#margo ur next
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Cousin Vinny is getting his first holter!
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art-from-l · 1 year
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another easy adventure for spider-man! :D
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synth-spinner · 1 year
All the younger spideys keep finding ways to annoy superior cuz they know he isn't going to do anything except verbally react in a way that's so old man core that it is funny to them. They frequently prank that loser and he genuinely thinks hes just struggling to keep up with Kids These Days </3 but also if they request him to do something he will try even if hes suspicious of it (because he has a soft spot for kids and if he doesn't they'll go running to Peter slandering him) and everytime it ends with him being hit with a Delicious Pie to the face
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Ok while reading ur teenagers series I kept imagining the reader as the little girl from the univers that got destroyed but in ur fics she happened to make it out. But I also can't stop imagining what would happen if reader found out that her Miguel isn't her actual dad. Cuz let's be honest that's totally somthing he would keep from her. So if ur up to it could u pretty please write something like that 🙏. Maybe include hobie's reaction to??
stop this is so sad
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬… 𝐩𝐭 𝟕
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“You and your dad look nothing alike.”
You always got that, all the time. You questioned if you were even his sometimes.
“No, Lyla. I’m not gonna tell her-“
“She’s old enough. She deserves to know-“
Lyla was about to say something else when you walked into the room. You overheard it.
She’s been pushing Miguel since you turned 12 to tell you. He was always too scared to do so.
“Hey-“ Miguel turned to you quickly.
“What’s up?”
“I was just wondering if Hobie could come over?”
“Sure, yeah, whatever. I’ll see you later, there’s something wrong with Lyla or something and Margo needs me to come check it out or something.”
He was lying.
“Okay. Yeah. See you.” You said as he practically ran out the door.
You looked around his room, realizing you’ve never really snooped around in here.
He was up to something, so you decided to look around.
Hobie decided to help you, he had nothing better to do with his time.
“What do you think he’s hiding exactly..?” He asked, going through some files.
“Something. I just…. Don’t know what.”
He stopped when he saw a folder with your name. He handed you the folder.
Lord of scribbled notes, pictures of you when you were a child, but none when you were a baby. Probably about 4 or 5 in the pictures.
You held them up, and looked at them.
Hobie pulled out a document in the folder, that was hidden.
“DO NOT OPEN.” It said, so he opened it.
He skimmed through it, but stopped for a second.
“Y/n L/n, taken in by Miguel O’Hara when earth-712 was about to collapse, he arrived in time and couldn’t save anyone but the child. He now has legal guardianship of the child. This child may be considered dangerous, and must be under watch AT ALL TIMES.”
He stopped reading and looked at you, you gave him a confused look. He just handed you it to you.
You read through it, tears starting to form.
You looked back at Hobie, who gave you a sympathetic look. He went next to you, rubbing your shoulder as you started to cry into your knees. He held you while you did so.
“I just can’t fucking believe it- I’ve been lied to my whole life.” You sobbed.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m gonna go beat his ass.” He mumbled the last part under his breath.
You laughed at that for a second and went back to crying. It was quiet for a moment, he looked at you.
“C’mon, let’s get up.” He said, grabbing your hand and going to your room. You both sat on your bed for a while in silence.
“Thank you.” You sniffled, wiping your nose with your sweater. You laid down and he still sat down on your bed.
“It’s what I’m here for.”
You smiled slightly at him.
“I love you.”
“I love you more. Do you need anything..?”
“No. Don’t leave. Please.”
“I won’t” he laid down next to you, and held you. You turned on the tv.
“New season?” He asked, he didn’t know there would be one.
“Yeah.” You laughed.
“Alright then.” He got more comfortable, and so did you.
After an hour or two after that, you both fell asleep, the tv going on in the background.
It was late, About 10 pm. Miguel opened the front door. He sighed and took off his shoes, his mask was already gone, and he went into his bedroom.
“Fuck.” He mumbled as he opened the door to his room. It was a mess, and the one file he hoped you never saw was open, dark spots covering it which he guessed was tears.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He repeated it, cleaning up the files and mess, then looking into your room.
He only opened it a little, he knew you knew. He knew that Hobie would question him about it in the morning. He knew that you would hate him if you didn’t already.
He left and plopped down into his bed, suit still on. He looked at the pictures you had pulled out. Pictures of you when you were younger.
All of it would be gone all because he couldn’t tell you.
Miguel did not sleep that day, he changed and stared at the ceiling the whole night. And even when the light shined through his window, he didn’t get up.
He only got up when he heard you both shuffling around.
“You got your stuff?” Hobie asked you. You were gonna stay at his for a while, just until you felt ready.
“Where are you going?” Miguel asked, both of you turning to him.
“Away from you.”
“Look, I’m sorry. I was gonna tell you but I couldn’t-“
“You couldn’t? You lied to me my whole fucking life!”
“You have to understand, ever since Gabriella I haven’t known what love was, that was until I found you, okay? I love you. And you can hate me, you can go away, but I will always love you, because even if you’re not my biological daughter, you’re still my daughter. I raised you. And no matter what you do, you can’t run away from that.”
You stayed silent for a moment. Not knowing what to say.
“He’s not wrong, love. He’s your dad.” Hobie said, grabbing your shoulder.
You started to cry again, and went up to Miguel and hugged him. Tightly. He hugged you like he never wanted to let go.
Hobie smiled and Miguel looked at him then back to you.
“I love you.” You mumbled to him.
“I know.”
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lokativa · 1 year
People calling Hobie×Miles (punkflower) shippers proshippers as if we didn't ship them for longer than the movie even came out will always be crazy to me.
I've seen lots of people sending threats, or reporting people because they made punkflower, goldenflower (pavxhobie), ghostbyte (gwenxmargo), flowerbyte (margoxmiles), etc, arts or videos. Going to assume that it isn't because most of these ships are POCs ships, there's just literally no point to do that.
First of all, there's no confirmation of hobie's age. If ur basing urself of that one interview, then it was of the CONCEPT of hobie, and even so remember it was only one person who said it. Its heavily implied thats he's a teenager throughout the movie. (Also in the art book, its said that he's slightly older than Miles).
For the thing about him going to the pub and all, minors can and will go in pubs, (not saying that its always legal) are yall living under a rock or just dense on purpose? Teenagers do wtv the fuck they want, even when theyre not allowed to. Youre all going to tell me teenagers respect the rules of not drinking and go to clubs becuz theyre underage? Come off it. Also hobie literally merked his president and u think he'd draw the line at drinking alcohol as a minor? HA.
Aside from that, to be fair to everyone, the directors keeps on changing what they're saying about hobies age, one day they'll say and imply he's a minor and the next second say he's an adult. It's like they all have different idea of this character's age. So, nothing is really comfimed, and his age is really up to interpretation.
Now that we're past THAT point, the other kind of people talking about his age are people saying "oh but he looks old" "that man is most definitely 30yo" "there's no way he's underage" things of the sort, u get it. And I'm just over here like??? Why is it impossible for you to think that this guy could be a teen? Is it the air? The wrinkles? What makes it seem like for you that there's no way he could be around the other teens' age? And 30??? Cmon. People often assume black people are older than they look, which is a universal experience for all of us. Did none of u ever see a blk teen who doesnt have a baby face? Because thats literally what hobie looks like to me. To others we can seem too "mature" for our age, or just look too "old" to be the age we say we are, so is it really impossible for him to be a teenager? Think about it.
(Speaking of him being black, this discourse turned into some kind of racist thing that honestly was not unexpected at all. Yall come over here shitting on people talking and educating u about a character they relate to cuz hes like them, and the representation is making them go bonkers. I don't know why yall can just sit ur arses and listen for a bit, its not that difficult tbh. And dont get me started on the mischaracterisation of his character. Marking him as "an angry black man"? Really? Be. Fucking. Original.)
Same goes with Margo?? Yeah in the comics she's in college, but cmon now u guys know damn well she's a teenager in atsv😭. Gwen is also much older in the comics but i never see anyone talk about it, so what does that mean???The only reasons I can see that you all don't want Miles & margo to be together is because you're all stuck on the milesxgwen ship. News everyone, other ships exist, not everyone is going to like the same ships as you, so either move on or stop being on the Internet.
Also, the thing about pav being 13 is bonkers, where'd u even get that from? I need to know asap. "Oh, but he has a gf!" Yeah? Well he has two hands. (Idk why u all act as if that has ever stopped anyone)
Everything just seem like a race thing to me tbh.
The movies might be inspired from the comics, but not everything is going to be 100% the same. For exemple: gwen is 2 yrs older than Miles in the comics, but in movies she's only 15 months older, Jess Drew is white in the comics and black in the movie, Miguel O'hara is white passing in the comics, compared to his version in atsv where he has brown skin, lyla's disign is also different.
You get it? Things are going to differ as much as things are going to be the same, because (get ready!!) this is the multiverse! Just as earth-616 is just one universe in all the marvel comics, atsv is another universe.
All in all, im not saying u can't view them as adults, or wtv u want, thats ur interpretation, but don't go around being pissy at people around u cuz they have different point of views.
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1610 miles morales x black fem reader(?) hobie brown x black fem reader!
part 1: https://rb.gy/bfwe9
warnings : cussin, use of n word, rebound(?)
the next morning u woke up alone, to a note on your nightstand that contained : “i had a late night mission wish i could’ve stayed longer. i seen your ig story, tryna pop out with me already pretty?” you pick up the note and smile as you read it then dropped your face in your hands you remembered the events of last night. sighing as you open your phone to 1 new text message from “hobie 🎸” 10 new text messages from “my boy 👦🏽.” 20 new instagram dms from “miles morales”. 3 new text messages from “gwen” 35 new instagram dms from “margo kess.” 20 new story reactions from instagram. you audibly groan at all the replies but what did u really expect, one day u were in the happiest rls and the next you flicking up w a new nigga. before reading all the messages you went to the bathroom, looking in the mirror at how tired you looked. your eyes rimmed with red from all the tears when hobie was asleep. even though he hurt u, your feelings didn’t just go away in a night. you took a long shower to digress, once u got out u finally checked your phone. through the sea of apologies, “can we talk”, and margo bein confused asfc the only message that matter to you right now was “pav’s throwin a party @ 9, wanna go?” kicking your feet when u flopped onto the bed you replied “yea, pick me up .” it was only 1pm, so u had the whole day. you called margo to come over and when she did you asked her about the party. “hobie invited me a to a party tonight” you said like it was nothing as u we’re getting in the car on your way to the mall. “WHATTT?? wait is it pav’s party?? cause if it is yk miles AND gwen gon be dere.” you rolled your eyes at their names “they can be there idgaf, i’m going to dance on my man and have a good time. i don’t know nun bout that.” margo wheezed and got out, as you both were shopping for outfits amongst other things you needed. when you got from the mall it was 6:30 giving u 2 hrs nd 30 minutes to get ready. margo decided to get ready at your place so you told hobie that she would take u and u guys would just meet there. after you got ready u n margo took a pic, posting it on ur ig story “pregaming w my fav 👯‍♀️” was the caption and miles slid up almost instantly “what party? pavitrs?” you laughed at how desperate he sounded leaving him on read. when you got there margo ditched u for her man, leaving you to roam the halls under blasting music and harsh color changing lights. you and margo had smoked a blunt before you came so you were a lil buzzed. as you scoured the house for a familiar face you were met the one you wanted to see the most, you strolled up the hobie looking up at him. “hey, why u wallsittin?” you quipped at him before joining him on the wall, he sipped whatever concoction was in his red cup and laughed, lowly and raspy. “was waiting for u” he glanced over his shoulder down at you and your stomach did flips u couldn’t even do. you pull out your phone and take a picture of y’all two captioning it “🫶🏽🫂.” and again miles slid up on sum more bs.
“wtf (name)?” you showed hobie the text and he huffed. after you put your phone back into your pocket you grabbed hobies hand “dance with me baeee” he didn’t say anything back but just followed you to wherever everyone else was dancing. miles irking ass mustve been looking for u cause you saw him out the corner of eye so you just turned the other direction and continued swaying w the fine nigga behind u.
“(name) won’t fucking respond, gwen doesn’t mean anything to me. she was upset ab-about her dad! and i was tryna be there for her. i don’t love her i love (name) with everything in me. i would never hurt her. and hobie really? his big lanky ass is built like a deep breath. he stay plotting on my relationship.” miles said out loud to his empty car trying to convince no one but himself. he scrambled his mind for an excuse but it always came to one thing. “shit, how i do that to her. why would i do that to her.” he opened his phone to 5 new messages from gwen. he didn’t read any of them just replied “it’s over, i don’t love u. and i don’t wanna see u again.” he went on instagram to pass time, clicking on your store first he saw hobie, ‘this nigga again ima beat the fuck out of his wide neck ass.’ he thought while getting out of the car and walking into the party. he talked with ganke and 42 miles before seeing u, and him. y’all made eye contact before he saw you turn around. ‘this nigga MUSTTTT wanna get fucked up, why he all up on my girl??’ he said under his breath as he walked up to the pair, “i need to talk to u.” you and hobie stopped dancing and faced miles, hobie looked him up and down and put his arm around your shoulder while miles acted like hobie wasn’t even there. “we have nothing to talk about.” the bluntness in your voice made miles eyes lower. “please baby l-“ “don’t call me that.” “please. let me explain” miles put his hand on your arm with pleading eyes, the same eyes he gave you when you first met, when you first kissed. he saw your face soften and he let go of your arm. hobie saw your face change too, as he turned around and you were about to follow him hobie grabbed your hand with a ‘are u sure?’ look, you smiled at him and he let go allowing u to catch up with miles.
he lead you to a secluded room and closed the door. when you turned on the lights the look on his face made you sympathize with him, his eyes big and lips pressed into a thin line. you decided to speak up first, “you really hurt me. ian done nothing but be good to u. why would u do that?” you say trying not to let your voice betray you. he snaps his head up at you hanging on to every word moving closer to you to make damn sure he didn’t miss a single syllable. “i love- i loved you miles. why didn’t u just be straight up and say u didn’t wanna be with me anymore.” you say refusing to look at him, especially in the eye. knowing if you did your mind would betray you. “i don’t know. i love you not her. i promise. remember our first anniversary? i told you i would never hurt you. but i did, i fucked up a good thing and im so sorry. you gave me a piece of your heart and i wasn’t careful with it like i should’ve been. like i will be. i need you princess, my pretty pretty princess. please.” he said grabbing your chin so you could look at him, he almost sounded sympathetic..?
could he mean it? could he be sorry? your eyes softened as you looked into his own. you didn’t want to fall into his trap that was his gaze again, but you couldn’t help it. you never could, “i can’t trust you miles. i didn’t give you a piece of my heart, i gave you the whole thing. and i guess she did too, but you can’t hold two hearts in one hand.” u say breaking your face away from his hand, you were not going to let miles see you vulnerable again, he doesn’t say anything. “i think i need to distance myself. you don’t love me, and i refuse to put myself in the position to get humiliated again.” you say pushing past him to open the door as he stood there humiliated. his eyes filled with tears and he left the party, not wanting to see anyone. you walked back to the main room your throat burning as you held your tears in. you spotted hobie and said to him quietly “can we go?” he only took your hand and led you outside through all of the people. as you got in hobies car you texted margo, “hobies taking me home, text me later.” she didn’t reply probably because she was dancing or doing whatever w her bf “what happened?” he glanced at you over his shoulder as he drove to your house. “miles tried to apologize or whateva.” you said softly trying not to cry. hobie’s heart skipped a beat, he had feelings for you and if you went back to the same boy who messed up such a perfect thing, he was gon blow the top off this bitch. “yea? whatchu say back?” he say rubbing your thigh trying to play it off but it was really eating him up inside. “i told him i couldn’t be with someone i didn’t trust.” you say to him looking at him as his face relaxes and he lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. “that’s good, you deserve so much better. you deserve everything.” he whispered the last bit but you heard it all too clear. you widen your eyes before turning your head out the window. “are you hungry? we could go get something to eat whatever u want.” “i think i just want you to go home with me.” you said turning your head to look back at him, u could hear the grin in his voice,
“okay pretty. let’s go home”
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
What games I think the ATVS cast has on their phones if you were to ask them:
Miles: Those paint by color games but also somehow Minecraft Java cause that’s how it is in his universe. Most intricate and beautiful pixel art known to man on those worlds but is dog shit at making them in the computer.
Rio: 2048 cause she thinks it stimulates the mind and wants to have something in common with Miles and thinks it’s improving her math skills. Also cut the rope cause the alien is cute.
Jefferson: Classic solitaire or Wordscapes. Goes to Miles constantly when he can’t figure out a word or move and brags about how Miles is for getting a word like Suspect.
Miguel: Every single candy crush, at the highest current level and logged into Facebook to save his streak. So much gold cause he never loses a level and one time he did he broke down and banned candy for a week.
Peter: The most obscure like bottom of the barrel game you see on those tik toks. Charge phone simulator or he literally turns the internet off and plays the Dino game cause he’s too poor to afford the gigs for game space.
Mayday: Those fake phones from Claire’s that play the little jingles but she drooled on it and shorted the battery so it just sound like the wails of the damned.
Gwen: Girl has PianoTiles un ironically and pirated geometry dash. She can play both with her eyes closed. Also that hairstyling game that she may or may not use to choose her next hair color.
Hobie: Doesn’t believe in phones due to governments stealing ur data and uses a cup and string he throws through a portal to talk to the others instead.
Pavitr: Cookie run kingdom but his kingdom has the most cluttered design to mimick Mumbattun. Worst team set ups of your life. Also one random virtual pet game that he takes way too seriously
Margo: Episode and Bitlife but she hacks Episode for diamonds cause she ain’t gonna have her characters act or look like raggedy bitches
Jess: Candy crush but not a freak like Miguel. Probably has Farm life too. Only plays them at night in bed like that one image of Peter Griffin
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MORE Cute Spider Society Headcanons: Extracurriculars and Sports
Another list of headcanons I have about Spider Society and what it's like on campus. This time - Music, Sports, The Society Newspaper, and other fun things to do on campus
Heads-up: There's light mentions of Spidersonas below - including my own lovely Disco-Spider Diane. All creators tagged at the end
[This post has a lot of links in thise - ALL lead to other tumblr posts. Most of them explain callback jokes, additional headcanons, or the information about the Spider-person being named. All the Spider-people mentioned here are free-to-use headcanons, unless otherwise named. Those who are actual Spider-sonas that my Spider-sona knows - their first names maybe used, or their sona introduction will be linked. Basically if their normal name isn't given and/or theres no link, have at it]
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The Spider Music Scene goes CRAZZZYY
Thought it was just Hobie?
Of course not! There's MetroSpider too
In fact there's a whole wide range of accompanying 'Spider-*music genre*'
There's Spider-Goth who plays gothic death metal, DiscoSpider who plays funky pop, Spider-Grunge into 90's garage grunge, RrrriotSpiderrr who plays Riot Girl Grunge
There's even SpiderSync
Which is NYSNC. But they're all Spider-people. Like Justin Timberlake as Spider-man. They roam as a group
That's because Metro isn't the only celebrity Spidey either -
There's SpiderB, which is just Beyonce but a Spider-person. Britney Spiders, which is Britney Spears but a Spider-person. Doja-Spider, Doja Cat. You get the gist.
Like imagine being in the Spider Society campus food court and turning around to see BEYONCE
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And she's like 'yes.. It's me'
and it's literally just like the normal Beyonce with albums and everything excepts shes also Spiderwoman
And gay. And has a rapper wife named Jane-Z
Every year there's a collaborative album from all the musical Spiders
Called 'The Yearbook'
A lot of the songs are about the direct struggle or experience of being Spider-people
With some really good party songs thrown in for the Spider-raves
Hobie and Gwen's band Wicked Webs appears on the album, along with any Spider who plays an instrument.
If your spidersona can carry a tune, they're on it.
You can buy the album at the Commissary.
The first week at campus EVERYbody is playing it. In the common rooms or the food court or training rooms -
They'll just play this album that's by Spider-people for Spider-people
If your spidersona starts singing ANY part of a 'Yearbook' song some without a doubt will respond with the next lyric. everybody knows the words
Spidey people really treat Hobie like a rockstar - and a lot of them go to his concerts
It's kinda a huge unspoken thing on campus that a LOT of people are willing to break rank and head to 136 without permission, just to see Hobie on Saturday nights.
Even people who don't hang with Hobie or don't necessarily know the real him
They still go cause his shows are THE PLACE to be.
Spider-people pour into his tiny venues in London, all out of uniform, and they mingle with the punks in the crowd while Hobie goes Miguel Mode on stage
It's a place where they can all drink (if over 18) and party (any age, Hobie gotchu ur safe with him) and enjoy themselves
And as a result, Hobie is a HIT with people from his universe
They know that Hobie's shows are always lit and full of cool people you'll never see anywhere else
The after-parties are CRAZY (party on all six walls), and it's really common for Spider-friends to link up and head to each others universes after the show - getting into their own shenanigans
There's MANY times Ansi, Asa, Hobie, and Diane have gotten themself into some shit while lit after one of Hobie's shows
And every Monday people are talking about what they get into after the show, the crazy stuff that popped off in the after-parties
MetroSpider, Pavi, Diane, Hobie, & Margo throw the BEST parties
Miguel knows about this, and he lets it slide - for the sake of morale (and not causing a riot if he banned it)
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There's an international Spider community on campus
You thought Spiderman India and Spider-UK was it? NO
Spider-Canada and Hobie are other noticeable ones , but there's more!
There's the Peruvian 'IncaSpider' named Moche, a Paris born SpiderFrance, a SpanishSpider, SpiderItaly
A Mahayana Buddhist ThaiSpider, VietSpider, Spiderwoman Brazil. The list goes ON AND ON.
There's a large group of Indigenous Spider-people
Some Spider-people are even born in countries that don't exist in most universes or live in universes that live in countries that USE to exist
My favorite international Spider-person is the Australia Spider-person who is simply named Australian Spider
People constantly joke they're no dangerous than the average Australian Spider
And there's also a Spider Olympics!
And the events are DESIGNED for superhumans
Diving from buildings into swimming pools, Track meets where people are running at like 80mph, Web Gymnastics, Contact Sports
Ice Hockey gets REAL intense - and of course SpiderCanada is a team captain
As does Roller Derby. Wanna see superhumans fucking WRECKING each other? Go watch Spider-Derby, the players have derby names that play off their own Spider-names. So it's like a triple identity.
And once a year, they all throw down - and even if you aren't THE Spider of your nation, you can still participate if you want -
Like Hobie can enter for Britain but he'd rather die than do anything for that country
It's the one place you can compete and fully push your spider powers without danger - plus it's with your friends
They do give out medals. But it's mainly bragging rights.
Pavi earned his first gold medal in the diving portion for India only three months after his bite. Which is a record for The Society
However the Spider-person with the highest number of medals is Lego-Spider-man. I don't know how.
Sports are HUGGGEEEE on campus I cannot stress this enough
Everyone knows The Society LOVES baseball (shoutout @theevoh12)
But they also love football too (European - not American)
The Society also has TWO soccer teams that constantly play against each other
They play 4 wall soccer in which the field extends the length of a room, up the walls, and across the ceiling - leaving two walls for spectators. This is usually just called 4wFootball or 4WF
This is played with extended rules - and a modified ball that can stick and roll along walls
MANY people on Society backs one of the teams.
And before a game there WILL be arguments without a doubt
You DO NOT insult someones 4WF
You can get team jerseys in the Commissary
WebSlinger Patrick O'Hara is Captain on one team. No, the horse does not play
(I want a jersey with Patrick's 4wFootball number)
Imagine being a Spider Society Athlete and seeing other superhumans wearing your jersey and giving you thumbs up - WHOLESOME
Games can be played 'Plain' or 'Full'
A 'plain' game of 4wFootBall uses basic spider abilities such as speed, strength, and reaction time - however special abilities are not allowed
A 'full' game of 4wFootBall uses basic spider abilities as well special abilities and passive tactics. If Mile wants to go invisible in a 'full' game - that's permissible
Miguel's venom is NOT however. Can't be paralyzing other players. Abilities that effect the other players are off limits, so no electro powers
'Plain' games are played out-of-suits, in team uniform
'Full' games are played in-suits, with the team uniform over it
Betting on teams and players is against the rules
But also Lyla runs an underground betting system and fantasy 4wfootball league. Don't tell Miguel.
There's other activities with solo athletes, and like Hobie being a famous rockstar on campus - there are star athletes too
Tennis is a huge one. Volleyball too. With an extra long field.
The serves, spikes, and hits can be genuinely dangerous. They're managing swings and hits that can top out at like 110 mph (just above the world's fastest baseball pitch)
But because everyone are Spider-people, its fairly easy to follow in real-time
Star-Spiders are usually tennis players, gymnasts, weightlifters, and track stars, but there's a couple others too.
Pavi is a star gymnast, swimmer, AND A 4WFOOTBALL PLAYER - he goes REALLY hard at extracurriculars
(And he's surprisingly competitive. Like insanely competitive. Pavi will scream at the top of his lungs cause he scored a goal. He loses a game and as soon as they end the game he wants to practice cause he HAS to win next time)
The boy is a perfectionist.
One thing that's SO annoying is Venom Evaluation Checks
If you come in acting weird, too bold, or uncharacteristically agressive - You get sent to Spider-psyche so they can make sure you don't have venom.
Not my fault. Raimi-Peter (from the Raimi movies) pulled up to HQ one day in all black and started dancing all weird and saying cringy shit like 'Now dig on this'
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And Jess was immediately like "Yeah, no. We're not digging on anything, sir."
There's a newspaper you can write for
Spider-Scrawl is the Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Web who is a GREAT boss by the way
And it's a MUCH better gig than working at The Bugle
So if your spidersona has worked for Jonah - submit a resume, you might get a call
Theres things like a Canon Event Advice Column, which Diane writes for
A news section that details the Craziest News across the multiverse
If your Doc Ock pulls some crazy shit and turns into a giant octopus - oh yeah thats going Front Page. Everyone on campus knows and you get to gloat about fighting a giant octopus
There's a Debate Section that updates with hot topics that only exist between Spider-people like:
'Is it okay to genetically replicate another Spider-persons organic webbing so you can recreate it for your mechanical webslingers?'
'Masks: Hair out or No? Spider-man India and DiscoSpider weigh in'
'Is the Go-Home machine ethical?'
'What's Miguel's favorite flavor of empanada?'
As you can imagine, these coversations across campus can get REALLY heated
There's a lot of entertainment
Yes, there's a movie theatre on campus. They play movies from across the Spider-verse, and they're a GREAT way to see versions of films you know - but different.
Watch GhostBusters except it's from WebSlinger's world and everyone is cowboys and they catch the ghosts with lassos
Other hits are shown on the big screen too
Barbie was a HUGE hit on campus. People coming in with pink outfits OVER their suits
And it's really cheap in terms of credits
So people like Gwen who started out living on campus, or who are apart of the Educational Study Program have nice things to do in their off-time
And, The Food Court is THE BEST
You think they only have empanadas - think AGAIN
Every culture, every time period. Even weird ass food that you wouldn't even want but is a staple in other universes.
They even have a FISH N CHIPS SHOP (Malala loves it there)
So Hobie can get his nasty ass beans on toast without leaving HQ
The Food Court is almost as big as the Training Wing, and there are so many places indoor and out to eat lunch
And it doesn't stop there -
There's a store (based on credits not money) and a general kitchen.
(As well as separate kitchens in each dorm wing)
You know how in SpyKids they have those meals that like GROW to full size in the microwave???
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Missing McDonalds or a specific chain? - Just go to the Grocery in HQ and get a capsulized happy meal.
It grows to fill size in the expanders in the kitchen
Just pick the meal, put it in the expander, dip your ID card, and BOOM
Olive Garden with breadsticks on the side, Waffle House Waffles, McDonalds WITH international food options
Plus the grocery is fully automated by Lyla so you don't have to talk to people if you don't want to
But she will see all the nutter butters and pringles you pick up and she will judge you for it - it's between you and her but she's judging you
Miguel wants members to actually like the place he made
Because he finds no point in having unhappy, unsupported, unstable Spider-people out in the field -
He wants them at their happiest and healthiest so he tries his best
And he hardly partakes in any of this, but to him that's fine. It's not suppose to be for him.
He does enjoy seeing a full food court or walking by the training rooms and hear all the sessions going on
Hearing people talk about the new movie on campus
And sometimes you can even catch him humming a song from 'The Yearbook'
Imagine how smug Hobie was when he went 'bruv - are you tapping out my guitar notes rn?? you thinking about my song?'
Miguel can never live it down
Miguel DOES follow 4WFootball though -
He is actually one of the coaches for 4WFootball - he's a GREAT coach. Hardheaded ass fuck sometime but GOD he loves the Spider's on his team they're his favorites but he tries not to show it
And finally -
Yes there's a nursery and kindergarten on campus, specialized for Spider-kids regardless of if they have powers.
Peter doesn't let MayDay run free (all the time). MayDay attends the Itsy Bitsy Spider Daycare, and so will Jess's child
Sometimes while walking around HQ, you'll see little toddlers in single-file lines, holding lunch boxes as they follow Spider-Teacher on a field trip to another universe - to learn about the wonders of the multiverse
Their favorite trip is to WebSlinger's world, all the kids get to be cowboys and Patrick shows them ponies and lets them feed his horse Widow
There's a breakroom for people the multiple Spider-Teachers, Spider-Professors (Educational Program), Spider-Psyches, Spider-coaches, the list goes on and on
(Though Society Administration like Jess, Ben Reilly, and yes - Hobie (don't ask how hes just that good) have a separate breakroom from the educators and coaches and such )
And those breakrooms are funny as HELL It's like the Office back there.
This is really long :) Here's a photo of Hobie
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ALSO ALSO ALSO : All the people, OCs, and other things I mentioned -
Ansi - by @spidey-bie Asa - by @suchholydebauchery Disco-Spider Diane - by ME @theevoh12's amazing baseball concept Spider-Scrawl by @whaliiwatching
Thanks for making HQ so rad!!
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urfavnegronerd · 1 year
a little rant while im on break at my job
okay i know we're supposed to like ghostflower ships but i... i have some thoughts.
i see the love and lust between those two in into the spiderverse, miles is so giggly around gwen and gwen is slightly less unhinged (you ALL know what im getting at, love her but our good sis gwen is.... *hand motion*) etc. allat good stuff.
but i can't see that happening especially w the events of atsv, like there's definitely room for patching up the relationship but anything romantic between the two would feel forced as fuck i feel like. and maybe that's just me being an intensely passionate empath who likes to act like a nonchalant lil asshole, but still. i LOVE gwen, sony set her up beautifully for an amazing character arc that i'm so excited to see in the next one. HOWEVER, also this could just be me being an annoying little afro latina shit, she's not coming back from opening the collectible, going through miles' sketchbook w/o permission, and the shoes on the bed. that doesn't mean i HATE her i just can't look at her the same.
now a bitch is biased because black love is forever 🔛🔝, but also in the comics and video game miles has a black love interest. there was definitely also THE connection w/ miles and margo (however i'm also kinda in favor of prowlerbyte anyway--), and lil old me in the theatre was loosing it. i think that staying true to the aspect of black love interests is also going to be so important for the community, both comic/video game fans and black fans alike, mainly because of how black men interact with black women. speaking from experience i can't even count how many times i wanted to be the short lil white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair instead of the tall and awkward black girl with the wide nose and corkscrew curls. now here's where i think my personal bias kind of skews my opinion on this, but this franchise has been so important to SO many people. again speaking from experience, when i saw miles in atsv with the EXACT same hair texture as me i almost cried because no one in the history of ever has animated my kind of hair right and miles' hair was right. on top of this i saw so many little black boys practically tripping and falling in anticipation to see this movie in theatres. so i think i favor miles having a relationship with a black girl because this will reach such a new audience and possibly open doors for black men and boys to start treating black somebody and girls with respect. because if these little boys in the theatre see their like, idol for lack of a better word, treating black women and girls with respect i think then there's gonna be an aspect of healing within that.
i'm not really sure how well i'm communicating this, but i don't really think i can fully get behind the ghostflower ship. to me it feels really fucking forced in a way that kinda icks me out, however this is not to say i won't absolutely love the shit out of these two if it happens. in a way, this franchise feels like something the black community needs in several ways. like yeah this shit is pro black but FULLY pro black, not pro-black but anti gay, trans, or whatever the fuck. it shows blackness in a new way, artsy and nerdy but also really fucking cool at the same time and i never fucking got that as a little kid. like i kid you not the other black kids in school would call me a wanna be white girl. and to see someone with similar interests as me just sort of opens the world up??? like i visited my older sister at school in the dmv while wearing a spiderverse hoodie, and people actually wanted to talk to me about it!!! like not ina "oh i like ur sweatshirt ma" type thing like a "omg you like this movie too??" type thing and i just--
yeah i def strayed from the topic, but i hope our baby does get his lil black girl (or his lil gwen, from a big sisters perspective i don't hate her as a prospective partner i just think that there would need to be a clear breakdown in the difference of cultures. for example i was taught that anytime you meet anyone formally (like a parent or something) you shake their hand and or go in for a hug and kiss BOTH cheeks and talk about their home their clothes or whatever) but for like the sake of authenticity (sorry to be that asshole but come ON) but like.... flowerbyte 🥰🥰
did this make sense i feel like i word vomited like a bitch, idk maybe i'm projecting my personal shit into a franchise i really like
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neevblanc · 9 months
„spiders and scarves” ♡
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a/n — hi hi! miguel is such a complex character and my feelings for him are similarly complex lol. i hope i did him justice!!
૮꒰ ��• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Miguel O'Hara x GN! reader
Tags— fluff, pre-relationship, christmas time cuz yay!! (ur spider name is azure bite cuz i imagined ur suit to be blue)
CW/TW— implied boss x worker...thats it
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“Oh, please!” Spiderbyte whines, clasping her hands together. Her eyes presumably widened under her mask as the stylized eyes widened comically in a version of puppy eyes you’d seen many times before. You gave her a look and shook your head.
“No, dude. It’s not my fault you didn’t finish that report. I did all of my work and won’t do yours.” You replied, leaning back into your office chair. Spiderbyte, or Margo, whined and deflated. The younger girl hid her face in her arms, crossed on the desk before her. The girl was smart as a whip, but might as well have been allergic to formal paperwork. 
“Not even as my Christmas gift?” Margo pleaded, her voice muffled. You smiled, biting back laughter.
“Nope. Already got you one.” You said, leaning forward to turn off your hologram desk and log out of the Spider Network. Margo perked up at the mention, her mask disintegrating into little pixels and exposing her face entirely.
“Really? What is it?” She asked, grinning widely. You gave her a baffled look as you hung your bag on your shoulder, putting on your scarf and gloves.
“Why would I tell you that, Margo? You’ll see on Christmas, like everyone else does with Christmas presents.” You laughed, disregarding the dismayed whine that left the girl.
“I’ll see you next week, bye.” You said, sending Margo a little wave as you left the area. Pressing your palm to the reader next to the door, the door slid open easily. 
You grimaced at the amount of light leaking from the windows in the main area. Spiders bustled around, some running and some lounging around the chairs and tables laid out. The door closes behind you, leaving you in the hall surrounded by other spider people (and a hilarious number of Peter Parkers!)
You settled your headphones in their place and started walking, thumbing at your phone screen to find the playlist you were feeling most for the bus ride home. Well- home. You’d be making a trip to your apartment in this world to get some things in order before going back to your earth. 
It’s just your luck that only two minutes into the search, your spider-sense goes wild, and you’re turning on your heel faster than you could even think of. 
You stumble backward, face contorting in surprise when you come face to face with a…horse.
31913- or Cowboy Spiderman- stared back at you, sheepishly trying to get his horse to back up from where it was whinnying two centimeters from your nose. Begrudgingly, you shove your headphones down to rest by your neck. 
“Sorry, Azure Bite. Got a little too close there,” he drawled, patting his horse’s shoulder as it finally took a few steps back and allowed you to crane your neck upward to look at him properly.
“You’re good. Is there…anything you need?” You asked, starting to feel the awkwardness settle in the interaction. Your brain had just started preparing for no conversation, and the interruption left you reeling slightly.
“Uh...have you happened to see Miguel around?” He asked, voice growing small and nervous.
“Nope. Not for a few hours; he should’ve gone home at 3. Why?” You frowned, shaking your head. Cowboy nodded, tongue clicking in dissatisfaction.
” Ah, I had a question for him. Pav and Jess said they hadn’t seen him leave. Sorry for botherin’ ya. Happy holidays!” He said, nodding his goodbye and taking off at a moderate trot. You stood still, mouth pursed.
‘Miguel isn’t the nicest boss,’ you reasoned. ‘He’s a grown man. It really is none of my business. He likes to be mysterious, and who am I to interrupt?’
You turned around, shoving your headphones back on, and quickly approached the center elevator in the middle of the floor. Other spiders send you waves and quick acknowledgments, and you do your best to answer them slightly despite being on a mission.
You rush into the elevator, closing the doors before anyone else can enter. Pressing your palm to the reader on the console and waiting for the extra buttons to show up, you hoped no one needed to get on this specific elevator.
The panel lights up, and five extra buttons quickly emerge from the metal, sliding into place seamlessly. You quickly pressed the second one and waited for the elevator to jolt to a start before tilting your head toward the ceiling.
“LYLA, you there?” You called, squinting at the bright light of LYLA’s projection despite having anticipated it. LYLA hovers near the button panel, on a special little square section just for her. She grins, crossing her legs as she files her nails.
“Yessum, Bite?” She crooned, fluttering her eyes from behind pink-tinted glasses. You waved lightly, leaning on the back wall of the elevator.
” Is Miguel in his hiding hole again?” You asked, to check. LYLA paused her filing and pursed her lips, tilting her head.
“Not sure I can tell you that! The boss said no one should bother him.” LYLA hummed. You gave her a look, vaguely amused.
“Since when have you listened to Miguel?” You laughed. LYLA grinned sharply and nodded, her holographic form standing up as soon as the elevator doors opened with a ping.
“You’re right! He’s up here, ‘been moping for hours. Have fun.” She waved cheekily, the hologram quickly shutting off as you stepped onto the floor.
The five extra floors you had clearance to were Miguel’s personal floors. Few other people had access to them (including Margo and Jess, to name some), which made them prime real estate for when Miguel needed to run from people.
“Miguel?” You called, cautious of how dark the living space seemed to be. You almost thought LYLA had lied when a gruff voice startled you out of your head.
“What are you doing here.” He answered, voice low and angry the way it usually was. Your ears quickly clock the direction it came from, leading you toward the balcony part that wasn’t visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The door was left open, cold air billowing into the room. The chill immediately nips at your nose and cheeks when you step out.
“Sorry. People were looking for you, apparently. I thought you left hours ago.” You shrugged, shoving your hands in your coat pockets. Miguel glared at you from where he sat, slumped into an oversized patio chair. He’s nursing a glass of whiskey, the knuckles on his hands turning a prominent pinkish tone due to the freezing air.
“Who?” He asked, bringing the glass to his lips. His cheeks and nose are flushed from the cold, too. Despite his black knit sweater, Miguel had foregone any essential layering that would have saved him from the cold.
” 31913. Didn’t tell me why, though. He seemed a little nervous.” You said, clenching and unclenching your fists in your pockets. ‘Shit, it’s so damn cold out here.’
“You didn’t ask?” He said accusingly, face sour. Your face screwed up.
” I’m off the clock. Whatever he’s got going on has to wait until I come back in next week.” You defended, disregarding the scoff Miguel let out. Your brow furrows, making a point to let your eyes rove over his form. 
” You should head inside, you know. You’ll get a killer cold out here with no layers.” You said, not unfamiliar with his unhealthy habits. Miguel ignored you and brought his cup back to his mouth, lowering his head.
You sighed heavily and stepped closer to him, ignoring how Miguel stiffened and shifted to face you like you were a threat. With one quick motion, you unloop the scarf around your neck and weave it around his, leaving it folded neatly and covering his mouth.
“I really don’t want to deal with you sick. Merry Christmas, Miguel. I’ll see you next week.” You say, leaving the stunned-still man on the balcony and making your way back to the elevator.
You hear the chair screech backward just as the elevator doors click shut, and LYLA’s back on her little perch without prompting.
“Thanks, he’s been brooding outside for hours. He’s the worst when he’s sick.” She whines, pulling at her short hair. You laugh, nodding. 
“Of course. I hate him sick too; it’s like he’s four years old when he’s got a runny nose.” You say, grimacing. LYLA beams.
“Yeah, yeah! Exactly. I’ll remind him to give that scarf back, by the way. Have a Merry Christmas!” LYLA yells, waving bye enthusiastically as you arrive on the ground floor and start your trek back to the bus station as initially planned.
You walk to the station with the wind biting at your face, and when you return to the HQ a week later, you adamantly refuse to tell anyone about the snotty nose you had the entire week prior.
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note — there's not much miguel in this, ironically. i had a ton of fun just writing the spider world so, sorry!! i think it fits, though. Miguel is a very guarded man and this little fic is sort of a view into how you manage to worm through his walls (without even trying to, really.) p.s i love lyla
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©neevblanc 2023 // do not plagiarize or repost
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sallyastral · 1 year
aaaaa just looked through ur blog and i live for ur chaiflower content 😭😭 do u perhaps have more headcanons for them that you could share…
Oh my gosh, hi!! Thank you so much for your kind words, really, it means a lot to me aha! I genuinely didn't expect them shsjdj
Now that I think about it, I may have some more headcanons...
Before becoming a couple, Miles and Pav were those typical friends you'd never expect to see together because "nahh they're just good friends!"
Everyone was so sure Miles was going to end up with Gwen (before she got with Hobie) or even with Margo, while Pavitr already had a girlfriend
When they actually got together no one took them seriously for the above reasons
"Nah mate, you've got to be joking right" - Hobie, after seeing Miles and Pavitr kiss
But then it became pretty clear to everyone else it wasn't a joke and it was really serious
Miles and Pavitr always insist to have missions together
They have different love languages
Pavitr loves both words of affirmations and body language, and he's a biiig fan of PDA. He loves holding hands or interwining them with Miles', or putting an arm around his shoulder, neck, waist...
Wrote some love poems for Miles, who still has them and reads them before going to bed
He has some god tier rizz
Miles isn't that big on PDA, but loves holding hands with Pavitr in public or kissing his cheeks
When they're alone he's all for cuddles and affection
As for flirting or words of affirmation...
This man is absolutely terrible
But makes it up with small actions and gifts!
He leaves small papers with romantic words around the Society for Pav, brings him food, draws sketches, buys him little souvenirs from Brooklyn
Miles even made a whole painting of Pavitr on a wall in Brooklyn for his birthday
They use pet names ehe
Pet names Miles uses for Pavitr: Pavi, Pav, amor ("love"), guapo ("handsome"), ricitos ("small curls" because of the curly hair y'know), papi (...daddy)
Pet names Pavitr uses for Miles: MiMi, babu ("love"), balaam ("sweetheart"), bubi (don't ask where this came from, it's something a friend of mine suggested), babe, boy, sexy
And here we are! They're not all but I am saving them for next posts ahah
Thank you so much for requesting and feel free to request more!!
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unauthorizedmagicians · 2 months
Season 1 Episode 6 - Impractical Applications
aka the horny chupacabra episode 
hobbit loving freak. icon behavior penny
alice backing q up: he’s the “leading expert”
alice in her head: “get in my pants now”
i think q is forgetting that like shit changes in the say 20-30 years since the books were written. he goes on this rant about denial of fillory not being perfect but like. places change 
“yea… as a kid”
julia anger issues era. also kady’s mom reveal
kady when she lies. also i feel like what she says is what she wants her life to actually be like. ouch
will never get over the fact that they call psychic shit mind sluts
“just file that under wish there was jack shit i could do about it” mood
the green lighting on kady is so pretty
my least favorite plotline this season is the one about kady’s mom. its so unnecessary. and it fucking leads to a rabbit hole of shit for penny and kady and their relationship
”is someone being creepy on purpose” ding ding ding
the perfect rows except for plot convenient extra person!
fr makes no sense how the upperclassmen r just like allowed to kick ppl out but its funny so idc
the fact that this guy got kicked out is so dfjkhshf. and penny loves the man
god do hedges act like magic is a drug. the way they talk abt it covertly
“solve it by dawn” next shot its the middle of the day
this big ass heist they mention cut to season 5 with the world seed…
“i’d pretend i was ambassador to the fillorian outer islands” cut to miss high king the glow up
do ur lips move when YOU read eliot?
margos fits always go so hard
big ass fucking fishhook on the ground
how come some magic makes sparkles and some doesn’t
thinking about how penny has no clue what kady means when she says its life or death for her to be there and i would pay so much money to know what’s going through his head
kady with an axe this is not a drill shes in a tank grunting with an axe
did just realize they had to have the 2nd years run the trials bc the 3rd years are all missing/dead
internal circumstances my beloved
kady and penny moment where i simply pretend nothing after that ever happened and they lived happily ever after actually
right so i did in fact put this episode down for about 6 months or so and im just now coming back to doing these analyses. sorry folks lol ive been busy. anyways back to the analysis
i forgot how much i despise kady’s mom. however. she did not need to die like that. i usually skip this storyline when i rewatch. its a lot
“tell that to the girl who lost her virginity with all her clothes on” well…
quentin and alice just like as characters r supposed to be the insufferable nerds who can’t socialize but they just turned into incels
“i am scared to tell you this because its true” ouch
im a silly little film major and the idea of using the backlighting so they can be naked while not completely exposing them just looks so gorgeous in awe of the cinematographers every time
alice’s speech about holding back just foreshadowing her becoming a niffin/master magician
hey remember when the writers actually remember that q is clinically depressed? yea me neither
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gegewrites · 2 years
mr.whites daughter  14-family junction
Your pov- Like...half an hour after we come home There was knocking at the door so Jesse went to go get it. We were watching TV in his room, so he went down stairs. I sat on the edge of the bed, I was worried it coukd be hank, or some police, or maybe even Saul. But, when I heard something fall I ran out of the room and down the stairs. "Fuck!" I heard Jesse yell and I heard grunting and lunching coming from the front door. By the time I got to the stairs that dropped to the living room, and I saw, my uncle, beating the shit outta my boyfriend. I stood there paralyzed until my body went into autopilot, a fight mode taking over. Hank looked at me and he stumbled to his feet, but begire he could stand straight, I swung at his ass. Right to his jaw, the unexpectedness sending him to the floor right outside of the door. "Woah woah!" Hank yelled putting his hands up as I kicked him right in the hip,"fuck!" His hands shot to his hip, so I took the position to do some good old step pinning. I stepped on his wrists, stepping them into the concreate, wincing in pain. I grabbed my phone from my hoodie pocket. "You are absolutely, Fucking, insane." I spoke slowly, my breathing was sharp and slow,"If you ever, lay a finger, on my boyfriend, ever again. I will Fuckin end you hank." "You're-you're making a bad decision (y/n)." He groaned out as I dialed 911,"I was going to call!" "This is 911, how may i help you?" The responder ssked. "Hi I need the cops and an ambulance at-at 9809 Margo Street Albuquerque, DEA Agent hank Schrader, he um...Beat my boyfriend unconscious." I breathed out, looking back at Jesse, who was lying on the floor with a busted lip and cheek, pretty sure a swollen ass black eye soon. "Alright, the police and paramedics are in their way, I've also made an alert to the DEA director." He said,"police responding in 5 minutes and another few on the way, ambulance will be there in 10." "Alright, thank you." I hung up and closed my phone and shoved it in my pocket as I got off of my shitbag uncle,"the cops and the DEA are on their way." I knelt down to Jesse and looked back at hank on the floor,"I hope you loose your badge."
The cops arrived one after the other, the ambulance came sooner then I was told. "I-I- Well we were in his bedroom just watching TV and there was a knock on the door, so he we g to check it." I told the officer as he jotted my words down,"I soon heard something fall so I rushed down stairs and...when I got to the living room, my uncle, Hank Schrader was I top of him, punching his face in." "What did you do when you saw him?" She asked. " I walked over as he stood up and in an act of anger and shock I..well I punched him. He fell just outside of the door and i kicked him, stepped on his wrist and kelt him one the floor and called 911." The officer chuckled at the wrist pinning. "I gotta say, I like your style. Thank you for your statement, chances are, agent Schrader will be interviewed, and asked to give a statement, and he may or may not be sued depending on ur boyfriends decision."I nodded and I watched the ambulance load him uo and a EMT shouted for me. "Do you wanna ride?!" He yelled. "Yes I'm coming!" I ran away from the cop and towards the ambulance. My uncle was by the front door, the emt closed the doors as I sat down on the bench next to Jesse.
Jesse woke up from his unconsciousness awhile ago, he was rawdogging his pain and refusing their medications. I was sirring in a chair by his bed, leaning onto her I rested my head on my arms and looked towards the door and windows. I called Saul, we have to know what to do and how to prepare, I felt jesses fingers in my hair, twisting it around his fingers lightly and ghostly. He's been doing this for the last 10 minutes as a distraction. I moved my head so I could look at him and his thumb brushed over my cheek, his eye was black and swollen. The gash on his cheek and forehead were stitched closed, his top and bottom lip had a cut in them, and his left side of his jaw had a yellow and red bruise on it. "What'd you do to him?" He asked. "I punched him and kicked him in the hip." His thumb brushed my bottom lip,"and then stepped on his wrists as I called the cops." "Yeah?" He smiled softly,"good." "I wasn't just gonna let him get away Scot free." I giggled as the door opened, I sat up and looked over, it was Saul. "It's Bonnie and clyde." Saul chuckled as the door closed. "They got away with it." I pointed out. "Not exactly, but that's not the point." Saul shrugged,"I need to take pictures of that mug of yours, for the recorded." "Go ahead." Jesses sighed, Saul walked over to the right side of his bed and opened his phone and I heard him take the pictures. "There's your get outta jail free card." Saul chuckled and I heard the door open and I looked over, it was my dad. "Jesus." He winced. "We'll we've figured out who the good looking one of the group is." Saul looked at me. "Ha-ha, go Fuck urself." I scoffed to hide the laugh that wanted to join the phrase. "I am so sorry." My dad apologized. "You're brother in-law is a Dick." Jesse stated. "You could've been arrested but..well you didn't." Sauls hand sat on my shoulder. "So um..what happens now?" I asked, glancing to the three men. "What happens now?" Jesses asked and looked at my dad,"your brother-in-law is finished. I will be there, right behind him and his wife, getting every cent they make, everywhere they drive, I'll be there right behind them following," jesses voice got graver as he spoke, honestly, it was scary but...turned me on a little, is that bad? Yeah, imma say ya,"and when he's in Tijuana scrubbing toilets for Pennie's, I will be there right behind him collecting my share, and until the day, he sticks a gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger, just to get me out of his head." "Not a good idea kid." Saul said and he looked at him,"they're Afraid of you, right now, they have no problem arresting you, and, maybe even (y/n)." "What you should do, is move on. Get out of this and move on." My dad said. "Move on? I'm going back to cooking. Right when I'm out of here I'm getting and RV and I'm cooking. Nothing changes." Jesses spoke sternly. I took a deep breath and Saul squeezed my shoulder, I don't know if it was intentional, but it felt like it was. "How are you going to do that?" I asked looking over at Jess,"you're right on their radar, they are waiting for the chance to bust you." "I have a get out of jail free card." He chuckled. "I may have over stated that." Saul stated and Jess looked at my dad and pointed to him. "You. You're my get out of jail card. They want me...I'll just give them you. Give them the great Heisenberg, and leak his million dollar drug ring." He smirked,"and it's not just me who has it,"Jess looked over at me,"you do too, daughter manipulated into helping father cook meth, doing his dirty work." "Jesse..."
Jesse pushed me to leave that night, I didn't want to, but he wanted me to. Get out and go to work Tomorrow. So I did just that. "Do you want a cup of coffee?" Gale asked me and I popped out of my zoned out state, he was standing in front of me with a mug held out. "Huh?" I asked, the sound Almost in audible. "Coffee?" He asked again, I nodded and gave him a smile as i took it, my dad wasn't here yet, I got here early. "Thanks." I whispered, he sat down in the chair that was parked under the table I was leaning against and rolled back at bit. "You okay?" He asked, I raised my brow at him as I took a sip of the best coffee I've ever had,"you're really quite today." "My uncle beat the shit out of my boyfriend." I shrugged and said it was extremely causally which freak me out a bit. "Oh, im sorry, is he okay?" He asked a took a sip out of his own mug. "He'll be fine," I shrugged,"not his first time getting the shit beat out of him, definitely won't be his last." "Is he your guys old partner?" He asked and I nodded, I took another sip of the coffee,"does it bother you that you're not working with him?" "A little? Ya know we started everything with him,he's not bothered by me doing this. He's proud of me, so just knowing that it doesn't bother me much."
About 30 minutes later, the door opened and I saw my dad walk through it. "I was getting worried." Gale said as he walked over to him. "No sandals today?" My dad asked. "Little bit more professional." Gale put his mug down. I put mine down and walked over to the lockers and my dad looked at me. "No more buisness outfits?" He asked. "Fuck no." I shook my head, I was in my favorite pair of black cargo jeans and a loose graphic T-shirt,"we got the solvent filtered." I kicked my sneakers off and put them in my locker And I grabbed my suit,"let's just get started."
I walked over to my dad as he tapped the thermometer on station 5. "Did you set this?" He asked. "No." I said and he looked over at Gale. "Gale did you set this?" He asked. "Yes." He nodded and looked at a clipboard,"station 5, 75 degrees." "It's supposed to be 85 degrees." "You said 75 so I wrote down 75." Gale said looking back at the clipboard, I took a step back as my father started speaking again. "It's always been 85. Not 95. Not 75." He started,"this is chemistry, degrees matter." "I'm-im sorry." Gale apologized. "We have now just brewed 50 gallons of useless sludge. Dump it, it's ruined." I sighed, and I put down my gas mask and o walked away to go grab a bucket,"not you." I looked back at my dad,"Gale, dump it." "Yes sir." He nodded, I lifted my mask and gave him a look and he walked over. "You good?" I asked him. "Jesse is going to sue." He said and I nodded. "I'm aware." "Good." He nodded,"good." "Why?" I watched Gale come back with disposal container. "I'll explain later. Okay?" "Yeah, sure..." I put my mask down as he walked away. I mean obviously Jesse was going to sue. How could he not? My uncle came to his house and beat him up and put him in the hospital...
Jesses pov
"I have an opportunity for you." Mr.white said sitting down. "Where's (y/n)?" I asked. "Shes at her apartment I believe, but i have to talk to you." He crossed his arms and I nodded,"there's a job opening...a new lab assistant." "I already did my time. You want a lab assistant? Go get urself a fuckin monkey." I scoffed. "I don't want a monkey, I want you." "Gee thanks, not interested." I shook my head,"I got my own thing going on. So, nice try at trying to save ur brother in law." "That's not why I'm here, Jesse." He pressed,"it's more the an assistant, a partner." I raised my brow Ah him,"we three split gone 3 million, giving us all 1 million dollars." "No thanks." I crossed my arms. "Are you turning down 1 million dollars?" He asked. "I'm not turning down the money. I'm turning down you." I stated,"ever since I met you, everything I've cared about has been ruined, turn to shit, or is fuckin dead. Because of you, I am alone, I have nothing." "You have (y/n)." "I have (y/n), I will always have (y/n). That's not the point." I shook my head and bit my lip,"no, no why. Why would you get it! Why do you even fuckin care?! As long," I leaned up, grabbing onto the bed rail,"as long as you get what you want, it's fine. You don't give a shit about me! You said I was no good, said I was nothing but a worthless junkie! Why do you even fuckin want me!" He stood up from his chair,"you said my meth was inferior to yours, that it was garbage. Screw you." "Your meth is good jesse." I looked at me,"just as good as mine....think about it."
Your pov- "I don't understand." Gale said, I looked over at the two from the coffee station," I thought we were simpatico? A team. Is this about the temperature setting? Cause k can promise you it won't happen again." "It's much more than that, much more." My dad said and I raised my brow at them, not saying a thing, just watching and listening. "Can you elaborate?" "I don't think ghat would benefit any of us." My dad shook his head. "I-I set the whole lab up, you said you liked the configuration." "For the most part." My dad shrugged and I stood up,"you're a great chemist, with a great future...it's just, we have different rhythms." "Rhythms?" Gale asked as I leaned against the table. "I'm more..classical, while you-you are more jazz." He snapped his fingers. "Jazz?" "Yes, and I require classical." "The hell is happening?" The spoke up and the two looked at me as the door opened up. "Oh shit!" I heard a familiar voice,"this shot is the bomb!" I watched as my boyfriend walked down the stairs, Mr.Dead eyes following after him. "What?" I whispered as Jesse walked towards us, I was happy that Jesse was here, I was just very confused. "What's up partner!" Jesse bombed,"hey baby." "Hey Jess." He kissed my forehead and he walked past me. "This is my replacement?" Gale asked and my dad nodded,"hi! I'm Gale!" "We should've ditched that RV months ago!" He ignored gales attempt to greet him. "This makes no sense." Gale said. "Classical." My dad nodded. "We'll then..." Gale lent his hand to my dad and he took it and shaked it. I could hear Jesse drumming on one of the canisters as I shook gales hand,"it's been nice working with you." "You as well." I smiled as he walked away. "200 pounds a week." Mr.dead eyes said. "You got it." My dad nodded as he walked off. "There's a lot to show you!" I called out for Jesse and I saw him sneak out from behind a boiler. "What now?" He asked. "There's only a few days till our quota is due." My dad said and Jess nodded slowly. "How's your uh, cell service down here?" He asked. "Non existent, we are sheilded. There's a landline for emergencies." My dad explained. "So you two haven't talked to anyone today...have you?" He crossed his arms walking towards us. "No..." I shook my head. "Your brother in law...he was shot." He stated,"you guys have no idea did you?" "What do you mean he was shot?" My dad asked. "I mean he was shot. He was being brought in as I was leaving." I looked at my dad and he nodded. "Don't touch anything."
My dad and I rushed through the hospital snd to the family waiting room. A cop was standing there and tried to stop us. "It's cool, he's family." Agent Gomez said as he met us into the room, immediately my father went to my aunt and hugged her. "I'm so sorry Marie." He said and I looked over at my mom, I didn't know what to say. I was probably gonna be in for it. "How-how is he?" I asked hesitantly, I was worried, I mean he was my Fuckin uncle. "He's still in surgery." She responded and I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was my mom,"he was shot...4 times." "Where's-where's holly?" I asked my mom. "I got a sitter." She smiled and I nodded. My mom walked over to my mom as my dad turned to my brother, I was standing next to him. "How you doing?" He asked. "I'm fine." He grabbed his crutches and stood up,"just need some fresh air." "Want me to join you?" I asked, wanting an excuse to get the hell out of here before my aunt could say anything, and I could really use a Fucking cigarette. "I'm good." With that he walked out and I nodded. I sat down in his chair as the director or whatever the hell we was spoke. "We no really nothing about these men who ambushed Schrader. Their tattoos point to a cartel affiliation." He explained. "Why'd they attack him?" I asked, turning in my seat to look at him. "A warning? Or maybe even a message to the whole DEA." He nodded and Gomez spoke. "They had an Axe. The cartels are pretty dramatic." Oh yeah, they definitely are,"hank took them down, pretty damn good job even though he didn't have his gun." "He didn't have his gun?" Marie asked. "Due to the assault charge, I had to suspend hank, it's standard." The director spoke. "You know..if you guys might've just listening to him and let him arrest that kid, we would've had his gun and could've defended himself!" I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath,"it's your guys fault." She shook her head,"and where were you?" She pointed at Gomez,"in Texas. What kind of partner are you? You're supposed to protect your agents!" "Okay Marie." My mom said,"just-just sit down." "No, not until they leave! The dea is not welcome here!" "Alright." The director nodded and him and Gomez left. My aunt shook her head, her hand over her mouth. "It's your fault." She looked at my dad,"if you had just not boughten weed off of that pinkman then hank would've never and knew his name." She shook her head and my dad opened his mouth to speak but she looked at me,"and you. For...dating him." "I'm sorry what?" I stood up. "Hank would've been fine if you didn't call the cops on him." "Jesse was knocked out Fuckin cold, of course I called the Fuckin cops!" I raised my voice. "He's your uncle! You be-betrayed him!" "I'm sorry, I honestly can't even believe what the fuck I'm hearing right now." I crossed my arms,"did you just expect me to, I don't know, allow him to beat my boyfriend unconscious in his own home, without a reason?" "You know his reason (y/n)." I walked towards her. "No, I actually don't." I shook my head,"you wanna tell me?" "(y/n)." My dad said. "He's a meth dealer." She whispered "Marie, Marie. Stop, You're just looking for someone to blame." My mom said grabbing onto her shoulder,"don't blame Walter and definitely do not blame (y/n), do not blame her." My aunt shook her head and her lips pursed together as her eyes teared up. "Im sorry." She said and my father hugged he,"I'm so sorry." "It's okay." My dad assured her, my mom running her hand over the back of her head. I shook my head as my mom looked over at me. "I'm gonna find my brother."
Jesses pov "Hello! Hello hello hellooooo." I echoed my voice in this huge and empty lab. I walked around and drummed on the metal machines before sitting down at this table that had this thing on it. I think it was coffee? I mean there was a beaker full of coffee beens so what else could it have been? I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called (y/n), not even a second later she sent me to voicemail, so I called again and same thing. "This is (y/n) white, say whatever you gotta say at the tone." I closed my phone and wheeled myself over to the landline and called the hospital. The operator told me to wait, so I had to wait for the old man to find a courtesy phone. "Are we working sometime this year?" I asked as he picked up,"it's been a whole day, we have a schedule." "You should not be calling me here." He responded. "Ya well, (y/n)s phone is off so ya I had too." I got uk from my chair and kicked it away,"can't I just cook by myself?" "Do not touch anything." He said as I looked at the equipment. "Come on man, there's gotta be like a Manuel of something." I shrugged. "Do not, you are not even the slightest bit prepared for it." "Yo! I'm not ur bitch man! I'll take the aditude from (y/n) but not Fuckin you." I scoffed and I heard him sigh. "Just sit and wait patiently alright?" "Just tell your brother in law to step into the light!"
Your pov-
I was sitting at the table in the cafeteria. Looking down into the cup of coffee I had. Seems like I've been surviving on coffee for the last few days. "These eggs aren't that bad." My mom said and I looked up at her. "These forks are disgusting." My aunt pointed out and I felt my phone viberste in my pocket. I stood up without saying anything and grabbed it. "(y/n)?" My dad asked as I walked a few tables away and answered. "What?" I asked. "Come to the lab." I heard Jesse say,"just come and cook." "I don't trust myself fully yet to run it, it's only been a few days." I shrugged, glancing back at the table, my aunt and mom talking, my dad looking at me. "We'll if we can't cook..." I heard him hum,"why not uh...get it on?" "Jesse." I said sternly. "Are you really going to deny me this?" He asked with a chuckle. "I've been at this hospital all night and all morning." I groaned," let me run home, take a shower, and I'll be there, okay?" "Sounds good to me!" He chuckled as I hung up and walked back. "I gotta get going." I grabbed my mug and took a large gulp of it,"Saul needs me at work." " Saul?" My aunt asked. "Goodman, Saul Goodman." I nodded,"I work for him." "The TV lawyer?" My brother asked and I nodded,"cool!" "Since when have you worked with him?" My mom asked. "For like the past 4 months." I nodded,"I gotta get home and shower and get there by 8. I'll see you guys later." I just left. I quite literally just walked away and when I got out of the cafe I noticed my dad was tailing me. "(y/n)! (y/n)!" He yelled and I turned around,"where are you going?" "To the lab." I whispered,"we have a quota, we have to have 200 pounds by tomorrow." "Look, I'm going to call Gus and explain." He said,"don't touch anything." "I'm not ur bitch, stop telling me what to do." I crossed my arms. "Jesse said the same thing." He sighed,"don't touch anything, please." "It's all on you then." I shrugged,"have fun with Gus."
I made it to the lab and hour and a half later. I spent some time at home just thinking about what the hell is going to happen when my uncle wakes up from surgery. Like what he's going to say and shit. I walked deep into the mat and saw Mr.dead eyes leaning against the dryer. "Where have you been?" He asked. "Wouldn't you like to know." I walked up to him and pressed the lift button. "Yeah I would considering it's my job." He grabbed my shoulder as the machine whirred forwards. I simply shook my head at him with a smile as k walked past him d under the dryer into the red lit staircase.
"About Fuckin time!" I heard Jesse yell, I looked down from the metal floor and saw him in one of the yellow suits and it was blown up like a ballon. He looked up at me and Mr.dead eyes and quickly Pat all the air lit of the suit as I walked down the stairs. "Why isn't there anything cooking?" The man asked. "Ask Walter that." I responded, I heard him leave and I grabbed the land line and dialed the hospital. "Hello?" I heard him. "Turn your phone on, I'm calling you from ur cell." I hung up and grabbed my phone out of my pocket and Jesse actually called him before I could. "Yo man, the quiet guy came....no not him the one I'm allowed to speak to, he was wonderin why there's nothing cooking." I crossed my arms and he rolled his eyes,"we have a quota man...uhh,"his brows furrowed as he looked at me,"yeah man his cousins. Yo?" He looked at his phone and closed it,"apparently it was tucos cousins." "The ones here said were coming from Mexico?" He nodded putting his phone down on the table. He unzipped the suit and got out of it and tossed it onto the table,"we're Not allowed to cook." "But we can fuck." He shrugged. "No." I shook my head and his raised his brow. "Why not?" "It's a lab." "So? There's a back room." He pointed towards the break room. "That's unprofessional." I stated and gave me a confused look snd scoffed. "Unprofessional? You say that like you were g getting screwed by ur boss on his desk." "I'm not screwing you in here." I shook my head and crossed my arms as whe walked towards me. "Come on...there's no one here." He was a few inches away from my face,"just you and I...in a sound proof lab." "Jesse I'm not screwing you in s meth lab." I poked his chest. "You know how hot that would be though?" "No, and I really don't wanna know." I shook my head,"if you'd like to know, you're on my aunts shit list." "Obviously because she's a cunt." He shrugged like it was nothing. "My uncle is gonna try and kill you." I stated and he pointed to his swollen black eye. "He already did, and he failed, miserably." He crossed his arms I leaned against the cement square wall that the landline sat on,"make it up to me." "Excuse me?" I raised my brow,"I will give you another black eye." "Add some scratches on my back and you for urself a deal." He leant his hand out for me to shake, I gave up and shook it, if o was going to be in this lab all day doing nothing...might as well just fuck him. Lord knows I'll have a great time.
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poopinamasonjar · 2 years
re inboxes suggestions -
Hey @dixxiemaegraphics - two more banger suggestions!!! I was actually thinking about doing one for both of them a couple months ago so I’m so down, I’ll definitely do those sometime in the next week or so and tag you. 🤪
Also hiiii @cpmhew - oh my god, absolutely I will do one for Eliot and Margo! This is the collage I was born to make <3 I love them both so so much. Thanks for the request- I’ll reply to ur ask with it once I’m finished 💜 it might take a couple days but I’m stoked.
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weirdochick56 · 4 years
Mr. Evans II- Chris Evans AU Chapter Eleven
Teacher!Chris Evans x Student!Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. SMUT. DIRTY DIRTINESS.
Disclaimers: I don’t condone relationships of this kind, this is for entertainment purposes only. Please be gentle on my word-porn.
Word Count: 5, 347 words
A/N: This shit got dirty REAL quick. As I was writing it, I was so fucking confused by what my fingers were typing lmfaoooo. Also this story is nearly coming to an end and IDK what the hell im gonna do after. PLEASE stay safe and healthy y’all! 
Read Chapter Ten here!!
(gif isn’t mine!)
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You take a long gulp of the bottle.
“It’s like I’m stuck, you know?” You say looking off into the water. “Like I don’t know how to exist or move forward or hell, even back.”
Noah, the guy you’d met at the pool, nods in understanding, taking a sip from the bottle. “Yeah. I get that, but your situation is hella complicated. I get why.”
“I guess I just have never felt one hundred percent in it, you know? Like I could never fully let myself be happy because at any moment that shit could burn down. I’ve always felt like someone was out to get us, like all the fucking odds were stacked against us,” you mumble, shivering when a breeze swishes past the dark night.
It’s been a while since you had met Noah and he was a pretty cool dude. You just clicked- it was just like that with some people you know? You just get along from the get-go. You got to talking, slowly downing the bottle in the process of course and the more time ticked by, the more your tongues loosened.
You didn’t like to play into stereotypes or anything, but you were almost entirely sure Noah wasn’t one-hundred percent straight. But maybe that was just you.
You were at a healthy buzz right now but that wasn’t gonna last long at the rate you were chugging from the bottle.
“You wanna be with him?”
You sigh, hating that there wasn’t even a little doubt in your mind or heart at the question. “I do. But I don’t know how to go about it, you know? It’s all just so jumbled for me.”
Noah releases a little sigh, laying down on the cold gravel. “I know right? It’s like you love someone so much but you also know that being with them could be dangerous, no only to you but to the life you’ve built around yourselves individually. So it’s hard between choosing everyone else or your own selfish ass.”
You glance at him, raising your brows. “From personal experience?”
He laughs but it’s a bit strained- dry. “Yeah. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not exactly uh- straight.”
“What?! I had no idea!” You mock gasp.
“Shut up.” He laughs, slapping your arm playfully. “Yeah well, he’s actually the most beautiful human being I’ve ever met. But we’re keeping it on the dL. Neither of our parents is exactly supportive. Mine are still a bit touchy even though they’re starting to tolerate the fact that their son is gay and his- well they have no idea. If they did that situation would go awry real quick.”
You sigh, laying your head drunkenly on his shoulder. “Aw, I’m so sorry Nini.”
He laughs, casually wrapping an arm around you. “Oh? Is that my new nickname?”
You nod. “Yep.”
“You know something, Nini?” You suddenly mumble in a slur.
“You’re not selfish for loving him- whoever he is. You’re brave.”
“Yeah? And why do you say that?” He hums.
You take the bottle from his grasp, taking a long drink. When you’re done, you sluggishly wipe your lips.
“Because I’m a fucking coward,” you mumble shakily. “I’m so fucking scared of feeling. I just shut down like a robot,” you confess, quietly chuckling. “I numb myself so that I don’t have to face the reality of it all. You face that shit head-on. You’re staying and fighting for your love. That’s super admirable.”
Noah rubs your arm comfortingly. “Thanks.”
You nod, swishing your feet in the water. “It’s true. I wish I could just be with him.”
“Then be with him,” Noah says, simply.
Just like that. As if it were that straightforward.
“It’s not that easy. There’s so many things to consider.“
“Let me ask you a question,” he quickly quips. “Do you love him? Like really truly love him?”
You swallow harshly, gripping the bottle tightly in your hands. “With every fiber in my body.”
Noah nods firmly. “Then that’s it. And listen, I’m going to be honest because it sounds like everyone in your life has been lying to you and telling you basically all you need is love to make it work. It’s not. Relationships are hard fucking work. Especially if it’s one people will have a variety of feelings on. It takes effort, time, sacrifice and you know where all that comes from?”
“Where?” You pout drunkenly.
“From you. You have to be sure you want it you have to be willing to stay and fight. But you also need love. Without love, there’s nothing. If you’re sure you want to be with him, if you think your love is worth it, then I say go for it. It doesn’t have to be this huge announcement either. It’s your relationship- it’s there for no one else but you two. If you feel comfortable later on, then do sure you can tell people.”
You ponder on his words drinking more tequila, before finally speaking in a defeated tone. “I’m scared.”
He shrugs. “Life is really just one big risk you either choose to take or not. Plus, it’s like I told you; relationships are hard work. You have to keep working at it. Even when it gets hard.” He licks his lips. “He gave an ultimatum and from what you told me, you’re not going to be here for much longer. So not to pressure you or anything, but if there was ever a time to act this feels like it’s it.”
Maybe he’s right.
Needless to say, by the time Noah walks you home, you’re both absolutely hammered. You make sure to call him a taxi because it was late at night and you also make him promise to text you once he got there.
After he’s gone words keep ringing around in your head over and over and over again. And so do Margo’s. In fact, you felt like you were flying on a cloud of thoughts all whirling and detaching and stringing together back again.
You start replaying everything in your head- your whole relationship. From the start to now. Like a movie.
And your heart breaks even more because you realize right there and then that at some point, the movie suddenly stops.
The movie stops.
It hits you that you’ll have no idea how it ends. What’ll happen with you two. Where you’ll end up.
For some odd fucking reason, it makes you feel sick to your stomach to think about it that way, and your skin crawls. If you let him go, you’ll never him know how the movie ends... the thought tortures you slowly to sleep as it goes round and round in your noggin, pounding you with unbearable guilt and anxious thoughts.
When you do fall asleep, though, you have a strange dream that night. Or more like you have a nightmare.
You’re standing in your room and it’s just like it was when you went to sleep that night, except that on the other side, the usual long hallway isn’t there anymore. There’s only darkness.
Your anxiety kicks up because you know what the darkness is without even touching it.
It’s the not-knowing. The pitch-black emptiness which you’re expected to walk into blind. Fucking alone.
You start hyperventilating when the pressure to walk into it becomes too much, thrashing harshly against the invisible force pushing you into it. Screaming, salty tears, kicking...
It’s all too much. Your breathing is labored and your skin burns with hot tears.
And then suddenly and like a warm blanket- two muscular arms wrap around you from behind, tugging you into a hard chest.
Chris, your mind instantly whispers.
He easily tugs you back towards the room, hugging you to his front tightly.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
And in that moment of terror, with his familiar scent and soothing voice and tight embrace, he’s safety. He’s warmth and familiarity.
...he’s home. Your home.
You just lay there with him, holding each other.
The next image flashes by instantly and suddenly the darkness is back. But this time you don’t panic...because Chris is right there with you, holding your hand. And for some reason, you know -you’re one-thousand present sure- he won’t let go.
He rubs his thumb softly over your thumb, looking at you with those alluring blue eyes of his, that soft yet capturing gaze that made you feel all fuzzy.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve got you. I’m here. I’ll always be here.” He repeats his earlier sentence.
You wipe happy tears. “I’ve got you too.”
He smiles adoringly down at you, smile lines crinkling endearingly at the corners. “I know.”
And without a second’s thought you plunge straight into the darkness.
You gasp loudly, sitting straight up in bed. Your heart races, thumping harshly against your rib cage as beads of sweat trod carefully down your temple and side of your face.
Something in you suddenly clicks and it all becomes clear. 
Was that all that was needed for realization to hit you? A single moment? A single split second in which the fog clears? A split-second where your vision suddenly elevates and the whole landscape is all there? The whole picture is laid out before you? 
It’s early in the morning and you wince when the bright light of an early day hits you in the face, flopping over in bed.
You reach for your phone on the nightstand, quickly unlocking it before checking your contacts. You have a new text message. You click on it.
Hey, Hermosa. I got home okay. Thanks for the taxi, lol.
You smile gently, typing back.
Yeah np, Nini. Thanks for the advice. Needed it.
Your phone buzzes.
Ngl, kinda shocked we still remember that. Lmfao. Ur welcome tho.
You groan softly into your pillow when your head starts aggressively throbbing.
Sobriety sucks butt.
“Honey, are you okay?”
Your dad and Kennedy watch you as you haphazardly stuff your face with bacon and eggs then gulf it all down like a dog- brows raised and jaws slack.
Downing your warm coffee in one go, you get up, pushing the chair back with a loud screech and almost trip running over to the sink to put your dishes inside.
“Yes. I’m good. There’s just something urgent I have to go take care of,” you rush out, leaning down over them and giving each a chaste kiss on the cheek.
“I love you guys!” You yell, already half outside and still pulling on one of your sneakers as you clumsily hopped around.
You slam the door shut, running off as soon as you finish putting on the shoe.
Your head pounds inside your skull even having downed three aspirins and having a warm shower and your breakfast swishes inside your stomach with your harsh sprinting but you don’t stop.
Not until you reach his house.
You don’t think. Just feel. Feel how right this was. You’re done being scared of loving who you love. You had what you had and it was what it was, but what you had was him.
All this time, he said you were his light. You were his angel.
But really he was your light. He was your angel.
You needed him just as much as he needed you- if not more.
Fuck everyone else.
This was yours. He was yours and you were his and you were done fighting it. Officially.
You had the realization that before, you’d always been just the tiniest bit reluctant. You subconscious put up your own walls to protect your heart, never fully allowing yourself to work on your relationship, never fully giving your energy to it.
But not anymore. No more walls. Just you. Just you, your love and a foundation for a fresh start.
You were exhausted- not of life or him or of the curveballs it keeps throwing your way. You’re tired of fighting yourself.
That’s the real fight you’ve been having this whole time. With yourself. You’re your own damn enemy. And isn’t that fucking tiring?
But you’re done. 
Knocking loudly on the door, your chest inflated with so many emotions and with adrenaline pumping through your veins, you tug at your short shorts, hating that this was the first thing you saw and threw on.
Unfortunately, the next thing you saw was a short ass crop top so you were basically running around in your underwear.
You freeze out the nerves as soon as they start to set in when footsteps pad your way. None of that.
When Chris opens the door, you nearly fall over.
He gives you a once-over, his hair messy, and dark bags under his eyes. “Sweetheart what-“
You stare at him for a few seconds as does he, eyes wide and lips parted.
“Chris,” you breathe.
But you catch yourself and before you know it, you’re spilling all your damn beans right on his front porch.
You needed to. You had to get this off your chest or you would go absolutely insane.
“Chris before you say anything, I just want to apologize. I’ve been a huge fucking hypocrite. But I realize my mistakes and I-“ you laugh incredulously, looking at him. “I just want to be with you,” you mumble meekly, your voice low. 
Not because you didn’t mean it, but because you were terrified of his reaction. 
His eyes soften and he opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. 
“No, stop. I just need to finish what I have to say, okay? You were right. You scare me. What we have scares me. But I’m not willing to let you go just because I’m scared. I-” you swallow tears back down. “Being scared isn’t an excuse to let you go. God, I’ve never felt emptier in my life than these past few weeks. Not even when I was gone for two years. At least then I knew I was faraway from you. That I was somewhat safe from all these...feelings.” You gulp. “But being here-“ you shake your head. “Knowing that you’re just a few blocks away- I just want you to hold me, to make love to me, to love me in the way only you know how to.” You chuckle breathlessly. “God, I am so in love with you. Y-you complete me. You make me better- you’re the best fucking person I know. And I know I’ve been an asshole to you, or well let’s be honest we both have, but I guess mostly me- um anyway. I just- I’m here to stay.” You sigh softly, letting the words roll of your tongue like a vow. 
“I’m here to stay,” you repeat softly but firmer this time, swallowing thickly at the sweet after taste.
You’re panting by the time you’re done, both thanks to the running and the little speech you just gave, but your gaze never leaves his. Not for the whole five minutes, he just stands there, looking at you with glimmering eyes.
“Chris?” You whisper.
“Say that again,” he breathes.
“Say what?” You frown.
“Tell me you love me again,” he mumbles, a single tear sliding down his cheek.
You smile a little, looking him in the eye. “I love you. I love you. I love you,” you repeat breathlessly. “I’m here to stay- if you’ll let me that is,” you add on in a clumsy, sheepish way.
He smirks, instantly yanking you into a hug. His arm wraps around your waist and head and your arms slither their way around his broad back. You melt into him, half with delight and half with relief. 
The embrace says all the things you weren’t strong enough to say, it was passionate, warm, loving, fierce. You slid into eachother like to puzzle pieces. Like you were meant to be there- in eachother’s arms. 
Chris holds you tighter to him, using your trembling body, which you hadn’t even noticed was shaking, as an excuse you stuff his nose into your hair and press your chest to his.
“I missed you,” he breathed into you- easy as air. A breath he’d been holding for far too long and needed to release.
A breath that, once uttered, made you instantly freeze. 
You slowly parted away from him so you could properly peer into his eyes and because you have no idea how much being back with him was going to be for you emotionally. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, tears sprouting from your eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just scared. I’m always scared.” 
He shakes his head at you, pressing a light kiss to your forehead. “I get it, sweetheart. I was scared too. But we’re here now, that’s all that matters.”
He holds his arms out again, but catches himself before wrapping them around you and pulling you to him entirely, the question clear in his eyes; was this okay?
This embrace wasn’t like the one a few moments ago, this one was cautious because you were walking new ground. A ground that was undiscovered but all the same exciting. 
A ground that was the foundation for a new path to happiness. A new beginning. 
You simply nod in response, too tired to try to fight your need for his warmth off.
He wastes no time pulling you to his chest- nice and tight and you instantly hug him back, loving the feeling of safety and warmth you felt there.
You realize that no matter where you go or who you’re with, nothing will ever feel like being in his arms. Nothing will ever feel like home. Not like him.
His hold tightens on you- like he’s afraid of letting you go and you tighten your own hold to signify your own heightened emotions. 
The buzzing in your skin, the racing of your heart, the flush of your face, the fluttering of your tummy- all the emotions that made you feel like there was endless hope and warmth and good in the world- you missed it all. 
You listen to his slightly accelerated heartbeat and nestle your head against his chest. “So we fight?”
He heaves a heavy exhale. “We fight.”
You lick your dry lips, taking a deep breath. “Okay.”
He pushes you back slightly, brows raised. “Really?”
You can’t help but smirk a little bit. “I think I still have a little bit more fight left in me.”
You shift in his arms, resting your head on his chest an adjusting the leg you’d hastily thrown over his waist.
After your talk, you’d agreed that a little alone time was in order. So you threw yourselves onto his bed and did what anyone in your position -with unspent sexual frustration and endless simmering desire between your souls- would do and cuddled.
“Sweetheart,” he begins, twirling another strand of your hair in between his fingers.
“Hmm?” you mumble drowsily, drawing a new pattern on his chest with your fingertips.
“Do you love me?”
You pause, brows furrowing. Leaning up on your elbow, you peer down at him. “What?”
He smiles a little. “You heard me.”
“Why do you ask?” You blush bright red.
He chuckles, brushing a hand against your cheek. “Well, I’m not like you, angel. I actually need to hear the words. Again,” he adds cheekily.
You stare at him blankly for a few seconds, contemplating his face. He was perfect. Even the small dips or indents on his skin. Every sharp and soft line, every curve and dip and area of soft flesh.
Beneath you, his muscles strained against his soft pajamas and his warmth surpassed layers of skin and clothing in order to deep into your bones, warming you entirely.
But that wasn’t what made him beautiful. No. 
It was the fact that he was such a dork when it came to Charlotte Brontë and Bram Stroker even when he tried to hide it. It was the fact that for years he put aside his own pain to focus on the futures of his students. The pain of losing his wife.
It was that he looked at you like you were his beginning and his end and everything in between. It was the fact that he was unwilling to relent to everyone and everything telling him he couldn’t have you and that he was willing to forgive you. 
It was that he was still here. Still fighting even when everything could be lost.
He wasn’t just perfect. He was authentic. And he was beautiful just the way he was.
You finally nod, whispering lightly. “I do. I love you more than anything in the world.”
You’ve never meant anything more in your life. And it didn’t matter what would happen next because you’d be together when it happen and you’d take it on together. You’d always have eachother.
He beams adoringly, running his hands through his hair.
You instantly raise a brow. “What?”
He frowns at you. “What?”
You chuckle, a tiny smirk tugging at your lips. “Something’s wrong. What is it?”
“Wrong? Nothing is wrong. Why does something have to be wrong?”
You instantly smile, patting his cheek as you hook your leg over him tighter in order to get more comfortable. “You just ran a hand through your hair; something’s definitely wrong,” you say as if it’s obvious before softening. “C’mon talk to me.”
He looks into your questioning eyes for exactly three seconds before breaking. “Dammit, why do your eyes have to be so big and…shiny? I can never lie to them,” he mumbles under his breath.  
You laugh pressing a little kiss to his stubbled cheek. “It’s my secret superpower. Now; spill.”
He sighs, looking down at his hands. “Nothing I guess I’m kind of second-guessing now. N-not of us o-or anything!” He rushes to explain immediately after. “Just-” he sighs again, looking back down. “I dunno. I feel like I’ve been pressuring you. What if this isn’t what you really want?” He gazes into your eyes, concern swimming in his deep pools. “Is it?”
Unable to hold back a snicker you grin lightly at him. “I just gave you an entire speech about how much I want to be with you and you’re questioning it? Bit late, don’t you think?” You joke lightly.
He deadpans. “Y/n.” 
You sigh. “Yes, it is what I want. No backing out this time.” You hold out your pinky with a tiny giggle. “Pinky promise?”
He raises a brow at the small finger, scoffing at the notion. “Angel, I’m a masculine manly-man do you really think that I’m gonna pinky promise you? No.”
You wiggle your pinky with a tiny pout. “C’mon!” 
 He sternly peers down at you (again for exactly three seconds) before breaking down once more, half-heartedly linking your pinky with his and grumbling for a second time about how your eyes were “unfairly adorable”.
You laugh tightening your finger on his, as you gaze into each other’s eyes tenderly. “I pinky promise to always be with you. No matter what.”
He smiles softly, repeating your words back to you with the tenderest look in his eye. “I pinky promise to always be with you. No matter what.”
When you take your pinkie back, he rolls his eyes, chuckling. “I can’t believe you made me do that. I hate you.”
Lightly shoving his shoulder, you place a soft peck on his cheek. “You know you love me. Plus, c’mon, I came looking for you here, I can’t leave without at least a pinky promise.” 
He smirks, wiggling his brows suggestively. “You do realize this means I won, right?”
He nods enthusiastically. “Yeah. This time, you came for me. So I won.”
You snort. “Asshole.”
He chuckles as you suddenly grow serious.
“You know, I hate that you know me better than I know myself. I can never hide from you,” you whisper as he grips your face with his hand.
“You don’t have to,” he says sincerely, looking directly at you. His dark gaze pierced your soul and your breath hitches, forming a huge lump on your throat. “Not from me. Not ever.”
You shiver under his touch, leaning into him. You bite your lip as you gaze at him from under your lashes. “What if what I’m trying to hide is ugly?” You husk.
He simply smiles, like what you’re saying is utterly impossible. “Then you don’t try to hide it. I want to see it all. Because you know what? In the end, I know it’s all going to be beautiful.”
You can’t keep the damn goofy smile from tugging at your lips as you softly kiss his nose. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” you breathe. “I love you so fucking much.”
He pecks your cheek lightly in response, resting his forehead on yours. 
“Who are we without scars, without stories to tell? Your flaws make you who you are, angel. And I’ve fallen in love with you. All of you.”
You smile softly at him, your heart thumping loudly inside your chest. “You make me all crazy, you know that?” you mumble.
He laughs, closing the distance between you two and brushing his lashes against yours. “I’m sorry.”
You giggle against his lips, softly moving yours against them as you peer into his darkened eyes and wide blown pupils. “No, you’re not.”
He rubs his thumb across your cheekbone tenderly, tracing your skin like he was afraid you’d break if he pressed too hard or rubbed too much.
“You’re right- I’m not,” he breathes hotly against your skin, playing with your lower lip.
You press your nose to his, pressure building in your chest as you slowly begin straddling him. “Do you want me?”
His other hands grips your other cheek, gaze pinning yours down with ease. “All the damn time,” he responds without hesitation, voice growing deeper and more primitive.
You smirk down at him, forgetting entirely about everything and everyone else.
He looks at you incredulously. “Are you serious? How do you not know what you do to me, sweetheart?”
“No, as a matter of fact, I don’t. What do I do to you, Chris?”
Your pussy begins pulsating rhythmically, panties damp at the implication.
He inhales sharply, clamping down on that plump lip. “Shit sweetheart. You want details?”
He seemed startled but turned on all the same.
You bite your lip, feeling your nipples harden under the soft fabric of the shirt and nearly let a moan slip when it rubs against the sensitive nubs as you move.
“Yes. I want you to tell me exactly how much you want me. I want you to tell me how you’ve imagined me before. What you’d do to me if you’re given the chance,” you rasp all in one breath.
As you speak, you grind your down hips on his, enjoying the much-needed friction it created in your sensitive spot.
He clenches his jaw, eyes ablaze with that fire you missed so much.
“Careful sweetheart,” he grits out through clenched teeth, hands dropping to your ass and hips. “If you get too close I might burn you.”
You look him in the eye, knowing damn well your own unquenchable fire was swaying sensually back and forth in your eyes. You wanted him—bad. In fact, you fucking needed him. You needed him like you needed air to breathe. Fuck, you ached for the feeling of his cock inside you, claiming you as his. Because damn you were his.
“Then burn me,” you say with full intent.
His eyes snap shut, fingers digging into your flesh.
“Jesus Christ, Y/n. If we don’t stop right now I can’t promise I won’t fuck you ‘til you’re screaming.”
Your pussy instantly grows wet at his words, pulsating far more aggressively than before as you move your hips faster.
“Fuck Chris. Have you dreamed about me?” You pant.
He looks up at you through heavy-lidded eyes, dick stirring in his pants. “Almost every night,” he admits without shame or hell- even embarrassment.
Than only makes you more flushed.
You lick your dry lips, his eyes following the movement. “Yeah? And what am I wearing?”
He closes his eyes, hands traveling down to your thighs before rising gradually up to your waist, pushing fabric out of the way. You tremble beneath his fingertips and he uses the chance to guide your movements against him, his long fingers setting a rhythm for you to move to.
He hisses with pleasure. “Y-you’re wearing my t-shirt. Only with panties underneath.”
You inhale deeply, chest rising but not falling just yet at the vivid image. “Mhm,” you hum softly. “And where are we?”
“My bedroom. You’re sprawled out on my bed, sleeping.”
You bite your lip. “Are you hard yet?”
“Hell yes,” he breathes, digging his nails into your ass. “I can see your ass from here. All of that for me,” he moans softly against your chest as he adjusts you and his grip on you so your tits are closer to his face.
You arch back at the sensation of having his hard cock rubbing against you from beneath his pants.
“You’re moving around in your sleep and I’m getting harder because you look so damn innocent but sexy all at once. Like you’re just asking me to ruin you.”
You moan against him, accidentally brushing your nipple against his lips in the frenzy of your dry humping.
You freeze for a second, letting the sensation sink into your cells, warming them with electrifying bliss before moaning louder when Chris lightly opens his mouth to take one of them in over the thin material of the shirt.
Your mouth falls open at the sensation and your finger rake through his hair, tugging on the strands harshly as he gently suckles on the sensitive bud, rolling his tongue around it with expert sensuality.
His eyes meet yours as he does this and neither of your looks away as he flicks his tongue back and forth, causing your whole body to nearly overload with bliss.
“Fuck Chris,” you mewl, digging out nails into his scalp.
He stops sucking, using his finger to play with them instead. Your mouth falls open in a choked-up scream as he continues narrating his dirty dream for you.
“Even from there I can see how soft your skin is. How perfect your tits are and how good they’d fit in my hands. It’s torture until I walk over to you and grab one of your ankles gently in my hands…”
“Yes?” Your breath hitches as he hits a sensitive spot.
“And the other one too. Then I slowly part them. I don’t want to wake you yet. Not like that.”
You bite your lip, holding back a moan.
“When I’ve completely opened your legs, I slowly crawl up your body, kissing your legs as I go. When I reach your inner thighs, I slowly lift my shirt up….” he trails off, his thumb softly grazing your sensitive nub.
Your head flies back at the sudden jolt of pleasure it sends up your spine. “Shit Chris,” you groan.
“I start leaving open-mouthed kisses all over your soft skin. You’re shifting in your sleep, growing wetter, but you still haven’t woken up. Finally, I kiss your pussy.”
At the words coming out of his sinfully soft mouth, you feel your stomach clench, mouth capturing a silent scream and swallowing it back down.
He keeps you moving against him, his fingers gripping your thigh and his thumb working soft circles into your now soaked panties.
You gyrate into his hand rhythmically, fully concentrated in how good he felt.
“Uh-huh,” you finally grit out.
He continues speaking, voice strained and tone nearly drowned out entirely by animalistic frenzy. “You slowly peel your eyes open as I’ve begun flicking my tongue over your clit back and forth.” He copies the motion he describes with his thumb, smirking viciously when you nearly fall over him.
“I’ve been doing it over your sheer lace underwear this whole time, but when you are finally awake, your smell and your taste become too much for me to handle. You intoxicate all my senses sweetheart. I just want you on my tongue. I want you to ride my face until you cum in my mouth.”
And that’s all he needs to add to his jerky thumb movements for you to cum. Hard.
As if he can sense that you’ve reached a climax, he watches you with hunger, drinking in the sight of you coming all for him. “That’s right, sweetheart. Cum for me. All for me. Fuck, Y/n.”
You convulse, cursing like a damn sailor into his mouth. “Fuuuuck Chris!”
When you’re done, you slouch against him.
He hugs you to him and the rumble of his laughter travels through you, causing your sensitive insides to tremble. “You okay, sweetheart?”
You lift your head carefully. “Yes.”
He smiles. “Good. Y/n?”
“I want to make love to you.”
Read Chapter Twelve here!!
The flashbacks to Mr. Evans I are real. Omfg. 
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I’m literally in love with him.
A special thanks to:
And My forevers!
170 notes · View notes
crimsonhcadache · 4 years
( DANNA PAOLA, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER, SCORPIO, 24 ) I just spotted IVES “IVY” SERRANO at the beach today. Don’t you know them? They live down by the TOWERS and usually hang out with the RICH KIDS & MUSICIANS cliques. From what I’ve heard, they can be DECEITFUL, but they’re also ADAPTIVE. I always think of them when i hear LAST LAUGH - FLETCHER and tend to associate them with STRAWBERRY CHAMPAGNE, A FRESH SET OF STILETTO NAILS, AND RED LINGERIE. ( tay, she/her, 22, est )
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full name: natalie rose serrano ives serrano nicknames: ivy, poison ivy faceclaim: danna paola voiceclaim: lana del rey birthday: november 1st, 1996  zodiac: scorpio sun, aries moon, gemini rising sexuality: bisexual occupation: influencer, instagram model, musician, scammer / thief positive traits: effervescent, bold, creative, charismatic, coquettish, intuitive, ambitious, alluring, adventurous, perceptive  negative traits: cantankerous, deceitful, envious, manipulative, dramatic, stubborn, narcissistic, materialistic, reckless, quick-tempered character inspos: maddy perez euphoria, jackie burkhart that 70’s show, blair waldorf gossip girl, margo hanson the magicians, every lana del rey song ever, lucrecia montesinos and cayetana pando elite, rosa diaz brooklyn nine nine, the entire rose family schitts creek, jen harding dead to me
- ̗̀♡ — › background !
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the main thing u need to know about ivy is that she is lying ! always !! her real name isn’t even actually ivy smh
she was born NATALIE ROSE SERRANO, to two working class parents in new york city. she knew from a young age that she was just supposed to be rich and famous, and that something had gotten mixed up somewhere and she was put in the wrong life.
in high school she got a scholarship to a fancy private catholic school, and that’s where she started to hone her craft of manipulating rich people. she would befriend all of the richest bitches at school and take advantage of everything that came along with it: vacations to far away places, stays in the family’s cabins and lake houses, even designer clothes that her friends no longer wanted and would gift to her, thinking it was their idea all along
as she grew up and got better at getting what she wanted out of people, her entitled attitude only got worse, driving a wedge between her and her parents, who kept waiting for her to develop a work ethic and kept being disappointed. a few months after she graduated high school, on her 18th birthday, her parents kicked her out of the house and cut her off, hoping that it would force her to grow up and take on any responsibility
but that plan backfired for them, her parents underestimating how truly stubborn natalie was. the day after her 18th, she wandered into a local strip club and got a job, figuring it’d be the easiest and quickest way to get some cash, and she took to it naturally and actually really enjoyed stripping
she started to embody an entirely new persona that she had created for herself, dancing under the name POISON IVY and telling everyone she was a trust fund baby that had been cut off from her rich parents, needing to dance to supplement her income, and her lies just continued to spiral out of control until she almost started to believe it herself. she had never told anyone at the club her real name, not even the other strippers, just going by “ivy” for a while.
she had learned to weaponize the power she had over people by being pretty and charming, using her looks for absolute evil and doing whatever it took to get money—from straight up pickpocketing, to making men buy her expensive gifts, to blackmailing, to sugar babying, to getting patrons wasted and manipulating them into tipping her absurd amounts… she did it all, very quickly earning enough to live the life she had always dreamed of, that she felt she deserved for whatever twisted reason.
she started posting on instagram with the name poison ivy generally just flaunting her carefree, extravagant life, often exaggerating or down right lying just to really dazzle her quickly growing audience
as she started to go down the influencer route, she realized she needed to do something to hide the skeletons in her closet ( the fact that she didn’t actually come from money and was making far more than was normal for even the best of dancers, a couple of small possession / shoplifting charges, and just generally anything that could lead people to her real identity ) so she started to tell people her name was ives, fully taking on the new identity. she even went so far as to make some of the people that had been closest to her sign NDAs about her real identity, making sure that no one could sell info about her should her plan of being famous work out
she also moved out to california to run away from everyone in the city that was starting to catch on to what she was doing, basically doing all the same shit but now in a New Place.. this was about 3-4 years ago, so she’s been in sunhollow for a while now doing the whole influencer thing !!
and it did work out !! at first she was definitely buying followers/likes to boost her likelihood of brand sponsorships, but eventually she faked it until she made it and actually attained influencer status. she then used her newfound internet fame ( and some classic blackmailing ) to get herself a record deal 
she also started sleeping around with pretty much any famous person she could, having very public relationships and breakups and scandals to keep her name in the press, which ultimately lead to more exposure/people following her, if only to see what she did next, which lead to even more sponsorships
eventually she stopped dancing and just focused on her influencing and more recently ( like... less than 6 months ago recently ) her music career. but she never stopped sugar babying and scamming rich stupid men, still very much using that as a means to keep up her lifestyle. she’s also done a few modeling things, but it’s mostly just like catalog work or being the face of a trendy campaign bc she’s way too short for the runway
she also recently made an only fans account bc she was bored one night and was mostly planning on posting once as a joke but then she made a bunch of money / got a bunch of subscribers and was like oh word ? i can do that ! so she will post on there from time to time but she’s not like… super serious about it ya know ? also her music label is big mad at her for it bc they’re like bUt yOuR rEpUtAtIoN and she’s like yeah.. but my bank account ? also it’s no secret she used to be a stripper so she rly just.. doesn’t give a fuck ! 
so basically she’s jus here making money being pretty and pulling a long ass scam on… everyone
- ̗̀♡ — › personality / headcannons !
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she’s a real two faced bitch… she has perfected the art of becoming whoever she thinks other people want her to be, quickly adapting her personality to get whatever she wants
she’s usually pretty friendly actually, really charming and outgoing and just trying to have a good time
she has a pretty short temper tho and holds grudges like you wouldn’t believe, so once you’re on her bad side… good luck lol she is so ruthless
she’s like… deeply, deeply selfish and will always put herself first, but she’s so manipulative that she can make people do things that they think are their idea, but it’s really just something she planted in their head so it’s not always obvious
also very spoiled and will throw a mf fit if she doesn’t get her way or u say no to her
always going out !! always doing the most !! she’s the type to show up randomly at ur door at 8pm on a tuesday with a bottle of tequila and make u party with her whether u like it or not
she’s a lot smarter than she lets on sometimes, like she knows people expect her to be stupid and ditzy and shallow and she’ll let them underestimate her when it’s beneficial
always looks perfectly put together— her nails are always meticulously manicured, usually w stiletto shaped acrylics, and you’ll literally never see her outside her house without makeup and a perfectly composed outfit. it’s also a rare occasion that she’s not wearing at least six inch heels, trying to make up for bein so mf short ( she’s 5’3 )
she talks A Lot but is really good at saying a lot of words without actually saying anything, like you can be best friends with her for months and then just be like “i don’t actually know a single thing about her”
always up to no good and sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong !! she’s always got some sort of scheme going or getting in to some kind of drama
v much a hoe and v much proud of it, will sleep w just about anyone especially if she can get something out of it
also a serial dater !! she’s always hoping in and out of relationships and being rumored to be with a dozen people at once
most definitely calls paparazzi on herself, especially when she’s around other famous ppl but will never admit it
compulsive liar, she will literally lie about the dumbest things like she doesn’t even need a reason to lie she jus.. does
she has a luxury two bedroom apartment that she lives alone in ( one room is kinda a guest room but also mostly just a giant closet ) in the towers and the gag is she doesn’t even know how much her rent is bc one of her random sugar daddies pays her rent.. her power tbh 
- ̗̀♡ — › wanted connections !
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hookups / flings / one night stands / fwbs all that shit !!
exes on bad terms … gimme drama pls
enemies / ppl she’s stolen from maybe… she would definitely deny it and say they’re jus jealous of her or smth stupid but that could make the feud worse
party pals !! like i said she goes out a lot and always somehow manages to make new friends and drag them into her shenanigans
on again / off again exes… i want the Angst so bad..
shallow friendships / influencer friends like they play it up a lot for insta bc they both have a pretty big following but they dont really... like each other that much ?? like they definitely seem to be a lot closer than they really are
pr relationships this could be past or present !! in the same vein as the last one except they pretend to date ( or maybe just act like they’re gonna date but never actually do ?? like to fuel rumors ) 
unlikely friends !! like ppl who are nice and sweet and Pure, she could use a lil good energy in her life
situationship / flirtationship like they’re super flirty and maybe hook up a couple times but everyone assumes they’re dating or like gonna date but they’re jus vibing. bonus points if one or both of them actually has feelings but can’t tell if they’re just friends / casually hooking up or if it could turn into something more.. im a slut for some mutual pining !!
neighbors … mb they hate her for always being loud n throwing mini parties OR maybe they join in
mean girl rivalries !!
someone she’s taking advantage of / stealing from without them knowing .. oof
partner in crime !!!
one sided crushes or like someone she’s stringing along smh
sugar daddies mb 😇
someone to put her in her mf place JDKDKD like they call her out on her bs and are like “i see what ur doing bitch stay away from my friends” type thing
idk anything really !! gimme all the messy plots ok :~)
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