#maplestar au
faeriekougraz · 9 months
ya gotta tell me more about this mapleshade/star au cause i am intrigued ‼️‼️
YIPPEEe!!! OKAY so im not gonna spoil everything (i lied i did) but im hoping to basically branch this out into an au that changes everything i dislike in the series.
so mapleshade still gets pregnant by appledusk and lies to thunderclan. however over the time of her pregnancy, she develops feelings for frecklewish. and near the end of her pregnancy she feels guilt over lying. the two of them grow extremely close and so before she gives birth, her and frecklewish go on a walk together and she tells her the truth. frecklewish is shocked and obviously hurt, and she turns to leave however maple grasps at her tail trying to beg her to stay. Freckle, startled and upset, unintentionally slashes maples face (giving her the first scar). freckle apologizes, obviously upset that she injured maple. she states that she will keep the secret but she needs time away from mapleshade. after that, the last bit of her pregnancy, mapleshade is more or less alone. she gives birth to her 3 kits and adores them. things go on as normal for the most part.
when ravenwing approaches maple, he confronts her about the lie and tells her he cant lie to their clan like she has. when he turns to sprint away, again she goes after them and in anger ravenwing slashes her side. he yells at her and rushes back to camp. maple and her kits are obviously startled so she takes her time heading back to camp.
when there, the clan is already gathered around the high rock. oakstar is at the top and ravenwing is standing below him with frecklewish by his side. maple tells her kits to rest near the camp entrance while she heads into the center to be addressed by oakstar. the whole spiel about her lying is brought up and right before oakstar banishes her and her kits frecklewish runs out and claims that the kits are also hers. oakstar obv calls her out saying "they cant be yours" kinda thing however she argues back. despite his anger, oakstar leaves the topic alone and dismisses the clan since he can't imagine hurting his daughter after everything.
after all this, freckle and maple get back together and raise the kits. ravenwing hates maple and hates that she got away with everything however they make amends when frecklewish gets bitten by a snake on a patrol and maple and raven work together to save her life.
at a gathering riverclan is confronted about their clanmate lying to them. and he basically gets shunned (but is allowed to stay in riverclan). after this he becomes really controlling over reedshine and perchpaw and is a major asshole. he also develops an obsession with the idea of getting revenge on mapleshade in a future battle for what "she did". eventually deciding to attack her outside of a battle. he tries to kill her however frecklewish and oakstar manage to save her and appledusk gives her the scar on her chest before he's killed.
okay now for some bullet point info
perchpaw (appledusks apprentice) ends up in a relationship later down the line with maples son larchkit
patchpaw ends up in a relationship with nettlepaw
oakstar gives mapleshade the position of deputy rather than doestar. her scar on her chest is her leader marking
petalpaw either leaves the clan to be a kitty pet or falls in love with a kitty pet (havent decided) and has firestar and his sister! so firestar is a descendent of mapleshade
each scar on maple is given to her by someone she would have killed in canon. frecklewish's on the face (where freckles are), ravenwing's on the side (where a wing would be), and then appledusk just on her chest to try and kill her
appledusk basically takes maples place in this au
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lalah-cupcake · 8 months
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Miguel/Lyla as warrior cats + my spidersona ^-^
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neeweekeewee · 5 months
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MAPLESTAR II - An AU where Mapleshade doesn’t become a murderer but instead becomes leader of Shadowclan and ends up being cursed by Starclan as punishment for her mother’s crimes (Maplestar I) . The other cat pictured next to Maplekit is her father Pineshade! He’s a good guy, don’t worry haha
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rxt-bxd · 7 months
so likee on ao3 i made a mapleshade’s vengance and bluestar’s prophecy au!! ^_^ im starting a little blog for it on here so i can post extra stuffs!!
link 4 anybody who wants to read it
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offkeyed-reason · 1 year
just thinking about how i've revamped starclan for my aus...
all the mystical bullshit the clans believe starclan can do? actually the work of a handful of cats that were remembered for so long they gained godhood. ...and there's a surprising amount of them -- probably enough to have a full clan if you tried.
clan kitty hell? it's just banishment from starclan's circle of the afterlife. "dark forest" is an ancient term for "mysterious beyond", although the word "dark" can still mean "unknown" or "mystery" in certain contexts.
individual starclan cats -- and those that have been banished -- can have some power, depending on how many cats remember them. this power typically wanes until the spirit fades and falls from the sky. that's what the "dying warrior" in arc 2 was. [if i'd have to name the cat it was, i'd probably go with mistpelt. some old cat that mentored tigerclaw's father] the most power any single starclan cat ever displays is to either appear in the dreams of the living -- very frowned upon, please don't do it spottedleaf i don't care if he's savior of the clans or his kin have strong ties to starclan they need some fucking sleep some time -- or create tabby/tortoiseshell patterns on kits. [completely solid cats with no tabby marks or funky colors are said to be very bad signs, especially if they're the only cats in the nursery or apprentice den. solid cats are just simply seen as bad luck, while tabby torties/calicos are seen as extra lucky.]
spirits that were banished from starclan only truly have power among the clans if starclan was split on their decision, if the warrior code was changed because of this spirit's life, or because this cat is called upon by the living for any sort of help because it seems like starclan abandoned them. this typically results in said spirits ascending to godhood and rejoining starclan because who can keep a god from doing what they want to? ...plus, the more gods, the less likely living cats are to call upon banished spirits for help.
so far the only banished spirits to become gods are ripplestar -- a cat who lived so long ago that the living only remember him as a god you'd invoke for good fortune during an ambush [so the clan he lead in life, shadowclan, invokes him the most often] -- and mapleshade.
so far the list of gods in starclan are:
wind runner/windstar: god of wind and austereness
tall shadow/the tallest shadow: god of shadows and change
river('s) ripple: god of water and adaptability
thunder: god of storms and protection
skystar: god of skies and war [worshiped by non-clan cats as well]
graywing the wise: god of wisdom
mothflight the wandering: god of medicine [prophecies come from her; invoked by medcats during epidemics]
pebbleheart the all-seeing: god of clairvoyance [prophecies come from him too; invoked by medcats before they share tongues with starclan, be it alone or during a Consulting, my name for the half-moon gatherings]
gorsestar: god of earth and cunning [invoked only in windclan before entering a cave or tunnel or before a hunt]
cloudflower* and ryewhisker: gods of tragic love [typically invoked in jest when teasing a cat about a cross-clan crush. seriously invoked in hopes of granting a peaceful future for kits that are the byproducts of forbidden romances. also gods of other religions, as they originally rejected starclan after death. (i'll need to work on the details later, but know that non-clan cats worship them solely as gods of love.)]
maplestar: god of leadership and wisdom [skyclan exclusive, though she is worshiped (with the name maple's whisker) by non-clan cats in the modern day, thanks to skyclan's dissolution.]
ripplestar: god of ambushes
darkstar of skyclan: god of leaders. [invoked when a deputy becomes leader, in hopes of protecting them. also his name translates to mystery star.]
mossheart, swiftfoot, quailfeather, kinktail, and prickleface: gods of healing [invoked by medcats after battles or when cats are attacked by larger predators. other cats invoke them when the clan's medcat(s) head off to the consulting. specifically invoked by shadowclan, windclan, skyclan, riverclan, and thunderclan respectively. quailfeather (under the name quail's feather) is worshiped by non-clan cats as all gods who were skyclan in life are.]
rabbitstar: god of tunnels [windclan exclusive and is invoked prior to starting any new tunneling project or entering unfamiliar tunnels/caves]
morningstar the kind: god of protection [invoked before battle in order to ensure as many cats as possible come back home. also the first cat since founding days to be referred to with a title.]
lilystar: god of feasts [invoked commonly during famines in order to end them, but is also invoked in times of plenty to give thanks]
meadowpelt and troutstar: gods of watchfulness [invoked most often by new warriors about to sit vigil]
featherstar and acornstar: gods of teaching and learning respectively [invoked when new apprentices are given mentors in the hopes that both mentor and apprentice will be good matches for each other and both cats grow from it]
ivystar: god of rescues and missed opportunities [invoked when rescuing kits and when young cats die]
redscar: god of improvisation [invoked when horrifically unplanned things happen, such as a young leader losing all their lives, a clan losing their medicine cat, etc.]
flowerstar: god of nurture [typically invoked by new leaders wishing to guide their clans forward, but also invoked by mothers hoping for the absolute best for their kits]
mapleshade: god of vengeance [usually invoked only by windclan and shadowclan. just speaking her name is said to be enough to actually summon her. only invoke her if you want cats dead or to suffer until they die. not invoked in riverclan or thunderclan because both clans wronged her in life and no cat dares to risk the lives of their clanmates. interestingly, mapleshade's kits have yet to fade, likely because they're integral to her story. they aren't gods, but they have the same amount of power as the freshly deceased.]
daisytail and oakleaf: gods of youth [invoked when wishing for your kits to be protected, regardless of if they're apprentices or younger. riverclan and thunderclan tend to invoke both of them together while windclan only invokes daisytail and shadowclan only invokes oakleaf]
* = this cat's name is canonically cloudberry, but i changed it because a cat later on in the timeline -- goosefeather's mentor -- has the same name. i could have tried to keep their names the same like with the different darkstars, but i'm a stupid shit that accidentally calls onestar's daughter feathertail sometimes. but here's a fun fact: cloudflower's name actually translates to something along the lines of "storm cloud bringing berry flower clusters". [she's a dark grey kitty and i wanted to reference her original name] cloudberry's name [cloudberry as in goosefeather's mentor] translates to something like "wispy cloud that ripens like a berry"
rabbitstar is the only god who didn't create any major change in clan society. this could be argued of morningstar the kind as well, but he has a title and created a rule in the warrior code.
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alright now here's an odd hypokit ask for you... firestar x blackstar x mistystar x onestar hypokits :o yes all four of them together... i like the idea of them all being parallels to each other and am toying with an au where they're all the same age and protags/POVs in TPB... so I was just curious to see what you'd come up with LMAOOOOO :p
Warriors Ship Hypokits: FireBlackMistyOne Edition
This is incredibly interesting. Hopefully I can do this idea some justice.The AU part of this post is gonna be LONG because of all the plot changes this causes lol
In this AU, when Rusty joins the Clans he meets and befriends a couple of cats from other Clans as well as Graypaw and Ravenpaw: Mistypaw and Stonepaw of RiverClan, who feel strangely out of place in their Clan, and Blackpaw of ShadowClan, who is doubting his mentor Brokenstar's rightful place as ShadowClan Leader and suspects him of killing his nephew Badgerkit (Fernshade is his older sister here). They all go on adventures together and help overthrow Brokenstar with Blackpaw's help, while helping solve Redtail's death in ThunderClan and trying to find out who Mistypaw and Stonepaw's unknown parent is. They all earn their warrior names around the same time. Onewhisker of WindClan is also added to the friend group when Fireheart, Graystripe, Blackfoot, Stonefur, and Mistycloud are sent to bring WindClan home. When Graystripe moves to RiverClan after Silverstream's death delivering his kits, Graypool pulls Mistycloud and Stonecfur aside and reveals the true identity of their mother: Bluestar of ThunderClan. This news causes Mistycloud and Stonefur to approach Bluestar at a Gathering to discuss things, however it doesn't go well because of Bluestar's worsening mental state and she attacks them. They do reconcile by the time of her death by dog still. While all this drama happens, they all become Leaders of their respective Clans (minus Onewhisker- Tallstar's still kickin', and Stonefur of course) (when Tigerclaw shows up and tries to take over ShadowClan, Blackstar straight up kills him). As time goes by, Onestar becomes Leader of WindClan and they all realize that they've fallen in love. Panic really sets in as Mistystar realizes that she's pregnant and expecting kits, with them being the fathers. While all of them want to keep the kits (and become mates with each other) they agree to give them up and let them be raised as kittypets far away from the Clans in the Clans’ and kits’ best interests. Although they all often wish that they had kept the kits and become mates...
Their four kits are:
Darktail- muscular dark bluish-gray and white tom with amber eyes and a long tail. Cis tom, bisexual. You know who this guy is. He was named Darby by his housefolk. However, they were abusive to him so he left and became a rogue. While he was originally ignorant of his true parentage, once it was revealed to him he was outraged. He could have grown up happy with a family, but his parents chose to separate him and his siblings and give him to abusive humans! He vowed to destroy his parents and the precious clans they held so dear, no matter the cost... He was eventually killed in battle by his one surviving parent, his father Onestar. If he had been raised with his parents, he would have chosen WindClan, still have gotten the name Darktail, and been a Tactician. 
Anastasia- large beautiful chubby black molly with blue eyes. Cis molly, straight. Anastasia is a vain, aloof cat who wouldn't be caught dead outside or ever do something to get her paws dirty. Her housefolk are very rich and spoil her rotten, and she loves them dearly. She never finds out about her siblings or true parents and spends her entire life as a kittypet. She eventually died of old age. If she had been raised with her parents, she would have chosen RiverClan, been named Brightscale and been a Lake-Watcher. 
Maplestar- dilute calico molly with yellow-green eyes. Cis molly, queer polyamorous. This universe's version of Leafstar. She was named Maple by her housefolk and became close with Billy and Echo once her humans moved by the gorge. She began having unusual dreams along with Echo and the two joined the newly-formed SkyClan along with Billy when Firestar and his friend Sandstorm came to set it up in the gorge. Firestar knew with just one look that this was one of Mistystar’s kits and eventually told her everything before he left. She thought well of her father and thought of him and the other three that she’d never met often. Like in canon, she becomes SkyClan’s Leader. Her warrior name before she became Leader was Mapleleaf. She dies peacefully in her sleep. If she had been raised with her parents, she would have chosen ThunderClan, been named Leafheart, and been a Hunter and eventually Leader.
Blister- scarred dark ginger molly with one missing eye and blue-green eyes. She was named Betty by her housefolk, but left at a young age in search of adventure. She found the excitement she was looking for in joining BloodClan. She took on the name of Blister and became one of the best fighters around. She was ambitious but peace-minded, wanting to become Leader to change BloodClan and make it more stable and a place of safety. She eventually becomes the Leader of BloodClan and slowly changes it to be a more peaceful group. Like Anastasia, she never finds out about her true parentage. She dies after passing the torch to a new Leader, happy with her life. If she had been raised with her parents, she would have chosen ShadowClan, been named Flameclaw, and been a Warden and eventually Leader.
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flipseed · 2 years
Leaders & Medicine Cats (in order)
thunderclan leaders
- Thunderstar
- Owlstar
- Whitestar
- Finchstar
- Lionstar
- Vinestar
- Morningstar
- Redstar
- Oakstar
- Doestar
- Pinestar
- Sunstar
- Bluestar
- Firestar
- Bramblestar
thunderclan medicine cats
- Cloud Spots
- Prickleface
- Pearnose
- Kestrelwing
- Oatspeckle
- Ravenwing
- Cloudberry
- Goosefeather
- Featherwhisker
- Spottedleaf
- Yellowfang
- Cinderpelt
- Leafpool
- Jayfeather
- Alderheart
shadowclan leaders
- Shadowstar
- Ravenstar
- Hollystar
- Brindlestar
- Lilystar
- Blizzardstar
- Marshstar
- Yellowstar
- Snowstar
- Flowerstar
- Sedgestar
- Dawnstar
- Houndstar
- Cedarstar
- Raggedstar
- Brokenstar
- Nightstar
- Tigerstar
- Blackstar
- Rowanstar
- Tigerstar II
shadowclan medicine cats
- Pebble Heart
- Redscar
- Mossheart
- Molepelt
- Sloefur
- Redthistle
- Sagewhisker
- Yellowfang
- Runningnose
- Littlecloud
- Flametail
- Puddleshine
- Shadowsight
riverclan leaders
- Riverstar
- Emberstar
- Dovestar
- Heronstar (renamed Darkstar from CotC)
- Splashstar
- Troutstar
- Reedstar
- Ivystar
- Talonstar
- Willowstar
- Webstar (renamed Birchstar from CotC)
- Sloestar (renamed Darkstar from MV)
- Hailstar
- Crookedstar
- Leopardstar
- Mistystar
medicine cats
- Dappled Pelt
- Meadowpelt
- Grayclaw (renamed Graywing from CotC)
- Kinktail
- Icewhisker
- Echosnout
- Milkfur
- Brambleberry
- Mudfur
- Mothwing
- Willowshine
windclan leaders
- Windstar
- Gorsestar
- Duststar
- Stonestar
- Featherstar
- Pigeonstar (renamed Dovestar from CotC)
- Fallowstar
- Woodstar (renamed Birchstar from CotC)
- Darkstar
- Rabbitstar
- Swiftstar
- Heatherstar
- Tallstar
- Onestar
- Harestar
windclan medicine cats
- Moth Flight
- Swiftfoot
- Thrushsight (renamed Thrushpelt)
- Larkshade (renamed Larkwing)
- Chiveclaw
- Hawkheart
- Barkface
- Kestrelflight
skyclan leaders
- Skystar
- Birchstar
- Beechstar
- Maplestar
- Dewstar
- Hawkstar
- Robinstar
- Rowanstar
- Quailstar
- Fennelstar
- Flystar
- Cloudstar
- Ripplestar
- Buzzardstar
- Spiderstar
- Leafstar
skyclan medicine cats
- Micah
- Acorn Fur
- Twigtail
- Quailfeather
- Fawnstep
- Brackenheart
- Echosong
- Frecklewish
- Fidgetflake
future leader/deputy pairings for funsies :)
- ivystar (😓) & spotfur
- i don't want squirrelstar. she's old & i'm tired of firestar's lineage shit. ik ivypool is. ivypool. and related to firestar but she's like the only reasonable choice here let's be honest. plus i think it's funny. spotfur is her sister in this au but i think a little sister nepotism is okay. & spotfur would eventually step down & retire. (then twigbranch can become deputy and leader).
- sunstar & lightleap or lightstar & sunbeam
- i have not read asc But. either of these combinations are fantastic. trust me.
- dewstar & needleclaw
- dewspring is reliable generic warrior #1736292 & needleclaw is a violetshine baby so she's special To Me and rootspring is too cringefail to be deputy but tbh in this au i might give her rootspring's role & if that's the case then turtlecrawl can be deputy under dewstar
- smokestar & songleap
- in an ideal world i'd be picking sedgewhisker as future leader of windclan but she's getting a little old (😭😭😭) so i chose a breezepelt clone. her name is funny too. & songleap bc she's a sedgewhisker descendant & i loaf sedgewhisker
- erm
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disgruntleddemon · 5 years
Kittypet Tigerstar AU
so here’s a random unfinished Au i think about from time to time.
in this AU Pinestar still leaves to be a kittypet but he takes Tigerkit with him. he tells Sunfall his plan before leaving. 
when Leopardfoot finds out what happened she’s Distraught and desperately tries to find Pinestar (now just Pine) and Tigerkit (now Maple) but is never able to.
Pine tells Maple lots of stories about clan life so he grows up always wanting to go back
in this AU Tigerpaw never messes with Tiny but Thistleclaw does so it’s pretty much the same result
when Rusty moves into the neighborhood Maple takes him under his wing and is like a father figure to him. 
when Rusty decides to leave Maple joins him 1. cause he’s always wanted to go to the clans and 2. cause he’s very protective of Rusty.
when Maple comes back to the clans bluestar and a few other cats recognize him as Tigerkit and let him join back like immediately.  Maple acts as a voucher for Rusty to join the clans.
Maple opts to keep Maple instead of Tiger, so even tho he’s an adult he becomes an apprentice and gets the name Maplepaw. 
he watches out for Rusty and calls Sandpaw and Dustpaw out on bullying on occasion. idk who Ravenpaw’s mentor is in this AU but he’s still fairly nervous.
more of a he was born with anxiety kind of thing. Maplepaw is actually really protective of him and graypaw in this au.
Redtail is alive in this AU and is a p good deputy.
Maplepaw eventually gets the warrior name Maplefoot after his mom. he starts wanting thunderclan to be the biggest, strongest, and possibly only clan. 
he kills Redtail, Lionheart, and Whitestorm to become deputy. Fireheart, Graypaw, and Ravenflight (he stays n gets his warrior name) are playing detective as Maplefoot gets more powerful.
Maplefoot ends up defeating Bluestar and becoming Maplestar. he still uses the dogs in this au, but this time he uses them against the other clans. he uses the rogues too and lets some of them join thunderclan after that fails
 he finds out about bloodclan and agrees to let Scourge have some of the clan territory if he helps him defeat the other clans.
in the end there would be some dramatic showdown between Fireheart and Maplestar where Fire is Distraught about having to kill the cat he sees as his dad.
Fireheart is deputy to Maplestar since Tiger thought he’d be able to get fire on his side. after Maplestar dies Firestar gets his 9 lives and becomes Firestar and the clans drive out scourge.
but yeah, that’s all i got so far. it obviously needs some more fleshing out but im open to suggestions n stuff. 
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maplewind-au · 5 years
Chapter 3 is out!
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[ AO3 ]  [ WATTPAD ] 
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ghastimart · 5 years
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cats, cats, and more cats...
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faeriekougraz · 8 months
Hello I am interested in your Mapleshade Maplestar AU please elaborate, particularly the history and deviations from canon that lead up to this AU and, but I want to know everything
EEEE okay so im hoping to make it a like. Big AU of all the things i wanna change in canon (however because ive never read the books past like a few o audio books of the one offs (MV, GC, PC etc) and the mangas i…… am a bit slower on knowing diff things)
For the maple part of the AU she manages to stay in thunderclan and falls in love with frecklewish. She still gets almost exiled but frecklewish steps in at the last minute defending her. Because Oakstar can’t bare the thought of hurting his daughter he leaves the issue alone and dismisses the clan. This means patchkid, petalkit and larchkit live! Ravenwing kinda hates mapleshade for the first bit of this au after finding out the truth since he’s made she doesn’t get punished, however on an outing that she, freckle and the kits take freckle gets bit by a snake and maple and raven manage to save her. After that raven respects her a bit more. At a gathering riverclan is confronted about their warrior appledusk having had a cross clan relationship which causes a bit of a stir. Because of this he loses a lot of respect from his clanmates and he grows pretty bitter about it. His apprentice doesn’t seem to respect him as much and his mate, reedshine, doesn’t trust him. He develops the idea that he’ll attack maple during a battle to try and get revenge on her however as time grows and as he see her living (in his eyes) with 0 consequences he decides to take the idea further and wanted to kill her all together. He eventually tries to however perchpaw ends up being the one to save her after he also tries to attack one of her kits (larchpaw). Appledusk is exiled for his reckless behaviour and because he “hasn’t shown sighs of improving his behaviour” and so he goes after maple once more however he’s ultimately killed (still havent figured out how yet).
After this, later on, larchpaw starts talking to perchpaw at gatherings and they end up developing a friendship (and later a relationship). Meanwhile, patchpaw develops a relationship with nettlepaw! And finally petalpaw, far into the future, possibly becomes a kittypet (i havent decided if she stays one). I might have her replace crystal actually and instead be the mother of jake, and his siblings. Alternatively i could make her the mother of firestar but im not sure the ages between jake and her at that point… i gotta do some digging.
Oakstar also offers mapleshade the position of deputy rather than doefeather. She basically replaces doestar as leader and appledusk replaces her in the villain roll in later stories maybe. Still figuring it out.
Other than that, things i also wanna change are:
- Hawkfrost X leafpool…. Maybe… perhaps
- snowkit survives
-cinderpelt is handled differently
-fading is stupid and doesnt happen (i have a diff idea for starclan and stuff)
-im not sure if i’ll merge my maplestar and featherstar aus but if i do then featherstar happens and leopardstar dies lol
-uhhh…. I forgot all my other ideas lol
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Can you rate my ocs?
Maplestar: aromantic bisexual, they/her. Brown, ginger, and white tortoiseshell. They broke her spine as a kit after getting in fight with her parents, and running away. They got hit by a car and her father suggested they become a medicine cat, but they managed to live a normal life as a warrior and then become leader.
Silentheart: lesbian, he/she pronouns. Deaf, white cat with black and gray spots with light red eyes. She learned how to read lips and use signs to communicate, but he is selectively mute (she used to speak, but now he doesn't.) Deputy.
Tallfire: she/her, pansexual and polyamorous. Dark red with ginger and black swirls and amber eyes. She is the mother of Silentheart, and the mate of Bluespark (trans tom) and Darkflame (cis tom.)
To start off
I love to see a leader with a disability tbh
it's been something I've been thinking about since writing my Snowkit/star AU and it makes me happy seeing other leaders that aren't able-bodied
hopefully gatherings aren't too stressful for them! though I also imagine on those really bad feeling days they prolly end up having someone else help.
Silentheart's name has me a little on edge, esp since she is both deaf and selectively mute, but so long as she's okay with his name and it wasn't given in a derogatory way [like Crookedstar's and Brightheart's old name, Lostface] then it should be fine!
Other than that, though, I really like seeing selectively mute characters.
His appearance is also great! I think she looks so cool ;;
Tallfire has one of the coolest names! and her appearance matches perfectly with her name, including in how nice her name sounds.
I really love to see she has two mates - i mean she does have two paws anyway - with equally fun names! Bluespark has to have one of my favorite names, but Darkflame is also fun
I hope all three are proud of their child!
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
Question, who will have Alderheart and Sparkpelt in this AU? Will Spark have a greater purpose yknow looking like Maplestar and all
they prolly won’t exist considering avos doesn’t happen in my rewrite
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prometheanglory · 4 years
📖 stagrove warrior cats au
peura im going to go shitflinging chimpanzee mode on you i swear to god.
chase > idk, oakstar or something. maplestar.
flint > claw?? fogclaw?? deputy
berkeley > bark...tooth . barktooth. yeah.
cordell > acornpaw. follow around the barktooth
ronaldo > uhh. tree... pinefoot. hes a bitch still
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msmimundo · 5 years
So for your warriots au, when foreststar gets taken away, dose that mean mapleheart becomes maplestar? I need maplestar
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faeriekougraz · 9 months
So we got a Maple good guy AU! I love it! Any other drawings/doodles you might be willing to share?
I dont have any yet cause im still tryna redesign freckle, raven, etc but i do have this thing i sketched up the other night when i was near asleep because i wanted to make sure incest didnt happen in my au 😭
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