#marco head canons
verratensduo · 1 year
What are their hobbies? Do they prefer being alone or with others? What makes your character embarrassed? What bad habits do they have? / for both of them!
Eren is actually quite the artist. He sort of hides it because he is afraid it might make the others see him as weak. He also usually draws his mom and other childhood memories and fears he is not getting them right. He also does enjoy a nice swimming session when he can get them in between duties. He will also read with Armin, though he does need a little help since his eyesight probably is not the best given both Zeke and Grisha needed glasses.
Marco enjoys quite and meditative walks through the forest. He loves hearing the animals and insects go about their day. He also quite enjoys caring for the survey corps horses, it reminds him of home on the farm. He might not look it, but he is also quite the prankster. He tends to just move things slightly to irk a person without then ever knowing why.
Eren is afraid of being alone. He can’t do it, it means being left with his thoughts. Many of which scare him, he can’t escape the darker side of him and the voices. So he prefers to have company. When he doesn’t, he will try and retreat to dream land, though that does not always help.
Marco actually doesn’t have a preference. He needs both to stay mentally healthy in his mind. Though he does quite enjoy an afternoon to himself with a good book.
Eren feels embarrassed when people notice his fears. He also turns shades of crimson if he messes up in training exercises.
Marco gets sort of embarrassed when people talk about how he is a natural born leader and has a way with words. He is too modest to admit any of that.
Eren has a habit of bottling everything in. It always comes back to bite him as the emotions and traumas eventually come out on their own. Usually nightmares he suffers alone in his room.
Marco bites his nails when he is truly scared. He knows it is bad for him, but he can’t help it. Without anything else to do it is what he thinks keeps him sane.
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thepriceofsurvival · 2 months
Imma be real for a second
Here is how I picture Kevin Day:
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Here is how I picture Jean Moreau:
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Here is how I picture Jeremy Knox:
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Here is how I picture Neil Josten:
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one-piece-head-canons · 2 months
•He has a quirkiness to him, especially when he was younger.
•His sense of humor is a little more cynical nowadays, sarcasm comes almost too naturally for him.
•He hates pickles
•Even though he's pretty much a doctor he has Emetophobia - a fear of vomit. Not too extreme but if you barf in front of him he's going to look away and gag.
•He had a goth phase in highschool
•When he was younger he wasn't necessarily confident but he wasn't shy either. Now he's a little too confident sometimes.
•When he knows he's winning an argument he smirks. He doesn't know he does this so you can't hold it against him even though you might find it a little frustrating.
•He mostly listens to 90's alt rock and grunge. But he knows a surprising amount of '90's / early '00's pop too.
•He's attentive and unexpectedly sweet. He'll give thoughtful gifts and be a little clingy.
•He isn't afraid to squeeze your ass in public and will be straight-faced while he does it.
•He has a thing for nylons and stockings on you - you'll have to stock up because he'll literally tear through them~
•Gender roles don't hold weight with him - if something needs to be done around the house he'll do it.
•He's not a good cook but he can grill.
•Great attentive dad. Each kid is getting a quirky nickname too. Just accept it.
•Much like Pops, family is important to him so expect to have Sunday dinners with his "siblings"
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grandwretch · 1 year
its so sweet how naive Jake is in the beginning of the series. no wonder Marco is so stressed all the time. imagine your life and death in the hands of someone who is genuinely surprised cops would lie
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brave-and-gentle · 6 months
Girl dad!Jean Kirstein - Happy Birthday Edition
In celebration of our man's birthday!
Pairings: Jean x afab! reader
Summary: Modern AU - You find out that you and Jean are unexpectedly going to be parents, and the baby is due on Jean's birthday.
Warnings: None, this is a continuation of super wholesome girl dad Jean
EB's Notes: I wish I could've fully fleshed this out, but alas, I'm working on two fics so a bulleted list is the best I can give rn <3 also I don't know what it's like to be pregnant or give birth so?? I did my best?? Plz enjoy and celebrate our Jean boy!
It's September when you find out that you're pregnant. One missed period isn't a big deal, but two? That plus how your stomach swirls every morning. You can't keep anything down until mid-afternoon. You silently blame the Fourth of July rager Eren threw every year. You and Jean had never been the patriotic type, but you two enjoyed the party (maybe a little too much thanks to Connie handing you drinks all night) and got a little careless after the night's festivities.
One night when Jean comes home from work, you decide to tell him. “Um, Jean?” Lacking words, you hold out the pregnancy test. Your hands shake. You had talked about having kids together, but it was always some distant future, certainly not now. He takes the stick and stares at it for what seems like forever. You wonder if you have to explain to him that it's a pregnancy test – is he really that dense? But then he looks up, hazel eyes glowing in the sunset streaking through the windows, and wraps you in his arms. “It's going to be okay, no matter what we do,” he whispers and kisses the top of your head. “I know it's not great timing and I'm not sure I'll ever really feel ready,” you begin, voice trembling, “but I think I want this. A baby. With you.” Jean leans down to press his forehead to yours. “Then I think we're going to have an adventure,” he grins.
Jean is overjoyed when you two find out that the baby is due in early April. “Do you think they'll be born on my birthday?” He asks, excitement rippling through his six-foot-two frame as he stares at the sonogram. You roll your eyes. “I didn't realize you could tolerate sharing a birthday with anyone.” Jean made a big deal about his birthday every year – mostly because he wanted to see what you would come up with for him. “Anything for our little one,” he affirms and caresses your slight bump.
Jean is the perfect partner to have a baby with – almost too perfect. It's almost irritating how much he dotes on you, but you remind yourself that he's doting on the baby too - “Baby K” or “little one,” he calls them interchangeably. He supplies you with all kinds of ginger snacks for morning sickness, researches all the baby stuff you'll need, asks a million questions at every appointment, gives you a massage every night, and takes over the majority of the household chores. Connie and Sasha tease that they never see him anymore because he's “whipped for two.”
You start to feel contractions on the evening of April 6th. Frantic, Jean calls the doctor, who says to wait until they're closer together. Neither of you fall asleep that night – you simply lie in bed, counting the minutes between contractions together. In the wee hours of April 7th, you decide it's time. Jean carries you to the car, packs the hospital bag, and hyperventilates all the way there. “For god's sake Jean, we're not even there yet!”
For all his hyperventilating in the car, Jean manages to calm down once your contractions and labor pains ramp up. It's pain unlike anything you've ever experienced – like someone is twisting all your organs together and rearranging them. All modesty is out the window. With so much sweat sliding down your body, you throw off the hospital gown and are stark naked in front of Jean and the nurses. Jean holds you hand the entire time and rubs your sweat-slicked back as you contort yourself into any position that will get the baby out as fast as possible. “C'mon baby, you're doing great! Almost there, almost there!” He encourages with confidence, but his face is as pale as the hospital bed sheets. You know Jean well enough to know that on the inside, he's border line having a panic attack.
You let out one final scream, one final push, and ear-piercing cries fill the room. “You have a baby girl!” The nurse announces and places your daughter on your chest. She's covered in all kinds of fluid and is screaming so loud your ears ache, but you don't care. You cradle her in awe that she's this little combination of you and Jean that will someday grow into her own. Jean pulls closer and wraps his arm around you and places his hand on your daughter's back. His entire hand is almost bigger than her. “She's so small,” he whispers. His earthy hazel eyes begin misting.
When Jean holds his daughter for the first time, his misty eyes give way to a rainstorm. “I can't believe we have a daughter – we made an entire human,” he blubbers and snuggles her close. “Don't forget who did most of the work,” you groan and roll over on your side to watch the two loves of your life. Jean lowers your daughter from his chest to gaze down at her. His eyes light up. “Hey babe, look, I think she's got my face!” You laugh because sure enough, she does have a longer face than most babies you've seen.
When the nurse takes your daughter to get cleaned up, Jean nibbles your ear. Heat flushes your face. “So when do you think we can -” You bat him away. “Don't even think about, Kirstein.” “C'mon babe, I'm starved!” He pleads. “NO. You don't even want to see my pussy right now, it's wrecked.” Jean crosses his arms. “I'll have you know that I saw everything, probably more than you did, and I still want your pussy. But alright alright, maybe in a month or so. Maybe we could make another one. . .” He trails off and grins. You widen your eyes. “If she's got your attitude? We stop with her,” you counter. “But,” Jean says, “if she's like you? We should have three more.” You groan and throw a pillow at him.
A few hours later, Connie, Sasha, and Marco come parading in with chocolate cupcakes. “When I asked Nicolo to make cupcakes for your birthday, I didn't realize there would be two birthdays,” Sasha laughs and hands a cupcake to Jean, who wolfs it down in one hand while cradling your daughter in the other. “More importantly,” Marco says and hands you a cupcake, “congratulations. I'm glad everything went well.” You grin and take the cupcake. “Thanks Marco.” Jean grabs another cupcake and holds it in the air. “To you,” he says your name, “for giving me the best birthday present I could've ever asked for.” Tears shimmer in his eyes again. Your heart blossoms at the sight of your best friends all here for you. “Who knew Jean boy was such a cry baby,” Connie mutters and munches on his cupcake. “Ouch!” He cries as Sasha hits him on the head. “Happy birthday Jean,” you laugh and roll your eyes because you know for the rest of your life, he's going to be insufferable about how great it is to share a birthday with his daughter. “You're never getting one like this again.”
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buff-muffin · 1 month
I feel like as a fandom Marco has some missed potential. like, Oda has a LOT of characters to get through it makes sense Marco doesn't get much of a spotlight. and I know power scalers love to throw him around. But like there is a CRIMINAL lack of good brother Marco content. In current times, before Thatch passed or even back when Roger was around. Marco is genuinely so interesting though he kinda just gets turned into a grump in most fics, keeping things straight. and I'm sorry the BIRD HEADCANONS YOU CAN PLAY WITH??? let me see this man genuinely take care of the crew and hang out with them let him SMILE PLEASE. SOMEONE LET HIM SMILE
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quinloki · 1 year
Marco, Newgate, Jinbe for Pregnancy kink, breeding kink, Praise kink please
I'm going to preface this with - I see Jinbei and Newgate as very fatherly (not Daddy-ly? ) so I don't have much personal head canon for them. (My apologies, I am a horny bastard most of my head canons are horny-based XD)
That said, I will do my best! I'm not uncomfortable with it or put off by it personally, so no harm. Oh my I thought Jinbei was in his mid-50s, seems he's a spry young 46!
Let's do these by Kink - Praise, Breeding, Pregnancy.
Praise Kink:
Marco - FUCK Yes - Marco will have a hard time not praising you, to be honest. Those calloused warm hands slide over your body just as smoothly as his gaze, and his words drip down softly like honey. It's a steady, soothing cadence, and his words delight in every sound and twitch he pulls from you. You purr so sweetly for him, you take him so well, you always listen like a good [insert here].
He certainly doesn't mind getting praised in return, it's always a pleasure to hear your voice. But he gets more from giving than receiving in this case.
Newgate - Yes - Newgate often sings the praises of his sons and his crew, so it's fairly second nature to him. Of course he would praise someone who could stand by his side, and support him in ways that no one else can. That deep voice rumbles through your body like rocks and thunder, in a tone a little different for you than anyone else.
Jinbei - Yes - Of course Jinbei loves to praise you \o/ This is a very positive and supportive gentleman, and you deserve all the praise. Jinbei is a busy guy, and you've stayed by his side through a lot of employment changes. Things always manage to work out, and you always manage to find your way back to him. The warm hands, the warm voice, and the kind words.
His tone of voice for praising you behind closed doors is a little different, but that's just for you to know.
Breeding Kink:
Marco - Sure - Marco is more than happy to fill you up. He loves letting himself go inside you, the noises you make the way you feel throbbing against him. He couldn't possibly ask for more. But there's not really anything else to it - there's no fantasy of using you just for breeding, there's no connection/desire regarding marking you or filling you up. It's not a matter of "It's hard to get overt enthusiasm out of Marco", so much as there's just not that extra connection or spark for him.
Condom or not he just enjoy finishing inside you and bringing you over the edge at the same time (or near enough to count), makes him feel like he hasn't lost his touch.
Newgate - I dunno - I just don't feel like the guy who adopted (sometimes a little forcefully) a couple hundred sons is at all interested in any part of the process for creating biological children. I do think he's a caring enough guy that he would give it a try, if it was a fantasy of yours. I imagine he'd be more enthusiastic and into it if he was breeding you anally, to be honest.
Now, to be fair, breeding kink does not equal pregnancy kink, so I want to make sure I'm clear I'm not saying they go hand in hand. His hesitation isn't because he can't separate the two, his hesitation is because, well, regardless of gender he's more of a "swiggty, swooty he comin' for dat booty" kind of guy.
Jinbei - Yes - This man appreciates the sight of you just overflowing with his seed. The certain way the blood rushes across your skin, how you tremble in pleasure, there's just something different from other times, and he appreciates that difference.
(I wish I had more, but he's a simple guy who has simple pleasures)
Pregnancy Kink:
Marco - I don't think Marco knew he had this kink until you got pregnant. He'd seen/dealt with pregnant people before now, and it never did anything to him. But once you started showing he started to get a feeling that he wasn't sure what to do with. He became nearly feral in the bedroom, and spent most of his free time tending to you - massaging your feet, rubbing your shoulders, offering to feed you and other acts of service. Anything to be around you.
He wrote it off mostly to some instinctual drive to protect you, but the strong desires and urges were almost hard to control. You two ended up sitting down and talking about it and realizing that it was very much a oh god you don't even know for him.
Newgate - No - Pops wishes anyone who is pregnant good luck. May everything go correctly, and may you have many healthy babies. Just leave him out of it. He's not completely averse to the visual of pregnant people, he's just not terribly comfortable around it. Babies and kids? He's good with that, he's Pops after all.
He just doesn't have any interest in the process.
Jinbei - Sure - Jinbei falls into the "you were beautiful before, you are beautiful now" category. He's not turned off or away because you're pregnant, but he's not doing more or less with you because of it. Well, he's doing more with you - your pregnant - he's going to look after you and help you out like a good partner. He does his best to match your energy and pace - in and out of the bedroom.
Sorry, this is a little bare bones for what I usually do ^_^;
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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noirgasmweetheart · 26 days
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....imagine them being brothers, whose parents had an incredibly dumb sense of humor.
Marko is so embarrassed about it that he doesn't even like to mention his brother's name out loud to anyone outside immediate family. He just refers to him as "my brother," and when asked his brother's name he deflects. Marko guards the secret almost as closely as his past prison time.
Polo, meanwhile, still doesn't get what's supoosed to be significant about their names.
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cosmicterrorthe8th · 6 months
Another Grant headcanon:
I think he wrote love notes when in relationships, and he went all out with like making the paper scented and stuff. But like he had no good perfume so he ended up using his horrible body spray. So like the lucky boyfriend would like find a paper reeking of the body spray like every once in a while.
Also I think he was someone who fell deep into romance because having a crush and feeling butterflies in his stomach was better than numbness. So he would pursue every crush even if he knew it would not end well because of the thrill of it. I think this sucked but I think he atleast felt like this is a normal way for life to suck.
#honestly I was thinking he continued the note thing with marco in college maybe?#and now marco likes the smell of the body spray even if grant found better perfumes cuz nostalgia#i think i am in my own la dee da world after this episode#where I think if willy takes a break from torturing the parents they should form a circle and become bffs#they should form a circle#toast to rebecca#and then just talk shit idk#i think they would be very funny as a group after they are done grieving#like cassandra would be like how could I have dated such a loser#he literally kidnapped like four of my exs ex friends and put collars on them when we were dating#and they would be like no its not your fault he is that manipulative#and then one of them would talk about their ex to comfort her#and then somwhow it would come out that willy is like the age of their grandparents#and cassandra would be like why did this senior citizen get me so bad#he told me to make him a sandwich and I#a multimillionaire made him a sndwich#this will probably never happen in canon#dndads#grant wilson#dungeons and daddies#the tags are their own seperate post at this point#dndads s2#looking back on this(tags)#all the spouses knew willy as a nice guy who saved them#rebecca was the only one who suspected him so thats why he killed her#they must be feeling so duped getting tortured except for marco who saw him kill a man#cassandra has been feeling duped since heaven#this is killing me all of them are having conversations in my head now the comedy and the pain is killing me mostly the comedy#marco li wilson#grant li wilson
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raemeh · 2 years
I like how i come on here and everyone is freaking out about scary doing a Terry arc and I’m taking away from the episode is.
If Marco’s hand was shaky while holding the knife then that probably means that he’s not well versed in fighting style. Ooo however maybe he is but it’s been like years since he fought. Or more realistically the fact that he was even willing to fight Willy who he used to consider an acquaintance to protect link shows that he might be willing to train to protect Lincoln and Grant. *gasp* Marco training arc.
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SVTFOE headcanons because why not
We haven't watched Star vs in a decent while, but we've been getting back on the hyperfixation so why not pour some creative energy into a headcanons list? This'll just be individual character headcanons, but if enough people like it I might post some duo/group headcanons! (and more character headcanons, hehe)
Starting off with our favorite whimsical princess, Star!
While she's had a few ups and downs in her own love life, Star is a master wingman! Even with magic-related hiccups, she'll still manage to get people together... somehow.
She would 100% collect those little Tsum Tsum plushies. She gets every single size she can find for each character she gets and stacks them up in pyramids in her closet.
Star is a very talented gift giver! She pays extremely close attention to what her friends like, and goes above and beyond for them any chance she gets!
Star's experience with hair dyeing is far more extensive than just that one episode where she had the alt/punk getup. She's done blue and pink highlights before! (I feel like her being as close to Ponyhead as she is warrants some silly hair dyeing headcanons)
Now it's Marco's turn!
Since Love Sentence is basically a One Direction parody, Marco is a die-hard 1D fan. You can't tell me I'm wrong. (He also listens to 90s and early 2000s boy bands though! He seems like he'd be an NSYNC fan.)
Unlike Star, Marco isn't the best at gift-giving. Not in the sense that he doesn't know what people like, not at all. He just spends so much time overthinking his gifts for people that he ends up screwing himself over. So he usually has Star go gift shopping with him to keep him from spiraling.
You can't tell me that Marco wouldn't get into drag after the first Princess Turdina episode. After that ordeal, him and Ponyhead bonded over her teaching him how to do his own makeup! He has a section of his closet dedicated to more feminine clothing that Star both lends him and buys for him! (His favorite fem thing to wear would definitely be sundresses)
During one of his stays in Mewni, Moon taught Marco some basic sewing! She also taught him medical stitching just in case something went wrong during one of his and Star's adventures.
Here's some for Tom, and then I'm gonna call it a day lol
He absolutely LOVES anything pink. He acts like he doesn't, but he can't hide it forever. He still has a bracelet that Star made for him back when they were together and it is the brightest, pinkest, most neon thing he owns and he'd never get rid of it for anything in the world.
Tom would be a damn good nail artist. While he usually paints his own nails plain black, he's done Star's nails before with gradients, stickers, rhinestones, the whole package. (Maybe he'd also paint Marco's nails for him...)
He's total drummer energy, no questions asked. I could also see him playing bass guitar, but he's still leaning more towards drummer to me. He also seems like the type of guy who used to be in a punk metal band.
While Tom would also be a die-hard 1D fan, I don't see him as the early 2000s boy band type. Though, I could see him being an on-and-off k-pop fan! That and j-rock (or any rock for that matter, I just think j-rock would be his favorite)
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teufelme · 1 year
Fr I spend so much time thinking about my muses and their survival verses that I forget they died in canon...
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verratensduo · 1 year
does your muse have a green thumb, or are they a notorious plant killer? what's their experience with plants like? - for both Marco and Eren .
Marco has quite the green thumb. He was most often in charge of the gardens for the cadet corps. Usually the medicinal herb gardens as they didn’t really grow food or flowers on the camp grounds.
Eren is more so a plant killer, he has never been the best with gardens. He slowly got better over time, but he would still sooner shovel the horse stable and feed every horse by hand than work the gardens.
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
AU where the twins are much younger and still don't like their big brother's new boyfriend, but then realize Harry does all the bullshit Michele always berates them for & now they are pranksters together.
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"How dare you, now we're on a slippery slope to acknowledging that Tom is also not really an Animorphs character, he's a 98% hypothetical brother that Jake used to have before the series started" BUT ACTUALLY
I've had this thought in my head for months and never spat it out anywhere: tumblr girlies love to freak out over the whole "haunting the narrative" trope and that's what Tom is. Elfangor too in the more classic sense, but Tom is the fun new twist in the sense that we basically never get to interact with him in canon. He's at least mentioned in almost every if not every book and his body's there plenty, sure, but not him.
That is such a good point. Like, part of what I find so fascinating about Tom is that he witnesses huge chunks of the story, but does almost nothing because he has 0 agency. He's the only non-Animorph regularly present for battles and for the downtime in between, the only person period who has his level of insight into the Animorphs themselves (Jake especially, but also Rachel and Marco) while also having his level of insight into Yeerk Empire leadership.
He sees almost everything. He's there for the Animorphs' first mission and their last. He's there when the yeerks get the morphing power, when David kills Saddler, when Jara and Ket escape, when the taxxons go rogue. He's there, but he isn't.
Jake tells Ax in their first conversation: "I've lost a brother too" (#4). He says it to the reader: "I don't have a brother anymore" (#47). And then he doesn't, not anymore. Crayak said it all along: "Have you killed your brother yet?" (#27). Tom haunts the narrative, well before his death.
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kaiijo · 10 months
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pairing: portgas d. ace x gn! reader content: canon-typical depictions of injury and blood notes: after months of obsession, finally a one piece post
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Your eyes drift to the open ocean again, watching the horizon with a hawk-like awareness. You shouldn’t be this distracted, not when you need to be formulating a strategy to propose to Whitebeard and the rest of the Division Commanders. 
“You know he’s going to be fine,” Marco reminds you for what feels like the millionth time, giving you that same, knowing look. 
You nod back. “Yeah, I do,” you reply but you can hear the tightness in your tone and the voice in your head reminds you that he’s been gone three days longer than expected. 
You know that Ace is one of the strongest members of the crew; it’s the reason Whitebeard promoted him so quickly to Division Commander, the reason your captain sends him on solo missions often. It certainly doesn’t hurt that he has the power of the Flame-Flame fruit, but even the strongest of pirates have been beaten — Gol D. Roger being a perfect example.
You see a dot in the distance, which grows bigger as it draws closer. You hope it’s Ace but you put your crewmates on alert, just in case. To your utter relief, you recognize the yellow of Ace’s Striker but the relief is short-lived as he comes into focus. He’s gripping the boat’s mast, cuts and dark bruises marring his tanned skin. You don’t think twice as you jump off the side of the Moby Dick, landing steadily on the bow of the Striker. 
Ace shoots you a signature lopsided smile, though it’s a bit pinched. “Don’t think you asked permission to board.”
You sigh and roll your fondly, trying to quell your racing heart as you slip an arm around his shoulders. His own arm drapes across your shoulders as the crew hoists the two of you up. With a cursory glance over him, Marco says, “Let’s get you to the infirmary.”
Ace untangles himself from you as soon as his feet land on the deck. “I’m fine, Doc,” he says. The way he stumbles a little as he tries to right himself and the blood slowly dripping from the deepest laceration at his shoulder doesn’t help his case. 
Marco levels him with a stern look and a firm grasp on his uninjured shoulder, both of which make Ace sigh in acquiescence and follow Marco down into the ship. You chew on your lip, about to follow, but Thatch says, “Let Marco work. We’ve got a Division meeting. Check on Ace after.”
You glance one more time at the way the two men left before following Thatch to the captain’s quarters. 
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You’re hurrying down the steps towards the infirmary as soon as the meeting ends. You’re not even really sure what you all discussed. You can only assume it’s something about swords and cannons and the Marines, and you’ll get Thatch or Izou to catch you up on it later but you have more pressing concerns right now. 
You nearly collide with Marco in your rush. “Sorry,” you say breathlessly. “How is he?”
Marco peers down at you through his glasses, half-amused, and answers, “Good. He’s been whining about not seeing you and it’s my duty to keep patients happy. So…” He slides over and you open the door. 
Ace is wrapped in gauze and bandages, reclined grumpily in one of the infirmary beds. His face lights up when he sees you and he tries to sit up, wincing when he does. “Don’t get up,” you say, pulling the chair that is next to his bed closer to it. You adjust the pillow and unconsciously reach up to brush a stray strand of hair from his eyes. They follow your motion and when you realize that he’s now staring at your face, you quickly drop your hand. 
There are so many questions racing through your head but the first, and most logical, one is: “What happened?”
Ace groans and huffs, “Got ambushed. Thought I was finished collecting intel and let my guard down a little too early.” When he sees you studying the dressing Marco wrapped around him, he nudges you with his elbow. “You should’ve seen the other guy.”
It makes you laugh a little and in turn, Ace’s smile grows wider. “You know,” he says, leaning close. You hold your breath as he puts his face only an inch or two away from yours. “I’ve always heard that a kiss makes everything hurt less.”
He wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, a mischievous glint shining in his dark eyes. You gulp down the knot that has formed in your stomach and your cheeks are on fire. He smells like sea salt and the open sky. You can count every freckle that dots his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. Ace’s smile falters when you don’t answer and he jerks back, stumbling over his words. “It’s no pressure or anything! It’s just something I’ve—”
Plucking up all your courage, you shift forward and move quickly so you don’t lose your nerve. Gently, you let your lips brush against the worst of his injuries: the cut in his right shoulder. You draw away swiftly and when you survey his face, you push down the pleasant warmth in your belly at the way his face goes red.
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