#marijuana legalisation
axvoter · 1 year
Blatantly Partisan Party Review XIII (NSW 2023): Legalise Cannabis Party
Prior reviews (most as the Help End Marijuana Prohibition Party): federal 2013, federal 2016, federal 2019, federal 2022, VIC 2022
What I said before: “They want cannabis to be regulated no differently to alcohol and tobacco. In the last couple of years, they have clearly matured in their approach and become more organised. But, being the party that they are, they promote legalising cannabis for a whole host of reasons, some of which are quite sensible such as medicinal use, industry regulation, public revenue, and reducing expenditure on law enforcement, while some of the larger claims about economic and environmental transformation are, um, optimistic.”
What I think this year: What I said above. Blaze it, but don’t blaze it too much.
This is a single-issue party and their policy platform does not come close to providing a framework for addressing the bulk of parliamentary business. They’ve won representation in WA and Victoria, and in WA one of their two MLCs was suspended from parliament after spouting anti-vax nonsense. It’s a good lesson on why you should be cautious with single-issue parties, but my main concern remains with ideology rather than personality: no single-issue party can possibly present a platform that gives voters an adequate idea of how a prospective parliamentarian will vote on most legislation. Get an ideology or go home.
Recommendation: Give the Legalise Cannabis Party a decent preference.
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kannabia · 1 year
In addition to its idyllic beaches, millenary culture, and delicious cuisine, Thailand has chosen to add some ‘sex appeal’ to its tourist charm: the legalisation of cannabis. However, everything that glitters isn’t always green, and many restrictions still remain in place.
In this article we discuss everything you need to know before travelling to the country of smiles with your backpack full of cannabis dreams.
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
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stuners · 2 months
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HERO DOSE $ Call Gas ⛽️💨
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lucyannsblog · 2 months
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Hashtags for views, share share share! #cannabis #grow #thc #bud #marijuana #Maryjane #mothernature #legalise #legalize #legalisation #legalization #australia #aussiekush #aussie #life #roach #blunt #spliff #grass #skunk #wackytabaccy #smoke #locoweed #thaistick #rastaroot #toke #budalicious #weed #life #stick #dimebag #nickelbag #stoner #cooker #blaze #blazed #blazeon #plant #your #seeds #Australia #westernaustralia #wa #perth #northernterritory #nt #darwin #Queensland #Qld #Brisbane #SouthAustralia #Sa #Adelaide #Tasmania #Tas #hobart #Victoria #vic #melbourne #Newsouthwales #nsw #sydney
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reportwire · 1 year
Cannabis has great medicinal potential, but it’s no cure-all - Medical Marijuana Program Connection
Over the last five years, an often forgotten piece of US federal legislation – the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the 2018 Farm Bill – has ushered in an explosion of interest in the medical potential of cannabis-derived cannabidiol, or CBD. After decades of debate, the bill made it legal for farmers to grow industrial hemp, a plant rich incannabis-derived cannabidiol. Hemp…
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theonlyladyt · 1 year
Cannabis Education - Study Shows Since Legalisation Recreational Cannabis Doesn't Increase Substance Abuse
Recently at CU Boulder Colarado in the USA, research was undertaken into the harms and effects cannabis has had since it was legalised for recreational use. The cohort were twins and were studied over a period of time from when they were adolescents. The results revealed that cannabis doesn’t cause any rise in substance abuse. In fact they found that legalising recreational cannabis at the state…
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What states is cannabis legal
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Almost 10 years has passed since the citizens of Colorado and Washington chose at the polling booth to authorize the sporting utilization of weed. In the time since, north of twenty states and the Region of Columbia have followed after accordingly. New Jersey, which decided in favor of sanctioning in 2020, approved its first, lawful deals of weed to grown-ups 21 and more seasoned to start on April 21 — one day after the yearly festival of cannabis culture.
Everything except a small bunch of states has OK'd its clinical use and legitimizing the substance at the government level has gotten new energy. The House as of late passed a bill to decriminalize pot, and another bill that would legitimize the plant is in progress in the Senate.
In the presidential branch, President Biden reported that he wanted to exculpate the people who got a government conviction for the ownership of maryjane. The Equity Division will start giving endorsements of exculpations "before long." The president's exoneration additionally hinders future government indictments for straightforward belonging. In any case, many medication convictions happen at the state level. Thusly, Biden has called for lead representatives to follow his model and is mentioning that both the Branches of Wellbeing and Human Administrations and Equity investigate what classification pot could be arranged under as per government regulation.
The 2022 midterm decisions likewise presented a chance for citizens in different states to sanction maryjane with voting form estimates in Maryland, Missouri, South and North Dakota, and Arkansas. While the initial two states legitimized the substance for sporting use, North Dakota and Arkansas dismissed legitimization and the vote in South Dakota remains too soon to call.
What states have sanctioned sporting cannabis?
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The quantity of states that have sanctioned sporting use has risen consistently throughout recent years. New York turned into the fifteenth state to authorize weed last year, yet retail deals in the state aren't supposed to start until late 2022 at the earliest. Each state on this rundown had approved the utilization of cannabis for clinical purposes before full sanctioning.
Maryland: Authorized in 2022
Missouri: Authorized in 2022
Connecticut: Authorized in 2021
New Mexico: Authorized in 2021
New York: Authorized in 2021
Virginia: Authorized in 2021
Arizona: Authorized in 2020
Montana: Authorized in 2020
New Jersey: Authorized in 2020
Vermont: Authorized in 2020
Illinois: Authorized in 2019
Michigan: Authorized in 2018
California: Authorized in 2016
Maine: Authorized in 2016
Massachusetts: Authorized in 2016
Nevada: Authorized in 2016
Area of Columbia: Authorized in 2014
Gold country: Authorized 2014
Oregon: Authorized in 2014
Colorado: Authorized in 2012
Washington: Authorized in 2012
What states have authorized clinical cannabis?
Pot is considered clinical treatment in a large portion of the country. Just 11 states deny the medication totally. Here are the states that permit clinical pot as it were. Mississippi and Alabama are the furthest down the line states to legitimize clinical pot; however it is as yet inaccessible for buy as the states attempt to lay out guidelines.
Mississippi - Legitimized 2022
Alabama-Legitimized 2021
South Dakota - Legitimized 2020
Missouri - Authorized 2018
Oklahoma - Authorized 2018
Utah - Authorized 2018         
Iowa - Authorized 2017
West Virginia - Authorized 2017
Arkansas - Authorized 2016
Florida - Authorized 2016
North Dakota - Authorized 2016
Ohio - Authorized 2016
Pennsylvania - Authorized 2016
Georgia-Authorized 2015
Louisiana - Authorized 2015
Minnesota - Authorized 2014
Maryland-Authorized 2013
New Hampshire - Authorized 2013
Delaware - Authorized 2011
Rhode Island-2006
Hawaii-Authorized 2000
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axvoter · 2 years
Blatantly Partisan Party Review X (Victoria 2022): Legalise Cannabis Victoria
Prior reviews (most as the Help End Marijuana Prohibition Party): federal 2013, federal 2016, federal 2019, federal 2022
What I said before: “In a great disappointment to lovers of mediocre puns and forced acronyms everywhere, the HEMP Party’s name no longer asks you to Help End Marijuana Prohibition; it now asks parliament to Legalise Cannabis.” (federal 2022)
What I think this time: Well, this one is straightforward. This party wants one thing and one thing only—legal weed. They want cannabis to be regulated no differently to alcohol and tobacco. In the last couple of years, they have clearly matured in their approach and become more organised. But, being the party that they are, they promote legalising cannabis for a whole host of reasons, some of which are quite sensible such as medicinal use, industry regulation, public revenue, and reducing expenditure on law enforcement, while some of the larger claims about economic and environmental transformation are, um, optimistic.
I entirely endorse legalising cannabis. But—and if you’ve followed me in past elections you know what is coming—I do not endorse single-issue parties. They are simply too narrow and a voter has no idea where they stand on the vast majority of parliamentary business. A party such as this can contain elements with, shall we say, very niche views (see my federal 2022 review re: this party’s representatives in the WA state parliament). So, as with any single-issue party, approach Legalise Cannabis with caution. I tend to think single-issue parties should be ranked below any party with a full platform that you like more than you dislike, even if you are really keen on the single issue.
My recommendation: Give Legalise Cannabis Victoria a decent preference. Remember to vote below the line on the large ballot for the Legislative Council so that your preference goes where you want it to go; all ballots with 5 or more preferences marked below the line are valid votes.
Website: https://lcvicparty.org/
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thcscout · 2 years
Top 5 High THC & full of Terpenes strains by Herbies Seeds
Top 5 High THC & full of Terpenes strains by Herbies Seeds
Top – 5 high THC & full of terpenes strains by Herbies Seeds The cannabis seeds industry has long lived in the shadows, but now it’s growing into the big and perfectly legal business it deserves to be. We want to look at some of the most popular strains from the biggest seedbanks across the globe, starting today with Herbies Seeds -5 Auto Xtreme We start our countdown with Auto Xtreme, an…
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WICKR: MAKEMEHIGH420?We deliver high quality weed, shrooms, coke, xanax, LSD, Meth, edibles, oils, THC vape pens and cartridges to your door anywhere in Australia. Get high at little cost. We can also deliver it to your home, car park, hotel or mail box. Secure packaging and professional delivery by courier with tracking number. Most orders are Same day delivery service depending on where you live in Australia. WICKR: MAKEMEHIGH420
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Indonesian Court Rejects Call to Legalise Medicinal Marijuana
Indonesian Court Rejects Call to Legalise Medicinal Marijuana
JAKARTA (Reuters) – Indonesia’s Constitutional Court on Wednesday rejected a judicial review of the country’s narcotics law that would have paved the way for legalising marijuana for medicinal use, a panel of nine judges ruled. Three mothers of children with cerebral palsy backed by civil society organisations filed a judicial review of the country’s strict narcotics law in 2020, arguing for the…
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claredanko · 10 days
monkees in the 2020s
peter tork: elected diplomat in the negotiations of a merger between the LA and seattle polycules that will eventually encompass the entire west coast
mike nesmith: runs an incredibly successful weed farm but no one told him marijuana has been legalised so he acts very shady and paranoid about people finding out
micky dolenz: famous influencer in the kink themed arts and crafts instagram community
davy jones: trying to atone for being british by engaging in what he calls "ethical homelessness"
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fedtothenight · 1 year
the more hours pass the more absolutely unhinged this becomes. the italian right-wing government is now trying to get the heads of italian state tv fired because of sanremo, literally for the bare minimum across the board: two men kissing with tongue, chiara ferragni supporting the right to abortion, contestants v queitly expressing support for same-sex relationships and gender-free clothing, fedez holding the picture of a minister dressed a nazi, paola agonu talking about the racism she faced, legalisation of marijuana.
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wachinyeya · 4 months
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libertineangel · 4 months
Original plans to allow licensed shops and pharmacies to sell cannabis have been scrapped over EU concerns that this could lead to a surge in drug exports. Instead, non-commercial members' clubs, dubbed "cannabis social clubs", will grow and distribute a limited amount of the drug. Each club will have an upper limit of 500 members, consuming cannabis onsite will not be allowed, and membership will only be available to German residents.
Growing your own cannabis will also be permitted, with up to three marijuana plants allowed per household.
This means that Germany could be in the paradoxical position of allowing possession of rather large amounts of the drug, while at the same time making it difficult to purchase. Regular smokers would benefit, but occasional users would struggle to buy it legally and tourists would be excluded. Critics say this will simply fuel the black market.
Germany becomes the first country in the world to legally gatekeep weed with an official policy of Go Big Or Go Home, making it difficult to acquire unless you're a serious enough stoner.
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