#mans is NOT a likable person
zukkaoru · 1 year
i can't get over fukuchi referring to aya as "one of jouno's men" like.. what. jouno has one friend (who he pretends he hates) and three coworkers (who he only likes on certain days) and doesn't talk to anyone else besides criminals he's psychologically tormenting. where are these "men" jouno supposedly has. tell me fukuchi. you think he has people bowing to his every whim, apart from tecchou? you think he has people besides tecchou who like him? don't get me wrong, i adore jouno. but he isn't a likable person. he hates people. he's extremely antisocial. he only depends on himself - that's the whole reason he fails in his fight against fukuchi. the only army he'd ever command would be one someone else gave him reign over. where would he be getting these men from. in four days, no less. why does fukuchi seem to think he's formed an entire coup. how long has jouno been working under you? how long have you known him? yeah maybe next time pay more attention to the people right next to you who could become your enemies instead of being jealous fukuzawa chose parenthood over being your war bf.
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baejax-the-great · 9 months
Hi, I saw on one of your ao3 comments that you think Homers' Achilles is on the spectrum. This is a really interesting idea to me, but I don't know that much about autism - could you elaborate on why you think that? (Also, I think all of your fics are amazing ☺️)
Autism as a word and diagnosis did not exist in ancient Greece, and I have no idea if there would have been a similar concept about it (doubt it) or if more likely people with certain autistic traits would have been considered to have a certain type of personality. So for me to say that Homer deliberately wrote Achilles as "autistic" is a little tongue in cheek.
That said, reading the Iliad I did have a moment of "Ohhhh, dude's autistic I get it." Some people might look at my reasoning and say, "well, that could be a whole other thing with these other reasons," and that's fair. This is just how it came across to me and why.
Sense of justice/fairness. This is one of the more obscure autistic traits (that often gets misunderstood and shit upon by people), but it's how the book begins, so I'll start here. Autistic people are more likely to learn and follow rules to a T. This gets rolled into the trait of "rigid thinking" and has been related to autistic people's preference for solid routines. To think about where you lie with this trait, one example is the "walk" signal at a crosswalk. Some people jaywalk when the road is very clear and no one is around. Some people jaywalk when the road ISN'T clear because they don't give a fuck. And some people will wait for that light to turn white no matter what because that's what you are supposed to do and there are rules (although culture/country of origin will also affect how much relevance traffic lights have in your life).
This is a rule, but it has little do to with justice. So to figure out where you stand in terms of justice sensitivity, another metric is how angry you feel when you watch someone cut in line and not get punished for it. Some of us will sigh and move on with our life because dicks are everywhere, whatever, and some people will have a harder time letting go because this person broke a rule in an obviously unfair way, and they should be punished for that.
This trait does not mean that autistic people have a better sense of what justice is or what rules/laws are "just." That is all very subjective. But this trait does result in a stronger negative reaction to seeing those rules/laws violated.
Such as rage.
Achilles fits the bill here in both in terms of rigid thinking and his sense of justice. His reputation in the Greek tradition is as someone who was very educated. In fact, he is the most educated with regards to law and religion than the rest of the Achaeans thanks to his time with Chiron. More than that, he actually cared about what he was taught and was considered kind of a stick-in-the-mud in terms of believing that the armies should follow the rules and customs of their people at all times and that violating their own laws was bad, even if you really, really wanted to bang a hot chick.
When Agamemnon decides to take Briseis, he is breaking a Rule. The common interpretation of what happens here is that he has violated Achilles' pride and honor in doing so, and Achilles loses his shit. That's valid. To me it read a little differently. I mean, for one, Achilles is 100% correct in the first book. Agamemnon pissed off the gods in a way he shouldn't have bringing plague on everyone, and how does he solve this? By agreeing to do the thing Achilles told him to do to solve it and then immediately violating their customs to steal from Achilles, bringing down a plague of "Achilles is not going to help you anymore."
Achilles cries to his mom that he wants the gods to fuck over the Greeks to prove Achilles right, which is deeply immature, but also really makes sense to me. Like, Agamemnon did this shitty, illegal, rules-breaking thing, and he needs to feel the consequences of that action. Achilles isn't a god who can bring down a plague, but his mommy is, so get fucked, Agamemnon. It's Zeus time.
During the time Achilles is out of the fighting, he is routinely called hard-hearted, stubborn, and other words to indicate he will not be swayed, which again speaks to his rigidity of understanding how things should be done.
The Way Achilles Talks About His Emotions. Achilles very clearly states what he is feeling throughout the book, and he often restates it. We get it, bro. You're mad. And then sad. Really, really sad. While this is almost definitely for the audience to understand his feelings and just how deep they run, Homer also could have just told us outright what he was thinking without having Achilles say it out loud repeatedly. It also felt to me that Achilles talks about his feelings far more often and bluntly than other characters do, but again this could be because the story revolves around his 'rage.'
Regardless, even if it was purely for audience benefit, this is a behavior I have noticed with my adult ND friends, which is basically after a childhood feeling confused by what other people around them are doing or why they are reacting to things in a certain way, they have a strategy of very bluntly expressing themselves and where they are at in this situation. It can be far easier than trying to follow the subtleties of NT culture and just get whatever issue it is out in the open. Saying to someone "I am angry at you" can come off as overly aggressive and blunt depending on context, but it cuts to the heart of the matter. We can compare this with Odysseus, who does not express any very deep emotions at all in the Iliad (other than the fact that Thersites should shut the fuck up, anyway), presumably because that's nobody else's business.
The Embassy. Achilles' point to Odysseus that this entire war was started over a man stealing a woman is so correct and so ignored. He looks at this situation and says: Paris stole Helen, and Agamemnon rallied all the Achaeans to come make war with Troy. Agamemnon steals Briseis, and I'm meant to... keep fighting for him? In what way does this make sense?
Everyone around him sees it from a completely different perspective, basically that Achilles got angry over a girl. To Achilles this is not what it is about at all. And I'm with him on this. If stealing a woman is a sin egregious enough for thousands of Greeks to spend 10 years attempting to sack a city, then it is the same amount of egregious for Agamemnon to take Briseis and he's lucky Achilles didn't kill him immediately and sack Argos. He's getting off easy, which Achilles tells him.
Reading Odysseus lay out his argument followed by Achilles cutting him down with that bit of logic was like, yeah, I'm with Achilles, I don't even think he's being stubborn I just think he's right.
In the embassy chapter, Achilles also has his famous line about despising men who say one thing but mean another. Being very truthful and having difficulty noticing lies is another common trait of autism, and it would make sense for Achilles to find the dishonesty of his colleagues deeply annoying.
Old British scholars called him a sociopath. This might seem like a weird one, but I'm adding it into evidence. When I read the Iliad, I see Achilles as a very emotional person. Given that half the book is about his grief over Patroclus, I find calling him incapable of caring about others incredibly bizarre. But in addition to determining that these scholars who wrote these batshit essays have never once in their life had a friend, much less a friend that they loved, this kind of fits with how a certain type of old-fashioned scholar understands autism. I've actually been at neuroscience talks with crusty old assholes who talk about how autistics and orphans are incapable of empathy, and then use evidence that really just says to me they express empathy in a different way. (Yes, orphans. For real. A real talk I went to in like 2015. Did you know that orphans don't have feelings and don't care about the feelings of others. /s) Add to the old British tradition of their feral private school kids (which I believe they call public school? idk those assholes in blazers, you know the ones) literally caning each other for being smaller, weaker, or just different, and this to me is solid evidence that Achilles is neurodivergent and unwittingly awoke the bloodlust in these old (dead) bastards.
Speech Patterns. Not being able to read Ancient Greek, I can't actually say much about this one, but multiple scholars have commented that the way Achilles speaks in the Iliad is different to all the others. He has a unique way of speaking. Again, this is not necessarily an autistic trait, but it is common for autistic people to have different speech patterns than NT people, so it's more just a "hmmm, maybe" than actual evidence.
I feel like I'm forgetting other little things, but I'd have to fully reread the Iliad with this in mind to jog my memory, and maybe one day I will. TLDR; Achilles has a very rigid way of thinking and an uncommon way of expressing his emotions.
And as always, autism is a spectrum. Anything I've written about here isn't necessarily true of any autistic person out in the world.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
When i say my Stephanie Brown is gnc,this is what i mean
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ozonecologne · 7 months
Writing OCs question
has anybody ever had the experience while writing/outlining that you don't really like one of your main characters? i get that not all of your characters have to start out as good or likable people -- narratively that's fun, even -- but i'm talking more about being disinterested in them despite the purpose they serve the narrative. just not really being invested in them or connecting with them even though you know they're important.
is this unusual? is this a sign of bad writing or that you need to do more work on the character, or that this character needs to "cook" longer? i'm just wondering about peoples' experience with their OCs that's all!
also feel free to infodump all about your unlikable OCs, i'd love to get to know them.
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girlscience · 3 months
I hate getting into something that has a canon(ish) sapphic couple, but I only end up caring about one of the two women 😭😭😭
#warrior nun? only cared about beatrice couldn't really get behind ava much#the locked tomb? INSANE for gideon. harrow is like cool I guess (I feel like I should like her more than I do idk)#and now dungeon meshi. I knoowwwww I'm going to love falin. 10 episodes in and I already find her relatable and awesome and so cool and sexy#AND SHE BECOMES A DRAGON LIKE FUCK MAN (she's still dead atm but soon soooooon)#marcille on the other hand?? I mean she's fine... but I'm not really drawn to her (I like namari a lot more tbh)#and the thing is I know part of it is the feminization of all three of them#I am not attracted to femininity pretty much ever (outside of a super sexed up version in which case gugh)#and ava and marcielle both have a very bubbly personality type that has never really drawn me in ever#they can have cool stories and I can enjoy them in that. but I have no desire to seek them out outside of that#and harrow... honestly I think it might be the way fandom sees her that makes me not care much about her?#also my feelings about the series as a whole by the end of nona probably don't help#BUT I definitely think a big part for all three is the femininity. none of their counterparts that I DO love are overly fem#(and HONESTLY I don't think harrow should be either and the fact hardly no one actually makes her butch the way I see her pisses me off)#((she CANONICALLY hated her long hair!!!!!!!!! stop giving her anything more than a buzz cut I'm going to attack you!!!!!!))#also. marcielle has green eyes and I'm sorry but I just can't 😭#I need every single character ever in existence to only ever have brown/black or gold/yellow eyes#stop with the blue and the green 😭 please#ANYWAY POINT BEING: I hate that this happens to me because I end up not getting obsessed with the ship#and mostly only getting into the single character but then I don't want to read fic about just one person#so I try out the ship stuff and shocker no one writes the other character in a way I like so I don't read it#and then I feel bad cause all my ships and main characters I'm obsessed over are men#and then I complain all the fandom favs and mcs in stories are men#but like I'm contributing to the problem!!!! but like I'm not attracted to hannibal but I like his personality#I'm not attracted to optimus but I love how fucked up his whole deal with megatron is#I DO love both luffy and zoro even though I'm not really attracted to either of them#the lotr/hobbit ships.... eh I love the world and I love dwarves and I will do anything for them so the characters don't matter much lol#AND THATS THE ISSUE 😭 the worlds of warrior nun and tlt and most of what i've seen of dungeon meshi don't really entrance me much#so I don't get into the ships for that. and I'm not attracted to both people in the ship. and I can't relate/project on both in the ship#and sometimes I find one character type less likable/annoying so that makes me not want to engage
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agirlking · 1 year
I feel both the live action Aladdin and The Little Mermaid are better versions, I’m gonna be honest. (I still love the animated movies.)
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The Armorer to Bo Katan: take off your helmet.
Bo Katan, after being a part of the covert for like a week: ?!?! BUT I FINALLY HAVE FRIENDS AGAIN DD:
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ad-cn · 7 months
I honestly think that George Lucas didn't intend live-action Anakin to be as attractive as he is in Episode III
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vamptastic · 8 months
is there a new magnus archives. egads.
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beauzos · 1 year
is Buster Scruggs, on a physical level, attractive? not really. but is he hot because he has killed? yes
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 months
I think what Kamala Harris has going for her outside of her politics is that she’s 59 which is a pretty normal age for a president and her husband and step kids are fairly likable and successful.
She may want to get a pet if she doesn’t have one already. The American people like when the President has a pet.
This all sounds silly for me to bring up but in the US the president kind of doubles as both a political and spiritual (in a sort of secular sense) leader for the country modeling Good American Values. First Ladies and presidents’ children have historically had a lot of influence on a president’s historical reputation as a whole and on American society.
Her fairly likable family I think was a small but important part of her campaign a vice president, her step daughter even volunteering in the campaign.
Her situation as a mixed race woman married to a Jewish man might make her appealing to some voters. She’s a step parent, kind of has wine mom energy, and has a safe looking little family. And her husband Douglas Emhoff has made his thing as Second Gentleman fighting antisemitism which is something a lot of people care about.
And before any of you start going off about how a politician’s personal life shouldn’t matter, no duh. The politics should be the important thing. But having a likable family can get you far in American politics. It’s why politicians get their spouses involved in their campaigns so much. Being the spouse of a politician is almost always a full time job. It’s something to think about when trying to sell a politician to certain people.
People like my grandmother especially. She puts a lot of importance in her mind on the likability of a politician’s family, including the fashion sense of their spouse and if they own a small dog. She really likes politicians who own small dogs. Which is why I think that Harris should get a pet if she doesn’t have one. A lot and I mean a lot of people like keeping up with the lives of famous pets.
A big mistake that Trump made was he didn’t have any pets. He refused. People around him kept telling him to try and get a pet to make him more likable and he just didn’t. And for a lot of people the only thing they liked about Mike Pence was his rabbit. There was a whole last week tonight bit about it. Details like that matter whether we like it or not and I think that Harris is potentially in a good position to sell herself to several different kinds of demographics. If she gets a dog. If she has a dog she needs to put it in front of cameras more often because I’ve found no record of her having one.
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unrealisticlea · 18 days
Tommy Kinard is literally Megan Fox in Transformers, he’s too cool to be true, he’s a fantasy, he’s the Cool Girl Monologue from Gone Girl.
He’s hot. He has a cleft. Everyone around him becomes immediately enamored with him. Chim likes him. Eddie likes him. Chris likes him. Bobby likes him.
He’s not only a pilot but he was a war pilot and he can fly helicopters into hurricanes and he can land helicopters on capsized cruise ships and leave unscathed.
He’s a firefighter with 10+ years experience and can spend 24hr firefighting and still show up in time for a wedding and he apologizes for being late.
He’s a mechanic and he can repair vintage cars and he has a mechanic shop in his garage.
He likes craft beer, he’s a Muay Thai expert, he’s into MMA and he has tickets to sold out shows in Vegas. He’s also good at basketball.
But he also like rom coms, trivia karaoke and doesn’t like broody people. He’s funny. He’s sarcastic. He has a dry and dark sense of humor. He admits he’s jealous but doesn’t let his jealousy take control of him.
He’s patient. He’s kind. He’s willing to put his life on the line to help people. He apologizes when he hurts people even if he didn’t do it on purpose. He pays on the first date. He gives people a second chance. He always knows what to say. He doesn’t push but he tries to keep up.
This is why people who say “I don’t know why people like Tommy Kinard” are either dense or deliberately missing the point. He was written to be liked. They spent three episodes driving home how likable Tommy Kinard is.
They wanted Buck’s first relationship with a man to be well received by the audience so they wrote the perfect man. Someone that audience either wants to be or date.
I’m not saying everyone has to like him, it’s impossible to write a character that’s universally beloved because liking someone depends entirely on your taste in characters.
I’m just saying if you don’t understand why people like him that’s entirely on you. This is a character that in s7 was written to be liked, it’s not subtle, right now there’s no subtext that implies that he’s secretly an awful person and he’s gonna turn out to be a piece of shit.
In season 7 Tommy Kinard is canonically a cool guy and he’s canonically a good person. People who denies it are straight up lying.
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diariesofthelover · 8 months
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Wayne Brothers’ Gala Girl
synopsis: Bruce Wayne’s galas are held every once in a blue moon, but when they did occur, every Gotham socialite was sure to attend. The eldest sons of Gotham’s favorite billionaire always wound up in some trouble to entertain themselves, this time the brothers’ idea of fun was a beautiful woman who looked almost as bored as them.
notes: Jason Todd & Dick Grayson x reader, 3rd person pov, little bit 🌶️, inspired by the painting above.
The Eldest Wayne brothers found themselves in the quietest corner of the gala, bored with no idea of what they can get into this time around to beat last gala’s “performance” as they would call it.
“We could set off the fire alarm,” Dick suggests lazily to his younger brother.
“What are we twelve? Most of the people here already think we’re still fifteen.”
“No, they think you’re still fifteen because you were legally dead for like four years.”
“Shut up, dickwad.”
“HER!” Dick exclaimed, “Her, her, her, her!”
“You were Robin not a fucking parrot, her what?”
“That beautiful beautiful woman right there that looks even more miserable than we do with those tuxedo vultures circling her.”
Tuxedo vultures was spot on. These rich pigs had her trapped, all trying to win her attention one at a time, attempting a better pitch than the last guy. Any kind of manners that were instilled in her from an early age couldn’t apply after the third man insisted that he was the perfect man for her, actually, the perfect man for any proper woman, brains or not. All of the men here were the exact same, they believed their money and family were enough to flatter any woman here, that having any form of a likable personality or distanct traits besides snobbery was, “not something women really wanted.”
The woman couldn’t control her eye roll after the second attempted joke was made, averting her gaze where her eyes landed on the two men who already had their bright eyes on her, Bruce Wayne’s oldest sons.
She didn’t have a problem with the Wayne Family of course, she was after all attending their gala, it was just some of the guests that she wasn’t so fond of.
“What about her?” Jason looks over to who Dick was fawning over. Jason wasn’t blind, actually his vision only got better after he was resurrected, he too thought that the woman was beautiful, maybe one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, which is why he immediately shut Dick down, knowing what he was going to try to do.
“No, Dick. No chance, leave her alone.”
“I don’t think she wants me to,” Dick replies as the woman returns his famous flashy grin with a soft smile.
Dick had been trying to get Jason…well more out there after the whole dying, coming back to life, and then out in the public eye again thing. Jason died young, he barely got a chance to live his teenage years so whenever Jay’s attracted to someone, he starts acting like a teenage boy but at the age of twenty instead of sixteen.
Dick, make every girl swoon over him since his Robin days, Grayson mastered the whole girl thing by now and is trying to be his not so little brother’s tonight’s wingman.
“Follow me,” Dick whispers to Jason, not taking his eyes of the beauty across from him.
Dick and a hesitant Jason make their way over to the group of men that were all secretly jealous of their father, probably jealous of his sons too, interrupting the lifeless conversation and taking all of her focus off the vultures and onto him and Jason.
“Good evening gentlemen, how are we doing tonight?” Jason almost gagged at his at his brother’s fake politeness, he was always the better one at socializing, his charming personality didn’t stop at women.
“Richard Grayson, boy you’ve certainly grown up since I last saw you!” An older man around Bruce’s age greets him stirring up the rest of the men.
“Dick Grayson huh, pleasure to finally meet Gotham’s new prince.”
“I hear you’re very popular with the ladies,” the group erupted into laughter, these men really love any jokes to do with a woman don’t they?
“And you must be Bruce’s other son, Tim is it?” Jason’s takes his eyes off the woman to give the man a slight scowl, he promised Bruce he’d behave tonight.
“No, no, that’s Jason the one that…” one of the men tries to begin to tell the epic tale of Jason Todd.
“Say, we would love to stay and chat but our date has been waiting for us for quite a bit now,” Dick quickly interrupts him before Jason pulls out any kind of weapon on these men and offers his hand to the woman.
She places her hand into his thinking that she’d rather be a damsel in a in distress in need of saving by a knight, or in Gotham’s case a masked vigilante, instead of spending another moment with some men that are old enough to be her father thinking about how’d she make the perfect trophy wife and the younger who simply want to get laid after the gala. As Dick pulls her away from the hungry drunken men, she offers her hand to Jason who gives her a confused and flustered look.
“If I’m not mistaken, Mr. Grayson said our date,” she says to him in the most soothing and charming voice Jason’s ever heard.
Forcing himself to snap out of this teenage haze, Jason takes her hand earning a smile from both her and his brother.
“I hope you don’t mind us whisking you away like that, you just seemed like you weren’t enjoying yourself,” Dick started, never dropping his darling smile.
“I don’t mind at all, I needed an excuse to get away from them,” the woman looks back at the men as they watch the brothers walk away with their “prize” in envy, “god they’re pathetic,” she sighs.
“Tell me about it,” Jason mumbles beside her.
“All night I’ve been surrounded by these people that only talk about their money, their jobs, their mansion and penthouses, it’s a bit exhausting, they really can’t think of anything else to discuss. It’s fascinating that they really think that’s the way to win over a woman.”
“Well I can promise you we’re a lot more interesting than that,” Dick laughs, “We also have access to all parts of the manor, how about Jason and I give you a little tour?” Dick states rather than asks earning a questioning look from Jason about what he’s planning.
“If you insist.”
Jason knew how Dick wanted him to jump into the dating pool. He frequently tried to set him up with either other vigilantes so he wouldn’t have to worry about his partner 24/7, or an ordinary Gotham citizen where Jason could escape from Gotham’s criminals and Red Hood duties to enjoy a semi-normal life. What Jason wasn’t understanding was why Dick had a chosen a woman that he was madly attracted to as well.
As Dick began his small tour of the manor, Jason stood awkwardly alongside the woman who was attentively watching his older brother and the places he showed. Jason didn’t know if he should join in or take over, make some small talk, he was sort of frozen in place and shy. You’d think that the big bad Red Hood who always had a mouth on him since he was Robin and would break Batman’s moral code would be the last person to get nervous around a pretty girl, maybe Red Hood wouldn’t but Jason Todd would.
“And this is the library, Jason’s favorite place in the manor,” Jason was snapped out of his thoughts when Dick mentioned his name, “once he comes in here you won’t see him for hours.”
“Big reader?” It took a moment for Jason to realize that the question was for him and not Dick.
“Yea, um, yes, I love literature.”
“Really, would do you love to read?” She was now fully focused on Jason who was struggling to maintain eye contact as his cheeks and ears were colored red.
He couldn’t keep his cool physically but he could try verbally, “classics,” he responded simply, not adding more to his portion of the conversation to which Dick internally sighed to.
“Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, Austen?” The charming woman tried to get something out of the boy.
“All of them, and more of course,” Jason gave her a shy smile.
She heads towards the leather chair that Jason always sits in, making herself comfortable in his spot.
“This where you sit, get lost in all those stories you read?”
Something about her sitting in his chair made his blood rush. The way that she had made it look twice the size bigger being half the size of Jason, the way she relaxed into his chair, sinking into his molding. The boy was so mesmerized he forgot to answer her question.
Dick noticed and decided to swoop in, “Mhm, right here,” Dick drags now standing over her, “he’s a very smart guy you know with all the books he reads, runs in the family.”
She slowly shifted her gaze from Jason to Dick who was getting closer and closer, “I guess the looks do too, interesting for adopted brothers,” earning a smile from both boys.
“Excuse my brother for his shortness, we usually occupy ourselves with stunts at these galas, not beautiful women,” Dick says switching the attention back onto Jason, “he can get pretty shy.” Normally that statement would earn a punch to the shoulder or at least a nasty remark but Dick was right, Jason was pretty shy around pretty girls.
Dick and the mystery woman were now smiling at Jason who was leaned against the wall, close enough to where he can see the rise and fall of her chest, but far enough from engaging the way Dick was.
Dick gently tilts her head up with his large calloused hands forcing their gala girl to look up at him, “What do you think of my brother?”
Now it was the woman’s turn to be painted red, “I think he’s one of the most handsome and intriguing men I’ve ever seen.”
“And me?” Dick pouts.
“I think you’re one of the most handsome and charming man i’ve ever come across,” she says in a sultry tone that lures the boys in like sailors to a siren.
Both Dick and Jason’s blood is rushing, relishing in the fact that this goddess of a woman found the boys to be worthy of her attraction, that nobody else at the gala was as good as them.
“Tell me something, both of you,” she starts, “why stray from your usual chaos and shenanigans to show me around your manor?”
“You’re much more intriguing than anything we had in mind,” says Jason surprisingly boldly as he moves closer to her.
“You’re the most entertaining here tonight, baby,” adds in Dick who quickly got back his confidence after a brush to his ego.
“I heard I was beautiful too,” she teased, trying to get the higher ground again.
“I bet you get told that a lot, don’t you angel? You think that’s what those pigs were telling her Jay? How much of a pretty girl she is,” It was too late though, once Dick Grayson got wound up, he got complete control, “Now you tell me something doll, did they tell you how sexy you look in that dress of yours?” She shakes her head no, any kind of witty and teasing responses wiped from her pretty head, “Aw, well that’s just wrong, Jason tell her how good she looks in that dress.”
Both eyes are on Jason, waiting for his compliment, “She looks—you look stunning in that dress,” Dick was waiting for more, he knew Jason had the vocabulary he just needed the push, “You suit my color, red’s my favorite,” now they were getting something out of him.
“I’ll be sure to think of you when I wear red again,” god she was good. Dick had to bring the power back to him and Jason again, this all quickly became a game to him, his real entertainment for tonight’s gala.
“And what if we got rid of the red,” Dick slips the strap of her dress off her shoulder causing her to shudder, he’s in control again, “how’s that look?”
“Fuck,” Jason whispered under his breath.
“I think Jason feels the same way about it as I do,” with how quiet it was in the library his whisper was heard easily by the two, “what do you think pretty, you think it’s better?”
She felt like how Jason felt in the beginning, mesmerized and stunned. From Dick talking to her so confidently and his usage of pet names, to the way Jason was losing his fucking mind over her.
“Y’gonna answer me or are you gonna keep looking at Jay with fuck me eyes?” Dick wasn’t jealous, he was trying to tease the two, get them riled up.
Before she gets to respond there’s a knock at the door, “Master Richard and Master Jason, Master Bruce requests your attendance for at least another half hour.”
“We’ll be right out Alfred,” Richard quickly answered before Alfred could barge in on the scene, “shall we?”
Dick heads towards the door as Jason and their gala girl slowly fix themselves up, avoiding any kind of eye contact with each other.
Dick stops Jason before they head back out to the gala, “You’re welcome, Jaybird.”
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chris-prank · 2 months
Villain sidekick yandere x GN hero reader
A good influence? Part 1
Warning: Manipulation, kidnapping, obsessive and creepy behavior
(This is a work of fiction for entertainment purposes only, I do not support yandere behaviors in real life)
🧪 You were a well known hero, going around saving the city from dangerous threats.
🧪 One of your enemies was a supervillain known as “Fatalité” who worked with the scientist “Dr. Seraph”. 
🧪 Even if you got to put a stop to their evil plans time and time again, they always seemed to get back on their feet and challenge you once more. 
🧪 Between the two, Dr. Seraph did seem a bit less evil. Once he even got slapped by Fatalité, because he hesitated to attack you while you were saving a child. So you always had a bit more of empathy for him, not hesitating to be less harsh during fights. 
🧪 He was not a good person by any means, but you always find it a bit ironic how he was pushed around by his boss or the other henchmans. He would get so easily startled and lose his composure.  
🧪 One day, you accidently fell into one of his traps, while on a mission with your teammates. 
🧪 You woke up in his lab, tied up to a metal board. Before he had noticed you were awake, the scientist was working on a giant computer, while excitedly muttering to himself.
🧪 You looked to your side to see a little table covered with torture devices. That’s when the short man noticed your conscious state. 
🧪 “Fatalié will be so proud of me! You’re done, hero.” He tried to give a confident smile, but you could still feel his nervousness seeping through it. 
🧪 Despite the deadly situation you were in, you couldn’t help but make joke to turn this situation into ridicule.
🧪 “Really ? Does that mean I won’t get to see your cute face anymore?” You made a fake pout. 
🧪 Wait…Was it just you or did he blushed? His sudden stuttering and his eyes darting away from yours, was a clear indicator that your comment had affected him. Just not in the way you had expected.
🧪 You needed to take advantage of this, since there was no way you could escape alone in this room filled with deadly weapons. You had to buy enough time for your colleague to come and find you. 
🧪 You decided to continue with the praise. Saying how smart he was and that his boss couldn’t do his evil deed without him. 
🧪 “R-Really? No one ever recognizes my genius and dedication!” 
🧪 This guy was the definition of being starved for attention, since he totally didn’t catch on that you were manipulating him. His face was getting more and more flustered as he forgot what his initials intentions were. You had to admit, it was kinda cute. 
🧪 “You’re actually… quite likable compared to the nuisances you call teammates. At least now I know that one hero appreciate the complexity of my inventions.”
🧪 Seeing that your tactic was working wonders, you added how unfair it was for him to be treated like trash by Fatalité. The scientist stopped at your words, which made you dread that you had gone too far. 
🧪 He was about to respond when an explosion shook the room. You smile to yourself, knowing who was responsible for that detonation. Dr. Seraph tried frantically to find your friends on the surveillance camera. He called for reinforcements in a panic, before taking a weapon and leaving the room.
🧪 You just had to wait 5 minutes for one of your friends to find you and get the restraint off. You decided to leave a message on a notepad saying “Been fun, see you next time Doc.” with a little winky face. 
🧪 If only you knew the effect that it had on him when he found it later, tired and bruised up. 
🧪 That night, Dr. Seraph, or should I say Vincent, found himself thinking of you while he was laying on his bed. He couldn’t stop his mind spiraling as he held the little note close to his lips. It’s like the interaction you had today had completely changed his opinions of you. 
🧪 This scientist had been without attention for so long, that the tiniest bit of compliments and “special treatment” from you was enough to make his heart skip a beat.  
🧪 It went all downhill from there. It’s like he was finally noticing little things about you that he never did before.
🧪 How he loves it when you defend him from the wrath of his boss and try to convince him to go to the good side. You’re so considerate! 
🧪 Please treat him like he did nothing wrong and he is just being forced by Fatalité (which he isn’t totally). He just wants to hear your gentle words of praise again. 
🧪 He may be more remorseful of his criminal activities then others villains, but he is totally not above manipulation.
🧪 He tries to appear more injured at times so you would take him in your arms, like you do with civilians, to take him away from collapsing infrastructure. 
🧪 “P-please help me…Fatalité will punish me when he sees that I failed him again…” He gives you the biggest puppy eyes, hoping it would be enough to spark your heroic instincts. 
🧪 All to say that he is not really subtle with his new found love for you. The goons easily noticed his change of behavior around you. 
🧪 So they start teasing him about it, making him stutter, trying to deny it. They don’t truly believe he does like you, they just like messing with him. 
🧪 He tries to convince his boss to attack parts of the city where you do your patrol more often, in the hope of seeing you intervene. 
🧪 To say that he is disappointed every time another superhero tries to stop him instead of you would be an understatement. Like why are they ruining his little date ?! Don’t they have cats to save from trees or something?
🧪 He doesn't think of himself as a masochist, but he doesn’t totally dislike when you give him a few slaps or punches.
🧪 He especially likes it when you apologize when you feel like you didn’t hold back enough of your super strength. 
🧪 Can’t you just take him in your arms and kiss it better already?
🧪 Soon he starts thinking of you outside of your hero persona. Meeting you for fights is not enough for him anymore. 
🧪 What are you like when you take off your suit? What do you do when you have free time? 
🧪 He wanted more. He needed more of you.
After months of rewriting and perfecting this story in my draft I’m finally posting it. Anxiety be damned! (I am totally not stressing right now about it) But in all seriousness this is the first real post I make on this account, I hope you guys will like it!
Here is a little doodle of my boy Vincent (it’s a little bit old since I wrote this story in like December)
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ddarker-dreams · 4 months
BRILLIANT fucking idea: SR reader insinuating/offhandedly admitting… she has never been intimate. everyone hearing it like 🧍🏾‍♀️ how do you mean. idk j the flustered bashfulness of suddenly being like “wajt wait if im her bf ,,, im her first love”
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[Scarlet Ribbons index]
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Giorno is a bit strange because he almost wishes he had a predecessor to analyze (and completely outshine). He isn’t disappointed per se, he’s not that weird, but having more study material never hurts. Positive relationships are foreign to him, since he’s been distant from others most of his life. He got along with people well enough — he just preferred his own company. Now that he’s had a taste of your company, he’s keen on making it a lifelong occurrence. Overhearing this admission has him wondering if traditional courting methods don’t do much for you. Or, more realistically, that they go over your pretty head. He's witnessed you interpreting the gang's flirtations as platonic. Consequently, he gives considerable thought to ensuring this isn't a fate that befalls him. Corny as it sounds, his new dream is to stand beside you as your husband. He's chasing this goal without abandon.
Bruno feels immensely guilty for eavesdropping on a conversation involving something so personal, but he couldn't help himself. An immense weight feels like it's been lifted from his shoulders upon learning you haven't gotten romantically involved with anyone before. This relief is followed up with sharp self-condemnation — as your leader, he shouldn't get involved with your personal affairs. Maintaining any professional distance is difficult though, especially when you're so likable. People are naturally drawn to you and he's no different. That's why this revelation comes as a surprise, albeit a good one. He tells himself he'd be happy for you if you loved someone else... however, deep down, he knows the regret would eat him alive. He struggles to concentrate the rest of the day. His mind keeps wandering back to thoughts of you, specifically, finding solace in one another’s warmth. The most innocent thoughts make his heart flutter, the man is smitten.
Fugo almost renounces his atheism — perhaps there is a God after all. Then he's reminded that you're completely out of his league, submersing him back into the Nietzsche headspace. His self-esteem isn't the best, so the way he looks at it is if no one else was good enough to catch your attention, what chance did he have? It's a miracle you even put him with him. He's blunt, stubborn, and easy to agitate, yet you're one of the few people alive who don't treat him like a ticking time bomb. When his initial pessimism dies down, he fantasizes about you getting flustered by things like a first kiss. It's a cute mental image. Would you fidget? Accidentally bump heads and apologize? Get sweaty palms? Before he knows it, he's invented an entire storyline in his head. It's mushy enough that he struggles to look you in the eye the next time he sees you.
Mista pretends he knew it all along, as if the Pistols hadn't kept him awake multiple nights, speculating over your relationship status. The little fellas held full-blown debates. Since he's a chill, go-with-the-flow type of guy, he wouldn't have turned green with envy had he learned you former lovers. If they brought you happiness, who is he to hold it against them? Regardless, he can't deny his budding excitement. Should you reciprocate his feelings, you'll experience all your firsts with him. Those initial milestones are the moments that stick with people throughout their life. It's your first kiss in particular that he'd like to have for himself. He intends to sweep you off your feet — literally. It's got to be like those old Hollywood flicks he grew up watching, or what's the point?
Narancia has to stop himself from audibly cheering. The multiple abandonments he underwent in the past has him latching onto the few people remaining in his life. This includes you, naturally. You've brought him so much joy, the risk of losing that, losing you, it's a fear that eats away at him. He worries that if you had exes, you might compare him to them and determine he's subpar. Then he'd be cast aside like trash as he had been multiple times before. These insecurities nourish his possessive tendencies. Learning that he has no exes to fend off is a great relief because he would've defended you viciously. It isn't until later that he daydreams over the more innocent implications, like being your first (and only!) boyfriend. He gets so preoccupied by the thought that he walks into a few walls.
He's actually surprised to learn about this. He considers using Moody Blues so he can hear the entire conversation, but decides against it, believing it to be an intrusion of your privacy. Abbacchio's of the opinion that to maximize your happiness, you should find love outside of Passione. He wants that for you, and yet... his heart physically aches whenever the possibility crosses his mind. What's the alternative, then? Would he make for a suitable partner? He finds the mere possibility laughable. Your brightness would be engulfed by the gaping maw that is his existence. He considers this an empirical truth, not some 'woe is me' sentiment. Ultimately, anytime your love life (or lack of one) is brought up, he distracts himself, so as not to fixate on his shortcomings.
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harmoonix · 1 year
🌃Starchild Astrology Notes🌃
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🌃 - 9th house can show how you get along with your spouse family esp brother or sister in law (You can also look at the planets and the ruler of the 9th house)
Moon or Venus in the 9th house = You can along good with your spouse family especially the mother of feminine figures in their family
Sun in the 9th house = The same thing as the moon but you tend to get along more with their brother or father
Jupiter in the 9th house = Shows that the majority of your sp family likes you, you are likable in their family
Mercury in the 9th house = Shows you have great communication with your sp family, like you tend to call eachother a lot and talk about the things in your life
Mars/Saturn/Pluto in the 9th house = Here these planets can bring a bit of intensity in your sp family, like they tend to be more curious and suspicious in a way. But don't forget that aspects also matter
Uranus in the 9th house can be an indicator of being the different one, they see you different an unique, like your sp family can be very traditional and you can be the one who is more different/unique
Neptune in the 9th house is an indicator of making an bounding with them, like you tend to be close and appreciated
(If you have an empty 9 House look at the ruler planet (for example, Cancer in the 9th house =Moon)
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🌃 - S.O.S message to everyone with Pluto/Saturn or Lilith in the 11th house, take care what people you have around because you have a magnetic energy around you and that attracts people but also betrayers (So take care💙)
🌃 - Lilith/Saturn/Neptune in the 6th house can often get into sad moods because they absorb every single energy in the room so they can often be moody
🌃 - Lilith harshly aspecting Moon indicates an hurt inner child or an painful childhood, is not easy to talk about your young ages but is important to know that you are strong 🩷
🌃 - What energy does your Moon Sign has based on the Ying/Yang ☯️ element
Fire and Air Moon reprsent the Yang energy (the white part)
Water and Earth Moon represent the Ying energy (the black part)
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🌃 - Moon in the 4th, 8th or 12th house show great spirituality level and highly intuitive mind, they can also tend to sense paranormal activities
🌃 - Aquarius Placements or Aquarius in big 3 are big humanitarian people, they love to help with everything they can to make the world a better place for the future
🌃 - Cancer Venus/Venus in the 4th house can be shy around their crushes, and often they can get anxious when they are near them
🌃 - Gemini Venus/Venus in the 3rd house love to flirty and to make a good first impression to the people they like. I can't lie some of them are so cute while flirting that I can't take them serious 😭🫶🏼
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🌃 - 10°, 22° degrees in a man's Ascendant chart can make him an gentleman, like that type of man who is very respectful, serious and polite
🌃 - 4°, 16°, 28° degrees on your ascendant, let me tell you that you have very beautiful eyes and people can often get lost in your eyes while they talk to you
🌃 - 9°, 21° degrees on your ascendant can make the native an very wild spirit, they love adventure and getting wild, they may also love to be in the wild places
🌃 - Mercury at Leo Degrees (5°, 17°, 29°) have a very lovely voice, they know how to talk politely enough to charm someone
🌃 - Based on my experience Cancer, Pisces and Libra and Aquarius placements tend to be more forgivable than others, like they would be the type of people who can give you a 2nd chance and will try to make you an better person
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🌃 - Moon/South Node or Sun in the 9th house/ 12th house can indicate an person who's soul is very wise and energetic, they are "travelers in time or past". Meaning that they can have dreams about their past lives but aswell about their future
🌃 - Chiron aspecting the South Node can indicate wounds coming to you from your past life, possibly it can mean some things you didn't had time to heal in your past life
🌃 - You can feel lazy when Saturn is transiting your 1st or 6th house, esp if is transitioning your 6th house you can have depression moments often
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- Ascendant persona chart short observations
🌃 • Venus in your 1st or 10th house in your ascendant persona chart can be an indicator of great beauty and good looking appearance
Jupiter in your 10th house in your ascendant persona chart can help you a lot with achieving your succes in career faster
Mercury in your 5th house in the asc persona chart can show an potential actor at voice dubbing or just tend to have a childish voice
Libra Asc in your asc persona chart gives you wonderful hair
Mars in your 8th house in your asc persona chart can indicate an person with high libido
Sun in the 1st house in your asc persona chart shows likable personality by people and appreciated for their character
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- Hellooooo to all it is such a good day to post some Starchild Post 🌃 since is autumn now the stars can be seen more clearly in the sky (esp if you live in the north area of the earth)
🌃 The sky is beautiful so you are all who read this post today or in any other day, don't forget that you are beautiful no matter what 🌃
🌃 Have a great day to everyone reading my post
-Harmoonix 🌃🌃🌃
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