#maren with an m
shrimparts-blog888 · 8 months
I swear on my life if in Frozen 3 i see a man WITH ELSA I'm leaving the frozen fandom FOR GOOD
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unavernales · 4 months
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FULL NAME: maren uvnerida SPECIES: merperson GENDER: bigender PRONOUNS: he/him, she/her DOB / AGE: 8 june / ??? ALIGNMENT: neutral good OCCUPATION: vegan food truck owner DRINK, SMOKE, DRUGS?: no, no, no ORIENTATION: bisexual POSITION: submissive leaning verse
COUNTENANCE HAIR COLOR / STYLE: black with occasional blonde highlights / wavy mullet EYE COLOR / STYLE: brown swirled with blue / downturned almond HEIGHT: five feet, four inches TATTOOS: moon phases down spine, wave on ankle, seashells on wrists PIERCINGS: lobe, nostril NOTICEABLE TRAITS: reflective eyes, dimpled smile
MENTAL POSITIVE TRAITS: hospitable, quirky, playful NEGATIVE TRAITS: shy, paranoid, distrustful LIKES: cooking, summertime, reggaeton DISLIKES: bathtubs/pools, scalpels, being photographed
BIOGRAPHY maren, a merperson of the sea, had once been infatuated with the land world and its people. as these things always go, maren fell in love with a sailor after encountering him on one of his voyages. the sailor promised that he'd come back for her with a way for her to experience land. unfortunately, he kept his promise. the sailor came back, but not alone. his men proceeded to slaughter maren's unsuspecting family while the man she believed she loved kidnapped her. he kept her in a tiny bathtub in his lavish home, and maren was little more than a trophy. she became a popular exotic attraction in his town and was gawked at frequently by strangers who paid to see the mermaid in the bathtub. a particularly strange onlooker, horrified by maren's living conditions, asked if she would like to be freed. maren pleaded that he would do anything. the next thing maren knew, she was standing alone over the mutilated corpse of the sailor. standing. maren had legs. the onlooker had sacrificed the sailor to their god to grant maren legs, with the stipulation of her legs reverting back to her tail once a year for 24 hours. maren has slowly learned to live a normal life, currently the owner and operator of a vegan food truck on the beach in between giving tourists surfing lessons. nowadays, all maren wants is to live in peace among land and sea. she craves belonging and romance, but is hesitant to trust humans.
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liz-wes · 23 days
i was tagged by @emilysbader @laylakeating @nessa007 and @james-beaufort - thank you all, lovely ladies 🤍
rules: if you have spotify, shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and list the first ten songs 🎶🎵
1. can't keep it casual - gretta ray
2. this is how a woman leaves - maren morris
3. risk - gracie abrams
4. coincidence - sabrina carpenter
5. never been in love - gatlin
6. ruthless - kacey musgraves
7. carlo's song - noah kahan
8. sorry mom - kelsea ballerini
9. part of me - noah kahan
10. cut! - maren morris ft julia michaels
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
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i guess i’ll have to be the one who says it
i like sotb feat more lana as much as anyone and i’m happy she listened to our feedback about that, but taylor dearest, where was this energy for haim and maren morris and colbie caillat and the chicks?
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exleviathan · 2 years
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TIMING: Several days following this text  —> current. LOCATION: Outside the lighthouse. PARTIES: @exleviathan & @oceansrevenge & @eldritchaccident SUMMARY: Teddy goes to Levi for help figuring out how to un-demon himself, and Marina thrives as an impromptu therapist for the both of them. CONTENT WARNINGS: body horror, sibling death mentions, emotional abuse, child neglect
While he knew this might not be an easy task, Teddy hadn't exactly expected this to take quite this long. They'd been at it for days now. At the end of a few hours of frustration, Teddy would slink on back to Metzli's house while Levi dealt with the emotional backlash. Couldn't be a pleasant experience for either of them, but the more effort the florist put in for nothing to happen, the more and more disheartened he became. It was numbingly bleak. If he couldn't do this, he could never have a normal life again. He could never curl up with his boyfriend and just enjoy the space they shared. Could never hope to keep the friends he'd made, the shop he worked so hard for. It felt like everything was on a fishing line, being slowly but steadily reeled away. Tantalizing. Taunting. 
 Today was… much of the same. Levi trying to explain a concept so innate to its own experience that it was hardly something it ever had to explain before. And Teddy trying and failing to understand the concepts, then subsequently beating himself up for it. Making the demon shift worse in the process. He was pushing a little more towards sea monster now, but not quite the magnificent beast he'd been before. Still only standing about ten feet high, when on its hind legs. But this time it had a few extra pairs of arms, and a mouth that could talk. 
 "Can't–this is hopeless Levi. I'm just not–" Not like you. Not good enough. Not ready. Not smart enough. Not any of the things he was supposed to be. Teddy crumpled, face down in the dirt when he heard someone else approach. The scent was easy to pick out, Marina. Even if it was weird that he was able to do that in this form, it was at least a little bit of a comfort. He had told her he was coming by again today. And she offered to sit in on the 'lessons'. That part was less comforting. Another person he cared about ready to watch him fail. Great. 
 Pacing back and forth in front of Teddy, Levi seemed wracked with anxiety. It was Teddy’s, of course—the shame of being unable to shift in front of someone trying to instruct him on how to do it. Levi would have been far less kind if his own words wouldn’t ricochet right back at him and force him to feel Teddy’s anguish. It was different when Levi wasn’t the source, but present as it was… that was a harder thing to parse out, so the demon was bearing the brunt of Teddy’s frustration. 
 “It’s not hopeless,” Levi argued, squatting down in front of him. A hand alighted on Teddy’s head as Marina’s footsteps announced her presence, and Levi looked up at her, distraught. “Hey,” it whispered, taking Teddy by one of his many arms and urging him to sit upright. 
 “Listen, bud. It’s not… you can’t force it like you’re trying to. Envision what you want. Envision your old body, really focus on it. Then you have to convince your current one to shift. To make room.” It held out a hand to Marina as she circled around them, palming the side of her thigh with a soft smile. “When I would make new bodies for myself to visit this dimension, I wasn’t forcing myself to shrink down into some other shape. I was growing a whole new one inside of me, and I’d have to rip my way out of whatever I was in before. After relinquishing control, of course.” Levi did not know how to explain that. It didn’t sound like Teddy was capable of something like that—his own shift seemed to be a literal rearranging of his current matter. A whole different game. But the core concept was the same, it figured. “You gotta play nice with yourself. Imagine what you want, hone in on it… even if it’s just one piece at a time.” It might have had something to do with the fact that Teddy and his more demonic side had been separate at first… that would certainly make this difficult, Levi assumed. “Ask, don’t tell.”
 Before she finally approached the pair, Marina had stood in the doorway watching them for several moments. Levi was exhibiting a considerable amount of patience which was not something she was used to seeing on it. Something akin to pride swelled in her as she watched it carefully navigate trying to help Teddy. She wished it could feel that pride the way it was feeling every negative feeling about it, but she supposed telling it at some point later in the day would have to do. 
 Marina carefully approached the two, sensing the distress in the air. She knew Teddy had to be frustrated with being stuck in this form and Levi was having to teach it something that felt almost innate. Difficult to explain. She gave Levi an understanding look, hoping it was of some comfort she could try to help now. Her own lips curved into a grin at its touch and took its hand in hers, giving it a gentle and reassuring squeeze. 
 “It sounds almost similar to how my glamour works,” Marina chimed in, “I have to envision it, see myself easing from one form into the next, the other never really fully gone.” Even in this slight human frame, she still felt larger than life, still heard the thrum of three hearts beating. Growing up in a community of fae, she’d never had much difficulty appearing as she wished to. But Teddy hadn’t always been like this. His seafaring form wasn’t something that was innate to him, part of his identity so intimately that it was just who he was. “Did something trigger your shift to this form, dear? Last time I recall it was the nearly dying that brought out your more water-friendly form.” 
 The more frustrating it got the more Teddy felt like a little kid. Which wasn't exactly a great place for him to be. But for the sake of trying and wanting to be home he pushed through. As best as he could. How do you call to a part of yourself that's always been a hurricane, and tell it to calm the winds? When the tempest ate up all the space there was for the man to exist. Keeping Teddy in the eye of the storm. The person he wanted to be rather than what he felt he was.  
 "Hurt." The creature looked away, digging its claws into the earth below. "Found out Levi murdered my friend. Did it just to hurt Emilio. Made him want to fuck off and get himself killed. Thought I was going to lose him." Teddy knew Levi would be feeling his pain. Maybe about as bad as it had been that night. When everything seemed so far out of control that the only thing the florist could do was let the storm take over. But now he dealt with the flood. The broken shell he found himself to be. 
 Ask. Don't tell. Envision it. 
 Teddy was still trying to force it. It worked last time. But Emilio had been there begging him to come home. He fought his way through blood and bone and sinew to be in the hunters arms. To bring himself back. It felt like that fight was gone. He wanted so desperately to be himself again, but it also felt somehow he didn't deserve to be. After his outrage, after mercilessly ripping apart random strangers on the street. Letting the monstrous parts of himself explode after years of isolation. Maybe that was it. This was his penance. 
 "Still hurting."
 Rising to its feet, Levi frowned down at Teddy as he explained what had caused the shift this time. He hadn’t been willing to talk about it before, but the flashes of hurt had been enough of an indication… this was just confirmation. Levi wanted to be irritated. Wanted to wipe its hands of this mess at the mention of Emilio, to just walk away and be done with it. But Teddy wouldn’t let it. Teddy was allowing all that pain to spill forth now like a dam had broken, and Levi was barely able to stand in the wave that crashed down upon its head. 
 Its brows furrowed and jaw twinged as it fought to maintain its composure, teeth baring down on one another like it might crush them to dust. Rapid blinks belied the hopelessness that stirred behind them, a terrible, hollow threat of loss that it couldn’t handle churning like a vortex in its core. Tears, something it had become quite familiar with in the last couple of weeks, gathered again. 
 “I’m sorry,” it whispered breathlessly, looking anywhere that wasn’t at Marina or Teddy, fidgeting uncomfortably on the spot. The sharp inhale that followed got caught in its throat and it ran a hand down its face, fighting to keep abreast of the flood. “I wish I could take it back.” Turning away from both of them, Levi moved a few paces more toward the forest, hands on its hips. It cleared its throat, shook its head—anything to dispel the intense, anxious energy that was filling it to the brim. 
 As Teddy explained, everything clicked into place. While not quite the same principal, if anything drew her focus away from her glamour, like an injury or upset, Marina found her own glamour would slip away. It was different, but much the same. Enough that she was fairly confident that if Teddy didn’t deal with the swirl emotions coursing through him that he wasn’t going to be able to control his form in the way he wished to. This wasn’t going to be pleasant, especially for Teddy and Levi, but it was necessary. It was much why rage was her go-to emotion and violence her way of releasing it. Having that mental space to maintain her glamour without much of a thought.
 If she could, Marina would take the pain away from both Teddy and Levi to make this a seamless process, but that was not something she was capable of. Instead, she gently rubbed Levi’s back and placed a light kiss on his shoulder. “This will be difficult for both of you,” she whispered in its ear, “But it needs to be dealt with. I’m sorry, tyfónas.” There was something to be said for the gentleness in which it apologized that made her swell with pride. She’d always been able to show it more patience than most, understanding the effect years of solitude had on the mind, but she also adored the more reckless parts of its nature. A true hurricane. 
 Her focus shifted to Teddy. The more quickly they were able to help Teddy, the sooner this would be over for the both of them. Marina approached Teddy carefully, her hand outstretched to softly take his face into her hand to stroke something of a cheek. “Teddy, darling,” she cooed gently, “I believe that is what is blocking you here. If the hurt triggered this shift, it is likely what is keeping it in place.” She gave Teddy what she hoped were comforting strokes to encourage him. While she had been decent enough at doing this with her sisters, Delphina had always been better and she wished the other nymph was here now. “Emilio told me about this though he seems to be doing better now. Is it the worry that still lingers or is it bigger than that? The worry alone is heavy enough to carry and should not be carried alone.” 
 Everything seemed to be a double edged sword, polished to a mirror finish. Ready to reflect the hopes and dreams that sharpened it, as well as the fears and hurts that kept it that way. It could not exist on its own, and if you only paid attention to one side, the other would surely cut you. Levi was being so gentle with Teddy. Had stuck this out far longer than it needed to. And shouldn’t that have been a good thing? Was it evidence that the demon really was changing for the better, or was it just a vain attempt to not have to feel the deep seeded depression that burned inside the florist? Because it wasn’t like Emilio’s rage, or even Ari’s disappointment which largely both existed in the present. They’d only met Levi in the last few years or so. For Teddy, it went so much farther back. 
 There was a spark of regret, a dash of spite, and a heaping serving of guilt for every time Teddy had to use the pact he asked for. And that wasn’t fair for Levi to have to feel that. It wasn’t Levi’s fault that the ever growing demonic side of the human it’d made a deal with was doing what demons do. It wasn’t fair to graft such a human set of morals onto actions pushed on by instinct and drive. The pact was doing exactly what it was supposed to. He did not fear, and he was protected. All of that swirled inside of him and made it so hard to settle on any one conclusion. Teddy didn’t know what he wanted in the present. How was he supposed to reach out and grab it with such fervency that it drove the monstrous appearance away?
 “Everyone leaves eventually.” He relented. He didn’t want to talk anymore just to do it and be done. Marina was right though. If he wanted to sort this shit out, he had to feel it. That didn’t mean Teddy was able to look anyone in the eye while he did though. Each of those bright blue fishy eyes screwed shut, and his voice rumbled out low and quiet. “I-I’ve never been good enough for people to want to stay around. My foster-brother died and blamed me for not being enough to save him. My foster-sister refused to talk to me after. Every set of parents sent us back–” This was the root of it all right? The rotten tendrils that dug deep into the earth, waterlogged and molding, poisoning the whole of the plant that sat above the dirt attempting to look pretty. To be pleasing enough to the eye that maybe someone would want to take care of it. 
 “And when-” The demon stopped for a breath, realizing he hadn’t really been breathing this whole time. Not enough. “When Levi and I met on that beach, It gave me hope. Something I hadn’t felt in a long fucking time. Maybe, maybe this is it. This is the one I get to have. I could be a part of something.” But life was never that kind. Not for very long. “It felt like the more you got to know me, the less you liked me. And it was just happening all over again. I was never going to be the thing worth changing for. Why would I? I’m just– I’m just trash. Something to be discarded over and over and over again. Useful then disposed of. Not good enough to be human or demon.” 
 Teddy stopped, allowing his form a moment of reprieve. It shuddered with the weight of the burden. Unable to let it out by crying. This shape was built to kill. To release the hurt inside onto others. And that’s what it was doing, even now. He looked over at Levi, a bile-like confusion sat acidic at the back of his throat. Both wanting and hating the idea of someone else feeling like he was. “When Emilio found out about–” Silas. The gentle one. The sweet guy who’d come by the shop so many times to get little boxes of flowers to put out for the bees. Quick with a smile and a joke. Could light up a room just by being there. Thinking about that grin made it easier to hold onto the anger, rather than the guilt. “It was like I already lost him. With one shitty, petty, fucked up, horrifying decision, You managed to take everything. Any chance of something normal between us. A friend of mine. My partner’s fucking will to live.” It was hard for the creature's brows to furrow. Instead it seemed to illuminate the teal bits scattered across his skin with the flare of rage. 
 “And you can wish you didn’t as much as you want, but it happened. You did it.” There was something else under the last sentence. A much more self-destructive sort of pain muddled in with the fury of finding out what Levi had done. Because Teddy had done much of the same. In the moments after the blackout, when it was instinct driving him. He hurt a lot of people. Reveled in the panic and blood and screams of folks just trying to get by. He made himself monstrous to combat the monsters in his mind. 
 “You did it…” 
 It took every ounce of self control that Levi had to not snap back at Teddy, to defend itself, even while it was feeling what the florist was feeling and understanding better than it ever could have before—the context wasn’t enough, in the end. It still demanded to know why Teddy had wanted something like that from a demon, why he had dared think it a position Levi could fill when his morals were so fierce. It wasn’t fair… “You knew what I was. You knew where I came from and what I was capable of, and you thought I’d be a good—what?” the demon hissed aloud, not realizing at first that the words were no longer internalized. It still had its back to the pair of them, head dipped low.
 “You’re not the fucking problem, Ted. You’ve never been the fucking problem, I’m the problem. I’m always going to be the problem, that’s my lot in life. And I really think it’s time you stopped getting hung up on it.” Finally, Levi turned to look at him, but not before his gaze darted quickly to Marina. “This is who I am. This is who I’ll always be. Even if I ‘get better’, even if someone thinks they’ve managed to make me see the light, all the shit I’ve ever done will be hanging like a noose around my neck, and I don’t think you have the ability to see past that yet.” 
 It stared Teddy down, looking every inch as upset as it felt. “And you know what? That’s fine, you don’t need to compromise. You can believe whatever you want, you can live however you want. Stop agonizing over feeling abandoned by me—I never wanted to push you away, you retreated. Because you don’t like me, don’t like the things I’ve done, and that’s fine.” Throwing its arms in the air, it let out a mirthless laugh. “I’m here, aren’t I? You can’t say I don’t care. But that doesn’t matter as long as you’re trying to straddle a canyon, Teddy. You need to pick a side. Make peace with that.” It squatted down in front of Teddy again, speaking in a low, brusque tone. “Pick a side, fix your shit, and try to be happy. Can you do that?” 
 Between the distress of both Levi and Teddy, Marina wasn’t sure who to comfort first. Teddy should probably come first in this situation. The sooner Teddy sorted through some of these feelings, the sooner it’d stop weighing both him and Leviathan. Still, she placed a hand softly on Leviathan’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze before returning her attention to Teddy. “Teddy,” she started softly, “None of those shortcomings are your own. Your parents failed you and these foster families did, too. You were a child, it should have never been on you to protect anyone, too look out for anyone. But sometimes, people let you down.”
 Humans especially seemed to fail their families. Growing up in a community of fae, Marina would never know that feeling of abandonment. Even the time in the cave had its purpose, one she had been all too proud to take on at the time. Fae looked out for each other and their kin. “Humans are,” she paused, thinking of how to best phrase it, “Tricky. They are not as loyal to their young as they should be in many cases. Surely you wouldn’t think any other abandoned child wasn’t good enough?” 
 Marina spared Levi a thoughtful glance before continuing, “You wanted something from Leviathan that was beyond its comprehension at the time. You are not wrong for wanting that, for needing that.” How strained things were currently between Leviathan and Teddy wasn’t something she had fully realized. Teddy needed something from Levi that wasn’t something had in it, at least not at this moment in time. It did well with Cassidy, but Cassidy and Teddy were very different. Who Leviathan was and not who it could be were enough for Cassidy in the same way it was enough for her. She sighed and gently patted the boy who looked like some strange mix of sea monster and human. “I think perhaps it’s not about those people or even the frustration you two share with each other now. It’s about what you think you deserve.” 
 A pattern was becoming clear. Teddy had no choice in who his parents were or the families he ended up with as a child, but Marina could piece together the similarities in who he chose in his adult life. The more time she spent with Emilio, the more she realized Leviathan and Emilio were far more alike than either of them cared to admit. “When you were a kid, that was out of your control, but now,” she gestured toward Levi, “Who you choose to fill these places in your life– I love Emilio and Leviathan both dearly, but Emilio is reckless and constantly putting himself in danger, and Leviathan cannot change the things its done. It cannot just understand the whole of emotional experiences in two short years. Then I promised you that day on those cultists boat I’d take care of you and you seem to keep me at a distance. Do you think perhaps you are filling your life with people who are more likely to leave? To not be what you need them to be?” 
 “What I can tell you, is I’ve never seen Levithan look at anything with as much awe as it did you in that grotto,” Marina assured, “Not even when it first saw me and admittedly that awestruck look is the only reason it’s alive right now. It is showing up now when it’d be easier to turn away. But it is right, you either have to come to terms with what it’s done before you were in the picture or don’t. Emilio promised me he would not kill Levi and I think that’s as close to peace that there will ever be between the two of them. Only you can decide if it’s enough. Only you can decide and accept what you believe you deserve.” 
 “It’s not– I know, I know. It’s not fair. You didn’t ask for this– You shouldn’t have to deal with all the shit in my head– It’s my expectations and my assumptions and my problems– I wasn’t ever mad at you for not being– I-I-I-I’m mad at myself for thinking it.” 
 Teddy’s mind was swimming. Or rather it was drowning. Trying to catch up with a thousand concepts. Like he was floating in the center of the ocean looking up at the stars and trying to grasp one as a lifeline. Barely keeping his head above the water as the waves thrashed him about. He retreated slightly. Held his head in two of its massive hands, gripping tight enough to draw out some of that teal blood. This form couldn’t hyperventilate, but fuck if it wasn’t trying to. 
 “It wasn’t– I wasn’t– I don’t–” Here was the skip in the record. The malfunction that drove the florist to spiral inward and downward each time he got too much in his head. Faced with a steel cage he kept around his heart, so no one, not even himself, could see what was going on in there. For so long he was just a reflection of what he thought those around him might like. Emilio was reckless. Levi was always going to be something just out of reach. And Marina was right. Teddy tried to pull into himself like a turtle, tried to dig into the face he wanted to get rid of so badly that he was just about willing to rip it off. Be damned with whatever was underneath. Maybe he’d finally rip apart the two halves of himself. 
 One for each side to keep. 
 Every word felt like a physical assault on his psyche. All the walls he’d carefully constructed, coming down in one fell swoop. As kind as he pretended to be, he kept everyone at arm's length. Emilio had been the first he let in. Selfishly he wished the demon and the slayer had never met before he had come into their lives. That he could have both. Not that it would have fixed all the problems. Teddy was still too preachy, too sensitive. “I-I lashed out– because I was scared of what I had done. Hurt people I didn’t mean to– Hurt people I was trying to help.” The word vomit kept coming. Spewing out of the large creature like the thunder overhead the day he threw the Leviathan around in that clearing. “I was– I just– I wanted to– I needed to know if demons could be something good. Or if I’m just–” He sat and stared up at the sky with a sadness that ached deep within his bones. 
 Teddy felt small in that moment. Felt the shame he’d been piling onto himself all month finally collapse him. And maybe that was enough to kick start something. Shift him some. Not that he even noticed. Parts of the creature sloughed off. Melted away like seafoam. Until it was human sized, but still every bit as monstrous. 
 “--Cursed to one day lose myself. That this is just going to make a beast out of me. Not even a cognizant demon like Levi– That I’m gonna wake up one day and just be a mindless animal. Hurting everyone and everything I care about.” 
 Marina was much better with this sort of thing than Levi. In spite of the foreign ache that clung to it, waxing and waning in waves as Teddy floated in and out of emotions that were a direct reaction to Levi’s mere existence, the demon was still able to manifest plenty of anger. At this situation as a whole, at the fact that Teddy had managed to get involved with the one fucking person in town Levi couldn’t play nice with. It felt like being shortchanged, and there were few things the demon hated more than that. 
 Pacing again as the other two exchanged words, as Teddy seemed to talk himself through whatever he’d been thinking this entire time but was too afraid to say… 
 I needed to know if demons could be something good.
 The statement struck a chord, and Levi whipped around to face them both. Demons can be whatever the fuck they want to be it nearly countered, before remembering that it had blamed its actions on its own nature. So which was it? Was Levi acting on instinct, or was it just malevolent? It knew the answer. Marina, Baz, Cass, and Correy knew the answer. Of course it was capable of choosing whether or not it wanted to be cruel, it simply depended on who was on the receiving end. 
 “Demons can be whatever they want to be.” Settling for a slightly less aggressive response, Levi accepted the fact that it would undo all its previous arguments. “And you’re not cursed, Teddy. Marina said it best—you need to decide what you deserve. None of us can decide that for you. What I gave you—I didn’t just stick a demon in there and let it proliferate, that’s all you. It might have felt alien at first, but it’s still you. It’s a manifestation of all the shit you keep screwed down so tight that you yourself almost forget it’s there. There is no losing yourself. Accept that, and maybe you’ll have an easier time controlling it.” It cocked its head at the florist with a squint. “Seems to be helping right now, anyway,” it grunted, gesturing at the man’s smaller stature. 
 All things considered, this was going reasonably well. While not yet fully there, Marina marveled at the shrinking size of Teddy’s form and the patience that Levi was exhibiting that wasn’t something she considered entirely characteristic of it in most situations. There was progress happening all around and she couldn’t quite help the sense of pride it brought her. She gave Leviathan an approving glance with a nod and added, “Leviathan is right, you get to choose what you want to be. If you don’t want to lose yourself, you cannot hide the things you feel so deep within yourself where they grow on their own beyond your recognition.”
 Marina made a small gesture towards Teddy’s now shrinking form. “Even now, talking through and releasing some of what you’ve kept bottled away is helping you. And you are not losing myself or Leviathan unless that is what you choose.”
 Chased and sought after. Fought for like a lion seeks freedom from a birdcage. The simplest of concepts lost in a tempest of time and trauma. Teddy hadn’t really realized the depth of his need for clarity until his mind went to pieces. Dragging his body along for the ride. The florist hardly thought of his own emotions. They were often too hard to parse, partially because of the thick fog he’d placed them in. But this, it was like someone finally turned the light on. Gave him the keys to the garden of his heart. It was enough that he could finally tend to the overgrowth. Protective thorns with lovely blossoms. Pleasing enough to look at, near impossible to dig through. Who knows what he’d find in there? Trepidation at the threshold. 
 But it was a start. 
 “Demons can be whatever they want to be.” Teddy repeated. Softly. Lowly. More to himself than anything else. His voice was far more in tune with the natural rasp it usually carried than the deep rumbling sound that came out of him before. The ache that had been holding him together released, and he felt as each of his muscles relaxed into a far more familiar state. Almost human. Most of the important bits. The last visual scar of the ordeal lay in his eyes. Still retaining the deep black sclera, with the lightly illuminated blue rings. Those eyes blinked a few times, adjusting to the sunlight and staring softly at the warm pink of his hands. Teddy loosed a single, tired, breathy laugh. Rubbed his fingertips together as if to confirm. 
 It led to more questions though. Of course. It always does, doesn’t it? Where did they go from here? How did he keep that from happening again? The answer to both seemed to be radical honesty. At the very least, he had to be honest with himself. Despite everything, despite the hurt, the confusion. Teddy still wanted there to be something here. Marina had been nothing but kind. Levi… had its moments. Most of what had been bad was born of the tension between the demon and the slayer. And Teddy wished it could be just about anything else. It wasn’t like Emilio couldn’t excuse murder. The way he still stuck around Ted in spite of… all the shit he’d done, was living proof. 
 But with Levi– It was just too… personal. It wasn’t strangers. Someone you could distance in your mind. See the person and what they hoped to be. Call it a mistake. A lapse of judgment. A stepping stone of learning. It was friends, family, cherished loved ones. Pretty much all Emilio’s biggest fears, bundled into one big ball of fuck. The chimera was one thing, one horrible thing. But Silas hurt. It hurt when they all thought it was just an accident. It was excruciating to know it was done with purpose. Teddy knew they’d have to talk about it one day, but that was not something for right now. 
 Now he only had just about the most dangerous words he could possibly say. 
 “Thank you… both.” He was sheepish. Small. Laid bare in front of them and handing over a knife. The tattered remains of his clothes sat loose around his waist. Giving a physical appearance to the way his heart felt. “Y-you didn’t have to stick this out. I have a lot to think about. More… more than I can bear to talk about right now. But… I don’t think I would have been able to come back without your perspective.” 
 Watching Teddy melt back to the form best suited for him, Levi couldn’t help the sense of relief that came over it. This, at least, would be resolved. For the moment, anyway. “Don’t mention it,” it said in a low tone, gaze flicking quickly over to meet Marina’s. “And maybe ease up on thinking about me until I can get this witchy bullshit figured out.” Shrugging the lightweight, mid-thigh length jacket it wore from its shoulders, it approached Teddy and draped the garment over his shoulders instead. “Come on, let’s get you inside,” it urged, nodding toward the lighthouse. Its voice was softer than normal, marred with exhaustion. “Got some clothes you can take. Might be a little big, but…” Managing a little smirk, Levi waited for Marina to move to Teddy’s opposite side. “Should be fine just to get you home.”
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE THESPIAN get what they deserve?” They are in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out. 
— they walk through the world as ;
name → calliope malfoy pronouns → they/them identification → non-binary year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → emma corrin blood status → pure-blood (metamorphmagus) sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → actor at the beasouleil theatre future information → n/a
— they are best described as ;
The strong scent of FACE PAINT as it’s expertly applied & sealed with a PUFF of POWDER in a BACKSTAGE room.They are the GLITTERING TUTU of a PIXIE wore in a BALLET & the VENETIAN MASK fit for an ELABORATE STAGE VILLAIN. They are as RECOGNISED as an OLDEN SCRIPT & as DIFFICULT to pin down as a cloud of SPARKLING CIGARETTE SMOKE.
— their story starts with ;
Calliope’s name was inspired by mythology and they are as interesting, creative and ancient as their namesake. The second child of Ignatious Malfoy and his wife Asteria Malfoy, Calliope escaped any of the weight of their family name felt by their elder sibling LACHESIS MALFOY [sibling]. Instead, Calliope preferred to exercise themselves creatively, intent on using the Malfoy name to gain access to the most lavish theatres and dance halls the Wizarding World had to offer. Calliope spent their childhood writing elaborate scripts and monologues they would perform for their family and working away on songs by the piano under the strict gaze of their music teacher. Unlike many Sacred Twenty-Eight families, Calliope had noticed that their parents encouraged their children to follow their respective passions. Whilst they overheard the Black family at parties dreaming up the fates of their children, Ignatious and Astreia knew their children would achieve greatness, the area in question being entirely up to them. 
Due to their respective passions, Calliope grew up close to Lachesis. Respective right and left brain thinkers, they could always count on Lachesis for a fresh perspective on a piece of work or an idea, whilst they could count on Calliope to flip a rigid plan upside down and look at it from a more interesting perspective. Lachesis was their first friend in the world and Calliope was loyal to them to the end, which meant a united front on putting their cousin LUCIUS MALFOY [cousin] in his place. In an ideal world Calliope may have been friends with their cousin, their shared love of peacocking might have been enough to bond them; but the look in his eye as he attempted to get one over on their sibling was enough to rub Calliope the wrong way. From the age of seven, Calliope had known they were a metamorphmagus using their abilities to shift form to play various characters in their childhood productions, they also found it came in handy for giving their cousin a fright at opportune moments they had no doubt had a lasting impression on Lucius. 
Like the majority of their family, Calliope was placed in Slytherin when arriving at Hogwarts and quickly fell into a pre-approved group of friends including ALECTO CARROW [friend], her brother AMYCUS CARROW [friend] and THROFINN ROWLE [friend]. The group was far more troublesome than Calliope liked, like their friends they had a fondness for making the right sort of people feel small, and whilst they occasionally used their powers to turn into a clown or jack-in-the-box and frighten unsuspecting classmates, Calliope preferred to use their creative and academic prowess to beat others into submission and was known for doing their best to be heard above the noise of JAMES POTTER [adversary], SIRIUS BLACK [adversary], PETER PETTIGREW [adversary] and REMUS LUPIN [adversary] they had the displeasure of sharing a year group with. Their main annoyance however came in the form of a muggle-born Gryffindor witch from their year group named MAREN ROSMERTA [adversary]. 
A friend of the marauders, Calliope met Maren through choir and immediately disliked her. It was strange to them that a muggle-born could be so talented and so beloved, but it didn’t just irritate Calliope. Younger Slytherin ELEANOR YAXLEY [best friend] shared their bitter hatred for Maren, and the two found common ground and a blossoming friendship through their deep hatred of her. Through Eleanor, Calliope found themselves associating with a new group of people, becoming close friends with Eleanor’s twin brother VICTOR YAXLEY [close friend], REGULUS BLACK [close friend] and half-blood SEVERUS SNAPE [close friend] from their own year. Calliope was surprised they would be able to befriend a half-blood, having staunch opinions on blood purity that had been handed down to them by their family, but Severus was quietly calculated much like themself and Calliope appreciated anyone who shared their dislike for those who did not belong in the spotlight, like the marauders and their irritating gang of fans. 
Upon leaving school there was only one career that Calliope and that was one on the stage. Their family name was synonymous with political ambition and meddling due to rumours floating around that their father and their uncle Abraxas had been involved in the ousting of a previous Minister for Magic. Not that Calliope would care to admit it, but they were glad of how much their cousin Lucius had done to pave the way into changing this image. Lucius had many key figures in their world in their pocket and whilst Calliope was not known for their warmth toward him, they were happy to use his name as and when to make connections in the theatrical world, eventually landing themselves in shows at The Beausoleil Theatre. Whilst not the biggest name in Wizarding London, no one can deny Calliope dedication to their craft, especially older stories and their ability to change their features to commit to a role have made them a beloved presence on the stage and a crowd favourite. But as well as being an actor, Calliope has much more going on in their world and furthering their families political careers is one of them. 
It was their father’s wish as he lay old and imbolie in his bed that Calliope and Lachesis follow Lucius in joining THE DARK LORD [leader] in his quest for power. Whilst being part of an anarchist political group was not part of Calliope’s initial plans for their future, they understood the importance of securing the Malfoy family at the top and more importantly seating Lachesis close by his side. New to the death eaters, Calliope likes to see themself as Lachesis special weapon, having shifted into multiple people to help their sibiling. DOLORES UMBRIDGE [person of interest], Calliope slipped her a potion and sat in on an important meeting to feedback to their sibling, once they even became HARRISON BAGNOLD [person of interest] just to see how much his mother might say. But now their time has come to aid The Dark Lord himself and when a letter arrived for Calliope to cause some chaos at The Spring Solstice with their sibling, they couldn’t say no. Not only a name on the stage, Calliope has plans to be known within their new group and this is the perfect way to get the Malfoy sibilings on the map and out of Lucius’ shadow. 
— they are a LEVEL 5 SORCERER & a LEVEL 8 METAMORPHMAGUS & readied for war ;
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of-crowns-and-echoes · 5 months
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Magic users have always existed alongside normal humans, hidden but present. Eons ago, powerful sorcerors created a ward of magic, separating the magic from the mundane. And so the existence of Sancteiros was wiped from every map and every mind, forgotten as if it never existed in the first place.
But the wall has now fallen, and non-magicals are gearing up for an attack. You play as a Divine One, the current ruler of Sancteiros when the wall falls.
After three Divine Ones dying only a year into their rule, can you be the one to restore stability? Or will your crown fall alongside your people?
DEMO out now!
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Names have power: Choose your name, gender, and appearance.
The past is never dead: Customize your character's background and past
Make magic yourself: Choose from three magical classes- mages, sorcerors, and witches.
Don't forgive, don't forget: Rule over a country that has been isolated for centuries, and decide which factions are allies and which are enemies.
No man is an island: Four characters to befriend or romance (or make enemies of)
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ETHEL VIVER [m] Vibrant and reckless, Ethel's been your friend for four years now. A witch and a liar, Ethel has a reputation for being loud and knowing entirely too much.
MAREN AIREL [m] The newest recruit of the Guards, Maren rose the ranks of popularity quick. He's the reason that the Guards are known more for adventures than protection, now. He's the son of the last Chief Advisor, and has half the population of Sancteiros swooning at him.
ARTISE CORREL [f] Artise leads the rebels, but the only thing you (or anyone else) knows of her is her insignia - a white feather - left behind at every site of the rebellion. The instability of the regime has led to her growing power, loathe as the Guards are to admit it.
CEDIS DAY [f] Cedis is the second-in-command of the human ambassadors, distrusting and far too cautious. Though most of your council prefers her to the human leaders, she resolutely refuses to talk to anyone but you.
+other minor and major characters
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intomusings · 10 months
ೀ ﹒﹒  favorite   names   compilation    !
ur   fav   musings   girly   again   here   with   the   first   of   my   christmas   goodies   .   my   favorite   thing   to   do   is   these   name   compilations   so   i   decided   to   create   another   masterlist   of   my   absolute   favorite   ones   (   some   old   ,   mostly   new   )   anyways   all   i   ask   is   that   if   u   found   this   useful   ,   u   like   or   reblog   to   show   ur   support   .   i   hope   everyone   is   enjoying   the   holiday   season   ♡
- a : abella, ardella, ares, aire, arden, ayla, arie, alder, august, aymes, atlas, alina, alora, aryn.
- b : beau, babette, belle, blake, briar, bronte, banks, boston, bishop.
- c : cassiel, clara, celeste, camden, chandler, collins, clay, cartier, chanel, cosima.
- d : dove, dream, danica, delaney, drue, denver, dacey, delcy, darcy, dahlia.
- e : elodie, emory, emrys, elio, elowynne, emerson, evie, edie, estoria, esme, effy, evans.
- f : flora, faye, fallon, ford, forbes, finnick.
- g : gaia, geles, greer, gensen.
- h : hera, hudson, hampton, heath, harlowe.
- i : isla, inara, ilia.
- j : juniper, josefine, jane, jovie, joey.
- k : kiersten, kairo, kaia, kian, kouvr, keanu.
- l : lysander, lanie, lorena, lawson, lux, ludo, lourdes.
- m : marla, marigold, maren, maeve, marlowe, miller, monet.
- n : neah, north, nola, nell, noel, nariah, niamh, nami.
- o : ozzy, orion.
- p : presley, posy, pearl, porter, pacey, paxon.
- r : reed, ruelle, raya, romey, ryker, rhode, reign, rafe, rohan, raiden, remi, rion, rhiannon, reece, river, raine, rumer, reem, rhys.
- s : selah, soraya, sarifya, savion, sloane, sol, soren, scout, saint, striker, serafina, sabina, sutter.
- t : teal, twila, tristan, tobie, tripp, teague, tate.
- v : vienna, vega, vera, vincenzo.
- w : wren, winter, winona, winnie, wilder, weston.
- x : xaverie, xylah, xiomara, xander.
- y : yves, yara.
- z : zephyr.
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ahaura · 1 year
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Bones and All (2022) dir. Luca Guadagnino
Hélène Cixous, The Love of the Wolf
Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
Maud Ellmann, The Hunger Artists
Catherynne M. Valente, The Bread We Eat in Dreams, “The Red Girl”
Marty McConnell, The Best American Poetry (2014) ed. David Lehman & Terrance Hayes, “vivisection (you’re going to break my heart)”
Start Web Weaving Text & Image IDs:
[Image ID (1 out of 6): Maren is eating Lee; the shot is focused on Maren. The shot is in black and white. End ID]
Hélène Cixous, The Love of the Wolf
[Text ID: I beg you, eat me up. Want me down to the marrow. End ID]
[Image ID (2 out of 6): Maren is clutching her father's father's coat to her chest on her bed as she cries, shortly after he abandons her. End ID]
Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
[Text ID: I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it—to be fed so much love I couldn’t take any more. Just once. End ID]
[Image ID (3 out of 6): Maren and Lee sit across from each other in a diner; Maren is not looking at Lee and Lee is looking at her as he drinks coffee. End ID]
Maud Ellmann, The Hunger Artists
[Text ID: Since sexuality originates in seating, it is always haunted by the imagery of ingestion, having neither an object nor a territory proper to itself. Yet eating, in its turn, exceeds the biological demand for nourishment, for it expresses the desire to possess the object unconditionally. The infant sees his stomach as a safe in which he hoards his loot, thus learning his first lessons in private property. The genesis of secrecy may also be attributed to eating, for it is well known that the best way to keep a secret is to eat the evidence. {Highlighted} The stomach is a place almost as private as the grave. {End Highlight} End ID]
[Image ID (4 out of 6): In the dark of night outside of their blue pickup truck, Lee holds Maren's face in his hand. His face is bloody; he is shirtless. Maren's face is not visible to the camera. End ID]
Catherynne M. Valente, The Bread We Eat in Dreams, “The Red Girl”
[Text ID: I love you but there are things older and murkier than love. Things that live not in the heart but the entrails. I don’t want you to see me with the wolf. I don’t want you to see what he does to me. I don’t want you to see what I do to him. End ID]
[Image ID (5 out of 6): In daylight, Maren holds Lee; the viewer cannot see Lee's face. End ID]
Marty McConnell, The Best American Poetry (2014) ed. David Lehman & Terrance Hayes, “vivisection (you’re going to break my heart)”
[Text ID:When I say eat me I mean suck the bones clean, leave nothing
for the waiting, nothing for the vultures or the travelers to come. End ID]
[Image ID (6 out of 6): Maren is eating Lee; Maren's face is out of the shot but the viewer can see her hand on Lee's face as he screams. He is holding her hand to her face. The shot is in black and white. End ID]
End Web Weaving post Text & Image IDS.
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stvolanis · 11 months
“ₜₕₑ wₒᵣₗd ᵢₛ yₒᵤᵣₛ”
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.・゜゜・. .・゜゜・. ゜゜・
.・゜゜・. .・゜゜・. ゜゜
✎ Stranger Things (Eddie, Billy, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jim Hopper)
✎ Mötley Crüe (Nikki, Tommy)
✎ Guns N’ Roses (Axl, Slash, Steven, Duff, Izzy)
✎Metallica (James, Kirk)
✎ KISS (Eric Carr, Paul, Gene, Ace)
✎ My Hero Academia (Aaizawa, Toga, Dabi, Hawks, Shigiraki, Bakugo, Endeavor)
✎ Hazbin Hotel (Alastor, Valentino, Angel Dust)
✎ Outer Banks ( JJ, John B, Pope, Rafe, Barry, Ward, Sarah, Kiara, Cleo)
✎ Stand By Me (Ace, Eyeball)
✎ On My Block (Latrelle, Spooky, Ray)
✎ Hilda Furacão (Saint, Aramel, Roberto, Hilda, Leonor)
✎ Bones And All (Lee, Maren)
✎ The Bikeriders (Benny, Johnny, Danny)
✎ Interview With The Vampire (Lestat, Armand, Louis)
✎ degradation, hybrid OC/reader, praise, spitting, heavy cnc, power play, age gap, sir/daddy/mommy kinks, threesomes, gang bangs, voyeurism, step-cest, pet play, power play, size kink, slapping, breath play, gun play, knife play, blood kinks, dom/sub/switch, role-play, kidnapping, oral (m & f receiving), somnophilia, etc. just ask!!
✎necro, ddlg, age play, anything to do with urine or feces, incest, feederism, pedophilia, rape, under the influence sex, raceplay, beastiality, basically no weird ass shit!
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NAMES ⌇ abelia. acacius. aciano. aini. alder. alfie. almus. amaryllis. ame. antonio. archer. arthur. ashe. ashley. aspen. asper. aster. aveline. aviv. azalea. basil. belle. benedict. berry. bloom. blossom. bluebell. brook. calix. calla. carli. carline. carly. carolina. carrillo. cassia. cassiopeia. cedar. cherie. chun. cider. cira. cirrus. clover. coral. cordelia. crescent. cynthia. cypress. cyrus. dahlia. daisy. daphne. douglas. dune. echo. eilir. elara. elm. elowen. elyana. enon. erica. ester. everest. everett. evergreen. ewan. fauna. fern. finn. finnley. fleur. floor. flora. florian. florise. flower. flynn. forest. forrest. glen. gracie. gunner. haru. haruhime. haruki. hawthorne. heather. hemlock. honey. hyacinth. ianthe. indigo. ione. ipomea. iris. ivy. jaskier. jasmine. jasper. juniper. kalina. kallie. karolina. karoun. kath. kelda. ken. kingsley. lake. lavae. lavender. leilani. lennox. lente. lief. lilac. lily. linnea. lotus. lucinda. lucky. lucy. maayan. madeline. maggie. magnolia. maple. maren. mari. marian. marigold. mars. mary. maud. mauve. meadow. miles. momo. moss. mossie. mossy. moxie. muna. narcisow. nimbus. noi. oak. oasis. oleander. oybahor. pandora. pearl. pebble. pege. petal. plum. poppy. pınar. quanlian. quill. river. rosa. rosalie. rosalind. rose. roswell. rue. rune. saem. sage. sakura. san. sky. sol. star. story. strider. striker. summit. sunny. sylvia. sylvie. tasnim. terra. thistle. thorn. thorne. tree. udaberri. vasanta. verna. violet. waipuna. wells. westley. willow. wisteria. wisty. wren. yuki. zephyr. ziedonis. zinnia.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ amaranth/amaranth. aster/aster. bee/bee. bee/bees. bless/blessed. bloom/bloom. bloss/bloss. bloss/blossomself. bud/bud. camell/camell. camellia/camellia. carnati/carnation. chirp/chirp. ci/cir. cloud/cloud. colum/columbine. columbine/columbine. comfort/comfort. dais/daisy. dawn/dusk. dew/dew. dog/dogwood. dog/wood. ey/em. fe/fer. fer/fern. fern/fern. field/field. fir/fir. fleur/fleur. flor/flor. flor/flora. floral/floral. flori/florid. flow/flower. flower/flower. freesi/freesia. fruit/fruit. fuch/fuchsia. garden/garden. grass/grass. green/green. grow/growth. hawth/hawthorn. hawth/thorn. hi/hits. hib/hibiscus. honey/honey. hy/hys. hya/hyacinth. hyacin/hyacinth. h✦/h✦m. ir/iris. jas/jasmine. jessa/jessamine. jour/ney. laven/lavender. le/leaf. leaf/leaf. leaf/leave. lil/lily. lotu/lotus. lu/luna. mag/magnolia. mar/mar. matcha/matcha. misel/mistletoe. mo/moth. morning/morning. moss/moss. mossy/mossy. narc/narcir. narcissus/narcissus. nature/nature. orch/orchid. pe/peony. peace/peace. peak/peak. per/peri. peri/periwinkle. petal/petal. pi/pix. picnic/picnic. plum/plum. pollen/pollen. pop/poppy. prick/prick. pur/purple. qu/quest. rain/rain. rhod/rhode. ros/rose. rose/rose. sa/sap. sage/sage. sakura/sakura. scent/scent. se/ser. shine/shine. shroom/shroom. sh✦/h✦r. si/strike. smile/smile. soft/soft. sol/solar. spikes/spike. spring/spring. sprout/sprout. star/star. stem/stem. sun/sun. sun/sunrise. sun/sunset. syr/syringa. tea/party. tea/tea. thist/thistle. thorn/thorn. th✦y/th✦m. tul/tulip. vi/vier. vi/viol. wi/wild. win/winkle. wind/wind. wister/wisteria. yucca/yucca. zinni/zinnia. ☀️ . 🌱 . 🌳 . 🌷 . 🌿 . 🍎 . 🍏 . 🍵 . 🐝 . 🐞 . 💐 . 💐.🌷 . 🕷️ . 🦋 . 🦟 .
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teriri-sayes · 5 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 285
Brief summary: GoC and Blue Wolf fight. Epley and mage chimera dead. DA excited to create new skill. Cale continues to bleed from his mouth.
Lots of stuff happened today. We've got two cute moments with Raon and Lock. 🥰 Lock was ecstatic when Cale relied on him for protection. He was really happy that he had now become a reliable protector.
And Raon sort of acknowledged Cale as his dad today! 🥰🥰🥰
Maren: Your dad will be fine because the Blue Wolf is protecting him. Raon: … M-My human is not my dad! Maren: Is that so? *scratches cheek in confusion* I thought he was your dad. Raon: H-Human is a human, and I'm a d-dragon? Maren: So? Is that a problem? Raon: A problem… It's not! Maren: See? Eruhaben: *looks at the two and shakes his head in disbelief*
DA when excited became a talkative guy that Cale even told him to shut up. 😂 Fortunately, DA did not turn Cale into some eldritch horror eye monster something today. Rather, he simply studied how GoC did it in order to create a new skill for the future.
So why was Cale and DA so greatly affected by GoC's power? Because chaos contained everything, including the core of the beginning, the prime of all things. Primal fear then, was what easily defeated Cale and DA. And one of GoC's attacks even tempted Cale with sweet words, like "Come nearer. You can be anything here." This was primal fascination, and if Raon had not interfered, Cale might have fallen victim to GoC.
GoC and Blue Wolf fought with their auras, and afterwards, GoC created a gray tsunami while Blue Wolf split it with his blue flaming wind. In the process, Epley and the mage chimera got consumed by the tsunami. Those two got a taste of their own medicine as they drowned in the tsunami with faces of despair. What a fitting end.
Who won in the end though? It was Blue Wolf. GoC decided to withdraw after leaving the words, "Eventually, chaos will come. That is the law, the rule." What happened afterwards to GoC was reported by poor GoD. 😂
GoD messaged Cale about what was happening in the god realm. After GoC withdrew from the battle against Blue Wolf, they threw a fit and began destroying stuff in the god realm to the point that GoB was pissed and went mad in anger too. 🤣🤣🤣
GoD also sensed Blue Wolf by Cale's side, and talked about how Blue Wolf should just descend to Aipotu, create a new divine item, and build a new flashy temple. Hmm... a new temple for Blue Wolf? Why do I have the feeling it would have the statue of Lock too? 😂
The Ryan mini-arc ended, but our Cale was already planning on his next move (attacking 3rd Star Exion) even though he was bleeding.
Super Rock: It's good that your body is okay and you did not faint. Cale: *blood continues to drip from his mouth* Super Rock: Well, you overexerted yourself so you're bleeding. Everyone: *eyes shaking as they see Cale bleeding from the mouth nonstop* Cale: *thinking of attacking Exion next* Raon and CH: *shaking eyes* Cale: *sees the two and confidently shouts* I didn't faint or cough blood! Super Rock: For now. You will soon if you don't rest. Cale: *ignores Super Rock*
Cale, this is why slacker life continues to elude you. Tsk, tsk. 😒
Ending Remarks I did not expect to see blood from Cale today. Or Epley to die easily like that. Serves her right. For the next chapter, I think it would be the reaction of the beastmen to Lock and Cale. And Cale fainting if he continues to ignore Super Rock's advice.
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julesthepsychic · 5 months
tumblr u gotta help me out again
i want to change my middle name from michele to something else, but it has to start with an M. the top pick is motorcycle by over 75% on my last poll
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there's new contenders though, and i forgot to make the poll longer than a day so i'm doing it again with more options. also my roommate is mad at me for not putting her name as an option so i need to include that
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exleviathan · 2 years
[pm] Good, I know Cassidy is leaving which is a relief. I was hoping you'd like that idea. There are many trenches I haven't explored in centuries that I would love to explore with you. Would you like to invite Baz and Correy along?
[ pm ] Correy, yeah. Baz... won’t be coming. Already tried convincing them, but they insist on stay here and throwing their life away for some humans. 
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE FIGHTER get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → peter pettigrew pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → austin abrams blood status → half-blood sexual orientation → pansexual occupation → bartender at the leaky cauldron in diagon alley future information → death eater & traitor to the order of the phoenix
— he is best described as ;
The kind of friend to WATCH your BACK when you need it most. He is the WARM scent of a CRACKLING FIRE & the SHARPNESS of shot of IRISH FIREWHISKEY like a PUNCH to the JAW. He exists, mostly in the silence where a JOKE is told, where people with BATED BREATH wait for the LAUGH that FOLLOWS. He is UNCERTAINTY. He is LOYALTY, yet he is FOOLISH & he is DANGEROUS in his quest to BELONG & be LOVED. 
— his story starts with ;
Peter Pettigrew had always been the sort of boy who felt like he didn’t belong. His mother was a pure-blood witch born to a noble family who ran away with a muggle boxer from Dublin. In the wizarding village of Chudley, people cared not for the happiness of the new couple and so began the whispers and the side eye glances that followed Peter from the moment forward. A proud man, Peter’s father worked hard to distance himself and his family from the wizarding world, buying a pub in the village which resembled a muggle pub more closely than a wizarding one. The Merrow was regularly filled with his father’s friends and their children who enjoyed boxing, gaelic football and laughing loudly. A child of magical ability, Peter never quite fit in with the group, unable to explain things he was able to do or odd things he said in passing which made the other children laugh. The setbacks he faced never stopped Peter from trying to embrace his muggle background and he embraced his muggle primary school and mandatory boxing lessons with great enthusiasm.  
By the time he was eleven, Peter was isolated, frustrated and ready for a new experience. His muggle classmates thought he was strange, as did the boys at the pub and the wizarding children in the village. Peter belonged everywhere and nowhere all at once. Neither of his parents could understand, his father outright refused to. When Peter’s acceptance letter to Hogwarts arrived, his father was angered. At first he refused to let him attend at all, though he came around eventually, if highly unwillingly. His sullen face and crossed arms as Peter disappeared into the lime green flames of their fireplace would forever be etched into his memory. Peter’s father had always treated him like his greatest disappointment, a sense of relief engulfed him suddenly that for the majority of the year he would no longer have to confront it each day. Silently Peter made a promise to himself as he emerged into Diagon Alley. This time would be different. Peter would be himself, with no one to answer to. No one to impress. Freedom.
Peter fell in with JAMES POTTER [best friend/housemate] and SIRIUS BLACK [best friend/housemate] from the moment he boarded the train. A quick fist fight with a fellow first year caught the boys' attention fast- and their spot of trouble on The Hogwarts Express became the first of many they’d share together. Sorted into Gryffindor alongside his two new best friends, he was the happiest he had ever been. Accepted finally, and for the next seven years, admired and interesting, Peter knew within his bones he would do anything to feel that way for the rest of his life. Not a naturally academic student, he was a damn good Beater on the Gryffindor team, could drink like a champion and smoke like a chimney, which made him popular with his fellow students. REMUS LUPIN [best friend/housemate] was a strange addition to their trio of fools, though he was welcomed. They were at first bonded by his dark secret, though it quickly developed into something more. Remus made them better people, more caring, thoughtful and serious in the best ways, and the fact he became a prefect in their later years helped a lot with getting them out of trouble. 
When Peter left Hogwarts he wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself. He’d had the very best years of his life chasing girls and learning magic with his three best friends. Whilst James had expressed dreams of being a famous Auror and Remus a journalist, he and Sirius were interested in having a good time. London called and the marauders found home in an enchanted flat squeezed between a Muggle pub and Farringdon station. Evenings were spent working at The Leaky Cauldron with Sirius where they could drink for free and stay out late afterwards. He had never longed for much in life other than this, so when the disappearances began in 1983 he felt something shift immensely. ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [leader/former headmaster] appeared back in their lives, not long after the Minister’s son was murdered, the usual rosy colour drained from his face. “THE DARK LORD [adversary] was on the move,” he had told them.  It was shocking for Peter to learn that these attacks and disappearances were not isolated incidents. Being from a Muggle background, he was aware of how many people went missing each day in London alone and the fact that they shared an alley with dark wizards, vampires and werewolves allowed him to stay ignorant for as long as he had. 
The Order of The Phoenix met in the attic of The Fountain of Fair Fortune, a collection of folk selected by Dumbledore to help root out the evil lurking in the city. A fighter by nature, Peter was enthusiastic about this task. Since leaving school he had secretly longed for the chance to be popular once more, duelling with bad guys in the corridors and protecting his friends. Naturally, everyone in their inner circle joined too and the boys alongside their Gryffindor alumni DORCAS MEADOWES [close friend], LILY EVANS [close friend], MARY MACDONALD [close friend] and MARLENE MCKINNON [close friend] began sticking the photos of those they had gone to school with to boards and following them by the cover of nightfall. His life was like an American detective film and despite the darkness that surrounded them, Peter was rather pleased. It has only been recently that things have not seemed as fun as they once were. As The Order grew, a structure began. High profile people from The Ministry of Magic joined including the daughter of The Head of The Magical Law Enforcement Office HESTIA JONES [friend], that was when Peter knew it had suddenly become more serious.
It quickly became apparent that Peter was the muscle of the operation. The one who could throw a punch if everyone was out of spells. He tried to form opinions and have them heard, but often felt like he got lost in the crowd. An embarrassing and humiliating reality when it was often in front of the object of his affection MAREN ROSMERTA [friend/potential love interest], who was dedicated to their cause. Frustrated, Peter decided to take it upon himself to do some extra digging and began being a lot more polite to unsavoury customers at The Leaky Cauldron, especially when Sirius wasn’t around. Befriending ALECTO CARROW [acquaintance/potential love interest] had been a very clever idea on his part. A wicked girl from his year at school, he knew from the papers she was newly broke and likely to have lowered her standards for friendship. Drinking alone, Alecto seemed all but ready to tell him of her sorrows over a number of firewhiskies late into the evening. Each night, after she had gone Peter scribbled everything she had told him into a book that he kept behind the counter, grinning with glee at the prospect that through their chats she would one day lead him to the inner circle of their enemies. A loyal man, Peter’s flirtation with danger is with the purest of intentions- but given The Dark Lord’s reach and the designs of his followers, Peter’s clever plot may eventually signal his downfall, should he not be careful.
— he is a LEVEL 5 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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