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intotherabithole · 2 years ago
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I finished my fan art for the last chapter of I Need a (hero) girlfriend by @lilavaporizer9000
This fanfic brings me so much joy. I look forward to every update.
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porcelana-r0ta · 11 months ago
I know the respective fandoms of DC and Miraculous Ladybug have a certain disdain for MLxDC fics but I think there's a potential for fics where Luka leaves Paris and just keeps traveling to different US cities because he keeps figuring out secret identities and he's just this 15 year old kid growing increasingly frustrated and exasperated at how badly everyone hides their identities and he just has to pretend to be oblivious even tho it's Their Fault for being Bad At Secrets and shouldn't adults be better at this??????
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ali-annals · 11 months ago
Unexpected Visitors
Pairing: Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: G | WC: 800 | CW: - | A/N: This is one of my first fics so I'm not super proud of it but the lovely peeps on ao3 seem to like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought I'd cross-posted this already but apparently I haven't, oops :| | Ao3 |
An unknown woman shows up on Wayne Manor's doorstep asking for Damian Wayne…
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And enjoy this lovely fanart made by @tinybrie 🥰
A bright light flashed through the windows of the manor, the echo of thunder sounding overhead almost immediately. The knocking on the wooden door echoed down the dimly lit hallway, almost covered by the sound of rain and wind gusting outside.
The family butler swung open the door, taking in the visitors.
A young woman was standing there, holding a baby. She had her mother’s dark hair, but her eyes... 
He tore his gaze away from the baby when the pale, tired woman asked, “Is Damian Wayne here?”
“I’m afraid he is not ‘in’ at the moment, Miss. May I say who called?”
“He’s alive?”
The butler blinked, hearing the note of relief underneath the urgency in her voice. “Yes, Miss..?”
“Oh, thank goodness! His tracker stopped working and I was…I thought…can I see him, please? I can help heal him.”
“How did you know he was injured, Miss?”
She stepped further inside, brushing raindrops off the baby’s and her clothing. “Tracker. If it stops working and he doesn't reply, he’s either dead or severely injured. And since you say he’s alive-”
Alfred still didn’t know her name, but he knew she was trustworthy. Call it an old man’s intuition, call it experience from sizing up every type of person under this roof (of which there were many), he could tell his youngest Master would be safe with her. 
“I’ll show you to his room, Miss.”
“Thank you, Alfred.”
Damian groggily opened his eyes. Owww… His muscles protested after all that had happened in the last short while. 
The faint sound of rain hitting the window by his bed provided soothing white noise, mixed with the soft breaths from the dark head resting on the bed by his hand. 
Marinette was fast asleep, like the baby in her arms.
He stroked her hair gently. “ Habibti , I’m awake.”
She jolted upright, carefully cradling the baby so as not to disturb her rest. “Ma lune? You’re okay?”
“Just fine, mon coeur . I take it you healed me?” He scooched into a half-sitting position.
She nodded. “I thought…Your tracker stopped, so I came to see…”
“Shh, it’s alright, habibti .” Damian cupped her face in his hand. “It broke when I was fighting. I would have immediately contacted you but they forced me to stay and heal, and drugged me so I would sleep and recover without protest.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” She leaned over to kiss him. “I brought Zara.”
After Marinette had reassured herself that he was well-healed thanks to her handiwork, he brought up the question niggling at the back of his mind.
“How many people know?”
“Alfred, and whoever’s watching your monitors right now.”
“You’re okay with them knowing, now?”
Marinette nodded. “I’d prefer to be close by if anything like this happens again. So what if Bruce doesn’t like magic users or the fact that we hid this from him? He can get over it or not, but I will be by your side,” she stated firmly.
He smiled softly at her, seeing the feisty woman he fell in love with. “Let’s go settle their disturbed brains, then, shall we?”
He removed all the health monitors and stood, stretching and enjoying the slight discomfort.
She handed Zara to him, whom he carefully cradled in his arm and stroked his finger over her tiny cheek, and then they headed down to the dining room, where the rest of his extended family were gathered for a celebratory meal. 
The entire Bat clan was there, in various stages of recovery from an assortment of injuries.
Alfred brought in the plates of crepes and casually announced, “There was a young lady here to see Master Damian this afternoon, just after your last check. She’s up with him right now.”
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?!” The ones who could, jumped up to check on their youngest.
“Hello, family. I am perfectly fine, so don’t scold me for getting up. Dinner looks delicious, Alfred.” Damian and the visitors strolled in.
“Why do you have a baby in your arms? How are you up?”
“This is Marinette Wayne, my wife, and our daughter, Zara. Marinette healed me; thus, I am awake and about.”
“Since when were you married? With a child? When did you get a girlfriend?” Questions echoed from all corners of the table.
“We met when I was in Paris to help Ladybug six years ago. We got married last year and Zara is nine months old now.”
“Jon helped Damian escape when he needed and covered for us. He’s quite good at illusions,” Marinette spoke up. “Hi, I’m Marinette Wayne; it’s nice to meet you all.”
Taglist (open): @jennifer-rose123 @questioning-blob-of-fog
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stars-obsession-pit · 9 months ago
I’m not a MariBat shipper (I like the ML-DC crossover but I prefer Adrienette) but I just had a thought that’d probably work well as like a setup thing for that:
Oftentimes in this crossover—especially if the Justice League finds out about the Hawkmoth situation after it’s been going on for a while—the Parisian heroes will ask them to stay out of it for fear of a superhero getting akumatized and being too powerful to defeat.
But that’s (arguably) mostly just an issue for the heroes with preexisting powers. Unpowered heroes would still be dangerous, sure, but they’d be limited to whatever random akuma powerset they receive (which would be completely new to them) instead of having powers they’ve trained for years.
Thus, if the JL is trying to push for a compromise, they might propose sending some of the baseline-human heroes.
Which could easily mean the Gotham vigilantes.
And then maybe people would be too wary of Batman being akumatized (since he’s a full grown adult, has the most training/experience among the Bats, and his broodiness might be construed as making him more likely to qualify for akumatization) but still agree to a team-up with some of Gotham’s other vigilantes.
Thus allowing specifically just those teen heroes/vigilantes to interact and bond…
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afanofmanyships · 2 years ago
dc x dp x mlb
A God-Like being attacks Gotham City first. People are panicking not knowing what to do. All but one restaurant, filled with people, are not running away. Paris, Metropolis, Amity Park, and Fawcett City are all visiting Gotham at that time.
Paris is there because of the friendship agreement. Metropolis thought “why not visit our sister city”. Amity Park wanted to see Gothams agriculture. Fawcett City is there because why not.
They all, unconsciously, collectively agreed that this one restaurant would be a great place to have lunch.
So said ‘God-Like’ being attacked, it was like a normal Tuesday afternoon for the four places. When a normal tourist, who wasn’t able to run away and excepted dead, asked the burning question that the other people were thinking of why they didn’t get away.
Their answer was quite simple and very cryptic.
Amity Parker’s: “So don’t be freaked”
Metropolis: “Stay in your seats”
Paris: “We do this bullsh*t like 8 times a week”
Fawcett City: “So just relax you’ll be fine, drink your 50 dollar wine and take a breath 🙄”
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kashlyn · 4 months ago
I'm seeing a lot of maribat in my fyp lately...
Me rn:
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dcmiracles · 1 year ago
I would like to start of that this event is meant to spread positivity, creativity and joy ! I grew up loving and adoring dc and mlb and hero's and magic and this fandom has re-awoken my love for these properties!
I would love to start a two month event of sharing , creating and just exploring idea's !
This whole event is to enjoy being creative and write, draw or just make something !
I encourage you to explore all of miraculous and dc and make creations with who ever you want ! Again ! This is an event to promote Artists, writers and people !
At the end of the event we will be having a vote of which media, artist, fic or art has motivated you the most !
The winner of these votes / categories will receive one free art piece of their choice !
If you would like to participate please list your work under Dc miracles event !
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The categories in question !
Family ( chosen / found, blood / birth ) -Monday Rare pares ! ( Platonic or romantic ) - Tuesday Hurt / comfort ( angst and fluff ) - Wednesday A.us - Thursday Favorite "well known " ships ! -Friday Positivity ! ( this will be a day to write a fic, ship , draw or shout out a friends work in the fandom !!) -Saturday
Sunday will be a free day ! you do not have to write anything ! in fact i would like this day to be for enjoyment and read others work or simply relax !
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abyssal-ali · 2 years ago
Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng Moodboard
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Thanks to @the-coffee-fandom @boldlyanxious and @tree-reads for giving their opinions!
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editorofeverything · 1 year ago
I am finally getting over my writer's block and I am back in the trenches of my daminette fic having the time of my life. Like, it just occurred to me that I haven't really considered how various characters would interact because, despite this being an au crossover, I was still keeping the dc side of things and the miraculous side of things separate, which is the cowards way out imo bc can you imagine Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Nino in a room together? Or like Raven and Juleka/Luka? Rose and Starfire? The possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, my fic doesn't focus on the ML class very much at all, so I don't forsee myself really writing many of them interacting, but now that I've thought of it, the need to write it anyways is immense
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Welcome to the Jasonette Server's official tumblr!
We're a small but welcoming group of Maribatters who enjoy Jasonette. As it's one of the most popular Maribat ships, we know there are many who agree with us.
Join us at the Pistol Pixies' Library!
☆ Calm, fun, positive environment and support
☆ Like-minded shippers
☆ Channels to spawn, share, and squeal about Jasonette content
☆ Kwami-themed colours and roles
☆ Adult moderation @ the server if you'd like your Jasonette piece to be reblogged!
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calico-kiwi · 1 year ago
The 3rd Chapter is Finally Here!
i can't believe i literally haven't added to this in 9 months, whoopsie
Fandom: Maribat (Miraculous Ladybug x DC)
Tags: Tim Drake/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Original Character, fluff & Shenanigans, no plot & no update schedule
Work Summary: Both Tim Drake and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are incredibly successful and busy people. Two people who both view coffee as their lifeblood. When they find themselves needing each other to obtain ultimate coffee rights at their favorite cafe, two total strangers become allies. And friends. And perhaps eventually… something more.
Chapter Summary: Tim and Marinette reconvene at the cafe, where they both agree to participate in the second Coffee Trial. It's there where the trials officially begin. But Skye, always full of surprises, has yet another (unintentional) twist.
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intotherabithole · 1 year ago
HELLO @lily-drake
I made you some things for the MariBat server's Secret Santa gift exchange!
For your first prompt I drew a comic. It's a little to big for Tumblr, so here is the first part:
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ali-annals · 11 months ago
Mazel Tov
Pairing: Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: G | WC: 400 | CW: attempted arranged/forced marriage, implied kidnapping | A/N: A short ficlet I typed up to celebrate 1 year on ao3 :] | Ao3
Talia attempts to arrange a marriage between her son, the Heir to the Demon, and the League of Assassins' rival order's head, the Grand Guardian. The Bats are insistent on stopping the wedding, but the couple don't seem that opposed to it…
Marinette reached up to rub her aching head, groaning internally when she couldn’t. Opening her crusty eyes, she determined  that she was chained in a gloomy torch-lit room. Rather dramatic, so it was probably some villain’s lair.
“You are awake, Guardian, I see. Good. Now we may talk business.” A lithe dark-haired woman emerged from the shadows. “I am Talia al Ghul, general of the League of Assassins. You may have heard of us, as we have been fighting the Order of Guardians for centuries. We have an unspoken truce currently, but to solidify our peace, you will marry my son, the Heir to the Demon.”
Talia was not prepared for the young Guardian to laugh wildly, a tear streaking down her cheek. Finally she sobered, blinking away the moisture in her eyes. “Sorry, that’s just hilarious. I thought your League were superspies or something!” She burst into giggles again.
“Talia, let the girl go.” Batman and Nightwing burst into the room.
Taking advantage of the distraction the Bats caused, Marinette had Plagg cataclysm her chains, taking off and running down the hallway.
Talia and the Bats stared at her in astonishment. Damian, dressed in his League robes, ducked out of a corridor and grabbed her hand, the pair running headlong out the window at the end of the hallway. 
The Batcopter, piloted by Red Robin, hovered below, grapples attached to the struts. With their objective safe, Batman and Nightwing followed their example, landing safely in the helicopter. 
The helicopter rose past the window, Talia’s kidnappees waving smugly through the glass at her. 
Marinette pointed to the woman’s belt. Confused, she fumbled through the tactical belt at her waist, pulling out a small folded piece of paper. 
Talia, Damian and I eloped two weeks ago. I may have married your son, but I will not be your puppet. Sincerely, Grand Guardian Marinette
The Bats turned to their “rescued” members. “At least we got here in time to stop the wedding!”
Marinette and Damian exchanged glances. “Er…about that…Dami and I have been married for two weeks. We eloped on the tenth.”
Damian sniffed. “World’s Greatest Detective. Hmph.”
Taglist (open): @questioning-blob-of-fog @jennifer-rose123
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trainer-sean · 2 years ago
DC x MLB Prompt: City Spirit Miraculi!!!
So a Sorcerer learns about some rituals that summon Kwami, or can convert other high tier spirits into Kwami, and Bind them to Miraculous. Some kid in the know of the super natural gets pulled into the situation as the Sorcerer grabs multiple city spirits and turns them into Kwami. The Kwami themselves are basically split in two with their City Spirit counterparts and are basically separate incarnations of each other. Because the kid beat the Sorcerer, he became the guardian of this new miracle box. Maybe multiple Abilitys per Kwami, like Gotham can share power with others, 'adopting' them as a sidekick.
Gotham the Bat(female)
Metropolis the Lion(female)
New York City The Falcon(male)
If you can include other city spirits and their animal pls do, I can't remember every city that has a superhero in DC.
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afanofmanyships · 2 years ago
dc x dp x mlb
Don’t get the Spirit of Gotham wrong, they love their city and people but even they need to take a break every now and again. So when the Spirit of Amity Park offered to watch over Gotham City for a few days so that they could rest they were weary.
But when the Spirit of Amity showed their capability to watch over Gotham without them. The Spirit of Gotham left for their vacation.
Soon it almost became traditional for the Spirit of Gotham to have the Spirit of Amity Park watch over their people when the bat drama is gone or an arc is done or when ALL of Batman’s rouges are all back.
It also became traditional for the Spirit of Gotham to visit Amity Park at the beginning and end of their break. Unless something happened in Gotham that only Gotham can fix then the Spirit of Paris is the one that informs the Spirit of Gotham.
This break, however, is a short visit to one Jazz Fenton.
Jazz is building her own motorcycle when Gotham had her sing along with them to her music.
Gotham Spirit: “Jazz Jazz Jazzzz!!!”
Jazz, still building her own motorcycle, knows that something must be wronging Gotham for this kind of visit: *smiles at them and goes back to working*
Gotham Spirit: “🎶🎶 Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver 🎶🎶”
Jazz has a feeling that she is right but doesn’t show it and smiles while working on her bike: “🎶🎶 Holy hands, will they make me a sinner? 🎶🎶”
Jazz & the Spirit of Gotham beginning to vibe: “🎶🎶 Like a river, like a river 🎶🎶”
Jazz & the Spirit of Gotham vibing: “🎶🎶 Shut your mouth and-🎶🎶”
Gotham Spirit: “🎶🎶 RUN ME LIKE A RIVER!!!🎶🎶” *disappears back to Gotham*
Jazz thought smiling: “I hope they found what they were looking for.”
Master List
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kashlyn · 11 months ago
I want interactions like these more on fanfiction. Please. Idc if it's crossovers or not. I just need it
The best thing about 13 was Jack and Maddie and their interaction with Danny. But what made this episode special is how it revealed to me just how similar Danny is to his parents. He got his dad's temper and stubbornness while having his mom's sharp wit. Jack and Maddie may not be perfect parents, but they raised some good kids.
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