#manhole festival
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In Japan’s glittering cities, all hustle and light, they can be easy to miss.
With all that sensory assault, who thinks to look down and take notice of something as mundane as a manhole cover? But these are no ordinary bits of civic infrastructure.
In Japan, many manhole covers are works of urban art—elaborate, curious, distinctive, even colorful.
They have become a tourist destination unto themselves and attract a legion of dedicated manhole enthusiasts who travel the country to visit some of the thousands of unique designs.
Japan’s decorated manhole covers—broadly encompassing storm drain, domestic water supply, electrical and other utility access covers—initially took shape as a public relations campaign for sewers.
Beginning in the 1950s, the cast plates featured simple geometric patterns, such as the “Tokyo” and “Nagoya” designs.
Japanese civil servant Yasutake Kameda conceived of the intricate, artistic versions in 1985 to help warm a skeptical rural population to the idea of the costly but necessary modernization of the country’s sewer system.
From these humble and practical beginnings, manhole covers have become a cultural phenomenon.
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Typically, “local manholes” or “design manholes” feature elements special to a particular location: a town emblem, landmark, event, or official bird or flower.
For instance, Takasaki, 60 miles northwest of Tokyo in mountainous Gunma Prefecture, has manhole covers that commemorate the city’s popular summer fireworks festival.
Local mascots (known as yurukyara, such as Fukaya City’s adorable rabbit-deer Fukkachan) and cartoon characters also appear.
In Tokyo’s Tama ward, home of the Sanrio Puroland amusement park, one can find covers featuring the ever-popular Hello Kitty.
Local sports franchises are also represented near the teams’ home arenas and stadiums—such as the well-known colorful depiction of the logo of the Hiroshima Carp baseball team.
While there is some logic to the placement of the covers, particularly those graced with color—usually near a landmark, theme park, or stadium—others appear to have been placed without rhyme or reason.
Indeed, it is not unusual to walk down an otherwise unremarkable side street and spot a special one underfoot.
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The ornate manhole covers are initially carved from aluminum, which is used to make sand molds for casting.
The majority of the designs are selected by local municipalities, in conjunction with manufacturers.
In most cases, the design is just imprinted in the cover, but in some cases, the covers get another touch—colored resins flooded into voids like enamel on jewelry.
Today, an estimated 95 percent of Japan’s 1,718 municipalities across all 47 prefectures now host their own unique covers.
In Osaka, approximately 10 percent of the city’s 180,000 manhole covers feature ornate designs, of which roughly 1,900 get the color treatment.
Typically, a designed manhole cover, which weighs more than 80 pounds, excluding the frame, costs approximately $585—a five percent premium over the cost of a plain cover.
The color, however, is applied carefully by hand and nearly doubles the price of a manhole to more than $900.
Such is the popularity of these little urban treasures that they have a devout, organized following.
There is the industry-led Japan Ground Manhole Association and the fan-based Japanese Society of Manhole Covers, whose website features thousands of photographs submitted by users across Japan, who have snapped everything from large sewer covers to tiny local utility access panels.
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“Manholers,” as they’re known, may travel to distant areas of the country just to photograph covers or collect pencil rubbings known as takuhon.
Trading cards featuring manhole designs are also popular collectors’ items and can command steep prices in online auctions.
One prominent fan is Kei Takebuchi, a popular Tokyo-based singer-songwriter.
Takebuchi traces her fascination with them to the covers of Nagoya, which feature a charming cartoon water strider insect, while she was on tour in 2015.
Since then, she has regularly tweeted photos of manhole covers to her nearly 200,000 followers on social media.
“Every manhole cover design has [a meaning] … it tells me that we can create art with almost anything,” she says, in an interview for this story.
Like many places, Japan is full of people with unusual hobbies or obsessions, but love for the country’s manhole covers has gone mainstream:
a “manhole festival” was held near a major train station in Tokyo last month, featuring trading cards, baked goods, and replica covers from around the country.
Retailer Tokyu Hands ran an extended campaign at its central Shinjuku location, with a range of manhole cover–related goods for sale.
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The affinity for manhole covers also seems to tap in to Japan’s fondness for hobbies that involve lots of domestic travel.
Stamp rallies—featuring rubber stamps at train stations and other landmarks—encourage hobbyists to travel to overlooked or lesser-visited locales to add one more stamp to their collections.
“Rail-fans” similarly scour the country to document or experience a rare train carriage, an unusual station melody, or other rail-related minutia.
It is the same for manholers, with the occasionally far-flung or seemingly random placement of coveted covers—and directions of varying accuracy—adding to the sense of a scavenger hunt.
Indeed, Takebuchi recounts once spending three hours on a bitterly cold day in Kawagoe City in Saitama Prefecture to snap a photo of a particular manhole cover, beautifully designed with an images of Toki no Kane, a historic bell tower.
Similar stories are common currency in manholing circles.
Easy to overlook, but curious and rewarding, Japan’s unique manhole covers are a charming reminder that the mundane can be exciting and that you should never forget to look down.
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rallentando1011 · 6 months
Homey Holiday Happenings
(rise Donnie x gn reader oneshot)
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Word Count: 1695
Content: pre-established relationship, can be read as platonic/qpr, affectionate intelligent dum-dums, fluffy fluff
The holidays: a wintery time of merriment and cheer, gatherings with family and friends, exchanges of presents and warm wishes, the streets of New York littered more thoroughly with charity organizations and high spirits than with actual litter.
Well… maybe you were being idealistic, but who could blame you? You were waltzing through the bustling town, an abundance of gifts in tow, in high spirits and a cozy sweat outfit, on route to the residence of some of your favorite people. Sure, that residence happened to be in the sewers, but you didn’t mind much. The company far outweighed any travel inconvenience. 
Speaking of traveling, you walked until you recognized the now familiar sign of 11th street. Upon seeing it, your legs carried you almost on instinct down an adjacent alleyway, and after a quick glance behind you to alleviate any worries of being followed, you slipped loose the askew cover of the manhole beneath you and slipped in.
You eased your way down the ladder carefully, seeing as one of your arms was weighed down by the bags of presents you possessed. You took it one step at a time, the metallic clang of your shoes on the steps ringing out until you reached the solid bottom.
No sooner than your shoes met the concrete did you hear the bright, bubbly sounds of laughter approaching. Mikey. He bounded up to you excitedly, offering a warm hug as a welcome.
Mikey then proceeded down the echoey chamber of the sewer from whence he came only moments ago. You followed along, noticing Mikey had a mischievous grin and gleam in his eye.
“Oh, nothing,” he answered innocently before sprinting the rest of the way down the tunnel. Definitely not suspicious.
When the entrance to the well-lit lair came into view, your face dropped as you saw Donnie tapping on his gauntlet in the archway. That itself wasn’t an issue. No, the source of your dread was the traditional, semi-parasitic plant hanging above the distracted turtle.
You trudged along with a scowl, not liking the unavoidability and inconceivability of this exact scenario. You slowly came to a stop beside a disengaged Donatello.
“You traitor,” you seethed at Mikey, who was already on the other side of the room. Couldn’t even get in the door without some wacky shenanigan starting already.
Before you had any time to enact your revenge (or plan the schematics and mechanics of your revenge), your attention was drawn to your right by the clearing of one Leonardo’s throat.
“Aghast! Is that mistletoe, upon hither arch?” Leo was standing with his younger brother across the room, phone in hand, undoubtedly recording you and Donnie with the intention of preserving childhood memories. 
Alright, you’d be honest with yourself; you knew Leo intended to get a video as blackmail.
“Oh, dear me, mistletoe,” Donnie exclaimed without any of the excitement akin to an exclamation. “I’ll pass on this phoratoxin-based, pedantic display of romanticism, thanks.”
With that refusal, Mikey deflated and Leo rolled his eyes, though both of them gave up on that endeavor and began to move into the other room
Your hand acted as a puppet of a mouth, your fingers acting as a top jaw, your thumb the bottom, and gently bumping against his own phalange in a mock-kiss.
“For tradition’s sake,” you justified briefly. 
Before the baffled turtle could muster a rebuttal, you continued into the living room of the lair, following the pleasant sounds and smells of holiday festivities.
Still judging you, Donnie followed suit.
The living room was lit warmly, lightly decorated with string lights and a large stack of presents, which were starting to be exchanged between those in attendance. Your company consisted of April, Raph, Mikey, and Leo, along with Donnie, of course, all of whom you swapped a smile or wave with upon entering the room. You assumed Splinter had bundled himself up in his room or the projector room but weren’t too focused on it.
Your attention was on the presents.
You took a seat on the floor after plopping down the gift bags that had been on your one arm beside you. Swiftly, you gathered up all the gifts labeled with your name and roughly distributed the ones you brought, eager to dig into them. So you did.
Most of the presents consisted of knickknacks: throw blankets, small plushies, miniatures candies. You weren’t complaining, though; you loved and were appreciative and thanked people for every single one. You even draped the fuzzy blanket you’d received over your shoulders. Besides, your presents were mainly tchotchkes as well. Likewise, they were appreciated.
That led you to your last present, from the resident genius himself, Donatello.
Intrigued, you tore into the wrapping paper, unboxing a few things, the first items being your favorite candies. With a smile, you continued on, pulling out a quaint mug. On the side of the mug there was a decal of the fibonacci sequence, both a visual representation and the arithmetic sequence’s formula.
Looking beside you at the benefactor of the gift, you noticed he was opening your present at the same time. You watched a smile peek out from his lips as he read the script on the mug you bought for him, reading “NERD? I prefer the term INTELLECTUAL NINJA”. Like heck you were passing up that opportunity when you saw it in the store.
“Aw, we both got each other cheesy nerd mugs.” You smiled, only to be met with a monotone response.
“Mine was genuine.”
“Huh. I appreciate it nonetheless.”
“I would’ve made you something, if my family hadn’t banned me from making gifts since… the incident.”
You opened your mouth to question what the incident was, but Raph interjected. “Donnie, the last time you made us ‘gifts,’ we almost lost a fight and you were almost roasted on a spit, so you’re welcome for saving your and your loved ones’ hides.”
You scrunched up your face. “Is that an exaggeration?” You had directed the question toward Donnie, but April jumped in with an answer.
“Oh, you think that’s bad?” She smirked with a tilt in her head. “You should have seen when we-”
The stories continued on from there, each of those in attendance regaling tales of epic glories, fantastic battles, amusing and impressive, if not anxiety inducing.
At some point in all the excitement, Donnie must’ve slipped away from the group, because when you turned beside you to joke about a comment Leo made, you noticed his absence. Thanking everyone one last time for everything you received, you told them that you were headed on your way to see what the poindexter was up to.
You made your way through the corridors of the lair, through the doorway of his lab to see him slumped over his workspace and typing away.
“Well, that mistletoe setup was wild,” you enunciated to announce your presence, moving over to his side.
“Tell me about it,” he grumbled.
“You were there, so I’ll spare the redundancy.” You grinned, mirthful.
“I didn’t mean to literally tell me- oh whatever.”
“What’re you up to anyway?” you mused, placing a hand on his desk and leaning on it.
“Not much. Just retconning some blueprints.” His response sounded tired, disinterested. You could work with that.
“I had something along the lines of movie, hot chocolate, cozy clothes in mind, but if you just want to keep sulking over busywork, okay then.”
“... Which movie did you have in mind?”
You smirked at him. “I am open to ideas, but for uncanny valley’s sake, Polar Express.” 
“But of course. Onto the matter of drinks, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., fetch a hot chocolate and a warm flavorless juice.” At the command, the small, purple drone stirred from his resting place on Donnie’s desk before he whipped out of the room.
“Please,” you corrected with a smug grin before your expression soured. “Wait, wait, wait, flavorless juice?”
“You wanted to watch The Polar Express, right?” An obvious subject change. You saw right through him, and he knew it.
“No, no, we aren’t just skipping over this conversation. Warm flavorless juice is practically just hot water.” You threw your hands out to your sides, exasperated.
“It’s different.”
As your debacle continued, you two eventually ambled out of the lab, making your way to settle in his room. Also eventually, you gave up on trying to convince him of the redundancy of a conundrum that is flavorless juice. Why not just let him enjoy it?
You readjusted your plush, new throw blanket on your shoulders and sat with legs crisscrossed on his mattress. He took a place beside you and sat in a similar manner. Both of your backs to the headboard, you cozied up beside him. Your shoulders rested on each other’s, and as he pulled up the projection of the movie on his tech gauntlet, you let yourself rove over his appearance and the situation.
No mask, no battle shell, no alerts for missions, nothing at all.
Surprisingly enough, having nothing to do made you feel very fulfilled. Unsurprisingly, you preferred cozy minimalism anyway.
Soon enough, the film started playing, and a little while after that, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. whirred into the room, a cup holder containing your beverages, in your new mugs, no less, in his mouth. After mumbling something about how “bogus” it was of you guys to request something and then switch rooms, the drone zipped right back out. That left you and Donnie in his room, lackadaisically watching a movie. As The Polar Express progressed, Donnie occasionally leaned over to mumble some behind-the-scenes fun facts to you, and each of you swapped a joke or two.
Once the movie reached its end, you noticed how relaxed you were, sleepily slumped against his side.
Before drifting off, as foreshadowed by a long yawn, you regarded him in your state of languid affection.
“Goodnight, and happy unspecified, nonsectarian holiday.” You tapped the side of your head to his, earning a snort for your pedantic vernacular.
“Yes, yes, have fond dreams and whatnot, you dork.”
“Love you too.”
sketch I based this off of
(I had a swell time with this, and I hope that YOU, whoever you are, are having a swell holiday season)
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Icicle Fingers
2012 Leonardo x Reader blurb
Info + Warnings: Set during Christmas. No gendered language, pronouns, or Y.N used for Reader.
Commentary: Wanted to explore a happy, playful, relaxed Leo. Set post S5 (not including the finale.)
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Leo, in an attempt to be a gentleman, was waiting by the ladder when you slipped through the manhole above. Given the blinding daylight that announced your arrival, waiting there was the closest he could get to picking you up from your apartment and walking you to the Hamatos' home; it was his way of being polite.
It had nothing to do with the fact that he wanted a few moments alone before the festivities properly kicked off.
"Hey there," he called warmly, pushing off of the wall he'd been leaning on. He moved to the side of the ladder, subtly bracing himself to leap into action should you slip. "How was the walk?"
"Cold. Speaking of-" you reached the bottom, feet on solid ground, and Leo felt the tension drain from his shoulders- "why aren't you under a heater? I know the way to the lair by now, you know."
He chuckled, reaching out to take some of the gift bags you had hanging from your arm.
"Hey, hey-" you started nervously, shifting backward to dodge Leo's extended hands. "I know those are icicle fingers- don't you dare-"
Not his original plan, but since you brought it up… "Look out," he warned playfully, voice low, "gonna back yourself into a corner."
"You wish."
He darted forwards and grabbed for your waist; predictably, you leaped to his right, and he smoothly twisted on his heel and caught you before you could make a break for it.
You shrieked as he tugged you to his plastron, tucking his face into your neck and nuzzling in as you laughed over the rattling noise from the bags.
"Caught you."
"Yeah, yeah, very fancy- Leonardo!" His winter-chilled fingers slid up under your layers, pressing to your torso and making you squirm in his arms. "You frozen basta-"
"Language!" he reprimanded, grinning into your shoulder. "It's Christmas."
You twisted to catch his eye with an incredulous look. "Says the guy freezing me!"
"No vulgarity required for that, thank you."
"What happened to peace on Earth? Good will towards men?"
"My hands were cold," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your jaw. "And really, since you have the luxury of being warm-blooded, you're the one that should be considering goodwill."
"I'll show you goodwill," you grumbled. "You're getting two mittens- stuffed with coal."
"Now that's the spirit."
You wriggled again. This time he loosened his grip, standing up straight as you turned in his arms to face him.
Your playful glare didn't last long, replaced by a soft smile that made his heart swell as you reached up and twirled the tails of his mask between your fingers. "Hey."
"Hey," he leaned forwards again, dropping his eyes from yours to the fingers tangled in his mask resting on his shoulder. He brushed his lips against your fingertips. "You look amazing, by the way."
"So do you," you mumbled. "Are those new wrist wraps?"
"Yeah, actually. April gave us our gift early."
"They make you look even more handsome than usual."
He smiled bashfully, looking back up to meet your gaze. "Thank you."
You pressed your lips to his briefly before stepping back, sliding out of his arms. "C'mon, fearless," you wrapped an arm around one of his, "let's get going before someone thinks you got yourself kidnapped. Again."
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raainy-daze · 2 years
The Problem With Pumpkins and Sewers
halloween special !
rottmnt mikey x gn!reader
summary: you and mikey are doing some early pumpkin carving.
word count: 1120
a/n: i don’t know why this one was so hard to write??? i had the entire first quarter of a different thing written out, but then i had to scrap it, and this is what appeared from me trying to put something together. happy halloween, hope this is still decent!
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Ah, October, the month of spooks and scares. There was a chill in the air, and festivities had begun.
Fun fact, dragging pumpkins down into the sewers is actually kind of a nightmare. Who would’ve guessed? Not you, with your insanely poor planning. You had spent a good five minutes glaring down the manhole, trying to figure out how to get down without breaking a pumpkin or a limb. You thought about calling the guys, but you had too much self-worth to consider it for more than a few minutes.
After several minutes of trial and error, however, you’d finally made it! You were a bit scraped up, but hey, mission accomplished! You absolutely were not volunteering yourself for pumpkin transportation next year, though. You got lucky this time, but you didn’t want to count on that luck twice.
“Oh, sorry, Splinter!” You smiled sheepishly at the rat, who you took it was napping prior to your arrival.
“You’ve got the pumpkins?” Mikey caught you off guard, popping up behind you from seemingly nowhere. You dropped a pumpkin, and nearly panicked for a second, but Mikey caught it.
Mikey set his pumpkin down on the table, and you followed suit. Mikey turned to smile at you, but said smile almost immediately dropped. “What happened?” He grabbed your hand, which was scraped up as a result of what could only be described as your scramble down the manhole.
“What do you think?” You raised an eyebrow. “I am never trying that again, for the record. It’s a hard enough trip to make with just a backpack.”
“Hang on, we have some bandaids somewhere!”
“Oh, no, I’m fine-“ Mikey had already vanished. You sighed and accepted it, walking over to the sink to wash the scrape.
“Well, well, well, what’s going on here?” You looked up to see Leo had wandered in. “I heard yelling earlier.”
“Mikey and I are carving pumpkins.”
“You’re carving pumpkins? I thought we were all going to do that together!”
“We are. It’s still too early in the month to have pumpkins last until Halloween, we’re going to do it all together later. Mikey and I are doing early decorative pumpkins.”
“(Y/N),” Leonardo narrowed his eyes, “all jack o’ lanterns are decorative.”
“That’s beside the point.” You stuck out your tongue. “Also, I already got injured taking two down here.” You held up your limp hand to emphasize (even if the limpness was an over exaggeration on your part).
“I found the bandaids!” Mikey reappeared, waving the box of aforementioned bandaids.
“Thanks, Mikey.”
Mikey sat down next to you, pretty much ignoring his brother.
“You two are a couple of bastards, you know that?”
“I’m gonna take that as a compliment.”
Leo rolled his eyes and started walking away, waving his hand dismissively. “Well, I guess I’ll be getting out of your hair.”
“Good riddance!”
“Wow, I was just going to say goodbye, you jerks!”
And Leo was gone. Mikey had already fished and bandage out of the box, holding your hand close so that he could apply it.
“Aaand- there!”
Mikey pressed a kiss over top of the bandaid, making you giggle. “Are we carving pumpkins or not?”
“Right!” Mikey reached for a set of knives he’d left out - seeing him grin as he held a knife out to you wasn’t disturbing at all! - and you set off to cutting open the top of your pumpkin.
Fifteen minutes later, you were scooping out the seeds to hollow out the pumpkin. Most went straight into the trashcan you’d dragged over, but occasionally one of you would set a couple aside on a set of paper towels you’d laid out for Raph and Splinter, who according to Mikey, were the type to eat pumpkin seeds.
“So, what are you going to do with yours?” You asked.
“I’m gonna make it a cat.” Mikey grinned. That certainly sounded on brand. “What about you?”
You shrugged. “Nothing fancy. Just found a reference on Google.”
Mikey nodded. “Classic?”
“Yeah, you could say that.”
You heard footsteps coming in from the lab. You didn’t bother looking up, only one person hung around in the lab. “Hey, Donnie.”
“Yes, we have knives. We’re gonna use them on your robots.” You looked up at Donnie, who was only just noticing the pumpkins.
“Okay, that’s a great way to get electrocuted.” Donnie shuffled past the two of you, still watching the knives (overdramatic, much?). “I need more coffee.”
“It’s the middle of the afternoon.”
“Oh, believe me, he doesn’t care,” Mikey said.
You sighed before grabbing your phone. You had saved a photo of what you were going to carve, and you thought you had made it to that stage. There were a couple seeds left inside, but they were stuck, and you didn’t want to bother with it anymore.
“Ooo, that looks cool!” Mikey looked at your reference as he shoveled the last of his pumpkins seeds in the trash.
“Let’s just hope I don't mess it up.” You carefully aligned your knife where you wanted the eye to be.
“I believe in you! But don’t cut yourself again please.”
“I will not cut myself.” It was more an affirmation than anything else.
Over the next hour, you and Mikey worked hard on your jack o’ lanterns. You made a few mistakes here and there, but overall it went well by your standards. Mikey’s, of course, was unreasonably well done for just a cat, but that’s the way things go. Every so often, one of his brothers would interrupt the process, but that was to be expected.
When you were both finished, you lit a couple candles and gently placed them inside, and set the top back on. You stepped back to admire your handiwork.
“Early pumpkin carving success!” Mikey cheered.
“Success, indeed. But I feel like mine’s missing something.” You narrowed your eyes, thinking.
“… A nose, maybe?”
“Crap.” You picked your knife back up, and hastily carved a triangle out of the middle. “Okay, now it’s done.” You turned to Mikey, who was hiding his laughter rather badly.
“Well, what do we do with these now? Where are we putting them?”
“I think they should go in your apartment.”
“That way, you can have some Halloween cheer at your place! We’re going to have a bunch in the lair in a few weeks, anyway.” He smiled at you.
You took in a deep breath.
“Michelangelo Hamato. If you think I am dragging those back up the manhole. You are SORELY MISTAKEN-“
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turtle-babe83 · 2 years
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{GN!Reader, on the Nice List}
Just imagine……
Once you and your beau got serious, you decided it was time for him to meet your mom. He joined you both for Thanksgiving and they got along famously. You were grateful for an open-minded mother who decided that he was destined to be her son in law. By Christmas, it was decided that she should come spend Christmas Eve with the two of you in the lair, where she would meet the rest of his family.
“Mom, come on! Your hair looks fine. They live in the sewers. They really don’t care if you wear it up or down,” you fuss.
She takes one more look in the mirror and fluffs it some more.
“I just want to make a good impression!” she exclaims.
You roll your eyes, grabbing your bag of presents and usher her out the door. Your boyfriend is waiting at the manhole cover to help get your mom down carefully. Then he nabs the bag and throws it over his shoulder, grabbing your hand with his free one. Your mom coos at you both as you walk to the lair, causing heat to rise in your cheeks and his.
The introductions go smoothly as all the brothers are on their best behavior. You even note that someone set out lots of scented candles and diffusers to soften the sewage smell. Mikey has cooked a feast, Raph has made his famous hot chocolate, and Leo and Donnie set the table to look festive. Your mother is sat next to Master Splinter and as dinner goes on, you notice that they are conversing very well. When it comes time to sit and open gifts, the old rat offers her a seat beside him on the couch. As the evening wears on, you notice your mother staring longingly into his dark eyes. When did they inch closer together? Alarm bells begin to go off in your head. You nearly blanch when she places a flirty hand on his arm.
Your boyfriend comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. He leans close to your ear so only you can hear him and motions towards the pair discreetly.
“Ya know, when I said I was ready to be a family with you, that wasn’t what I meant.” 🤎
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@exovapor @dilucsflame33 @nittleboo @raisin-shell @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @roxosupreme @zowise2912 @xanadu702 @brightlotusmoon @ashleighclark98 @fyreball66 @tmntspidergirl @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @labeccy @lunar-corgimon @misteria247 @ladyofparchments @raphielover @tortuefaerie @bunnyraptor69 @polypandragon @sharpwindow @tkappi @aurora-the-kunoichi @imthegreenfairy88 @pheradream15 @rheawritesforfun @cowabunga-doll @coulrofilia-sexuell @lilyssims @daedric-sorceress @creepylittlemarvelgirl @raphslovemuffin80 @sketch-and-write-lover @drowninghell @digitl-art-monstr @fluffytriceratops @angelcatlowyn @turtlesmakemehappy @kawaiibunga @narwals14 @waterstar2016 @infuriatedleprechaun @bibiz82 @angelicdavinci @memes-in-a-half-shell @fictionalmenmistress
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thesuitelife547 · 2 years
B1A4, OMG, ONF Google Drive Folders Masterlist (Updated December 6, 2022)
So if any of you have been on my Twitter, you may know that I have (a lot of) Google Drive folders holding different performances that I’ve subbed for B1A4, OMG, and ONF and this here is the Masterlist for them having the links to the folders and describing what they all contain. 
If anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out because I know this is a lot of stuff and it may be hard to find things. The only folder that doesn’t specifically have what’s in it is the Special Folder. But the first section is all of the live performances and then the second consists of the subbed videos that I have and that are uploaded.
I’ll be updating this from time to time, too, so this isn’t the final list and I don’t think it ever will be.
But let me know if you have any questions. Thanks to everyone and enjoy!
- Marisa
B1A4 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cBfcm1GTR8RJAkG-CrxvMviAJLowLIbS Japanese albums (3, 4), Do You Remember, Follow Me, Listen to the B1A4, Japanese MV (Happy Days & You and I), Road Trip, Traffic Safety Song, Chu Chu Chu (Japanese), Immortal Songs 2 (It Will Pass, Like A Dandelion Spore, The Flight), The First Day She Cried, Smart Campaign Song, SBS Hope TV Logo Song, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15bTrPL772g-VfFpS8G1jo7nYpWg4DVTp The Class, BABA B1A4, Amazing Store, JYP Party People, Japan Showcase Live 2011 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q5_AtPhJAOZM2nRvG3HZvi5JH35wDzRR Baby I’m Sorry, Beautiful Target, Duet Festival, OK, Rollin’, Sugar Man, Sweet Girl, What’s Going On https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VIUtCPfey2EEr2nhnkn4h89jKy3758vh A Lie, Baby Goodnight, Mask King, Solo Day, Tried to Walk, 10 Years Later (Guerilla Concert), A Glass of water [Inkigayo & Music Bank], DMZ Special Stage, Lonely & Solo Day [MBC Gayo, Seoul Music Awards], FM Date, Solo Day & If Snow Comes [SBS Gayo], Together [Comeback Showcase], You Are A Girl I Am A Boy [Inkigayo, Music Core] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bcZq2cD8mHdU_eazLp4Yc9iFzvLpflL0?usp=sharing Japanese Albums (1, 2, 5), 1000 Song Challenge (Bounce, By Chance, Confession, I Hate, I Must’ve Loved You, Love’s Battery, Lying on the Ocean, Night of the Moon, Only, Yellow Handkerchief, Young You), Immortal Songs 2 (Dance with DOC, Do You Know Rosie, Forgotten Season, In Case You Don’t Come, In Your Arms, Older Sister, One Love, One Ticket, Rain Falling in Myeongdong, Unconditionally, White Love), Japanese Singles B-Sides (BANA Day, Colorful, Drive, Fly Away, Glass of Water, If…, Ready To Go, Who Am I), Lonely, MV (Sunshine, White Miracle, With You, The Way To Find Love [Cinderella and the Four Knights], No Problem [Smart Prison Playbook], One More Step [Introverted Boss], Other World [Bad Guys], Tell Me [Manhole], The Day We Fall In Love), Only Learned Bad Things, Sandeul Solo Albums, ABC Song [Line Song], KBS Gayo Special Stages, Good Timing [Comeback Showcase, The Show], Here I Am [Lovely Horribly], In A Dream [Comeback Showcase, Kiss the Radio, Show Champion], Intuition [MCountdown], It’s Christmas [Haeyo TV], Lingering Inside of Me [The Tale of Noku], Love Then [Haeyo TV, Show Champion], Nothing Better [Sketchbook], Perhaps [Simsimtapa], Prince of the Sea [MBC Gayo], Road [Golden Disk Awards], Star [I Need Love], Stay As You Are [Haeyo TV], The Place Where You Should Be [Music Core], This Time is Over [Haeyo TV], Winter Story & White Christmas [Music Core], With You [Open Concert, Reply 1994 Music Special] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18ezSSQ96Mq9cgcJVE9U9Bg9OXFTQj48m?usp=sharing Origine, Origine Comeback Showcase, Adult Diary [Start Up], B1A4 2017 Japan Tour ‘Be The One’ (17.06.16), Timing [Music Bank], Timing MV, Pick Up, Blue Whale [Kiss Episode 3] (19.03.19), The Love of Fingertips MV, Oppa MV
Special Folder [Raw] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qVF0f3A15Zdts5lEEIOqUv-x20Yf11Pc?usp=sharing Special Folder OH MY GIRL https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jQk4pYiSWp29PrSt4eb_mlgOk_pyh1Rq?usp=sharing Banana Allergy Monkey, Coloring Book, Oh My Girl, OST (Fluttering Footsteps, I Know, Sarr), Pink Ocean, Secret Garden, The Fifth Season, Echo [Remember Me Showcase], Eternally, Listen to My Word [MCountdown], Walking With (feat. Sandeul) [Girl Spirit] ONF https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z40a0KYH-WhJwGjRxf7lY1OPeigTzGxx?usp=sharing ON/OFF, ON/OFF First Showcase, Complete, Complete Second Showcase, OST (Not A Sad Song, Your Day), ON/OFF Japanese Single, Complete Japanese Single https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LH_OtNhAP84ErXL0TI2cLygTPX24BQM2?usp=sharing We Must Love, Go Live, Go Live Showcase, New World [Road to Kingdom], Spin Off, ONF: My Name, ONF: My Name Showcase, MK’s Soundcloud (You’re My Muse)
BABA B1A4, Celebrity Bromance, Crime Scene, D+B1A4, I Need Romance, God of Music 2, Pikicast Episode 5 
MTV Diary, PC Room Attack, 3 Minute Boyfriend [SNL], Dingo Test, 10th Anniversary - Road, Tei’s Dreaming Radio Clip (16.12.06), Bingo Talk [The Show] (16.12.06), Secretly, Greatly (16.12.11), Section TV (16.12.04), Snack MBTI, B1A4 x Javisi, Music Bank Stardust (16.10.05), Sandeul 1st Mini Album Music Documentary, Show Champion (16.12.27), The Kolor (20.10.22), Today, Too, You’ve Worked Hard Episode 12
On The Run, Blind Date with ONF, The Kolor (20.12.03)
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lisutarid-a · 1 year
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
Thanks to you
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: Hello-o.
Kusanagi: Welcome. New member is first in the club today?
Saya: I'm not a new member anymore. It's almost summer.
Kusanagi: Oh, come to think of it, summer will be here soon.
Saya: By the way, are there any other new members in the club?
Kusanagi: Yeah, a lot of people come here for our ability.
Saya: Ability...
Kusanagi: But most of the time, they just looked at Mikoto from a distance and go home scared. It's only you this year.
Saya: So it's just me. I'm getting kinda nervous...
Kusanagi: Hahaha. Relax. No one is going to eat you.
Totsuka: Thank you for your hard work! Ah, there's only you two?
Kusanagi: Uhm. You're too late.
Totsuka: Sorry-sorry. We were on day duty today.
Saya: We...That means, Suoh-senpai and Totsuka-senpai are in the same class?
Totsuka: That’s right. I guess it’s because we're in the same club. I'm often in charge of King's duties.
Totsuka: Actually I was paired with someone else before, but for some reason they decided to switch.
Kusanagi: Oh, by the way, I've heard that there is a teacher who is afraid of Mikoto.
Saya: Teacher too?
Mikoto: It’s not “too”. I didn’t do anything. They're just getting scared on their own.
Saya: Oh, Kusanagi-san said something like that when we were talking about new members before...
Kusanagi: It's a secret.
Saya: !!!!
Saya: (Kusanaga-san just wispered into my ear. He's so close....!)
Mikoto: Hey, if you're going to make out, do it somewhere else.
Kusanagi: Ahah. I wasn't going to. I just thought I'd help her relax, since she looked tense~
Saya: So that's what it was...
Saya: (It definitely helped relieve some of the tension, but it gave me a heart attack!!)
Totsuka: Are you all right? Your face is bright red.
Saya: Yeah. I was just surprised.
Totsuka: Hmmm. If so, it's fine then.
Yata: Oh, there he is! Totsuka-saaan!
Saya: Yata-kun, Kamamoto-kun.
Yata: Totsuka-san, you did a great job at the sport festival yesterday!
Totsuka: Huh? I don't remember me being active.
Kusanagi: Are you referring to someone else? I got the impression that Totsuka and sports are incompatible with each other.
Kamamoto: That's not true! I heard you set the record for the fastest scavenger hunt in the school's history.
Totsuka: I was just lucky. I found someone to lend item to me very quicky.
Yata: Seriously? I mean, wasn't the scavenger hunt difficult this year?
Yata: I had one that said "Anaconda." There's no way you're going to find it.
Totsuka: Phee, that must have been a disaster. Mine was a "good luck charm". But she had it with her.
Yata: Good luck charm...It seems possible, but it's not something you can suddenly have.
Totsuka: Right? It's her credit.
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Choice: [I'm glad it was useful]
Saya: Since I was indebted to Totsuka-senpai I'm glad I could help!
Totsuka: No-no. I didn't do anything that big. It's you who really helped me.
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Choice: [I didn't do anything] ♥
Saya: I didn't to anything like that.
Totsuka: No-no. If it weren't you I don't know what I would be doing right now. I can't even imagine.
Kusanagi: "Can't even imagine", you're just overreacting. But, the fact that Totsuka took first place without incident is all thanks to you.
Totsuka: Right. Kusanagi-san got what I mean.
Kusanagi: Why are you so proud of that...
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Totsuka: ...Me, The fastest in school history.
Saya: Fufu, are you happy?
Totsuka: Heh. I don't feel bad.
Totsuka: Oh yeah. The good luck charm you gave me, it was effective immediatly.
Saya: Eh. Something happened?
Totsuka: Yesterday on my way home from shopping I noticed that the luck charm was dirty, so I stopped to wipe it off.
Totsuka: Suddenly, when I looked down, I saw an open manhole that was under construction.
Totsuka: If I'd walked around like I usually do, I probably would have fallen right into it without even noticing.
Saya: Totsuka-senpai...I think it's something you normally have to notice...
Totsuka: Ahaha. But thanks to the good luck charm, I was safe!
Saya: I'm glad the good luck charm helped, but, please, take care of youself, senpai.
Totsuka: Yeeeah. I know, I know.
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[Prev chapter] [Next chapter]
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sutosid · 1 year
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Nakajima Yuto in Berlin International Film Festival 2023 for Manhole presscon
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wiperfluid · 3 months
Hello! Saw you are doing hearthome/landscape playlist requests. I am not sure if this would be easy to make, but perhaps may I please get one around Monster High (the fictional high school?) I am a fictionkin of three of the characters. If you do this, thank you!
- @batsbolts-andfangs
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I uh… tried my hardest to get the vibe correct. I added extra songs in case you want to hide some to make it more to your taste at will. Hope you still enjoy it!
Even if this genre isnt my speciality, I gotta say I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge! /gen
Length: 51 minutes
Waltz of the Boos (From “Super Mario Galaxy”) * Game & Sound
Gruntilda’s Lair (From “Banjo-Kazooie”) * Game & Sound
Crocotiger * Messer Chups
Bonneton Cap Kingdom * Makir
Born This Way (Lady Gaga) - Instrumental * Real Instrumentals
Try - Instrumental * P!nk
Nyakuza Manholes * Pascal Michael Stiefel, nelward
California Girls (Karoke Version) - Originally Performed By Katy Perry * Real Instrumentals
Scootin’ through Subcon Forest * Pascal Michael Stiefel
Festival - Autumn * Tormod Garvin
Moonrace * Messer Chups
Ghost Mansion * Lucie Cravero, HoKø
Firework (Karoke Version) - Originally Preformed By Katy Perry * Real Instrumentals
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fotopadovaphotos · 4 months
Fotografia italiana di 5 decenni fa, élite negletta: Geri Della Rocca de Candal
di Carlo Maccà
– per il testo andare al link: https://www.fotopadova.org/post/742317587668647936
Tutte le immagini sono proprietà riservata / copyright di Geri Della Rocca deCandal, Milano.
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1. Autoritratto, 1981.
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2. Contrasto. Rivista FERRANIA, Luglio 1967.
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3. Prima neve, 1970. Fondazione 3M-Ferrania, Fondo Lanfranco Colombo.
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4. Mojave Desert, Nevada, 1972 printed 1977. Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas.
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5. Manholes, New York City. 1970-1973. Creative Camera, Juli 1974 p.243
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6. General Post Office, New York City, 1972. Photography Year Book 1976, fig150.
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7. A statue as spectator, Edinburg Festival. Photography Year Book 1976, fig151.
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8.Photography Year Book 1976, fig150. Bike and painted wall with weeping figures.
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9. Self portrait at work. PHOTOGRAPHIE(Winterthur, CH)Juli 1977, cover image.
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10. Museum. PHOTOGRAPHIE(CH) Juli 1977.
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11. Rome. St. Peter. Photography Year Book 1977, fig 211
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12. Venice,1977.Gradinata di S. Maria della Salute.
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13. Las Vegas, Nevada. 1978.
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14. Mendocino, California. PHOTOGRAPHIE  (CH) Juli 1978.
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15. Dalla serie Bars (Sbarre). PHOTOGRAPHIE  (CH) Juli 1978.
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16. Sky Scraper (WTC, Lower Manhattan). PHOTOGRAPHIE (CH) Juli 1978.
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17. Wall, Lafayette Street - Astor Place, New York City. Photography Year Book 1979, fig179. 
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18. Coney Island, NY 1981.
0 notes
mydadcation · 7 months
November 2023: Vegas, L.A., and Covid 3
November was rough…October’s travels meant lots of long days at the office in November, but I did get to see my first Formula One race (a few practice laps until a manhole cover took out a Ferrari) before my bride met me for a weekend in L.A. for the Darker Waves music festival, which we loved. We met my friend Jody and his daughters on our land in Alabama for a camping weekend, and I got Covid…
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faniacmag · 10 months
Sitges2023 - ¡Películas confirmadas!
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Sitges alza el vuelo con el anuncio del programa completo
Los últimos trabajos de Hayao Miyazaki, Yorgos Lanthimos, Takeshi Kitano, Hideo Nakata y muchos más, anidarán en nuestras salas. Queda menos de un mes para el inicio del SITGES – Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya y sabemos que tenéis ganas de conocer todos los títulos para ir poniendo apunto vuestras listas. ¡Ya no tenéis que esperar más! Os traemos una larga batería de nombres y títulos, con la que cualquier fan del género va a estar salivando, ya que llegan algunas de las películas de terror, ciencia ficción y fantástico más esperadas y prometedoras del año.
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Sección Oficial Fantástico Competición (SOFC)
‘ACIDE’ - Just Philippot (Francia)
‘BEST WISHES TO ALL’ - Yûta Shimotsu (Japón)
‘CLUB ZERO’ - Jessica Hausner (Austria/Reino Unido)
‘CONANN’ - Bertrand Mandico (Francia/Luxemburgo/Bélgica)
‘DIVINITY’ - Eddie Alcazar (Estados Unidos)
‘EL REINO ANIMAL’ - Thomas Cailley (Francia)
‘IN FLAMES’ - Zarrar Khan (Canadá/Pakistán)
‘VIVE DENTRO’ - Bishal Dutta (Estados Unidos)
‘KUBI’ - Takeshi Kitano (Japón)
‘LA ESPERA’ - F. Javier Gutierrez (España)
‘LA MORSURE’ - Romain de Saint-Blanquat (Francia)
‘LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL’ - Colin Cairnes, Cameron Cairnes (Australia)
‘LES CHAMBRES ROUGES’ - Pascal Plante (Canadá)
‘MOSCAS’ - Aritz Moreno (España/Argentina)
‘OMEN’ - Baloji Tshiani (Congo/Países Bajos/Francia/Bélgica/Alemania/Sudáfrica)
‘RIDDLE OF FIRE’ - Weston Razooli (Estados Unidos)
‘ROBOT DREAMS’ - Pablo Berger (España/Francia)
‘ROMANCE ASESINO’ - Lee Won-suk (Corea del Sur)
‘SALEM’ - Jean-Bernard Marlin (Francia)
‘SLEEP’ - Jason Yu (Corea del Sur)
‘SORCERY’ - Christopher Murray (Chile/México/Alemania)
‘STOPMOTION’ - Robert Morgan (Estados Unidos)
‘THE SEEDING’ - Barnaby Clay (Estados Unidos)
‘THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING’ - Timm Kröger (Alemania)
‘THERE’S SOMETHING IN THE BARN’ - Magnus Martens (Noruega)
‘TIGER STRIPES’ - Amanda Nell Eu (Malasia/Taiwan/Francia/Alemania/Países Bajos/Indonesia)
‘VERMIN: LA PLAGA’ - Sébastien Vanicek (Francia)
‘VINCENT DEBE MORIR’ - Stéphan Castang (Francia)
‘WAKE UP’ - François Simard, Annouk Whissel, Yoann-Karl Whissel (Francia)
‘WHITE PLASTIC SKY’ - Tibor Bánóczki, Sarolta Szabó (Hungría/Eslovaquia)
Sección Oficial - Sesiones Especiales
‘AMELIA’S CHILDREN’ - Gabriel Abrantes (Portugal)
‘AWARENESS’ - Daniel Benmayor (Estados Unidos/España)
‘BLOOD DE BRAD ANDERSON’ - Brad Anderson (Estados Unidos)
‘EL CHICO Y LA GARZA’ - Hayao Miyazaki (Japón)
‘LA ERMITA’ - Carlota Pereda (España)
‘LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE’ - J.A. Bayona (España)
‘POBRES CRIATURAS’ - Yorgos Lanthimos (Reino Unido)
‘THE TOXIC AVENGER’ - Macon Blair (Estados Unidos)
‘UFO SWEDEN’ - Crazy Pictures (Suecia)
Oficial Fantástico - Especial Mitjanit
‘LA BALA DE DIOS’ - Nick Cassavetes (Estados Unidos)
‘THE DEEP DARK’ - Mathieu Turi (Francia)
‘BLACK FLIES’ - Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire (Estados Unidos)
‘CONCRETE UTOPIA’ - Um Tae-Hwa (Corea del Sur)
‘DIABOLIK: GINKO ALL’ATTACCO’ - Marco Manetti, Antonio Manetti (Italia)
‘FUERZA BRUTA: SIN SALIDA’ - Lee Sang-yong (Corea del Sur)
‘JACKDAW’ - Jamie Childs (Reino Unido)
‘JERICHO RIDGE – Will Gilbey (Kosovo/Reino Unido/Irlanda del Norte)
‘LA EXTORSIÓN’ - Martino Zaidelis (Argentina)
‘LOS OJOS DE LA NOCHE’ - Ahn Tae-jin (Corea del Sur)
‘LUMBERJACK THE MONSTER’ - Takashi Miike (Japón)
‘MAD FATE’ - Soi Cheang (Hong Kong)
‘NIGHT OF THE HUNTED’ - Franck Khalfoun (Francia)
‘PRORIEDADE’ - Daniel Bandeira (Brasil)
‘SMUGGLERS’ - Ryoo Seung-wang (Corea del Sur)
‘THE CHILDE’ - Park Hoon-jung (Corea del Sur)
‘THE LAST STOP IN YUMA COUNTY’ - Francis Galluppi (Estados Unidos)
‘WHERE THE WIND BLOWS’ - Philip Yung (China/Hong Kong)
‘#MANHOLE’ - Kazuyoshi Kumakiri (Japón)
‘APPENDAGE’ - Anna Zlokovic, Alex Familia (Estados Unidos)
‘BLACKOUT’ - Larry Fessenden (Estados Unidos)
‘BROOKLYN 45’ - Ted Geoghegan (Estados Unidos)
‘EL EXORCISMO DE EASTFIELD’ - Nick Kozakis (Australia)
‘HOOD WITCH’ - Saïd Belktibia (Francia)
‘LAST STRAW’ - Alan Scott Neal (Estados Unidos)
‘LET IT GHOST’ - Hoi Wong (Hong Kong)
‘NINA DEI LUPI’ - Antonio Pisu (Italia)
‘PROJECT SILENCE’ - Kim Tae-gon (Corea del Sur)
‘RABIA’ - Jorge Michel Grau (México)
‘RESTORE POINT’ - Robert Hloz (República Checa)
‘SUPERPOSITION’ - Karoline Lyngbye (Dinamarca)
‘THE FORBIDDEN PLAY’ - Hideo Nakata (Japón)
‘THE SACRIFICE GAME’ - Jenn Wexler (Canadá/Estados Unidos)
‘YOU’LL NEVER FIND ME’ - Josiah Allen, Indianna Bell, Josiah Allen (Australia)
Panorama – Fuera de Competición
‘CUANDO LOS AMOS DUERMEN’ - Santiago Alvarado (España)
‘IMMERSION’ - Takashi Shimizu (Japón)
‘THE PRIMEVALS’ - David Allen (Estados Unidos)
‘TOKYO REVENGERS 2: PART I’ - Tsutomu Hanabusa (Japón)
‘TOKYO REVENGERS 2: PART II’ - Tsutomu Hanabusa (Japón)
Noves Visions
‘EL DESPRECIO’ (4K) - Jean-Luc Godard (Francia/Italia) (Sesión Especial)
‘EMBRYO LARVA BUTTERFLY’ - Kyros Papavassiliou (Grecia/Chipre)
‘EN ATTENDANT LA NUIT’ - Céline Rouzet (Francia)
‘HALFWAY HOME’ - Madarász Isti (Hungría)
‘HUNDREDS OF BEAVERS’ - Mike Cheslik (Estados Unidos)
‘IN MY MOTHER’S SKIN’ - Kenneth Dagatan (Filipinas/Singapur/Taiwán)
‘LA ÚLTIMA NOCHE DE SANDRA M.’ - Borja de la Vega (España)
‘LUKA’ - Jessica Woodworth (Bélgica/Italia/Países Bajos/Bulgaria/Armenia)
‘MIMÌ - PRINCE OF DARKNESS’ - Brando de Sica (Italia)
‘MONDAYS: SEE YOU “THIS” WEEK!’ - Ryo Takebayashi (Japón)
‘MONOLITH’ - Matt Vesely (Australia)
‘MOON GARDEN’ - Ryan Stevens Harris (Estados Unidos)
‘MOTEL MELATI’ - Mike Wiluan, Billy Christian (Indonesia, Singapur)
‘MY ANIMAL’ - Jacqueline Castel (Canadá)
‘PANDEMONIUM’ - Quarxx (Francia)
‘RAGING GRACE’ - Paris Zarcilla (Reino Unido/Irlanda del Norte)
‘RIVER’ - Junta Yamaguchi (Japón)
‘TELA DE ARAÑA (COBWEB)’ - Kim Jee-won (Corea del Sur)
‘THE FUNERAL’ - Orçun Behram (Turquía)
‘THE INVISIBLE FIGHT’ - Rainer Sarnet (Estonia/Lituania/Grecia/Finlandia)
‘THE LAST ASHES’ - Loïc Tanson (Bélgica/Luxemburgo)
‘THE UNCLE’ - David Kapac, Andrija Mardesic (Serbia/Croacia)
‘THE VOURDALAK’ - Adrien Beau (Francia)
‘WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS’ - Zelda Adams, John Adams, Toby Poser (Estados Unidos)
‘DEEP SEA’ - Tianxiao Peng (China)
‘FOUR SOULS OF COYOTE’ - Áron Gauder (Hungría)
‘HEAVIES TENDRES’ - Joan Tomàs, Carlos Pérez-Reche, Juanjo Sáez (España)
‘KOMADA - A WHISKY FAMILY’ - Masayuki Yoshihara (Japón)
‘LONELY CASTLE IN THE MIRROR’ - Keiichi Hara, Takakazu Nagamoto, Keiichi Hara (Japón)
‘MARS EXPRESS’ - Jéremie Perin (Francia)
‘ROBOT DREAMS’ - Pablo Berger (España/Francia)
‘SAND LAND’ - Toshihisha Yokoshima (Japón)
‘TONY, SHELLY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT’ - Filip Posivac (República Checa/Hungría/Eslovaquia)
‘WHITE PLASTIC SKY’ - Tibor Bánóczki, Sarolta Szabó (Hungría/Eslovaquia)
Anima’t - Sesiones Especiales
‘THE FEAST OF AMRITA’ - Saku Sakamoto (Japón)
Anima’t - Sitges Clàssics
‘LES MAÎTRES DU TEMPS’ (4K) - René Laloux (Francia/Hungría/Suiza)
‘THE SOLDIER’S TALE’ - R. O. Blechman (Estados Unidos)
Sitges Clàssics
‘ACCIÓN MUTANTE’ - Álex de la Iglesia (España)
‘ANGUSTIA DEL SILENCIO’ - Lucio Fulci (Italia)
‘CALÍGULA - THE ULTIMATE CUT’ (4K) - Tinto Brass (Estados Unidos/Italia)
‘LOS NUEVOS EXTRATERRESTRES’ (4K) - Juan Piquer Simón (España)
‘EL RESPLANDOR’ (4K) - Stanley Kubrick (Estados Unidos)
‘EL EXORCISTA’ (4K) - William Friedkin (Estados Unidos)
‘ENTER THE GAME OF DEATH’ - Tso Nam Lee (Hong Kong)
‘LAKE MICHIGAN MONSTER’ - Ryland Brickson Cole Tews (Estados Unidos)
‘PSYCHIC VISION: JAGANREI’ - Teruyoshi Ishii (Japón)
‘KING KONG’ (1933) - Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack (Estados Unidos)
‘EL HOMBRE DE MIMBRE’ (THE WICKER MAN) (4K) - Robin Hardy (Reino Unido/Irlanda del Norte)
‘LA MÁSCARA DEL DEMONIO’ - Lamberto Bava (Italia)
‘DRAGON LIVES AGAIN’ - Chi Chih Lo (Hong Kong)
‘MUNDO CANÍBAL, MUNDO SALVAJE’ - Ruggero Deodato (Italia)
‘THE RAID’ - Gareth Evans (Indonesia)
‘SIESTA’ - Mary Lambert (Estados Unidos)
Sitges Documenta
‘A DISTURBANCE IN THE FORCE’ - Jeremy Coon, Steve Kozak (Estados Unidos)
‘DARIO ARGENTO PANICO’ (4K) - Simone Scafidi (Reino Unido/Irlanda del Norte)
‘DREAM TIME’ - Claudio Lattanzi (Italia)
‘ENTER THE CLONES OF BRUCE’ - David Gregory (Estados Unidos)
‘KIM’S VIDEO’ (4K) - David Redmon, Ashley Sabin (Estados Unidos)
‘LIVING WITH CHUCKY’ - Kyra Elise Gardner (Estados Unidos)
‘LOCH NESS: THEY CREATED A MONSTER’ - John MacLaverty (Reino Unido)
‘MUJERES SIN CENSURA’ - Eva Vizcarra (España)
‘OTRA PELÍCULA MALDITA’ - Alberto Fasce (Argentina)
‘THE HISTORY OF METAL AND HORROR’ - Mike Schiff (Estados Unidos)
‘SATAN WANTS YOU’ - Sean Horlor, Steve J. Adams, Sean Horlor (Canadá)
‘SHARKSPLOITATION’ - Stephen Scarlata (Estados Unidos)
‘SPOOKTACULAR!’ - Quinn Monahan (Estados Unidos)
‘THE DARK SIDE OF SOCIETY’ - Larry Wade Carrell (Estados Unidos)
‘THE J-HORROR VIRUS’ - Sarah Appleton, Jasper Sharp (Japón, Reino Unido)
‘UN MILLÓN DE ZOMBIES: LA HISTORIA DE PLAGA ZOMBIE’ - Nicanor Loreti, Camilo de Cabo (Argentina)
‘YOU CAN CALL ME BILL’ - Alexandre O. Philippe (Estados Unidos)
Retrospectiva - Ciudad Pánico
‘AMENAZA EN LA SOMBRA’ - Nicolas Roeg (Reino Unido)
‘HOLLYWOOD 90028’ (4K) - Christina Hornisher (Estados Unidos)
‘PÁJAROS DE CIUDAD’ - Jose María Sánchez Álvaro (España/Italia)
‘EL ALMUERZO DESNUDO’ (4K) - David Cronenberg (Canadá/Reino Unido)
‘LA CASA SIN FRONTERAS’ - Pedro Olea (España)
‘GOD TOLD ME TO’ - Larry Cohen (Estados Unidos)
‘LOS ÚLTIMOS DÍAS’ - Àlex Pastor, David Pastor (España) 
Midnight X-Treme
‘ALL YOU NEED IS BLOOD’ - Cooper Roberts (Estados Unidos)
‘KILL’ - Nikhil Nagest Bhat (India)
‘MAD CATS’ - Reiki Tsuno (Japón)
‘OS REVIENTO’ - Kike Narcea (España)
‘THE WELL’ - Federico Zampaglione (Italia)
‘THE WRATH OF BECKY’ - Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote (Estados Unidos)
‘TRIGGERED’ - Richard V. Somes (Filipinas)
‘WE ARE ZOMBIES’- François Simard, Anouk Whissell, Yoann-Karl Whissell (Canadá)
‘WINNIE THE POOH: MIEL Y SANGRE’ - Rhys Frake-Waterfield (Reino Unido)
‘IL BOSS’ - Fernando Di Leo (Italia)
‘OTRA PELÍCULA MALDITA’ - Alberto Fasce & Mario Varela (Argentina)
‘ALGUIEN TE ESTÁ MIRANDO’ -Gustavo Cova & Horacio Maldonado (Argentina)
‘AUXILIO’ - Tamae Garateguy (Argentina)
‘UN MILLÓN DE ZOMBIES: LA HISTORIA DE PLAGA ZOMBIE’ - Nicanor Loretti & Camilo de Cabo (Argentina)
‘PLAGA ZOMBIE’ - Pablo Parés & Hernán Sáez (Argentina)
‘LA DAMA ROJA MATA SIETE VECES’ - Emilio P. Miraglia (Italia)
‘THORNS’ - Douglas Schulze (Estados Unidos)
‘SHARKSPLOITATION’ - Stephen Scarlata (Estados Unidos)
‘MONSTER HEAVEN: GHOST HERO’ - Makoto Tezuka (Japón)
‘CUT AND RUN’ - Ruggero Deodato (Italia)
‘MUJERES SIN CENSURA’- Eva Vizcarra (España)
‘TAKE A HARD RIDE (POR LA SENDA MÁS DURA)’- Antonio Margheriti (Italia)
‘MARIA’S STOMACH’- Hideyuki Hirayama (Japón)
‘LOS INVASORES DEL ABISMO’ - Ruggero Deodato (Italia)
‘TINTORERA’ - René Cardona Jr (México)
‘ALLA RICERCA DEL PIACERE’ - Silvio Amadio (Italia)
‘SAMURAI NINJA ONIMANJI’ - Yoshihiro Nishimura (Japón)
‘TIBURÓN 3 - L’ULTIMO SQUALO’ - Enzo G. Castellari (Italia)
‘DOOR’ - Benmei Takahashi (Japón)
‘MILÁN CALIBRE 9 (MILANO CALIBRO 9)’ -Fernando di Leo (Italia)
‘BLOOD SUCKING TREE’ - Shunji Iwai, Masaharu Ota & Akira Yoneta (Japón)
‘EL PANTANO DE LOS CUERVOS’ - Manuel Caño (España)
‘THE DARKSIDE OF SOCIETY’ - Larry Wade Carrell (Estados Unidos)
‘MARIA’ - Gabriel Grieco & Nicanor Loreti (Argentina)
‘LA VENGANZA DE LA MOMIA’ -Carlos Aured (España)
‘THE BARN PART II’- Justin M. Seaman (Estados Unidos)
‘OLDBOY’ - Park Chan-Wook (Corea del Sur)
‘SANTO CONTRA LOS ZOMBIES’ - Benito Alazraki (México)
‘HUMANOID PUPPET’ - Hidehiro Ito (Japón)
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annwynisland · 1 year
Crafting Catalogue
Regular DIY and food recipes in single list. All items in alphabetical order, recommended to ctrl + F to search. Names spelled in US English.
Acorn pochette
Aji fry
Anchoas al ajillo
Apple dress
Apple jam
Apple jelly
Apple smoothie
Aroma pot
Backyard lawn
Baked potatoes
Bamboo bench
Bamboo doll
Bamboo flooring
Bamboo hat
Bamboo noodle slide
Bamboo shelf
Bamboo sphere
Bamboo stool
Bamboo-slats fence
Bamboo wall decoration
Barred-knifejaw carpaccio
Basement flooring
Basket pack
Beekeeper's hive
Big festive tree
Block fence
Bone doorplate
Bonsai shelf
Bread gratin
Brick fence
Brick oven
Brick well
Brown sugar
Brown-sugar cupcakes
Cardboard chair
Carpaccio di capesante
Carpaccio di marlin blu
Carrot bagel sandwich
Carrot cake
Carrot potage
Carrot scones
Cherry dress
Cherry lamp
Cherry pie
Cherry smoothie
Cherry speakers
Cherry umbrella
Cherry wall
Chic tulip crown
Clam chowder
Classic pitcher
Coconut juice
Coconut pudding
Cool windflower wreath
Corrugated iron fence
Cosmos crown
Country fence
Cute lily crown
Dark wooden-mosaic wall
Decayed tree
Deer decoration
Destinations signpost
DIY workbench
Document stack
Donation box
Drinking fountain
Festive rug
Festive top set
Festive tree
Festive wrapping paper
Fish and chips
Fish bait
Fishing rod
Flimsy axe
Flimsy fishing rod
Flimsy net
Flimsy shovel
Flimsy watering can
Floral swag
Forbidden altar
Frosted pretzels
Fruit cupcakes
Fruit scones
Frying pan
Garbage-heap flooring
Garbage-heap wall
Garden bench
Garden wagon
Gear tower
Giant ornament
Giant vine
Gift pile
Glow-in-the-dark stickers
Glowing-moss boulder
Glowing-moss dress
Glowing-moss pointed cap
Glowing-moss stool
Gnocchi di carote
Gnocchi di patate
Gold armor
Gold bars
Gold-screen wall
Golden altar
Golden arowana model
Golden decorative plate
Golden flooring
Golden garden bunny
Golden gear apparatus
Golden gear tower
Golden piggy bank
Golden vase
Grass skirt
Green bamboo fence
Green bamboo mat
Grilled sea bass with herbs
Hanging terrarium
Hay bed
Hedge standee
Holiday candle
Hyacinth wreath
Illuminated present
Illuminated reindeer
Illuminated snowflakes
Illuminated tree
Iron-and-stone fence
Iron armor
Iron fence
Iron hanger stand
Iron wall lamp
Iron wall rack
Iron worktable
Ironwood bed
Ironwood cart
Ironwood cupboard
Ironwood DIY workbench
Ironwood kitchenette
Jingle wall
Karei no nitsuke
King Tut mask
Large cardboard boxes
Large lattice fence
Leaf umbrella
Libra scale
Log bed
Log bench
Log chair
Log dining table
Log fence
Log garden lounge
Log pack
Log round table
Log stakes
Log-wall fence
Log wall-mounted clock
Manga-library wall
Manhole cover
Mermaid bed
Mermaid chair
Mermaid flooring
Mermaid screen
Mermaid wall clock
Mini DIY workbench
Mini golden dharma
Mixed-fruits crepe
Mixed-fruits pie
Mixed-fruits sandwich
Mossy garden rock
Mountain standee
Mush lamp
Mush log
Mush low stool
Mush parasol
Mush table
Mushroom curry
Mushroom potage
Mushroom wand
Mushroom wreath
Natural garden chair
Natural garden table
Natural square table
Nice branch
Old-fashioned washtub
Olive-flounder meunière
Open wooden shelves
Orange end table
Orange hat
Orange jelly
Orange pie
Orange rug
Orange wall
Organic bread
Ornament crown
Ornament mobile
Ornament tree
Ornament wreath
Outdoor bath
Pansy table
Pansy wreath
Park fence
Paw-print doorplate
Peach chair
Peach rug
Peach smoothie
Pear hat
Pear jam
Pear jelly
Pear tart
Pesce all'acqua pazza
Pizza margherita
Plain scones
Plain sink
Plain wooden shop sign
Plate armor
Potato curry
Potato galette
Potato potage
Potted ivy
Pound cake
Pretty tulip wreath
Pull-apart bread
Pumpkin bagel sandwich
Pumpkin curry
Pumpkin pie
Pumpkin pound cake
Recycled boots
Recycled-can thumb piano
Red-leaf pile
Robot hero
Rocking chair
Rocking horse
Roost sablé cookie
Rope fence
Rope-net flooring
Round glowing-moss rug
Ruined arch
Sardines in oil
Sauna heater
Sautéed olive flounder
Savory bread
Scorpio lamp
Sea-bass pie
Seafood pizza
Seaweed soup
Shell bed
Shell fountain
Shell music box
Shell partition
Shell rug
Shell speaker
Shell stool
Shell wreath
Simple DIY workbench
Simple well
Skateboard wall rack
Ski-slope flooring
Ski-slope wall
Small cardboard boxes
Snowflake pochette
Snowflake wreath
Spaghetti napolitan
Spooky arch
Spooky candy set
Spooky carriage
Spooky chair
Spooky fence
Spooky garland
Spooky lantern
Spooky lantern set
Spooky scarecrow
Spooky standing lamp
Spooky table
Spooky table setting
Spooky tower
Spooky treats basket
Spooky tree
Spooky trick lamp
Spooky wand
Squid-ink curry
Squid-ink spaghetti
Stack of books
Stacked shopping baskets
Standard umbrella stand
Star wand
Stone arch
Stone axe
Stone fence
Stone stool
Stone table
Stone tablet
Stone wall
Stonework kitchen
Succulent plant
Swinging bench
Tabletop festive tree
Tall garden rock
Tall lantern
Tension-pole rack
Tiki torch
Tiny library
Tire stack
Tire toy
Tomato bagel sandwich
Tomato curry
Tomato juice
Tomato puree
Traditional balancing toy
Trash bags
Tree standee
Tree's bounty arch
Tree's bounty little tree
Tree's bounty mobile
Turkey Day casserole
Turkey Day chair
Turkey Day decorations
Turkey Day garden stand
Turkey Day hearth
Turkey Day table
Turkey Day table setting
Turkey Day wheat decor
Vaulting pole
Veggie basket
Veggie crepe
Veggie cupcakes
Vertical-board fence
Vine hanging chair
Vine outfit
Watering can
Wave breaker
Western-style stone
Whole-wheat flour
Wild log bench
Wooden-block bookshelf
Wooden-block chair
Wooden-block stereo
Wooden-block table
Wooden-block toy
Wooden box
Wooden bucket
Wooden chair
Wooden end table
Wooden fish
Wooden ladder set-up kit
Wooden low table
Wooden-mosaic wall
Wooden simple bed
Wooden table mirror
Wooden wardrobe
Zen fence
Zen-style stone
0 notes
lgxnbook · 2 years
Uniquely Japan: A Comic Book Artist Shares Her Personal Faves - Discover What Makes Japan the Coolest Place on Earth! - Abby Denson
EPUB & PDF Ebook Uniquely Japan: A Comic Book Artist Shares Her Personal Faves - Discover What Makes Japan the Coolest Place on Earth! | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Abby Denson.
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Download Link : DOWNLOAD Uniquely Japan: A Comic Book Artist Shares Her Personal Faves - Discover What Makes Japan the Coolest Place on Earth!
Read More : READ Uniquely Japan: A Comic Book Artist Shares Her Personal Faves - Discover What Makes Japan the Coolest Place on Earth!
Ebook PDF Uniquely Japan: A Comic Book Artist Shares Her Personal Faves - Discover What Makes Japan the Coolest Place on Earth! | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook Uniquely Japan: A Comic Book Artist Shares Her Personal Faves - Discover What Makes Japan the Coolest Place on Earth! EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook Uniquely Japan: A Comic Book Artist Shares Her Personal Faves - Discover What Makes Japan the Coolest Place on Earth! 2020 PDF Download in English by Abby Denson (Author).
 Description Book: 
Lavishly decorated manhole covers, pink polka-dotted backhoes, toilets with warmable seats, blow dryers (and other bells and whistles). It's just another day in Japan, where the futuristic and zany stands side-by-side with the rooted and the venerable, and there's a festival going on somewhere almost every day of the year.In Uniquely Japan, Abby Denson?author of Cool Japan Guide and Cool Tokyo Guide?uses her own personal drawings and photos to highlight the things that make Japan truly different from every other place on the planet. From the ramen and sushi we've all come to love to the fantastic creatures who now star in their own video games and anime, the comic artist takes you on a romp through Japan's distinctive popular and traditional culture.
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epacer · 2 years
Crawford Connection
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A look back at the night my brother and I birthed a holiday tradition in Ocean Beach.  Rich would have been in the Crawford Class of '64 and I was in '63. Ron James, Class of 1963
Ocean Beach’s crooked Christmas tree a community tradition
Every year turning the corner into December, a crane is used to transplant a huge pine tree from somewhere in the area to the beach near the pier.
“The tree comes from a home in OB, and this year we moved it down on Tuesday, Nov. 29, and put it in the ground,” said Corey Bruins, president of Ocean Beach Town Council, who added, “We’re excited because it’s going to be fun to get it all decorated, a process that starts around 7 a.m. and takes into the early afternoon.”
As usual, police escorted the truck carrying the tree through the community to the foot of Newport Avenue, where a sleeve, or manhole in the sand, had been uncovered and cleaned out, especially for it.
Once the tree was settled and placed into the sleeve, it was time to put the electrical wiring in place and add the lights, topping it with a star. Soon to follow were blown-up beach ball decorations hung on the tree.
Every year on a Saturday after the tree is planted, this year on Dec. 3, children from local schools will make their annual pilgrimage there to see Santa from 9 a.m. to noon. They will add their own hand-made ornaments to hang on the tree.
The Ocean Beach holiday season kicks off this year on the evening of Dec. 3 with one of the most beloved traditions in San Diego, the lighting of the Christmas tree on the beach at the foot of Newport Avenue. Now in its 43rd year, the tree’s shining moment, its lighting at 5:05 p.m. that night, ushers in the annual Ocean Beach Holiday Parade, this year themed “Jingle All The Waves,” with more than 10,000 attendees drawn to partake in the festivities.
Bruins pointed out that the Christmas tree planting ritual in OB dates back to the five James brothers – Ron, Rich, Greg, Mike, and Pat – whose family founded the James Gang Graphics company on Newport Avenue in 1976. They were the ones who brought down the first Christmas tree from Mt. Shasta.
“At some point, we started sourcing the tree locally,” noted Bruins adding, “We have trees already in the queue that need to be cut down because they’re in a dangerous position on their property, or have a root system that is tearing up the sidewalks. We’re always looking for local trees that are going to come down anyway, so as not to have to transport it far in order to keep the cost (of moving) down.”
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Mike James, who currently is involved in Luminosity, a long-term project to find a viable high-tech alternative to launching Fourth of July fireworks from aging OB Pier, related the tale of how the community’s very first Newport Avenue Christmas tree got chosen to inaugurate the tree-planting tradition on Newport.
“One evening, in the fall of 1980, my brothers Ron and Rich were having a few beers at the Sunshine Company Saloon,” said James noting that earlier that year, Ocean Beach had its first community-supported Fourth of July Fireworks Festival. “The brothers began talking about what could be done to continue that positive community spirit for the upcoming Christmas holidays,” James said. “Rich mentioned the famous Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center (in New York City) and thought maybe OB could have its own community Christmas tree.”
Added James: “The story goes that at first, they talked about a 20-foot tall tree. Then, as more beer was consumed, the proposed tree grew, so by the end of the night it became a 60-foot tall tree.”
The next morning said James, continuing the narrative, “Rich began making phone calls to find out how someone could get a 60-foot tree. He finally found the people that supplied Disneyland with their giant Christmas tree and made an order. A committee was formed and money was  raised to pay for the tree and the lights by mainly selling commemorative T-shirts.”
“To save cost, Rich talked his friend Kenny into taking his semi truck to Mt. Shasta to pick up the tree,” said James. “They returned to Ocean Beach with a stunning 70-foot Star Pine to grace the beach at the foot of Newport Avenue.”
Which is almost – but not quite – the end of James’ story.
“A few days after the tree had arrived, Rich went to numerous bars up and down Newport and handed out kazoos to his many friends,” he said. “They then assembled in front of Pacific Shores, and Rich then led them down the middle of the street to the tree, while they hummed Christmas carols on their kazoos.” *Reposted article from sdnews.com by Dave Schwab of December 1, 2022
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origami10 · 3 years
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