#marie-grace's collection
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desertdollranch · 28 days ago
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For several years I've been looking forward to re-creating the moment Cécile and Marie-Grace first meet in both Meet Marie-Grace and Meet Cécile. It's an adorable moment portrayed in the books, when each one isn't sure what to think of the other, but they very quickly find themselves in a nice conversation and feel immediately as if they are kindred spirits, despite their differences.
I made Cécile's dress a couple of years ago, but I just today finished Marie-Grace's ensemble. I had the hardest time picking out the fabric. The book refers to the gray dress as her "best wool dress", and so I after months of searching found a pair of wool-blend dress pants that had just the right feel.
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The above illustration is the only time this dress appears, which means I had to guess at some of the details covered up by the jacket. So I went over the top and added pintucks, some buttons, and extra ribbon. The bonnet and jacket are more accurate to the illustration.
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And a close up of the bonnet, which I made with satin ribbon and eyelet lace.
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haveamagicalday · 6 months ago
Duel of the American Girl Dolls: Winners!
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Elizabeth Cole's best outfit is : Riding Outfit
Cecile Ray's best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Marie-Grace Gardner's best outfit is: Summer Dress
Caroline Abbott's best outfit is: Winter Coat
Nicki Hoffman's best outfit is: Red Vinyl Jumper
Isabel Hoffman's best outfit is: Year 2000 Outfit
Ruthie Smithens best outfit is: Play Outfit
Nellie O'Malley's best outfit is: Spring Party Dress
Claudie Wells best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Courtney Moore’s best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Emily Bennet's best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Felicity Merriman's best outfit is: Riding Hat and Habit
Kaya's best outfit is: Pow Wow Dress
Josefina Montoya's best outfit is: Weaving Outfit
Kirsten Larson's best outfit is: Checked Dress and Shawl
Nanea Mitchell's best outfit is: Holoku Outfit
Maryellen Larkin's best outfit is: Poodle Skirt
Melody Ellison's best outfit is: Birthday Outfit
Rebecca Rubin's best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Samantha Parkington's best oufit is: Plaid Cape and Gaiters
Molly McIntire's best outfit is: After School Party
Addy Walker's best outfit is: Tartan Plaid Dress
Kit Kittredge's best outfit is: Overalls
Julie Albright's best outfit is: Calico Dress
Ivy Ling's best outfit is: Chinese New Year Outfit
The best Truly Me Cute Dress is: Red Jumper
The best Truly Me Exploration outfit is: World Traveler in Ireland
The best collector doll is: Shimmering Silver
The best American Boy doll outfit is: Tartan Plaid Outfit
The best World by Us/Mordern Girl outfit is: Evette's Meeting Outfit
The best Truly Me Fun and Hobbies outfit is: Christmas Recital
The best Truly Me Beach Wear outfit is: Beach Outfit
The best Birthstone Collection outfit is: September Sparkling Sapphire
The best Truly Me costume is: Medival Princess
The best Girl of the Year outfit is: Kavi's Bollywood Outfit
The best Truly Me dance outfit is: Ruby Ballet
The best Truly Me winter wear is: Sugar Plum Coat
The best Truly Me casual outfit is: Plaid Skirt and Sweater
The best Truly Me bed time outfit is: Penguin and Robe
The best Truly Me sports outfit is: Ice Dancer Outfit
The best Truly Me holiday outfit is: Diwali Celebration Outfit
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no-one-picked-maris · 2 months ago
i'm fucking shocked at how horrible the illustrations in marie-grace and cecile's stories are.
i mean holy fucking shit. where is the life in their facial expressions? why does it give AI vibes?
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she's like, not even integrated into the scene. it feels like she was auto-generated and copy/pasted onto a background.
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thestuffinginside · 6 months ago
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Second round of doll collection portraits! From left to right:
Row one — Addy, Jenny, Kirsten
Row two — Nanea, Matilda
Row three — Shola, Heidi, Marie-Grace
Row four — Ophelia, Rebecca
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samantha-and-nellie · 9 months ago
🍓which retired historical character would you bring back? which goty?
cécile and marie-grace all the way for historicals! they were the last dolls i really got into as a kid and, while there are changes i’d make to the series (aka cécile should be the main character), i think they have a lot of untapped potential.
as for goty… i wasn’t much of a goty line fan in general, but i remember liking jess and kanani! ironically, the one goty i have is grace and, while i love her french vibes, please dear god put that collection back where it came from
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kirstenlarsons · 1 year ago
Continuing the tour of my collection, this one is a two for one
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Marie-Grace Gardner
Cécile Rey
[We will ignore that I did not think about the way AG eyes work before deciding how to photograph all of my dolls for these introduction posts.]
Cecile and Marie Grace are already character dolls, two girls living during the Yellow Fever epidemic in New Orleans in 1853. They were the only dolls American Girl released as a pair, so I couldn't make separste posts for them.
Something I can't wait for is making new clothes for them. I am currently studying costuming, and the 1850s and 60s just happen to be my favourite time period in fashion history. Like set a book then just to describe the dresses favourite. Like I dress like that every day favourite. So many more clothes for these girls will follow.
These girls were bought second hand on ebay, shortly before last Christmas (2022), and they arrived with very loose limbs. I fixed Marie Grace, mostly, but I quite hate scooping out their innards, so Cécile will probably stay loose. Queen of sitting down.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 2 years ago
Lionblaze and Icecloud I still fuck w/ you
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potter-inthe-tardis · 1 year ago
#book recommendations#reading recommendations#speed run of books in my thrifted pile catcher in the rye / northanger abbey/ mr lemoncellos library /city of secrets / design for dying#typical american/the curious case of the dog in the nightime/ the expats / at the end of the century /a portrait of an artist as a young ma#this side of paradise / swing back to trout river/ or the book about managing which in the moment at the thrift event i thought was fiction#i bought so many books at this book fair they were all like a dollar so i went a little wild think yes i read i read one book this year#so i should totally buy a massive stack right now#also that managing book really annoyed me because i thought Ooh mystery book because it doesnt have any distinct cover or any blurp about i#(not like oh mystery genre just mystery what it is) and i get fooled into thinking i'll magically find some random book that will be my#new favorite book so i bought it in the moment only to look through it a bit at home to see it literally just about management#AG books i have left to read all but the first of marie grace and cecile book / 1 2 and 4th books of Rebeccas / Melody's first book#Maritza's book / Corinne's 2 books / Samathas mystery book / Kaya's mystery book#yes im an adult with AG books on her to read list i collect them and im just bad at getting to their books#also I have more to read books ive just been bad at it but im trying to be better#i read 2 books fully this year which to many may be nothing but to me its huge#i finished the bell jar last night#my post#my poll
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fairytaleendingss · 3 months ago
Room For One More?
Chapter 1
Summary: After a sudden eviction from your home, your friend Mary puts you in contact with her high school friends, James, Sirius and Remus who just so happen to be in need of a roommate. However, living with a group of boys you’ve never met before proves to be more complicated than you expected; especially when they’re all so attractive.
CW: None I don’t think.
Pairing: Poly!Marauders x fem!reader
To say that life had been crazy lately would be putting it lightly. You had only just moved to the city six months ago, in pursuit of a career you were still yet to achieve, got landed with an office job that you were only barely qualified for, and the eviction notice on the door of your shitty downtown apartment was just the icing on the cake.
For a good few days it seemed like your world was caving in around you as you tried to collect yourself and figure out the next steps. In a city like London, real estate was scarce, not to mention expensive, and you were still working to pay off your student loans.
It was only two days before you were set to be kicked out when your new friend, Mary stepped in and saved the day.
You met Mary at your new office job and she’d been somewhat of a saving grace from the beginning.
She had been a splash of colour in a sea of black suits and beige blouses. She’d been quick to introduce herself, inviting you to join her for lunch on your first day, during which she caught you up on all the ins and outs of office politics. The two of you had become fast friends, something you were extremely grateful for.
And you found yourself even more grateful for her, as her car pulled into the driveway of the apartment building you were about to call your new home.
“How do you know these guys again?” You asked, glancing up at the red brick structure through the passenger window.
“We all went to high school together,” She explained. “I know them really well, trust me they’re great guys.”
You believed her. She’d never given you a reason not to. But still, moving into a household with three strange men that you’ve never met, is bound to be daunting nonetheless.
“And you’re 100% sure they’re okay with me moving in? I mean, they don’t even know me!”
She only giggled. “Don’t be silly! They’re completely on board. They’ve been looking for a new roommate since their other friend Peter moved out a month ago to get a place with his girlfriend, Sybil. They were just about to put up an ad on Craigslist, for heavens sake. Trust me, you’re doing them a favour. If I love you, they’ll love you too.”
You nodded at her but your heart still hummed unsurely in your chest. You took a deep breath. It was now or never.
After a treacherous journey up the narrow staircase with boxes in hand, you arrived at the door to the apartment. Mary was behind you, lugging a suitcase full of your clothes. You wished, for a moment that her friends at least lived in a building that had an elevator. You erased that thought from your mind a moment later, when you remembered that these people were doing you a massive favour. Besides, you were hardly in a position to complain.
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door. When it swung open you had to make a conscious effort to pick your jaw up off the floor.
Standing in front of you was the most attractive man you’ve ever seen. He was fair and lean with long strands of dark hair fanning his face. He was chiseled in a way that made him look delicate, almost doll-like but he also had tattoos lining his arms and chest, which you could see poking out from beneath his white t-shirt. He was leaning against the doorframe, effortlessly cool, looking down at you with a flirtatious smirk on his face.
“Hey there gorgeous. You must be the new roommate. I’m Sirius.”
You peered up at him in shock, not quite sure how to respond to this man who had the face of a Greek God. And did he just call you gorgeous? You weren’t sure what you were expecting but this definitely wasn’t it.
“Um, hi,” you stumbled awkwardly. Your hands felt clammy even just looking at this guy, how the hell are you supposed to live with him? “I’m y/n.”
His grin only widened “Pretty name for a pretty girl.”
“Ugh, stop flirting with her Sirius! And move out of the way, this stuff we’re carrying is heavy you know.”
You’d almost forgotten Mary was there until she’s stepping forward, shoving past Sirius who was blocking the doorway, and entering the apartment.
“Sorry hun, just trying to make conversation,” Sirius teased, stepping aside gently to let you in.
The place was bigger than you expected. Not huge but definitely comfortable, and better decorated. The picture you’d created in your imagination could only be described as a “bro cave” with bean bags on the floor and minimal furnishings. However, you were pleasantly surprised to see that the place is rather nice and homey, with comfortable leather furniture and a few framed artworks on the walls.
“Well, welcome home,” Sirius said, following you into the living room. “I can’t take any credit for the interior design, unfortunately. That was all Remus. Speaking of, I’ll go get him. I’m sure he’ll be happy to meet you.”
Sirius padded off down the hall, making his way to one of the rooms and banging heavily on the door.
“Remus! The new roommate is here! Don’t be rude and come and meet her!”
The boy that emerged was equally as attractive as Sirius. He was taller than the first boy, with a mop of sandy hair and dark, piercing eyes. He wasn’t as effortlessly cool as Sirius, he was more lanky and hunched in posture, but he had a sort of nerdy charm about him that was very endearing. He was dressed in a thick woollen jumper and his hair was mattered. He blinked up at Sirius, like he hadn’t quite caught up with the situation yet.
“What’s going on?”
Sirius just rolled his eyes. “Our new roommate is here! Come and say hello!”
He peered out of the doorway. Looking in either direction before his eyes landed on you. Not quite sure what to do with yourself, you sent him an awkward wave.
“Hi,” he replied in return, with a tight lipped smile. Then he turned back to Sirius.
“Could you go away now please? I was having a nap.”
“Fine. Sorry.”
There door was abruptly slammed in his face.
You stood in the living room, holding a box to your chest awkwardly, and you couldn’t help but feel slightly uncomfortable about the interaction. Sirius could apparently tell, and was quick to jump to your aid.
“Don’t worry about him,” he said dismissively. “He’s just in a mood. He’s a med student and all the studying is driving him wild at the moment. He’ll come good after he gets a bit of sleep. Now, how about I show you to your room?”
He directed you down the hallway to a door at the end. Inside, you could already see Mary hanging up your clothes in the wardrobe.
“So this is you,” Sirius muttered, gesturing to the space like a magician revealing his assistant had not, in fact, been sawed in half. Then he sent you another flirtatious smile, something you were quickly learning was a signature of his.
“I’ll leave you girls to it but just shout if there’s anything you need. Although, if you want someone to help carry boxes, I’d recommend waiting until James gets home later on. He’s the athletic one of the three of us. And let me tell you those stairs are a killer.”
You chuckled, a genuine smile overtaking your face for the first time in this whole experience.
“Thanks Sirius. I appreciate it.”
“Don’t mention it,” he drawled, giving you a wink.
Mary rolled her eyes. “Okay Sirius. Thank you but you can go now. We have a lot of unpacking to do here.”
Once Sirius had departed, you and Mary got to work on unpacking your things. Luckily for you, Peter had left behind a bed frame and a few pieces of furniture in his move, a saving grace considering most of your stuff had come with the previous apartment. You still had a mattress strapped to the roof of Mary’s car that needed bringing in, but like Sirius had said, Mary insisted that you wait for the mysterious James to return from work to help you carry any of the heavier items inside (With the way the others talked about him, you could only imagine he must be a superhero). Instead you busied yourself with unpacking your random assortment of trinkets collected over the years.
“So how are you feeling about the place?” Mary pried, unpacking a few shoe boxes into the bottom of the closet.
“It seems alright,” you admitted. “To be honest, I was a little nervous going into this but Sirius seems nice. I think he and I will get along.”
Mary smiled. “Oh good! I knew you’d like it. And just wait until you get to know the other boys better too. You’ll fit right in! I’m sure of it.”
You have her an anxious smile. “I really hope you’re right.”
It was a few hours later, when the sound of the door clicking open caught your attention.
“Honey! I’m home!” A playful voice boomed down the doorway.
You slowly emerged from your room to greet your final roommate. The guy was visibly buff and wearing a mud-covered jersey. He had matted tuft of thick dark curls and round glasses that balanced on the edge of his nose.
You couldn’t help but admire him as he kicked his shoes off.
“Hi. I’m y/n. I’m your new roommate.”
He looked up curiously before his expression morphed into a dazzlingly charming smile. He began to approach you and you held out a hand for him to shake. He bypassed the gesture all together, instead choosing to engulf you in a bone-crushing hug.
You were caught a little off-guard at first but tentatively hugged him back, heat rising in your cheeks as you felt the muscles of his biceps flex against you.
Pull yourself together!! You thought.
As he pulled away, he looked down at you, a few stray curls falling in front of his eyes. He smiled widely, reminding you somewhat of a playful puppy.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” He exclaimed. “Mary’s told me so much about you.”
You couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your own face as you looked up at him. You really liked James, you decided.
“How have you been settling in so far?” He continued.
“Pretty well, I suppose. I’ve done most of my unpacking now.”
He nodded. “That’s good. Well if you need help with anything, let me know. I’d be happy to assist.”
You grimaced. “Actually there is one thing you might be able to help me with?”
He raised a brow expectantly.
“How do you feel about mattress transportation?”
Manoeuvring a queen sized mattress up three floors of narrow stairs proved to be a challenging task. But somehow, between the two of you, you managed it.
By the time James actually wrestled the mattress on your bed-frame, you were just about ready to collapse on top of it.
Mary, unfortunately, had found the whole display hilarious, especially the moment where you’d lost your grip and send the mattress sliding down the stairs back to the first floor. So instead of offering to help, she’d taken the opportunity to film the entire ordeal on her phone. You expected it would be gracing social media by the end of the evening.
“Well, I’d say that’s a job well done!” James exclaimed as he finally dropped the material onto the bed-frame.
You chuckled. “Yeah! I mean it only took an hour and a half.”
James smiled and checked the watch on his wrist.
“It’s getting late and I really should shower. But how about we order pizza afterwards. We could have dinner and get to know each other a little better.”
“I’d like that.”
“Great! Mary, darling, you’re invited too of course.”
The girl looked between the two of you, smiling playfully. Then she shot you a look.
“Thanks for the offer Jamie but I actually have some stuff I need to get done back at home. You guys enjoy though.”
She sent you a wink as she went and your eyes widened.
“I’m going to go wash off, but there’s a take out menu on the fridge,” James said. “Pick out whatever you want. My shout.”
A short while later you found yourself sat on the loveseat, a plate of pizza in your lap while Sirius and James sat side by side on the couch, bickering about the most recent episode of the Bachelor. You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched on.
They argued in a way that was firm but affectionate. You could tell that they were particularly close and had clearly known each other a long time.
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” Sirius exclaimed, waving his piece of pizza in the air for emphasis. “Jennifer was such a bitch! She totally deserved to be sent home.”
James gasped in mock offence. “No way! He should’ve kept her. They had a special connection.”
“Are you kidding?” Sirius blurted. “All she did was talk about herself. She barely even gave him the time of day.”
“I disagree! She was playing hard to get. Girls only do that when they like someone!” James stated matter-of-factly. You couldn’t contain your snort at the comment.
Sirius turned to you then, a smirk adorning his gorgeous face. “Well, lucky for us, we now have a girl here to settle agreements such as these. What do you think, sweetheart?”
You rolled your eyes affectionately at the nickname. “If I’m being honest, I have to agree with Sirius. Jennifer was kind of a bitch.”
Sirius cheered and James held a hand to his chest dramatically.
“Well you’re both wrong,” James joked. “We must have been watching two different shows.”
Sirius scoffed. “Nah, mate. You just have a terrible radar when it comes to girls. I mean, you’ve been chasing the same girl since you were fifteen and she’s still shown you no interest.”
Your eyebrows raised at that one. “Wait what? I feel like I’ve missed a chapter here.“
“She’s just a friend.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Yeah, a friend you’ve been in love with since third form.”
James sighed.
“There’s this girl, Lily, in our friend group,” he began to explain, looking rather bashful. “And I’ve kind of been into her for a while but she always turns me down.”
You grimaced, clicking your tongue in sympathy. “That sucks. But hey, If she’s managed to keep your interest for all these years then she must really be special. I’d love to meet her sometime.”
James smiled gently. “I’m sure you will soon. She and Mary are quite close.”
Sirius face lit up suddenly at that. “Actually guys, that reminds me. The band is playing a gig on Saturday and everyone’s coming. You should join us y/n!”
“Hold on, since when are you in a band?” You queried. “I thought you were a bartender.”
Sirius chuckled. “I’m a bit of both! Bartender by night and lead singer of ‘Snakes and Lions’ by… well also by night I guess.”
“Basically, he plays in a band on the weekends,” James clarified.
“Yeah, and soon, we’ll be world famous!”
“Well I’d love to come and see you play,” you uttered.
“Great, it’s a date then.”
“What’s a date?”
You all looked up to see that Remus had finally emerged from his room. He looked tired and a little disheveled. Although you supposed that was the only way you’d had a chance to see him so far.
“Rem, mate! Come join us! We got Italian sausage just for you!”
Sirius gestured to one of the pizza boxes on the table and Remus nodded, grabbing a plate to fill.
“We were just telling y/n about Sirius’ gig this weekend.”
Remus looked up at you for a moment, his tired eyes unreadable. Then he straightened himself up and came to stand before you awkwardly.
“You’re um… you’re in my seat.”
Your eyes widened. “Oh! I’m sorry.”
You shot up from the spot, feeling rather mortified by the interaction.
“It’s okay, you can come sit here!” James stated, sliding further towards the armrest of the sofa and patting the spot in between himself and Sirius.
You sat down tentatively, but Sirius threw an arm around your shoulder which helped a bit in easing the nerves.
You found yourself glancing over at Remus. He seemed quiet as he munched on his pizza. You couldn’t help but feel a tinge of frustration towards him. He’d been nothing but rude to you since you arrived and you had no clue why.
“So tell us, y/n. What brought you to London?”
Your thoughts were cut short by Sirius’ question.
“Well, I just finished my degree not too long ago and I decided I needed a change, I suppose. London has a lot of good opportunities.”
“What did you study?” James asked, leaning his head in his hand as he looked down at you.
“Literature actually. I want to be a writer.”
Sirius brows shot up. “Really? That’s great. You should talk about that with Remus. He loves books.”
“Hmm?” The boy looked up then, as if having been lost in his own world, before brought back by the sound of his name.
“Y/n studied literature at university.”
He glanced over at you, only looking mildly interested. “Oh, that’s good.”
Then he turned his wrist glancing down at the watch that he wore. “It’s getting late. If you all don’t mind, I think I will finish dinner in my room. I have a lot of work to do.”
You frowned at that. Had you done something to upset him? Why was he so eager to get away from you?
“Alright mate. We’ll see you in the morning,” James muttered, oblivious to the issue.
Remus nodded at him before getting up slowly and sauntering back into his room.
James continued munching on his pizza happily but Sirius clearly noticed the way you tensed at the boy’s exit. He leaned in closely, speaking in a low tone so only you could hear.
“Sorry about him. He really isn’t like this usually. I’ll have a talk with him.”
You sighed. “No no, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”
You really didn’t want to be a point of contention between these boys.
“Are you sure? It’s no trouble-“
“No it’s fine,” you shook your head. “Actually, I’m feeling a little tired as well. I might turn in for the evening.”
James looked over at you with gentle eyes. “Okay. Sleep well.”
“Thanks,” you murmured, jumping up from the couch. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
Once you got to your room, you lay back heavily against the door, sighing. You considered the events of the day. There had been few hiccups but you decided then and there that you’d do whatever you could to move past them.
You got along well with James and Sirius seemed friendly. It was just Remus who you were yet to win over.
As you got ready for bed, your mind ran over the interactions that you’d had so far and wondered what might be the root of his frustrations.
Maybe things will be different tomorrow, you thought, as you settled in for the night.
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trulyhblue · 9 months ago
Could you possibly do a Grace Clinton x Reader please based on what Alessia mentioned on her podcast about Grace being a big hugger and like a sloth ! x also love your work ❤️
Just A Hugger
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Grace Clinton x Lioness! Reader
Warnings: fluff, secret but established relationship, very short!
You were sitting on one of the bean bags for the first time all camp, snuggled under an array of blankets, cuddling your phone as you stared up at the TV in front of you. The room was dark, holding refuge to more than a dozen tired athletes, all clad in their sponsored trackies and hoodies. You were among the handful that had been able to snag a bean bag before they were all full.
Alessia and Ella shared one beside you, and Niamh and Lotte planted theirs together in order to create one combined. On the lounges behind you, many of the girls lay across one another, sluggish in their endeavours to soak up some team bonding while also maintaining the silence. Beth had made you a hot chocolate, and Esme had picked the movie, which was of no complaint to anyone, considering the City girl always seemed to know best. You could hear Lauren muttering about her latest Lego creation to LJ, who was somewhat endorsed by the topic of conversation, yet scrolled aimlessly on her phone as she hummed along in agreement, since Hempo’s tangents often let on for prolonged periods.
Your feet peeked out from under the blankets, your fluffy pink socks matching with your girlfriend, who was nowhere to be seen. There was a quiet hum of chatter as the movie played, and everyone was content with the mixture as it was the first time anyone had really gotten to bond with another teammate outside of training.
The euro qualifiers were tough, and your fresh arrival to the team made it even more difficult to mould into a routine. In such high stake games, you certainly weren't looking for any significant game time, but you were a halftime sub during England’s campaign against Sweden, and you were hopeful of getting the same minutes this time against France.
You were younger than most of the girls but had been around professional football for long enough to have known them all for quite some time. You made your debut at United only a few years ago before playing for City in the Youth groups. There you met the likes of Mary, Katie and Ella, who were the first Lionesses that you had truly gotten to know. You had eventually met Grace when she came from Bristol to United, and from then, you were both sent on loan to Tottenham, where your friendship blossomed into a North London Treasure. Fans are no longer sure Grace is a United player, but their NLD golden girl. You were born and raised Manchester-bound, and you were not prepared to face the fact that you were slowly becoming among the faces of Tottenham’s affiliates. It took you a while to process the hurt that came with your loan, and at some points, you envied how quickly Grace fit in with your teammates and the game they played. But you soon moulded well as a striker, especially as your relationship with Grace consumed your everyday life.
You had moved in together as friends and slowly found your deep feelings for her embedded into your heart. The hugs during celebrations, and the post-match interviews matched with longing stares and soft compliments. Fans jumped to the joyride of how calm and collected the two of you held yourselves, especially as a duo in the games. Grace was always helping you up after badly set tackles, and you pushed her away from unnecessary quarrels with opponents. The media would pick up on the assists Grace would give you, and the spectacular goals that came as a result of your chemistry. There weren't any other two players that had this sort of combination together, and clubs were quick to realise that if they wanted one of you, the other was instantly included.
It was only half way through the season when the two of you got together. It was after your win against Arsenal, and the celebrations mixed with alcohol were quick to loosen your tongue. It was a well-kept secret between you two, except your two best friends Charli and Celine had caught on about your feelings long before you had even gotten together. The media were just enamoured by your friendship with Grace. The fans adored the affection you showed each other. There was inevitable shipping rumours, but they never held much significance.
While you liked the privacy of your relationship, Grace wanted to make it known that you were hers. It wasn't like you kept it discreet. You had shown each other the same amount of PDA before you made it official, so there was minimal change when it came to the way you interacted with each other, save for the heavy affection shown in the showers after a match, away from prying eyes. However, Grace had found herself falling more protective of you. If someone had made a false tackle on you, she’d be all over it before you had even hit the ground. It was an anger that had never presented itself beforehand, but it was sure to unleash the second you winced into the grass.
You were very reserved on the pitch. There wasn't much you got up to, and your card count was very low. Grace was much more vicious, but held accountability when it was due.
Everyone just thought that it was the end-of-season drama, where teams were making last-second challenges that would aim to help their position on the ladder.
Now, as both of your loans with Tottenham were soon to be over, Grace and you had not only made yourselves comfortable in the London atmosphere but had created special bonds with the likes of Celine with Grace and you with Charli, which made the return back a little difficult to face. You were both extremely valuable to each team, and there had been an inexplicable improvement that United wanted a piece of, though Tottenham wanted to keep. You were conflicted with the history of your home, and the alliance of your new life, which added to the stress of debuting with the England Senior Team.
You felt a familiar figure crouch beside you, placing another layer of soft blanket over your figure. With a soft kiss on your forehead, you snuggled up to Grace’s side, immediately cradling her waist with your arms, engulfing her chest with your head, and listening to her steady heartbeat.
“God, you're so warm.” She muttered, pulling your thigh over her leg, letting your weight lean against her. You let out a silent laugh as Grace wrapped her arms around your shoulders, running her hand through the nape of your hair, playing with the loose strands.
You peered down at her feet, feeling the familiar fabric of your matching socks. “Where have you been?”
Grace tucked you into her chest further, breathing in your scent as she sighed. “Talking to Sarina. She wanted to see what I was doing with Tottenham?”
You looked up, carefully calculating the mood on your girlfriend's face. “What about it?”
“Just whether we— whether I was staying.”
“What did you say?”
“I told her I’d have to ask you.” Grace glanced down at you, smiling at the crease between your eyebrows. She pecked your nose, tracing your features subtly. “She said that she could see that we were dating from a mile away.”
You scoffed at that. “Bet she did.”
None of your national teammates mentioned anything, though some of the senior girls had caught on quite quickly that something had changed since the last time they had seen you in Manchester. Ella, who was usually the slowest had walked in on you two that very morning, yelping and whining over breakfast, making your face go red with embarrassment and Grace shoving Tooney over to Lessi, who, inevitably, now knows.
You had told Beth and Leah that you two had gotten close while partnered together at training. Leah had told you it was obvious, and Beth had given you a big hug before listing things she and Viv did to keep their relationship a secret before it got out.
Grace had told Mary, who told Millie, who told Rach, and soon enough pretty much everyone who cared had found out over the course of a day. They were quick to subtly congratulate you, but the attention had died down by the time dinner had past and you all were watching the somewhat indulging film Esme had put on.
You weren't keeping your relationship a secret, but neither of you found a point in letting it known. If someone asked, you’d tell them. Both of you were waiting for the media to catch on, but until then, you were content with the quietness of it all.
“I’ll go wherever you go, you know that?” Grace muttered, placing soft kisses down the coloum of your neck. You pressed your figure closer to her, sighing when her hands ran against your sides.
You held out your hand to grab hers, tracing the ridges in her knuckles. “What do you think? Tottenham or United?”
“I don't care, baby.” She spoke, peeking up from where her face hovered above your collarbone. “I would warm the bench if it meant I was with you.”
You laughed into the blankets, nudging your face into her neck. “You're a sweet talker, Clinton.”
Grace didn't deny the statement, smirking down at your cosy position against her. She wouldn't trade you for any contract offer in the world. No amount of money or years of playing football could equate to holding you in her arms.
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Liked by Graceclinton, Leahwilliamson, and 98,367 others
tagged — graceclinton, alessiarusso, ellatoone
yourusername — training and socks 🧦🎀
user78 — if they are not in love then idk what love is
lionesses — pretty in pink! 💕
graceclinton — I love the way you look at me
graceclinton — feet on feet 🤢
^ yourusername — you love it 😙
alessia — 😍
* liked by creator
user17 — im dreading the time their loan at Tottenham ends.
^ user67 — what if one of them stays at Tottenham and the other stays at United?
^ user66 — I will become violent if this happens
^ user16 — both teams will want them both. I doubt this will happen
charlottegrant — my little koala 🐨
^ yourusername — miss you char char 😣
ellatoone — less and I third wheeling
^ alessia — you’ll live tooney
^ graceclinton — double date?
^ user62 — Y/N AND GRACE CONFIRMED???????
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bohemian-rhapsody-in-blue · 2 years ago
[Video ID/transcript: a display of American Girl Dolls, with a person reading off bits of information from the placards below each one, in turn. Each doll is shown onscreen as the narrator talks about her.]
“Kaya’s life changes when an enemy tribe invades her camp.”
“Caroline’s life changes when her papa is taken prisoner.”
“Cécile and Marie-Grace help their families, friends, and neighbors survive the deadly yellow fever epidemic.”
“Addy escapes slavery and being separated from her family.”
“Kit helps by working hard when times are tough.”
“Nanea’s life changes when Japan attacks Pearl Harbor.”
“Maryellen—(laughs) is left-handed…” (continues to laugh)
End ID.]
I saw Maryellen with the devil!!!
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marsprincess889 · 8 days ago
Intuitive messages
Pick a group
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This is for particular collectives and it may or may not be for you. You'll know if it is.
Calm your mind and go with the one that has the strongest but the most effortless pull.
Group 1:
Signs: trees, robin birds, archery, female characters from greek mythology, color red, short hair, dancing to playlists in your room, outdoors, have gone to woods recently or are planning to, plants, black headphones, red scarf or gloves, Pride and Prejudice, Robin Hood, sailing, Inej from Six of Crows(Grishaverse), green and brown, gracefulness, Red(Taylor's Version), USA, Canada. Names Bailey, Martha and Mary. INFP, ISFJ, ENFP, ENFJ, ISFP. Nakshatras: Ardra, Vishakha, Magha, Anuradha.
I had to write this quickly, I have not even chosen the pic for this group yet as I'm writing this.
Bailey, Martha and Mary(and variations of Mary) are the names I got.
Some things about you: you are a lighthearted person, most likely sweet and protective of your loved ones. I think you've recently come to terms with some repressed thoughts, feelings or general parts of yourself that you have been avoiding. It's like it gradually came into your conciousness, slowly then all at once.
"Bury the dirt and move on"
To be honest I'm just getting feelings and images/visuals, like scenes from what is happenning, but I have no idea what this sentence means yet.
Self-worth and wrapping up a cycle are playing into this. They are why this is happenning.
Have you ever felt that feeling when you're angry but you're happy that you're angry? It's like you feel euphoric because you feel like yourself again. And it also feels like aligning, effortless movement and relief. This is what I think you're feeling.
Scenario one: a guy(or a person of any gender, mostly I'm getting a guy) has dissapointed you and even though it hurt, you kind of knew it and now you feel like you can let him go in peace and joy.
Scenario two: family and friends have taken you for granted and now you feel like they're all missing out on you, but you start to feel better about it, even great, and you're doing perfect without them. You think, "their loss". Or, you're about to distance yourself from them to live your life as you want to.
Scenario three: you've experienced devastating pain regarding relationships or a relationship, most likely a friendship or something romantic. You feel sort of numb but slowly and surely you're gaining strength from it. This might have happenned recently or it feels fresh, or it just got reactivated, like, you've remembered what it feels like not long ago, maybe you've just started to proccess it now, maybe you realized something crucial about it recently.
One thing: prepare. Something is going to happen that moves you over to this next stage in your life. It's largely out of your control. It can look like nothing at all on the outside, but you're going to feel different. You will start to feel like you're respecting yourself more.
Images I'm getting that might be symbolic or meaningful for you, interpret them as you want/feel like💕:
At first I got you dancing in the woods with bare trees, with a house or cottage nearby. Do you have short straight black hair? Are you short?😄 do you have pale skin and small black eyes? Do you wear a red scarf, white coat/jacket and black headphones? I'm seeing you making tik toks?? This is the feeling that I talked about, about embracing your repressed feelings or thoughts.
I also got an image of a girl/woman with a different appearance practicing archery with a focused, determined, serious gaze.
Next I saw a ship sailing and a young woman there, looking like she turned a new page in her life, like she's decided on something.
This might be a message on how to handle those emotions, which I think for most of you, is mostly consistent of anger.
Don't let it consume you, but do not ignore it either, no matter how uncomfortanle it seems, no matter how much you think it'll halt your life, it's better to utizile it. It's actually your strength.
You're focused on something, determined and resolute.
Eyes on the horizon, mind hooked on that one thing.
It'll come, it'll go, it'll be_ what I got for your near future(?).
Basically, it is going to happen.
Yes, it's in your mind already, boiling inside or freeing you, it'll be real anyways. I don't know what it is though. Literal explanation would be travel, moving, adventure.
Power and freedom_ keywords for you.
I keep seeing a beautiful but extremely focused and serious gaze. You are not playing around.
I think you have prayed or tried to connect with God/universe/universal love, whatever you think or suspect is there. You've been reminiscing, and you're ready. For what, I still don't know. Something is going to happen that will feel relieving.
Someone here is going to recieve a gift that will make them absolutely ecstatic. Something about gold is connected to this. If not ecstatic, then you will at least be content, because I think it will have meaning for you, for most of you, symbolic. Something about wings is also symbolic.
Group 2:
Signs: gold earrings, white flowers, blonde hair, blue eyes, birds, bear, perfumes, roses, flocks of birds, pomegrantes, getting picked up by parents, nostalgia, boyfriend, UK(esp England), Brighton(in England), songbirds, bird sounds in the morning, swamps, creeks, turquoise. ESFJ, ESFP, ISFJ, ENFP, ISTP, ENFJ. Nakshatras: Chitra, Anuradha, Swati, Mula, Ashwini, Punarvasu.
Disclaimer: if this is not resonating, then you can stop reading, but if it is and you think you can take some constructive criticism, then stay.
I am getting the energy of a young girl or a woman who... basically representns "a spoiled brat" archetype. It might have only been a day or an hour or a small phase in the past, but whatever the situation, this is the energy I'm getting.
Also to note two of the nakshatras I listed above, Chitra and Ashwini: negative manifestation of their energies can lead to that behavior.
Anyways, I'm also getting this feeling of bottled up guilt and sadness about to burst.
If you have been cruel to someone and feel like it's way too late to apologize, then you should go do just that. It's either not late at all or the relief after apologizing will be healing in and of itself.
You have to let something out. Give yourself a break if you're feeling shameful. Shame is possibly the worst feeling to experience along with fear. Guilt however, is healthy, and an indicator that you want to change something in yourself.
I keep getting something about pink roses and straight blonde hair. Someone gave you roses? Then I think something went down, a fight or a misunderstanding and then I see that person with blonde hair in a car, bent over, maybe crying, maybe hiding their face from exhaustion.
You may have felt like people around you judged you too much. The truth is, we all have moments where we, unintentionally, do not see the whole picture and act in a way that is not in alognment with our honest, high truth. You probably regret whatever it was, and a lot of the time, the worst judgement comes from ourselves. I think at this point it does not really matter how or why other people judge you, not as much as how you judge yourself and what you think about it, how you feel about that whole thing.
If you have examined it in your head and heart, then you can be calm and make your decision from that state of relative peace.
One message I'm getting is that you should be mindful of not being ignorant of other people's feelings. Confidence is great, arrogance is not.
You should also be mindful of your tendency to get triggered when other people treat you the same way you treat them. You might get defensive and even insult people. Do you have a hard time accepting criticism? Well, it's not always personal, and you better double check before you critisize others.
Some of you are quite young and delight in laughing at others, gossip and/or bullying. It's time to grow out of that, and to start it by recognizing when you are behaving like that. Then, you should probably think about how much of it you like, how much of it is really you, and whether or not you like that about yourself.
A lot of the time young people(or some grown adults) do not recognize when "humor" or a habit is cruel. Sometimes they think they don't care. I think they will.
Reexamine misunderstandings in your life and start a new chapter with a clean page.
If that situation made you feel laughed at, ostricized and hurt, then you're probably not at all like what I've described above. I'm also getting an energy of a minority in this group_ people who feel bullied, misunderstood and stuck in an environment that shrinks them. Like the people who are the majority here, you might also have been like this in the past, but the past is inside you. For you, this is what I want to say: stay pure, stay yourself, love yourself. Know that your beauty, integrity, honesty, purity and worth are not diminished by their ignorance and cruelty in any way. You'll have a chance to get away, grow into someone you knew you always were and were meant to be.
Heal that wound, you should know how to. If not, give yourself space, it'll appear when it'll appear.
I'm restricted from talking too much about this, there's quite a serious energy around this.
I tried to channel a song for you but I'm getting that the song you should listen to is tge one that makes you think or reflect. It's an old song from a band for most of you. It also probably has a memory attached to it, a significant one.
Group 3:
Signs: a cross, earrings, castles, dirt, pikes, valleys, the word "never", tasting desserts, milk cream, angels, supernatural, fairytales, names Cass(Cassie, Cassandra), Penelope(female names beginning eith "Pe-"), red currants and blaccurants, places of worship(abandoned), 377, 435, fantasy, spirituality, books, knowledge, isolation/have been or felt isolated lately, feeling stuck inside yourself, medieval aesthetic, history lover/buff, UK, Ireland, Iceland, British Isles, France, Sweden, Poland, name Astrid, name Delia. ISFP, INFJ, ISTP, ISFJ, ENFP, INFP. Nakshatras: Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Jyeshta.
This is my quester group, the adventurers, if you will.
There's something you're searching for: an answer, a question, the truth.
A lot of you have an insatiable mind and spirit, especially when it comes to knowledge and wandering, but I think none of you can tolerate dictating and people meddling in that process.
You've been feeling soft lately, more vulnerable but, ironally, stronger.
4 a à,Q (I accidently typed this but felt compelled to leave it, so, yeah)
I feel strongly connected to this group😭🙃🤍🤍
"I'm closer, returning".
I think you who's returning, returning somewhere where you feel home. And I think, it's either a really strong and influencial mental/spiritual shift or an actual physical move/travel.
Even if it seems small, it's going to be significant to you.
I think you have been looking for something that is elusive but existing. You have a lot of neural activity in your brain and emotions, you process a lot and are receptive to a lot. Consequently, you know a lot, even things you can't even explain to yourself, nevermind others. You just want an explanation, especially because whatever dots you're trying to connect are having more and more relevance to your life. Either that or it was relevant before and now it's getting relevant again. It this an idea or a concept? Maybe this is a system of thought, a science, it can even be astrology.
You value bravery, honesty to yourself and integrity. This somehow has relevance to you now, or this message.
"Let the wind take you"
I do not know what this is about😭 you might have noticed that I channel random sentences.
I just heard "pay close attention, focus" and I'm almost certain it was directed at me.
"They just want to learn"
😭 so you just want to learn. I get it, I definitely understand you. So how do you make sense of this world?
This is about you gaining some kind of knowledge that you at first don't know what to do with. It's a gift and a burden, like any knowledge, and it's also relevant to you.
Be careful of people who try to limit you or to get you away from what you want to learn. True wisdom is learned through experience and passivity.
I think you like to think in metaphors, aesthetics, stories, associations and feelings. This is never less valid then what most "logical" people consider true. In fact, such thinking is beautiful and valuable and its worth is beyond what "logical"(I'm putting it in quotes cause people who like to call themselves logical often tend to be close minded) people can fathom.
I do think that you are truly logical yourself, but you know the power of feelings and energetically sensing the vibration of people or things. Vibrations are real. Everything vibrates, everything has its energy. The fact that your receptivity is developed enough to pick up on those seemingly insignificant details is magical. This is more common than people suspect. What they label as "vibes" is more than just a vague description. More than that, you live and breathe through that information, you can't help but see through those lenses.
And so, where is the point in all of that? Beauty, and you know that there does not have to be a point.
But I think you'll be validated by whatever knowledge you're about to come across. Make sure not to be swept off by the excitement of things making sense.
Breathe in, breathe out, you don't have a problem with that.
The thing that I think is really beaitiful about you guys is that you do not get lost in mental definitions and know that real life and its mysticism is where everything happens.
I don't think you're into manifestation culture. If you are, you're not going to be stressed out by it anymore, or you'll abandon it.
But I don't think it matters a lot to you anyways. You are quite independent, so, conventions? You effortlessly avoid them.
"Find the truth, the secret lock".
"The base of what happened it out in the world"
"To look into buildings that are barely standing, you'll have to want to realize the truth".
"Something is approaching, the clock is ticking, time does not wait, you are still searching".
"Away from the crowd but among the people"
So take these sentences or leave them, but a little elaboration on the last one: you might strongly dislike big cities or small spaces there, because I just keep seeing green hills, meadows, grass, beautiful daylight, old churches, ruins of castles and churches. Look into the countries I've listed above in signs.
People in those places where you do not feel overwhelmed are your people.
Or they don't have to be, but that's where the "main story", "the action" is for you.
Sybolism in fairytales or fantasy stories or patterns that you find there might reflect your life.
Blessings to you, have a blessed and safe journey, may you fulfill your quest.
Please, let me know which group you chose and if (and how) it resonated.
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haveamagicalday · 6 months ago
Duel of the American Girl Dolls: Marie-Grace Edition (Round 2)
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This is a poll in the Duel of the American Girl Dolls. Other polls can be found here
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love-toxin · 2 years ago
(cws: across the spiderverse spoilers, gn pronouns, smut, rough sex, mating press, size kink, biting/venom, belly bulges, mindbreak(?), breeding mention, a bit of forbidden love trope)
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Like....imagine, if you will, becoming an assistant for the Spider-society after your dimension is destroyed. It's mostly because Miguel took pity on you since you're not a spider-person, you had nothing to do with the unravelling of your world, and/or you were meant to gain your spider-powers but an anomaly in your dimension prevented it. Since there's no place for you in another multiverse, he keeps you on his team both to give you asylum and to keep an eye on you just in case you prove to be an anomaly yourself....but it becomes pretty clear pretty early on that you're not really a threat. Not for violence, at least.
You're just a sweet thing that gets doted on by nearly everyone in the society--you're either a refreshing break from the endless spiderman variants running around or you remind the spiders of their Mary Janes, their Gwen Stacies, their Gayatri Singhs, and being a civilian to boot makes you the perfect candidate to have your things carried for you and be given web-slinging rides around the facility even though you're supposed to be the assistant here.
But even so, even though you're treated so lightly, Miguel really likes you and even--gasp--enjoys your company. It can be hard to tell with him, but the most perceptive of the spiders notice that Miguel keeps you in his good graces always. When he's stressed or in a bad mood, he collects himself before he speaks to you. He never snaps at you, and on the very rare times you get caught in his crosshairs, he apologizes quietly and gently and reiterates that whatever it was about, it wasn't your fault. He gives you so much wiggle room for error to the point that his companions sometimes complain outright that he's such a hardass, but he never berates you when you make a mistake, and without fail Miguel will come up with some reason for it; "That's because they don't screw up as often as you do" or "At least I can trust them to do their job", or he'll just tell whoever's bitching to leave you out of it and he'll dismiss you to discuss the matter privately.
Surprisingly, those incidents don't bother him nearly as much as when the inner circle starts getting closer to you. He feels this deep need to pull you away when Gwen offers to take you on a trip through the dimensions (although that's just plain dangerous), but it also bubbles up when Hobie hangs around and encourages you to join his band, and when Jess asks you questions about your life and is eager to hear about any potential romances you might be getting yourself into--there's a lot of single spider-people out there, and you're not tied to any dimension, so you've got plenty of options!
God, Miguel hates when Jess brings that up. You don't need to go anywhere, your place is here. You can stay here safely, which is something he can't promise in any of those other dimensions the spiders come from. But that's not the real reason, he realizes that when he feels that tingle at the sight of you holding Mayday and playing with her, having been given the task of impromptu babysitter for Peter when he has to rush off and do damage control somewhere.
It's you. He likes having you around, and it's not about letting you venture off into other dimensions, he just doesn't want you to leave him. That's why he loves it when you reply to those people, when you tell them "Oh, but I couldn't leave Mr. O'Hara! He'd lose his head without me." or "I really like this job, actually. I wanna keep working under Mr. Miguel." and especially "Miguel saved my life, I owe him all I can give. I could never leave him all alone." because it just reaffirms that desire for him to keep you as close to his side as possible. When he replays those videos of himself and his daughter, the pain is dulled for a while as he sees your eyes in hers, and envisions a future where you create a new family with him--one that he can properly protect this time.
It's that fantasy that emboldens him to lay hands on you, your body so puny and small in comparison to his massive frame, so fragile as he holds your hips in both hands and waits for you to tell him this isn't really what you want. He's waiting for it, anticipating it, even reminding you that you have the option when you look up at him shell-shocked. He promises that your answer won't affect your position here. It falls on deaf ears, however, because you desperately want to kiss him but you just don't think you can reach.
It's so adorable to see you try. Up on your tiptoes, clutching at his suit, straining to try and reach him where he's at--all it takes is an arm around your waist and he's got you off your feet and in the air, perfectly situated to press your pretty mouth to his own and awaken his instincts that have laid dormant all these long years. The stress of keeping each and every dimension following its intended canon has nearly broken him, it might have done so already if not for your unexpected appearance in his life. It's riled him up so much he doesn't think twice about taking you back to his place, nor gives him second thoughts when you help him peel that tight suit off and he tears through your clothes just as easily--maybe it really doesn't matter. His world is gone and so is yours, but you're both still here and you're begging him for another kiss, for more attention. How sweet could you possibly be? Pleading for something you'll always have and not realizing it's the least you deserve, perfect as you are?
Miguel just can't help himself anymore, he's too far gone and you’re too angelic for him to let down when you want him so badly. You don't seem to mind the rough treatment as he pushes you down either, no, you thrive on his aggressiveness and even encourage it to come out as he clambers over you. That pretty smile and those giggles as he shoves your thighs apart and spits, his venom sending electrifying tingles up and down your spine as he fingers the makeshift lube inside you. He's so bulky you can't even get your legs all the way around him when he lowers himself, forced to let your heels scrabble down his lower back as you struggle to find some kind of purchase on him--to just grab something and let it keep you steady as he slides in and rocks you into oblivion. The toxins loosen you up too, thank god, or else you'd be seriously struggling to take him in when he's practically twice your size. And he doesn't want to force it in, he just wants to ease you into the process before he allows himself to batter your poor body with thrusts that shake the whole bed--it's a little bit of payback for flaunting your pretty self around his office without ever telling him how you actually feel about him. Now you know exactly what you've been missing.
Drooling, hair sticking to your skin, sweat dripping down your chest, body gripping him like a vice yet endlessly slick....you're a total mess and he couldn't be more satisfied. You don't even try to keep yourself together, but that's all that he wants--he wants you to lose yourself in the way he makes you feel so you won't ever want to leave. The taboo is there; you're not from his dimension, he shouldn't be planning any kind of future with someone who doesn't belong in his world. But it makes it all more thrilling in the moment even if he can reason his way around it, it makes his every thrust gain power until he's breaking your willpower down enough to have your eyes rolling back in your head, hips jumping weakly as you try to participate. You don't even know how good you make him feel without lifting a finger.
Gliding through you as if you couldn't be more willing to take him, his position is clear just from a glance down at your stomach--the bulge is obvious, and as sickening as it could be your whines as you brush your fingertips over it sing his praises without a coherent word. You're so wet and stupid and needy on his cock, clearly he should've done this a long time ago when you were so much worse at hiding your pining looks at him from across the room. If he knew it would culminate into this, he would've saved the assistant crap and turned you into his stress relief toy that very first day. If he had, you might've already had a family by now....knowing him, at least.
It's still just as sweet to lick your tears up now, though. You're already drunk on his cock, it doesn't make much more difference for him to sink his fangs into your throat and pump you full of more venom straight from the source, the shock sending you straight into orgasm and dragging it out for so long he fears you might just pass out from the pleasure. It's like he's juicing up a plump little fruit until it's so ripe it could burst. And as if your own ecstasy wasn't enough, you really lose it when Miguel has you pinned and flooding that sore, fluttering little hole with so much seed it burns. Jets of pearly-white cum squirting down your thighs, painting you like a canvas without him even pulling out, because you just can't take him at his peak and you know it. You just have to whine and squirm beneath him as he fills you up, his hot breath puffing over your cheeks as he keeps you barely still enough not to wiggle away. With a shift of your hips you nearly slip off right up to the tip, his cum sloshing about and making everything too slick--but a hand slides up your neck and grips the crown of your head, his biceps flexing as he slowly pushes you back down with vermillion eyes piercing through your heated flesh. Lower, deeper, until he's seated himself up in your guts again and holds you there to milk those last few shots out of him, keep him nice and warm with those precious walls uncontrollably spasming around him. Doesn't stop you from pulling his head down closer, though, and whispering your praises while begging in whimpers in equal measure, urging him not to stop now. You're not ready to let him go.
How convenient is that? Miguel won't ever let you go, and he's known that deep in his chest since the moment you arrived--it couldn't make him any more satisfied to know that you feel the exact same way.
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macknshift · 1 month ago
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sadie rhode mackintosh . . . formula 1 driver dr.
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the then 21-year-old's second f1 win after fans believed she wouldn't even make it the rest of the season? in abysmal conditions in são paolo, brazil in 2024. the announcement that she would be the next red bull f1 driver? at the back-end of a season when we believed max verstappen would stay at red bull forever. that's her talent. a true star is born in formula 1 once in a millenium it feels like - the american did it in 2 seasons.
BORN TO INFAMOUS FERRARI ENGINEER jon and DAUGHTER OF FERRARI LEGEND CHARLES BELL marie, sadie mackintosh is TWO THINGS - born for this and ready for this.
driver for scuderia alphatauri, rookie class of '23, #29. 5 foot 10, darling of fashion house miu miu, part-time runway model. 20, only child, aquarius. monaco-based, austin-grown.
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soundtrack of my life . . . 2 hands , tate mcrae. circus , britney spears. oh no! , marina. kiss it better , rihanna. vroom vroom , charli xcx. shut up and drive , rihanna.
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scuderia alphatauri driver in 2023, oracle redbull driver in 2024-26, scuderia ferrari driver from 2027 forward.
winner of her first f2 season in 2022 with prema, sponsored by the redbull driver academy.
nicknamed 'speedy' for her aggressive attempts in overtaking & abnormal lack of hesitation. her other nickname, given first by will buxton 'drive to survive' is 'britney jr.' in her parallels with formula 1 champion and now monaco-based youtuber nico rosberg, (it's mainly the gorgeous locks lmfaoooo) as well as her apparent love for popstar britney spears.
races under #29, her grandfather, former f1 driver charles bell's old racing number. she is the only of his 5 grandchildren to race in any motorsport.
has been in 3 crashes as of the end of the 2024 season - twice in 2023 (saudi arabia w/ leo dempsey (#99, aston martin) & dutch gp w/ oscar piastri (#81, mclaren) and once in 2024 (silverstone w/ george russell (#63, mercedes))
as of the end of the 2024 season she has won 4 grand prix - united states (austin), brazilian, las vegas, and abu dhabi, all in 2024 within the last four races of the season.
is rumored to be in a relationship with aston martin driver leo dempsey. (allegedly they married after sadie's las vegas gp win.)
she has graced the cover of american vogue and modelled for several high fashion brands including miu miu (whom which she is an ambassador of), vivienne westwood, chanel, and most recently yves saint laurant. she is also the face of victoria's secret pink and has been gifted angel wings as a vs angel.
she and fellow f1 driver anna jones, as well as current head of f1 academy susie wolff, have received collector's barbie dolls as apart of the 'barbies in sports' collection by mattel (and none for danica nasty ass bitch)
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⊹ ࣪ ˖₊˚⊹⋆ hiiiiiiiii (can y'all tell i love this dr) this is essentially my f1 dr intro!! i'm shifting to the beginning of 2023, right before my first f1 season begins! *side note if anyone wants the 'my first day' f1 template lmk! send me a dm or an ask and i'll gladly post it!* yes i stole hailey bieber's middle name. i thought being an f1 driver and having the middle name rhode would get me some aura points!!!! sue me!!!! the inspo to make this post obvi comes from tate mcrae's new song sports car (i looove tate & i actually scripted that i'm the stunt driver in her '2 hands' mv lol)
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dailyrothko · 2 months ago
So I know you usually post Rothko, but since you have a healthy amount of delectation towards art, I was wondering if you have any favourite art books that you enjoy and would like to share? Rothko or non-Rothko related. I am slowly building my own art book collection and would love some recommendations. Thanks a lot!
I think books are kind of split often between art monographs aimed mostly at giving you a lot to look at and books that have a wider throw but (Usually) fewer pictures.
One very old book but one of my sentimental favorites is "A treasury of the world's great prints" by Stephen Longstreet. It's a large book that covers the printmaking of Goya, Hiroshige, Durer etc. but I think the bref commentaries on the artwork are informative and interesting. I had this book from a young age and maybe that's why I like it, but I felt like I learned a lot from the selections.
Anything by Robert Hughes but start with American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America. Hughes is extremely bright and grumpy but offers a huge cultural context to the history of art most other people are simply not capable of. Even his reads on early American art, art that often find dull, add fascinating context to the movement. Shock of the new (mistakenly credited earlier) is certainly a staple as well.
Ways of Seeing by John Berger is still a great read all these years later and About Modern Art by David Sylvester is great because he has a great mind for the task.
I also recommend,
Women, Art, And Power And Other by Linda Nochlin and Ninth Street Women: Lee Krasner, Elaine de Kooning, Grace Hartigan, Joan Mitchell, and Helen Frankenthaler: Five Painters and the Movement That Changed Modern Art, by Mary Gabriel, two books which add much needed context art history books often leave behind.
A World History of Art by Hugh Honour and John Fleming is a good general book but if you have specific interest maybe I can be more help.
-for Rothko, the new books like the Rizzoli book, The LV foundation book and the paintings on paper book, if you like scans these all have far better scans than any previous Rothko books, however, the bio stuff is probably best in the Breslin book which has all the facts of his life and not tons of insight or for more insight with fewer facts "About Rothko by Dore Ashton.
This is just a smattering I'd also read Against Interpretation by Susan Sontag, who, as one of the very smartest people in the world, had some great takes on art.
I was in a hurry writing this so feel free to add or ask more.
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