#marco carola
culturadeclub · 2 months
Loveland revela las fechas y alineaciones para el ADE 2024
Loveland ADE 2024 ha revelado el cartel de sus cuatro eventos, programados del 17 al 19 de octubre en Mediahaven, Ámsterdam. Las festividades comienzan el jueves 17 de octubre con Mochakk Calling ADE x Loveland, encabezado por el DJ y productor brasileño Mochakk. Este evento marca el inicio del fin de semana. El viernes 18 de octubre, Paradise x Loveland tomará el relevo, con Chris Stussy,…
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eneasbastianini · 8 months
the bez and pecco chronicles: there can be only one edition
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muxas-world · 5 months
At lest in this dark times they got each other
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hotmessmaxpress · 3 months
helloo i absolutely love your abo au and i am obsessed with the marcmarc dynamic
i was wondering would you ever write pecco/marcmarc something like pecco being sad/upset over something and the omegas just comforting him, it could be just cuddles or it could be something a little more i think it would be interesting to see how marc and pecco’s relationship is like without vale there (we know marco and pecco already get along so well) also i think pecco deserves to get spoiled by two omegas
Rosquez a/b/o au, part ???
I think that marc and pecco deal with disappointment/mistakes similarly (internalize, internalize, internalize) so it would simultaneously be easy for marc to understand him and also difficult for him to deal with. He would definitely feel more comfortable having bez around to help!
Thank you for the ask. 🤍
Pecco is no stranger to criticism. He’s grown up in an environment entirely based around competition, and he’s used to looking at statistics and numbers and comparisons. Faster, faster, how to be faster.
No matter how much criticism he deals with, though, Pecco is always his own biggest critic. He is the one to put the most pressure on himself, even when his parents and sister and pack tell him to take a step back and calm down. It’s common for his mood to be affected by his performance, and when Marc joins the pack it’s one of the things he notices immediately. Even at the ranch, which Marc had thought was fun for the boys, Pecco can sometimes come away in a sharp mood. 
Marc also notices that Bez is the one most adept at handling Pecco’s big feelings. He takes all of Pecco’s sharpness and jagged edges that would cut someone else and files him down until he’s smooth like a river stone. It’s one of the many things that Marc admires about Bez as a fellow omega. It doesn’t even seem like Bez realizes he’s doing it. 
The race goes terribly. Pecco goes down hard, and while thankfully nothing is broken, he’s sore all over. He’s stewing in his anger as the rest of the pack wrap up their media duties and finish up for the day. The alphas check in with him, but it becomes apparent very quickly that Pecco has no desire to deal with any of them. 
It’s Carola that happens to grab Marc’s arm as he’s heading toward the pack trailer. 
“Marc!” she greets.
She sounds happy, which is still odd to Marc. He’s getting used to being liked by faces that he was too used to avoiding. He always assumed that Carola had a distaste for him, but she seems pleased that he’s joined the same pack as her brother. Marc almost feels guilty for assuming that she didn’t like him. 
“Carola,” he greets, kissing her on both cheeks. 
“Are you going to your pack?”
Marc nods, cheeks flushing. He doesn’t think it will ever get old, acknowledging his pack. 
“Can you stop at Pecco’s motorhome first? He won’t come out on his own and he should be with you all, not alone and wallowing. I am trying to find Bez but I think he will come with you, too.”
Marc blanches for a moment, stunned by the faith that she has in him to support the alphas of his pack. He doesn’t have time to tell her no, though, because she’s off with a toss of her hair. 
Marc does as he asks and goes to Pecco’s trailer, knocking first and then letting himself in. 
Pecco is sitting on the couch, head in his hands while he stares down at a tablet that Marc can only assume contains data from the race. 
“My pace was enough to win,” Pecco complains, immediately, without even looking up to Marc.
Marc knows this is a tenuous situation, and he hopes that Carola sends Bez his way soon. He has a distinct feeling that he might be out of his depth on this one. 
“Yes, it was,” Marc agrees, knowing that Pecco probably won’t respond to platitudes from him of all people. “You were fast.”
Pecco looks up at him angrily, and Marc curves his shoulders and tilts his head so he’s looking at Pecco through his eyelashes. Marc may not be offering platitudes, but looking cute and nonthreatening can’t hurt. 
Pecco huffs, and Marc takes his lack of comment as an invitation to move toward the other man and settle down on the couch next to him. He takes the tablet out of Pecco’s hands, having to pry his fingers a little bit, and then tosses it behind him. 
Pecco growls, but there’s no heat to it. It’s just a warning, and Marc has never been one to heed warnings the first time. He reaches out and offers his wrist to Pecco, who brings it to his nose. Marc’s scent seems to pacify him a little, so Marc takes Pecco’s hand with his free hand. 
“Let’s go to the pack room. Carola is looking for Bez and we might find him on the way.”
Pecco still looks annoyed, and Marc has to smother a smile at the stormy look on his face when they step out of the trailer and set out across the paddock. Marc smiles and waves and greets people as they walk by, a stark contrast to the silent and cranky alpha following him. 
They run into Bez right outside the pack motorhome, and Bez immediately relaxes when he sees the two of them. 
“Marc! Franci! Good. I’m glad you managed to drag him here.”
Bez climbs the stairs first, and Marc pulls Pecco along. Once they’re inside, Marc sets about making a nest for the three of us while Bez has quiet words with Pecco. Bez is laughing, which at first seems to make Pecco angrier but then succeeds in getting a small smile from him. 
The nest takes no time at all, and Marc happily tugs Pecco into the center of it. Bez slots himself against Pecco’s other side, and they’re all silent for a moment. 
“I was fast,” Pecco complains, petulantly and without the same heat and frustration from earlier. 
Bez makes eye contact with Marc and rolls his eyes, and Marc has to hold his breath for a moment to avoid giggling.
Pecco frowns and looks between the two of them. 
“You two are terrible.”
Bez and Marc shake their heads at once.
“Maybe we are,” Marc teases. “We have a sad alpha in between us and we haven’t spoiled him even a little bit.”
He reaches up and tangles a hand in Pecco’s hair, scratching at his scalp. He gives Pecco a gentle tug, and bares his throat to him so he can tuck his face against him and scent him. He scents Marc first and then Bez finally gives up on the teasing and bares his own neck. Pecco turns to press a kiss to the base of Bez’s throat and Bez purrs happily. 
“It was a good race, Franci.”
“Until I crashed,” he complains bitterly. 
“Until you crashed,” Marc agrees. “But you won’t next time.”
Pecco huffs, and Marc wraps himself tighter around the alpha. 
“It was the back wheel,” Pecco explains.
He launches into a pouty debrief, and Bez and Marc both relax. When Pecco starts to debrief, it’s the beginning of the end of his bad mood. He always needs to stew in his frustration, then analyze, then he can move on. 
Marc only half listens as Pecco rants about the race, and instead distracts himself by playing with Pecco’s fingers and making faces at Bez. By the time Pecco has run out of steam, he is much more relaxed between the two of them, and Bez and Marc basically lay themselves on top of him. Their legs all tangle together, and the smell in the room finally loses its sharp edge. 
Marc rests his head in the crook of Pecco’s neck, and he smiles against his collarbone as he hears Bez press a kiss to Pecco’s lips. 
“Love you,” Bez says sweetly.
Marc can practically hear the roll in Pecco’s eyes as he returns the expression of love. 
The three of them lay there together, relaxed and calm, until Marc is nearly asleep and remembers he needs to text Vale, who is back in Italy on business. 
Vale: good race ❤️ 
Vale: how is pecco?
Marc smiles, happy that Vale is checking in on their pack as always. 
Marc opens the camera and holds it out, snapping a picture of the three of them before Pecco can protest. 
He sends it immediately, and only moments later Vale responds with a row of hearts. 
Vale: I am proud of him. Love you.
Marc shows Pecco and Bez the message, and his heart swells with happiness at the relaxed smile on Pecco’s face.
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nooripoori · 30 days
Okay but Cele has so many people to take care of him but sometimes everyone trusts the other to take care of him and he ends up like ☹️ this in the bed until he runs out of patience and starts wailing.
He gets fussed over so nicely after that
oh yeah there have definitely been some times when everyone thought that someone was with Cele taking care of him but in actuality none of them were there and it led to Cele having a break down.
Luca had suggested time and time again that they should hire a babysitter for Cele if they were going to go around the world with him or atleast they should have Migno there with them so that when they’re all busy someone should be there to tend to Cele. But Cele didn’t like someone he didn’t know taking care of him and every babysitter they had hired was unsuccessful because he just wouldn’t settle. And Migno was busy this week so he couldn’t come with them and Cele had thrown a temper tantrum when they had suggested he stayed behind with him.
Most of the problems arise during media day, as all of them are busy at the same time and for long periods of time, even Carola is busy so they don’t have anyone to stay with Cele in Pecco’s trailer. And they can’t bring him around to their interviews cuz Cele hates crowded places and wanders off when he isn’t being payed full attention to.
Which leads them to todays predicament, they had asked in the vr46 gc if anyone was free to take care of Cele and most of them had given their time tables as to when they would be free and when they would be busy. They said that whenever someone had a free slot they could go check up on Cele and make sure he was fine.
But they had discussed this 3 days ago and right now as Luca stands in the media hospitality he can see Marco and Franky also there giving interviews and he just knows for a fact that Pecco is in the press conference with Carola, they have all been here for atleast the past hour so that just means one thing. Everyone forgot about the arrangement and Cele has been left alone in the trailer for the past hour.
The last time anyone of them saw Cele was a hour ago, Franky had put him to sleep and sent everyone a picture of him in the gc. And you would think that hey he was sleeping and it has only been an hour so he will most probably still be asleep, but Cele has this habit that when he’s sleeping and it’s too quite he wakes up automatically to check his surroundings. And they found out the hard way that when he wakes up and he’s alone, you best believe that he will cry and not talk to anyone for a whole day.
So as he’s sitting here in the middle of his interview all Luca can do is pray that Cele is still asleep and that one of the boys gets free soon enough to check on him.
5 mins or so pass and when Luca turns to his left he sees Bezz getting up to leave, so he sends a quick text to tell him to go and check on Cele
See Bezz has told everyone that he’s the least fit to take care of Cele. There have been multiple occasions where whenever he’s taking care of Cele one of them has ended up in tears, the only thing he thinks he’s good at is putting Cele to sleep. Pecco has tried to reassure him on multiple occasions that Cele likes him the most and is always asking for him but he’s pretty sure Pecco only says that to not hurt his feelings.
So as he’s leaving the hospitality and sees the mssg from Luca asking him to run to Cele cuz he’s been alone for an hour. He curses the seven skies as to why it had to be him to check on Cele and not anyone else. Now don’t think that he doesn’t love Cele, he’s obsessed with that kid, but he has never been able to console a crying Cele.
So as he reaches Pecco’s trailers door he has to take several deep breaths and remind himself that Cele is just a baby and anyone can handle a baby. As he opens the door he expects to be met with a crying Cele but there is no sound whatsoever, and breathes a sigh of relief thinking that Cele is still asleep. But as he enters Pecco’s room he sees Cele sitting up in the middle of the bed and looking down on his lap. Which is weird in and of itself because Cele is by no means a quiet child and he doesn’t like sitting still.
So as he calls out to him and gets no answer he is terribly concerned. He sits down on the bed and takes Cele’s face in his hands and he swears he hears his heart break, Cele is looking up at him with silents tears falling down his face. He quickly picks him up, puts him in his lap and wipes aways his tears, Cele quickly latches on to him and atp he’s having body wracking sobs but he lets out no sound.
Bezz picks him up and starts walking around and patting his back in attempts to soothe him but nothing works. This goes on for 10 mins when finally he feels Cele relax in his hold and the tears stop. Bezz sits down and backs away to look at Cele. He looks up at Bezz and Bezz swears what he says breaks his already broken heart even more.
“Everyone forget Cele…”
And Bezz has never heard Cele sound so sad and broken, he hugs Cele again and spews endless apologies and excuses as to why they were not with him. As he soothes Cele with one hand he takes his phone out with the other one to text the gc to get their asses here and help him make Cele happy.
While he’s waiting for them he tries to make Cele smile but no matter what he does Cele has a big frown on his face. He tries feeding him his favourite snacks(which get rejected) and he gives him his favourite toys(which he doesn’t even look at). So Bezz does what he does best, he peppers him with tons and tons of kisses on his face and blows raspberries on his stomach which FINALLY cracks a smile on Cele’s face.
He takes that as encouragement and starts tickling Cele which results in him letting out the loudest laughs. This goes on for awhile and when he stops Cele sits up and gives Bezz a kiss on the cheek.
“I like you Bezz.”
Bezz won’t admit it but he shed a few tears hearing that.
All of them had come running to Pecco’s trailer as soon as their interviews had ended and as they open the door they expect to find a crying Cele and Bezz but what they find melts their hearts. Bezz sleeping on the bed with Cele cuddled up on his chest. After taking multiple pics they wake them up and then the rest of the day is spent with them showering Cele with hugs and kisses. They promise Cele that they won’t ever forget him again and the rest of the race weekend atleast one of them stays with Cele at all times or brings him to their garages.
more baby cele
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vale2294 · 4 months
No rega, state tutti boni, la situazione si risolverà al meglio.
Sarà sicuramente successa una cosa del genere:
Quei due mentre si avvicinavano al ragazzo in moto gli urlano con tono minaccioso "Andrea!" Lui si gira confuso e gli fa: "scusate, ma io sono Marco. Andrea è mio fratello. Lo conoscete? Se ci dovete parlare ci sto al telefono in questo momento" i due restano sbigottiti dalla situazione, pensano che Andrea stia provando a fregarli ma prendono lo stesso il telefono che il ragazzo gli stava porgendo. Dall'altro lato del filo c'è un Andrea tutto preoccupato che continua a dire "Marco? Marco ci sei? A Ma! Che succede?" Il tutto si risolve con delle scuse da parte dei due verso il motociclista "scusaci. Marco giusto? È che non sapevamo che Andrea avesse un gemello" riprendono la macchina e si avviano per raggiungere il quartetto. Marco sempre più confuso ma si ricorda di Carola che lo sta aspettando e si avvia anche lui.
Insomma deve per forza succedere una cosa del genere, altrimenti chi me la paga la terapia?
Con tutti i casini che stanno succedendo almeno ad Andrea lasciatelo tranquillo e felice per più di una notte, vi prego!
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phneltwrites · 19 days
be the place you call home ✂️🩷
hiiiiii 💜
I am like details obsessed so im cheating with a list of fave minor details:
wilhelm being bad at football <3 because it's part of his personal growth to do stuff without the expectation of being perfect
fighting for my life to not use pronouns for Petter, why is English so hard
wilhelm was crown prince "like in real life?" lmao
simon having a full time dilation incident while listening to a boring story. been there
plant dads wilmon
(honourable mention to all of the ways wilhelm is fighting off panic attacks that simon isn't noticing: running in his ridiculous cold weather athletic outift, doing All The Chores, outfit choreography, carefully drinking water)
✂ I really wanted to put in a scene where Simon and his university friends go to karaoke!! if I had any brain now would be the moment to write it but just imagine along with me for now. Purpose of the scene was to show again that Simon is disconnected from this group and having to rethink how he's defined himself cause their music choices do not overlap (there's a Carola v Karol G joke in there). Songs that he never thought much about turn out to be Spain Spanish and they don't know them at all. There's a brief agreement about Shakira but even when it's songs he knows, he doesn't have the vibe. He doesn't dance! He doesn't clap on time! They try to fix his hip work but it's hopeless.
I thought maybe I could bring it back later in the fic where he could be like fuck you i know who i am and sing Ella by Bebe which I picked out as a song that Linda might have loved back when she was pregnant and played for the kids growing up. But I couldn't make either fit.
It goes a bit like this:
"What do you mean you don't know Selena?" Carlos looks absolutely gobsmacked.
Simon squirms. He knows music! He does! But he doesn't know everything. When it comes to Spanish music he knows the stuff his mom played and he knows things that come out recently - he stays on top of it, okay? He listens to Rosalia and Bad Bunny. He won't win any obscurity competitions but he is reasonably au courant. He thinks. He hopes.
This is none of that. This is some weird void where nothing is familiar to him.
"What about Juanes?" That's Marco. Simon also doesn't know.
"I like Bebe," Simon interjects desperate to prove he knows things. Who is he? He's not like this. What does he care what they think, he knows what he knows. And yet.
There's a pause. At least he can claim the victory of throwing them off their argument.
"Like Bebe Rexha?"
Simon gives up.
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rileychester · 3 months
Look I'm not saying that Marco doesn't have just cause in his hatred against Daniele.
Because Marco has genuine cause to hate Daniele even before everything that went down with Carola or Andrea.
But I do think that Marco is a tad obsessive in his hatred for Daniele.
Daniele wasn't even the only boy from the swim team who gave Marco grief. Marco seems to be getting along decently with Ilo, who is Daniele's friend and was also part of the whole swim situation.
Whereas with Daniele, Marco instantly sours and turns bitter.
It's become a bit unhealthy for his rage against Daniele. Like I get not liking someone, but Marco is taking his hatred and letting it fester to become something putrid.
This will only cause more problems down the line between the two brothers because Andrea and Daniele are clearly inevitable.
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itsriddikulus · 4 months
Non voglio mettere fretta a nessuno,
se per la terza stagione ci fanno aspettare altri due anni tanto vale che ci facciano vedere direttamente Andrea e Daniele che vanno in cerca di una casa in cui potersi trasferire insieme al loro cane e abbastanza grande per poter crescere dei bambini, mentre pianificano il matrimonio... non possono farli passare per adolescenti in eterno.
Se poi intendono farne una quarta e una quinta direi che ci faranno vedere i loro figli che si laureano e loro due settantenni che giocano a bocce con Carola e Marco.
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ARCA. SIRACUSA - Associazione Rinascimento Culturale Archimedeo
Euro Med Festival - 2024 Tonino Accolla
Nona edizione del Premio Tonino Accolla. Siracusa/Noto 29 – 30 giugno e 1 luglio 2024.
Per questa nuova edizione del primo e unico contest live per allievi doppiatori provenienti dalle scuole di doppiaggio italiane e straniere, saranno Piazza Minerva a Siracusa nel centro storico di Ortigia e Palazzo Nicolaci a Noto - dove si svolgerà il workshop, primo Forum Internazionale Intelligenza artificiale per abbattere le barriere degli audiolesi e ipovedenti nel Cinema e nel Doppiaggio - ad accogliere pubblico e partecipanti in tre serate articolate fra spettacolo, competizione e approfondimenti. Il workshop è organizzato dall’associazione ARCA e dal Centro Studi Economia Internazionale ai Fondi Europei.
Il Premio, come sempre, è intitolato a Tonino Accolla, celebre doppiatore e direttore di doppiaggio (da Titanic a Braveheart, per citarne qualcuno), nato a Siracusa il 6 aprile del 1949 e scomparso a Roma nel 2013, voce italiana, tra altri, di Eddie Murphy e Homer Simpson, Mickey Rourke e Kenneth Branagh.
Questa rinnovata edizione del festival vuole sensibilizzare, attraverso il linguaggio universale del Cinema e del Doppiaggio, le nuove generazioni sulle tematiche al centro del dibattito istituzionale europeo, come l’ambiente e l’inclusione sociale.
La manifestazione è patrocinata dal Comune di Siracusa, con il sostegno e la collaborazione del sindaco di Noto, Corrado Figura, del sindaco di Siracusa Francesco Italia e dell’assessore alla Cultura e Turismo, Fabio Granata.
“Si conferma anche per questa edizione la presenza del Gruppo Irem – sottolinea Stefania Altavilla, direttrice artistica e presidente di ARCA – a sostegno della cultura, della formazione dei giovani e dell’agire nel sociale. Un particolare ringraziamento va al suo amministratore delegato, Giovanni Musso”.
La conduzione dello spettacolo quest’anno sarà affidata a Maurizio Merluzzo – attore, doppiatore e youtuber – e a Vanessa Galipoli, artista ed imprenditrice, conduttrice televisiva. Fra gli ospiti, Emanuela Rossi – Premio Tonino Accolla e Premio Eccellenza 2018 e voce di Cate Blanchet, Nicole Kidman – direttrice di doppiaggio e dialoghista; Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico, scrittore, curatore e critico d’arte contemporanea; Rodolfo Bianchi, attore, doppiatore, insignito tra altri del premio per la migliore direzione di doppiaggio per The Departed il bene e il male, Shutter Island, The Wolf of Wall Street e The Hateful Eight; sul palco si alterneranno fra interviste e performances doppiatori pluripremiati come Flavio Aquilone,
Valentina Favazza, Erica Necci e Yuri Bedini, quest’ultimo direttore di doppiaggio e con Tonino Accolla assistente al doppiaggio di numerosi film. Sul palco il musicista Antonino Martorana che insieme all’ artista Marilena Vita creeranno una sinestesia (fenomeno sensoriale/percettivo, esperienza plurisensoriale) di suoni e immagini. Il 30 giugno sarà fra gli ospiti Walter Ricci, musicista e crooner che ha duettato con artisti del calibro di Michel Bublè, Mario Biondi, Dianne Reeves.
La manifestazione, che cresce di anno in anno confermandosi tra gli eventi più prestigiosi a Siracusa, ideata da Stefania Altavilla – direttrice artistica, presidente dell’associazione ARCA, project manager e art director del Festival – e da Giuseppe Mandalari, nasce nel 2014 con la collaborazione iniziale e il supporto tecnico di Ambi Picture e Fonoroma e ha lo scopo di promuovere e valorizzare l’arte del doppiaggio. Sono coinvolte le scuole di doppiaggio italiane e le società di Produzione come la CD Cine Dubbing. Collabora al progetto e partecipa all’organizzazione Lorenzo Accolla, attore, doppiatore, direttore di doppiaggio. Dagli ultimi anni l’organizzazione si avvale anche della collaborazione di Carola Mandalari, come responsabile di produzione.
Come nelle ultime edizioni, il Premio Tonino Accolla si svolgerà in chiave ancora più dinamica rispetto al passato: si alterneranno momenti di spettacolo a momenti musicali, mantenendo alto il momento del Contest-live, vero appeal del Festival, durante il quale sei allievi (tre uomini e tre donne), dopo una preselezione avvenuta a Roma sotto la direzione di Lorenzo Accolla – con la collaborazione della CD Cine Dubbing - si confronteranno nell’esecuzione di doppiaggi live individuali e di coppia articolati su più prove.
La giuria tecnica quest’anno vedrà la partecipazione, così come nelle passate edizioni, di alcuni tra i migliori doppiatori e direttori del doppiaggio italiano. Alla giuria tecnica verrà affiancata una giuria di giornalisti e critici cinematografici, che conferirà il Premio Stampa.
E quest’anno, l’associazione ARCA – da un’idea di Stefania Altavilla e del critico d’arte Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico – istituisce il Premio Promozione Cinema dedicato ad Adriano Pintaldi, scomparso nel 2023. Pintaldi è stato per più di cinquant’anni tra le figure più rappresentative del mondo della comunicazione e della promozione cinematografica. Questa nona edizione del Premio Tonino Accolla terrà dunque a battesimo il Premio Promozione Cinema con un tribute ad Adriano Pintaldi, e per realizzare questo intento saranno coinvolte personalità autorevoli del cinema e della cultura fra i quali il regista Pupi Avati, Laura Delli Colli e l'attrice Antonella Salvucci. Il Premio Promozione Cinema, la cui prima edizione è prevista per l’anno prossimo nel contesto della decima edizione del Premio Tonino Accolla, “vuole valorizzare -
spiegano Altavilla e Di Giandomenico - figure del mondo delle istituzioni, delle professioni e dell’industria cinematografica e televisiva italiana ed estera, che si siano particolarmente distinte nella promozione di film, documentari e cortometraggi”.
La giuria sarà costituita da personalità del mondo della cultura, dell’arte e della comunicazione cinematografica e televisiva, coordinata da Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico.
“Ad oggi, giunto alla sua nona edizione – dichiara Stefania Altavilla – il Premio Tonino Accolla ha raccontato attraverso pillole di doppiaggio, i volti di quelle voci che oggi recuperiamo alla memoria attraverso straordinarie interpretazioni di personaggi ai quali quelle voci hanno infuso quell’anima da oscar”.
Quest’anno, grazie anche alla collaborazione con il Centro Studi di Economia Internazionale ai Fondi Europei – presidente Santi Tomaselli, già presidente dell’Osservatorio Romano ai Fondi Europei - è stata definita la partnership con una delle 15 scuole di Cinema più importanti al mondo, la Toronto Film School, già partner degli Studios di Hollywood; e ancora la West University, GIS International e Betting on Italy. Partner tecnici, Red Tomato e Voci FM.
Questa nuova articolazione del progetto - che ha suggerito in una più ampia visione la denominazione di Euro Med Festival Tonino Accolla – ha trovato il pieno riconoscimento di alta valenza strategica dal Distretto Turistico del Sud-Est.
La vocazione internazionale di questa nuova edizione sarà confermata anche dall’intervento - durante il convegno del primo luglio a Noto, workshop sull’importanza dell’intelligenza artificiale per abbattere le barriere della disabilità sensoriale - del senatore Tony Loffreda, vice presidente del Gruppo Interparlamentare Canada/Italia e presidente Rete Parlamentare Canadese nella Banca Mondiale e del Fondo Monetario Internazionale.
La realizzazione dei Premi è affidata, per il Premio Tonino Accolla, al Maestro Scultore Pietro Marchese, all’ architetta designer Lara Grana per i premi allievi, e all’orafa designer Stefania Midolo, per la realizzazione dei premi d’eccellenza.
Ufficio Stampa. Marilena Toscano. N.Tess Odg 150949.
Tel. 338 3031853 - indirizzo email [email protected]
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alistairlowes · 4 months
sorry to spam your inbox but omfg if that really is him….. i saw a tweet of him defending daniele and marika too and i-
now i’m scared for s3…. i don’t trust him anymore
oh i don't even need a twt opinion to know he has no issue with daniele and marika i got that from the show. like to parallel nina thing you don't include a scene like this which makes it clear you are aware:
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ONLY to switch to monologue how she's just hypocritical and that it wouldn't be an issue if it was a straight relationship and making carola be shamed for having some common sense. and marika was clearly aware because she didn't want to tell anyone and asked marco to keep it a secret and i was expecting marco to say something about that but he didn't and that's when i knew <3 also he would just say it was consensual and that they are both of age nevemind everything else.
if anything i don't think he will screw up what he built now in s3 in terms of daniele and andrea. there might be some drama with marika but yeah. nina plot on the other hand..... fear
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inkyself · 4 months
Carola che asfalta Marco momento più alto dell’episodio. Della stagione, anche.
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
So, I have a list of Eurovision songs from 2004 onwards ranking which entries did the best based on average score.
This year's Loreen, Käärijä, Noa Kirel and Marco Mengoni all made the list
1. Norway - 2009 - Alexander Rybak - Fairytale - 78.6%
2. Sweden - 2015 - Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes - 77.9%
3. Portugal - 2017 - Salvador Sobral - Amar pelos dois - 77%
4. Sweden - 2012 - Loreen - Euphoria - 75.6%
5. Ukraine - 2022 - Kalush Orchestra - Stefania - 67.4%
6. Austria - 2014 - Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix - 67.1%
7. Ukraine - 2004 - Ruslana - Wild Dances - 66.6%
8. Sweden – 2023 – Loreen – Tattoo – 66.5%
9. Finland - 2006 - Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah - 65.7%
10. Russia - 2015 - Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices - 64.7%
11. Serbia and Montenegro - 2004 - Željko Joksimović and Ad-Hoc Orchestra - Lane Moje - 62.6%
12. Bulgaria - 2017 - Kristian Kostov - Beautiful Mess - 62.5%
13. Italy - 2015 - Il Volo - Grande amore - 62.3%
14. Denmark - 2013 - Emmelie de Forest - Only Teradrops - 61.6%
15. Finland – 2023 – Käärijä – Cha Cha Cha – 60%
16. Greece - 2004 - Sakis Rouvas - Shake It - 60%
17. Italy - 2021 - Måneskin - Zitti e Buoni - 57.4%
18. Russia - 2006 - Dima Bilan - Never Let You Go - 55.8%
19. Netherlands - 2014 - The Common Linnets - Calm After the Storm - 55%
20. France - 2021 - Barbara Pravi - Voilà - 54.7%
21. Serbia - 2007 - Marija Šerifović - Molitva - 54.4%
22. Ukraine - 2016 - Jamala - 1944 - 54.2%
23. Russia - 2008 - Dima Bilan - Believe - 53.9%
24. Germany - 2010 - Lena - Satellite - 53.9%
25. Russia - 2012 - Buranovskiye Babushki - Party for Everybody - 52.6%
26. Israel - 2018 - Netta - Toy - 52.4%
27. Australia - 2016 - Dami Im - Sound of Silence - 51.9%
28. Netherlands - 2019 - Duncan Laurence - Arcade - 51.8%
29. Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2006 - Hari Mata Hari - Lejla - 51.5%
30. Azerbaijan - 2013 - Farid Mammadov - Hold Me - 51.3%
31. Greece - 2005 - Helena Paparizou - My Number One - 50.4%
32. Sweden - 2014 - Sanna Nielsen - Undo - 50.4%
33. Russia - 2016 - Sergey Lazarev - You Are the Only One - 49.8%
34. United Kingdom - 2022 - Sam Ryder - Space Man - 49.7%
35. Italy - 2019 - Mahmood - Soldi - 49.1%
36. Spain - 2022 - Chanel - SloMo - 49%
37. Azerbaijan - 2011 - Ell and Nikki - Running Scared - 48.4%
38. Ukraine - 2007 - Verka Serduchka - Dancing Lasha Tumbai - 47.7%
39. Switzerland - 2021 - Gjon's Tears - Tout l'univers - 47.3%
40. Ukraine - 2013 - Zlata Ognevich - Gravity - 46.9%
41. Sweden - 2022 - Cornelia Jakobs - Hold Me Closer - 46.7%
42. Turkey - 2004 - Athena - For Real - 46.4%
43. Belgium - 2015 - Loïc Nottet - Rhythm Inside - 46.3%
44. Ukraine - 2008 - Ani Lorak - Shady Lady - 45.6%
45. Iceland - 2009 - Yohanna - Is It True? - 44.3%
46. Serbia - 2012 - Željko Joksimović - Nije ljubav stvar - 43.4%
47. Cyprus - 2018 - Eleni Foureira - Fuego - 43.2%
48. Greece - 2008 - Kalomira - Secret Combination - 43.2%
49. Malta - 2005 - Chiara - Angel - 42.1%
50. Russia - 2007 - Serebro - Song #1 - 42%
51. Azerbaijan - 2009 - AySel and Arash - Always - 42%
52. Norway - 2013 - Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love - 41.8%
53. Australia - 2015 - Guy Sebastian - Tonight Again - 41.8%
54. Italy - 2011 - Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love - 41.4%
55. Iceland - 2021 - Daði og Gagnamagnið - 10 Years - 41.4%
56. Israel – 2023 – Noa Kirel – Unicorn – 41.3%
57. Sweden - 2011 - Eric Saade - Popular - 40.5%
58. Cyprus - 2004 - Lisa Andreas - Stronger Every Minute - 40.4%
59. Sweden - 2004 - Lena Philipsson - It Hurts - 40.4%
60. Armenia - 2014 - Aram Mp3 - Not Alone - 40.3%
61. Italy – 2023 – Marco Mengoni – Due vite – 39.9%
62. Ukraine - 2021 - Go_A - Shum - 39.9%
63. Latvia - 2015 - Aminata - Love Injected - 39.7%
64. Armenia - 2008 - Sirusho - Qélé, Qélé - 39.4%
65. Romania - 2006 - Mihai Trăistariu - Tornerò - 38.7%
66. Russia - 2019 - Sergey Lazarev - Scream - 38.5%
67. Sweden - 2006 - Carola - Invincible - 38.2%
68. Russia - 2013 - Dina Garipova - What If - 38.1%
69. Moldova - 2017 - SunStroke Project - Hey Mamma - 38%
70. Switzerland - 2019 - Luca Hänni - She Got Me - 37.9%
71. Turkey - 2010 - Manga - We Could Be the Same - 37.2%
72. Belgium - 2017 - Blanche - City Lights - 36.8%
73. Lithuania - 2006 - LT United - We Are the Winners - 36.4%
74. Norway - 2008 - Maria - Hold On Be Strong - 36.1%
75. Turkey - 2009 - Hadise - Düm Tek Tek - 35.9%
76. Romania - 2010 - Paula Seling and Ovi - Playing with Fire - 35.5%
77. United Kingdom - 2009 - Jade Ewen - It's My Time - 35.1%
78. Sweden - 2017 - Robin Bengtsson - I Can't Go On - 34.9%
79. Ukraine - 2011 - Mika Newton - Angel - 34.8%
80. Sweden - 2019 - John Lundvik - Too Late for Love - 34.7%
81. Romania - 2005 - Luminița Anghel and Sistem - Let Me Try - 34.6%
82. Norway - 2019 - Keiino - Spirit in the Sky - 34.4%
83. Austria - 2018 - Cesár Sampson - Nobody but You - 33.9%
84. Italy - 2017 - Francesco Gabbanni - Occidentali's Karma - 33.9%
85. Germany - 2018 - Michael Schulte - You Let Me Walk Alone - 33.7%
86. Israel - 2005 - Shiri Maimon - HaSheket SheNish'ar - 33.7%
87. Latvia - 2005 - Walters and Khaza - The War Is Not Over - 33.5%
88. Serbia - 2022 - Konstrakta - In corpore sano - 33.3%
89. Greece - 2013 - Koza Mostra feat. Agathon Iakovidis - Alcohol Is Free - 33.3%
90. Turkey - 2007 - Kenan Doğulu - Shake It Up Şekerim - 33.1%
91. Hungary - 2014 - András Kállay-Saunders - Running - 33.1%
92. Finland - 2021 - Blind Channel - Dark Side - 33%
93. Denmark - 2010 - Chanée and N'evergreen - In a Moment like This - 32.6%
94. Ukraine - 2006 - Tina Karol - Show Me Your Love - 32.6%
95. Moldova - 2005 - Zdob și Zdub - Boonika bate toba - 32.4%
96. Bulgaria - 2007 - Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankoulov - Water - 31.7%
97. Azerbaijan - 2010 - Safura - Drip Drop - 31.7%
98. Serbia - 2008 - Jelena Tomašević feat. Bora Dugić - Oro - 31.7%
99. North Macedonia - 2019 - Tamara Todevska - Proud - 31.7%
100. Azerbaijan - 2019 - Chingiz - Truth - 31.4%
Full YouTube playlist
Semi Full Spotify Playlist because some songs are just not on Spotify 😭😔😞
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djs-party-edm-italia · 11 months
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Circus beatclub Brescia, 5 party a fine ottobre ’23: 26/10 Dj Endrixx (Rehab), 27/10 Offbeat, 28/10 Crush, 29/10 Albert Marzinotto (Panorama), 31/10 AE is Screaming!
Ben 5 party animano l'infinito weekend di Circus beatclub Brescia che inizia con 24 ore di anticipo, la sera di giovedì 26 ottobre e finisce solo all'alba dell'1 novembre 2023. Andiamo con ordine, perché raccontare i party tutti da ballare non è facile.
Si parte come dicevamo giovedì 26 ottobre ancora con il ritmo potente di Rehab, che questa volta in console insieme a Jay-K, sempre scatenato con il suo sound hip hop (è, tra l'altro, il dj ufficiale di Guè), porta anche il top dj francese Endrixx. Considerato da molti il dj in maggiore ascesa a Parigi, si è già esibito con star come Dj Craze, il celeberrimo rapper Travis Scott e Rick Ross. Il suo sound mette insieme, R&B, tracce old school, trap 'sporca e non manca un tocco di reggae. 
E al Circus beatclub Brescia dopo i party di venerdì 27 ottobre (Offbeat),  sabato 28 per l'evento Crush in console sono protagonisti Dr.Space e About Gala, professionisti del mixer capaci di far ballare chiunque. 
Ecco poi in programma una grande novità per domenica 29 ottobre. Parte infatti la domenica firmata Circus beatclub Brescia: è Panorama, che quest'anno ha un resident dj d'eccezione, ovvero Albert Marzinotto. Atipico, divertente e spensierato, ecco come si descrive l'artista, nato a Venezia nel 1989.  Nel 2015 vince il format TOP DJ andato in onda su Sky Uno, e questo gli permette di aumentare la sua popolarità e i suoi sostenitori, nello stesso anno realizza il suo primo singolo "Safe and Sound" dalle sonorità Deep/Tropical-House ed inizia a far ballare la gente in diversi luogo noti, come il Muretto di Jesolo, gli MTV Digital Days a Monza, la Praja di Gallipoli. Ha poi aperto più volte concerti di Jovanotti.  Recentemente le sue tracce sono state suonate dai migliori dj della scena underground tra cui Loco Dice, Marco Carola, Nic Fanciulli, Luciano , Steve Lawler e molti altri. La sua musica è un equilibrio perfetto tra lo stile Old School rappresentato dai vinili assieme agli strumenti elettronici che utilizza ad ogni sua esibizione come computer, controller, Synth e Drum Machine.
Già definito anche il programma di Halloween. Martedì 31 ottobre al Circus beatclub Brescia la festa è AE is Screaming! L'evento è in collaborazione con AF Staff, il divertente e colorato Student party di Brescia e Soncino.
Circus beatclub - Brescia
www.circusbeatclub.com [email protected] 
info +39 333 210 5400 (WhatsApp)
Via Dalmazia 127, 25125 Brescia
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lightninrods · 1 year
Então, ouviram-se rumores de que o barco fantasma encalhado em terras de ninguém, também conhecido como Atelier ABRACADABRA, havia desaparecido ou zarpado para outras paragens...
Não não! Não passou de fake news.
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A lutuosa oficina de ansiogénicos afazeres continua no seu lugar de sempre, situada no coração negro da velha Vulgária, ops... Quis dizer Coimbra. Não só o meu querido Atelier ABRACADABRA continua no seu lugar, como é oficialmente um dos vários pontos de distribuição do jornal CARNE PARA CANHÃO!
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Ah, e é também o primeiro, e até ver, o único atelier de Banda Desenhada Contemporânea Portuguesa em Coimbra. (Tinha que o dizer)
Venham buscar o vosso exemplar, é gratuito!
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CARNE PARA CANHÃO; perguntar-me-iam? Bom, este é o jornal da associação Chili Com Carne e aqui fica o manifesto oficial:
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"A Chili Com Carne tornou-se numa enorme corporação com uma implantação em vários mercados - da culinária à livreira, da cimenteira à fonográfica - e o que faz uma empresa quando ganha um estatuto pujante?
Investe nos seus próprios meios de comunicação e propaganda!!
Assim que surge Carne para Canhão, um jornal semestral anual que pretende informar uma nova geração de leitores sobre romances gráficos e cultura URbana.
Neste primeiro número participam na frente de combate 40 Ladrões, Alexandra Saldanha, Amanda Baeza, André Lemos (capa), Ângela Cardinhos, Francisco Sousa Lobo, João Carola, Luís Barreto, Nunsky, Rodolfo Mariano e Rui Moura - que fez o design da publicação. E há (oh não! que seca, ter de ler sobre BD!) textos para LER de Marcos Farrajota e Nuno de Sousa.
Locais de distribuição gratuita:
Linha de Sombra, Kingpin, Tigre de Papel, ZDB, Tinta nos Nervos, Snob, Neat Records (Lisboa), Atelier Abracadabra (Coimbra), Paperview (Leiria), Carmo'81 (Viseu) e + em breve..."
Saquei daqui.
Obrigado e até à vista,
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rideretremando · 1 year
Dalla bolla FB di Ivano Porpora
"Mi piacerebbe avere una piccola sezione dei 20, 25 libri più rappresentativi dei migliori autori in Italia; e credo che interessi anche i miei allievi, e chi mi segue.
Qui sotto la lista dei libri. Parte l'elezione de L'ALTRO LIVELLO. Potete votarne solo dieci. Se ne votate undici, cancello il vostro commento, perché state portando rumore. Il libro può anche non essere quello: ripeto, per me Nove ha raggiunto l'apice con La vita oscena.
Aldo Nove - Milano non è Milano, 2010
Alessandra Carnaroli - La furia, 2023
Alessandra Sarchi - L’amore normale, 2014
Alessandro Baricco - Mr Gwyn, 2011
Alessandro Piperno - Con le peggiori intenzioni, 2005
Alessio Forgione - Napoli mon amour, 2018
Alessio Mosca - Chiromantica Medica, 2022
Alfredo Palomba, Quando le belve arriveranno, 2022
Andrea Bajani - Un bene al mondo, 2016
Andrea Canobbio -
Andrea Donaera - Io sono la bestia, 2019
Andrea Pomella - L'uomo che trema, 2018
Andrea Tarabbia - La calligrafia come arte delle guerra, 2010
Andrej Longo - L'altra madre, 2016
Antonella Cilento, Lisario o il piacere infinito delle donne, 2014
Antonella Lattanzi - Questo giorno che incombe, 2021
Antonio Manzini - 7/72007, 2016
Antonio Moresco - La lucina, 2013
Aurelio Picca - Il più grande criminale di Roma è stato amico mio, 2020
Benedetta Palmieri - Emersione, 2021
Carola Susani - Eravamo bambini abbastanza, 2012
Claudia Durastanti - La straniera, 2019
Claudia Petrucci - L'esercizio, 2020
Claudio Morandini - Neve, cane, piede, 2015
Claudio Piersanti - Quel maledetto Vronskij, 2021
Daniela Ranieri - Stradario Aggiornato di tutti i miei baci, 2021
Daniele Del Giudice - Orizzonte mobile, 2009
Daniele Mencarelli - Tutto chiede salvezza, 2022
Daniele Petruccioli - La casa delle madri, 2020
Dario Voltolini - Le scimmie sono inavvertitamente uscite dalla gabbia, 2006
Davide Orecchio - Storia aperta, 2021
Demetrio Paolin - Conforme alla gloria, 2016
Domenico Starnone - Vita mortale e immortale della bambina di Milano, 2021
Donatella Di Pietrantonio - L’arminuta, 2017
Edgardo Franzosini - Questa vita tuttavia mi pesa molto, 2015
Edoardo Albinati - La scuola cattolica, 2016
Edoardo Zambelli - Storia di due donne e di uno specchio, 2018
Elena Ferrante -
Emanuela Canepa - Insegnami la tempesta, 2020
Emanuela Cocco - Tu che eri ogni ragazza, 2018
Emanuele Tonon - La luce prima, 2011
Emanuele Trevi - Due vite, 2020
Emidio Clementi - L’amante imperfetto, 2017
Emiliano Ereddia - Le mosche, 2021
Eraldo Baldini - L’uomo nero e la bicicletta blu, 2011
Ernesto Aloia - I compagni del fuoco, 2007
Ezio Sinigaglia - Eclissi, 2016
Fabio Bacà - Nova, 2021
Fabio Bartolomei - We are family, 2013
Fabio Geda - Nel mare ci sono i coccodrilli, 2010
Fabio Genovesi - Esche vive, 2011
Fabio Stassi - L'ultimo ballo di Charlot, 2012
Fabrizio Patriarca - Tokyo transit, 2016
Federico Platania - Il Dio che fa la mia vendetta, 2013
Filippo Nicosia - Come un animale, 2010
Filippo Tuena - Ultimo parallelo, 2007
Francesca Genti - Anche la sofferenza ha la sua data di scadenza, 2018
Francesca Manfredi - L’impero della polvere, 2019
Francesca Marzia Esposito - Corpi di ballo, 2019
Francesca Mattei - Il giorno in cui diedi fuoco alla mia casa, 2019
Francesco Dimitri - Pan, 2008
Francesco Maino - Cartongesso, 2014
Francesco Pacifico - Class, 2014
Francesco Pecoraro - La vita in tempo di pace, 2014
Francesco Targhetta - Perciò veniamo bene nelle fotografie, 2012
Franco Stelzer - Il nostro primo solenne stranissimo Natale senza di lei, 2003
Fulvio Abbate - Roma vista controvento, 2015
Giacomo Sartori - Anatomia della battaglia, 2005
Gian Marco Griffi - Ferrovie del Messico, 2022
Gianluca Morozzi - Blackout, 2004
Gilda Policastro - La parte di Malvasia, 2020
Giordano Meacci - Il cinghiale che uccise Liberty Valance, 2016
Giordano Tedoldi - Tabù, 2017
Giorgia Tribuiani - Blu, 2018
Giorgio Falco - La gemella H, 2014
Giorgio Fontana - Il mago di Riga, 2022
Giorgio Vasta - Il tempo materiale, 2008
Giovanni Dozzini - Qui dovevo stare, 2021
Giulio Mozzi - Le ripetizioni, 2021
Giuseppe Genna - Dies irae, 2006
Greta Pavan - Quasi niente sbagliato, 2023
Helena Janeczek - La ragazza con la Leica, 2017
Ilaria Palomba - Vuoto, 2022
Laura Pariani -La valle delle donne lupo, 2011
Laura Pugno - Sirene, 2007
Letizia Muratori - Casa madre, 2008
Licia Giaquinto - La briganta e lo straniero, 2014
Lorenza Pieri - Il giardino dei mostri, 2019
Lorenzo Mercatanti - Il babbo avrebbe voluto dire ti amo ma lo zio ne faceva anche a meno, 2014
Luca Ricci - Gli autunnali, 2018
Luigi Romolo Carrino - Non è di maggio, 2021
Maddalena Fingerle - Lingua Madre, 2021
Marcello Fois - Nel tempo di mezzo, 2012
Marco Balzano - Resto qui, 2015
Marco Drago - Innamorato, 2023
Marco Mancassola - Last love parade, 2005
Marco Missiroli - Atti osceni in luogo privato, 2015
Marco Peano - L'invenzione della madre, 2015
María Grazia Calandrone, Dove non mi hai portata, 2023
Maria Rosa Cutrufelli - Il giudice delle donne, 2016
Marino Magliani - Peninsulario, 2022
Mario Desiati - Spatriati, 2022
Marta Cai - Enti di ragione, 2019
Massimiliano Santarossa - Pane e Ferro, 2019
Matteo Cavezzali - Nero d'inferno, 2018
Matteo Galiazzo - Cargo, ne 2013
Matteo Melchiorre -Requiem per un albero, 2004
Mauro Covacich - La sposa, 2016
Michele Mari - Leggenda privata, 2017
Michele Orti Manara - Il vizio di smettere, 2018
Michele Vaccari - Un marito, 2018
Niccolò Ammaniti - Io non ho paura, 2001
Nicola Lagioia - La città dei vivi, 2020
Orso Tosco - Aspettando i naufraghi, 2018
Paola Barbato - Zoo, 2019
Paolo Cognetti - Sofia si veste sempre di nero, 2012
Paolo Colagrande - Salvarsi a vanvera, 2022
Paolo Giordano -
Paolo Nori - Vi avverto che vivo per l’ultima volta, 2023
Paolo Zanotti - Bambini bonsai, 2010
Paolo Zardi - Il giorno che diventammo umani, 2013
Piera Ventre - Gli spettri della sera, 2023
Piersandro Pallavicini - Atomico Dandy, 2005
Raul Montanari - Il buio divora la strada, 2002
Remo Rapino - Vita, morte e miracoli di Bonfiglio Liborio, 2019
Romolo Bugaro - Non c'è stata nessuna battaglia, 2019
Rosa Matteucci - Costellazione familiare, 2016
Rosella Postorino - Le assaggiatrici, 2018
Rossana Campo - Dove troverete un altro padre come il mio, 2015
Sacha Naspini - I cariolanti, 2020
Sandro Campani - I passi nel bosco, 2020
Sandro Veronesi - Caos Calmo, 2005
Sara Gamberini - Maestoso è l’abbandono, 2018
Sebastiano Vassalli - Le due chiese, 2010
Sergio Claudio Perroni - Entro a volte nel tuo sonno, 2018
Silvia Ballestra - La Sibilla. Vita di Joyce Lussu, 2022
Silvia Bottani - Il giorno mangia la notte, 2020
Simona Baldanzi - Figlia di una vestaglia blu, 2006
Simona Baldelli - Vicolo dell'Immaginario, 2018
Simona Vinci - La prima verità, 2016
Tiziano Scarpa - Cose fondamentali, 2010
Tommaso Pincio - Panorama, 2015
Tullio Avoledo -
Ugo Cornia - Quasi amore, 2001
Valentina Durante - Enne, 2020
Valentina Maini - La mischia, 2020
Valeria Corciolani - La regina dei colori, 2023
Valeria Parrella - Lo spazio bianco, 2008
Valerio Evangelisti - Noi saremo tutto, 2004
Vanni Santoni - Gli interessi in comune, 2008
Veronica Galletta - Nina sull’argine, 2021
Veronica Tomassini - L’altro addio, 2017
Vincenzo Pardini - Il valico dei briganti, 2023
Viola Di Grado - Fame blu, 2022
Vitaliano Trevisan - Works, 2016
Walter Pozzi - Carte scoperte, 2015
Walter Siti - Troppi paradisi, 2006
Wu Ming - 54, 2002"
Poi è partita una lotta nel fango di scrittori che gridano e si tirano i capelli e dicono meglio quello meglio quell' altro e poi io, ci devo essere io. Ed i miei amici x e y..."
E lui alla fine ha tolto il post.
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