#marauders group rp
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Dear Student,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
It's September 1, 1977, and a new term is starting at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Marauders are going into their sixth year, and are all quite excited to see eachother again. The new term will bring more challenges and new secrets to the corridors of Hogwarts. Will they end the year without anyone figuring out what they're hiding or will the gossip spread fast?
5th year -
Fabian Prewett OPEN
Gideon Prewett OPEN
6th year -
James Potter OPEN
Sirius Black OPEN
Remus Lupin OPEN
Peter Pettigrew OPEN
Molly Prewett OPEN
Lily Evans OPEN
Marlene McKinnon OPEN
Mary MacDonald OPEN
7th year -
Frank Longbottom OPEN
Alice Fortescue OPEN
Arthur Weasley OPEN
5th year -
Benjy Fenwick OPEN
6th year -
Amelia Bones OPEN
Edgar Bones OPEN
7th year -
Charity Burbage OPEN
5th year -
Pandora Rosier TAKEN
Kingsley Shacklebolt OPEN
Barty Crouch Jr. OPEN
6th year -
Rita Skeeter OPEN
Emmeline Vance OPEN
Aurora Sinistra OPEN
Sybill Trelawney OPEN
Emmeline Vance OPEN
7th year -
Caradoc Dearborn OPEN
5th year -
Regulus Black OPEN
Evan Rosier OPEN
Wilhelm Wilkes OPEN
Alecto Carrow OPEN
Narcissa Black OPEN
6th year -
Lucius Malfoy OPEN
Bruce Mulciber OPEN
Edmund Avery Jr. OPEN
Bellatrix Black OPEN
Severus Snape OPEN
7th year -
Rabastan Lestrange OPEN
Andromeda Black OPEN
Amycus Carrow OPEN
To appy for a character, send your name, age, and pronouns along with the character and at least two paragraphs. When submitting an oc, do the same, but add your characters' age and their backstory.
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sunshine-embodied · 17 days
◦James Fleamont Potter
Things i like;
quidditch, comics, parties, mischief, my friends, sunny weather, morning runs :)
You should all follow my friends bc they’re totally cool!!
@regulusloathingblack BOYFRIEND LOML
@moony-days remus my other best friend and the best at coming up with pranks
@thesuperiorchaser marlene!! love her but she has a weird crush on my mum :/
@everyonesfavouritebitch-barty regs friend, i’m unsure where we stand
@lilly-gives-no-pity the name doesn’t lie
@mean-lesbian-stereotype little women bff 🔥
@xxmaryqueenofheartsxx mary is mary
@rosiedora don’t know her too well but seems sweet!!
@peterpiedpettigrew pooks
more to come soon dm @boundbymoonlight to join !!
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Hi! Hello! Bonsoir, even!
We’re looking for more people to join our role-play group! Which is now officially active and we will be doing role-play when available!!!! These are the characters we have open!!! Please feel free to message if you wanna join! Also the server is 15+!
- Mary Macdonald
- Marlene McKinnon
- Bartemius Crouch Jr.
- Evan Rosier
- Pandora Rosier
- Dorcas Meadows
- Lucius Malfoy
- Severus Snape
- Bellatrix Black
- Andromeda Black
- Alice Fortescue
- Emmeline Vance
- Frank Longbottom
- Xenophilius Lovegood
- Ted Tonks
- Sybill Trelawney
- Rodolphus Lestrange
- Rita Skeeter
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Omg does anyone wanna join a WhatsApp marauders rp group w me?
Only marlene, remus, Lily, regulus, sirius and James is taken so far :)
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delusion-with-mel · 1 month
Yall should join the marauders rp gc my amazing mutual @cool-lesbian-is-here has created :)
Its on whatsapp and im remus!!
If anyone wants to join you can dm them <3
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threeprongcable · 5 months
Moony thinks he's so smart but he's wrong.
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roleplayfinder · 9 months
18+ looking to put together a group for a modern!marauders text message / chat based rp - basically the idea would be group chats and DMs between characters - open to canon characters and OCs
i would prefer to play Remus (ATYD canon) or Sirius and at minimum would want an rp partner for some cutesy wolfstar stuff, but a whole group would be lovely :)
if anyone is interested, please interact w/ this post or DM me :) i plan to make a Discord server if people respond
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moonlit-mischief · 7 months
begging someone to apply to our discord server as marlene mckinnon purely because i am in love with marlene
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE QUEEN OF SWORDS get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out.
— she walks through the world as ;
name → annabeth pebworth pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1952 - september 1953 face claim → jessica henwick blood status → muggle-born sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → deputy head hit wix at the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → head of hit wix at the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic, wife of dougal mckinnon
— she is best described as ;
Forged by DRAGONS BREATH, she is the ASSURANCE of a NEW DAWN coloured in scarlet yet the CAUTION warned in it’s wake. The GUIDING HAND of a blade, SURE, STEADY and UNYIELDING in the face of PROTECTION and PERSEVERANCE.  While they can be as TENDER as the whistle of wind through mountains, it’s a gift for only those stubborn enough to unlock a IRON CAST HEART sealed from decades of hopelessly cold, to hold.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
There is little that Annabeth cares to remember of her time before becoming a Pebworth. Merely a collection of disjointed memories, fractured hope and careless actions from those that were meant to love her. The product of a careless night, Annabeth was born to a mother too young to look after herself let alone a child. Abandoned and left in an orphanage, Annabeth raised her sister Isla with protective hand and the overbearingness of a mother at only seven. Seeing it as her duty to protect her, she vowed even then that nothing would be able to tear them apart. While the orphanage was as bleak and grey, the people inside held hope for the young souls within. Finding families for as many children as they could muster. Isabella and Angus Pebworth hailed from the highlands, simple folk who always wanted a child of their own; the news of a newborn looking for a home brought them to the orphanage. Only to find that if they wished to take Isla; they’d have to take Annabeth too. While it wasn’t what they’d wished for, it was still a family.
Annabeth knew that she wasn’t wanted. Her age made her less desirable, her guarded attitude and protection over her sister was a challenge. Especially when strange things started to happen. The crashing of a plate when tears started to fall, the playing of the gramophone to sooth Isla without it being turned on, the flickering of lights to accompany her tears. While her parents swore the house was haunted and insisted they fled to the Isle of Skye to escape their demons; Anna feared it wasn’t the house but herself. Exploring the fields behind the village they lived, her eyes fell on four figures all of whom were flying. The magic she’d been hiding under her covers at night of flickering flames wasn’t insanity, it was real and there were others just as she. As quickly as her realization came, she was knocked to the ground by COINNEACH MCKINNON [future brother in law]; who was swiftly scorned by DOUGAL MCKINNON [best friend/fiancè]. Annabeth’s short temper and spark only made the McKinnon’s smirk, who welcomed her to join them gladly. The McKinnon’s saved Annabeth from loneliness and self destruction; akin spirits they taught her about the wizarding world, showing her life, freedom and how to finally breathe.
The Pebworth’s fear of magic tore the family apart. Superstitious, the unknown whelm of witchcraft they saw as cursed. Deeming that no child of theirs would have a hand in such unnatural acts, they burned Hogwarts letters upon arrival only until a mysterious cat appeared at their window. Transforming into a woman before their very eyes, PROFESSOR MINERVA MCGONAGALL [mentor] escorted the witch personally to Hogwarts, throwing shame in her wake for their negligence. Hogwarts was beyond anything she could have wished for. Doned in red, she soared with her fellow Gryffindor’s; atlast finally wanted and free. The brightest witch of her year with resilient prowess, the girl excelled far beyond anyone’s expectations. Able to fight her own battles when the likes of LACHESIS MALFOY [adversary] shouted mudblood across the halls, though with Dougal, ALICE YEN [best friend], FRANK LONGBOTTOM [close friend], AMOS DIGGORY [friend], HESTIA JONES [friend] and IAIN WOOD [friend] readily at her side for once she didn’t need to be her own champion. Yielding a fury of protection for the people she loves, the witch’s devotion to safeguard her chosen family and those vulnerable became her striving purpose. Graduating and taking a job as a Auror under ALASTOR MOODY [boss], she became bold and defiant in her untouchable youth.
Though one night, everything changed. Ravagers stormed the mountains of Skye in hope to capture the famed and protected Hebridean Black dragons. The roars of fire shook the town as dragons cried for their children leaving the McFusty calling any wix on the island to help. Fighting in combat alongside the McKinnon’s, McCormack’s, Wood’s and McGonagall’s the families united managed to ward off the thieves; still with great consequences. Isla had followed her sister with the ambition to help. Though at only twelve, her skills weren’t nearly enough to match that of older wix. Caught between a spell and a dragon, in a blink of an eye Annabeth lost her sister forever. With no body to be found, any life that Isla Pebworth had once held; simply turned to memory. Blamed for her sister’s death, the Pebworths disowned Annabeth. Wanting nothing to do with magic and the daughter that had left their greatest treasure dead, they left never to be seen again. Devastated and plagued with grief; Annabeth’s heartbroken cries echoed through the mountains. With a piece of her soul stolen, despite the McKinnon’s taking her in; the witch was unconsolable. Turned reserved from fear of the unbearable grief that comes with love lost, Annabeth became colder and guarded in a fleeting attempt to protect what remained of her heart.
While many tried to heal the mourning witch, it was Dougal who found a way into her heart. Though arrogant, there was something about him that was disarming. For a man too proud and noble it was maddening, she offered a wit as sharp as a viper leaving their interactions often comical to those around them. Years of friendship turned to love as they bickered over games of wizards chess, sipped butterbeers and healed each other through the misfortune that had befallen them. While their years of friendship, love and then engagement were news celebrated by friends, by most however distaste could be felt in their stares. Most surprising of all; Nathair who’s objection ripped through the fabric of the McKinnon family. Obstinate that she wouldn’t tear them apart, Annabeth fled to the hills. Only for Dougal to capture her in an embrace, claiming there was no place on earth that would be far enough for him to forget the bond they shared; assuring it would meet good ends. While fraught with concern at the growing unrest both within her family and community, Annabeth dove into work. While Alastor fought against the head of law enforcement BARTEMIUS CROUCH SR [boss] insisting she become the head of the department of Hit wix, with her muggle-born status; the Ministry board refused. 
Angered, Alastor spoke of a group forming to combat against discrimination and offer tangible change; The Order of the Phoenix.Hungry for purpose, while she knows her time will come, with the growing strife she aches being on the sidelines wanting nothing more than to wage her own war. Though, even she knows it's not wise with anonymous threats of violence left in her office. What started as one, became two, till she was finding threats daily scattered on her desk as pureblood propaganda. While the letters of terror and dark symbols are unnamed, even Annabeth knows she’d be a fool not to dismiss such cryptic messages. Keeping them hidden from her friends and Dougal to not cause alarm, Annabeth has taken the situation into her own hands. Seeking consort from EMMELINE VANCE [friend], the pair are trying to detect a magical trace off of any of the letters she has received. Testing the ink and parchment, to see if it will lead to a clue but coming up nout. But with the most recent letter being slipped under the front door, Annabeth’s nerve is growing strained with how close to home the threats are turning. With Muggles disappearing daily and the threat on non-pureblood wix growing; Annabeth fears that it’s only a matter of time before her name is added to the missing persons list.
— she is a LEVEL 8 WITCH & readied for war ;
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splinteredhq · 1 year
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what would have happened had severus snape been halted in his actions, stopped before he was able to tell voldemort of the prophecy? what would have happened, if another had a vision of their own, speaking of the deception of one once a friend?
how would the war go from then on? how many lives saved or lost by such a simple change?
splintered hq is a marauders era roleplay group set in 2023, seeing an alternative twist to the story. SEE PREMISE FOR MORE DETAILS. 
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- ⭐️
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riddikulusfm · 15 days
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as our next event draws closer, here's a reminder that we've got a ton of canons still open , and i personally would love to see more ocs! (and here's a second reminder to not send your apps in on anon - i can't let you in if i don't know who you are!)
riddikulus is a modern era au marauders rp !
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rpersearch · 7 months
hello !! we are a new 20+ marauders era roleplay group. feel free to check us out on @moonlit-mischief ! https://www.tumblr.com/moonlit-mischief/743247330353053696/i-s-it-better-to-speak-or-to-die
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oblivionpromo · 8 months
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roleplayfinder · 6 months
anyone interested in a small group marauders rp? 25+ will be appreciated. like the post and we’ll message you.
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moonlit-mischief · 7 months
here is an updated list of our taken and open characters !
taken characters : james potter, lily evans, remus lupin, sirius black, evan rosier, barty crouch jr
open characters : peter pettigrew, marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, severus snape, emmeline vance, alice fortescue, frank longbottom, gideon prewett, fabian prewett, benjy fenwick, caradoc dearborn, avery, mulciber, wilkes, pandora, lucinda talkalot, davey gudgeon, xenophilius lovegood, amos diggory, alecto carrow, amycus carrow +++ (i reckon there are so many more to choose from, honestly)
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