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bobatsuyu18 · 19 days ago
Okay I finally finished the Mangko art, And drew the design for Ogami’s Daughter, Menma. but finished my mangko Art!
I was struggling with filling the colors and my god it was frustrating, but hey I atleast finished it! Oh I also added some funny parts by the way
Toro Inoue Too!
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berri-art-uccino · 1 month ago
(15/01/25) mangoes
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Commander Jogjebi: “Because of reasons” is always a legitimate reason.
Aekku: “Fuck you that’s why” is also acceptable.
Geomeunjogjebi: “For science” is always a good excuse.
Assistant Jogjebi: Don’t forget “the stars are not in position” as a perfect reason not to do something.
Huinjogjebi: “Not since the accident” can be the perfect answer to any question.
Mangko: You guys are forgetting “think of the children” as a way to persuade someone to do anything for you.
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ceiling-karasu · 1 year ago
Squirrel and Hedgehog Shipping Polls: Commander Jogjebi and Commander Mangko
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ceiling-karasu · 7 months ago
I have heard that there is a trope in North Korean media where a protagonist was an excellent soldier either in the army or in training, but leaves to become a peaceful farmer or scientist, until something happens that forces them to rejoin the army as a great soldier. I just assume that is what they are doing with both Geumsaegi and Bamsaegi.
They both have a huge sense of guilt that brings them back to the army, Geumsaegi with Squirrel Village being attacked after he assumed Uncle Gom could handle everything, and Bamsaegi with being naive enough to think all the danger has passed, which results in Dr. Dudeoji being kidnapped.
I definitely do not think it was Bamsaegi’s fault at all. It is implied in S1 that the Weasel Army does kidnap scientists they may need. For instance, there is the make up artist that was ‘acquired’ that appears in the episode 19 (this is also the episode where Commander Jogjebi pretends to execute Geomeunjogjebi, which may have been a plot to help cement loyalty).
He’s relatively free to wander around, which suggests that the Weasel Unit knows how to control prisoners like that and doesn’t feel the need to lock all of them away.
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My own personal head canon is that the Weasel Unit had files on Dr. Dudeoji from the start since he was a scientist. Both Dr. Huinjogjebi and Commander Seungnyangi think of him immediately, and the latter even has a fake ready to go. Which suggests it was planned from the start, and Mulmangcho was just leading the operation.
Of course Bamsaegi would have no recourse against Mulmangcho, since the mouse would easily know how to get Geumsaegi’s brother alone, knowing exactly what to say to earn his trust, and what martial arts he would have. He would not have stood a chance.
The real question is why Flower Hill didn’t have a bunch of guards around Dr. Dudeoji. They should have known about the Weasel Unit going after people of importance. Either that or they really dropped the ball, especially Geumsaegi who knew about the make up artist. It annoys me enough that I also made an AU and OCs about the concept.
Given how close they are, I also think about Dr. Huinjogjebi and Commander Jogjebi having a thing together, but it winds up being long distance since the former is deep in the Sturgeon Base creating weapons of mass destruction. Dr. Huinjogjebi is interested in being the commander for the army in S2, and honestly even though he had the means for form his own coup in S1, he has no interest in doing so, and just wanted to give the weapons to Commander Jogjebi.
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I haven’t watched Nu Pogodi yet, but I am interested in the concept of Clever Raccoon Dog happening in the same universe as Squirrel and Hedgehog. This might be because they use the same squirrel models in earlier episodes, and wolf, fox, and weasel models in later episodes.
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Although, recent episodes have those wolves appear in a helicopter, and characters being very confused about what they are doing there, while suggesting that the unit they is from is known, suggesting that the Wolf Unit exists but shouldn’t be there.
Then again, there is an episode where the Raccoon Dog casually walks into a public building and pulls out the underground study data for the area to help find water during a drought, and half the plot of S2 is preventing people from seeing said data, so there is also that. So maybe either deeper inside Flower Hill to be away from all the action, or a neighboring country.
Any headcanons for SAH?
I’ve got some unorthodox stuff since I feel I haven’t really formed any big headcannons of my own yet! Mostly small things or funny stuff. I fully watched the series maybe 3 weeks ago? I’m gonna be giving it a full rewatch soon though.
There’s some headcannons on here that i’ve seen, like Geumsaegi being much more happier and open with others pre-weasel takeover. That I can totally believe.
In a similar vein I honestly have the headcannon that Bamsaegi is only going back to the military for his brother’s sake, and that he feels personally responsible for what happened to Dr. Dudeoji. Bamsaegi kinda gives me vibes of ‘blaming himself’ despite things being beyond his control. Call me projective in that aspect aaa. He doesn’t seem to enjoy being back at all, and going back has only caused him pain. (Being slapped, beat up, nearly poisoned, ete.) the only thing keeping Bam is his family and friends being with him during missions tbh.
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I saw a headcannon when I first started to float around the fandom about Commander Jogjebi and Aekku being related. I kinda subscribe to this. I feel like Aekku and Geomeunjogjebi would be like distant nephews to both Commander and Assistant Jogjebi. Close enough to recognize them as family but not invested enough to look deeper into it. Idk. Maybe this is my method of rationalizing Com. Jogjebi keeping them alive when he would have killed them long ago. (Didn’t he fake an execution with one of them?)
Now…these below are getting into silly/self indulgent territory.
I am a firm Mangko color change denier. Keep him grey/pink like he was mid season!!!! Making him orange again just makes him look like the masses again! Him being grey makes him stand out as one of the big players in the Mt. Rock Rebels! So salty about this I took his grey fur and used it on my oc lmao. The same kinda goes for Dr. Huinjogjebi. I liked the stark white/purple tones he had but I can scrape that by as him getting older / being poisoned and injured at Sturgeon Base.
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Speaking of I think… if Dr. Huinjogjebi wasn’t as professional, bro might have had a passing thing for Commander Jogjebi. This is totally me just being not normal sorry
Because I watched them around the same time, I am a firm believer that Nu Pogodi and SaH take place in the same universe, at the same time as eachother. Both cartoons came out around the same time, involve furry animals, and just has that zest lol— if you want a good idea of how I see the world of SaH outside of Flower Hill, you should give that series a watch too 👍🏾
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OKAY FINALLY, i just thought of this now, and it is purely in silly territory. Hear me out, the ‘dub’ is a ‘show’ in universe made by the Italy equivalent in SaH that’s a “100% completely accurate documentary” about what’s happening in Flower Hill for the countries outside of the war. Do with this what you will…
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That’s it for now, but I’ll share more headcannon stuff i come up with in the future!
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berriuccino · 4 months ago
Here is a list of the cast of characters, who have ever appeared (or plan to appear) in my Fireball projects.
Sgt. Octako – @wr3n-th3-4n1m4t0r (General) Vivvie_La_Pon/Chips (Masky's Prize Battle)
Masky – @mintiicinnamonii
Mulmangcho – r1ryi/raphvoice
Aekku – DerpTheMann [Dr. Prnushueger on YT]
Mangko – Videokid
Kukori – @wintertheperson (Most likely)
@plushyanimations – Founder of Fireball Pictures (and creator of most projects)
This list is subject to change. New voice actors will appear.
LAST UPDATED: (Oct.24 2024)
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sah-headcanons · 7 months ago
Part two of the polls leads me someplace a bit different. You see, @ceiling-karasu and I made a promise that we would do this together. You could almost say we made…
A Pact.
So this week, I wanna honor the original leaders of the Pact.
Aekku, Mangko, and S1 Chief of Staff
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jucherevolutionary1948 · 3 months ago
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Mangko roasted me!
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best-lirik-lagu · 6 months ago
Lirik Lagu Racun Den Sangko Madu - Rayola
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fiw99-blog · 1 year ago
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Di ranah Minang, kita harus tau tata cara berbicara. Walaupun w ni dari Jawa dan urang awak memaklumi akan tetapi w juga harus bisa belajar dengan cepat agar memudahkan adaptasi di tempat kerja w. Tata bicara dikenal dengan Kato Nan Ampek dan w mesti tau tu aturan nya. Sepatu w turan tsb terikat bagi putera dan puteri Minangkabau dalam berkomunikasi dan mengungkapkan pemikirannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari cuman w yg sebagai bukan putera daerah mau tidak mau harus mempelajari aturan tsb sehingga jangan sampai ada kesalahpahaman antara kita, hahaha.
Lanjut ke inti saja w ambil pengetahuan ni dari internet yang kurang lebih menjelaskan bahwa "Kato Nan Ampek adalah 4 etika dalam berbicara. Masyarakat Minang mempunyai tatanan untuk berbicara dalam keseharian, seperti berbicara kepada yang tua, tokoh masyarakat, pemimpin, yang lebih muda, teman sebaya, berbicara kepada menantu (sumando), maupun didalam forum". Itu penjelasan singkat dari Kato nan ampek jadi semakin halus penghayatan seseorang terhadap kato Nan ampek ini, maka semakin bernilailah keberadatan orang yang bersangkutan. Bagi mereka yang tidak menerapkan Kato Nan Ampek dalam berkomunikasi, semakin rendahlah keadabannya atau istilahnya indak tau di nan ampek (tidak tahu adat).
Lanjut ke pembahasan selanjutnya, "Kato Nan Ampek tersebut adalah kato mandaki, kato manurun, kato mandata dan kato malereang".
Poin pertama : Kato mandaki atau kata mendaki maksudnya bagaimana kita menyatakan pikiran kita dengan cara berkomunikasi terhadap seseorang yang posisinya lebih tinggi dari kita, seperti orang tua kita, guru, ulama, tokoh masyarakat, termasuk pemimpin kita. Hal yang sangat terlarang bila kita memanggil namanya saja atau memberi kata sandang ‘Si’.
Poin Kedua : kato manurun atau kata menurun adalah cara berkomunikasi dengan seseorang yang posisinya di bawah kita atau lebih muda usianya dari kita. Kato manurun ini kadang disalah artikan sebagian orang. Kato manurun bukan berarti mambuang aie ka lurah (bukan berarti kita bisa bicara semena-mena). Ketika kita berbicara dengan yang lebih muda tetaplah harus juga pandai menghargai dan tidak semena mena. Tidak merasa paling tahu atau paling benar.
Poin ketiga : Kato mandata atau kata mendatar merupakan cara bertutur kata kepada teman sejawat atau teman sebaya kita. Kepada teman sebaya tutur kata kita mungkin tidak sebagaimana kepada orang yang lebih tua, tetapi kata-kata itu tetap harus dalam koridor saling menghargai. Walaupun dengan teman sebaya kita harus tetap saling menghargai dalam bicara. Petitih Minang mengatakan, “Diagak mangko diagiah, dijua mangko dibali,” yang artinya dalam berbicara hendaklah berfikir terlebih dahulu, dan memberikan jawaban yang tidak menyinggung lawan bicara.
Poin Keempat : Kato Malereang atau Kata Melereng adalah bagaimana cara berkomunikasi dengan pihak yang rasanya janggal apabila mengungkapkan perasaan/pikiran kepadanya secara gamblang dan terus terang. Dalam Kato malereang ini digunakan kata-kata berkiasbanding. Umpamanya antara mertua dengan menantu atau sebaliknya. Kato malereang banyak mengandung kata-kata sindiran, ada yang positif dan ada pula yang negatif.
Ya begitulah sekilas dri yang pernah w pelajari berdasarkan hasil yang ditemukan selama w ngukur tanah dan berhadapan langsung dengan masyarakat Minangkabau, sekian.
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tulisanmimi · 2 years ago
Rumah ini selalu gegap gempita di pagi hari. Bunyi spatula beradu dengan penggorengan untuk menghasilkan nasi goreng istimewa dilakukan oleh ibu. Disusul dengan riuh tawa hewan peliharaan bapak yang meminta makanan satu persatu, mulai dari kucing, burung dan ayam jago kesayangan Ucok. Tak lupa rebutan kamar mandi ala Bang Adam dan Aku sendiri.
Rasanya kami tidak akan berhenti adu mulut jika ibu tidak mengeluarkan nyanyian menggelegar "Bang Adam duluan yang mandi Din, bang Adam cuma mandi bebek, begancanglah mangko dak telat." Begitulah kami mengisi pagi hari, dengan segala rutinitas dan cerita-ceritanya.
Siapa sangka pagi ini adalah pagi terakhir gegap gempita di rumah itu. Pasalnya, siang ini, tepatnya saat bel jam istirahat berakhir, ibu menelpon. Tidak seperti biasanya, ibu menelpin saat aku masih di sekolah. Hatiku mulai was-was, apa yang terjadi. Ku angkat telpon itu, diseberang sana ibu mengawali dengan tangisan disusul dengan hembusan nafas yang berat.
"Din, bapak kecelakan. Nanti bang Adam yang jemput kamu di sekolah. Kamu sekarang siap-siap dan minta izin ke guru piket untuk pulang lebih awal ya. Nanti bang Adam juga yang bantu ngomong sama wali kelas kamu. Ibu tutup dulu ya." Deg. Aku terdiam beberapa saat. Aku bahkan tidak menjawab salam penutup dari ibu. Kaki ku terasa lemas. Setelah sepersekian menit aku mulai sadar, segera ku kemas buku-buku ku ke dalam tas. Kebetulan bang Adam juga sudah sampai ke kelas untuk meminta izin kepada guruku. Aku bergegas memeluk bang Adam dan ke rumah sakit. Di perjalanan kami saling diam. Sesuatu yang sangat jarang terjadi dalam hidup kami. Kami membiarkan satu sama lain untuk berdialog dan menenangkan diri sendiri.
Sesampainya di rumah sakit, ibu segera memeluk kami. "Ucok, Dina, Abang, bapak sudah berpulang. Bapak mengalami gagal pernapasan karena kecelakaan itu." Ku lihat ibu langsung luruh ke lantai. Ucok kebingungan karena dia masih berumur empat tahun, bang Adam berlari ke ruangan bapak. Lalu bagaimana dengan aku? Aku diam mematung, lima menit kemudian ku peluk ibu dan ku gendong ucok untuk menemui bapak. Kami berempat saling memeluk bapak sebelum jenazah beliau dibawa pulang ke rumah.
Selama ini, aku tidak pernah melihat ibu dan bang Adam menangis sedemikian adanya. Karena itu pula ku putuskan untuk mengambil tas ibu dan mengurus administrasi bapak. Ucok masih kebingungan, aku juga bingung bagaimana menjelaskannya. Ku putuskan untuk mampir ke kantin, membeli susu coklat dan jajanan kesukaan Ucok.
"Nanti, kak Dina akan jelasin ke Ucok tentang bapak. Sekarang Ucok nurut ya sama Kak Dina, Kakak sayang Ucok." Ku peluk erat ucok sambil menahan tangis.
Aku harus menjadi perempuan kuat untuk saat ini dan seterusnya. "Aku harus bisa bantu ibu dan bang Adam. Aku harus kuat." Demikianlah yang ku katakan pada diriku sendiri. Kehilangan bapak sekaligus cinta pertamaku, sesak sekali rasanya hati ini.
Izin tag mas @kurniawangunadi, tim @careerclass dan tim @bentangpustaka-blog
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bobatsuyu18 · 20 days ago
So um, I’m drawing my boi mangko, hehe..mangko, sounds like mango
But yeah I’m drawing mangko from squirrel and hedgehog, in my style coz..I’m bored out of my mind and..yeah-
I’ll finish the drawing once I’m done with all of my work!
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jadeseadragon · 3 years ago
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Maurice Pillard Verneuil (French,1869-1942), Koesoemobroto, Danseur du Mangkoe Negaran, Soerakarta, Java, 1922.
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Aekku: Hey, I’m letting everyone on the base know that I’m bisexual. I will allow you exactly one question about this.
Mangko: Oh, okay…why are you telling me now?
Aekku: One of my subordinates found out on a road trip and I’m confident he will not be able to keep it secret for much longer.
Oegwipari: Bye Commander!
Oegwipari: …I mean bye, not “bi”.
Oegwipari: Have fun banging chicks! And only chicks! Left and right! That’s all you do!
Oegwipali: Eventually I just stopped saying “bye” altogether.
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ceiling-karasu · 1 year ago
Squirrel and Hedgehog Shipping Polls: Commander Mangko and Chief of Staff
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rijksmuseum-art · 4 years ago
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The Coach of Mangkoe Nagoro IV, 19??, Museum of the Netherlands
Haaxman made this painting as a kind of advertisement for The Hague firm of carriage makers Hermans en Co. The coach depicted was ordered by the Javanese sultan Mangkoe Nagoro IV. The Roman numeral IV, a reference to the Javanese ruler, can be seen in the Dutch coat of arms on the door of the carriage. Around 1900, the authority of the local rulers was sometimes closely intertwined with that of the colonial regime.
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