#maribat male!marinette
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olivia-anderson-fanfic · 1 year ago
Timari January Day 1: Lollipop
By @maribat-calendar-events
Listen, when Marinette Dupain-Cheng opened up a clinic, she had been expecting a lot of things.
Children, since she was officially in pediatric care. You know, the branch devoted to treating children.
Eventually, she expanded to consider her patients might include henchmen, as well. And she had been mentally prepared, perhaps, to possibly meet their bosses, if they wanted to thank her for their services in person, though she had doubted this.
She had not, however, been expecting to look a vigilante dead in the eyes (domino mask, it didn’t matter)... or, at least, not like this. She had been expecting to get approximately one glimpse of their usual suits and then have a fist obscure most of her vision. Not to see him hunched over in one of her chairs, hugging the knife buried in his side.
“... hi,” she said, glancing behind herself at the Scarecrow goon she had been about to lead out the door. “I can get to you in a minute.”
The vigilante didn’t say ‘okay’, but he didn’t say ‘no’, either. From what she had been told, this wasn’t uncommon. Introverts, the lot of them.
She quietly closed the door and pointed the goon towards the exit, and waited a few minutes with her ear against the door to make sure he hadn’t gotten immediately jumped by a second, secret vigilante. Once she was reasonably sure that the henchman had gotten away to safety, she went back to the vigilante who was, apparently, in her care.
He was… still in that chair. Stab wounds will do that to you, she supposed.
She hesitated as she eyed him up and down.
This was Red Robin, she was pretty sure, though he could have been Robin or Red Hood or really just any other male vigilante in Gotham… they all looked the same. She wasn’t going to say it aloud, though, she didn’t want to risk being wrong. Embarrassing.
Also, she was pretty sure she was on thin ice right now. Getting his name wrong might just screw her over.
Thankfully, he was aware of her presence immediately, and she didn’t have to call his name to get his attention.
She sent him a slightly nervous smile. “You do know this is pediatric care, don’t you? I was trained to treat children.”
“The guy before me wasn’t a child.”
“He has a kid,” she said. Technically, this was true.
“Was the kid here?”
“I plead the fifth. And the fourth. And any other applicable laws that might help me right now.”
He snorted. “I’m not a cop.”
“You still get people arrested, I’m not going to risk it.”
He lifted his hands in a kind of ‘I surrender’ gesture, only to wince. He quickly went back to applying pressure to his wound, which was probably for the best.
Marinette shook her head to herself, sighing. “I’ll bring my equipment over here. I’d rather not have to carry you.”
“I can still walk,” he said.
He moved as if to stand. She grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him back down, giving him a cold look.
“Don’t do that. Christ.”
He groaned and slumped back in his chair, pouting like the child that she was supposed to actually be getting. How had her life come to this?
You say ‘ohmygod why are you bleeding on my doorstep oh my FUCKING GET INSIDE’ to a henchman one time and suddenly it just becomes your thing.
She sighed internally as she went about collecting her things and then sighed externally when her eyes flicked to the security footage. She had put a camera next to the door a while back, when she had first started taking henchmen. She didn’t use it often, she really just had it to make people at least hesitate before trying to steal things.
Anyways, the point is, Red Robin was not in the chair she had left him in.
She made sure her next footstep was audible, before feigning a pause to make sure she had everything she needed.
By the time she stepped out, he was back in his chair, looking for all the world as if he had never left.
Marinette hated life.
She was quick in stitching him up. Perhaps quicker than was strictly medically advisable, but whatever. This wasn’t meant to be permanent or anything, this was just to last him until Batman could, like, magically fix it. Or whatever that cryptid of a man did. Marinette, frankly, preferred not knowing.
She pulled back, wiping bloody hands on the towel around her neck.
“Normally, I’d say to take things easy for the next few weeks, minimum, but considering…” she shrugged. “I dunno. Just try not to pop those.”
He tilted his head to the side consideringly for just a moment.
And then he laughed. “No promises.”
“It was worth a shot.”
He jumped to his feet, and she cringed just slightly. But it wasn’t like she could stop him if that was what he wanted to do. She could only mumble a few curses under her breath and move to leave so she could close up shop.
Red Robin lingered for just a few seconds longer than she expected him to.
Marinette narrowed her eyes at him briefly. She figured it was probably best to just ask him outright whether or not he needed to go through some files. He was going to do it regardless of her wishes, and she liked pretending to have free will.
“So, is my clinic up to par with your standards?”
Red Robin didn’t bother denying that he had had ulterior motives for visiting.
Instead, he held up a candy he had grabbed from the jar on her desk.
“For sure. You guys have lollipops.”
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pokenoire · 6 months ago
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Ok I just don't really understand why people choose something like, Damian Wayne X Marinette aka or Marin [Male Marinette], or Maribat family instead of Peter Parker (even though i know the origin) because well, someone explained to me that a random created Damianette and people approved something like that)
But Miraculous was inspired by Spider-Man... so am I the only one who still thinks about Marinette X Peter in some sense ?
I don't mind reading Damianette I'm just thinking about it
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peterxwade24 · 6 months ago
BWYD Chapter 39
For Maribat March 2021 Day 25: School Dance
Brothers are Annoying
Marinette and Adrien had swapped parents a few days ago and had begun patrolling as each other, or rather as Māomī and Bāndiǎn, respectively. Māomī, initially, looked like a female version of Chat Noir, with Bāndiǎn looking like a male version of Ladybug but that changed after the first few transformations. Their enemies, and allies, didn’t know what to think of the swap at first and then they learned that even though they had swapped Ladybug and Chat Noir were still in charge and leading the team.
Māomī looked like a smaller, slightly darker version of Red Hood, for some reason. She wore black, pleather, cargo pants with criss-crossing straps across her thighs and shins with a black belt cinching the waist in. She had a black, long-sleeved top underneath a black, armored vest with a neon green bat across her chest. Over her shirt and vest she had a black pleather jacket with a silver zipper resting against her belt. She had a dark green domino mask with tiny black paw prints on either side of her eyes, which were an acidic blue-green. Her boots were such a dark brown they almost appeared black with silver tips which alluded to the fact they were steel-toed. 
Bāndiǎn, on the other hand, looked almost inspired by Arsenal. He wore baggy red pants with thick black stripes down the sides tucked into black, silver-tipped, steel-toed boots. He wore a red, sleeveless top tucked into his pants over a black long-sleeved shirt with red spots down the sides. His hands were covered in black gloves, not too dissimilar to Chat Noir’s gloves. He had a black belt, mostly to break up the big block of red that was his costume. He had a slightly darker shade of red bat across his chest, only because he wanted to match with his partner.
They had only been spotted around Paris a handful of times, but even in that short amount of time, they’d given the Parisians a sense of hope. That if their main hero pair could be just as successful with the other’s powers, maybe they had a chance to defeat Hawkmoth.
Marinette was leaning against her friends and brothers in their house, debating with herself if she wanted to call Bruce or not.
“Copycat, quit thinking so loudly.” Damian chucked a throw pillow at his sister, shaking his head with a laugh. “Just talk to us.”
“Mari,” Colin began, “what’s up?”
“I don’t know if I should call Ubaba to ask him to send one of the girls to help me choose outfits for us for the dance.” Marinette turned to look at her brothers, seeing the understanding in Damian’s eyes, because he too had had his privacy violated by some of their brothers.
“Do it.” Alix brushed her fingers through Marinette’s hair intent to braid it. “If Circus Boy and Yellow Guy are just going to treat you like you’re a baby then reach out to someone who won’t.”
“Why don’t we just all go to a thrift shop to browse and see what we like and what would look best on us?” Adrien looked at his friends, worry written on his face.
“Adrien, bestie, if I wasn’t gay, I would make out with you for how smart that is.” Marinette almost melted against Alix’s ministrations.
The group of friends spent way too long walking around the thrift shop, pointing out different things to each other all willy-nilly. Colin had, in fact, pointed out a dark purple, cheetah print top that Marinette had forced him to try on, and then they had bought it. It had suited Colin, possibly too well, given he had just randomly found it while browsing.
They spent a few hours just browning before they had to leave, not having found anything really inspiring. However, they had patrol to get ready for. Crime waits for no one, and Hawkmoth? He opperates on his own timetable.
A loud explosion sounded from across the city, the first indication that Hawkmoth had released an Akuma.
The group of friends looked at each other, exchanged a smile, before rushing out of the thrift store. They had an Akuma to stop and a city to save.
Falak, Terrapene, Wadjet, Māomī and Bāndiǎn rounded on the Akuma, a recently fired shop worker going by Time Off, and took their stances. The battle had been going on for nearly thirty minutes and this was the first time they’d been even a little close to beating the Akuma. None of them had used their powers, but they had come close a few times to at least two of them using their powers.
Māomī and Bāndiǎn shared a look before turning to look at Falak, Terrapene and Wadjet. “This is about to get dicey, we’re going to need to run this very close together. We have an idea how to finish this but we’re going to need to use everyone’s power.”
The quintet looked at each other before everyone nodded. “Let’s do this.”
All in all, the battle took an additional twenty minutes and it did in fact take everyone’s powers. But, at the end of the battle, they beat Time Off and comforted the Akuma victim. He was one of the only members of staff at his small store that hadn’t had his time off request approved. It had happened several times since he started at the store, every time he put in a request it was denied. All he wanted was time off, was that so hard to ask?
The quintet all agreed that that was bogus, that he should have been approved at least once by now. So, that gave his a suggestion.
“I hear Wayne Enterprises is always hiring.” Falak shrugged in faux nonchalance. “You should look into applying, I hear that they are opening a near branch in the city.”
“Yeah, maybe I will.”
Marinette, Adrien, Alix, Colin and Damian walked into the dance, all of them wearing beautifully put together outfits with gray accents. They looked like a cohesive unit and not just a group of friends.
Damian wore a cream collared shirt under a brown plaid vest with a burgundy pocket square, gray dress pants and black dress shoes. His hair was slicked back and gelled to perfection. Colin wore a green plaid short sleeve shirt under a dark gray vest, charcoal dress pants and black dress shoes. His hair was tousled just so to look like tasteful bedhead. Adrien wore anoversized orange plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the middle of his forearms over gray dress pants and light brown dress shoes. His hair was combed off of his forehead. Alix wore a green blouse with a floral print and gold buttons over beige dress pants and gray ankle boots. Marinette wore a black cheongsam with black lace from the top of the bodice to her neck with gray and white kitten heels.
They were some of the best dressed at the dance, and they couldn’t be happier. Hopefully, WE would have a new employee, that guy seemed stressed and needed all that WE offers its employees. All in all, things were looking up for the quintet and for Parisians at large.
Taglist: @dast218 @amayakans @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @marinettepotterandplagg @duckies16
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abyssal-ali · 2 years ago
Ice to Meet You
(I'm sorry about the title, that's all I could come up with when I was struck with the panic of needing a title when I posted)
Pairing: Daminette
Rating: G
WC: ~1.1k
A/N: This Maribat Meetcute was inspired by my parents<3 (they knew each other before this, but not very well, and this did happen). I was telling Ella about this, and we decided it was meet-cute-worthy, so I typed this up in an hour this morning. Beta-read by grammarly and that's it. Enjoy!
Note about this AU: Figure-skating AU, no capes AU. Damian wasn't raised by an assassin...I have no clue how he was raised, actually, but it wasn't by an assassin.
Marinette wiggled her toes in her skates, making sure she hadn’t cut off her circulation with that last tight knot, and stepped onto the ice. It was still pretty early, so only a couple similarly dedicated skaters were on the ice, leaving plenty of room for Marinette to start out with some basic moves as she continued warming up.
Her coach, Dick, should be here in about twenty minutes to go over her newly revised programme and inform her about her decision to try pair skating, so she focused on becoming completely loose and prepared for trying any new skills.
She got lost in the music in her ears, flying over the ice in contentment.
Coming out of a spin, Marinette saw Dick across the ice, talking to Mar’i, who was also on her team. Ever since Marinette had joined this skating group, she had gotten along great with Dick and viewed him as an older brother, playing pranks and joking with him when he wasn’t in coach mode.
Their formal instruction would start in fifteen minutes, so she still had time to play with him and Mar’i. Snickering evilly, she dug her picks into the ice and took off, gaining velocity as she sped across the cleared ice toward her unsuspecting victim.
“Dick!” she yelled happily, just before she made contact with him and sent him slamming into the boards.
Mar’i looked at her in horror.
“Hey, Mar’i! Don’t worry, your dad’s fine, we do this all the time.”
Mar’i shook her head and pointed at Dick, who was on the bleachers tying his skates, but had looked up at the commotion and was laughing. “That’s my dad, ‘Nette.”
Marinette turned to see who she’d just bodychecked and gasped in horror at seeing the star male figure skater of the group, Damian Wayne.
“I am so sorry, I thought you were Dick, we greet each other like that all the time. Are you hurt? I am so, so sorry for that!”
Forest green eyes met her own as Damian pointedly brushed a speck of snow off his sleeve.
“Fortunately for you, I am accustomed to my brother’s exuberant greetings as well. I will not hold this against you, as it would not bode well for our partnership to hold such things against one another.” Damian held his hand out in greeting.
“Damian Wayne, your new partner.”
Dick glided over to the small group in the corner. “I see you’ve already met, good. Marinette, you and Damian will be partners for the foreseeable future. Damian has decided to relax for a while after the Grand Prix, so he will be paired with you and can guide you through this learning curve. Any questions or concerns from either of you?”
Marinette shook her head, still a little in shock that the Damian Wayne was relaxing–apparently by skating with her? “Maybe later, but none right now.”
“Just one,” said Damian. “I want to see Marinette in action before anything else.”
Dick nodded at her. “The routine before this new one will be fine. Good luck!” He followed Mar’i off the ice, the traitors, to give her all the space she needed to complete her routine.
Damian hopped over the boards, not bothering with the gate, and that was completely unfair how good he looked doing that. (She’d tried once and almost cut herself. After that, she used the gate like a normal person. Dang being short!)
Dick queued up the music for her routine and Marinette took her opening spot on the ice as the opening notes played over the sound system.
Three and a half minutes later she took a bow, breathing deeply to calm her racing heart.
Damian had looked impressed and even smiled a bit at one of her flirty moves!
Thankfully, he seemed to have actually put the bodyslamming into the boards behind them, although Marinette still felt bad.
Maybe she could bring him some baking from when she inevitably stress-baked and overthought tonight? That sounded like a good idea.
“You skate well,” complimented Damian, as Dick and Mar’i skated over.
“Thank you.”
“That was great, ‘Nette! This new routine I have for you should be perfect for you, it builds off the skills you learned for this one. But first, just practice skating with Damian and hang out off-ice to build trust and friendship. It’s important to have that on- and off-ice. Of course, you don’t have to be blood-bound besties or anything, but be friendly; it’ll come in handy quite often when you’re skating together. Get to know each other well.”
Dick turned to Damian and placed his hands heavily on his shoulders, looking into his eyes. “I hate that you’re taller than me even when I’m in skates,” he grumbled. “Do not scare Marinette off with your intensity, and actually get to know her, please. I know you’re used to pairing with Rachel, but I’m sure you’ll get along just fine with Marinette if you try to get to know her.”
“Tt. I never said I would be anything less than courteous.” Damian turned to Marinette. “May I have your phone number so we can contact each other outside of the rink?”
“Uh…yeah, sure.” Marinette dug her phone out of her bag and handed it to Damian.
Dick and Mar’i exchanged glances behind Damian’s back, and Marinette wondered just how true the rumours of his standoffishness and cold-heartedness were.
“There, we have each other’s numbers. Text me when you’re free for dinner.” Damian handed her phone back and stepped back onto the ice, smoothly gliding across the surface.
Marinette looked questioningly at Dick.
“Uh…let’s head back to my office and we can discuss what to do next.”
Once they were safely in the hallway and Damian couldn’t overhear, Dick whispered to Marinette, “I’m surprised at how well he’s taken to you. Just keep doing whatever you’re doing, and if he gives you a hard time, come to me. His old partner quit and wanted to focus on a different path in life, so he’s still a little sore about that, but I think he needed something new, anyways. You’ll be good for him.”
Marinette smiled, a little less nervous. “I can’t deny being curious about him. I hope our friendship-slash-partnership goes well.”
“It will!” Dick beamed at her optimistically, and Marinette remembered the little smile on his face when he saw her routine.
Yeah, this would be fun.
In case you couldn't tell, I know nothing about the technicalities of figure skating. If I got something wrong...please ignore it:)
And if you're wondering why Marinette didn't know it was Damian, they're young adults here and he's about half an inch taller than Dick, to Dick's dismay, and they look similar from the back. Also, he's been in Europe competing at the Grand Prix, or their training schedules have no overlap, so they haven't met yet.
Any feedback welcome, including constructive criticism. Hope you enjoyed!💜
Taglist: @questioning-blob-of-fog @jennifer-rose123
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person25 · 1 year ago
so i’ve already talked about my feelings for daminette, now i thinks it’s time for the other maribat ship (that i’ve read for) (skip the first two ships if you actually want to read interesting words)
dick x marinette:
honestly, i haven’t read much and have only seen it where they knew each other in the circus. the least popular out of the (male) robins. i think it could be adorable if executed well but yk i haven’t really put my heart into it so i can’t say much.
tim x marinette:
definitely cute, both usually a mess, also addicted to coffee?? i mean whatever helps you through the day. i like the dynamic a lot. i feel like marinette would be most likely to get in a relationship with tim out of the others, based on what? what my brain tells me. they deserve to live happily ever after with each other. also don’t have much to say about them, i enjoy it👍
jason x marinette:
now this is where it gets interesting, jason and marinette would make a very good couple imo. balance each other out and all that. mari is always a badass in these which is definitely a slay. honestly these do everything right that i have a problem with in daminette fics, probably bc most people writing these have a stronger understanding of the characters than daminette writers (respectfully)
almost always talks about jason’s trauma aswell as marinettes which i personally want more of in daminette fics. more explicit fics than any of the other (i’m pretty sure anyways) so if that’s what you’re into, this is probably the one. also quite a bit of soulmate aus (again my fav if done right)
usually older than 20 so more mature and not in high school. high school is fine until you’re tired of it and don’t want to read it ever again, iykyk.
honestly my 2nd fav (as much as i tear daminette down it’ll always be #1 in my heart fr) they just have that special something the others don’t
other things about maribat as a whole i haven’t talked about yet:
i really don’t like when mari can beat any of the boys in a fight out of her suit unless it explicitly states how she’s so strong. these boys have been training their whole lives and i don’t think marinette could beat them with little training out of the suit. like don’t make her strong bc you want her to be strong do it to further the story or have a good explanation as to why
i may have said i don’t like salt but i definitely do, as long as it makes sense at least a little bit. i think any ship other than daminette (depends on the fic ofc) does salt well, honestly like adrien as a bestie more than an enabler but if you don’t like adrien definitely read a maribat salt fic
i have talked abt this but i’m gonna say it again bc it also happens with these ships, marinette does not have more trauma than any of these people and unless you specifically make it that way (which would take a lot of work and a lot of trauma considering what they’ve been through) i don’t like people writing it as if she does when the most they say she’s been through is losing a couple friends and them being slightly mean ( i am NOT talking abt when they physically harass/assault her)
another thing about daminette is that he has green eyes and a tanner complexion so they don’t look too alike but with the rest of the ships they look like siblings and it’s not a deal breaker or anything just a siblings or dating situation
things i’m willing to talk abt if you give me time to read fics:
bruce x marinette:
honestly never thought abt it but if i put enough will power in it i’ll read some, even if it’s a tad bit weird
maribat f/f ships:
i will 100% do this, i just need time to finish a tim x mari fic (i read for this post) bc while i can read multiple fics at a time k cannot read multiple maribats at a time and i’ll read some bc i love the idea just never got around to it
also i’m still new to (posting on) tumblr so bare with me🙏
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months ago
The Lifes They Share
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rDM3mJN by Manhwalover2006 When a girl is born as the first heir to the demons head, everyone believes that a curse has been cast upon the order. Ras Al Ghuls solution to this is to sacrifice the girl to the deities protecting them, the miraculai. The ritual ends badly and the girl, now named marinette, has gained the protection of creation and destruction. Marinette is cast aside to be raised as a maid for the future heir, but forlorn at having no male heir, he devised a plan for his daughter, Talia, to seduce Bruce Wayne once again to gain his DNA, creating Damian Wayne. Words: 875, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Maribat - Fandom, Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Luka Couffaine, Chloé Bourgeois, Félix (Miraculous Ladybug PV), Kagami Tsurugi, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Damian Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Bruce Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU) & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Dick Grayson, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Cassandra Cain & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Duke Thomas Additional Tags: MariBat, Biodadbrucewayne, Older sibling marinette, younger sibling Damian read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rDM3mJN
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ali-annals · 1 year ago
summer's a knife (it's a cruel summer)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: T | Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ao3 | WC: 2.2k | TW: mentions of blood, cleaning wounds
A/N: This is part of a series called The Eras Tour (Jasonette’s Version), a collection of Jasonette-centric fics I wrote for the Maribat discord server Maribat? Get In!’s 2024 Civil War event. Not beta’d.
“So, wanna tell me what happened that you’re halfway to swiss cheese?” “Not really.” “Fair enough.” She peered at the wound. “You’re lucky–seems you shouldn’t need stitches.” “Oh goodie,” he deadpanned. “Want to tell me why you’re in a place like this, then?” “Awfully chatty for a nurse, aren’t you?” “Awfully grumpy for someone getting free healthcare, aren’t you? Besides, you seem like you’d grumble about my lack of bedside manner if I didn’t talk. Excuse me if I can only think about things related to what I’m currently doing.” To her surprise, he threw his head back with a laugh. “I like you.”
The neon lights of the vending machine cast a colourful glow on the person in front of it, probably a male based on height and body type. His face was covered by the red hoodie he was wearing, but Marinette could tell he was aware of her presence behind him. 
Something was off about him. He’d immediately shifted to a defensive stance when he sensed her behind him (it was very rare for someone to notice her when she’d been walking as softly as she had been), there was an awfully clean rip through the side of his hoodie–almost as if it had been made with a knife, and he was almost going out of his way to appear unsuspicious–which was of course the most suspicious thing. 
“Are you going to buy anything?” she asked, moving a little closer.
His head turned and she made out dark hair and a strong jawline, teal eyes glowing from the depths of the hooded shadows. 
“Go ahead.” He shuffled out of the way.
His voice was a little raspy, but she liked it. He turned on his heel, obviously about to leave, but paused when her voice reached him.
He waited, something she hadn’t actually expected him to do. 
“You look hurt. I’ve got first-aid training, if you want help.”
Those glowing teal eyes met hers, sizing her up as a predator might. She felt judged, but not unsafe, something that should have been strange, given their size difference and the general aura of danger that he exuded. 
“Why?” he asked.
“Why not?” she returned. “I have the ability to help someone who looks like they need it. Side wounds are a pain in…well, the literal side to deal with. It’s awkward. And we’ll likely never cross paths once we check out of this skeevy motel; we’re obviously here because we can keep secrets.”
A small smile cracked the lower half of his face. 
“If you’re so insistent on helping, be my guest,” he shrugged. “My room’s just down the hall.”
“I don’t usually go to men’s rooms without even knowing their names, but I’ll make an exception tonight, I guess,” she joked, sensing his nervousness.
Which she found strange–what did he have to be nervous about? Sure, he was wounded, but she was way smaller than him and as far as he knew posed no threat to him; their roles should be reversed. She’d retrieved the first-aid kit from her room, one she’d packed herself before she went on the run. 
He half-sat, half-collapsed on the creaky twin bed, a foot too short for his tall frame, while she removed her rings and placed them in her bag, washed her hands, and laid out what she thought she’d need.
“Shirt off, please.” She sat on the edge of the bed, beside him, rolling up her hoodie sleeves.
“Awfully forward to guys you don’t know,” he snarked, pulling the hoodie off, revealing a stained white t-shirt that he pulled off one-handed. She really envied that guys could do that.
“Like I said, you’re an exception,” she retorted primly, snapping the wrist of the glove against her skin. “Ooh, that looks painful.”
He hissed as she prodded carefully at the slowly bleeding stab wound just under his ribcage. “Ow!”
“You can call me Mari, if you decide to curse me out in a minute,” she informed him, using his already-ruined t-shirt to wipe away the worst of the blood, which was already crusting over in places. 
“You can call me Jay,” he offered in return.
“So, wanna tell me what happened that you’re halfway to swiss cheese?”
“Not really.”
“Fair enough.” She peered at the wound. “You’re lucky–seems you shouldn’t need stitches.”
“Oh goodie,” he deadpanned.
“Want to tell me why you’re in a place like this, then?”
“Awfully chatty for a nurse, aren’t you?”
“Awfully grumpy for someone getting free healthcare, aren’t you? Besides, you seem like you’d grumble about my lack of bedside manner if I didn’t talk. Excuse me if I can only think about things related to what I’m currently doing.”
To her surprise, he threw his head back with a laugh. “I like you.”
She tapped the adhesive of the bandage down gently. “I’m still waiting for an answer.”
“You sound like my father,” he groaned, covering his face with his forearm. It was a very nice forearm, and the pose really showed off his non-bloodied muscles. It wasn’t a bad view at all.
With a sigh he answered. “I came here looking for a friend. They’d told me they knew something about a thing that could fix something that I have. I couldn’t find my friend at the spot we agreed to meet up, so I went out looking, and then I got attacked.”
“Wow, so specific,” she said dryly, gathering up her things. “I guess that’s safer.”
“You have no idea. Care to share why you’re here? Let me guess…secret lover?”
She snorted, balling up her gloves and tossing them neatly into the garbage can across the room. “No. I don’t do romance anymore, and I have standards, anyways. If I have to sneak around to meet him…big nope from me.”
“Then…you’re on the run from your billionaire father who’s threatened to marry you off to an acquaintance for his business?”
She laughed outright at that, unrolling her hoodie sleeves until they hung at her wrists again and slid on her rings. “Do they do that in this day and age? No, my dad’s a baker, not a billionaire. I’m here because I’m hiding from a group of magical ninjas after me for my jewelry.” She laughed, flashing her beringed hands in his face.
His hand grasped her wrist, observing the silver bands circling her fingers. His touch was warm, gentle, the rough calluses on his fingers providing a strange stimulation that headed straight to her nerves, but his eyes were sharp, wary as he scanned the metal.
“Thank you for looking after me,” he said sincerely, gaze meeting her own.
She remembered to take a breath. “You’re welcome. I’m glad it wasn’t worse. It seems like you’ve experience with injuries of this style, so I’ll assume you know how to take care.”
He grinned ruefully down at his scarred arms and torso. “Yeah, I’ve got it.”
“Great,” she said briskly, dusting off her jeans as she stood up, snapping her kit closed. “Stay safe out there, and I hope you find your friend okay.”
“You’re just leaving?”
“Yep. I’ve done what I can.”
She thought he’d protest, but he only waved. “Thank you. Take care of yourself.”
“Don’t worry about me,” she smiled, stepping out of the room. She heard the click of the automatic lock and leaned against it with a sigh. 
It was dangerous, but she was going to stick around here a little longer. She had to, for his sake.
Noire slipped into the shadows as Jay slipped out of his motel window. He wore a black t-shirt instead of his old white one, but still wore the charcoal-grey cargo pants from that evening. 
The last ultramarine tinges of the sunset lingered in the sky, providing just enough light for Noire’s enhanced eyesight to track Jay’s path from the window to the ground, to the streets behind the motel.
Noire easily ran over the rooftops as he made his way through the winding streets of the city, probably looking for that friend he’d mentioned. So much for resting like he should after that wound, but going by the number of scars she’d counted on him, he didn’t live the most restful life. He talked to the girls on the street, a couple street kids that hadn’t hidden at his approach, and one abuela closing up her restaurant for the evening. They didn’t appear to give him anything.
He seemed to sense someone was following him, often turning as if to catch them in the act, or taking deliberately obscure paths that only a stalker would follow him through.
She’d gradually grown closer as the night deepened and the shadows hid her more fully, and she ducked behind a dumpster when he seemed like he might turn around again.
Then she saw them, five of them. All in black, like her; armed, like her; stalking Jay, like her.
Jay saw them, too. She was mildly impressed by that.
“What do you want this time,” he asked one, exasperated.
So they’d done this to him. She recalled what he’d told her before. He was looking for something to fix something he had. 
Taking a chance, she stepped out, drawing the ninjas’ attention to her. 
“I believe I’m what you’re all looking for,” she said.
Whoever was knocking on her door before noon should be Cataclysmed, Marinette decided, getting out of bed with a loud groan.
“What?” she snapped, answering the door with all the grace sleep-deprived Mari contained, which was about a thimbleful.
“Oh. Jay. Got another stab wound for me to fix?”
“Thankfully, no. You’re the person I was looking for?”
“I dunno, am I?” she opened the door wider in silent invitation.
He sauntered in, settling into the rickety chair across from her bed. For her part, she dove under the blankets, relishing the small bit of retained warmth.
“So, I’ve been looking for you because I’ve been told you have a cure for Pit Madness.”
She tsked. “No wonder they’re after me. I wondered why, after all this time.”
“Why do you know the League of Assassins?”
She opened her eyes, sitting up to read his facial expressions. “Wait, those were League ninjas?”
He stared at her. “Who did you think they were?!”
“Uh. Ninjas from my magical sect? They don’t think I’m fit to…know the cure, so they tried to get me to give it up, but I convinced them I was fine with it. Why was the League after me, then?!”
“That might be my fault,” he offered sheepishly. “Ra’s doesn’t want to lose his last thread of control over me, so he was either going to get rid of me after I was cured or both of us if I hadn’t been fixed by the time his assassins caught up to us.”
“I’m going to push him into his precious Pits and then cataclysm them one day, I swear,” she mumbled, collapsing against her lumpy pillows. 
She sat up again. “Okay, cure. It’s not that bad in you, so it shouldn’t take long. Plagg, Tikki!”
The kwami appeared at her summons, inspecting the startled Jay. 
With a flash of their combined magics, Jay slumped in his chair.
“He should be good as new when he wakes up. It’s best to let him come to naturally,” Tikki warned her. 
“Thank you.” She handed over their snacks, twisting Plagg’s ring absentmindedly on her finger as she watched Jay sleep.
The summer passed far too quickly, Jay and Mari floating along in the haze of budding love. They spent their time together practicing spars, magic, and getting to know each other. They were surprised to find how similar they were in many areas, their compatibility lending ease to their relationship. But one day Jay told her he’d left his responsibilities far too long, and he had to get back to them. With those words, their breakable heaven shattered into pieces.
“I’d ask you to come, but…”
“Yeah, it wouldn’t work out,” she agreed.
“It’s better this way.”
“Yep. Stay safe, Jay.”
“Stay safe, Mari.”
I love you, she thought, but bit her lip instead.
I love you, she thought, flicking through the photos they’d taken together, the nights she let herself be maudlin.
I love you, she thought, seeing a man in a red hoodie laughing as he played soccer in the street with a few kids.
I love you, she thought, seeing the return of Bruce Wayne’s son, Jason Todd, from the dead, which had apparently been a cover for WITSEC. 
I love you, she thought, following the Red Hood to the Batcave, conveniently under Wayne Manor.
I love you, she thought, dressing to the nines in a type of outfit she’d never thought she’d wear.
I love you, she thought, watching Jason’s eyes flash with annoyance as a girl tried to flirt with him while he got a drink from the bartender at the gala they were both at.
“I love you,” she said, gliding up to him in rescue. She’d meant to say Hello, but it was too late now, so she smiled. “Isn’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?”
A slow smile took over his face as he looked up and saw her. 
“Only if you agree that the worst thing you’ve ever heard is this: I. Love. You.”
“Looks like we’re in agreement, then.”
“All the best agreements are sealed-”
“-With a kiss?”
“We’re in agreement again, it seems.”
And then they agreed for a third time to stop talking and instead tell each other in a different way how much they’d missed the other. 
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itriedwritingandhereiam · 2 months ago
-male Marinette fics (I love Marcel)
-at least a one shot with MArinette annoying the shit out of R'as because she can
-FIELD TRIP FICS (you can pry this trope from my cold dead hands)
-timari on a caffeine high doing stupid shit
-damianette (platonic) but its the gremlin 12 yr old and teen mari just straight up vibing
-DICK GRAYSON ADOPTING MARINETTE IN BLUDHAVEN???? and it's just wholesome FLUFF(I read exactly (1) fic about it and I CRAVE MORE
-more bats crashing through marinette's window and needs medical help. (i've read like a dozen but I need more)
-More bats in Paris, those are always amazing
-give me the miraculous duo meeting Diana who works at the louvre (I wanted to write it myself my my brain shuts off everytime I try)
-Marinette transfers to gotham academy. (PLEASE)
-Fluffy marijon fics, there need to be more
Discussion Post: What do you want to see happen within the fandom of MLB x DC in 2025?
With the new year knocking at the back door, it is a great time to come together as a fandom to see what members are wanting more of, what to leave behind in 2024, or what new things can be given a try.
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anjuschiffer · 4 years ago
No Point In Lying
I should’ve been working on WIPs...oops...
Note: This is pre-daminette...and while Damian does not appear, I’m still tagging this as Maribat as it part of a Maribat au...
Tags: @theatreandcomicfreak @genshin-and-fanfics-are-my-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan @vixen-uchiha @nathleigh
Lila pinched her skin as she stood outside the classroom room, waiting for her new teacher Mlle Bustier to introduce her.
She always hated introducing herself. What was the point of it when all the friends she would end up making will forget about her months later? They always promised to keep in touch and yet, they never do.
Thanks to her mother being a diplomat, Lila always found herself changing school every school year and while travel stories always captured people’s attention, it was only temporary. When she would run out of stories to tell, one by one, they would leave, disappointed in knowing that Lila had nothing else to offer.
A temporary entertainment in their eyes…
Looking at her reddened wrist covered in nail marks, Lila let out a long heavy sigh when she heard someone climbing up the stairs. 
Quickly turning, Lila was surprised to see a student running up the stairs, the boy dashing straight towards her!
“Watch out!”
Lila quickly stepped to the side, watching as the boy skidded towards the door, only to fall face flat onto the ground. Panicking, Lila helped him out, watching as the boy towered her by a whole foot. “Thank you! Can’t believe I was almost late for- say.” The boy looked at her from top to bottom. 
Lila watched as he was about to grab her hair, only to stop. “May I?” While Lila would never let anyone touch her hair, she somehow found herself saying yes. “Thanks.”
She felt as he ruffled her bangs a bit, remaining still as she let the boy fix her hair, feeling as he gently pushed strands of hairs away from her face and placed back the silver hairband she had chosen to wear that day. “And finished.” The boy proudly announced, taking out his phone and showing Lila her reflection using the front camera. “Your hairband was a bit out of place and I-”
“Thank you.” Lila cut off, giving the boy back his phone. “I didn’t think much about-” The boy let out a small gasp.
“You can’t just not worry about your hair! It looks very pretty and that shine! You already take lots of good care for it already! But doing these small-”
“I see you’ve met out new student Marcel.” Mlle Bustier interrupted, “and you’re late...again,” causing Marcel to let out a nervous laugh.
“Apologies, Mlle Bustier. I’ll try not to be late.” Marcel gave a small bow, heading into the classroom, Lila following him as he sat in the front of the classroom, next to a boy with glasses. 
“That’s Marcel Dupain-Cheng.” Mlle Bustier snapped Lila from her trance, Lila feeling the tips of her ears burning. “He’s the class president. During lunch today, he’ll be showing you around the school. But for now, let’s head inside. It’s time for you to introduce yourself to the rest of the class.”
Lila could only nod, feeling her stomach jitter for the first time in ages. 
Before she could even approach Marcel to ask him about the tour around the school, Lila was ambushed by her fellow classmates, one in particular shoving a phone in her face.
“Hi! I’m Alya! I was wondering if you would be willing to say- hey Marcel! I’m- hey!” Lila watched as Marcel frowned as he took Alya’s phone and raised it above his head, Lila watching as Alya struggled to take it back.
“Alya, we already talked about this. Ask people before recording them.” Marcel pocketed the phone. “You won’t be getting it until you apologize to Lila.” After an apology, Alya got her phone back and put it away. Just as she was about to ask Lila about her travels, Marcel grabbed Lila by her wrist and dragged her outside the classroom, Lila wondering what exactly was happening.
“Marcel...I don’t think she’s following us.” Lila spoke up, watching as Marcel got flustered, instantly, but clumsily, letting go of her.
“S-Sorry about that! It’s just that I know how energetic Alya can get when she gets like that and thought that-”
“Thank you.” Lila smiled, clasping her hands behind her back. “Really. Thank you.” Smiling, Marcel returned the smile, quickly going onto the promised tour, Lila absorbing his every word. 
Just a month into school and Lila already fitted in with the rest of the class, already having a best friend in the form of Alya. Even after running out of stories to tell them, Lila found herself invited to every girl’s outing, after school events, club meetings and evern shopping out on weekends.
Today, the girls were out having a picnic, trying to catch Lila up on the different events that happened in the school year so far.
“-but of course! We only had one guy who was willing to go with our ridiculous plan.” Alya retold, looking at all the girls before signaling them.
“Marcel!” The girls said in unison, Lila watching as Mylene, Alix and Alya laughed while Rose and Juleka simply smiled at the memory. 
“He’s just like Ivan.” Mylene added, a soft smile on her face. “He may look intimidating at first, but the moment he speaks, you can tell he’s a big softie!”
“Doesn’t help that he’s so tall.” Alix raised her hands above her head. “Guy’s a giant!”
“You’re just jealous because he’s so tall.” Alya poked.
“Have you seen his dad?” Alix almost screamed, honestly wondering if anyone has seen Marcel’s father, or was she the only one?
“I remember when I first met him,” Juleka spoke up, making Lila jump. Can you blame her though? This was the first time she’s ever heard her talk! “I was busy helping tune my brother’s guitars, sitting on the Liberty’s deck when I saw him, staring back at me. One minute he was on the grass and the next, on the Liberty’s deck, asking me to model for him.”
Now that was surprising.
“Wait, is that how he actually asked you to model for you?” Alix screeched before going into a laughing fit, Lila watching as the others soon joined in, leaving Lila confused.
“Oh,” a snort. “That’s right! How did we forget to tell you!” Alya managed to say, gesturing Rose to fill in Lila while she continued to laugh.
“Marcel runs his own fashion line: MDC! He designs and sews all of the clothing, hats, bags and accessories in his fashion line. Juleka,” Rose gestured to her blushing girlfriend, “is Marcel’s main model.”
“Main model?” Lila asks, looking at the rest of the girls. “Do you guys help model for him too?”
“Sometimes.” Mylene shyly states. “But he mainly asks Juleka, Aurore and Rose to model for him. Aurore is another girl in the school!” She quickly adds when she saw Lila panic.
“Oh? What’s this?” Alya smirked, Lila feeling a shiver down her spine. “Could Lila...have a crush on Marcel?”
“W-What?! NO! No!” lila squeaked, knowing her face contradicted her feelings. “I barely speak to him! How would I have a crush on him when the only time I speak to him is during class and that’s it?”
Apparently that wasn’t convincing enough, Alya wrapping an arm around Lila, a cheshire smile plastered onto her face. 
“Oh Lila, you can’t fool us that easily. Not that you should be shy about it. Almost everyone in the class has had a crush on the designer.” Alya confessed, Lila watching as Mylene looked away while Rose hid her face into her hands.
“Had?” Lila dared to ask. “Does-”
“Yup.” Alix quickly answered, a grin plastered on her face. “Nathaniel, Chloe and Sabrina? They’ve fallen victim to Marcel’s spell. Oh! But of course, Chloe would never admit to falling in love with the baker’s son.” Alix quickly wrapped up, noticing Lila’s pale face. Uh-oh. “W-Well, despite-”
“Despite there being many people who’ve had a crush on Marcel,” Alya picked up, hitting Alix’s shoulder, “Marcel never showed any interest in them, something about none of them appealing to him. No offense!” Alya quickly said as she looked at Mylene and Rose. “And to be quite honest, I think you have a good chance of getting Marcel’s attention.” 
“What?” Lila squeaked, feeling her cheeks burn. 
“You’re literally the first person Marcel has ever went “designer mode” the minute he laid eyes on you.” Alix clarified. “Never done it to anyone else but you.” Alya squealed.
“If you do capture Marcel’s attention- imagine it! The two of you would be the cutest couple in school! No! In all of Paris! You and Marcel, posing together-”
Lila let out a screech, feeling her face on fire as she buried it into her hands.
“No way, now way, no way!” Lila denied. “Marcel’s just someone who I admire! He’s the first person I met who welcomed me to Dupont, so of course I’m going to-”
“Alright, alright.” Alya sighed, patting Lila’s shoulder. “So you don’t have a crush on Marcel...so that means you’ll be alright with him getting your measurements and being face-to-face with him, right?” Lila’s head snapped up.
“What?” Alya showed Lila her phone, Lila reading the message. 
“Marcel needs a model right now since Aurore might not make it to his photo shoot in an hour, so of course, I told him you’re okay with filling in for her.” Lila sputtered to come up with an answer, only being able to watch as the girls dragged her to Marcel’s studio…
Or rather bedroom.
There he was, wearing nothing but a tank top and a pair of sweats, his toned arms exposed. Did he work out?
Trying to not gulp loudly, Lila could hear the snickering and whispers of good luck as the girls left them alone, Marcel giving Lila an apologetic smile.
“Sorry for making you-”
“No!” Lila accidentally squeaked out. “Help being fine- mean.” She cleared her throat, hoping her heart would stop beating so loudly in her ears. “I’m glad to be able to help a friend out.” Lila answered, hoping she didn’t cross a line by claiming Marcel to be her friend.
Judging by Marcel’s smile, she didn’t cross it, causing her heart to flutter.
“Thanks Lila, you’re truly a life saver! Now all that I need to do is-” Lila simply smiled and nodded, her breath hitching when Marcel’s fingers grazed her shoulder as he started to take her measurements.
Being so close to him, she could smell the sweet aroma of bread, a small hint of-
Oh no…
There was no hiding it anymore, no point in lying about it, because...they were right...Marcel wasn’t just a friend…
He definitely was a crush...and a huge one at that.
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meduarts · 2 years ago
Since some people agreed with my sentiment that Male! Marinette should be as big as Tom, I have a couple ideas.
Male!Marinette prompt here we go!
His build would be like Tom's. Buff and with lotta muscles, tall but with an angular face thanks to her mother's Asian gene. His body is very in shape. Like Dorito chip in shape, because this boy helps his parents do the heavy lifting around the bakery and happily do so might I add. Also, he got... boobies
His eyes would be sharp like her mother's and his hairstyle is kinda like Tom's mom or Mari's grandma
He has a deep voice and the same gentleness as Tom.
His arms are perfect for hugs. Mari is also taller than Tom. Why? Because toll Mari rules.
The catch is, despise bread puns lol.
Unlike his parents, Mari actually takes after his Uncle Wang's personality. He is soft-spoken, respectful, and a gentleman basically. He has Cheng's side of a perfectionist mind.
We don't know for sure about Marinette's maternal aunt but it was said that she is a bit hard to deal with. So I want to propose the idea of Marinette's aunt being a very strict, composed, and professional boss woman.
With that, I'd also like to incorporate the aunt's cold aloofness, perfectionist, composed self, and strict personality in his Ladybug persona.
Though Mari is kind and soft-spoken, when he got angry he would be the coldest person ever. Like his uncle, he doesn't like being cheated, lied to, or bossed around for an unknown reason.
His Ladybug persona would imitate the black ladybird species and his hero name would be 'Axion' the scientific name for the Oak-Scale destroying Lady Beetle. His hairstyle also changed dramatically, it has more of a slick hairstyle kind of mirroring his mother a bit.
His fave color is still pink, and he loves designing dresses. He has a particular eye for making dresses that he made feel fantasy-like or as if they were a storybook character coming to life.
Bonus: Everyone stays the same but Mari is a male instead and you know what that means?
GAY DISASTER ADRIEN WITH BUFF MARI HAHA or even for them Maribats out there. Gay disaster Batboys thirsting over Mari's biceps.
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galla02006 · 3 years ago
So I was reading a Batman fic ‘broken but functional’ basically it was a fem Damian salt fic, now this inspired me.
Genderbend, Maribat, salt fic, but instead of being salty on Marin’s side let’s throw it at the Wayne’s (minus the girls and Alfred (never Alfred q-q)) and the JL, so I’m a genderbend Dahlia, Marin, and just because I wanna ship Adrian and Kagami as lesbians, Adrian/Adrianna (Adrian short for Adrianna)
So the background of this fic/idea is gonna be based of of broken but functional (aka Selina losing her baby) but I find it unbelievable that the bats don’t have cameras, audio, or some sort of recorder on the suits so I’m a just make it so it corrupted or broke.
Let’s make it a big mission, Dahlia asked for some backup because there were too many people to fight, Selina ends up showing up, takes a few dudes out then gets hit on the stomach, (I’m gonna make it so she knew she was pregnant but overestimated how good she is at fighting/defending) blah, blah, blah, she falls down, blah, blah, blah, in pain, blah, blah, blah, Dahlia finally gets rid of the last one, blah, blah, blah, runs over to Selina to help take her back to the cave, blah, blah, blah, lose baby, blah, blah, blah, you get the rest.
(I imagine Selina was on the monitors cuz Barbra was running late) here’s what I imagine would happen after Selina woke up from the antics and losing the baby, First She’d be told the news, then blame Dahlia cuz she needed assistance and stuff, probably gives a somewhat off version of events like how Dahlia told her to come and help, and of course there would be no evidence to prove Dahlia’s innocence other then her word, which they won’t believe (other then the girls and Alfred) cuz at this time she like 13 and still getting used to living with her father, blah, blah, blah, you get the rest.
So I imagine the girl that takes Dahlia place is like Cat woman’s sidekick/prodigy (I’m basically gonna make her a replica of Lila cuz I’m salty like that) I imagine that everyone distances themselves from Dahlia over a two year period, she’s still robin over the two years until the wanna be Lila (who I’m gonna call Liane cuz why not) Liane takes her place, now this was the last straw.
She’s had most of her family abandoned her, most of her friends, her acquaintances/coworkers, but this! This was the last straw! So she makes up her mind, she was leaving… for good.
Cue the escape plan,
Now Dahlia had a plan, she always did, it’s just no plan was as risky as this one, first she had to get passed the vultures and Alfred, the best time she had Calculated would be Patrol time, when they wouldn’t be at the manor, excluding Alfred, then she’d have to grab Titus, and Alfred the cat (of course) and lastly she’d have to disarm the security system and Cameras to get out.
Now her plan was going smoothly, even managed to avoid Alfred… until she didn’t, she had met him in the security room, just as she disarmed the system and turned around to leave, she met him, face to face.
Alfred Pennyworth, the butler of the manor was standing right in front of her, face to face, a stoic expression on his face, the moment their eyes met she knew there was no hiding it from him, “you can’t stop me.” was what she said, her stoic expression matching the butlers shook for a mirror moment as she saw his expression soften and heard his reply “I know.” he pulled out a paper note with a phone number on it and held it in front of the young Heroine “my private number” was soon followed by a silent pauses as a confused expression was in the young heroines eyes “when you get to wherever you are headed to, I hope you find what you have been looking for, and maybe, one day, you can call and tell me about it.” With a hesitant gaze, she excepted the note, pulling it to her chest whispering a quick “thank you” before passing the butler and leaving the manor with her pets in a hurry.
She soon headed to the docks, there was a cargo ship heading to Europe, getting on the ship was easy, she hid behind the boxes, after a little over a week she’d arrived in Germany, but it wasn’t over yet, her plan was to cross the border to France while also disappearing so no one could find her.
Now the reason why Dahlia chose Europe, more specifically France, was because of her father, he had lesser ties with Europe than any other continent, and France’s capital, Paris, currently has a ‘no-fly rule’, anyone who isn't a native either has to have some sort of business there or has a family emergency because otherwise they were not allowed entry.
Dahlia makes it to Paris France in one piece, after arriving she soon found an apartment which she paid for with cash from an account no one knew of, even decided to enroll in school since she has all this free time now.
That's how she ends up meeting Marin and the crew (Marin, Adrian, Kagami, Claude, Luka, Alix, Zoe, Nino, Kim, Max and Julica) she’s placed in the ‘Akuma class’, a class known throughout the school for having the most akumatization and re-akumatizations in the school, when she first arrived to class as a new student, she tries to avoid people, keyword being ‘tries’, the first few people that tried to talk to her got ignored until Marin, in the beginning, she ignored him too but for some reason every time he'd see her he'd greet her with a smile, even though she’s never had a proper conversation with him she slowly starts warming up to him, even developing a crush on him (maybe she's not the only one >:3)
This is how I imagine they actually end up talking, at the end of the school day, they both end up staying behind to clean up the art room, and accidentally get locked in, so after realizing they were locked in the art room they check their phones for a signal, and as their luck have it, they did not, at first it’s two awkward 16 year olds just sitting in silence hoping someone would come and unlock the door, after a few minutes Marin’s the first to break the silence, it was awkward at the beginning but that quickly changes as they both got captivated in their conversation, they hadn’t even noticed that two hours had passed until the art teacher in charge of the room opens the door, they end up swapping numbers, and ever since then they’ve been stuck at the hip.
Marin introduces her to the group and they all become friends, a month later she accidentally finds out Marin and Adrian are Red beetle and kitty Noir and the rest of the group are temporary heroes, she tells them she was robin but she wasn’t anymore because of a fallout she had with most of the bats, she also ends up helping them figure out who Hawkmoth is.
They’re 17/18 years old when they take him down, that’s also around the time when they start a band (sorry, been listening to Disney’s music more specifically lemonade mouth music, and been obsessed with she’s so gone 😅) everyone has their own thing to do so not everyone is in the band per say,
For some reason I see Dahlia as a singer that plays the piano, Marin I see as the costume designer, Adrian after being in the public spotlight her hole life would probably be a Publicist, Kagami would help with all the decorations and art stuff, Claude the manager, Luka another guitar player, Zoe sings and plays the guitar as well, Alix I see on the drums, Kim someone who helps with everything, Max the sound check guy that deals with all the electronic parts, Nino a DJ that can rap, Julica plays the base and sings.
They also wear costumes, masks, and makeup so no one recognizes them, this also when Dahlia and Marin get together.
Everything is good, The band in successful, They ended up starting a company that quickly took over the entertainment, fashion, and electronic worlds (cuz why not?) (I’m a call it Miracle Corp.)
(No one knows it s them still)
This is also around the time Marin finally pops the question (they’re all like 24/25 btw) Dahlia of course says yes, cue the crew popping out of the bushes cheering, and cue the crew realizing they F-ed up their spying/snooping (lol, anyone else imagine anime/manga characters getting caught?)
Around this time Dahlia finally tells Marin about her past (he knew bits and pieces but never the full story) and let’s just say he was mad (for her not at her)
Also after thinking about it, Dahlia finally decides to call Alfred for the first time in almost ten years, at first, the conversation was a bit awkward but it soon turned into a conversation one would have with a family member they hadn’t talked to in awhile, she’d told him about her life, her friends, fiancé, and his family, who were like her family, she even invited him and the girls to her wedding, he’d told her about his life back at the manor, her sister’s lives, how they panicked when they found out she was missing, and how she was missed dearly by them, at the end of the call they’d planned to meet soon for the wedding and said their goodbyes.
The meeting between Alfred, Stephanie, Cassandra, Barbra, Marin, and my friends went well, and everyone enjoyed themselves.
None of the Wayne’s really knew that Barbra, Stephanie, Cassandra, and Alfred were attending my wedding, Everyone thought Barbra, Stephanie, and Cassandra, were going to a wedding of a close friend, Liane tried to tag along but was instantly shot down, claiming it was a ‘close friends and Family’ wedding, as for Alfred, everyone thought he was going on a Vacation to relax, not attend the same wedding as the girls.
(Btw this is a good parent Talia)
The day had started with everyone getting ready, everyone was nervous yet so excited, after about three hours, everyone was ready to head out, the guys had headed there earlier and had warned everyone about the Paparazzi outside the venue, some people would probably confuse it with a red carpet instead of a wedding, that was of course the fault of the guest list, but oh well, if that’s the price to pay to have your famous friends and family attend your wedding, so be it.
When we arrived, there ware bouncers/bodyguards separating the Paparazzi from the wedding guests, after getting out the car and them managing to get a few pictures of us, we headed inside, the wedding was being held at a private ground that Marin’s Nona owned (I imagine she’s loaded since she’s always traveling) to say if was beautiful was an understatement, it was gorgeous, and it definitely added character to the wedding, especially the ceremony, which was short and sweet.
After everyone else had walked down the aisle (groom, groomsmen, flower girl, bridesmaids) mother had walked me down it as well, when we got to the end, she kissed my head, placed my hand in Marin’s, and took her seat, I’m pretty sure everyone was crying, because at this point I started to and Marin was holding back tears.
And after came the reception, we spent about three hours taking photos, socializing, dancing, and eating an early dinner before leaving everyone to start the after party, and from what I’ve heard it was a mix of interesting and wild, but all in all fun.
The pictures the Paparazzi managed to take were published the day after the wedding, on our way to the airport, the honeymoon lasted about two weeks, we went all around St. Lucia, and Amalfi Coast, we were recognize about everywhere we went, a few people wanted a picture or photo with us but most left us alone, understanding it was our honeymoon and we probably wanted to be alone.
The day we had gotten back home was a bit chaotic, somehow it had gotten out what flight we were on so the airport was crowded with Paparazzi and fans, after 15 minutes of some really impressive stealth skills, we’d managed to get to our car without being spotted.
When we arrived home, Just when we got out of the car, someone approached us, said someone, turned out to be not a someone but a group of people, The Wayne’s, seeing them was a shock itself, but seeing them in front of my house? Now that made me freeze in place, Marin had noticed and decided to stand next to me and hold my hand, I expected that they’d question me and even insult me but what I didn’t expect was for them to start apologizing, saying how they found out just recently that Selina was lying, as soon as they found out they kicked her and her prodigy/student out, and they wanted me to come back “home”, at this I could feel Marin grow angry on my behalf, I, myself was somewhat numb, after year's of heartbreak and self-blame, I didn't really care anymore, they choose to believe someone else, they didn't even let me defend myself, not even hearing what I had to say, So In a cold manner, and stoic face, I calmly replied, “I’m sorry mr. Wayne but, what does your family’s business have to do with me?” Their faces grew shocked, they tried to protest but I continued before they could “whether ms. Kyle lied or not is none of my business, at the end of the day you chose not to let me defend myself or hear me out, you pushed me away blaming me for her mistakes without giving me a chance, it made me feel unworthy, unloved, untrusted, and I hated myself for a long time because of it... because of you, I don't need people like that in my life. So, please leave my residents before I decide to call the cops on you for trespassing.” and before they could even open their mouths, I turned around and started walking off with Marin holding my hand, a smug grin on his face.
Time skip part four? (few months)
So, I'm pregnant, it wasn't intentional, we used protection, but it happened.
The first person I told was Marin, at first, he was shocked but as it sunk in he got excited, We’d both decided to tell our family and friends soon, the media and other people can wait.
We’d set up a get-together at our place, all our friends and family were invited, we told everyone over dinner, everyone was excited, they'd poped oven a few wine bottles to celebrate, everyone else who was underaged or couldn't drink drank some alcohol free champagne, we told the girls and Alfred over a call, all were excited but swore to secrecy.
A few months later, no one outside of our friend group knew about my pregnancy, everyone found out when I was Five Months in and couldn’t hide it anymore, and let’s just say the internet went wild until it broke, this was also around the time we decided to have a baby shower, which was fun, we found out we were having a twins, a boy and girl.
At the end of my pregnancy, When I finally had them, i knew I’d do anything for them, they were here, and it felt like this was home, it was perfect, they were perfect, everything was perfect, life was perfect, thank you.
Omg, I finally got this done, I’m sorry if there were any Grammar mistakes, please call me out if you find any, I hope you enjoy it, and here are some pictures I made on Pinterest instead of finishing this sooner:
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somereaderinblue · 3 years ago
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A while back, I wrote a Genderbend Daminette/Maribat fic on ao3 titled 'Paris Monsieur in Gotham' and decided to draw this. Back then, aside from ao3, I had nowhere to post this. Thus, I have decided to do so here. Ladies and gentleman, meet Red Beetle aka Marcel Dupain-Cheng.
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Pls DO NOT repost this.
You can read the fic itself here though atm it's on hiatus, pending rewrite. Still, kudos are appreciated. 🤗
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stillprocrastinatingsorry · 4 years ago
Jasonette agents au, rivalry.
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abyssal-ali · 1 year ago
Hi, my friend is asking why there are so many maribat fics, and especially with DamiMari.
Maybe you know about the history of these crossovers in Batman Fandom?
(Fellow Maribat fans, feel free to add your own commentary or correct any of my mistakes.)
So @/ozmav created the Damian x Marinette ship in 2018, I think? It was just a fun little crossover that blew up and became really popular. I was not around either of those fandoms at the time, so I'm not sure about all the details.
Daminette was the first Maribat ship created, so it was around the longest, and thus accumulated the most works.
Eventually, the other Bat Boys got their own ship, and now the Maribat (or now, more technically, DCxMLB) fandom has so many more ships and crossovers -not necessarily between the Bat/MLB main characters.
Some rarepair ships (any DCxMLB ship not between one of the four main Bat Boys and Marinette) include Konette (Conner Kent/Superboy and Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug) and Timdrien (Tim Drake/Red Robin and Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir), to name a couple.
The Maribat fandom also crosses over with multiple fandoms, like DPxDCxMLB or MCUxDCxMLB.
Some pure MLB and DC stans definitely dislike Maribatters, especially during the beginning of the fandom, when the tags for both fandoms were cluttered with DCxMLB content. Now that it's grown so much and has its own tags, I think the hate has calmed down somewhat. (Although, I prefer to keep out of fandom drama, so I may simply have missed the hateful discourse ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.)
Overall, the Maribat fandom has really grown from a crack ship to its own large, well-populated community. There are tags on Ao3 and many discord servers, which runs events such as "Jasonette July" and "Maribat? Get In! [a server] Civil War".
On a personal note:
As to my thoughts on the ships themselves, my favorites are Daminette (Damian Wayne/Robin and Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug) and Jasonette (Jason Todd/Red Hood and Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug). It's always fascinating to rotate a character or ship in your head like a rotisserie chicken, considering their Canon and Fanon traits and then exploring them in whatever medium you choose (my medium of choice is writing fanfiction).
For Daminette, the ship you specifically asked about, I am drawn to it because I find the differences between the couple adorable. I personally have a fondness for the Grumpy x Sunshine trope, a Tsundere male lead, and relationship/character growth. (Of course, sometimes it's nice just to read a cute 500 word drabble with no plot, no specific dynamics, and no development, where the couple is just cute and happy.)
I think that is one of the beauties of Maribat. With so many various ships and characters to choose from, there's something for everyone, and we can all bond over belonging to the same fandom(s). Some of us have joined from the MLB side, some from the DC side, some just got dragged in by a friend and have no knowledge of either fandom, and that's okay! With so much to explore in both fandoms, there is constantly new content* being made with love (and tears. And laughter, both evil and joyful. And hornin-).
I've made some of my best friends through this fandom, and I'm proud to be a part of it.
I hope this helps, and I apologize if my ramblings detracted from my answers!💜
*Yes, I am aware of the popular Tropes such as "Akuma Class Trip to Gotham" and "Long-Lost Wayne".
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months ago
The Lifes They Share
by Manhwalover2006 When a girl is born as the first heir to the demons head, everyone believes that a curse has been cast upon the order. Ras Al Ghuls solution to this is to sacrifice the girl to the deities protecting them, the miraculai. The ritual ends badly and the girl, now named marinette, has gained the protection of creation and destruction. Marinette is cast aside to be raised as a maid for the future heir, but forlorn at having no male heir, he devised a plan for his daughter, Talia, to seduce Bruce Wayne once again to gain his DNA, creating Damian Wayne. Words: 875, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Maribat - Fandom, Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Luka Couffaine, Chloé Bourgeois, Félix (Miraculous Ladybug PV), Kagami Tsurugi, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Damian Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Bruce Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU) & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Dick Grayson, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Cassandra Cain & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Duke Thomas Additional Tags: MariBat, Biodadbrucewayne, Older sibling marinette, younger sibling Damian via https://ift.tt/rDM3mJN
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purple-goo-writes · 4 years ago
SnapShots: MariFlash Oneshots
Snap2: Jess Chambers: Die Young by Ke$ha
(Because Teen Justice is set on Earth 11, Marinette will be Marin (aka Male!Mari) in this. Also can totally see Marin still liking pink but being more of a fan of Pastels instead of just Pink and Grey like Mari seems to be. I’m just guessing Jess’ age because it doesn’t say how old they are on the Wiki. So, I’m guessing around 16. Marin is also 16 in this.)
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone So while you're here in my arms Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young We're gonna die young We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Young hearts, out our minds Runnin' till we outta time Wild childs, lookin' good Livin' hard just like we should Don't care whose watching when we tearing it up (you know) That magic that we got nobody can touch (for sure)Looking for some trouble tonight (yeah) Take my hand, I'll show you the wild side Like it's the last night of our lives (uh huh) We'll keep dancing till we die
Jess smirked as they leaned with their arm braced against the wall above the cute noirette's head, dark eyes sparkling with mischief as the other teen started to blush and stutter, "Hey, cutie, you are looking really cute today.~" 
Seriously, the exchange student was way too cute to not flirt with and really what was Jess supposed to do when he blushed so cutely every time the speedster even looked at him. The short Eurasian boy was always dressed in stylish handmade clothes, usually soft pastels which was absolutely adorable in Jess’ opinion, and was always seen with his pastel pink satchel and a sketchbook doodling. Honestly, Jess was pretty sure they had been smitten with this adorable mouse since they had met Marin in the homeroom five months ago. And since then Jess was determined to either make him their friend, which they had succeeded at… But really, Jess would like to be more than friends
 If only Marin would get a clue!
Really! The speedster couldn’t be anymore obvious with how much they flirted with the cute little mouse. And the blush that always spread across Marin’s cute freckled cheeks was very enticing and made Jess want to kiss him to see just how red he could get...
No, no kissing the cute boy until you finally get him to realize you like him, Jesse! They mentally grumbled to themselves while smirking more as Marin pressed his tiny hands against Jess’s face to push them away while whining cutely, “Jessssss, you just can’t say that!” 
Jess’ smirk widened as they pulled their friend’s hands away from their mouth gently with their other hand, “Awwww, but Marin, you are always so cute.~ I have to remind you of it daily.”
“Jessssssss!” Came the expected whine/shout as Marin turned even redder while Jess started snickering at his embarrassment, before snickering louder as the smaller teen tried to push them away, growling cutely, “Move, you big lug! We are going to be late for Algebra!”  
Maybe one day Marin would realize that I’m serious, Jess mentally sighed while following their tiny and rather angry if cute friend, Maybe one day. 
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