#marcus boas
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weirdlookindog · 1 year ago
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Marcus Boas - Lost Fantasies #6, 1977
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years ago
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Castle of Frankenstein wrap-around covers, featuring Ray Harryhausen movies - art by Maelo Cintron (issues 19, 20 - 1972, 1973) and Marcus Boas (issue 21, 1974)
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haaaaaaaaaaaave-you-met-ted · 4 months ago
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Kyrik and the Wizard's Sword Cover Art by BJ Langley & Marcus Boas
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balu8 · 1 year ago
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Marcus Boas: What Happened to Betty
Back Cover
Heavy Metal June 1979 (Vol-3 #2)
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vermilllionsands · 11 months ago
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Marcus Boas
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tomoleary · 1 year ago
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Marcus Boas
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sandmandaddy69 · 2 years ago
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Marcus Boas
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pulpimpossible · 2 years ago
Leigh Brackett, novelist, short story writer, and screen writer, rarely gets the accolades she deserves. Besides the fact that she was a successful screen writer on seminal films like The Big Sleep (with William Faulkner), Altman's The Long Goodbye, and the Empire Strikes Back (with George Lucas and Lawrence Kasdan), and many others, she was a hugely important figure in late-20th Century Science Fiction. Michael Moorcock and Ray Bradbury, among others, cite her as an influence on their work. She was an established author when she met a young Bradbury and became one of his mentors. He talked about how he learned from her in their frequent meetings when she'd advise him on his writing. She started "Lorelei of the Red Mists", but couldn't finish it because she'd taken a more lucrative job for the movies, so she requested that Bradbury complete it. This was their only published collaboration that I'm aware of.
For those who haven't read Brackett, her work is absolutely worth your time. An interesting combination of terse hard-boiled prose and exotically atmospheric settings and situations. Her pacing and plotting are brisk and pleasing. She's among the best of the Pulp writers of the 20th Century.
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Marcus Boas’s paintings of Leigh Brackett’s “Lorelei of the Red Mists.” 
Just like comic book fans tend to start, when young, with Archie Comics, then move on to Superman and Batman, and then, finally, challenging books like X-Men and Daredevil in their early teens, Sword & Planet devotees usually start by reading John Carter of Mars around 8-13, then in their teen years, get into the moodier, darker and atmospheric Leigh Brackett and L. Sprague de Camp. 
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bloodybosom · 8 months ago
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Fay Wray and King Kong by Marcus Boas
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junosmindpalace · 1 year ago
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suguru really did try to stop him. he outstretched a hand to his chest and told him to mind his business, but once satoru saw a text banner with a guys name he most definitely didn’t recognize appear on your home screen, especially since moments before you left your phone on the table, you were smiling at whatever was on it, his curiosity got the best of him, and not even a firm warning from his moral compass could stop him from simply pushing his weight against it and reaching for your phone.
his friend watched as he sat hovering sideways over your phone, eyebrows knitting together as he read over the text banner.
suguru sighed and dropped his hand in defeat.
“marcus.” satoru emphasized as if the name was a gross drink, as if the name itself was something to be in disbelief about. “who the hell is marcus?”
of course suguru knew about this marcus, and of course he knew about satoru’s immense crush on you (which he stubbornly refused to admit to). he also knew of satoru’s ability to be a dick, and if he were honest, he was rooting for the two of you just a bit. it was amusing watching two people be so immensely oblivious to their own feelings for one another, yet tease and exchange vulgar language as if you despised each other the most in the world. he was saving him, suguru had thought, from further ruining his chances.
“do we even have a marcus at this school?” satoru whips his head around to look at suguru for some sort of confirmation that there was a reasonable, totally platonic explanation for why you had a guy named marcus saved on your phone that would console him, let alone a name he never heard of, especially if you thought so highly of him as to hardly pull your eyes away from his texts and find them so amusing. this is only for a moment, however, before he turns back and brings the phone closer to his face, scanning the words over and over.
“put the phone down, satoru.” was suguru’s only response, not wanting to give away business that wasn’t his to share. satoru didn’t listen, only inching even closer to the phone until he was sitting up straight.
something about seeing each other at the end of the day, was what the message was referring to, however vague it was to satoru for not being familiar with the entirety of the conversation. he feels his stomach twist up uncomfortably, immensely irritated for reasons he chooses to completely pin on you. you’re always getting under his skin, making his face grow warm, distracting him from his super important missions, making him, “the strongest”, look weak. he’ll choose to pin this annoyed feeling over a text on you, too. it is your phone after all.
he quickly sets it back down on the table and jumps up, pretending to do elsewhat when the door to the classroom swings open again. you make a beeline for your phone, and satoru and suguru both watch as you smile and speedily type something away. sugurus eyes flicker over to satoru with a small smirk as his frown grows deeper on his face.
when you take notice of eyes on you, particularly satoru’s, your smile drops and you raise a brow. “what? something on my face?”
“only one of the corniest grins i’ve ever seen.” satoru rolls his eyes from behind his glasses, turning his gaze away from you. you scowl at him.
“can’t be worse than that ugly frown on your face.”
suguru listens exasperatedly at your bickering, knowing that this would’ve been the outcome if satoru were to learn of this mystery person, and originally doing everything in his power to prevent it. but now the deed was done, and the two of you could only hurl insults at each other until one got fed up.
it seemed that you would be the first to leave today, because after exchanging snarky remarks with satoru, making one final face mimicking his expression annoyedly, you bid suguru a good day and headed out with your bag.
“why do you always need to start something?”
“me?! y/n started it!”
he huffed, digging his chin into the palm of his hand as he fixed the board in front of him with an annoyed glare.
“besides, why the hell would I care about who y/n hangs out with? guy sounds like a loser, anyway.”
suguru could just admit that this marcus fellow satoru was so concerned about was a relative of yours from out of the country who had come to visit, but his jealousy was a lot more amusing, and so he decided to entertain the false idea in his mind just a little by being vague enough to have his mind piece together the most horrifying situation.
“don’t think they’d be hanging out with him if he was.” suguru chuckled, not missing the small twitch in his friend's eyes at the statement.
satoru only amps up in showing off after that. even after mention of “marcus” is long past, there’s a newfound determination fuelling satoru that only suguru has caught on to. he’s as arrogant as ever, continuing to boast his impressive victories and speak with you in your usual colorful language, but he also looks over his shoulder more often to see whether you were in the vicinity watching him fight or when he says something he deems in his mind cool. he stuffs his hands in his pockets and smirks at you through the dark lenses of his glasses, sliding down the bridge of his nose; a look he knows from experience makes people swoon.
suguru can only roll his eyes at his consistent pathetic attempts at becoming number one in your eyes. but even when satoru deflates with a huff and turns away when he thinks you aren’t looking, suguru manages to catch, if just for a brief moment, your own longing gaze before it quickly dissolves. and a new idea forms in his mind; that perhaps you had stepped outside and left your phone up mid conversation on purpose that day, knowing that the notifications coming in would catch your white haired classmates eye.
what a couple of try-hards.
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paaelle · 4 months ago
Esse post está sendo dedicado aos 5 brasileiros na fandom de Padrinhos Mágicos : Um Novo Desejo.
Hoje eu estarei apresentando a vocês as possibilidades para dubladores, uma pesquisa que eu fiz mês passado simplesmente no fodase, mas não deixou meu cérebro em momento algum.
Vou estar dividindo por personagem com que eu tenho mais certeza que vai ser tal dublador até o que eu tenho menos certeza, sendo totalmente possibilidade. Eu fiz essa pesquisa com o método mais esquisito que eu consegui criar :
"Se a mesma pessoa que dubla tal personagem em inglês tiver o mesmo dublador nos mesmos personagens a gente fica com possibilidades."
Foi essa a explicação que eu dei pro meu amigo quando eu fiz essa pesquisa, e provavelmente a melhor que eu consigo dar.
1. Cosmo
Todos conhecemos bem a voz do Cosmo, sendo provavelmente um dos únicos personagens da serie que nunca trocou de dublador, com ele sendo nosso querido Guilherme Briggs.
É muito provável que ele volte para retomar seu papel como Cosmo, já que foi dito pelo mesmo diversas vezes como ele ama o trabalho dele e ele retornou todas as vezes para dublar o Cosmo (até naqueles live actions bizonhos)
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2. Wanda
A voz da Wanda é icônica, simplesmente feita pela querida Nair Amorin. No entanto desde do fim da série original, ela se ausentou do papel e no momento se encontra aposentada.
Após uma pesquisa nem tão rápida eu me lembrei da existência do live action/sitcom "Padrinhos Mágicos: Mais Mágicos Que Nunca" lançada em 2022. Onde a dubladora da Wanda foi substituída pela Márcia Morelli.
No podcast "Desfoque" ela fala sobre como ela adorou ter sido escolhida para dublar a Wanda. Me faz acreditar que possivelmente tragam ela novamente para o mesmo papel.
3. Peri
Link do vídeo
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Ambos Peri e Foop/Irep foram originalmente dublados pelo Eric Bauza.No entanto o Poof teve dois dubladores em português.
4. Irep
Sendo durante a 6° a 9° temp a Ana Lúcia Menezes e na 10° temp o Renan Vidal. Por mais que eu desconfie um pouco que o Renan possa fazer retorno como voz do Peri, eu acredito que seria uma opção viável, assim, uma possibilidade.
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Como dito anteriormente o dublador original do Foop/Irep foi o Eric Bauza. Mesmo assim em português ele acabou tendo um dublador novo na 10° temporada como boa parte dos personagens.
Mais como um dublador extra, eu não tenho certeza do que ocorreu já que não cheguei a assistir a 10° temp ainda.
5. Dale
Sendo assim possíveis dubladores que possam fazer retorno são Duda Espinoza e o Fred Mascanheras.
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Aqui é onde eu começo a aplicar aquele meu método esquisito, então a partir daqui é puramente possibilidades e achismo.
6. Dev
Comparando dubladores eu acabei chegando em duas possibilidades, das quais eu dúvido muito como qualquer outra que eu tenho usando esse método. São Marco Antônio Costa e Cafi Ballousier.
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A pesquisa do Dev foi deverás complicada, o dublador original dele dubla muitos personagens de anime, infelizmente eu tenho de quase nada de experiência com animes.
7. Hazel
No entanto em busca da compatibilidade, eu acabei achando um que se repetia bastante, sendo ele Marcus Pejon.
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De todos os personagens a Hazel é a que eu tenho mais incerteza de todos. A dubladora original dela Ashleigh Crystal é nova no mundo da dublagem, sendo assim não havia muitos personagens para comparar.
Vale lembrar novamente que isso são só possibilidades, há inúmeros fatores que afetam a escolha de um dublador, tal como resultados de testes, estúdio que tal dublador trabalha e seleção de vozes preferidas.
O máximo que eu achei foi a Maria Clara Rosis. No entanto em discussão com meu amigo a gente pensou em duas dubladoras que gostaríamos de ver como Hazel, Bianca Alencar e a Christiane Monteiro.
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É um assunto interessante pra mim e eu gostaria de trazer ele para vocês. Eu queria ter posto vídeos com as vozes, infelizmente minha internet tá horrível por causa de chuvas e já foi um sacrifício por os links nos nomes.
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siryl · 1 year ago
It's also the Space Station K-7 from "The Trouble with Tribbles."
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Marcus Boas
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opreaadriann · 8 months ago
Boa dia, boa tarde, boa noite minha parceira, eu me expresso muito melhor em português então vou meter essa mensagem em português e depois uma tradução pros gringos. Enfim, sobre o Marcos/Angelas, eles são ROs?? E gostaria de saber também se eles vão tentar mudar MC pra melhor?? Tipo tentar amenizar suas tendências sociopatas porque esse bagulho de vingança poderia facilmente se tornar apenas um dos atos repudiosos que esse sociopata em crescimento pode cometer em uma série de crimes em um futuro próximo??
Se eles não forem ROs tá de boas de qualquer jeito, não vou mentir, preferia que eles ativamente buscassem MC romanticamente invés de MC ir atrás deles como a maioria das IFs, mas tá de boas, é só uma preferência. Concluindo, amo a proposta do livro, amo tua demo e rezo pra que tu não tenha crises criativas no futuro, porque elas são de fude, obrigada por essa história 💕
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening my partner, I express myself much better in Portuguese so I'm going to put this message in Portuguese and then a translation for the foreigners. Anyway, about Marcos/Angelas, are they ROs?? And I would also like to know if they will try to change MC for the better?? Like trying to tone down his sociopathic tendencies because this revenge thing could easily become just one of the disgusting acts this budding sociopath might commit in a series of crimes in the near future??
If they're not ROs, that's fine anyway, I'm not going to lie, I'd rather they actively pursue MC romantically instead of MC going after them like most IFs, but that's fine, it's just a preference. In conclusion, I love your proposal, I love your demo and I pray that you don't have creative crises in the future, because they're shit, thank you for this story 💕
Hello, my Portuguese (or Brazilian) partner!
Yes, Marcus/Angela are ROs! Angela will push back on the revenge, trying to keep things civil/closer to a prank. Marcus will want to destroy Isaac and Michael. He will push back if he doesn't know the MC's reasons.
Both of them will want MC more than MC will want them at the start of the game, if they actually like you and what you've been doing.
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artmialma · 2 years ago
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BETTIE PAGE w/ Bengal Tiger
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spacenoirdetective · 3 months ago
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Roy Krenkel and Marcus Boas, "Tarzan at the Earth's Core"
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anditwentlikethis · 1 year ago
o gajo perguntou ao Edwards se a vitória mesmo sem vários jogadores importantes era - e passo a citar - importanting
besties eu odeio julgar as outras pessoas pela sua (in)capacidade de falar línguas estrangeiras, mas cada vez que vejo uma flash interview com os jornalistas a fazer perguntas em inglês eu morro um pouco por dentro 😭😭😭😭
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