#manifesting him in tonight’s ep
bucksboobs · 15 days
911 please show me The Big Gay. You know the one. The Big One. Who is Gay. The Gay that is Big. The Big Gay.
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osiris-iii-bc · 8 months
Terzo Emeritus, the unlikely vampire.
I have extended the clumsy-vampire Terzo concept a bit… It MAY be the start of something 👀
>> Ep. I: AO3 or down here 👇🏻
>> Ep II: Tumblr, AO3
>> Ep III: Tumblr, AO3
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It isn’t a mystery that a vampire lives in the Ministry.
Terzo Emeritus is a well-known figure, and in all those years, he apparently hadn’t caused any serious incidents. All you know about him is that he is just there, playing little pranks to the nuns every now and then, hunting with the ghouls - well, you later discovered that he just waits for them to arrive with the prey, sitting on a cloth with sunglasses on somewhere in the forest - and tormenting his brothers. That is all.
You remember the other Sisters saying that he is harmless and a little awkward, but that he rarely manifests himself in the daytime, but yet… you started to see him a bit too often as days passed.
You first noticed him in the garden, attempting to conceal himself among the foliage. His movements were anything but graceful, and his attempts at camouflage were completely ineffective. 
Then, you caught him standing outside the window of the library, waving shyly at you. You turned around to make sure there wasn’t anyone else he was waving at, but when you came back at him, he was just gone.
There was a day when he suddenly appeared, behind the corner of a wall, with a playful "buh" to startle you. It was clear he lacked the sinister intentions you would usually associate with vampires, and instead, his antics seemed more like those of an awkward child seeking attention. He just ran away chuckling, even though failing to scare you.
You tried to investigate with your Sisters if either or not that was normal behavior by him, and they just told you that they didn’t see him so frequently. For some reason you couldn’t really put a finger on, you couldn't help but smile at that confirmation, accepting to see him as a familiar, but yet silent, presence accompanying your routines at the Ministry. You became so used to those little apparitions that you started to feel sad when some days you didn’t see him.
One day, you watched from a distance as Terzo fled from Primo’s greenhouse, all covered in a black hoodie, his hood completely covering his head and face, only the sunglasses sticking out. He seemed to cradle something under the hoodie, while an irate Primo pursued him brandishing his cane.
Later that day, you found a wilted rose on your classroom desk. Once again, you found yourself smiling thinking it was him.
Tonight, just as you are about to blow out the candles of your bedroom, you hear a strange rustling outside. Too scared to approach the window, you just reach the first thing you find near you: a brush.
To your surprise and confusion, someone is attempting to enter your room through the window. The intruder’s cape seems to be caught on something, causing him to lose balance and tumble into your room, landing with a loud thud on the floor.
"Terzo!" you exclaim, once you recognize him, and you rush to his side. "Are you ok?"
He groans, his face buried in the fabric of his cape. "I'm fine!" he mumbles, his voice slightly muffled.
You kneel beside him, gently helping him untangle himself from his own cape. With a patient sigh, you carefully work to unravel the fabric.
When finally freed, looking all disheveled, he offers you a defiant smirk. Even if he is probably unable to blush, you still can see the signs of embarrassment that he tries to hide by acting like nothing had happened.
"Thank you," he says softly, his gaze meeting yours. "Sorry if I scared you, but, uhm… it was the purpose of it."
You can't help but chuckle at the sight before you. Despite his clumsiness, there is something fascinating about him. Now that you can see him this close, without glasses, you can clearly see the features of his face. He wears a black and white corpse paint that seems to accentuate the angles of his face. His eyes - one green and one white - are encircled by a smudged outline of black paint, the same paint traced along his cheeks and the curve of his upper lip. His dark hair, usually slicked back, now frame his face with escaped locks. Nothing you haven’t noticed before, but you just realize how undeniably pretty he looks. "It's all right, Terzo." you reassure him. "Just be more careful next time, okay?"
He nods, a strange light shining in his eyes. “Next time…?” He asks, quite surprised, but before you can say anything more, he is already on the window again, still slightly embarrassed by that failure. "I will. And, um, thank you for helping me. Goodnight."
You smile sweetly, your heart a bit more tender. Then, as you suddenly remembered something important, you call him again. “Ah, Terzo?” and he stops in time to turn to you, “Next time, please, just knock at the door, ok?”
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iguessitsjustme · 2 months
I Saw You In My Dream Ep 5&6 Thoughts
Ya know. Some days you find yourself caught in a thunderstorm with sopping wet shoes, a full bladder, wasted CTA fare, and nothing but sheer willpower to get yourself home. Did that happen to me today? Don’t worry about it. I had the world’s teeniest umbrella. Pray for my shoes. Anyhway, I got home earlier than I expected so I can watch at least one episode tonight! Yay! I might even be able to catch up entirely. At which point I start my NEXT liveblog because I’m having fun with this. As always, under the cut:
I am very curious about why Ai is scared of the dark. I cannot wait to learn more. Mmmm delicious delicious backstory trauma is waiting for me.
Also that dream seemed terrifying. Well…nightmare. I too would have woken up screaming. 
His trauma…is getting stuck…in the bathroom…in the dark? I must say. I could not have predicted that but it makes a lot of sense. Yu also being the cause makes sense. Yu was a bit of a shithead at first. But that would definitely be traumatizing.
Yu with the good advice. It’s okay not to have a dream.
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Obsessed with this lighting. Just look at it.
Ooooo a different trauma was the cause of the fear of the dark. I love this show.
Well how am I NOT going to mention the fact that the reason that Ai is scared of the dark is because he trapped himself in a literal closet and now he’s afraid of the future and scared of what awaits him and burying his feelings for Yu so deep that they’re manifesting themselves in prophetic dreams. I mean I have to mention being trapped in the closet.
Sksjhgkjdg Ai sent Yu food. Those gay thoughts have permeated. It’s too late to go back now. Ai is in love with Yu and just hasn’t figured it out yet.
Badminton man’s name is Wann. Are we about to get a love triangle? What’s going on?
Yesssss Yu watching Ai give out his contact information is good. Yes. Very good. Also I noticed that Ai reached very far across to give it to him. Didn’t move any closer. Stayed as far away as he could. Poor badminton man.
What I like about this show is at its surface it seems like Yu is a lot more mature and confident than Ai but then the show gives you flashes of Yu being immature or  insecure and you’re reminded that he’s not that much different than Ai. Those two balance each other very well. Ai is mature in ways that Yu is not and confident in ways that Yu is not. And vice versa. It’s very refreshing to see. They complement each other perfectly.
Also this was short so I’m gonna throw episode 6 in here too. Staying up late isn’t a great idea but it’s the choice I’ve made.
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Yu is ready to murder Yo. He just wanted to go on a little vacation with Ai but alas. He could not admit that so now his brother is tagging along and also planning it. But I have little doubt that some sort of romantic tension and hijinks will ensue.
Why am I getting the weird arrangement of that lullaby again? There’s no sleeping currently happening.
OH. Ai was dreaming. About Yu tripping and bonking his head real bad. I get it Yu. Me too.
BADMINTON MAN. Oh poor poor Yu. It was supposed to be a trip for just him and Ai and now here comes this other man that’s got a crush on Ai. Get it together Yu. Ya gotta get it together. Ai already loves you. I mean he doesn’t know it yet, but he might if you say something about your feelings that I KNOW you have. I know it. With my soul. My entire being.
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A man in love.
Also I have mixed feelings on the “I’ll drink it for them” trope but I like it here.
Drunken confession my beloved. Ing, I’m so proud of you baby. I don’t know what the outcome of this confession will be, but whatever it is, it will be better.
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You dumbass
Waan I swear to god. Put that guitar away. I swear on GOD I will lose my mind. Put that thing back where it came from.
Waan I used to like you.
Stop this.
I suffer.
If you’re gonna do this. At least. Hit. The notes.
Man I wish I wasn’t caught up cause I want to keep going but alas. I am now caught up. But new episode tomorrow! I think. Yay!
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anonymouslylovesyou · 3 months
Season 2 ep 2 @whoblewboobear
Kate vs Anthony let's fucking goo
Christ what a line of suitors
You know they'll be a power couple
Colin is back! Hope he shaves
Benedict agrees <3
Both Edwinda and the guy sitting next to Kate are desperately trying to keep them from fighting but alas
Fully stole Edwindas actual escorts lemonade
Kate has high Intimidation I know it
Crazy to see them fencing bc I know at least half those moves from my stage combat class. I'm out here like oh they are doing that instead of this so they can concentrate on the actor speaking or oh they should have blocked like this instead of that. They are also going so so slow neither of you should be losing you can literally see it coming
Colin: maybe pick someone who's family likes you more??
Anthony: AND LOSE???
Benedict: *falls backwards when Anthony goes for his 5*
Me: I simply wouldn't have done that
I like that a lot of the Simon/Daphne back and forth is present in this relationship but it manifests so far much more aggressively
Bro did you fully buy the horse bc she said it reminded her of an old one
And the immediate way he is brought down for it
If he wants Kate to stop winning has he considered not being wrong?
If Kate was allowed to flip him off in that moment
Christ that's a lot of ppl in that small room
Eloise Kate friendship!!!!!
Edwinda is so nice!
He's not lonely bc he was writing to you babe!! Even if he doesn't realize it yet <3
Fucking Cressida back again, hate herrr
Bullying Byron in this Chili's tonight
At least he immediately fessed up. And said something beautiful and true
Anthony wins this round....
Penelope expert haggler
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altschmerzes · 2 years
Thoughts on the new episode???????? There were SO many jamie feels tonight
LET'S GOOOOO okay it's Thoughts Hour here at chez gav altschmerzes [cracks knuckes]
there SURE WERE and once again we get a disorganized bullet point mess of My ThoughtsTM
first off, i did indeed enjoy it in cosymode once more and this will be a recurring ritual. cannot recommend it more highly. cosymode my beloved. really enhances the experience even if it does mean i get Imprisoned By A Creature as soon as the episode ends (climbed on by my cat)
we still don't know what zava's first name is. it is still distracting me.
oh my gd all the stuff with colin in this episode was absolutely brutal. i have a..... Hard Time with narratives around being closeted just on a personal emotional level but overall i'm like, invested as hell and i love that they went this direction with him. BOY it'll be interesting to see how they handle it going forward. juxtaposing the two moments he has with isaac in this episode, the "haha that's a little gay" comment that obviously hit hard and then that sincere like, checking on him, you're gonna be alright, thing later was like. damn. damn, damn. that hit.
also - when shandy said that thing about saying something shocking in an interview i was like oh no oh boy oh no Oh Boy- colin, honey-
something is. Up. with shandy. i don't know what or how it's gonna manifest but. something is up there and idk what. there's the same sort of tense feeling to her scenes as there are with keeley's company scenes. something's on the horizon.....
also i have to believe that trent isn't going to out colin, for the record. i just don't think he's gonna do that. i have reasons, but i don't think i even really need reasons, i think it's just..... i don't think it's particularly likely even.
speaking of zava, when i said last week that i was either gonna be riveted or i was gonna want this guy outta my face right now? IT IS BOTH, IT TURNS OUT. i do not like him. i think he's bad news and i think he's like, bad news in a very insidious way. i feel like...... it was fine in this episode - again, this is a comedy, i am aware of the genre and what it encompasses - but if this like. everyone's sycophantic adoration of him stretches on much longer it's gonna grate on me real bad. this was probably the episode where i had the most acute awareness that i was Watching A Comedy than any other episode, i had to do more like, averting my eyes and trying not to fast forward in this ep than in any of the previous ones. which is fully a me thing! this a me problem! i am not a comedy guy and i am watching a comedy. but oh my gd.
getting to see sam's restaurant coming together was so, so fucking good. he was so excited and happy and i'm so thrilled to see that all start to pay off. he's so proud of what he's done here and he SHOULD be. ugh i just love to see sam successful and thriving and everyone is so happy for him [sobs into my hands] isaac being like no. you do not understand. it is the best. was so funny and very sweet. i loved it, augh.
AND THE JAMIE OF IT ALL. oh my gd. he was having a bad one this whole episode and i kind of loved it because we know me, we're realistic about who i am as a person. i love characters having a bad time sldfks as long as we're gonna do something with it. and BOY DID WE.
boy they really did get me with like. the bit in zava's first match where he tells jamie to get open and he'll find him i did have a MOMENT where i was like okay maybe he's just kind of eccentric but overall fine, maybe i was wrong and he just grates on my nerves a bit. but WHOOF. nope. so he was just fucking with jamie orrrr because. yipes!
and man the timing of seeing zava call jamie over and say something to him being when ted's almost panic attack starts is like. [shrieks into my hands] he's already amped up about henry and then he sees this interaction happening and doesn't know what's going on and it's like. jamie just told him he's got concerns about this guy and now he might be messing with him and it clearly set ted off. aaaaAAAUGH.
i'm just. so proud of jamie tbh. he isn't throwing a fit, he's celebrating these wins, he very maturely and reasonably expressed his concerns which i think he's right about - i think roy thinks he's right too, based on his face during that scene. i was really gratified for that like, i was being a hypocrite thing at the end bc it made it clear that like, this isn't the show making a 'haha see he doesn't even realize that's exactly what HE is, he's still the same....' joke. his discomfort with zava isn't just played off and i really enjoyed that.
THE WHOLE THING WITH ROY. LIKE- every time he noticed jamie was having a hard time this episode he like. seemed to be making a note of it? he didn't snort and shake his head or smirk or whatever, at least not more than once-ish, he like. noticed, made a note, and seemed worried about it. and then at the end he not only went over to check on jamie at the restaurant he offered to work with him directly? without being prompted? i could shriek.
everything about that conversation made me lose my mind. jamie's earrings were FANTASTIC. the like- 'you thought i was the best' 'you still could be' [screams into my hands] 'only if you fucking mean it' i.e. the same thing roy said to phoebe's team, and the VERY PAINSTAKINGLY SINCERE 'i do mean it' i could've CRIED.
as i said to a friend earlier, their dynamic is a rich tapestry of things that make me fully insane
(to have a bit of a gripe - we got a couple of That's A Bit Much moments in this episode too. ted agreeing that yeah, fragile little bitch is pretty much what he meant, was weird and out of step. and then roy smacking the utensil or whatever out of jamie's hand which clearly startled him at minimum at the end of the episode was like... hoo boy. we're doing this i guess. it's not the type of thing i'd like, zoom in and harp on if it weren't for everything i already talked about in the previous episode. just like. again. i keep coming back to this phrase but It's A Bit Much. i was worried i might lose steam for my 3x02 tag after the new ep but nah, i am still amped up for it.)
(oh another gripe real quick - ho boy so dr jacob is just like, the shittiest therapist, eh? like, that whole thing is. Ethically Fucked Up. i absolutely hate whenever a show is like hey this person is now dating their former therapist, it feels weird and gross every time and i already had a really bad opinion of this guy's ethics and approach to practice just based on like. we know that michelle already had a therapeutic relationship with him before she and ted started seeing him for couples' therapy which is a Big No. and maybe i'm biased here because my parents knew a therapist for several years that they ended up dragging my sister and i to see with them when we were in high school and it went really fucking badly in a way directly related to them having an established relationship with that provider but uh. bad news bears. red flags. field of red flags.)
(someone do something about jane. speaking of red flags. WOW.)
(red flags again! the psychic thing. what are they implying with the matchbook, that the psychic was RIGHT? whoooooof. that's all i'll say on that.)
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 7x6 time of our lives
the it's a wonderful life episode liveblog
holy crap I haven't watched a castle in like two weeks bc my days off from work are spent at school... at least i finished writing that fic. Now I just need to edit & post. I was actually hoping to watch an ep tonight but lil bro skipped his evening activity so my bros & I watched Monk instead of me watching Castle & finally catching up. Well since I only have an hour until bed (it's fucking 7pm) I'll spend some of that liveblogging off the transcript. Not doing schoolwork, not exercising, not watching castle for real, not showering, not doing chores, actually I cooked supper today & am doing laundry but otherwise I'm not doing what needs to be dne I'm doing what I fucking WANT to.
Mathias Gensler. Wow briefcase cuff, typical. (I can't believe I'm in s7, that's so late! That's the last quarter!) My man is so tired
Nooo renzo! I totally thought he was in on it {there is a reason} & he just fLAILeD when he died! It was great!
Lol smash cut chopping veg. Pi vibes. haven't slept WELL, becks. He has slept, just crappy. Or is this the one abt nightmares? Martha! I feel like sometimes fasting can make you woozy not clear headed... Wait martha u can do it! & I realized this is the AU episode! Yessss! They mention Will Sorenson! We don't get to see him but he is mentioned & inviting becks to the wedding! She's kinda mad lol {I actually saw this episode & thought that all the fanfictions about captain beckett were referencing this episode, until I got to s8.} UwU I love it, KB: So we’re bad for each other, huh? RC: The worst. [They kiss] RC: It’s like It’s A Wonderful Life. Every time your phone rings a victim gets their wings. Too accurate
Swiss Wait who are the witnesses Ryan nice tie RC, in typical Castle way not the smart s1 castle way: So what was in the case? Nuclear launch codes? Deadly virus?
spoiler parenthesis {THE MANIFEST ONLY LISTS THE PICKUP} NOOOOO RENZO MY BELOVED, kr: Uh … there’s no one to call. (he points to the other body) The driver, Renzo Conrad, owned the service. He was a one man band. KB: Speaking of one man band, where’s your partner? KR: *mouth opens comically* RC: Yeah. (suggestively) And Lanie? They're adults, not horny teens! Adults prioritize being on time! XD romeo (wow I'm only this far in during my watch watch & now I need to effing go) (watch blog: wow it's my day off again & I need to go to school cook supper & go to a .. basically a band practice. a troupe meeting. life is awful we need a 4 hour work day & a four day work week as full time.) That look ryan gives esposito XD
... Castle? LP: Castle, what are you doing with my body? KB: Just pretend that you don’t know him. I love rocks & geology but even I'm not that good. Castle smart moments & early derrick storm <3 (mmm I love rocks. & coal. Reminds me of that city in canada where they have coal & dinosaurs) She humours him! To the coal plant!
oh noooo I'm so excited for this ep but so scared I'll talk too much. I'm so excited I'm so afraid. I will have thoughts. Marcus Lark(us) I've seen sstaacks like that on my bike ride home from school; my marker for where to turn. No wedding is a perfect day. & u should rly go visit him.
RC: You know I’d give anything to change what happened, right? This ep: *takes it too far, sort of like that shrek movie where rumplestiltskin is retconned into a different character* But also according to the later ret-con mess to figure it out, he kind of did have a choice, including the moment when he paid vinny the scar to crush the car. Castle did have a choice, & he made that choice.
Coal bucket. (she calls for backup castle)
Castle just fricking opens it? Wait she asks him to... lmao artifact? KB: Why do you always have to touch everything? RC: I thought you liked that about me! (not clipping)
Heeheehee & now it's where the wonderful life part begins!!! thing is gone love the dirt on his face
wait why would the case be gone in this scene? well ig caskett was there to interrupt them & they were at the coal plant Right Now to take the briefcase, & thats why they were present to start shooting at em... Good zoom there!
Insane insane insane (I wish ryan was wearing less fancy suits, make him look a little more like how he did in s1, make him look the way he did pre-jenny, or make him look the way he did by the end of s3 but no later bc that's when monty died & becks probably became captain idk) the lighting "Cap'm" But she WOULD recognize him from book jackets & stuff, & she HAS met him before, didn't they meet at a book signing? *pokes esposito* (could clip for my gifs) describing scene aaaHHHHH (the aah was written in my transcript blog but I was literally laughing & quietly screaming & doing the adhd stim with my hair right now bc of that scene & esposito's look & jahskdjfh) esposito fricking grabs him XD
The musical bweyeng when ryan says "tell us the story" In bed with Beckett *high five* XD XD (could clip putting his hand down ig) (also esposito totally slept with beckett at some point, yes even like seven years ago or more) this is a dream *me stimming* *steals the file* "Hey!" (won't clip bu tLove that face) JE: You had me worried there. For a second there I thought I didn’t exist. Esposito threatens to restrain him yet ryan is the one to manhandle him back down
RC: It was adorable KB:
Except u did meet at a book signing
Martha <3 I don't remember what I was thinking when I first watched this. But yeah martha <3. & ofc ryan is a fan. I love martha sm (& esposito pushing castle)
She bailed him out a little while ago, s1e1.
Ryan & martha together <3 MAME! Preggo lanie! (mad at esposito ig?) Sad esposito. I think when I first watched this I thought they were together. Music sounds like meet the medic. *ryan looks up & puts his hand over his mouth* *esposito facing his paper but watching lanie* also they are using beckett's desk I think. Castle says it can't be good but I think it IS good. To these ppl your universe is horror. Imagine a world where lanie isn't happily married & pregnant, she's still on-&-off with that detective. or imagine a world where martha is not acting anymore.
The loft! Oh babey! Mortgage! The painting behind castle's desk is not stairs it is giant martha. (imagine a world where martha hasn't decorated the apartment to look nicer & instead it's rick's boring or rich person crap /neg) Life savings mr rich man! Blondes & racehorses! Bad novel!
Alexis is hot af omg, she was hot before but dang. & moved to LA & she's saving the world & like... wow. (Imagine a world where Alexis isn't off saving the world she's some post-secondary student who doesn't know what she wants to do with life & still has her boring hair & lives with her daddy /neg) (but also wow she moved to LA in like s3)
RC: Whatever all of this is? A coma, a dream, some weird hallucination, or even just an undigested bit of pizza? (XD) I’m ending it. Ha now we have ryan beckett AND castle all stuck into ice water. We just need esposito to join the party. btw alexis has a hint of purple in her hair she is soooooo pretty
I kind of wish we could see what was going on with the detectives in our universe. I read a fic once where ryan & esposito went to tell martha her son was dead & then castle came out like "holy heck you guys I went to an au where I was friends with you two & alexis was still living at home as an adult & my mom wasn't a broadway star & lanie wasn't in a happy relationship starting a family"
Chelsea XD (brunette? can't tell) beckett o no. Lol blue pills in my purse young young woman
world wide web. Oh wow the thingamajig medallion. love the wallpaper btw
SWISS wow yay incan fucking give it back to the native owners then.
(Imagine a world where martha isn't boundlessly talented going out & doing broadway)
AC: Somehow? Implying smth happened This is why I live with mom? So which of her parents is crazier? Crazy meredith or rick? (imagine a world where alexis lives with crazy dad)
SEE SHE WAS A FAN! Thank you writers for remembering! Castle good lying rn. Good for him. & maybe he can help this world's castle write nikki heat books! RC: I eat with her, I sleep with her. But I know you are not her. ... Police scanner? (her face falls a bit) KR: Hey cap KR: *looks at caslte* KR: what's he doing here? KB: I'm not sure KR: RC: KR: KR: Ok Castle continuously interrupting ryan XD & then ryan opens his mouth & castle puts his hand on his shoulder & not clipping but this liveblog is so long I'm love. (& anout the lighting, it seems more... sepia? cool? less red? less blue? less vibrant? I can't tell but I love it & want an audio commentary of this with the person who did the ligting) *still somehow nodding with ryan lol*
Mind connection still! Ryan looking from one to the ohter (could gif but won't) (I ljust love the way he looks with his eyes & face incrementally) noooo renzo! *bites her lips a little bit, this rly reminds me of s1. She hates him but she is still a fan & attracted to him but he's soo annoying but he's also somehow helpful)
Wait they don't have the coffee machine!!! *I hear the single stomp of esposito entereing the room & it is so good yet so subtle*
Esposito <3 I feel like huertas really enjoyed playing "I hate castle this guy is so sus" esposito this ep. *takes his mug* No, say "I inferred it was coal & the most likely power plant was located here, it just made sense"
I should watch Psych. *holding his temple* Castle you could also say other stuff like I know you were in special forces, you lost your partner, (you slept with the captain,) you like jalapeǹos & olives on your pizza, (sry for the wrong n, I only have a french keyboard,) you used to watch chiquetitas growing up with your abuela... JE: Ryan has a big fat mouth. That’s how you know. Yeah he does struggle with commitment doesn't he. Remember s8 the sonia ruiz episode? yeah. (& btw I love his outfit) his facial expressions. "Yeah no we haven;t met" "why bring that up oof" "lol got u ryan tattled" "don't u come for my commitment issues" *doesn't give him back the coffee*
Ryan: *case* Ryan: *sees castle* ??? Ryan: Beckett: *it's cool*
RC: Uh, Captain? Would it be possible for me to ride along? Strictly for research purposes. (he wants the incan doohicky) JE: Is he kidding? RC: I would just love the chance to observe. Get some details for my book. KR: Yeah, sure, Cap. We’ll take him along. JE: What the … KR: Dude, it’s Martha Rodger’s son. He can get us house seats. (to rc) You can get us house seats, right? (WAIT US? does esposito want to see martha rodgers? does he want to see martha rodgers With Ryan?) (imagine a world where rysposito isn't canon) RC: Ab … solutely. Calls him house seats XD He doesn't have his writer vest
*pops his head between them* RC: So the Captain, is she seeing anyone? JE: *kinda shocked but then mostly annoyed & keeps his eyes on the road* (they r not used to having anyone with them* KR, who IS friends with beckett: She has boyfriends. Nothing serious. (why is ryan sharing that info?) JE: Why, writer boy? What, you think you have a chance with her? (EYES ON THE ROAD MISTER) [to RYAN] And what are you doing? Telling crazy over here about everyone’s private life. (which is valid bc he just did) KR: Me? JE: Yeah. You told him about Lanie and me. All: No. No, no, no. I didn’t. No he didn't, I have a gift. What are you talking about? Personal life. Yes you did! That's-- Dont! Just a bunch of yelling I can't hear bc I'm a little hoh & the captions aren't good RC: No. Listen, I have a gift, all right? I look at people and I see things. KR: (laughs) Yeah? Uh … what do you see when you look at me? (wow voice got deep for a sec there) Me: undercover irish mob? (bc who knows if that happened in this au, oh & besides they'd keep it out of the papers so yeah castle knowing would be scary) Irish mob, several sisters, piano playing, hold on I wonder what would have happened with 3xk in this au maybe they arrested gates, narcotics, uncle abducted by aliens RC: Honey milk and freckles. (& the vampire girl ig, keep adding all the ppl u know) KR: (mouthing: what) Noo! (inconsistency in where esposito is looking but shush) JE: *shocked* JE from the other angle: *annoyed* KR: That’s Jenny O’Malley. JE: *looks away annoyed* KR: She used to … make me honey milk. (wistfully) She could’ve been the one. (I thought u said u made it for her to help her sleep. mr in-bed-by-10-pm.) (omaalley not omahlley, they pronounce things differently than me. I assumed it was deever & omolley but it's déver & omaalley) RC: Could have been? KR: Yeah. Um … when Beckett was promoted to Captain our case load doubled. I guess I never had time for her. (wow ryan really does talk abt everyone's personal life) (but how recent was jenny that this "i see when I look at you" is relevnt?) RC: Maybe you should give her a call. JE: Maybe you should mind your own business. (I read a fic once where esposito acts like this in the car ride bc rysposito is canon in this universe & like "if u r really so psychic then u should know he's mine) He shoves RC back into the backseat. The fanfic I read: canon rysposito, esposito was pissed that castle who said he sees things when he looks at people doesn't see their relationship & also don't tell my man to get a gf. (wait lol I double blogged that bc one was in my transcript liveblog & one was in my watch liveblog)
watch blog: Ok it looks like I probably need to go now. I've been spending way too much time on this liveblog mostly bc I like it & miss it partially bc I'm writing All my thoughts not the important ones (none r that important lol)
El chozo peruvian restaurant
Stay n the car or I shoot you (he hasn't signed the form yet tho lol) Wanna crack a window for me? Ha! s1 castle moments
Oh he's not so bad *castle's face in the window* s1 castle Dad dad dad! dad dad dad!
Oh I'm feeling anxious now, I messaged my teacher saying I couldn't make it to class today asking him to send me the powerpoint so I can stay on pace & my chef just called me asking about how many kilograms of cream I had (62.942) & how many kilos of egg yolks (~6 in the pail meaning he needed 11 more cartons & 650g of the last one to get 17.628kg) & ofc the sugar was already perfectly measured it's just the one litre cartons of stuff I had to empty & didn't have time to finish. Anyway seeing all the hotel pans & funnels & mixing bowls & stainless steel bowlsjust caused my heart to start racing, genuinely
Take him home! Or give it to the detectives Or maria sanchez is there. No it broke! So much happened! Or it's fake bc yeah it just looks ceramic. (evidence also broken) This is a fake :D !! This is a fake >:( lol cuff him too so valid bestie
RC: Actually, that kind of is my best behavior. JE: Oh, I’m just enjoying the show Mom & dad fighting (clipping)
Snatches it away
JE: KB: Yes, Detective Esposito? (calls him detective) JE: You’re not letting him get to you, are you? (he is her friend) KB: Don’t you have a case to close? JE: Mmhm (they totally slept together at some point in the past)
Storm fall, the last derrick storm book I just noticed, is storm fall the same as the castle title card? Jim beckett on her desk!
camera whip
(so dark) Castle went up instead of down lol, look at him sneaking back in XD & the music
Heck yeah maria Ah that's why there was a fake in a case at the chozo Ah! Three groups! Swiss legal thieves, incan peruvian righteous re-thieves, & random thieves! Tracker? What guy? What guy?
Transcript: CASTLE startles, harder than if it were GATES. I was just um... *smiles gummily*
Convict therapy. She never told him she used to read his books & met him before? (u can confirm if it was a real au by asking her this in the normal universe original reality) Ew feels like a lot longer shup but also could be the books KB: There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. Us: it's going to be smth important RC: Anything (always) KB: *question abt his books*
Mm the bass
Whyd they wait so long after the airport? maybe waiting for a quiet location
Castle still hiding in the break room lol
Looks like a heart
She has elephants Ooh captain beckett prop! Does a 180 RC: And … if you come I will tell you why I killed Derrick Storm.
(beat gates by six weeks for detective) Paperwork & poitics? sounds like 1pp asking her to run for senator ag's office the necklace!!! Tell her! the elephants! But also in this au she is clean rn whereas in our universe she relapsed into her mom's case addiction (imagine a universe where she is again obsessed with her mother's case like why an ex-alcoholic doesn't drink) We had an australian emmigrant/canadian immigrant (possibly of french heritage) whose dad taught us rugby for gym class once in elementary or no it was jr high
I need to go to bed now yuck.
Yeah so the last time I liveblogged was supposedly sept 9 & it is now the 22nd. Well I started this yesterday on the 21st. I have abt 45 minutes at home before I need to leave. (I had work in the morning but took only a half day so I could perform violin at a mental health clinic.) Do I want to start watching this? ... Yes. I do. btw by 45 minutes I meant I got home at 2.30 & need to leave at 3.10 & I need to set my alarm ten minutes early so I have time to pull on my shoes & it is already 2.45 so... yeah maybe I won't... Maybe I will!
Or not bc my computer randomly died & now I literally have only eight minutes to watch. You know what? fuck it. I got my computer back online in about ten minutes, I can spend about ten minutes watching castle! Fuck you! /pos
watch blog: I didn't know I never finished transcript blogging. Huh. I'm skipping school for this lol.
KB: stay here: RC: *hands up-ish like yeah ok sure* KB: *turns around* RC: *immediately gets up*
*suspect checking her out* ooh music fun!
Whose desk has that frosted glass animal ball on it?
Yeah contact robbery, maybe bring demming back lol, the homiicde part of it is done Love the music My world? As in my book? Castle be careful why focus on hte lawyer's face? strong goodbye there huh
He's almost done his book & you can see how appalled he is lol
Different stairwell art! tbh I like it. I feel like I'd enjoy touching the wallpaper but also hate it. Lol alexis going back upstairs before he notices (& fails) (wow she's so pretty)
Alexis kind of joking youre stuck here with us kind of humouring him but when he asks why they fell apart she stops humouring him bc she was joking & this is serious. & like... nobody is THAT concerned over the fact that richard is basically having a psychic break.
He called THIS his magnum opus? really? really??? Or not bc he wrote it several years ago & it flunked & he tried writing other stuff which slowly got worse? & he ended up writing the brobeck dreams of betty book & it was crap according to him.
Castle family so good so god & the million impoerceptible ways & reality & all this crap & aaaaaah this is so much of a thing
Except she isn't relapsing into her mother's case addiction in this world, she made captain in this world, your mother is a star again in this world, your daugter is changing things with her nonprofit in this world, you have flings with beautiful women in this world ig...
Gets her the coffee & doesn't kate ask lucy for a coffee vanilla two splendas in future seasons? ye love this. He knows her coffee order from his O.R.
Ew yucky baarista touches money with her hands
Ok abducted at gunpoint (did the cops ever check this place out?) marcus lark the attorney WAIT MARCUS LARKUS
Wow thingamajig. Pick it up castle make the alarm go beep beep beep
this guy picks it up but no beep beep beep
there is no such thing as truth lol of course lark wants infinite possibilities, he's a real estate agent, ofc he wants multiple realities
RC: You’re rich. Successful. You have everything. Why would you want to change your destiny? *accidentally did that bc he thought he was bad for becks*
Castle maybe pick it up & wish to go home & try to make it work even tho u don't know how bc maybe it will work & you will go home. Woah beckett! smacks him in the head Luck... or fate Maybe tell her the truth...? Or don't just in case you're stuck here. (reminds me of that tumblr post "reblog if you are a safe person to come to in a time loop")
The answer for how to use it see THIS is how u jump in front of a bullet. You don't jump while the bullet is moving u don't have time, u jump before they shoot. & if u have time to jump in front, they have time to jump out of the way.
Blue light, dangerous situation, I love you, (possibly death; die in the dream die irl doesn't work here idk) (possibly also castle just immaterializing bc he was from an au)
I read a fanfic where rysposito have to go to martha's apartment to inform her that her son died & castle answers the door & says "holy crap I had a dream that I was in an alternate universe where I was friends with you guys!"
engagement ring!
KR: Hey, Castle. Missed all the excitement. We were awesome. (<3) Weren’t we, Javi? (first names) JE: As usual. (I love this joking overconfidence) & marcus lark!
evidence & fancy artifact & u'r just touching up on it?
The one where I made it to our wedding <3 love their music
We just do, I do "go down to the courthouse just do it right now"
Yay their wedding Alexis no suit learned smth GOOD from the AU!
Becks gets a third wedding dress lol but it was probably not a wedding dress it was just any white clothing she had but where is her maid of honour lanie? I mean yay at least jim is here
Oh she's wearing the earrings No music but I love love the tie on the back. Seems awful but I think it's pretty. (green screen?) Nice ring Oh I love the vows! I remember someone made a gifset for this for caskett week.
KB: The moment that I met you, my life became extraordinary. You taught me to be my best self, to look forward to tomorrow’s adventures; and when I was vulnerable, you were strong. I love you, Richard Castle; and I want to live my life in the warmth of your smile and the strength of your embrace. I promise you, I will love you. I will be your friend; and your partner in crime and in life; Always.
When she said when I was vulnerable, you were strong my first thought was roy calling castle to help protect beckett. crime^fighting
RC: The moment we met, my life became extraordinary. You taught me more about myself than I knew there was to learn. You are the joy in my heart. You’re the last person I want to see every night before I close my eyes. I love you, Katherine Beckett. And the mystery of you is the one I want to spend the rest of my life exploring. I promise to love you, to be your friend and your partner in crime and life, ‘til death do us part and for the time of our lives.
I love the parallel between the starts of the vows the rest of my life, always crime & life again parallels & until death us do part and for the time of our lives
but where is Lanie the maid of honour?
Why are the wedded couple not drinking champagne?
His phone <3
romance <3 <3 <3
Thaat was so good! I started today's liveblogging (it's the 27th) at like 11.30 or noon & now it is 14.45 or basically 3pm so that's 3 hours, I usually allot myself an hour & a half, & I already liveblog watched it a few days ago & I liveblogged the transcript twenty days ago holy crap. At least I'm off my internship now, maybe I'll have more time to liveblog & clip & finish the series & finally return them to the library w/o paying too much in late fees. & then I can finish all the fanfics I want to read & all the fics I am writing or want to write & then I'll finally put this hyperfixation to rest & be free to do normal stuff again.. Until I get a new hyperfixation.
Update: It has been four weeks, I am only now getting around to tagging & posting
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mosviqu · 1 year
i would be devastated if he stopped thats for sure but i think he said before that he still enjoys streaming very much so he definitely isn't planning on stopping in the near future 🥳we shall fear not🥳🥳🥳
IT DOES LOOK AMAZING i'm praying so hard that nothing will ruin this they have to have good music with this concept🫡
oooo☹️☹️☹️ i hope u will feel better soon!!!!☹️☹️☹️☹️ and do not worry about replying late/replying on rrxnjun it's fine ur mental health is more important!!!!💕💕💖
(btw i cant believe ur post about intak is the way i found out he has a gf and that's why his club video was released oh my lord💀)
literally also i was watching the vid and one of the guys had a very nice talking voice but. i literally do not know who it was so LMAO😭😭 only a few more days and the debut is here 🤞
bro....whatever they fed eric before he spit out that verse.... they should do it more often i feel like im levitating whenever i hear that part like you dont get it i GASPED. also we dont talk about sunwoo every time a tbz member catches my eye its him i refuse to talk abt it. younghoon was great in it!! the actual drama was shit and i wouldve dropped it after ep 1 if i wasnt in park jihoon the soloist/actor brainrot LMAO (he was the main cast and his character made me cringe approx every 4 seconds)) but the last few eps were good 😭😭 but younghoon had a very charming character and the acting was decent no bad word here
thank u for understanding! 🥺
THANK U THANK U we gotta meet when (and if) im in budapest (im half joking half serious) AHAHA. im gonna ask for ur number in case we get lost and nobody wants to speak english w us /j
BRO I DIDNT KNOW EITHER I FOUND OUT ONLY TODAY AHAHAHA i knew abt the club thing bc ppl joked that it was dry as fuck (correct) but then i saw something abt the girlfriend on tiktok and i was like wait what 😭 so i looked it up on twitter and i was like oh lord. anyways good for him apparently she's a model and super pretty so i am glad my man is getting his d sucked like he deserves ❤
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alaffy · 2 years
The Baby, Ep.7 – The Curse
I am now watching this show, not necessarily because I enjoy it, but because I’m trying to figure out what in the hell is going on.  Again, I can absolutely see why the critics are saying how this show becomes muddied in the middle because….Well, let’s put it this way, it is very clear after this episode that there is more then one message that they’re trying to do here. And it’s not working.
The recap is going to brief. Bobbi meets up with Sam for this audition for a show, I guess?  Bobbi tells Sam that they’re going to have to wait six months to adopt.  And it’s not that Sam isn’t sympathetic toward Bobbi, but it’s also clear Sam isn’t really concerned about waiting six months.  It’s clear that Sam is more concerned about the audition.  Long story short, Bobbi breaks up with Sam during the middle of the audition.
Natasha take Nour and the baby back to the apartment.  Natasha believes Nour should be in a hospital, but Nour refuses.  Nour believes that it’s the curse that has created the baby and she needs to find Jack to end it.  Natasha gets a call from her dad and because he doesn’t need her to do his shopping anymore, feels like she’s needed even less by the people she loves; which kind of makes her bond more with the baby.  
Skipping ahead a bit, Natasha finds that Jack is in the hospital.  Natasha tells Nour they’re going to rest tonight and go see them in the morning.  As soon as Natasha falls asleep, Nour leaves the apartment with the baby (who suddenly is cool with the woman trying to kill him taking him anywhere).  They go to the hospital and Nour takes a can of gasoline with them.  We see that Jack has actually remarried and had several children.  They all leave for the night and Nour goes inside with the baby.  She starts to pour gas on Jack as she tells him she’s here with his son.
Jack, at first, denies the baby is his and says that Hellen drowned with the baby (is it possible this is true?).  Then, he says there was something always wrong with that baby because Hellen didn’t love him.  He then rips off his oxygen tube and starts to strangle Nour.  But he’s not able to kill her, as the baby kills him.  
While this is going on, Natasha has a dream of a younger Nour.  Natasha wakes up, realizes that everyone else is gone, and rushes to the hospital.  She gets there just in time to make sure Nour can’t set the lifeless body of Jack and herself on fire.
Natasha takes the baby. Then, she tells Nour that she’s figured out why the baby is the way he is.  He is not the physical manifestation of Postpartum Depression; it isn’t because of a curse; the baby is violent because of a violent world.  He chooses the women, women who don’t want children, to be his mother as they remind them of his mother.  And, to defeat him, the best thing to do is give him what he wants.  Nour says that won’t end this.  But Natasha doesn’t listen and takes the baby away.
Ok, so they’re saying that the baby is the way he is because of the violence in the world.  Going back to the baby’s origin, we do see a lot of violence and hatred.  You have the violence and hatred shown against lesbians.  You have Helen being kidnapped, imprisoned, drugged, and her being forced to carry and deliver a child.  You have Helen’s escape, where she kills the brother’s wife and nearly kills Jack. Even when Nour confronts Jack, there are threats of violence (although Nour’s where coming from a place of defense, while Jack’s are clearly threating the safety of others).  So, yes, maybe the baby is a manifestation of the violence in his life.  
But, if that’s the case, why wait until halfway through the series to bring this up?  Or rather…the is what I mean by muddied.  Look, the baby definitely has a violent streak.  We know the baby killed other people then the women he chose to be his mother, but it isn’t like some random pattern.  Like it’s not violence for the sake of violence (which would make sense if he where the manifestation of violence).  It only happens when someone threatens to take him away from his surrogate or if his surrogate tries to leave him.  Which means it’s probably something else.  Which is normal in the horror genre it’s just that…well the series relied so heavily on the subject of Postpartum Depression, that if it doesn’t play into the ending…why focuses so much of the first six episodes on this one topic, if you’re explanation for the baby is going to rely on something different?  But if Natasha is wrong and the baby is the manifestation of Postpartum Depression, then why was that subject more or less dropped from this episode?  Or rather, it’s like episode five where there are things that could maybe represent Postpartum or they may represent violence.  
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bananathebookworm · 3 years
TLOVM 10-12 Watch Party Ramblings
- I’m immediately reminded of the old Talks Machina opening bits
- Scanlan Shorthalt “Voice of Sam Riegel”
- Grog Strongjaw “Just here for the ale”
- I still don’t know what’s happening here... clearly the dialogue is being improvised... but the animation? what is happening?
- Good lord... the energy on the couch is already off the rails
- I figured it was probably mocap, but wasn’t sure if it was actually Travis and Sam doing it...
Ep. 10
- “Please pay no attention to the physical manifestation of my issues...” I love you Taliesin
- Mica: “You wanna get a guy talking, ask him what animal he thinks he could fight?” Everyone on the couch: *immediately proves her point by discussing*
- Taliesin messing up the name of his fictional wife and trying to not draw attention to it until Matt calls him out
- “Thanks, Keyleth”
- I love hearing about the different iterations of these scenes
- Someone needs to put Matt in front of a camera and just let him talks for hours about the lore of his world
- “If you don’t have enough trauma in your real life, I’ll give you plenty of it in your fake one.” Good lord, Matt...
- “If you want to parent your kids, put them in acid.” Parenting advice with Critical Role.
- “What is happening tonight?” The most important question of the night...
- Matt did scratch for a Tom Hiddleston role... and they couldn’t tell the difference...
Ep. 11
- Taliesin going on about how terrible Ripley’s designs are is everything
- “Who put this group together?” Mica, any group that involves both Sam and Travis is only going to be chaos filled.
- Matt’s crying... someone give him a hug...
- I also love hearing them talk about the changes they made from campaign to series
- Sam and Travis being in charge of this project was not something I expected when the kickstarter launched three years ago. But I suppose there’s a reason Travis is the CEO of the company and Sam directs on a hundred different projects. As chaotic as their dynamic can be, they can produce some amazing stuff when it matters.
- Hearing how they recorded the fight sounds just goes to show how much they really care about this project
- The Briarwoods are real fucked up...
- The tl;dr of tonight: Cassandra and Percy need therapy...
- “I don’t care about you enough not to like you.” Fucking brutal.
- I love how much they can rib one-another over choices made in game
Ep. 12
-  I really hope that if they do another Talks-style show, Mica is the host. The fact that she’s unfazed by everyone else’s shenanigans is perfect.
- I love Grey
- “Darling, take the mask off.” Once again, thank you Laura and Taliesin for my life.
- “Love all of this so much.” SAME TALIESIN
- Somehow I missed the reference to Titans the first time I watched this. But i love how much they’ve set up already.
- “The whole second half of the season happens in nine hours.” I never thought about that... D&D time is weird...
- Love the analysis of these early designs and what lead them to their final choices
- I really want Briarwood backstory. Whether that’s in season 2, in campaign 3 with Laudna, or with a Origins comic. I just need more of their whole deal.
- Laura and Liam setting the bar for everyone else. Did anyone expect any different?
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sirenprincess15 · 3 years
Please Don't Leave Me Chapter 9
Title: Please Don’t Leave Me
Author: SirenPrincess
Description: What if Aleksander hadn’t answered the door when Ivan interrupted the war room kissing? What if Aleksander and Alina had a bit more time to get to know each other before Baghra told her his true identity? Alina is the only one who can comfort Aleksander through his nightmares. Will she leave once she knows who he is?
This story is based on the show version and features a soft on the inside, hard on the outside Aleksander with an emphasis on emotional hurt/comfort and angst. If you are looking for lots of hurt!Aleksander thoughts, then this story is for you. Mal exists but pretty much solely to cause Aleksander some angst. Don’t worry. It will be a Darklina ending.
Chapter 1 is a missing scene at the end of Ep 4, and Chapter 2 takes place alongside Ep 5 and then diverges from canon there.
Pairings: Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, bits of Ivan/Fedyor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Grisha are oppressed in this universe, and I don’t shy away from showing the horrors of that. There may eventually be mentions of canon-typical torture (Fjerdan pyres), death of family members, and cruelty to Grisha children. It’s not the focus, but that backdrop is definitely there and comes up as characters discuss their past.
In this chapter: After centuries of being alone, Aleksander struggles to share his problems.
Chapter 9
Aleksander was busy working in his office. The roaring fire warmed him as he poured over ship manifests and army documentation on this Dmitry. If they could find who Dmitry traveled with, who was likely to be loyal to him, then perhaps they could identify any threats before they even came to the Little Palace.
When Inessa and Fedyor delivered Alina, Aleksander rushed to her side. “Thank you,” he said, dismissing them. He pulled her into his arms, rested his chin on top of her head, and deeply inhaled the scent of her. She was safe. “How was your day?”
“Boring. Fedyor and Inessa wouldn’t even let me go outside, not even for training. I’m never going to get stronger if I don’t train.”
“It’s just a precaution.”
“A precaution for what?”
He ignored her. She didn’t need the stress of knowing how anxious their enemies were to kill her. “I thought we’d take dinner in here tonight, if that’s okay with you.” His emotions were a mess. As haunted as he had been since Marie’s death, it was even worse now that the continued active threat was confirmed. He was relieved to be with her because he could see she was safe, but he was also still deeply ashamed of his panic attack from the nightmare the night before. He feared she would bring it up. He couldn’t talk about it. Eating in the main hall would stop her from doing so, but he was worried about security and didn’t want her with a large crowd. Her food would be easier to poison there, even with her taster. Truthfully, though, Aleksander wasn’t sure he had it in him to perform the intimidating General Kirigan act tonight, and he wanted her nearby for safety. Then he worried about what would happen when it was time for sleep. He had unleashed shadows last night, and they could have hurt her. He would never be able to forgive himself if he harmed her. That morning he had decided they’d have to sleep apart, but that was before he’d known of this new threat, of spies sneaking into the palace to check her routines. There was no way to know if the man he’d killed had been the first or the last. He couldn’t risk letting her sleep without someone strong guarding over her, and she’d never agree to let someone like Ivan stand over her bed. She had to stay here. Selfishly, he was grateful to have the excuse to keep her in his bed.
“Of course.” Her expression begged him to answer her previous question, but he didn’t. He well remembered what it was like to be afraid everywhere you went at all times. He could protect her from that.
“I do have quite a bit of work to complete, though. I’m afraid I’ll be quite busy. I did take the liberty of having Genya select some books from the library for you.”
She raised an eyebrow, as if signaling to him that she saw right through his attempts to distract her, but all she said was, “That was kind of you.”
He sat back at his desk and tried to focus on the lists in front of him. Something wasn’t adding up. Dmitry would appear on a ship crossing into West Ravka, but not on a return, and then somehow a time later be on a manifest for a ship crossing the wrong way. How was that possible? Was he missing manifests or was Dmitry paying someone off to keep his name off the lists?
Alina stepped behind him and started rubbing his shoulders. “Alek, you’re so tense. The stress coming off you is nearly unbearable. What happened today?”
“It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
She sighed. “Are we really going to do this thing tonight?”
He lifted his eyes to take in the annoyed look on her face. “Thing?”
“You know, where you pretend to be the oh so busy and important General Kirigan who uses his sense of authority to push people away? And then acts like he couldn’t possibly have any feelings or needs of his own? He’s fine. Everything is fine. He doesn’t need any help.”
He hadn’t even realized he was doing it, but she had. “Accurate,” he admitted.
“I’m going to let you in on a secret. The act doesn’t work with girls who have shared your bed.”
He laughed. Only she could call him on his behavior like this without irritating him. Only she could make him smile when he was otherwise so miserable. “I can assure you it worked fine on girls who have shared my bed. Apparently, it doesn’t work on the one girl I have let into my heart.”
“You’ve let me into your heart? So … let me help you.”
“Alina, it’s not that simple …”
“You can’t bear this burden alone, Aleksander. I won’t let you. Whatever is happening, it is crushing you. If not me, then get Ivan in here and talk to him. ”
“You want me to summon Ivan in here? This must be serious.”
“He is a good friend to you, and I know you trust him. I just want you to let someone help. You are not alone. This,” she said, putting her hand over the papers, “is not yours alone to figure out. Stop trying to solve everything with no support.”
“I’m not … used to having support.”
She nodded, took his hand, and squeezed it. “I know. I’m not really either. We’ve learned to do things alone, to hide pain and keep it to ourselves, but I know that problems are better solved together. Together, Aleksander. Stop trying to protect me from scary truths. Fedyor scanned every room we went into before he’d let me enter. I’m not stupid, Aleksander. If I can handle you cutting a Druskelle in half on top of me, I can handle whatever is threatening us now. Stop trying to push me away when it comes to important things. Let me help.”
He sighed. She was frightened already; she might as well know the truth. “Zoya caught a man trying to break in today. I have her guarding the palace exterior since she can’t seem to behave herself around you. He is working for Zlatan and was sent to spy on you. They’re making a plan for a better attempt on your life.”
Her shoulders slumped and her gaze fell to the floor as she took that in. “Hunted wherever I go. Still not used to that.”
He stood and wrapped his arms around her. “I will not let them succeed. I promise you that you will come to no harm.”
She looked into his eyes, stared there for a while, then found her strength. “Tell me about the papers.”
He quickly filled her in on what he had discovered about Dmitry and the mystery of the paperwork. It did actually feel good to have someone to discuss his findings with and not keep the thoughts spinning in his head. He talked through all of his ideas, no matter if they led nowhere. She indulged him and asked appropriate questions at all the right times. Finally, he arrived out loud at the stuck place he was in his head. He had so many theories, but how did he figure out if any of them were right?
She was quiet as she turned from page to page. Dinner arrived, and they ate in silence as they continued to try to find a pattern among the papers--the same captain, the same record keeper, accomplices that might travel with him. All ideas led nowhere, but they continued to look.
Hours later, Alina stood and walked into the war room.
“Alina?” He trailed after her. She was staring at the map. After a long time, he prompted her. “What is it?”
“I’m sure it’s stupid.” She shook her head and hugged herself.
He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t like it when you put yourself down like that. That’s not you. Those are words from your past.”
She shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Hmm, well then, let’s hear it. I’m frustrated. Maybe if it’s really stupid we can have a good laugh about it.”
“I used to stare at the map and dream of finding a way around. I was told there is no around, but … is there? Any secret path or …”
Aleksander felt his stomach twist as the implications became clear. “There are reports of Fjerdans in West Ravka, rumors that Zlatan is aligning with them, letting Druseklle ...” A vision of Nina being tortured popped into his head. He had to fight his jaw from trembling so she couldn’t see how upset this made him. “There is an around if you’re in bed with the enemy. He’s going through Fjerda.”
She gasped as it came together in her head. “He sends his emissary to Fjerda with messages, who then gets a free pass into our country to deliver orders to his spies, but then he needs the quick return across to do it again. How long would it take to travel through Fjerda? Check the dates. Do they match?”
“Fjerdans. It’s worse than I thought.” He could feel the Fjerdan fires licking at his skin.
They spent another hour pouring over records and checking their theory. Finally, Alina yawned. “We should get some sleep.”
He wanted to tell her to go on ahead, but he didn’t want her sleeping in a room away from him. He almost offered to just watch over her, but he feared he would accidentally fall asleep and end up as he had the night before. His chest tightened with worry as he considered possibilities, none of which were acceptable.
“I tell you to come to bed, and that sense of dread is what I get? I might think you don’t want to …” she tried to lightly tease.
“You know why,” he whispered, still not wanting to talk about it.
“Which is all the more reason to get you to sleep soon. Your nightmares are worse the longer you try to keep yourself awake. Have you noticed?”
He sighed. “This morning I was trying to work myself up to telling you that it’s not safe to sleep with me anymore, but now with this information on this potential attack, it’s not safe to sleep away from me either.”
“Don’t you dare do that to me!”
“What?” To her?
“Don’t you realize what you do for me? For years I cried myself to sleep every night, Aleksander. For years! I used to lie there and wonder what was wrong with me that no one could want me, how it was possible for me to not belong anywhere. I slept with a weapon under my pillow to fend off anyone who might come to hurt me. And now I sleep in your arms. Desired. Loved. Don’t you dare take that away from me.”
His heart ached for her. Was it possible she needed him as much as he needed her? “I hadn’t realized …”
“No matter how bad our nightmares get, we stay together. You make sure I can sleep, and I will do the same for you. Just promise to wake me up tonight. You can’t get yourself overtired like that again.”
“And you will wake me if the shadows start again?”
“I promise. Right away.”
“Okay,” he agreed, feeling less selfish about allowing it if it benefited her too. It was better than the alternative of some spy finding her room in the night or her lying awake with a knife under her pillow wondering if someone was coming to kill her. He would have to take care of himself more for her--get an adequate amount of sleep, actually stop and eat meals instead of working through every waking hour, maybe even share some of his stresses with her. He would do those things if it meant he could be there to protect her.
“Now,” she said, kissing him gently. “What do I have to do to get you out of that kefta so I can kiss away all those battle scars?”
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alyblacklist · 4 years
Do you think the keenler storyline is going anywhere? I used to be sure that it was, I mean why else would they have them kiss and have sex. However now that Liz has been gone for five episodes and she is being quite mean to Ressler (the whole pointing a gun to his head and pretty much telling Cooper about them sleeping together) I feel like a relationship between them will never happen and the writers are just trying to make us forget or dislike Keenler.
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Ok, on to the asks about Ressler/Keenler in 8x09 where things were said, but only through contact lenses and earpieces. Thoughts below the jump, because it’s a long post that will (hopefully) address all of these at least in part.
I do think it was Liz speaking through the doppelganger at all relevant times. They haven’t given me a reason not to think that at this point. She knew things only Liz could know. So I assume (unless we get new info) that everything Mia Collins said to Ressler was actually Liz telling her what to say to him (and likewise to Aram and Cooper). I did express to BlacklistRoom on Twitter that they were evil for having faux-Liz call Ressler “Donald” on screen before real Liz does. And at first, I thought maybe that was some sort of signal to Ressler that things were amiss because real Liz wouldn’t do that, but in the end I think it was just the writers playing their usual games. NOT because they hate Keenler or Keenler fans (they’re the ones who made Keenler canon, for God’s sake), but just because they love to toy with fan emotion. They give you a Wing Yee birthday nugget one ep, they throw in a loose “Donald” in another from the lips of a faux-Liz. They know exactly the emotional points to hit if they’re paying attention to social media (and they certainly are, to a point). 
I did catch that accurate observation on Twitter that the doppelganger did not have her finger on the trigger while pointing the gun at Ressler’s head. I’d like to think the actress and crew are careful enough to catch such things as her finger was nowhere near that trigger (and she knew how to shoot that unnamed FBI agent during the chase) so I hope that was purposeful, perhaps as a small signal to the audience that Liz never really intended to hurt Ressler, even though he of course couldn’t see what was going on behind his head. A nod, at least, to the idea that Liz doesn’t really mean to hurt him.
Before I get too much deeper into my personal impressions of the scene, I want to specifically address the anon who wonders if she’s alone in finding it hard to root for Liz or Keenler in all this.
Of course you’re not.
Darker Liz isn’t for everyone. If I had a dollar for every time someone has told me Ressler deserves better than Liz over the past five years, I’d be able to buy you dinner (even at NYC prices). Never mind how many have abandoned the ship over that exact issue or related issues over the seasons. But I also think you know that I don’t share your viewpoint. Maybe that’s why you send me asks, or maybe you’re just using my inbox as an outlet to find those who agree with you. I don’t know and it doesn’t matter (although I admit if it’s the latter, publishing your thoughts on your OWN page rather than in my inbox might be preferable because as much as I enjoy asks to a point, I’m a little tired of ship hand-holding asks. I like what I like and trying to explain it or defend it gets a little tiring.)
All I can say is after five years of deep investment in this fandom and these characters, it takes a LOT more than an absent female lead and a bumpy episode to capsize my ship and send me into the pit of despair. For me, this is the expected price we pay for the ship being canon now versus only at the very end of the show. The Blacklist has never been about showing smooth, happy, relationships. Angst, drama, tension is the name of the game. You have to decide for yourself whether you can stomach that on a week to week basis and especially this season because they warned us – “good AND difficult” – difficult!  - for Keenler. I reconcile the conflict by the fact that Ressler still WANTS Liz and BELIEVES in Liz despite her flaws and if he does, then so do I. The man has some blinders when it comes to Liz, certainly, but not the sort that they love to mock him for on screen. He’s not thinking solely with his male parts brain, he’s thinking with his actual, in his head brain and he LOVES this woman despite her crazy and I love that about him. He’s smarter than most people give him credit for. And I am also of the view that real life and ships do not need to be equivalents. You can love two flawed fictional TV characters without being a person who wants to see those things manifest in real life. (I also ship Wanda and Vision for the record).
So I think we can all agree that this episode – and Liz’s absence generally – has been more “difficult” than good Keenler-wise. Ressler himself told us in those early episodes before her departure that it’s different if you see her, and it certainly is. We’ve been robbed of Liz’s thoughts and emotions entirely ever since she last graced our screen in Ep. 8x04. (And of Ressler’s reaction to said departure, for the most part). At the same time, I think Liz recognizes that too as she hasn’t to our knowledge directly engaged with Cooper, Aram OR Ressler since she left except through surrogates. Purposeful choices on the part of the diabolical writers.
As I said in my earlier ask response tonight, I remain of the view that Liz is in control of her actions and is doing her own risk/benefit assessment in how she responds to the situations she finds herself in. 
I do NOT think that means she has lost all emotion or feeling for Cooper, Aram OR Ressler, but as she explained to Townsend, “Reddington has an army on both sides of the law. I can’t do this alone. I need a partner.” She believes that the Task Force – all of them – are tied to Reddington in their own way, including Ressler, and she doesn’t expect them to violate those arrangements/principles for her. She’s moving outside the boundaries of those relationships to shed light on the secrets that she believes are being kept. Did she involve them this week?  Yes, but I think only because Townsend forced her hand on dealing with his sister. I doubt she would’ve sent her double to the Post Office otherwise. (I totally agree that the Post Office needs better security protocols btw – the idea that Liz can continually breach their defenses has become absolutely laughable at this point).
But, part of that is personal relationships.  She needed Ressler to give her the door codes and he did. Why? Not because he’s her patsy or her f--- boy or whatever derogatory term someone wants to slap on him (!), but because he loves her, flaws and all. The whole letting her go/letting him go thing has always had double meaning, back to S2. 
Cyranoid Liz: You should let me go. Ressler: Those days are over. Cyranoid Liz: Why? Nothing’s changed.
Has nothing changed? He let her go in S2 and then she shot Tom Connolly and he beat himself up over it. Then, the “I can’t let her go” (Ressler pointing the gun in S3 outside the Russian embassy), followed by that car chase and then Red in the next episode, Eli Matchett:
Red: Ressler is a law-enforcement robot. The FBI winds him up– Liz: That’s not true. He’s a person. He’s a good person. Red: Look at me. You need to let that go, Lizzy. I have survived for a very long time now, and I assure you, I didn’t do it by relying on the goodness in people.
I’d submit it has and it hasn’t. All these seasons later, she is once again having a hard time letting him go and so is he (with respect to her).
Ressler: Why’d you call? Liz: I don’t know. I guess– because every time we say goodbye, I’m afraid we might actually mean it.
Both with eyes open wider this time and yet, still wanting the peaceful night, free of all the distractions. 
Yes, he let Liz’s double go physically without much protest. Emotionally? He hasn’t let go of Liz. Not one bit. And Liz saw that, through her cyranoid. He’s still on her side. He still wants to believe in her, no matter what she’s putting him through (and poor Ressler, he’s really enduring a lot – though I hope the tide will turn on that at some point).  He had no reason to open that door, and yet – he did. He doesn’t want that one night to be just ONE night and deep down, I don’t think she does either.
“I won’t give up on you.” 
He hasn’t, yet. “But I still need to do my job, Keen.” She better not push him too far because the day he does is the day I worry. He’s desperate not to repeat the mistakes of the past, he’s desperate to trust her this time. Not because he’s thinking with his small man-part-brain, but with his HEART. He loves her. He’ll do anything he can for her within the limits of his conscience. They are each others’ second chance.
I don’t view Keenler or Ressler’s feelings for Liz or Liz’s manipulations of Ressler as fatal to the ship because I accept that this whole thing – Liz’s mission – is the battle for her soul  that the writers have teased for years . Which side will win? Hopefully the right one. The hopeful one. The one that makes second chances happen.
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naruhearts · 4 years
It’s Happening.
Sorry I need to get this all out of my brain for a sec and review past stuff so warning for the rambly sloppiness-
A Key Concept: one can’t freely love another person(s) the way they deserve without first loving oneself. We know this is a vital aspect of interpersonal growth and healthy relational interdependence.
Dean Winchester now loves himself (LOVE YOURSELF, SPEAK YOURSELF, folks). He has forgiven the Ghost kid...unshackled him and let him dissipate into the ether of a toxic past (which was all smartly foreshadowed in the metanarrative throughout the past few years over and over again *gingerly cradles my Scoobynatural 13x16 meta* because HELLO, Cas the Honest Man truly was the interpersonal catalyst to saving Dean the Righteous Man. Cas saw the ghost underneath the monstrous shell, the wall, the barrier of unworthiness, and helped set him free. 2 years ago, I wrote: “Who was able to reach through—to communicate and see the little vulnerable ghost boy behind the monstrous facade? A facade created by authority abuse? A facade created to protect himself from a scary world? Who was able to lend him a sense of self-acceptance? CAS. Cas is the living antithesis of control. He’s freedom. He’s non-conformity. And Dean’s finally LETTING GO like Elsa. Releasing himself like Rowena in 13x12. Conquering his traumas. What’s by is by. Dean’s saying I was trapped, but now I’m free. I’m my own person—not Heaven’s tool, not Hell’s tool, not my Dad’s tool, not society’s tool, but my own tool, corroborated by Cas telling him he isn’t a talking dog at the end.”)
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Indeed, all this DID come to pass. The baggage was FINALLY unloaded. We meta writers and everyone else who saw the same things, agreed with us, and basked with us in noting those things are still feeling so, so vindicated because we saw the unadulterated story Dabb & Co wanted to tell all along), I’m manifesting.
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I’m manifesting that self-actualized and self-loving Dean, finally internalizing and processing Cas’ love confession of truth - finally accepting that he is WORTH Cas’ love - will find Cas and USE HIS WORDS at the growth!Becky end of the long, beautifully devastating, winding road.
I’m manifesting that Dean will finally tell Cas he loves him, too.
That he always did.
Again, I commented re: 15x19 here (I’m also too lazy now to “analyze” this ep in that there’s almost nothing to meta anymore!! Ahh! Common sense):
Dabb & co pulled a necessarily (lol) fast one on us tonight: a literary Bros-Only mirage, veiling the actual narrative underneath -> Love and...Love, in which the Winchesters of the modern age function and self-regulate poorly without their loved ones. Self-actualization and self-love — both of which currently manifest in the brothers’ life courses as facilitated by emotional-passionates Edlund-Thompson-Dabb and more — involves love for others. Of note, Dean Humanity Winchester finally understands his worth. The penultimate trigger for him to love himself was Cas’ unconditional love for him. Cas, the key of truth and free will, opened his heart completely. Dean’s heart, mind, and soul are finally congruent FOR LOVE.
And here:
**And by proxy the greatest love story ever told is entrenched in free will; every action Cas performed after saving Dean Winchester from Hell has been executed with Dean’s influence, character, human essence. Cas and Dean further lit, enhanced, stoked the flames of free will within the other upon first contact -> “When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost!!” ...[shakes S8 & the Naomi storyline under your nose; take a wonderful storytelling whiff]. They met in the middle on their own accord. Dean and Cas trusting each other, choosing each other, believing in the other, all literally + figuratively threw Chuck’s authority off the rails.** In other words, it’s almost like we can state, with potential certainty, that a love story, a love story of various iterations and multifaceted forms — platonic (Sam, Dean, and Cas welcoming Jack into their non-nuclear Found Family) and romantic ([sub]textual: Dean and the Angel of Humanity Cas) — has again led, all this time, to Chuck’s downfall.
^I wrote this during 15x17. OF COURSE, it’s not subtextual anymore!!
To reiterate:
 Free will is love. Love is free will. Love isn’t bound by anything, isn’t trapped nor suppressed by universal rules. It doesn’t exist in a singular vacuum. It controls and frees itself. Love ebbs and flows and transcends even “the veil of death and saves the day.” 
In fact, “Love can only be genuine if it’s freely chosen. Which means, unless a personal agent has the capacity to choose against love, they don’t really have the capacity to choose for it...[i]n a world that is centered on love, even God can’t be guaranteed to always get what he wants.” x
Dean and Cas’ love for each other, unexpected, unpredictable, unprecedented and autonomous, permeating the fabric of natural predetermined order, again caused Chuck’s downfall. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. 
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It’s been building, building, building, waxing, waxing, waxing into a full bright moon from S8-12, then underwent another fundamental narrative shift into textual endgame territory from S13-15 that encompassed the self, the transcendental merging of Jungian Persona and Shadow, that all gathered to the textual surface, Who Am I (I mean, I WROTE THIS FOR @profoundzine​ within the context of mirror self S14 about DEAN AND CAS GAINING INTERDEPENDENCE which also came true!!); the show is finally going there. 
15x19 closed the door to Ye Olde SPN. 
It seems to me that 15x20 is going to open another door: one truly for the history books, one of Rebirth, embodying Free Will and Love and...Love, uncensored and raw in 2020, evoking the winds of social change and humanistic positive character arc growth that will topple all of us over into elation.
Endgame Destiel.
I keep saying it, but if 15x20 goes bad bad, I’m with you all in marching up to the offices and raging. However, everything thus far storytelling-wise was constructed to finish the picture they started painting since S7/8.
Goddamn, I’m HYPED FOR NEXT WEEK!!! 
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osiris-iii-bc · 7 months
Terzo, the unlikely vampire - A brighter night.
As predictable, I’m struggling to keep these episodes short and light, but everything is under control, for now. A new episode for my clumsy Terzo vampire. A little less clumsy in this one.
>> Ep. I: Tumblr, AO3
>> Ep II: AO3, down here 👇🏻
>> Ep. III: Tumblr, AO3
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It’s night again over the Ministry, and as you prepare to go to bed, your sixth sense tingles with the sensation of being observed. Just as you slide your habit down your shoulder, you turn to the window and find a pair of eyes peering out from the lower corner, one green and one white.
"Terzo? Again?" you sigh.
The window is closed, revealing only half of his head, as if he believed that was enough to go unnoticed. He tries to retreat quickly, but you're faster. "What did I tell you about windows and doors?" you scold gently, opening the window.
He looks up at you, holding on the cornice of the window. Fortunately, your room is only on the first floor, and the ivy crawling on the walls makes it easy to climb. "Well, I wasn’t actually spying, I just-just happened to pass by!" he stammers.
"Passing by... through the window?" You raise an eyebrow, helping him into the room, making sure his outfit doesn’t get in the way again. You ask him what he was doing there, reminding him that spying on girls in their rooms isn't appropriate.
"Well, sometimes I'm lucky... I see them undress." he boasts, to which you quickly react with an afflicted "Oh, Sthanas…" massaging your temples.
"Uh, anyway... It's a beautiful night, and I was going out for a walk." he suggests.
"For a walk?" You ask him, skeptically. 
"Yes, would you... join me?"
You hesitate, it is quite late, but at the end you ask him for five minutes to get ready, and as you exit the room together, you don’t notice him quickly grabbing your panties left on the bed, putting them into his pocket. 
You’ve never seen the Abbey under that light. 
Yes, you’ve been up till morning with your friends, at midnight masses or parties, but you had never focused on all those little details Terzo is showing you tonight. 
He guides you through the empty corridors, inviting you to just hush and listen to all the echoes, the sounds and what he calls music of the night, reverberating through the stones. To you, night time had always been a useless timespan to fill with rest, thinking that nothing really happened during the dark hours, but now you start to feel something different, as if the walls seem to breathe with a life of their own, whispering secrets of centuries past, of all the feet that clicked on those floors and the thousands of words the walls have absorbed. You realize that in that silence, even the smallest water drop falling on the floor has a distinctive sound, different from the others.
He moves you gently, moving closer and farther away as if in a dance. His voice in the silence resonates like a melody, warm on your skin when he whispers in your ear, as if not wanting to disturb the quiet by speaking too loudly, manifesting his charm like a bat who is at his best in flight during the night.
“The night holds secrets untold, mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Each shadow hides a story.” You hear him say. “Night is when everything slows down, revealing its true essence...” He continues, letting the light of the lantern he holds closer to his face draw shadows on him, before blowing on the candle, “… or hiding it in its safe embrace.” and you only hear his voice, his body now one with darkness.
“Do you feel it?” He asks, reappearing behind you, or at least you feel his breath through your hair, his hand on your arm, “Do you feel this magic in the air?” 
As you see all the shadows and faint, natural lights dance around you, It seems like everything comes alive - just a different kind of life - under the moonlight. It is something you never noticed.
“…Yes.” You only manage to say, feeling your heart beating in your throat.
You take his hand and move to the garden, and as the hours pass you finally open up, sharing stories of your past, your childhood, and your journey to the Ministry.
He lets you talk, while he just seems to enjoy your tales, sitting next to you on the stone bench. You’re not even sure if he is actually listening to your words or just enjoying the sound of your voice, as you share your story of a life lived in the lights of the day. 
At some point, when night delves into its darkest hour, he notices you shivering lightly at the cold air. It takes a bit for him to realize you are cold, but as he does you promptly find yourself enveloped in his cloak.
When words go missing you simply find solace in each other’s company, accompanied by a shared, comfortable silence, just letting time pass by itself. Sometimes a beast’s verse, louder than the others, startles you, or a rustle in a bush makes you flinch, but Terzo reassures you that it’s just life going on while humans sleep. 
“It doesn’t stop when the sun goes down.” He says “Nature swarms with no rest. Isn’t it beautiful? Nothing really stops, everything flows endlessly.”
And that is that, something once frightening to you, like strange noises in the night, becomes music you now listen to from a different perspective.
The night passes quickly until you start to yawn, struggling to keep your eyes open.
“Are you bored?”
“No, no…” you reassure him. Your head comfortably resting on his shoulder “it’s just very late for me, I’m not as nocturnal as you. I’m just a bit tired.”
“Oh, well… It's getting late for me too. Dawn is close.” he says, glancing at the sky. You quietly go back to your room, saying goodbye at your door. 
“Thank you for keeping me company. This night was brighter.” he says, putting a little smile on your tired face. “To the next walk, so…?”
“To the next walk.” You agree.
He moves away, but after a few steps he turns back again, “Tonight?” he asks hopefully, pointing at you with both indexes.
“Tonight.” Nodding, you agree again, and finally enter your room, unsure if that night had been real or just a dream.
Only a few hours later you find your friends in the refectory. You woke up a bit late, but not enough to miss breakfast.
“Oh wow, I know what those are.” A friend says with a rather suggestive tone, pointing at your eyes, puffy for the lack of sleep, “Someone stayed up all night…”
“Terzo invited me for a walk tonight.” you quietly admit, biting a brioche. It is not a mystery that Terzo seems obsessed with you lately. “I found him spying on me through the window.”
One of your friends shrugs, “I know, I have Dracopia following me now…” as she says it, she stops eating when she notices your eyes, all pointed in the same direction behind her. “He’s behind me, isn't he?”
You all nod, looking at Copia’s head disappearing quickly behind a wall. Dracopia, you learnt, is just a nickname the Sisters have given him.
You spend the lunch discussing whether or not your friend should give a chance to Copia, and what you should do with Terzo, gossiping about how cute and odd he is with you, and the magical night you just spent with him.
The decision is an easy one anyway, and as you return to your room to prepare for the night, you notice something is missing in your drawers. 
You shrug, trying to remember where you put the panties you were planning to wear.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
M*luca is a shitty dynamic imo, and M*ria's dismissive comment about Michael from 1x02 that she repeatedly doubled down on made even their S1 dynamic icky for me, but if we're being honest, S2 Malex could also be described as one person repeatedly lashing out and the other just taking it because they have no self-worth and think they deserve it, and all of us shippers worked really hard to still see it as romantic and soft, even though almost none of it could objectively be described that way. I am not exactly surprised M*luca shippers adopted the same attitude. Fact is, Vlamis' acting choices shut the door on future M*luca for me way more than the narrative did. Nothing about the first two eps made me think Michael would have ever broken up with her or pursued Alex again if he didn't randomly walk in on the song specifically after M*ria already dumped him. I don't know how the show is going to try to rectify this, but Michael's feelings cannot just be left up to Vlamis' face.
This is part of the issue with not developing her character back in season 1. We know a lot of Alex and Michael's trauma history so we can understand the intent behind things when the happen, and we see the way they look at each other with longing, or with sadness when the other has hurt their feelings, and most importantly, Malex fans understand that where they were when the show started was not healthy or good for them and needed to change. Malex fans have been banging on since the start of the show that these two idiots (affectionate) need to sit down and actually talk to each other, and listen to what the other has to say and in order to do that, they both need to address some of their own personal traumas and trauma responses so they can move to a healthier place. Where as m*luca fans seem to think this kind of behavior is good and normal and "cute" or "soft" when it's literally a just a woman talking down to a man because she thinks he's lesser than her. Alex said Michael was wasting his life because he knows and respects how smart Michael is and all the things he could be doing. That doesn’t mean it was the right thing to say at the time or that he didn’t hurt Michael with those words, but they came from a place of respect and knowledge of who Michael is, which we have yet to see m*ria have considering in the two episodes we have we are told Michael has been staying out of the Pony, having a good year reconnecting with his siblings and surviving a lot of shit happening in his life and the past two seasons show him constantly putting himself and his needs on the back burner for other people, yet all m*ria can say to him is that he’s been lazily sitting on a barstool for the past year. 🤷‍♀️
Vlamis' acting choices shut the door on future M*luca for me way more than the narrative did...I don't know how the show is going to try to rectify this, but Michael's feelings cannot just be left up to Vlamis' face.
Hard agree. Vlaims is doing the most to push Malex and remind everyone how much Michael loves Alex and it’s appreciated, but I can’t help but think it shouldn’t be so necessary, and should be something that is more fun, than the only thing fans are clinging to for hope because the show refuses to give us any. Manifesting some quality Malex content tonight because we have waited for over 400 days for them to share a scene together. 
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winged-fool · 3 years
Happy Roswell New Mexico Day! I am putting on my clown makeup and manifesting the Malex fandom being well fed and Jeanine continue to take back her position as leading lady. I’m also manifesting lots of Jones content. He’s so much fun. He’s dark and menacing and creepy but also campy in a very classic villain kind of way. To celebrate Roswell New Mexico day I posted both parts of my Flint as Rosa friendship story on AO3. 🍤🍤🍤
Hello my friend and happy RNM Day to you too!! Join us as we don all the clown makeup and wait in anticipation to be disappointed by the malex scene tonight. Lol jk, I'm really looking forward to tonight's ep but I also don't want to get my hopes up too high yanno?
WE WANT MORE JEANINE!! I must have missed the memo where she was demoted and Heather was made the lead 😒😒😒
Omg I love Jones so much, he's the perfect villain and I'd be happy to trade him for Max lol
Ahhh!! Okay cool! I should have time either tonight or tomorrow to finally catch up on your fics!!
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lovelessmotel · 3 years
okay but hear me out they switched this week and last week cause ghost stories has chimney in it but couldnt/didnt have time to fit him into last weeks ep….anyway manifesting a chimney sighting tonight please 🥺
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