawas relationship doesnt feel cheap bc their relationship is already not very stable? lol i think the first one is worth checking out if you love pathetic women
mr villains day off: a gag manga about an alien supervillain on his days off. ok this one is pretty much just centered around this fluffy guy who likes to look at pandas but its extremely not very deep but its very cute... i like it... i also like pandas
how do we relationship/so do you want to go out, or (reread): f/f slice of life/drama manga about a girls first lesbian relationship in college. ok this is like "the" yuri manga for me i would recommend it to any fans of femslash its like sort of very realistic feeling? in the way that a relationship can sort of degrade slowly through lack of communication and being different people i think its really great 👍
ichinose familys seven deadly sins: psychological drama. an entire family wakes up with amnesia from a car crash. they dont remember themselves or each other, but pledge to stay together and relearn how to be a family and try to find their memories again. but is it really worth digging up the past...? man this one really goes off the rails. but like in a fun way? has an interesting arc going on rn about like... what allowances do we give, what are we willing to forgive in a stranger vs a family member. pretty interesting!
oshi no ko (catchup): psych thriller about the twin children of a famous idol trying to deal with the legacy she leaves behind. ive been talking about this manga for a while to my friends lol its kind of like riverdale in that its sort of very good, sort of very bad--but overall just super engrossing! which makes sense in a way bc its about the entertainment industry but also about the relationship between an idol and their fan... um not so sure about recent developments though lol. a little bit scared to see where things go
blue period (catchup): a delinquent boy used to going with the flow decides to go to the top art school in japan. yeah blue period is really good. hope this helps 👍lets all never go to art school ever ok ^_^
still sick: f/f about an office lady who finds out her coworker writes and sells yuri doujins (like illustrated fanfiction?) on the side. its a classic! was nice to finally get around to finishing it :3
liar satsuki can see death: thriller about a girl who can see peoples deaths and tries to prevent them--except everyone thinks shes just a liar. ok this is notable bc it has the exact same like adventures and gaybait as shounen but its all girls instead. its good light entertainment! sometimes is um kind of horny for sth about high school girls so ymmv on that one
farming for love: m/m romance about a pharmacist who moves to the country after a bad breakup and meets a ~strong but silent farmer~. pretty average, but fun if youre into that kind of thing! not sure if i would really recommend it lol
chainsaw man 2: set after the events of chainsaw man proper, its an action shounen focusing on asa mitaka, a girl who kinda sucks :3 chainsaw man is so fun yayyy im happy to be reading it again excited to get hit by some more bricks! asa is a wonderful protagonist and fujimoto continues to write comitragedy (?) in a way thats kinda obscene but also very cool 👍rip single father denji
skip and loafer (comic): slice of life about an ambitious but awkward girl who comes from the country to start her high school life in tokyo!!!! and some guy i guess. omg ok this is like the slice of life manga for me rn (the anime is really good! finished recently check it out) its just really warm and nice. autistic girls win always lol truly a comic that makes you feel like there is love in the world
no home: webtoon drama about two guys who are trapped together in a haunted dorm. ok this comic makes me really depressed but its also about people who make each other better despite their best efforts. and also violence and hatred its really really good 👍sad about recent updates though.. i guess maybe the characters werent really meant to be friends in the long term
this took me like two weeks to write and now im in a different state LOL so um if you got to the end...thanks for reading!
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
Frostverse Sountrack!
This post will get updated as I think of stuff <3 <3 <3 Some of these have full spotify playlists! Ask if you'd like the link.
The Family
-You're Dead by Norma Tanega
-Our House by Madness
-Our Word by Jessie Shelton
-Finale Ultimo (Don't Feed The Plants) from the Little Shop of Horrors Soundtrack
-Schadenfreude from Avenue Q
-Dive Into The Madness by Dan Bull
-Sabbath Bloody Sabbath by The Cardigans
-Happy Meal II by The Cardigans
-Step On Me by The Cardigans
-Stuff Is Way by They Might Be Giants
-The Ballad Of Jane Doe by Emily Rohm
-Skinned by Blind Melon
-She's Not There by The Zombies
-Killer Queen by Queen
-Suburbia Overture/Greetings from Mary Bell Township!/Vampire Culture by Will Wood
-Halloweenie IV: Innards by Ashnikko
-Nuttin For Christmas by Art Mooney and Barry Gordon
-Suzy Snowflake by Rosemary Clooney
-I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas by Gayla Peevey
-Frosty the Snowman by The Ronettes
-They're Coming To Take Me Away by Sloppy Jane
-Tonight You Belong To Me by Patience and Prudence
-Alive by Anthony Warlow
-Valley Girl by Frank Zappa and Moon Zappa
-Screw Loose by Ali Mauzey
-The Red Means I Love You by Madds Buckley
-The End Of The World by Skeeter Davis
-I Will Follow Him by Peggy March
-Stand By Your Man by Tammy Wynette
-I'm A Woman by Peggy Lee
-Batty Rap by Robin Williams
-Sweet Bod by Lemon Demon
-You Ain't Woman Enough by Loretta Lynn
-Lights On by Kyle Allen Music
-Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight by Tiny Tim
-Cold Island by My Singing Monsters
-Thermodynamic Lawyer by Will Wood
-Break Stuff by Limp Biskit
-Right Now by Korn
-Scars by Papa Roach
-Pity Party by Melanie Martinez
-Habits (Stay High) by Tove Lo
-Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
-Dark Red by Steve Lacy
-Creep by Radiohead
-Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton
-Girls by MARINA
- My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone
-Biggering by The 88
-Dead To Me by Kali Uchis
-Take A Slice by Glass Animals
-Apex Predator by Barrett Wilbert Weed
-World Burn by Taylor Louderman
-Killer Instinct from Bring It On: The Musical
-ROXANNE by Arizona Zervas
-Competition by Azealia Banks
-Applause by Lady Gaga
-Coin-Operated Boy by The Dresden Dolls
-Don't Mess With Me by temposhark
-Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic
-King Herod's Song by Mike D'Abo
-Feast or Famine by Starkid Productions
-Let's Have A Battle by The Dazzlings
-Under Our Spell by The Dazzlings
-When You're Evil by Aurelio Voltaire
-The Ugly Truth by Nick Jonas
-Venus Fly Trap by MARINA
-Call Me Cruella by Florence + The Machine
-Land of the Dead by Aurelio Voltaire
-Toxic Love by Tim Curry
-The Hills by The Weeknd
-The King of Villains by Aurelio Voltaire
-The Main Character by Will Wood
-Killing Spree by Matt Smith
-Not A Common Man by Matt Smith
-Ultraluminary by Phillipa Soo
-I Know Him by Johnathan Groff
-Ambrosia Wine by Madds Buckley
-Fabulous by Phineas
-Be Prepared by Jeremy Irons
-Fabulous by Sharpay Evans
-Watch Me Work by Brianna Mazzola
-Paint The Town Red by Doja Cat
-Primadonna by MARINA
-Money, Money, Money by ABBA
- Jump In the Line by Harry Belafonte
-Dance The Night by Dua Lipa -Blame It On The Boogie by The Jackson 5
-Move Your Feet by Junior Senior
-Super Freak by Rick James
-Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
-I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston
-Primadonna by MARINA
-Fancy by Reba McEntire
-I Squeezed Out A Baby, Yet I Have No Idea Who The Father Is by Masuna
- I'm A Princess by Bill Wurtz
-1985 by Bo Burnham
-Girls by The Beastie Boys
-Monsta Mack by Sir Mix-A-Lot
-Lips of an Angel by Hinder
-Twisted by The Original Starkid Cast of Twisted
-No Good Deed by Idina Menzel
-Gethsemane by Andrew Lloyd Webber
- Northern Downpour by Panic! at the Disco
-Nine in the Afternoon by Panic! at the Disco
Character Relationships
Jack and Suzy
-Chapel Of Love by The Dixie Cups
-Today I Met The Boy I'm Gonna Marry by Darlene Love
-Be My Baby by The Ronettes
-I'm Into Something Good by Herman's Hermits
-Hopelessly Devoted To You by Olivia Newton-John
-Uptown Girl by Billy Joel
-Screw Loose by Alli Mauzey
-Me And My Husband by Mitski
-Pavlov by Kate Douglas
-The Horror Of Our Love by Ludo
-Running On A Treadmill by Oingo Boingo
-Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows
-An Unhealthy Obsession by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
-Under My Thumb by The Rolling Stones
-Stalkers Tango by Autoheart
-I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab for Cutie
-Poisoning Pigeons in the Park by Tom Lehrer
-Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience
-I Hold Your Hand In Mine by Tom Lehrer
-I Only Want To Be With You by Dusty Springfield
Santa and Virginia
- Everlong by The Foo Fighters
- Cirice by Ghost
- Electric Love by BORNS
-Do I Wanna Know? by The Arctic Monkeys
- Love The One You're With by Crosby, Stills & Nash
-Lucky by Collbie Calliat
-Animals by Nickelback
Jack and Santa
-Eddie Baby by Felix Hagan and The Family
-Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA
-Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother
-Curses by The Crane Wives
-Angel Of Small Death And The Codene Scene by Hozier
-Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
-Just The Two Of Us by Bill Withers
-Like Real People Do by Hozier
-Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
James and Rudy
-Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner
-The Masochism Tango by Tom Lehrer
-Smooth by Santana and Rob Thomas
Justin and Mercy
- Love Grows by Edison Lighthouse
- Once Shattered, Now Whole by Brian D'Arcy
- Glimpse Of Us by Joji
- I Think I Love You by The Partridge Family
- There She Goes by The La's
-Talia by Chaz Duffy
Jasmine and Jeremy
-Nothing Left To Lose by Jeremy Jordan
-Crossing The Line by Mandy Moore
-Good For You by Rachael Bay Jones
-Nothing Good by Lea Salonga
-Fish In A Birdcage by Fish In A Birdcage
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coffeetablettowers · 2 years
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Last song: Starring Role by Marina
Ideal pizza toppings: mushrooms and cheese
Dream vacation: japan
Cartoon you grew up on: just look up 90's and early 2000's cartoons and i'm sure i've seen them
Earth, air, fire, or water: water
Favorite scent: bath & body work's cucumber melon
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sguardimora · 20 days
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Seconda giornata di incontri con la comunità per Hamdi prima di lavorare in teatro nel weekend con gli abitanti di Mondaino e dintorni che si sono iscritti al workshop. 
Nella mattinata di giovedì la nuova cucina della foresteria del teatro si è popolata di odori, racconti e risate. Eravamo in cinque. Mauro alle riprese. Anouk, che ci sta aiutando con le traduzioni, è arrivata portando in dono un mazzo di spezie del suo giardino per insaporire i piatti: salvia e rosmarino, timo e basilico e il loro verde profumato ha colorato tavolo e piatti. Marina, invece, giunta con in spalla il suo matterello personale, si è messa subito all'opera: ha ammonticchiato la farina sul tavolo, rotto 12 uova - queste le dosi da lei consigliate per preparare tagliatelle per tutti - e ha iniziato a impastare aiutata da Hamdi. Poi è arrivata Paola per preparare con noi i il ragù: con lei la sua paranza con disegni romagnoli, la sua taglierina degli anni 40' per fare il trito di carote, sedano, cipolla e spezie e un melone dell'orto in dono. 
"Rendere omaggio ai gesti del lavoro e la cucina come atto d'amore": queste le radici dai cui si snoda il progetto di Hamdi come lui stesso racconta mentre lavora osservando attentamente con un occhio i gesti di Marina e con l'altro Paola che sta facendo dondolare ritmicamente sul tagliere il tritaverdura. In un attimo la cucina è invasa dal profumo del soffritto. Intanto, mentre la sfoglia è stesa a riposare prima di essere tagliata, Marina racconta di quando servì un matrimonio con un braccio rotto, o di come le dita delle sue mani siano diverse tra la destra e la sinistra a forza di chiudere tortellini - "che non sono come i cappelletti" ci tiene a precisare. Poi taglia, con un gesto preciso e sicuro, veloce, le tagliatelle e appena finito esclama: "ecco qua, pronte in meno di un'ora: tagliatelle per 14 persone!!!" E noi che siamo in 5 ridiamo, e iniziamo ad invitare altre persone al pranzo: Mirco, che sta montando la sua mostra di fotografie in teatro, e Fabio, compagno di Anouk, che ci raggiunge con la loro piccola Anais.
Siamo a tavola e ricordando il giorno precedente quando Ivan a un certo punto ci dice che le norme sanitarie imposte con l'HACCP hanno definitivamente allontanato i nostri due cervelli depotenziando il secondo, l'intestino, e provocando così un notevole aumento di allergie Fabio ricorda il racconto degli anni Quaranta di Fabio Tombari, scrittore mondainese, che già all'epoca immaginava un futuro di cucine asettiche, super igieniche e di allergie diffuse. 
E' Paola poi a raccontare ad Hamdi la storia dell'Arboreto, cosa c'era prima e come è nato il teatro nel bosco: il desiderio di Fabio Biondi di costruire una casa per gli artisti dove potessero lavorare e ricercare lontano dai ritmi produttivi è quello che si è realizzato.��
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Nel pomeriggio ci accolgono poi Cristina e Mirco de L'oro del Daino nel loro laboratorio di Montespino: sono degli apicoltori di Mondaino che producono miele biologico. Ci mostreranno la smielatura, ci illustra Cristina, cioè il macchinario e il processo che sta dietro alla raccolta del miele. "Un ciclo dura circa una ventina di minuti", ci dice, "spero di non annoiarvi". E invece ci apre le porte a un mondo meraviglioso.
Hamdi intanto le racconta del suo progetto, precisando come in questo momento stia lavorando a coniugare danza cucina e musica ma come la sua ricerca all’origine sia sul mondo del lavoro e sull’azione del lavoratore: il saper fare, il gesto del lavoro, la ripetizione, è ciò che è centrale: "Entrar in un universo è quello che faccio. La danza entra nella qualità del tuo movimento. Il tuo lavoro è l’ispirazione, non è la danza che prende preponderanza sul gesto ma è tutta l’esperienza del nostro incontro che crea la danza".
E mentre apre le cellette esagonali sui telaini del melario primo di inserirlo nella centrifuga, Cristina ci racconta di come il miele si riconosca prima dall'odore e poi dal sapore: il girasole sa di albicocca, il coriandolo è forte... e poi c'è il colore. Poi ci parla di famiglie e di come sia una triste sconfitta quando se ne perde una; ci dice che il pollice è la carta d'identità del miele e di come la propoli racconti la storia di un alveare: "tutto resta, c’è la traccia di tutta la storia di un lavoro".
Poi lo assaggiamo ed è un tripudio di sapori. Nel mentre ci porta nel "bar dei fuchi" Cristina, raccontandoci un simpatico scritto di Susanna Tamaro: "nell'alveare i fuchi stanno lì, come tonti, in aria, non sanno fare niente, non sanno cosa fare come quegli uomini che si aggirano in cucina mentre tu sei super affaccendata, si guardano intono occhi sgranati e chiedono "cosa posso fare?", ecco i fuchi sono proprio così, stanno lì in aria aspettando che passi in volo l'ape regina per il primo e ultimo acme di piacere; non appena infatti si accoppiano precipita nel vuoto e muoiono; e se questo non accade vengono cacciati da quella casa: spermatozoi volanti!" E ridiamo. 
Poi prepariamo con lei un piccola merenda di miele e polline e ci salutiamo in attesa di rivederci il 6 settembre per la première del lavoro di Hamdi. 
Second day of meetings with the community for Hamdi before working in the theatre over the weekend with the inhabitants of Mondaino and the surrounding area who signed up for the workshop.
On Thursday morning, the new kitchen of the theatre's guesthouse was filled with smells, stories and laughter. There were five of us. Mauro at the shoot. Anouk, who is helping us with the translations, arrived bringing a bouquet of spices from her garden to flavour the dishes: sage and rosemary, thyme and basil, and their fragrant green coloured the table and plates. Marina, on the other hand, arrived with her personal rolling pin on her shoulder, and immediately set to work: she heaped the flour on the table, broke 12 eggs - these are the doses she recommended to prepare tagliatelle for everyone - and began to knead, helped by Hamdi. Then Paola arrived to prepare the ragù with us: with her, her paranza with Romagna designs, her 1940s cutter for chopping carrots, celery, onion and spices, and a melon from the garden as a gift.
"Paying homage to the gestures of work and cooking as an act of love": these are the roots from which Hamdi's project unwinds, as he himself recounts as he works, attentively observing Marina's gestures with one eye and Paola who is rhythmically rocking the vegetable chopper on the chopping board with the other. In an instant the kitchen is invaded by the scent of the soffritto. Meanwhile, as the pastry is laid out to rest before being cut, Marina recounts the time she served a wedding with a broken arm, or how the fingers on her hands are different between the right and the left as she closes tortellini - "which are not like cappelletti", she points out. Then he cuts, with a precise and sure, quick gesture, the tagliatelle, and as soon as he is finished he exclaims: ‘there you go, ready in less than an hour: tagliatelle for 14 people!!!’ And there are five of us laughing, and we start inviting other people to lunch: Mirco, who is mounting his photo exhibition in the theatre, and Fabio, Anouk's partner, who joins us with their little Anais.
We are at the table, and remembering the previous day when Ivan at one point tells us that the health regulations imposed with the HACCP have definitively removed our two brains, depotentiating the second one, the intestine, and thus causing a notable increase in allergies Fabio recalls the story from the 1940s by Fabio Tombari, a writer from Mondain, who at the time was already imagining a future of aseptic, super-hygienic kitchens and widespread allergies.
It is Paola who then tells Hamdi the story of the Arboretum, what was there before, and how the theatre in the forest came into being: Fabio Biondi's desire to build a home for artists where they could work and research away from the rhythms of production is what came true.
In the afternoon, we are welcomed by Cristina and Mirco of L'oro del Daino in their workshop in Montespino: they are beekeepers from Mondaino who produce organic honey. They will show us honey extraction, Cristina illustrates, i.e. the machinery and process behind harvesting the honey. "A cycle lasts about twenty minutes", she tells us, “I hope I don't bore you”. Instead, she opens the door to a wonderful world.
In the meantime, Hamdi tells us about his project, pointing out how he is currently working on combining dance, cuisine and music, but how his research at its origin is on the world of work and the action of the worker: the know-how, the gesture of work, the repetition, is what is central: ‘Entering a universe is what I do. Dance enters into the quality of your movement. Your work is the inspiration, it is not the dance that takes preponderance over the gesture but it is the whole experience of our encounter that creates the dance'.
And as she opens the hexagonal cells on the frames of the honeycomb before inserting it into the centrifuge, Cristina tells us how honey is recognised first by its smell and then by its taste: sunflower tastes like apricots, coriander is strong… and then there is the colour. Then he tells us about families and how it is a sad defeat when one is lost; he tells us that the thumb is the honey's identity card and how propolis tells the story of a beehive: ‘everything remains, there is the trace of the whole story of a job’.
Then we taste it and it is a riot of flavours. In the meantime, Cristina takes us to the ‘drones’ bar', recounting a nice piece of writing by Susanna Tamaro: “in the beehive, the drones stand there, like drones, in the air, they don't know what to do, they don't know what to do like those men who hang around in the kitchen while you are super busy, they look at each other with wide eyes and ask 'what can I do? ', that's exactly what drones are, they stand there in the air waiting for the queen bee to fly past for the first and last acme of pleasure; as soon as they mate they plummet into the void and die; and if that doesn't happen they are kicked out of that house: flying sperm!" And we laugh.
Then we prepare a small snack of honey and pollen with her and say goodbye, looking forward to seeing each other again on 6 September for the premiere of Hamdi's work.
#Tandem 11
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breakrockbrewing · 3 months
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Saturday on the boardwalk will be packed with flavor and tunes: @sandwichboycompany 1:00 pm ‘til sell out! @emilynawrockimusic 2:00 – 5:00 pm! Stop by for our newly released Amber Waves, Amber Ale Or our Summer Melon Seltzer with a view of the bustling marina https://bit.ly/4bXXumE
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