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Evdokia Alexis Damianos, 1971
#evdokia#alexis damianos#great directors#greek film#greek movies#Ευδοκία#maria vassiliou#zeibekiko#manos loizos#cinema#movies#film#atlantide#enrico ghezzi#il vento del cinema
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Russia has accused Ukraine of aiding rebel group in Syria
According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, a significant “Ukrainian trace” has been detected among foreign fighters in northwestern Syria.
The top Russian diplomat cited a report saying that Ukraine’s intelligence services may have collaborated with the terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).
Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia has also accused Ukrainian intelligence services of aiding rebels fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying some fighters were “openly flaunting” the association.
According to RT, The Kyiv Post has reported that Islamist groups involved in recent attacks in Aleppo province could have been prepred by the ‘Khimik’ Special Forces unit of Ukraine’s military intelligence service (HUR), which allegedly provided “operational training” to militants in Idlib province.
“This is not the first region where the Kiev regime applies its criminal experience,” Zakharova stated, as cited by newspaper Vedomosti, highlighting previous Ukrainian involvement in conflicts across Africa and now, reportedly, in Syria.
“Radicals are clearly trying to undermine years of efforts toward stability in this country, posing serious security risks for civilians, particularly in conflict zones,” Zakharova explained. She condemned the use of civilians as human shields, describing it as a disturbing tactic amid the ongoing violence.
Zakharova also suggested that these terrorist acts likely benefit from external support aimed at reigniting conflict in Syria. “We express our solidarity with the leadership and people of Syria in this challenging situation,” she said, reaffirming Moscow’s commitment to the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
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Portret van Maria Fjodorovna - Vassily Pavlovich Khudoyarov - Golestan Palace
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Captive Comrade D. Chatzivasileiadis: 31/7/16 Attack on the Mexican Embassy – 1/8/23 Lorenzo Cruz Ríos, the Fight for Land and Freedom Continues

On the 31st of July 2016, the Organization Revolutionary Self-Defence used weapons to attack the Mexican embassy in Athens, shooting rounds at the embassy building. This second political intervention of Org. Revolutionary Self-Defence revealed that the first intervention two years ago, against the law for type C prisons and the war against the proletariat and migration was not an occasional act, even though it was an emergency response to the need to resist an antirevolutionary measure, but a practical statement of commitment to a strategy of revolutionary fight. Revolutionary internationalism remains a need from the future world that we have to take care of through acts. Seven years after the immediate response of Org. Revolutionary Self-Defence against the Μexican state, my thoughts are with Lorenzo Froylán de la Cruz Ríos, member of the native Communal Guard self-defense team of Santa María Ostula in Michoacán, who disappeared on the 1st of August and was found murdered ten days later, my thoughts are with the social struggles in the mexican territory, the zapatistas resistance against the “Maya” train and the para-state murders of fighters, the movement against the inter-oceanic corridor[1], the movement against the Nicaragua canal, the indigenous people rebellion in Puno[2] and the fighting Indigenous Association for Development and Conservation of Bajo Puinahua (Aidecobap)[3], the fighting communities of Sucre Colombia[4], the fights for Land and freedom everywhere jointly.
The spark of the revolution does not quiet down, for Froylán de la Cruz Ríos[5], for Manuel ‘Tortuguita’ Esteban Paez Terán (Atlanta forest, USA, Stop Cop City, January 2023), for Paolo Todd – Kawa Ahmed[6] (from the indigenous fight at Standing Rock of N. Dakota to Raqqa Syria, January 2017), for Santiago Maldonado (Argentina, 2017), for Remi Fraisse (forest de Sivens, Testet wetlands, France, October 2014), for mapuche brothers and Matías Catrileo[7] (January 2008), for the martyred people’s armies of Kurdistan, for Vassilis Magos (Volos, 2020), for Maria Koulouri (Lefkimmi Corfu, 2008). For all of us until the end of capitalism.
[1] https://abolitionmedia.noblogs.org/post/2023/07/31/civilian-observation-mission-records-human-rights-violations-in-the-context-of-the-isthmus-interoceanic-corridor-megaproject/
[2] https://abolitionmedia.noblogs.org/post/2023/03/08/six-peruvian-soldiers-drown-while-fleeing-from-protesters/
[3] https://abolitionmedia.noblogs.org/post/2023/06/23/two-oil-tankers-stormed-by-indigenous-militants-in-loreto-peru/
[4] https://abolitionmedia.noblogs.org/post/2023/03/10/rural-people-in-colombia-push-back-against-energy-companies/
[5] https://twitter.com/VIM_Media/status/1689891820723965954
[7] https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1623077/
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La bohemia muniquesa de Schwabing, cuna de la revolución conservadora alemana
Por Lionel Baland
Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
Foto: El carnaval de los escritores (1903) © Museo Municipal de Múnich, archivos Hoerschelmann. Delante Franziska zu Reventlow, en el centro Stefan George y detrás Karl Wolfskehl, con barba.
A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, Schwabing, un barrio de Múnich, se convirtió en un crisol artístico e intelectual que atrajo a algunos de los más grandes escritores y pensadores de la época. Entre ellos, Rainer Maria Rilke, Thomas Mann y Heinrich Mann. En este ambiente vanguardista, el distrito también se convirtió en un hervidero de lo que más tarde se llamaría la «Revolución Conservadora». Schwabing también fue cuna de figuras políticas revolucionarias como Lenin y Trotsky. Haga una visita guiada.
A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, en Múnich, varios escritores y artistas se codeaban en Schwabing, el barrio en el que floreció la bohemia literaria y artística. Varias obras literarias, que llegarían a ser tan famosas como sus autores, nacieron aquí. René Maria Rilke, que pronto cambió su nombre de pila por el de Rainer, escribió poemas allí en 1896 y luego conoció a la escritora germano-rusa y amiga de Friedrich Nietzsche, Lou Andreas-Salomé, con la que mantuvo una relación de tres años. Conoció a Sigmund Freud en el Congreso Psicoanalítico de Múnich en 1913. En 1900 Thomas Mann terminó su novela Los Buddenbrook. La decadencia de una familia – por la que recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1929 – y Altesse Royale, Muerte en Venecia – que inspiró la película homónima de Luchino Visconti, estrenada en 1971 –, Las confesiones del caballero industrial Félix Krull y Mario y el mago, al tiempo que comenzaba a escribir La montaña mágica en 1912. En 1903-1904, su hermano Heinrich Mann escribió El profesor Unrat o el fin de un tirano – que inspiró la película El ángel azul, de Josef von Sternberg, protagonizada por Marlene Dietrich – y El súbdito del emperador. En 1912 Oswald Spengler utilizó este nombre como título de su futuro libro La decadencia de Occidente. Bosquejos de una morfología de la historia, que plasmaría en papel justo después de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
La Vanguardia
Schwabing, que no pasó a formar parte de Múnich hasta 1890, atrajo a artistas y escritores porque el alquiler era muy barato. Esta parte de la capital de Baviera, donde reinaba un espíritu de tolerancia, era un contramundo, un lugar preservado de las estructuras autoritarias del imperio alemán: la religión, el Estado, la dominación tecnológica y el dinero. Allí arraigó la Bohemia (1).
Los grupos de vanguardia sólo podían formarse en las grandes ciudades, en oposición al conservadurismo del campo. «Allí acudían mentes inconformistas, estrafalarias y creativas de distintas provincias, curiosas por lo nuevo, en busca de gloria y éxito. Era aquí donde interactuaban en los mismos lugares de encuentro, cafés, salones, galerías y salas de conferencias, así como los representantes de las más variadas experiencias, ideas e intereses: hombres de letras, investigadores, artistas, mercaderes, agentes, coleccionistas y editores» (2). El pintor Vassily Kandinsky, que vivió en Schwabing de 1897 a 1908, afirmó: «Schwabing era una isla intelectual en el resto del mundo, en Alemania y aún más en Múnich». El escritor anarquista Erich Mühsam afirmaba: «Pienso gracias al aire libre que corre por Schwabing, llevándome al distrito de un concepto cultural».
Entre los escritores de Schwabing también había representantes de lo que Armin Mohler teorizó tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial como la Revolución Conservadora Alemana: Thomas Mann – que más tarde se uniría a las ideas de la República de Weimar –, los fundadores y miembros del Círculo Cósmico Alfred Schuler, Ludwig Klages y Karl Wolfskehl, y sus asociados: Stefan George – el futuro mentor de los hermanos Stauffenberg que llevarían a cabo el atentado contra Adolf Hitler el 20 de julio de 1944 –, que escribió allí El año del alma, La alfombra de la vida y Canciones de sueño y muerte con un preludio, Ernst Kantorowicz – futuro autor de Los dos cuerpos del rey – y Franziska zu Reventlow – apodada «La condesa de Schwabing» –, que escribió allí la novela en parte autobiográfica Ellen Olestjerne.
En marzo de 1911 Oswald Spengler se trasladó de Hamburgo a Múnich. Eligió la capital bávara porque había pasado allí un año estudiando en 1901 y le había gustado mucho. A menudo paseaba por Schwabing, llevando una mochila llena de libros prestados por la biblioteca municipal. Vivía aislado del mundo académico y cultural y allí escribió sus principales obras.
Otros autores y estructuras difundieron ideas diferentes: Oskar Panizza – condenado a un año de cárcel por publicar un texto antirreligioso –, la revista satírica mensual Simplicissimus, Frank Wedekind, Franz Hessel – futuro padre del escritor Stéphane Hessel –. El grupo de artistas Der Blaue Reiter (El Jinete Azul) estuvo activo allí de 1911 a 1914.
Franziska zu Reventlow, en su novela clave Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen oder Begebenheiten aus einem merkwürdigen Stadtteil («Notas de Monsieur Dame o sucesos en la vida de un extraño distrito»), un relato irónico sobre la Bohemia de Schwabing, rebautizada en esta obra «Wahnmoching» – combinando el final del nombre del lugar con la palabra «Wahn», que significa ilusión, quimera, locura – escribe que este distrito es un «estado de ánimo»: «Wahnmoching es un movimiento espiritual, un nivel, una dirección, una protesta, un nuevo culto o, mucho más, el intento de extraer de los viejos cultos nuevas posibilidades religiosas» (3).
El destino de Europa
Ludwig Klages profetizó que Schwabing era el lugar del mundo donde se decidiría el destino de la siguiente generación. No se equivocaba, pues en 1900-1902 vivieron allí Vladimir Ilich Lenin – donde conoció a Rosa Luxemburgo y escribió ¿Qué hacer? – y, desde el otoño de 1904 hasta principios de 1905, León Trotsky, mientras que Adolf Hitler, de 24 años, llegó a Múnich procedente de Viena en mayo de 1913 y fijó su residencia en la Schleissheimerstraße 34, no lejos de Schwabing. El pintor huyó de la capital del Imperio de los Habsburgo para evitar el servicio militar. El hecho de que eligiera Múnich en lugar de Berlín, la capital política de Alemania, demuestra que seguía siendo un artista de corazón. Finalmente se vio obligado a ir a Salzburgo (Austria), pero no fue declarado apto para portar armas. Regresó a Múnich y continuó su vida artística.
El estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial, en el letargo del verano de 1914, marcó el fin de la bohemia muniquesa. La sociedad se implicó en la guerra. El arte y la literatura parecían ahora frívolos.
1. La bohemia de Schwabing se extiende también por las zonas norte y este del distrito de Maxvorstadt.
2. Raimondo Strassoldo, Da David a Saatchi. Trattato di sociologia dell’arte contemporanea, Forum, Udine, 2010, traducido parcialmente al francés por Philippe Baillet, en Sparta, vol. I, Aidôs, Saint-Genis-Laval, 2020, pp. 54 a 95 (ici: pp. 74-75).
3. Franziska zu Reventlow, Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen oder Begebenheiten aus einem merkwürdigen Stadtteil, Albert Langen, München, 1913, p. 36.
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2024 olympics Greece roster
Emmanouil Karalis (Athens)
Miltiadis Tentoglou (Grevena)
Mihail Anastasákis (Chania)
Christos Frantzeskakis (Athens)
Polyniki Emmanouilidou (Thessaloniki)
Antigoni Drisbioti (Karditsa)
Katerina Stefanidi (Cholargos)
Eleni-Klaoudia Polak (Athens)
Ariadni Adamopoulou (Athens)
Tatiana Gusin (Athens)
Panagiota Dosi (Corfu)
Elina Tzengko (Nea Kallikrateia)
Stamatia Scarvelis (Santa Barbara, California)
Thomas Walkup (Deer Park, Texas)
Giannoulis Larentzakis (Kythnos)
Dimitrios Moraitis (Maroussi)
Vassilis Toliopoulos (Athens)
Nick Calathes (Winter Park, Florida)
Panagiotis Kalaitzakis (Heraklion)
Georgios Papagiannis (Megara)
Vassilis Charalampopoulos (Maroussi)
Konstantinos Papanikolaou (Trikala)
Niko Chougkaz (Athens)
Giannis Antetokoumpo (Athens)
Konstantinos Mitoglou (Thessaloniki)
Georgios Bouglas (Trikala)
Ioli Mytilineou (Athens)
Theodora Gkountoura (Athens)
Leftherios Petrounias (Athens)
Theodoros Tselidis (Vladikavkaz, Russia)
Elisavet Teltsidou (Athens)
Stefanos Ntouskos (Ioannina)
Antonios Papakonstantinou (Marousi)
Petros Gkaidatzis (Thessaloniki)
Evangelia Anastasiadou (Kastoria)
Christina Bourmpou (Thessaloniki)
Dimitra Kontou (Mytilene)
Zoi Fitsiou (Kozani)
Cameron Maramenides (Anna Maria, Florida)
Osysseas Spanakis (Amarousio)
Byron Kokkalanis (Athens)
Ariadne Spanaki (Thessaloniki)
Charalampos Chalkiadakis (Chania)
Efthimios Mitas (Athens)
Christina Moschi (Athens)
Emmanouela Katzouraki (Chania)
Anna Korakaki (Drama)
Stergios Bilas (Amarousio)
Apostolos Siskos (Thessaloniki)
Panagiotis Bolanos (Athens)
Konstantinos Stamou (Athens)
Evangelos Ntoumas (Alexandroupoli)
Kristian Gkolomeev (Athens)
Apostolos Christou (Athens)
Evangelos Makrygiannis (Athens)
Dimitrios Markos (Athens)
Apostolos Papastamos (Chania)
Odysseus Meladinas (Cholargos)
Andreas Vazaios (Athens)
Konstantinos Englezakis (Marousi)
Athanasios Kynigakis (Chania)
Sofia Malkogeorgou (Athens)
Evangelia Platnioti (Athens)
Anna Ntountounaki (Chania)
Georgia Damasioti (Marousi)
Dora Drakou (Patras)
Table tennis
Gio Gionis (Athens)
Petros Tsitsipas (Athens)
Stefanos Tsitsipas (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
Maria Sakkari (Barcelona, Spain)
Despina Papamichail (Barcelona, Spain)
Water polo
Nikos Gillas (Athens)
Emmanouil Zerdevas (Athens)
Konstantinos Genidounias (Athens)
Dimitrios Skoumpakis (Chania)
Efstathios Kalogeropoulos (Amarousio)
Ioannis Fountoulis (Chios)
Alexandros Papanastasiou (Athens)
Stylianos Argyropoulos-Kanakakis (Athens)
Nikolaos Papanikoulaou (Athens)
Konstantinos Kakaris (Athens)
Dimitrios Nikolaidis (Thessaloniki)
Angelos Vlachopoulos (Thessaloniki)
Panagiotis Tzortzatos (Cholargos)
Athina Giannopoulou (Athens)
Maria Myriokefalitaki (Amarousio)
Chrysoula Diamantopoulou (Athens)
Eleftheria Plevritou (Thessaloniki)
Ioanna Chydirioti (Cholargos)
Nikole Eleftheriadou (Athens)
Margarita Plevritou (Thessaloniki)
Eleni Xenaki (Amarousio)
Alexandra Asimaki (Athens)
Maria Patras (Agria)
Eirini Ninou (Glyfada)
Vasiliki Plevritou (Thessaloniki)
Ioanna Stamatopoulou (Marousi)
Georgios Kougioumtsidis (Thessaloniki)
Dauren Kurugliev (Derbent, Russia)
Maria Prevolaraki (Athens)
#Sports#National Teams#Greece#Celebrities#Races#Basketball#Texas#Florida#Animals#Fights#Russia#Boats#Tennis#Monaco#Spain
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Ivan III
Ivan III de Russie (Ivan le Grand) fut le Grand Prince de Moscou et de Russie de 1462 à 1505. Ivan III vit le jour en 1440, fils du Grand Prince Vassili II de Moscou (r. de 1425 à 1462) et de son épouse, Maria Borovsk (c. 1420-1485). De 1450 à 1462, il remplit les fonctions de régent à la place de son père aveugle.
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TRIBUTE TO 6 GREEK COMPOSERS Giannis Spanos: July 26, 1934 - October 30, 2019 Spanos was one of the main composers responsible for the creation of Greek New Wave (Neo Kima). He composed music for film soundtracks and many songs originally sung by singers such as Keti Homata, Arleta, Poulopoulos, Mitropanos and Dalaras. He also wrote songs in France where he lived until 1961. One of his songs was performed by Brigitte Bardot in the film A Very Private Affair, titled “Sidonie”. Manos Loizos: October 22, 1934 - September 17, 1982 Loizos was born in Alexandria, Egypt from Greek Cypriot immigrants. His music career began in Athens in 1963. By 1975 he was one of the most popular, in demand composers and artist. Loizos composed some of the most popular songs in the Greek Discography, working with artists such as Alexiou, Dalaras, Kazantzids and some of the most important composers in Greece. His best friend and lyricist was Lefteris Papadopoulos who wrote most of Loizos’ lyrics. Stavros Kougioumtzis: July 23, 1932 - March 12, 2005 Kougioumtzis was born in Thessaloniki. His parents were refugees from Asia Minor. He first started writing music in 1960 and many of his songs were recorded by some of the most popular Greek artists such as Alexiou, Vissi, Parios, Arvanitaki, Kalatzis and Giorgos Dalaras whose first songs of Kougioumtzis helped establish his career and made him one of the most important Greek singers. He is remembered as a very quiet and bashful character and was widely respected by all his peers as well as the public. In his final years he had moved back to Thessaloniki where he continued to work on music and songs until he died. Giorgos Zambetas: January 25, 1925 - March 10, 1992 Zambetas was born in Metaxourgio area of Athens. He showed great interest in music at a very young age and would secretly play his fathers bouzouki against his father’s wishes. His biggest idol was Vassilis Tsitsanis who had a great influence in his musical career. Zambetas was considered one of the greatest bouzouki artists of all time. He worked in Greek cinemas with Aliki Vougiouklaki and appeared and wrote music for film. His most famous composition is “Siko Horepse Sirtaki”.He is recognized as one of the most significant composers and musicians in the Greek Laika music genre. Manolis Hiotis: March 21, 1921 - March 20, 1970 Hiotis was a Greek rebetiko and laiko composer, singer and bouzouki player. He is considered the greatest bouzouki soloist of all time and popularized the 4 string (tetrachordo) bouzouki with guitar like tuning. In 1961 Hiotis played for Onassis and Maria Callas, Prince Rainier III. Hiotis spent many years in the USA performing for the Greek diaspora with his partner and wife Mary Linda. Linda recorded several of his big hit songs. Mimis Plessas: October 12, 1924 (89 years old) Plessas was born in Athens Greece and began his career in 1952. He has written music for over 100 films in the “Golden Age of Greek Cinema” and several radio, television and theatrical productions. He has worked with famous singers, like Nana Mouskouri, Vicky Leandros, Giannis Poulopoulos, Marinella, Rena Koumioti and with Greek lyricists, Lefteris Papadopoulos. Plessas combined the entehno and laiko genre with great success and his composition work on the album “O Dromos” was one of the most commercially successful albums of the Greek discography. He was honoured with the Gold Cross of the Order of Phoenix in 2001.
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Η έκρηξη [A Blast] (Syllas Tzoumerkas - 2014)
#Η έκρηξη#A Blast#Syllas Tzoumerkas#Greek financial crisis#Cinema of Greece#European movies#Greek movies#2010s#Angeliki Papoulia#Vassilis Doganis#Makis Papadimitriou#Southern Europe cinema#Maria Filini#Themis Bazaka#Giōrgos Andreas Papandreou#Yorgos Biniaris#Greek tragedy#Greek state television#Greek government-debt crisis#Athens#financial crisis of 2007–08#austerity#Greek society#Europe#European society
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EVDOKIA Alexis Damianos, 1971
#evdokia#alexis damianos#great directors#greek film#greek movies#Ευδοκία#maria vassiliou#zeibekiko#manos loizos#cinema#movies#film#atlantide#enrico ghezzi#il vento del cinema
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Ildar Abdrazakov com a Boris. Producció de Kasper Holten. Fotografia de © Brescia e Amisano – Teatro alla Scala Una inauguració de la Scala encara és quelcom important, continua sent un referent de les temporades operístiques i malgrat que el teatre milanès ha perdut aquella aurèola de temple referencial, exigent i entusiasta per esdevenir com totes les grans cases d’òpera mundial, centres més…

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#Agnieszka Rehlis#Ain Anger#Alexander Kravets#Alexey Markov#Anna Denisova#Coro ed orchestra del Teatro alla Scala di Milano#Dmitry Golovnin#Ildar Abdrakazov#Kasper Holten#Lilly Jørstad#Maria Barakova#Modest Mussorgski#Norbert Ernst#Oleg Budaratskiy#Riccardo Chailly#Roman Astakhov#Stanislav Trofimov#Vassily Solodkyy#Yaroslav Abaimov
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Meet My OC - Evdoxia (Eva) Mendoza
Dr. Eva Mendoza
You'll be meeting her very soon in my Tobias & Casey world, so you deserve a proper introduction.
Book: Open Heart
Face claim: Maria Luiza Mendez
Full Name: Evdoxia Maria Mendoza
Nicknames: Eva (pretty much everyone); Koukla (her mom & mom's family); Mija (her dad)
Age/DOB: May 30th/ (She is 31 at time of introduction, Ethan is 39)
Born & Raised: Teaneck, NJ
Heritage: Cuban and Greek.
LI: Ethan Ramsey - Eva will be a potential LI for Ethan in the Tobias/Casey world.
Parents: Alejandro (Alex) Mendoza, 57, and Erini Papanikolaou, 55. Her father is a businessman, he owns several restaurants and a small grocery store in New Jeresy. Her mother was a homemaker most of Eva's life, but she also worked in the family business and did some work as a seamstress/tailor. With Eva's encouragement, she went back to school in her forties and became a paralegal. Eva is close with both parents, but especially her father. While she grew up in two families that took very traditional approaches toward gender roles (and those were thrust upon Eva) her father was always her champion who told her she could do and be whatever she wanted.
Siblings: Brother, Vassilis (Basil) is a year and a half younger than Eva, sister, Elisabet (Lisa) is five years younger. Basil was always her partner in crime. He enjoyed privileges his sisters didn't get, and he used them to help Eva and get her in trouble at times. Basil is gay, and Eva was the only one in the family who knew until very recently. They're very close. Lisa was the baby and doted on, she got away with a lot. She resented Eva, who was an overachiever, because she felt she couldn't live up to her and she had family who reminded her daily. Basil went to community college, but decided to work with his father in the family businesses. Lisa dropped out of college after getting engaged. Part of her family applauded this, others were appalled. When we meet Eva, Lisa is 26, she was married three years ago and has a two year old daughter, Sophia. She's mostly a stay-at-home-mom, but she also works at her familiy's businesses on occasion. She and Eva love each other, but their relationship is strained.
College: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ B.S. Biology. She wanted to go away to college, but it was frowned on by most of her family. Her father encouraged her to go, but her mother was fearful of the idea and, influenced by her family, fought that decision. Eva's parents were fighting so much that she told them she decided to go to FDU (right in her hometown), even though that wasn't her true choice. She started as a nursing major (her family saw that as appropriate for a girl), but she changed her major to Biology with a pre-med minor sophomore year, telling only Basil and later her father.
Med School: Boston University, Boston, Graduated top in her class Her grades and resume were impeccable, but since her undergrad was not at a top tier school, it put a lot of the very best med schools out of her reach. But she got an excellent offer from Boston University, and she was not staying close to home, so that made her decision.
Basic Background (there will be more if her character 'sticks'): Eva always felt confined by her extended families. They were loving, perhaps too involved, both her maternal and paternal grandparents lived less than 5-blocks away most of her life. They were not bad people, but they were just locked in old ways and too stuborn to change; but this put a lot of demands on Eva. Her Greek side was even more traditional, they would have rather she married a nice Greek doctor than become one herself. Her Cuban family supported her education, but still felt she should stay close to home and that her career should be secondary to having a family.
Eva knew that life wasn't for her from a young age and worked very hard in school, seeing education as her way out. She was rebellious, but usually quietly so her parents didn't know. Her brother, though younger, had more freedom than she did, and he utilized that to sneak her out of the house. The two of them would sometimes get in trouble together. They were/are very, very close. He covered for Eva, and Eva covered for him; especially when he told her he was gay. Eva was very supportive, but kept his secret until he was ready. SHe covered for him all the time, including pretend one of his boyfriends was hers so they could spend more time together. As stated above, she wasn't as close with her sister, Lisa. Lisa wanted to be liked by everyone, so she didn't rock the boat. She also couldn't compete with Eva academically, and all Basil had to do was be a boy, so she was the "good girl" following whatever the family wanted her to. She got married young and had children soon-after, quitting college to do so. While both of Eva's parents were not happy with this decision, her grandparents and other extended family applauded it.
Eva loves her family very much, but harbors resentment. She never wants to live near them again, except for her Dad and Brother who she adores. She loves her mother very much too, but their relationship only gets better when her maternal grandmother passes.
Her family (except her Dad and Basil) are horrified that she's 31 and unmarried. What they don't know is, she never wants to get married. She dates, she has relationships, but she's very happy with her career and (though she doesn't see it) she's still rebelling against the life her family had planed for her. As a result, marriage and children are not on her bucket list.
She did her residency at Boston Medical Center, and she is now at Fellow in Women's Health, with a concentration in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
Other past relationships: (I will develop this later.)
Traits: She is brilliant, but she works at it, it's not a natural gift. She is determined and will do what she sets out to do. While she's very serious at work, she has a funny side and is a known practical joker. She's also very flirtatioius outside of work, and dates frequently. She's had long term relationships, but they're honestly not her preference. She is still trying to figure out how to balance the fact that she loves her family so much, yet she resents them. She speaks five languages: English, Spanish, Greek, Italian and Portuguese. Hobbys & activities? That's a problem. She's always been all work and no play, and she's tried to make changes, but she's still trying to find what she loves.
Physical: She is 5'8" and has blue eyes. Her natural hair color is brown, but she likes to change it up, so it may be various shades of brown, blonde, or red at times. She's always been a little on the plus size, and she struggled with self-esteem issues for years. But she's gotten past that and now encourages body positivity for women. Beauty is not a number, and she finally knows she's beautiful.
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May 27
Since there is no Callas anniversary to observe today, I thought I would try to create a timeline for the comings and goings of the curiously complicated Kalogeropoulos family.
1881 (or 1886) – George Kalogeropoulos born
1894 (or 1898) – Evangelia (Litza) Dimitriades born
They married (I don’t know when) and lived in a small town in the Peloponnese where George is a druggist
1917 – daughter Yakinthi (Jackie) born
1920 – son Vassilis born
1922 – Vassilis dies (meningitis)
1923 – George abruptly decides to emigrate to the US; in August the family arrives in New York
December 2 or 3 or 4, 1923 – 2nd daughter born – George calls her Cecilia, Litza calls her Sophie; they settle on Maria Anna Sophie Cecilia; family name is simplified to Kalos (or Callas) (or Calas). She seems to have been called Mary, the name Jackie uses in her book “Sisters”.
December 1936 – Jackie returns to Greece
February 1937 – Litza and Mary (age 13) join Jackie in Athens
September 1945 – Mary goes to New York
December 24 1946 – Litza arrives back in New York; does NOT reunite with George
June 27, 1947 – Mary (now Maria) arrives in Naples; quickly goes to Verona; two or three days later meets meets Giovanni Battista (“Titta”) Meneghini, age 51
April 1949 – Jackie visits Maria and Titta in Verona; she is taken to be Maria’s younger sister. Maria and Titta marry soon after, and Maria tours to Argentina
May 1950 – Maria visits New York on route to Mexico City; Litza joins her there
Late June 1950 – Maria returns to Italy, Litza to New York; they never meet again
July 1951 – Maria returns to Mexico City; this time George joins her there
At some point Litza went back to Athens, then returned to NY to sue George for support; she wins her case and returns to Athens and he immediately stops payment; she returns to NY and then writes to Maria for help/money and is told to drown herself; Litza reveals the acrimonious letter to the press prior to Maria’s Met debut
1956 – Jackie (then 39) enters the Viotto vocal competition in Vercelli, Italy under the name Elena Montesanto and with a passport doctored to make her younger; she receives encouragement but does not win
Maria and George got together whenever she was in New York. Here is a photo of him greeting Maria at her arrival in 1956 for her Met debut.
Jackie gives few dates in her book, but at some point there were feelers from Sol Hurok to put her on tour.
Litza in new York works in the costume jewellery store operated by Jolie Gabor, mother of Zsa Zsa and Eva; she also earns money making Maria Callas dolls in various opera costumes (Tosca, Norma, etc)
1959 – Maria leaves Titta for Onassis and joins his highly-publicized peripatetic life
1960 – Litza’s book, “My Daughter, Maria Callas” is published; George (now 79 or 74) moves to Athens
1961 – Jackie finally sees Mary perform – in “Medea” at Epidaurus; she and George meet Onassis
1962 – Litza attempts suicide; her note leaves the income from her book to Maria
1964 – Jackie, on vacation in Italy, visits Titta in Sirmione at the home he shared with Maria; he seems to be still awaiting her return
(At some time in this period George and Litza finally divorce, one of the few times they ever agreed on anything)
1964 – George returns to the US for medical treatment requiring a 4-month hospital stay (thanks to his previous work he has US medical coverage)
1965 – George remarries, returns to Athens; Litza applies for welfare in NY and authorities there seize $200/month from Maria’s US earnings; Litza moves to Athens where Jackie finds her a querulous burden;
December 1972 – George dies; Maria cites her involvement in recording sessions as her reason for not attending the funeral (it was her last recording session and the results were never finished or approved by her). John Ardoin was able to listen to it and stated “It would make a stone weep.”
1975 – After Onassis died Mary resumes contact with Jackie, phoning often and sending money (major surprise)
September 1977 – Maria dies, thus the start of the sad saga of her estate. Jackie goes to Paris for the funeral
August 1982 – Litza dies in Athens; Jackie buries her with George
Jackie, now 65, still takes voice lessons in Athens. At her teacher’s she meets a Dr. Andreas Stathopoulos; they marry in December, 1982
Soon after that they visit London and she meets Robert Sutherland, Maria’s coach/accompanist from 1973/74. He writes: “I met a charming, handsome woman who looked more delicately feminine than Maria, but had a way of moving, speaking and expressing herself which was uncannily like her.” She produced a tape from her handbag of a concert she had given and she wanted his opinion. Sutherland’s heart sank and started to think of tactful things to say. BUT: “Here was a big voice of unusual timbre and character, not always entirely controlled, but certainly material of professional promise.”
Jackie died March 3, 2004
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My war and peace headcanon is that Vassily Kuragin looks almost exactly like Vladimir Putin
Wait. Maria I was ready to be mad about this but. This is fair. This is valid. Anyways Vassily in my head looks and sounds exactly like this
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A red alarm has signaled the Tatoi Estate as the fire is inside next to the royal cemetery and a breath away from the special containers where approximately 100,000 valuable historic items are stored.
According to what the President of the “Friends of Tatoi Association”, Mr. Vassilis Koutsavlis, stated to protothema.gr, the situation is extremely critical and the former royal estate, along with the buildings inside, are now in immediate danger of being destroyed.
“The situation is tragic. New fires are constantly breaking out in the forest area. At the moment, there is a large fire just behind the royal cemetery, while the flames have approached the containers with the valuable items”, he underlines with deep disappointment.
The deposed King of Greece, Constantine, resides in the country, and his second son, Prince Nikolaos, is reportedly at the palace and watching the situation closely.
Tatoi Palace is the burial place of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh’s father, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark. Two of Philip’s older sisters, Princesses Theodora and Cecilie, were also born at the palace.
It is also is the birthplace of Queen Sofía of Spain and her father, King Paul; Paul is also buried at the palace like all membrers of the Greek Royal Family since 1880
The following are buried in the royal cemetery:
King George I of the Greeks (December 24, 1845 - March 18, 1913)
Queen Olga of the Greeks, Grand Duchess Olga Konstantinovna of Russia (September 3, 1851 - June 18, 1926), wife of George I
King Constantine I of the Greeks (August 2, 1868 - February 6, 1923), son of George I
Queen Sophia of the Greeks, Princess Sophia of Prussia (June 14, 1870 - January 13, 1932), wife of Constantine I
King George II of the Greeks (July 20, 1890 - April 1, 1947), son of Constantine I
King Alexander I of the Greeks (August 1, 1893 - October 25, 1920), son of Constantine I
Aspasia Manou (September 4, 1896 - August 7, 1972), wife of Alexander I
Queen Alexandra of Yugoslavia, Princess Alexandra of Greece (March 25, 1921 - January 30, 1993), daughter of Alexander I and wife of Peter II of Yugoslavia. Bones were recently moved to Yugoslavia.
King Paul I of the Greeks (December 14, 1901 - March 6, 1964), son of Constantine I
Queen Frederickα of the Greeks, Princess Frederick of Hanover (April 18, 1917 - February 6, 1981), wife of Paul I
Princess Catherine of Greece, Lady Bradram (May 4, 1913 - October 2, 2007), daughter of Constantine I
Prince George of Greece (June 24, 1869 - November 25, 1957), son of George I
Princess Maria Bonaparte (July 2, 1882 - September 21, 1962), wife of Prince George
Princess Alexandra of Greece, Grand Duchess of Russia (August 30, 1870 - September 24, 1891), daughter of George I and wife of Grand Duke Pavlos Alexandrovich of Russia
Prince Nicholas of Greece (January 22, 1872 - February 8, 1938), son of George I
Grand Duchess Eleni Vladimirova of Russia (January 17, 1882 - March 13, 1957), wife of Prince Nicholas
Princess Maria of Greece, Grand Duchess of Russia (March 3, 1876 - December 14, 1940), daughter of George I and wife of Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia
Princess Olga of Greece (March 26, 1880 - October 21, 1880), daughter of George I, died 7 months
Prince Andreas of Greece (January 20, 1882 - December 3, 1944), son of George I and father of the Duke of Edinburgh, Philip
Prince Christopher of Greece (August 10, 1888 - January 21, 1940), son of George I father to Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark (Michael de Grece)
Princess Francis of Orleans (December 25, 1902 - February 25, 1953), wife of Prince Christopher mother to Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark (Michael de Grece)
#kingconstantine#greek royal family#danishroyalfamily#queenannemarie#crownprincepavlos#danishroyals#house of romanov#royal#princess theodora#queen anne marie#crownprincessmariechantal#princesstatiana#princenikolaos
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