whumppuppeteer · 8 hours
“I thought you said they wouldn’t hurt me!”
“They weren’t supposed to.”
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
There’s nothing quite as sweet as a parental caretaker tucking the whumpee’s head under their chin while they hold them and let them cry it out ❤️
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
Whump idea. The whumper has a twin. So eventually when the whumpee escapes or is rescued... the caretaker is the twin of the whumper. I can see the whumpee's reaction now...
Yessss, someone else mentioned that before too! [x]
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
"Whumpee, you never told me you had a [sibling]!"
"No! Don't you dare! Just leave them alone!"
"Oh, come now. You can't honestly expect me to pass up on a two-for-one special!"
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
Underrated dynamic: parent/child whump combo. Both parties trying to protect each other with the parent feeling immensely guilty everytime they fail to protect their child. Child being extremely protective over their parent because they're younger and stronger, they can take it. Bonus points if it doesn't matter in the end and they both get hurt and they have to look after each other 👌
Also works for older/younger siblings
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
do you ever become obsessed with a character and you just go "of fucking course its that one" at yourself because you are so incredibly predictable
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
trope i don't see enough: the more experienced character having to guide the less experienced character through something very difficult and important. maybe they're behind glass or bars or on the phone. maybe they have to do surgery or stitches or defuse a bomb or repair some machinery. ..
it's about suddenly being thrust into something you're absolutely not prepared for and still doing your best anyway. and also about having to watch as their hands tremble and they're struggling to piece together your instructions. if they make a single wrong move it's over. do you get it?
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
Laughter that devolves into a pained coughing fit>>>>
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
“Get up,” one of the whumpers snarls at the whumpee, who’s just collapsed and is near passing out from exhaustion. They’ve been walking for hours now; their legs can’t hold them anymore. “Get up!” 
The whumpee knows they’ll suffer even more if they don’t obey. Gritting their teeth, panting heavily as they summon what little strength they have left, they struggle up onto hands and knees, only for the whumper to slam a boot into their side and send them crashing back down with an agonized cry. 
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
When a whumpee is typically perceived as lazy and everyone thinks they're playing up their exhaustion/burnout/illness to get away with doing nothing but it's really just that all the hard work they've been doing either happens when no one else is there to see or just goes unnoticed/unappreciated
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
And of course there’s the flipside of parent whump: child whump. Maybe the parent is captured or trapped, maybe the injuries are happening at a remote location too far away to reach but at least the news is telling them how badly their child is hurt. Maybe it’s a kidnapper sending cryptic messages leaving far too much to the imagination. Maybe they’ve both been kidnapped, and the kidnapper realizes far too quickly how to get the parent to cooperate.
Maybe things are strained, maybe both parent and child are adults now and they don’t talk like they used to but that‘s still the kid they raised and loved and maybe getting stabbed would be better than them getting hurt like this.
Maybe the child is a kid who happened to be in their proximity that they half heartedly took under your wing. And they thought they didn’t care, it’s not like this is their kid, except why then is one of the worst things they’ve ever experienced?
Maybe it’s a kid who was hurt, who had nobody, who they decided was their responsibility now. And they promised, they promised, that the kid would be safe. And what a horrible liar they are.
(Tag your favorite characters for this dynamic, I’m curious)
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
Febuwhump Day 17: Hostage
Content warning: young whumpee/caretaker. They're not meant to be minors, but could easily be read as such
This is a sequel to THIS. This could work as a standalone however.
Whumper had been doing their job long enough to learn that going for the mark directly was a waste of time. It was like trying to catch a fish by hand. A massive, frustrating waste of time, because a fish in the water would always outspeed a clumsy human.
Any catch worth Whumper’s time would be protected. The secret lovers of celebrities, the children of millionaires, the loved ones of people in power—they were always surrounded by fencing and people who fretted over them. It was nearly impossible to catch them truly alone, and odds were even if they were alone, they were surrounded by so many cameras that it wouldn’t be worth the risk.
Whumper never went for the mark directly, cause it wasn’t worth it. Not when they could go for the bait.
Now the bait was easy to get a hold of. It wasn’t that nobody cared about the bait–if nobody cared, it wouldn’t be worth going after–but it was that nobody thought the bait was in danger. Why would they be? The friend of a friend, someone who fell under the radar, unremarkable beyond a few key relationships that gave them value. A useful nobody, one that could vanish for hours before anyone got worried.
It’s hard to force a mark out of the safety built around them. But to give them a reason to leave, to hand them the chance to be a hero?
They’ll slip themselves out of their protection and walk straight into a trap, armed with nothing but their parent’s money and a pocket knife. It was almost cute.
Whumper turned the corner, a lazy grip on the driver wheel, as they finally pulled into their latest base. It was more of a shack, really. A derelict hobble, forgotten, nestled in between unused forest land and a garbage dump. The sort of place that went weeks without being seen by a human. It’d be easy to burn and abandon, once they got the money from Caretaker’s parents.
Whumper glanced down at the hostage in question.
The kid was practically curled into a ball. Legs tucked to their chest, back pressed so hard against the door that it was like they were trying to push it open. They wouldn’t lift their eyes to look at Whumper, but they didn’t turn away either, as if they were torn between being too afraid to look and too afraid to look away.
The only restraints Whumper had put on them was to tie their hands together. It wasn’t to stop them from escaping– Whumper knew they wouldn’t run, not when they knew Whumpee was so close– but more to make sure they didn’t forget their situation. Whumper liked to keep catches scared.
Whumper parked the car. They heard Caretaker’s breath hitch as they came to a stop.
Caretaker didn’t move as Whumper got out. They sat, paralyzed with fear, as Whumper released the look to the passenger seat with the press of a button. When Whumper opened the door, Caretaker flinched back, half crawling into the driver’s seat.
Whumper gestured for them to get out. “Let’s get this over with, yeah? I might even feed you after if you’re good.”
Slowly, Caretaker untangled themselves, leaving the car with shaking legs. They pressed their back into the door, shutting it. They stayed pressed there. Whumper grabbed them by the shoulder and pushed them forward.
They guided Caretaker into the building.
The smell of mold and rot hit them like a truck as they opened the door. The whole place was beginning to rot away. Whumper resisted the urge to gag as the taste of rotting wood filled their mouth.
They’d put together their set up before they’d left. The living room was empty besides a few set items. A tall lamp, the only source of light in the room, was illuminating a single, rusted, metal chair. Finally, a camera, the only thing that looked worth any sort of money, stood ready to catch every moment.
It was a basic set up, rudimentary even, and that’s how Whumper wanted it. Whumper found that people feared the amateur more than the professional
Whumper gestured towards the chair, and Caretaker’s eyes flicked towards it anxiously.
“Come on, don’t get cold feet now,” They pulled a folded piece of paper from their pocket, their own handwriting scribbled onto it. They’d make sure to burn it once the video was done. “All you gotta do is read the paper.”
Caretaker didn’t move. They stood like a deer in the headlights, trembling. Their jaw trembled, and for a long moment, Whumper thought they were finally going to dissolve into sobs.
Instead they spoke.
“Wait. I…I wanna see Whumpee first.” Their voice was frail, trembling, like they’d lose the will to speak at any moment. And yet some of their old bravado seemed to have resurfaced.
Whumper raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure you do. And?”
They hunched their shoulders, shrinking into themselves. And yet they continued. “I mean–You want me to uh, r-record a ransom video. And you said Whumpee would be safe if I listened,”They stood straighter, just barely. “It’s only fair if you…–if you let me see Whumpee, before I start. Please.”
They stood in place, eyes cast downward, fingers tangled together anxiously at their waist. And yet they were still holding their ground.
Whumer stared for a moment, considering. “You really think you’re in a position to be making demands?” They asked, voice low.
They let the question hang in the air. Caretaker froze, eyes widening like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar. Their lips began to tremble, and when they took a stumbling step away from Whumper, they nearly tripped over the chair.
Caretaker’s mouth cracked open, an apology already on their tongue, when Whumper let their expression lighten. Whumper chuckled, deep and rumbling.
“I don’t know if you’re stupid, or brave as hell. Probably both,” Whumper shrugged, watching as Caretaker’s shoulders slumped in relief. “I respect it. Let’s visit the bait.”
Whumper turned, heading towards the dark, barren hallway that led deeper into the house. Caretaker followed them like a lost duckling.
They stopped at the door at the end of the hall. It wasn’t anything special, just a normal door they’d fitted with a single padlock. Both with no windows and only one exit, the spare room made an effective holding cell.
Whumper pulled the keys from their pocket, opening the door. They stepped aside to give Caretaker a clear view.
Whumpee was right where they’d left them. Their arms and legs were bound with duct tape. The blood on their face had long dried, staining the once white collar of their school uniform a rusty brown. The gag was still firmly in place.
Their eyes bulged when they saw Caretaker. Whumpee screamed, a wordless plea, and lurched their body forward. All they managed to do was tip themselves over, helpless and prone on the floor.
“Whumpee-!” Caretaker took a step to move forward, but a firm hand on their shoulder stopped them. Still, that didn’t stop them from leaning towards their friend as much as Whumper’s hold would allow. “Shit, you’re okay! You’re okay! Just wait and I–I’m going to get us both out–I promise!”
Whumpee only sobbed behind their gag.
Whumper knew better than to let things go on much longer. They squeezed Caretaker’s shoulder, drawing their attention. “You’ll get them out by doing what I say, remember? They stay safe as long as you follow directions.”
Caretaker finally tore their eyes from Whumpee. They met Whumper’s gaze, eyes wide and pleading. There was too much determination in that stare for Whumper’s liking. They knew they’d have to put an end to that.
“Please, just let them go! You–you want me, right? They don’t have anything to do with this!”
“Hey,” they let their tone sharpen, and every inch of Caretaker froze. Whumpee fell silent. “You already got one favor from me. You’re testing your luck.”
Caretaker’s face paled. They stammered, seemingly remembering the situation they were in. “I–I’m sorry. But please–,”
Caretaker gasped as they were yanked back, pulled out of the open doorway. Whumper slammed them against the wall, drawing a scream from their lips. Whumpee let out a muffled shout.
Whumper loomed over Caretaker, shadows darkening their features. Caretaker stared up at them with tearfilled eyes
“Do you know why Whumpee’s still alive?”
“Because I decided to keep them alive. Because I’ve been in a good mood. And as long as I stay in a good mood, they get to stay in one piece.”
Caretaker looked ready to faint. Their breath hitched, a panicked sob tearing its way from their throat.
“And you know what puts me in a bad mood?” they leaned forward, drawing a panicked whine from Caretaker. Caretaker pressed themselves flat against the wall. “When brats think they’ve got any bargaining power with me. You understand?”
“Y-yes! Yes sir, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean–I’m sorry–,”
Whumper pulled away. They kicked the door to Whumpee’s room shut, quickly returning the lock. When they turned back to look at Caretaker, they were still pressed against the wall. Eyes wide, staring, shoulders shaking with their silent sobs.
It was a good start. Whumper knew from experience that they’d drop the hero act within a week.
Whumper grinned. “Good. Then you have something to read, don’t you?”
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
Caretaker is known for bringing home strays. He is constantly finding people to help. It's who he is. He has to help people, his self-worth is completely tied up in that identity.
Whumpee is special though, they are the first stray that Caretaker rescued. They rely on Caretaker. Caretaker has become a parental figure in their life, a mentor, someone to lean on and take care of them for the first time in their life. Sure they are an adult now, but it doesn't feel like they are.
Little does Caretaker know, the strays he has been rescuing are Whumper's victims. Whumper has seen how much Whumpee relies on Caretaker, how special the bond between them is. If Whumper wants Caretaker to stop ruining his work, he knows just the precious little weak point to put pressure on.
So, what happens next?
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
17. parental caretaker
"caretaker?" a voice whispered from the doorway to caretaker's bedroom. caretaker wiped away the sleep from their eyes and squinted at the rays of light that bled through the ajar door.
"whumpee?" caretaker muttered. it was the middle of the night, pitch black and silent. whumpee's arms were wrapped around their middle. they looked so small and vulnerable. their thin body was shaking hard enough to see through the darkness, eyes wide and terrified. caretaker's heart clenched. they were just a kid. they shouldn't have to deal with so much pain.
"i had a nightmare." whumpee choked out. they were clearly trying to hold back their tears. caretaker shuffled to sit up and held their arms open.
"oh, kid. come here." whumpee sighed and scampered over to the bed. they clambered on, lunging into caretaker's open arms and burying their face in their neck. they were breathing hard and fast.
"you're okay. you're gonna be okay." caretaker whispered into their hair. they rocked whumpee gently in their arms, rubbing a comforting hand up their back as they tried to calm them down. whumpee gripped desperately at their shirt and took a deep, shaky breath.
"it... it hurts. i'm scared, caretaker. i don't- i don't want it to hurt anymore." caretaker bit their lip in pain. they hugged whumpee closer to their chest, trying to calm them down. whumpee curled up tighter into a ball. they buried their face into caretaker's shirt and felt their heart beat start to slow.
"whumpee, nobody can hurt you now. you're safe here with me, okay? i'm going to keep you safe." caretaker whispered into whumpee's hair like a mantra. i'm going to keep you safe. that's what caretaker always told whumpee, and whumpee wanted to believe it was true. they wanted to stop being the strong one for once.
"promise?" their voice came out soft and broken. caretaker nodded, fingers carding through their hair. they place a soft kiss on the top of whumpee's head.
"yes. i promise. i won't let anyone hurt you, honeybee." whumpee hummed happily and nuzzled into caretaker's chest. they smelt warm and comforting, like home, like safety, like family.
"how about i make you pancakes tomorrow morning? with lots of chocolate chips and whipped cream and caramel syrup?" caretaker slowly lowered both of their bodies to lay down on the bed. they pulled the blanket over whumpee's small body and tucked their head under their chin.
"can i have ice cream too?" whumpee asked, apprehensive. caretaker laughed gently and pat them on the back.
"sure, you can have ice cream." whumpee smiled at that. caretaker could feel it pushed against their neck. they wrapped their arms around caretaker and yawned.
"i'm sleepy." whumpee mumbled, and caretaker tutted.
"then sleep, silly." they bundled whumpee closer and put a protective arm around them. whumpee cuddled into their chest.
"don't worry about anything. i'm right here, nothing can hurt you now." caretaker assured them. whumpee smiled again, and they let themself relax. it was the best sleep they'd had in months.
prompt from @whumpay
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
Parental Caretaker sternly full-naming the restless Whumpee to make them stay in bed and actually recover and Whumpee trying to keep up their indignant front while internally screaming because they're just now realizing they've become close enough to do that
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
i will never ever get tired of this trope 🙏
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whumppuppeteer · 2 days
Child Whumpee cuddling with Parent Caretaker after they’ve both been through hell. I think about this all the time. Caretaker comforting Whumpee, telling them tbat everything’s going to be okay, and they made it. They got through it. And that no matter what, Whumpee will always be safe. Caretaker will protect them. And nothing bad will happen to them again.
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