#marco di castri
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Sleep Space 5
Wac-Lounge-Unknown Beach 00:00 Allness, Lightwerx Collective-Slow Drift 04:46 David Cordero-Jana’s Bedtime Song 08:11 Maxime Dangles-Operate 10:54 scav-The Second VI 13:14 Shakali-Ensisäie 21:27 Michael J. York-And They Shall Have Stars 25:14 Furio Di Castri, Paolo Fresu-Brooklyn 31:04 Earthroom-Chartreuse 32:51 Asher Levitas-Above The Pale Green 38:27 Steve Roach-Reflections in Repose 41:48 Dawn Chorus and the Infallible Sea-Vale 1:10:07 Metric System 1981-Summer Stars 1:17:29 Desolate Horizons-I Became the Amber Sky 1:19:52 Wac-Lounge-Floating Plants 1:22:12 morimoto naoki-asa 1:25:57 Marco Lucchi-“I could sleep for a thousand years” (extended version) 1:27:59 Navaja Opinel-Baloons For Alba 1:32:12 Nils Frahm-Tuesdays 1:37:16 Metric System 1981-To The Moon 1:41:06 Earthroom-Easel 1:42:20 Rhucle & morimoto naoki-Wasuremizu 1:45:51 silentwave-NAZCA 1:48:57 Earthroom-Soft Counterpoint 1:53:44
#Wac-Lounge#Allness#Lightwerx Collective#David Cordero#Maxime Dangles#scav#Shakali#Michael J. York#Furio Di Castri#Paolo Fresu#Earthroom#Asher Levitas#Steve Roach#Dawn Chorus and the Infallible Sea#zakè#City of Dawn#Marc Ertel#Metric System 1981#Desolate Horizons#morimoto naoki#Marco Lucchi#Navaja Opinel#Nils Frahm#Rhucle#silentwave#Friends of Friends Music#Home Normal#Lifeguards / IFT#Mahorka#Not Not Fun Records
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Avanguardia e sperimentazione: Marco Di Castri racconta i Dedalus
Avanguardia e sperimentazione: Marco Di Castri racconta i Dedalus #prog #progressive #progitaliano #marcodicastri #furiodicastri #dedalus #fiorenzobonansone #enricogrosso #pinerolo #pinerolese #jazz
Per la musica italiana, gli anni Settanta sono stati una sorta di età dell’oro. Il periodo del rock progressivo, più o meno collocabile nella prima metà del decennio, fu attraversato da un fermento artistico irripetibile. In quell’ambito si formarono band e musicisti che hanno segnato indelebilmente la storia nostrana. Gruppi dalla carriera duratura e di grande successo, acclamati cantautori e…
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#bonansone dedalus group#danilo pennone#dedalus#dedalus trio#ennio bonansone#enrico grosso#fiorenzo bonansone#furio di castri#marco di castri#mario tavella#maurizio gribaudi#roberto bevilacqua#trident
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Il Duo Cristina Italiani, flauto e Michele Staino, contrabbasso ,nato nell’ambito delle sonorizzazioni musicali dei reading al Caffè Letterario Le Murate,è un progetto indipendente, libero, quasi una moderna versione del canto con accompagnamento di basso continuo. Frutto delle loro esperienze personali e professionali con " Gipsy Mood" i due musicisti propongono un repertorio che spazia dai canti e brani della Grecia a quelli della tradizione arabo andalusa e balcanica e composizioni originali. Ne risulta uno spettacolo di forte impatto emotivo in cui si creano ampi spazi per l' improvvisazione. Michele Staino (Fiesole, 1980), contrabbassista. Ha studiato con i maestri Furio Di Castri, Paolino dalla Porta, Piero Leveratto e William Parker. Ha suonato con: Gianni Coscia, Stefano “Cocco” Cantini, Riccardo Onori, Nico Gori, Franco Santarnecchi, Donald Renda, Fabrizio Mocata, Lu Colombo, Keith Middleton, Marco Parente, Arianna Porcelli Safonov, Alessandro Lanzoni, Simone Graziano, Paul Dabiré, Amana Melomé, Bobo Rondelli e Bill Smith (Dave Brubeck Quartet). E’ stato direttore artistico delle edizioni 2008, 2009 e 2010 di Jazzando, festival dedicato alla musica jazz d’avanguardia. Dal 2013 suona con la Baro Drom Orkestar, quartetto di musica folk/rock strumentale di ispirazione est europea con all'attivo varie tournée europee (Inghilterra, Svizzera, Austria, Germania, Belgio, Ungheria, Polonia, Slovacchia, Olanda). Con questo gruppo nell'estate del 2016 suona nel più importante festival d'Europa: lo Sziget Festival di Budapest. Nel 2014 esce per Irma Records il primo disco a suo nome realizzato in duo con il trombettista e musicoterapeuta Renato Cantini: “Ipnotize” presentato con successo all'interno della rassegna jazzistica di Prato Estate 2014. Nel 2017 si esibisce sul palco del Teatro Ariston di Sanremo per la rassegna del premio Tenco insieme al cantautore Alessio Arena. Nel 2018 suona nel nuovo lavoro discografico di Marco Parente, di prossima pubblicazione
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The Global City
Alla Sala Mercato di Genova, struttura decentrata del Teatro Nazionale del capoluogo ligure, sfavillante debutto italiano di Instabili Vaganti in scena con una performance corale e trasversalmente inclusiva di più generi artistici
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#Alex Pietro Marra#Anna Dora Dorno#Antonio di Castri#Carolina Cavallo#Claudia Marsulli#Francesca Flotta#Giulio Cavazzini#Marco Mazza#Marianna Maretto#Nicola Pianzola#Recensione The Global City#Riccardo Nanni#Roberta Rotante#Rosanna Gualdi
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El Renacimiento visto desde el SurDescubrir el Arte, la revista líder de arte en español
En el marco del programa cultural de Matera Capital Europea de la Cultura 2019, una exposición narra de manera exhaustiva y plural cómo se gestó entre los siglos XV y XVI este movimiento artístico y sus rasgos identitarios en esta zona italiana: el diálogo con la Antigüedad, el enriquecimiento con la cultura veneciana y adriática y el papel de España. Palacio Lanfranchi, hasta el 15 de septiembre
Tras un largo letargo, esta exposición muestra al público el despertar de un siglo de intensa historia y decisivo para la cultura europea. En la Italia de los Renacimientos, quedaba por estudiar su nacimiento y madurez en el sur, un vacío injustificado que ahora se acaba de llenar gracias a la proclamación de Matera como Capital Europea de la Cultura 2019.
Promovida por el Polo Museal y por la Fundación Matera-Basilicata 2019, la exposición El Renacimiento visto desde el sur. Matera, la Italia meridional y el Mediterráneo, comisariada por la directora del Polo Museal, Marta Ragozzino, junto a Pierluigi Leone de Castris, Matteo Ceriana y Dora Catalano, tiene como objetivo reconstruir, a través de una nueva narrativa visual compuesta por obras de arte raras y preciosas, pero también por objetos y documentos históricos de gran impacto, el florecimiento artístico y cultural del sur de Italia, entre mediados del siglo XV y mediados del XVI, en relación con el contexto más amplio del Mediterráneo. La muestra, que incluye naturalmente un enfoque especial sobre Matera y Basilicata, está integrada y enriquecida por caminos transversales de conocimiento y valorización de las obras de arte del gótico tardío y del Renacimiento diseminadas por toda la región, inamovibles por tipo o tamaño. El resultado, la exposición más atractiva y brillante del vasto programa cultural de Matera 2019.
Se trata de una narración compleja –que incluye desde el largo periodo gótico tardío al surgimiento del Renacimiento sureño, gracias a la producción de los artistas de poniente, al diálogo con la Antigüedad, al enriquecimiento con la cultura veneciana y adriática, al incesante diálogo con España hasta el encuentro con la Matera moderna y las asimilaciones en el Mediodía de este nuevo lenguaje–, que explica las conexiones entre las obras y los contextos culturales. En definitiva, se muestra una historia renacentista diferente a la desarrollada en las grandes capitales del centro-norte del país.
Con un criterio rigurosamente científico, se ha conseguido reunir indiscutibles obras maestras, demostrando que también la Italia meridional, especialmente la olvidada Matera, ha sido capaz de organizar una gran cita artística, para coronar su capitalidad cultural en un increíble contexto.
Veduta de Nápoles, Tabla Strozzi.
La idea innovadora que guía el proyecto científico de la exposición es dejar de lado el punto de vista tradicional sobre este amplio e importante periodo de la historia europea, a través de una reinterpretación interdisciplinaria articulada, atenta a la dialéctica entre “centro y periferia”. Una relectura que reúne de manera estimulante diferentes testimonios culturales y científicos que se centran en una historia diferente de la que se desarrolló en las grandes capitales del centro y del norte, como Florencia, Milán, Venecia, Roma, aunque continuamente interconectada con los acontecimientos y lenguajes que caracterizaron a estas capitales.
La exposición hace hincapié también en cómo ese Renacimiento nacido en el sur de Italia está muy relacionado con la geografía del territorio, el omnipresente Mediterráneo y sus puertos, y atravesado por las vías Apia y Trajana, de Roma a Brindisi, que facilitaban los intercambios mercantiles y los encuentros políticos donde se dirimía la guerra o la paz.
Madonna con Bambino e Santi Giovanni Battista ed Adamo, Pietà (cuspide), por Michele Greco da Valona, 1505, temple sobre tabla, Guglionesi, Iglesia de Santa Maria Maggiore.
Recorriendo las ocho secciones de la muestra, se ahonda en los temas tradicionalmente estudiados además de crear confrontaciones entre autores, obras y contextos históricos, y que dan como resultado la actualización de los conocimientos con nuevos elementos. Un total de 250 obras, donde predomina la pintura pero donde también tienen especial importancia las esculturas, los libros incunables, manuscritos, textiles, bronces, cerámicas, astrolabios y valiosas piezas orfebres, un núcleo difícilmente reunido en otras exposiciones. Además de acompañar al visitante en un viaje ideal que atraviesa el Mediterráneo, a partir de Nápoles, gran capital por aquel entonces, para llegar a muchos otros lugares: la península ibérica, provenzales, insulares…, sin olvidar los orientales del Adriático, de Venecia hacia abajo a lo largo de Apulia e, incluso, por la costa de enfrente del estrecho mar.
La muestra arranca con la toma de posesión del último soberano francés Renato de Anjou, que fomentó el arte y la llegada a Nápoles de artistas y obras procedentes del norte, Francia, Flandes, posteriormente sigue con la dinastía aragonesa, con Alfonso el Magnánimo, amante de las artes y de las letras y que se inspiraba en la Antigüedad para celebrar su poder, que dio sesenta años de estabilidad tras un periodo marcado por los conflictos. Este soberano abrió las rutas marítimas a los artistas catalanes y valencianos, que influyeron, junto a los maestros flamencos, en la evolución en clave renacentista de la cultura artística sureña aún tardogótica. Continúa con sus sucesores, Ferrante y Alfonso II, y prosigue hasta la apertura del siglo XVI bajo el imperio y del virreinato en esta franja geográfica. El periodo histórico contemplado en la exposición finaliza con el año 1535, cuando Carlos V reconquista el Mediterráneo al tomar Túnez con su armada y restablece el equilibrio tras un periodo conflictivo. A su vuelta hizo paradas en las principales ciudades del virreino: Palermo, Mesina y Nápoles, donde lo recibió el virrey Pedro de Toledo.
Retrato de Carlos V.
De un país mediterráneo, como el nuestro, exactamente de Valencia llega un precioso azulejo del siglo XV, mientras de la región de Umbría se puede ver un notable fragmento de Pinturicchio junto con una instalación site specific de fuerte impacto visual en la vecina iglesia del Carmine.
Como es sabido, el Renacimiento ha sido exhaustivamente analizado, así que no se trataba de volver a narrar esa época gloriosa para la Italia del centro-norte, sino de demostrar que el sur del país también tuvo una parte protagonista –madurada con las aportaciones históricas angevina, aragonesa, española y con la red de relaciones económicas y comerciales con el Mediterráneo y el norte de Europa–, acuñando un lenguaje propio, diverso y original respecto al experimentado en el centro de la Península, la reconfirmada cuna del Renacimiento italiano.
Escultura de Donatello.
Así pues, disponemos de un criterio original que ha sabido acoger en su propio seno el aire renovador procedente –incluso del norte más alejado, Flandes–, de la Italia norteña, de Venecia, Florencia y Roma, dialogando continuamente con las culturas de los países asomados al Mediterráneo occidental –sobre todo España– pero también en contacto con el Mediterráneo oriental, desde el Adriático, a Grecia y a Constantinopla.
Valga citar el nombre de Antonello da Messina, que supo nutrirse de esta encrucijada de culturas, de estímulos, para crear una obra magnífica que se convirtió en el manantial donde bebieron los artistas del sur, denominados “locales” por su ubicación geográfica, pero “universales” por su exterminado alcance.
Trittico Madonna col Bambino e la Regina Maria di Castiglia, S. Michele, S. Girolamo, por Jacomart Baço y Joan Reixach, témpera sobre tabla, 80 x 30 cm (centro) y 80 x 2′ cm (lateral), Stadelsches Kunstinstitut.
La exposición recorre la historia de las vías artísticas y culturales en el Mare Nostrum, en los periodos reinantes de Renato de Anjou, de Alfonso I de Aragón y del virreinato español, cuando esta zona se convirtió en un importante colector de actividades artísticas, políticas, lingüísticas y científicas, en conexión con Cataluña, Valencia, Véneto, Albania y Grecia. Un soplo artístico de amplio alcance que enriquecía el sur de Italia entre los siglos XV y XVI.
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Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1427
SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.1427
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1427
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1427
BID: $OPDX.1427
August 19, 2019
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written Mostly In Murfreesboro, TN
Send from Strongsville, Ohio
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K’s AR Cluster
Networks, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, K5WE, WB6RSE,
K8BL, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, W8MET, W9HT, CO8ZZ, DL1SBF, DL7UXG &
The DX News Letter, DxCoffee.com, DXNews.com, DX-World.Net, F5NQL, F6AJA
& Les Nouvelles DX, HL1VAU, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, OH2BH, OZ6OM &
50 MHz DX News, RN3RQ, Sixitalia Weekly and VA3RJ & ICPO for the following
DX information.
DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 11th/August, through Sunday, 18th/August there were 203
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4O, 4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5R, 5T, 5W, 6Y, 7P, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K,
9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C9,
CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, DL, DU, E5/n, E5/s, E7, EA,
EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FP,
FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL,
HP, HS, HZ, I, IS, J6, J7, J8, JA, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON,
OX, OY, OZ, P2, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S0, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, SV, SV5,
SV9, T30, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9,
UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XX9, XZ,
YA, YB, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z3, Z6, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZL,
* PLEASE NOTE: The report “could” contain “Pirate/SLIM” operations or
more likely a “BUSTED CALLSIGN”. As always, you never know – “Work
First Worry Later”.
9M62 MALAYSIAN SPECIAL EVENT (West Malaysia [9M2] and East Malaysia
[9M6/9M8]). To celebrate the 62th anniversary of Malaysia’s independence
(August 31, 1957), look for the following special event stations to be
using the special prefix 9M62. Activity started on August 30th and will
end on September 1st:
9M62MA – Perak, W. Malaysia (9M2) 9M62MP – Penang, W. Malaysia (9M2)
9M62MB – Selangor, W. Malaysia 9M62MQ – Sarawak, W. Malaysia (9M2)
9M62MC – Pahang, W. Malaysia 9M62MR – Perlis, W. Malaysia (9M2)
9M62MD – Kelantan, W. Malaysia (9M2) 9M62MS – Sabah, East Malaysia (9M6)
9M62MJ – Johor, W. Malaysia (9M2) 9M62MT – Terengganu, W. Malaysia (9M2)
9M62MK – Kedah, W. Malaysia (9M2) 9M62MW – Kuala Lumpur, E. Malaysia (9M6)
9M62MM – Melaka, W. Malaysia (9M2) 9M62MY – (HQ)Selangor, W. Malaysia (9M2)
9M62MN – Negeri Sembilan
Activity is organized by the Amateur Radio Club Sarawak (ARCS), ASTRA
Malaysia, Borneo Amateur Radio Club (BARC), KELAB RADIO AMATUR TAIPING –
(STAR), Kelab Radio Amatur Melayu Jalan Klang Lama, Kota Setar Amateur
Radio Club (KSARC), Kuala Lumpur DX Team, Melaka DX Club, Perlis DX Club,
Penang DX Club, Persatuan Komuniti Radio Amator Dan Rekreasi Kok Lanas
(KRAKL), Terengganu Radio Amateur & Recreation Club (PEMANCAR) and
Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters’ Society (MARTS). Check QRZ.com
for the QSL info because each station QSLs different. For more details,
see: http://www.9mdxc.com/cq9m
CDXG CELEBRATION (Cuban Press Release by CO8ZZ). The Cuba DX Group will
be celebrating its 39th anniversary with special activity on September
1st, it will be 39 years since a small group of Cuban DXers in Havana
founded the Grupo DX de Cuba and marked with it, a before and after
in the history of Cuban amateur radio.
For this reason, the GDXC will grant the certificate “Aniversario 39”
to those who manage to work a certain number of members of the group during
the month of September. The categories of the certificate will be Gold,
for those who contact 20 stations of the total valid, Silver for those
who do it with 15 and Bronze for those who work 10.
All contacts will be valid regardless of band or mode. The GDXC’s members
valid for the certificate are the following: CM2XN, CM3EFM, CM6ARD, CM7OK,
W7HU and XE1KK.
Good news for diploma collectors is that this will also be a great
opportunity to obtain the “Grupo DX” diploma. For any clarification and
to send the logs with the certificate requests use the following address
will be used: [email protected]
To the delivery of the certificate, other activities will be added that
will schedule the representations in each subsidiary, such as exhibitions,
conversations, conferences and demonstrations of operational practices
during contests and pileups management.
The Grupo DX de Cuba brings together the majority of Cuban DXers and
80 individuals from more than 20 countries. To be part of it, you only
need to have 100 or more confirmed DXCC entities. Extended information
can be found at the following sites:
E5, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Fred, DH5FS, will be active as E51SFS from the
South Cook Islands between September 8-25th. He is scheduled to operate
from Rarotonga Island (OC-013) between September 8-16th, and from Aitutaki
Island, (OC-083) between September 20-25th. Activity will be on various
HF bands and modes. QSL via his home callsign.
EX, KYRGYZSTAN. Operators Leszek/SP6CIK, Jarek/SP6OJK, Janusz/SP9FIH,
Roman/SP9FOW, Jerzy/SP9TCE and Jozef/SP9HVW will be active as EX6QP from
the south shore of Issyk-kul Lake between September 2-15th. Activity
will be on various HF bands using an Inverted L, phased verticals, and
Spiderbeams. Operating modes will be CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. QSL via
AS-080. Han, DS2GOO, will be active as DS2GOO/3 from Sapshi Island
(KDN F26) between August 24-26th. Activity will be holiday
style (family vacation). He states, “I will be in front of my
radio as many times as possible.” He will take his IC-706MK2G,
TS-570S and vertical antennas. QSL via his home callsign.
AS-206. Harry, JG7PSJ/JD1BMH/KW2X, is planning to be active as JG7PSJ/7
from Oshima Island (JA7,Miyagi — QM08)sometime in September
or October. Stay tuned.
EU-112. (Reminder) Operators Thor/DK7RD, Paul/G4PVM and Col/MM0NDX
are planning to activate Europe’s 5th most wanted IOTA, Shiant
Isles, as MS0INT between August 23-25th. Activity will be on
various HF bands using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via M0SDV.
EU-191. Dan, YO9FNP/LB3TI, will once again be active as YO9KXF/P from
Insula Fericirii between August 16-19th. Activity will be
holiday style (working) mainly on 40/20 meters using mostly
CW, but with some SSB and FT8. He will have 100 watts into
vertical wire antenna. QSL via YO9FNP direct or OQRS (see
NA-134. Bo, OZ1DJJ, will be Active as OX3LX from Upernavik Island
between August 22nd and September 5th. Activity will be on
various HF bands (Focus on 160/80/60m), but limited to his
spare time when not working (He states, “Best chance is in
the morning around lunch and after dinner [local time utc+2],
on the weekend also during night/morning”). QSL via OZ0J
direct (see QRZ.com). Logs get uploaded to LoTW, ClubLog
and sometimes eQSL. For more details and updates, see:
NA-211. IMPORTANT UPDATE FROM Cezar, VE3LYC, on the K7TRL Tillamook
Rock DXpedition: https://k7tri.weebly.com
The team is seeking more support from both DXers and IOTA
CORSICAN IOTA TOUR. Laurent, F8BBL, will be active as TK19IOTA from the
following Corsican IOTA islands between September 6-22nd:
Corsica (EU-014), Iles Cerbicale (EU-100), Lavezzi Archipelago
(EU-164) and Sanguinaires Islands (EU-104). He will also activate
one SOTA: Capo Di Locu (TK/TK-148). Activity will be holiday
style on various HF bands using a KX3 Elecraft + MP1 Antenna.
QSL via F8BBL, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW. For updates,
watch: http://rnb.dx-cw.net
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new (www.iota-world.org) have
decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin……
J6, ST. LUCIA. Bill, K9HZ, will once again be active as J68HZ from his
villa at Labrelotte Bay, Castries, St. Lucia (NA-108, WLOTA L-1336)
between August 23rd and October 4th. Activity is usually on 160-2 meters
using CW, SSB, AM, RTTY, WSJT and FT8. QSL via his home callsign. He
does use the LoTW (preferred), ClubLog and eQSL.
J6, ST. LUCIA. Members of MARCO (The Medical Amateur Radio Council, Ltd.)
will be active as J68MD from St. Lucia (NA-108) during the CQWW DX SSB
Contest (October 26-27th) as a Multi-Single/All-Band entry. Equipment
will be a K3 transceiver, multiband yagi and various wire antennas. QSL
via N2HIW.
K4, UNITED STATES (POW-MIA Special Event). Look for special event station
K4MIA/8 to be active between September 13-22nd. Activity is to honor and
support our Veterans. Operators are Linda/N8LRS and Metro/W8MET acting as
a sister-station from Ohio for the 4th year. This event was originated by
Mike, K4MIA, from Florida with other sister-stations involved. Details can
be found on the ARRL Web site under “ON-THE-AIR” under SPECIAL EVENT under
the call-letters of K4MIA. Also, this special event will be in the
September QST. Please take part in this special event for our Veterans.
QSLs are available with SASE. They will be operating on 40 meters SSB.
ADDED NOTE: Other sister stations to look for K4MIA/5 and K4MIA/7.
KH4, MIDWAY ISLAND (Update #3/Postponed). Ron, KH6DV, reports on August
15th, on QRZ.com:
For a number of very good reasons the Midway expedition is being post-
poned. Some of the things we are working on will take a number of months
– one will take 4 or 5 by itself. We could postpone for just a couple
months but then we would be operating during the summer with its associated
terrible conditions.
The changes we are working on will make for a much better and more
exciting expedition and are well worth waiting for.
KH8, AMERICAN SAMOA. Atsu, 5W1SA, is once again active as KH8C from
Tutuila (OC-045) until August 25th. Activity is mainly FT4 and FT8
during his nights and and weekends. QSL via LoTW, or via JF1OCQ.
[Edited Press Release by Martti, OH2BH, dated August 15th, — OJ0O QRV FROM
SATURDAY, AUGUST 17TH THRU AUGUST 24TH] — Multiple OJ0 callsigns were
activated during the summer season 2019 and the party wagon is to continue
this coming Saturday, August 17th, with weather permitting as always. Up
to this point some 35.000 OJ0 QSOS were made. These include some 6M magic
to U.S. along with many other great openings.
Jun, JH4RHF, will lead his mostly oriental team thus an effective Far
East penetration would be expected. Additionally Miro, OM5RW, had joint
the team as another low-band expert with his standing as one of the OM7M
lead operators along with his powerful first ever Z60A new DXCC partic-
The team is JH4RHF, JE6HIB, DS4EOI and OM5RW with on-site support by
Henri, OH3JR/OJ0JR and Pertti, OG2M/OJ0MR. They are well on their way
to Helsinki, Finland, from where they fly tomorrow to Aland Islands to
catch their boat. The wind will be 10m/s due South and should allow their
landing. QSL OJ0O via ClubLog.
It is also estimated that September 19th, will see another OJ0-operation
in the Scandinavian Activity Contest (CW) led again by Market veteran
Henri, OH3JR/OJ0JR, with activity continuing until Saturday, 28th. This
include dismantling the permanent antennas and taking back the used equip-
OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). The “new” OPDX Mailing List is back up
and running! Details on how to subscribe/unsubscribe are at the bottom of
this bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around…. Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW
OX, GREENLAND. Operators Thomas/OZ1AA, Bo/OZ1DJJ, Dave/OZ5DM, Mikkel/OZ7AKT,
Alex/OZ7AM and possibly others will be active as OX7A from Kangerlussuaq
during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 26-27th). Operation class TBD. QSL
via OZ1ACB, ClubLog or LoTW. There will be activity on all bands and modes
(including FT8) prior to and after the contest, but with operators using
their own personal callsigns (OX3LX, OX3LG, OX5DM, OX7AKT and OX7AM).
There will be an emphasis on the low bands and 60/30/17/12 meters. Most
operators will be in Greenland between October 22nd and November 1st.
PJ4, BONAIRE. Randy, K5SL, will be active as PJ4/K5SL from Bonaire (SA-006)
between September 7-14th. Activity will be on 40/30/20/17 meters using
mainly CW, but possibly some 17 meters SSB. QSL via his home callsign.
Aug/19th AN Aug/22nd AN Aug/24th AN
Aug/20th AN Aug/23rd AN Aug/25th AN
Aug/21st AN
—————– —— ——– ——
AN – Above Normal Quiet K=0-1 0-7
HN – High Normal Unsettled K=2 8-15
LN – Low Normal Active K=3 16-29
BN – Below Normal Minor Storm K=4 30-49
DIS – Disturbed Major Storm K=5 50-99
VRY DIS – Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9 100-400
Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites for propagation:
* VOACAP predication Web page at: http://www.voacap.com/hf
and http://www.voacap.com/prediction.html
* DX.QSL.NET Propagation page: https://dx.qsl.net/propagation
* A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
* SolarHam Web page: http://www.solarham.net
* Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at:
* Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
overseas locations are at: http://arrl.org/propagation
* Information and tutorials on propagation are at: http://k9la.us
* Graphic propagation tool by DR2W: http://www.dr2w.de/dx-propagation
* Point to point propagation at: http://www.predtest.uk/p2p.html
* Realtime propagation at: http://www.predtest.uk
* Also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@GiellaW4hm
QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF (www.qslinfo.eu)(August 18th)
3Z1OD via SP1PBT EA2/PA2M via PA2M SN1919PS via SP9KDU
4S6NCH via 4S6NCH (d/L) EA8CJN via EA3QS & (L) SN86LOT via SP1PMY
4Z5SL/LH via 4Z5SL EG7SCC via EA7HBC (EA-B/d) TC1LHS via YM1KE
9K2YM via EA5KB & (L) II8FTDM via IK8YFU (d/L) TM2LM via F6KAT & (L)
A41NN via A61BK (O/L) LX/OO9O via ON7SS & (L) TM75DP via F4AHJ
AN7AL via EA7URI (L/e) PA/DL0IGA/LH via DL1KJ TO5M via VO1IDX (d/O)
D73G via HL4CCM & (L) RX3AMI/1/LH via RX3AMI (d) ZS9V via M0OXO (O)
(e) eQSL only (d) direct only (B) Bureau only (*-B) DX’s- Bureau
(O) OQRS only (C) ClubLog only (L) LoTW only (N) No QSL needed
(I) No IRC (P) PayPal (NB) No Bureau
https://secure.clublog.org/logsearch/TO5M (Updated)
J6/K0BBC, K9FD/KH6, KG4BP, KH6/WJ2O, KH7C, KL7WV, L80AA/D (SA-055),
LU1ZI (AN-010), LU4AA/D (SA-055), NP3K, P4/AI2N, P40ET, P40JR, PJ2/W8WTS,
PJ4/K4BAI, PJ4/K5JP, PJ4A, R0LS/p (AS-066), S21R, T32LJ, T48G, TO200SPM,
TO3Z, TO6D, TX5EG (OC-027, OC-046, OC-067, OC-131), TZ5XR, V25M, V47T,
— We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc)
to send in their info….
VP2V, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. Operators Jeff/K5WE and Bill/N5AQ will be
active as VP2VEM and VP2V/N5AQ, respectively, from Tortola, British Virgin
Islands, beginning October 4th through October 13th. They will operate on
all bands 160-10 meters, mostly CW with some RTTY, FT8, FT4, and SSB.
Their equipment will include K3 radios with 400 watt amps. Antennas will
include a Hexbeam, a Crank-IR vertical, and dipoles. Depending upon a
reliable internet connection, logs will be uploaded to ClubLog daily.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW upon returning home. QSL via ClubLog’s
OQRS, or QSL VP2VEM to K5WE and VP2V/N5AQ to N5AQ.
VP6R PITCAIRN ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS (Updates). The following was posted
on the VP6R Web page (https://pitcairndx.com/news-and-updates/), August
14th and 17th with pictures:
* August 14th: Today the RV Braveheart completed the loading of its
cargo, including all our Pitcairn Island Dxpedition equipment. Our
Flex radios, ACOM amplifiers, Yagi and vertical antennas, masts,
feedlines, computers, network gear, tools, and our personal luggage
is all aboard and securred. The vessel will depart Tauranga, New
Zealand early next week.
We’ve had a slight change in plans which benefits everyone. The
Braveheart will make a preliminary stop at Pitcairn on September 6th.
Our gear will come off the vessel and be stored on the island until
we arrive on about October 17. This should get us on the air faster
and circumvent any potential weather delays.
Things are moving quickly now and our team is anxious to get under-
way. If you’ve supported us, we thank you. If not, please consider
doing so. Cash is flowing out very rapidly now. No matter what, let’s
do this thing and have some fun!
* August 17th: Here are some images taken during the arrival of our
sea container at the pier and the transfer of our gear onto the
Braveheart. It has yet to be stowed and secured. Nigel and a friend
are seen seated in the container. Matt Jolly, Nigel’s son, is in
the “selfie” with our gear in the background. The lattice tower
sections are part of the DX Engineering ninty foot 160 meter vertical.
A complete Flex station is inside nine of the black Pelican cases.
VP9, BERMUDA. Josh, W9HT, will once again be active as W9HT/VP9 from
Bermuda (NA-005) between October 12-15th. Activity will be on various
HF Bands including 6m using SSB, CW, and FT8. QSL via his home callsign
W4, UNITED STATES (Special Event). Members of the Lake County Amateur
Radio Association (LCARA, N8BC) will activate special event station W4G
for the 103rd anniversary celebration of the National Park Service in
conjunction with the James A. Garfield Presidential Home in Mentor, OH.
This Callsign was chosen so that they could use the phonetics on Phone
of “Washington For Garfield” (Washington 4 Garfield). The celebration
will take place on the grounds of the Garfield Presidential Home on
Sunday, August 25th. They will have stations operating on various bands
and modes to make the special event callsign workable by Amateurs across
North America and possibly the World. They expect numerous stations will
be calling them to say the least!
KH0/WH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Harry, JG7PSJ/JD1BMH/KW2X, will once again be
active as WH0RU from Saipan (OC-086) between September 15-22nd. Activity
will be on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via LoTW or direct
to JG7PSJ. For possible updates, watch: http://jg7psj.starfree.jp
ZK3A TOKELAU ISLANDS DXPEDITION NEWS (Update). The following was reported
on August 13th, on the ZK3A Web page (https://tokelau2019.com) and Twitter
(https://twitter.com/ZK3A_2019): Meeting in Ukraine — Part of the team
is getting together in Zaporizhia, Ukraine, to discuss final planning &
logistical details, for the up and coming ZK3A DXpedition in October
2019… The meeting was hosted by UT7QF.
TO BE ADDED TO THE OPDX MAILING LIST — Click or send requests to:
Subscribe: (mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe)
Unsubscribe: (mailto:[email protected]?subject=unsubscribe)
Just a reminder, you can still obtain the OPDX Bulletins via the
OPDX Web page (provided by John, K8YSE) [http://www.papays.com/opdx.html],
QRZ.com (under Forums; News; Special Events, Contests.. etc.), several
DX Mailing Lists, and two different UseNet Groups (rec.radio.info and
rec.radio.amateur.dx). The weekly bulletin (issue # from the OPDX Web
page URL) is also posted on the following Media pages:
NODXA FaceBook — https://www.facebook.com/NorthernOhioDxAssociation
Twitter — https://twitter.com/kb8nw_opdx
* All excerpts and distribution of “The OPDX Bulletin” are granted as
long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.
** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
Information can now be faxed to the following phone line at:
1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)
……. 73 de Tedd KB8NW
Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW – E-mail addresses:
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX – DXer’s Tool of Excellence)
President of the “Northern Ohio DX Association” (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the “Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the “Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS” (BARF80.ORG)
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RT BBCNewsEnts: The BBCProms kicks off tonight with a new work inspired by the 1969 Moon Landings. We spoke to composer Zosha Di Castri 🌘🌗🌖🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑: https://t.co/6Gd14jmIyu
— Marco Mosquera Jensen (@marcomos) July 20, 2019
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SAN BENEDETTO – Nell’ambito del 24° Incontro Nazionale dei Teatri Invisibili, sabato 23 febbraio alle ore 21 presso il Teatro dell’Olmo di San Benedetto del Tronto (ingresso 8 euro si consiglia la prenotazione 347 7555404 / 340 6490905), il Laboratorio Teatrale Re Nudo presenta “Racconti stonati”, un recital di racconti brevi di Chiara Bellabarba e canzoni al femminile di donne (e non solo) fuori dal coro.
L’autrice ci fa vivere con delicatezza passioni, tentazioni, trasgressioni, vocazioni, paradossi e contrasti, gettando uno sguardo furtivo su quelle presunte debolezze che, quasi sempre, sono radice ontologica di grande forza . Queste storie sono nate nell’ambito della trasmissione radiofonica “La follia delle donne”, ideata e curata dalla stessa autrice e da Beatrice Bellabarba.
Nell’occasione sarà disponibile il volume “Racconti fra le dita” di recentissima pubblicazione, testo della Bellabarba da cui sono tratti I brani interpretati da Re Nudo. In scena Piergiorgio Cinì (voce recitante), Beatrice Bellabarba (voce), Marco Ferrara (piano) e la partecipazione straordinaria di Luigi Ferrara (armonica cromatica).
Chiara Bellabarba è docente di filosofia e storia presso il Liceo Linguistico “Capriotti” di San Benedetto del Tronto; ha esordito come scrittrice di racconti brevi nel corso della trasmissione radiofonica “La follia delle donne”, di cui è in parte ideatrice e co-conduttrice.
Piergiorgio Cinì è attore, regista e direttore artistico del Laboratorio Teatrale Re Nudo di San Benedetto del Tronto, con cui ha allestito più di 20 spettacoli; presso Re Nudo è anche docente di dizione, fonetica, impostazione della voce e recitazione.
Beatrice Bellabarba , dopo un percorso di dodici anni come professionista nell’ambito del teatro ragazzi, si è specializzata con vari insegnanti nello studio del canto jazz. Dagli anni 90 ha iniziato la sua carriera come interprete, esibendosi anche in recital e concerti.
Marco Ferrara, compositore, diplomato in pianoforte e jazz, ha iniziato la sua carriera di musicista negli anni 80. Da allora calca i palcoscenici del panorama italiano e si esibisce anche all’estero come concertista. Svolge l’attività di insegnante in diverse scuole di musica.
Luigi Ferrara, armonicista, compositore,diplomato in pianoforte e in contrabbasso, jazzista di chiara fama: ha collaborato, fra gli altri, con Toots Thielemans ,Alain Caron, Furio Di Castri, Paolo Fresu, Rita Marcotulli,Maurizio Giammarco , Franco Cerri, Sarah Jane Morris, John Scofield, ecc.
“Voci femminili inconsuete, presenze coraggiose, bisbetiche e sensibili appartenenti al mondo umano, animale o a quello della natura hanno preso forma nella mia fantasia, attraverso brevi percorsi di parole, nel tentativo di omaggiare la loro presenza nell’universo.” (Chiara Bellabarba)
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DELLAVALLE/PETRIS | The Dead Dogs | Forever Young 2018
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1cc2d4fb8c78383180c60f4e933bb910/tumblr_inline_pbnbumeolF1ui8w0l_540.jpg)
in scena venerdì 13 luglio ore 9.30 / La Corte Ospitale, Sala Sassi
di Jon Fosse traduzione Thea Dellavalle progetto Thea Dellavalle/Irene Petris con Alessandro Bay Rossi, Giusto Cucchiarini, Federica Fabiani, Luca Mammoli, Irene Petris suono Claudio Tortorici con il sostegno di Sementerie Artistiche
spettacolo finalista del bando Forever Young in residenza negli spazi de La Corte Ospitale febbraio/marzo '18
SINOSSI – Il tempo passa uniforme sui luoghi, si deposita, a volte, sulle persone come sulle cose, una patina che lentamente cambia i colori, le emozioni, cristallizza i rapporti. Una routine che comincia a fare a meno delle parole, che le svuota. Finché non succede qualcosa, proprio dove tutto è sempre come al solito.
Dead Dogging (dizionario urbano): distanziarsi emotivamente da una relazione, come quando sai che il tuo cane che sta morendo e prendi distanza perché non sia emotivamente devastante.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d6b61d225e44d2029af94d334638bddc/tumblr_inline_pbnbzwqlGN1ui8w0l_540.jpg)
BIO – Thea Dellavalle e Irene Petris lavorano in teatro da più di un decennio. Hanno partecipato come assistente alla regia e come interprete a spettacoli di importanti registi italiani e internazionali: Massimo Castri, Luca Ronconi, Alvis Hermanis, Romeo Castellucci, Marco Plini, Pascal Rambert, Andrea De Rosa, Mario Martone, Gianina Carbunariu. Le loro strade si incrociano più volte finché nel novembre del 2013 realizzano il progetto dello spettacolo Un ballo (adattamento da Irène Némirovsky) in collaborazione con la compagnia torinese Il Mulino di Amleto debutto a Modena al Teatro delle Passioni e nel 2014 presentano al RIC Festival di Rieti lo spettacolo Suzannah di Jon Fosse, proposto la stagione successiva al Teatro India di Roma all’interno del Trittico Fosse.
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Elogio del Sacerdote Onofrio di Marco
[58r](1) Elogio del Sacerdote Onofrio di Marco. Honuphrius Ioseph ex Manfredo de Marco, et Francisca Consentino pauperibus, piisque conjungibus die vigesima tertia Ianuarii 1734. Castrileone natus; et eadem die Paro= chia Divi Mariae baptizatus. Vocatus igitur a Deo ad proeliandum in Castris Domini, Kalendas martii 1760 in clero adnumeratus est; et die decima nona eiusdem primum sacrum in Divi…
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Film Commission Torino Piemonte a Venezia con 4 progetti
Anche quest’anno Film Commission Torino Piemonte sarà presente a Venezia, per accompagnare i progetti piemontesi che sono stati selezionati in varie sezioni della 74. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica. “L’Enigma di Jean Rouch a Torino – Cronaca di un film raté”, dei torinesi Marco di Castri, Paolo Favaro, Daniele Pianciola (Atacama Film) è stato selezionato in […] Per il contenuto completo visitate il sito http://ift.tt/1tIiUMZ
da Quotidiano Piemontese - Home Page http://ift.tt/2iEv22W via Adriano Montanaro - Alessandria
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3 New Films Including World Premiere of MANHUNT by John Woo Added to Venice International Film Festival
3 New Films Including World Premiere of MANHUNT by John Woo Added to Venice International Film Festival
John Woo The world premieres of Manhunt by John Woo; L’ordine delle cose by Andrea Segre; L’Enigma di Jean Rouch a Torino by Marco di Castri, Paolo Favaro, Daniele Pianciola have been added to the lineup of the 74th Venice International Film Festival (more…)
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