#mara jade lives
magnetarbeam · 2 months
[FotJ but Mara is alive]
Mara: You know you've made it when you see your face everywhere you go.
Luke: Those are my wanted posters.
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jely-bely · 2 years
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The ✨Young Jedi Padawans✨
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And a little snippet of the comic I'm creating
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tredawakandan · 1 year
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According to leaks awhile ago Disney was possibly entertaining the notion of somehow reviving Kylo Ren/Ben Solo in a future movie. I would definitely be here for it. One of the things that many star wars fans loved about the EU was the Skywalker Family drama & lineage. Hell my first ever Star Wars story reading was the Cade Skywalker stories.. Disney has already shown and made it clear it's not bringing back old concepts in the same way. I feel Bringing back Ben Solo and having him and Rey establish the Skywalker lineage in this new continuity would be a great salvage. Hell probably would make the lineage stronger 😅. Not to mention a lot of fans loved Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker relationship. So the Ben & Ren story could also serve to fill that void. Not to mention the lack of power Luke was in comparison to his legends self. In this way this New Ben Solo could be what Luke was to Legends. Meaning this overpowered Skywalker Jedi Grandmaster. It's said the George Lucas mentioned that Luke was what Anakin could've become had he been whole and not half cyborg 😅. In this new canons we have Anakin fell and due to injuries couldn't fulfill his potential.. Luke gave up being a Jedi for a decade+(Seemingly in Canon he didn't achieve even half as much as he did in legends) ..So Ben Solo to me (with fully functioning limbs + being a practicing Jedi for decades)could finally be that character in modern canon.
How would they bring him back. Listen Anakin is a literal chosen one who was created by the force 😂. Have either him or the force bring back Ben as a act of balance for the force😅.
With Grogu being able to live a long time + a New Skywalker lineage their will be countless new star wars stories to tell . Hopefully Disney takes it more serious when planning the future movies💯
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therogue704 · 2 years
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@jely-bely from our Hidden Lives AU
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endwithajadestrick · 1 year
Are you hungry for more Mara Jade content in the Disney canon Star Wars world? Try this AU out:
Ten years after the failed military coup plotted by Chancellor Palpatine has been foiled, the Galactic Republic is still in peril! The Clone Wars and the revelation of the Jedi Order’s blindness to the threat under their very noses has shaken many worlds’ trust in the institutions that are meant to maintain peace and order in the galaxy. The integrity of the Republic is threatened as many planets continue to develop their own independent militaries and secessionist policy gains popularity. A breakdown of diplomatic relations between worlds and the start of yet more violence seems increasingly likely.
In this tense moment, Senator Padme Amidalla remains one of the last bastions for unity in the galaxy. In her capacity as a voice against the development of individual planetary armies, she visits Coronet City, the capital of the world Corellia, as part of a mission to inspect their prodigious shipyards, accompanied by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and her two young children, Luke and Leia Amidala, who are only beginning to spread their wings.
When Luke unexpectedly goes missing, it will be up to his Jedi protector, Mara Jade, to rescue him from the clutches of the sinister crime syndicate called the White Worms…
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jayaorgana · 1 year
I have so many ideas, just not for the art I'm meant to be doing. Hello yes teacher, I know it was not the assignment but would you accept drawings of no longer Canon Star Wars characters?
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l0nglives · 1 year
speaking of guilty babies feeling like they don't deserve to be acknowledged, mara's real reason on being against finding out her origins is due to the fact she's terrified that if her biological family are alive, they'd be disgusted by her. which is fine since she has done awful things that should not be overlooked. she's dreamt of having a family since she could remember, so even if she was rejected even if she wouldn't fault them for it it would fundamentally break her.
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desireandduty · 1 year
i fucking hate him for it . / via @notpr3y
Padmé freezes for a second in surprise, the only motion of her face being her eyebrows flying as high in her forehead as they'll go. This is... an unexpected turn of conversation from what had started out as light small talk. She had invited the younger woman out for drinks, wanting to get to know better the person who had so obviously captured her son's heart. "... who is it that you hate exactly?" she asked, once she had recovered from the urge to chuckle. It didn't surprise her in the least that Luke, with his cooler, calmer temperament, had fallen for someone with spunk.
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aduck8myshoes · 1 year
disney just gonna drop the 'heir to the empire' line after shitting on that trilogy for a decade? really?
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magnetarbeam · 3 months
Recently, I've decided I want my main AU continuity that still needs a name to include a handwave that Mara lives, and it occurred to me that all else being equal, she wouldn't be able to go with Luke and Ben.
The original terms of Luke's exile were made on the assumption that Luke would go alone. He couldn't request information or assistance from Jedi resources. Ben wanting to go with him was a last-minute change of plans that the GA couldn't have found out about in time to stop, but Ben's still technically in the Order. I think the only reason the GA didn't hold that up, later, as a violation of Luke's terms is that Ben doesn't have sufficient rank for Luke to exert meaningful influence on the Order through him.
But another Master? Only if Mara also left the Order would she be able to go, and they both know she probably could do more good by staying on Coruscant and helping with that.
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sh1-n0bu · 9 months
dan heng, Dan heng IL (hsr, romantic)
Dan heng received a mysterious mail. The letter was cased in a beautiful elegant white and gold envelope. The envelope is decorated with small real golden roses and gold stripes decorating the sides of the envelope. The effort can be seen on the envelope alone about how.. How much emotion is put into this letter.
The letter itself is nothing short of elegance, the hand writing is.. Uniquely familiar to dan heng for some reason. But he couldn't tell why. The letter was unsigned and it is fully unknown who the sender is and how it arrived here.
My dearest dragon,
I wish to be able to stand by your side.. Though you may not remember me, no, i know that you don't remember be, but alas i am indeed was once, and is still, you, your past self's, imbibitor lunae's husband. His "mate" If you will.
My heart broke when i heard the news that he was sent to the shackling prison for a forced rebirth. And it broke even more when i heard that he, well, you, will be banished from the luofu. It has been decades, yet i still wish to be able to see you again. To be able to hold my, was once, lover again.
You don't know how happy- no, ecstatic i was when i accidentally saw you in the devine commission. You looked different, but also the same at the same time. I know it's you, dan feng. We were once, and is still bonded. I wanted to approach you, to hug you, to hold you again. But i hesitated, fearing that i might just be hallucinating. Or that you might no even remember me.
The latter was confirmed when you just asked me for directions, seemingly not recognizing who i am. It broke me deeply, but i do not wish to bring my burdens of the past over to you.
Therefore with this letter, this will be my final and last words dedicated to you. Dedicated to my, was once, lover.
my most beautiful sun.. I wish to be able to hold you again.
𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜! 𝙣𝙤𝙗𝙪’𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙚!
to: dan heng from honkai star rail
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the events at the xianzhou luofu was certainly draining to the astral express crew. if not, more so to certain someone of the crew than the rest simply because it brought back so many old and unfamiliar memories to him. unfamiliar memories, feelings and emotions rushing through him with so much vigor, ones that doesn’t even belonged to him but to someone else entirely. so it would be safe to say that dan heng wanted nothing to do with his past reincarnation and his feelings and memories.
but you can’t just get what you wish for, right?
even after coming back to the familiar warmth of the express and its surroundings, accompanied by the feeling of safety his companions bring, dan heng was still restless. there was this… odd feeling inside him. as if something had been awakened and was begging to be let out for an inkling of a moment ever since he asked a stranger with an eerily familiar face about directions on the xianzhou.
he tried to escape the weird feeling of deja vu by sleeping yet it only served to bring more torment rather than rest that he so desperately seek. in his dreams, he would see his past self — dan feng, with the old familiar faces that he always sees.
there’s the foxian woman — bright, cheerful and full of life — jumping around, giggling at things and bringing forth joy to the group of five. there’s the light blue haired woman, whom he later on recognized as jingliu — cold as the element she wields and yet with a certain hint of warmth alongside it, sipping on wine from the small jade cup. there’s the arrogant blacksmith, yingxing and the former self of blade before he was tainted by mara — laughing along with his friends, pointing a few fingers and saying a joke. there’s jing yuan — younger, more wild, rebellious and with a certain hints of cockiness that his current jaded self lacked.
and then there’s dan feng, his past reincarnation, the one who brought this suffering and pain onto him, the one who is refusing to let him live on, the one who is so cold and cruel and… huh? was he mistaken when counting? why had this group went from 5 to 6? who was this new face amongst the group?
this new face that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere in his dreams, or was it memories?, was kind and gentle yet carrying a hint of strength under it. seemingly a simple man at first glance but proving himself to be more with the way he carried himself. elegant, regal yet so humane. this new man approached dan feng, greeting his fellow friends and comrades with a few jokes and podding here and there as he reaches the former high elder. but when reaching the high elder, the two shared a kiss. the vidyadhara visibly softening, teal eyes staring at the man with hearts in his eyes as his tail wraps around the man’s ankle possessively.
ah, that explains it. they were lovers. or in vidyadhara terms, in dan feng’s eyes, his mate. his other half. the one he promised himself and his life to for the rest of his life. the soft teal colored mark of a dragon on the back of the man’s neck proved it.
seeing them, dan heng felt an odd emotion swirling in his chest. was he… jealous? but how could be jealous when he was dan heng and not his past self? he was dan heng, not dan feng and that man was not his mate. yet he still felt it. that annoying green monster swirling in his chest and refusing to leave. but his jealousy was at least slightly explained when he woke up that morning, with the strange letter on top of his currently reading book.
teal eyes skimming through the letter, taking in every word and syllable, rereading it over and over again, did he come to a conclusion. sudden and unexpected but the astral expressers accepted and supported his decision nonetheless.
“himeko, i need to visit the luofu for… a reason. there’s someone i would like to meet. again”
with that, the dragon set out to reunite with his husband. with his mate. just a single moment to clarify the person’s words on the letter — was what he was lying to himself about. when in truth, he knew that there was more to it. the dragon wanted to meet his husband again. the dragon wished to hold his mate again. dan heng, wanted to reunite with his lover again.
“and this time, nothing will tear us apart”
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erikatsu · 1 year
JADE MEMORIES ─ Imbibitor Lunae
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☽⁎⁺ SUMMARY: The Vidyadhara had several stories for love and relationships long lost, but none of them could compare to the High Elder who found his beloved in each of their several lifetimes.
☽⁎⁺ PAIRING: Imbibitor Lunae x Fem!Reader (spans several lifetimes starting with High Elder Yubie)
☽⁎⁺ WARNINGS: Heavy Xianzhou lore. Set before the Alliance was formed. World building for Vidyadhara and Xianzhou. Reader has visions.
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The threads of fate were always changing. They could get tangled up, woven, or rewound. But these precious threads could never be severed or lead to a different ending. Call it what you may– destiny, fate, divine decree– whatever it was, it was set in stone. 
The ability to rewrite a predestined end was to have power greater than the stars. To be able to touch one was a grave feat, but to pick it up and move it aside as if it were a mere obstacle in your path was merely an idea that nobody could achieve. The path– the alignment of beliefs combined with what was in store for someone– could be altered in any way, yet the end of the road would always remain the same. It was unshakeable, grounded in stone. What was the purpose of a journey if you never reached the end? Afterall, was it not in the cards for everyone to one day reach where the path leads? To one day take their final breath and find out the last thing the world had to offer?
Being born to die or dying to live was not really in the cards for those who lived among the ships of the Xianzhou. The residents were meant to live long lives– a gift from the Aeon of Abundance whom they sought true immortality from. From the Natives, to the newly acquainted Vidyadhara. All species on the Xianzhou ships were blessed with long lives. The Natives were not born to die, and the Vidyadhara didn't die to live. But not even they could touch the stars. 
The blessings of the Abundance turned out to be a curse. The Xianzhou ships had quickly become overpopulated, leading many of them to famine and poverty. Within a year, riots had already started on the Xianzhou Yuque, their nobles doing their best to suppress them. A civilian had been killed on the Yaoqing, and by the end of the year, the Seditionists of Yuque had plunged nearly all fleets into a civil war. All except for the Luofu. 
While the others feuded, the Luofu teetered on the edge of chaos and tranquility. The other fleets had been too caught up in their wars with each other to stop and ask themselves why that was. The answer was simple, really. At least, it was to you. It all boiled down to foresight and divination. The Yellowjacket Census and Almanacs that had been produced by the Luofu had your input from predictions behind it. 
You and the other Luofu nobles had worked hard to ensure things were as tightly balanced as possible. The Vidyadhara Preceptors were hesitant to listen to you, not wanting to be in more debt to the Xianzhou if your insight was wrong. The Aristocrats nearly laughed themselves to tears upon hearing their fancy parties and celebrations would become grounds for inhouse fighting. But the Delves already knew what possibilities the sky held– their superstitions feeding their worries– and the farmers were more than willing to do extra with the fear of a bad harvest looming overhead. Without their help, the Luofu would be just like the rest of the fleet. 
Even though you’d had volunteers from the elder Vidyadhara to undergo an early rebirth, extra crops being planted, and new medicines being tested, your gift had not foreseen the breakout of mara. It had started on the Xianzhou Yaoqing during the celebration of the Delve Master’s one thousandth birthday, and reached the Luofu by the next year. 
The imbalance on the Luofu was devastating, and you couldn't help but blame yourself. If you had seen this coming, the fleet could have been better prepared. You couldn't help but feel all your work was for naught, that all you did was prolong the oncoming civil war of the Luofu. If that happened, it would just reaffirm what everyone thought about you– that you were off your rocker and constantly talked about unintelligible nonsense. 
So you worked.
You hardly left the Hall of Insight, delving into the past and scrying the stars in the sky for answers on the future. Not even your fragmented visions or daydreams could help. They were practically useless anyway. What you saw may eventually come to pass, but you didn't know where or when. Divination often helped dissecting your visions, but it was futile if you had nothing to go on. 
Well, not nothing really. Of course you’d had glimpses into the future since the mara began to strike the people of the Luofu, but it was all murky. You always heard the same two voices communicating over a radio, saw a giant red planet, and then suddenly the voices and everything were just gone. Nothing but white noise left in its wake. You could never make out any important names, as it was all muffled or broken up by terrible static. If you could just make out one voice, and hear what they were saying, you’d be in less of a mess. 
You let out a sigh, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was late– nearly two in the morning– and you had yet to sleep. But how could you in a time like this? You could possibly be the reason the Luofu saw war within its walls, and losing sleep was less of a burden to bear than blood on your hands. You had to figure out what was in store for your fleet. 
“I knew I’d find you here,” A voice called out, approaching as if it was not out of the ordinary that you were working extremely late. You didn't have to turn to know it was Tamula, one of your best delves. “I brought you some tea.”
You took the cup from her, giving her a nod of thanks, “You worry about me too much.”
“That's because you worry too little about yourself.” She reminded you, making you want to roll your eyes in response. “I know I can't convince you to rest. So drink your tea and clear your mind. I’ll take over divining.”
Tamula had long learned that there was nothing she could do to get you to take better care of yourself. It had once been an uphill battle since she had been promoted– one that she had quickly lost when she realized how stubborn you were. If you weren't sleeping, the least she could do was make sure you remembered to eat and stay hydrated. 
For once, you listened to her. You sipped on the hot tea, recognizing the flavor as jasmine– your favorite. It always helped clear your mind before trying to induce a vision, which took a lot of focus and extreme will. As Tamula moved to take over the matrix, you took a seat in your nook and closed your eyes. 
At first, it was just like before– small glimpses of red and muffled voices. But, the more you relaxed, the more focused you became, and the more you actually saw. For the first time since the mara struck the Luofu, you were able to piece together a clear vision. 
“You're approaching the Yuanqiao now. Prepare to contact on channel 351.017.” You didn't recognize the voice, but you could tell they were communicating with a pilot. Maybe you could recognize the voice on the other end?
There was a long pause before more static, someone finally cutting through, “Target location secured. No response from the Yuanqiao. No celestial objects are within sight, except for a giant red star.”
You knew this voice. It belonged to Kai Lin, one of the best pilots the Lufou had to offer. But search and rescue was not her style. Did the Palace of Astrum believe that their sister ship would act with hostility towards them? Were they expecting to be pulled into their wars?
Everything shifted back into muffled voices and white noise, almost breaking your focus. You could feel exhaustion creeping in– drowsiness trying to pull you in. You couldn't. Not when you were so close. Not now. 
The static got louder before you heard Kai Lin over the radio again, her tone laced with hints of melancholy as she informed the Palace of Astrum, “Caladrius-I calling Astrum. November 21st, 3287. 1700 hours. The Xianzhou Yuanqiao has officially gone missing.”
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Time always seemed to be something the long life species had an abundance of. But knowing that the Xianzhou Yuanqiao would disappear by the end of the year made you feel as if you were running out of time. You needed to get word to the Yuanqiao and let them know that they would be in danger. 
The Palace of Astrum was best equipped to handle this sort of situation. They were a direct line of communication with the fleet while also manning the front lines and fighting the majority of the wars the Xianzhou often found itself fighting. While they were your best bet to help the Yuanqiao, they were the least likely to do so. While Kai Lin had been more than willing to offer her assistance where she could, the Helm-Master didn't want to hear a word about predictions and divinations. To him, it was just a bunch of nonsense, even though it helped chart the pilots’ courses and has so far kept the Luofu from in-house conflict. 
These kinds of rejections were by no means a stranger to you. Your gift of foresight was uncommon, and people didn't like what they couldn't comprehend. Most could never understand clairvoyance because they had never seen it before– especially because the Vidyadhara were a species still fairly new to the Luofu. 
Millennia ago, your kind had been forced to leave their home due to the other life forms becoming hostile toward your kind. It was a time when the entirety of your kind could still turn into dragons, and when clairvoyants were not uncommon. The psychics in the rolling deep were responsible for finding the best route to reach the Path of Permanence. Unlike today where the Hall of Insight looked into the past to predict the future, the Drashtas of the Rolling Deep relied on their spiritual enlightenment. 
The only other place you knew to go was to the Scalegorge Waterscape, in hopes that one of the Preceptors would take you seriously enough to allow you to speak with High Elder Yubie. He was able to get in contact with the High Elders of the fleet, meaning he could reach the Yuanqiao’s– or he should be able to. It was really just a matter of if he’d hear you out or if he'd think you had a screw loose just like the majority of the Luofu did. 
Despite the lingering thought of once again being rejected, you had made haste getting to your destination. The Waterscape was on the opposite side of the Luofu, residing in the sea similar to your homeland’s. It wasn't a place you visited often– at least not in this lifetime. 
As you walked up to it, you couldn't help but stop and admire the architecture. It had been designed for ceremonies and gatherings, and was now used for those going through hatching rebirth and where the High Elder resided. The stone pillars and the aquatic flora gave the impression of home, which was comforting to your species as they got ready to begin their lives anew. Pinks, purples, and oranges stood out vibrantly against soft and dark blues. You were certain if you kept going you would see coral reefs and water lilies amongst sea whips and anemones. But, your path was blocked before you could go any further. 
“State who you are and your business,” a man stated, eyeing you suspiciously. He was most likely a Preceptor seeing that the Pearlkeepers tended to stay further in the gorge. 
You should've known you couldn't just walk in as if you’d been there a handful of times. But, you wouldn't let it deter you. You kept yourself composed as you said, “I’m the Master of the Delves. I need to speak with High Elder Yubie. It’s of the utmost importance.”
The man looked to the woman standing by his side, who’s gaze narrowed on you, “You must be the one who calls themselves a Drashta. High Elder Yubie does not have time for senseless fortune telling or mere speculation.”
“I'm not asking,” you gritted your teeth. “I demand to speak with him. I will not leave until then. You may have your doubts, you may think me to be mad just like everyone else, but you cannot speak on his behalf on matters of opinion. Do I make myself clear, or must I cause a scene?”
“I will not repeat myself.”
You glowered, “Neither will I. If you wish to play the waiting game, that's fine by me. The lives that will be lost will be on your hands.”
The woman’s lip curled back into a sneer as yours formed a smirk. She knew she was being challenged, and she'd fallen for it. The man beside her slipped away as you and her bickered, knowing this may turn out to be a situation he could not deescalate on his own. He was right. 
By the time he’d returned with the High Elder in tow, you had managed to garner the attention of the Pearlkeepers. Scalegorge Waterscape was always calm, and stirring conflict was not good for the pearls undergoing rebirth. The Vidyadharas had always believed in peace, and the Preceptor who had snuck off believed if another was disturbing that peace, it must be of high importance. 
High Elder Yubie did not know what to expect as Aahan, the Preceptor who called on him, led him to the entrance of the gorge. The situation was definitely as he described– a young Vidyadhara woman who was making a fuss over future conflict. 
Diya, the woman you were arguing with had tried leading you back to your starskiff, eager to get you out of her hair. You were adamant about not leaving, not letting her drag you past the steps and dodging her every move as if you’d seen them all a hundred times before today. The High Elder was almost amused as you danced around her with ease, but he refused to show it until he knew what all the fuss was about. 
He approached without Aahan, causing Diya to stop in her tracks at his arrival. She bowed, causing you to turn on your heel as he questioned, “What seems to be the issue here?”
“High Elder–” Diya went to speak, but you had cut her off.
“High Elder Yubie, I’ve come from the Hall of Insight bearing foresight of mishappenings in the Xianzhou Yuanqiao. The Palace of Astrum would not heed my warnings. I must send word to them, and only you can help me by getting into contact with their High Elder, Levioram Solis.”
Yubie said nothing, staring at you in a way you could not describe. It was a look you’d never seen before– one of interest, perhaps, instead of unease. You did pique his interest though. He’d never met a Drashta, or heard their insight, and you were certainly not what he was expecting. You wore the robes of a faction Master, yet struggled to gain the respect you were entitled to. He was unsure if it was because little was known about your capabilities, or if it was because you were technically still young. The horns that most Vidyadhara lacked were present with you, only himself and a few Preceptors wearing them with pride. 
He found you to be an enigma. Your beauty on top of your gift almost intimidated him, and it took him a minute to realize he was staring at you.
“A Drashta,” he mused in awe. “Come, and tell me more about what you've seen. Together we will do what we can for our sister fleet.”
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TAGS [7/50]: @dottores @neuvillettes @mxnjiros @suyacho @supernerdycookietrashblrr @sunsethw4 @isa-l0v3r
comment on the masterlist to be added! all ageless, minors, and blanks will be blocked.
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holonetwork · 4 months
Luke and Mara (Mara Jade's Theme), conducted by composer Arturo Díez Boscovich, performed live by The Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra at the MOSMA Festival in Spain in 2017. The new compositions were written and performed to accompany Timothy Zahn's classic novel, Heir to the Empire. Speaking about this beautiful piece, composer Boscovich said, "I have composed the love theme for Luke Skywalker, who falls in love in this book -- don't think that Luke is as innocent as the Virgin Mary! He is also passionate man, and inside this chaos there is a woman, who is related with the Empire, she was a student of the Emperor. The love theme... this is the love theme between them; it is actually the theme for her, her leitmotif. This girl came from the dark side and she hates Luke Skywalker -- you know, it's like the classic story between Catwoman and Batman, these femme fatales who want to destroy these men. In this situation, we have the same thing; it is passionate love but also it has some real dark moments."
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omorales81 · 11 months
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We need Mara Jade inserted into the live action mix — and we need it now. #StarWars #MaraJade #Thrawn #HeirToTheEmpire #LukeSkywalker #Jedi @dave_filoni @Jon_Favreau ✨
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from-a-legends-pov · 4 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week — The Many Lives of Mara
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One of the most popular characters to be developed for Star Wars Legends is Mara Jade, who first appeared in Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn trilogy. The character went through a number of journeys, both in her relationship with Luke Skywalker and in her own right, and over that time she had a number of professions. Which one of these Mara Jade professions is your favorite?
The Emperor’s Hand, a Dark-Side-wielding spy and assassin for the Empire, trained by Darth Vader and the Emperor
Hyperdrive mechanic, on the run from Isard and others after the fall of the Empire
Smuggler with Talon Karrde’s crew and later leading the Smugglers’ Alliance
Dancer in Jabba’s Palace (undercover as Arica, as part of her mission to kill Luke Skywalker)
Jedi Knight, and later, Jedi Master who took on Jaina Solo and Anakin Solo as her apprentices
Let’s create more Legends moments together! Follow @from-a-legends-pov and come join us for From a Legends Point of View, a fanfiction event where we’ll be building a collection of fics featuring Star Wars Legends characters (including OT characters) during the time of the Original Trilogy. Writer signups are open now through June 2 — use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines here), check out our Event Overview and FAQ for more information, and encourage your favorite writers to participate! Hope to have you join us.
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ahsokasupremacy · 1 year
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Alright, here are my Top Ten funniest guesses (+1 that I bet nobody ELSE will guess) for who Inquisitor Marrok actually is!
You are most welcome to correct me or let me know who YOU think is most probable.
And just to challenge myself, I’m NOT putting Ezra. Because that would be too obvious.
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1. Barriss Offee
I’m serious when I say that this is probably the most likely.
We know that she is a very important character in Ahsoka’s life, the writers could be trying to mislead us into thinking that the Force User is a man when really we have no confirmation that they are. Plus Dave Filoni has said in interviews that he refused to have the character make cameos just because he wanted to save her for later. Also, many people already speculated that Barriss became an Inquisitor after Order 66, explaining the double-sided Inquisitor lightsaber.
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2. Darth Maul
Their build is a little too skinny for Darth Maul, and also wow, he must really be getting up there. And also, he died in Rebels. But when has that really ever stopped Disney from resurrecting him? I just think they should keep bringing him back. For the bit. I want the opening scroll for the upcoming Daisy Ridley movie to contain the words “Somehow, Darth Maul returned…”
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3. Bo Katan
I highly doubt this because her character arc on the Mandalorian is already concluded, but I can kinda see her doing this as like, a side gig. Homegirl is probably broke from paying off Mandalore’s restoration fees. She’s not a Force User unfortunately, but when has that ever stopped her? I like to believe that Bo Katan simply woke up one day and decided to be Force Sensitive and it all kinda worked out for her somehow.
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4. Lux Bonteri
If this is the option David Filoni is going with, BOOO. Yet another character who isn’t Force Sensitive. If you really think about it, Dave Filoni probably wants to include someone with an important history with Ahsoka, someone close to her that she held dear and that betrayed her and that she still has lingering feelings for.
Well actually that person is Barriss, and yknow, she kinda went MIA. Sooo the next best thing we could get is Lux, I guess!
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5. Anakin (Force Ghost)
Daaaad, what are you doing here?
Well, the ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda told him to fuck off and get a job. So here he is. He’s putting in the work! He’s logging onto his Zoom! Ahsoka is gonna be sooo surprised when he finally takes off the mask and reveals it was him along. Just you wait! It’s gonna be so funny!
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6. Korkie Kryze
Now we’re really starting to get big brained here.
In Legends, we have Jacen Solo. In the sequels, we have Kylo Ren.
But in the Brand New Republic era? Hark, a new villain arises. Korkie is embittered about being left behind and forgotten by his biological parents, Satine and Obi-Wan. And now he is out for revenge against all the Force Users and Mandalorians who abandoned him. Mwahahaha. We should’ve known he would turn out like this, he’s a ginger after all.
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7. Ventress
This would technically make Dark Disciple non-canon? But I don't think Dave Filoni cares, considering he hilariously made the Ahsoka novel non-canon. Ventress is obviously very powerful and capable of dual-wielding and she would make a great candidate for an Inquisitor. Plus her and Morgan Elsbeth are both former Nightsisters so points for rapport.
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8. Anakin’s Evil Clone
Hey, I mean Palpatine HAD to start somewhere, right? He didn’t just create Snoke without practice. I like to think he tried making a second Anakin at first, only to discover that Clonakin was a huge pain in the ass and doesn’t wanna follow orders just sit on the couch all day eating the space equivalent of Hot Cheetos.
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9. Cal Kestis but he’s evil now
This one pretty much goes against everything we know about Cal but hey, I’ll take a live action Cal cameo any day now. I’ve been on the frontlines defending my babygirl Anakin since day one, don’t even try to lecture me about the ethics of stanning Darksider Cal.
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9. Mara Jade
OK no more messing around!! I'm serious this time!
I think the reason why Dave hasn't made any references to Eli, or Ar'alani, or Vahnya must be because he grew up on the 80s Legends trilogy (not the canon trilogy). Whenever Thrawn is mentioned, there is a direct reference to Heir to the Empire. The same novel where Mara Jade is introduced as the Hand of the Emperor. Coincidence? I think not! Obviously, this must be part of Dave Filoni's master plan to softlaunch the upcoming top secret Thrawn series adaptation.
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10. Starkiller
My only real proof is that his name (Marek, Marrok) kinda sounds similar?
Making Starkiller canon would create a whole bunch of problems for the Star Wars timeline. I think his origin story is too Mary Sue-y for even Dave Filoni to try and integrate into current canon.
However, it would be interesting to see a showdown between Anakin's two former apprentices. Interesting, but unlikely.
And finally, for my last guess, I will tell you exactly who Marrok REALLY is. Kathleen Kennedy told me personally, so don't get mad at me! She said it, not me!
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11. Luuke (the clone Palpatine made out of Luke's dismembered hand)
This is the ONLY correct answer.
Us Timothy Zahn enjoyers know that this was really Luuke all along. I told you, Snoke isn't the first clone that Palpatine made! I imagine he had a lot of downtime and got bored and decided to fuck around, and that's how we got Luuke.
And yes, I would cast Sebastian Stan to play him because I'm petty AF.
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