#manny unhappy returns
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WELCOME TO THE BATTLE NEXUS! Or maybe welcome back is more appropriate. Either way, everything is going according to plan and nothing is as it seems, really. But hey, at least Leo gets a new outfit so he can die in style. (Aka it’s my rewriting of ‘Many Unhappy Returns’ and because it’s my favorite episode in the whole series I will dedicate three chapters to it! Hope you guys enjoy it!)
#neon separated au#neon#separated leo au#neon separated siblings au#separated siblings au#rottmnt au#rise of the tmnt au#fic update#leon#manny unhappy returns#battle nexus#shenanigans#this was so much fun to write
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Hey there, conservative who thinks that there has to be some reason we're suddenly seeing all these gender- bending trans people.
I've got a great analogy for you: Maybe look at the historical data for divorce. There is this weird, HUGE spike in US divorces in the latter half of the 20th century. (Similar ones in many other countries!) Why were so manny marriages suddenly failing in 1979-81? It must have been some kind of crisis! Families were falling apart all across the country!
They weren’t newly failed marriages. These marraiges failed long, long before, but the laws and culture prevented people from divorcing for lots of reasons. For a lot of the 20th century an American woman couldn't have a checkbook in her own name, and you needed a guilty party that would be punished by the legal system in a divorce. So we had this huge backlog of unhappy people drinking away their sorrows unable to express their true desires by getting a divorce until no-fault divorces became a thing and women got better economic rights.
So now we look at today and trans people are coming out of the woodwork left, right, and center. There is this large group of people "suddenly" ticking the non-binary option on the census or changing their pronouns and formal documents. These options didn't exist until just recently! You can't look at the stats and assume these are all freshly minted 18 year olds. My cousin is in her late 50's, she's been "married" to her husband since the 90's, and she hasn't gone by her birth name except on official documents (Keith) in longer than I have been alive - and I have a kid. This isn't new, we just didn’t give people the option before - and those pre-care suicide stats made sure a lot of them didn’t survive to reach 50. Yes, give people of all ages with gender disphoria mental health support, that's part of the gender affirming care that helps get that self-harm rate down.
They aren’t forcing you to do something with your body that you don't want to do, return the favor in kind. We don't force cis kids to use their full name if they hate it and they use nicknames, this isn’t any different. Children already can't get cosmetic surgeries in many areas without a second opinion and a parent present to sign off on it (oddly in red states it is easier on average for a minor to get a cosmetic procedure like a tatoo, laser treatment, tanning bed, or boob job, but harder to get birth control.)
Live and let live.
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So I’ve been digging around the Turtlepedia wiki, going through old tweets from the team who worked on Rise & watched videos covering the scrapped Rise episodes so this is basically a post going through some of the scrapped season 2 stuff for Rise that I have found:
Rise was first written under the basis of there being three seasons
JJ Conway’s twitter posted an episode guide which showed some of the episodes that were expected to be in season two:

As you can see ‘The Clothes Don’t Make the Turtle’ was one of the last episode that was released that fit the original plan for Season 2 before most of the episodes got scrapped or changed & the Rise team had to rush to finish the series.
Some of the episodes we know the synopsis of while others still remain a mystery the scrapped episodes were listed in order as:
Wedding Smashers:
This episode involves Mikey & Raph going undercover as pretend villains ‘Shady Bug & Dr Rude’ to sneak into Ghost Bear’s Wedding after they accidentally gifted Ghost Bear one of Donnie inventions (a black hole generating toaster) as a wedding gift that they then need to retrieve.
The episode was supposed to introduce the character Ghostpepper, Ghostbear’s fiancé
The episode also brings up some continuity in having the characters be aware that Meatsweats has been missing since the episode Pizza Puffs where he got kidnapped by ‘Shadow fiend’ at the end, I wish this episode hadn’t gotten scrapped because it shows that the Turtles are aware that their enemies are going missing when Big Mama starts kidnapping them for her Battle Nexus New York.
This episode most likely would have shown Ghostbear be kidnapped at the end like how Meatsweats was kidnapped at the end of Pizza Puffs & Hypno was kidnapped at the end of The Clothes Don’t Make the Turtle.
Warren Stone 2:
Donnie: Stand back total stranger we are fighting our greatest foe
April kept the arm that she cut off Warren in ‘Warren & Hypno Sitting in a Tree’ & the arm ended up growing into a second Warren Stone, despite April raising this second worm in secret Warren Stone Two ends up becoming the ‘turtles greatest foe’ after Warren Stone Two captures the Turtles, April & the original Warren Stone team up to save the Turtles & defeat Warren Stone 2
Parts of the episodes storyboards can be found on youtube, a running gag appears to be Mikey referring to Warren as ‘that other worm guy whose not Warren two’
The episode T-Hex covers Mikey desperately wanting a robotic toy but Splinter saying no & Mikey having to sneak the electronic pet into the lair. Though the robot is adorable Mikey learns that it’s not as innocent as it seems & is actually a trap set by Baxter, the episode would have introduced Baxter in an Albearto mech
Psyched Out
Shred Dead Redemption
After the events of Manny Unhappy Returns the Foot Shack has shut down, Foot Lieutenant & Foot Brute open up a cupcake shop selling flaming cupcakes called Fire and Icing which Raph wants to investigate
The episode would have involved the Turtles doing a stakeout, a chase scene & the Foot clan putting themselves at odds with Big Mama as they investigate if her new champion ‘Shadow fiend’ has a connection to the missing Shredder.
The Island of Dr. Noe
Dr. Noe, the evil dentist from Todd Scouts ends up kidnapping Raph & Leo ends up having to lead the team in order to rescue Raph & stop the evil dentist.
Something interesting about this episode is when the Rise team were discussing this scrapped episode it was revealed that Leo wasn’t supposed to become the Leader at the end of Season 2, that’s right the iconic ‘Blue You Are The Leader Now’ wasn’t originally supposed to happen, instead Leo was supposed to be pushed into roles where he had to take charge throughout season 2 & the season would end with Raph & Leo as co-leaders.
Battle Nexus NYC (a full 20 minute episode) which was used in the series as Battle Nexus New York, the main difference between the original plan & the episode we got is that originally instead of Cassandra taking the Shredder from Big Mamma, the Grand Nexus Hotel was supposed to have fallen into the Hidden City with both Big Mamma & Shredder leaving The Foot to have to venture into the hidden city to try & retrieve the Shredder.
Toddler Mutant Ninja Turtles
A Mikey focused episode where a ‘bank robbing immortal jellyfish’ zaps Raph, Leo & Donnie, turning them into Turtle Tots & making Mikey the oldest brother for the episode. The episode is said to be inspired by the 1987 series episode ‘Adventures in Turtle Sitting’
Dog Dale Afternoon
April’s friend Dale who we first see in ‘Hypno! Part Deux’ gets turned into a werewolf by a witch & Donnie & April team up to try & turn him back to normal
Bee Story
Goyles Just Want To Have Fun
Huginn & Muninn reunite with Draxum, only to be confused when they find him working as a lunch server. Not wanting Huggin & Muninn to know how soft he’s gotten since his redemption Draxum begs the Turtles to help him look good in front of his former minions.
Rampagin’ Raph
Mikey & Leo have become more skilled in using their mystic powers making Raph feel left behind so Raph tries to practice in secret only to end up stuck in his giant form, Raph goes to to Draxum for help who ends up separating Raph & his mystic projection however the mystic projection ends up rampaging through the city becoming bigger & more powerful with the more things it destroys leaving Raph to have come clean to his brothers about what happened so they can save city.
Hot Thrash
Gourd Almighty
Donnie grows a giant pumpkin for competition & has to have his brothers help him find a way to get the giant pumpkin out of the lair
Two pages of the episodes script were posted on Ron Corcillo’s twitter
A Spiders Web Widens
Hidden City Heroes
Gone Goat
Draxum walks out after having a fight with the family but then gets kidnapped by the Foot. While attempting to rescue Draxum, the family has no choice but to resolve their issues relating to him.
The Key (a full 20 minute episode)
Karai was supposed to be introduced in this episode, she was supposed to have a larger role training the Turtles & with the family spanning around 10 episodes but due to the Rise team rushing to finish the series most of Karai’s episodes were scrapped.
The rest of the episode titles were not finalised however Ron Carney’s twitter posted a schedule board where possible episode titles can be seen.
Though Ron Carney also admitted that some of these titles are fake, the episode April Showers Mayhem Flowers might be real as the team admitted to wanting to do an episode about Mayhem & their status as an agent of the Council of Heads
The Return of Monty Moose is also probably real as we can see Monty Moose appear in the Rise Movie’s scrapped intro so the team probably had plans for the character in season 2

Monty Moose is a toy line only character from the 1987 series so Rise introducing him as an actual character is kind of cool
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15 for Abby/Luka
For reasons ;)
Under a cut because it's long.
July 2003
To: Luka Kovac <“[email protected]”>
From: Abby Lockhart <“[email protected]”>
Subject: I’m drowning and praying ghosts are real
Dear Luka,
Something about knowing that I’ll never talk to you again is just unbearable. I’ll never laugh at your malapropisms, look into your beautiful eyes, feel your strong hands holding mine, or make love to you again. There won’t be any more jokes about jam and cheese on toast, or you teasing me for my weak but constant supply of coffee. I’ll never hear your amazing, deranged laughter after you prank someone again. No more of your hugs—which are somehow the best hugs in the world. Because you’re gone.
It’s been three days since we got the call telling us you died thousands of miles from home, whether that’s here in Chicago or in Croatia. I didn’t know your dad’s name, Luka. We needed to call him, and I didn’t know. How did I not know? And now I can’t. I mean, L’Alliance told us his name, but the fact that I’ll never learn pieces of your history, of the wonderful man you are, FROM you...how am I supposed to go on and live my life?
For years, I’ve thought medicine was my great thwarted love. I’ve wanted to be a doctor for so long, and I thought I was bitter about having to let go of that dream. Now I wonder. I let obstacles get in the way of pursuing medicine, and it’s made me...well, it’s part of why I was so unhappy. But that makes me think about how I also let obstacles get in the way of us. I was happy with you, you know, until I let fear and my mother and Carter get in the way. God, I wish I could do that over again. We could have had everything, and if I hadn’t gotten in my own way, I’d be happy. I think maybe I could have made you happy, too.
It’s funny. I knew things with Carter weren’t working, and he implied you were part of it. I said it wasn’t, but then five minutes later, I found out you were—are—dead. And I realized you were the reason, or one of the big ones. As soon as Chuny told me, I knew I loved you and had loved you for years. Yeah. Great timing, isn’t it? I keep thinking that maybe I could have kept you from going if I had known or if I had told you. I didn’t want you to go when I thought you were my very attractive friend and ex that I still was fond of. Knowing that I love you—how do I move past that? Knowing that I lost you, first to my stupidity and then to death?
I just...I miss you, and I don’t when I’ll stop, or how to. Susan caught me crying on my last shift, and I didn’t even know what to say. I feel like I’ve been crying or standing still, brittle and stuck in time, since I heard the news. I can’t, Luka. I know I have to keep on moving, and I thought maybe writing you would help. I know you’ll never see this, never have a chance to respond. But the idea that some fragments of your soul linger and can maybe sense...I don’t know. That I’m writing? What I’m feeling? Jesus, this is crazy.
All my love,
Abby angrily swipes the tears from her eyes. God, what’s the point of writing this? He’ll never see hsi email or her again. Just...without Luka, how can the world be anything but grim and sad and pointless?
She laughs mirthlessly. Maybe it doesn’t matter. No, she knows it doesn’t. Because Abby knows the futility of it, aches with the meaninglessness, she presses send without another thought.
Three days after that, a miracle occurs. Luka, the Lazarus of this new millennium, comes back from the dead. He’s never been dead, and maybe, Abby thinks, there’s a God above after all. So many people wish for this exact boon, and she—they, the world—gets it. Some higher power believes this planet is a better place with Luka Kovac in it, and Abby is ecstatic.
Until she remembers the email and that they can’t be unsent.
It’s fine. She’ll be fine. Luka is coming back, apparently with a French nurse. Maybe he’ll just delete it without reading it. Maybe it didn’t go through—how does email work for the dead, and how quickly is all that processed?
Abby shakes her head. It doesn’t matter; Luka is alive and returning to them. She can handle a little awkwardness in the face of the sheer joy of knowing the world is a brighter, kinder place. He’s coming back, and that’s what’s important.
August 2003
It takes Luka almost a week after returning to Chicago to convince Kerry and the other staff to let him go back to his apartment. Even so, they only agree when Gillian assures them she’ll see to his every need.
Abby winces when she hears that, and it makes something flutter in Luka’s chest. Which probably isn’t good for his malaria, but the hope...that is.
It’s another two days of lying in bed before he has the energy to ask Gillian to bring him his laptop. At this point, it’s been months since he’s checked his email, and Luka grimaces at the undoubtedly horrible state of his inbox. He briefly considers never checking again and just getting a new one, but he knows his father struggled to add him to his contacts once already. To expect it of him again would be absurd.
With a sigh, Luka opens his email. It’s just as bad as he feared. He snorts at the myriad messages about Viagra, Nigerian princes, and Russian brides, deleting them without thought. He saves a couple from his dad. He slowly whittles down his inbox, but he freezes when he gets to one email in particular, sent about a month ago.
It’s from Abby, during the time everyone thought he was dead.
Luka considers calling and asking her if someone hacked her email or is sending spam from her account, but the subject line...it looks real. And Abby’s been odd around him lately, seeming both deliriously happy to see him and awkwardly nervous.
His heart pounds, and he clicks to open it. If this is a spammer, they’re probably about to get whatever they want.
Abby pours herself another coffee, internally swearing as she prepares for the last two hours of her shift. Deciding to go back to school is great; having to coordinate all the details is less thrilling and leaves her tired and cranky.
Frank ducks his head into the lounge, beady eyes narrowing on her. “Hey, Abby. The Croat is on the phone for you. Line 2. Try to get back out there as fast as you can, Weaver’s yelling at the med students about IVs.”
“Okay, Frank,” Abby says, though she flushes and her palms start to sweat. It’s fine. She can always hide the panic and butterflies in her stomach with sarcasm. It has yet to fail her.
Frank gives her one last suspicious look, then nods and heads back to Admit.
Abby takes a deep breath, then picks up the phone. “Hey, Luka?”
“It’s me. Glad I could reach you. How are you?” He sounds...ugh. So good. And eager and happy, and her heart could leap right out of her chest.
“Doing all right. I just have a couple hours left on this shift, and it hasn’t been too awful today. Only one MVA. How about you? You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Recovering. Listen, did you want to come over for dinner?”
“Please tell me you’re not trying to cook.”
“What? I’m a good cook, even if you don’t appreciate wonderful, traditional Croatian dishes,” he says with a chuckle.
“Luka, you just got out of the hospital five days ago. You still need to be resting.”
“Abby, don’t worry so much. I was just kidding. I have some sandwiches from Manny’s, and Anna sent me home with lots of matzo ball soup too.”
Abby bites her lip. Of course she wants to go. But the prospect of spending the evening with Gillian cooing over Luka, knowing that she shares a bed with him, is decidedly less appealing. And there’s the email she sent, which Luka hasn’t acknowledged. He might well have deleted it, or he’s giving her a gracious out.
Her conscience twinges as soon as she thinks about bailing, though. Didn’t she promise herself she wouldn’t take life for granted anymore? She’ll go back to med school, she’ll have dinner with Luka when he asks.
She starts, realizing she needs to respond. “Yeah, sorry. Yeah, I can do that. I can be there an hour after my shift, if that’s okay.”
“Sounds great. Looking forward to seeing you.”
“Me too.” He has no idea how much, even if she wishes she knew for sure that he’d deleted the email.
Abby rings Luka’s doorbell three and a half hours later. She’d meant to come straight from work, but after a patient vomited on her, she decided to head home, shower, and splurge on a taxi to Luka’s. The poor man is recovering from being deathly ill and doesn’t need County’s fumes making things worse.
There’s the sound of the deadbolt sliding, and Luka answers the door, grinning happily at her. “Good, you made it! Come on in!”
“I did. Sorry it took me longer than expected.” Abby steps into his apartment, looking around. It’s been such a long time since she’s been here, and she notes the subtle changes in the art and decor.
“No worries. I know how it goes.” He places a hand at the small of her back, guiding her inside.
Abby stiffens for a second at how his touch burns even through the layers of her shirt and light jacket, but she relaxes, enjoying the feel while she waits for Gillian to appear and end the fleeting joy.
Luka is unfazed. “Now, of course we can just eat the sandwiches, but if you want to heat up the matzo ball soup, you can. Since you don’t want me standing,” he says with a wink.
Abby smiles back, shaking her head. “Oh, I see how it is. Make the woman who worked all day do more household work when she gets ho—wait, where’s Gillian? Isn’t she supposed to be taking care of you?”
“She’s not here,” he says simply.
Going to the fridge and taking out the containers of soup, Abby places them in the microwave. Is Gillian out for the evening, or is she gone gone? “Shouldn’t you be with her? Or her here with you, whatever.”
Luka is quiet for a long minute, and Abby wonders if he intends to answer. Finally, he breaks the silence. “I asked her to leave.”
Abby’s pulse speeds up. “What? Why?”
Luka takes a deep breath, clearly ready to respond, and—
The microwave dings, and they both jump. Exchanging a sheepish look, they laugh.
“Look, let’s get some food, and I’ll tell you all about it.”
Abby dishes up their soup and sandwiches, preparing trays so they can sit on the couch. Luka turns on the television, and Abby’s heart rate comes back under control. They sit together in companionable silence while they eat and watch Thom and Jai and the rest of the Fab 5 whip some hapless lawyer’s life into order. When they finish their meal, Abby cleans up, taking the trays back to the kitchen.
She heads back to the couch at the opposite end from Luka, not daring to get closer when she really has no idea what’s going on.
Luka clears his throat and mutes the TV. “So, yeah. I asked Gillian to leave.”
“Oh. So, um, did you break up?”
“She was never my girlfriend, really. She has a boyfriend back in Montreal, they just…” Luka shrugs and runs a hand through his hair.
Abby is more lost than ever. “Ah.”
Taking a deep breath, Luka continues, finally looking over at her. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful she helped me get here and took care of me, but we were never serious.”
Something starts to tug at Abby’s heart, squeezing and twisting and kicking to get free. Is it...hope? “Well, I’m glad she got you here safe, but you should have someone staying with you while you recover, Luka. Malaria is dangerous.”
He gives her a look. “I know how dangerous malaria is. I’m getting better. And besides, it wouldn’t have been fair for me to ask her to stay when things are over because I’m in love with someone else.”
Her heart leaps into her throat. “Someone else?” she squeaks.
Luka nods, swallowing. “Yeah. And I have a reason to think she might be in love with me too.” He slides over to her side of the couch, reaching for her hand.
Abby meets his eyes—those beautiful green eyes that are the best color in the world—and squeezes his hand, incapable of words. Does he mean…?
With his other hand, Luka reaches up and cups her cheek, running his thumb along the subtle arch of her cheekbone. “Abby, if you’ve changed your mind since you sent that email, please tell me to shut up.”
That stupid, ridiculous email might be the best thing she’s ever done in her life. She leans into his hand, licking her lips as she shakes her head slightly. “I haven’t changed my mind. I didn’t mean for you to see it and hoped I could learn how to hack computers and delete it but—”
Luka cuts her off. “I would never forgive you if you managed to delete it. You wouldn’t believe how much faster I healed after that.”
Abby leans forward, sliding into Luka’s waiting arms. “Then maybe I’ll write you some more emails.”
“Emails aren’t what I want right now,” Luka says.
Funny, Abby doesn’t either. Then his lips brush hers, and all her worries and fears fade away. She knows she has to tell him about med school and he needs to finish recuperating, but when Luka deepens their kiss and pulls her closer, Abby ceases to think at all.
She has Luka back, and now they have each other again.
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I am so glad to be home but I feel very very uncomfy in my skin right now. Sucks. I hate that I feel this way right now.
But it wasn't a bad day. My cough was bad at times. And it made me feel. Weak. And last night I found it so hard to sleep because of the sounds. And I woke up at almost 5 and was just. Unhappy about this. But I was able to sleep a little longer. And that was nice at least.
I got up and got dressed and felt super cute. And I tried my best to just pull myself together because I did not want to be up.
I set up my space. Dropped off the theme project. And packed my bag. I had a little breakfast enjoyed some friends company. And then went to lay down.
I had a lot of groups today. But they were all mostly good. The very first group was the youngest day campers. Just the tiniest babies. And they were super cute. And made good work for what they are capable off. And then spent most of the hour playing. It was cute. I had a good time.
Lunch was fine. But mostly I enjoyed the cupcake and sitting and talking to Lauren. Jess is spearheading making wedding dress appointments and so me and Lauren were looking at some of the dresses I want to try. It just felt good. Like being so supported by Jess. Going out of her way to make appointments and ask the right questions. And Lauren just being an absolute cheerleader and so excited to see what I was thinking.
And I felt that way a lot today. People just being really great. It was a few of the counselors' last day. So I had some goodbyes. But people were sweet and it was good.
At 215 I had to go bake some art. Then went to a meeting. Got a review. Almost perfect scores. And then as I'm walking around handing out finished art and totally rolled my ankle and fell and threw the kids' art. I was so mad at myself. And embarrassed for falling.
But I got almost everyone's work returned. And hard my last group. Who were the older boys and they were mostly good but some were naughty!! Making penises with the clay!! But most of them were fine. And Manny swept the whole art shed to get some service hours. And then Vivek fell asleep and started snoring and it was very silly.
But then the day was over for me. And I finished getting tshirts out to everyone. And baked the boys art. Got that to them quick. I also had an ice cream bar. And walked around for a little.
But then I was just cleaning. Putting things away. Getting ready for next week. And it was fun. But I also just wanted to go home so desperately.
I would sit with the woodlands boys for a while. Told them it was so I could just sit around and look like Im working. They got a kick out of that. And it was nice talking to them. They are so silly.
Soon almost everyone was gone. We were gently bullying the last teens who were picked up yet. And then when Alexi said to just bring those two to the meeting we all started saying we gotta make sure we don't curse. And I was like. Alexi. You specifically. No cursing!! Just gently bullying my boss.
James would come to trading post during the meeting. One of the teens was still there and was there for the whole meeting. And when it was over she asked if she could say something and just gave the most beautiful little speech about having a hard home life but that we made camp magical for her and she was so eloquent and I almost cried it was so sweet. I hope she comes back next year.
After James did some check ins and we had a little pizza, we were off.
James was a little bummed out. But they had brought me chipotle. And while they had messed it up, it was still good enough. And really I was just so happy to be here. With my James. I got some mail. I also held sweetp for forever. He's the best little boy.
Eventually I would go take a bath. And wash my hair. And now I am very ready to sleep. But first me and James are talking about what Pokemon we remind the other of. So silly.
I hope it's a restful weekend. For everyone. Were going to a baseball game tomorrow!! I hope it's fun Take care of yourselves. Wash your hands!!
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This past week: a summary
1. The season 3 trailer dropped and boy, oh boy...the fandom’s a mess:
• It looks like the girls plan to print a shit-load of counterfeit cash and do one big run to wash it. Welp. That's going to go badly wrong...it's not like Beth is going to want to stop anytime soon.
• Beth's wardrobe continues to look better than last season. Especially those slightly oversized sweaters. And her hair continues to impress, which has been a controversial topic. It's definitely not as good as her season 1 hair but it looks like an improvement from season 2?
• Dean appears to call the girls out on their criminal activity.
• We get a shot of multiple guns (four in the image) laid out in a row, next to ammunition; this is followed by a shot of a black van pulling up with the doors opening and a man gagged and being held hostage presumably, but not necessarily, by the girls.
• Annie provides us with a much needed laugh and kidnaps Lucy’s bird! (”Class II with an animal.”)
• Beth appears to be in the midst of wrapping up furniture in the house. Home renovation time mayhaps?
• Beth sees a man rising from the picnic bench in her backyard. It appears to be one of Rio’s men, played by the actor Carlos Aviles, who last appeared in season 1. She’s holding a black bag, potentially containing washed cash?
• Ruby shows an image of her two children to an unseen person in a store with guitars and other random knick-knacks.
• We were provided with out first glimpse of Agent Turner, armed and surrounded by his FBI colleagues. It looks like there’s an ICE van in the background too.
• Beth and Dean share a kiss, while Beth wears the infamous floral shirt she wore while opening the envelope containing the Dubby returned to be her by Rio (2x07) and during the 20 questions game (2x11). Chaos is a ladder! Even while returning the kiss hesitantly, Rio’s presence looms over the scene.
• The girls enter a graveyard with spades. A little innocent grave-robbing never did any harm!
• Beth opens the door to a mysterious “guest”, while Dean stands in the foyer. “That’s the thing about this gig. Just when you think you’re finished, something new pops up.”
• The girls appear to be visting a grave or a memorial at the very end of the trailer, with Ruby commenting “He lost his life”, followed by Annie pouring her coffee on the “victim’s” grave. Could we see the end of Boomer this season? Or another despised character?
2. The first look at season 3 dropped yesterday!!!
• We got a glimpse of Rio in season 3 (the fandom is collectively 100% sure that this is a new shot). Looks like he's standing in Beth's bedroom, or at least her house. I mean, who else would he be looking at with that expression on his face?
• The music featured in the season 3 first look remains a mystery.
• Charlyne Yi has amazing skin! Mae has amazing skin! Christina, Retta and Manny all have amazing skin! I'm so jelly right now over here with my drying lotion.

3. The BTS of the promo shot in the money room was released. Retta acknowledged how difficult this hiatus has been for us! What a queen.
4. NBC universal interviews:
• Manny confirms that Rio is indeed alive (we didn't need the confirmation but it's just nice to hear him say it haha) and that Rio and Beth will be forced to work together this season.
• Reno and Matthew give relationship advice and continue to be adorable beans.
• Don't forget this welcome news from NBC universal a few weeks ago. Maybe we won't have to worry as much about ratings this season as we did last season before the show was renewed!
5. Manny has had his own photoshoot to promote his character and the show. Eagerly awaiting the release of those pictures!
6. NBC released an official plot synopsis for 3x01 (”Find Your Beach”:
“Beth makes a new friend while struggling to process her guilt over Rio’s death. Meanwhile, the women perfect their latest business venture just as Agent Turner and his surprising informant complicate their plans to launch.”
7. The trailer and first episode of ‘The Influence of Good Girls’ dropped:
• Megan Thee Stallion reveals that her character’s name is Onyx, confirming that she works where Stan works; her character will be a “little rule-breaker. She’s doing things she has no business doing.”
• There will be two further episodes, one titled ‘The Crime King”, featuring Manny Montana, and the other titled “The Perfect Heist’.
8. The fandom continues to eagerly await carpool karaoke with Christina, Retta and Mae.
9. Retta and Reno have done a number of interviews promoting the show recently:
• A clip was featured in one of the interviews; Ruby appears unhappy with Stan’s long working hours at the strip club he now works at.
• The BUILD interviewer acknowledged Beth and Stan’s importance in Ruby’s life. Reno dropped a juicy piece and said that “as things go down”, the audience will get to see how Stan feels about Beth.
• According to Reno and Retta, the funniest person on set is Danny boy Jr, the actor who plays their son.
• Retta said that the girls are going to be a more cohesive unit this season, as they face outside threats.
10.The NBC Good Girls marketing team dropped a 43 minute long video compiled of the vast majority, but not every, car scene from the past two seasons.
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SPOILER-ish, I'd prefer you watch the episode(Manny Unhappy Returns) because of things that happened in the episode.
I should have trusted the writers. But come on, they wrote Leo so cocky, and Ben Schwartz's performance didn't help, it literally screamed 'denial' and 'I'm too confident in my own skill, so I didn't think things through' which is a strange mix between in character and out of character for Leo. Anyway, I love the fact that Big Mama and Leo are out there playing real life Chess with eachother and it's unclear who won. Also, also, and again, we have the theme of Leo doing something and nobody believes in him, atleast this time they recognised it.
So this GIF sums up what I think about Leo in this episode
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If Beth was happily married do you think Rio would've flirted as hard as he did very early on in s1? Or kept going? He's perceptive so he must've noticed her wedding ring right away (granted she took it off at some point), and he definitely knew she was married right before strolling eyeing her up and down like THAT. I guess what Im asking is -- would he have been able to resist her? lol
It’s kind of hard to tell, isn’t it? Especially because I’m not sure Beth would’ve done the things she’d done which led to her and Rio meeting in the first place if she was happily married. On top of that, it’s practically impossible to know how much Rio even knows about the state of Beth’s marriage in s1 (I think you could make a pretty solid case that he knows it’s very unhappy in s2 based on her yelling at Dean in 2.01 and, y’know, boning Rio in a bathroom after he’d shot him in while Dean settled the bill, haha).
I do think 1.03 was a real turning point in terms of how they interacted with each other - both in terms of Beth proving herself by getting the fake money from Canada, and then leaving him her pearls to continue their relationship. I know we joke about it a lot, but the way Manny plays that scene in her house definitely implies Rio was expecting a booty call over a business proposition, which is a) amazing, but also b) I think really marks that shift for him where he realised he was open to that with her in a way I don’t think Beth really would realise she was in return for a while.
I guess what I’m saying is that I’m not sure they ever would’ve been thrown together if it wasn’t for Beth being unhappily married, but regardless of that, I think as soon as the door between Beth and Rio was opened (and as soon as they realised it had been opened), they’d both forever want to walk through it, haha.
#gg 2.01#gg 2.04#gg 1.03#gg season 1#gg season 2#beth x rio#speculation#beth x dean#welcome to my ama#beth boland#rio#dean boland
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Proper Introduction
Hello to whoever ends up on this blog!
My name is _______, but I go by Key. I live in Ames, Iowa (where the lovely Iowa State University is located), but I’m originally from the Fort Dodge area.
I started this blog to offer support to those who struggle with eating disorders, living a healthy lifestyle, or both.
Personally, I’m struggling with anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating, general body dysmorphia, anxiety, and depression. I have recently brought attention to these personal issues after finally having enough of rumors saying my weight loss is thanks to hard drugs.
My fitness journey started my freshman year of college (August 2014), and has paused, started, paused, started again I don’t know how many times from 2014-2019. I first started off with only doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts and even tried Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide, but my diet and life away from home made it hard for me to stay motivated with such highly intense workouts. I did know that my diet wasn’t the best, but I didn’t understand food nutrition vs. exercise.
My sophomore year I ate a LOT of Domino’s and drank a LOT of wine, and working at a bar-restaurant made sticking to any kind of meal plan unappealing because of all the “delicious” food I was constantly around (pizza, made-to-order pasta, appetizers, etc). I was gaining more and more weight no matter how hard I pushed myself at the gym (which really wasn’t that hard), but I was exercising consistently, so I started powerlifting. My coworker Manny and I worked out after hours at the gym we worked at, and man did I think I was getting strong! I remember benching 105 and thinking I was hot shit! At the time that was the strongest I’d ever been, and I was taking “progress” pictures all the time, but hardly seeing any progress other than strength. I tried out for rugby spring of 2016 and tore a ligament in my hand. I was in a cast for about 10 weeks and did NOT want to exercise while I was in that thing. It really fucking sucked feeling a sweat break under that cast, and all of the dead skin that shed once I got it taken off was absolutely disgusting lol. So I had gained probably 5-10 pounds while I was in the cast, but I was cleared from physical therapy 3 months sooner than planned. My best friend at the time, Brooke, and I started going to the gym really late at night, around 10 or 11pm, even if we didn’t really know what we were doing.
Preparing to move to Ames for my junior year of college, I decided to add Kinesiology & Health as a minor. I was attending Iowa State for graphic design but ended up EXTREMELY unhappy with the design program and dropped out after about 5 or 6 weeks. However I REALLY liked the few kinesiology-related classes I was in at the time and decided when I returned to school that I would change my major to Kinesiology & Health with my option of focus being Exercise Science. Fall of 2016, I learned about counting macros and flexible dieting, and started using MyFitnessPal for probably about two weeks consistently. I had/have a terrible habit of getting motivated for exercising and dieting and end up either losing motivation, or simply just lose interest.
2017 was honestly the beginning of TRULY pushing myself in the gym and realizing this is a lifestyle I want to live for the rest of my life. I got a job at Ames Racquet & Fitness as a front desk receptionist and got a free gym membership, which REALLY motivated me because I got 24/7 access for free! Brooke moved to Ames and we were able to start working out together again, but this time more educated and determined. Follow her on Instagram @_brookeashleyy to see her amazing weight loss journey from our sophomore year of college until now! That year I really wanted to put together my own home gym at the duplex I lived at and then at the house I moved into, but didn’t have a ton of equipment. The relationship I was in started to head downhill in the fall of 2017, and my depression starting gaining momentum. I began bingeing on junk food right before bed, and couldn’t find motivation to go to the gym consistently. Sometime weeks I’d only go once or twice, some weeks not at all.
2018 began with catching my then-boyfriend cheating on me, and the insecurities that came with that planted themselves in my noggin and started to spread roots. I should’ve ended the relationship there but was dumb and gave him a chance to change. When I caught him cheating again in April, I finally did kick him out, and the month after is when I got really sick mentally and physically and lost 30lbs in three weeks. This started the longest break I’ve ever taken from the gym, 3 months (May - July 2018). I didn’t go to the gym because I didn’t want to look any more sick than I already was, and I knew if I lost more calories then my body would really be screaming for help. Regulars at the bar I work at started to beg me to eat. They’d offer to buy me any food from anywhere, even the biggest steak from the most expensive restaurant in town, but I just couldn’t. Customers would bring food in to eat and the smell would make me nauseous, but it got so bad to the point where even seeing food would make me gag. There were many, many times I threw up at either of my jobs while working. There were many, many times bar customers or gym members would check on me and ask me if I was okay. And there were many, many times people would gossip when I entered the room. Believe it or not, but more people talked shit about me at the gym than anywhere else!
For the past year and a half, I’ve had to manage life with eating disorders as well as rumors of drug abuse. It’s hard to deal with already existing mental problems and then deal with people spreading such terrible lies. I recently made a public post on Facebook announcing that I do not have a drug addiction, but actually mental disorders that take turns with my body. Saturday night consisted of bingeing and purging at work, Sunday was spent fasting, followed on Monday with bingeing and purging. Tuesday was also a very restricted day but not on purpose, my appetite had been squashed from the previous days. Today I forced myself to eat within an hour of waking up, but I could only choke down one hard boiled egg and half of a blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese. I was able to cook a big dinner and eat it all, along with a few snacks at work tonight.
The body I want and the lifestyle I want to live can’t be achieved unless I eat. I need the calories to feed my muscles enough to grow, but they need to be coming from the right foods, and they need to be coming in consistently.
Anyway, this blog is to help inspire others trying to recover or whom are already in recovery but need a helpful push to keep going, as well as assist my friends and family with trying to live a healthier lifestyle!
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40 SEAG medalists from CAR to get cash bonus
#PHnews: 40 SEAG medalists from CAR to get cash bonus
BAGUIO CITY – The 40 Cordillerans who won medals in the 30th South East Asian Games in December last year and their coaches will finally get their PHP25,000 Christmas bonus as promised by Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) chairman William Ramirez.
The money is available in their ATM cards on January 24, raising the morale of the athletes, some of who are still training for international events, while some elicited frowns because they will not be able to collect yet.
“It’s a big help for me at balik estyudante. May pang-allowance (It’s a big help for me because I am back as a student. There is allowance money),” said wushu sanda gold medalist Divine Wally on Thursday, who is back at the University of the Cordilleras (UC) where she is an education major in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH).
“Masaya may pa-bonus para kay misis (Happy, there is a bonus for my wife),” said muay Thai waikru and taksa player Jearome Calica, who is a father of two young children.
“If there is then we can go have a cup of coffee,” wushu taolu bronze medalist Daniel Parantac said.
“Sana po meron [money] na talaga sa 24 (I hope that [money] is already there on [January] 24,” said boxing gold medalist and world champion Nesthy Petecio, who is wrapping up her training with Australian boxers for the Olympics qualifier in Wuhan, China on Feb. 3.
Arnisador Eza Rai Yalong, however, expressed disbelief upon learning of the news.
“Friday daw ata, (I guess it will be on Friday),” said the bronze medalist, who was stripped of her semi-finals victory an hour before the finals that raised howls among her teammates and coaches from the University of Baguio (UB).
But, while the said athletes are optimistic to get their bonuses on January 24, some are unhappy because they do not yet have the PSC issued ATM card.
“Awan pay ATM card mi. Ilaklakad da pay lang dakami ta maging national team (We still do not have an ATM card. They are still processing the papers for our recognition as national team members),” said kickboxing gold medalist Jean Claude Saclag, who won a gold medal along with Gina Iniong and Jerry Olsim.
“Paano na po kaming wala pang ATM,” said Helen Aclopen, who won a bronze medal in sambo as the UB alumni bemoaned the plight of the sambo squad which was formed only in June of last year and immediately sent to compete in Malaysia without any allowance.
"Sana ma-receive na rin yung allowance namin,” she added.
Aclopen said there are three of them --including Marianne Mariano and Nino Lucero Mondejar-- who need to be given monetary returns.
In an earlier statement, Ramirez apologized for the delay which he said was caused by their decision to withdraw the PSC’s remaining PHP400 million fund to help the SEAG Organizing Committee pay some of its broadcasting expenses.
The athletes, he said, will be receiving the cash incentives promised by President Rodrigo Duterte to all SEAG medalists during the athletes' party in December last year on February 3.
The Duterte bonus will see gold medal winners pocketing PHP250,000 for each gold, while silver and bronze medalists will get PHP150,000 and PHP100,000, respectively.
The SEAG medalists were also able to receive PHP300,00, PHP150,000, and PHP60,000 for a gold, silver, and bronze, aside from the incentives they will receive from Manny V. Pangilinan Sports Foundation and Philippine Olympic Committee president Abraham “Bambol” Tolentino.
Dancesport two golds and silver medalist Stephanie Sabalo and partner Angelo Marquez are expected to receive PHP1 million for their performance. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "40 SEAG medalists from CAR to get cash bonus." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1091888 (accessed January 25, 2020 at 03:32AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "40 SEAG medalists from CAR to get cash bonus." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1091888 (archived).
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Your Monday Morning Roundup
My goodness.
Very few people (Kyle) thought the Eagles could pull off the upset against the Rams, despite the Eagles having a ton of players on IR and no Carson Wentz due to a fractured vertebra. But somehow they did. And Nick Foles returned to his form from a year ago despite the Birds being a 13.5 point underdog for a 30-23 shocker of a victory in LA. It was Philly’s largest upset win since 1995.
He went 24-of-31 for 270 yards and an interception, which doesn’t look like anything special. But that’s why you watch games and not look at boxscores. It was the second time the Birds scored at least 30 points all year.
Kevin will have more with his takeaways later this morning. But for now, enjoy it.
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The Roundup:
The Flyers couldn’t pull off miracles this weekend, losing to the Oilers 4-1 and to the Canucks the following night 5-1. The team has lost four straight.
Head coach Dave Hakstol could possibly lose his job. Anthony reports that a change could be made today. Other reports suggest the Flyers are hiring Joel Quenneville as his replacement, but the Flyers have done nothing so far and plan on having Hakstol run practice today. So we have that.
The Flyers host Detroit on Tuesday.
It was a so-so weekend for the Sixers. Despite Joel Embiid putting up 40 points and 21 rebounds, the Sixers fell short against the Pacers Friday night. But they did pick things up with a win over the Cavaliers yesterday with Jimmy Butler back and Ben Simmons putting up a triple-double.
Brett Brown reportedly spent a ton of time with Embiid after he said he was unhappy with his role.
Ownership is reportedly split on trading Markelle Fultz.
They view his becoming a star for another team worse than him remaining a Sixer and continuing to struggle. Former general manager Bryan Colangelo, who drafted Fultz, would get the blame in the latter scenario. However, the front-office holdovers and ownership group would have to look at themselves in the mirror if they trade Fultz for next to nothing and he goes on to become the star they thought he was going to be when they drafted him.
Perhaps that’s why, at this time, the Sixers are unwilling to settle for just any deal.
A league source said the Sixers don’t want to part ways with Fultz unless a first-round pick is packaged in a deal for him. And they’re not talking about a late first-rounder, either.
League executives believe the Sixers will settle for less as it gets closer to the Feb. 7 trade deadline, because there really isn’t a trade market for Fultz right now. There’s too much skepticism surrounding his shooting woes and his shoulder issues.
They’re in San Antonio tonight to take on the Spurs. Tip-off is at 8:30 PM on NBC Sports Philadelphia.
Manny Machado will stop in Philadelphia later this week. He’ll also visit the White Sox.
In college hoops:
Top-ranked Kansas just edged Villanova 74-71 inside Allen Fieldhouse.
Quinton Rose’s steal and lay-up late in overtime helped Temple get past Davidson 77-75 in overtime in the Air Force Reserve Boardwalk Classic in Atlantic City.
Alihan Demir put up a career-high 26 points off the bench as Drexel beat Quinnipiac 92-83.
The Union signed Brazilian forward Sergio Santos.
The Wings lost their first game against the Buffalo Bandits 17-15.
In other sports news, the Bears clinched the NFC North, while Jalen Ramsey has no love for Doug Marrone in Jacksonville.
James Dolan might sell the Knicks if the offer is right.
In the news, Vernon Odom retired after 42 years with 6ABC and Action News.
Google began a $1 billion expansion in New York City.
The post Your Monday Morning Roundup appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Your Monday Morning Roundup published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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Closing Bell: On This Day - July 31st
Since the first two people had the first two things there began talk of trading the things for each other. The barter system grew and expanded, eventually becoming the backbone of entire economies until paper currency came around and took the run out of it. Thankfully pro sports still allow for the barbaric movement of people in trade for other, younger people or simply cash considerations.
As it is July 31st we’ve reached the MLB trade deadline which passed a couple hours ago, I hope your teams’ pursuits of able bodied men was fruitful. Let’s revisit some of the notable deals of the past and declare winners and losers.
1989 - On the same day the Blue Jays pick Lee Mazzilli off waivers from the Mets, they trade reliever Jeff Musselman and minor league pitching prospect Mike Brady in exchange for Mookie Wilson, who was made expendable when New York obtained Juan Samuel from Philadelphia. After a slow start, Toronto's new outfielder will play a key role in the team's return to the postseason for the first time since 1985, batting .298 in 54 games.
WINNER: Canada LOSER: Me for thinking this was a good idea and ending up with this as the first deal I found.
1995 - The Mets trade former two-time Cy Young Award winner right-handed pitcher Bret Saberhagen and left-handed pitcher farmhand Dave Swanson (the player to be named later) to the Rockies for righties Juan Acevedo and Arnold Gooch.
WINNER: Anyone getting traded from the Mets. LOSER: This dude here named Gooch who’s named Gooch every day of his life regardless of which team he plays for.
1996 - The Tigers deal first baseman Cecil Fielder to the Yankees for outfielder Ruben Sierra and minor league prospect Matt Drews. It is the first swap in major league history in which two players with more than 220 home runs are traded for one another.
WINNER: The Tigers beat writer who was happy to have something to write about other than Tigers games. LOSER: New York City buffet owners.
1997 - In a deal that will have a major impact on the team's future, the Red Sox obtain Jason Varitek and Derek Lowe when they trade Heathcliff Slocumb to the Mariners. Varitek, who will become Boston's third captain in franchise history, will contribute to the club's success in the next decade, including the world championships in 2004 and 2007.
WINNER: As has been the case since the team’s inception, not the Mariners. LOSER: As has been the case since the team’s inception, the Mariners.
1997 - The A's trade Mark McGwire to the Cardinals for Eric Ludwick, T.J. Mathews, and Blake Stein, a trio of hurlers who will combine for just 30 victories with Oakland. The Redbirds' new first baseman, whose accomplishments will be tainted by the speculation of his use of PEDs, hits an amazing 220 home runs in the 545 games he plays with St. Louis.
WINNER: McDonald’s advertising. LOSER: The trio of hurlers so awful nationalpastime.com couldn’t be bothered to type out their names.
2001 - The Red Sox acquire Expos' reliever Ugueth Urbina for two minor league pitchers, Tomo Ohka and Rich Rundles. The hard throwing closer was nearly traded to the Yankees earlier in the season, but the deal was nixed when the Caracas, Venezuela native failed a physical.
WINNER: Everyone in this trade Ugueth Urbina didn’t threaten with a machete. LOSER: I know pitcher win-loss records don’t tell the whole story, but Tomo Ohka was a real fuckin’ loser.
2004 - The long anticipated trade of Nomar Garciaparra is finally accomplished when the Red Sox shortstop is traded to the Cubs as part of a four-team deal which includes the Twins and Expos. Boston acquires shortstop Orlando Cabrera (Expos) and first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz (Twins) with Nomar, prospect Matt Murton and cash to Chicago, which had shipped minor league southpaw Justin Jones to the Minnesota for Mientkiewicz, who in turn is sent along with Cubs' shortstop Alex Gonzalez, relief pitcher Francis Beltran, and minor leaguer Brendan Harris to Beantown, which sends the trio of Gonzalez, Beltran, and Harris to the Expos for Cabrera.
WINNER: America because the 2004 Cubs famously collapsed the final week of the season and missed the postseason. LOSER: The Cubs.
2004 - Ten minutes prior to the trading deadline, Steve Finley gives the Diamondbacks permission to deal him to the Dodgers. The trade sends the four-time Gold Glove center fielder and backstop Brent Mayne to LA for minor league catching prospect Koyie Hill, flycatcher Reggie Abercrombie, and southpaw Bill Murphy, who was acquired in yesterday's trade with the Marlins.
WINNER: Jesus, who cares. LOSER: Really, who fucking cares.
2006 - The Dodgers trade infielder Cesar Izturis to the Cubs for 300-game winner Greg Maddux. The last minute deadline deal, in which the future Hall of Famer waived his no-trade clause, gives the 40 year-old hurler an opportunity to go to a contender.
WINNER: Leaving the Cubs is one of the great joys in life, so Greg Maddux. LOSER: The Cubs.
2007 - Elvis Andrus and Jarrod Saltalamacchia, along with three minor league pitchers, Matt Harrison, Neftali Feliz, and Beau Jones, are traded by the Braves to the Rangers in exchange for Mark Teixeira and Ron Mahay. The trading deadline deal will help build the foundation for Texas' success in the coming seasons, with Andrus and Feliz playing important roles on the American League champions teams in 2010 and 2011.
WINNER: I’m at a loss on how to snark this one, the Rangers killed this one. LOSER: People who still do the Tomahawk Chop.
2008 - In a three-team swap, the much anticipated departure of Manny Ramirez from Beantown is finally accomplished with the unhappy outfielder being traded to the Dodgers. Former Pirates player Jason Bay will now roam left field for the Red Sox, with Pittsburgh receiving outfielder Brandon Moss and pitcher Craig Hansen from Boston as well as getting third baseman Andy LaRoche and right-hander Bryan Morris from Los Angeles to complete the last-minute trading deadline deal.
WINNER: America, with Manny in the fold the Dodgers swept the top-seeded Cubs in that year’s NLDS. LOSER: The Cubs.
2009 - In a stunning last-minute deal, the White Sox obtain Jake Peavy from the Padres for four pitching prospects, Clayton Richard, Aaron Poreda, Dexter Carter, and Adam Russell. The 2007 NL Cy Young Award winner, presently on the disabled list, had previously refused to waive his no-trade clause to join Chicago in a similar deal proposed in May.
WINNER: The doctor who got to boast to his pals at the country club about his daring new procedure to re-attach a muscle in Peavy’s back that just ripped right fucking off because the human body and baseball are gross. LOSER: The return really turned out to be a steaming pile of pony loaf the Padres got for their ace. The universe was made even though when the Sox gave up the current #2 prospect in all of baseball for fucking James Shields.
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WASHINGTON — Juan Soto finished a round of batting practice here Saturday and when he stepped out of the cage, he deliberately pantomimed the finish to his swing, the sort of thing you see from veterans but rarely from teenagers. Soto is a 19-year-old with unusual maturity, someone who already has an understanding of the strike zone and how his own mind works best — that for him, obsessive video study can clutter the brain.
Soto looks like he’s going to be around a long time with the Nationals. Max Scherzer is right in the middle of what might turn out to be the best long-term contract for a pitcher, because he appears to be the reigning Best Pitcher On The Planet with no end to his reign in sight; he threw his bullpen session Saturday in full game uniform, in keeping with Scherzer’s belief that you should practice the way you play.
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Shortstop Trea Turner is 24, talented starting pitcher Erick Fedde is 25, third baseman Anthony Rendon is 28, outfielder Michael Taylor 27. Washington holds club options on 31-year-old closer Sean Doolittle for 2019 and 2020.
The national narrative on the Nationals has been that 2018 is the last year of their window of championship opportunity, particularly with Bryce Harper headed into free agency in the fall and the Braves and the Phillies on the ascent in the NL East. But with Soto, Scherzer and the others tied to Washington beyond this season, it seems inevitable that the Nationals will continue to contend regardless of whether Harper stays.
Harper’s tortured performance seems to have eased just a bit in recent days, with the quality of his plate appearances improving and the promise of a second-half surge hovering. It’s unclear whether he’ll bounce back, and how his first-half slump will impact his free agency and the chances of his return to the Nationals.
Harper is hitting .212 with 19 homers and a .353 on-base percentage, and executives with other teams offered some early speculation this week that a down year for Harper could increase the chances he returns to the Nationals — because they understand Harper more than other teams, and understand that in those periods when he eases the paralytic pressure he places on himself, he is a dynamic force. Since Harper began his career, there has been an expectation that he would approach a record-setting contract in free agency.
But some executives wonder if Harper’s 2018 struggles continue, a better option could be to take a shorter-team deal with an opt-out, to give Harper a mulligan and another launch year; after all, Harper is only 25 years old. “That could work for him, and for the Nationals,” said one evaluator.
News from around the major leagues
As Orioles lefty Zach Britton lingered in the trade market last summer, the Dodgers and the Astros were among the teams that felt as if they wasted a lot of time talking with the Orioles — because in their view, Baltimore struggles with the process. The Orioles have a different perspective on this, predictably, with some club officials believing that in the end, they assessed the question of whether the offers on the table were worthwhile and decided to keep Britton. But because of how those conversations played out, some rival executives say they won’t actively engage the Orioles — rather, they’ll wait for the Orioles to come to them with hard proposals.
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Evaluators with other teams say Baltimore isn’t really pushing any Manny Machado trade talk yet. It may be that in order for the Orioles to get solid return on Machado, a major injury to a contender is needed, because there are so many left-side infielders available and so few teams seemingly looking for a third baseman or a shortstop. Unless some team steps up aggressively to take Machado off the board, in the way that the Nationals moved aggressively on Kelvin Herrera, the Orioles could go into the last days before the trade deadline without significant offers on Machado. They could be left with the same choice that the Rangers had with Yu Darvish last summer: Take 60 cents on the dollar in value, or keep the player and get nothing more than a compensation draft pick.
“I’m not convinced [the Orioles] will actually trade him,” said one rival exec, “because I don’t know how attractive the offers will be.”
The Phillies have been rumored to be interested in Machado for the stretch drive, but it could be more likely that they’ll pursue him in free agency and try to fill need this summer with someone like Mike Moustakas.
• Nick Pivetta starts for the Phillies on Sunday Night Baseball, and he’s among the fastest-working pitchers in baseball, averaging about 22 seconds between deliveries. Pivetta explained that when he attended New Mexico Junior College, his head coach encouraged his pitchers to work fast, and if they didn’t, pitching coach Matthew Torrez would yell loudly, “THIS GAME IS BORING.” And the pitchers got the message.
Pivetta’s curveball is one of the best in the majors in its effectiveness — the value of his curve runs parallel to those of Justin Verlander and Aaron Nola — and he is throwing more and more of them. Pivetta used a conventional grip for his curveball, but when he went to a spike curve, the spin rate on the pitch improved markedly. … Pivetta grew up in Canada but was never interested in hockey, with its early-morning practices, and instead was always drawn to baseball.
• The Nationals made the first big strike of the summer trade market by adding Royals closer Kelvin Herrera. Washington acquired big bullpen pieces in the past, but this has caused clubhouse tension repeatedly for the Nationals — like when they added Jonathan Papelbon to replace Drew Storen as the closer. Given the generous personalities involved this year — Sean Doolittle, Ryan Madson, Herrera — there will not be a scrap over roles. … Herrera believes that his excellent command this season was built on the additional workouts he did during the winter. A long, ascending road leads to Herrera’s home in the Dominican Republic, and twice a week last winter, he would do a series of sprints up that road.
• The Phillies’ Odubel Herrera has been among the hottest hitters in baseball, clubbing a home run in five consecutive games during the past week. He probably leads the league in social interaction during his at-bats, often pausing to chat with the plate umpire between pitches — and each of Herrera’s plate appearances is like a separate chapter in each game, because he averages an MLB-high 29.5 seconds between pitches.
• The American League is all but fully declared in the separation of buyers and sellers, with an enormous gap between the best and worst teams. Because of that, some executives of NL and AL contenders expect that there will be a high volume of veterans available, especially in dollar dumps. “A lot of the deals that go down will be about saving two months’ worth of salary,” said one evaluator.
• Some NL officials believe that the Diamondbacks will be among the most aggressive teams before the trade deadline, because their window of opportunity could begin to close after this season. A.J. Pollock and Patrick Corbin will be free agents this winter, Paul Goldschmidt is eligible to hit the market after the 2019 season, and Mike Hazen’s front office is early in the process of rebuilding the farm system. “This might be their best chance for a while to win the [NL West],” said one evaluator.
• Union chief Tony Clark was roundly criticized by agents before and after the last collective bargaining negotiations because they felt he did not seek their feedback in suggestions and strategy — and instead, shut them out, before agreeing to a deal in which the union seemed to cede major ground to the owners. In recent months, with player unhappiness percolating, the union leadership has given signals that it wants to hear more from the agents.
• Mike Trout has compiled more than 1,000 games in his career, and countless kudos for the way he plays. Torii Hunter, Trout’s mentor and former teammate, refers to him as … The Digger, because of the divots he leaves as he’s sprinting to first base. Because Trout is so big, at about 240 pounds, and so fast and runs with such intensity every time, Hunter says that The Digger leaves the deepest divots of any player in baseball.
Baseball Tonight Podcast
A special Call To The Legends with Hall of Famer Pedro Martinez, who explains his philosophy about pitching inside and why he wasn’t afraid to retaliate, and his lingering questions about why he was left off voter ballots.
Friday: Karl Ravech on Manny Machado’s trade value and Mike Trout; Jessica Mendoza on Bryce Harper and Juan Soto; Marly Rivera about the Mets and Yoenis Cespedes.
Thursday: Phillies play-by-play man Scott Franzke on the team’s ascent, and the question of whether they’ll target Manny Machado in free agency; Sarah Langs plays The Numbers Game, with some great Trout notes on the eve of his career game No. 1,000; and Boog Sciambi on hyphenated pitching batteries, Giancarlo’s big moment and Trout.
Wednesday: Nationals GM Mike Rizzo on the Kelvin Herrera trade, Juan Soto’s plate discipline and the struggles of Bryce Harper; Jerry Crasnick on the dust-up between the Giants and Marlins, and the future of Mike Trout; and Paul Hembekides on why the Astros might be a lot better than anybody realizes.
Tuesday: Keith Law on the Kelvin Herrera trade; Seattle Times beat writer Ryan Divish about the surprising first half of the Mariners; Sarah Langs and The Numbers Game.
Monday: A conversation with Joe Maddon; Tim Kurkjian on the Astros’ win streak and a great Home Run Derby idea; Todd Radom’s weekly quiz.
And today will be better than yesterday.
via The Trump Debacle
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Mommy And Child Constructing.
To start with, the Viewers's Digest write-up performed open my eyes somehow to just how a mother-in-law may feel. Maybe your mother is actually the pompous kind, certainly never leaving you a min to breathe, or follow up on your very own. In my maturity I might not keep in mind being actually hugged by my mama as well as I certainly never discovered how to touch her like ordinary kids carry out. That would be actually unnatural to reveal devotion and so I never learned to embrace her. Her mama and also stepfather had offered just for Joan's bodily requirements however not her psychological requirements. The 2nd rule returns a time when the new bride's mother could possibly indicate her unhappiness at her little girl's marriage by putting on the different colors from grieving. I am actually the glad mom of 2 children that were actually detected along with Autism Spectrum Condition a handful of years ago. Effectively, during the course of mom's time, it is a typical instance that people send out valuable presents to their respective mom as thankfulness for all the important things she carried out and for the reparations she made. His mommy had been locked up twice; once, for supposedly getting well-being while operating, and also the 2nd time for attempting to refute your house of Gardner's abusive stepfather. Therefore to become effective as a solitary mom you must possess a collection of parenting pointers for each and every team. If acknowledged early, click the following post mother can service altering her actions and also attitude toward her son to become much less important as well as extra helpful. And like a hunter that cannot hang around to extol the 12-point money he had, my mother will certainly tell anybody which'll listen regarding the $300 sweater she received for $80. Manny's mommy protested his ambitions to come to be a fighter - thus, the boy went responsible for her back to deal with as well as educate. There was actually a reddish plush footstool in the very best parlour, on which my mommy had actually painted a nosegay. Accounts from Mother Teresa, in addition to her possessions displayed with treatment, bring in one think a close distance with the small Mama. She may still like her mama a little more and if that is not therefore, that falls to my wife to choose a self-contemplation why ca n`t she be actually still enjoyed a little more! Obviously, your mama likes your dad dearly, however she additionally must enjoy some peace and quiet all her own as well as look after herself.
Freud examined a five years of age young boy called Hans who, he had concluded, intended to have sexual relations with his mommy. When little ones reside in their infant stage some might function difficult as well as react in a negative way to this is actually atmosphere, however a mom must prep herself effectively to cope with such circumstances.
0 notes
Your Monday Morning Roundup
My goodness.
Very few people (Kyle) thought the Eagles could pull off the upset against the Rams, despite the Eagles having a ton of players on IR and no Carson Wentz due to a fractured vertebra. But somehow they did. And Nick Foles returned to his form from a year ago despite the Birds being a 13.5 point underdog for a 30-23 shocker of a victory in LA. It was Philly’s largest upset win since 1995.
He went 24-of-31 for 270 yards and an interception, which doesn’t look like anything special. But that’s why you watch games and not look at boxscores. It was the second time the Birds scored at least 30 points all year.
Kevin will have more with his takeaways later this morning. But for now, enjoy it.
Before we continue, a word from our sponsors:
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Fresh. The best meal delivery service, without question. Sign up for Hello Fresh now and get $40 off your first two boxes.
Amazon. If you shop Amazon, support your favorite website and use our link.
The Roundup:
The Flyers couldn’t pull off miracles this weekend, losing to the Oilers 4-1 and to the Canucks the following night 5-1. The team has lost four straight.
Head coach Dave Hakstol could possibly lose his job. Anthony reports that a change could be made today. Other reports suggest the Flyers are hiring Joel Quenneville as his replacement, but the Flyers have done nothing so far and plan on having Hakstol run practice today. So we have that.
The Flyers host Detroit on Tuesday.
It was a so-so weekend for the Sixers. Despite Joel Embiid putting up 40 points and 21 rebounds, the Sixers fell short against the Pacers Friday night. But they did pick things up with a win over the Cavaliers yesterday with Jimmy Butler back and Ben Simmons putting up a triple-double.
Brett Brown reportedly spent a ton of time with Embiid after he said he was unhappy with his role.
Ownership is reportedly split on trading Markelle Fultz.
They view his becoming a star for another team worse than him remaining a Sixer and continuing to struggle. Former general manager Bryan Colangelo, who drafted Fultz, would get the blame in the latter scenario. However, the front-office holdovers and ownership group would have to look at themselves in the mirror if they trade Fultz for next to nothing and he goes on to become the star they thought he was going to be when they drafted him.
Perhaps that’s why, at this time, the Sixers are unwilling to settle for just any deal.
A league source said the Sixers don’t want to part ways with Fultz unless a first-round pick is packaged in a deal for him. And they’re not talking about a late first-rounder, either.
League executives believe the Sixers will settle for less as it gets closer to the Feb. 7 trade deadline, because there really isn’t a trade market for Fultz right now. There’s too much skepticism surrounding his shooting woes and his shoulder issues.
They’re in San Antonio tonight to take on the Spurs. Tip-off is at 8:30 PM on NBC Sports Philadelphia.
Manny Machado will stop in Philadelphia later this week. He’ll also visit the White Sox.
In college hoops:
Top-ranked Kansas just edged Villanova 74-71 inside Allen Fieldhouse.
Quinton Rose’s steal and lay-up late in overtime helped Temple get past Davidson 77-75 in overtime in the Air Force Reserve Boardwalk Classic in Atlantic City.
Alihan Demir put up a career-high 26 points off the bench as Drexel beat Quinnipiac 92-83.
The Union signed Brazilian forward Sergio Santos.
The Wings lost their first game against the Buffalo Bandits 17-15.
In other sports news, the Bears clinched the NFC North, while Jalen Ramsey has no love for Doug Marrone in Jacksonville.
James Dolan might sell the Knicks if the offer is right.
In the news, Vernon Odom retired after 42 years with 6ABC and Action News.
Google began a $1 billion expansion in New York City.
The post Your Monday Morning Roundup appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Your Monday Morning Roundup published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
Your Monday Morning Roundup
My goodness.
Very few people (Kyle) thought the Eagles could pull off the upset against the Rams, despite the Eagles having a ton of players on IR and no Carson Wentz due to a fractured vertebra. But somehow they did. And Nick Foles returned to his form from a year ago despite the Birds being a 13.5 point underdog for a 30-23 shocker of a victory in LA. It was Philly’s largest upset win since 1995.
He went 24-of-31 for 270 yards and an interception, which doesn’t look like anything special. But that’s why you watch games and not look at boxscores. It was the second time the Birds scored at least 30 points all year.
Kevin will have more with his takeaways later this morning. But for now, enjoy it.
Before we continue, a word from our sponsors:
Legal. Check out Krasno, Krasno and Onwudinjo when you need a workers’ compensation or social security attorney.
Holiday shopping. Need something for the holidays? Shop now.
Fresh. The best meal delivery service, without question. Sign up for Hello Fresh now and get $40 off your first two boxes.
Amazon. If you shop Amazon, support your favorite website and use our link.
The Roundup:
The Flyers couldn’t pull off miracles this weekend, losing to the Oilers 4-1 and to the Canucks the following night 5-1. The team has lost four straight.
Head coach Dave Hakstol could possibly lose his job. Anthony reports that a change could be made today. Other reports suggest the Flyers are hiring Joel Quenneville as his replacement, but the Flyers have done nothing so far and plan on having Hakstol run practice today. So we have that.
The Flyers host Detroit on Tuesday.
It was a so-so weekend for the Sixers. Despite Joel Embiid putting up 40 points and 21 rebounds, the Sixers fell short against the Pacers Friday night. But they did pick things up with a win over the Cavaliers yesterday with Jimmy Butler back and Ben Simmons putting up a triple-double.
Brett Brown reportedly spent a ton of time with Embiid after he said he was unhappy with his role.
Ownership is reportedly split on trading Markelle Fultz.
They view his becoming a star for another team worse than him remaining a Sixer and continuing to struggle. Former general manager Bryan Colangelo, who drafted Fultz, would get the blame in the latter scenario. However, the front-office holdovers and ownership group would have to look at themselves in the mirror if they trade Fultz for next to nothing and he goes on to become the star they thought he was going to be when they drafted him.
Perhaps that’s why, at this time, the Sixers are unwilling to settle for just any deal.
A league source said the Sixers don’t want to part ways with Fultz unless a first-round pick is packaged in a deal for him. And they’re not talking about a late first-rounder, either.
League executives believe the Sixers will settle for less as it gets closer to the Feb. 7 trade deadline, because there really isn’t a trade market for Fultz right now. There’s too much skepticism surrounding his shooting woes and his shoulder issues.
They’re in San Antonio tonight to take on the Spurs. Tip-off is at 8:30 PM on NBC Sports Philadelphia.
Manny Machado will stop in Philadelphia later this week. He’ll also visit the White Sox.
In college hoops:
Top-ranked Kansas just edged Villanova 74-71 inside Allen Fieldhouse.
Quinton Rose’s steal and lay-up late in overtime helped Temple get past Davidson 77-75 in overtime in the Air Force Reserve Boardwalk Classic in Atlantic City.
Alihan Demir put up a career-high 26 points off the bench as Drexel beat Quinnipiac 92-83.
The Union signed Brazilian forward Sergio Santos.
The Wings lost their first game against the Buffalo Bandits 17-15.
In other sports news, the Bears clinched the NFC North, while Jalen Ramsey has no love for Doug Marrone in Jacksonville.
James Dolan might sell the Knicks if the offer is right.
In the news, Vernon Odom retired after 42 years with 6ABC and Action News.
Google began a $1 billion expansion in New York City.
The post Your Monday Morning Roundup appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Your Monday Morning Roundup published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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