Thoughts and Thinks
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under-the-pondering-tree · 1 month ago
I can't believe gen beta is already released needs more development imo, shouldn't be out yet
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
Love "All I want for Christmas is you" by Jim Carrey
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
One time I forgot that Alexa doesn't have the same brain as ChatGPT I was like, "Alexa, are you connected to my Amazon music?" N it goes "Okay, playing things you like" And I'm like "Alexa, I was just asking if you are" and it goes "hmm- I don't know that one" And I just thought that was funny
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
Someone with one million dollars ($1,000,000) is just as close to 0 as they are to two million dollars ($2,000,000) Like, I feel like it's relatively normal to have the mindset of "lookit this guy with 10 billion dollars, they're kinda like this other guy with 50 billion dollars." But the 10 billion dude is *so* much closer to you than the dude with 50 billion. It's kinda crazy. It's sort of easy to say like no duh that's just how numbers work in retrospect, but I feel like people don't really take it into consideration in a daily context. For all numbers, not just with money. I think people will just have in their mind that it's the same order of magnitude so it's not much of a difference really. Since we usually deal with smaller numbers, a few times a small number is still relatively a small number. But a few times a really big number is *absolutely ginormous* even if they sound kind of similar. And that's not even considering even huger numbers. I feel like the average person would think a person that has $250 billion is pretty much the same as a person that has $240 billion. But that's still 10 billion dollars. Same with even like 10 billion and 11 billion. It feels basically the same. But it's still a whole billion. Like it's an easy concept to know. But the basic intuition is so.. off
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
I don't like quantum uncertainty. People saying that certain things are 100% truly random. I like the idea that the universe and everything in it is entirely deterministic. Wiki clockwork universe. I'm not an expert in quantum mechanics though, so I know better than to argue with the scientist who are more educated in that field. But consider this: You travel back in time. You are a spectre. You have no physical effect on the world, you're just there watching. Albert Einstein supported the idea that even if we didn't know how or why exactly quantum stuff happened, there was always a reason it happened that way. some unobservable or undiscovered cause. Though supposedly now it's said to be entirely undetermined by anything at all. Surely- if you were to simply relive the past, with no interference at all- wouldn't it happen again the exact same way? If you went back in time and changed *literally* nothing, and then came back- everything should have happened as it did the first time. *But* if you were able to go back in time- and knew the outcome of a quantum state when it was measured... surely since there was no interaction it would be measured exactly the same way again- thus being able to know the outcome of quantum "randomness". But if it's truly random- it would (or could) change from literally no influence. Thus changing the future through the butterfly effect without even having a nucleation point needed for chaos to be seeded into the system. Gravity doesn't even work with it anyway, so at least some part of the current idea is flawed. So I'd like if quantum stuff were disproven (or reworked), even though I'm not even remotely qualified to know anything definitively really about it.
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
is it still an indie game if I win the lottery and hire like 100 people to help work on my game, but it's not like a company or anything and I don't care about profit, I just wanna make a really good game ?
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
Immortal person: I like babies Imagine being born, and having existed for just a single second A single second, is your entire life It must feel like an eternity And yet, I can live for an eternity, and not feel like a single moment has passed
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
seeing a human without any context of what a human is must be crazy
like- you have a cave in the middle of your face with a wet worm that just sits inside of it, or sometimes wriggles around looking independently sentient from the larger creature- protected by a bone cage that is also used for crushing and tearing at the same time. and the worm helps feed you by pushing the food further down the cave to the main structure, while it also communicates information to you about the food you have squid arms that somehow can reach in every direction but simultaneously only bend certain ways, with a rigid structure underneath- and 5 more tentacles on top of each of the 4 already sticking out from you like a tenacle fractal. but also you're not like a squid because you're flat?? squids have their tentacles grouped at the bottom, in a circley kind of shape around themselves- and basically everything else in existence that has limbs or appendages has them under themselves- but we have two at the bottom, which isn't even stable, you need at least three to not have to constantly juggle your own body to stay upright- and then the other two are just.. up the side?? like imagine a horse with legs where wings would be on a pegasus. like... why????? so it can kick things better? that's stupid- a horse doesn't need that and humans aren't water creatures, but cant be dry anyway? like they need to be wet and squishy, but when they run around (fall forward and catch themselves really fast) they just leak their water everywhere??? and they cant even use the water with a little bit of minerals in it. the most abundant source of water on their planet. but nope, 3% salt is too much and it'll kill them. gotta get it from the water that falls from the sky because the particles are too heavy to evaporate and it filters it for them, instead of them just having some organ to it for them instead.
they have a substance that perpetually grows out of them- but with some of it they just decide to remove it? like 'i don't like this part of my structure i will do surgery to remove it every few days' but only with it in certain areas?? in some areas they keep it- or even mold or decorate it! and are disappointed when it for some reason just disappears with age? like isnt that what you want?? but no- only on the bottom?? sometimes?? depending on the person. and half of them have it more/less often than the others. and the ones that generally have it the least on the majority of their bodies- or try the most to remove it on the lower portions of their bodies- are the ones who generally also grow it the longest on the top?? like what?? why??? originally it was intended for warmth. but instead they just decided to steal other creature's skin- literal skin snatchers- from the creatures that had a bit more of it than them. and then eventually moved to making it out of synthetic materials after we killed every single one of that creature on the planet that was 20 times our size and shoved their remains in little pieces down our face hole after ritually burning each piece before it goes in because the worm whispers to us that it's better that way. We're only used to this nightmare because we are the nightmare. If we weren't in any way human-resembling in form, and we saw them- we would either be very good at hiding, or they would be extinct. Or maybe in some alien world someone's writing horror stories, and the creatures of unimaginable horror when described are by coincidence just what we're like. Not because they're just scared of aliens, but because the kind of aliens we are, are valid things to be absolutely terrified of.
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
imagine aliens send us music and we start tryina decode it like it's a message no meaning. just a collection of their favorite noises or signals. but it's rhythmic, and has some sort of underlying pattern. So we know it's not random, but it's different enough from what humans typically think music is so we think it's some kind of communication and everyone's just running around frantically like "what does this mean??? why cant we decipher it??!" for however long it is until it's cleared up by the aliens telling us. even better if it's the only signal they send and then just nothing ever after so we just wait like- will there be an invasion?? do they want peace?? is it instructions for something?? someone suggests maybe it's a song or something artsy or subjectively meaningless, but no- it was given to us, by aliens!!! it must be more important than just- sound. it must be some kind of mathematical formula! or a request for help or some kind of trans-galactic alliance!! or a warning!!! each day passing in anticipation that something huge might happen. some apocalypse. some first physical contact. since space is so big it could be years before they reach us. we know for certain aliens exist now!! except the only piece of proof we have whatsoever is this one little radio transmission. but no. they just sent us their favorite little tune for funsies and then dipped
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
not only am I new to tumblr, I've never been on any social media before- so this has been fun for me toki Tumblr li sin tawa mi. taso toki kepeken toki kulupu ale li sin tawa mi. ona li musi li pona tawa mi
(unless you count youtube, which i dont lol)
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under-the-pondering-tree · 2 months ago
I present to you, Wilbur
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under-the-pondering-tree · 3 months ago
If the time for sorting and checking is negligibly infinitesimal, or even zero, would bogosort be able to sort the set of all (positive) integers? The chance of getting it each try would be 1/∞! so I guess it's possible to qualify it as a 0% chance. But if rewording it so to say that on average it'll take ∞! attempts, if they're all done in zero seconds each then surely it'd be guaranteed to happen, almost like a super-compressed supertask. And then what are the implications of this with quantum bogosort? Will there still be a universe left after, or not? Surely not more than one? Or maybe an infinite amount still? Or just none?
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under-the-pondering-tree · 3 months ago
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under-the-pondering-tree · 3 months ago
tenpo wan la mi kala tenpo pini ni li nasa mute mi luken e telo. ona li pona tawa mi tenpo kama ni la mi tawa tomo awen mi mi lape awen
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under-the-pondering-tree · 3 months ago
One time I was talking to a group of people. One of them said that they had a revelation. "Epitome!" I shouted out- and then "oh- no- wait-" Someone else said "You've said a lot of smart things, but I don't think that was one of them." I could feel my reputation crumbling. "Epiphany.." I mumbled. But it was too late.
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under-the-pondering-tree · 3 months ago
ChatGPT is just an extremely lossy compression algorithm- if you think about it sideways. And was just intentionally designed to have a very humanized search function. So much so that it can convey the original intent of the information, but never the original state or structure that information was in. (unless it's information that can *only* be conveyed in its original state- like a mathematical formula. but even then, the description and explanation won't be.) Sort of analogous to giving it a bunch of lists of the same numbers ordered in a different way each time. It can give you a list of the same numbers back in a random order, but can't retrieve and output one of the given sets unless it just outputs the same random string by chance.
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